HomeMy WebLinkAbout499785 DEED 071707M~~, ~ ~~il,.i~i' ,7"JJG )t ~ ' ~c~'j i B~tt ~L'i °~(.J /itli•~{y.A t,l ~(C~ ( ~J* ~ T ~;~Y a ~~'+4~ :!ir c r,k 11T'Eu+~ia ~?rle Rcr~ard JOff xs~~zd both .rc~I`x't,n~~s of Tho~iias, Vy~ King co.uht'r, ~'1nsT?1nC,~ori, have Ibiore been the ovTnerb ~of all th'at ta,c covey of`° 1<ln„ s~ctc of ilzshiizton, cei :.,.in or,~ ct c1';~ to 1n hc~rQ n~ ~-,tQ i~a ~ c1^laxly "~~e: c~ lbc~, to,c-tl~cr-t"r1th bfto-l° x^c;a 0s , t:! x d~ac nt tl~er0to, 4and t~hereas,` T~ i ;hy ;I vanU;.{one, `of' t'hO,' "o-car 10b the ,fix 3 t- i?a1 G , t cr cln f-tbt tcii.al7t lei 5GC'asloil o c~ por-- - - - w on or they ri, wnd 1Vx~lnLs '~Jerd.~~CX^tiV'ta Larly clescribeIq c~L of , ^4 othcl ac?'~ acerlt the t" ; be`ino.;~dF tenant' un~er s`a~ d n~ c'harct JOff s end t""•cx'Fcand ti>Tricrcas; ;spa d i~iehrd Jc;i~ v and tiary Jeff 8" v,ri-fc, lh-dvc'dbAVOc d "ova ~1^0-,`al.,Out, Ica we "hvoy.,t.o Ahe .tovn of ;'fourt'h class..;; s t.ara o in 1_in Sluburrl;; !ITi?izi,ci -p a3 cor~,or:atio,ll off'° if Co_4?11ty,. `a arc, of ash i3}ton, • urnoll other tY11z17~;s, a cert-i reycrvoir I o air;`qc.ee 11, 110,-, rc~ r. a; ilsat_cr zrvar!"s Oys oli for s'aa d ~.'the,',`totTri of ? uburri zc?', ~ i-nh bi t nvs they^eof,, "-uq? 1 . over.,. and. ;aCr•oSS 'LtihC real ost'ateh ,,reinaf,tcr b.des.crtrlbee?-ftgty thorCY'_oY'C,' ' ;:mot o .II~JrTTUR,,.;i'iadeoThls -3 ~h .day of Juy, ~..D1J07,yJoctrrccn. , T:.. _ _ y g 9 Lit T itaiOt 11 Evans and~. Eva115 S Zvife bo~Yl residentr., of Chri toi'1C 1' F ^.cc7:k, :1n l~ zn, aovnty,' ashr? pj on,, t.Y c p rt',ie'i 'of the J t'' ,rst; ~w~^t 9„ acid Zhc ~citrrn3;of{1 A tbtzrn; in t;.hei-dau it.y of,;l~zng; ° -:air su-i , at-.T ~nai-i icit ai co t1Qn oz fi_the fovr 'h class";. the party c? :°.tlic second j ;p"a'r. NE, L r j l'IITSa1;TH, `~';1af tihc ?fit; d >arti cs:;, cis 3tkic3 fa,-_st `p:ar?G.,`.. C>or ;and In c`onaicler'~tu on°.ay the premNes .abc~v'eR'~^ec7°tezn or4, and,-in e,onaidcr- ate nn,.' ox' -the =sia of, lzaizcl; 3~aid b: the Bald t',T :;scdona par -tl~.e, recai~~v,•'rvhe~~e;of ',is,':he'.reby-acl~now- 1'Lwe~Od "do by;;t bse a it :u~ ,s ,rciuse:; x;eleEs.c. rlc. , ':orcver: craft-claim u-nt tnc, sare? ; a ~<fi-y of *the sc ondr ~ rt nn tto its succcuso~cs iid asslEns . iZ, of u17e r;~~t', t,zt.1'e .~~na ?rie~e:st 'of uhc: aac l;art'ic~ of ?chi' f-i',~, % J i act ~~'arc;el:.:o r a; 'situata in'.the ;art in a`,ZU ot ualb ce ra e~ ant r IsI n 7i1 1GYst-ate _,of vplasllingtoh -P,a,r ic'Icr y'boundcd,&nd 9 L:^! 1oLvT,`iji0 It~it" . , ~t ~ ~4, r: A strip of Mild, ton'( 101 foot in viidth and f ivc, (5) fcot on each side of ul-le folio-vvin d'o~scrib'ed Venter line;., Coiiliiienci•ng' at a pci,~t.•-oi? the north and•south,ccnter line of `sctiori~e?gygr ,(11), ih 'toyrnsShip tvronty-one (`21) north - or i%ngo four (4) • east a'dis- :t anc.o. of 2186 feet southerly fro::i• t)lo .xio-rth-viost. corner of t11e :north-oast quarter of-did se^."tIoii Olcvcn, '('11) running tli' , tbftth 69033, oast- a' di t'anceV'of.,Tbo feet, `'-tiiencc south 69° 3E3 cast a 'distance 'of 10?:~3 =fcs'ot ; e tAcnce' o*n a curve 'having -.a radius of 287.9 'feet c ,distancO of .113 foGt'; . tliericc north 890east a. distance of 40 fOct; 'thence "north 85° 08, east a distance''of 71.5 fcot ; thence. south 82050, easta distance of 273.5 feet thence on a.- curve i'th a radius of 287'.9 feet a distance of 101.5 J cet; thence south 620 43 I cast a distance.' of 349.7 foot; sthencc south 630 oast a distannco of 150.9 feet; thence on a ourvo,,having, a radius of 287 .0, feet more or less' -a distance of _ 128 :3 ' foot more or loos, to ° a point which is five (5). feet north 'of . tho oast:-~aizd vicst centor line of Beet i;on e- over (11) ; thence in, an' cas t•e'-rly diroct'i on 'on a line which is fixT6 (5') 'f'e'et 'north of and parallel to the east and v'rest center. line of section eleven (11), tm the section line bo twcen sect.icns 'eleven ('11) and twelve (1-2); thence. in an easterly direction on. a line which is five (5) feet north of and parallel to the east and nest center line o.F.-Ucc _,on~tlv0,",(12to trio north-and south' centcr lire of section 12. said xxx5t above described strip of laded being hereby cd for the pur-posc of affording said -the. totim of *ulburn~i~ith an casomen~t- for the q_,, v putt'i-ng in and maintaining. and- ropai ring a pipe line for 1;~=Uwa er viorho^=_-9- said 'the tovm of •Auburn,. a a.for the ,p=Coso, of such- ease~~ont oi113r • • .THIS INDEI LCURL , further wit:nesseth, that ~ the said-party of the • second part, by the. acceptance of this, in cn'turo, I?a '"..covondnted and agreed, and. does Eby., the, acceptance • of this ,.indenture; covenant and agree that -in, -the' use and exercise of the easement herein -granted it., the I said party of, the, sccond• part, irtill put in, lay and maintain the main pipe line for-the proposed rater works- S,rotETilr~of. said the. t_QYrn'of r' uburn, over a portion of the strip of land above.',-described, .,at the. following depth: beginning at a point on the crest line of •t he right of of the.Puget Sound Electric Railvray Coiiipany, near the center of v;ay section 12, in township 21 north of range 4 cast, and running thence easterly a distance of 40 rods, the top of staid proposed pipe -line. main is to be 3 1/2 feet below the gcncral surface of the ground; f'ro.M said -point 40 rods viestcrly froL1 the Yicst line of the right of ray of the Puget Sound Electric Railway Compan*r to the creels flor;ing in a northerly and southerly direction through said section 121 said crook' •4 2~ ` '."I IC: ~ r.~. ...Jy •_'C.1, A {,:.i+.'.- .1%,', r_I~r )?ITt u.ry i-- r n-r- •r v, C,t. 1J r 4 1) 1'i:.... .inn .v~•'•, t:).'~dr_ VF)~...., fy T'Tla u ! tJ ..'CirY 7 ti'fl 'f: ;G;»C, 37 '(,Cf G`f'TJ 6 l,i - 71 T r7 f {ii•; ^ T`T ::T ^;7 t'' i' r r~ 1 :r'^ f5'; being cor,,mionly -knovm as: "I-krill Crook" or "The. Slough"- _ '.The top of -said. ipc line is to be laid far. enough belay the &neral surface of the grmanck o that--'the top of said main ripe line.tii11 pass underneath thb box `ftrains noti'r cr°oss?n .the.east. mad .West center line. of-- said. .section • eJU-" V. l c3 u-() P--q Irt w • 1- . ILL . ls;~ , M.~.c►.An, ' j Qw..t, -.:;:~~n"~A4.- .M.~.1 ~/~1l►AJ►,r . . 12 . 1, ..-~+IX. 1 Q:~IC~, l~r~Sao. tom ;Arnie x~., a~.~.1~ aevi 6V\ ala,ll< ~D; ilI1 TLS I'1" l , Oi', :The said p_artics os tho fi•rs.t.:'patt havo,'here u_1to set .t--c Ir :hand and . sc'w1s~o~z. th day` and year first. above' iaritten. Sirnecl sealcu and delivcrcid S . in pr:e ene•e of f i . STAVE OT' ON, SS., C O!jNTY OF- KING. : ,THIS I8 .tO CERTIFY,,, shat., on this 1.7th day of July,,• A.D., 19071.- be f are ml.,-,t he. undersigned, a Notary,Public`, in and for :the State=.ofl rlashi:n ton:; duly'.,commissioned and; _srrarn, .`)crzonally came -Timothy Evans and s . Evans., his wife to' rile' knoWn..to - e 't'he,••indiV-iduals' d'escr'ibed n an' d viho 'cxccuteii.- the within inst-ruuent, aid , ac'rnowib. [add to me that 'they signed and ' se~alcd • the. same. -as their. free and ,voluntary ac t. and decd for. the uses, arid, purp'oscs therein -irnentioned: f ZVitne ss r:1y hand and official, seal the clay.: Oa!.yoar in. this.certi- fi'ca+ f iz,St above written. "?ot a f in anal for-.tho'. 1 uta:t6 of Ilinpt.on residifi. at laubvr-_r , 1 ll S, ' d 'uta 0 QUIT OLAIM DEED. FROM TIMOTHY EVANS AND EVANS. TO THE TO,FN OF-AUBURN. JUL 23 1907 ~~~n~3rsID DII V/Z/ k, 1 -AN