HomeMy WebLinkAbout8303040542 STORM EASEMENT 030483r ~ 4 3v-oo-53ki 43- 2,-4& t EASEMENT D. J. Cristobal A (.z;. do hereby grant and convey to the city of Auburn, a municipal corporation, an easement over and across, upon and underneath, the following described land for ingress and egress and for the purpose of laying, maintaining, and installing a a storm water drainage system said land being described as: C~ C The West 1-O.Mfeet of the North 110.00 feet of Lot No. 12, Block "A" of Lunn;~s.„1r1 M Gla ra~t~s" o Auburn, as recorded in Volume No. 10 of Plats, Page No. 33, G`'-_. records of King County, Washington: 8:7/03/04 40542 E RECD F QI_I I-ASHSL 00 .22) RE COPED 1 HIS fit, NOR 4 12 22 PM `P' 6 :"l 11 E. i?I0,Lji0i4 OF REr,%OS LECTIONJ y KIN(j lr if ~!3 Y Y I III l DATED this Nz1- W a- day of 1191'5 11 ')MIL Ur WNJ11NUIUn) ss. County of ) On this day personally appeared before me z9. j. /ST oeyA G to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the .,within and fore- going instrument, and acknowledged that -10- signed the same as free and vol- untary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVU4 under my hand and official seal this J day of 19 Y3 t 9t arv [l,'k14' •n nn ♦L to i«_~ ~ ~ N v ,Ln Ca O (n O C0 co Record cnsd non fm City of Auburn ' 5 West Main A,,'. urn, Washington 98002 f. A i 0 DEPT. 'R /W LOCATION AREA L PURPOSE- zaztw ~ w ~ DATE RECORDED LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TYPE OF DOCUMENT DATE ISSUED / / . '•r S 1*"CCi'f j 7; ''S M1Ml'•;M{ ' rw{ ;+r x.i~'>-:,'• ;J'' i fi •>•w•'~'.,.y l Y .;a~ ~"~~~`A\hth' -"rxr ~yy((i{{,,e` I~ . ` l A_ ? P.E, t 1 i~ - \ G • . k r J f f \ A ! F 1~ y ,T ( ' E{„~":,,' a 'l,t i«.,v 1`, t.~~r r. , r~'i 1' ' t ,}w , (Y! J , .34 :A. q , I• , rt i~A'7\'.,a!' ' r r C`p Mq d ~ t 4 P.f Y f ~.4 , V: J' 't 1. ,♦.r; - N. . THIS INDEN`.i'UPE, Made an(i onter.ed into this / day" of fi r, A.D., 19101 between 6 .,orgo W. Clapsadle, Anna 0lapsadle, h 1 H tY if e thouparties of the first, and t11 To`,rn of Auburn, a Municipal Corporation of" the Four+,h Class, situate in Kind; Count *p State (C Washington, tthe party of tile. s(.~cond'part, WITNESSETH:' That the saki partios of the first part, for and in consideration of the Fmii of Ttvontir ($$0.00) dollars, lawful money of the United States of America,to them in hand paid, by the said party, of the second part, the receipt ti'lhereof is hereby acknow- ledged, and for and in consideration of the benefits to be'derived by- the Raid parties of.the first part from the constr,iiation and main- tainance,of a* 'system of sewerage by ..+he party of the secsond part here in, ,the construction of which the execution and delivery of this indenture is. to' asmist, do 'by these presents, bargain, 80119 grant and comrey,unto the said party .of the second part, ®ndt to its censors and assigns, the right,;privilege and easement•to construct, operate and forever maintain and use a sewer, under,:through.and across that certain real eatate owned by the.. said parties of ,=the first. part, situate, lying and being in the County'of Rings ..State of gashington,.r particularly., described as follo:rrs,, to-wit:. et,_pf Lot nwnhe2~0d- 2'hr°e :,.(-.3 •);'.:irl. Block nITI'11"C" Ied ' One ( 1) of Pfe<iCie Is F?.--'St A,' cJJ.t_i on to the To•,'rn of S.Iauf htuer, ::imgx Comity, '~FtSllillP hereby giving .,and .granting to t..the- party ..01" the second part. hereIn, and.: t o' ,3t.s . suocessors..,and aes1gne * and to Auoh person or persons as the said party of the second part shall duly ;authorlse or..permlt~for the oonsidexation above mentioned, the, right ga. upon above :des.: u cribed strip of land for the purpose df 'lee'D1ftg" b6id sourer system, repair, ...Cho party of the aecond. art.. a eel ; f , i.~:,~~~..-, . p ~ »g to pay :~to said- 0 tho` fUrst part for any damage that Shan be'..0-6casloned to said parties of. the., first part on aoeount of re palTe bo lng made to .FSel6t, ~ ~ • , 4~, h, p ~ ' it. A _ro :I:t . is expressly understood and oodenanted and agreed by 3 the paaiUeWIo this indenUire that the title in 4.nd to the strip of t't , T~"'~ 4v ~`,~..--ei'~+1twi.. p.,14,~4a4!~yy sl ,•l ft a qqr 9*' )~.i'~ S 1 ii' ^~1 `r a<' r'fl.t ^,i. nr 't.t,4?~~S `y+t,+;j r;;,sin Jf=t ~ ,,,-T!, "~'C ~ rr°• ` Y:4-'• ~rY7 -S'4{Y ~'u 4r ,.~a a,~~ r •~t~ -.,ee, r ~il~'~. r~ ';L ' w~~ ~~l,K ~ n~~}jy ~ ~.,t "?~'i~ ' ~ ,x.!'a4 .f ;~r 4~~~: ~Q' Y:~:!., ~.+Sk+, ~4.•~ I ..,.J i,,. .,~f ff°5 if5. 'ti4. ia~'~ ~ •A~?''J.+ >tt ~~,,~~`~iJ~. h'. t}w f~`1}~' ~ YV( ; r G .f ,ti: ri+! +~r Y, ~ w S; f ~ 1. ,a 10.' ~h ^•.'a 7' er. ~f .t! ~ ~J 4' ' . Ay,~,~~,,~ Y"'%' _ a~i+ wr ~J r b,i '+SY'r .'S!f -f ~ i ~ ~ a.'~fp.. ~ i J 1 t ut• F~~a. ~r `J. , S •r f: ~ i R it' +u ~ w'{ ,,t~~jC i,. .rF^•' L 2i, iy.•~-~+~ ,i xt•+.ry •71"rfJt '9i . J d,'t ;~°l r YI ,~t. J ~t~,~ ~ { J~G~ ,i1~k'lrr Rrr!•\'~(' i \ J 'z • i' ~ r'v : 1 1 >c ttr ;f ~ My,y ;!F' y. ~ ~ l ~Y%1 1 n h a r t3j. - .~1 r7 `it ~A 1' r P'-' ~ "n ~A- 1 .Ijj zu ; Z 1 r , gr(.~1.,~y~ !~fx• 3 . a 1 :!Ru,t f , n - 3 Miwf. .a., , 'PrA^•i!i$u-,:`~.r~~'.•~'~s?°,rSRCr, "arntS`~i ~?~ea•c . a : ~..+~#~k'"~4`~,'L~~_...f .~'i'~@~fi._~'+.krY•~ w ZI E. A S E M E N T WHEREAS, The City of Auburn, a City of the third class, situate in the County of King and State of Washington, is proposing to construct an enlarged storm sewer system, and has organized and created for that purpose, a local improvement district, known and designated as local Improvement District No. 89, in said City of Suburn; WHEREAS, It is convenient and necessary, in laying the pipe for said main storm sewer, in said Local Improvement District no. 89, that the said st _wer pipe line be laid and constructed over, upon and across the strip, lot, tract or parcel of land hereinafter described; AND WHEREAS The said strip, lot, tract or parcel of Land here- inafter described is owned by and is in the possession and control of W. E. DAVIS of the said City of Auburn, County of King and State of Washington, and ANNA L, DAVIS, his wife, of said City, County and State; NOW, THEREFORE, In consideration of the payment to the said W. E. DAVIS and ANNA L. DAVIS, his wife, of the sum of Twenty- five and no/100 ($25.00) Dollars, cash in hand, the receipt whereof hereby is acknowledged, the said W. E. DAVIS and ANNA L. DAVIS, his wife, do hereby grant and convey unto the said City of Auburn, and to its successors in interest, a perpetual easement to lay, con- struct, maintain, repair and reconstruct, whenever the same may be necessary, a main storm sewer pipe line in, upon, over, under, through and across the following described strip, lot, tract or parcel of land, lying, being and situate in the Bounty of King and State of Washington, to-wit: The South Six (B) Feet, of Lot Three (3) Alto, '4~ 'M C 11 in Block Numbered Two (2) in Meads' s First Addition to the Town of Slaughter, now the City of Auburn, and the said W. E. DAVIS and ANNA L. DAVIS, his wife, dog;: for the consideration aforesaid, remise, bargain, sell and convey unto the said City of Auburn, and to its successors in interest, a perpetual easement in and to the said strip, lot, tract or parcel of Land, for the purposes aforesaid. IN TESTINIONY VMEREOF, The said W. E. DAVIS and ANNA L. DAVIS, his said wife, have hereunto set their hands and seals, this the Z/~~da,y of September, 1925. /ZVX r STpiTE OF WASHINGTON: SS. COUNTY OF KING • ~ a Notary Public in and for the state of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, do hereby certify that on this ;Z*7!pday of September, 1925, personally appeared before me W. E. DAVIS and ANNA L. DAVIS, his wife, to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they signed and sealed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. I Given under my hand and official seal this 4'/L_ day of September, A. D., 1925. ary ruo iie in ana zor tine ate of Washington, residing t ~..uburn. -2- ,It NtlB+!tEk•33 ~ ~ 'C? I t t Wt! L 130 5x61 ~ Q ~ N ! s ~ a N M CJ' 1 Jet. CD . L ...9: i