HomeMy WebLinkAbout4316666 WATER EASEMENT 021853,V. '44 y S'e c . r $ vOL3229 rw452 4310W.-p !a' _ _ , . AREAS, the undorsignod, PATRICK HENRY ELLIS and ELLIS$ his wife, are the oomers..of-Lot* .rand 6,. Black 3,4: i Cityof Auburn, Ring County, Washington, and WERMS,, the City of Auburn dwaires to lay and maintain a 6--inch aster pipeline on and under the East five feet of the above_ dead bred property s ROW11 TH$REFCRE, in consideration of the abeve pr*zieee,, the undersigned hrreby give and grant to the City of Auuburn a perpetual easement to be upon said property in said City, for the purpo8•e92 of inspecting, laying and maintaining the water pipeline on the abe-described property, and to oak* any necessary repairs to said Water pipeline. DATED this j2 day of Funs, 1951, at Auburn, Washington STATE OF WAXHINGTON ~ ss COUNTY OF KING } I, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the State of Washington, dxly commissioned and sworn, hereaby cartiry that on this dag personally aappeared before me Patrick Emry Ellis and 811187 his wife, to me known to be the individuals described in and who ex*eutoeld the f oregoing instrument,, and adininlodgod that they signed and soaa l6d the s am am deed for the uses and pur GI VMI' under my r11ea tor KecoPO Request of RISoun ROBERT A. MO EASEIMT TO THE CITY OF AUBURN %RES ;gel ;'rim ' ..ao ~ lia.►l^;,~' rrrr., ,'K - 41 rNUin„ their free and voluntary- act and thorlein memti caned; thins f31day of Junes.,, 1951. r 1 % ary ru alx a in and r or who fteh:Cn,gton, rem ding at Auburn.. b1 ~1. RECORDED 3229 w VOL OF Deeds 02_.. REI]~JEST OF C~1 PAGE KL7 z 1953 FEB 18 PM 2 54 U) W g R06ER A. N,URkiS AuDVTOR v. WASH. N-PUTY ; a fi , SAMM" TO TER DITY OF AUBUM WM CMAS r ikhe undea ralr lei,. TATRI CK HMq RY RLLI A and SLLig, bla w1 f* aro tho eaa n w*, of Late 3 And d,, Blook 31 Now Auburn Addition,, Oityo! Auburn, King County, Washington, and WHO"Silp the C4ty of 4ubvAm ai MLTSaaa to lay and maintain a $-Loth water plp*ltne an and urn tb* East five feet at the abwm. des,oribead prorArtyv VOW, THMWM, in eammidwatim at the abcwe premiaae sv tbs unftruign,ed 3aareby give and grvat to the City at Auabeam a porpolaxal eaasomnt to be -upon said paropwti► in v aid City,, for tho purpose* of lnw1we ng., leaying, and waintataing the water pipeline an the a,b+ "-dos eeftb ed preaperV o end to make any neftse*Y7 "pal" to said voter pipeline DATED th1 as ~d&T of abus, 1951* at Auburn,, paaa shi ngt *n STATE ELF WAMMOTO!, aae COUNTY OF K2Y40 ~ I j t h* seeders i,gned., a notary public in and for the State at Walaeblagton, dealy commissioned and aworns, bol" aoftify that an this day peroomlly- appeared before m Patrick HMr7 is and S Isp his, wife., to me known to be tbo individual* de~ibod In and arrlao aaa*sutod the for*VAng instaunmt,,, and akdairngwl dged that they raaigned and soslead the *am as their fro* and rexlun aaary ae01t and deed tar the uses and pwr po Overt tbWa "in m e nt5i oned, tIt M' am =7 hand and saa 1 th i as /73 ~ day of junn,, 1951. Nota as In nand br of yeawngton" residing at Av#uim. t . . 40 0 0 / ~-3. 343M:T TO TER CITY Op At3r wuza"G,, tbo UftdWW*I&mAw PA"M CK !W R r maraca GiVA =So his ailev ova tb+t OMM" at Lets 8 and d.. 3xoeb 3. Nov Aubwn A6dtti4ee., Ctityrt Aibwn, King, it?tr ftshington. and VMWASj, ths Clly at AWMM s to bay suu1 maintain a 114U4b Vlat4W plpsliM0 an and =4W fte East ti V* f**$ Ot the aboww. 4wlotet"bed 74~ t'llowo TUMUWM, In oonal atice 49 tbn abwe or tti mrs, %b6 uwilMtsig:rsd I*ve'by giros *ad . *0 tars C4' %y at Aabum a to . 4see ►nt to be upon sold pt+apme r to **14 Qty,, too, this Pulposoo ec inaporuag* owing O AMl maintaining "0 +wr lm r pipeline an the - ow1b" r o and to =Mve my nssossuoy rlpaivt to m 1d 'wary p3polioso JATSD tllts j, , ay or Soo 1981* at Aubwao Washington 4-1 ifti; W-.~ STATE CM' taiAgBl t~TC~:. the nnds"14 mad, a motsw7 publie in ead tar for 3tat* at p4aoh3Yt lto::,, d ly eca al"I eft" And worn o bw4w ow t uby that an this day ger"40013 UPPO"d WW* so tMt*34ck Urcry Edits And AMII * his aite* to >v bnown to be the i:u.Ssidotls dtw wlbed in and alto mmouted tbo faroogetue Uwtmwmto, sad str~lc~, d that t bay stSm4 and seal" %be am* as tbeSir l'sas and +ro?aaa~t~r aft end 600 foF tb4 Merle and putpos" *Awoln m*nMU i ; uekbsr t+qr bfsurd rend sal 1thls,f 'qty of 1j3i^ N e In a oar of w"hi a riding at "buolww f, Cl VOL e J I E I"A6t- I$, e~ 431-66616 LA aL MIT • TO r-N7 , CITY OF AUBUMT WHIERL'A `3 p the undersigned, PATRICK ? 1 h-y ELLI S and ;:"LLYS, •rjis tai Apo, are the owners of Lots 5.: and 6, 31ock 3, Idew Auuu -'fi Additicn, Cit-kjr=f Atbjjpjj King County, 0ash1ngton, and ',`TIZiv:A1, t::e Ci t`T of ' Aubunn des 1 res to lay and -maintain a 6-inch water Pipeline on and under the 'East five feet of the above- described p:.ronert~r, ' n coi:sie?oration of the above; premises, the imdersi`ned Ix;reby Live and -,rant to the City of Auburn a perpetual easo-.ent to be 'upon said pronerty in oa- d City,. for thle purposes of Inspectin", lay:LnC; and iirmintaini:ig the water pipeline on the above-descrwbed propert;-, and uo.r:rake any necessary repairs to said uater pipeline. DATED this day of June, 1951, at Auburn, Nashin'gton ST;1TCr' 'tjAtiEjyC4yQ? } y ss I, the wgdersi.gre3d, a notary public in and for the State of Washingtoli, dily comisoi coed and s*vorr_, 'r_oreby certify. that on this day peraonally appeared before ate Patrick Hf my 2311is and R].l s, ais •w" Ifem; to me kna n to be the 1ndi:viditai; 'de;seribed in and who : e CUted the f ore going ins trument . and a cknlwle ed that the r signed and sealed the same a s their free and voluntary.act and deed~for the ubea Ond purpose's therm, ment? oned* G1 V121 tinder, !tug ha;41 ot , 2 this ~3 ~ c~ y of June , 1951*.., . ~t • i C rt~ " • ` C 31 and f or t'tle Q -df .Viasbington, residcn 'fit Auburn* . ea 'tor Necord quekt of h MORRIS, Ctwn i . ROBERT A.