HomeMy WebLinkAbout1627299 DEED 120421D 2 E 7D. The grantors, halt er X.zunn and Margaret T.,Lunn, his wife, bo th resi- dents of Aaron Precinet,King County, Washington; for and in considers... Lion of Fifteen Mndred • D61-33ars'in l hand paid~-,convey and warrant to the City of Auburn,a city .of the third class situated in the County of Ding, in the State of Vashington •,the following described real: estate All. that certain tract or parcel of -land situate in the east one- half oi'*:,the north-east quarter of the north-crest quarter (E.1/2 of H.2.Il /4 of X.W. 4-) of Section Thirteen (133;}, in Township Twenty- one (21 } north oT Range ]?our (4) east of the Willamette Meridian, particularly tm%su" as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the north line of said Section 13 with the westerly boundary line of the right-of-way of the Ezget Sound Electric Raiiway,which point is approximately 96.8 feet westerly from the R.E..coraer of said E.I/2 of X.20-y i of DT.W. -1/4 of said Section 13,running thence southerly along the westerly boundary line of the right-of-way of said. Pu at Sound Electric ~y Railway a distance of one ILmdred and fifty R-50) feet to a point, Ga. the ce iesterly on a line parallel, with the north line of said E.--lzwo 2 of the N.F.1~4 of the B'.w.-J, 4 of said, Section 15. a distance of hundred and ninety ( 290) feet to a point, thence northerly on a line parallel with the westerly boundary line of the rightrof- way or said Puget. Sound Electric Railway a distance of 150 feet more or lass, to the north -line of said Section 13,j thence easter~y along the north boundary dine of said Section l3 a distance of 290 faet,more or •less,to the point and place of beginning;: contain- ing approximately 43,,.500. square feet of land;, Situated in the County of aing,State of Washington... And the grantors herein,for the consideration aforesaid,do hereby grant and convey to said City of Auburn,as a means of ingress and e`» grass to and from the 41*e tract of land hereinbefore conveyed and a and for no other purpose, , public highaoaye perpetual easement to pass over and!racross,with and without vahial-es,a strip.: of land sixteen (16) fret in width situate in the 2.1/2 of the X-E.,11/4 of the X-T,1/4 of Section 1i3i Township;, 2k. nortli of Range 4 east w.M.,particularly bounded as follows: Beginning at the point of. intersection of the north line of said Section X1.3; with the westerly boundary line of the right-of..Ray of the 7ELiet Sound E1-ectri® Aailway,ce'lsieh point is apprrrs.9.matel;y 96.8 feet wester from the R.E.corner of said E.1/2 of the IT.T. 1 f 4' of the H.W.1 of said Section 13, running thence southera$ a.» long the westerly boundary line. of the right-ofr-way of said Puget Sound Electric Railway a• distance of 1150 feet to a point, thence westerly on a line parce1341, with the north line of said 3.1 /2 of the X Eorl& of the of d4d section 1,3 a distance o 290 feet to the true point oT • beginning,wnich true point of beginning is the south-rest corner of the tract of land hereinbefore convoy- ad;ruiuiing thence northsr3cy on a line parallel- with the westerly boundary line of the right-of.-gray of the Puget Sound Electric Rail- way a distance of seventy-five (7y) feet to a point, thence due west ? % a distance of sixteen. (16) feet to a point,.thence southerly in a straight line a distance of 1245,feet,more or less, to a point on the south kris of said 2, of the N.1ti.- 74 of the N.t 4,/. 4' of said Section -13", Moh point is twel: ® (-1,2) Feet eMOGrkv from the north-east corner of 10t 1_ In Block B of Tonnes Garden Tracts to AubuxriwWashington,and. which point Is on the north end of Clay Avenue as shown upon the r!.., corded Flat of said n=l s Garden Tracts to AuburnwWashirngtont thence easter-3V along the south line of said 3.1,/2 of the IT'R.3; 4. Of the N. WQ.,-J /4 of said section 1:3 a distance of si teen (-1-6) feet to a point: thZeB northerly in a striigat ,line a distance Of`,-1l7,,0 feet,more or less , to the true point of beginning.. it is understood that the City of Auburn is purchasing the tract of 'hand hereinbefore.. conveyed for the purpose of constructing thereon and therein aseptic tank. or tanks and such other. struotures as may be necessary .for the proper disposal- and -sanitary -treatment of sewage and of using,maintaining and keeping in repair, such septio tank or tanks and other structures in -connection With the sewerage system of the city of Auburn,and the City of Auba=-;by the acceptance of thlo deed of conveyance, covenants and agrees with the grantors herein, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigas,as fo1•lows, to-wit t (a) The City of Auburn shall- without unnecessary delay, after the completion of the work of Wi-l-ding,addibg ;t4-..or repairing any septic tank or tanks or other structures upon or within the tract of land hereinbefore conveyed,remove all rrabbish from said tract of aand and -l-evel the same off and restore the same to such condition that the same will not present an unnecessarily unsightly appearance,and the City of Auburn wi-111 at all times prevent thistles and other noxious weeds from imLl:tiply g or going to seed upon said tract of gland. (b) vhenever a County Road or a Street, including therein all of the strip of -;and covered by the easement hereinbefore granted, sha-3M be duly established or dedicated as a public county Road or a public street, the easement hereinbefore granted shall terminate, (c) The City of Auburn, in the exercise of the rights and privileges granted by the foregoing easement over the strip of .land dueft feet in width and hereinbefore described;9ha7:l exercise such rights and privileges in such manner that said dtrip sharp not be unnecessary uc,ut up r" or damaged and that the owners of said strip of land and of the -1-an S adjacent thereto sha11• not be unnecessarily lnconvenieno-- ad or damaged. In case any heavy materials shall be hauled over said sixteen-foot strip of 1-and during the rainy or wet season of the yearn When the ground is soft, in the exercise of the eaeammit hexeinbefore granted, the city of Auburn shaa:l first oause wooden pl,ianks to be paid upon said strip of -1Wd in such manner as to prevent said strip of land from being acut up m and shall cause a11- heavy =1-oads to be so hm-1. ad. that the weight thereof gill. at arlil times rest upon said planks, and after the opatp.etion. of such work of hauling the City of Auburn shall cause such p-tanks to be removed, in case the grantors herein or their assigns shall construct or maintain any gate or gates or bare acroft said sixteen-foot strip of lend,the City of Auk, in the ems cise of the. easement hereinbef'ore granted, shall cause the said gate9, gates or bars 'to be Closed or put up immediately after passing thrrni@~ta the same a Dat ad this' day of ea) State of Washington,,,. SS . County of King. 8 e&1a) . I , the under a ign ed, a Notary Public in and for. the State of Washm- ington, ly commissioned and sworn,do hereby certify that on this day of ~]:9 21:, p ers onally appeared before me Walter J10. Mann and mrgaret ,T.lUnn. hIS wit's, to me known to be the individual-a described in and Who Uecuted- the Within and foregoing instrument,and acimowledged that they signed and sealed the same as their tree and voluntary act and deed,for the uses and purposes therein mentioned.. Given under my hand and, official seal, this day of 0*1n A. D.,L119-210 M c in. and for he state of 7asj3r- ington,res ding at auburn in said state, _i ~n D E 2 D - 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - From Walter T, Dann and } Mrgaret T. laa.nn, his wif®e: to The City of auburn. ; - - Dot e~. C ~ i- j 0 T 1 7 r