HomeMy WebLinkAbout8406080521 QUIT CLAIM DEED 060884f Ac, 13 E04 AX x'47 f-7 4, LTt JL8 1 84 ,'1WIT~bAIM -DEED , THE CITY OF A OBUR a, mun'~c1 1 4rporat#hn, 'crap or,%for and. in consideration" of One ($1.00) Dollar and other yalcarbl__e consideration, conveys acid quit clai~fs to THE YOB MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOWTI N OF`IFATT•CE, a 'corporation, Grantee, a parcel p 120 feet by 120 fleet constituting the'. estirly 0rnerr of the following describe Kung, Smote of uashington: I dal p dertY° situated in the County q, . at `portion of the northwest gu0ter of..the northwest quarter of Town" d} North, Range" 5: W M. m6re°particular1~! ~ ' de gibed as .fol lows, Gom *nping at the northeast corner of the.'northwest- quarter of the north . y; east quarter; running thence south 89021131" west ,along the north 106'' of the., `northwest quarter of ' the northeast q"rter a . di stance of 450.: 00 feet thence south 21 °01' 48" east, a di stance ; of 469.19 feet; thence the true point flf. 1. 47 south 0°12'35" west, adistance of 487.9-feet,,,u 009I.Pning; thence south 0012135" west,:a distan&e ,f 362.00 feet; thence :c t 027:127":*west, a distance of 602.13 feet;.,thence north 0*32'33" point of beginning, less - ~~362.00 feet; thence early to the true ;A 'Westerly 60 feet for stet .purposes. °s x` ECfi TO zoning-laws and any restrictioi~, covenants, reservations f S.T Y err: n» _easements of record, subject also to a reservatibri~to the United States of America:-of..fiss'lonabla materials .fin accordance with the pro- visions of,Executive►,Orde~:,9908 (l2'F.R. 8223,) as follows:. t All uranium, thorium, and all-other materials determined pursuaht'to Section 5 (b) (1) of the Atomic Energy Act of. 1945 (64 Stat.,1'61:) 'to be peculiarly essential to :the production of fissionable material, , contained, in-whatever concentration, in deposits in the landk covered k by this instrument, are,-hereby reserved for..-the use of.the ,ited States, together with the right of the :representatives at anytime to enter upon the land and prospect for. mine,. and .remove the same,,-, atiang Just ~r: compensation for any damage or - i'ra`~,ury ocra"ioned thereby. However, suclr land may be used, and any rights otherwfi 'acquired. by, this disposition may be exercised, as,i f no reservation of :such mator -ial s had been made; except that, when such use results, in_theextractio of any such material from the .land in quant.i,ties, which array' not ,be -transferred br delivered without a license under, the. Atomic Energy Act of 1846, asit x now exists or wy hereafter; be amended, such material,shall the property tti' the United S inns Atomic, Energy Cor ai~ssiart, and the:Comission, may require del ivery of 's *material,,. to. 'it by y possessor thereof X7 -after stict material has. *n,'.eepaarated 'as suchlOom the orl in which` k t .1t was%contai'ned. If the i.ssion requires_'tie ieliVery, of such material ,m to it, it.shal? pay to the, person mining or,ext~acV4 the same, or-.to •T such other pe>X arr:'as..tpe 0c is$fbn deterr~in±as to be entitles! t ret+p, ►>~~,t~ ouch sums, inq-tUd ng pro, 4' i,.as'the Commissio `doors' fair. And, reasonable for the d*,dV* y., minik, -development, prpdgc't4orr', extraction, and oth6l I MIN V ..~r..wwfwrw•rrwi rw•.w t Quit. C1atx eel t. y. , mss a ,j PngBO.ne'.. • yML ' i y services performe+d.. Mitt 1ra;pect: to su h materiarl prior to such delivery, but such payment `shall. dot 1ncl~ide any amgt,on account of the value of such' ertal before removal from its place of depo:it in nature. If the C Ssion does not require delivery~of such•*6terial to it, the '.reservat# hereby made shall bre.nF no. fui'~ther, fa ce.'or +afiect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said corporation ha'scausiad this instrument to be executed by its proper officers, and its corporate seal,to be hereuntb'afflxed this 3th day of Apri 1,9 1979. CITY OF AUBURN N UN? -ATTEST: itff Clerk STATE OF WASHINGTON ss COUNTY OF KING On this 3rd day of April, 1979, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for.the State of Washington.. duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared .STANLEY P. KERSEY 4nd 'CORAUE A. McCONNEHEY, to me kiiown to be the Mayor and City Clerk,: ra4pectiwly, bf the C1ty'.of Auburn, Washington., ithe corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the..said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the. coMorate seal of said corporation. WITNESS nay hand and official steal hereto affixed the day and year first above Written. otary Public n an or a State of// Washington, rest,4hoat Quit Claim Deed Page Two of Two .F ad ~v.4~ r