HomeMy WebLinkAboutIntergovernmental Land Transfer Agmt w/King County RES 4382RESOLUTION NO. 4 3 8 2
WHEREAS, the CITY desires to own, operate, and maintain parks, open
space, recreation facilities and pmgrams, and other municipal pmgrams, facilities
and propetly insitle ils bountlaries, and
WHEREAS, the COUNTV tlesires to divest itself of ownership,
management, antl financial reponsibilry for paiks, open space, recreation facikies
and programs inside or near the Ciry bountlaries, antl
WHERFAS, that portion of the property known as the King County Nohh
Green River Park, is loca[etl in the City and adjacent to the Ciys Mary Olson
Farm Park;and
WHEREAS the atltlition of this pmpetly woultl benefit the Mary Olson Fartn
and will beneft the averall plans for making the farm accessible to the public as a
living exhibit, and
WHEREA$ it is in the bes[ interest of the public lha[ the CITY antl the
COl1NTV take actions necessary lo insure a smooth transition of the property antl
avoid service disruption.
ResolWion No 4382
JuIY 14 , 3008
Settion 1. The Mayor and City Clerk of ihe City of Aubum, Washin9ron,
are hereby aulhorizetl to execute the Intergovemmental Land Trensfer Agreemenl
between King CounN antl ihe City of Auburn in substantial conformiry with ihe
Agreement aHachetl hereto, designaletl as Attachment "A" antl incorporated
Sec4on 3. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such
adminisbative pmcedures as may be necessary to carry, out the directives of this
Section 3. That this Resolution shall take eHect antl be in full force upon
passage and signaWres hereon.
DATED and SIGNED Ihis L day ot SeptembeG 2008.
Da elle E Daskam,
City Clerk
Daniel B. Heid,
Ra.mgon no. 4382
Attachment A
IntuSOVCrnmentel Land Trenefer Agveement Between
King County and lhe City of Auburn
Reletlng to che OwuersM11P Opuafion and MaintenaneeotPazFa,
Open Space, Recaetlov Pacilitlw and Anpams
Thi.c AgmemwHe made and entered inm iM1is dey by and behveen the Llty o[ Aubum, huGUaftec
called "Gry", anL King Couury, hueirraficv oa11M "Counly".
WFffiREA9 Ne CItY duirus eo owq opuam, and memNin parks, opev epeaq reaeaEOn feciduu
and pmgnmx and olhu moNCipel pmgeams, fwlirien and pmperty losida ik bouuderies; eud
WHER2hS tM1eCOanig onduMa eutM1Oirty of RCW 36.69.050, IGug Covuty Resolonon 34591.
and oWU fedual, xtatemd coouty 1awe, M1ae acquiaJ and deveAOpcL asubstantial paok,
rearion ard opem epecc ayetem Natdepuids ou thecovtluueL opecanon o[its mmy Ivdlvldusl
propestles md fedlidu in ordar m[ully scrvcNe needs of Memaidevts of Kivg Coonry and ihe
citics wlchin Iq and
WHERCAS Me Counry Jesime to Mvut IUdf oFawnurM1ip, mevagemen5 and finxuuvl
cesponsibiliiy [ov perk4 opw spacF «ectionel fa llnee and pmgams ineidcaud owr the City
WflCREA9 e poRlou of fie NortM1 Coeav Riva Park is lorand iu th¢ Ciry and edjacenno tFe
City4 Mary Olson Farm Nark,
W H262AS iheNOiiry Is IegaOy rasMcted &om oooverting meuy o[ IM1CCC parks, open space,
and vrcreafional fadlities @om IM1CU ewoent usu wilhom expcuding Ponds mraplvice lho
convdnw cacmaea: and
wHEaens siven me msai resmcrioo roeervos conve..ioo of mee.oeernes, memarbstamuty
of iM1O pvopeties is limiled evd, ae a meult Oe wst o[opemtlug Ne fa lity is apPmxlmetGy
rqusl b[ha valueo[tM1epmperty b 6e County; and
WHBREAS ro Neeslent the G'ty Drovidu eaholarsM1ipx, reAOCed fus oc oNu mems af essouvg
access m Perks and rer.responal pmgremming for dty reelden[4 MeCiry hae e goel of wsuring
Na[ sach scM1olaahips ov oNU ueedc-based reteu and programs m'e avallable to sIl pusons
desidug [o uae [he park md recresdoval pcogcams mgwAlese of re,sldwry, wJ
WFER0A51[ le m[hebast iuarest of the pubGClhat IAeCiry and Ne County td:ethoen ectlove
necessarrys Io meet IM1asedesircs and ro wopuaroiu euy Vmseflion m insu[e e smooN [rensipoo
enJ uvoid r.vviw dumpdan;
NOW, THPA2EFORE, lv eooslduevion o[the vwmal promisu muieived hereln and othergooA
and valuable wusiduntlon, ILemcclpt and aBequary oI whicM1 areM1ereby acknowled6rA Re City
entl WeCOUVty e6mc s5 followe.
I. Gomcyvnceo[Title
1] Witltiu tlutty (30) dnys nf uecutiov olthls Agrcement, King Gonty shvll wuvey m
tlieCity by deed ell id owvarship ivameq auNOS when possible, by aseignmwi, evy
iearynom inrea.t or snerca uao reaeooamimx in merouowsos usiea oaVrecmadoo
sads), wmch arc aoaormw mo,eruuy m e:nmas n am a(mo °eroeeny)
A portiou a[Nanh Gmcn Rtvcv Park
1.2 TheGryhasreviewedPrywiAgmcmw[foi'NOrthOreenRiverIIPryeciYO.Yt-
Outdaar RCercetlon('IAC")mwkuo ssthaRCCreedonaodCOnservnviouOffica
(RCO) for hnding forMeuequisltlov of Nc Pmperty, and ageee iMi LL ahnll rxcenre
nendmwv lo the A jmt Agccment Ma[ substiwtas iheClry Pov tM1CCOVnty es Ne
~Couinciiug Pntty" lu the Pro]uc Agreement so Nn[thc Clry shall becoma the
"Pmjcct Spoueo2' for tliepnmd m be tvevsfcrted. Tlie Gty shall axwute Nie
amendmenl wiWu GLlecn (30) days ofceecutian a[ this AgrecmGnt
13 All duAS shall alm mouiu the Collowlug spufic covwnnts panvviv6 to usr, whlch
nueen shall mu wlOUM1elaoL Poc the benefii o[ IM1CCOOVry aud OieCOunty land
thatmW:es v0 its PubllePerk, recsretion md opou spacc eyslem. TM1e Counry and the
CLLy egecNa[the Gunry sFWI huvo standlug m enforw IAmewvevauo, wMeh sM1ell
bc se[(orlM1 us follows:
"Thc Gty wvennuts Mer it sLall ebideby and enfoma nll iemne, oovdlfions end
rutnnioux in I{ing Cwnry kuolunoo 34591, ivcluding MamFe Clry wvwauis thm
tM1CProperty wi0 mutiunem bcoseA (or the puryosas mutemplareA by Reaolunon
34511, iM1et thePmpcrty sM1e➢ no[hetrausfenn0 ov couveyed exceptby agreemwi
pmviding [M1at mcb Iands shall mutlvve m be used Por the puryoses conmmplereA by
ReaolaYOn 3457 I, and ihet the Pmpcrty eha0 notbe wuvartrA m a dlifuwrtose
unlasx ulAa equlvelcut leuds end facilities wiihin NeCwnty or Ciry sha0 beaceivai
iu exahavgeMerefire"
"TheCiry covwan[e [M1a[ i[ shall placa the covrueues herdn In any deeJ trens[emng
tM1e Pmpetty or a portion of the Propetty for public park, recreation or open s0ace
"Yfie City covevnnn ffia[I[sM1all mtuseehe Nopenyln e meuoa Nat woulL causetfie
intueyi ou Cuuuty banda eGa¢d ro the Property ta no lougucbeesempt Wm fWCral
"TTCCiry fntther wveranu thaHC will noHimit ov resMec eccess m and u.ceo[ ihe
Property bY nonKity rcaidwts iv anY w^Y that does mt aleo apply m city residevts.
The G'ry coveuavrs Nec eny and all usav @ce cLargeA for the Propetty, lucluding
eLevges ImposeA by auy lessecs, wvicessionvres, xervico pmvlders, anNoc otAu
assigneav vhull beetNC same rale fornou-0ig meidena es torMemsidrnts of ihe
2. ExisBU6 ResMclions, Agrammeulo CouUacls or Rrmits
21 TheG'tyshellabidebyandenPoncaalls.rme,oovLi¢ons.oasuvetiouGrwtrlcUOns
avd covrnen[s of title at ffie time of wmryance enNOr in the deed of mnveyvreo-- -
22 'CheCiryaudcheCwnty acknowleAgeandogreotfiatlAePropenylsewrentlymbject
m speciet use paemit [ov dvepmcecYion recardivS oumber 20080624000905 evd
faund as Exlubl[ C. ERwivexs o[tM1CdareNeProputy is covvcyed b the City.lAe
Couvty hereby assigus, treusfus avd oomeyT m the City ell of tM1e Couuty's nyhis,
prlnleges end obH6etlane In the Pumit, md the Clry hereby w'cepu end aeeumee all
of the Cauvry'e rlghts, pnvileges avd obhgetions iu the PemNt 3. CunAllonafPVemiscsandRespousibility forOpemtlove, MainWuanec,Repaire,
Improvemeo6, aud Recceafion 3ervices
9.1 TheCiyM1esiuspeeledandknowxihowurllfionoftM1eAopettyauLagreesmuuepi
Ne Property in AS I9 wvditlon, and b aseumefoll avd wmpleca reaponslblllry Por all
opamtiovs, melntenancq repvia, improvunentc of, eud pmvislon of reueetiwal
ec[vmeb' at, the Pmpnrry.
3 2 Ring Cwvty does rot make avtl epecifically disclaima avy warantiax, uprose ov
lmplled, indodiug eny wartanty of inerchavtebillry or fitnus fv a OartieWar parpoxe,
wlur respwt m the Property, and uo o[6eial, emploYee, rePrese^teLLve ov agent of
33 TheG'ryaekvowlWgea'andagaeslha[uoeptasiodicatNivperegrapM1A2,lhe
CouvqsM1all M1aveuo liabilig PoS and tM1ec lhe CitY sM1ell raleaseand have uo recowsa
againsl MeCOUVty fo4 eoY defut or doficiwcy of wy kivd whalsaevu in the
PropenY witM1wt irgard m whothu woM1 defect or deflolwe➢wux tuowu oc
diswvereble by ffie City or Ne Coonty.
0. F.m'vonmeulalLiability
4.1 "HnzacdoueMacenels"esuecdhuelnsAWlmeenavyFazardous,dengeroueorroxic wutas, ma¢tlals, or subsuncoe ae defineA iu xeamov RAUaI svamrov ov rogulellons as
aa Nominxminis o@~ teocsneneoa«meavowai.eaoyswtumrrclom ror
cono-ibmiou thet tl¢Ciry rttigM1[have againsv the Couuty uuaa frAael of sdre
crichicarmentill maead.es from nnrriaoo, mam2ias awo,ircea oT aweasw on
morroeu+ynymecoumraudoswc coomYavaIoaoeowneaniv. Tneairmay
noS M1owevu, nxrert such n cleim ro meestwniM1anha G'iycveams the veed for oi'
exucerbnies iheeoer of runedianan upon wM1idh a smmmry elffim fnr contribaYOn i.c
bese0 as eresolmfthe Gty pwformi^8 wusimeeiou ecfivlfies on the Ropany,
eM1anging the wnfigurniiun o[thePmOetty, ov ohanging the use o[ the Ropury.
43 If 6C Clry dleowecs tFepreswceo[huardoos meteriels at IeveAs tlut could givevise
- Wasvatumrydeim[oreov¢ibvtlonagainst tM1eCbuntyiishvlllmmevatelpiw<ifyLM1e
Couniyiowdtlng. SoelinoficeshalliuvoevembcpmvidWmocethanl0daysnfier
diswvcry. TTepartieseFallmukelheivbcsteffoc6rorwchnyreemwieswwhicL
patty is responzible Por remediatian uudu the [enns of tM1is Agrcmcnt prlov m
unduxakiug auy rcmcdietlon.
44 Li noevwteM1alltheCouuiybercsponaTleforanyws¢o[iemcJietimtlhe[exeeed
tliem ett.sery msetisTyfiastateorfwluelegai,with j~nsdictiomovutha
mmW atioa ^
5. Intlemnifi<aNnn nnd Holtl Harmlese
SI KingGmqsha111udemulfyandholdharmlrnsOSClryaodl6detedoffiuiils,
offiocrs, aernts or employun, ov evy of tM1Cm, Bom aud vymnst evy nnd sIl clalms,
actioms, suita, Gebi➢ry, loe wte, upensu nnd damages of anynameewM1nisceveq
(i) wAich arc caueeA by or ruult 4om a v¢gligcvt aonon or omieviou o[ Kiv6 Cuovry,
Its officer5 a-wvs aud em0loyccs lu performLig its obligaiious porsvene ro[M1is
Agreemw4 and/ov (il) atlsing from those oawevccs rGemd ro the Vmperty that
occumd pdoc m the effutivedmeo[cauvcyanaeof the Proputy m iha G'iy, csecpt
ro tM1eextentMet ioJemNlyiug ar holding the City harmless would bc amM1ed by
Semiou 5 o[thls Apceunuil In IAe event iAet avy eult based upon eucA a dim,
ee4on, toes ar damagein broupht s6aiost tlieCity or the G'ry aud Kivg Cwvg, King
Counry slwll dc[wd tficeame otlre solecast avd upevsc end, if finaljuLgmencbe
rcudercd against tM1eG'ry aud iu elecmd offlolela, of(cers, vgwts aud employees ov
jointly vgaina theGtS avd Kiug Couory and iM1urrespective elwicd ofAolxls,
o[GCCre, ngev¢ enL anployer, King Gnmy aLall satlefy the swne.
52 In execmiu6 lis AEreemenS NeCOmity daen uot ussumcllabillry ov responeibility Por
wey rGCesc tlm CIIY from any liability or reepouaibility whlch arlecs iu
wM1Oleo inpatlfiomtM1euisleuceo[e([wtofCityo[dluances.rvlesorregula[ions.
If evy cauaq elffirq eul4 acHOn or administradveproceeiliug i%mmmcuced lu whloh
the anPowbility wd/ov velidiq of euy euoh Clry ordinaeme, iuleorregulenou is ac
avq the O'ry sha0 dafwd Ma vameat iie solo oaprnse avd ifjodgmcuHa enlereA or
dnmages are awaeded egalnst the Clry, [M1e County or both, iheG'ty shall satisfy the
sa ,Incluaingalirhargeahlecovtsendanomqi[ees.
s.s rne ary snun 1uaemnHy eia nola hzrmddss Kius coumy aoa iu el«aa offidals,
oflirzn', v6Pots and ampioyccs, or eny of tAem, (rom and ageius[any and all dvime,
actiove, euits, liebitlry, loas, wsis, expevscs and damuges ofany nxmmwM1enoeveq
(p which uro caosW by orresolt Wm e negligent acmr omissiov af lM1e Gry, itr
offica4 agen[s end employees in parfomAVg obl Igatims pocsusot ro ehis Ageomco4
anNar (ii) aueivS fram tM1areoccumnms reletatl m Ne Propeny that aawrreA ov or
afiertAecflceflve dareo[covveyaoce o[iM1eProperty ro 1Ae Clry, exceptro tM1eutrnc
that iudemni(yiugav halding We Caunry hartnlus xrould belimited 6y 9actlau 5 of
tlils Agreemwi. In Ne evenLLhet auy soltbased upov wch e claim, amiot4 lo9s or
damage ia bmugRt againsc KiuS CoootY or Ring Cbuory and the Clty, tM1e Gty shall
de[eud ffie eeme at itv svlcoos[ end upenmavd, if finWjudguent be remdercd agvnst
Kins Cwnry ana itr oftlcers, agent: vua cmployeev ovJolvtly agnimt Ifivs Couvty
soL meGty md Nuc aspwtivc offlcers, egwis end employces, the Cry shall svtlsty
IFe sdme.
54 OachParqmthisAgccmm[sM1allimmuiie¢IynotiCyllanotRU'ofanyuudnlldaims,
ecnons, lossec or Lamagu Wei vlscor 4abmu6ht agalustihvt Pany relating m ov
pumivlu6 ro 1hePropaty.
55 Each DartY 86reves tM1dt iis oblignfions ondev Ws paragrnpA ex[wd m any daim,
demvvd, eudloc rzuseo[ aeHOn bmught by ar on behnl[ o[ auy employurs, ac egevts-
Pov Nts puTose, ench paory, by mumel negodatim, horeby wvvers, witfi mspect m the
otM1ec partY ov1Y, any Immuvity thet would othuwlee be avvileblo age[nst auch elalms
uudevtlhelnLustrinlloaorencepm vsoFTiHe51RCW,butoulyw tlieuant
nuwssY m lodemni[Y ffic oNer peny.
6. Audita' and IuspeGione
6.1 UndlDecembcv]1,201A,evyofeithupaiy'erecoNsmAerodtoanymauersoovued
by tAis Iamvgovwnmeniel Agreemwc mt oNerwise pnvilagW xhall ba aobJect [o
inspwtion, review, endlor eaditby eitltcr PahY anhe veqaudng perty'e eoleupencv
9neM1 records shell be made evaileble forinspectlou dwiog m,sularbusinaxv hoovs
witM1iu e mesobable timeo[ tM1eceqw.st.
p. WeiveravtlAmeudmen6
9.1 Waivuofenybreacho[euytumorwvdlNOnofthisA&ee^e^t shallm[bedeemed
r of auy puov or subseqvevt brracA. No [um ov mudldou eM1all ba weiveA,
modified or dGeled ucept by an ivswmev[ in wniing elgned by tho perties heyam.
8. EnlireAgre.emenlendAfotlificntions
8.1 Thir £ntugovernmauul Agceemwt evd IU 9xhibiis eca Porth the evtlm agreement
between Ihepattlee wiT ranpcct ro Nembjec[ mattx M1eraof. It may beeupplcmencad
by addenda or amendmrnts, which M1ave been ageW opon by bo[M1 penies in writing.
Copice of mch addeuda and amenOmenos chall bo saeehed huew and M1y tlue
refareucemade part o[ lhis mnvact nx lhougM1 fnlly aet fottM1 hereia.
9. Dura[inn vnd Aolhocily
9.1 TlusagreemevtsM1S116ccRCotlveopouslgnamreandnuMorization bybotApartiu.
Thctums, cwenants, repcuenmtions uud wvauiies coumiuod hcrciv shell vot ivagc
in the deed of wmeyauce, bm sAall surviaeNOCmveyauoc aud shall wnfnueln
Pome unless boiA paziies mvmelly wuswtlu wriYng ro re+mination.
10. Nntice
IOJ AnynofiwpmvidW[orhueinshellbcemtrotheresptttivepanie.cnt.
KlneCOUnce CJtv.
Keriu Hrown, Divislon Dlreemr Dwyl Pebeq Dlaeroo
Paoksmd RCacetiouDivlelon,ONRP AubumPada,Arts&RCCrcanon
2015omhSwkmnStroa,%900 910-9ihSim,ei9E
Seahlq WA 9810.1 Aubum, WA 98002
206 296 8631 253-99I-3043
KwiabmwnCakingwunry_gov dfabatanubumwd ff()%
206 296-8666 Pax_ 253-931A005
IN W ITNE55 NF@RPA$ the pattles M1nveuwumd lhie Ag[ecmwt
King Caunry G'tY_ . ~
KingCOUnty C.wuiire Mayov
Approved as m Foem:
King Cawty
Sculov Depihty Pmswunug Anomey
SEP 15 2008
it mmc
SEP 15 2008
llnta Dele
OntMe deyof ,200A,befo¢me,MeunderelgnW,
a Notary Wblic in and foc me Steceof WasM1ingcoo, duly commissioned and swom pcreonally
nppeered, m mcknown m bethclnLividual desenbed in and who uwutrJ IM1Oforgoing
Insnumevq and ackoowlcdgeA W me IAat xiKued and sealed Wesaid
instmmrn[ as free and voWVmry e<c and dmd for the uses and purynsed therein
WITIffiESS my M1am and official seal hecelo affixed the aey and yenc iu mis cenifieerc ebove
NolaryPObllcln and [octM1c
Sm¢ of WnsAiugmry [uiding
My appointment expiree
On this day of 200K, b~~ mq [he undecsigned,
a Notary PubGC w and for ~he Stale of Washwgron, duly commisvioveA and.cwom pevsonally
ePPemcd,mmeknawn mMtM1eindividosldesmb audwAOexewtedchefovgoing
Inshumonq and ackvowledged m mctM1et signed and awlW Me seid
aswmane ae faeand volunpry vct end dead [ov Neuses and puryosed 1he.raiv
WITNPSS my M1and md ofOCial .caal hemro affixed Ne day and ycar iv IAin eettiPCate abovc
Noury Mblic in and for the
Siam of WasAivg[oq ruiding
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Legnl DescriPlians
A portion afSW af Section 32, TWP22 N, RGG 05. W.M.
"1Te PmPvly'•
Lg KingCOUnty CC~~V t. D
KilgattalOrt- .ini :`Cl ler
ry.m, .1w.,
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_ wi ool hvn: Xryiummr, Flntrant s.umn
F]C Bob¢iM~c~J:vip.Ii ~~col~T~
NxoMliaWeRirel R)winulSmlll.epaoullid'.'W'iL(imeuRlrtr Itii1, 11oim1 3JZY15
utl prvbmli Au4x wIY bp CLuLkv4 p i W ryaoel io tM1e CM oE4 W m
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hM1nlCmm.amlodUlnp`noy.WOUmmiXXcevL9nvtlneJUdedrulSaDIY¢oPOmI4'ol -♦M+
Smicsw WY: i. wLIM I umuwnNl b: W"x..f0.a iM1epwAaryye2J w.'vtlr luh
rt4 6 11,1 Y ~ tot Nkvm2olOm~ctll. Miweqplealouprvv
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