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Exhibit 1 A Number of Pages 6 F DBURN AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM ~V,as H iN croN Agenda Subject: REZ09-0004 - Craig Commercial Rezone Date: December 15, 2009 Department: Planning, Attachments: See Exhibit List Budget Impact: N/A Building, and Community Administrative Recommendation: Hearing Examiner recommend to the City Council approval of the rezone. Background Summary: " OWNER/APPLICANT: Jacob Amy, Applicant William Kogelschatz, Owner REQUEST: Change in zoning of one parcel from R-20 Residential (20 du/acre) to C-3 Heavy Commercial LOCATION: The property is located at 802 24`h Street NE, Auburn EXISTING LAND USE: Single Family Residence. . COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Heavy Commercial SEPA STATUS: A DNS was issued on September 22, 2009 for the Comprehensive Plan land use change that took into account the rezone change. Reviewecl by Council & Commiffees: Reviewed by Departments & Divisions: ❑ Arts Commission COUNCIL COMMITTEES: 2 Building O M&O ❑ Airport ❑ Finance ❑ Cemetery ❑ Mayor p Hearing Examiner ❑ Municipal Serv. ❑ Finance ❑ Parks ❑ Human Services ❑ Planning & CD 0 Fire 0 Planning ❑ Park Board ❑ Public Works ❑ Legal ❑ Police ❑ Planning Comm. ❑ Other ED Public Works ❑ Human Resources ❑ Information Services Action: Committee Approval: ❑Yes ❑No Council Approval: ❑Yes ❑No Call for Public Hearing Referred to Until Tabled Until Councilmember: Staff: Chamberlain Meetin Date: January 13, 2009 Item Number: AUBURN *MoRc THAN YOU 1MAGINED Ageiida Subject: REZ09-0004 - Craig Commercial Rezone Date: Decernber 30, 2009 The Comprehensive Plan designation, zoning designation and land uses of the surrounding properties are: Com rehensive Plan Zonin Land Use Project Site Heavy Commercial R-20, Residential (20 Single family residence du/acre North High Density Residential R-20, Residential (20 ' Apartments du/acre South High Density Residential R-20, Residential (20 Townhomes du/acre East High Density Residential R-20, Residential (20 Single family residence du/acre West Heav Commercial C-3 Heav Commercial . Sound Credit Union O ' Cascade Middle School Suhlect Sitp ~ r~----- I I EE ~ ❑ Zoninq Ci Liqht Cammercial District C3C2 Central Business District eC3 Heavy Commercial District CN Neiqhborhood ShoDPin9 District 'i ( 1DUC Donntown Urban Center ~ ■EP Environmental Perk District f Io.Gtutional Use District Lakeland Mills South PUD + I 1LF AirpoR Landinq Field District IMl Liqht Industrial District Elld2 Heavy Industrial Oistrict tlP1 PublicU;e District ■FUO Planned Unit Development - ~ RI Rriden[ial t OU/ACre I RS Residential 5 DU/ACre R7 Residential 7 DU/ACre L3R10 Fesidential 10 DU/ACre ~ CiR20 Fesidential 20 DU/Atre RC Residentiel Conservancy ■RMHC Retidential htanufactur[d/blobite Home Units k5iR0 Residential Office District ■RO•H Residential Office District (HOtpital) ■N Terrace Vierr UtJC Undasslfied Use District Page 2 of 6 . , • t iY . . . ;Agenda Subject R6Z09 OQ04 Cra~g ,Cflmmercia.l, Rezqr~e; Date: ;December'3Q; •2009: 'FIN~)NGS OF;~FAC7: =1-DMP, lnc , onEbehalf`of Ja~b Amy anti W1tliam~Kogelschatz; has:applied.for.'a_tezoneor properfy to,cafed at 802 24SSfreet- NE:: 2. A Corriprehensive Plan land~~Use; Map amendmerit~was applied`for cpncu~rentiy-withfth~ rezone: ~:on Jwne 17,'20'OJ °Ttie ap'plirant ~equested'a lar~d`suse change-,from High Density Residential Ca Heauyt,Cammerciaf The City.Council appcoued;tlie arriendmenf"d6 December'7, 20092 tiy ~rdinarice No~ 628b:: . . : . i _3. :The rezbne site at 24 Sfreef;NE is:`approximately ;3 acre;s (93,068 sguare feet) ;n size;-and;~ _ ;coiitains an-ei~istmg single fam~ly res~denee., The=iuture;tlevelopment,ili re,quirethe ngle family° =residence~fo:'be demoltsliecl. - ` 4~The appficant _filed an, enviranmental ~hecklist='that addressed the;~ompretiensive plan~ - jamentlment and rezone A descriptipn of iut(re development of fhe property°was included: Tfie proposal isto;dev,elopithe site th a maxirtJUm af 1;>1 mult,i;family,dwelling, units. parking; . 14nds0aping, and.infrastruciffre improvements,(Exhibi£ 5-:The C3 (Heairy Corrmii~erciaO:>zone diskrict allows;rnulti-family decrelopment wiih.;a canditional use, permit;~(see AOC 1'8:3;0 030}a;'The:inlent of`tlie_C.-3 zone is;` ...this zone~is mterided to accomiYiodate:uses wliich_are~anented to automobiles eitfi~er as t~e'`-rn~de or target or produbi~ig the-cori~rpercial. service The:~uses.~nurn~:rated in th. is: . , classificatiorr are canstdered:as hav)ng cornmon o,r lar perforr►mance_ standartls in that they=a(e:heavier ln.~type than",those uses~p~errnitte,d;in!the rnore restnctive comrnereial classificakions:' t ' ,8: The: C-3, zone.;developinenf;standa"rd"s_in`cluding setbacks:andAot ireqiiirernents are cantamed. ir►: ACC 1i8.3004.0; 7:> Pursuant to-ACC 18_`68 030 and 18 68 OAO;.all applicafions-for a,;rezone shall be re~iewed by the' planning:director pr~ae to #he_sched'uting of a pubhc hearmg': After:review of:tlie aplication,.the T; ector:shafl deterrnine which,af,the ioilowing two.~p dir rocess.`es,shoeild t7;ccur to; p"roperly h;ear tti,e rezone: a: 'If the,rezone;:is consistent::with tFie eomprehensive~plan, t_taen.tfi~e~fiearing examiner. sfiall i . concluet,a public.hea~ing,ori<::the rezone,and`make;,a recoirirtiend.ati.to.the ciCy council: i ;pcrrsuant toi.-AGC 1=8:66170; ; `This=applicaiion is consi"stent-with~tFie comprehen.sive plaii; as o.uklined b;elow in.the.concfusions. ` t , 8. On September 22 2009, the:SEPA Responsible Official issued a: Determinabon. of Non"-. . ~ Significance;(,QNS) for the comprehensive planrland use amendtiment that;also'took into;accounf , the,rezone. There were no:comments received and no app.eals`filed (Exhibit,8)., ; F 9! Pursuanfto.ACC 1.8:68:"040.; notice of 6pu61ic hearing shall be giuen aC least 10 tlays,priorto the s pu6lic ftearing and in:accor~ance,with ACC' 14 07:04b The public h`ear,ing notice was;publisFied 4 in.fhe Seattle 7imes:Decemher 29, 2009, pNovided°;to the;propei#y owners vrithin 300 feet of tlie; ; , , _ . . . . subject site, and posfed on ttie subject properiy meeN ng;tiiis requ'►rement;(Exhibit 5jl ~ _ s - 10. The City:Council changed tlieir role in qua"siyudicial, approvals giving:tha,f authority to Hearing: ; Examiner ko make;decisians. Smce:rezonestare approvetl by Qrdinan`ce the City Council is stilJ , ; . . - _ Y Page; 3;;of. 6 ! • ~ S . . Agenda Suliject:', REZ09 0.0.04 Q-11 Cpm~ner~ial'Rezone Datea Decerrtber30; 20Q9 • , ~ ~the decisron iimaker on°rezones With;the Nearmg Ex~mine_r, making a recomrnendat~on;on.fhe ~ ;prap~sall, ~ . . F :24 St:reet NE; is a local_non=resfdent➢al s,tceet and fihrs road classfficahon supports the rezorieF ~ .request Hov~~yer~ihe current r~a~way is,:not constrWCted-to current local4non-residerit;rai"sYi~et ' ~standartls The proposedmulti #arnily development will ~require ~the-neecl for..roatlway ` i.mprovements and dedicatfon af;r'ight,of way along,the sife firontage,and adjaeent al{ey; ° 1,2. ~A cornpreheris~ve plan ma~-amendment wasaprocessqd::as part of the ZDd9 CornprehensiveI:Pian :Annual`Amenriments; The City Counctl approved a land;use map change from~ HIgh Density= ;Res~iient~al,t4 Heavy,';Commercial°by Ordinanee No. 6Z90: on December 7,;2009 (Exfiibit CONCLUSIONS QCC,Chapter ;'i,8 68 provttles~cert~in c~'iteria°for approval ofi:a:rezone; 1 The rezone musf be co;nsistent wlth the C_ompr.ehensive Plari. Com'irient= Tlie:applicant.applied for;both a;~cezorie antl compceFiensive plan amendment on June 17,,2Q09 Th:e. ,comPrehensive plan .amendmentxvas:proeessed~as part of;the~26Q9 annual°amendments; The land: use map,a_mendment requestwas from Hlgh Density:Residentiai to. H eavy.Com meicia1:. ;Qn ~I Decembe"r:7, 20Q8 the.City Caunc~l,appro~ed the.comprehenswe plan amen~ments~through, Ori3inance;`Na.;fi2:80_(Ezh~bit 1D):, Policy.LU=34' sFates fhat rnuitipie=familVAevelopments.should:be located functional.ly convenient ta the necessary suppartmg fac~laties including,uEilities,'a~terials „pa'rks, transit.sennceet, P,ur.su,ant to; ' Chapter 1'4 ofkhe Comprehensive Plan, Heavy3 Comimercial is to provide "aritomobii,e orienfed , commercfal areas tomeet both'fh6tocai.antl regional:need for such services. Gompafible;uses.are auEomotiile sale5~ r`estau`r.a►ats;;converiiencestores, a n d oitier:s~milar heav.y;;corrimercial uses;: ` A~inajor ~oal of'-tl~e Grawth Managemerit Act ts,to'reduce uri:jan sprawl One way to rnirnmize sp*rawl; is to. fully:clevelop:areas~~afread`y;:~eceiviiig ur4an ser~ices, Policy LU=114 states; °Epcourage wefl : . , . des9gned:infiU arid redevetopm-nk proJects fo,.fully utilize Inv2stment in existing infrastrucfuce " Ttie . proposed::rezone-;will set;the framework~for an 11 urnt;mult~ family'deyelopment;fhat redevelops an unclerutilized Iot.; :Also; tt~e subject site is witliin'/ mile af trai~sit,senrice;,schQols; and Auburrt 1Nay: N&r•th is west one block. =26 Th.e rezone~must be initiated fiy s"omeone ottiertfian,the C~ty 1n,order'forthe Hearing Exa1niner . to consider tfie requesf.. 'Cainment- . The rezone lias been initiated tiy=fhe {iroperty otivne~; :UUilliam:Koge`!sc?iatz and-applicant; Jacob,Ani f: 3. Any_ ctian&s or`tnodificatioiis to a' rezone; r.equeSt'made by either the' Hearing =Examiner flr ed Ciiy Council will not=result ih',a more Intense ione'than the one?request Commen ' _ , _ , The renciested.rezone::changq;,from R-4 Residential (20 ci~ilacre);'to C 3„Heavy Commercial,•wilt:not :result in a;more intense;;zone fli;an w.hat'is requested. Page 4:of 6 i • ;Agenda Subject_fi_REZ09=00(04 = Craig C.ommercial.Rezone: Daf~: D.ecembe~~30; 2009 ;In addit~on, the. Washington State Su.preme;Court tias ideritifiedotlier general ru1"e06brez66e . ~applica#iqns-(see.Parkriiige v. Seaffle, 8~J :VVn 2tl.454, 57.31P 2c14359 {1 9:7$)); ;a:. Con_clitions'~in=:the,area must{have changed since•th`e orlginaF~zoning;was esta6lished: .Commenf ; The sub~ect prppert}~ has been~zoned R-4;, Nigh .Dens~ty~Resi~ential ~Noiv re named,R-20), wlien 'the CiEy adopted Mts.revIsed:zoning;:ende (overhaul)rin 1:987 The densfty°es#ablished fo~ the R=4: zone, was ~'(8 clu/qcre:and cemamed:that density until ihe (ecerit code ~tianges (June 15., 2009) that sligtitljr increasee! the density.to:20 du/acre,' althougti: the rav[sed derisity, is iiiet density,ratlier thangt'assitlensity ~~i'luifi-family deVeloprnei~t~in the C 3~zone, at a der~sity of 36`dulacre i~as: been,a;condikiana! use.since the 1987 zoning became effectiv'e and that regulationsis still in eff,ect , today,: Tfie primaryrreason for ttie,rezoneR:requesf~is to coristruct adclilionat unifs an the subject;; 3 sife U;nder fhe current zoning of R=20..a maxirrium of six units ts:possible 1"lYith #he pr"opose:d rezone:a rnaximum of eleven units:is possible Viltien tne clensi#y°rvas es.tabbshed for',tfie 13=:4: ; (naw R=20).z6ne, the G'rowtFi ManagementAct did;n6t exist requiring Jurisdickions to i accornmodate.,a certain•:amount.of ur'ban growth Staff supports the increased ,0nsity;at the . : . _ p_ w pro~ect~site;to.accommodate Auburn's fair,share of-growth;;as..wetl as the~property is"within.a%: mile of #ransi#; near atfiee.ser,vicesssuch.as;schoolsand orie..block Auburn 1Nay~-Nortli`,:: b. 'The proposed rezone.m"usf° beac a substantial relaEionship to #he g eneral :welfare; of;the - camrriunify. . `The proparty as currently zoned could be develop . ,etl with rt~ulki=F'art'tily units hou!ever only with_;a ; maximurr~:df.~six uniks. UVitlrthe proposed rezone, :a maximurrt of eleven un~fs could he realized, ; 'This,supparts:th6 Cify's g~oal o€ achieving~our groviith targets oVer the neXt twenty years; ;:established by`Kmg Gounfy'and'meet infill;;development policies of the comprehensive plan. 'REC:OMMENDA'TION Basetl upon the application and Findings af.Fact antl Conclusions of the staif renort, staff recommentls fhat the Hearing Ezariiiner"~ecommend to:;the City Council`:approval of.tl~e:rezoneitivith tt~eifollowing con(iitions of:approval:: _ ; F 1. Futur.e:cJevetopment:;of ttie p~operty. shall:orily be-inulti-family units: Conimercial_uses';a[e ; - proliibiked.. ; 2:, :As part:of the future developrnent :ttie applicant;stiall de~licate tw,elve (12) feeflor right";of=waY .along the.24"":Streef~NE,properly frontag.e.. ~ . _ . nt,sh'all detlicate: nine (9) fe,et for tight of:way radius' 3'., . AsApart:of the future developmeni ttie appliea_ ;at #he;"property.:carnerof:the infersection.at;'24'"'SfreeVNE and the alley bordering the west sideof • the. property: . ~4: °Construct;1/2 street irnprovements;to city'5tandards:for a;local non "residential road,on;24th Ave NE: ~5:. Reconstr.uct and add :additional paving'along tlie:site fronfage witirthe a11ey borcienng the west side oft h . . e . . .nty foot paved:`sur.face;and appropriate alley drain"age su6je6 t.pr6perty 16 c~eate a :h,re.. to.the.ex~sting storrri.system:in 24th; St NE,. ' Staff;reserues:`fhe righ"t fo.supplernent:fhe-,recorci _of fh.e" case to iiesponcl;fo tttatfers and..infor.ntation rarsed: strbsequenfto the.ivriting of fhis report 'P.age 5 of..6 ' s :Agenda Subject: REZ~9 OOD~ Craig Commereiaf Rezone Datec December;30,~20D9 ~EXHIBIT LIST` ~ :Exhibit• -1t Staff!Report j 'Exiaibit2! VIeinity Map ~ ;Exhibit:3; Application t 'iExhibit:4' Site~Plan> • xhibit 5 vComb9ned Noticetof~Ap~ilication>arid Fa ~E blic.Hearing; 'ExtiibikA6i tiffida+rit=6f.l?o5tirig; Exliibitl affidavi#'•ofWailing; 'Exhitiit,8i Qeter'tniriation of.Non Sig~iifiicaiiee: ; ~Exhibit 9 Aerial PhatograpM' ' ~Exhiliit 1~0~ ;O`rdinance:No .6280 = ; i t I. i . ff f ~ ~ Page 6 of 6 ~ _ 7fi~';Il h'; ~ . i -_V'_~ ~ _ _ • ' _ . ~ ~ `n~ ~ ` . . i. f . 7_ . ' i - - _ _ . , - - . ~ , . . . . . . i, - . , . . . • " , . , . , , . . . . ~ : ~ _ . . 7 ~.A _ : _ _ . ~ r_.__ _ . . ~ ~ . . - ~ . - . ~ . . -i - . . - . . . ~ . . ,-~5„_. . - _ _ _ " ' _ _ _ r, - :i-~ ~T?: ~ ' ~ "Q`~ . ` [ - ~ . , ' . . . . . , . . _ . . . . . ' - - - ' - , . . : . _ . _ . . . . _ : . _ . - . " . ' ~ - . 'T- . _ ^i.. ~ . r . k . . . . . . - r - - - ~ . . ~ - . - - - - ~ , ~ . _ - , .J. _ ~ ~ , . ~ . ' ~ ~I ~ - _ , C . ~ - - 4Y~ J~L r . ~ . _ . ' - ' . ' . . ~ , a • . - _ - - - r ~ V L -7- ~ -s • _ - - _ - . . _ ~ 1. . . . - ~tOp ~ _ - - - ~ - - . - _ - 7r-ti~...__- = - % - - . _ . r _ . - _;_--s-----•: . " - ^ - - - _ ~ - - - - , - - - _ - . 1. - . i~TO=r. • _ _ , - ~r - - _ _ r~ ~ - . - . - , . : ~ I ~v y _ - ' - - _ - ' . - ~ _ . ~ r- - ~ - , _ . , ~ . - - - ~ „ . _ _ ~ , - _ - • _ - - . L~ . . ' , . • - ~ • _ ~ - . . _ - . _ _ ' . al~ " ~~"~~.4 ~ 1y~• • , ' ~ .I.~ . . . ' . _ . . I~ - , • - . . . ' - . _ _ - ~ - ' - . . I ll % . - '7op T . _ ~ . . . . ~~~~-7 T . . _ - . - . ~ - ~ - - ---r~.T - - - ~ - - " - - . - _ f . . . . . . _ - ' ' " ' . _ _ _ - . _ _ _ . . . . . , . . _ . _ . . ' _ . _ . . . . _ . . _ , , _ . ' . . - _ _ _ _ : ~ _ _ _ _ . . •I i - - ~ . . _ a _ - J-:_ . I;• . _ - - . . _ - _ - , _ r-•- . _ , - - - - - " • ' i . - ' - - - - ` _ - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ ~ _ - - - - - - - - - - ~ . ~ ' . . ~ _ , . 7. . _~T-_-•~ T _ ~ _ . . . , . . , ` f ~ - . ' . . • - - ~ - _ . ' . . - . . ~ . ~ L _ 1"-- ' " . " ' . . ' . M ~ •3 '~j Y-. I ' _ _ T ~ _z ~ r~ • J . ~ . _n 625it - - • ~ 1 ~he in(onm..tlon mduCe^ o^ n~p h~ boen cor by r in, Count} ~K from a rnety of sourcc~ arC ~ se:bteC to u'iange ivrthout rmti~. FGng Cocnry makes no repr~entatiort, or .3;j ~ rrantres, axpress or im;::ic.., s cctu2ry, ~meliness, or rigMS to the use ef such irtfortnation. This documeM a rtot interideC for L'So as a svrvey product King Counry aIi noY beliabfo for any generai, spedai, indirect, incide^~I, or nnsequential damzges including, but noi limited to, lost revenues or lost profits r2sultircg from 4he use or misuse ot the ~ ortnatiort-¢+ntained on thLs map. Any sale of this map or irtfomk.-tion on this map is prohibited excopt by wiitten pe:rnission of IGng County. ~King Co [9nty ~ 77- = d e: 6/1112009 Source: tQrtg Couny iMAP - Prope ry Infortnaiion (http:lhvww.metrokegovlGlSlMAP) i, i, l { ~ t f • n ~~~~IVU ~ - i~ !'iTA:i~' f Yl~~~~.:(Y ~ . oprp'~~~~~ - u~i`r or - - w~T J N ~,i ~ 7009 . . _ _ s~ r: Plrrttrnf~g, Rrr~'lr~rn~; r~n~l':Co~rtmunityl7epr~~dAVIS~~~t; ~ :14'Ir[.SMRLAIVD:Z/S'E,.APPIICitTIQN .P~ANNIN~APPIICATl'O1VS' ~ 12112I2008 _ : . . . _ . : ~'arcet.No(x) 5125400241' Sitc Attcl~;e.~s 802; 24th St N E`;.tAuburn:. ~ Leg;+ 'escript'lon (atthcli~ a:ss~r~tc~sf~eec if nec~sgary? L~LK 1 L.OT *4a8 49 '50 N!A PPLEIN~OD; ;ADD TO_AUBU:RN:1N 1.1..O=.FT4 . _ m._. ~ i _ _ _ _ ApplicHnE' i ~ 'Narnc :J~acoJ Amv. ~ iVraiilng Aciciress pQ ~Box 1;90 Auburn UItA 9€3071: Tel$plioiie;anii`FdY 206 2514801,F ~5`3 867,•=0817~ - ' , Email :IaCO~: . . fJ~y re iioe;attacl iot° N Ivlailtng_Address pQ BOX 190 b„ ri1 8071' • < Telephorie Fax: ~6tt 6 37627 T , Ema~i will~am. . ; ~ : . _ : ~ : . . . : :;Engmeerl ;e,_ tec~ture/Otl~er Tlame Hans' Korve D(VIP, Inc ~ Mailrng Add~ess 726.Auburri ~l v..North..Auburn WA--,98002 i ; '.Telepliorie<anci F'ax. 253 333-2 Fax.z~3 333:-22t~6 ~ . ~mail:'hans~dmo-inc.us . ' . . _ . _ - ~.T~ascn~i~on of Pro~Act[oii:. ~ ~`YZomng change~fi~o►n R4;'to C3ith; the associate.compcehen5r~e:~pian-amendment: . .F : . . . . - > e~of'A Iicfltion.Re .uired' Gl~ecka]1,tfiat.A I~ . . ~ ' VAdrriinisirative;Appenl!~ : : ✓ ;~Rezan0 (site spccific)* Arewwiile: Admuiis#ralive IIse Permit*" ' ~S}iorE Plai~ Annexatiori* ~ Sjieaial ~xcepfioi~* Bounila .ry Lme Adjustiiient Spec~al iiome Occupation 1'erniit* - ✓ Co~npreh~nstye::l'lau:Amen~lment (Tcxti or Map)* T "Suhstantial Shoi'eluie Devclopment*' ' Coriditi~nai Us~'.Pcrinif* Stzrface Mining Peririit* Temporary Use.Permit ° _ Ci►tiAreas Varianccf D eveiapment Agrccme»t# ~ Vnriance* -Eiivaronmental:Review (SEYA)* *.Please n~te that;public`notiiication is.:; Final P16t re.quir'ed.. A separatc dost ia:cliarged - I'relirninary. Pla4* f6it11c sigtts. ;City. "praoares sigits bu,t'.* . - . . PCJD.Site P(an;Approvril` nni responsible,f6r sign.;postirig.,-I . _ Page T. of 2: q 1'\UBURN- "'k7 1VtORL:Tf-lAN YOt) 1"tiiACTINED ~ ~ ~ ~ J AN W~,l wAsj-~~;N~~'~i:~ ~'1'ririraan~;~,73r~rldrii [l12[I COIIZIllltltt .UC ,C~J~lrrzer~t~. . . . , LET'T~R TRGtM PIZU~'TIt'1"~ ~'i?'VN~R'GR1iNTING;AI~TV0RI7ATION TG? ACT." y of tliis lettei n~iist be ttei~ ;f~r each ~propei~ty.o.wiier involved): ~ j, Will~am'C. Ko,gelschat~ , being:c~uly s~vc~m deel`are tt~at I a~n tlie o}uner of =tlie proPd'r`~y . {fto~~~t~t QwN~n~x - slnvc~lved in the appljcation~. I.iaereby gr~nt Jacab J:.AmV~ ~ Y n - = df Tkt_e Wtlliattl,Crafg C~mpany ~o act oiiliny;liel~aYf I'fur.ther.dec3are t}lat-all ~ Statemeieis;.arlSweCS; 1nt~anfarm~Iiton herein s,uUmitted,,is m,all:respects Irue:_an" ciirrecl ta t}ic F . . ~ . ~ _ tiest of my~kriowle6ge and fb - ~ ~ ~ • f , ; , _ . - z - , „ IS - ~ - ~ A d;ress - . ~ : . t. E Sut>scribed`:aiid~sjvo"rn , . , , , ~ Nfltary P.ub]ic,in anatCn'r;Itlie,-Stafe;;o~~VVashington, _ • j . ~ S4iAWP~A1;lYN DAVIS ~ N07ARY'PUguC , - :STAT~ OF WA9HlNnYOP~ - ~ ~ ` MYCQMM~S310Id'F.?cFMES9710~41~ ~ i ~ ~ I ~ Pa~c 2 of.2 * M(*E `I'H/tN YOU 1titAUlNEU ' s 3 ~tc~ i~~ ° " DAi.EY M~;RRfJ.W PflBL`ETE=, INC;: 726'AUBURN 1AlAY IV • :z ' " ,A~BURIV;, WAS~IINGTON: '9f3002 TELEPHUN~: ;j25~) 333 2200 _ . December 12; i2008; A Dear Ai~burn City Gociricil, - iNe;requestthatthe}C'ityCouneil<approve our'requestto re-zone`the parcel locafed-:at. . 802 24fh 5tr.eet NE,.Auburn.(5'~2~40°-Q24`1}~.frorn R4 (R ~0) to C.3. 1111e alsoY;request: _ , _ #hat the C_ouricif approve the cor:respanding modif~cation of:the Gomprehens~ve Plan. r Under th"e R 4,{R 20}, zonmg the p:roperty can only be develop~c!_ fo Fa maximurnf Qf `5(6), ~ _ - ,untts Unde;r #h"e current lending, g:uidelines, and` cons~dering'the knoWn tnfrastructure. ° imp~o,v,ement costs, the current zoning' wiil not:~proiiide.sufficient income to ~usfify_the iMestmeri# n,ee~ed, t~ developthe property; ~ Assum~ng a:succes'sful. re-zone of:the pcaperty, the Applicant proposes: to ;nstruct4, _ _ .t . 10'-unif:apartment buiiding an the praperty~thro,ugh a condifional use permit .A~review.of.' the surroundmg: uses ,shows thatvfihe existing sin gie=farnilyx~~homO- is locate~ ina ` neighbor,hood tFiat is dommatetl primarily by m'ulti-fam~iy, properties .is lot is locafetl'' ti d~rectly beh~nd-the Sound Credit Unian an Aub.urn INay and the adfoirnng properfy~to'the - j South is an 114 unit;(34story") `town=home,icomplex Tfie pr,operty 19within close prvximMely, to lhe,.bus lines; as:wel! as other basic seesittiat are wiffiin walking :distance. " . ' . ; , ~ ; . , , : . With fhis=chan in nom and"the:drop in h:ome_4wnership,ti.f is clear fhat#he need ! gg e~co y for~additianal~`rental units'ttiat will:~ppeal to-the:rrniddie income commun:fty ar.e a~ i : . . . ne.cessity. By supporting #his praposed r,e zane, the Applicant wiil be able to ~offer quality~ - ~ xren~'alxunits for,thase,who cannot aff,ord, to buy`,a horrie at this time; "while providing:a - . quality li~ing enujronment that will; draw mor.ei:af.tlie middle incorne population fo Ahe area: - , The Applieant s:ubm'i'ts: the follovuing=responses; fo the 10 reyiew criteria established in : ACC Section A 4.22..11';0; far th& amendrrient of~the comprehenslVe pl`an: , 1 The proposed ;ctiange will further an'd tiecons'istent with the° goals',-an, d` , objectiues of"the,plan and the plan=witFr.emain i;nternalty consis#ent; ` . Tiie City af Auburn'virishes #o pr:eserve fhe integrity~of exist~ng Single family: . neighbo,rhoods and promote the--development of new ones In'the v,iords of.the:.. ` , . , GomprehensiVe plan this-wauld be best accomplished by'focusi,ng multi family developmentiri the urban center: .Conseguen#ly, r.esid`ential lan&usepolicies..will ` emphasize th'e creatiomand preseruation of singl.e{family. neighborhoods, wh:ile sfill`encouraging;the development of othqr housing types for tiiose who3needsor~~,.,~t `f 1A!atl~;the1°1'.; _ ~`,+~s.,.`r,, ~ a c~tJ4#s'k . ..4, - ' " , ...w, . . . . To s.iip~rt the$e goals, fhe Cify'~fias esfablislied a:seriesr~df poiic~es: thathaue: b'een used~'fo gutde:xoning and:developrnent regtilations Under Land~Use Pvlicy ' 113 (LU-13);'the Ct#y. ~is encour,aged tojp,r,ovide a=rriix af ho:useing types. to. meet~the•_needs of al,l res~denfs Lll 1,8 and LU=34 further Tecomends that muti,fatn'Iy>t . , ; , - deWelopments be Ioca~;d nPar fransit service, shopping a-d parks ^ The 'applicants proposa(;meefs each of tiie:se polic~es:;and.~is; locate, withi:n one:;block~ af a. bus stop;;=#wo'bl.ocksfrom Top° F6ods ;grocery store-and one block from 'C~ascade M.itldle Schoat & Brannan Park, F?f`ease~see'tf%e fullF,text of:each; ` suppprt~ng pol!cy below: : :L:tl the C~~y s/iould prornote the prov~sjonpreservatror,r and~; = rnairiteniince ofadequafe t'iousirig, fdr :~the city's~ residen"ts by. . ` " encoiiragir~g, a. Ua/ar~ced ;mix~ of `Iiousina t.ypes:; an`c1 values ; - ;appropriafe ;to fhe :trrcome levels and.fifes~~les of area .res~dents;. : ;LU=98 ,Resrdentla! densrties rn;'ateas ~designateaf`~for:mulf~ple `family tlevelopmenf- should nof' exceed 20. ;unafs per acre , Mu/frp'le , - densities stiou%d. generally decrease wrth = pn?ximtfy to stngJe 'farnily ar.eas.,: +Multiplafamlly ;clensrties may eXCeed r20 'urtifs per prauided%ffie:v are .wrthin :walkr"ntr di~ft~nee ;of J14 =mile fmrn. reqrcmna'l „ - tr.ansrf..facrl~~ies or ;are targefed; to populafions, not requirrng outdoor recreafion> areas ~and~'havi;ng ~low pr~ya'fe: automobile. usage (e g; ; ~ursing;hornes) Tf~ta;rgefed c!lt~pmerif5 sfrocild'~be iocated iri:; close :prwfmity 46 .sfiopAi»q, inedical, arref` publiq jfrans "orlafion: . F senlices. . . , . . L~U-32'' ln considerrng 'wbere ;.fufure higher- denstty clevelopmenf shoU1d`Ibcate, priorify stialt be _glven ;to rlesignated Sp"ecial'P%annittg Areathe Downfoiivn aricl areas wJfh hJgh %ve/s:of transit seniree:' . . . L'U 34;Multiple farrrily de.velopmsnfs should be tocated;ft~ncfror~al~v : converiient to :fhe necessary `supporfinq fadlitfes incluel» ~a °ufrlrties;. =a'rfenals, parks, transrf service; etc; ~ In;;addition toapreseruing Single'-farnily neighbor.hoods°anet placing rri:u`Iti=fariiily ` developrnents~as a:buffer~:to more.intense commereialiuses, fhe comprehensive: plan also promotes the redevelopment-of underutiliseelareas. .G6a1.12 and its associatedpo'licies :encourage-redevelopment to re'duce sprawl a►3d fake fu(l ; ~adv.antage of. fh.e ~ity's invesfinent in exi'stinc~ infrasfrucfure-: The App:licanf. proposes, to redevelop ;an 'existi_ng single famify tiorne i, n :a higfi, dens'ity.. r.esidential=zone, into a 1.Q-unit apartment'eomplex.. The;9-unit net increase in' residential capacity wiii make fii11 use of the.ex:isting City infrastructure and:: ' provide a quality I~ving environrrien# witl~in walking dis#arice of urban sery.i.ces: - _ The City of-Auburn is directed by'-th'e cornprehensive plan to facifitafe - redevelopment whenever possi6(e and explor.e. innovative~mechanisris to ' - accomplish'its°goals. It'is clear.fhat;the Applicant's proposal to re=zone`the' _ ~ .DmP 09 -11S . Graig Gommerciat"Reione: 2 ` ~ rt. _ pCoperty fo achieV6 an econom°icaliy feasi~le;.rra.ultl=farrii(y infii! tl;eyelpprn.enf =#hrqug-t commercial zortfiig .i~ tru:Iy:inno~a#ive. 'The;'full text` o~1~ach: r.elevant;; . ~ ~ < _ pol~cy ts="I~sf~tl :bela~u;.. _ , . Encaurage wet!°:desrgned rn~l! ar? 'tl redevetaprnent.prcijects ~fo fully~t~#r`li~e,previaus fnves07617f4rr ~~isfing rttfiasltucture: ; LU,~~S, Reduce tfie eonsurnptioia .of rande.vd7oPed- :lanat by . ° ; , 3 factlitatinq , fhe. ceefevelOpment ` of urrderufllized larrd and in#ilt O'f vacant'par,c~ls whenev~r pc~ssihle; _ Lt119<16, ExpTbre..innovative,neciianistns to encouraqe the Officlen`tUse atlarr,d'lncl~r~'in~ densborruses,a»d sale ,of air,rigfits. ` _ < L'U'-fi,?7`' Iclertfr{y areas fflr`cor»tt?e~r~1 &ve%pmenf ~rfc~iJacus sysf~rrmprovetnetifs fo f,acilitate fheir : s 4m sfre~f ;arid` utilif,y , cleveJoprnent: 2.. 1Nheftie`r the c~►pacjfiy~fv ;prov,id;e adet~uate saririces is ;dimirtished or in:ereas+md•, . . . . ' . The propertyEiscurre:ntly~.service€~ by: public sewer',and:water. The prvposed deuelopment ofi a 1;0-urnf apartm,ent.corrmplexswrll riot-adversly effect.$erv~ce . . capacity:in #tie-~area. 7hk; is an infill pr.oposal'tliat will take fuli adUantage of:,the existing publicinvesfinent in infr,asfructure. As the~ restilt of ~a s~~csessful;re-zcine an'd development of..th~ site, t~ie: pr~~~ct v►ri,il pravide ft~ll frvntage tmprouments ~e. includEngVthe expansion 4fi.srdewalks Ttiese improvrtletns will ancrease - autamobil~ and.pedesttian s;afety m the immediate area: 3. Assumpgions upon -which the compr,ehensive plan, i"s. based are found fio be: ; ih valid; . The App'licant~is not question►ng the .valitlity of anyfunderlying CampreY~ensiire- ' Plan assumption:: A`portjan af the sukiject property falls v~rithin "the Fieavy ~Commerc»I designa#iQn. 1Ne:seek ~v expand; that c~~signation to. ir~clude the . entire:site. . 4. .A deterrninatian of'change ar lack:of ctaange in.ciinditions or ' clrcum04nces rias accur'rEdasince th6 ad6ptian ofthe latest.ame;ndment to the specific secti'on of th"e camprehensive`plan'that dic#ates #he need for a propos&d amendment,, A portian of the subject property falls w'tthin,the Heavy Cornmercial Comprehensive plan~designation. We seek to expand that,designation to include the, entire site and re-zone #he property accordirigly:: lt:is,most-often ~nadvi~abl~ - ~ fo haveaa property.with a split.designation. The.landscape of the.:nat~ional econvrny and fhe-lacal housing market have :radicaly changed' in tlie (;ast.y.ear;>" s antl rnany residents'find thernselves in need af more reasonabfe housing #httit is . D.14P;09-115 Craig CQnimerciahRcione ` 3: . _ . , , s ~:cl~se to puE~tic s~rvices The ~~bposeci quaf~ty de~eiopment can ~~tdr~ss th~e . 4 ect~norntc,:.traffic and cl~m:ate r.e~a#ed ,issues .thak, have been thrust to.:the f~?~~fcr~n~; . since the last rnap :up,dat~ ~r~;~this <ar,e~:; . . 5:,If_:applicable; a de~srmi,natiQn that a que$~~~on Qf cdnsist+~r~cy exis#s b~tv~e~n ~r . . .e ~ t~ie cvmprehen~~ve pCani ~nd' Chapter 36.70A RC~If,, fhe countyutiide , ~fanr~ing pc~fic~es for ~itli~r King ,andlor P~erce .Coun~y, as~appra'pr~,ate,,an:d' 1Jision 2040: Growth an:d Transpor~atr`on:Strategy f.nr~~he Pu~et~oun:d: Region;; . _ . ; . , T~~,s~~element'is not~:aplicakil~: , j _ . f. If':th~:requ~sg is fo change ~~'e land use d~esigrta$ian o~ a speci#ic pCape~y; , . oi~ the comprehet~sive..land use .map,, the applicant mus4 demans;~rate:one~ . _ ~a~f'#h~ foilow~ng; ~ : . _ . . , a, The ciireent Jand use'desigr~a:ti~n.was~ "clear.l}r rnade:ln error;c~r=due to'.. ~ rv a`n, o~~~sight, , A p.ortion o`f the,:subject sit~.falls witliin the Heavy Gomrnercial;`;cie.s`ignation; . vuhile the majc~rity"lies ir,i the High [~.e.n~~ty,res~dential zor~e Tlie.proposed alt~ration wou(d:place the.er~tire property ~compiete(y.iniFfhin~ fhe Heavy ~ , ; C4rrimercial.Zone. ~ ii. The pro~osed lantl use designa~ion. is~acljacen~'~o, praperty haVing:a: ~ ~similar or corfapatibl~ desi,gna~ion,:ar~other contlitions are present>#o ~nsu~e comp~#ibili~y with sur,.round~'!in~ pr.operti~s;; - 7he. surrounding p.r.g~erties on: t~e ~west siEie of the A11ey ar,e: ali iwi#h'in f~ie ` Heavy Cc~mrnercial desi~r~afion;: Saund Cr,edit ur~ian` is~ locafe~ ta the~west; pf #lie.p~operty and an 1~~--uni~`.t+~V~ii~ home de~elop~n~~t~is under . canstructiori to the south: Tlie proposed_a[ter.~tian woultl. be .ciansistent~: ~ ' ` wi~h that. adjacent;corimprehensiue plan.desi~natian. The Applicanf . proposal ta ulfimately d~velap: a'10-unit Apartmen# complex-w~uld .bTe y ~ _ m~or.~ eornpatable wi#h the surounding ~ises then the. existign singte-family ~ ~ ; ~ ta4me~ ~ _ sc. There has, beeh ~ change in c:oncii#ions 'since fhe current land "us~ ' designatiQn came; intv:efgecf. , ' - , A po~tion of this site has been designated Heav.y ~cimrne►~cial sinc~ tkie curren~ lanri use d~esignativn earne into ~.ff~ct. This mixed d~signa~#ion ; an intlicatron o# a transition zorie Th`e Applicant'~ proposal.~to :alter,the ~ _ . ~ . ~ ~ Comp~ehensive Plan desic~naEio:n.to allow:for.bigher re"sidential densit~± wauJd; p~ovide .that transition "betweea true "Commerciai" uses and ffie t s~:~roc~nding 1-1ig~. Den~ity Res,idential z.one: : I~MF' 09-115° ~ Cr~i~ Ctinimei!cinl<Rezone~ - . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _d e . riden#ify anticipate.01t'pac#s froit the priaposal:: r~t': Tl~e=proposed.re,zaneand ~ssociated,comprehenslve plan c~iange~ar6 n ; m expect~tl t~ have an ar~verse irripacf 01 ~ ~he ~Ety or sur.rouriding nei~h~or~v'od:. 7`he pro~pos6d' C 3lonmg:is.c.,~isis#~nt ~r.uiff~ fh~ cerit-.cv.mrn~rc~aL;usesto the : w8sf atid the pt'oposed m;ultr famlly d~yelopment will be srmElar. to ~he praJect . already ~.rnder;co~tstruct~ot~ #r~ th6st~uth Aliurban slpniices are , -au0ila0le to.the: . P . age x :s.ife and;the'p~apc~setl tfeveloprnentwiil.comple#e=.fh.e:nee~ed fr`oni ~n ~ improVemerits alOng St.NE. . . . . ~8. Iden~ify'impiem:en#ing°zpning designotion being requss,t~~l::: The App;[icaiat is ;requsst~n,g a rezone,,fram R=4 ta C:-3::. . ' 4. C3iscuss how fhe~proppsed ch;angs isSc~onOstent ,w,,the 0e09"atfon ;of, . ° ' surrounding properfies,; As previ~usiy indipa,ted, tl~e propc~sed G-3 zahing~is cQnsistent with ~#h'e adjacerit; " cornmercial utes to~:tlie west and`tho,p:roposed m.ufti-farniiy developm~nt u"rill.k~9 siinilar, #o the project:~alr,eatly und'eir,~construction t6#he south~. . . . _ . 'IO.Dlsicuss.how.the adopt6d`City;°of~Aubur.n capital impr_ovemen,t:pro,grams ~ . support the change~; The pr,oposed;; re=zane has no. impacf o.n th~ adopted City. of Auburn. capitaf: Impr;oV~ment;programs. Tf~e praposed develapment that wauld resu[t`ffom'a' . , . successfu{ renzone application virill ma#~'e tas0 .of existing pukilic faeilities and rnake ° ariy miniar extension :fo support the.deVetopment.. 'The propased cle~reloprnen# _ will also'.complete.the,:n~eded #roritage;;improvernenfs:along Mt" St` NE and; w ; . °relieve lhe Gity frQrpthe cost~of cqttmpleting t~at'~=oad s~gment; . . ,you4or you. considera#'ion.. T`hank Sincer ly, _ , . . , . Hans A. ;Korve - ~ ° Plann~ng:1Vlana:ger ~ DMpInc> . i 3 . s ; . . ~ i - i . . . . ; nM1, 09•1 I5 Crnig Comnieroial Rezone 5` ' . f ~ . C. ; , CII.' ;c aiihpt~~~ve, ~I'Ian I Rgqooe. Roqii:est r, . II~esi~lori601'O.Heavy ; ~ 0a60' Z d, ; i - ~ - a~s.___° ~ €o~ 5~ ~m 9391 ~i16 39AifD SF. ,a,~, Qn000 3 8000 S ~~bf'~ 720 ' .30 ~ Li: 47:9C "~k ~r~ ~~6 • d Q ~ z.. m- ~4TV-t-N-E ~ .305PH ST. 93 t' 6162~9 _ AJP~ 37G. , ♦ , ~ u, ` j A'7 *20i y:f . . 20.1 1~ 9` -~,.00 ~ ' m,• , • ~ . • • ~ . . ~ . ~ 4U Jr 56 r3.. t- , . .•.r • - . . ~ : ~ _ ' - - - ~ t-. 20 sits«~ ~ ' ~ 35~ d.56 fiF ~ ur~ i~000 kF47 ~ ` • 2Q . ! 1p7 5 i . ,3p . Q R _4 aitss> 0415 22~ ~ LOT,B m ~ , ? . ` AoullicAnt Pirt)POs;es.e tci rezone a 13,200 Sf parcel 'frorn ~ . ; R-4 ~to E--3 ~nd ca~nstrtact ~ f :~:U =i:~ ~.par~~~r~t ~ b ~x~lding #hl-o~g4 a conclitionil use pceinIt applicatio.A. ; , Tlie pArV-el adjaceiftt to and th+e p~QVIos:e, ; ; . Ap~rtmerzt 40elowoulcl be with tite ~ ~ Adjacenutow'n hv"nne project to thc, south. The project , ` Will bc required to cvwplc~c ge~. unprovements ~ , c`1 . . l0i1g 2~fi1 ~~~r-L'e$ NE.: : . ; ' • i ; w ~ e"G:caMMERcML_ IM'--ZV : PU~"ATIQN ~ i snntr I rr.xr~ ,s.a aow ~ . ~ I i . L1N~SCA~E ~ PROJECT PRUPO~N RE70Nt'sA3ACRESFROhiR-471D G 3+TO _ CONS7'RUG:f A..19 IlM?`APAR1'hfENT BU1L!?ItYG 1~7 ~ . . ` . . : A1.1I771LYJ4'.~7~MlSY " , . AINIWRWPI.klff FIGH NOr -.PR809-006. . , . ~ ' S?7TsADDRFA£S=8U214TtIST.REL"TNE PARCELIVO-.f12S4~-0191 I ~ ~ NW - 07-Z~l.QS , „ . : 1 = SITBARF.A 03R6RES L " J , ~ _ _ ' ' - _ . ~ _ CONTAG3':TAC[1Bi4M}' , ~ nn~mramunroa+rs , ~ ; , ~ uti~ox~m 2713;X1{~rCLtIYFND.A', u,umm~u~m~ws~ .~r~erve~ncxrt.xrsr. ~ IIRIV))ERSON, NF' 89044 , NAle . . ` , . 4 . . . . ~ . . , ...a, _-T . I , srcoND FLoO-R ~ , ~ ~ !+~':►Alf, 'hApi. ' .i ~ti ~ ~9f8FCIt0~ .IGC l: J ( ~ar ~ . ' ~ Sy ~ ~ t t . ' ' , ~ , I ~ . , • 1 E - ~ , . . :r. _ . . . . . . _ ~ . ~ _ . , . , i - . { ~a , } ~ ~ rr~rur`& 4Y18~ ~ x , . . . ~e : . . m ~.~I J ~ 'AARD/B~ARO } : :vtt~a{t~tt•rnu ' , 'a,nnurr+nar-aas~ : ^ . , ' . . . , . ' -~.,.e . mim t A" . , . ~ Fllllll ~ . . r ~ { ; . . , ' h ~ . . _ . . . . . . r . . :i iv~crr~~~drrari~ : \ . . , , ~ . IlA•~,p,p. c(1NC,6PTt1AL TE~Pl`~~V a ~ 1" zd~," X(1iTJV7TS;-11~3;5'TQRYBUIGnIIVG . ~ . . : j ~ : t r _ : s 4. ~ tq PB t~Vt~^~~~VW ~ _ n t . . ~ i . . . . . ; . #I Uh~T T4WNf~OME'EMlt~i Ct}NSTRl1CTlt}tJ . : . . . . ~ . . [~t ~~u ~~1pp . . _ ~ . I'll ' . ~~Y~ ~"I ~11'~I1RQ4I ~ , „ r(fAkdf'N " - . 728 ni38URµ'Nn~ h ' ~ ~'353,-22fl~ , . I p F/+7(293 Y 4 ~aYl4(ly~ 0 ..e.o _ ~w aPpiicnl~otr~ BLt?CS8C170N N{7T,TQ5Cru~ . . * • , 'C[TY OI'_.. . . ~ _ , Pefier B Lew~~,: Mayor - - - , _ . , :~VASHr11~1,G'l'~:N. 25 West;Mafn .Streat k`Aubum:;WA 913001 4998*' wwrv:auburnwn gov * 253:93F .3000` ; ~ i NO 3 '7,'MO 4f A~PLI~4TIOJV and PtlBLM ti1Epl41~1G . ~ i i . .Pub(ic Hearii ig: ,January 13,20D9 a# 5 30 PM ~ _ CDUNCIL CHAMB;ERS, AUBU,RN~CITY HALL ' . /acrto Application Requested:; ~REZONE frqm,R 20 Resident~al(20 du. ~Meavy;C.ommercial: . , .A~p'plicatiori Numb;e'r and'N~~ne:' REZ0;9=00Q.;4: Craig ~Cornmercial; _ ;P'ra,~4nent.. ;Jacob-Amy, _PQ Box:190, Aubuin; WA ~98071; P'ropet~fy Loca#ion The property:is lacated~at 802 24~h AVenue NE: The site is witliin NW'::of ~ , % S':ection :07, Townsliip `21, Nortti, Range,'~5 East;;W M, ;King Couniy',, Waskiington_ Paccel: N,umber; 512540024'11: . , . ~ dential (20 :clu/acre) ta C-3~= D"escripfion :af Pro'posal: Rezorie~a single;parcel ;from ~R-20: ResI Heavy Com~riereial~,to<deuelop multi-family hoiising: , . . . Applicat~on Fited.: .J,une 17, 200'9 Comprehensiva PIan;Amendment ane! Rezone4combine_d Com,plete Application Date. July 21,. 2000~ ~ N;atice' af Applicati.on Da#e = December 29, 20q9 :Rezone~application lonly` Studies Subriaitteii:with App(ication: None. , . . T ° Ottter Perrriits a'nd Plan' virhich `may: be requir,ed: None. :at #liis time 14 ut, future applications, i inclucle a CUR;,build,ing permit; grad~ng~perrnit;•:antl FAC:; Stateme~t. of Consistency and', List of A~iplicable D"evefoptt~ent Reg;ulations: This: project: ' . . is: suhject. to and shall be consi`stent with-:th,e City, of Auk~ul.n :Zoning Cocle,: Surface: an~l'. Storrpwater :Nlanagement :0 r,olinance, Street Staneiards,, International' .Building Code: and ; Iotemational FireGode:_ . . For cifizens with speech; sight or~lieariiig disabilities:tinrishing-to review docuriients pertaining fo ~ this iiearing, should:-contact the; City 0 Auburn within 10'calendar days pr►or'to;the meetjng; as fo ttie :fype of ser+iice or' 'equipment nebded;. ;Each request vuill be conside"red ihdividually acc,vrding to the type.~of request, the availatailily of' cesources, and'.the finaricial 6b9lity of the:City to provitle the requested secirices or equipment: You are;invited to express comments wp unfil:and at fhe public hearing. Written:comrrien#s may b:e ;submitted _to Etizabeih Chamb:erla'in; :Principal Planner, Planning, Building,; and- Gommunify Department, 25 UVesf Mairi Str.eet, Auburii, VIJA 98001-4998: :or "via email at eclaamberlain[a)auburnwa.gov_ - 5-~ AUBURN MOaE -rNnN vov. iNtnGiNIcu ~ AFFIDAUIT OF' POSTING . QF LEGAL INOTIC;E BY STAFF` ; . . :i ,.f ; Application.No REZ09 0004 -Applicant: Jacob Amy ; ,i - . Location;` 802 24'h Street NE, Auburn, VI(A ~8002 i . Date o#'Publicearirig; Jan`uary 13:, 201"0:' ~ i r . . , I:~ertify that;on December 30, 2009 I did affix a coiimbinetl{ Notice of Applicatton ; and Notice ofiPubhc,Heamig for.the abo~e referenced appl~cation„ as required by, ; 7luburn City Code :1.27, 14.07,04O.and!18 G6'.130, to thenland~use pasting;board eitcted at.fhe ,above: site. This-;natice.;was posted at (east;l0 days prtor fo.tkie . date of publicFhearingnoted, aboVe: ` 1°declar,e unde.r petialty Qf perJu,ry of th'e laws "of thes~State:of. UVashington #h~t fhe foregoing is true:and`correcf: , . . _ ~ ; N;ame ~please~.pnnt~i?r typej; ~ . . Signat` _ _ :P, Date i i G;CHearing Examinerl"Afficiavif 0F Posting - Staff.doc i ~ ~ I ~ • ~ r " ' G1TI'Y OF~~:~ 7,7 _ ~ _ . t? ~ ~ a a (d~~ag$s i# ~ ~ - ? ` ( . . . WASIIIN'GTON; , . A~:FIDAVIT QFAILING,O;F1EGAL NaT(CE _ ~Appiicat~on REZ09 0004 ~Appti~cant; Jacob Amyy . : ,n . `Locatfon:;; • 802 24 ,Sfreet NE, Auburn;lNA 980;02= DaEe:•cif PuEi'[l'c, Hearing: January 13, 2010 _ ;I:rcertify4#hat on December 29, 2009 I did senci a Combined Notic~~~.af Application ,and Notice rPublicbHearing for the above refei~enced;appltcation, as requi'red by._.Auburn City~Code: A,4=07 044 and,18 66:130,;to ail, property;owriers located witi%in 300•feet o#the affected sife Said Notice:uiras, mailed,pre-pa►tl,`stamped through the°Urnted,SkateSv.Postal Service-af least 1:0 tlays;priar to;the.pub;lic hearing'date note:d a- ove:. I;-declare urider penalty of;per~ury. of the=.laws: of'khe State of VVashington •#hat the. foregoing °is; 't'rue and correct.: , ~ . ; ~Eliza h Chamberl~ rincipal:Planner ~ 3 S ' . C'1TY'Ok= teB 'LMayr } Pe _s.. _ . _ U~L ~N - _ = - - _ _ , ~ ~ ~ . . , A-0 ?25 West:Mam Srreet ~l,Aubum;WA.98001 4998 *,,ww.w:aubumwa gov 253 931 3000 ~ WAS 1 i l~N Cr l(7;N:': { _ , . . Defermit~afron of IUon-Srgnrficance , ; SEP09 00~$ Crafg Commerc~al Co00prehyensrue Alan ~IVlap Amendment ; ~ , Description~of _ Pro.posal: Comprehensive pian=map amendmerit?;to change.ttie subject p"r:"operty's ilandCuse designation.from Higt;i Density Residential to Heav:y , ommercial. ` ~ ~ ; ,Prdponen#: Jacob Amy; rP0 Box 190: A ;uburn, U1/ A; 98a7'lj ~ ~Location:; 802 240 Avenue NE; Parcel Number.r5,'1254002~4:1: - 'Lead A g-eney:: City of Aubar:ri w . , ~ . ~The lead agen`cy=for fliis.pcoposai`:has deterrnined that if doe's not have: probable significant ;adwerse impacf on the environment Anrenvironmental impact sfatemenf (EIS) is n&require'd ; , ;under;RCW".4.3 21 C:030{2)'(c} This decision was made af`ter:review of a eompleted: :nmen#aC~checklist and other:informaf~on:on file.w~th.the:~lead agency. Ttiis `it~fonnation is available fo ffie public on' reguest: ; This, DNS is issuedunder 1;97-11`-340(2);; tlie lead.agency will notac#.on ethis proposal :for 14 ~ "day,s°:from the'date issued. belaw, 'Comments must *submitted by 5 00 p.m on october 6;; - i ~20U9. . !Any persomaggrieved of the City's;determination may-fle :an appeal with the Aeiburn City Clerk ` ,within 14 days:of:tfie close:-.of the corimment period, `or 6y 5:60 p:m. ~on Oct6ber'20.,, 2009. ; ~Responsible:Official: Gpnthia Baker, AICP7 Rosition7Title: Director of Planning, BLiilding,,and Comiiicanity Depaitment, ~ P;ddress: 25 CNest;Main Street ; -Auburri, bVashington 9;800:1 253-931-34;90 f . ~ Date I'ssued:Septerriber 22.2009; Signature: . _ i . Note 7his determination does not eanstitute approval,of the: proposal Approval of th~e proposal,can only be macle hy ttie legislative or adininistrative body`vested with;thaE° authority, Th&proposal will be required to,meet all applica6le regulafions. , 1 i j . .AUBUR(~I yF ,ti~iC)IiC ~~l It1N, YUl1 IM AC;1NF:T) ~ _ j ~ Exhibit 9 • Number of Pages 1 ' Aeraa9 PFoo$ograph of Subject Sate and Vicinity 802 2e Street NE REZ09-0004 Craag Commercaa! Rezone I i` - ",G" ~•r 'Y~ ,.~.r 1. 7 • . 'C ~ , n ~ ~~~'rn I " ~ ' iyw~~rr ~ • ~ Y ` T`-1 ~ r_' L i~?: n , ' ~ w. . a ~ -y.:.. ` - ' ,~7•~ W . , i~ - ~ ~ •fi~' ~ ~ ' . i 2 , ~ . ~ - 1 m _ . ; ]Q ~ 14 , ~ . ~ . . ~ - ~ i ~ ~ ~ - . . . r ' - 'i • _ . , ~ _.:..~3 ~ . ~ - - - . `~~''a-'_. ~.~'''~11.~'~53 I„ ' 1' Q•i ~~r _=9 ' - ~ ~ _ i o.;~ f i-~ - ~ . _ _ . I ~I: i . . ' u ...i~.. . ' i . ~ ,MLs • . '~Zt1 \,"~ye."'. IN . . f . r _ r.,~~r F .~.c • -I g'. . , A _ . >s ~ . . ~ . . ~ _ . ~ , ~ i _ s+ /`~oFr ~ ~ ' • ~.;.~.~:a ~ r i-'T G _ 1 : ' - '~~1 r. . ~ z` ~'''1•~~~ i . . , _ } ' ' ~ . s.. _ ^ i~ ~ r~ a~. .l"' .r~+1 ~ I .r_, a _ r ~ 'ti' _ ~ a'\N ~ _ ` ~ ~ . . ~ I ~ , . ~ t.. . . ~ • • ' ' ~ ~?lr,,_,r.. ORDINANCE NO. 6 2 8 0 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO PLANNING; ADOPTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP AND TEXT AMENDMENTS PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF REVISED CODE OF WASHINGTON (RCW) CHAPTER 36.70A WHEREAS, the City of Auburn on August 18, 1986 adopted a Comprehensive Pian by Resolution No, 1703 which includes a Map establishing the location of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designations throughout the City; and WHEREAS, on April 17, 1995 the City of Auburn adopted Comprehensive Plan Amendments by Resolution No. 2635 to comply with the Washington State Growth Management Act; and WHEREAS, the City of Auburn on September 5, 1995 reaffirmed that action by Ordinance No. 4788; and WHEREAS, the City of Auburn published in the Seattle Times and Auburn Reporter an advertisement that the City is accepted comprehensive plan amendment applications and established a deadline for submittal of June 19, 2009; and WHEREAS, the City of Auburn received four private initiated amendments, three map amendments and one text amendment; and WHEREAS, the text amendment was withdrawn; and WHEREAS, Comprehensive Plan map and text amendments were processed by the Planning, Building, and Community Department as proposed Year 2009 amendments to the City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan; and . Ordinance No. 6280 December 7, 2009 ' Page 1 j: , r 17C/HEI~E`AS, maiintainihg a~current Gomp~eh~nsiv.e, Wa~er P`lan ~ss regui`re+tl, in F; or~der to.xrneet regulatians.Eo.f UV~shmg`ton State.QepartmenfFof tHealth under UtiAC ' - . _ . . 246=29.0-1.00 arid requirernents.of the Growth;Management;Ac#~tunder RC1tV 36.;70_ INHEREAS, m:aintainrn'g a current Comprehehsive Sewer,P;Ian is requireO, . . - Y . r 0,0A _ er; to meet ,regulations jaf` the Vilashington Stat~ artment of ~cology ur,der ° ~ - RC1N' 90.48.100~ anci` WAC 173,440-,. a50. and =requir,errm;ents; of the Growfh - ManagPmentrAeunder RCW~'36 70A, and! WHEREAS,; the updated° ~omprefiensiare Stormwater Drainage: Plan ts iritended Wlr,eplace the 2002`plan, .antl . _ . , " WHEREAS,. the< C~ty o:fAuburn _~s updatmg, its `Comprehen"sive Transportation P;lan in Qctl:er to :address;the annexation of Lea Hill arid Wesf Hill; and WHEREAS, the`enyironmental jmpacts of the Year 2009 Campreliensiv,e Plan arnentlirtents; 'were considered -.in accordanee with; proeedures of ;the State - ~ , En, i"ranmeiital Poli,cy Act; :and ` . . „ . HEREAS,. ;the ;proposed amendinents _were transmitted to :the ~V1lashington State O~ce of :G:ommurnty Deyelopment; and °other :State =agencies for flie 6Q day review periQd in:accordance with RCVV 36:70A.105; antl `W'MEREAafter proper notice ;publMed' in _ttae City's officia( riewspaper at` ' least: ten `(9 4) :days pnor ,to #he tlate.~of hearing; >the Ruburn P,lannin;g Common: Ordinance No. 6280= December 7, 2009 " Rage 2 . . . ~ . ; mr 9, Z:OQ9, 000ber 6, 20Q9, antl` N-ovember 2009: -conducted. pubhc r _Sep.fe be Fiearin~s. vn.thepr."oposed amend'..ments, ,anei . ; ~ _ WHEREAS, at:ihe public hearmg :the, Aub;urn Ctfiy Planningt Commission heard = . _ . . . ; t . : pu~l~c_testimony'and t~ak.evidence and:ezhibits into eflnsideration;.and ~ . . • WHEREASth&eafter flie Aubur,n City Planning: Gammon ; madee a! At , s. . . 1 , recomrnendations. to~: fhe. .Cify'Council on' the ;proposed Year ~009 Comprehensive . .i Plan map~and texf arnendrnents,~and ' . , . . _ , 1NHE,REAS,, on; ~Vovembe~ `16;. 20Q9 .th`e P:ulilic. UVbrks~ Commiftee oF' tlie . ~ . , . - . , s reeomriiendatio~is,, and_ - Aw;burn City Council=reviewe,d the P_lanning iCommission, r UI(HEREAS;<oo 'Navember 23, 2fl09•the!Planning antl Community Dev~lopment,Committ+~e of'the Aub. um: City Counci(,rnade:a rscomrrmendation to:ithe; - City. Couricil; and;, . WHEREAS, ory:'Decem6er 7', 200the Auburn City: Council considered tiis: . . pr'oposed:Carrip~eiiensive Flan am:endments as; recommended by the Cityrof AuUurn~ Rlatining:Cornmission; 'NC7WTHERE~ORE, THE :CITY~ <CQU:NCIL OE T,HE C1TY ,C)F AUBURN; 1NASHINGTQN,;DO ORDAIN AS F:~LLODUS; _ , Seetion: 1. The 2Qp9~...: C'o~rp"rehensive Plan city mated Map }Amendments. ' are =adopted, and approv~etl 65` sef forth :in; Exh'ibit "A" attached hereto and ' in,corporated herem by reference. T'he C,'ity Clerk is directed that t~iey ~be filed along , witii this Ordinance atld be availakile for public in#ection.. a brdinance No:.6280 ° Decembe~ 71 2009 . Page:;3 Section 2.; The; 2009 ~Comprehensive~Plan Text Amendrnents lncluding ~'ttie four sch~o~~' district CaoitaI Fh#~es PI ,ans;.; Ci ty;of Aub~irn CapitaL FaGalities of. A'uburn: Com;pretiens~ve TranspArtation ~Plan, City; of ,Auburn ; Comprehensive . . . _ Sfocin Drainag'e: Plan,; and ;artle.ndments to= ~ var~ous chapters m tt%e Auburn h_ Comprei~ensive. Pfar►: are adopted:_a'nd, approved ;as set=. forth 'in Ex!%ibi8"• attac~ied . , fierefo aitd'mcocporatecl; herein by:r_,eference Th~:RCity Clerk sh`all file them elong~wifh this.:Ordinance,{arid ke:ep tfiem avai,lable for public inspection; . Se_ctian -3. The' City :of4 Auburn 2009C.ompr,ehensiye Water Pian_.is adopted . - °and appro~ed as! set'-forth in !Exhibit "C" attached hereto and; incoFporated; ;herein, by` ` refer~nce ~pendirig approv~l~from #h`e Was~imgton State Deparfinen;t;: ofi.Health. -City, . s#aff is hereby authorized to.. fnake: rtmmor. changes to 3he approved;' Com;prehensNe ; . : . . = 1Nafer Plan based on dot~rne'nts ;re'cekved: fr,oni ,the Wa"shingfon :Sfafe Dep;artrnent. of He81#fi: Substantive;changes shaA.be appraved b;y.the;Ataburn Ci#y Council:' : . Sec#ion 4:: Tfie 2009 ~Comp~ehensive Sewer.'.Plan ,is~ adopted and- appraved_ . _ , as~ set 'forth m;EXhibif '`D" attaciied hereto and;: incorporated Netei•n by: re e"rence, p,ending cQmments received ftom, the 1Nashir±gton State 'Depaetmerit +~f. Ecology and King'-County City, staff is hereby authorized fo malce tfiinor cfianges to ;tEie app~vrre~i = C;oirnprehensive Sewer Rlan' based, on comments "receivetl frorri #he. 17Uashingfvn . : State Department of E;col~agy andJor =King:.County. Substantive changes shall be:approvetl by. fhe Aubur_n City Gouncil: , . Section 5., Application 0PA09 0002, ;Lyden and Lyden Comprehensive Plan ' tVlap Amendment', requesting, a:land use change from tight lndustrial ;to l;.igh;t, Ordinance No.6280: . . . . December 7, 2009 R.age 4 r . . . ; Cornme.r,cral fwproperty ~dentified; by parce! numbet 122,19, 49020, is app"r."ovetl.: Tiie = Cou,n~~l:ad~pts,fhe PlanninCornmiss~on's recommendai~on dafed +[)cfober 6, 2(1d0; . . _ , . i . , ~ Sectton AppH,cation GPAQ9 s,Crarg; -Cornmerc~al; `Compr.eher,isiVd ~ . . ; n, Map:Arno-ridment, requesti,nga land use change;from High i]ensRes~denfial : ~to .Hea~iy' Comirietciaf forp:roperty ,identifi,ed ;.by parcel numk~er 5'I~~'400241, ~ . r~ r . apprayed: Council .adapfs the, Planning Cornmiss'ivn's: recommendation dated ; Octqber 2009; antlE the, fintlmgs; a~id ci?nclusiqns. outlin~d in fhe staff':report~ dated s November 30, 2009: . . : - ;Section 7: Application CPA09-0005, Riverside Village Garnpreti'ensi:ve Plan; Ma~ Arn-ondment; :requesting; a land vse; change from;Motlerate Density`'Residentiat ~ . . . . . . . ~to,E .High D;ens~ty,:Residentiol f,or pro,perty identified by;parcel i~um,b~r 172:1':a~9~"63,:'is . appraved: Council adopfs ,the. ~Flanni`ng Cvmmlssion's. recomtnendatiori d'afed ' ociober 6; 200.9= and; #he: findings: and, cariclusiflns ,o,utline,d in #h~ siaff :report datetl f Noverribef 30, 2Ga9; , . _ _ amendments odify . Section; B. The 2009 ,Comprehensive . Plan ;m Cornprehensive ;Plan ;adopted .on August 1$;, 1996 :~b,y Resalution No:, 1703 and _ adopted by Ordinance _No. 4=788 on: Septerriber 5,, 1995. - . , . Section: 9. The ;adopted Cor~ipretienswec:Plan::as arnended :are ;de.sigriated as , a' basis for the exercof substantive aufhority, under ',tfie V1lasliington State , . Environmental, ;Policy Act= 'b,y ttie C.ify's: resporisible envitonmenfal: afficial. in accordance with RC1N' 43:21-C, 060, Orclinarice;No. 6280 `Qeeembsr7; :2009 Page 5 ;s - : Y, . . any'sectlon; sub.secfiori, sentenee, clause, gh~ase or~po~tionkof ; Sec.t~.on~1'0 I thi~'prdinance or';any of the C;amprehensive .Plan arnendmenfs atlopted herein, any;reason _.hel:d~;in~alid or ~unco%ast'iiutio;nal bytany Curt of ;cornpe.fent jurisdiction;; sucti° iportii on;,shall be; deemed a.separate, di stinct and ,independent provision i, antl; . : . , such; holding, shall not aff,ect ttie va'lidity of #he i"r.emainmg~porfions thereof: : ~ Section _~11.:: 'The: Mayor ~s: tiereby: .autf~onzed: to. implement ::5uctt; administrative procedu'res as ~may pe neeessarytt~ ~~arry out th~: dIreCtions of''this'~ : . , . . . ; . f ; ,legislation:;to. include ,incorporating,into one dacument;;the °adopted Comprehensive ,Plan`;: map antl fex# arriendments, attached: herefts as Exhlbif; "A";and Exhibit "B"and; ! . ;pre:p'aring :and:publistaing'.tfie amended Comprehensive Plan;;: ~ ° . . . ; Sectton1'2. .S.ectio,n '3 of this;Ordinance shall.take effect, and.lbe, m force upoR ; receipt, af' approval from the, tNastiingfon =State, ;D'"epartment of H'ealih .S.ection 4 of; ~ . th~sf Ordinance stiall take effect -Antl be :in. forcO up.on rsceipt af approval from `~th`e; , _ . Washington State Department of Ecology and. King County; ;All ,offier .pr..ovisio:ns of; this Ordinance shall.take effect and be:in fotce: five days from. and::after its: pa"ssage;; j approvaf,;a.nd publication as p~royided by:law`. ~ - INTRODUGED: DEC 1-1009 PASSED: n • ~ 7~zao~ _ APPRDVED:; ~ ~ 7 2009 . , MAYOR; _ t Ordiriance No 6280' ~ December 7-; ZOOJ ' , . ! Pa~e . 6 . . ; ~ i i ~ t. -ATTEST: ~ P DanielteE. Daskam; City~Clerk' APRMVEQ AS TO FQRfVI: ~ . { J . i n`iel B= Meid, . City;Attorney< . . ~ ;i . t; :i ~j , ~ Ordinance- No. 62$0 December7, 2009 : Page :7