HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacific Power Generation AG-S-033 CITY OF AUBURN AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES AG-S-033 ~ THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into on this /tay of , 20 , by and between the City of Auburn, a municipal corporation the State f Washington, hereinafter referred to as the "City" and Pacific Power Generation, 5808 South 196th Street, Kent, WA 98032, hereinafter referred to as the "Provider." WITNESSETH: VVtitKEHS, iFl@ l.liy IS ICl Il@@q OT In@ S@NICeS oT If1QIVIQUa15, empioyees or firms for Generator Preventative Maintenance work; and, WHEREAS, the City desires to retain the Provider to provide said services in connection with the City's work; and, WHEREAS, the Provider is qualified and able to provide services in connection with the City's needs for the above-described work, and is willing and agreeable to provide such services upon the terms and conditions herein contained. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Scope of Services The Provider agrees to perform in a good and professional manner the tasks described on Exhibit "A" which is attached hereto and by this reference made a part of this Agreement. (The tasks described on Exhibit "A" shall be individually referred to as a"task," and collectively referred to as the "services.") The Provider shall perForm the services as an independent contractor and shall not be deemed, by virtue of this Agreement and the perFormance thereof, to have entered into any partnership, joint venture, employment or other relationship with the City. 2. Additional Services In the event additional services with respect to related work are required beyond those specified in the Scope of Work, and not included in the compensation listed in this Agreement, a contract amendment shall be set forth in writing and shall be executed by the respective parties prior to the Provider's performance of the services there under, except as may be provided to the contrary in Section 3 of this Agreement. Upon proper completion and execution of an Amendment (agreement for additional services), such Amendment shall be incorporated into this Agreement and shall have the same force and effect as if the terms of such Amendment were a part of this Agreement as originally executed. The performance of senrices pursuant to an Amendment shall be sub}ect to the terms and conditions of this Agreement except where the Amendment provides to the contrary, in which case the terms and conditions of any such Amendment shall AG-S-033 Page 1 of 8 control. In all other respects, any Amendment shall supplement and be construed in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 3. Performance of Additional Services Prior to Execution of an Amendment The parties hereby agree that situations may arise in which services other than those described on Exhibit "A" are desired by the City and the time period for the completion of such services makes the execution of Amendment impractical prior to the commencement of the Provider's performance of the requested services. The Provider hereby agrees that it shall perform such services upon the written request of an authorized representative of the City pending execution of an Amendment, at a rate of compensation to be agreed to in connection therewith. The invoice procedure for any such additional services shall be as described in Section 7 of this Agreement. 4. Provider's Representations The Provider hereby represents and warrants that the Provider has all necessary licenses and certifications to perform the services provided for herein, and is qualified to perForm such services. 5. Citv's Responsibilities The City shall do the following in a timely manner so as not to delay the services of the Provider: a. Designate in writing a person to act as the City's representative with respect to the services. The City's designee shall have complete authority to transmit instructions, receive information, interpret and define the City's policies and decisions with respect to the services. b. Furnish the Provider with all information, criteria, objectives, schedules and standards for the project and the services provided for herein. c. Arrange for access to the property or facilities as required for the Provider to perForm the services provided for herein. d. Examine and evaluate all studies, reports, memoranda, plans, sketches, and other documents prepared by the Provider and render decisions regarding such documents in a timely manner to prevent delay of the services. 6. Acceptable Standards The Provider shall be responsible to provide, in connection with the services contemplated in this Agreement, work products and services of a quality and professional standard acceptable to the City. 7. Prevailinq Waqes The Provider shall comply with every provision of the Revised Code of Washington Chapter 39.12. A copy of a Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages, approved by the Industrial Statistician of the Department of Labor & Industries, must be submitted to the City prior to any payment for services rendered. An Affidavit of Wages Paid must be received by the City prior to issuance of final payment. Should the term of this agreement go beyond one year, the wages that the Provider shall pay its employees must be altered annually to recognize and AG-S-033 Page 2 of 8 follow the most recentiy promulgated increases in prevailing wages each year after the first year of the contract period. 8. Compensation As compensation for the Provider's performance of the services provided for herein, the City shall pay the Provider the fees and costs specified on Exhibit "B" which is attached hereto and by this reference made a part of this Agreement (or as specfied in an Amendment). The Provider shall submit to the City an invoice or statement of time spent on tasks included in the scope of work provided herein, and the City upon acceptance of the invoice or statement shall process the invoice or statement in the next billing/claim cycle following receipt of the invoice or statement, and shall remit payment to the Provider thereafter in the normal course, subject to any conditions or provisions in this Agreement or Amendment. The Agreement number must appear on all invoices or statements submitted. The not- to-exceed amount for this agreement is $25,989.83 9. Time for Performance and Term of Agreement The Provider shall not begin any work under this Agreement until authorized in writing by the City. The Provider shall perForm the services provided for herein in accordance with the direction and scheduling provided on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the parties. All work under this Agreement shall be completed by December 31, 2010. 10. Ownership and Use of Documents All documents, reports, memoranda, diagrams, sketches, plans, surveys, design calculations, working drawings and any other materials created or otherwise prepared by the Provider as part of his perFormance of this Agreement (the "Work Products") shall be owned by and become the property of the City, and may be used by the City for any purpose beneficial to the City. 11. Records Inspection and Audit All compensation payments shall be subject to the adjustments for any amounts found upon audit or otherwise to have been improperly invoiced, and all records and books of accounts pertaining to any work performed under this Agreement shall be subject to inspection and audit by the City for a period of up to three (3) years from the final payment for work perFormed under this Agreement. 12. Continuation of Performance In the event that any dispute or conflict arises between the parties while this Contract is in effect, the Provider agrees that, notwithstanding such dispute or conflict, the Provider shall continue to make a good faith effort to cooperate and continue work toward successful completion of assigned duties and responsibilities. AG-S-033 Page 3 of 8 13. Administration of Agreement This Agreement shall be administered by Nan Hunting, on behalf of the Provider, and by the Mayor of the City, or designee, on behalf of the City. Any wr9tten notices required by the terms of this Agreement shall be served on or mailed to the following addresses: City of Auburn Lisa Torres Facilities Manager 25 W Main St Auburn, WA 98001-4998 Phone: 253-288-3158 Fax: 253-804-3116 F_mail; Itorrgc@auburnwa.gey Pacific Power Generation Nan Hunting Generator Service Administrator 5808 South 196ih Street Kent, WA 98032 Phone: 253-395-9077 Fax: 253-395-2408 F-t71all: nhut?tln9@PaCifjCnc~wPrger~.col~? 14. Notices All notices or communications permitted or required to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given if delivered in person or deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, for mailing by certified mail, return receipt requested, and addressed, if to a party of this Agreement, to the address for the party set forth above. Either party may change his, her or its address by giving notice in writing, stating his, her or its new address, to the other party, pursuant to the procedure set forth above. 15. Insurance The Provider shall procure and maintain for the duration of this Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Provider, or the Provider's agents, representatives, employees, or subcontractors. Provider's maintenance of insurance as required by the Agreement shall not be construed to limit the liability of the Provider to the coverage provided by such insurance, or otherwise limit the City's recourse to any remedy available at law or in equity. ~ The Service Provider shall obtain insurance of the types described below: a. Automobile Liability insurance, covering all owned, non-owned, hired and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage. Provider shall maintain automobile insurance with minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of $1,000,000 per accident. b. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, AG-S-033 Page 4 of 8 independent contractors, products-compieted operations, itop gap liability, personal injury and advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured contract. The Commercial General Liability insurance shall be endorsed to provide the Aggregate Per Project Endorsement ISO form CG 25 03 1185. There shall be no endorsement or modification of the Commercial General Liability insurance for liability arising from explosion, collapse or underground property damage. The City shall be named as an insured under the Contractor's Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the City using ISO Additional Insured endorsement CG 20 10 10 01 and Additional Insured-Completed Operations endorsement CG 20 37 10 01 or substitute endorsements providing equivalent coverage. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate, and a$2,000,000 products-completed operations aggregate limit. c. Worker's Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial tnsurance laws of the State of Washington. The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance: a. The Provider's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the City. Any insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the Provider's insurance and shall not contribute with it. b. The Provider's insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled by either party, except after 30 days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. Insurance is to be placed with an authorized insurer in Washington State. The insurer must have a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A:VII. Provider shall furnish the City with certificates of insurance and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of the Provider before commencement of the work. The City reserves the right to require that complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies be submitted to the City at any time. The City will pay no progress payments under Section 7 until the Provider has fully complied with this section. 16. Indemnification/Hold Harmless The Provider shall defend, indemnify and hold the City and its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses, or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. AG-S-033 Page 5 of 8 Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Agreement is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Provider and the City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers, the Provider's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Provider's negligence. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes the Provider's waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance, Title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 17. Assignment Neither party to this Agreement shall assign any right or obligation hereunder in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the other party hereto. No assignment or transfer of any interest under this Agreement shall be deemed to release the assignor from any liability or obligation under this Agreement, or to cause any such liability or obligation to be reduced to a secondary liability or obligation. 18. Nondiscrimination The Provider may not discriminate regarding any services or activities to which this Agreement may apply directly or through contractual, hiring, or other arrangements on the grounds of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, or where there is the presence of any sensory, mental or physical handicap. 19. Amendment, Modification or Waiver No amendment, modification or waiver of any condition, provision or term of this Agreement shall be valid or of any effect unless made in writing, signed by the party or parties to be bound, or such party's or parties' duly authorized representative(s) and specifying with particularity the nature and extent of such amendment, modification or waiver. Any waiver by any party of any default of the other party shall not affect or impair any right arising from any subsequent default. Nothing herein shall limit the remedies or rights of the parties hereto under and pursuant to this Agreement. 20. Termination and Suspension Either party may terminate this Agreement upon written notice to the other party if the other party fails substantially to perform in accordance with the terms of this Agreement through no fault of the party terminating the Agreement. The City may terminate this Agreement upon not less than seven (7) days written notice to the Provider if the services provided for herein are no longer needed from the Provider. If this Agreement is terrninated through no fault of the Provider, the Provider shall be compensated for services performed prior to termination in accordance with the rate of compensation provided in Exhibit "B" hereof. AG-S-033 Page 6 of 8 21. Parties in Interest This Agreement shall be binding upon, and the benefits and obligations provided for herein shall inure to and bind, the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns, provided that this section shall not be deemed to permit any transfer or assignment othenrvise prohibited,by this Agreement. This Agreement is for the exclusive benefit of the parties hereto and it does not create a contractual relationship with or exist for the benefit of any third party, including contractors, sub-contractors and their sureties. 22. Costs to Prevailin.q Partv In the event of such litigation or other legal action, to enforce any rights, responsibilities or obligations under this Agreement, the prevailing parties shall be entitled to receive its reasonable costs and attorney's fees. 23. Applicable Law This Agreement and the rights of the parties hereunder shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington and venue for any action hereunder shall be in of the county in Washington State in which the property or project is located, and if not site specific, then in King County, Washington; provided, however, that it is agreed and understood that any applicable statute of limitation shall commence no later than the substantial completion by the Provider of the services. 24. Captions, Headinqs and Titles All captions, headings or titles in the paragraphs or sections of this Agreement are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall not constitute a part of this Agreement or act as a limitation of the scope of the particular paragraph or sections to which they apply. As used herein, where appropriate, the singular shall include the plural and vice versa and masculine, feminine and neuter expressions shall be interchangeable. Interpretation or construction of this Agreement shall not be affected by any determination as to who is the drafter of this Agreement, this Agreement having been drafted by mutual agreement of the parties. 25. Severable Provisions Each provision of this Agreement is intended to be severable. If any provision hereof is illegal or invalid for any reason whatsoever, such illegality or invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this Agreement. 26. Entire Aqreement This Agreement contains the entire understanding of the parties hereto in respect to the transactions contemplated hereby and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings between the parties with respect to such subject matter. 27. Counterparts This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be one and the same Agreement and shall become effective when one or more AG-S-033 Page 7 of 8 counterparts have been signed by each of the parties and delivered to the other party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed effective the day and year first set forth above. CITY OF AUBURN / Peter . Lewis, Mayor Attest: Danielle Daskam City Clerk App B. ; City Attorney PACIFIC POWER GENERATION ~ Si na Name: Title: SQ~✓i~e "r, Signature Name: Title: Federal Tax ID No: AG-S-033 Page 8 of 8 Pacific Pvwer Generation EXHIBIT A PREVENTATIVE MAlNTENANCE LIST SCHEDULE A - SEMI-ANNUAL SERVICE ONCE PER YEAR ✓ Lube oil and filters change; parts included. ✓ Replace fuel filter (diesel engines), parts included ✓ Oil samples, lab testing fee is included. ✓ Coolant sample test for proper inhibiting level, combustion leaks, etc FLel s2mp!e, lab testing fee is ircluded. Cetane Test Or.!y!Optienal at City's requesi. ✓ All spark plugs to be inspected, cleaned. (Non-diesel engines) ✓ Ignition system including points, condenser, cap rotor, coil, and wiring. (Inspection only) Confidence test - Optional at Ciry's requesUAdditional billing ✓ Load bank test (2) hour ✓ Fuel sample only for stations that are requested by manager, due to additional charge of $95.00 EVERY SIX MONTHS ✓ Verify fuel supply. ✓ Service or replace air filter, parts not included: ✓ Visual check for oil, water, or fuel leaks. ✓ Inspect hoses. ✓ Test antifreeze and adjust, parts not included. ✓ Pressure test cooling system, tighten hose connections as required. ✓ Inspect and tighten belts. ✓ Check engine heater operation. ✓ Check for oil moisture, dirt; clean as necessary. ✓ Check battery charger operation and charge rate. ✓ Load test batteries, check specific gravity, and clean connections. ✓ Check emergency system operation without load. ✓ Check frequency and governor operation; adjust as necessary. ✓ Check engine altemator and charge rate. ✓ Check gauges and meters for proper operation and reading levels. ✓ Check generator set auto shutdown system and alarms. ✓ Check automatic transfer switch and accessory operation. ✓ Emergency system operation with load transfer during normal business hours. (With owner's permission only) ✓ Check generator output voltage and adjust as necessary. ✓ Inspect for rodent infestation. ✓ Indicates services to be performed Scheduling will be done according to current service agreements in your area as close to proper service interval as possible. Pacifi-c Pawer Generation 5808 South 196t' Street Kent WA 98032 EXHIBIT B 253-395-9077 253-395-2408/fax AuauRN, CirY oF - Accr #89012 25 WEST MAIN AuBURN WA 98001 GENERATOR PREVFNTATIVE MAIN7ENANCE QUOTATION DATE DEC 3, 2008 PHONe # 253-288-3158 FAx # 253-333-8890 E-MAIL: LTORRES@_4UBURNWA.GOV QI I~AD CTATIlIAI A~.I~I ~1CCI~LATIO~L ~LMSCP . ~ ~ GE~;E(~~Tr14 ~ ANNUAL PRICE SEMI-ANNUAL GENERATOR SERVICE INCLUDING (2) HOUR LOAD TEST: STORM 1) Stuck River - AKA White River - 12 180 KVN Onan $900.00 2) A Street - 1 100 KW Aptech $725.00 3) Auburn Way South -15 60 KW Generac $725.00 4) Brannan Park - 16 230 ROZD Kohler $950.00 SEWER 5) F Street - 3 50 KW Onan $725.00 6) Rainier Ridge - 8 14.2 MQ Power $675.00 7) Rainier Shadows - 13 125 MQ Power $775.00 9) Peasley Ridge - 17 30 ROZJ Kohler $725.00 10) White Mountain 50 DSEJB $725.00 11) Area 19 60 KW Onan $725.00 12) Terrace Storm 60 KW Olympian $725.00 12A) Lake Tapps 50 KW Onan $725.00 1213) Riverside 100 KW FG Wilson $725.00 WATER 13) M/O Telementry and Bldg. 145 KW Magna-tech $800.00 13A) M/O Telemetry System 10 KW Generac $675.00 14) Well 2& 6- AKA Fulmer Field CCF 1000 ROZD4 Kohler $1,750.00 15) Well 3A 210 KW Lima $925.00 16) Well 5A - AKA Lakeland Well 230 ROZD Kohler $950.00 17) Well 56 400 KW MQ Power $1,180.00 18) Braunwood Well 45 KW Generac $725.00 19) Coal Creek Springs - AKA Head Works 20 KW Onan $675.00 Paci~c Pawer EXHIBIT B Generatinn PUMP STATION AND DESINATION NUMBER GENERATOR ANNUAL PRICE SEMI-ANNUAL GENERATOR SERVICE INCLUDING (2) HOUR LOAD TEST WATER . 19) Howard Road CoROSion Control Facility 600 ROZD Kohier $1,400.00 21) Academy P/S 250 KW ILI - Cummins Eng. $1,000.00 22) Lea Hill P/S 250 KW ILI - Cummins Eng. $1,000.00 231 Lakeland P/S 250 KW Onan $1,000.00 CITY: 24) Justice Center 200 KW Onan $925.00 25) City Hall 213 KW Cummins $925.00 Due to the instability of the oil market we reserve the right to adjust oil pricing at the time of service if the market so warrants. Customer will be advised prior to service of any price increase. Tertns: Net 30 days/1.5Yo on past due balance. All deliveries are contingent upon strikes, accidents aad delays beyond our control. Title ownership to remain in Pacific Power Generation until purchase price is paid in full. In pse a defauN be made in payments on account, such payments shafl be considered as liquidated damages for freight and other charges. All contracts and agreements are subject to the written approval of an euecutive officer. b.1Lf AMENDMENT #1 TO SERVICE AGREEMENT NO. AG-S-033 BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND PACiFlC POWER GENERATION RELATING TO GENERATOR PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE THIS AMENDMENT is made and entered into this 1a~day of , -4,6~ 2010, by and befween the CiT1( OF AUBURN, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington (hereinafter referred to as the "CiTY"), and PACIFIC POWER GENERATION (hereinafter referred to as the "PROVIDER"), as an Amendment to the Service Agreement between the parties for AG-S-033 executed on the 11th day of .fanuary 2010. The changes to the agreement are described as follows: 1. CONTRACT TERM: There is no change to the date of termination. 2. SCOPE OF WORK: The scope of work is amended to inciude the following tasks: Semi-Annual Generator Service including (2) Hour Load Test for the 300KW Cummins Generator located in the Annex Building at One East Main Street, Auburn, WA. 3. COMPENSATION: The amount of this amendment is $1,100.00. The total agreement amount is increased to a total of $27,089.33. 4. REMAtNING TERMS UNCHANGED: That all other provisions of the Agreement befinreen the parties for AG-S-033 executed on the 11t' day of Janauary 2010, shall remain unchanged, and in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. PACIFIC POWER GENERATION B ~ Y• Authorized signature UBURN ~e . Lewis, Mayor Amendment No. 1 for Agreement No. AG-S-033 Pacific Power Generation Page 1 of 2 ATTEST (Optionai): A7TEST: By: Its: Danieile E. Daskam, Aubum City Clerk Approved as to form (Optional): Attomey for (Other Party) Approved as to form: I Av~~ Daniel B. Heid, Auburn City Attorney Amendment No. 1 for Agreement No. AG-S-033 Pacific Power Generation Page 2 of 2 X:.-.1 c, .t f AMENDMENT #2 TO SERVICE AGREEMENT NO. AG-S-033 BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND PACIFIC POWER GENERATION RELATING TO GENERATOR PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE THIS AMENDMENT is made and entered into this I.'Wj-day of 2010, by and between the CITY OF AUBURN, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington (hereinafter referred to as the "CITY"), and Pacific Power Generation (hereinafter referred to as the "PROVIDER"), as an Amendment to the Service Agreement between the parties for AG-S-033 executed on the 11t" day. of January 2010, and amended by agreement dated the 12th day of March 2010. The changes to the agreement are described as follows: 1. CONTRACT TERM: There is no change to the date of termination.. 2. SCOPE OF WORK: The scope of work is amended to include the following tasks: Semi-Annual Generator Service including (2) hour Load Test for the 150 REOZJD Kohler Generator located in the Les Gove Administration Building, and the 200 REOZJD Kohler Generator located in the Les Gove Senior Center as seen in Exhibit A, Items 27 and 28, which is attached hereto and by this reference made part of this Amendment. 3. COMPENSATION: The amount of this amendment is $1,943.63. The total agreemen# amount is increased to a total of $29,032.96. REMAINING TERMS UNCHANGED: That all other provisions of the Agreement between the parties for AG-S-033 executed on the 11th day of January 2010 shall remain unchanged, and in full force and effect. tN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. PACIFIC POWER GENERATION By: ~ Authorized signature G! 7!;E: ~ Peter B. ewis, Mayor Amendment No. 2 for Agreement No. AG-S-033 Pacific Power Generation Page 1 of 2 ATTEST (Optional): ATTEST: By: ~ tc~~~-/ Its: Danielle E. Daskam, Auburn City Clerk Approved as to form (Optional): Approved as to form: Attorney for (Other Party) ~Danie B. Heid, Auburn City Attorney. Amendment No. 2 for Agreement No. AG-S-033 Pacific Power Generation Page 2 of 2 Pacifi-c Power Generation EXHIBIT A 5808 South 196th Street _ •395-9077 Kent WA 98032 253-395-24081fax GENERATOR PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE QUOTATION AUBURN, CITY oF - ACCT #89012 DATE REV. 6/10/10 25 WEST MAItv PHONe # 253-288-3158 ! AuBURN WA 98001 . F,vc # 253-333-8890 E-MAIL: LTORRES@AUBURNWA.GOV SEIfAt-ANNUAL GENERATOR SERVICE INCLUDING (2) HOUR LOAD TEST: 2010 PO #AG-S-033 Annual Price STORM 1) Stuck River - AKA White River - 12 180 KVV Onan $900.00 2) A Street - 1 100 KVIf Aptech $725.00 3) Aubum Way South -15 60 KW Generac $725.00 4) Brannan Park - 16 230 ROZD Kohler $950.00 SEWER 5) F Street - 3 . 50 KW Onan $725.00 6) Rainier Ridge - 8 14.2 MQ Power $675.00 7) Rainier Shadows - 13 125 MQ Power $775.00 9) Peasley Ridge -17 30 ROZJ Kohler $725.00 10) White Mountain 50 DSEJB $725.00 11) Area 19 60 KV1/ Onan $725.00 12) Terrace Storm 60 KW Olympian $725.00 12A) Lake Tapps 50 KVV Onan $725.00 12B) Riverside 100 KW FG Wilson $725.00 WATER - e emen ry an g. 45 Magna-tech $800.00 13A) M/O Telemetry System 10 KW Generac $675.00 14) Well 2& 6- AKA Fu(mer Field CCF 1000 ROZ134 Kohler $1,750.00 15) We113A 210 KW Lima $925.00 16) Well 5A - AKA Lakeland Well 230 ROZD Kohler $950.00, .17) We!! 5B 400 KW MQ Power $1,160.00 18) Braunwood Well 45 KW Generac $725.00 19) Coaf Creek Springs - AKA Head Works 20 KVV Onan , $675.00 1 of 3 Pacifi-rc Pvvver Generatian EXHIBIT A SEMI-ANNUAL GENERATOR SERVICE INCLUDING (2) HOUR LOAD TEST 2010 PO #AG-S-033 Annual Price WATER 20) Howard Road Corrosion Control Facility 600 ROZD Kohler $1,400.0d, 21) AEademy P/S 250 KW IL1 - Cummins Eng. $1,000.00 22) Lea Hiil P/S 250 KW ILI - Cummins Eng. $1,000.00 23) Lakeland P/S 250 KW Onan . $1,000.00 ciT,r: 24) Justice Center 200 KW Onan $925.00 25) City Hali 213 K1N Cummins $925.00 26) Annex 300 KW Cummins $1,100.00 27) Les Grove Admin. Bldg 150 REOZJD Kohler $800,00 28) Les Grove Senior. Center 200 REOZJD Kohler $975.00 Due to the instability of the oil market we reserve the right to adjust oil pricing at the time of service if the market so warrants. Customer will be advised prior to service of any price increase. Terms: Net 30 daysH.S% 0n past due balance. All deliveries are contingent upon sVikes, accfdents and delays beyond our control. TiUe ownership to remain in Paafic Power Generation untll purchase price is paid in futf. ln case a default be made in payments on account, such paymenis shalt be considered as liquidated damages for freight and other charges. All contracfs and agreements are subject to the wrcitten approval of an execuGve officer. Paciff-c Powier Generatian EXHIBIT A PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE LIST SCHEDULE A - SEMI-ANNUAL SERVICE ONCE PER YEAR ✓ Lube oil and filters change; parts included. ✓ Replace fuel filter (diesel engines), parts included ✓ Oil samples, lab testing fee is included. ✓ Coolant sample test for proper inhibiting level, combustion leaks, etc Fuel sample, lab testing fee is included. Cetane Test Only/Optional at City's request. ✓ All spark plugs to be inspected, cleaned. (Non-diesel engines) ✓ Ignition system including points, condenser, cap rotor, coil, and wiring. (Inspection only) Confidence test - Optional at City's request/Additional billing ✓ Load bank test (2) hour ✓ Fuel sample only for stations that are requested by manager, due to additional charge of $95.00 EVERY SIX MONTHS ✓ Verify fuel supply. • Service or replace air filter, parts not included. ✓ Visual check for oil, water, or fuel leaks. ✓ Inspect hoses. ✓ Test antifreeze and adjust, parts not included. ✓ Pressure test cooling system, tighten hose connections as required. ✓ Inspect and tighten belts. ✓ Check engine heater operation. ✓ Check for oil moisture, dirt; clean as necessary. ✓ Check battery charger operation and charge rate. ✓ Load test batteries, check specific gravity, and clean connections. ✓ Check emergency system operation without load. ✓ Check frequency and governor operation; adjust as necessary, ✓ Check engine alternator and charge rate. ✓ Check gauges and meters for proper operation and reading levels. ✓ Check generator set auto shutdown system and alarms. ✓ Check automatic transfer switch and accessory opera6on. ✓ Emergency system operation with load transfer during normal business hours. (With owner's permission only) ✓ Check generator output voltage and adjust as necessary. ✓ Inspect for rodent infestation. ✓ Indicates services to be performed Scheduling will be dane according to current service agreements in your area as close to proper service interval as possible. 3 of 3 AMENDMENT #3 TO SERVICE AGREEMENT NO. AG-S-033 BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND PACIFIC POWER GENERATION. RELATING TO:GENERATOR PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE THIS AMENDMENT is_ made and entered into this "--."day of , 20 by and between the CITY OF AUBURN, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington (hereinafter, referred to as the "CITY"), and PACIFIC POWER GENERATION (hereinafter referred to as the "PROVIDER"), as an.Amendment to the Service Agreement between the parties for AG-S-033 executed on the 11th day of January 2010, and. amended by agreement dated the 12th day of March 2010, and amended by agreement dated-the. 17th day of June 2010. The changes to the agreement are described as follows: 1. CONTRACT TERM: The term of the Service Agreement is extended to December 31, 2011 2. SCOPE OF WORK: See Exhibit A - Preventative Maintenance List. 3. COMPENSATION: See Exhibit B - Generator Preventative Maintenance Quotation. REMAINING TERMS UNCHANGED: That all other provisions of the Agreement between the parties; for AG-S-033 executed on the 11th day of January 2010 shall remain unchanged, and in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. PACIFIC POWER GENERATION CI OF A UR i By Aut ize nature Peter B. Lewis, Mayor f i Amendment No. 3 for Agreement No. AG-C-033 Pacific Power Generation Page 1 of 2 C, r ` ATTEST (Optional):. ATTEST: By: Its: Danielle E. Daskam, Auburn City Clerk Approved as to form (Optional): Approv d as to m: Attorney for (Other Party) D ni uburn t rney j I - - - - Amendment No. 3 for Agreement No. AG-C-033 Pacific Power Generation a Page 2 of 2 ;t 01 ,k Pacific Pow' er Generation EXHIBITA PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE LIST SCHEDULE A - SEMI-ANNUAL SERVICE ONCE PER YEAR ' ✓ Lube oil and filters change; parts included. ✓ Replace fuel filter (diesel engines), parts included ✓ Oil samples, lab testing fee is included. ✓ Coolant sample test for proper inhibiting level, combustion leaks, etc Fuel sample, lab testing fee is included. Cetane Test Only/Optional at City's request. ✓ All spark plugs to be inspected, cleaned. (Non-diesel engines) ✓ Ignition system including points, condenser, cap rotor, coil, and wiring. (Inspection only) Confidence test - Optional at City's request/Additional billing ✓ Load bank test (2) hour ✓ Fuel sample only for stations that are requested by manager, due to additional charge of $95.00 EVERY SIX MONTHS ✓ Verify fuel supply. ✓ Service or replace air filter, parts not included. ✓ Visual check for oil, water, or fuel leaks. ✓ Inspect hoses. ✓ Test antifreeze and adjust, parts not included. ✓ Pressure test cooling system, tighten hose connections as required. ✓ Inspect and tighten belts. ✓ Check engine heater operation. ✓ Check for oil moisture, dirt; clean as necessary. ✓ Check battery charger operation and charge rate. ✓ Load test batteries, check specific gravity, and clean connections. ✓ Check emergency system operation without load. ✓ . Check frequency and governor operation; adjust as necessary. ✓ Check engine alternator and charge rate. ✓ Check gauges and meters for proper operation and reading levels. ✓ Check generator set auto shutdown system and alarms. ✓ Check automatic transfer switch and accessory operation. ✓ Emergency system operation with load transfer during normal business hours. (With owner's permission only) ✓ Check generator output voltage and adjust as necessary. ✓ Inspect for rodent infestation. ✓ Indicates services to be performed Scheduling will be done according to current service agreements in your area as close to proper service interval as possible. I L ANEMIC P-ower Genera non EXHIBITB 5808 South 196' Street 253-395-9077 Kent WA 98032 253-395-2408/fax GENERATOR PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE QUOTATION - AUBURN, CITY OF - ACCT #89012, DATE DEC 16, 2010 25 WEST MAIN PHONE # 253-288-3158 AUBURN WA 98001 FAx # 2537333-8890 E-MAIL: LTORRESI, 4UBURNWA.GOV DPATCH UBURNWA.GOV SEMI-ANNUAL GENERATOR SERVICE INCLUDING (2) HOUR LOAD TEST: Annual Price STORM 1) Stuck River - AKA White River -12 180 KW Onan $900.00 2) A Street -1 100 KW Aptech $725.00 3) Auburn Way South - 15 60 KW Generac $725.00 4). Brannan Park -16 230 ROZD Kohler $950.00 SEWER 5) F Street - 3 50 KW Onan $725.00 6) Rainier Ridge - 8 14.2 MQ Power $675.00 7) Rainier Shadows - 13 125 MQ Power $775.00 9) Peasley Ridge - 17 30 ROZJ Kohler $725.00 10) White Mountain 50 DSEJB $725.00 11) Area 19 60 K1N Onan $725.00 12) Terrace Storm 60 KW Olympian $725.00 12A) Lake Tapps 50 KW Onan $725.00 1213) Riverside 100 KW FG Wilson $725.00 WATER j 13) M/O Telementry and Bldg. 145 KW Magna-tech $800.00 13A) M/O Telemetry System 10 KW Generac $675.00 14) Well 2 & 6 - AKA`Fulmer Field CCF 1000 ROZD4 Kohler $1,750.00 j 15) Well 3A 210 KW Lima $925.00 16) Well 5A - AKA Lakeland Well 230 ROZD Kohler' $950.00 I 17) Well 5B 400 KW MQ Power $1,160.00 18) Braunwood Well 45 KW Generac $725.00 1 I, i L -Pacifff"t Power 19) Coal Creek Springs - AKA Head Works 20 KW Onan $675.00 SEMI-ANNUAL GENERATOR SERVICE INCLUDING (2) HOUR LOAD TEST Annual Price WATER 20) Howard Road'Corrosion Control Facility 600 ROZD Kohler $1,400.00 21) Academy P/S 250 KW ILI - Cummins Eng. $1,000.00 22) Lea Hill P/S 250 KW ILI - Cummins Eng. $1,000.00 23) Lakeland P/S 250 KW Onan $1,000.00 CITY:. 24) Justice Center 200 KW Onan $925.00 25) City Hall 213 KW Cummins $925.00 26) Annex 300 KW Cummins $1,100.00 27) Les Grove Admin. Bldg 150 REOZJD Kohler $800.00 28) Les Grove Senior. Center 200 REOZJD Kohler $975.00 Due to the instability of the oil market we reserve, the-right to adjust oil pricing at the time of ? service if. I the market so warrants. Customerwill be advised prior to service of any price increase. Terms: Net 30 days/1.5% on past due balance. All.detiveries are. contingent upon strikes, accidents and delays, beyond our control. Title ownership to remain in Pacific Power Generation, until purchase price is paid in full. In case a default be made in payments on account, such payments shall be considered as liquidated damages for I freight and other charges. All contracts and agreements are'subject to the written approval of an'executive officer. PACIFIC POWER, GENERATION. By: `.Nan 9funtLV 12/16110 Date Nan Hunting - Generator Service Administrator (253) 395-9077 - nhunting@paclficpowergen.com h{ c � -e LI-- AMENDMENT#4 TO SERVICE AGREEMENT NO AG-S-033 BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND PACIFIC POWER GENERATION RELATING TO GENERATOR PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE THIS AMENDMENT is made and entered into this day of 20 jt- , by and between the CITY OF AUBURN, a municipal corpo tion of th State of Washington (hereinafter referred to as the "CITY"), and PACIFIC POWER GENERATION (hereinafter referred to as the "PROVIDER"), as an Amendment to the Service Agreement between the parties for AG-S-033 executed on the 111h day of January 2010, and amended by agreements dated the 12th day of March 2010, the 17th day of June 2010 and the 213t day of December 2010; The changes to the agreement are described as follows: 1 CONTRACT TERM: The term of the Service Agreement is extended to December 31 2013 2. SCOPE OF WORK. See Exhibit A— Preventative Maintenance List. 3. COMPENSATION: See Exhibit B —Generator Preventative Maintenance Quotation. REMAINING TERMS UNCHANGED: That all other provisions of the Agreement between the parties for AG-S-033 executed on the 11th day of January 2010 shall remain unchanged, and in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. PACIFIC POWER GENERATION OF A 131 RN� • By dr G' Aut • iz.,r-•'nat Peter B. Lewis, Mayor ATTE rOptional): ATTEST By' -.2.,c4 ,c/se r /01241.. , Its: Soa-,.i« r✓/" Danielle E. Daskam, Auburn City Clerk Approved as to form (Optional): Approved as to form: A- �W Attorney for(Other Party) Daniel B. Heid, Auburn City Attorney Amendment No.4 for Agreement No. AG-C-033 Pacific Power Generation Page 1 of 1 ' et EXHIBIT A Pacific Power Generation PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE LIST SCHEDULE A—SEMI-ANNUAL SERVICE ONCE PER YEAR ✓ Lube oil and filters change;parts Included. ✓ Replace fuel filter(diesel engines), parts included ✓ Oil samples, lab testing fee is included. ✓ Coolant sample test for proper inhibiting level,combustion leaks,etc ✓ All spark plugs to be Inspected,cleaned.(Non-diesel engines) ✓ Ignition system including points,condenser,cap rotor,coil,and wiring. (Inspection only) Confidence test Optional at City's request/Additional billing ✓ Load bank test(2)hour ✓ Fuel sample only for stations that are requested by manager,due to additional charge of$105.00 EVERY SIX MONTHS ✓ Verify fuel supply. ✓ Service or replace air filter,parts not included. ✓ Visual check for oil,water,or fuel leaks. ✓ Inspect hoses. ✓ Test antifreeze and adjust,parts not inchided. ✓ Pressure test cooling system,lighten hose connections as required. ✓ Inspect and tighten belts. ✓ Check engine heater operation. ✓ Check for oil moisture,dirt;dean as necessary. ✓ Check battery charger operation and charge Late. ✓ Load test batteries,check specific gravity,and clean connections. ✓ Check emergency system operation without load. ✓ Check frequency and governor operation;adjust as necessary. ✓ Check engine alternator and charge rate. ✓ Check gauges and meters for proper operation and reading levels. ✓ Check generator set auto shutdown system and alarms. ✓ Check automatic transfer switch and accessory operation. ✓ Emergency system operation with load transfer during normal business hours. (With owners permission only) ✓ Check generator output voltage and adjust as necessary. ✓ Inspect for rodent Infestation. ✓ Indicates services to be performed Scheduling will be done according to current service agreements in your area as dose to proper service interval as possible. p Pacific EXHIBIT B Power fieneration 5808 South 196 2534954077 Kent WA 98032 253-395-2468tfax GENERATOR PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE QUOTATION AUBURN,CITY OF AceT#80012 DATE Nov. 15,2011 25 WEST MAIN PHONE#253-288-3158 AUBURN WA 98001 FAX # 253433-8890 E-MAIL. LTORRESQAUHURNW&cov DPATCH@AUBURN WA.GO V SEMIANNUAL GENERATOR SERVICE INCLUDING PER ATrACNED SCHEDULE A: Annual Price STORM 1) Stuck River 4640 A Sheet SE 250 KW Cummins $1,100.00 2) A Street 404 A Street SE 100 KW Aptech Portable $725.00 3) Main Shop/Aubum Way South 405 Auburn Way So. 60 KW Generac-Portable $725.00 4) Brennan Park 1302 300i Street NE 230 ROZI)Kohler $951100 SEWER' 5)F Street 1700 F Sheet SE 50 KW Onan—SIN#0010213543 $725.00 6) F Street 1700 F Street SE 50 KW Onan--SIN#8010208814 $825.00 7) Rainier Ridge 31809125B1 Place SE 14.2 MO Power $675.00 8) Rainier Shadows 3083012401 Avenue SE 125 MC Power $775.00 9) Peasley Ridge 5231 South 320°1 Street 30 ROZJ Kohler $725.00 10) White Mountain MIO 1305 C Street SW 50 DSEJB $725.00 11) Area 19 800 71a1 Sheet SE 60 KW Onan $725.00 12) Terrace Storm 6005 East Valley Hiwy 60 KW Olympian $725.00 13) Lake Tappe 2610 Lake Tapp Parkway 60 KW Onan $725.00 14) Riverside 31930104Th Avenue SE 100 KW FG Wilson $725.00 15) Ellington 125 KW Onan $1,025.00 16) Dogwood 1423 Dogwood Street SE 25 KW Onan $825.00 17) Vordana 11807 SE 29601 Place/Kont 200 KW Onan $975.00 18) Area 40 40 KW Onan $775.00 Pasco fic Pnwefr H'eeeretlOn SEMI=ANNUAL GENERATOR SERVICE INCLUDING PER ATTACHED SCHEDULE k Annual Price WADER _ IS) M/OTELEMENTRY AND BLDG. 1305 C STREET SW 145 KW Magna-lath $800.00 19) M/0 TELEMETRY SYSTEM 1305 C STREET SW 10 KW Generac $675.00 20)W¢L2&6-Emmet FIELD CCF 519 K SmEET NE 1000ROZD4Kohler $1,750.00 21)WELL 3A 40137TH STREET SE 210 KW Lima $025.00 22)WELL SA LAKELANOWELL 5303 OLIVE WAY SE 230 ROW Kohler $950.00 23) WELL 58 110063P0 STREET SE 400 KW MQPower $1,160.00 24) BRAUNWOODWELL 450147T1STREErSE 45KW Generec $725.00 25)COAL CREEK SPRINGS 3401 STUCK RIVER ROAD 20 KW Onan $675.00 26) HOWARD ROAD CORROSION CONTROL 1.2108 HOWARD ROAD 61)0 ROZD Kohler $1,400.00 27)ACADEMY PIS 2003AUSuRN WAY Sour' 250 KW ILI Cummins Eng. $1,000.00 28) LEA Hlu PIS 110406 LEA H51 ROAD 250 KW ILI Cummins Eng. $1,000.00 29) LAIcaANO P/S 1118 5791 PLACE SE 250 KW Open $1,000.00 Cris: 30) Smite CENTER. 340 EASTMAIN STREET 200 KW brian $925.110 3.1) CITY HALL 25 WEST MAIN STREET 213 KW Cummins $925.00 32)ANNIX 1 EAST MAIN 300 KW Cummins $1,100.00 33) LES GROVE ADMIN.BLDG 910 NINTH.STREET SE 150 REOZJD Kohler $800.00 34) LES GROVE SENIOR CENTER 69109TH STREET SE 120 REQZJD Kohler $975.00 Due to the Instability of the oil market we reserve the right to adjust oil pricing at the lime of service If the market so warrants. Customer will be adielsed prior to service of any price increase. To accept this P/M agreement for a(2)year period,guaranteeing the above per year pricing,please Initial hero Tams Net 30 daysll S%pn past due balance. AO deovmles are contingent upon strikes,accidents and delays.beyond our omrtol 7Ne ownemblp to remain In Pacific Power Generation with ptachase Mice Is paid In fill. by case a default be made In payments on account.man payments OW be considered a Ilquldated damages for freight and other charges.AD=trade end agreements rile egged to thewritten approval of en esecWve Omer. PACIFI POW GENERATION By. 1O _ 11 lV&A Nan Hunting Generator Service Administrator (263)385-0077-nhunOngipadfcPOWergenmm AMENDMENT #5 TO SERVICE AGREEMENT NO. AG-S-033 BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND PACIFIC POWER GENERATION RELATING TO GENERATOR PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE THIS AMENDMENT is made and entered into this day o 20 by and between the CITY OF AUBURN, a m nicipal corporation of the State of Washington (hereinafter referred to as the "CITY"), and PACIFIC POWER GENERATION (hereinafter referred to as the "PROVIDER"), as an Amendment to the Service Agreement between the parties for AG-S-033 executed on the 11th day of January 2010, and amended by agreements dated the 12th day of March 2010, the 17th day of June 2010, the 28th day of December, 2010 and the 3`d of January 2012. The changes to the agreement are described as follows: 1. CONTRACT TERM: There is no change to the date of termination. 2. SCOPE OF WORK: There is no change in the scope of work. 3. COMPENSATION: The amount of this amendment is is for Washington State Sales Tax (WSST) in the amount of$8,253.46 for previously not included WSST on the original agreement and amendments in the amount of$86,878.56. REMAINING TERMS UNCHANGED: That all other provisions of the Agreement between the parties for AG-S-033 executed on the 11th day of January 2010 shall remain unchanged, and in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. PACIFIC POWER GENERATION CITY OF AUBU By: A z signature Peter B. ewis, ayor T T (Optional): ATTEST: By: A Xse� k Its: ielle E. Daskam, Auburn City Clerk Approved as to form (Optional): Appr e a Attorney for (Other Party) aniel B. Hei , Aub rn tit Attorney Amendment No. 5 for Agreement No. AG-C-033 Pacific Power Generation Page 1 of 1 m • AMENDMENT#6 TO SERVICE AGREEMENT NO. AG-S-033 BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND PACIFIC POWER GENERATION RELATING TO GENERATOR PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE THIS AMENDMENT is made and entered into this 12 tday of b ecLn,beg. 2013, by and between the CITY OF AUBURN, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington (hereinafter referred to as the "CITY"), and PACIFIC POWER GENERATION (hereinafter referred to as the "PROVIDER"), as an Amendment to the Service Agreement between the parties for AG-S-033 executed on the 11th day of January 2010, and amended by agreement dated the 12th day of March 2010, and amended by agreement dated the 17th day of June 2010; amended by agreement the 28th day of December 2010; amended by agreement the 3`d day of January 2012, and amended•by agreement the 19th day of March-2013. The changes to the agreement are described as follows: 1. CONTRACT TERM: The last sentence of Section 9 of the Service Agreement is amended to read as follows: "All work under this Agreement shall be completed by December 31, 2015 2. SCOPE OF WORK: See Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and by this reference made part of this Amendment. 3. COMPENSATION: The amount of this amendment is $69,948.60. See Exhibit B, which is attached hereto and by this reference made part of this Amendment. The total agreement amount is increased to a total of$156,827.16. REMAINING TERMS UNCHANGED: That all other provisions of the Agreement between the parties for AG-S-033 executed on the 11th day of January 2010, shall remain unchanged, and in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. PACIFIC POWER GENERATION By: �` +�'' 7-7,„ Authorized signature Peter B. Lewis, Mayor Amendment No.6 for Agreement No. AG-S-033 Pacific Power Genration Page 1 of 2 Y � ATTEST (Optional): ATTEST: By: �� ,,� Lcikk,0ss/v keA %, . Its: ,51,,A _ Sa./.5 Danielle E. Daskam, Auburn City Clerk Approved as to form (Optional): Approved as to form: /1/201)L\ Attorney for (Other Party) Daniel B. Heid, Auburn City Attorney Amendment No. 6 for Agreement No. AG-S-033 Pacific Power Genration Page 2 of 2 • t. AGPacific - EXHIBIT A Linter Emit-aeration PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE LIST SCHEDULE A—SEMI-ANNUAL SERVICE ONCE PER YEAR ✓ Lube oil and filters change;parts included. ✓ Replace fuel filter(diesel engines), parts included ✓ Oil samples, lab testing fee is included. ✓ Coolant sample test for proper inhibiting level,combustion leaks,etc ✓ All spark plugs to be inspected,cleaned.(Non-diesel engines) • Ignition system including points;condenser,cap rotor, coil,and wiring: (Inspection only) Confidence test-Optional at City's request/Additional billing ✓ Load bank test(2)hour ✓ Fuel sample only for stations that are requested by manager/Additional charge of$60.00 when taken with oil coolant samples • EVERY SIX MONTHS ✓ Verify fuel supply. ✓ Service or replace air filter,parts not Included. ✓ Visual check for oil,water,or fuel leaks; ✓ Inspect hoses. ✓ Test antifreeze and adjust,parts not included. ✓ Pressure test cooling system,tighten hose connections as required. ✓ Inspect and tighten belts. ✓ Check engine heater operation. ✓ Check for oil moisture,dirt;clean as necessary. ✓ Check battery charger operation and charge rate. ✓ Load test batteries, check specific gravity,and clean connections. ✓ Check emergency system operation without load. ✓ Check frequency and governor operation;adjust as necessary. ✓ Check engine alternator and charge rate. • ✓ Check gauges and meters for proper operation and reading levels. ✓ Check generator set auto shutdown system and alarms. ✓ Check automatic transfer switch and accessory operation. ✓ Emergency system operation with load transfer during normal business hours. (With owner's permission only) ✓ Check generator output voltage and adjust as necessary. ✓ Inspect for rodent infestation. ✓ Indicates services to be performed Scheduling will be done according to current service agreements in your area as close to proper service interval as possible. • ,r. Pact?ic EXHIBIT B Powwow Eeneraatfror 5808 South 196th Street 253-395-9077 Kent WA 98032 253-395-24081fax GENERATOR PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE QUOTATION AUBURN,CITY OF-ACCT#89012 DATE OCT.28,2013 25 WEST MAIN - PHONE#253-288-3158 AUBURN WA 98001 FM #253-333-8890 EMAIL: CPATCH @AUBURNWA.GOV • SEMI-ANNUAL GENERATOR SERVICE PER ATTACHED SCHEDULE A: 2014&2015 Annual Price STORM TERRYVANDECAR -253-261-2075 1) Stuck River 4640 A Street SE 250 KW Cummins-S/N#E110212302 $1,154.00 2) A Street 1305 C Street SE 100 KW Aplech-Portable-SN#5221-1 $758.00 3) Main Shop/Auburn Way South 1305 C Street SE 60 KW Generac-Portable-SIN#2020250 $768.00 4) Brannan Park 1302 30th Street NE 230 ROZD Kohler-SIN#387173 - $996.00 SEWER TERRYVANDECAR-253-261.2075 5) F Street 1700 F Street SE 50 KW Onan-SIN#C010213543 $760.00 6) Rainier Ridge 31809 125th Place SE 14.2 MQ Power-S/N#710376 $708.00 7) Asset#6355A 1305 C Street SE 125 MO Power- SIN#7500413 $812.00 8) Peasley Ridge 5231 South 320th Street 30 ROZJ Kohler-SIN#0674542 $760.00 9) Riverside 31930104'^Avenue SE 50 DSEJB-S/N#2026851 $760.00 10) Area 19 800 71m Street SE 60.K W Onan-S/N#A050741603 $760.00 11) Terrace View 605 East Valley Hiwy 60 KW Olympian-SIN#CNPF03520 $760.00 12) Lake Tapps 2610 Lake Tapps Parkway 50 KW Onan-S/N#J050837412 $760.00 13) Ellingson 100 41st Avenue SE 125 KW Onan-S/N 1/D110206468 $1,076.00 14) Dogwood 1423 Dogwood Street SE 25 KW Onan-S/N#0100138799 $874.00 15) Verdana 11607 SE 296th Place/Kent 200 KW Onan-SIN#0080172573 $1,022.00 16) Area 40 4159 0 Street NE 40 KW Onan-SIN#0080176569 $812.00 17) EMERALD PARK 49942X0 STREET NE 100 KW FG WILSON-SIN 00089C/1006 $760.00 PattreiC EXHIBIT B Pmmw®r Es¢eearatE Ir SEMI-ANNUAL GENERATOR SERVICE PER ATTACHED SCHEDULE A: 2014 842015 Annual Price WATER ALLEN HUNTER —253-261-2239 18) M/OTELEMENTRY AND BLDG. 1305 C STREET SW 145 KW Magna-Tech-S/N#BUD1J997 $838.00 19) M/O TELEMETRY SYSTEM 1306 C STREET SW 10 KW Generac-S/N#2043865 $700.00 20) FULMER FIELD CCF-WELLS 2&6 519 K STREET NE 1000 ROZD4 Kohler-S/N#0715232 $1,836.00 21) WELL3A 40137'"STREET SE 210 KW Lima-S/N#AC91867EH $970.00 23) LAKELAND•WELL 5A 5303 OLIVE WAY SE 24) LAKELAND-WELL 5B 1100 63Pe STREET SE 400 KW MO Power-S/N#15956 $1,216.00 25) BRAUNW000 WELL 4501 47'"STREET SE 45 KW Generac-S/N#2040784 • $760.00 26) COAL CREEK SPRINGS 2401 STUCK RIVER ROAD 20 KW Onan-S/N#6040606072 $708.00 27) HOWARD ROAD CORROSION CONTROL 2108 HOWARD ROAD 600 ROZD Kohler-S/N#715231 $1,468.00 28)ACADEMY P/S 2003 AUBURN WAY SOUTH 250 KW ILl-S/N#4552 $1,048.00 29) LEA HILL PIS 10406 LEA HILL ROAD 250 KW ILI-S/N#5902 $1,048.00 30) LAKELAND HILI.s P/S 111857"PLACE SOUTH 250 KW-S/N#5902 $1,048.00 31) PORTABLE(PRIOR LAKELAND WELL 5A) 1305 C STREET SW 230 ROZD Kohler-S/N#211507 8996.00 ern,: DAVE PATCH-253-878-1981 30)JUSTICE CENTER 340 EAST MAIN STREET 200 KW Onan—S/N#G040865446 $970.00 31) CITY HALL 25 WEST MAIN STREET 213 KW Cummins—S/N#FK00044-9-22-6 $970.00 32)ANNEX 1 EAST MAIN 300 KW Cummins—S/N#1090029313 $1,154.00 33) LES GROVE ADMIN.BLDG 910 NINTH STREET SE 150 REOZJD Kohler—S/N#2281751 $838.00 34) LES GROVE SENIOR CENTER 6910 9TH STREET SE 120 REOZJD Kohler—S/N#2279468 $1,022.00 FUEL SAMPLE TAKEN IN CONJUNCTION WITH OIL AND COOLANT SAMPLES $60.00 L&I OR LOCALJURISDICTION LOAD TEST PERMIT FEES,IF REQUIRED,WOULD BE ADDITIONAL BILLING • DUE TO THE INSTABILITY OF THE OIL MARKET,WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO ADJUST THE OIL PRICING AT THE TIME OF SERVICE IF THE MARKETSO WARRANTS. CUSTOMER WOULD BE NOTIFIED OF ANY RICE INCREASE PRIOR TO SERVICE. • • Trims:Net 30 days/1.5%on past due balance. All deliveries are contingent upon strikes,acddents and delays beyond our control.Title ownership to remain In Pacific Power Generation until purchase price Is paid In full, In case a default be made In payments on account,such payments shall be considered as Uquldated damages for freight and other charges.All contracts and agreements are subject to the written approval of an executive officer. PA.CIFIC POWER GENERATION Hi as if/ l By: . #$ntA -i r Contact to schedule Phone Da Nan Hunting E-mail PO# Generator Service Administrator • (253)395-9077-nhunting®paclicpowergen.com • • AMENDMENT #7 TO SERVICE AGREEMENT NO. AG -S -033 BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND PACIFIC POWER GENERATION RELATING TO GENERATOR PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE / �- THIS AMENDMENT is made and entered into this o2s �-- day of 2014, by and between the CITY OF AUBURN, a municipal corporation of the to of Washington (hereinafter referred to as the "CITY "), and PACIFIC POWER GENERATION (hereinafter referred to as the "PROVIDER "), as an Amendment to the Service Agreement between the parties for AG -S -033 executed on the 11`h day of January 2010, and amended by agreement dated the 12th day of March 2010, and amended by agreement dated the 17th day of June 2010; amended by agreement the 281" day of December 2010; amended by agreement the 3rd day of January 2012; amended by agreement the 19 °i day of March 2013 and amended by agreement the 12`h day of December 2013. The changes to the agreement are described as follows: 1. CONTRACT TERM: There is no change to the date of termination. 2. SCOPE OF WORK: The scopeof work is amended to include the following tasks: Semi - Annual Generator Service for Emerald Park (Item 22) and Semi - Annual Generator Service for Lakeland Hills Booster Pump Station (Item 37) per Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and by this reference made part of this Amendment. 3. COMPENSATION: The amount of this amendment is $2,129.78. See Exhibit A which is attached hereto, and by this reference made part of this Amendment. The total agreement amount is increased to a total of $158,956.94. REMAINING TERMS UNCHANGED: That all other provisions of the Agreement between the parties for AG -S -033 executed on the 11th day of January 2010, shall remain unchanged, and in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. PACIFIC POWER GENERATION By: `9 Authorized signature Amendment No. 7 for Agreement No. AG -8-033 Pacific Power Genration Page 1 of 2 CITY OF AUBURN N4.L W, ea ATTEST (Optional): By: /Z-,t4 L �KK/1sSm� Its: sezr"& SG./-_S Approved as to form (Optional): Attorney for (Other Party) Amendment No. 7 for Agreement No. AG -S -033 Pacific Power Genration Page 2 of 2 ATTEST: ieln Daskam, Auburn city Clerk Appro d to form: �Danie B. Heid, Auburn City Attorney Riff C7i_"ffE7 �mWE�Y En�tts te.'c�'Ue�n @n 5808 South 196" Street Kent WA 98032 AUBURN, CITY OF - ACCT #89012 25 WEST MAIN AUBURN WA 98001 EXHIBIT A GENERATOR PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE QUOTATION 253- 395 -9077 253 - 395 - 2408 /fax DATE JUNE 13, 2014 PHONE # 253 - 288 -3158 FAx # 253- 333 -8890 E -MAIL! DPATCII @AUBURNWA.GOV PO# AG -S -033 —AMENDMENT #7 SEMh 2014&2015 GENERATOR SERVICE PER ATTACHED SCHEDULE A: . —_ -_ Annual Price I CITY: DAVE PATCH - 253 -876 -1981 1) JUSTICE CENTER 340 EAST MAIN STREET 170 KW Chan — SIN #G040665446 $970.00 2) CITY HALL 25 WEST MAIN STREET 213 KW Cummins — SIN #FK90044-9-22-6 $970.00 3) ANNEX 1 EAST MAIN 300 KW Cummins — SIN #1090029313 $1,154.00 4) LES GROVE ADMIN. BLDG 910 NINTH STREET SE 150 REOZJD Kohler — SIN #2281751 $838.00 5) LES GROVE SENIOR CENTER 69109TH STREET SE 120 REOZJD Kohler — SIN #2279468 $1,022.00 STORM TERRY VANDECAR —253- 261 -2075 6) Stuck River 4640 A Street SE 250 KW Cummins _SIN #E 110212302 $1,154.00 7) A Street 1305 C Street SE 100 KW Aptech - Portable- SN #5221 -1 $758.00 8) Main ShoplAubum Way South 1305 C Street SE 60 KW Generac - Portable —SIN #2020250 $758.00 9) Brannan Park 1302 301" Street NE 230 ROZD Kohler — SIN #387173 $996.00 SEWER TERRY VANDECAR — 253.261.207$ 10) F Street 1700 F Street SE 50 KW Onan — SIN #CO10213543 $760.00 11) Rainier Ridge 31809 1251" Place SE 14.2 MO Power — SIN #7103676 I $708.00 12) Asset #6355A 1305 C Street SE 125 MQ Power - SIN #7500413 _ $81200 13) Peasley Ridge 5231 South 320 °i Street 30 ROZJ Kohler — SIN #0674542 $760.00 14) Riverside 31930 104'" Avenue SE 50 DSEJB — SIN #2026651 _ $760.00 15) Area 19 800 71s' Strect SE 60 KW Oran — SIN #A050741603 $760.00 16) Terrace View LIS 605 East Valley Hiwy 60 KW Olympian - SIN #CNPF03520 $760.00 1 17) Lake Tapps 2610 Lake Tapps Parkway 50 KW Onan— S/N #JO50837412 $760.00 18) Ellingson 100 41" Avenue SE 125 KW Oran — SIN 4D110206468 $1,076.00 19) Dogwood 1423 Dogwood Street SE 25 KW Onan— S/N #G100138799 $074.00 20) Verdana 11807 SE 296" Place /Kent 200 KW Oran — SIN #DO80172573 $1,022.00 21) Area 4c 4159 O street NE 40 KW Chan — SIN #D080176569 5812.00 22) EMergLD PARK 49942N° STREET NE 100 l(W Onan — SIN #6140637571 5795.00 1 of EXHIBIT A 5a ®wct e,c Ga�ane e-tm cera ae PO #AG -5-033 — AMENDMENT #7 SEMI - ANNUAL GENERATOR SERVICE PER ATTACHED SCHEDULE A: 2014 & 2015 Annual Pnce WATER ALLEN HUNTER —253- 261.2239 23) WO TELEMENTRY AND BLDG. 1305 C STREET SW '145 KW Magna- Tech- SIN #BUDIJ997 $838.00 24) M/0 TELEMETRY SYSTEM 1305 C STREET SW 101(W Generac - SIN #2043865 3700.00 25) FULMER FIELD CCF - WELLS 2 & 6 519 K STREET NE 1000 ROZD4 Kohler - SIN #0715232 $1,836.00 26) WELL 3A 401 37r" STREET SE 210 KW Lima - SIN 4AC91867EH $970.00 1 27) LAKELAND - W ELL 5A PORTABLE 230 ROZ Kohler — SIN #211507 $995.00 28)LAKELAND -WELL 5B 110063- STREETSE 40D KW KJQ Power - SIN #15956 $1,21 G.GO 29) BRAUNWOODWELL 450147 "STREF.TSE 145 KW Generac - SIN #2040784 $760.00 30) COAL CRF.FK SPRINGS 2401 STUCK RIVER ROAD 120 KW Onan - SIN 48040606072 $708.00 31) HOWARD ROAD CORROSION CONTROL 2108 HOWARD ROAD 1600 ROZD Kohler - SIN #!15231 $1,468.00 32) ACADEMY PIS 2003 AUBURN WAY SQImI 250 KW ILI - SIN 44552 $1,048.00 33) LEA HILL PIS 10406 LEA HILL ROAD 250 KW ILI - SIN #5902 $1,048.00 34) LAKELAND HILLS P/S 1118 57r" PLACE SOUTH 250 KW - SIN #A9304978?9 $1,048.DO 35) PORTABLE (PRIOR LAKELAND W ELL 5A) 1305 C STREET SW 230 ROZD Kohler - SIN 4211507 $996.00 36) TERRACE VIEW PIS 6134 ALEXANDER PLACE SE 250 KW Onan— SIN 1080207133 $1,100.00 37) LAKELAND HILLS BOOSTER PIS 1326 57" DRIVE SE 300 KW Cat— SIN #G6B18752 $1,154.00 FUEL SAMPLE TAKEN IN CONJUNCTION WITH OIL AND COOLANT SAMPLES $60.00(ea L & I OR LOCAL JURISDICTION LOAD TEST PERMIT FEES, Ir REQUIRED, WOULD BE ADDITIONAL BILLING DUE TO THE INSTABILITY OF THE OIL MARKET, WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO ADJUST THE OIL PRICING AT THE TIME OF SERVICE IF THE I. MARKET SO WARRANTS. CUSTOMER WOULD BE NOTIFIED OF ANY RICE INCREASE PRIOR. TO SERVICE. Terms: Net 30 day= /1.5% on past due balance. All deliveries are contingent upon stakes, accidents and delays beyond our control. Title ownership to remain in Pacific Pw.ar Generation until purchase price Is paid N fall. In case a default be made In payments on account, such payments shall be considered as liquidated damages for freight and other charges. All wrinacts and agreements ate subject to the written approval of an executive officer. Contact to schedule Phone E -mail PACIFIC POWER GENERATION / By: /!f3 ll7 l I M ln12 Generator Service Administrator (253) 395 -9077 - nhunting@pacificpovvergen.eom 2 of 3 GGOwwer Ei anmriuicuann EXHIBIT A PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE LIST SCHEDULE A — SEMI - ANNUAL SERVICE ONCE PER YEAR ✓ Lube oil and filters change; parts included. ✓ Replace fuel filter (diesel engines), parts included • Oil samples, lab testing fee is included. • Coolant sample test for proper inhibiting level, combustion leaks, etc • All spark plugs to be inspected, cleaned. (Non - diesel engines) • Ignition system including points, condenser, cap rotor, coil, and wiring. (Inspection only) Confidence test - Optional at City's requesf/Additional billing • Load bank test (2) hour Fuel sample only for stations that are requested by manager /Additional charge of $60.00 when taken with oil & coolant samples EVERY SIX MONTHS ✓ Verify fuel supply. ✓ Service or replace air filter, parts not included. ✓ Visual check for oil, water, or fuel leaks. ✓ Inspect hoses. ✓ Test antifreeze and adjust, pails not included. ✓ Pressure test cooling system, tighten hose connections as required. ✓ Inspect and lighten belts. ✓ Check engine heater operation. ✓ Check fur oil moisture, dirt; clean as necessary. • Check battery charger operation and charge rate. • Load test batteries, check specific gravity, and clean connections. • Check emergency system operation without load. • Check frequency and governor operation; adjust as necessary. • Check engine alternator and charge rate. • Check gauges and meters for proper operation and reading levels. • Check generator set auto shutdown system and alarms. • Check automatic transfer switch and accessory operation. • Emergency system operation with load transfer during normal business hours. (With owner's permission only) • Check generator output voltage and adjust as necessary. • Inspect for rodent infestation. ✓ Indicates services to be performed Scheduling will be done according to current service agreements in your area as close to proper service interval as possible. 3 of 3 AMENDMENT#8 TO AGREEMENT NO. AG-S-033 BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND PACIFIC POWER GENERATION RELATING TO GENERATOR PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE THIS AMENDMENT is made and entered into this 15 day of December , 2015, by and between the CITY OF AUBURN, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington (hereinafter referred to as the "CITY"), and PACIFIC POWER GENERATION (hereinafter referred to as the "CONSULTANT"), as an Amendment to the Agreement between the parties for AG-S-033 executed on the 11th day of January 2010; amended by agreement dated the 12th day of March 2010; amended by agreement dated the 17m day of June 2010; amended by agreement the 28th day of December 2010; amended by agreement the 3rd day of January 2012; amended by agreement the l9th day of March 2013; amended by agreement the 12th day of December 2013 and amended by agreement the 25th day of June 2014. The changes to the agreement are described as follows: 1. CONTRACT TERM: The term of the Agreement for Professional Services is extended to December 31, 2017. 2. SCOPE OF WORK: See Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and by this reference made part of the agreement. 3. COMPENSATION: The amount of this amendment is $90,729.58 plus WSST of$8,565.58 for a total increase of$98,729.58. The total contract amount is increased to a$255,556.74. See Exhibit B, which is attached hereto and by this reference made part of the agreement. REMAINING TERMS UNCHANGED: That all other provisions of the Agreement between the parties for AG-S-033 executed on the 11th day of January 2010, shall remain unchanged, and in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. PACIFIC POWER GENE- •TION CITY OF AUBURN By: - k • I S Authorized signature Nancy Backu•M-, .r ATTEST (Optional): ATTEST: By: Randy Lukkason Its: Service calec Danielle E. Daskam, Auburn City Clerk Approved as to form (Optional): Ape, ov- • as . . • ' — Attorney for(Other Party) Daniel B. Heid, Auburn City Attorney Amendment No. 8 for Agreement No. AG-S-033 Pacific Power Generation Page 1 of 6 EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF WORK Amendment No. 8 for AG-S-033 Pacific Power Generation Pacific • Power Generation • • • PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE LIST • SCHEDULE A—SEMI-ANNUAL SERVICE ONCE PER YEAR ✓ Lube oil and filters change; parts Included. ✓ Replace fuel filter(diesel engines), parts included ✓ Oil samples,lab testing fee is included. ✓ Coolant sample test for proper inhibiting level,combustion leaks, etc ✓ All spark plugs to be inspected, cleaned. (Non-diesel engines) • V Ignition system including points, condenser, cap rotor, coil, and wiring. (Inspection only) Confidence test-Optional at City's request/Additional billing ✓ Load bank test(2)hour Fuel sample only for stations that are requested by manager/Additional charge of$60.00 when taken with oil & coolant samples • EVERY SIX MONTHS ✓ Verify fuel supply. ✓ Service or replace air filter, parts not included. ✓ Visual check for oil, water, or fuel leaks, ✓ Inspect hoses. ✓ Test antifreeze and adjust, parts not Included. ✓ Pressure test cooling system, tighten hose connections as required. ✓ Inspect and tighten belts, ✓ Check engine heater operation. ✓ Check for oil moisture, dirt; clean as necessary. ✓ Check battery charger operation and charge rate. ✓ Load test batteries, check specific gravity, and clean connections. ✓ Check emergency system operation without load. ✓ Check frequency and governor operation; adjust as necessary. ✓ Check engine alternator and charge rate. ✓ Check gauges and meters for proper operation and reading levels. ✓ Check generator set auto shutdown system and alarms. ✓ Check automatic transfer switch and accessory operation. ✓ Emergency system operation with load transfer during normal business hours. (With owner's permission only) ✓ Check generator output voltage and adjust as necessary. ✓ Inspect for rodent infestation. ✓ Indicates services to be performed Scheduling will be done according to current service agreements in your area as close to proper service interval as possible, • EXHIBIT B COMPENSATION Amendment No. 8 for AG-S-033 Pacific Power Generation Piaci PowerSeneration 5808 South 196th Street 253-395-9077 Kent WA 98032 253-395-2408/1ax GENERATOR PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE QUOTATION AUBURN,CITY OF-ACCT#89012 DATE NOV.17,2015 25 WEST MAIN PHONE# 253-288-3158 AUBURN WA 98001 FAx #253-333-8890 E-MAIL: LMOORE @AUBURMWA.GOV QUOTE#45508 SEMI-ANNUAL GENERATOR SERVICE PER ATTACHED SCHEDULE A: 2016-2017 Annual Price FILER: CITY: LISA MOORE-253-28B-3158 Spring—Full; Fall—Check&UT 1) JUSTICE CENTER • 340 EAST MAIN STREET 170 KW Onan—S/N#0040665446 $1,214.00 2) CITY HALL 25 WEST MAIN STREET 213 KW Cummins—S/N#FK90044-9-22-6 $1,156.00 3)ANNEX 1 EAST MAIN 300 KW Cummins—S/N#1090029313 $1,990.00 4) LES GROVE ADMIN.BLDG 910 NINTH STREET SE 150 REOZJD Kohler—SIN#2281751 $1,056.00 . 5) LES GROVE SENIOR CENTER 6910 9TH STREET SE 120 REOZJD Kohler—S/N#2279468 $1240.00 WATER ALLEN HUNTER -253-261.2239 Spring—Full; Fall—Check&LIT 23) IWO TELEMENTRY AND BLDG. 1305 C STREET SW 145 KW Magna-Tech-S/N#BUDIJ997 $1,016.00 24) WO TELEMETRY SYSTEM 1305 C STREET SW 10 KW Generac•SIN#2043865 $810.00 25) FULMER FIELD CCF -WELLS 2&6 519 K STREET NE 1000 ROZD4 Kohler-S/N#0715232 $2670.00 26)WELL 3A 401 37TH STREET SE 210 KW Lima-SIN#AC91867EH $1,136.00 28)LAKELAND-WELL 5B 1100 63RD STREET SE 400 KW MO Power-S/N#15956-1 -0/S $1,276.00 29) BRAUNWOGD WELL 4501 47111 STREET SE 45 KW Generac-S/N#2040784 $902.00 30) COAL CREEK SPRINGS 2401 STUCK RNER ROAD 20 KW Onan-S/N#8040606072 $832.00 31) HOWARD ROAD CORROSION CONTROL 2108 HOWARD ROAD 600 ROZD Kohler-S/N#715231 $1,720.00 32)ACADEMY P/S 2003 AUBURN WAY SOUTH 250 KW ILI-S/N#4552 $1,216.00 33) LEA HILL P/S 10406 LEA HILL ROAD 250 KW-SIN#A930497879-Portable $1,194.00 35) PORTABLE 1305 C STREETSW 230 ROZD Kohler-S/N#211507-Portable $1,014.00 36)TERRACE VIEW P/S 6134 ALEXANDER PLACE SE 250 KW Onan—S/N 1080207133 $1270.00 37) LAKELAND.HILLS BOOSTER P/S 1326 57TH DRIVE SE 300 KW Cat-S/N#06518752 $1,388.00 STORM TERRY VANOECAR -253.261.2075 Spring-Check&LIT; Fall•Full 6) Stuck River 4640 A Street SE 250 KW Cummins—S/N#E110212302 • $1,314.00 7) Asset 6965A 1305 C Street SE 100 KW Aptech-S/N#5221-1 - Portable $790.00 8) Main Shop/Auburn Way South 1305 C Street SE 60 KW Generac-S/N#2020250 Portable $780.00 9) Brannan Park 1302 30th Street NE 230 ROZD Kohler—S/N#387173—0/5 $1,016.00 PowerY Generation •SEMI-ANNUAL GENERATOR SERVICE PER ATTACHED SCHEDULE A: 2016-2017 Annual Price Fi ek: . • SEWER TERRY VANDECAR —253.261.2075 Spring-Check 8 LIT; Fall-Full 10) F Street • 1700 F Street SE 50 KW Onan-S/N#0010213543 $902.00 11) Rainier Ridge 31809 125th Place SE 14.2 MQ Power-S/N#7103676 $820.00 12) Asset#6355A 1305 C Street SE 125 MQ Power-S/N#7500413-Portable $828.00 13) Peasley Ridge 5231 South 320th Street 30 ROZJ Kohler-S/N#0674542 $880.00 14) Riverside 31930 104th Avenue SE 50 DSEJB-S/N#2026651 $780.00 15) Area 19 800 7151 Street SE 60 KW Onan-S/N#A050741603 $874.00 •16) Terrace View L/S 605 East Valley Hiwy 60 KW Olympian-S/N#CNPF03520 $894.00 • 17) Lake Tapps 2610 Lake Tapps Parkway 50 KW Onen-S/N#J050837412 $890.00 18) Ellingson 100 4161 Avenue SE 125 KW Onan-S/N#D110206468 $1,216.00 19) Dogwood 1423 Dogwood Street SE 25 KW Onan-S/N#G100138799 $998.00 20) Verdana 11807 SE 29e Place/Kent 200 KW Onan-S/N#0080172573-0/S $1,042,00 21) Area 40 4159 0 Street NE 40 KW Onan-S/N#0080176569 $918.00 22) Emerald Park ' 499 42nd Street SE 100 KW Onan-S/N#6140637571 $938.00 38) M Street 410 M Street SE 35 KW Onan-S/N#0130479595 $966.00 39) Bt'Street P/S 900 Bt'Street NE 60 REOZJD $1,150.00 40) Valley Meadows P/S 2022 4th Street SE 60 REOZJD $1,150.00 41) 22 Street P/S 1950 22nd Street NE 60 REOZJD $1,150.00 42) R Street P/S 600 R Street NE 60 REOZJD $1,150.00 43) Asset#6964A • 1305 C Street SW 60 KW Olympian $1,136.00 PRICING INCLUDES REQUIRED L&1 OR LOCAL JURISDICTION LOAD BANK PERMIT FEES ANNEX GENERATOR—LOAD TEST QUOTED FOR AFTER HOURS/WEEKEND DUE TO THE INSTABILITY OF THE OIL MARKET,WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO ADJUST THE OIL PRICING AT THE TIME OF SERVICE IF — THE MARKET SO WARRANTS. CUSTOMER WOULD BE NOTIFIED OF ANY PRICE INCREASE PRIOR TO SERVICE Terms:Net 30 days11.5%on past due balance. All deliveries am contingent upon strikes,accidents and delays beyond our control.710e ownership to remain in Pacific Power Generation unfit purchase price Is paid In full. In case a default be mode In payments on account,such payments shall be considered as liquidated damages for freight and other charges.All contacts and agreements are subject to the written approval of an exeoutNe officer. PACIFIC POWER GENERATION • By: 4 ! . S1 >/A//5" Date Nan Hunting Generator Service Advisor (253)395-9077-nhunting @paclficpowergen.com •