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13.06.360, 13.20.440 AND 13.48.100 OF THE AUBURN
WHEREAS, consistent with the responsibilities of the City to operate its utilities
in a cost effective manner and in a manner reflective of the actual costs of operation,
the City periodically reviews its utility rate structure to make sure that the rates are set in
a manner appropriate for efficient fiscal operation; and
WHEREAS, following such a rate review, it has been determined that the rates
should be adjusted as indicated below.
13.06.360 of the Auburn City Code is amended to read as follows:
13.06.360 Rates - Generally.
F"--• _ _ _c,h.. c...t a u b u ,.i,. ..a,., ni,. .,,ti,,. 1, 2008ttie ..rtii„ F
I E:+y8:t9FRQFGI&SS B'v3e o~~••
I $8-56 $a~9 8---7-sct
~ $2.08 7-81 ---13-sst
I $2-36 >-1-5-ss#
~ $25.54 $i~78
~ 6ea;R;ereial $25:51 $2-08
~ $25:51 ~ $1-65
I Sri,eeis $25-51 $4-e2
I sty aGGe~ $25.51 $2--36
Ordinance No. 6286
January 12, 2010
Page 1
i ~n! $&56 $2-39
~ -A19eaa $49-:33 $1-32
I W175_00 $@-" 1.5 ......1 '4..Lo
I ~1_14 surnm(nr . I
Gtf f rh s' r c ii h u., ,Gio awo. ja., a.,, 1, 2009 +tie ......,+hi„ r.,+os
~ Ehu;temer-61ass 13ase-Fiate
~ $e-N $a-W e-- z-GG~
I $2-24 7:e1 --16 GG
I $2-50 ~15 Gr;
I $27.06 ~
I sa+n+neFGial $27-e6 ~
ManufaGtLIFiROARGlustrial I $27.06
SGneals $27.06 $2-04
I City aGGGYnt6 $27.06 $2.60
I +rr+gatiOR-9RIv $9-N $2-50
I Wholesale
I -algena $42.77 $175-99 22008 R..te v roi 1.6 ..,.,d w.,ke
onna ot Y!`DI c0.25
45 .
Effective as of Februarv 1,
2010 vav ,2010, the monthly rates for water supplied by meter
shall be as follows:
Customer Class Base Rate Charge per 100 cubic feet (ccf)
~ Single-family residential $9-629.71 $4--"1.93 0- 7 ccf
~ $2,342.36 7.01 - 15 ccf
I $2452.67 >15 ccf
~ Multifamily residential $2-&-"28_94 $2 882.02
Ordinance No. 6286
January 12, 2010
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~ Commercial $2&-&~28_94 $2--282.30
~ Manufacturing/industrial $24~-6828_94 $1-851.87
~ Schools $2&_94 $2-362.18
~ City accounts $28-~28_94 $2.~2.67
~ Irrigation only $909.77 $2,~2.67
~ Algona $45-~345_74 $4-481.49
WD #111 and Covington 2009 Rate XGRI
$175.00 $0.91 1.5 mgd "take or pay"
summer over 1.5
$1.16 mgd
winter over 1.5
$0.91 mgd
Effective as of ±h°'iF°' c"" ^.,^'~Januarv 1 2011 the monthly rates
for water supplied by meter shall be as follows:
I Customer Class Base Rate Charqe per 100 cubic feet (ccf)
~ Sinple-familv residential 1$ 0.38 2.06 0- 7 ccf
I $2.52 7.01 - 15 ccf
~ $2.86 > 15 ccf
~ Multifamilv residential 30.94 2.16
~ Commercial 3$ 0.94 $2.46
~ Manufacturinq/ industrial 30.94 $2.00
~ Schools 3$ 0.94 $2.33
~ Citv accounts 30.94 2.86
~ Irriqation onlv 10.44 2.86
~ Wholesale
~ Alqona 4$ 8.89 $1.60
~ WD # 111 and Covinqton 175.00 2010 Rate X CPI 1.5 mqd "take or pav"
2010 rate X CPI +$0.25 summer over
1.5 mqd
~ 2010 rate X CPI winter over 1.5 mqd
Effective as of January 1, 2012, the monthly rates
for water supplied bv meter shall be as follows:
Ordinance No. 6286
January 12, 2010
Page 3
~ Customer Class Base Rate Charge per 100 cubic feet (ccf)
~ Sinqle-family residential 11.09 2.20 0- 7 ccf
~ 2.70 7.01 - 15 ccf
~ $3.06 >15 ccf
~ Multifamilv residential 33.07 2.31 _
~ Commercial 33.07 2.63
~ Manufacturinq/industrial 3$ 3.07 2.13 _
~ Schools 33.07 $2.49
~ Citv accounts 3$ 3.07 3.06
~ Irriqation onlv 1$ 1.16 3.06
~ Wholesale
~ Alpona 52.27 1.71
~ WD # 111 and Covinqton 175.00 2011 Rate X CPI 1.5 mqd "take or pav"
2011 rate X CPI +$0.25 summer over
1.5 mdq
I _ 2011 rate X CPI winter over 1.5 mpd
Effective as of Januarv 1, 2013 the monthiv rates
for water supplied bv meter shall be as follows:
~ Customer Class Base Rate Charqe per 100 cubic feet (ccf)
~ Sinqle-familV residential 1$ 1.86 2.35 0- 7 ccf
~ $2.88 7.01 - 15 ccf
~ 3.27 >15 ccf
~ Multifamilv residential 3$ 5.35 2.47
~ Commercial 35.35 2.81
~ Manufacturinp/industrial 35.35 2.28
~ Schools 3$ 5.35 $2.66
~ Citv accounts 35.35 3.27
~ Irriqation onlv 11.93 3.27
~ Wholesale
~ Alqona 55.87 1.82
~ WD #111 and Covinpton 175.00 2012 Rate X CPI 1.5 mqd "take or pav"
2012 Rate X CPI +$0.25 summer over
1.5 mqd
Ordinance No. 6286
January 12, 2010
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~ 2012 Rate X CPI winter over 1.5 mqd
Effective as of JanuaN 1, 2014, the monthlv rates
for water supplied bv meter shall be as follows:
~ Customer Class Base Rate Charqe per 100 cubic feet (ccf)
~ Sinqle-family residential 1$ 2.68 2.52 0- 7 ccf
~ 3.08 7.01 - 15 ccf
~ 3.49 >15 ccf
~ Multifamilv residential 3$ 7.79 2.64 _
~ Commercial 37.79 $3.00
~ Manufacturinq/industrial 3$ 7.79 2.44 _
~ Schools 37679 2.85
~ CitV accounts 37.79 3.49
~ Irripation onlv 1$ 2.75 3.49
~ Wholesale
~ Alqona 59.73 1.95
~ WD # 111 and Covinqton 175.00 2011 Rate X CPI 1.5 mqd °take or pav°
2011 rate X CPI +$0.25 summer over
1.5 mdp
I _ 2011 rate X CPI winter over 1.5 mqd
Provided, however, that 50 percent shall be added to all rates for water service outside
the city limits. City of Auburn utility taxes are included in the monthly rate for all
customers except wholesale accounts. Wholesale rates exclude the 50 percent out of
city service charge and state excise taxes.
(Ord. 6204 § 1, 2008; Ord. 5898 § 2, 2005; Ord. 5876 § 2, 2004; Ord. 5849 § 1, 2004;
Ord. 5789 § 2, 2003; Ord. 5712 § 2, 2002; Ord. 5669 § 2, 2002; Ord. 5664 § 2, 2002;
Ord. 5618 § 2, 2002; Ord. 5291 § 2, 1999; Ord. 5216 § 1, 1999; Ord. 4878 § 3, 1996.)
13.20.440 of the Auburn City Code is amended to read as follows:
13.20.440 Rates and charges.
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January12, 2010
Page 5
A. Sewer Rates. The monthly sewer charge to city of Auburn sanitary sewer
customers consists of two separate fees. Auburn sanitary sewer utility imposes a
charge to maintain, expand and operate the utility's sewer conveyance facilities, and
King County imposes a separate fee for the service King County provides. No charge
shall be imposed by the city on the amount charged by King County, which amount the
city shall pass directly onto the customer as the cost of the service that King County is
I The mr.n44.1v seweF ra4os nhnll he no Fnlln..,cq
I C'nnle F..m'Iv r c'(len4'ol ro+o 'nc'r!o r'hi 1'm'hn nor mnn4h•
I $4-2-5
I C'nnlo fomilv ron'rlen4'nl ra4e o +c'rlo n7v I'mic nor mnn4hq
I $13.87
I $Q-2-5
I $0-93
I $13.87
I '
I dr--r-vo '
}hG iV~l ..Yie cl-~NII ho oc i_II_~uc /ll:nn ('G^n+~i'c ro4cc fiovc nn} ~io4 hcon
. _ _
I $941-
Ordinance No. 6286
January 12, 2010
Page 6
i $14.71
('r)mmern'.+i r.+4e 'nc'rlo i.'hi I'm'to n on4h for 4he firc+ 750 nuh'n fcc# nf wo4cr uccrJ
eaGh rnonth:
I ~
I / '
I wV'Vv
I $1 4.7i
I '
I ~
I CrriyIic fv 'Iv s rJ.en+iMl ro4o ;ns;fle n'hi I:m'tc nor mnnfh:
o . . _
I V 0.39
I C Ic f.. .'hy . re . . _ ~ ,..r~en#~MI rn4o ~ M. rle ni~i I:m:4c r~cr mnn4h:
I $15.59
(`O1 wv-+I .va~+ .....'r!.. ' .4 .y I.'...'f Yer . ~n4h 4~r tho F'rc~4 7F(1 nh'n foo# nf ~eio4cc
~ w .
I V0.39
I $1.04
ClOGQ ~aI+Gh-j j jVTTr •
I $i5.59
I ~
Ordinance No. 6286 ~
January 12, 2010
Page 7
4he Gnlhlv sewe-r rofec choli ho oc follnwc:
I '
I $11.02
I $1&53
I $11.02
I $4,14
~ $-1f'53
~ :
Effective as of Februarv 1tJhefi+Fst-full-b+41+ng sys{e-a#er-jaRaar.-1Ehe-d~ef
, 2010, Auburn's portion of the monthly sewer rates shall be as follows:
Single-family residential rate inside city limits per month:
~ City of Auburn monthly rate $11.6812.15
Single-family residential rate outside city limits per month:
~ City of Auburn monthly rate $47-5218.22
Commercial rate inside city limits per month for the first 750 cubic feet of water
used each month:
~ City of Auburn monthly rate $a 1-6812.15
Plus for each additional 100 cubic feet thereafter:
~ City of Auburn monthly rate $4- 1.23
Ordinance No. 6286
January 12, 2010
Page 8
Commercial rate outside city limits per month for the first 750 cubic feet of water
used each month:
~ City of Aubum monthly rate $17:5218.22
Plus for each additional 100 cubic feet thereafter:
~ City of Auburn monthly rate $4-7-71.84
Effective as of Januarv 1, 2011, Auburn's portion of
the monthIV sewer rates shall be as follows:
~ Sinqle-familv residential rate inside citv limits per month:
~ City of Auburn monthlv rate 13.36
Sinqle-familv residential rate outside city limits per month:
~ Citv of Auburn monthIV rate 20.04
Commercial rate inside citv limits per month for the first 750 cubic feet of
water used each month:
~ City of Auburn monthlv rate 13.36
~ Plus for each additional 100 cubic feet thereafter:
~ Citv of Auburn monthIV rate 1.35
Commercial rate outside city limits per month for the first 750 cubic feet of
water used each month:
~ Citv of Auburn monthIV rate 20.04
~ Plus for each additional 100 cubic feet thereafter:
~ CitV of Auburn monthiv rate $2.02
Effective as of }h fi + f"";" ^fi°r Januarv 1 2012 Auburn's portion of
the monthIV sewer rates shall be as follows:
~ Sinqle-familv residential rate inside city limits per month:
~ Citv of Auburn monthly rate 14.70
~ Single-family residential rate outside citv limits per month:
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January 12, 2010
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~ Citv of Auburn monthlv rate 22.05
Commercial rate inside city limits per month for the first 750 cubic feet of water used
each month:
~ Citv of Auburn monthlv rate 14.70
~ Plus for each additional 100 cubic feet thereafter:
~ Citv of Auburn monthlv rate 1.48
Commercial rate outside citv limits qer month for the first 750 cubic feet of water
used each month:
~ Citv of Auburn monthlv rate 22.05
~ Plus for each additional 100 cubic feet thereafter:
~ City of Auburn monthlv rate 2.23
Effective as of ;hp f'rot f n ti u..,. ,.,,,.le af+oF Januarv 1, 2013, Aubum's portion of
the monthly sewer rates shall be as follows:
~ Sinqle-familv residential rate inside citv limits qer month:
~ Citv of Auburn monthlv rate 16.17
~ Sinqle-familv residential rate outside citv limits qer month:
( Citv of Auburn monthly rate 24.25
Commercial rate inside citv limits qer month for the first 750 cubic feet of water
used each month:
~ Citv of Auburn monthly rate 16.17
~ Plus for each additional 100 cubic feet thereafter:
~ Citv of Auburn monthiv rate 1.63
~ _ -
Commercial rate outside citv limits per month for the first 750 cubic feet of water
used each month:
~ City of Auburn monthly rate 24.25
~ Plus for each additional 100 cubic feet thereafter:
~ Citv of Auburn monthlv rate 2.45
Ordinance No. 6286
January 12, 2010
Page 10
Effective as of Januarv 1, 2014, Auburn's portion of
the monthly sewer rates shall be as follows:
~ Sinqle-family residential rate inside citv limits qer month:
~ City of Auburn monthly rate 17.78
~ Sinqle-familv residential rate outside citv Iimits per month:
~ City of Auburn monthly rate 26.68
Commercial rate inside citv limits per month for the first 750 cubic feet of water
used each month:
~ Citv of Auburn monthly rate 17.78
~ Plus for each additional 100 cubic feet thereafter:
~ City of Auburn monthly rate 1.80
Commercial rate outside citv limits per month for the first 750 cubic feet of water
used each month:
~ City of Auburn monthly rate 2$ 6.68
~ Plus for each additional 100 cubic feet thereafter:
~ Citv of Auburn monthly rate 2.70
The rates beginning the first full billing cycle after January 1, 2003, reflect a 50
percent surcharge for single-family and commercial rates outside city limits.
Commercial accounts will be allowed to average winter water consumption for
the billing dates falling between December through May to determine the summer
sewer rates for the billing dates falling between July and October. Said allowance shall
be upon application and with appropriate justification that additional summer usage
does not enter the sewer system. The months of November through June shall be billed
per water used, at the rates noted above.
Commercial accounts without city water service shall be charged at the rate as
noted above for inside-the-city or outside-the-city commercial customers. The customer
shall have installed an approved city water meter or other acceptable means of
recording water use, by applying for a permit under ACC 13.06.050, which shall be read
by the city to determine sewage charges on commercial private water systems.
Commercial accounts that have industrial use of domestic water, and which
water is not discharged into the sanitary sewer system, may request a deduct meter for
the water that is not discharged to the sewer system. Sewer rates will not be applied to
the water usage that is not discharged to the sanitary sewer system.
Ordinance No. 6286
January 12, 2010
Page 11
Irrigation meters shall not be billed for sanitary sewer service. ,
B. Permit Fees. Permit fees for side sewer repair, replacement, inspection, or tapping
side sewers shall be as shown in the city of Auburn fee schedule
(Ord. 6034 § 3, 2006; Ord. 5852 § 1, 2004; Ord. 5819 § 2, 2004; Ord. 5713 § 2, 2002;
Ord. 5314 § 1, 1999; Ord. 5302 § 1, 1999; Ord. 5212 § 1(Exh. I), 1999; Ord. 5124 § 2,
1998; Ord. 5004 § 1, 1997; Ord. 4827 § 2, 1996; Ord. 4719 § 2, 1994; Ord. 4694 § 2,
1994; Ord. 4657 § 2, 1994; Ord. 4599 § 2, 1992; Ord. 4529 § 2, 1991; Ord. 4472 § 2,
1990; Ord. 4395 § 2, 1989; Ord. 4321 § 2, 1988; Ord. 4258 § 4, 1987.)
RATES. Section 13.48.100 of the Auburn City Code is amended to read as follows:
13.48.100 Rates.
The customer classes and rates below are based upon the cost of services
~ provided by the storm utility.
io -~fr-~F ni,,.,e...heF 1, - ~nn❑, ttio
A. c rf--- t.-_ v rti_ . m.=~s fuu ti•ir.,~
f_- _ _ - - -
rmmil D .,'.,.rle........ . f'~.I D.+.m.,~elc ~+nrl T~un Cn..'I.i De_dflon~iol D~rrclc. . h
9r v C:nnylc Cn
-rn-..-rn . . _m.~ . . T.._
Ba$@-Rat@ ESU.,.Rat@
PEF-M6Rth P@r filleFlt{l
PiAR-9IRgl2-F~FRIlj{ $7-:85 $-1-0:04EESU
AISF-W/l)Bt@RF{9n $8.07~Eslj
pI:3F-W1RBA@Rt19Fl ~5 $4-.9WES1
$7.85 $6.(wEsw
' " v5~~~~
$7.85 Tr.~,..~...o..{ iYZ~dF~
Ordinance No. 6286
January 12, 2010
Page 12
R CfFen4\. r.f 4he f'rc4 f II bill"n irlo nRer Innunn. 1 2000 4Mv mr.nihhi
roloc for c#rirm llrainano n chnll he-
1 C'nnle C.+m'Iy Rec'den+'-+I Dnrnolc onll T%..n Cnm'I.. Oec'!len4i.il Dnrnelc The
. .
7 AlGn Cnnlo Com'hi DnrneiS /AICC\
QfH>tEHmPr r-IA6S@S Q•,sote-De~ CCll~o D..r
~ Alea-Siagle-Faa~4y WK $a 8-65!€Su
~ AIS€-wFBeteatieR $8-32 $8.55~ESIJ
~ PkF-w/ReteaEiea $8 32 $5.391ESU
~ $&_32 $6:49/ESU
-r-rv~ro~.Imenf ~
$8.32 4+3.03iFsu
GA. Effective as of Februarv 1, 2010, the
monthly rates for storm drainage service shall be:
~ 1. -Single-Family Residential Parcels and Two-Family Residential Parcels.
The single-family and two-family residential monthly charge shall be $14.18 per month.
~ 2.-_Non-Single-Family Parcels (NSF).
Base Rate
Customer Classes Per Month ESU Rate Per Month
Non-Single-Family $8.82 $11.29/ESU
NSF w/Detention $8.82 $9.07/ESU
NSF w/Retention $8.82 $5.61/ESU
NSF w/Water Quality Treatment $8.82 $6.78/ESU
NSF w/Detention and Water 82 $5.12/ESU
Quality Treatment
NSF w/Retention and Water $8.82 $3.21/ESU
Ordinance No. 6286
January 12, 2010
Page 13
Quality Treatment
B. Effective as of January 1, 2011, the monthly
rates for storm drainage service shall be:
1. Sinqle-Familv Residentiai Parcels and Two-Familv Residential Parcels.
The sinqle-family and two-familV residential monthly charcte shall be $14.95 per month.
2. Non-Single-Family Parcels (NSF).
Customer Classes Base Rate ESU Rate
Per Month Per Month
Non-Single-Family 9.30 $11.90/ESU
NSF w/Detention 9.30 $9.56/ESU
NSF w/Retention 9.30 $5.91/ESU
NSF w/Water Qualitv Treatment 9.30 $7.15/ESU
NSF w/Detention and Water Qualitv 9.30 $5.40/ESU
NSF w/Retention and Water Qualitv 9.30 $3.38/ESU
C Effective as of Januarv 1, 2012, the monthlv
rates for storm drainaqe service shall be:
1 Sinqle-Familv Residential Parcels and Two-Familv Residential Parcels.
The sinQle-family and two-familv residential monthiv charae shall be $15.75 per month.
2. Non-Single-Family Parcels (NSF).
Customer Classes Base Rate Per ESU Rate Per
Month Month
~ Non-Single-Family 9.80 $12.54/ESU
~ NSF wlDetention $9.80 $10.08/ESU
Ordinance No. 6286
January 12, 2010
Page 14
~ NSF w/Retention 9.80 $6.23/ESU
~ NSF w/Water Quality Treatment $9.80 $7.53/ESU
NSF w/Detention and Water Quality $9 80 $5.69/ESU
NSF w/Retention and Water Quality $9 80 $3.57/ESU
D. Effective as of +"°'mF°t ' "bo"o^^ ^ft°r Januarv 1, 2013, the monthly
rates for storm drainaqe service shall be:
1 1. Sinqle-Familv Residential Parcels and Two-Familv Residential Parcels.
The sinqle-familv and two-familv residential monthlv charqe shall be $16.60 per month.
2. Non-Sinqie-Familv Parcels (NSF).
Base Rate
Customer Classes Per Month ESU Rate Per Month
~ Non-Sinple-Family 10.33 $13.22/ESU
~ NSF w/Detention 10.33 $10.62/ESU
~ NSF w/Retention 10.33 $6.57lESU
~ NSF w/Water Quality Treatment 1$ 0.33 $7.94/ESU
NSF w/Detention and Water 10.33 $6.00/ESU
Quality Treatment
NSF w/Retention and Water 10.33 $3.76/ESU
Quality Treatment
E Effective as of Januarv 1 2014 the monthly
rates for storm drainaqe service shail be:
1 Sinqle-Family Residential Parcels and Two-Familv Residential Parcels.
The sinqle-familv and two-familv residential monthiv charqe shall be $17.50 per month.
2 Non-Sinqle-Family Parcels (NSF).
Base Rate
Customer Classes Per Month ESU Rate Per Month
Ordinance No. 6286
January 12, 2010
Page 15
~ Non-Sinple-Family 10.89 $13.93/ESU
~ NSF w/Detention 10.89 $11.19/ESU
~ NSF w/Retention 10.89 $6.92/ESU
~ NSF w/1Nater Quality Treatment 1$ 0.89 $8.37/ESU
NSF w/Detention and Water 0 89 $6.32/ESU
, Qualitv Treatment
NSF w/Retention and Water 10.89 $3.96/ESU
QualitV Treatment
The customer classes set forth in this subsection shall be applicable only if the
qualifying on-site facilities have met applicable city standards upon installation, have
received city approval of construction, and are in conformity with the applicable
operations and maintenance standards. In the event that the city determines that the
operation and maintenance standards are not being complied with, the customer class
shall be determined to be that of non-single-family only, until operation and
maintenance of said facilities meet city standards; whereupon, the customer being
billed may reapply for system inspection, in writing, for reclassification to the previous
class. The monthly charge for non-single-family parcels shall be based upon the
~ following formula:
BASE CHARGE +(TNESU RATE) = Storm Drainage Charge, where
TNESU = Total number of equivalent service units contained on the parcel.
An equivalent service unit has been determined to be 2,600 square feet of impervious
surface, or any fraction thereof, as defined in ACC 13.48.110.
OF. -Developed Parcels. Only developed parcels containing impervious
surfaces as defined in ACC 13.48.010 shall be charged.
~ €-G_Multiple Class Accounts. When a developed non-single-family parcel
contains more than one customer class, the appropriate rate for each customer class
will be calculated, and the aggregate total summed for billing.
(Ord. 6204 § 2, 2008; Ord. 5876 § 3, 2004; Ord. 5853 § 1, 2004; Ord. 5530 § 1, 2001;
Ord. 5504 § 1, 2001; Ord. 5360 § 1, 2000; Ord. 5293 § 2, 1999; Ord. 5212 § 1(Exh. J),
1999; Ord. 4492 § 4, 1991.)
Ordinance No. 6286 `
January 12, 2010
Page 16
Section 4. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such
administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this
Section 5. Severabilitv. If any portion of this Ordinance or its application to any
person or circumstances is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance or the
application of the provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected.
Section 6. Effective date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five
(5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law and
as indicated herein.
PASSED: JAN 19 2010
Danielle E. Daskam,
City Clerk
D 'el . Ftgitk
City Attorney
PUBLISHED: JAN 2 2 2,9jq
Ordinance No. 6286
January 12, 2010
Page 17