HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM IV-B ACITY OF~~~ ~ RN AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM WASH[NGTON Agenda Subject: Date: 2010-2014 Consolidated Plan and 2010 Annual Action Plan November 2, 2009 Department: Human Attachments: 2010 - 2014 Budget Impact: est. Services/Administration Consolidated Plan and 2010 Annual allocation of $405K in 2010 Action Plan Administrative Recommendation: City Council adopt Resolution No. 4541. Background Summary: The 2010-2014 Consolidated Plan and 2010 Annual Action Plan are required by the Department of Housing and Urban Development to describe the current conditions affecting community life in the City of Auburn and the plans for further development. The Consolidated Plan is a five-year projection of trends and goals of the City and the planned use of Community Development Block Grant funds as an entitlement community. The Annual Action Plan is the description of particular projects which are planned for the next fiscal year. The Council conducted a public comment period from October 2- November 2 with a public hearing on October 19, 2009. Final approval of the Plans are scheduled for the Council meeting on November 2, 2009. The submission deadline to HUD is November 15, 2009. M1102-2 Reviewed by Council & Committees: Reviewed by Departments & Divisions: ❑ Arts Commission COUNCIL COMMITTEES: ❑ Building ❑ M&O ❑ Airport 0 Finance ❑ Cemetery 0 Mayor ❑ Hearing Examiner ❑ Municipal Serv. ❑ Finance ❑ Parks Z Human Services Z Planning & CD ❑ Fire Z Planning p Park Board ❑Public Works ❑ Legal ❑ Police ❑ Planning Comm. ❑ Other ❑ Public Works ❑ Human Resources ❑ Information Services Action: Committee Approval: ❑Yes ❑No Council Approval: ❑Yes ❑No Call for Public Hearing Referred to Until Tabled Until Councilmember: Norman Staff: Hursh Meetin Date: November 2, 2009 Item Number: VI11.6.3 Au$~RN* MQRE THAN 1'Ql1 1MAGINED RESOLUTION NO. 4541 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING THE CONSOLIDATED PLAN FOR YEARS 2010 TO 2014 AND THE 2010 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN WHEREAS, the City of Auburn was designated as an entitlement community by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for its Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program; and WHEREAS, the primary objective of the Consolidated Plan and CDBG Program is the development of viable urban communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment and expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of low- and moderate-income; and WHEREAS, to be eligible for funding, the City of Auburn must submit a Consolidated Plan to serve as a federally required planning document to guide the City of Auburn's human service and community development efforts; and WHEREAS, the planning process to develop the Consolidated Plan involved citizen participation and guidance from non-profit and governmental agencies serving low income residents in the community; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Auburn heard and considered public comment about its proposed 2010 - 2014 Consolidated Plan and 2010 Annual Action Plan; and NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE TO: Resolution No. 4541 October 29, 2009 Page 1 of 2 Section 1. Pursuant to provisions of 24CFR91, the City hereby adopts the Consolidated Plan for Years 2010 to 2014 and the 2010 Annual Action Plan. Section 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out directions of the legislation. Section 3. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon passage and signatures hereon. DATED and SIGNED this day of November, 2009. Peter B. Lewis Mayor ATTEST: Danielle Daskam, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Dan el B. Heid, Cit Attorney Resolution No. 4541 October 29, 2009 Page 2 of 2 Chapter 1: Coordinating and Managing the Process Introduction Auburn's "Consolidated Plan" reflects both the aspirations of the entire community while identifying actions to remedy specific unmet needs. The City of Auburn's Consolidated Plan is a strategy that coordinates all elements of community development - affordable housing, neighborhood revitalization, economic development and human services - into a single plan. The City's Consolidated Plan includes both the City' of Auburn's general fund appropriations for human service and the distribution of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). It satisfies the application requirements for the CDBG grant provided to the City by the federal government's Department af Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Time Period: 2010-2014 This Consolidated Plan, as well as any future amendments, if any, become effective January 1, 2010, or upon its approval date, whichever is later. This version of Auburn's Consolidated Plan expires on December 31, 2014. Beginning in Program Year (PY) 2010, the City will award public service grants for a two-year period. Consequently, this plan will cover two grant award cycles. Capital,projects will be awarded annually; however, the City may choose to only solicit grant applications for capital projects every two years, in conjunction with the solicitation for public service grant proposals. In between grant solicitation periods, the City may choose to appropriate its capital funds for annual, non- competitive projects such as the emergency housing repair program and/or neighborhood revitalization projects. In the event that the City has surplus appropriation authority, it may choose to solicit grant proposals for capital projects for the interim year between its normai grant solicitation period. Lead Agency The City of Auburn is an entitlement city for community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. The City is also a member of the King County Housing Consortium for the purpose of HOME funds. As opportunities present themselves, Auburn agencies apply to King County for HOME funds like any other Consortium member. For distribution of its CDBG entitlement the City of Auburn receives applications for grants from local social and supportive service agencies. The City of Auburn's Department of Planning and Community Development (DPCD) serves as the lead agency in the administration of Auburn's CDBG funds. Collaboration & Partnership Most of the City's human service and CDBG program is administered through contracts administered by the City of Auburn's Department of Planning and Community Pagel-1 Development. The only exceptions are grants awarded to other City departments in which Memorandums of Understanding are prepared for these monies. City staff prepares the necessary documents for each agency receiving a grant award. DPCD administers the contracts to assure their compliance with the City Council's intent and applicable regulatory stipulations. During the course of the contract, DPCD staff ineets regularly with agencies to monitor their contracts, provide technical assistance, and resolve problems that may occur. Figure 1.1 illustrates the City of Auburn's delivery of human service programs and activities. The entire process is interactive and collaborative with service providers, consumers and elected officials. It begins with the development of the Consolidated Plan. Using demographic data from the U.S. Census Bureau and' other saurces, the Consolidated Plan presents the human service needs of the City. Non-city agencies provide their input through the grant applications they submit requesting funds to undertake activities that address particular human service needs. The City determines which grants and, subsequently its human service priorities, through its budgeting process. ` Finally the agencies selected for funding are monitored and evaluated'to determine how best to revise the City's human service strategy. Figure 1. 1 Auburn's Human Service Planning Process Consalidated Plan P1anSorCitianPaxticipation - Needs Assessxrexd - Goals, Visiaass & Objectives Evaluate Results Competitive Grants Traclc Pmgsess Activities Campaze R,esults oatpif' Revise Plan as reces sarty Res airoes Consolidated Plan 'TAanaging for Resutts" Implementation Budgetmg Pracess TmPlennent Activities 5 et Targets Mox¢Uo2' PYogess Alloca6e Resrnssces Remnd Results Implanient S traLegies The following briefly describes the various components of the process in a little more detail. Consolidated Plan: Every five years the City prepares a comprehensive human service plan. The document includes a plan for citizen participation and public review. It Page 1-2 describes and summarizes the City's human service needs. It then presents a strategy to address these needs. This strategy includes goals and desired outcomes. Competitive Grants: To a great degree, the City of Auburn relies upon local and regional non-profit agencies to implement the strategy presented in its Consolidated Plan. The City solicits grant proposals from interested agencies. These agencies submit the outcomes they plan to achieve, the activities or programs their agencies would provide, and the outputs these activities or programs will generate. Budizeting Process: The allocation of funds necessary to implement the Plan is the next important step. The Human Services Committee (HSC) is a citizen advisory appointed by the Mayor to focus primarily on the social needs of the cornmunity. HSC review grant applications and makes its recommendations to the Mayor regarding which applications best meet the City's human service needs. Based ' on' their recomrnendation, the Mayor submits a funding proposal to the City CounciL 'Auburn's City Council is the policy- making body of the City. The Planning , and Community Development Committee (PCDC), a standing committee for the City Council, reviews and recommends actions on ordinances, budgets and other policy issues. The PCD committee oversees the City's many and various affairs in planning and community development, including but not limited to the CDBG program and human service grants. Imnlementation: Agencies awarded a grant, along with City departments which receive CDBG funds, enter into a contractual relationship to implement the activities and programs that will generate the outputs to satisfy the outcomes proposed in the City's overall strategy. Each agency will monitor their progress and report the output they generate to the City. Evaluation: The City compiles the information from the agency's monitoring reports into various types of summary reports and financial statements. This information is passed on to HUD using its web-based reporting system. The information is used to compare outputs and autcomes to the City's overall strategy and HUD's national objectives. The information also enables all the involved parties to revise its plans as necessary to generate the desired results. These revisions are reflected in future updates to the Consolidated Plan. Monitoring Plan Once funding is approved, City staff executes an agreement. The agreement will include, among other general and specific conditions, the project goals and requirements. Grant agreements for public services will be required to submit reports at least quarterly detailing the number of Auburn residents served, level of service provided to Auburn residents and a demographic profile of clients served. Grant recipients will be required to submit an annual report that explains the progress the agency made toward achieving its outcomes and output goals. Grant agreements for capital projects will be executed following the completion of the Page 1 - 3 environmental review of the project. Capital projects will be required to submit progress reports at least quarterly or anytime a reimbursement request is submitted. If the project triggers additional reporting requirements (such as weekly payroll reports for proof of federal prevailing wage compliance), project monitoring will be increased accordingly. Projects will be monitored on a consistent, on-going basis by City staff. Telephone and/or personal contacts are made at least quarterly, depending upon the activity and issues associated with the individual project. On-site monitoring visits will be conducted upon both capital and public service grant recipients. Activities selected for on-site visits will depend upon the amount of funds provided, past history of contract compliance, and/or any programmatic changes that may occur in the project or in the service delivery of public service programs. City staff will review, prior to approval, all vouchers and backup documentation for payment. Environmental, lead-based paint inspections and contractor debarment issues will be reviewed with agency project managers af the beginning of each project. City staff will strive to help grant recipients complete their projects `in a timely manner and in accordance with applicable rules and regulations. Managing the Process In 1993 Congress passed the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) establishing strategic planning and performance measurements in federally funded programs. GPRA identifies goals and defines the level of performance to be achieved by program activities. ' It entails using standardized performance reports that compare government performance over time against other jurisdictions and grant programs. Although GPRA is not mandated, there is an expectation that governments that receive federal funds begin using it. Decisions regarding the continuation of federal grant programs are based; on part, on :their performance as measured by these reports. HUD is urging;its CDBG entitlement cities to begin implementing GPRA. In 2004 the City of Auburn joined other South King cities to use a common application for human serviee grant request': The joint application contained a logic model that links strategic goals with the operational accountability. The logic model in the joint application is similar to the logic rnodel recommended by HUD. A logic model is an abstract of the program or service that is under consideration for funding or has already been funded. The logic model often serves as the "first impression" for the grant request. It provides a broad overview of the entire strategy or plan. Logic models support the management of programs and activities. HUD uses a logic model to align activities and outcomes of local programs with national objectives. HUD also uses it to monitor program activities and measure program effectiveness. Figure 1.2 is a summary of the logic model used by the City of Auburn. It consists of the following components. Regional Goal: In line with the City of Auburn's acquiescence that is a partner in the regional delivery and provision of human services, the City Page 1-4 adopts the community goals developed through the regional human service planning process. Outcomes: The expected outcome in terms of community impact or changes in economic and social status. Auburn's logic model expresses outcome goals in the form of a vision statement. Agencv/Program: The non-profit selected by the City to generate the outputs that will achieve the City's desired outcomes. Some large agencies identify the program that it offers to achieve the desired outcomes. Activities: Activities or services undertaken to autputs necessary to achieve outcomes and regional goals. These activities may be performed by the City of Auburn or by an agency that receives a grant from the City. Projected Outputs: Numerical measurements characterizing the results of a program activities, services or intervention. Outputs are used to measure performance relative to identified outcomes and goals. The output result is used to evaluate the progress achieved to implement the strategy. Resources: The funds allocated by the City to the agency for it to generate the projected outputs to meet the City's desired outcomes. Consolidated Planning Process The Year 2010-2014 Consolidated Plan is the City of Auburn's initial step of a long-term process to implement the attached' logic model. The entire process will undoubtedly require several phases. It will require collaboration with other jurisdictions. As these other jurisdictions begin implementing the HUD logic model, or something similar to satisfy GPRA, the City of Auburn will likewise revise and update its Consolidated Plan to include these performance measurements. Subsequently, the development of the City of Auburn's Consolidated Plan is an on-going process that will be continuously revised and refined. Page 1 - 5 Chapter 2: Citizen Participation Plan Auburn's Vision for the Future As a city of regional significance, proud of its small town heritage as well as the diversity of its people and neighborhoods, Auburn offers opportunities for people of all ages to enjoy their quality of life. City of Auburn Mission Statement To provide a service-oriented government that meets the needs of our citizens and business community through efficient and professional management with responsive and accessible leadership. Citizen Participation in Policy Development To ensure the widest range of public participation, the City uses a multi-faceted approach to generate public involvement into the' development of its planning policies. Neiqhborhood Meetinqs Several neighborhood meetings are held during the year to provide both formal and informal interaction between citizens and city staf£ Information concerning the demography of the city and various planning issues are presented and discussed. These meetings do not focus strictly on planning issues. A spectrum of public concerns ranging from health and safety to crime, recreation, community facilities and services are also discussed. Public Speakers Several presentations are frequently made to organizations, neighborhood groups and other groups of individuals wanting more information regarding planning issues. These informal talks are typically held in settings selected by the group. Newspaper Articles Easy to understand articles in a community newsletter provide the public with information regarding planning issues and the availability of information, assistance and/or speakers. The City of Auburn's community newsletter is distributed to all postal customers both residential and commercial within the two zip codes that cover the Auburn area. The Auburn Update is also included in the local Auburn Reporter. Page 2 - 1 News Releases The media are provided with updates regarding neighborhood meetings, planning issues, and growth management concerns. Committee Meetinqs and Workshops Both the Planning and Community Development Committee and the Human Services Committee are advised of changes in the City's demography and proposed changes in planning policies. Periodically these standing committees conduct workshops to review the draft amendments to planning documents and proposed projects. All of these meetings are open to the public. Documents are made available prior to the meeting and public comments are encouraged at any time. Public Hearinqs In addition to these opportunities for informal input, the formal adoption process of municipal ordinances requires public notices and publie hearings before either the Planning Commission and/or the City CounciL Citizen Participation in the CDBG Planning Process ' In addition to the above efforts, citizens have the opportunity to participate in the formation of CDBG policies and the development of CDBG funded projects. The following outlines the public's access to participate in Auburn's CDBG program. Human Services Committee A citizen advisory committee, the Human Services Committee, was established to review the social needs of the city 'that should be considered when appropriating federal revenue sharing funds and general` funds. They serve as a committee to advise the mayor and the council on allocation and application for grant funds for community development projects. In addition, the Human Services Committee reviews and evaluates existing programs, encourages citizen participation, performs other assignments referred by the Mayor or City Council. The Committee meets regularly each month and occasionally has a special meeting regarding a particular issue and/or concern. The full committee consists of eleven members who serve staggered terms of three years. Among them, the members represent the clergy, the schools, local business, and community service groups. Members of the Human Services Committee are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. The Committee receives technical assistance from DPCD staff. Page 2 - 2 Consultations with Provider Aqencies A community meeting is held annually with local housing and human service providers. This meeting provides a format and a forum for providers - both those that are regularly funded by the City and those who do not receive public funding - to talk about emergent needs in the community. The meeting also provides time for providers to talk about goals and projects that should be undertaken within the next planning and/or funding period. Throughout the year, when the Human Services Committee is not reviewing funding applications and making recommendations to the Council, the Committee visits and/or meets with local social service agencies. During these meetings and 'site visits, agencies present their programs along with information and data pertaining to their target populations. Committee members use these meetings to ` assess community needs and discuss potential projects. In addition, during the annual performance report process, City staff makes monitoring visits to each of the funded organizations. The purpose of the visit is not only to ensure that the agency is in compliance with CDBG and City regulations, but also to provide technical assistance and to solicit feedback from the agency about their experience working with the program. Annual PerFormance Report In March and April City staff prepare a performance report on the previous CDBG program year. This progress report, called a Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) summarizes program accomplishments and challenges. It reports on the status of each strategy and describes any changes to the Annual Plan. A workshop about the CAPER is held with'the Planning- and Community Development Committee and a public hearing is conducted before the City Council. Copies of the Annual Performance Report are distributed to the City Council, Human Service Commission, local service agencies and current recipients of CDBG funds. Solicitation of Potential Proiects In May the City begins soliciting proposals from interested agencies for the forthcoming program year. A public notice indicating the availability of grant funds is distributed and published in the local newspaper. The announcement includes the amount of funds available for distribution and the City's desire that these funds be used to benefit low- income Auburn residents. A public meeting is generally held in cooperation with other local jurisdictions that also fund housing and human service activities. This meeting is scheduled and advertised to all agencies, and the agenda is set up to explain the application process and distribute application packets. City staff ineets with agencies and other groups to disseminate information and answer any of their questions. In June and July the Human Services Committee analyzes the applications, interviews newly-funded prospective agencies, and prepares their recommendations for the allocation of CDBG funds. Their recommendation is incorporated into the preliminary draft of the Plan. Page2-3 Preliminary Draft of the Consolidated Plan In early fall, a preliminary draft of the revised Plan is finished. Copies are distributed to the City Council, Human Service Commission, local service agencies and all the agencies that requested CDBG funds for the next program year. A public notice is published in the local newspaper that contains a brief summary of the plan and instructions for providing public comments. Public Review Period Interested citizens have a thirty-day period to comment on the proposed Plan. A summary of citizen comments is included as an appendix to the Plan along with an explanation of actions taken in response to the comments. Public Hearinqs During the public review period, the City Council conducts a public hearing on the preliminary draft of the revised Plan. A public notice indicating the time, date, location and purpose of the hearing is posted in at least three public places and published in the official newspaper of the City of Auburn The;Seattle Times. City staff addresses comments and suggestions expressed at the public hearing. , They take these comments and suggestions into consideration during the preparation of the final' draft of the plan. CDBG Budqet Ordinance Concurrent with the above preliminary draft, City-staff prepares and distributes the CDBG budget ordinance. This budget ordinance appropriates CDBG funds during the next program year; The budget ordinance must be processed in accordance with local and state laws. A public hearing on the proposed budget is typically scheduled at the same time and date where the City Council listens to public comment on the preliminary draft of the Consolidated Plan. Passage, of the budget ordinance does not occur until the final draft of the Consolidated Plan is finished. The budget ordinance is typically passed concurrently with the adoption of the Consolidated Plan. Final Edition of the Consolidated Plan At the end of the public review period, City staff prepares the final draft of the Consolidated Plan. A resolution is prepared asking the City Council to adopt the Plan. If the Council decides to revise the final draft, another public hearing is scheduled. A public notice is published in the local newspaper indicating the time, date and reason for the public hearing. Once the City Council passes the resolution adopting the Plan, the final edition is published, distributed and submitted to HUD for approval. Page2-4 Amendinq the CDBG Budqet Ordinance Any significant change to a CDBG project approved through the Consolidated Planning Process is administered as an amendment to the CDBG budget ordinance. A significant change is defined as any of the following conditions: 1. Change in the activity as described in the narrative description of each appropriation listed in the budget ordinance. 2. Change in the appropriated amount when greater than $15,000. Amendments to the budget ardinance require a public hearing. A description of the amendment, time and date of the public hearing is published in the local newspaper. The public has an opportunity to comment on the proposed arnendmant at the public hearing which is prior to Council action. Inactive or Abandoned Capital Proiects For the purpose of appropriations using Community Development Block 'Grant (CDBG) funds, the following criteria will apply: ■ Public Services and Administration: CDBG funds appropriated for eligible public service and administrative activities are made solely and strictly for activities within the program year for which `they were appropriated. These activities will be considered accomplished at the end of the program year. Any remaining appropriation for :public service and administrative activities at the end of the program year will be reappropriated to eligible projects in the next program year. ■ Capital Improvements: According to RCW 35A.33.150, special fund appropriations, such as CDBG appropriations, do not lapse but carry forward from year to year until fully expended or the purpose has been accomplished or abandoned. CDBG funds ' appropriated to sub-recipients for capital improvernents must be expended within the term of the sub-recipient's CDBG grant agreernent. CDBG funds appropriated for capital improvements will be considered abandoned, and the funds will be reappropriated, if any of the following conditions exist: (a) The term of the grant agreement expires and the sub-recipient fails to request an extension in accordance with the terms of the agreement. (b) The sub-recipient fails to submit a request for reimbursement or fails to submit an activity report during the program year. (c) The sub-recipient fails to make the project "bid ready" within the first year after the appropriation. "Bid ready" means that, at a minimum, the bid specifications are drafted and the sub-recipient is ready to solicit bids. Page2-5 The City may consider exceptions to the above criteria if extenuating circumstances exist such that making such exceptions would be fair and prudent. Access To Information Applications, contracts and other records related to the past use of Auburn CDBG funds are available for public review at the Department of Planning and Community Development, Auburn City Hall, 25 West Main Street, from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. Technical Assistance Through the documents and information distributed by the City, prospective agencies and groups are advised that technical assistance is available. Several agencies have accepted the City's offer to provide technical assistance. Access to Planninp Information Copies of the City's Comprehensive Plan, Consolidated Plan, census data and other planning information are made available, free of charge, to any interested person or group. Copies of the City's planning documents are distributed to local libraries, Chamber of Commerce, schools, news media and several other organizations. Grievances and Complaints Written complaints or grievances are answered within 15 working days whenever possible. Citizens have the opportunity to appeal to the City Council for their desired response or action regarding the Plan. A summary of written complains or grievances along with a response is included in the appendix of the Plan. Page 2 - 6 CHAPTER 3A: HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NEEDS This section offers statistical and analytical information that provides an overall picture of Auburn's housing and community development needs. It lays the foundation for Chapter 4: Housing and Community Development Strategies. GENERAL POPULATION AND HOUSEHOLD CHARACTERISTICS Population In 2009, Auburn had an estimated population of 67,485 people. Recent growth, as well as projected growth, is attributable mainly to annexations and/or the construction of new housing in the recently annexed areas. If Auburn continues to grow at its current rate, then by year 2020 its population will be approximately 80,000 people. Figure 3.1 Auburn's Population , LpActual ■Projected ~ - I - _ , I 80000 70000 _ _ - - - I I 60000 - - - - - I 50000 40000 - _ - - I I _ 30000 - - _ _ - I ~ 20000 10000 , 0 „ , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ln o v o 0 ~ O N M sF LO (O I~ N O) 0) O O N , 00 O~ N N N N r r I Ethnic and Racial Trends The 2000 Census indicates 82% of Auburn's residents were Caucasian and the remaining 18% were people of color. In 2008, the Census projected those statistics would remain the same. According to the Auburn School District, the ethnic population in Auburn has increased from 2000 to 2008 by 18.6%. In the past eight years the Asian and Hispanic population has increased while the Caucasian population has decreased. Page 3 A-1 Fi ure 3.3 Fi u Change in Ethnic Population Percentage of Ethnic Population in Auburn ~ (Pereentagetotal change} so o°% 70.0°h ~ 500% 400°h 40.0°h 30.0% ~r, r , ~ s, : ~ . p ~ ~ ~ t00°h .s.., r , 100 20.0°h •.r rtir ; . , ~II,°~, ~ "s . .t~ , .s ; 0 O°h , . . . , . _ . . .r.. , 0.0% Caucasian-nonFGsparce PeopeofcdainciWrg Arterican Asian Blxk Hisparuc Caucasian Hispan c I ndi aNAK Nalive Household Characteristics In the Year 2008, it had been projected that Auburn had a total of 32,447 households. Families with children comprise less than one-third of Auburn's total households. Single parents, mostly women, head approximately 12% of family households with children. A nearly equal number of households are people living alone or married couples with no children. Figure 3.5 Types of Auburn Households - - - _ _ _ r - Non-Famity I ~ 80~ Married w/ Children 20°h i I ' Living Alone . ' 29% i ` Married wlout Children r~ 31 °h F~:+ , Single Parent 12% ' I~- - - Page 3A-2 Age of Population The median age of the Auburn resident in 2008 is 35.5 years which is slightly less than the King County median age of 35.7 years. Figure 3.5 illustrates the change in Auburn's age groups between and 2000 and 2008. At the same time, the age groups between 35-60 years decreased. The average age of a new resident in Auburn is 40 years of age. Approximately 7% of Auburn's population is school-age children 5-19 years. Seniors age 60 years or older account for 6% of Auburn's total population -and less than the King County average (13%). Figure 3.6 Auburn's Population Sorted by Age Group # zooo 20.0% 15.0% r ~x 10.0% 5.0% ~ 1 0.0% -A~y roo -A~y A`''A~ yx~5 Income Characteristics Low-income is defined as a househald that earns less than 80% of the King County median household income (KCMI). In the year 2008, the King County median household income increased to $81,400 per year. The definition of low income subsequently increased to include those households earning less than $42,000 per year. In the year 2008, 13% of Auburn's households earned less than $42,000 per year and, therefore, are low income. Auburn's Median Incomes Figure 3.7 Auburn Auburn King Cty King Cty 2000 2008 % 2000 2008 % change chan e Per Ca ita Income 19,360 26,329 36% 29,521 45,320 35% Median HH Income 39,208 51,362 31 % 53,157 66,969 21 % Median Famil lncome 45,426 57,691 27% 66,035 80,362 18% Page 3A-3 PovertCreated in 1955, the poverty threshold assumes that families who spend a third or more of their gross income on four basic and essential food groups, as determined by the U.S Deptartment of Agriculture, are living in poverty. The poverty threshold amount varies by family size. It does not vary geographically across the nation. If the family's total income is less than the "poverty threshold", then the entire family is considered as in poverty. According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, in 2009 the poverty 'threshold for an individual was $10,830, for two persons it was $14,570 and for a four- person household it was $22,050 per year. Between 2000 and 2009, the number of Auburn residents living in poverty increased. It is unclear how much of this increase is due to poverty-stricken people moving into Auburn or existing low-income households losing ground and slipping into poverty. In any event, it is one of the reasons Auburn's median income levels remained comparatively lower than the rest of King County. In the year 2000, roughly 5,000 Auburn residents, or 12% of its total population, live in poverty. Emplovment In 2000, nearly 20% of Auburn's residents worked in the manufacturing industries. Between Year 2000 and Year 2008 Auburn's resident labor force lost approximately one- half of these manufacturing workers. The retail trade employment in Auburn has increased from 15% to 24% primarily as a result of Auburn's Supermall of the Great Northwest, Wal-Mart and Sam's Club. Figure 3.8 Change in Jobs Located in Auburn : F0 2000 o 2608 25.0% 20.0% . . , 15.0% z; 10.0% ` ~ 5.0% : a ya; W . 3~ . . . ;,a ' , . ` 0.0% \cGo~e'` Or~t \G Q3o~ Page 3A-4 Auburn's economy presents an interesting conundrum - namely how to connect the people who live on the east side of Auburn to the jobs located on the west side of Auburn. The City of Auburn's Comprehensive Land Use Plan divides the City into three parts. West Auburn is designed to serve the Central Puget Sound region. East Auburn contains the majority of residential areas and downtown Auburn connects the two. According to the Puget Sound Regional Council, approximately 38,058 jobs are located in Auburn. More than half of these jobs are located on its west side. The Census indicates Auburn residents fill approximately 5,811 (15%) of these. Roughly 69% of Auburn's adult labar force live outside of Auburn. Their average commute time in Year 2000 was 23 minutes. Educational Attainment Figure 3.9 compares the educational attainment of Auburn's adult population to King County. It indicates that the adults in Auburn over 25 years of age who have less than twelve years of education are twice as high compared to the King County,average. Auburn has a few Census block groups where one out of three adults has less than 12 years of education. These block groups tend to have a large number of very' low-income households and high percentage of immigrant families. South King County in general tends to lag behind east and north King County relative to the number of adult residents who are college graduates. The Census indicates 15% af Auburn's adult population over 25 years of age has bachelor or postgraduate degree compared to a King County average of 40% for the same age cohort. Among the south King County' cities, only three cities Algona (7%), Pacific (9%) and SeaTac (15%) - have fewer college graduates. Figure 3.9 Educational Attainment of Auburn's Adult Population 1990 ' 2000 2000 Number %TotalNumber %Total King Co. "/o KC Total Total Persons 25+ Years Old: 21,049 : 100% 25,569 100% 1188740 100% Years of school completed . . . <9th grade 1,118 5% 1,253 5% 40,702 3% 9-12th, no diploma 2,685 13% 3,139 12% 75,026 6% High school graduate 7,207 34% 8,172 32% 227,931 19% Some College, No Degree " 5,658 27% 6,832 27% 280,812 24% Associate Degree ` 1,710 8% 2,176 9% 89,321 8% Bachelor's Degree 2,053 10% 2,874 11% 316,451 27% Post Graduate Degree 668 3% 1,123 4% 158,497 13% HOUSING CONDITIONS AND MARKET ANALYSIS Number and Type of Housing In 2008 - 2009 ownership housing was more affordable than in 2004-2007, but the median priced home still cost almost $60,000 more than the median income household could afford. Page 3A-5 The median sales price of all homes in King County (single family, townhomes, condominiums and mobile homes) declined about 2% from $397,000 to $390,000 in 2008 and had dropped to $351,500 by May 2009. This represented roughly a 12% drop over the previous twelve months. Nationally, home prices fell about 19% during the same twelve month period. The average home price in Auburn between 2004 and 2009 Average Home Sale Price in Auburn $450,000 $400,000 $350 000 ~ ~ • ; ~ $300,000 " ' $250,000 $200,000 R~ ~ $150,000 !XIk $100,000 ~ $50,000 $0 ~plb A ,p'1 Figure 3.10 Auburn's Housing Supply: 1990 2004 T e 1990 1994 2000 2004 % Total 10 yr Diff % Diff 1-unit 6;117 6,366 7,91 3) 8,990 46% 2,624 41 % 2-units 781 813 916 976 5% 163 20% 3&4 units 1,366 1,485 1,670 1,717 9% 232 16% 5+units 3,7513,916 4,782 5,385 28% 1,469 38% MH units 2,041 2,106 2,359 2,298 12% 192 9% SP-units 100 100 44 54 0% na na totals 14,156 14,786 17,684 19,420 100% 4,634 31% Page 3A-6 Renters and Homeowners and Tenure More than half (53%) of the housing units in Auburn are owner-occupied. The median year in which both rental and homeowner housing units were built was 1976 or 34 years ago. The average length of tenure of an Auburn homeowner is six years; whereas the average tenure of a renter is one year. Figure 3.11 Comparison of Tenure {sorted by % Owner Occupied} Owner Renter Total % Owner % Renter Pierce Co. 165598 95202 260800 63% 37% Bellevue 28189 17647 45836 61 °fo 39% Kin Co. 425436 285480 710916 60%0 40% Burien 7552 5847 13399 56% 44% Federai Way 17612 13825 31437 ` 56% 44% Redmond 10520 8582 19102 55%0 45% Pu allup 7064 5806 12870 ' 55% 45% Tacoma 41676 34476 76152 55% 45% Auburn 8731 7377 16108 54% 46% SeaTac 5281 4427 9708 54% 46% Renton 10848 10860 21708 50% 50% Kent 15178 15935 31113 49% 51°/a Seattle 125165 133334 `258499 ' 48% 52% Lakewood 11357 12435 23792 48% ' 52% Housing Market Analysis: In 2000, the median sales,price of a home was $245,000; in 2009, the median sales price of a home in King County was $403,500. In 2000, the median sales price of a home in Auburn was $239,000; in 2009, the median sales price of a home in Auburn was $387,000. The cost of housing in Auburn is still less than the rest of King County. The following table represents a snapshot of the housing market on three separate dates. Several of the homes for sale thaf'are less than $100,000 are mobile homes in designated manufactured home parks. Page 3A-7 Figure 3.12 Homes for Sale in Auburn 6/2/2002 5/18/2004 8/2/2009 Total Number of SF Houses 74 429 578 Median Price: $239,950 262,000 $305,091 Number of Units Over $325,000 93 98 140 $250,000 to $325,000 118 146 147 $175,000 to $250,000 186 115 170 $100,000 to $175,000 72 32 87 Less than $100,000 5 38 34 Housing Affordability Affordability concerns all households, regardless of income. It pertains to a household's attempt to reach a balance between its financial means and its desire for decent housing and amenities. The accepted definition of affordability is based on the percentage of household income spent on dwelling costs. Dwelling costs for an owner occupied unit include principal and interest payments, taxes, insurance and public utilities. A housing unit is considered affordable if monthly; dwelling costs are less than 30% of the household's gross income. If a larger share of household income is spent on dwelling costs, then the household is probably sacrificing money that would normally be spent for other basic needs such as food, health care, childcare, education, etc. The term "affordability gap" refers to the difference between the average price of housing - either rented or owned - and the recommended, affordable price of housing. A positive gap means the price of housing is less than the recommended amount that a household could afford to pay. Households with positive affordability gaps have several choices of affordable housing. A negative ' gap indicates the price of housing exceeds the recommended amount for housing. Households with a negative affordability gap have fewer housing choices. According to the Year 2000 Census, the median household income in King County was $53,157 per year. For half of the households in King County, housing costs of less than $1,330 per month would be affordable. The Census indicated the median rent paid by Auburn residents was $639 per month and the median mortgage payment was $1,061 per month. Subsequently, Auburn has a number of affordable housing choices relative to King County in general. Page 3A-8 Figure 3.13 Housing Affordability by Income Level Yr 2000 Monthly Affordable % Auburn Income Group Household Income Housing Costs Households Very Low Income less than $1,285 g0 to $385 16% 0-29% of KCMI less than $8 er hour Low Income $1,286 to $2,215 $386 to $664 24% (3049% of KCMI $8 - $13 er hour Moderate Income $2,216 to $3,544 $665 to $1,060 16% 50-79% of KCMI $13 -$20 er hour Low-Median Income $3,545 to $4,430 $1,061 to $1,330 14% (80-99% of KCMI $20 - $25 er hour High-Median Income $4,431 to $5,270 $1,331 to $1,580 4% (101-119% of KCMI $25 - $30 er hour Upper Income more than $5,270 $1581 or more 21%0 (120% or more of KCMI) more than $35 er hour Cost Burden Figure 3.14 shows the percentage of total households in Auburn and King Figure 3.14 County relative to the amount of Households Paying More Than 30% for their household income spent on Housing Costs By Income Group housing costs. Approximately one I o bum.wn9~ out of four of Auburn's households $,oo.oooo'mo~a a 35% or more of their household I II I , ome for housing costs. $75,000 $99~999i o Approximately 75 /o , of Auburn $5o,oooto$,4.999: households who earn less than $20,000 per year pay more than 30% $35,ooo=0~9..: for their housing costs. ' An even ' I : greater percentage of King County $20,000 co $34,999 low-income households have $10,000to$19.999: unaffordable housing. In other words, these low income households Lesstha^$,°,°°°: would pay even more of their n-+ ~ income for housing outside of Auburn. A smaller percentage of Auburn's more affluent households have unaffordable housing compared to the rest of King County. Demand for Affordable Housing King County has virtually no private market rental units affordable to the nearly 75,000 households with very low incomes. That's why the King County Housing Authority's Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) programs provide such a critical safety net for the most at-risk populations living in unincorporated King County and the area's 23 suburban cities, including Auburn. Page 3A-9 KCHA is an independent municipal corporation established under Washington state law. The Housing Authority continues to play a vital role in assisting local government in rising to the challenge of developing housing and settlement patterns that are sustainable over the long term while protecting the environment and quality of life in this region. In addition to providing decent affordable housing to the county's elderly, disabled, and poorest households, KCHA continues to both shape and assist private market efforts to expand the stock of affordable "workforce" housing. Housing Inventory KCHA owns or controls 118 residential complexes with 8,474 units, including about 2,650 Public Housing units. In addition, more than 9,600 households receive rental assistance vouchers through the Section 8 program. That means that every night, KCHA ensures that more than 18,000 households have a place to call home. The populations served by KCHA include families, the elderly, people with disabilities, youth, chronically mentally ill, victims of domestic violence, and persons with AIDS. KCHA's housing programs include: • Public Housing • Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) • Affordable Workforce Housing • Emergency and transitional housing for homeless and special needs populations • Homeownership opportunities ' In addition to its housing programs, KCHA provides home repair and weatherization assistance to qualifying private property owners and landlords throughout King County. Subsidized Housing The stock of subsidized housing is quite diverse, ranging from single-family to townhouse to multifamily developments. Most family developments throughout King County are small, having less than 40 units, and in Auburn, that figure is slightly higher with just above 50 units, on average. Serving those with the greatest need is our primary mission, and our Public Housing, application process includes a preference for those earning 30 percent of inedian income or less. Rents are not more than 30 percent of the tenant's adjusted income. KCHA has raughly 3,500 subsidized housing units, including those at Public Housing communities and units subsidized through Project-Based Section 8 funding. Of those, 362 are located in Auburn at the sites listed below. Figure 3.15 KCHA Subsidized Housing Communities Located in Auburn Development Name Number Type of of Units Housing Burndale Homes 50 F Firwood Circle 50 F Green River Homes 60 F Gustaves Manor 35 S/D Page 3A-10 Plaza Seventeen 70 S/D Valley Park 30 F/D/T Wayland Arms 67 S/D Total: 362 D: Disabled F: Family S:Senior T: Transitional In addition to its subsidized housing units in Auburn, KCHA has 278 units of workforce housing and 126 manufactured housing spaces. KCHA also partners with a local nonprofit agency to provide two units of emergency housing. Rental Assistance Given the consistently high demand for Section 8 Vouchers, the King County Housing Authority only opens its waiting lists periodically for a two-week period. When last opened in June 2007, nearly 11,000 families applied for assistance, of which 2,500 were selected through a lottery process and placed on a waiting list. Those who apply must verify that they meet one of three local preferences: • Households that are homeless or about ta 'become homeless through' no fault of their own; • Households living in substandard housing or transitional housing; • Households paying more than 50 percent of income on rent and utilities. Once selected far a voucher, participants have the choice of liuing anywhere in KCHA's jurisdiction. As of the end of September 2009, 9,664 voucher holders were living in King County. Of those, 905 voucher holders slightly more than 9 percent were housed in the Auburn area. That percentage is down from`the 10 percent who were living in the area in 2004 though the total'number of voucher holders in Auburn has actually grown by about 150 in the past five years. Capital Improvement Projects ' In the past five years, KCHA has completed'several capital projects in Auburn to enhance the Public Housing developments there. Those projects include: Interior renovations and water line upgrades at Burndale Homes and Firwood Circle; • Fire and life safety system upgrades at Gustaves Manor, Plaza Seventeen, and Wayland Arms; • Heating system upgrades at Plaza Seventeen. KCHA's 10-Year Capital Plan outlines the highest priorities that need to be addressed among the identified capital needs for Public Housing developments. The estimated cost for all of these projects in the next 10 years is $55 million, including $13 million for various improvements in Auburn. The following table summarizes planned improvements as outlined in KCHA's 10-Year Capital Plan. Page 3A-11 10-Year Capital Fund Plan Scheduled and Deferred Projects Site Est Costs Description of Main Improvements New community building ($600,000) and site Burndale Homes$1,600,000 improvement work, including paving, lighting, storm drainage ($1,000,000) Community building addition and remodel Firwood Circ►e 1,500,000 ($700,000) and site improvement work, including paving, lighting, and storm drainage ($800,000 Green River 10,000,000 Major interior, exterior, and site renovation Total Planned: $13,100,000 In addition, KCHA has received $645,088 in federal funds from the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (stimulus bill) to make improvements at Wayland Arms. Of that funding, almost $250,000 was competitively awarded to KCHA to"upgrade some units to be accessible for people with disabilities. The rest of the funding will pay for new accessible entry doors as well as several energy efficiency upgrades, including a new boiler and thermostatic control system and new exterior and interior common area lighting with light sensors in all corridors. High Performance Because of KCHA's longstanding high performance, the Authority was selected by HUD to become a Moving to Work Housing Authority in 2003. This distinction, given to less than the top 1 percent of the Housing'Authorities nationwide, allows for flexibility in the development ' of local program policies that will better meet Housing Authority and community needs. Through its MTW flexibility, the Section 8 department is exploring revisions to current Section 8 policies that wouldfacilitate more efficient and effective availability of housing vouchers. These efforts include forming partnerships to serve people with special needs, including housing for the homeless. In Public Housing, MTW flexibility has, for example, allowed KCHA to take innovative financing approaches to address the backlog of unmet capital needs. In 2008 alone, KCHA leveraged more than $30 million into the redevelopment and upgrading some of its most outdated housing, ensuring that these units remain a viable, affardable housing resource over the long term. The MTW program's funding flexibility also has assisted KCHA efforts to ensure all senior/disabled buildings have up-to-date fire and life safety systems as well as other upgrades. Page 3A-12 Five Year Projections The City of Auburn's "2020 Population Projection" forecast that Auburn will experience greater than average growth over the next 20 years. Housing developments in the Pierce County portion of Auburn combined with annexations of Lea Hill and West Hill, will drive Auburn's growth over the next twenty years. Figure 3.16 represents the projected housing growth indicated in the City's "Year 2020 Population Estimate". Among the 16,200 projected increase in housing units, roughly one-fourth of the new housing units (5,267 housing units) will be built outside of the annexation areas. Approximately 40% of Auburn's new housing units will be built in the Lakeland PUD located in the Pierce County portion of Auburn and the remaining 35% will be located in the Lea Hill annexation areas. Figure 3.16 Housing Growth Projections ' aoooo ; - , - - - - - ' ; 35000 7 - ~ 30000 1- _ - - - - 25000 _ - - , 20000 ~ _ _ _ - I 15000 - - - - - I I 10000 I ' 5000 I 0 I I 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 I- - . _ - - - Distribution of Housing Among Income Groups King County's growth management policies recommend Auburn plan for 37% of its projected new housing` units be affordable to low and moderate income households as follows: 20% for low income and 17% for moderate income households. The King County Planning Policies state that in areas identified as city expansion areas, King County and the respective cities should plan cooperatively for affordable housing development and preservation. Figure 3.17 represents the projected distribution of new housing units relative to respective income groups over the next six years. The distribution between single family and multi-family dwelling units is consistent with the mix of types of housing units reported in the Year 2000 Census. Figure 3.17 Page 3A-13 Auburn's Year 2010 Housing Target Recommended by King County Total SF IMF Total Total HLJ % Total 2000 2010 2010 New HU Yr 2010 Yr 2020 Less than 50% 5347 0 777 777 6124 23% 50%-80% 4841 100 407 507 5348 20% 80%-120% 3944 1224 816 2040 5984 23% 120%+ 3552 4500 769 5269 8821 340 Totals 17684 5824 2769 8593 26277 100% Barriers to Affordable Housing With its consistently lower rents, Auburn's rental housing market continues to offer some of the most affordable rental opportunities within the county. In addition, the median cost for purchasing a home in Auburn continues to be lower than the King County median cost for home ownership. Auburn remains one of the leading cities in the county for providing affordable home ownership opportunities. However, given the high concentration of low income people in Auburn, home ownership is less likely an option for many Auburn residents. Auburn residents with very low incomes (less than 50% of the King county median income) are likely to have excessive housing costs. Since Auburn currently has one of the highest concentrations of affordable housing for low and moderate income groups in the county, continued emphasis will be placed on the preservation, maintenance and improvement of this existing stock and on improving the living environment of predominantly low income neighborhoods. Future housing needs will be addressed primarily through 'market forces. The City will continue to assist in the development'of affordable housing alternatives for households not reached by the market (e.g., emergency shelter, transitional housing, etc.) in accordance with Auburn's fair share of the region's need for such housing. Over the past'twenty years, Auburn has responded positively to the housing needs of low and moderate income groups. Over the next twenty years, Auburn will attempt to economically integrate its community by diversifying its housing stock to include all income groups. Auburn currently has a relatively small portion of households consisting of middle and higher income groups. By striving to bring its number of low and moderate income households in line with the rest of King County, while increasing the growth rate of households with more affluent incomes, Auburn should achieve a mare even distribution and diversity of socio-economic groups. The City of Auburn's Comprehensive Land Use Plan includes policies and recommendations to develop Auburn into a collection of culturally diverse and economically integrated neighborhoods consisting predominantly of single family residences, joined together by a pedestrian oriented transportation system, along with complementary public spaces, educational facilities, recreational and social services Page 3A-14 sufficient to promote and sustain an amenable quality of life. Development activities will cultivate a sustainable community wherein: • Home buyers and renters of all income groups have sufficient opportunities to procure affordable housing. . Existing neighborhoods along with properties of special and/or historic value are preserved for enjoyment and enhancement of future generations. . A balanced mix of affordable housing types exist in order to meet the needs of all lation. economic segments of the popu . Public and private agencies implement policies and offer,programs or projects that help alleviate physical and economic distress; conserve energy resources; improve the quality and quantity of community services; and eliminate conditions that are detrimental to health, safety and public welfare. Residential developments are monitored for purpose of reducing the isolation of income groups and groups with special needs; the determination of existing and future housing needs along with better utilization of land and other resources that enhance the availability of affordable housing opportunities. Fair Housing: The City of Auburn is committed to providing equal access and opportunity to housing choices for all people. The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in housing because of race or color, national origin, religion, gender, ' familial status and/or physical disabilities. Complaints received; by the City pertaining to alleged violations of the Fair Housing Act are referred to: Seattle District Office Washington State Human Rights Commission 1511- 3rd Ave #921, Seattle Washington 98101 phone #206-464-6500 When a complaint is filed, the Commission acts as a neutral fact-finder. It gathers facts about the situation and then determines whether there is cause to believe that discrimination occurred. The Commission will send a written notice to the person(s) alleged to have committed the act of discrimination. The Commission will ask for a written response to the charge. A Commission Investigator will investigate the complaint by gathering more evidence, interviewing witnesses, or conducting site visits. Whenever appropriate, the Commission will meet with both sides to explore resolving the issues. Upon completion of the investigation, the Commission will issue a finding. If the evidence does not support the charge of discrimination, the Commission will issue a finding of "no reasonable cause" to believe discrimination occurred. If the Commission finds that there is reasonable cause to believe discrimination occurred, it will seek conciliation of the complaint. Appropriate remedies in the conciliation process may include back pay, reinstatement, rent refunds, or training to eliminate the unfair practice. Page 3A-15 If conciliation fails, the complaint may be turned over to the Attorney General's office for hearing before an Administrative Law Judge. The Commissioners may grant reconsideration if the party can show that there was a misapplication of the law, or that relevant information provided during the investigation was not considered in the finding. Impediments to Fair Housing: Auburn is becoming mare racially and ethnically diverse. Approximately 11 % of its population was born in foreign countries. Over one-third of its households have children. Auburn also has a large population of people with physical disabilities. Approximately 9% of Auburn's adult population has a physical disability. All of these are factors for which the potential for housing discrimination may occur. Several years ago the King County HOME Consortium, which includes the City of Auburn, conducted an "Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choices in King County." This analysis found that the most common cited basis for complaints involved "refusal to rent" and "coercion". Thirty-four percent of the cases filed alleged discrimination based upon disability status. People `of color or other national origins filed 50% of the cases. Successful conciliation or settlement occurred in 44% of the cases, while "no cause" was determined in 32% of the cases. The rest were either withdrawn or had another form of disposition. One of the conditions to receiving a Community Development Block Grant is to periodically analyze local impediments to fair housing. The `City uses this information to determine actions to overcome the effects of any impediments identified through that analysis. The City of Auburn continues to implement changes identified in its updated analysis of impediments to fair housing. The progress in the implementation of this analysis is included in the annual update of this Consolidated Plan. Copies of the report presenting the findings from the analysis of fair housing impediments are be available at City Hall for public review. Affirmative Marketing Plan to Promote Fair Housing: The City of Auburn administers all its programs and activities related to housing and community development in a manner to affirmatively further the policies of the Fair Housing Act. It requires that all contractors, subcontractors, sub-recipients, owners, landlords, and vendors' will not discriminate against any person on the basis of their race, color, ethnicity, religion, gender, familial status or physical abilities. Towards these ends, the City proposes to implement the following affirmative marketing strategy: • Recipients of public funds administered or provided by the City of Auburn for housing and community development activities must agree to comply and promote the Fair Housing Act. Certification of their agreement to comply and promote the Fair Housing Act will be a condition to a grant recipient's eligibility for City funds. Page 3A-16 • Brochures and flyers regarding the provisions of the Fair Housing Act will be distributed to social service agencies, business firms engaged in activities associated with housing, and the local library. Community service announcements and press releases will be placed on public access cable television channels. • All announcements, program advertisements, solicitations, brochures and flyers prepared and distributed by the City of Auburn for housing and community development activities will display the Equal Housing Opportunity logo or slogan. • Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity posters in Spanish, Ukraine and English will be displayed at City Hall and at the public library. Records will be maintained regarding the actions taken by the City of Auburn and its grant recipients for a period of five years following the end of each program year. These records will be available for public and HUD review. Updating the analysis of fair housing impediments will become part of the planning process for the Consolidated Plan. The City of Auburn will annually assess the success of its affirmative marketing actions and determine if any corrective or additional strategies are needed to better inform people about their equal rights to housing choices. Lead Based Paint Over the past 100 years, the percentage of`lead in paint has varied from 50%, common in the 1940's to 0.6% after the Consumer Product Safety Commission ban in 1978. Older housing, particularly housing built before 1940, is at highest risk for containing lead-based paint. Using an estimation technique developed by The National Center for Lead-Safe Housing, a rough estimate of the number of housing units at highest risk for lead based paint hazards was developed. The percentage of housing units occupied by very low- income renters is used by HUD as an indicator of highest risk. Auburn may have approximately 1,659 housing units with a potentially high risk of lead-based paint somewhere within the particular housing unit. Page 3A-17 CHAPTER 313: HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NEEDS Homeless and Special Needs Populations: Homeless Populations: The lack of reliable, non-duplicative data makes estimating the homeless population in Auburn impossible. For instance, some of the homeless families served by the YWCA shelters in Auburn were transient and had never lived in Auburn until they were placed in the shelter. On the other hand, some families residing in shelters' located in other cities had previously lived in Auburn. At best estimates of Auburn's "at-risk" can be measured relative to characteristics and trends of King County's homeless population in general. Regional Characteristics and Trends The "One Night Count of Homeless People in Seattie/Kirig C`ounty" has been conducted annually for the past 28 years. The Seattle/King County Coalition for the Homeless (SKCCH), a partnership of not-for-profit and government agencies that collaborates to address the needs of homeless people, assumes oversight of this event. The 2008 Annual One Night Count was conducted' on January 25, 2008, which marks the first year Auburn has participated in the Annual One Night Count program.. It is estimated that a total of 8,439 people are homeless in King County on any given night. The survey of shelters and transitional programs found 5,808 people utilizing services on the One Night Count. The street count portion of the count found 2,631 people surviving outside without shelter, 40 of whom were counted in Auburn. According to the 2006 Annual One Night Count there were 7,910 people who were homeless. The 2008 count represents a 7% increase in King County's homeless population in the previous two years.' Figure 3.21 2008 One-Night Count 2006 2007 2008 Street Count 1,946 2,159 2,631 Shelters & Transitional Housing 5,964 5,680 5,808 Totals 7,910 7,839 8,439 Source: Seattle/King Co Coalition on Homelessness The One Night Count survey asks participants to list the last permanent address of people utilizing their services. A permanent address is defined as a place occupied for at least two months, excluding shelter and transitional housing. This information was collected for Page 3B-1 over 70% of the households who were accessing services. The following table summarizes the results. The total number of survey respondents who indicated South King County as their last permanent address was 15%. Figure 3.23 Last Permanent Address of Households Surveyed # o Emergency Transitional Households Shelter HTotal % Seattle 1,772 60% 49% 55% Out of State 483 17% 12% 15% South King County 499 11% 20% 15% WA State {outside of King Co} 189 5% 7% 6%, North or East King County 298 4% 6% 4% Unknown/info not monitored 551 na na na Source: Seattle/King Co Coalition for the Homeless, "28th Annual CounY", March 2008 Factors Contributing to Homelessness When the survey was conducted, the King , County median household income was ` Figure 3.24 $81,400 per year for a family of four. Of the Factors Contributing to Homelessness households served on the night af the survey, 70% had incomes below 30% of the KCMT.' Factors Contributing Among the homeless people surveyed 19% of ' Economic or Financial Loss 19% them received income frorn employment, 8% ' Domestic violence 19% received public assistance, 9% met the federal Transience 13% disability requirements to receive Eviction or Displacement 12% SupplGmental SecllTity Income (SSI), and Family Crisis (divorce, widowed, etc) 12% 16% had no income at all. Physical/Emotional Abuse 10% Other 9% Of the total individuals who were counted, Did not meet housing criteria 3% approximately 3180 provided information Racism 1% relating to contributing factors. The survey Minor Asked to Leave Home 1% allowed for more than one factor to be attributed to an individual. Among the factors identified, economic' or financial loss and domestic violence were most frequently cited. While underlying issues such as substance abuse and mental health are root causes to many of these factors, they are not specifically identified as main indicators of the cause of homelessness. These underlying issues oftentimes are factors of the job loss, domestic violence, abuse, etc. Page 3B-2 Auburn's At-Risk Homeless Population: Among the several factors that contribute to homelessness, only a few of them are measurable. Nonetheless, HUD requires the Consolidated Plan include a description and estimate of individuals who are currently housed but threatened with homelessness. For the purposes of ineeting these guidelines, Auburn's "at-risk" homeless population is defined as a percentage of households that are overcrowded and/or significantly unaffordable. It also includes a percentage of victims of domestic violence who are fleeing physical or emotional abuse. (a) Overcrowded Households Overcrowded conditions may indicate a"hidden homeless" population of families who might be doubling up with other families. The Census Bureau defines overcrowding as more than one person per room. Rooms include all livable subunits within the housing unit including bathrooms, kitchens, enclosed porches suitable for year-round use, and basements. For example, a family of four in a one-bedroom apartment would be overcrowded. Overcrowding is an indicator for homelessness because some or all of the occupants are at risk af displacement or eviction - for instance, if the overcrowded conditions violate the rental agreement. The 2002 One- Night Count found that 12% of the population surveyed was homeless due to eviction and/or displacement. The Year 2400 Census found 446 households, with a total population of approximately 1,560 people, rnet the Census Bureau's definition of overcrowded. Approximately three-fourths of these households were rental units. (b) Significantly Unaffordable' Another potential indicator of homelessness is households with "significantly unaffordable" housing costs. "Significantly Unaffordable" is defined as households that pay 50% or more of their household income for housing. Any number of unexpected expenses or a financial crisis puts at jeopardy the household's ability to pay their rent or mortgage. The 2002 One-Night Count found 19% of the survey population was homeless due to financial and/or economic loss the Census found 1,878 households who paid 50% or more for their household income for housing. Three-fourths of them are rental units. In the event of a financial crisis, a homeowner has options that a renter does not have. For instance, they can sell their home and/or refinance their mortgage. For this reason, only the "significantly unaffordable" rental units are included in the estimation of Auburn's at-risk homeless population. The total population of these "significantly unaffordable" rental units is approximately 3,595 people. In the year 2007 during a two week period in May, KCHA received 11,000 applications for their section 8 housing voucher list. Page 3B-3 (c) Victims of Domestic Violence: Police Incidents from the Auburn Police Department indicate an average of 772 incidents of domestic violence (including arrest) per year. Assuming each incident is a separate household, and based on the average household size provided by the U.S. I Census, less one perpetrator; the estimated population is approximately-_ 1,23 5 victims. The 2007 One-Night Count found that 15% of the survey population of 2000 was homeless due to domestic violence. In order to convert the above at-risk populations into an estimated need for both facilities and services, the above at-risk populations are converted into the;estimated number of beds necessary to accommodate the homeless population at one-point in time. The estimate assumes that the entire at-risk population will not need services all at the same time; but rather, services will be parceled-out over the period of a year. The "Homeless Continuum of Care Plan" developed by the King County Homelessness Housing and Services Program states the average length of stay at an emergency shelter is 14 nights. Using this average, the following estimate was developed regarding the level of service that might be required to accommodate Auburn's at-risk homeless population. Figure 3.25 Estimate of Auburn's At-Risk Homeless Population stimated t-Risk De ended Variables: HH Est Po 'Pro ensi ' Po ulation victims of domestic violence 384 576' ` 38% 219 significantly unaffordable housing costs 1438 3595 19% 683 overcrowding 46 1561 13% 203 ' otal At-Risk Po ulation 1105 a vera e Bednights 14 Total Bednights Per Year 15470 c=(a*b) Total Bednights Per Day 2 d=(c/365) Homeless Continuum of Care The City of Auburn cooperates with King County and other local jurisdictions to plan services and facilities for homelessness and homeless prevention. The County applies annually for McKinney grant funds to serve the homeless and at-risk populations; agencies in Auburn are eligible to apply for these funds much as they apply for HOME funds through the consortium. (a) Emergencv Shelter I Auburn has two shelters; --one shelter is operated by the YWCA and the other is operated by Auburn Youth Resources (AYR). The YWCA shelter consists of two 2-bedroom units that contain approximately six total beds. The shelter primarily serves one and two parent families with children. Occupants can stay in the shelter Page 3B-4 for up to three months. While in shelter, the YWCA refers the tenants to appropriate health and social services. The AYR shelter has approximately six total beds. It serves primarily runaway and abandoned youth. Counseling, education, information and referral services along with foster home placement are provided. (b) Transitional Housing The YWCA has twelve units of transitional housing in Auburn. These twelve units serve primarily homeless families. Tenants may stay in the transitional housing for up to two years while only paying 30% of their income for rent. Half of this payment goes into a savings account for use when the household moves on to permanent housing. The YWCA provides counseling and referral services for these shelters. (c) Davtime Facilities Auburn currently does not have any day shelters, soup kitchens or other daytime only facilities. The Auburn Community Supper prograrn offers a free supper once a week at a local church. Other Facilities, Social and Supportive Services ■ St. Vincent de Paul coordinates a hotel voucher program for the homeless. The Salvation Army has recently opened a South King County office to provide emergency assistance for individuals and families. ■ In addition to providing shelter for homeless youth, Auburn Youth Resources offers other services including _I„) _dIndividual, group and family counseling; 'iSupport groups for teen parents and victims of sexual abuse; ~_~A, Alcohol/drug evaluations, counseling and >ed.ucation services; Aj_e~;mployment services; and 24 hour crisis intervention and foster home placement. ■ The Auburn Food Bank provides emergency assistance with rent and utility bills. It also administers the local food and clothing bank. ■ Auburn's churches provide social services in the amount of $150,000 -$200,000 annually in the form of emergency rental assistance, food, shelter, and clothing, among other basic survival needs. ■ The City's Finance Department administers a utilities (water and sewer) reimbursement program for low income Auburn senior citizens as well as the `Auburn Cares' program which ■ In addition to the services mentioned above, several agencies outside of Auburn serve Auburn residents. Agencies which receive financial support from the City include the I following: 1) The Domestic Abuse Women's Network (DAWN) provides shelter and services for victims for domestic abuse; 2.;__Washington Women's Employment and Education (WWEE) provides employment training and placement services to low ~ income and unemployed persons; Catholic Community Services provides a number of support services to low income and homeless persons including emergency housing Page 3B-5 I assistance; ~~~1d_4') YWCA provides emergency assistance to the homeless and victims of domestic violence. Victims of Domestic Violence Victims of domestic violence are another subpopulation group that requires special attention. Each year the City of Auburn allocates nearly $100,000 or more for services to victims of domestic violence. Regional Characteristics and Trends Statistics about domestic violence speak volumes about the serious nature of this national epidemic. __ams the United States, ac,cordxt~~ t~> i~~_~ia~~r~ ~i;~{~s~ cii~;tril~ut~c4_ b~ the Kino: oahtior1 ;~i~aiiist 1~~~me:~~~c Violc:ncc tK( CADV , --a woman is beaten every nine seconds by her intimate partner. On average more than three women per day are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends in the U.S. 4ne in three women has been beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused during her lifetime. Domestic violence tends ~ to escalate during pregnancya. --aAs many as 60% of battered women experience abuse during their pregnancy. Auburn is no exception to these national trends. Police reports indicate an average of 772 incidences of domestic violence each year. These figures are conservative. Many reports of assault are connected to domestic violence and are not included in these numbers. In any event, Auburn police officers are responding to two or more reports of domestic violence each day.The total number of domestic violence related incidences for South King County increased 13.2% from 1,193 in year 2000 to 1,250 in year 2001. The impact of domestic violence on children must not be overlooked. KCCADV reports that during PY2001 approximately 1,355 South King County women received services; out I of whicha these victims had a total of 1,761 children. National statistics indicate over half of inen who abuse their female partners also abuse children. In homes with four or more children, the figure leaps to over 90%. For the children whose mothers are abused, they are six times more `likely to attempt suicide and 50% more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol. ~~R41-" Jjftv r"' s_C'e iz! of all mental health care dollars are spent on adults who were abused as children. For every singie victim of domestic violence served by local shelters, eleven other victims are turned away. Each year, in King County, more than 15,000 women and children fleeing violent homes are turned away from shelter because of lack of space. Domestic violence was the leading cause of homelessness in King County outside of Seattle. These figures do not include the many more women and children who are sleeping in their cars or farmed-out to friends and relatives. Page 3B-6 Factors Contributing to Domestic Violence: There is no clear method or list of characteristics that determine who will be likely victims ~ of domestic violence; aside from the fact that it is most likely to be a woman (985% of batterers are reported to be male). Domestic violence crosses all socio-economic boundaries, affecting women of every age, race, religion, ethnicity, and sexual orientation, regardless of marital status. Although women at every income level might experience domestic violence, the majarity of welfare recipients have experienced domestic violence in their adult lives and a high percentage currently live in abusive situations. For women of color, immigrant and refugee women, bisexual, lesbian and transgender women, and ~ women with disabilities;,, they encounter many additional barriers when they seek help. As described in a study by the Seattle/King County Department of Public Health, key barriers include lack of knowledge about the law, lack of knowledge about the availability of available services, and lack of safe, affordable housing. Existing Services and Facilities: ~ In FY2008_ the City of Auburn provided more than $100,000 in General Fund grants to provide services to approximately 225 victims of domestic violence and/or sexual assault. The funds are allocated among ten agencies, these are listed below: Consejo 10,000 Crisis Clinic 3,000 DAWN 9,000 King County Sexual Assault Resource Center 22,500 Jubilee Center: Latino Program 7,500 Sound Mental Health: Behavioral Responsibility 10,000 Sound Mental Health: DV Therapy 7,000 Valley Cities Counselin : DV Advocacy 12,000 YWCA: Ghildren DV Services 5,000 YWCA: DV Services 20,000 subtotal: 106,000 In addition to these, the City runs a Domestic Violence Victim Support Team (DVVST) which responds with Police to various instances of domestic violence and sexual assault in Auburn. The team is funded with General Fund monies and operates under the direction of the City's Domestic Violence Legal Advocate in the Legal department. Page 3B-7 In 2006 re resentatives from gencies in South King County that serve victims of domestic a P violence met to prioritize the service needs. The service needs that emerged as priorities are listed below according to their priority. Priority #1: More culturally competent and accessible services for refugee and immigrant DV survivors. Priority #2: More services to children who are experiencing domestic violence. Priority #3: Coordinated delivery of sub-regional serviGes, Priority #4: More confidential shelter beds and/or safe havens. Enqlish Proficiencv Around 14% of Auburn's population speaks a language other than English in their homes. Among these households, a total of 750 households 15% of total households} identify themselves as "linguistically isolated". In other words, households in which no person 14 years of age or older speak only English or speak English very well. The principal household languages other than English are Spanish, Ukraine, Vietnamese and Russian. Auburn has a higher percentage of linguistically isolated households among Spanish and other European languages than the rest of King County. The following chart compares the percentage of linguistically isolated households by language group. Far instance, among all the households in Auburn in which Spanish is spoken, approximately 25% do not have anybody over the age of 14 years that speak English. Figure 3.9 Linguistically Isolated Households *0V1A/ _E_KC❑Aubur_ 50% 45%- 40%-~ - - 30%-~ - 25% ~ 20%'- - - - - e . - ~ ~ 10% 5% ,.V: ; 0%11 Spanis Other Asian Other Page 3B-8 Residents with Disabilities Reizional Characteristics and Trends: According to a U.S. Census, approximately 15% of King County's adult population between 21 to 64 years of age has a disability. Among the County's disabled population, nearly two-thirds of them are employed. The Washington State Independent Living Council reports that 9% are considered "severely" disabled or approximately 112,000 residents. As the population ages over the next 20 years, this percentage is likely to increase according to the Independent Living CounciL Auburn's Population I The Census reports that Auburn had 14,445 over -5five years of age that are living with a disability. The Census defines a disability as a long-lasting physical, mental, or emotional condition. The Census divides disabilities into the following six categories. "Sensory Disabilities" pertain to long-lasting conditions such as blindness, deafness, or a severe vision or hearing impairment. "Physical disabilities" include people with a condition that substantially limits one or more basic physical activities, such as walking, climbing stairs, reaching, lifting, or carrying. The remaining four categories include people with physical, mental, or emotional conditions lasting six `months or longer: that make it difficult to perform certain activities. The four activity categories were: (a)learning, remembering, or concentrating (mental disability); (b) dressing, bathing, or getting around inside the home (self-care disability); (c) 'going,outside the home alone to shop or visit a doctor's office ((going outside the home disability); andx (d) working at a job or business (employment disability). The data includes some duplication; for instance, somebody with a sensory disability may also have'an emplayment disability. Figure 3.10 Residents with Disabilities T e of Disability 5-15 yrs 16-64 rs 65 yrs + Totals Senso disabilit 101 875 932 1908 Physical disability 41 1977 1617 3635 Mental disabili 312 1256 653 2221 Self-care disabilit 0 473 658 1131 Go-outside-home disabilit na 1,496 1211 2707 Employment disability na 21843 0 2843 Totals 454 8920 5071 14445 Hunqer Regional Characteristics and Trends: Washington State has the fifth worst hunger level in the national according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. "Food Insecurity", or not knowing from where your next meal Page 3B-9 will come, is approximately 40% higher in Western Washington than the rest of the nation. Approximately 75% of the residents in Western Washington who use food banks are employed or have some source of income. One main reason Western Washington has a high rate of hunger is the high cost of housing. Increased housing costs consume a larger percentage of housing income leaving less money available for food. Auburn's Population Food banks in South King County report that the requests for food bank assistance are ~ continuing to grow-_with the greatest increase in working families with children. Food banks are now providing on-going support to low-income working households instead of periodic distributions of emergency food rations. The Auburn Food Bank serves a total of 10,500 clients per year, out of which 9,500 are Auburn residents: It distributes an average I of 70 pounds of food to 1,657 families per month and 27 sk €~~11=60U iid cliezIt:; per month. Staff at the Food Bank estimate the amount of` food they are distributing is approximately 25% more than in recent years. The number of clients served by the Food Bank is roughly equivalent to the number of low-income households in Auburn. " Senior Citizens Regional Characteristics and Trends: From 2000 to 2008 the number of senior citizens over the age of 60 years increased from ~ 3,444 to 4,580 people. By 2013: the number of elderly 65 years and older in Auburn who experience difficulties with activities of daily living is expected to increase by 38%. The availability of affordable housing will continue to not keep pace with demand. The Area Plan on Aging identified an immediate need for an additional 1,475 units of affordable housing for seniors in King County. Auburn's Population: Approximately 15% of Auburn's total population are seniors age 60 years or older. Senior women significantly out-number men. Roughly 20% of Auburn's total households have individuals over the age of 65 years. The average size of the senior household is 1.45 persons, which means the majority of them live alone. The median income of a senior household is $30,000 per year, which is 25% less than the Auburn median household income of $39,208 per year and less than half of the King County median household income of $53,157 per year. Approximately 60% of Auburn's senior households are very- I low income and 20% are low-moderate income. The-Year 2000 Census indicates 70% of Auburn's seniors live in owner-occupied housing. In a survey of area seniors, affordable ~ housing and transportation were identified as the two greatest needs; followed by in-home care and home repairs. Page 3B-10 Chemical Dependencies Regional Characteristics and Trends: From January 2004 through June 2006 there were a total of 18,857 assessments in King County with 90% resulting in patient admission for chemical dependencies. Among these adults, approximately 1,000 are classified as chronically publicly inebriated - most located in the City of Seattle, particularly its downtown core. Approximately 9% of the County's I rural population is in need of treatment, while a higher proportion ----14i?',~- of urban residents_Jl l€',.o are in need of treatment. The continuum of care developed by the King County Division of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services strongly contends that housing is a vital component to the treatment and recovery of people with chemical dependences. A number of barriers inhibit the development and/or provision of housing for chemically dependent individuals and their children. Among low-income persons, continued chemical dependency threatens their housing stability because it can affect employment and income stability and their ability to be good tenants. Finding a site for housing for people with chemical dependences is difficult. Communities react strongly to what they perceive as dangerous individuals in the vicinity of their children, community safety and property. According to information from the Crisis Clinic, the following;agencies provide housing for people with chemical dependences in South King. • Always Hope - nine locations throughout South King County • Catholic Community Services - Katherine House: confidential • Conquest Center - Tukwila • Multi-Service Center - Kent and Federal Way • Vine Maple Place - Maple Valley Auburn's Population: Estimating Auburn's population of people with chemical dependences is difficult to impossible to determine. Using the estimated~ provided by the King County Consolidated Plan (11% of the total population).. Auburn could have as many as 5,000 people with chemical dependences. In y-2008 the Auburn Police Department reports indicate that roughly 10% of the total police incidents involved drugs or alcohol. These figures are very conservative because they do not include traffic violations. Auburn has several agencies that provide treatment and support recovery for people with chemical dependences. Among them, these agencies are the following: • Police Department: Drug Abuse Education • Auburn Youth Resources: Chemical Dependency Services Page 3B-11 • Childhaven: Drug-Affected Infant Program ~ Encourage Counseling Services: Christian counseling program • Future Visions: DUI Court Related Services ~ Milam Recovery Centers: Outpatient Addiction Treatment Services • Muckleshoot Nation: Muckleshoot Tribal Alcohol Program • Auburn Municipal Court: Alternatives to Incarceration and Treatment Release Programs Youth and Children Regional Characteristics and Trends: The King County Consolidated Plan reports that cities in south King County identified prevention of child abuse and neglect as a priority need in their communities. The Washington State Child Protective Services reported a total of 11,477 accepted cases of physical and mental child abuse in 2007 for King County, which is an increase of 45% from 1998. According to a survey conducted by the United Way of King County in 2007, youth crime is another regional concern. Other concerns uncovered inarea surveys include an increase in number of children not being ready to learn when they attend school, youth substance abuse problems, and lack of services for children and youth involved in domestic violence or abuse. The King County Consolidated Plan estimates that 60% of all children need child care services. It estimates a demand for 75,000 childcare slots; whereas King County has only 42,3001icensed childcare'slots. Demand for childcare is slightly less than twice as high as the number of childcare `slots available. For low-income working families, finding affordable childcare is almost impossible without some kind of subsidy. Service providers have seen an increased demand for before and after school scholarships, childcare subsidies, child care forspeeial needs `children, and child care especially for infant care 4_'?F- I. evening, part-time and weekend hours. Among youth arrested for crimes, approximately 40% are under 15 years of age ar less and 60% are between 15 to 18 'years of age. The majority of the crimes committed by youth occur between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. Numerous studies indicate the rate of crimes committed by youth are significantly less in school attendance areas with after-programs that provide 12 hours or more of supervised activities. Among older children, out-of-school programs create pathways for academic support, service learning, youth empowerment, youth leadership, employment, career development, culture, arts, media, recreation and crime prevention. Auburn's Population: Poverty is particularly harmful for children as they grow up. Approximately 14% of Auburn's children under the age of 18 years live in poverty. In South King County, Page 3B-12 approximately 71 % of the clients who use local food banks are families with children. Poverty typically means a family and neighborhood environment with limited opportunities for quality experiences that help a young child grow into resilient and independent adults. Family poverty often entails reduced monitoring, parent psychological distress and substance abuse, punitive parenting and less parental support for child's early learning skills. There is considerable evidence indicating programs that deliver carefully designed interventions with well-defined goals can affect both the parenting behavior and the development trajectories of children who are threatened by socio-economic disadvantage. Programs that combine child-focused educational activities with explicit attention to parent-child interaction patterns and relationship-building have the greatest effects. Anecdotal reports from truancy officers and other school personnel indicate a connection between self-care before school and truancy issues. Schools providing before and after school tend to have a lower truancy rate than schools without similar; programs. Among youth arrested for crimes, approximately 40% are under 15 years of age or less and 60% are between 15 to 18 years of age. The majority of the crimes committed by youth occur between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. Numerous studies indicate the rate of crimes committed by youth are significantly less in school attendance areas with after-programs that provide 12 hours or more of supervised activities. Page 3B-13 Chapter 4A: Auburn's Human Service Strategy for 2010-2014 Introduction This section summarizes the City of Auburn's housing and community development strategy. It begins with an overview of federal, regional and city objectives. It proceeds to outline goals and objectives to achieve the strategy. These goals and objectives are used to review grant applications and determine which grants the City ought to award. The next section will outline the activities, outcomes and outputs proposed by grant recipients selected for funding. Federal, Regional and City Priorities Auburn's municipal code establishes that the primary responsibility of the city is to provide for the health, safety and welfare of its citizens. While these services are important to all citizens, low-income residents are particularly affected by these services to maintain their quality of life. The City of Auburn supports national, regional and local efforts to address the social service needs of both the xegion and the City. Federal Agenda: The federal Department of Housing and LJrban Development (HUD) provides cities, such as the City of Auburn, financial assistance to help them meet certain national objectives. Regional and federal policies advance the accomplishment of three basic goals. First, programs are to provide, decent housing. Second; programs are to provide a suitable living environment. Third, pragrams are to expand economic opportunities. Provide Decent Housinq: Decent housing includes helping homeless persons obtain appropriate housing and preventing persons from becoming homeless. It includes retention of affordable housing stocks and increasing the availability of permanent housing, in standard condition and affordable cost, to low-income and very low-income families. Federally-funded programs put particular emphasis on providing assistance to members of disadvantaged minorities without discriminatian due to race, color, religion, sex national origin, familial status, or disability. Decent housing also includes increasing the supply of supportive housing which combines structural features and services needed to enable persons with special needs to live with dignity and independence. Establish and Maintain a Suitable Living Environment: A suitable living environment includes improving the safety and livability of neighborhoods. Improvements involve access to quality public and private facilities and services. It includes reducing the isolation of income groups within the community through Page 4A-1 the spatial de-concentration of housing opportunities for persons of lower income and revitalizing the deteriorating or deteriorated neighborhoods. Programs geared toward suitable living environment include the restoration and preservation of properties of special historic, architectural ar aesthetic value and conservation of energy resources. Expanded Economic Opportunities: Expanded economic opportunities includes the provision of jobs to low-income persons and the availability of mortgage financing for low-income persons at reasonable rates using nondiscriminatory lending practices. Programs entail access to capital and credit for development activities that promote the long-term economic and social viability of the community, and the empowerment and self-sufficiency of low-income persons so as to reduce generational poverty. Regional Agenda: Both the demand and supply of human services is not limited or restrained by jurisdictional boundaries. A conglomeration of regional funding; saurces` typically supports the delivery of human services by regional agencies. In 2002, the Regional Policy Committee of the Metropolitan King County Council provided a framework for developing countywide partnerships for provision of human services. Human services were grouped into five regional goals. The United Way, King County,' Seattle, Bellevue, and the South King County Human Services Forum,: which includes the City'of Auburn, adopted these goals. The services related to these goals are not mandated services and, as such, are particularly vulnerable to funding'reductions during revenue shortfalls. These regional goals can be summarized as follows. The goal statements are not listed in any order of priority. • Food to eat and a roof overhead: Pertains to basic human essentials as food and shelter. • Supportive relationships within families, neighborhoods, and communities: Pertains to opportunities for social bonding'and providing a network of support for those in need. • Safe haven from all forms of violence and abuse: Assurance that people are safe and feel secure in their communities, including school, home and work. • Health care to be as phvsically and mentally fit as possible: Preventing catastrophic consequences, such as death or permanent disability, from curable illnesses and injuries. • Education and job skills to lead an independent life: Developing the capacity of residents to acquire and maintain a living wage job is dependent on having the education and job skills that match the needs of employers. These regional goals are not inclusive of all human services. In particular, they do not include services primarily supported by federal and state funding such as housing, Page 4A-2 employment assistance, criminal justice, mental health, chemical dependency, and developmental disabilities services and state managed programs, such as foster care, welfare, Medicaid or Medicare. The adequacy of these services locally, does however, impact the demand for regional human services, and King County has provided some local funding for mental health and substance abuse services for youth and adults identified in the criminal justice system. City Agenda: In line with the City of Auburn's acquiescence that it is a partner in the regional delivery and provision of human services, the City adopted the community goals developed through the regional human service planning process. Towards this end, the City of Auburn will consider supporting regional human service programs when their services provide a clear and evident benefit to the residents of Auburn. The 'City's role in funding local human services strives to enhance the regional delivery of services within the Auburn Figure 4.1 community. The City may consider local initiatives to provide human Summary of National, Regional services when: and Local Goals • Regional agencies are ri0t National Ai!enda responding to the urgent needs of • Provide Decent Housing Auburn residents. ■ Establish and Maintain a Suitable Living • The demand or need for Environment services requires more • Expand Economic Opportunities attention than what regional Regional Agenda agencies can provide without • Food to eat and a roof overhead additional subsidies. Supportive relationships within families, • Special services are needed to meet neighborhoods and communities specific local needs. • A safe have from all forms of violence and abuse City Priorities: • Health care to be a physically and Within these agendas there is a broad mentally fit as possible range of demands for human services. ' Education and job skills that lead toward The local demand far human services an independent life greatly exceeds the City's financial Local Agenda capabilities. Among all the competing • Respond to urgent needs that are not demands for human SeTV1CeS, the addressed by regional agencies. following outcomes and output goals are • Increase the level of service provided by the City of Auburn's priority concerns regional agencies to meet the demand for during the next four yeaTS. services required by local residents. Page 4A-3 Regional Goal: Food to Eat and a Roof Overhead: Continue to ensure that people have access to basic necessities of life which, for the purposes of this planning process, are defined as food, clothing and housing. Outcome: Auburn residents will have access to emergency assistance for food. Output Goals: • Delivery of services sufficient to distribute assistance to at least 11,000 low-income households per year. • Keep up with growing demand for emergency food services by increasing storage capacity and coordinating regional partnerships among South King County food banks and food distributors. Outcome: Auburn residents will have access to emer$!ency assistance in the event that they become, or will soon become, homeless. Output Goals: • Maintain the availability of services to prevent approximately 1,000 Auburn residents from becoming homeless, each year. • Have available approximately 20 emergency home repair grants for very- low income, single-family homeowners wha are at risk of becoming homeless unless repairs are made to keep their home habitable. Outcome: Auburn will continue' to ;have affordable housiniz choices for all socioeconomic groups. Output Goals: • Support regional efforts for the fair share distribution of affordable housing for low-income households. Renovate surplus public or commercial buildings which have `become dilapidated and/or blighted, into affordable housing by regional non-profit agencies with proven experience to professionally manage low-income, multi-family housing. • Encourage mixed-use developments in downtown Auburn. • Create incentives for the development of planned communities that meet the unique needs of retired couples and senior citizens Page 4A-4 Regional Goal: Supportive Relationships within Families, Neighbor- hoods and Communities: Creating opportunities for social bonding and providing a network of support for those in need is the definition of community. Outcome: Auburn has a network throughout the City of before and after school programs that provide supervised care, mentors and tutors for the children of working parents. Output Goals: • Maintain and increase the availability of quality, affordable, accessible out-of-school care by developing partnerships, between schools, faith- based organizations and non-profit agencies. • Develop and circulate information about the value of out-of-school programs along with a directory that explains the nature of the offered program and its location. Outcome: An Auburn network of youth services that provide therapeutic and supportive services to low-income families 'with children who are at-risk of anti-social, destructive behaviors and/or academic failure. Output Goals: • Support proven services for youth identified as being at-risk of developing criminal careers. • Sustain and expand mental health and substance abuse treatment for low- income young people. Promote strategies to help parents/caregivers maintain nurturing relationships with children. Outcome: Auburn's senior `citizens and people with disabilities have access to the supportive services they mav need to live with dignity. Output Goal: Provide emergency home repairs to very-low income seniors and people with disabilities so that they can remain in their home. • Preuent seniors and people with disabilities from becoming isolated by providing them transportation, respite care, meals along with other types of supportive programs. Outcome: Auburn has affordable childcare for its low-income working families. Output Goal: • Continue to support regional efforts to subsidize the pro Outcomes of childcare services for low-income households. • Help assure the facilities of childcare agencies that serve predominantly low-income households remain in good repair and condition. Page 4A-5 Regional Goal: Safe haven from all forms of abuse: Freedom from violence and sexual assault is an inalienable human right that should be safeguarded in the community including schools, homes and the work environment. Outcome: Auburn residents who are victims of domestic violence or sexual assault, including the children of victims, have access to appropriate services that will protect them and help them heal. Output Goals: • Provide crisis intervention through the continued support of regional crisis line and teen link services. • Support regional efforts to provide and sustain comprehensive services to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, including the provision of confidential shelters, advocates and therapy. • When incidents occur on weekends when few resources are available; offer supportive services to victims of abuse and sexual assault until appropriate referrals to regional services can be made. • Develop and provide culturally competent services for refugee and immigrant domestic violence survivars. • Mobilize community resources to advocate against domestic violence and sexual assault, including community education, assistance to the children of victims, and the creation ;of a community fund to sustain services and meet unique needs. Regional Goal: Health care to be physically and mentally fit: Good physical and mental health are recognized as both critical to the individual and an indicator regarding the quality oflife a community provides its residents. Outcome: Within the 'city limits of Auburn are located non-profit aliencies that provide health care to its low-income residents. Output Goals: • Support a regional network of community health services that provide basic health care to low-income residents. • Maintain a network of agencies providing services and therapy to residents with chemical dependencies. • Assure the availability of services to residents trying to manage chronic diseases and losses caused by death. • Family counseling and support groups for children, youth and/or parents at-risk of academic failure, anti-social, suicide, chemical dependences and/or criminal careers. Page 4A-6 Regional Goal: Education and job skills to lead an independent life: The capacity to acquire and maintain a living wage job is dependent on having the education and job skills that match the needs of the employer. Outcome: Auburn has a central location that makes available a varietv of services and assistance to individuals who are startiny, a business. Output Goals: • Help potential entrepreneurs obtain the business skills they need to start and sustain a business. • Provide potential entrepreneurs research and technical assistance on potential businesses in Auburn and means to finance them. Outcome: A collaborative relationship exists in Auburn between non-profit and educational omanizations that strive to increase the average educational attainment of Auburn's adult labor force. Output Goals: • Help low-income residents increase their level of employment by focusing on their literaey and mathematics skills. • Provide' low-income Auburn residents technical assistance and support to increase or improve their employability. Outcome: Strengthen downtown Auburn as a city focal point bv building on existing assets, facilitating catalvst qroiects in key locations, stimulating infill and redevelopment, and constructing high-quality public infrastructure. Output Goals: • Advance the implementation of Auburn's downtown plan. • Develop linkages between downtown Auburn and adjacent neighborhoods. • Research and technical assistance to expand employment opportunities in downtown Auburn. Page 4A-7 Chapter 4B: Auburn's Human Service Strategy for 2010-2014 Neighborhood Revitalization Over the past decade, the City of Auburn has experienced sustained demographic and economic growth. The core area of the City and selected residential areas have shared some of this past growth, but the majority of growth has occurred in areas on the periphery of Auburn. Urban planners refer to this phenomenon as the "rotten donut" effect where the inner city neighborhoods decline as growth moves to the urban fringes. In response to the desire to protect the City's investment in these areas, as well as to enhance their economic vitality and physical appearance, the City includes this "Neighborhood Revitalization" element in its Consolidated Plan. The Plan establishes procedures for the selection of target neighborhoods so that CDBG funds, along with other federal funds, may be used to preserve and/or revitalize the targeted neighborhood. Selection of Target Neiphborhoods Target neighborhoods must be selected to meet the regulatory requirements of the HUD Community Development Block Grant Program. In particular, the neighborhood must satisfy the definition of an "area benefits". Area benefits are activities in locations where at least 51 percent of the residents are low- and moderate-income persons. Such an area need not be coterminous with census tracts or other officially recognized boundaries but must be the entire area served by the activity. An activity that serves an area that is not primarily residential in character shall not qualify under this criterion. Nei2hborhood Plan: HUD / CDBG regulations require a written process used to develop a neighborhood revitalization strategy. The "Neighborhood Plan" must be developed in consultation with members of the target neighborhood. Furthermore, the plan needs to contain the following components: • Economic conditions of the neighborhood including levels of employment, number of businesses located in the neighborhood, condition af housing and public infrastructure. • Describe opportunities for development including the demand and types of public facilities and/or services needed in the neighborhood. • Describe the problems that the neighborhood is likely to face as it attempts to implement activities to meet its area wide needs. • Performance measurements that include goals and anticipated results caused by implementing the Neighborhood Plan. Page 4B-1 Local Investment Area: "Locally Investment Areas" are defined as neighborhoods within the city limits of Auburn that meet the criteria for activities funded by the CDBG program. The eligibility to expend CDBG funds on these activities is contingent upon the individual activity instead of its location. Citv Priorities: Among the many activities that would be eligible for CDBG funding in neighbarhoods that become local investment areas, the following are priority considerations for the City of Auburn's CDBG funding. (a) Public Infrastructure: Deferred maintenance on City streets, sidewalks and greenbelts has resulted in a crumbling infrastructure in many neighborhoods. Streets typically have a 15-year life and sidewalks have a life cycle of around 50 years. Auburn's inner city neighborhoods are between 50 to 100 years old. Most of the streets and sidewalks in these neighborhoods have never been rehabilitated. Additional resources may still be needed to address local neighborhood needs (for example, traffic calming projects), and the City needs to continue its efforts to make all pedestrian walkways accessible to persons with disabilities. (b) Parks and Recreational Facilities: Residents continue to express a need for improved recreational space and facilities. Outdoor space and facilities are typically in need of rehabilitation. The City of Auburn's Department of Parks and Recreation operates under a comprehensive park plan which also provides for an all-city utilized community center and activity center. Additional resources will be needed to address these improvements and local neighborhood needs. (c) Environmental Protection: A priority for any City is to preserve, protect and enhance its environmental assets for the health and enjoyment of residents and visitors. Auburn is a designated "Tree City USA". It is also a regional hub for mass transit.: Improving the walkability of inner-city neighborhoods and reducing the reliance of its residents on single-vehicle automobiles is a priority consideration; including funds for planting trees, code compliance, installing bicycle paths along with other pedestrian amenities. Page 4B-2 Auburn's Neiqhborhood Revitalization Strateqv Goal: Implement neighborhood plan recommendations to preserve and/or revitalize targeted low and moderate-income neighborhoods. Outcome: Implement the City's growth management strategv bv carrying out recommendations in adopted neighborhood plans. • Support the Department of Public Works ' capital improvements of streets and sidewalks. • Support the Department of Parks and Recreation's master urban reforestation plan and its comprehensive park plan,; especially for low- income youth. • Support traffic calming in residential neighborhoods. • Increase the number of places where families without backyards can play with young children. • Develop an available comrnunity center and activity center for use by the residents of the City of Auburn. Outcome: Connect the inner-city neighborhoods to downtown Auburn. • Support improved pedestrian and bicycle connections between neighborhoods and downtown Auburn. • Install pedestrian crossingand other types of amenities, such as pocket parks, to make walking to downtown enj oyable. • Analyze potential neighborhoods as potential for designated home- occupation land'uses along with the amenities and parking necessary to maintain their residential character. Outcome: Increase the number of low-income neighborhoods eligible for consideration as local investment areas. • Continue to work with neighborhood groups to identify local needs (including street improvements, neighborhood clean-ups, traffic calming, accessible sidewalks and recreational facilities) and develop strategies responsive to those needs. Page 4B-3 Community Center Project The City of Auburn is working to develop an approximate 20,100 square foot community center building to be used for educational, cultural, social activities and large non- programmed community meeting spaces. The joint-use facility will feature a spacious and welcoming lobby and a large community gathering space for up to 350 people as well as dividable space for recreational activities, programs and classes. The center also includes meeting space/classrooms, lobby, kitchen, restrooms and storage. Area will also include office space, meeting rooms, break room and administrative areas for approximately 20 full-time and seasonal Parks, Arts & Recreation employees. Project Description The City of Auburn is without a dedicated gathering space far a population of over 65,000 people. According to a 2005 Auburn Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan, the City of Auburn should have one Community Center available per 40,000 people and is deficient in this type of facility. The new Community Center will serve the entire community and be open year-round. It would be used for various health, fitness and wellness programs, multi- generational and multi-cultural events, special events, evening family programs, art, craft and music, community education and specialty classes, expanded youth and pre-school programs, meetings and corporate events, and wedding receptions. Benefits for Auburn: • Contribute to comrnunity pride and foster a sense of community - create a community gathering place' for neighbors, family and friends to meet • Offer a broad range of activities promoting social interaction, especially with new residents of Auburn • Provide access to services and recreational alternatives to residential housing surrounding the site for some of Auburn's most economically and ethnically diverse population • Provide maximum flexibility and multiple uses through design; adaptable to changing interests • Provide a facility that is financially feasible, affordable for participants, and can generate revenue ta offset a portion of operating costs Les Gove Park and Community Campus At nearly 21 acres, Les Gove Park is a recreational and educational campus serving the entire community and located in one of Auburn's lowest income census tracts. The cluster of amenities in this campus includes the King County library, Parks and Recreation Administration Building, Senior Activity Center and White River Valley Museum. The campus also includes the popular Rotary Spray Park, a barrier-free playground, public art, bocce courts, horseshoe pits and two softball fields. A half-mile paved trail encircles an attractive bermed and treed area. The City of Auburn offers a diverse population of over 65,000 residents. The Les Gove neighborhood is an area with a diversity of land uses and a diversity of people. The area adjacent to the Community Center includes single-family neighborhoods, multi-family areas, and a retail (commercial) area. Page 4B-4 Chapter 4C: Auburn's Human Service Strategy for 2010-2014 Auburn's Homeless Prevention Strategy A regional and local need that will remain a high priority relative to human services supported by the City of Auburn will be the prevention of homelessness. The City has historically provided funding to several regional and local agencies that provide assistance to homeless families. Through their cooperation, the City strives to maintain the following continuum of care for homeless families: ■ Homeless prevention through the intervention of social service agencies offering food, clothing and financial assistance for rent and utilities and emergency home repairs. ■ Temporary assistance offered by emergency shelters. ■ Transitional housing used to begin stabilizing the family. ■ Longer-term supportive housing to, provide the family a stable environment and sufficient time for them ta benefit from the social, educational, vocational and supportive services offered by local and regional agencies. ■ Transition into affordable, permanent housing. Auburn's Housing Repair Projzram Emergency home repairs are provided by the City of Auburn's Housing Repair Program. Over the past two years, 148 households participated in the City's Home Repair Program. Among these 148 households, 118 (80%) of the units were mobile homes. The median annual income of the„participants was $15,457 per year. The lowest annual income was zero and the highest was $54,351 per year. Approximately 70% of the participants were essentially living in poverty. Approximately 84 clients were served during PY2009. The cost of repairs varied between $30 to $5,400. The'median cost of repairs was $1,508. The most common types of repairs are roofs, water heaters and furnaces. The majority of the program participants are senior citizens. Approximately 64 participants were disabled. Auburn's Housing Repair Program provides a grant of $5,000 to eligible applicants. When circumstances require more expensive home repairs in order to keep the residence habitable, the grant may be increased to $7,500 or, with the approval of the Planning Director, more if the nature of the repairs require it. All applicants for the Housing Repair Program must meet HUD's income eligibility guidelines. In addition, the following selection criteria will apply: Page 4C-1 • Eligibility will be limited to repairs to single family residences at imminent risk of becoming uninhabitable. Repairs will include, but are not limited to, roofs, furnaces, hot water tanks, plumbing and electrical. • Grants are limited to single family residences, including mobile homes in designated parks, located within the city limits of Auburn. • Eligibility will be limited to applicants that earn less than 50% of the King County median household income. Applicants who are senior citizens over the age of 65 years may have no more than $50,000 in liquid assets. Applicants under the age of 65 years may have no more than $10,000 in liquid assets. The estimated value of the dwelling unit to be repaired must be at least three times more than the cost of the emergency home repaixs. • All repairs must be completed within twelve 'months from the date of the grant award. Selected applicants will not be eligible for another housing repair grant for the next five years. City staff plan to explore the feasibility of relocating residents who live in mobile homes that are uninhabitable and do not meet the above criteria; in particular, residences with a value of less than $15,000. In addition to relocation assistance to the homeowner and their family, the program to be developed would need to include the demolition and removal of the dilapidated residence. Auburn's Anti-Poverty Strategy: Over half of Auburn's households would qualify under federal guidelines as low/moderate income households. Auburn has one of the highest poverty rates among all the King County cities. These low-incorne households have limited financial resources at their disposal to use whenfaced with normal fluctuations in daily expenses and more serious life crises. Many of these households are precariously housed and several of them become homeless. Helping these residents retain or obtain housing, along with other supportive services that will help them get out of poverty, remain priority issues relative to the City's consideration for grant awards. The City of Auburn's Department of Planning and Community Development (DPCD) is its lead agency to coordinate the City's efforts to reduce poverty. DPCD administers the City's general fund appropriation for human services and its Community Development Block Grant program. It works in partnership with citizens, non-profit agencies, and other city departments to: • develop housing opportunities, particularly affordable housing; • maintain and improve the vitality of Downtown Auburn. • foster job growth and employment opportunities; • encourage a thriving business sector; Page 4G2 • support the delivery of human services; • strengthen the quality of life in Auburn's neighborhoods; and • increase civic engagement and citizen participation. The ultimate goal of the City's Consolidated Plan is to reduce the number of people living in poverty with the City of Auburn. In addition to complying with federal regulations and addressing a priority outlined in the Consolidated Plan, the City will give funding priority to programs which are consistent with the following anti-poverty strategy for resource allocation. 1. Each project must satisfy one of the three following overriding goals: • The project must help people move out of poverty. • The project must prevent people from entering poverty. ' • The project must address the basic needs of people living in poverty. 2. In making funding decisions, the City will give priority to programs that: • Support, complement or are consistent with other current City plans. • Are sustainable over time. • Have demonstrated cooperation and" collaboration among government, private nonprofit agencies and the private sector to maximize impacts and reduce administrative costs. ' • Do not have a more appropriate source of funds. 3. A priority population for CDBG-funded services is individuals (especially people of color and peoplewith disabilities) who are denied, by poverty and historical institutional practices, the opportunity to develop their full potential and to enjoy the benefits of community participation. The City will give priority to programs provided through organizations or agencies that demonstrate a commitment to making their services accessible to people through diversity training of staff and Boards, through recruitment and hiring of minority staff and Board members, and through efforts to provide services in an accessible and culturally sensitive manner. 4. A priority population for CDBG-funded services is female-headed households with children, who are currently and have historically been disproportionately impacted by poverty. 5. CDBG funded services must, to the fullest extent possible, be appropriate and accessible to people with disabilities, people of color, people with limited or no proficiency in English, and other eligible individuals and families who may face special barriers in accessing services. The City recognizes that while progress is being made in improving access to services and activities, specialized access Page 4C-3 services are likely to continue to be required in certain instances to ensure that priority populations receive the services they need. 6. The CDBG program was built on a premise of citizen participation in the formation of policies, including funding decisions, which address neighborhood and community needs. The City will give priority to programs that promote community initiatives to identify priority needs and to address those needs. Recognizing the limits on the ability of service systems to meet all needs, the City will seek to leverage resources to promote comprehensiue, long-term responses that promote neighborhood self-sufficiency. 7. The City will give priority to programs that provzde services addressing the basic needs of Auburn's most at-risk populations. 8. The City will give priority to programs that build and support the capacity of local organizations to address the needs of Auburn residents. 9. The City will give priority to programs that support economic development and promote access to quality jobs - positions that pay well enough to support an adequate standard of living, allow the purchase of housing and other basic necessities, offer stability and decent working , conditions, and provide opportunities for advancement. Page 4C-4 ~ CITY OF ~ WASHINGTON ~ 2010 Annual Action Plan Update to the City of Auburn's Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development Fiscal Years 2010 - 2014 Draft Copy (IMPORTANT NOTE; Program description and dollar amounts represented in this plan may change subject to the availability of funds and final approval by the Department of Housing and Urban Development.) Planning, Building and Community Development Department ~ 25 West Main Street ~ Auburn, Washington 98001 EQUAL HOUSING (253) 931 - 3090 OPPORTUNITY AUBURN *MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED October 29, 2009 2010 Annual Action Plan , ,EXECUTIVE Each year, the City of Auburn executes specific actions to implement the goals and strategies of the Consolidated Plan for Years 2010 to 2014. Actions that will be undertaken in 2010 are outlined in this "Annual Action Plan". The City of Auburn anticipates the receipt of approximately $405,000 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds in 2010. Auburn's CDBG funds will be combined with approximately $606,500 of General Funds to create a total Human Services budget (including administration) of approximately $1,011,500 in 2010. Human Services is responsible for providing and managing financial resource to more than 30 non-profit agencies that serve the Auburn communiTy, administering the local housing repair program, and developing collaborations among community partners to strengthen the response to residents in need. The 2010 Action Plan proposes to allocate approximately $60,750 of CDBG funds to public services. Most of those funds ($50,750) will be used to provide dental and medical care to uninsured, low income Auburn residents and $10,000 far employment training. Approximately $81,000 of the CDBG funds will be allocated to program administration, which includes planning. The remaining $263,250 will be allocated to housing repair ($72,750), economic development ($37,500), and repayment of a sectipn 108 loan used to construct the City's planned community center at Les Gove ($153,000). The City of Auburn is committed to focusing more on achieving solutions to recurring social problems and achieve greater collaboration among service providers. The Department of Housing and Urban Development has worked to standardize the performance measurements listed in the Consolidated Plan. The 2010 Action Plan combines the changes that both the City of Auburn and HLTD have implemented. Overall the implementation of the 2009 Action Plan is progressing as planned. Most of the activities listed in the 2009 Action Plan are underway. A more detailed report of 2009 activities will be summarized in the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) that will be drafted and released for public review before the end of the first quarter of 2010. CITIZEN • A 1 • ATIO The development of the Annual Action Plan involves both citizen participation and consultation with local service providers. Citizen participation in the planning process began at a joint meeting between the Auburn City Council and Human Services Committee. At this meeting, Council and Committee members identified a series of community results that they would like to achieve through the appropriation of City funds. The City consults with local service providers primarily through the solicitation of applications far Human Services grants. Grant applications prepared by service providers furnishes the City information regarding the goals of the agency, target populations, proposed services, gaps in the delivery of services, linkages to poverty reduction strategies and collaboration with other service providers. This information is reviewed by City staff and the Human Services Committee. 2 October 29, 2009 The Human Services Committee's recommendations were incorporated into the 2010 Action Plan and presented to the City Council's Planning and Community Development (PCD) Committee in September & October 2009. A preliminary draft of the 2010 Action Plan was distributed to all the grant applicants and local service providers. A public notice was issued and posted at City Hall, the Auburn Senior's Center, and the City of Auburn's website on October 2, 2009. This information was also published in The Seattle Times announcing that copies of the proposed 2010 Action Plan were available for public review. The City Council will schedule a public hearing to gather testimony about the plan before it takes action to review and adopt it. The following outlines the remaining steps regarding citizen participation and consultation for the 2010 Action Plan: October 2, 2009: Start of Public Review Process : October 19, 2009: Public Hearing November 2, 2009: End of Public ReviewProceSs Council takes action to adopt the 2010 AnnuaLAction Plan November 15, 2009: Deadline to submit the plan to HUD • ~ kil 1 • 1 • ' 2010 CDBG ESTIMATED RESOURCES In 2009 the City of Auburn received $406,354 of CDBG funds. In 2010 the City estimates that its CDBG funds will decrease slightly from last year'sCDBG entitlement. The 2010 Action Plan includes a contingency plan'in the event that CDBG funds increase ar decrease. CDBG ESTIMATED RESOURCES $405,000 `CDBG 2010 Entitlement (estimated) _ $405,000 Total Estimated CDBG Funds Available in 2010 3 October 29, 2009 OTHER RESOURCES City's General Fund The City of Auburn allocates up to one percent (1%) of its General Fund expenditures to provide human services for Auburn residents through contracts with non-profit agencies. Assuming the City will continue to receive the same amount of general fund revenues, the estimated allocation from General Fund budget for human service grants and city-managed human services programs is $545,600 in 2010. TOTAL RESOURCES Funding Source 2010 CDBG Funds $ 405,000 General Funds $ 545,600 Total Estimated Funds Available $ 950,600 ~CITY O , B . FUNDING PRIORITIES The expressed goal of the City's Consolidated Flan is to reduce the number of people living in poverty with the City of Auburn. Toward this end, the City will give funding priority to programs that - in addition to complying with federal regulations and addressing a priority outlined in the Consolidated Plan' - are consistent with the following anti-poverty strategy for resource allocation. 1. Each project must satisfy one of the three following overriding goals: ■ The project must help people move out of poverty. ■ The project must prevent people from entering poverty. ■ The project must address the basic needs of people living in poverty. 2. In making funding decisions, the City will give priority to programs that: ■ Support, complement or are consistent with other current City plans; ■ Are sustainable over time; ■ Have demonstrated cooperation and collaboration among government, private nonprofit agencies and the private sector to maximize impacts and reduce administrative costs; ■ Do not have a more appropriate source of funds. 3. The City will give priority to programs that provide services addressing the basic needs of Auburn's most at-risk populations. A priority population for CDBG-funded services is individuals who are denied, by poverty and historical institutional practices, the opportunity to develop their full potential and to enjoy the benefits of community participation. 4 October 29, 2009 4. CDBG funded services must, to the fullest extent possible, be appropriate and accessible to people who may face special barriers in accessing services. 5. The CDBG program was built on a premise of citizen participation in the formation of policies, including funding decisions, which address neighborhood and community needs. The City will give priority to programs that promote community initiatives to identify priority needs and to address those needs. 6. The City will give priority to programs that build and support the capacity of local organizations to address the needs of Auburn residents. 7. The City will give priority to programs that support economic development and promote access to quality jobs - positions that pay well enough to support an adequate standard of living, allow the purchase of housing and other basic necessities, offer stability and decent working conditions, and provide opportunities for advancement. 8. Funding prioriTy will be given to agencies that provide direct services to Auburn residents at locations within the city limits of Auburn. COMMUNITY RESULTS 1 ' 1 : OF A : ' The City of Auburn solicited proposals from local service praviders to achieve the community results within the areas listed below. Population performance indicators will be applied to assess the overall success of the effort and the value of ongoing support. These indicators will be utilized to determine the effectiveness: of individual programs that demonstrate improved efficiency for the resident in crisis and proven results in ending the cycle of need. Overall Result: One-Stop Center The City of Auburn wi11 fund human service ' providers' who participate in the design, development and operation of a One-Stop Center in Auburn and the efficient, collaborative and integrated delivery of services it offers. Agencies who agree to participate in the design and development of a One-Stop Center `in Auburn may apply for funding to accomplish one or more of the following community results:` ■ Abused and Neglected Children: The City of Auburn will fund human service providers that increase supportive and collaborative services to children who are neglected and abused, specifically the number of children who are victims of on-going and repeated neglect and abuse,'within the City of Auburn during the next five years. ■ Victims of >Domestic and Sexual Assault: The City of Auburn will fund human service providers that increase supportive and collaborative services for Auburn residents, who are victims of domestic uzolence, that make the transition to a safe environment and self- determining lifest^yle during the next five years. ■ Povertv Reduction: The City of Auburn will fund human service providers, who increase supportive and collaborative services far Auburn residents, with a proven record of working with clients to no longer live in a cycle of poverty during the next five years. ■ Substance Abuse: The City of Auburn will fund human service providers to develop strategies that increase the successful completion of treatment progams by Auburn residents who have serious behavioral and health problems due to substance abuse and chemical dependency during the next five years. 5 October 29, 2009 ■ Physicallv and Mentally Fit: The City of Auburn will fund human service agencies that provide supportive and collabarative services which increase availability, accessibility and use of health care to its low income residents during the next five years. 1 1 ..O.OSED ACTIVITIES O ACHIEVE RESULTS The City of Auburn requested proposals to achieve the following national objectives and community results. Create a Suitable Living Environment: One-Stop Center: Create a suitable living environment for Auburn's low income residents and people with special needs by using its CDBG funds to make availabte flaat loans and Section 108 Loan Guarantees to leverage the funds necessary to develop both a Community Center and determine a future site for the One-Stop Center which will provide for the collocation and integrated delivery of human services. • Abused and Neglected Children: The City of Auburn proposes to allocate approximately $170,000 of its General Fund, to generate approximately 7,700 hours of services and 160 home visits that will benefit 1,657 Auburn adults and children, for the purpose of reducing chronic abuse and neglect of children. • Victims of Domestic and Sexual Assault: The City of Auburn proposes to allocate $106,000 of its General Fund to provide 1,500 referrals for assistance, 160 bednights sheIter, 700 hours of case management and 550 hours of therapy to approximately 600 victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. • Phvsically and Mentally Fit: Create a suitable living environment by making health care available to 160 or more low- income, uninsured Auburn residents by allocating $40,000 of CDBG funds and General Funds to the'Community Health Centers of King County for the operation of its clinic in Auburn. Create a suitable living environment by making dental care available to 75 or more low- income, uninsured Auburn residents by allocating $20,000 of CDBG funds to the Community Health Centers of King County for the operation of its clinic in Auburn. The City proposes to allocate an additional $45,000 of its General Fund for the purpose of creating access to health care to over 1,000 low-income Auburn residents and enabling over 3,200 visits'to qualified health care providers. • Poverty Reduction: The City of Auburn proposes to allocate $60,000 of its General Fund to assist in providing nearly 12,000 Auburn residents emergency assistance such as food, financial assistance, and clothing. The City of Auburn proposes to allocate $16,500 of its General Fund to provide over 60 Auburn seniar citizens congregate meals and home-delivered meals and over 1,200 Auburn residents a weekly meal. 6 October 29, 2009 The City of Auburn proposes to allocate $40,780 of its General Fund to provide over 100 Auburn residents more than 3,900 bednights of emergency shelter and/ar transitional housing. • Substance Abuse: The City of Auburn proposes to rehabilitate a house to be used for the purpose of temparary use primarily by domestic violence victims who reside in Auburn. $28,844 from CDBG Funds will be allocated to rehab the house which will serve to supplement present housing resources which presently exist. The City of Auburn will contract with a local partner to manage the house and its use protocols. The City of Auburn proposes to allocate $10,000 of its General Fund to support a program that provides integrated care to non-Medicaid clients'who require both substance abuse treatment and mental health counseling. Provide Decent Housing: • Maintain the affordability of decent housing for very low-income Auburn residents by allocating $72,750 of CDBG funds to the City of Auburn's Housing Repair Program for the purpose of providing repairs necessary to maintain suitable housing for 20 Auburn homeowners, including 15 homeowners who are senior citizens and 5 homeowners who lack safe access in or out of their homes due to physical disabilities or impairment. Expand Economic Opportunities: • Create economic opportunities by providing the availabiiity and access to counseling and training for approximately 40 Auburn residents who are either trying to sustain or create a small business and, collectively generate 25 or more jobs by allocating $37,500 of CDBG funds to the Green River Community College's Small Business Assistance Center. • Create economic opportunities by,providing the availability and access to train approximately 15 very-low income Auburn residents so that at least half of them can find and sustain a job by allocating $10,000 of CDBG funds to the Multi-Service Center Employment Program. 7 October 29, 2009 1 ' : • • 1 CDBG Funds Proposed CDBG Disbursements 2010 Public Services Community Health Centers: Dental Care $20,000 Community Health Centers: Medical Care $30,750 Muiti-Service Center Employment Program $10,000 subtotal: Public Services $60,750 Capital Funds Affordable Housing City of Auburn Housing Repair Program $72,750 --Suitable Living Environment Community Center debt service $153,000 Economic Development GRCC Small Business Assistance Center $37,500 subtotal: Capital Funds $263,250 Administration Program Management CityofAuburn D.P.B.C. $81,000 Subtotal: Administration $81,000 Total CDBG `Funds: $405,000 Source of CDBG'Funds: 2010 2010 Estimated Entitlement: $405,000 Total Estimated CDBG Funds $405,000 8 October 29, 2009 General Funds 2010 Auburn Human Service Agencies: 2010 ACAP: APPLE Parentin 5,000 ACAP: Childcare Subsidies 25,000 Auburn Youth Resources 55,000 Birth to Three Develo ment Center 10,000 Auburn Bo s& Girls Club 30,000 CHS: Famil Resource Center 25,000 CHS: Stren thenin Families Pro 'ram 10,000 ' Children's Thera Center 10,000 Communities In Schools 4,000 subtotaL• 174,000 Consejo 10,000 Crisis Clinic: 2-1-1 Line, 24'Hr.,:Teen Link 3,000 DAWN 9;000 KCSARC ' 22,500 Jubilee Center; Latino Pro ram 7,500 ...'SMH: Behavioral Responsibility Program 10,000 SMH: DV PROGRAM 7,000 VCCC: Survivor Su ort/Thera Pro ram 12,000 --YWCA: Children DV Services 5,000 `YWCA: DV Services 20,000 subtotaL 106,000 Auburn Res ite 10,000 Christ Communit Free Clinic 20,000 Communit Health Centers: Medical 8,536 GriefWorks 10,000 Senior Services Vol. Trans ortation 5,000 VCCC: COD Treatment 10,000 subtotal: 63,536 9 October 29, 2009 General Funds 2010 (Continued) Auburn Human Service Agencies: 2010 AFB: Emer enc Food 35,000 AFB: Communit Su ers 5,000 St. Vincent de Paul: Emer enc Assist. 5,000 CCS: CHORE Pro ram 1,500 CCS: HOME/ARISE 15,000 Senior Center: Comm. Dinin 4,500 SS: Meals on Wheels ; 7,000 . MSC: Emer & Transitional Housin 8,000 Pre nanc Aid 5,000 United Wa : Auburn Tax Pre aration 5,000 Ukranian Comm. Center 7;500 WWEE: REACH ' 8,000 YWCA: Emer enc Housin ` 3,780 YWCA: Transitional Housin 14,000 subtotal: 124,280 Total GF'Human Services Contracts $467,816 • ' • ~ • Total appropriations may not exceed actual revenues and no liability is to be incurred in excess of appropriations. In the event that actual revenues are different than the revenues estimated by the CDBG budget, the following actions shall be taken: (a) CDBG Public Service Programs: In the event the City receives a lesser amount of CDBG funding than budgeted' for public services, then the reduction will be made as follows: 1. Reduce or eliminate the appropriation to the Multi-Service Center's Employment Program by $10,000 or the amount of the funding reduction, which ever amount is less. 2. Reduce the appropriation to Community Health Centers Medical Care Program by $30,750 or the remaining balance of the reduction, which ever amount is less. (b) CDBG Capital-Funds Pro rg ams: In the event of a reduction in CDBG capital funds, the amount of reduction will be prorated evenly among the funded project. (c) Unspent CDBG Capital Grants: The funds appropriated to subrecipients for capital improvements must be expended within the term of the subrecipient's CDBG grant 10 October 29, 2009 agreement. CDBG funds appropriated for capital improvements will be considered abandoned, and the funds will be re-appropriated, if any of the following conditions exist: (a) The term of the grant agreement expires and the subrecipient fails to request an extension in accardance with the terms of the agreement. (b) The subrecipient fails to submit a request for reimbursement or fails to submit an activity report during the program year. (c) The subrecipient fails to make the project "bid ready" within the first year after the appropriation. "Bid ready" means that, at a minimum, the bid specifications are drafted and the subrecipient is ready to solicit bids. (d) General Fund Public Services: 1. Reduction of General Fund Revenues: In the event of a reduction in the general fund appropriation for human services, the reductions will be applied in the following order: (a) Communities In Schools: the lesser of $2,000 or the amount of the reduction. (b) St. Matthew's Jubilee Center's Latino Program: the lesser of $2,500 or the remaining amount of the reduction. (c) CHORE Program: the lesser of $3,500 or the remaining amount of the reduction. (d) GriefWorks: the lesser of $2,500 ar the remaining amount of the reduction. (e) If the above reductions remain less than the total amount of the general fund reduction, then the remaining amount of the reduction will be applied evenly by a prorated amount among the remaining appropriations. 2. Increase in Funding: In the event of an increase in funding, then previous reductions in' appropriated amounts, if any, will be restored to the amounts recommended for ' 2010 in the reverse order in which the above reductions were made. If funds remain after all reductions have been restored, then the remaining funds will be distributed according to the allocation recommended by the Planning and Community Development Committee and approved by the City Council. ' ' HOUSING The City of Auburn continues to monitor compliance with the Fair Housing Act. Complaints are referred to the Washington State Human Rights Commission for resolution. In 2006, the City completed an Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (AI) as required for CDBG entitlement communities. The Fair Housing Consultant identified three impediments and made three recommendations. The recommendations were: • Expand current education and outreach efforts; • Continue ongoing enforcement activities; and • Target homeownership and lending marketing to minority households. 11 October 29, 2009 The City is in the process of implementing these recommendations. Information about Fair Housing will be put on the City of Auburn's website and made available at City Hall. The information will include links pertaining to where residents can file a complaint in the event of alleged discrimination. Information will be available in English and Spanish. Summary data regarding the number of fair housing complaints filed against landlords and realtors in Auburn will be reported in the CAPER. ' ' HOUSING The City of Auburn continues to support public housing communities located within its city limits. Many of the residents who receive the services provided by the City's human service grants live in public housing communities. Two grant reeipients_, are located within public housing communities. In addition, the City of Auburn`s Housing Repair program serves approximately 10 - 12 residents per year who live at Tall Cedars Mobile Home Park, which is owned by the King County Housing Authority. Home repairs include furnaces, hot water tanks, wheelchair ramps and other repairs necessary to keep the home habitable. The following summarizes the grants provided to specific public housing communities: Agency/Program Public Housing'Community Amount Auburn Boys & Girls Club Firwoad Circle $30,000 Auburn Food Bank Burndale ' $35,000 Housing Repairs Tall Cedars Mobile Home Park $50,000 Total: Public Housing Community Programs ` $115,000 HOMELESSNESS The City of Auburn will continue to provide funding to regional and local agencies that provide assistance to homeless fatnilies. In 2010 the City will strive to maintain a continuum of care for homeless families that includes emergency assistance, emergency she(ters and transitional housing. In addition, the City provides funds for the provision of inedical care, childcare and employment training to help prevent people from becoming homeless. The City of Auburn plans to allocate $49,780 of its General Fund to provide more than 4,000 bednights of emergency shelter and/or transitional housing to approximately 120 Auburn residents. The following summarizes the grants awarded with the intent to reduce chronic homelessness: Agency / Program Award Residents Services Provided DAWN Confidential Shelter $9,000 15 160 bednights Multi-Service Center $8,000 29 870 bednights HOME/ARISE Emergency Shelter $15,000 30 1,650 bednights YWCA Emergency & Transitional Housing $17,780 46 1,400 bednights Total: $49,780 120 4,080 bednights 12 October 29, 2009 • D ' • UTI CDBG funds spent on neighborhood revitalization and housing repairs for targeted neighborhoods will occur within the Census Tract 306 and Census Tract 307. Accarding to the Census Bureau, these two census tracts are predominantly low income with median household incomes less than 80% of the King County median household income. Public services funded with CDBG funds and housing repairs in non-targeted neighborhoods will be offered to low income or limited clientele residents citywide. AD ;ASED •AINT HAZARD The City of Auburn will continue to implement U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations to protect young children from lead-based paint hazards in housing that is financially assisted by the federal government. The requirements apply only to housing built before 1978, the year lead-based paint was banned nationwide for consumer use. The following table summarizes actions required,by these regulations. Amount of Grant <$5,000 $5,004425,000 > $25,000 General Approach Do No Harm Identify and control Identify and abate lead hazards lead hazards Notification Pamphlet Pamphlet & Natice of Pamphlet & Notice of Assessment Hazard Reduction Evaluation Visual Paint Testing Risk Assessment Repair surfaces Abatement and Reduction Strategy disturbed during Interim Controls Interim Controls rehab work CA" ' • A •'DAC HOUSING The City of Auburn will continue to look at policies that remove barriers to affordable housing. The City of Auburn's Comprehensive Land Use includes several policies and objectives that will guide the City toward achieving its affordable and fair housing goals. These policies include maintaining flexibility in land use to achieve a balanced mix of affordable housing opportunities. The City will continue to pursue mixed use developments that are consistent with the transportation oriented developments located in Auburn's downtown. The City will look for opportunities with publie and private agencies to implement policies and offer programs that help alleviate physical and economic distress, conserve energy resources, improve the quality and quantity of community services, and eliminate conditions that are detrimental to health, safety and public welfare. • •D 'A • BENEFITS Over the past three years approximately 88% of the clients served by programs funded with CDBG funds earned low to moderate incomes. The beneficiaries of programs funded in 2010 13 October 29, 2009 with CDBG funds are not expected to deviate from these past trends. The City of Auburn will continue to distribute its funds for human services based on priority needs identified for people with low-to-moderate incomes with a particular emphasis on people who live in poverty. POLICIES AND ' A • Agencies applying far CDBG funds are required to respond to general and program specific polices in their applications. All projects are evaluated to determine if they are: 1. Eligible relative to federal guidelines; 2. Consistent with the program objectives and strategies; 3. Consistent with local, state and federal regulations;; 4. Feasible within contract and timeline guidelines; and 5. Capable of developing and measuring outcomes. These policies include, among others: • Consistency with local codes and polieies;: • Restrictions on the change of use of property andbuildings which were acquired or improved with CDBG fundsa ; • Minimization of displacementand the provision of relocation assistance; • Adherence to federal wage rates; • Compliance with federal audit requirements; and • Adherence to and enforeement of lead-based paint abatement regulations, fair housing Iaws and affirmatiive action. D• ATION AND ON-SITE MONITORING Detailed records are maintained andreviewed to determine and assure agency compliance with its contract and other applicable regulations. Deficiencies in record keeping are documented and technical assistance to correct noted deficiencies is provided. The failure to comply with contractual requirements and regulations could result in remedial actions and/or the termination of funding. FISCAL AUDITS The City conducts an internal audit to ensure that its records are complete and agencies are complying with applicable rules and regulations. In addition, the City's records are subject to an independent annual audit by the State Auditor. Both the City's internal audit and the State Auditor test to determine the City's compliance with the following CDBG requirements: • Political Activity; ■ Federal Financial Reports; ■ Davis-Bacon and Related Acts; ■ Allowable Costs & Cost Principles; ' ■ Civil rights; ■ Drug-Free Warkplace Act; and ■ Cash Management; ■ Various administrative requirements. 14 A • For more information and/or to get on the City's mailing list for Consolidated Plan updates and grant applications, please contact: Michael Hursh, Human Services Manager Department of Administration 25 West Main Street, Auburn, WA 98001 Phone: (253) 804-5029 Email: mhursh@auburnwa.gov AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED