UTILITY AVAILABILITY FORM Date: Type of Use Proposed: Residential Commercial Parcel Number: Industrial Owner Name: Site Address: Water Availability: Water will be provided by a service
connection only to an existing _____ inch water main in ________________. Water service will require a facility extension of approximately ________ feet of _____ inch water line to serve
this parcel. Water service is not available to this parcel. Department of Ecology approval is necessary for a well on site. Water Service is provided by another agency, , and a certificate
of availability is required from them. Additional Comments: Sewer Availability: Sewer will be provided by a service connection only to an existing ______ sewer main in __________________.
There is an existing side sewer stub: Yes or No Sewer service will require a facility extension of ___________ feet of _____ inch sewer main to serve this parcel. Sewer service
is not available to this parcel. King County Health approval is required for an onsite septic system. Sewer service is provided by another agency, , and a certificate of availability
is required from them. Additional Comments: Storm Drainage Requirements: Infiltration Required (If soil conditions permit) Detention Required Down Stream Analysis Required Water Quality
Treatment Required Property is located within the flood plain Storm drainage connection will be provided by a ______ inch service connection only to an existing storm drainage structure
# in __________________. Sewer service will require a facility extension of approximately ___________ feet of _____ inch public storm drainage main to serve this parcel. Additional Comments:
Utility Availability verified by:_______________________________________ Public Works Department Name Date The utility availability and/or requirements listed above are based on the
information regarding the proposed development provided by the above owner as of the date of this form. The City reserves the right to modify the above availability and/or requirements
to meet the City’s requirements at the time of a complete building permit application to the City. H:\Forms\FE115.doc (R 12/07)