HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040902002113 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED 0902044- ■ _ . Return Address: City of Auburn City Clerk 25 West Main Auburn, WA 98001 E2067741 09/02/2004 15:41 TAX LE COUNTY, WZ 00 KING SA 0.00 AAGE001 OF 001 Above this line reserved for recording information. e J STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED J~ 2. 2- PN wTT W 8$q s -1 i, Reference # (if applicable): N/A Grantor/Borrower: Chao-Tsan & Mei-Hwa Ting, h/w Grantee/Assignee/Beneficiary: City of Auburn Legal Description/STR: Lots 1-5, Block 1, Hartman's Add. to Auburn, V28/P 18 Assessor's Tax Parcel [D#: 313760-0025-08 qw-19 •71, d5 qo9 ) THE GRANTORS, CHAO-TSAN TING and MEI-HWA TING, husband and wife, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) in hand paid, conveys and warrants to the City of Auburn, a Municipal Corporation of King County, Washington, the following described real estate, situated in the County of King, State of Washington: SEE EXHIBITS `A' AND `B' ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF. This deed is given under the threat of and in lieu of Eminent Domain. IN WITNESS WHEREOF said corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by its proper officers this2. W day of M AY , 2004. ,~vienol Were "61 for U aac n h,~uestrtitle as dbYpac,fI'- _ IthaSnot~e` mmod~ticr~ gapst e~e~ rtair►ed as to eitle. Won 11111111111 till 11~11 20040902002113 PACIFIC PAGE001 OF 004 09/102/2004 15:44 KING COUNTY, WA Ting 1'1 1_ ~nr•c~ Mei-Hwa Ting Statutory Warranty Deed Page I of 4 .:r STATE, OF WASHINGTON) )ss. County of King ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Chao-Tsar Ting and Mei-Hwa Ting are the persons who appeared before me, and said persons acknowledged that they signed this instrument, as their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in this instrument. Dated NAY 7--7) © `~~~~Z\\\\111 ~ Notarv Public in and for the State of Washington a A 0 Residing atUI?.1 U My appointment expires 6 O WAS -:Z* fl~~1111\WA`` Jma File: REF. H:Development\Forms\Legal Documents\2004 Statutory Warranty Deed Page 2 of4 Ting Parcel TR 542077 ORIGINAL PARCEL ( from title report) Lots 1 and 2, inclusive, Block 1, Hartman's First Addition to the City of Auburn, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 28 of Plats, Page 18, in King County, Washington; TOGETHER WITH portion of vacated 9d' Street Southeast (State Highway Number 5), described as follows: Beginning at the northeast comer of aforesaid Lot 1, Block 1, Harman's First Addition; Thence north 20°01'55" east 44.04 feet to a point on the marginal line of 9`h Street Southeast (P. S. H. Number 5); Thence westerly on a curve on said marginal line, center bears north 27°17'01" east, 628.0 feet, continue on said curve through a central angle of 12°47'32" a curve distance of 140.213 feet; Thence south 201'42" west, 54.20 feet to the northwest corner of aforesaid Lot 2; Thence easterly on the north line of Lots 2 and 1 to the point of beginning which attaches by operation of law. PROPOSED ACQUISITION That portion of vacated 90' Street Southeast (State Highway Number 5) vacated by City of Auburn Ordinance Number 1765 described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Hartman's First Addition to the City of Auburn, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 28 of Plats, Page 18, in King County, Washington; Thence North 20°45'23" East along the southeasterly margin of said road vacation 44.04 feet to the most easterly comer of the lands vacated in said City of Auburn Ordinance Number 1765, and the true point of beginning for this description; Thence South 20°45'23" West along said southeasterly margin 36.17 feet; Thence North 12°46'25" East a distance of 16.34 feet; Thence North 20°32'22" East a distance of 12.02 feet; Thence.North 18°58'26" West a distance of 12.09 feet to the northeasterly margin of said vacated lands and the beginning of a curve to the left having a radius of 628.00 feet (the radius center bears North 28°49' 14" East); Thence southeasterly 10.13 feet along said curve and said northeasterly margin through a central angle of 00°55'29" to the true point of beginning. Acquisition area includes 97 square feet (0.0022 acres), more or less. [The basis of bearings for this acquisition description is NAD 83-91, based on coordinates supplied by INCA Engineers for geodetic control performed in 1995] EXHIBIT A Reviewed by. Date: 4 4~ A = 00' 55' 29" _ R = 628.00 • L = 10.13' TPOB F3 Owner. TING Title Report No: 542077 Tax Parcel No: 313760-0005 R.O.W. Acquisition Area = 97 SQ. FT. Total Parcel Area = 14,260 SQ_FT._ Remainder a = 14,163 SQ. FT. Eas ea = 0.0 SQ. FT. 0~.; : of wa • 9~ ject g 1-2,--; -D `j A'a F .~to C' y ngineer Droved a e: WASHINGTON cr q 954 f ct, ~GAt LAND 5J2 EXPIRES Oi - oZ - oS CITY OF AUBURN PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 25 WEST MAIN ST AUBURN, WASHINGTON jl~ MAIL BOTH COPIES OF STATEMENT WITH CHECK PAYABLE TO M. J. R. WILLIAMS KING COUNTY TREASURER KING COUNTY COURTHOUSE SEATTLE. WASH. 98106 MW190@63AB 192105921402 LAND 8U#lD#NG _ TOTAI - LEVY R 36E F 36 94. 6.1 002 .0q 1 .0 .001 1 NAME AND ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION OMITTED OR DELINQUENT TAXES 1 ✓67 REAL ESTATE TAX STATEMENT KING COUNTY -STATE OF WASHINGTON OF ALL STATE. COUNTY. MUNICIPAL. SCHOOL AND ROAD TAXES ATE7 GENERAL TAX SPEGlAL TAX 06 l 33. 86 YOUR TAX DOLLARS WILL BE DISTRIBUTED TO THE FOLLOWING TAX DISTRICTS : STATE COUNTY PORT SCHOOL DISTRICT 715 ._3.0 2.05 21.Iq 408 CITY OR ROAD DISTRICT FIRE DISTRICT SEWER &WATER OTHER OMIT ROLL C LOT -BLOCK T CODE SECT'Wpr RG YEAR YEAR F- TAX AMOUNT INTEREST City of Auburn _M2~0x5-:. > ti 9 214 0156 19 21 05 C2i I o Street N. W. N 50 FT OF S 150 FT OF W 1/2 OF Auburn, Wash. 9$002. CO 1j4 OF SE 1j4 OF SW Ij4 LESS CO RD NAME ADDRI d3'.2 CITY _ t PLEASE PRINT IN CHANGE OF NOTICE TAXPAY LR OR AL'ORESS BELOW ZIP STATE CODE DUPLICATE STATEMENT FIRST HALF MUST BE PAID BY APRIL 30, OR ENTIRE TAX BECOMES DELINQUENT. 2nd HALF DELINQUENT AFTER OCT. 31. TAX UNDER $10.00 MUST BE PAID IN FULL. DELINQUENT TAX RATE 8% PER ANNUM ACCOUNT NUMBER 192105-9214-02 . 861 8 HALF-H OR FULL-F TOTAL AMOUNT I I TOTALINTEREST EXAMM STATEMENT PAYMENTS ON WRONG PROPERTY CANNOT BE REFUNDED MAIL BOTH COPIES OF STATEMENT WITH CHECK PAYABLE TO I~ M. J. R. WILLIAMS 1 KING COUNTY TREASURER REAL ESTATE TAX STATEMENT KING COUNTY COURTHOUSE SEATTLE, WASH. 9810E KING COUNTY -STATE OF WASHINGTON OF ALL STATE. COUNTY. MUNICIPAL. M14196@63AB 192105921402 SCHOOL AND ROAD TAXES 01 FIRST HALF MUST BE PAID BY APRIL 30, OR ENTIRE TAX BECOMES DELINQUENT. 2nd HALF DELINQUENT AFTER OCT. 31. TAX UNDER $10.00 MUST BE PAID IN FULL. DELINQUENT TAX RATE 8% PER ANNUM ACCOUNT NUMBER 192105-9214-02 YOUR TAX DOLLARS WILL BE DISTRIBUTED TO THE FOLLOWING TAX DISTRICTS STATE COUNTY PORT SCHOOL DISTRICT TOTAL TAX 1.5 3.0 2.0 21.1 408 8 CITY OR ROAD DISTRICT FIRE DISTRICT SEWER & WATER OTHER HALF TA) 6.100_ oq .l . •d HALF-H NAME AND ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION OMITTED OR DELINQUENT TAXES OR City of Auburn 20 "A" Street N. W. Auburn, Wash. 98002 NOTICE PLEASE PRINT IN CHANGE OF i TAXPAYER OR ADDRESS BELOW NAME rI~ ADDRESS ZIP f CITY STATE CODE b V EXAMINE STATEMENT PAYMENTS ON WRONG PROPERTY CANNOT BE REFUNDED LAND BU}LO}NG TOTAL LEVY RATE GENERAL IAX SPECIAL TAX 36d 36 94.06 33,8 OMIT ROLL FULL-F LOT BLOCK i CODE-7SEC.-TTWPT RG YEARTYEAR TAX AMOUNT INTEREST .19-21-05 9214 0156 19 2111 05 N 50 FT OF S 150 FT OF W 1/2 OF NW 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 LESS CO RD DUPLICATE STATEMENT