HomeMy WebLinkAbout6678875 UNDERGROUND COMMUNICATION LINES EASEMENT 080470VOL V rAu =.t(I E A S E 11 E N T PNWB Reference No. 18187 THE CITY OF AUBURTI, WASHIMTON, a municipal corporation, does hereby grant and convey to the PAOIFIC NO' RTHY/EST BELL TELEPHONE CONP.4 iY, a :"ashington corporation, an Easement over and across, upon and underneath, the follovring described land for ingress :1') and egress and for the purpose of laying, maintaining, and installing underground communications lines with vrires and cables attached thereto, as the Grantee may from time to time require, said land being described as% v A strip of land located in the North half of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (?I~, SEE-111 M74') of Section 14, Tovmship 21 North, Range 4 East, W.M.; said strip if more particularly described as follows; The North ten (10) feet of that portion of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Qruartar (SE, II'7) lying westerly of Cemetery Hill Road; together with the South 15 feet of the North 25 feet of the East 400 feet of that portion of the above described subdivision,. located in King County. Washington. This Easement amends, cancels and supersedes that certain easement granted to the PACIFIC NORTF,1733T .HELL TELEPHONc^. MTANY, Grantee, dated December 16, 1969, by the CITY OF IUEUR1I1 71ASHI"GTON, Grantor, and recorded in Volume 271, Pages 650, 651, and 652 of Deeds, Auditors File No. 6612696, Records of King County, Washi.nti.ton. Said Easement to exist so long as Grantee uses the hereinabove granted Easement for the purposes specified herein. Grantee shall at all times have the right oft.full and free ingress to and egress from said property for all purposes herein mentioned, and to remove at any time, any or all of the underground communications lines and/or wires, cables, fixtures and appurtenances from the said property, with the understanding that Grantee shall be responsible for all damage it causes Grantor by the exercise of the rights and privileges herein granted. The City of Auburn, Washington, as Grantor, retaines the right to utilize the eforedescribed property for roadway purposes. It is further understood and agreed that the Grantee shall be responsible for the complete restoration of any and all improvements made by the City of Auburn to the roadway adjacent to the aforedescribed property in the event the Grantee should excavate into said road-ay. It is understood and agreed by and between the po.rties hereto that, if determined that tt:e existin- ground elevation should change in the future, the Grantee shall be required to rf,i se or lovrer my or all of their improvements encompassed within said Ease vent to conform to the finished r-rude of the Cemetery ut no cost t~oj t!7e Ci.t;;r of Auburn, 3^!t2n ~t0!l. ~n7C Page One .A . - - • 1 r L 1 ~r - _ y - A-The rights, conditions and provi9ions of this Easement shall-inure to the' benefit. of and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, sucdessors and assigns of the respective parties hereto. Dated this l! ~ni day of 19 CITx OF AUBURN . BY tt ~ o R ATTEST: w . 7r... . r V1, 0 11 rf ~ _ . city cleric ' , PACIFIC NORTIUVEST BELL, * TELEItHONE COMPPSY' FORM APPROVED /~l '4.j GENERAL ATTORNEY BY - ~ ~l - TITLE; Division Engineer-Outside Plant STATE OF '-VASHINGTONd ss. COUNTY OF KIJTG } On this day of ` 1, , 14 before me the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared STA- T,EY P. KERSEY. AND GEUIE 71ILLIAMS, to rye known to be the Mayor and City Clerk respectively of the City of Auburn, a municipal corporation, and the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, pnd acknoivledGed that the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are authorized and directed'to execute the said instrument,and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first ' above y PUBLIC in and for: t}ie State of NOTARY ~ Washington, residinn at i 1 r` / P,ge Two i.i7r • VOL, 47 iAGE 512- PErnRDE0 - .422..... . McOrds .510....... _ _ r _ 1 23 c7l FILE k ~2 0 tr - Add. re' ty1 sT ID ~F1.Co 1~ EASEM`EUT 15 ADDL TEL.CO. EASGt'1E+.1T Ef~SLhIE+11 ~z1 SIEG1 1a,lLSdF -DUE To u►1SThZU ~O%L Co.'U ~a Qec~eti~~ Rt~4,a~~ttsr" a i / r J n~ R/W REF. NO. CODE •~fC- PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL TELEPHONE CO. 'ON/ PROPERTY OF SEC T W P RANGE 7H ' COUNTY,_1 'STATE EXCHANGE OR TOLL LEAD JOB T LENGTH Bev. ' . ..7 ~ . _