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In June, 1990 the City of Auburn initiated a planning study for the area located directly
north of the Auburn Central Business District. The purpose of the study was to analyze
and recommend appropriate land uses, circulation, and urban form/design features for this
200 acre area (referred to as the Auburn North Business Area).
The need for a comprehensive planning study of the Auburn North Business Area has
arisen for a number of reasons. First, there has been increasing development pressure in
the area during the past few years, best evidenced by the completion of the 175,000
square foot Fred Meyer store in 1989. The City had also received development
proposals including rezone applications to change industrial zoned properties to
commercial, while other proposals requested to reclassify commercial designation to
industrial. A comprehensive planning analysis of the Auburn North Business Area was
viewed as a preferable alternative to continued consideration of rezone requests on a
parcel-by-parcel basis.
Second, while there is a substantial amount of vacant land in the Auburn North Business
Area, a significant portion of that land has been identified by the City as likely to contain
wetlands. Recent changes in wetlands regulations may significantly affect the amount of
development permitted within the Auburn North Business Area. Finally, the study area is
located directly adjacent to downtown Auburn and with the increased development
pressure being experienced, the time is ripe to reconsider the future of the Auburn North
Business Area. Should this area develop with industrial uses, or is it more appropriate to
develop with commercial and/or high density residential uses that may be more
compatible with the existing CBD?
The Planning Study is incorporated within a Final Environmental Impact Statement that
was issued in November of 1991. In 2005 the City amended the plan to provide specific
development standards for automobile service stations. Then in 2006 and 2007 the City
amended the plan to coincide with Comprehensive Plan Map changes to eliminate
industrially designated land within the plan area and to refine the applicable design
The purpose of the policies contained within this Plan is to implement the findings and
conclusions of the Planning Study.
The policies will be incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan as a Plan Element. The
Plan is intended to provide long-term predictability to both the City and the property
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owners and will govern the future planning, zoning, subdivision and development
decisions of the City as they apply to the subject area. This Planning Element is
compatible with, and will comply with the City's existing Comprehensive Street, Sewer,
Water, Storm Drainage and Parks and Recreation Plans as they apply to this area.
The policies contained within this implementation plan will only apply to the area identified
as the "Planning Area" as illustrated in Figure #1. The Planning Area is somewhat smaller
than the study area.
The Planning Area was chosen in that it contains the largest, most cohesive undeveloped
parcel of land that provides the greatest opportunities for a planned area development.
The remaining portion of the study area is either developed or there is not a need for
additional policies that would guide redevelopment of the area.
AN1.1. A mix of land uses that include light commercial and high density
residential, which complement the Central Business District (CBD), are
to be the principal uses of the Planning Area.
Commercial uses that could complement the CBD may include but not
be limited to entertainment, professional office, dining, medical/dental
and personal services.
AN1.2. In order to promote the efficient use of land and attain open space
amenities , multi-story buildings are encouraged.
AN1.3. High density multi-family development is encouraged if it is directly
linked to a commercial development, e.g. part of a multi-story building
that has the ground floor devoted to commercial uses.
AN1.4. Multi-family development may be allowed independent from a
commercial development if the multi-family development does not have
frontage on a street.
AN1.5. Multi-family developments shall also provide recreational facilities
commensurate with the size of the development.
AN1.6. Except as allowed by Policy AN1.9, service stations and automobile
sales and/or leasing will not be permitted within the Planning Area.
Automobile drive-in facilities (the person remains in the vehicle to
conduct their business at a drive-in facility), shall only be permitted when
clearly incidental and subordinate to pedestrian access to the building.
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The drive-in facility shall be attached to the building which must be a
minimum of 5,000 square feet in size and not interfere with pedestrian
AN1.7. The Comprehensive Land Use Map shall be amended to illustrate the
majority of the Planning Area as General Commercial. An exception will
be the developed Fred Meyer store site shall retain the existing heavy
commercial designation.
AN1.8. The Planning Area shall be zoned C-1, Light Commercial, with the
exception of the developed Fred Meyer store site which will retain the
existing C-3, Heavy Commercial zone.
This zoning shall be implemented by an "area wide" zoning to be
initiated by the City. The ordinance adopting the zoning shall contain
conditions necessary to implement the policies of this Plan.
AN1.9. Retail gasoline dispensing facilities will be permitted in the C-3, Heavy
Commercial zone, subject to the following design criteria. These
facilities are not intended to be the same as or allow for an automobile
service station as defined by section 18.04.140 of the Zoning Code.
1. The facility must be accessory to an existing retail/service
establishment in which the principal tenant has a minimum floor area of
at least 25,000 square feet. The principal tenant must own and/or
manage the facility. The facility must be located on the same parcel of
property as the principal tenant and the property must be at least
100,000 square feet in area.
2. The facility must be located on the property that provides the least
amount of conflict to the pedestrian traffic.
3. The facility must be located on and have direct access to an arterial
using existing curb cuts and driveways whenever practical. If the curb
cuts and driveways do not meet current city standards then they shall be
brought up to such standards.
4. The facility cannot interfere with the existing parking and/or traffic
circulation on the property. There shall be enough room on the property
to allow for adequate stacking space for vehicles waiting for fuel in order
to avoid cars interfering with vehicles on the street. The facility cannot
reduce the amount of parking required by the Zoning Code.
5. The facility shall have a roof that covers all activities including the pay
window, refuse containers, fuel pumps and the adjacent parking area for
the cars being fueled. The area that is covered by the roof of the facility
shall be no larger than 6,000 square feet. The number of pumps shall
be limited to five (5) such that no more than ten (10) vehicles may be
fueled at any one time.
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6. Columns or similar architectural features shall be provided that
screen the visibility of the pump islands as well as give the visible
impression of enclosing the structure. If necessary, provisions must be
made to avoid a safety issue of enclosing any fumes associated with the
fueling of the vehicles. The overall height of the facility shall not exceed
twenty (20) feet.
7. The design, architectural treatment and streetscape features of the
facility must provide design continuity between the facility and primary
8. A five (5) foot width of Type III landscaping shall be provided along
the street frontage(s) that the facility is oriented to.
9. Any other products for sale shall only be displayed within the building
containing the pay window and any such products shall be incidental to
automobile care/maintenance, or snacks and beverages. No sales of
alcoholic beverages will be allowed.
10. Signs shall be limited to permanent wall signs only; and health,
safety and operational signs as required by local, state or federal law.
AN2.1. Each building, shall provide at least one public entry to the building. The
public entry shall provide amenities such as benches, lighting, trash
receptacles or weather protection features.
AN2.2. Non-residential buildings that have frontage on a street shall provide at
least 50% of the first floor building facade with window space that is not
obscured by signs. . Alternative façade treatments may be allowed.
These treatments shall incorporate a mix of façade modulation, roof
design, significant massing of landscaping and other measures that
reduce the visual impact of the building on adjacent public streets.
Particular emphasis must be placed upon screening truck loading, trash
storage and similar components, from public view.
AN2.3. In order for a building to be considered to not have street frontage,
another building must intervene between the street and the building.
AN2.4. Pedestrian walkways, at least 5 feet wide, shall be provided between
each property when possible the walkway can be extended. If there is
more than one building in the development, then pedestrian walkways
shall be provided between the buildings as well. Sidewalks typically
associated with a public street are not intended to implement this policy
but may if that is the most practical option.
The walkways shall be easily identified and be constructed of either
asphalt concrete, cement concrete, brick or other similar hard surface..
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AN2.5. Pedestrian walkways, at least five feet wide, shall be provided to
connect the parking lot to the building entrance the parking lot serves.
The walkways shall be separated from the parking lot driveway except to
allow a driveway to bisect the walkway. Walkways may consist of raised
sidewalks or pavement treatment that clearly distinguishes the walkway
from vehicular traffic.
AN2.6. Parking shall not be allowed in the required zoning setbacks and shall
be located in the side or rear yards whenever possible. Parking may be
located between the front of the building and the street if walkways are
provided between the street and building.
AN2.7. Pedestrian walkways shall be "stubbed" to adjacent properties when it is
conceivable that the adjacent property may also be able to provide for
and utilize a similar walkway. Parking lots shall be oriented so that
adjoining uses can share the parking lot and pedestrian walkways.
AN2.8. For parking lots and/or driveways that abut the side and rear yards of
adjacent properties, there shall be provided a 5 foot width of Type III
landscaping along that portion of the property line that the parking lot
abuts. Driveways and pedestrian walkways that connect one property to
another are excepted.
AN2.9. 20% of each parcel, to be developed, must consist of pedestrian
amenities such as walkways, plazas, landscaping, recreation or a
combination of these or similar design amenities.
AN2.10. The entire width of the zoning setbacks of the parcel to be developed
shall be landscaped with the type of landscaping required by the Zoning
Ordinance, except for driveways or pedestrian accesses.
AN2.11. Freestanding signs shall not exceed twelve (12) feet in height except
when the total area of the site is in excess of ten (10) acres, then a sign
with a height of 35 feet shall be permitted. All freestanding signs shall
be designed to incorporate architectural elements that are consistent
with those employed on the primary structure.
AN2.12. Exterior lighting shall be provided for pedestrian walkways and for
parking lots. When lighting is provided for walkways, the lights shall be
designed for the pedestrian with regard to height, design, and
illumination for safety.
This exterior lighting is not intended to replace the lighting required for
public streets.
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AN2.13. Landscaping shall be provided between any wetland buffer and any new
development, including streets. Plantings should be clustered to allow
occasional views into the wetlands. At least one pedestrian walkway or
sidewalk, public or private, should be provided adjacent to any wetland
buffer or accompanying landscape area whenever the opportunity may
exist. Interpretive signs should be placed close to the buffer and
pedestrian walkway or sidewalk. These signs should be coordinated
with the City to ensure adequate coverage of interpretive information
along the wetland buffer, without unnecessary repetition.
AN2.14. The design schematics contained with the Auburn North CBD Final EIS
may be used as a guide to implement these policies.
AN2.15. Anyone who develops within this Planning Area shall be required to
prepare a site design plan that is consistent with the policies of this plan
and other applicable City regulations.
The Planning Director shall be authorized to approve, deny, condition or
modify the site plan based upon the policies of the Plan.
AN3.1. Any proposed development, that is not exempt from the State
Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), shall be required to provide a study
on each utility that the development requires as well as a traffic study.
The study(ies) shall become part of the required environmental review.
a. The scope and content of the study(ies) shall be determined by the
Public Works Director.
The study(ies) shall be consistent with and implement the City's
existing Utility and Street Comprehensive Plans, including any
subsequent amendments.
b. The study(ies) shall determine the impacts and what mitigating
measures will be required to alleviate the impacts. Mitigating
measures may include construction of off-site improvements and/or
financial participation in the construction of those off-site I
AN3.2. "A" Street N.E. shall not be continued north through the Planning Area in
the vicinity south of 10th Street. “A” Street NE shall however be
available for pedestrian access.
Development within the Planning Area shall plan for this pedestrian