HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM II-A c[nr oF DRAFT ~DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE WASHINGT(JN October 13, 2009 MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Lynn Norman called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers located on the first floor of Auburn City Hall, 25 West Main Street, Auburn, WA. Committee Members present were: Chair Lynn Norman and Vice Chair Sue Singer. Member Gene Cerino was excused. Staff present included: Mayor Pete Lewis, Principal Planner Elizabeth Chamberlain, City Engineer Dennis Selle, Assistant City Engineer Ingrid Gaub, Economic Development Manager Dave Baron, and Planning Secretary Renee Tobias. Audience Members present were: Mel Maertz, Spencer Alpert, and Kathleen Keator. II. CONSENT AGENDA A. Meeting Minutes - September 28, 2009 After discussing the minutes in detail, it was agreed that the September 28, 2009 minutes would be amended as follows: The last sentence on page 4 will be deleted; it was incorporated into the last paragraph on page 5. Member Singer moved and Chair Norman concurred to approve the minutes as amended. MOTION CARRIED 2-0 111. ACTION A. Amendment to the Downtown Urban Center Design Standards At the September 22, 2009 Committee meeting, staff brought forward questions about monument signage in the downtown area and whether backlit signs could be permitted under certain conditions. After review of the current standards and some example signs, the Committee provided direction to staff on what would be acceptable for monument and backlit signs within the downtown. Staff updated the following sections for the Committee's review and feedback. Page 11 - Sign Design, Item 4- Grounds Signs Committee agreed with the changes proposed for Item 4.A, 4,C and 4.E. Regarding Item 4.A, Committee asked staff to refer the reader to Section 3.6., Creativity. Committee directed staff to change Item 4.D to read: Electronic message center signs are only allowed on Auburn Way North and South per this standard. Page 1 Downtown Redevelopment Committee Minutes October 13, 2009 Paqe 15 - Pedestrian Streets Siqn DesiQn. Item 1- Pedestrian Orientation Committee directed staff to change Item 1.6. to read: Monument signs are permitted on pedestrian streets under the following conditions. Member Singer moved and Chair Norman concurred to approve the amendments to the Downtown Urban Center Design Standards as amended. MOTION CARRIED 2-0 IV. DISCUSSION/INFORMATION A. Signal control boxes within Downtown This item will be discussed at the October 27, 2009 Committee meeting. B. Update on Auburn Junction Principal Planner Elizabeth Chamberlain stated that staff from the Planning, Parks, and Public Works departments met today with John Nelson with Maul Foster Algoni and the Alpert design team to discuss the City Hall Plaza design integration with the Auburn Junction design and did the Alpert team want to recommend any small modifications to the plan view drawing. Spence Alpert, Alpert International, spoke briefly, stating that the Alpert design team provided staff with an updated Auburn Junction - Alpert Vision from 30,000 feet (big ideas now, details later). The Alpert design team will present information to staff based on the meeting with the City Hall Plaza architect, John Nelson and staff for the Committee's review. C. City Hall Plaza The Committee discussed moving forward with Phase 1(design and infrastructure work) of the City Hall Plaza in response to Mayor Pete Lewis' question. Vice Chair Sue Singer expressed concern with moving forward in light of the proposed modifications of the revenue estimates for the 2009-2010 Biennial Budget as presented at the October 5, 2009 City Council meeting. Chair Lynn Norman stated concern about the budget as well, and expressed concern about the impact on the Promenade project if Phase 1 is not completed in a timely manner. Given this, Chair Norman was supportive of moving forward with Phase 1. Committee discussed moving forward on the design of the City Hall Plaza to ensure a successful interface with the Promenade design. The two projects would require coordination for the intersection circles and other infrastructure items. Committee and staff discussed the costs for the design and construction of the infrastructure. Staff did not have the costs at this meeting, but will bring it to the next meeting. The Committee members present did not agree on when to proceed with the City Hall Plaza design. As member Gene Cerino was excused for this meeting, the decision is postponed until the October 27, 2009 meeting. Page 2 Downtown Redevelopment Committee Minutes October 13, 2009 V. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Downtown Redevelopment Committee, Chair Norman adjourned the meeting at 4:48 p.m. APPROVED THIS DAY OF OCTOBER, 2009 Lynn Norman, Chair Renee S. Tobias, Planning Secretary Page 3