HomeMy WebLinkAbout7301090385 UTILITY EASEMENT 010973NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT CC) Cn '0 all 'CD CD DATED this__[a_day of December,.1972. HOWARD S. KELLER r~ / ~CK B. CURRAN ROB T D. PETERSO KELLEY; CURRAN-PETERSON,'? a partnership By STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) On thisja day of December,.1972, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Howard S. Keller, Jack B. Curran and Robert D. Peterson, to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they signed and sealed the said instrument as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes herein mentioned. , WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. +,~.~HHr1111fi1.~+ ~r, NOT RY PUBLIC In and for the State of C _.'}Washington, residing at Seattle. eC C, FE 2 4 G r . STAi . LYCETTE, DIAMOND & SYLVESTER ' LAWYERS . HOGE BUILDING SEATTLE 98104 -'j L JAN 16 1-373 Keller-Curran-Peterson, a partnership composed of Howard S. Keller, Jack B. Curran and Robert D. Peterson, whose wives are Frances Keller, Irene W. Curran and Jean E. Peterson, for good and valuable consideration, do hereby grant, assi.gncdnd set over unto the city of Auburn, King County, Washington, a Washington municipal corporation, non-exclusive easements, as set forth in Exhibits "A", "B" and "C".. r ~ ~ n, - _ _ - / ` r: L I- A EXHIBIT..... . EASEMENT DESCRIPTION 'A nonexclusive easement, for ingress and egress and for the installation and maintenance of utilities, which said easement is that portion of the north 60 feet of the South 260 feet of the South of the North of the North h of the Northeast '-d of n Section 13, Township 21 North, Range 4 East, W.M., lying; Westerly M of the Westerly martin of "C" Street Northwest, as conveyed to O the-City of Auburn.by Recording Nos. 720615-0475 and 711209-0403, O said street being a 60 foot strip contiguous to and Westerly of the right-of-way of the Burlington Northern Railway Company; CD acid lying Easterly of a line which is parallel with and 355 feet rte. Easterly when measured at right angles from the Easterly margin of - #Ilp, Street Northwest, (Also known as 76th Avenue South and Cou:Yty ..Road), as.-said ;:ast:erly -margin-•of "li" Street is established 20 feet from the centerline of said '1" Street, at which point said. Easterly margin bears North 01°14'18" East; and said Street being contiguous to and Easterly of the right-of-way of the Chicago, ;Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company; .Situate in the Ccunty of King, State of Washington. 0 i ~r re TY OF AUBURN 20-A Street m. w. tluhurr~ p Wash. 98002 ,111 '.•,l;;cl'v)`1 (l1°v]' 111111 ;I C'.1'~?.• , 11 On ,11 c l I10 1'll.,Ifil t ilc ILI1(I:, il`l: clrSC.r:i1~, el 111n A roe .i1)1, :111 c1 c.; 1•c. Illcl for the I;' .I 11 l:: .l )1 :I 1'1(~ 111 l':I 1 } ) !1 11l l ~ a 1:7 C': 1.11!`1'1'(1)1 , p•,l'('1'OSC of laying, i ii ) 1)c ))s ].oC;1 ill COLT l t v , ,;l ,il lis ~c~n ,:),,J (k., s.:7'i be d EXHIBIT_.4j q [0 1'.)1711n t ,I 110 1)lt o)) t1w Sc)t1t•1) 1:111!'. of t'.lle Solli:n h of of t1).o i~o,-t)1 of t11:' itorrlvast. ~ of Sectioll TOVnShi•11 21 i\o1'i.il, c 1:n:IC:) 11oi) 351,1) 1:'11 t: Y1 I':Cit:illl'ed at 1'i.pht. ; n0 !•`i { 7'olil thn i:•1:•iorly 1:111(' of IIH,I St-rect. 1o)-t:fll•'Csll ns t-a I:)511e(} 7. t) Sc•ei t)'om t.i1t, 00 )1LC:l-)j1)C of s,1j6 Sf)` 7; (~~1,Ct, 1R1C1WFl : 76th :iVC'T111^ r•c~l)til ,i)liT, 1' )'.c1,?c':) ; ,1S s,lacT Titis,l:':17 ?ih,•1.'s~i)l or "H" Street: is o:: tabl:ishcO 20 Ov; frol•l the c~e)lter ;";lie o;~ '411 I 5 ~t:,nC'.i_ " , :11: ' ,nir.il point said )i;l.,t:el` 1 MO US 1,.1'1Ui.)) ht. 1rs • Norl:n 01`+141)8" East; 7 i 11 i; C1 fi a i !l. s % ) ' e t : Co )1. t. i , l l o t l s " to a n J 1:,? S% C. l' 15' o f t:11 v "i SI i1 V. - o OJi, the C,)?1cggo, ill.).1 anhee, St. Paul ,.lnd Pa cif i c Ka.i'11•:a)' C.on)11,1nyl , 1.'11c)1 ne,,st))-C:1 It ri.~ht T;):cr, ~C1)til 03"34138" l'es, "fc'n; 7i1 I1ce SCInG 86020148" East 50,03 :feet; ' n ' •r a T i i t. , ~ 86"20148" 1'•: E rs i. 30, Tr e ~ i. paint \ c l l 0161 1}1V haS f:YOM thy Point of 1;h',?,arming; i •11l!:1icc uout h 0 01 i 1 18" West 230,2Z feet: to the Ain t of i:)o:jt7.)1r17.111 ; Si- "tUa t C in tilt' Cou,,a)' of }.i.)14,, State. of 1*,'asai.)q t:o)l. Recorder's Note: Portions of,this document poor quality for filming.. IY. r r CITY OF AUBURN 20-A Street N. W. Auburn, Wash. 98002 EXMIBlT..... Cr%~,__ ;I I1 l:;il:(:1^(:171 f~l'f'1' 111(1 ;1C7'(~!:!;, tll',C)ll ;l )1 (1 1!I1(~C'7.11!";1111 t 1)(' 1 (yl .i (Y1: 1 J'S' (l f': 1'.7':1 ~1i'[l 1;t)1(1: for 1115 rou : ;111(1 (`f•t'c ml[1 for rho • 1~'.1'1'l:f'::(` c lay'iny, l;).1nt.:llnirp ;Old :111!,1.;11 1 7114' MUMPS t11C'1'11011, .:;aid 1,'),k! 1)t`ing 1ukorvc'. in King (s)unny, iti;!shin( ton via! tl;'!;(;7'J1>C(1 a l f f )1. 1 (.'..:y , *1.1);'L t.i.on A chv scmrh r or the :,ovth % o the Nc}rLhc?a nt 1(~-Vnsi).n 21 XcYrrh, 1".;i)'f~c~.q 1:;1!'1., 1`;,!1,, 5?.l:ttrll.(' )1l s Kim,, C01;11 L)', WY lSlllii,(!ton, (4:!icri1}cc;. al!; f01 m...'; A strip of ) 11;(1 10.00 fcr:t•. ir} 1:•.idLh lying 1',csCWy of. and C ,Erc(.i: i!lint'. vi-,c! h'csrc'1.1v of -1111 '101,10 M Sari (I '101.00 foot s n-i.n or 1.111(; C~:tcin(ii;)n North(!)-l y from talc CD CiC:r:tll .iYn111':c1:iry oT !-aiCl Soul:*,,? I- of t:ilo Nol-Lh of t11C' '()1'l:llea rt 0- 74 t:c a~ lil:. l:,.r:~13c;~ Lv ;1,:[1 at3Ct fcc:t: c,ltti)crrlcastlr^(l at: r and=a►,~ to Vi!c ';erLh l)GUt7ci:)1~ of s-id South- 'z of- the ;~arLil 1x, c~,r CD tbo korttlc~alsE r--- AND ALSO ti7ar 17o1•rio)1 of t:7c 'So;1Lh A' o3' the. North ' of t.h('• N'ort:il :z of Lnc7 ,~c}rLi'I('_11tiL i 0.f.' Sect -Oil l.:i, ,ol:hs!?i.l: 7.1 1~'orth, 1:;711s`n in Alli)itr)1, 1.7):g t.,ounl:y, t'„7Shinpton, tlnsCi.rh(![1 as 1+.i'j!7;!)1)17f; al.i: ,a poj.n ol) 1: 1) v ral:il1 l).C1t1Ji(;:Il'1' O{ ;,IJ(1 SC)i1C.17 ol: thn Xorl.il o; ' Lh ,`'orl:ll '-z (,f ti)c 1:i):i( h -1:r)lill: i!; C)11 1. :lilt:'1`;}):111(`) 1: t) ;liJCl ar,,'1~1' f('r!1. a1SLcI,-ly frmC l thi: rl;1)•('i)1 ( t, • - tr:r1 ) I`trrLJlr:c•~; • IhNICC '`'U til 86-201433 Rest ?i.fl 'fec.t.• Th(-.nC.(! ""'o)-L1; 4`''191 t: LC) al 1) 01.17t o) I s;1J.(j ) )17C"1)araJ11C"1- to 5tnr 11'O):1 said 7ia1!;Lc:r1.y l,),lrl'i.n of "H" Scrcr:L •I'i7t 77Ci• tiou th 03 014 1 1 i." AS t to t' ~ C."I> 1?(` ) .:11C". .17r)J)1t. (}1`. l)(t(!).)11?:llit'i ' t.liC' ? ~ y( i= of t,1C'. South =z Ci i 1:17•", North %y '.'ay6. .st: Y of iO) 1, . Township 21 North, 1' ,'ltlj'C' / I 1::)!;L, )'i,• `l: 11 a, L'C'. 7. ` 1l7f' : lr ty, COMM, vu 1::)!;L, jnYLC' Q Qon LhC 1:AS r_cr1.Y raal).';t,J11 of ..HII , ~ ~ a. „C` pa.. ,:)-,..IJ.c:.7 to nni r MOM ,\C, )'t. 1:1: l a; 3ST fuer Easterly .:raw said Easterly- margin of i,H:' iCl'C'C`.t: NC)rL!)i:C'•St; 1:'ali'S',)1) of "}111 776th X11} al 1 C)~1t:1' Ro;)C_), as salt 1;asl:,:rly LYOu is t s ;.s t' , l i il(°t. ?.U , cc t fr sad.(?. ''ll" StVaL, at VACA p0im Said 1:ast:c o;:) ti)c C(,n r.( r _;at.c. ? 'or tit 14118'.'- East.; rly margin 1) (.a1r:, ,;or.t:h ~tncl Saic1 Srrc'.cL cohtis,no,l a pl t:.hr' 1 . i l a . C t , r ' ( ~ i . 1 ) 1 ) : " , T - to and )?a)stCr1y of 1: 17 C' 7"1(jIlt.--0f~S:',')\' L. Paul and Pacific 1:ai.11•:ay Col.l»alny; Situate in td.~ tur4y of King, State of Washington. , f t- JAN-9-73 o o o z 4 7301090385 RF ~ .rn Cl co rn c,vo C z fn,--n --i o . rn U~ ~y _fl FILED for Record at Request of Home {JYY..... AUB.IfRN 20- A Street N. W. Address~Au.~u~n...11`1ash~: Z............ .........................................................................,H,.......