HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM V-C PRESENTED AT MEETING . a Presented at 12/7/09 Finance Committee By Director Coleman 18 pages Budget Amendment No. 3 CITY OF ~ ~ * Interoffice Memorandum RN WASHINGTON To: Counciimembers Mayor LeNis From: Shelley Coleman, Finance Director Date: December 7, 2009 Re: Budget Amendment # 3 The final budget amendment's main focus is to adjust for changes in capital expenditures and the corresponding revenues as a result of updating the 2010-2015 Capital Facilities Plan. In addition, we budget any grant funds that the Council has accepted during the later part of the year. We have summarized the grant revenues and the associated department expenditures on the attached grant summary chart, Attachment #1 - Other items in this budget amendment include: The Senior Center Services revenues and expenditures have been increased due to the continued growth of the programs and Contributions & Donations is also increased as part of the Police department concessions. General fund intergovernmental services is reduced by $620,000 for savings related to the Police department and will be reserved for SCORE start up and transition costs. The major adjustments based on the 2010 Capital Facilities Plan are primarily for projects that have been carried forward and re-budgeted in the following year. A decrease in Bond Proceeds in Fund 321 reflects the change in funding source to for the Community Center in 2010 to New Market Tax Credits. Adjustments in the Storm fund also include increased expenditures as the City makes preparations for flood protection. Included in the changes is the $1,019,200 reimbursement that is anticipated from the interagency agreement with King County. Lastly, current economic conditions have required us to increase the budget for unemployment claims from $70,000 to $420,000. AUBURN MOt'.E THAN 1'OU IMAGINED * *P,~ID~°~ TY OF n : ACIURN A►GENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM 'WAgenda Subject: Date: Ordinance No. 6278 December 7, 2009 Department: Attachments: Budget Impact: Finance Ordinance No. 6278 and Schedule "A,. Administrative Recommendation: City Council to introduce and adopt Ordinance No. 6278 Background Summary: Ordinance No. 6278 amends Ordinance No. 6246, which amends Ordinance No. 6226, which amends the 2009-2010 Biennial Budget which was originally adopted on Ordinance No. 6215. This current Ordinance No. 6278 is for additional appropriations in the various funds. Reviewed by Council & Committees: Reviewed by Departments & Divisions: ❑ Arts Commission COUNCIL COMMITTEES: ❑ Building El M&O ❑ Airport 0 Finance ~ ❑ Cemetery ❑ Mayor ❑ Hearing Examiner Z Municipal Serv. . E Finance ❑ Parks ❑ Human Services Z Planning & CD ❑ Fire ❑ Planning ❑ Park Board 0 Public Works ~ ❑ Legal ❑ Police ❑ Planning Comm. ❑ Other ~ ❑ Public Works ❑ Human Resources ❑ Information Services Action: Committee Approval: ❑Yes ❑No Council Approval: ❑Yes ❑No Call for Public Hearing Referred to Until / / Tabled Until Councilmember: Backus Staff: Coleman . Meetin Date: December 7, 2009 Item Number: AUBURN *MORL- THAN YC)U IMAGINCD ORDINANCE NO. 6 2 7 8 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 6215, THE 2009-2010 BIENNIAL BUDGET ORDINANCE AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 6226 AND ORDINANCE NO. 6246 AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT TO THE CITY OF AUBURN 2009-2010 BUDGET AS SET FORTH IN SCHEDULE "A° WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of December 1, 2008, adopted Ordinance No. 6215 which adopted the City of Auburn 2009-2010 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of March 16, 2009 adopted Ordinance No. 6226 which amended Ordinance No. ,6215 which adopted the City of Auburn 2009-2010 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of July 20, 2009 adopted Ordinance No. 6246 which amended Ordinance 6226; and WHEREAS, the City of Auburn deems it necessary to appropriate adUitional funds to the various funds of the 2009 budget; and WHEREAS, this Ordinance has been approved by one more than the majority of all councilpersons in accordance with RCW 35A.34.200. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Amendment of the 2009-2010 Biennial Budget. The 2009- 2010 Biennial Budget of the City of Auburn is amended pursuant to Chapter 35A.34 RCW, to reflect the revenues and expenditures as shown on Schedule "A" attached Ordinance No. 6278 December 7, 2009 Page 1 of 3 hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The Mayor of the City of Auburn, Washington is hereby authorized to utilize revenue and expenditure amounts shown on said Schedule "A". A copy of said Schedule "A" is on file with the City Clerk and available for public inspection. Section 2. Severability. If any provision of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held to be invalid, the remainder of such code, ordinance or regulation or the application thereof to other person or circumstance shall not be affected. Section 3. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. INTRODUCED: PASSED: APPROVED: PETER B. LEWIS, MAYOR ATTEST: Ordinance No. 6278 December 7, 2009 Page 2 of 3 Danielle E. Daskam City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Daniel B. Heid City Attorney PUBLISHED: Ordinance No. 6278 December 7, 2009 Page 3 of 3 CITY OF AUBURN 2009 BUDGET AMENDMENT "SCHEDULE A" Budget Amendment # 3 Ordinance 6278 CURRENT REQUESTED REVISED BUDGET ACCOUNT#/DESCRIPTION BUDGET AMENDMENT ' BUDGET ADJUST. GENERAL FUND 001: REVENUE: Interlocal Grants 26,100 180,000 1 206,100 King Conservation District Grant for Mill Creek Restoration project CP0746 King County Dept of Public Health 5,600 2,800 28,400 Increase budget for KC grant for Youih Violence Prevention Fairs & Cascade MS Afterschool program ARRA- JAG Byrne Grant %b6 250":' 3 6,250 ARRA-JAG Byme Grant Award ro fund Alternative to Incarceration program. Res . ' 4526 on 9/09/09 Senior Center Programs 115,000 11,000 4 126,000 Increase Program Revenues Contributions 8 Donations - 94,970 5 94,970 Police Department Contribution CHANGE IN REVENUE 295,020 295,020 EXPENDITURES; Human Resources Professional Services 270,000 ';6,250' 3 276,250 Grant funded- Mental health & substance abuse program -Res 4526 on 9109109 Police Salaries 676,400 1,090 5 677,490 Use Police Departmenl Contribulion Salaries 5,532,440 66,600 5 5,599,040 Use Police Department Contribution Salaries 1,556,480 16,010 5 1,572,490 Use Police Department Contribution Salaries 419,140 2,960 5 422,100 Use Police DepartmeM Contribution Salaries 629,390 3,610 5 633,000 Use Police Department Contribulion Salaries 843,300 4,700 5 848,000 Use Police Department Conlribulion intergovernmental Charges 4,437,300 (620 000)( - 3,817,300 2009 Police department savings to be 6 reserved for SCORE slartup/transition costs Parks Professional Services 44,600 2,500 47,100 Increase budget for Vietnam Veterans - Memorial Wall Intertund Facilities 194,900 (75,900) 7 119,000 Reduce Facilities Interfund services for . Theater Capital lease payment Supplies 37,700 1,000 4 36,700 Increase Senior Services program expenses Professional Services 52,600 7,000 4 59,600 Increase Senior Services program expenses Miscellaneous Charges 21,300 3,000 4 24,300 Increase Senior Services program expenses . Other Wages 320,000 1,000 Z 321,000 Increase bud9et for Grant funded Youth Violence Prevention Fairs 8 Cascade MS Afterschool program Supplies 156,000 1,000 2 157,000 Increase budget for Grant funded Youth Violence Prevention Fairs 8 Cascade MS Aflerschool program . Small Tools 4,700 800 2 5,500 Increase budget for Gram funded Youth Violence Prevention Fairs & Cascade MS Afterschool program Capital Lease Principal - 38,700 7 38,700 Theater Capital Lease Principal Capital Lease Interest - 37,200 7 37,200 Theater Capital Lease Interest Non Departmental r. Salaries/Benefits 137,100 (96,075) 6 41,025 Retirements reseroed for correction ofticers cash outs Construction projects 158,000 30 000 ; 1 188,000 Mill Creek Restoration project CP0746 funded by King Conservation Disirici Grant; .z. $150K will be budgeted in 2010 Budget CHANGE IN EXPENDITURES (568,555) (568,555) Designated Ending Fund Balance 346,225 716,075 6 1,062,300 Adjust Ending Fund Balance Undesignated Ending fund balance 8,116,776 147,500 8,264,276 ndjust Ending Fund Balance 295,020 F\Budget Directory\2009 Budget\Schedule A v.2 -BA# 3.XLS 1 of 6 12/7/2009 227 PM CITY OF AUBURN ' 2009 BUDGET AMENDMENT "SCHEDULE A" Budget Amendment # 3 Ordinance 6278 CURRENT REQUESTED REVISED BUDGET ' ACCOUNT # I DESCRIPTION BUDGET AMENDMENT BUDGET ADJUST. FUND 102 ARTERIAL STREET . REVENUES Indirect Federal Grant 2,692,000 (204 870)': 2,487,130 Reduce Revenue per 2010-2015 Capital Facilities Plan Indirect Federal Grant - 396,700 8 396,700 HSIP Grant for F St SE 14th St SE project - Res 4516 on 8/27109 State Grant-Utilities & TranspoRation 250,900 ~(87 430)~ 163,470 Reduce Revenue per 2010-2015 Capital Commission Facilities Plan State Grant-Dept of Transportation - 124,300 9 124,300 WSDOT Grant for CP080337th St SEI R St SE Pedestrian Connector- Res 4515 on B/27/09 Intergovernmental Services - 51,500 10 51,500 Interagency Agreement with KC for feasibility sWdy to relocate sewer line as part of M 5t grade separation project-Res 4517 on 8/28/09 Contribution & Donations 500,000 (500,000) - Reduce Revenue per 2010-2015 Capital . Facilities Plan Operating Transfer In 2,258,220 9,000 11 Transfer Trafiic Impact Fee for Harvey Rd 8 8th ST NE (cp0611) PWTF loan debt service 144,000 12 Transfer in REET2 from fund 328 for ITS project . 000). 16 Reduce REET2 Iransfer to Fund 102 for VN/ Hwy Improvements per 2010-2015 Capitai Facilities Pian 81,000 17 Trans(er In from I/S fund 518 for ITS project (1a92 38018 Reduce Traffic Impact fee transfer (rom Fund 124 for F Slreet SE per 2010-2015 Capilal Facilities Plan 36 000'- 19 2,273,840 Transfer in from Fund 124 for Citywide ITS Phase 2 per 2010-2015 Capital Facilities ~ Plan (204,180) EXPENDITURES Capital Projects 7,496,720 396,700 8 F St SE/ 4th St SE project #CP0914-Grant funded per Res 4516 on 8/27/09 124,300 9 WSDOT Grant for CP0803-371h St SE/ R St . SE PedestrianConnector-CP0803-Grant funded Res 4515 on 8/27/09 ' 51,500 10 Interegency Agreement with KC (or feasibiliry study to relocate sewer line as oart of M St grade separation project-Res 4517 on , 8/28/09 144,000 12 Increase ITS project -Transfer in from Fund 328 81,000 17 Increase ITS project -Transfer in from Fund 518 ~ .(1:;576,056) 6,718,164 Reduce Capital projects per 2010-2015 " . Capital Facilities Plan Ending Fund Balance 646,617 674,3761.220,993 Adjust Ending fund balance (204.160) FUND 122 CUMULATIVE RESERVE EXPENDITURES Operating Transfers Out 4,488,000 %;(388;000) 21 4,100,000 Transfer Out to Fund 321 per 2010-2015 , Capital Facililies Plan: will be budgeted fn _ . , , . -2010 Ending Fund Balance 3,034,566 I386;000 3,422,566 Adjust Ending Fund ealance F\Budget Directory\2009 Budget\Schedule A v.2 -BA# 3.XLS 2 of 6 12/7/2009 2 27 PM CITY OF AUBURN 2009 BUDGET AMENDMENT "SCHEDULE A" Budget Amendment # 3 Ordinance 6278 CURRENT REQUESTED REVISED BUDGET ACCOUNT # I DESCRIPTION BUDGET AMENDMENT BUDGET ADJUST. FUND 124 MITIGATION FEES FUND REVENUES Fire Impact Fees - 114,000 13 114,000 Budget for Fire Impact Fees Received Traffic Mitigation 50,000 (50,000) - Reduce 7raffic Mitigation 64,000 EXPENDITURES Intergovernmental Services-Fire Impact 70,000 114,000 13 184,000 / Fire Impact Fees tor Lakeland Fire Station Transfef Out-Impact Fees 2,003,500 9,000 11 Transfer out to Fund 102 for Harvey Rd 8 81h St NE project (cp0611) . '.°36,000; 19 Transfer out to Fund 102 for Citywide ITS - Phase 2 per 2010-2015 CFP ,(192,380)`. 18 Reduce Treffic Impacl fee Irensfer to Fund 102 for F Street SE per 2010-2015 Capital ' Facilities Plan ~(156 000) 22 1,700,120 Reduce Traffic Impact fee transfer to Fund 328 for Mohawk Plastics per 2010-2015 ~ Capital Facililies Plan; will be budgeted in 2010 Designated Fund Balance 4,633,714 253,380. 4,887,094 , Adjust Ending Fund Balance 64,000 FUND 321 PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND REVENUES State Grant - Outdoor Recreation 528,800 (368 000), 140,800 Decrease budget per 2010-2015 Capital Facilities Plan; will be budgeted in 2010 State Grant - Dept of Ecology 23,600 7,900 Decrease budget per 2010-2015 Capital Facilities Plan; will be budgeled in 2010 r Interlocal Gfants 310,300 :(212 300)~ 98,000 Decrease budget per 2010-2015 Capital Facilities Plan; will be budgeted in 2010 Bond Proceeds ' 5,000,000 (5 000`000)` - Reduce per 2010 - 2015 CFP for Community Center project Operating Transfer In 5,921,600 (4 090 OOOp 20 Decrease budgat per 2010-2015 Capital ' Facilities Plan - REET 1; will be budgeted in 2010 8,00 0) 21 1,443,800 Decrease budget per 2010-2015 Capital ° . , Facilities Plan - Cumulative Reserve, will be . budgeted in 2010 . (10,094,000) EXPENDITURES Construction Projects 9,364,700 (71873,100) 1,491,600 Decrease budgel per 2010-2015 Capital • Facilities Plan Debt Service Principal 89,100 (89 ,100f - Reduce per 2010 - 2015 CFP for Community , - , Center project Debt Service Interest 150,000 (150;000) - Reduce per 2010 - 2015 CFP for Community . Center project Ending Fund Balance 2,855,829 (1',98:1,800) 874,029 Adjust Ending Fund Balance (10,094,000) F\Budget Directory\2009 Budget\Schedule A v.2 -BA# 3.XLS 3 of 6 12/7/2009 2:27 PM CITY OF AUBURN 2009 BUDGET AMENDMENT "SCHEDULE A" Budget Amendment # 3 Ordinance 6278 ' CURRENT REQUESTED REVISED BUDGET ACCOUNT#/DESCRIPTION BUDGET AMENDMENT • BUDGET ADJUST. FUND 328 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS REVENUES Real Estate Excise Tax 1 900,000 (150,000) 750,000 Reduce REET 1 Revenue Real Estate Excise Tax 2 900,000 (150,000) 750,000 Reduce REET 2 Revenue Indirect Federal Grant 110,000 (40 004 70,000 Reduce Grant in 2009 Budget for City Hall Annex Project per 2010-2015 Capital Facilities Plan; will be budgeted in 2010 Budget . ~W _ Contributions & Donations 2,181,200 (2.155,400) 25,800 Remove Developer Contribution from 2009 . Budget for City Hall Annex Project per 2010- 2015 Capilal Facilities Plan: will be received in 2010 Operating Transfers In 3,338,900 ~ y156,000) 22 3,182,900 Reduce Traffic Impact fee transfer from Fund . 124 for Mohawk Plaslics per 2010-2015 Capital Facilities Plan~ will be budgeted in t 2010 (2,651,400) EXPENDITURES Transfer Out-REET 1 4,397,600 (4 090 000); 20 307,600 Transfer Out REET1 to Fund 321 per 2010- 2015 Capital Facilities Plan; will be budgeled ~xr in 2010 Transfer Out-REET2 102,920 144,000 12 Transfer Out REET2lo Fund 102 for ITS project r{ (62 000):_ 16 184,920 Reduce REET2 lransfer to Fund 102 for VW Hwy Improvemenls per 2010-2015 Capilal M % Facilities Plan .r. >S a,~ . . _ . : Construction Projects 177,700 (144,000) 12 33,700 Reduce Traffic Signal Improvements project - transfer to ITS project Construction Projects 988,549 307 605.\: 1,296,154 Adjusi City Hall Annex Project per 2010-2015 A~' ~F • Capital Facilities Plan (REETt funding) ~ i ~x Construction Projects 6,149,110 ~c~ ~b~(4 186 670); 1,962,440 Adjust City Hall Annex Project per 2010-2015 ~Capilal Facilities Plan Capital Project-REET2 250,000 250,000 Local Revitalization Projecl Ending Fund Balance 2,133,658 5~29 665~`: 7,263,323 Adjust Ending Fund Balance (2,651,400) FUND 430 WATER FUND EXPENDITURES Construction Projects 8,927,500 (5,007,500) 3,920,000 Decrease budget per 2010-2015 Capital Facilities Plan Ending Working Capital 1,853,487 5,007,500 6,860,987 Adjust Ending Working Capital FUND 431 SEWER FUND EXPENDITURES Construction Projects 10,143,230 (5,252,500) 4.890J30 Decrease budget per 2070-2075 Capital Facilities Plan Ending Working Capital 6,612,743 5;252;500 11,865,243 Adjust Ending Working Capital F\Budget Directory\2009 Budget\Schedule A v.2 -BA# 3.XLS 4 of 6 12/7I2009 2:27 PM CITY OF AUBURN 2009 BUDGET AMENOMENT "SCHEDULE A" Budget Amendment # 3 Ordinance 6278 CURRENT REQUESTED REVISED BUDGET ACCOUNT#/DESCRIPTION BUDGET AMENDMENT BUDGET ADJUST. FUND 432 STORM DRAINAGE FUND REVENUES InterlocalGrant - 1,019,200 14 1,019,200 KC Agreement-reimbursement for flood protection services 8 supplies 1,019,200 EXPENDITURES Salaries 650,980 180,000 830,980 Increase in staff time for flood proteclion efforts (EM0902) . Benefits 230,470 70,200 300,670 Increase in staH time for flood proteciion efforts(EM0902) Operating Supplies 60,000 242,000 302,000 Increase budget tor flood protection supplies (EM0902) Small Tools & Minor Equipment 58,500 104,000 162,500 Increase budget for flood protection minor equfpment (EM0902) Construction Projects 6,672,730 (2,672,730) Decrease budget per 2010-2015 Capital Facilities Plan 1,058,500 14 5,058,500 Increase budget for flood prolection conlract , projed (EM0902)- ($1,019,200) funded by King County Ending Working Capital 1,454,599 2,037,230 3,491,829 Adjust Ending Working Capital 1,019,200 FUND 437 GOLF COURSE FUND REVENUES Indirect Federal Grants Vr, 12 900 12,900 Indirect Federal Grant-reimbursemenl for ~ January flood (EM0901) 12,900 EXPENDITURES Repairs & Maintenance 51,000 63,900 Increase budgei tor Jan flood ezpenses 12,900 FUND 501 INSURANCE FUND EXPENDITURES Unemployment Claims 70,000 350,000 420,000 Increase Unemployment Claims Ending Working Capital 2,481,972 (350,000) 2,131,972 Adjust Ending Working Capital FUND 505 FACILITIES FUND REVENUES PropeRy Management Services 2,254,800 (75,900) . 7 2,178,900 Reduce Interfund revenues for Theater Capilal Lease (75,900) EXPENDITURES Capital Lease Principal 38,700 (38,700) 7 - Move Capital lease to Theater division Capital Lease Interest 37,200 (37,200) 7 - Move Capital lease to Theater division (75,900) F\Budget Directory\2009 Budget\Schedule A v.2 -BA# 3.XLS 5 of 6 12/7/2009 227 PM CITY OF AUBURN 2009 BUDGET AMENDMENT "SCHEDULE A" • Budget Amendment # 3 Ordinance 6278 CURRENT REQUESTED REVISED BUDGET ACCOUNT#IDESCRIPTION BUDGET AMENDMENT BUDGET ADJUST. FUND 518 INFORMATION SERVICES REVENUES ARRA- JAG Byrne Grant - 71,100 15 71,100 ARRA-JAG Byrne Grant Award to fund- Video Surveillance system for new parking facility - Res 4526 on 9/09l09 71,100 EXPENDITURES Capital Equipment - 493,100 71,100 15 Grant funded -video surveillance syslem for new parking garage -Res 4526 on 9/09109 (81,000) 17 483,200 Reduce Capilal Equipment budget 8 Transfer Oul lo Fund 102 for ITS project Operating Transfer Out - 81,000 17 81,000 Transfer Out to Fund 102 for ITS project 71,100 FUND 611 FIRE RELIEF 8 PENSIONS EXPENDITURES Salaries 110,000 41,700 151,700 Adjust for retro active Salary increase for VRFA Ending Fund Balance 2,918,626 (41,700) 2,876,926 Adjust Ending Fund Balance Total Revenue (11,563,260) TotalExpenditures/Expenses (11,563,260) ~ F\Budget Directory\2009 Budget\Schedule A v.2 -BA# 3.XLS 6 of 6 12/7l2009 2:27 PM Attachment # 1 Budget Amendment # 3 Grant Funding Grant Source Amount Department General Fund King Conservation District 180,000 Non Departmental- Mill Creek Restoration Project King County Department of Public Health 2,800 Parks- Programs ARRA-Jag Byrne Grant 6,250 Probation-Mental Health & Substance Abuse program Arterial Street Fund 102 HSIP Grant 396,700 F St SE & 4th St SE project WSDOT Grant 124,300 37th St SE & R St SE Pedestrian Connector King County-Interagency Agreement 51,500 Feasibility Study for relocate sewer line-M St grade separation project Storm Fund 328 r King County Agreement 1,019,200 Reimbursement for Flood protection services and supplies \ Fund 102 Budget Amendment #3 Summary 2009 2009 2009 Adj 2010 Project # Project Name Adj Budget Change After BA#3 Budget Notes .c207a0 A Street NW-Phase 1 2,350,000 (500,000) 1,850,000 3,909,500 Developer contribution does not pass through City c207b0 Citywide ITS Phase 2. 805,100 120,131 925,231 35,800 Decrease Fed grant funding; , increase f1S contribution $81 K, REET2 $144K cp0911 F Street SE (4th St SE to AWS) 200,000 (192,380) 7,620 - Project moved to 2014 cp0916 WV Hwy Improvements 245,000 (100,000) 145,000 320,000 Carry forward to 2010 cp0701 8th St & R St NE Signal 541,000 (500,500) 40,500 500,500 Carry forward to 2010 c507b0 Skinner Road to 3rd Ave 89,420 (77,420) 12,000 146,800 Carry forward to 2010 cp0914 F St SE & 4th St SE Signal - 359,700 Carry forward to 2010 cp0803 37th St SE & R St SE 62,700 (49,437) 13,263 110,700 Carry forward to 2010 cp0815 Mary Olson Farm Imp. 101,100 (51,450) 49,650 51,500 Carry forward to 2010 Total 6,315,320 (1,351,056) 4,964,264 5,434,500 Adjust Fund 102 Changes: REET 2 Transfer 144,000 Included in BA#3 as separate item IS Transfer 81,000 Included in BA#3 as separate item Total Net Adjustment per 2010 CFP (1,576,056) Fund 321 Budget Amendment #3 Summary 2009 2009 2009 Adj 2010 Project # Project Name Adj Budget Change After 13A#3 Budget NOtes - c412a&b Auburn Environmental Park 976,000 (776,000) 200,000 776,000 Carry forward to 2010 cp0607 Auburn Community Center 7,424,800 (6,705,500) 719,300 5,277,600 Carry forward to 2010 cp0715 Olson Canyon Farm Devel. 219,900 (151,300) 68,600 •134,300 Carry forward to 2010 cp0745 White River Trail Extension 270,300 (230,300) 40,000 227,400 Carry forward to 2010 bud321 BPA Trail 20,000 (10,000) 10,000 35,000 Carry forward to 2010 - Total 8,911,000 (7,873,100) 1,037,900 6,450,300 ~ Fund 328 Budget Amendment #3 Summary 2009 2009 2009 Adj 2010 Project # Project Name Adj Budget Change After BA#3 Budget Notes cp0809 City Hall Annex 6,266,471 (2,230,065) 4,036,406 25,292,253 Carry forward to 2010 bud328 City Hall Plaza Construction 688,500 (600,000) 88,500 600,000 Carry fonward to 2010 cp0716 City Hall HVAC System 700,000 (640,000) 60,000 640,000 Carry forward to 2010 bud550 M&O Satellite Facilities 100,000 (100,000) - - Project moved to 2012 cp0767 Mohawk Plastic Mitigation 456,000 (156,000) 300,000 242,000 Carry forward to 2010 cp0913 Senior Center & PRAB Generator 250,000 (153,000) 97,000 153,000 Carry forward to 2010 Total 8,460,971 (3,879,065) 4,581,906 26,927,253 Water Fund Budget Amendment #3 2009 2009 2009 Budget 2010 Project Description Adj Budget Reduction After BA # 3 Budget Notes cp0757 2007 Large Mtr Replacement 221,700 600' 221,100 cp0902 Academy Reservoirs Power Line Replace 105,500 97,500 8,000 1,500,000 Projects are part of Annual cp0611 Harvey & 8th St NE Intersection Imp 60,000 - 60,000 Repair & Replacements rep430 Repair and Replacement 253,400 - 253,400 cp0920 2009 AC Main Replacement 1,000,000 900,000 100,000 900,000 Budget CF to 2010 cp0909 Academy & Lakeland Booster Pump Stn 1,000,000 610,000 390,000 2,350,000 Budget CF to 2010 cp0804 Green River Pump Station 120,000 51;650 68,350 Project complete cp0801 Lea Hill Booster Pump Station 160,000 160,000 - - Project planned for 2014 cp0762 Les Gove Waterline Replacement 2,060,270 1,060,270 1,000,000 700,000 Budget CF to 2010 c504a0 R Street SE - Utility Improvement 1,333,400 335,650 997,750 Project to be completed in 2009 c524a0 SCADA System Improvements 649,800 399,800 250,000 70,000 Budget CF to 2010 cp0704 Water Comp Plan Update 180,630 20,630 160,000 20,600 Budget CF to 2010 cp0915 Well 1 Improvements 450,000 240,000 210,000 2,470,000 Budget CF to 2010 c512a0 Well 4 Emergency Generators 623,300 603,300 20,000 600,000 Budget CF to 2010 cp0624 Well 5 Upgrade 548,100 528,100 20,000 730,000 Budget CF to 2010 Total 8,766,100 5,007,500 3,758,600 9,340,600 BA# 3 Construction Project Adjustment 5,007,500 Variance - F:\Budget Directory\2009 Budget\Budget Amendments\09 BA_3\2009 Water Capital Projects.xis Sewer Fund Budget Amendment #3 2009 2009 2009 Budget 2010 Project Description Adj Budget Reduction After BA # 3 Budget Notes cp0921 2009-2010 Sewer Repair & Replacement 900,000 800;000 100,000 750,000 Budget CF to 2010 bud431 Arterial Utility Improvements 218,700 38,700 180,000 927,000 Budget CF to 2010 c504a0 AWS Phase 3-R Street SE- Utility Imp. 3,192,400 1,472,400 1,720,000 - Project to be completed in 2009 cp0756 Lea Hill Pump Station Decommissioning 471,700 470,500 1,200 469,700 Budget CF to 2010 cp0762 Les Gove Neighborhood Improvements ,610,000 90,000 520,000 10,300 Budget CF to 2010 bud431 Power Generators 380,000 260,000 120,000 309,000 Budget CF to 2010 c524a0 SCADA System Improvments 849,600 537,100 312,500 537,100 Budget CF to 2010 cp0817 Sewer Pump Station Replacement 1,263,100 666,500 596,600 2,467,600 Budget CF to 2010 cp431b Sewer Facility Improvements 417,300 417,300 - bud431 SOS Utility Improvements 500,000 500,000 - - Combined with Arterial Improvement in 2010 Total 8,802,800 5,252,500 3,550,300 5,470,700 BA# 3 Construction Project Adjustment 5,252,500 Variance - s , Storm Fund Budget Amendment #3 2009 2009 2009 Budget _ 2010 Project Description Adj Budget Reduction After BA # 3 Budget Notes cp0638 15th St NW Culvert Replacement 451,200 449,300 1,900 449,300 Budget CF to 2010 cp0746 Mill Creek Restoration 10,000 10,000 - - Rolled into other projects in 2010 bud432 Airport Storm Projects 75,000 75,000 - - Rolled into other projects in 2010 bud432 Aubur.n Way S& Hwy 18 Improvements 75,000 75,000 - - Completed in 2009 cp432a Developer Participation 50,000 50,000 - - Rolied into other projects in 2010 c518a0 Downtown Storm Water Quality Facility 375,500 325,500 50,000 - Project delayed cp0762 Les Gove Neighborhood Improvements 350,000 220,000 130,000 220,000 Budget CF to 2010 cp0611 M St NE & Harvey Rd & 8th St 150,000 50,000 100,000 - Storm portion completed cp0819 Mili Creek Culvert at Peasley Canyon 1,097,700 830,630 267,070 750,000 Budget CF to 2010 cp432b Regulatory Improvements 50,000 50,000 - Rolled into other projects in 2010 c524a0 SCADA System Improvements 367,300 337,300 30,000 Budget CF to 2010 cp0817 White River Storm Pump Station Replacement 500,000 200,000 300,000 1,730,000 Budget CF to 2010 Total 3,851,700 2,672,730 1,178,970 3,149,300 BA# 3 Construction Project Adjustment 2,672,730 Variance -