HomeMy WebLinkAboutInterlocal Agmt w/Pierce Transit & Sound Transit RES 4417RESOLUiION NO. 4917 A RESOWTION OF THE CITV COUNCIL OF THE QTV OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAVOR TO ENTER INTO AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH PIERCE TRANSIT AND SOUND TRANSIT FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE LAKELAND MLLS FEEDER SERVICE FOR ONE VEAR EFFECTNE FEBRUARV 9, 2009 WHEREAS there Is greaf demand (or parking at the Aubum Station: antl WHEREAS, there is a beneft in providing alternative methotls (or commulers to reach the Aubum Station atherthan tlming antl parking single-occupancy vehicles; and WHEREAS, riders and potential riders in ihe Lakeland Hills area have expressed a desire for fransportation services to make regional wnnections; antl WHEREAS, the City of Auburn, Sountl Trensit, antl Pierce Transit have agreed to share service costs for provitling a wmmuter shuttle linking the Lakelantl Hilis area to ihe Aubum Station during the peak commule hoursantl WHEREAS, the Lakelantl Hills feeder service will commence on February 9, 2009 antl opeate for one year in partnership with Pierce Transi[ antl Sountl Transit; antl WHEREAS, the Lakeland Hills shNtle service will continue starting in 2010 for a penotl of fve years through a partnership with Melm Transit antl Pierce Transil; antl WHEREAS, the Pierce Transit Board of Commissioners passed ResolNion 08- 035 on October 13, 2008 committing to the Lakelantl Hills feeder service; and WHEREAS, the estimated capital and operating msts for one year of service is $350,612, antl [he City Is responsible for one-thiN or $116,871 of the pmlect cost. ResaWtion No.4Jll November 10,2008 Paqe 1 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITV COUNQL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, HEREBV RESOLVES as follows: Saction 1. That the Mayor is hereby authonzetl to enter in[o an agreemenl with Pierce Transit and Sountl Transit to implemenl lhe Lakeland Hills feeder senice from Febmary 9, 2009 ro Febmary 7, 2010, in substantial conformity with the Interlocal Agreementfor Lakelantl Hills Service, atlachetl hereto and inrqrporated herein by this reference. Section 2. That the Mayor is authorizetl to implement such other atlminishative procetlures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 3. That this Resolution shall take eRect and be in full force upon passage and signatures hereon. Dated and Signetl thls 1L day of 2~~' 008. ATTEST: Dani le E Daskam, Gity Clerk JIY OF AUBURN PETER B. LEW IS MAVOR Resolotlon No.4d1t rvovemeerm,zaaa vage 2 APPROVED AS TO FORM: bg~ibgel B H ~ Cky Attomey \ ResoWtion No.44P rvovemee.lo,zoae Pa9e 3 Imedocal Agmemenrc (ov LakelvnW HJIs Service . Gty ofArabum SowdTransic Piemc Yrnrvit 'Ifiis inrcdoul agrecnwnt is reude bymd berneeu the Piecce CowryPublic Tmaspominov Bent}'u Amhor¢y, herein xfrerrekned m as Pieae'I'rvnsi4 the Cenvrnl Wgev Swnd Regional Tnnsit A~rtho~in; herein afrcrrek~.ed m ac Sowd'1'mnsrt, and the Ghyoh Aubum, all of which enddes nny be re[erczd ru hemynliu Lidi,iduallya `Ran~' ormllecti~wlyas ehe "Panies.^ Whcwas, Picrcc'Cransiq5ouvd 7nnsicmd dic Ciry•of Aubum haw idend(icd a vccd fov rrevsiv scnmc from rhe Iakxlavd HJk ucea m the Aubum Souvdev Srauon; avd Whereu, the Parcres desm w encer(me a oneyraragrezmenvro pmolde such aaoskserice mvh the service wmmevavg in 2009; avd Whemas, King Cowry Aas selecred diis as a Traeisv ICowprojmccommencing vi 20ID [oc e penod of up ro fbe years; Now thue[ore the Parms agreeas LoWows: 1. PURPOSF.OFAGREEMEN7 1.1 the puetrme oY rhu agrcemenv u ro enwr inw, a munnly beneHcial mntmcnul rel¢tionship w previdc new irnnsu senice Ln the lakeland FEJIs ara (locaed N both KNg Ccmp-md Pierce C wr}j and servivg the Aubum Souvdev Stadov. Stidi senLce a desabed 'vi Mac6mevv A no thu convua. Amchmenv A is inwiponad herein and made a pan of ouBAgmznvncbyrhix rcference. 12 Lis e;reemeut unblishu dic r povsbilincs of rLc Poidcc in rc4ntian m the uvuit mnim parcnership including mahods for financNg, implemennng, unprovNg and rsmun¢ting the pvrcnenhip. 2. PIERCETRAN517'SRNSPON9BILITIES 1.1 Pieme Tnnsiowill provide and mairutin die vehidu and operare rhe serviw as desmbed in 4aaclemsenvA. 22 VicrccTnnsivwillrouniburonce f'umncialshamudcscbedinARndmouoh 23 PieRe'1'ransfv ll mn¢ibua rhe ¢amivservice enhancemem, ax desaibed in Avachmenx A. 3. CITYOAAOBORN'SRPSPON9BILITIES 3.1 the Cq-ol Aubom w ifl mv bme pe Cmomdal slrue u d bcd in Anadwieu A. 3,2 '16e C'qy nf Aubwn wi0 conmbute vci paymem ol quanclv billings lroni Picrce Tnosiv u specdLed N Sealou ] oC the Agwnenr, onevhind of the fidlyalloczred cmx of the cemun servme AucnM1ed in Aaachmeuv A 1SaseA ov die [ I raw, Piace Tnnsiv mvc reimhurse the (`ny o[ tlrbum vnd Soovd Truisd if drc aLe k less dhav udrc.axel orblll for aAdlnonzl wsn S the ['vmtmie k Idgherihan uwiiated. 3.3 Sfie Citv of Aubum will mvmbme [he uawi service evkemcemeva aa deecnbed in AnucFunenvA. 4. SOUNDTRAVSIi'SRESPOnSI6ILITIES 41 Sowd Trnsa wffl comnbure the E avcal slare as Jesc bed (n Amchmenv A a.2 Sound Tmmic .vdl wvurbum via pa}vrunc of quaacdy bi0ings Irom Pierce TranaLy as specified in $eaion J of the Aqreemev4 one dilrd of the fullcallocamd cost oI ilie u'aast ce descr3ed in dmdhmenv A. 6ased oo the fiwl mre, l'leme Tmnsiv mey reimbuvc rLe Gcy o1 Aubo.n avd Sowd Tmnslv (f the nie :s less than esnmaced or bA for add'¢ioual ws¢ if dm ('vral avc is Iwhev i}nv utimavd. 43 Swnd Trvns(v.h0 contribure rhe uansit servicc curnaccmcros u dueaed in Auach~eievc A. 5. COSTOFSERV[CE 'lfie erdm.rcd ms of zervim is bssed on Pierce TrunsiPS cosnllocanon model fov "b1rndc8' (bodi dvccdyopcmmd avd covvacf4 SEiITI'CLE su.dce LorIDC8 as outlNe.d in Lxhibiv I m Arvchmenx A 6. P2IUODOFAG222MENT This agreemem m.ea thee tivk pe.nod ~sdw.n dre sr..vlce ~ommrrri on Pebwry, 8, 2oC9 and mns drmighFebrvery7,2010. L INVOICES/PAYMENfPROC2DUAES 7.1 Pie¢e 'fnnsiv udll in ce the Civy of Aubum avd Souvd Truuit yuaxeely [ov ihev reryective covmbueon forthis ¢annit .ercire pmvided. 6illings.vill be bued on ihe?008 cosL allocatiov mie appGed m aounl hoous of renice provided. Service hwrs induule dezdhcad hours. 72 An etlmam of the mnl servme cwa bued on s<heduded service hours k shown fn Amchmenx A. 73 'Ihc Diy of AubLLm vnd Soiiud Pemsii shall nmkc paymem svill thervy (33) daya after rereipv of a propedpdocumenrcd invoice. 7.4 Picrce Trensiv will demmJnc dm finol ram oF the cosc allocation formu6i in lare spdnR 2010. Ihsed on the final nre, Pierce 7nnsiv mav reimburse the Gry-of Auhum md Sowd'I'nursiv if the raic k les duu eswimmd or bID for addidonal ccs¢ if dm final ace is Mgher vhaii esnmauA. S. INDEMVIFIC4TIOV eWDLEG:ll REI,A710NS R] lv o wdeowod ui agreed dmt thris Agmemeeii is solely [or the benefie of dhe Partiu herem audgLvuvodghomavyorM pamvovrndry. Fojo'vrtvevwreorprancerskpfvformedaxa resule o[ ilds Agreemuu. No unployus or ageva o[ ove Pany or fca m subwvvacw6 sAall be deemed, ov reprcsenv d~enudvu m be, employxes, ogrnrs~mv~cr rs ovaibcouuaao6 of ihe oiher I'nay. 82 FachhnmshallwmplgandslnllensurethsiawnRaaons andsubwn¢urors,ifany,mmply vhrh dl kdeeal, xmte vid local fers, agJaeons, and onlvancu appGmble m the a+erk and senrzsmbeperfomvdmdudvsAgme ent. 8.3 Eech Pmry s6all pro¢c5 de3end, indemnify and save hamiless dic odmv Pury, 'vs decmA officialx, oNicen, oHioaLr, employees aand agems .vhile aaing within the swpe of iheir employment as mch, [rom my and aA mas, cla'wq Judgusens, and/or awnak of damages, wvg ouv of ov in avy wap msuhsg [rom each Paays oxm vG;'6,mvvaccs oromGssonr. Lafi Porty agmrs duo @'a fully responsible Fov dic ans vnd oorsmvs of fts (em mbrovvacma, iheir eurplo}zes andagenq aaing.v¢hin the scope of iAev emploNrevo usudy ss it is Fov r}ie acts and! omunom oY in s mployzes and agen¢. Fxh I'sry agrees iha[ i¢ obGl wdu dJs pmvmon c.widw avy dwq detimvd, and/or ause oPactiov hrooghc by or on bekialf of auyof i¢ eanplo~us ov agen¢. TM foregoivg indnivmy is spedl illy vid eqvesxly enhed . vaiver of each Pam's imanuair, W shingons Indrisnial bananas e4cqRCW'Iide5l,av peasfieorherPuryonVy,andonbrorheenenvn¢usary m providc dic ivdemnificd Perrywidi a Lill arid mmplew Ndeimq of c66tu made b.~ rlee indemniwd e.inployrrs. Thc Pazdcs eckmowMdgc theo ncrm provi.noas were specrecally regomwdandagrcedupor byxhem 8.4 Ezdi PanVs d,hu avd renwdirs vi t1ss lgrevvenv we m adctirum m any cnher oghrs and mmcdics providcd byww. 85 'Itis Agreemevt sleA be invryetted fn wrilznce udrh the 6ws of the Sure of Wuhing[on Ylm Suponov Cou¢ oF King Coovry, Wulmgwq locxed 'vn Seaule, Axhsld~y oq shall have esdiaivejudsdicdon and venue we.rmylegal acdov arisNg uvdcodvs Agrcemcui 8b Piea'e Tnen.nv shall de[end, Ndeuudfg mul hold womlees Sowd'fmi.srt and i¢ oH.'chls, anployces, evd egcurs ag.Cvice claina, demvnds, swa, acuom, domagu, or bbeiy (mllectnely "Claiiiss ) Foe labor pm¢etioN providcd m Picrec TwssiCS uvuii anplovxes or mvuac~rs wder49 ASG 5333(b) rhavare bxsed upon a Pierce Tiaosiv or Sound Tnosiv 13(<) agreemenv oav of , arc wnneaed ro, orare nuwnally re4 xed ro the wmmenwmeng opervnon , mocGfuatiov, or wmrvwGov ol die m.rvice provuled wder iks ay emem Pluee Tand[s oblu;auon w vndemavfy Sowd Toreii slmll apply whcthcr brooght wnder Piu.i TremI[s or Souvd Trai l3(c) a~aeemeny ov bofi. AJ 'Ihepmoufon.roYthissec5on zhallrwvi.zanyvmuna6on oRkzAyreem:ne 9. CHAnGESANDMODIFICA'1'IONS 'Ifiis A~mement may be amended or modified onlybypnorwnaen agreenwm simed by the Paniexherao. 10. TERMINA'CIONOPAGRHP.MF V'f 10.1 n,ry of the pznles may iennwate dds ngeeemev4 m shoie or fn paq for any reason pmvided, howevu, drec'visolve as practirablc, the Pany iermvatiry; die Agreemrnc vill give mi less bvn 135 ralendar daw prior to Pierco Tran.ri[s Pebruary, Jwe orSercemberservioe chavgc, by urzirtev nonce deGvered by wxified mvl, cemm mccipc mqoetted, of imem w m'vmrc Iv so (uv u passible sieA mvrJmuon sAould be rimcd wirL Piacc huisd's Febmarv, ]une or Sepr mber service chan;e. Siuh rerminanon shill be by weiaen notice delberedbyren(firdmith retu.~ rer-ento 102 If tithcr dm Cityof Aubum ov Sowd 7mnsit remwaie, the ~mveivrig panyrvll payPieire 7nnsiv a pmraced amonnv for seroices per(ocmed in acrondavice widi r}s Agrecvmuv rp die daa cf arminanon_ 11. FORCE MAjEURE Fivher i`arry shall be excused fmm perFocm "g ia obligamvs wdev dus Agrumevi dancg rhe rMemd m dre enenvrhav (v E ponteinedfrom pedarmlng bya cause beyand ia covwl, fndud'vng, bot vot muied w: any Lnddevce oL hre, flood, eanhqalse or acrs of wnue; svnkes or labor acnons; wmmavdeering nmreral, produas, ov [aaLws by die [ederal, xtarz or local govemmenq anNornaxiowl fuel shorc ge; when vetisfacwrycvidevice o( such rausc u preswnted m Lfie oiher Pa y, avd provLded fwxher rhaouch noo-pehormance is beyond the mvunl and is vot due w die [ault or veg6gevce ot the Party m[ peekeming. In no veot, howeveq shall rhis provislou clinwnu dm obligedon w malee papve.irc w PLerce Transiv forwode perfomted in accordance wiv6 rhis Agrermevv. U. WAIVEROFDEFA[JL7 WaberoYanydefadvshallnoxbedeemedrobeawxiverofairysuhsequcvvde(aule Anvvev of brcech o[ my pmvisiou o[ iha Ayrevnnii skLi0 oov br drrmed rn be a waer of any ovhu ov subseqivm breach und shall mc be muswed m be aimdV(auoo of rheremt. ot rh& Agreemenv whss iwred m be such In amninG, slgned byauehorized Panics evd avachrd m rhe odgNal Ayreemeui. d. ASSIGIVMEV7 '16is Agiee menv shall be binding npoo the Pxnies, vheir successors, uod usigns; provided hossever, [hat veliherPaay slallasnpi nor uzas[er fn auy mminerativ lnrerest oblfgadon <a bevefrtof diis Agwivut wiiha~L tIlc odler's pmnrnuen consela 14. NOTHLRppqRTYBEnEFIG1ARIF.S Nodwng N ihis Agmemcv4 crymss or itnp6ed ir aitended m mulerov any penov orenrns odir.r dun the Partirs herem avd the'v rupectivc succamrs raid usigv ony nghu or iemi underorbyvinoe of rhn Agreemene 15. 'VIOTUALNEGOTIATIONArDCONSTRUCTION Thu Agreement and eaeh cf the terms and pmvisiois hereof shall be Aeemed r.o have been eaplicidy vegouaul beiwean, uu1 vwwally dn[ied by, ihe Partios, avd Ic laguvage in all pans of dils Agmcmcvv shaA iv all tavrs, bc mnsmmd accordung m fu [zk mean(ng and nov sncdyfovoragaivst ddicvPany. 16. ALL7ERMSANDCOrDITIONS This Agreemenv mergu and mpersedes all pnov vegoriadovs, rcprcsenradons and agreemenrs beeeeev dae Parclrs mhmd rothe subjuc maaer hereof and roiunwres rhe nnm agreevw.m beteseev rhe Panvx. Yh.x Agreemenv may be ammded oiily by wrlam agmemcnt ofnce Pattics. '16is Agreemenv conrzins all vhe rerms and wndivions egreed upoii bydm Partirs. No odicv unde6vndingx, onl or orherwise, regxriing the subjett maaeo of rhis Agre,enwa shall be deemed m exat ov m bfvd avy of dae Pan(es herexo. iZ CONTAGT VERSONS 11s Patiu shall devgvate a rovrua person for purryrces of sending inquinrs and notices rcgazding nce cu cuuov avd foIIillmem o[ dus 4,reemenc ' GryofAubum I CmraaName 'fikinC odnran I Orsfieu'sarion tirybCAu-6ovi 'Cde _ 'IansporcadonPhnner AdArus AuIrmnn, WA98001 Tele bone I 253288 7447 - Pax 2539}1-3053 I F Mail oodiwv@aubumwa. w SoundTnnsic CovvectVavrc ]ufikeBed.nram '1'ide Servi¢PFxoniogaodDevelopmenxProgamMxoagev Addmss NJIS. dacksov Streei Seaale, WA 981042826 . . . . . . . . Tele Lone 206J965358 Fax 2;6398 5215 L-M.id m~l.e.be -ma~rowdvu.dco~_ P"eRe Trnmit ~ < iticvlVa e_ i Tode KeIIrHa,i n Dvecmr o[Plamw . ' klddress P.O. Box 99070 Wkewood WA 984960070 Tcls honc 253 -984 BID r x rasslsms e-91atl , tchan~eK~v(emeua~sa~~g 18. EachParry warmnrsaodmpresenrsvhavi¢eeuunonolihisAgieeorvvhasbcenaudionzcd by vs gwemiog bod}-via ordirence or niovion. 14 GHeetiveDare.ThCaAgreemeuvshalleakeefkawhevfvfvagvedhyallthePan(exheam. 'I1mParcicshevecxccumddisAgmcmcumndm davof , 20C8. SOUND'1'K4NSfC Cll'YOFAUBUIW E ~ Tide 'rde: Ease: /-/3-eS o-,ne: I z. ~5 Jo8 .appmoed u m form: Souud TavsicLcgal Coumrl PIERCC C T By ar Trtlc 6are~ ActaclvnentA Direct Fimncial Parcnerskp Swpe of Wodc Lnkelend Hille Sewice GSty of Aubnm Pierce't'vmi[ Sound ]'nnuit I. !vlonearyContributions:Momcirycontri6utionsaredeFedinEr.lubitim this Awchment Aand are described beloa: A. 9hexmal annoal cosu rhe Panies agae m payundeahis innedowl agreeri shall be deteermfned Ln acorclmm wddi Sectiov 3 0[ dds t1o umem. B. TheCrtyofAnbumaiidSwndTcrosloeachagreewconnibureotierhirdofnce msa of the senvice bsed on Pieme'fnnsiPS lullyallorared nrefor"blendeR' ° (,offi ct,pctly opeated sud co~~~ned) stnrrrcc sen re. Pear mraaat Mu pror ide m« 25 eoot aaz,sit "aus eius° vcl,id~ (tovo acti„e atia ooe sposse) [or aim service w¢h an vgaed upon wlue of S58,435J1 in addidoq Pierce Traiisi[ lireu mburz rhe c6flemnce bttxreev theay eui upon wsx oI the ~-e6idn and oue [hird of the service ms[. ISasealon Pxhitavl,theCryolAvburcisudmaredmsia8116,8]l. Sowd'1'eanxiCs umroied ws.v $116,871 and Pierce Tvm.n[s ossurreied caav $116,870, oI m-0tidi 558,435 u far swicc and $58, 435 is fov whidcs.. Thesc fivandol canaibutiovs will be fovservice and oehidrs on a uew iskeland Hllls wmmu¢rroure u defined iv Seiyice Descdpbon of rhix Aaachmeuv A. If acarel wsn eeceed die eainuud amount, the panners will be liable fordhe highev cosc PierceTciosicudll ~mke everyeHonm monimrvhe hwrs ofservice provided N decemwdvg S ma veaeaes appea 6lrely. The Parvcc veed m appmve he vunibcv oChoors of scevi.c ovr.r hours arumd Iu iAis cov Aauchmenr.54 'vu [L TvnuitServiceEvhencemenrs A. Ciwof.4ubum: 1. Promouon: Pmvirte prumononal marena6 abouo suvice tn the L kelavd coimvmuty. 'Ihis..d0 beacconpGsLed diroogh: a) (jiuureclynelghborhooddlrsan.vJings- . b) PressreJeases vilorelurnspopcrs. cJ Adoercisiogonlocql'N21. d) Bus meps, timnables, and bJs meps. e) Assuunce in wmmure plannivg pmvided on the (3ryof t4ubum Web siie. 2. Paddng.Wnagemenc a) Pmvide Icad in idennfying additional padcand side cpaces and uning adAidoual pazlcand-rademlL /loatioas to mpport theIakclondHJlsfccdevscrvim. TheCiryofAubumwillbe rcspoessibleFovdiertuinrenaoceofanypirk nd rideficiliries embluhed pnrsmnx ro this agreemenc BusSmpSigm: a) '1fie6ryuYAubaunwllprovideonesmppe.rcuufng[ovbos swp vgas md smuona«css arcas fovdm projca. R. Pie¢eYransrt: 1. Promouon: 1. Pvs:e TravsLi wrll advrsisc the vcw service via ivs vonnal wrkering dnwels, avd wdl indi'e the service inforuanon in Vic¢c Tnnsit timenbles and on Piera'LnensiPx Web xke. 2 6us Smpz: a) Pie.rceTransivmlllocarcandiaswllbusampsigm. FierceTnvsii wJl nmfnufn bos smp vrcu. C. Sound Tmnsir. 1. Pruemdou: a) SonndTrunsivwilladven:sexhenewserviceviairsnom.nl mskedng c6annek and will indude r6eaervice infomadov ov Sowd Tansrt tinremblu vnd ov Sowd Tavsi[s Wob vec. b) Souvd'Cruait wJlindilepmmoviwnladvenisingavvheAnbam $OllndPCSq40n. 2. $12110al: z. sounarmaat aaopro„idearea [or dre iaixempf Hills suses tu b,essoverat tt,e nut,u„l sowaer sation. IR. ServiceDescripUon ihe new Lale6nd LiJLs keclerservice u~Jl operate bemrcen Lalse Tayps Parlcwayavd Aobmn Srenov, nidi ovcwvyscrvice m the sntion in vhe xmy peakand fmm ihe aanon m Lelsland pliMs in the p.m pcik The incenv of the ae.er sea•ice u rn pmvide pitkse connect rex(dernisl aaqs m the Aubum Smuov m ladiaie arulcrs w Sowdcr commurrn md,SowdTameie.prusbosrervicemdMewbusscrvice Thescrvi«.viltgevemllybe cotisistent smpe avd service levels wth this desripdon buv Ic n.ayvary fiom rhlz descdption should the G'ry of Aubnm, Sowd'1'rsnr¢and PieRe Tnnnc muamllyagree m rhe changn. IV. ServieeDurutlov Senim uvda diis agmemsen[shall mmmence on Febnaary9, 2009 and [erminvte on Febnury 2010.ItixxhewdersuodthaaluvproteawillmritivoeNFebmuy20IDovd¢ a nrw pannership agreemem vyih King Cowpy-, i}m Ciry of Aubum md Piercc iruentic V. SencceCost esHmas The esercGVd msi Ls a pL mmig Icvcl rsdrsuec bued on rhe hours and inilrs idenrified on rLesprvdshuiavachcd hcmm as Exlilbiv 1 enrided "Preliminap, Ga Eedmare° afifch is mcorporared Inm ald made a pan oY rAls Agreemevi by dus reSerevm. Tim acmal hours md mJes erded u openvr dre service Ls deee wed b,-Piacc Temsit during rhe Fchedutivg oCihe sernce pmv m implemevmnov. '1he xnml fiillyxllouamd cesv maybe higher or lower than ihe esvimarc pmvided in Lxlilbiv 1. Belowam assumpnoris ihavserve as the bvs:s oYxhe een ice cw<esnmaz, • 7oialumreelhouv:3,848 . F~dmaredtullyallootedamualcosc 5292,179 • Cin-of Aubum's ratimnmd annoal share of }ullyallo¢rcd annual vosc i~onraeaent (s11e,871 e,.sed on moa f uyauonred aMual cosq • SowdTaacrtsudRmtedvmoalsharco[GAyalloreiedannuelwn: Fottypcrc:nn (Sllb,ffil bascd ov 3008 (ullvallorared awital mrt) . PierceTcinsicsesnmamdannualshareoffvllyall«a¢dwsn '1'wenrypemenc ($58,436 based on 2008 fullyaflocercd amml var) • ThemscofservicewillbedexerminedbyPiera'1'nnsiPSfvllyallooad ate e.,r"eiendrs(eoth diotIyopcnateaaodccind,aed) srnm2c • Picrce Truuit wID mraiv faze box revevue. ExM1ibit 1 -PreliminaryCOS~ES~ime~es Panners'Contributions Service IusVeM1lcles PaMer Amount Cose Tpe Qt ofHUbom $118,8]146 servlcecost Sountl TrensA $116,8]1.46 servlce me~ PlemeTansit 558035]2 5ervicecos~ sueto~ni Szsz,i7e.en PlemeTansit $SB,03564 veM1iclecos[ totel E350,614.28 VeMCIe Cost estlmate p T CoM 3cNaway 358.43Sfi4