HomeMy WebLinkAbout5096517 ASSIGNMENT 1028593974 pm5ll 5 09. 6 5 ASSIGNb NT AND ~ - l 1-L ° y M r Z- ZI -o FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the sum of One ($1.00) Dollar, the KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON_;K WAFER DISTRICT N[}. 80, does hereby assign, transfer, sell,. t^, convey and warrant to CITY OFyAUBVRN, a.municiPal corPoration,. all its rights M~ , title and interest in that certain,gaseinent made July 1, 1912, between William H. Bogle, Lester Turner and N. H. Latimer, as Trustees of the Jeffs Orphan Home, under the Last Will and Testament of Mary Jeffs, deceased, and as devisees thereunder, as first parties, and Henry .C. Sicade and Alice Sicade, husband and wife, as second parties, recorded January 22, 1913, in Volume 827 of Deeds, page 454 records of King County, Washington, under Receiving Number 64624, which was assigned to King County, Washington, Water District No. 80 by Farmers Water Company under Assignment dated August 25, 1948, and recorded in Volume 2775, of Deeds, page 207, Records of Icing County, Washington, under date August 27, 1948, covering the following described property, to-wit: All of the water system and water works, pipes, mains, connections and applicances, and everything used in and about the system of water works conducted upon and extending from the ranch at Christopher, King County, Washington, said ranch being situated on part of Sections 11 and 12, Township 21 North, Range 4 E.W.M., together with all easements, contracts and rights of way in existence in connection with the said water system and works and all franchises and all rights, equities and easements which may have been acquired or have belonged to the late Richard Jeffs or to the late Mary Jeffs or either of them or both of them, situate in King County, Washington; TOGETHER WITH all rights of prescription and other rights which it may have in said property. DATED this 21st day of July, 1959. KING COUN' WASHTN,GTON, WATER DISTRICT NO. 80 0=1 I 6e d BY: -731 6 4 STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) On this 21st day of July,"1959, before me personally appeared Stephen F. Lone, Clarence S. Swanson and Rowland Bradshaw, to me known to be the three Water Commissioners of King County, Washington, Water District No. 8 0, the Water Dist_-ict that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said Water District, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they re authorized to execute said instrument... ` ~~.4utt,tt,,, 0 . WiuT,E, S my hand and official the ay a d 7ila2s abov/vritten. Notary blic in and for the State of Washi on, residing at Auburn. ~a f 't riled for Record~'7 -Request of ROBERT A. MORRIS, County Auditor i RECORDED ~ f sec `rd 4,t to Ast i'AGE REQU S7 OF ; FILE M9 OCT .28, ffij U I," AOr Fl, • WC