HomeMy WebLinkAboutVarious AgreementsA 3 . «.S ~ CITY OF * For office use onry . AtiBURN ~~1 (3 Contract No. ~~AL WASHINGTON CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICOOj 13 LAC03 The City of Auburn agrees to contract: CITY Q~ AUBURN Vincent Morris Phone: (253) 859-92M','1~ CLEAKS QFFICE 3611 "I" ST NE SPC 292 AUBURN, WA 98002 USA The contractor is required to perform the following services: Class Titie Barcode Starts Ends From Until Facility Room Cascade Golfers 30810 4/21/09 6/9/09 2:OOA 4:15P Cascade Middle SchiCAFETERIA f Y, Instructor Compensation q Class Title Barcode Rate Amount Class Min. Class Max. ~ Cascade Golfers 30810 $200.00 Per Course 6 13 t'he contractor is responsible tbr preparing a class outline and supply list, conducting the program on said dates, preparing and teaching the class/activit), cleaning up the facilities used, and providing an evaluation of the program. 'rhe contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered by the date indicated on the Invoice for the number of participants registered at the end of the session. The agreed fee will be paid in 1 payment if the class/activity meets 10 weeks or less, or will be paid in 2 payments if the class/activity meets I 1 weeks or more. I'he City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all reg,istrations 48 hours prior to the tirst class with the contractor. The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis for any classes/activities the City must prepare and conduct. Contraetor shall defend. indemnify and hold the City, its ofticers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries. damages, losses or suits including aCtorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 er seq., for Chemselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/her contractual involvement with the City. Contractors instructing classes and/or activities may be required to provide a Certiticate of fnsurance evidencing Commercial General Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000, combined single limit per occurrence. The City of Auburn is to be named as additionally insured on the Certificate of Insurance. Contractor is responsible for verifying with the Recreation Coordinator if a Certificate of Insurance is required. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Staff for any substitutions, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed services. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. I'he Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income lax and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The Contraetor understands tha[ he/she is not entitled to any benefits provided by an empioyer to employees including but not limited to disability and unemployment insurance. 'I'he City of Auburn and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of the date signed below. Your contract must be signed and returned at least 3 business d4ys prior to the tirst scheduled class/activity. x: /A q_O&S~. A > h-,L~ ~ Vin ent Morris Contractor Date: x: rtment 1 34) D te: A IFW 30-Sep-09, 06:25 AM , A?j . I L. .S * * For office use only CITY OF AtfBuRN O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ AL Con#ract No. WASHINGTON QCT ~ 3 CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT FOR PROFESS I ONAL sERV IcESCITypFAUBURN The City of Aubum agrees to contract: i~~~ ~I_FRKS OFFICE Don Gardner 8108 181 ST AVE E BONNEY LAKE, WA 98391 USA The contractor is required to perform the following services: Class Title Barcode Starts TEEN AND ADULT GUITAR (Beginning) 31098 9/17/09 Instructor Compensation Class Title Barcode TEEN AND ADULT GUITAR (Beginning) 31098 Phone: (253) 862-6811 Ends From Untii Facility 10/22/096:OOP 7:OOP Senior Center Room M3 Rate Amount Class Min. Class Max. $35.00 Per Student 6 17 The contractor is responsible for preparing a class outline and supply list, conducting the program on said dates, preparing and teaching the class/activity, cleaning up the facilities used, and providing an evalua[ion of the program. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered by the date indicated on the Invoice for the number of participants registered at the end of the session. The agreed fee will be paid in 1 payment if the class/activity meets 10 weeks or less, or will be paid in 2 payments if the class/activity meets 1 1 weeks or more. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all registrations 48 hours prior to the first class with the contractor. The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis for any classes/activities the City must prepare and conduct. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Giminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 er seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/her contractual involvement with the City. Contractors instructing classes and/or activities may be required to provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing Commercial General LiabiliYy insurance with limits no less than $ 1,000,000, combined single limit per occurrence. The City of Auburn is to be named as additionally insured on the Certificate of Insurance. Contractor is responsible for verifying with the Recreation Coordinator if a Certiticate of Insurance is required. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Staff for any substitutions, changes, or cancellations in [he above-named perf'ormed services. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contrac[or and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contrac[or shall be responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax and social security [o the applicable federal and state agencies. The Contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disability and unemployment insurance. The City of Auburn and cror have executed this agreement as of the date signed below. Your contract must be signed and returned at least 3 business d s..pKt irs s heduled class/activity. x: 10%/~~1 on ar r Contractor Date: ql3'~' c I o ~ rtment Date: X~ Date: 30-Sep-09, 07:00 AM cl,#~ ~ . ~L CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The City of Auburn agrees to contract: Ellen Ito 123 No akima #205 4~ T a, WA 98403 ~ a ~Wf} R To perform the following professional services: Instruct WINTER WONDERLAND: :PANEL COLLAGE, CLASS 31064 on Thursday, October 8, 2009 from 6:-- pm to 9:00 pm, at the Auburn Senior Activity Center, 808 Ninth Street SE Instructor Compensation: The agreed fee to be paid is a flat fee of: $275.00. The agreed fee will be paid in 1 payment(s) at the conclusion of the class on the normal schedule of payments used by the City Financiai Department. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered. The minimum number of participants is 8 with a maximum of 30 per class. The contractor is responsible for preparing a ciass outline and supply list, conducting the program on said dates, preparing and teaching the fundamentals, cleaning up the facilities used, and providing an evaluation of the program at the conclusion of the program. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all class registrations 48 hours prior to the first class with the contractor. The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis for any classes the City must prepare and conduct for the contractor. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the negligent acts, errors, or omissions of the Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 er seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/er contractual involvement with the City. Contractors instructing classes and/or activities may be required to provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing Commercial General Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence. The City of Auburn is to be named as additionally insured on the Certificate of Insurance. Contractor is responsible for verifying with the Recreation Coordinator if a Certificate of Insurance is required. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Staff for any substitutes, changes, or cancellations in the above- named performed service. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax, and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any of the benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disability and unemployment insurance. The City of Auburn and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of the date signed below. Your contract must be signe ed at least 3 business days prior to the first scheduled class/activity. Ellen Ito Date Daryl Faber, Director, Parks, Arks & Recreation Department Date Maija M(night, Visu Pu lic Arts Coordinator Date ~ cirY oF 0 AlOURN WASH WGTON CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The Ciry of Auburn agrees Eva Van Norman 2901 57"' ST SE Auburn, WA 98092 The contractor is required to perform the following services: Senior Center Volleyball - 2009 The contractor is required to perform said services during the 2009 season. Commitment will include, but not be strictly limited to, the following practices and games at the Mormon Church Gym: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon October 20, 2009 - December 22, 2009 Class Number 31253 Instructor Compensation: The agreed fee to be paid is $575.00 for the 2009. The agreed fee will be paid in 1 payment. The contractor is responsible for: coaching; working with Senior Center Recreation Coordinator on league scheduling and other team issues; assuring that the rules are followed; administering emergency first aid procedures as required; providing a program evaluation at the conclusion of the season. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all registrations 48 hours prior to the first class with the contractor. The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis for any classes/activities the City must prepare and conduct. The City will provide support services (Senior Center brochure, program flyers, etc.) to the contractor regarding the program. The City will provide working references for the contractor upon request. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negiigence of the City. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 er seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/her contractual involvement with the City. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Staff for any substitutions, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed services. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The Contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disabili'ty and unemployment insurance. The City of Auburn and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of the date signed below. x: Contractor x: ..r~- r•. ry l Fab r a,ks and Recreation Director X: R ky Kirwiin, Recreation Coordinator Date: Date: ~6 ItIf q, z0 Date Az I (o ,S ~ ~~TY~~ ~ . o~~~~~a~ A~ BURN ~~~~~~GToN CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The City of Auburn agrees to contract Vincent Morris Phone: (253) 859-9220 4821 Kent Desmoines RD Apt. 434 KENT, WA 98032 USA The contractor is required to perform the following services: Class Title Barcode Starts Ends From Until Facility Room Cascade Golfers 30810 4/21/09 6/9/09 2:OOA 4:15P Cascade Middle SchooICAFETERIA Golf-Adult 30235 ✓ 5/5/09 5/21/09 6:OOP 7:OOP Golf Course Practice Area Golf-Adult 30240 ✓ 6/1/09 6/17/09 6:OOP 7:OOP Golf Course Practice Area Golf-Adult 30236 ✓ 6/2/09 6/18/09 6:OOP 7:OOP Golf Course Practice Area Golf-Adult 30241 V 6/29/09 7/20/09 6:OOP 7:OOP Golf Course Practice Area Golf-Adult 30237 v,: 6/30/09 7/16/09 6:OOP 7:OOP Golf Course Practice Area Golf-Adult 30238 8/4/09 8/20/09 6:OOP 7:OOP Golf Course Practice Area Golf-Adult 30239 ~ 9/1/09 9/17/09 6:OOP 7:OOP Golf Course Practice Area Instructor Compensation Class Title Barcode Rate Amount Class Min. Class Max. Cascade Golfers 30810 $200.00 Per Course 6 13 Golf-Adult 30235 $12.00 Per Student 5 15 Golf-Adult 30236 $12.00 Per Student 5 15 Golf-Adult 30237 $12.00 Per Student 5 15 Golf-Adult 30238 $12.00 Per Student 5 16 Golf-Adult 30239 $12.00 Per Student 5 20 Golf-Adult 30240 $12.00 Per Student 5 15 Golf-Adult 30241 $12.00 Per Student 5 15 The contractor is responsible for preparing a class outline and supply list, conductin g the program on said dates , preparing and teaching the class/activiry, cleaning up the facilities used, and providing an evaluation of the pro gram. The contractor is req uired to invoice the City for services rendered by the date indicated on the Invoice for the number of participants registered at the end of the session. The agreed fee wili be paid in 1 payment if the class/activity meets 10 weeks or less, or will be paid in 2 payments i f the class/activiry mee[s 1 1 weeks or more. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all registrations 48 hours prior to the first class with the contractoc The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis for any dasses/activities the City m ust prepare and conduct. Conuactor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 er seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentalty disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/her contractual involvement with the Ciry. Contractors instructing classes and/or activities may be required to provide a Certificate of [nsurance evidencing Commercial General Liability insurance with limits no less than $I,OOQOOQ combined single limit per occurrence. The Ciry of Aubum is to be named as additionally insured on the Certificate of Insurance. Contractor is responsible for verifying with the Recreation Coordinator if a Certificate of Insurance is required. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Staff for any substitutions, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed services. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands [hat he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole controi of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for reporting his/her hours, eamings, income tax and social security to the appiicable federal and state agencies. The Contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disabiliry and unemployment insurance. The City of Aubum and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of the date signed below. Your contract must be signed and returned at least 3 business days prior to the first scheduled class/activiry. 05-Jun-09, 12:19 PM to ~ 5~011 Date: a,Gti/ti ct Date: f / Dat~ , 05-Jun-09, 12:19 PM Daryl Faber, Qirector; Parks, Arts& Recreation Department 1 Rick Bruya .-Recreation Coordinator A, Contract No. SC CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The City of Auburn agrees to contract: Angela Rash 3002 196t' AVE CT E Sumner, WA 98391 to perform the following professional services: Enhance Fitness Instructor The contractor is required to pertorm said instructional services at the Senior Center on: ENHANCE FITNESS (30900) Mon, Wed, Fri July 1, 2009 - July 31, 2009 8:15 - 9:15 AM No Class July 3 ENHANCE FITNESS (30901) Mon, Wed, Fri July 1, 2009 - July 31, 2009 8:15 - 9:15 AM No Class July 3 ENHANCE FITNESS (30902) Mon, Wed, Fri Aug. 3, 2009 - Aug. 31, 2009 8:15 - 9:15 AM ENHANCE FITNESS (30903) Mon, Wed, Fri Aug. 3, 2009 - Aug. 31, 2009 8:15 - 9:15 AM ENHANCE FTTNESS (30896) Mon, Wed, Fri Sept. 2, 2009 - Sept. 30, 2009 8:15 - 9:15 AM No Class Sept. 7 ENHANCE FITNESS (30897) Mon, Wed, Fri Sept. 2, 2009 - Sept. 30, 2009 8:15 - 9:15 AM No Class Sept. 7 The contractor is also responsible for obtaining a class list, having participants sign waiver form, taking attendance at the program and reporting any discrepancies to the Recreation Coordinator. The agreed fee to be paid is $17.00 per senior participant for 30900, 30902, and 30896; and $3.00 per Group Health participant for 30901, 30903, and 30897. The agreed fee will be paid in 3 payments. The minimum number of participants for classes is 3, with a maximum of 35 participants per class. The contractor is responsible for preparing a class outline and supply list, conducting the program on said dates, preparing and teaching the fundamentals, cleaning up the facilities used, and providing an evaluation of the program at the conclusion of the program. The City may terminate all or part of this contract, with or without cause, at any time. The City will finalize all class registration two (2) business days prior to the first class with the contractor. The City will provide support services (Senior Center brochure, program flyers, etc.) to the contractor regarding the program. The City will provide working references for the contractor upon request. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Recreation Coordinator for any substitutes, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed service. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor hereby agrees to save the City harmless from all loss or damage occasioned to it or to any third person or property by reason of any negligent acts or omissions on the part of the contractor, his or her employees, or person working directly or indirectly in the performance of the contract including joint acts or omissions, and shall give the City prompt notice of any such damage, loss or injury. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 et seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/her employment or involvement with the City. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax, and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The Contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any of the benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to, disability and unemployment insurance. Th ity of Auburn and the Contractor e executed this agreement as of May 28, 2009. Angela Rash, ontractor Director, Parks, Arts and Recreation Department `2 Rocky ' in, Recreation Coordinator The City of Auburn agrees to contract: Harts Gymnastic Center 4520 B ST NW #C AUBURN, WA 98001 USA The contractor is required to perform the following services: Class Title Barcode Starts 6(lLr1Gelk~ 31048 10/6/09 PRESCHOOL GYMNASTICS 31049 11/3/09 PRESCHOOL GYMNASTICS 31050 12/1/09 Instructor Compensation Class Title PRESCHOOL GYMNASTICS PRESCHOOL GYMNASTICS PRESCHOOL GYMNASTICS Phone: (253) 520-1973 Ends From Until 10/27/096:OOP 6:45P 11/24/096:OOP 6:45P 12/15/096:OOP 6:45P Barcode Rate Amount 31048 $35.00 Per Student 31049 $35.00 Per Student 31050 $24.00 PerStudent Facility Room Harts Gymnastics CeGYMNASIUM Harts Gymnastics CeGYMNASIUM Harts Gymnastics CeGYMNASIUM Class Min. Class Max. 4 8 4 8 4 8 The contractor is responsible for preparing a class outline and supply list, conducting the program on said dates, preparing and teaching the class/activity, cleaning up the facilities used, and providing an evaluation of the program. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered by the date indicated on the Invoice for the number of participants registered at the end of the session. The agreed fee will be paid in i payment if the class/activity meets 10 weeks or less, or will be paid in 2 payments if the class/activity meets 1 1 weeks or more. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all registrations 48 hours prior to the first class with the contractor. The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis for any classes/activities the City must prepare and conduct. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the negligerit acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 er seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/her contractual involvement with the City. Contractors instructing classes and/or activities may be required to provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing Commercial General Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000, combined single limit per occurrence. The City of Auburn is to be named as additionally insured on the Certificate of Insurance. Contractor is responsible for verifying with the Recreation Coordinator if a Certificate of Insurance is required. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Stafffor any substitutions, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed services. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The Contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disability and unemployment insurance. The City of Auburn and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of the date signed below. Your contract must be signed and returned at least 3 busfiwsg, da~ys prior to the rst scheduled lass/activity. x: ~ 16ALD Ha ymnastic Cen er Contractor Date: x: ~ ( t~ ~ o S Da°ryl Faber, Director, Parks, Arts & Recreation Department Date: x: Pa Gallion Recreation Coordinator Date: 17-Aug-09, 03:26 PM A J «.S The City of Auburn agrees to contract: Harts Gymnastic Center 4520 B ST NW #C AUBURN, WA 98001 USA The contractor is required to perform the following services: Class Title Barcode Starts PARENT TOT GYMNASTICS PARENT TOT GYMNASTICS PARENT TOT GYMNASTICS Instructor Compensation Class Title PARENT TOT GYMNASTICS PARENT TOT GYMNASTICS PARENT TOT GYMNASTICS Phone: (253) 520-1973 Ends From Until Facility Room 31031 10/5/09 10/26/0910:OOA 10:45A Harts Gymnastics CeGYMNASIUM 31032 11/2/09 11/23/0910:OOA 10:45A Harts Gymnastics CeGYMNASIUM 31033 12/7/09 12/21/0910:OOA 10:45A Harts Gymnastics CeGYMNASIUM Barcode Rate Amount 31031 $35.00 Per Student 31032 $35.00 Per Student 31033 $24.00 Per Student Class Min. Class Max. 4 16 4 16 4 16 The contractor is responsible for preparing a class outline and supply list, conducting the program on said dates, preparing and teaching the class/activity, cleaning up the facilities used, and providing an evaluation of the program. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered by the date indicated on the Invoice for the number of participants registered at the end of the session. The agreed fee will be paid in 1 payment if the class/activity meets 10 weeks or less, or will be paid in 2 payments if the class/activity meets 11 weeks or more. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all registrations 48 hours prior to the first class with the contractor. The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis for any classes/activities the City must prepare and conduct. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 er seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/her contractual involvement with the City. Contractors instructing classes and/or activities may be required to provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing Commercial General Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000, combined single limit per occurrence. The City of Auburn is to be named as additionally insured on the Certificate of Insurance. Contractor is responsible for verifying with the Recreation Coordinator if a Certificate of Insurance is required. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Staff for any substitutions, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed services. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The Contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disability and unemployment insurance. The City of Auburn and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of the date signed below. Your contract must be signed and returned at least 3 business days prior to the first scheduled class/activity. x: /0 S 4 ~ J H ymnastic Cen er Contractor Date: x: -?It -2l o~L Daryl Fabe'r, Director, Parks, Arts & Recreation Department Date: X: Pa Gallion Recreation Coordinator Date: 17-Aug-09, 03:30 PM The City of Auburn agrees to contract Harts Gymnastic Center Phone: (253) 520-1973 4520 B ST NW #C AUBURN, WA 98001 USA The contractor is required to perform the following services: Class Title Barcode Starts Ends From Until Facility Room HOLIDAY GYMNASTIC CAMP 31053 12/28/09 12/30/098:OOA 3:OOP Harts Gymnastics CeGYMNASIUM HOLIDAY GYMNASTIC CAMP 31071 12/28/09 12/30/098:OOA 3:OOP Harts Gymnastics CeGYMNASIUM HOLIDAY GYMNASTIC CAMP 31072 12/28/09 12/30/098:OOA 3:OOP Harts Gymnastics CeGYMNASIUM Instructor Compensation Class Title Barcode Rate Amount Class Min. Class Max. HOLIDAY GYMNASTIC CAMP 31053 $90.00 Per Student 4 12 HOLIDAY GYMNASTIC CAMP 31071 $65.00 Per Student 4 12 HOLIDAY GYMNASTIC CAMP 31072 $57.00 Per Student 4 12 The contractor is responsible for preparing a class outline and supply list, conducting the program on said dates, preparing and teaching the class/activity, cleaning up the facilities used, and providing an evaluation of the program. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered by the date indicated on the Invoice for the number of participants registered at the end of the session. The agreed fee will be paid in 1 payment if the class/activity meets 10 weeks or less, or will be paid in 2 payments if the class/activity meets 11 weeks or more. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all registrations 48 hours prior to the first class with the contractor. The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis for any classes/activities the City must prepare and conduct. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 er seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/her contractual involvement with the City. Contractors instructing classes and/or activities may be required to provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing Commercial General Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000, combined single limit per occurrence. The City of Auburn is to be named as additionally insured on the Certificate of Insurance. Contractor is responsible for verifying with the Recreation Coordinator if a Certificate of Insurance is required. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Staff for any substitutions, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed services. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The Contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disability and unemployment insurance. The City of Auburn and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of the date signed below. Your contract must be signed and returned at least 3 busi s days prior to the first scheduled class/activity. 1 X: /e) S 4~ Ha s Gymnastic Center Contractor Date: ' x: x--)t \ 31 ! VoS Dary, irector,' arks, Arts & Recreation Department Date: x: LA /D Pam a'on Recreation Coordinator Date: 17-Aug-09, 03:07 PM A~3-(6 •5 The City of Auburn agrees to contract Harts Gymnastic Center Phone: (253) 520-1973 4520 B ST NW #C AUBURN, WA 98001 USA The contractor is required to perform the following services: Class Title Barcode Starts Ends From )m PARENT'S SHOPPING NIGHT OUT 31051 12/21/09 12/21/096:OOP U ~ 7 200.0 NASIUM PARENT'S SHOPPING NIGHT OUT 31060 12/21/09 12/21/096:OOP C`n pF AI~URN NASIUM PARENT'S SHOPPING NIGHT OUT 31061 12/21/09 12/21/096:OOP NASIUM GYMNASTICS - OPEN GYM 31052 12/22/09 12/22/095:OOP G~W CLERK+~ ~~~ICE NASIUM GYMNASTICS- OPEN GYM 31068 12/22/09 12/22/095:OOP INASIUM GYMNASTICS - OPEN GYM 31069 12/22/09 12/22/095:OOP 8:OOP Harts Gymnastics CeGYMNASIUM Instructor Compensation Class Title Barcode Rate Amount Class Min. Class Max. GYMNASTICS - OPEN GYM 31052 $11.00 Per Student 4 12 GYMNASTICS - OPEN GYM 31068 $9.50 Per Student 4 12 GYMNASTICS - OPEN GYM 31069 $7.00 Per Student 4 12 PARENT'S SHOPPING NIGHT OUT 31051 $18.00 Per Student 4 12 PARENT'S SHOPPING NIGHT OUT 31060 $13.00 Per Student 4 12 PARENT'S SHOPPING NIGHT OUT 31061 $12.50 Per Student 4 12 The contractor is responsible for preparing a class outline and supply list, conducting the program on said dates, preparing and teaching the class/activity, cleaning up the facilities used, and providing an evaluation of the program. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered by the date indicated on the Invoice for the number of participants registered at the end of the session. The agreed fee will be paid in 1 payment if the class/activity meets 10 weeks or less, or will be paid in 2 payments if the class/activity meets 11 weeks or more. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all registrations 48 hours prior to the first class with the contractor. The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis for any classes/activities the City must prepare and conduct. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 er seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/her contractual involvement with the City. Contractors instructing classes and/or activities may be required to provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing Commercial General Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000, combined single limit per occurrence. The City of Auburn is to be named as additionally insured on the Certificate of Insurance. Contractor is responsible for verifying with the Recreation Coordinator if a Certificate of Insurance is required. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Staff for any substitutions, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed services. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The Contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disability and unemployment insurance. The City of Auburn and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of the date signed below. Your contract must be signed and returned at least 3 busi ays prior tq.the first s heduled class/activity. x: ~ Harts ymnastic Center Contractor Date: x: ',21 Daryl Faber, irector, Parks, Arts & Recreation Department Date: x: ~ 0014'61r-- 1~~~-' P m Gallio Recreation Coordinator Date: 17-Aug-09, 03:08 PM Contract No.: CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The City of Auburn Parks and Recreation Department agrees to contract: Dan McBroom, Assigner King County Umpire's Association 605 Cedar DR SE Auburn, WA 98002 To perform the following professional senrices: Provide officials for the Auburn Parks, Arts and Recreation Department youth soccer program. The contractor is required to perform said services as scheduled by the Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation Department. The agreed fee to be paid is for a single official at the following rate: $13.00 per game for Grade 2"d - 5th when playing multiple games and $16.00 when playing single games; $40.00 per game for Grades 6-8 when playing multiple games; $50.00 per game for Grades 6-8 when playing single games. The work will be performed according to the schedule provided. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered. Should King County Umpire's Association be unable to provide an referee for a scheduled game, King County Umpire's Association shall notify the Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation Department no less than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the game's scheduled start. King County Umpire's Association agrees to pay the Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation Department a fee of $10.00 per game and shall waive game fee(s) for failure to provide referee services without said timely notification. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employeesand volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 er seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/her contractual involvement with the City. Contractors instructing classes and/or activities may be required to provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing Commercial General Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000, combined single limit per occurrence. The City of Auburn is to be named as additionally insured on the Certificate of Insurance and a copy of the endorsement naming the City as additional insured shall be attached to the CertiFcate oflnsurance. Contractor is responsible for verifying with the Recreation Coordinator if a Certificate of Insurance is required. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Recreation Coordinator for any substitutes, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed service. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax, and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any of the benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disability and unemployment insurance. The City of Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation Department and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of ,Augt 15, 2009. ` ~ ntractor " ~ Director, Parks, Arts & Recreation Department Rick Bruva, RecreatiorT'Cizator The City of Auburn agrees to contract: Rick Geist 19237 MAPLE VALLEY HWY MAPLE VALLEY, WA 98038 USA The contractor is required to perform the following services: Class Title Barcode Starts Phone: (425) 432-9054 Ends From Until Facility Room INTRODUCTION TO AIKIDO INTRODUCTION TO AIKIDO Instructor Compensation Class Title INTRODUCTION TO AIKIDO INTRODUCTION TO AIKIDO 31073 9/8/09 10/20/09 7:OOP 8:30P Les Gove Park 31074 10/27/09 12/8/09 7:OOP 8:30P Les Gove Park Barcode Rate Amount Class Min. 31073 $35.00 Per Student 4 31074 $35.00 Per Student 4 Les Gove Buildir Les Gove Buildir Class Max. 12 12 The contractor is responsible for preparing a class outline and supply list, conducting the program on said dates, preparing and teaching the class/activity, cleaning up the facilities used, and providing an evaluation of the program. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered by the date indicated on the Invoice for the number of participants registered at the end of the session. The agreed fee will be paid in 1 payment if the class/activity meets 10 weeks or less, or will be paid in 2 payments if the class/activity meets 11 weeks or more. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all registrations 48 hours prior to the first class with the contractor. The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis for any classes/activities the City must prepare and conduct. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 er seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/her contractual involvement with the City. Contractors instructing classes and/or activities may be required to provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing Commercial General Liabiliry insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000, combined single limit per occurrence. The City of Auburn is to be named as additionally insured on the Certificate of Insurance. Contractor is responsible for verifying with the Recreation Coordinator if a Certificate of Insurance is required. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Staff for any substitutions, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed services. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The Contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disability and unemployment insurance. The City of Auburn and the Contra or have executed this agreement as of the date signed below. Your contract must be signed and returned at least 3 business days riar to th irst s uled class/activity. X: g/i3 0, Rick eist Contractor Date: X: ~ IA S~ o S Daryl F ber, Direc or, Parks, Arts & Recreation Department Date: X: Clarissa Ruston Recreation Coordinator Date: 23-Ju1-09, 11:53 AM The City of Auburn agrees to contract Auburn Gymnastics Center Phone: (253) 876-9991 1601 BOUNDARY BLVD AUBURN, WA 98001 USA The contractor is required to perform the following services: Class Title Barcode Starts Ends From Until Facility Room TINY STARS 30982 10/7/09 10/28/095:45P 6:25P Auburn Gymnastic GGYMNASIUM MINI STARS - FOR AGES 3- 4 30984 10/9/09 10/30/099:30A 10:15A Auburn Gymnastic CGYMNASIUM MINI STARS - FOR AGES 3- 4 30985 11/4/09 11/25/099:30A 10:15A Auburn Gymnastic CGYMNASIUM TINY STARS 30983 11/4/09 11/25/095:45P 6:25P Auburn Gymnastic C-GYMNASIUM Instructor Compensation Class Title Barcode Rate Amount Class Min. Class Max. MINI STARS - FOR AGES 3- 4 30984 $25.00 Per Student 4 8 MINi STARS - FOR AGES 3- 4 30985 $25.00 Per Student 4 8 TINY STARS 30982 $25.00 Per Student 4 8 TINY STARS 30983 $25.00 Per Student 4 8 The contractor is responsible for preparing a class outline and supply list, conducting the program on said dates, preparing and teaching the class/activity, cleaning up the facilities used, and providing an evaluation of the program. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered by the date indicated on the Invoice for the number of participants registered at the end of the session. The agreed fee will be paid in 1 payment if the class/activity meets 10 weeks or less, or will be paid in 2 payments if the class/activity meets 11 weeks or more. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all registrations 48 hours prior to the first class with the contractor. The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis for any classes/activities the City must prepare and conduct. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 er seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/her contractual involvement with the City. Contractors instructing classes and/or activities may be required to provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing Commercial General Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000, combined single limit per occurrence. The City of Auburn is to be named as additionally insured on the Certificate of Insurance. Contractor is responsible for verifying with the Recreation Coordinator if a Certificate of Insurance is required. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Staff for any substitutions, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed services. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The Contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disability and unemployment insurance. The City of Aub rn and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of the date signed below. Your contract must be signed and returned at least 3 busine s day rior t the first sch d class/ac 'vity. ; X• 7 D Au urn Gymna ics enter Contractor Date: DaryI,EBb , irec'for, Parks, Arts & Recreation Department Date: x: 9 Pam Gallion Recreation Coordinator Date: 17-Aug-09, 01:54 PM The City of Auburn agrees to contract: Sandra Hasstedt Phone: (253) 939-4535 CT E AUBURN, bonr,.e~ Ll~~ ~d3G ~ The contractor is required to perform the following services: Class Title Barcode Starts Ends From Until Facility Room PRESCHOOLER PREBALLET 30979 9/19/09 11/7/09 9:15A 10:OOA Parks, Arts & Rec AiK1-2 Instructor Compensation Class Title Barcode Rate Amount Class Min. Class Max. PRESCHOOLER PREBALLET 30979 $45.00 Per Student 12 The contractor is responsible for preparing a class outline and supply list, conducting the program on said dates, preparing and teaching the class/activity, cleaning up the facilities used, and providing an evaluation of the program. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered by the date indicated on the Invoice for the number of participants registered at the end of the session. The agreed fee will be paid in 1 payment if the class/activity meets 10 weeks or less, or will be paid in 2 payments if the class/activity meets 11 weeks or more. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all registrations 48 hours prior to the first class with the contractor. The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis for any classes/activities the City must prepare and conduct. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the Ciry, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 er seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/her contractual involvement with the City. Contractors instructing classes and/or activities may be required to provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing Commercial General Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000, combined single limit per occurrence. The City of Auburn is to be named as additionally insured on the Certificate of Insurance. Contractor is responsible for verifying with the Recreation Coordinator if a Certificate of Insurance is required. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Staff for any substitutions, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed services. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The Contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disability and unemployment insurance. The City of Auburn and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of the date signed below. Your contract must be signed and returned at least 3 business days prior to the first scheduled class/activiTy. X Sandra Hassted[ Contractor x: VWPVF er, irector, Parks, Arts & Recreation Department X: L~~' Q~icc~ Pam Gallion Recreation Coordinator 4) C7 Date: ~ 41 Date: Date: 17-Aug-09, 01:51 PM CITY OF * F~'~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ N AD: ~ ~ ~ti~. ~ ~ ~ . u . . WASHWGTON CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The City of Auburn agrees to contract: Auburn Gymnastics Center 1601 BOUNDARY BLVD AUBURN, WA 98001 USA The contractor is required to perform the following services: Class Title BEGINNING GYMNASTICS BOYS ROCKETMAN GYMNASTICS MIGHTY STARS - AGES 5-6 BEGINNING GYMNASTICS BOYS ROCKETMAN GYMNASTICS MIGHTY STARS - AGES 5-6 Instructor Compensation Class Title BEGINNING GYMNASTICS BEGINNING GYMNASTICS BOYS ROCKETMAN GYMNASTICS BOYS ROCKETMAN GYMNASTICS MIGHTY STARS - AGES 5-6 MIGHTY STARS - AGES 5-6 Barcode Starts 30991 - 10/7/09 30987 ~ 10/7/09 30989 -\10/7/09 30992 11 /4/09 30988 11 /4/09 30990 11 /4/09 Phone: (253) 876-9991 Ends From Until Facility Room 10/28/096:OOP 7:30P Auburn Gymnastic GGYMNASIUM 10/28/096:OOP 7:OOP Auburn Gymnastic CGYMNASIUM 10/28/096:OOP 7:OOP Auburn Gymnastic CGYMNASIUM 11/25/096:OOP 7:30P Aubum Gymnastic CGYMNASIUM 11/25/096:OOP 7:OOP Auburn Gymnastic CGYMNASIUM 11/25/096:OOP 7:OOP Auburn Gymnastic GGYMNASIUM Barcode Rate Amount 30991 $45.00 Per Student 30992 $45.00 Per Student 30987 $30.00 Per Student 30988 $30.00 Per Student 30989 $30.00 Per Student 30990 $30.00 Per Student Class Min. Class Max. 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 The contractor is responsible for preparing a class outline and supply list, conducting the program on said dates, preparing and teaching the class/activity, cleaning up the facilities used, and providing an evaluation of the program. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered by the date indicated on the Invoice for the number of participants registered at the end of the session. The agreed fee will be paid in 1 payment if the class/activity meets 10 weeks or less, or will be paid in 2 payments if the class/activity meets 11 weeks or more. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all registrations 48 hours prior to the first class with the contractor. The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis for any classes/activities the City must prepare and conduct. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 er seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/her contractual involvement with the City. Contractors instructing classes and/or activities may be required to provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing Commercial General Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000, combined single limit per occurrence. The City of Auburn is to be named as additionally insured on the Certificate of Insurance. Contractor is responsible for verifying with the Recreation Coordinator if a Certificate of Insurance is required. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Staff for any substitutions, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed services. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The Contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disability and unemployment insurance. The City of Aub and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of the date signed below. Your contract must be signed and returned at least 3 business a prior to t first sche ed class/activity. x: 47&yJ Aub s C rac Date: x: .~u~~. , ...,r.. x: j 7J 7 C~'K 7 am Gallion Recreation Coordinator Date: Date: 17-Aug-09, 03:00 PM The City of Auburn agrees to contract: Sandra Hasstedt ~ Phone: (253) 939-4535 11 3~l e AUBURN, The contractor is required to perform the following services: Class Title Barcode Starts Ends From Until Facility Room JAZZ/HIP HOP DANCE 30981 9/19/09 11/7/09 11:00A 12:OOP Parks, Arts & Rec AiK1-2 "~U;fft*""'~n '~~(r►'~_'1C'~ 30980 9/19/09 11/7/09 10:OOA 11:00A Parks, Arts & Rec A(K1-2 Instructor Compensation Class Title Barcode Rate Amount Class Min. Class Max. _ vr)iTU o n i6c-r JAZZ/HIP HOP DANCE 30980 $45.00 Per Student 30981 $45.00 Per Student 12 12 The contractor is responsible for preparing a class outline and supply list, conducting the program on said dates, preparing and teaching the class/activity, cleaning up the facilities used, and providing an evaluation of the program. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered by the date indicated on the Invoice for the number of participants registered at the end of the session. The agreed fee will be paid in 1 payment if the class/activity meets 10 weeks or less, or will be paid in 2 payments if the class/activity meets 11 weeks or more. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all registrations 48 hours prior to the first class with the contractor. The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis for any classes/activities the City must prepare and conduct. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 er seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/her contractual involvement with the City. Contractors instructing classes and/or activities may be required to provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing Commercial General Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000, combined single limit per occurrence. The City of Auburn is to be named as additionally insured on the Certificate of Insurance. Contractor is responsible for verifying with the Recreation Coordinator if a Certificate of Insurance is required. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Staff for any substitutions, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed services. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, mcome tax and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The Contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disability and unemployment insurance. The City of Auburn and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of the date signed below. Your contract must be signed and returned at least 3 business days prior to the first scheduled class/activity. X: VJQw,1~4 o~2 C7 - andra sstedt-` Contractor Date: x: a aber, Director, Parks, Arts & Recreation Department . x: Pam Gallion Recreation Coordinator ~y1~~45 Date: JOn 7 , Date: / 17-Aug-09, 01:51 PM CONTRACTl1AL AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The City of Auburn agrees to contract: Amy Reeves 1020 South Tyler Street Tacoma, WA 98405 To perform the following professional services: Class Title Barcode From Until FacilityLe5 Gpve ~~d • SMALL SCALE METAL SCULPTURE 30768 9/19/2009 10:00 AM - 4:30 PM Instructor Compensation: The agreed fee to be paid is a flat fee of: $200.00. The agreed fee will be paid in 1 payment(s) at the conclusion of the class on the normal schedule of payments used by the City Financial Department. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered. Contractor will collect $10.00 supply fee from each participant during class. The minimum number of participants is 6 with a maximum of 8 per class. The contractor is responsible for preparing a class outline and supply list, conducting the program on said dates, preparing and teaching the fundamentals, cleaning up the facilities used, and providing an evaluation of the program at the conclusion of the program. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all class registrations 48 hours prior to the first class with the contractor. The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis for any classes the City must prepare and conduct for the contractor. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, empioyees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the negligent acts, errors, or omissions of the Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 er seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupe-vised access ta children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/er contractual involvement with the City. Contractors instructing classes and/or activities may be required to provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing Commercial General Liabitity insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence. The City of Auburn is to be named as additionally insured on the Certificate of Insurance. Contractor is responsible for verifying with the Recreation Coordinator if a Certificate of Insurance is required. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Staff for any substitutes, changes, or cancellations in the above- named performed service. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax, and social security ta the applicable federal and state agencies. The contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any of the benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disability and unemployment insurance. The City of Auburn and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of the date signed below. Your contract must be signed and returned at least 3 business days prior to the first scheduled class/activity. Amy Reeves, ntra or Daryl Faber, Director, Parks, Arts & Recreation Department Maija tgknig-ht, V' I/ ublic Arts Coordinator cz- Date 0s Date `l/3/09 _ Dat The City of Auburn agrees to contract Colleen Reece 11808 SE 323RD PL AUBURN, WA 98092 USA The contractor is required to perform the following services: Class Title Barcode Starts CREATIVE WRITING 31018 9/24/09 CREATIVE WRITING SEN 31017 9/24/09 Instructor Compensation Class Title Barcode CREATIVE WRITING 31018 CREATIVE WRITING SEN 31017 Phone: (253) 833-3408 Ends From Until Facility 11 /19/091:OOP 11 /19/091:OOP Rate Amount $18.00 Per Student $18.00 Per Student 3:OOP Senior Center 3:OOP Senior Center Class Min. Room Weese Room Weese Room Class Max. 25 25 The contractor is responsible for preparing a class outline and supply list, conducting the program on said dates, preparing and teaching the class/activity, cleaning up the facilities used, and providing an evaluation of the program. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered by the date indicated on the Invoice for the number of participants registered at the end of the session. The agreed fee will be paid in 1 payment if the class/activity meets ] 0 weeks or less, or will be paid in 2 payments if the class/activity meets I 1 weeks or more. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all registrations 48 hours prior to the first class with the contractor. The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis for any classes/activities the City must prepare and conduct. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 er seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/her contractual involvement with the City. Contractors instructing classes and/or activities may be required to provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing Commercial General Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000, combined single limit per occurrence. The City of Auburn is to be named as additionally insured on the Certificate of Insurance. Contractor is responsible for verifying with the Recreation Coordinator if a Certificate of Insurance is required. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Staff for any substitutions, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed services. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The Contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disability and unemployment insurance. The City of Auburn and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of the date signed below. Your contract must be signed and returned at least 3 busine days prior to the first scheduled c ss/activity. x: Colleen Reece 76htractor Date: X: ber, irector, Ptirks, Arts & Recreation Department Date: x: Rock irwin Recreation Coordinator Date: 31-Aug-09, 12:00 PM The City of Auburn agrees to contract: Jennifer Scharf 32801 Commission Ave BLACK DIAMOND, WA 98020 USA The contractor is required to perForm the fol►owing services: Class Title STROLLER STRIDES - MONTHLY STROLLER STRIDES - MONTHLY STROLLER STRIDES - MONTHLY Instructor Compensation Class Title STROLLER STRIDES - MONTHLY STROLLER STRIDES - MONTHLY STROLLER STRIDES - MONTHLY Barcode Starts Phone: (360) 886-0432 P Ends From Until Facility Room 31176 9/12/09 9/12/09 9:30A 11:OOA Parks, Arts & Rec AcK1-2 31177 10111-tetEW90- 10/24/099:30A 11:OOA Les Gove Park Les Gove Buildir 31178 11 /21 /09 11 /21 /09 9:30A 11:OOA Parks, Arts & Rec AiK1-2 Barcode Rate Amount Class Min. Class Max. 31176 $12.00 Per Student 31177 $12.00 Per Student 31178 $12.00 Per Student 18 18 18 The contractor is responsible for preparing a class outline and supply list, conducting the program on said dates, preparing and teaching the class/activity, cleaning up the facilities used, and providing an evaluation of the program. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered by the date indicated on the Invoice for the number of participants registered at the end of the session. The agreed fee will be paid in 1 payment if the class/activity meets 10 weeks or less, or will be paid in 2 payments if the class/activity meets 11 weeks or more. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all registrations 48 hours prior to the first class with the contractor. The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis for any classes/activities the City must prepare and conduct. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 er seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/her contractual involvement with the City. Contractors instructing classes and/or activities may be required to provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing Commercial General Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000, combined single limit per occurrence. The City of Auburn is to be named as additionally insured on the Certificate of Insurance. Contractor is responsible for verifying with the Recreation Coordinator if a Certificate of Insurance is required. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Staff for any substitutions, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed services. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The Contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disability and unemployment insurance. The City of Auburn and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of the date signed below. Your contract must be signed and returned at least 3 business days prior to the first scheduled class/activity. X: ci~ C&"' /,q / 0 , Je ' er SchaA\ Contractor Date: ~ AxWc' F Daryl Faber, Director, Parks Arts Recreation Department Date: X: ~ 7/0-9 larissa Ruston Recreation Coor inator Date: 23-Ju1-09, 11:18 AM ,4-. Contract No. CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The City of Auburn agrees to contract: Grant Svoboda A L 31116 122nd Ln. SE Auburn, WA 98092 253-288-2236 To perform the following professional services: DJ Dance Services. The contractor is required to perform said services on: Saturday, September 19, from 7-1 lp at Auburn Riverside High SchooL The service will occur at the Late Night Program, 501 Oravetz Road, Auburn, Washington, 98092. The agreed fee to be paid is $250.00 . The agreed fee will be paid in 1 payment(s) on the normal schedule of payments used by the City Financial Department. The contractor is responsible for conducting the program on said dates, cleaning up the facilities used. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all class registrations 72 hours prior to the first class with the contractor. The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis for any classes the City must prepare and conduct for the contractor. The City will provide support services (department brochure, printing programs, flyers, etc.) to the contractor regarding the program. The City will provide working references for the contractor upon request. The Contractor hereby agrees to save the City harmless from all loss or damage occasioned to it or to any third person or property by reason of any negligent acts or omissions on the part of the contractor, his or her employees, or person working directly or indirectly in the performance of the contract including joint acts or omissions, and shall give the City prompt notice of any such damage, loss or injury. Seven days prior to the start of class a current Certificate of Insurance in an amount no less that $1,000,000., naming the City of Auburn as additionally insured, must be submitted and on file with the Auburn City Clerk. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 et seq., far themselves and/or their employees where any person will or may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age, or to developmentally disabled persons, or to vulnerable adults during the course of his or her employment or involvement with the business or organization.. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Recreation Coordinator for any substitutes, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed service. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax, and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any of the benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disability and unemployment insurance. The City of Auburn and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of September 21, 2009. A signed original contract mu?t'" tArW'sff"tce three business days prior to the start of class. Director, Parks and Recreation Department Jim West~iWnel Iaecreation Coardinator A * ~ . CITY OF AtiBUR* For vffice use only ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Contract Nts. N WASHINGTON CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The City of Auburn agrees to contract: Nicole Adams Phone: (253) 347-3036 25231 LK WILDERNESS CC DR SE MAPLE VALLEY, WA 98038 USA The contractor is required to perform the following services: Class Title Barcode Starts Ends From Until Facility Room CHINA & GLASS STEPPING STONE 31142 9/21/09 9/28/09 6:OOP 8:30P Senior Center Weese Room LADIES EARRING NIGHT 31143 10/5/09 10/5/09 6:30P 8:30P Senior Center Rotary Room NO SEW BAG 31144 10/27/09 10/27/096:30P 8:30P Senior Center Rotary Room FELTING 31165 11/10/09 11/10/096:OOP 8:30P Senior Center Rotary Room WINE CHARMS 31166 11/16/09 11/16/096:30P 8:30P Senior Center Weese Room Instructor Compensation Class Title Barcode Rate Amount Class Min. Class Max. CHINA & GLASS STEPPING STONE 31142 $22.00 Per Student 5 12 FELTING 31165 $12.00 Per Student 5 12 LADIES EARRING NIGHT 31143 $12.00 Per Student 5 12 NO SEW BAG 31144 $12.00 Per Student 5 12 WINE CHARMS 31166 $12.00 Per Student 5 10 The contractor is responsible for preparing a class outline and supply list, conducting the program on said dates, preparing and teaching the class/activity, cleaning up the facilities used, and providing an evaluation of the program. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered by the date indicated on the Invoice for the number of participants registered at the end of the session. The agreed fee will be paid in 1 payment if the class/activity meets 10 weeks or less, or will be paid in 2 payments if the class/activity meets 1 1 weeks or more. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all registrations 48 hours prior to the first class with the contractor. The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis far any classes/activities the City must prepare and conduct. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 er seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/her contractual involvement with the City. Contractors instructing classes and/or activities may be required to provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing Commercial General Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000, combined single limit per occurrence. The City of Auburn is to be named as additionally insured on the Certificate of Insurance. Contractor is responsible for verifying with the Recreation Coordinator if a Certificate of Insurance is required. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Staff for any substitutions, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed services. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income taac and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The Contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disability and unemployment insurance. The City of Auburn and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of the date signed below. Your contract must be signed and returned at least 3 busin~ess days-pri to e f] st scheduled class/activity. _0 .X tg, x: 41~9 Date: X: X: rtment Date: Date: 23-Ju1-09, 11:52 AM The City of Auburn agrees to contract: Georgia Heimbach Phone: (253) 813-0670 22049 106 PL SE #71 KENT, WA 98031 USA The contractor is required to perform the following services: Class Title Barcode Starts Ends From Until Facility Room OIL PAINTING 30294 10/5/09 11/23/099:OOA 12:OOP Senior Center Weese Room OIL PAINTING 30293 11/30/0 9 'H~-6t't0 9:OOA 12:OOP Senior Center Weese Room Instructor Compensation /.L~ / r~ ~ Class Title Barcode Rate Amount Class Min. Class Max. OIL PAINTING 30294 $36.00 Per Student 12 18 OIL PAINTING 30293 $13.00 Per Student 8 16 The contractor is responsible for preparing a class outline and supply list, conducting the program on said dates, preparing and teaching the class/activity, cleaning up the facilities used, and providing an evaluation of the program. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered by the date indicated on the Invoice for the number of participants registered at the end of the session. The agreed fee will be paid in 1 payment if the class/activity meets 10 weeks or less, or will be paid in 2 payments if the class/activity meets i l weeks or more. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all registrations 48 hours prior to the first class with the contractor. The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis for any classes/activities the City must prepare and conduct. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 er seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/her contractual involvement with the City. Contractors instructing classes and/or activities may be required to provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing Commercial General Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000, combined single limit per occurrence. The City of Auburn is to be named as additionally insured on the Certificate of Insurance. Contractor is responsible for verifying with the Recreation Coordinator if a Certificate of Insurance is required. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Staff for any substitutions, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed services. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax and socia] security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The Contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disability and unemployment insurance. The City of Auburn and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of the date signed below. Your contract must be signed and returned at least 3 business days prior to the first scheduled class/activity. x: X, A_e!27 ~n p / Georgia Heimbach Contractor Date: x: ~~`a..~. _ a D r, Director, Parks, Arts & Recreation Department Date: x: ~ ~'v`"' ~ / 5-l Ci' Roc Kirwin Recreation Coordinator Date: 21-Aug-09, 12:35 PM t ~tNO~~d`~~~~~fl~'~~ r. CITY OE * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tt ~ ~~~Ar,~~~`l~i A J I ~ WASH[NGTON CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The City of Auburn agrees to contract Jeannette Baker 11820 150th Ave SE RENTON, WA 98059 USA The contractor is required to perform the following services: Ctass Titie Barcode Starts LINE DANCING 31249 9/22l09 LINE DANCING 31252 9/22/09 Instructor Compensation Class Title Barcode LINE DANCING 31252 LINE DANCING 31249 Phone: (425) 753-6407 Ends From Until Facility 10/27/09 9:30A 10/27/09 9:30A Rate Amount $48.00 Per Student $48.00 Per Student 10:30A Senior Center 10:30A Senior Center Class Min. 6 6 Room M2-3 M2-3 Class Max. 20 12 The contractor is responsible for preparing a class outline and supply list, conducting the program on said dates, preparing and teaching the class/activity, cleaning up the facilities used, and providing an evaluation of the program. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered by the date indicated on the Invoice for the number of participants registered at the end of the session. The agreed fee will be paid in I payment if the class/activity meets 10 weeks or less, or will be paid in 2 payments if the class/activity meets 11 weeks or more. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or withou# cause at any time. The City will finalize all registrations 48 hours prior to the first class with the contractor. The City shall be reimborsed at a pro-rated basis for any classes/activities the City must prepare and conduct. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 er seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/her contractual involvement with the City. Contractors instructing classes and/or activities may be required to provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing Commercial General Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000, combined single limit per occurrence. The City of Auburn is to be named as additionally insured on the Certificate of Insurance. Contractor is responsible for verifying with the Recreation Coordinator if a Certificate of Insurance is required. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Staff for any substitutions, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed services. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The Contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disability and unemployment insurance. The City of Auburn and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of the date signed below. Your contract must be signed and returned at least 3 business days prior to the first scheduled class/activity. X: - Je tte Baker Contractor x: Da Fab r, Direc r, arks, A s Recreation Department X: R cky rwin Recreation Coordinator ~'I 3+loq Date: 3 yI o s Date: ~ Date: 21-Aug-09, 12:52 PM A - , I t.: 1_--' ORIGINAL Contract No. SC CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The City of Auburn agrees to contract: Angela Rash 3002 196th "E CT E Sumner, WA 98391 to perform the following professional services: Enhance Fitness Instructor The contractor is required to perform said instructional services at the Senior Center on: ENHANCE FITNESS (30908) Mon, Wed, Fri Oct. 2, 2009 - Oct. 30, 2009 ENHANCE FITNESS (30907) Mon, Wed, Fri Oct. 2, 2009 - Oct. 30, 2009 ENHANCE FITNESS (30910) Mon, Wed, Fri Nov. 2, 2009 - Nov. 30, 2009 ENHANCE FITNESS (30912) Mon, Wed, Fri Nov. 2, 2009 - Nov. 30, 2009 ENHANCE FITNESS (30914) Mon, Wed, Fri Dec. 2, 2009 - Dec. 30, 2009 ENHANCE FITNESS (30915) Mon, Wed, Fri Dec. 2, 2009 - Dec. 30, 2009 8:15 - 9:15 AM 8:15 - 9:15 AM 8:15 - 9:15 AM 8:15 - 9:15 AM 8:15 - 9:15 AM 8:15 - 9:15 AM No class Oct. 16 No class Oct. 16 No class Nov il, 23, 25, 27 No class Nov 11, 23, 25, 27 No class Dec. 25 No class Dec. 25 The contractor is also responsible for obtaining a class list, having participants sign waiver form, taking attendance at the program and reporting any discrepancies to the Recreation Coordinator. The agreed fee to be paid is $ 13.00 per senior participant for 30910; 17.00 per senior participant for 30908 and 30914; and $3.00 per Group Health participant for 30907, 30912, and 30915. The agreed fee will be paid in 3 payments. The minimum number of participants for classes is 3, with a maximum of 35 participants per class. The contractor is responsible for preparing a class outline and supply list, conducting the program on said dates, preparing and teaching the fundamentals, cleaning up the facilities used, and providing an evaluation of the program at the conclusion of the program. The City may terminate all or part of this contract, with or without cause, at any time. The City will finalize all class registration two (2) business days prior to the first class with the contractor. The City will provide support services (Senior Center brochure, program flyers, etc.) to the contractor regarding the program. The City will provide working references for the contractor upon request. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Recreation Coordinator for any substitutes, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed service. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor hereby agrees to save the Ciry harmless from all loss or damage occasioned to it or to any third person or property by reason of any negligent acts or omissions on the part of the contractor, his or her employees, or person working directly or indirectly in the performance of the contract including joint acts or omissions, and shall give the City prompt notice of any such damage, loss or injury. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 et seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/her employment or involvement with the City. ' The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax, and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The Contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any of the benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to, disability and unemployment insurance. The ' f Auburn and the Contract r have executed this agreement as of August 31, 2009. <:;;~FSr. ~ Angela Rash, ontractor irector, Parks, Arts ..e~-and Recreation Department Rocky irwin, Recreation Coordinator p,--, ,I (-.,S ORIGINAL Contract No. SC CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The City of Auburn agrees to contract: Mary Brown 32619 46th CRT SW Federal Way, WA 98023 to perform the following professional services: Enhance Fitness Instructor The contractor is required to perform said instructional services at the Senior Center on: ENHANCE FITNESS (30906) Mon, Wed, Fri ENHANCE FITNESS (30909) Mon, Wed, Fri ENHANCE FITNESS (30911) Mon, Wed, Fri ENHANCE FITNESS (30913) Mon, Wed, Fri ENHANCE FITNESS (30916) Mon, Wed, Fri ENHANCE FITNESS (30917) Mon, Wed, Fri Oct. 2, 2009 - Oct. 30, 2009 Oct. 2, 2009 - Oct. 30, 2009 Nov. 2, 2009 - Nov. 30, 2009 Nov. 2, 2009 - Nov. 30, 2009 Dec. 2, 2009 - Dec. 30, 2009 Dec. 2, 2009 - Dec. 30, 2009 3:30 - 4:30 PM 3:30 - 4:30 PM 3:30 - 4:30 PM 3:30 - 4:30 PM 3:30 - 4:30 PM 3:30 - 4:30 PM No class Oct. 16 No class Oct. 16 No class Nov 11, 23, 25, 27 No class Nov 11, 23, 25, 27 No class Dec. 25 No class Dec. 25 The contractor is also responsible for obtaining a class list, having participants sign waiver form, taking attendance at the program and reporting a 'screpancies to the Recreation Coordinator. r . The agreed fee to be paid is $$13.00 per senio articipa~ for 30911; 17.00 per senior participant for 30906 and 30916; and $3.00 per Group Health participant for 30 30913, and 30917. The agreed fee will be paid in 3 payments. The minimum number of participants for classes i, with a maximum of 35 participants per class. The contractor is responsible for preparing a class outline and supply list, onducting the program on said dates, preparing and teaching the fundamentals, cleaning up the facilities used, and providing an evaluation of the program at the conclusion of the program. The City may terminate all or part of this contract, with or without cause, at any time. The City will finalize all class registration two (2) business days prior to the first class with the contractor. The City will provide support services (Senior Center brochure, program flyers, etc.) to the contractor regarding the program. The City will provide working references for the contractor upon request. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Recreation Coordinator for any substitutes, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed service. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor hereby agrees to save the City harmless from all loss or damage occasioned to it or to any third person or property by reason of any negligent acts or omissions on the part of the contractor, his or her employees, or person working directly or indirectly in the performance of the contract including joint acts or omissions, and shall give the City prompt notice of any such damage, loss or injury. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 et seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/her employment or involvement with the City. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax, and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The Contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any of the benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to, disability and unemployment insurance. The City of Auburn and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of August 31, 2009. ~ Mar~f own, ontr ctor Director, P rks and Recreation Department Rocky Kirwin, Recreation Coordinator ~ I G. ~s ORIGINAL CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The Ciry of Auburn agrees to contract: Auburn Mountainview High School Giris Soccer Cary Davidson, Coach 28900 -124 AVE SE Auburn WA 98002 To perform the following professional services: Conduct the 2008 Youth Soccer Clinic & Soccer Challenge The contractor is required to perform said services at fields at: Auburn Mountainview High School 2008 Youth Soccer Clinic Sat., AMHS Sept. 12, 2009 Per Schedule 2009 Youth Soccer Challenge Sat., Game Farm Park Sept 19, 2009 9:15-11:45 am The agreed fee to be paid is $800. The agreed fee will be paid in 1 payment(s). The contractor is responsible for preparing a class outline and supply list, conducting the program on said dates, preparing and teaching the fundamentals, cleaning up the facilities used, and providing an evaluation of the program at the conclusion of the program. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all registrations 48 hours prior to the first class with the contractor. The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis for any classes/activities the City must prepare and conduct. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the Ciry, its officers, ofFicials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 er seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/her contractual involvement with the City. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Staff for any substitutions, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed services. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The Contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disability and unemployment insurance. The City of Auburn Parks and Recreation Department and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of August 26, 2009. Your invoice is due September 21, 2009. Director, Palrks and Recreation Department PATHL-SOCY ~ . 0~~~i N4 A L CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The City of Auburn agrees to contract: Auburn Riverside High School Soccer Robyn Saarenas,Coach 501 Oravetz RD Auburn, WA 98092 To perform the following professional services: Conduct the 2008 Youth Soccer Clinic The contractor is required to perform said services at fields at: Auburn Riverside High School 2009 Youth Soccer Clinic Sat., ARHS Sept. 12, 2009 Per Schedule 2009 Youth Soccer Challenge Sat., Game Farm Park Sept 19, 2009 11:45 am-2 pm The agreed fee to be paid is $800. The agreed fee will be paid in 1 payment(s). The contractor is responsible for preparing a class outline and supply list, conducting the program on said dates, preparing and teaching the fundamentals, cleaning up the facilities used, and providing an evaluation of the program at the conclusion of the program. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all registrations 48 hours prior to the first class with the contractor. The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis for any classes/activities the City must prepare and conduct. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 er seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/her contractual involvement with the City. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the StafF for any substitutions, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed services. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the soie control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The Contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disability and unemployment insurance. The City of Auburn Parks and Recreation Department and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of Aug,Ust 28, 2009. Your invoice is due September 21, 2009. • ~ _ a ic :ractori ~ Director, Parks and Recreation Department PATHL-SOCY _ I < ciTY oF f~z 4~J , V ~~►.1 r WASHINGTON Okl6iNAL CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The City of Auburn agrees to contract Alicia Luy Phone: (206) 824-5052 20705 13th Ave S SEA-TAC, WA 98198 USA The contractor is required to perform the following services: Class Title Barcode Starts Ends From Until Facility Room SPANISH 30368 9/3/09 10/22/0910:OOA 12:OOP Senior Center Weese Room SPANISH CLASS 30363 9/3/09 10/22/0910:OOA 12:OOP Senior Center Weese Room SPANISH 30369 11/5/09 12/17/0910:OOA 12:OOP Senior Center Weese Room SPANISH CLASS 30364 11/5/09 12/17/0910:OOA 12:OOP Senior Center Weese Room Instructor Compensation Class Title Barcode Rate Amount Class Min. Class Max. SPANISH CLASS 30363 $40.00 Per Student 1 15 SPANISH CLASS 30364 $30.00 Per Student 1 15 SPANISH 30368 $40.00 Per Student 6 15 SPANISH 30369 $30.00 Per Student 6 15 The contractor is responsible for preparing a class outline and supply list, conducting the program on said dates, preparing and teaching the class/activity, cleaning up the facilities used, and providing an evaluation of the program. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered by the date indicated on the Invoice for the number of participants registered at the end of the session. The agreed fee wili be paid in 1 payment if the class/activity meets 10 weeks or less, or will be paid in 2 payments if the class/activity meets 1 1 weeks or more. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all registrations 48 hours prior to the first class with the contractoc The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis for any classes/activities the City must prepare and conduct. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 er seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/her contractual involvement with the City. Contractors instructing classes and/or acUvities may be required to provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing Commercial General Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000, combined single limit per occurrence. The City of Auburn is to be named as additionally insured on the Certificate of Insurance. Contractor is responsible for verifying with the Recreation Coordinator if a Certificate of Insurance is required. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Staff for any substitutions, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed services. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The Contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disability and unemployment insurance. The City of Auburn and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of the date signed below. Your contract must be signed and returned at least 3 business days prior to the first schedule lass/activity. 1 ~ x: 2.-7---o Ali a Luy ractor Date: x: ('1 ~ ~ ~ / Daryl Faber, Director, Parks, Arts & Recreation Department Date: X: Ro irwin Recreation Coordinator Date: 21-Aug-09, 12:37 PM The City of Auburn agrees to contract Todd Kjelland Phone: (253) 431-3669 76 17th Ave MILTON, WA 98354 USA The contractor is required to perform the following services: Class Title Barcode Starts Ends From Until Facility Room ELIMINATING STAGE FRIGHT 31197 9/23/09 9/23/09 6:OOP 9:OOP Senior Center Rotary Room GETTING YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME 31199 10/7/09 10/7/09 6:OOP 9:OOP Senior Center Rotary Room ELIMINATING STAGE FRIGHT 31198 10/20/09 10/20/096:OOP 9:OOP Senior Center Rotary Room GETTING YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME 31200 11/24/09 11/24/096:OOP 9:OOP Senior Center Rotary Room Instructor Compensation Class Title Barcode Rate Amount Class Min. Class Max. ELIMINATING STAGE FRIGHT 31197 $50.00 Per Student 5 15 ELIMINATING STAGE FRIGHT 31198 $50.00 Per Student 5 15 GETTING YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME 31199 $50.00 Per Student 5 15 GETTING YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME 31200 $50.00 Per Student 5 15 The contractor is responsible for preparing a class outline and supply list, conducting the program on said dates, preparing and teaching the class/activity, cleaning up the facilities used, and providing an evaluation of the program. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered by the date indicated on the Invoice for the number of participants registered at the end of the session. The agreed fee will be paid in 1 payment if the class/activity meets 10 weeks or less, or will be paid in 2 payments if the class/activity meets 11 weeks or more. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all registrations 48 hours prior to the first class with the contractor. The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis for any classes/activities the City must prepare and conduct. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 er seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/her contractual involvement with the City. Contractors instructing classes and/or activities may be required to provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing Commercial General Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000, combined single limit per occurrence. The City of Auburn is to be named as additionally insured on the Certificate of Insurance. Contractor is responsible for verifying with the Recreation Coordinator if a Certificate of Insurance is required. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Staff for any substitutions, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed services. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The Contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disability and unemployment insurance. The City of Auburn and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of the date signed below. Your contract must be signed and returned at least 3 business days prior to the fi eduled class/activity. x: Todd Kjel and Contractor Date: x: o ~~~~R- 7/-Z9l F bftrgl Faber, Director, Parks, Arts & Recreation Department Date: X: A#lanssugstondZ, Recreation Coordinator Date: 23-Ju1-09, 11:14 AM * CITY OF k AtiBI'luRN ~ N A L Fbr ofiE'rr.e use Qniy Gontraci No. WASHINGTON CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The City of Auburn agrees to contract: Thomas Schneider Phon e: (253) 833-2712 2130 NOBLE CT SE #D AUBURN, WA 98092 USA The contractor is required to perform the fo llowing services: Class Title Barcode Starts Ends From Until Facility Room FITNESS BOOT CAMP 31010 9/15/09 10/22/095:45P 6:45P Parks, Arts & Rec A(K1-2 FITNESS BOOT CAMP 31011 9/15/09 10/22/097:OOP 8:OOP Parks, Arts & Rec A(K1-2 FITNESS BOOT CAMP FLEX OPTION 31222 9/15/09 12/10/095:45P 6:45P Parks, Arts & Rec AcK1-2 FITNESS BOOT CAMP FLEX OPTION 31223 9/15/09 12/10/097:OOP 8:OOP Parks, Arts & Rec AcK1-2 FITNESS BOOT CAMP 31012 10/27/09 12/10/095:45P 6:45P Parks, Arts & Rec A(K1-2 FITNESS BOOT CAMP 31013 10/27/09 12/10/097:OOP 8:OOP Parks, Arts & Rec A(K1-2 Instructor Compensation Class Title Barcode Rate Amount Class Min. Class Max. FITNESS BOOT CAMP 31010 $72.00 Per Student 6 20 FITNESS BOOT CAMP 31011 $72.00 Per Student 6 20 FITNESS BOOT CAMP 31012 $72.00 Per Student 6 20 FITNESS BOOT CAMP 31013 $72.00 Per Student 6 20 FITNESS BOOT CAMP FLEX OPTION 31222 $72.00 Per Student 1 10 FITNESS BOOT CAMP FLEX OPTION 31223 $72.00 Per Student 1 10 The contractor is responsible for preparing a class outline and supply list, conducting the program on said dates, preparing and teaching the class/activity, cleaning up the facilities used, and providing an evaluation of the program. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered by the date indicated on the Invoice for the number of participants registered at the end of the session. The agreed fee will be paid in 1 payment if the class/activity meets ] 0 weeks or less, or will be paid in 2 payments if the class/activity meets 11 weeks or more. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all registrations 48 hours prior to the first class with the contractor. The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis for any classes/activities the City must prepare and conduct. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 er seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/her contractual involvement with the City. Contractors instructing classes and/or activities may be required to provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing Commercial General Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000, combined single limit per occurrence. The City of Auburn is to be named as additionally insured on the Certificate of Insurance. Contractor is responsible for verifying with the Recreation Coordinator if a Certificate of Insurance is required. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Staff for any substitutions, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed services. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The Contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disability and unemployment insurance. The City of Auburn and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of the date signed below. Your contract must be signed and returned at least 3 business s rior to the first schedu cla /activity. X: ~/zv/o9 Thomas Schneider Contractor Date: X: _21A Sl ~ s r, Director, Parks, Arts Recreation Department Date: X: ` 19~~ Clarissa Ruston Recreation Coordinator Date: 23-Ju1-09, 11:29 AM * * CIT'Y OF ORIGINAL AV WASHINGTON CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The City of Auburn agrees Leslee )o Peterson 31600 7th Avenue S Federal Way WA 98003 The contractor is required to perform the following services: Class Title Barcode Date From - Until Facility Room Senior Therapeutic Massage 31466 Oct. 9, 2009 10:00 am - 3:00 pm SC Health Senior Therapeutic Massage 31477 Oct. 13, 2009 10:00 am - 3:00 pm SC Heaith Senior Therapeutic Massage 31468 Oct. 13, 2009 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm SC Health Senior Therapeutic Massage 31463 Oct. 23, 2009 10:00 am - 3:00 pm SC Health Senior Therapeutic Massage 31465 Oct. 27, 2009 10:00 am - 3:00 pm SC Health Senior Therapeutic Massage 31469 Oct. 27, 2009 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm SC Health Senior Therapeutic Massage 31470 Nov. 10, 2009 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm SC Health Senior Therapeutic Massage 31467 Nov. 10, 2009 10:00 am - 3:00 pm SC Health Senior Therapeutic Massage 31473 Nov. 13, 2009 10:00 am - 3:00 pm SC Health Senior Therapeutic Massage 31471 Nov. 24, 2009 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm SC Health Senior Therapeutic Massage 31474 Nov. 24, 2009 10:00 am - 3:00 pm SC Health Senior Therapeutic Massage 31472 Dec. 8, 2009 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm SC Health Senior Therapeutic Massage 31475 Dec. 8, 2009 10:00 am - 3:00 pm SC Health Senior Therapeutic Massage 31478 Dec. 11, 2009 10:00 am - 3:00 pm SC Health Senior Therapeutic Massage 31480 Dec. 22, 2009 10:00 am - 3:00 pm SC Health Senior Therapeutic Massage 31476 Dec. 22, 2009 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm SC Health Instructor Compensation Class Titie Barcode Rate Amount Senior Therapeutic Massage 31466 $28.00 per 1/2 hour; $48.00 per hour Senior Therapeutic Massage 31477 $28.00 per 1/2 hour; $48.00 per hour Senior Therapeutic Massage 31468 $28.00 per 1/2 hour; $48.00 per hour Senior Therapeutic Massage 31463 $28.00 per 1/2 hour; $48.00 per hour Senior Therapeutic Massage 31465 $28.00 per 1/2 hour; $48.00 per hour Senior Therapeutic Massage 31469 $28.00 per 112 hour; $48.00 per hour Senior Therapeutic Massage 31470 $28.00 per 112 hour; $48.00 per hour Senior Therapeutic Massage 31467 $28.00 per 1/2 hour; $48.00 per hour Senior Therapeutic Massage 31473 $28.00 per'/z hour; $48.00 per hour Senior Therapeutic Massage 31471 $28.00 per 1/2 hour; $48.00 per hour Senior Therapeutic Massage 31474 $28.00 per 1/2 hour; $48.00 per hour Senior Therapeutic Massage 31472 $28.00 per 1/2 hour; $48.00 per hour Senior Therapeutic Massage 31475 $28.00 per 1/2 hour; $48.00 per hour Senior Therapeutic Massage 31478 $28.00 per 1/2 hour; $48.00 per hour Senior Therapeutic Massage 31480 $28.00 per 1/2 hour; $48.00 per hour Senior Therapeutic Massage 31476 $28.00 per 1/2 hour; $48.00 per hour The contractor is responsible for preparing a class outline and supply list, conducting the program on said dates, preparing and teaching the class/activity, cleaning up the facilities used, and providing an evaluation of the program. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered by the date indicated on the Invoice for the number of participants registered at the end of the session. Invoices will be submitted as stated on the "return by" section; payment will be net 30 days on the City's standard payment schedule. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all registrations 48 hours prior to the first class with the contractor. The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis for any classes/activities the City must prepare and conduct. The Contractor hereby agrees to save the City harmless from all loss or damage occasioned to it or by any third person or property by reason of any negligent acts or omissions on the part of the contractor, his or her designee, his nC her employees, or persons working directly or indirectly in the performance of the contract including joint acts or omissions, and shall give the City prompt notice of any such damage, loss or injury. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance witP RCW 43.43.830 er seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/her contractual involvement with the City, Contractors instructing classes and/or activities may be required to provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing Commercial General Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000, combined single limit per occurtence. The City of Auburn is to be named as additionally insured on the Certificate of Insurance. Contractor is responsible for verifying with the Recreation Coordinator if a Certificate of Insurance is required. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Staff for any substitutions, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed services. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The Contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disability and unemployment insurance. The City of Auburn and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of the date signed below. Your contract must be siqned and returned at least 3 business days prior to the first scheduled class/activity. X: eslee Jo Pet rson, Contractor x: ry Fa , arks and Recreation Director X: ~ cky Kirwin, Recreation Coordinator 22 ~ Date: Date: /C., y Date * CITY OF ~ 06 DffTCB l#58 Only AU- "'BURN ~ ~ ~ Contract N+~., , % ~ WASHINGTON CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The City of Auburn agrees to contract: Jennifer Schneider Phone: (253) 288-3935 31816 120th AVE SE AUBURN, WA 98092 USA The contractor is required to pertorm the following services: Class Title Barcode Starts Ends From Until Facility Room BASIC MANNERS 31182 9/14/09 10/19/096:30P 7:30P Les Gove Park Les Gove Buildir BASIC MANNERS 31183 9/14/09 10/19/097:45P 8:45P Les Gove Park Les Gove Buildir RALLY OBEDIENCE 31188 9/14/09 10/19/095:15P 6:15P Les Gove Park Les Gove Buiidir FEISTY FIDO 31186 9/17/09 10/22/097:45P 8:45P Les Gove Park Les Gove Buildir PUPPY KINDERGARTEN. 31179 9/17/09 10/22/096:30P 7:30P Les Gove Park Les Gove Buildir BETTER MANNERS 31185 10/26/09 11/30/097:45P 8:45P Les Gove Park Les Gove Buildir FEISTY FIDO 31187 10/26/09 11/30/095:15P 6:15P Les Gove Park Les Gove Buildir PUPPY KINDERGARTEN. 31180 10/26/09 11/30/096:30P 7:30P Les Gove Park Les Gove Buildir ADVANCED PUPPY KINDERGARTEN 31181 10/29/09 12/10/096:30P 7:30P Les Gove Park Les Gove Buiidir BASIC MANNERS 31184 10/29/09 12/10/097:45P 8:45P Les Gove Park Les Gove Buildir Instructor Compensation Class Title Barcode Rate Amount Class Min. Class Max. BASIC MANNERS 31182 $63.00 Per Student 4 8 BASIC MANNERS 31183 $63.00 Per Student 4 8 BASIC MANNERS 31184 $63.00 Per Student 4 8 BETTER MANNERS 31185 $63.00 Per Student 4 8 FEISTY FIDO 31186 $63.00 Per Student 4 4 FEISTY FIDO 31187 $63.00 Per Student 4 4 ADVANCED PUPPY KINDERGARTEN 31181 $63.00 Per Student 4 8 PUPPY KINDERGARTEN. 31179 $63.00 Per Student 4 8 PUPPY KINDERGARTEN. 31180 $63.00 Per Student 4 8 RALLY OBEDIENCE 31188 $63.00 Per Student 4 8 The contractor is responsible for preparing a class outline and supply list, conducting the program on said d ates, preparing and teaching the class/activity, cleaning up the facilities used, and providing an evaluation of the program. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered by the date indicated on the Invoice for the number of participants registered at the end of the sess ion. The agreed fee will be paid in 1 payment if the class/activity meets 10 weeks or less, or will be paid in 2 payments if the class/activity meets ] 1 weeks or more. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all registrations 48 hours prior to the first class with the contractoc The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis for any classes/activities the City must prepare and conduct. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the negligent acts, enors or omissions of the Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 er seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/her contractual involvement with the City. Contractors instructing classes and/or activities may be required to provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing Commercial General Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000, combined single limit per occurrence. The City of Auburn is to be named as additionally insured on the Certificate of Insurance. Contractor is responsible for verifying with the Recreation Coordinator if a Certificate of Insurance is required. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Staff for any substitutions, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed services. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income taac and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The Contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disability and unemployment insurance. The City of Auburn and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of the date signed below. Your contract must be signed and returned at least 3 business days prior to the first scheduled class/activity. 23-Ju1-09, 11:28 AM * ~ ~oc, Date: ~~~V -c--y rtment Date: Date: ' 23-Ju1-09, 11:28 AM CITY OF FFIII ptfice use vnly 3J A ~ l ntraci Na. % l ~ WASHINGTON CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The City of Auburn agrees to contract: Cindy Miller Phone: (253) 288-0117 19206 SE 342nd St AUBURN, WA 98092 USA The contractor is required to perform the fo llowing services: Class Title Barcode Starts Ends From Until Facility Room BEGINNING GLASS FUSING 31189 9/17/09 10/8/09 6:OOP 8:OOP M and M Studios M and M Studio BEGINNING GLASS FUSING. 31191 9/17/09 10/8/09 6:OOP 8:OOP M and M Studios M and M Studio BEGINNING GLASS FUSING 31190 10/3/09 10/24/0910:OOA 12:OOP M and M Studios M and M Studio BEGINNING GLASS FUSING. 31192 10/3/09 10/24/0910:OOA 12:OOP M and M Studios M and M Studio GLASS FUSING WORKSHOP 31193 11/2/09 11/2/09 6:OOP 9:OOP M and M Studios M and M Studio GLASS FUSING WORKSHOP. 31195 11/2/09 11/2/09 6:OOP 9:OOP M and M Studios M and M Studio GLASS FUSING WORKSHOP 31194 11/14/09 11/14/0910:OOA 1:OOP M and M Studios M and M Studio GLASS FUSING WORKSHOP. 31196 11/14/09 11/14/0910:OOA 1:00P M and M Studios M and M Studio Instructor Compensation Class Title Barcode Rate Amount Class Min. Class Max. BEGINNING GLASS FUSING 31189 $200.00 Per Course 4 6 BEGINNING GLASS FUSING 31190 $200.00 Per Course 4 6 GLASS FUSING WORKSHOP 31193 $75.00 Per Student 4 6 GLASS FUSING WORKSHOP 31194 $75.00 Per Student 4 6 BEGINNING GLASS FUSING. 31191 $200.00 Per Course 4 6 BEGINNING GLASS FUSING. 31192 $200.00 Per Course 4 6 GLASS FUSING WORKSHOP. 31195 $75.00 Per Student 4 6 GLASS FUSING WORKSHOP. 31196 $75.00 Per Student 4 6 The contractor is responsible for preparing a class outline and supply list, conducting the program on said dates, preparing and teaching the class/activity, cleaning up the facilities used, and providing an evaluation of the program. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered by the date indicated on the Invoice fo r the number of participants registered at the end of the sessi on. The agreed fee will be paid in 1 payment if the class/activity meets 10 weeks or less, or will be paid in 2 payments if the class/activity meets 11 weeks or more. The City may terminate all or part of this contra ct with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all registrations 48 hours prior to the first class with the contractor. The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis for any classes/activities the City must prepare and conduct. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 er seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/her contractual involvement with the City. Contractors instructing classes and/or activities may be required to provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing Commercial General Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000, combined single limit per occurrence. The City of Auburn is to be named as additionally insured on the Certificate of Insurance. Contractor is responsible for verifying with the Recreation Coordinator if a Certificate of Insurance is required. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Staff for any substitutions, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed services. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The Contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disability and unemployment insurance. The City of Auburn and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of the date signed below. Your contract must be signed and returned at least 3 business days prior to the first scheduled class/activity. 05-Aug-09, 04:36 PM ciTY aF * * * WARiJ.NG"['ON ~ •a~•o r Date: ' ? ~g-514'j Da ab~T,~irZ~ , arks, Arts & Recreation Department Date: X: 9/q CI issa Ruston Recreatio Coordinator Date: 23-Ju1-09, 11:17 AM A, f:,;? .5 CITY OF * * ~ For aftice use nnly I~~NAL ContracY No. A.,,,B,'~" '~U'R N" WASH I NGTON CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The City of Auburn agrees to contract: Ruth Stover Phone: (253) 939-6083 22126 SE 358th ST AUBURN, WA 98092 USA The contractor is required to perform the following services: Class Title Barcode Starts Ends From Until Facility Room ZUMBA 31000 9/10/09 10/1/09 6:35P 7:35P Corestar Pilates Studio ZUMBA 30999 9/14/09 10/5/09 5:30P 6:30P Corestar Pilates Studio PILATES 31007 9/15/09 10/22/095:30P 6:30P Corestar Pilates Studio PILATES FLEX OPTION 31009 9/15/09 12/10/095:30P 6:30P Corestar Pilates Studio ZUMBA 31002 10/8/09 10/29/096:35P 7:35P Corestar Pilates Studio ZUMBA 31001 10/12/09 11/2/09 5:30P 6:30P Corestar Pilates Studio PILATES 31008 10/27/09 12/10/095:30P 6:30P Corestar Pilates Studio ZUMBA 31004 11/5/09 11/19/096:35P 7:35P Corestar Pilates Studio ZUMBA 31003 11/9/09 11/30/095:30P 6:30P Corestar Pilates Studio ZUMBA 31006 12/3/09 12/17/096:35P 7:35P Corestar Pilates Studio ZUMBA 31005 12/7/09 12/21/095:30P 6:30P Corestar Pilates Studio Instructor Compensation Class Title Barcode Rate Amount Class Min. Cl ass Max. PILATES 31007 $72.00 Per Student 6 12 PILATES 31008 $72.00 Per Student 8 10 PILATES FLEX OPTION 31009 $72.00 Per Student 1 6 ZUMBA 30999 $32.00 Per Student 8 15 ZUMBA 31000 $32.00 Per Student 8 15 ZUMBA 31001 $32.00 Per Student 8 15 ZUMBA 31002 $32.00 Per Student 8 15 ZUMBA 31003 $32.00 Per Student 8 15 ZUMBA 31004 $24.00 Per Student 8 15 ZUMBA 31005 $24.00 Per Student 8 15 ZUMBA 31006 $24.00 Per Student 8 15 23-Ju1-09, 11:31 AM * CITY OF ~~~URN WASHLNGTON The contractor is responsible for preparing a class outline and supply list, conducting the program on said dates, preparing and teaching the class/activity, cleaning up the facilities used, and providing an evaluation of the program. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered by the date indicated on the Invoice for the number of participants registered at the end of the session. The agreed fee will be paid in 1 payment if the class/activity meets 10 weeks or less, or will be paid in 2 payments if the dass/activity meets 11 weeks or more. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all registrations 48 hours prior to the first class with the contractor. The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis for any classes/activities the City must prepare and conduct. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 er seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/her contractual involvement with the City. Contractors instructing classes and/or activities may be required to provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing Commercial General Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000, combined single limit per occurrence. The City of Auburn is to be named as additionally insured on the Certificate of Insurance. Contractor is responsible for verifying with the Recreation Coordinator if a Certificate of Insurance is required. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Staff for any substitutions, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed services. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The Contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disability and unemployment insurance. The City of Aubum and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of the date signed below. Your contract must be signed and returned at least 3 business day rior to the first schedul class/activity. x: uth Stove Contractor Date: Date: Date: 23-Ju1-09, 11:31 AM Rickey Burlando Phone: (253) 931-1358 115KSTSE AUBURN, WA 98002 USA The contractor is required to perform the foliowing services: Class Title Barcode Starts Ends From Until Facility Room WATERCOLOR 31021 9/9/09 11/4/09 1:OOP 3:30P Senior Center Weese Room WATERCOLOR ADULT 31027 9/9/09 11/4/09 1:OOP 3:30P Senior Center Weese Room WATERCOLOR 31019 9/14/09 11/2/09 1:OOP 3:30P Senior Center Weese Room WATERCOLOR ADULT 31025 9/14/09 11/2/09 1:OOP 3:30P Senior Center Weese Room WATERCOLOR 31020 9/15/09 11/3/09 6:OOP 8:30P Senior Center Weese Room WATERCOLOR ADULT 31026 9/15/09 11/3/09 6:OOP 8:30P Senior Center Weese Room WATERCOLOR 31022 11/16/09 12/14/091:OOP 3:30P Senior Center Weese Room WATERCOLOR ADULT 31028 11/16/09 12/14/091:OOP 3:30P Senior Center Weese Room WATERCOLOR 31023 11/17/09 12/15/096:OOP 8:30P Senior Center Weese Room WATERCOLOR ADULT 31030 11/17/09 12/15/096:OOP 8:30P Senior Center Weese Room WATERCOLOR 31024 11/18/09 12/16/091:OOP 3:30P Senior Center Weese Room WATERCOLOR ADULT 31029 11/18/09 12/9/09 1:OOP 3:30P Senior Center Weese Room Instructor Compensation Class Title Barcode Rate Amount Class Min. Class ax. WATERCOLOR 31019 $36.00 Per Student 8 12 WATERCOLOR 31020 $36.00 Per Student 8 12 WATERCOLOR 31021 $36.00 Per Student 8 12 WATERCOLOR 31022 $23.00 Per Course 8 12 WATERCOLOR 31023 $23.00 Per Course 8 12 ] WATERCOLOR 31024 $23.00 Per Course 8 12 i WATERCOLOR ADULT 31025 $36.00 Per Student 4 12 WATERCOLOR ADULT 31026 $36.00 Per Student 4 12 WATERCOLOR ADULT 31027 $36.00 Per Student 4 12 WATERCOLOR ADULT 31028 $23.00 Per Course 4 12 WATERCOLOR ADULT 31030 $23.00 Per Course 4 12 WATERCOLOR ADULT 31029 $23.00 Per Course 4 12 21-Aug-09, 12:32 PM C CI 1 1v ~l ;.r. ss WASHINGTON The contractor is responsible for preparing a class outline and supply list, conducting the program on said dates, preparing and teaching the class/activity, cleaning up the facilities used, and providing an evaluation of the program. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered by the date indicated on the Invoice for the number of participants registered at the end of the session. The agreed fee will be paid in 1 payment if the class/activity meets 10 weeks or less, or will be paid in 2 payments if the class/activity meets 11 weeks or more. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all registrations 48 hours prior to the first class with the contractor. The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis for any classes/activities the City must prepare and conduct. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 er seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/her contractual involvement with the City. Contractors instructing classes and/or activities may be required to provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing Commercial General Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000, combined single limit per occurrence. The City of Auburn is to be named as additionally insured on the Certificate of Insurance. Contractor is responsible for verifying with the Recreation Coordinator if a Certificate of Insurance is required. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Staff for any substitutions, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed services. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole contro) of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The Contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disability and unemployment insurance. The City of Auburn and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of the date signed below. Your contract must be signed and returned at least 3 business days prior to the first scheduled class/activity. X: L&e Z-o L 'L~ Rickey Bur ando Contractor Date X: 812 Y/~ C Daryl Fabue Director, Parks, Arts & Recreation Department Date: X: . . ew, 0- 10F Rocky rwin Recreation Coordinator Date: 21-Aug-09, 12:32 PM 7~~, CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT CITY OF FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ~ 9 ~ ~WASHINGTON Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation 910 Ninth St. S.E., Auburn, WA 98002 253-931-3043 1253-931-4005 fax I www.auburnwa.gov Name of Contractor Dansound, Inc. Contact Dan Mortensen, President Address PO Box 75294, Seattle, 98175 Telephone / email 206-525-2113 / dansound@clearwire.net Business Tax ID (attach current W-9) Cit Contact Laurie Rose, Cuitural Arts Mana er , 253-804-5057, Lrose@auburnwa.gov Description of work: event sound service Start date Jul 4, 2009 Services to conclude b date) Nov. 7, 2009 Work location: various locations in Auburn, WA Terms reference attached) The City of Auburn ("City") or Dansound, Inc. ("Contractor') may terminate all or part of this contract with a minimum of 30-day notice to City Department Director or designee and Dan Mortensen of Dansound, Inc. The City may provide work references for the Contractor upon request. Except where noted below under TERMS, the Contractor hereby agrees to hold the City harmless from all loss or damage occasioned to it or to any third party or property by reason of any negligent acts or omissions on the part of the Contractor, his or her employees, or persons working directly or indirectly in the performance of the contract including joint acts or omissions, and shall give the City prompt notice of any such damage, loss, or injury. The Contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Department Director or designee for any substitutes, changes or canceilations in the above-named performed services. Subcontracting the services of this contract is not allowed without prior approval by City. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent Contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax, and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The Contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any of the benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to paid leave, health insurance coverage, retirement programs or unemployment insurance. The Contractor agrees to comply with all governmentai requirements necessitated by independent Contractor statues, including but not limited to the payment of taxes (except where noted below under TERMS). The Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from any claims that may result from allegations that the Contractor is not an independent Contractor. Such claims may come from Internal Revenue Service, State of Washington Labor and Industries and like agencies. . Dansound, Inc. 2009 Concerts/Events Page 1 of 5 AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED QUOTE PER EVENT (Does not include 9.5% sales tax): Basic System 7/4 July 4 Festival: $650 7/8,15, 22, 29 Shades of Summer Concerts: $475 8/14, 21, 28 Sounds & Cinema: $475 11/7 Veteran's Day Parade: $750 (Grand Stand location only, no subs) TERMS: -City Rainout Clause: The 4th of July Festival and the Veteran's Day event will proceed "rain or shine." For all other concert events, in the event of rain, the CITY will contact the ARTIST & EVENT CONTRACTOR no later than 3:00pm on the same day of the concert to determine if the performance will be moved indoors or be cancelled due to inclement weather. EVENT CONTRACTOR will be paid in full on the day of the event, regardless. -City will appropriately weather-cover stages, on-stage equipment, and mix position. City is responsible for damage or injury caused by inadequate weather protection. Contractor will cover (weather-protect) the speakers. -Dansound Inc. pays all employment taxes for operators. -All Dansound Inc. employees are covered by L&I Workman's Comp. -Any additional taxes, licenses, governmental fees, etc. charged to Dansound Inc. because of these events, either now or in the future, will be paid by client. -Dansound Inc. has and can provide proof of $1 million/$2million liability insurance and will list City of Auburn Washington as "additionally insured." -Washington State Sales Tax applies to all "rental of equipment with operator" transactions. -Agreement can be by contract or invoice. -Payment to be by check; payment schedule is flexible. All payments complete within one month of service. -Van parking at events provided at no charge by client. -Van can drive directly to stage to unload and load at all events. -Veteran's Day Parade system to be ready one hour before start time. Stages need to be in place a minimum of two hours before the sound system ready time, or more for more complex sound systems as specified by Dansound Inc. -Cable protection for Veteran's Day parade, if required, is responsibility of City. Injury or damage resulting from inadequate cable protection is the responsibility of the City. SOUND SYSTEM FOR ABOVE EVENTS: Speakers: 4 Ramsa WSA-200 (2 per side) on tripods. 1 Meyer USW-1 P sub(woofer) Mixer: 1 Mackie 1604 VLZ Pro (16 inputs, 2 monitor mixes) Effects Rack: 2 BSS Opal 2 channel 1/3 octave equalizers (4 channels total), 1 Drawmer 241 stereo compressor, 1 Lexicon MPX-1 multi-effect processor, 1 Denon combination CD/cassette player (or equivalent) Monitors: 5 Ramsa WSA-200 with tilts. 2 mixes Mics: 16 various: Shure SM-58, SM-57, SM-81; Audix D-6, I-5, Micro-D. DI's: 6 Countryman FET 85 with cables. Snake: 16x4 125'. Amps: 3 x Carver PT-1250 or equivalent Operator: 1 All cables, stands, transportation, setup, operation, teardown, etc. included ENHANCED OPTION (extra $50 plus tax per show, can be decided that day for Wednesday shows, in advance for others): Substitute Mackie 24.4 mixer (20 inputs, 4 monitor mixes) for 1604 VLZ Pro, and add one BSS Opal 2 channel 1!3 octave equalizer, 6 channel snake. Dansound, Inc. 2009 Concerts/Events Page 2 of 5 AUBURN * M0RE THAN YOU IMAGINED EVENT/CONCERT INFO PAGE Arts/Event Staff will forward all tech riders to Dansound, Inc., as soon as they are made available. Event/Location Date/time .g• Info Fourth of July Festival Sat. July 4, 11 am - 4pm Schedule: Les Gove Park Expertease, 11am-12noon (910 Ninth St. SE) (break, 12noon to 1 pm) The Goods, 1 pm - 2:30 (break) 3-4pm Agent: Craig Cooke, Pacific Rim Talent craig@pacificrimtalent.com / 425-489-7900 Auburn Contact: Kristy Pachciarz (PA-charz) kpachciarz@auburnwa.gov / 253-931-3052 Shades of Summer Concert Wed, July 8, 7:00 - 8:30pm Handful of Luvin (www.handfulofluvin.com) Les Gove Park (910 Ninth St. SE) Agent: Carol Tingstad, tingrumb@aol.com / 425- 391-4723 Auburn Contact: Laurie Rose Irose@auburnwa.gov/253-804-5057 Shades of Summer Concert Wed, July 15, 7:00 - 8:30pm David Ellis Band Les Gove Park (www.myspace.com/daveellisseattle) (910 Ninth St. SE) Agent: Carol Tingstad, tingrumb@aol.com / 425- 391-4723 Auburn Contact: Laurie Rose Irose@auburnwa.gov / 253-804-5057 Shades of Summer Concert Wed, July 22, 7:00 - 8:30pm Nathan Chance & Northcoast Les Gove Park (www.nathanchance.com) (910 Ninth St. SE) Agent: Carol Tingstad, tingrumb@aol.com / 425- 391-4723 Auburn Contact: Laurie Rose Irose@auburnwa.gov / 253-804-5057 Shades of Summer Concert Wed, July 29, 7:00 - 8:30pm The Senate (www.senateband.com) Les Gove Park (910 Ninth St. SE) Agent: Carol Tingstad, tingrumb@aol.com / 425- 391-4723 Auburn Contact: Laurie Rose Irose@auburnwa.gov / 253-804-5057 Dansound, Inc. 2009 Concerts/Events Page 3 of5 AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAG[NED Summer Sounds & Cinema Fri, Aug 14, 7:00 - 8:30pm The Pop Offs Sunset Park (1306 69`h St. S.E.) Agent: Craig Cooke, Pacific Rim Talent craig@pacificrimtalent.com / 425-489-7900 Auburn Contact: Kristy Pachciarz (PA-charz) kpachciarz@auburnwa.gov / 253-931-3052 Summer Sounds & Cinema Fri, Aug 21, 7:00 - 8:30pm The Delivery Boys Les Gove Park (910 Ninth St. SE) Agent: Craig Cooke, Pacific Rim Talent craig@pacificrimtalent.com / 425-489-7900 Auburn Contact: Kristy Pachciarz (PA-charz) kpachciarz@auburnwa.gov / 253-931-3052 Summer Sounds & Cinema Fri, Aug 28, 7:00 - 8:30pm No Rules Les Gove Park (910 Ninth St. SE) Agent: Craig Cooke, Pacific Rim Talent craig@pacificrimtalent.com / 425-489-7900 Auburn Contact: Kristy Pachciarz (PA-charz) kpachciarz@auburnwa.gov / 253-931-3052 Veteran's Day Celebration Sat., Nov. 7(early AM to approx. Parade Grand Stand 1:30pm) 9:00am - 10:45am Auburn Contact: Kristy Pachciarz (PA-charz) "Pre-parade" music kpachciarz@auburnwa.gov / 253-931-3052 (pre-recorded CD) Parade Grand Stand City Hall Plaza, 25 W. Main St 11am - (approx.) 1:30pm Parade Grand Stand City Hall Plaza, 25 W. Main St. Dansound, Inc. 2009 Concerts/Events AT TBU T T.~.~t~lv!~T Page 4 of 5 l~v * MORE THAN YOU iMAG[NED FEE SCHEDULE ■ Base Fees Fourth July Festival $650.00 + 9.5% tax $711.75 Shades of Summer Concerts $475.00 + 9.5% tax $520.13 (ea) Summer Sounds/Cinema Concerts $475.00 + 9.5% tax $520.13 (ea) Veteran's Day $750.00 + 9.5% tax $821.25 ■ Add'I Fees $50.00 plus 9.5% tax added to base fee for differenUadditional equipment outlined in bid as "Enhanced Option." Determined by Arts Staff and Dansound, Inc. in advance of any single event. PAYMENT SCHEDULE City of Auburn processes accounts payable every two weeks. The foilowing is offered as an "FYI" for CONTRACTOR'S reference. An invoice is not required, unless there have been approved changes to Base Fees, such as addition of "Enhanced Option": July 4 event invoice will be paid the week of July 21, 2009 July 8& 15 event invoices will be paid the week of August 4, 2009 July 22 & 29 event invoices will be paid the week of August 17, 2009 August 14 & 21 event invoices will be paid the week of September 7, 2009 August 28 event invoice will be paid the week of September 21, 2009 November 7 event invoice will be paid the week of December 7th, 2009 Dansound, 1 . 2009 Concerts/Events 3' Page 5 of 5 AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAG[NED . A 3 f ~,S ~ CITY OF ~ =Fo,,,If,,- only A ~,U~~~ At L WASHINGTON CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The City of Auburn agrees to contract: Georgia Heimbach 22049 106 PL SE #71 KENT, WA 98031 USA The contractor is required to perform the following services: Class Title OIL PAINTING Instructor Compensation Class Title OIL PAINTING OIL PAINTING Barcode Starts 30292 5/11/09 Barcode 30292 30291 Phone: (253) 813-0670 Ends From Until Facility 7/13/09 9:OOA 12:OOP Senior Center Room Weese Room Rate Amount Class Min. Class Max. $36.00 Per Student 4f F 18 $36.00 Per Student yf i/ 18 I~• The contractor is responsible for preparing a class outline and supply list, conducting the program on said dates, preparing and teaching the class/activity, cleaning up the facilities used, and providing an evaluation of the program. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered by the date indicated on the Invoice for the number of participants registered at the end of the session. The agreed fee will be paid in 1 payment if the class/activity meets 10 weeks or less, or will be paid in 2 payments if the class/activity meets 1 1 weeks or more. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all registrations 48 hours prior to the first class with the contractor. The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis for any classes/activities the City must prepare and conduct. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 er seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/her contractual involvement with the City. Contractors instructing classes and/or activities may be required to provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing Commercial General Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000, combined single limit per occurrence. The City of Auburn is to be named as additionally insured on the Certificate of Insurance. Contractor is responsible for verifying with the Recreation Coordinator if a Certificate of Tnsurance is required. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Staff for any substitutions, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed services. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The Contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disability and unemployment insurance. The City of Auburn and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of the date signed below. Your contract must be signed and returned at least 3 business days prior to the first scheduled class/activity. Georgia Heimbach Contractor Date: ' x: ~7 a Lo~C Da rr~l Faber, Director, Parks, Arts & Recreation Department Date: x: ~j~..,, 3 Rocky ' in Recreation Coordinator Date: 02-Mar-09, 04:05 PM ~ ~ ` CI1 Y` OF OklU m iNAL ~ WASHINGTOIV CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The City of Auburn agrees to contract: Jeannette Baker 11820 150th Ave SE RENTON, WA 98059 USA The contractor is required to perform the following services: Class Title LINE DANCING LINE DANCING LINE DANCING LINE DANCING Instructor Compensation Class Title LINE DANCING LINE DANCING LINE DANCING LINE DANCING Barcode Starts 30813 5/20/09 30867 5/20/09 30814 7/1/09 30868 7/1 /09 Phone: (425) 753-6407 Ends From Until Facility 6/24/09 9:45A 10:45A Senior Center 6/24/09 9:45A 10:45A Senior Center 8/5/09 9:45A 10:45A Senior Center 8/5/09 9:45A 10:45A Senior Center Barcode Rate Amount 30867 $48.00 Per Student 30868 $48.00 Per Student 30813 $48.00 Per Student 30814 $48.00 Per Student Room M2-3 M2-3 M2-3 M2-3 Class Min. Class Max. 6 20 6 20 8 20 8 20 The contractor is responsible for preparing a class outline and supply list, conducting the program on said dates, preparing and teaching the class/activity, cleaning up the facilities used, and providing an evaluation of the program. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered by the date indicated on the Invoice for the number of participants registered at the end of the session. The agreed fee will be paid in 1 payment if the class/activity meets 10 weeks or less, or will be paid in 2 payments if the class/activity meets 11 weeks or more. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all registrations 48 hours prior to the first class with the contractor. The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis for any classes/activities the City must prepare and conduct. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 er seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/her contractual involvement with the City. Contractors instructing classes and/or activities may be required to provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing Commercial General Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000, combined single limit per occurrence. The City of Auburn is to be named as additionally insured on the Certificate of Insurance. Contractor is responsible for verifying with the Recreation Coordinator if a Certificate of Insurance is required. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Staff for any substitutions, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed services. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The Contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disability and unemployment insurance. The City of Auburn and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of the date signed below. Your contract must be signed and returned at least 3 business days prior to the first scheduled class/activity. ette Baker Contractor x: Dary~~Dir, Parks, rts & Recreation Department X: Rocky J I1~ I cJ Date: Date: S / G /y Date: 08-May-09, 02:42 PM A,, 3 I l (c_. 5 ~ ciTY aF * . A, Off B . ; R""'N ORIGINA1 WASH INGTON CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The City of Auburn agrees to contract Harold Valentine Phone: (253) 332-3754 10803 SE 292 ST AUBURN, WA 98092 USA The contractor is required to perform the following services: Class Title CONTEMPORARY CONCERNS-FALL Instructor Compensation Class Title CONTEMPORARY CONCERNS-FALL Barcode Starts Ends From Until Facility 31248 10/14/09 11/4/09 10:OOA 11:30A Senior Center Room Weese Room Barcode Rate Amount Class Min. Class Max. 31248 $12.00 Per Student 8 25 The contractor is responsible for preparing a class outline and supply list, conducting the program on said dates, preparing and teaching the class/activity, cleaning up the facilities used, and providing an evaluation of the program. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered by the date indicated on the Invoice for the number of participants registered at the end of the session. The agreed fee will be paid in 1 payment if the class/activity meets 10 weeks or less, or will be paid in 2 payments if the class/activity meets 11 weeks or more. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all registrations 48 hours prior to the first class with the contractor. The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis for any classes/activities the City must prepare and conduct. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 er seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/her contractual involvement with the City. Contractors instructing classes and/or activities may be required to provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing Commercial General Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000, combined single limit per occurrence. The City of Auburn is to be named as additionally insured on the Certificate of Insurance. Contractor is responsible for verifying wrth the Recreation Coordinator if a Certificate of Insurance is required. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Staff for any substitutions, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed services. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The Contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disability and unemployment insurance. The City of Auburn and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of the date signed below. Your contract must be signed and returned at least 3 business days prior to the first scheduled class/activity. x: ~ y.,`, O Z 7 V Z ~r d Vaient ne Contractor Date: x: Daryl Faber, D rector, Parks, Arts & Recreation Department x: Rocky irwin Recreation Coordinator -9I ;L%'r...1 05 Date: lG/L~Qr l Date: 21-Aug-09, 10:05 AM Contract No. CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The City of Auburn agrees to contract: Dayna Coats Phone:36o-829-7500 38o Michael Ave. Enumclaw, WA 98022 To perform the following professional services ORIGINAL SubRocket Band Performance at the Auburn Late Night Program. The contractor is required to perform said services on: Saturday, October 17, from 7-9PM at Auburn Riverside High School. The performance will occur at Auburn Riverside High School in the Cafeteria, at 501 Oravetz Road, Auburn, Washington, 98092. The ageed fee to be paid is $100.00 . The agreed fee will be paid in 1 payment(s) on the normal schedule of payments used by the City Financial Department. The contractor is responsible for conducting the program on said dates, cleaning up the facilities used. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all class registrations 72 hours prior to the first class with the contractor. The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis for any classes the City must prepare and conduct for the contractor. The City will provide support services (department brochure, printing programs, flyers, etc.) to the contractor regarding the program. The City will provide working references for the contractor upon request. The Contractor hereby agrees to save the City harmless from all loss or damage occasioned to it or to any third person or property by reason of any negligent acts or omissions on the part of the contractor, his or her employees, or person working directly or indirectly in the performance of the contract including joint acts or omissions, and shall give the City prompt notice of any such damage, loss or injury. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 et seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person will or may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age, or to developmentally disabled persons, or to vulnerable adults during the course of his or her employment or involvement with the business or organization.. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Recreation Coordinator for any substitutes, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed service. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax, and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any of the benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disability and unemployment insurance. The ty of Auburn and the Contractor have execute his agreement as of October 15, 2009. A signed original contract m t in this office th~ee pu/~iness Oays g,~ior tql~e start of class. Cok&" ('v . n Director, Parks and RecreaTion Department Jim Wisthusine,XlpEreation Coordinator t~ n CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The City of Auburn agrees Leslee ]o Peterson 31600 7th Avenue S Federal Way WA 98003 The contractor is required to perform the following services: Class Title Barcode Date From - Until Facility Room Senior Therapeutic Massage 30682 Apr. 10, 2009 10:00 am - 3:00 pm SC Health Senior Therapeutic Massage 30679 Apr. 14, 2009 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm SC Health Senior Theraaeutic Massage 30687 Apr. 14, 2009 10:00 am - 3:00 pm SC Health Senior Therapeutic Massage 30684 Apr. 24, 2009 10:00 am - 3:00 pm SC Health Senior Therapeutic Massage 30680 Apr. 28, 2009 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm SC Health Senior Therapeutic Massage 30681 Apr. 28, 2009 10:00 am - 3:00 pm SC Health Senior Therapeutic Massage 30683 May 8, 2009 10:00 am - 3:00 pm SC Health Senior Therapeutic Massage 30671 May 12, 2009 10:00 am - 3:00 pm SC Health Senior Therapeutic Massage 30672 May 12, 2009 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm SC Health Senior Therapeutic Massage 30685 May 22, 2009 10:00 am - 3:00 pm SC Health Senior Therapeutic Massage 30673 May 26, 2009 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm SC Health Senior Therapeutic Massage 30675 May 26, 2009 10:00 am - 3:00 pm SC Health Senior Therapeutic Massage 30676 June 9, 2009 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm SC Health Senior Therapeutic Massage 30674 June 9, 2009 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm SC Health Senior Therapeutic Massage 30686 June 12, 2009 10:00 am - 3:00 pm SC Health Senior Therapeutic Massage 30677 June 23, 2009 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm SC Health Senior Therapeutic Massage 30678 June 23, 2009 10:00 am - 3:00 pm SC Health Senior Therapeutic Massage 30688 June 26, 2009 10:00 am - 3:00 pm SC Health Instructor Compensation Class Title Barcode Rate Amount Senior Therapeutic Massage 30682 $28.00 per 1/2 hour; $48.00 per hour Senior Therapeutic Massage 30679 $28.00 per 1/2 hour; $48.00 per hour Senior Therapeutic Massage 30687 $28.00 per 1/2 hour; $48.00 per hour Senior Therapeutic Massage 30684 $28.00 per 1/2 hour; $48.00 per hour Senior Therapeutic Massage 30680 $28.00 per Yz hour; $48.00 per hour Senior Therapeutic Massage 30681 $28.00 per 1/2 hour; $48.00 per hour Senior Therapeutic Massage 30683 $28.00 per 1/2 hour; $48.00 per hour Senior Therapeutic Massage 30671 $28.00 per 1/2 hour; $48.00 per hour Senior Therapeutic Massage 30672 $28.00 per'/z hour; $48.00 per hour Senior Therapeutic Massage 30685 $28.00 per 1/2 hour; $48.00 per hour Senior Therapeutic Massage 30673 $28.00 per 1/2 hour; $48.00 per hour Senior Therapeutic Massage 30675 $28.00 per 1/2 hour; $48.00 per hour Senior Therapeutic Massage 30676 $28.00 per 1/2 hour; $48.00 per hour Senior Therapeutic Massage 30674 $28.00 per 1/2 hour; $48.00 per hour Senior Therapeutic Massage 30686 $28.00 per 1/2 hour; $48.00 per hour Senior Therapeutic Massage 30677 $28.00 per 1/2 hour; $48.00 per hour Senior Therapeutic Massage 30678 $28.00 per 1/2 hour; $48.00 per hour Senior Therapeutic Massage 30688 $28.00 per'/z hour; $48.00 per hour The contractor is responsible for preparing a class outline and supply list, conducting the program on said dates, preparing and teaching the class/activity, cleaning up the facilities used, and providing an evaluation of the program. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered by the date indicated on the Invoice for the number of participants registered at the end of the session. Invoices will be submitted as stated on the "return by" section; payment will be net 30 days on the City's standard payment schedule. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all registrations 48 hours prior to the first class with the contractor. The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis for any classes/activities the City must prepare and conduct. The Contractor hereby agrees to save the City harmless from all loss or damage occasioned to it or by any third person or property by reason of any negligent acts or omissions on the part of the contractor, his or her designee, his or her employees, or persons working directly or indirectly in the performance of the contract including joint acts or omissions, and shall give the City prompt notice of any such damage, loss or injury. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 er seq., for themselves and/or their employees wilere any nerson may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/her contractual involvement with the City, Contractors instructing classes and/or activities may be required to provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing Commercial General Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000, combined single limit per occurrence. The City of Auburn is to be named as additionally insured on the Certificate of Insurance. Contractor is responsible for verifying with the Recreation Coordinator if a Certificate of Insurance is required. The contractor shall notiry and receive approval from the Staff for any substitutions, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed services. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The Contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disabiliry and unemployment insurance. The City of Auburn and the Contractor have executed this agreement as business da prior to the first cheduled class/activity. X: ~u. . ~.c~a~e~Y--- Leslee Jo eterson, Contractor X: , I Faber,Y s and Recreation Director X: o Kirwin, Recreation Coordinator of the date signed below. Your contract must be signed and returned at least 3 13 Date: 3/av uR Date : vl' Date ~ For oifice use only A O ConVad No. uBURN 'rE :'S N I I 11 ~ 0 N CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The City of Auburn agrees to contract: Matt SlnrageRy Phone: (253) 28$-1080 21608 SE 358TH ST AUBURN, WA 98092 USA The contractor is required to pertorm the foilowing services: Class Title Barcode Starts Ends From Until Facility Room Basketball Skills Training 31102 1017109 10/28/09 6:OOP 7:OOP Rainier Middle Schoo! GYM Basketball Skills Training 31103 10/7109 10/28/08 7:OOP 8:OOP Rainier Middle School GYM Basketball Skills Training 31144 10l7109 10/28109 6:OOP 8:OOP Rainier Middle School GYM Basketball Skills Training 31170 11/11/09 12/9/09 6:OOP 7:OOP Rainier Middie School GYM Basketball Skills Training 31171 11/11/09 12/9/09 7:OOP 8:OOP Rainier Middle School GYM Basketbali Skills Training 31172 11111/09 12/9l09 6:OOP 8:OOP Rainier Middle School GYM Basketbaii Skills Trairting 31173 11/12/09 12110/09 6:OOP 7:OOP Mt. Baker Middle SchocGYM Basketball Skills Training 31174 11/12i09 12/10/09 7;OOP B:OOP Mt. Baker Middle SchocGYM Basketball Skills 7raining 31175 11/12/09 12l10/09 6:OOP 8:OOP Mt. Baker Middle SchocGYM Instructor Compensation Class Title Barcode Rate Amount Class Min. Class Max. Basketball Skills Training 31102 $40.00 Per Student 10 24 Basketball5kiils Training 31103 $40.00 Per Student 10 24 Basketball Skills Training 31104 $75.00 Per 5tudent 10 24 Basketbail Skills Training 31170 $40.00 Per Student 10 24 Basketball Skills Training 31171 $40.00 Per Student 10 24 Basketball Skills Training 31172 $75.00 Per SYudent 10 24 Basketball Skills Training 31173 $40.00 Per Student 10 24 Basketball Skills Training 31174 $40.00 Per Student 10 24 Basketball Skills Training 31175 $75.00 Per Student 10 24 The contractor is responsible for preparing a class outline and supply list, conducting the program on said dates, prepazing and teaching the classlactivity, cleaning up ihe facilities used, and providing an evaluation of the program. The contractor is required to invoice the Ciry for services rendered by the date indicated on the Invoice for the number of partieipants registered at the end of the session. The agreed fee will be paid in I payment if the classlactivity meets 10 weeks or less, or witl be paid in 2 payments if the class/tu;tivity meets 11 weeks or more. The Ciry may terminate al( or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all registrations 48 hours prior to the first class with the contractor. The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated baSis for any classes/activities the City must prepare and conduct. Conuaetor shall defend, indemnify and hold the Ciry, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attomey fees, azising out of or resulting from the negligent acts, enors or omissions of the Contiactor in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Cciminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 er seq., for themseives and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access ta children under sixteen yeazs of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/her conhaetual involvement with the City. Contractors instructing classes and/or activities may be required to provide a Certificate of [nswance evidencing Commercial General Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000, combined single limit per occurrence. The Ciry of Aubum is to be named as additionalty insared on the CeRificate of Insurance. Contractor is responsible for veXifying with the Recreation Coordinator if a Certificate of Insurance is required. The contrdctor shall notify and receive approval from the Staff for any substitutions, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed services. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sote control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for reporting hislher hows, eamings, income taac and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The Contractor understands that he/she is not entitled W any benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disabitity and unemployment insurance. The City of Auburn and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of the date signed below. Your contract must be signed and returned at least 3 business days prior to the first scheduled class/activity. 03-Nov-09, 11:51 AM For otfice use only 'ff'i ConVact No. tAuBuRN N I I i1. ; l.7 N : , _ _ / X: Matt wage Contractor Date. Daryl Faber, r, s& Recreation Department Date: x: / 'd -e R ck Bruya Recreation Coordinator Date: 93-idov-09, 11:5'1 AM r4 3. I _S ~ CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The City of Auburn agrees to contract: Ellen Miffitt PO Box 11133 Olympia, WA 98058 To perForm the following professional services: Instruct: Enamel Projects for Holiday Gifts, 31070, on Saturday, December 12, 2009, from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm, Les Gove Building, 1020 Deals Way, Auburn, WA 98002. Instructor Compensation: The agreed fee to be paid is a flat fee of: $240.00. The agreed fee will be paid in 1 payment(s) at the conclusion of the class on the normal schedule of payments used by the City Financial Department. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered. The minimum number of participants is 8 with a maximum of 12 per class. The contractor is responsible for preparing a class outline and supply list, conducting the program on said dates, preparing and teaching the fundamentals, cleaning up the facilities used, and providing an evaluation of the program at the conclusion of the program. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all class registrations 48 hours prior to the first class with the contractor. The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis for any classes the City must prepare and conduct for the contractor. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its ofFicers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the negligent acts, errors, or omissions of the Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 er seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/er contractual involvement with the City. Contractors instructing classes and/or activities may be required to provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing Commercial General Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence. The Ciry of Auburn is to be named as additionally insured on the Certificate of Insurance. Contractor is responsible for verifying with the Recreation Coordinator if a Certificate of Insurance is required. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Staff for any substitutes, changes, or cancellations in the above- named performed service. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, iricome tax, and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any of the benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disability and unemployment insurance. The City of Auburn and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of the date signed below. Your contract must be signed and returned at least 3 business days prior to the first scheduled class/activity. , ~ a.-►1, /0-~.-d X0 Ellen Miffitt Date Daryl Fa Director, Parks, Arts & Recreation Department Date ~ L,Aaija Knight, V~/ blic Arts Coordinator Date Contract No. ORld* CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The City of Auburn agrees to contract: Don Gardner 81o8 18ist Ave. E. Bonney Lake, WA 98391 253-862-68u r~ 3 1(,.-S To perform the following professional services: Guitar Class (Beginning). The contractor is required to perform said services on: Thursdays, Nov. 5- Dec. 17, from 6-71? 2009 (No Class on Thanksgiving Thursday). The classes will oceur at the Auburn Senior Center, 808 9"' St., Auburn, WA 98002. The agreed fee to be paid is $245.00 . The agreed fee will be paid in 1 payment(s) on the normal schedule of payments used by the City Financial Department. The contractor is responsible for conducting the program on said dates, cleaning up the facilities used. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all class registrations 72 hours prior to the first class with the contractor. The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis for any classes the City must prepare and conduct for the contractor. The City will provide support services (department brochure, printing programs, flyers, etc.) to the contractor regarding the pro-ram. The City will provide working references for the contractor upon request. The Contractor hereby agrees to save the City harmless from all loss or damage occasioned to it or to any third person or property by reason of any negligent acts or omissions on the part of the contractor, his or her employees, or person working directly or indirectly in the performance of the contract including joint acts or omissions, and shall give the City prompt notice of any such damage, loss or injury. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 et seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person will or may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age, or to developmentally disabled persons, or to vulnerable adults during the course of his or her employment or involvement with the business or organization.. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Recreation Coordinator for any substitutes, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed service. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax, and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any of the benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disability and unemployment insurance. The City of Auburn a ILd_the Contractor have executed this agreement as of November 12, 2009. A signed original contract musLbern th~ t e business days prior to the start of class. % - ~ C tract~ Director, Parks and Recreation Department Ji es sin , ecreation Coordinator Contract No. CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERV[CES The City of Auburn agrees to contract: Nathan Faber 11204 39th St. Ct. East Edgewood, WA 98372 253-826-1536 A3,►to S ORIGItIAL To perfarm the following professional services: Fox 45 Band Performance at the Auburn Late Night Program. The contractor is required to perform said services on: Saturday, November 14, from 9-10 PM at Auburn Riverside High School. The performance will occur at Auburn Riverside High School in the Cafeteria, at 501 Oravetz Road, Auburn, Washington, 98092. The agreed fee to be paid is $100.00 . The agreed fee will be paid in 1 payment(s) on the normal schedule of payments used by the City Financial Department. The contractor is responsible for conducting the program on said dates, cleaning up the facilities used. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all class registrations 72 hours prior to the first class with the contractor. The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis for any classes the City must prepare and conduct for the contractor. The City will provide support services (department brochure, printing programs, flyers, etc.) to the contractor regarding the program. The City will provide working references for the contractor upon request. The Contractor hereby agrees to save the City harmless from all loss or damage occasioned to it or to any third person or property by reason of any negligent acts or omissions on the part of the contractor, his or her employees, or person working directly or indirectly in the performance of the contract including joint acts or omissions, and shall give the City prompt notice of any such damage, loss or injury. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 et seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person will or may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age, or to developmentally disabled persons, or to vulnerable adults during the course of his or her employment or involvement with the business or organization.. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from che Recreation Coordinator for any substitutes, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed service. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax, and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any of the benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disability and unemployment insurance. The City of Auburn and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of November 12, 2009. A signed original contract must be i thi offic t ree business days prior to the start of class. ; . ~ont ac o. ~ • '17TIrector, arks and Recreation Department Jim JJVesthusAg, Recreation Coardinator A * For oftice use onty k CITY OF * c A y ~ L Confract No. AV BuR,",~ WASH (NGTON ~!~7 C~/~ p CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT FOR PROFESS I ONAL SERV I"~~I'~(;~~FA~[3~/R QK~ nrr The City of Auburn agrees to contract: , ~C~ ~~~a Stephanie Cox Phone: (253) 2o'Q 803 7th St SE AUBURN, WA 98002 USA The contractor is required to perform the following services: Class Title Barcode Starts Ends From Until Facility Room STORY BALLET CAMPS 30346 7/6/09 7/10/09 9:OOA 11:30A Terminal Park ElemeGymnasium STORY BALLET CAMPS 30347 7/13/09 7l17/09 9:OOA 11:30A Terminal Park ElemeGymnasium STORY BALLET CAMPS 30348 7/20/09 7/24/09 9:OOA 11:30A Terminal Park ElemeGymnasium Instructor Compensation Class Title Barcode Rate Amount Class Min. Class Max. STORY BALLET CAMPS 30346 $70.00 Per Student 10 30 STORY BALLET CAMPS 30347 $70.00 Per Student 10 30 STORY BALLET CAMPS 30348 $70.00 Per Student 10 30 The contractor is responsible for preparing a class outline and supply list, conducting the program on said dates, preparing and teaching the class/activity, cleaning up the facilities used, and providing an evaluation of the program. The contractor is required to invoice the City for services rendered by the date indicated on the Invoice for the number of participants registered at the end of the session. The agreed fee will be paid in 1 payment if the class/activity meets 10 weeks or less, or will be paid in 2 payments if the class/activity meets 1 1 weeks or more. The City may terminate all or part of this contract with or without cause at any time. The City will finalize all registrations 48 hours prior to the first class with the contractor. The City shall be reimbursed at a pro-rated basis for any classes/activities the City must prepare and conduct. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The Contractor must provide a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background check, in compliance with RCW 43.43.830 er seq., for themselves and/or their employees where any person may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age or to developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults during the course of his/her contractual involvement with the City. Contractors instructing classes and/or activities may be required to provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing Commercial General Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000, combined single limit per occurrence. The City of Auburn is to be named as additionally insured on the Certificate of Insurance. Contractor is responsible for verifying with the Recreation Coordinator if a Certificate of Insurance is required. The contractor shall notify and receive approval from the Staff for any substitutions, changes, or cancellations in the above-named performed services. Subcontracting of the services of this contract is not allowed unless prior approval is received by the department. The Contractor agrees and understands that he/she is an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the City. The manner and means of providing the professional services herein are under the sole control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for reporting his/her hours, earnings, income tax and social security to the applicable federal and state agencies. The Contractor understands that he/she is not entitled to any benefits provided by an employer to employees including but not limited to disability and unemployment insurance. The City of Auburn and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of the date signed below. Your contract must be signed and returned at least 3 business days prior to the first scheduled class/activity. 1~ x: ~;l V ephanie Cox ~~~Contractor Date: X: a I Faber, DirectocParks, Arts & Recreation Department Date: x: Pam Gallion Recreation Coordinator Date. 20-Mar-09, 10:59 AM