HomeMy WebLinkAbout4928707 STORM EASEMENT 0804580•!~• Z va~3~1~ ray 12 4928707 .&Ak1MS'NZ FOR VALUE RECEIVED the undersigned, RUBY PEARL'MORONI, does hereby grant, bargain and sell to the City of Auburn, a municipal t~ corporation, and easement over, across and underneath the following (f Cq C7 described real property for the purpose of ingress and egress and laying and maintaining a storm sewer line over, across and under- neath the following described real property: The North 5 feet of the west 60 feet measured along the North line of Section 18, Township 21 North, Range 5 E.W.M., County of King, State of Washington, of the following described tract: Beginning 1091.20 feet East of the Northwest corner' of Section 18, Township 21 North, Range 5 E.W.M. on the Easterly line of State Highway No. 5; thence East 458.99 feet; thence South 659.25 feet; thence West along the North City limits of the City, of Auburn 374.77 feet; thence North 439.50 feet; thence West 204.89 feet thence Northeasterly along,the Easterly line of State Highway No. 5 200.58 feet to the point of beginning, less East 121 feet except the South 300 feet thereof LESS the L 8 feet of South 300 feet thereof and LESS the North the West 160 feet measured ,long the North line. DATED AND SIGNED this day of July, 1958. U b Pear Moroni AG _ E E M E_ T IN CONSIDERATION of the above easement, executed by Ruby Pearl Moroni, to the City of Auburn, it is agreed between Water District No. 80 and Ruby Pearl Moroni that Water District No. 80 will re- linquish that easement in favor of Water District No. 80 now ex- tending over, across and underneath the above described property owned by Ruby Pearl Moroni, at such time as the City of Auburn shall lay and install a new water main to serve the area now.being served by the water main owned by water District No. 80. DATED AND SIGNED this day of July, 1958. WATER DISTRICT NO. 80 I J Q F . Pam M (Acknowledgment-Individual.) s I'. ~VOL38113 PAGE 13 STATE OF WASHINGTON, J ' f~. COUNTY OF King I, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the state of Washington, It by certify that on thii 30th day of July, 1958 y appeared before me Ruby Pearl Moroni / Easement to we known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing(jatmazzt, and acknowl- edW,that,,,;#je signed and sealed the same as her free and voluntary act and deed, for the J~p therein mentioned. 'ma'y a. ft!* •F] Q,us~er thy hand and official seal the day and yea ast ve 'tte }0L.1 tF'~ , .4 It OF ARY PUBLIC in and for the State of 4 p, Washington, residing at Auburn. V a 9 V a / 41 Filed for Recotd Request of ROBERT A. MORRI , County Auditor STATE OF WASHINGTON I SS. COUNTY OF KING I, ROBERT A. MORRIS, Auditor of King County, State of Washington, and ex-officio Recorder of Deeds, and the legal keeper of records hereinafter mentioned, in and for said County, do hereby certify the above and foregoing to be a true and correct copy of a ~~T---.......... Aud. Rec. # 4928707 As in this office in Vol.....3$13..... of. __...Deeds..--._..._.......-.page.-.12..........Records of King County recorded WITNESS my hand and official seal this29th....day of etober...... 19.65-- ROBERT A. MORRIS Auditor 'of King County, Washington By........ Deputy N° 6 715 10M 12-89 Oi >u 1l00MU, ME 14 f~ 4.. . E A S E M E N .T FOR VALUE RECEIVED the undersigned, RUBY PEARL MORONI, does C~ C`7 hereby grant, bargain and sell to the City of Auburn, a municipal corporation, and easement over, across and underneath the following described real property for the purpose of ingress and egress and laying and maintaining a storm sewer line over, across and under- neath the following described real property: The North 5 feet of the Vest 60 feet measured along the North line of Section 18, Township 21 North, Range 5 E.W.M., County of King, State of Washington, of the following described tract: Beginning 1091.20 feet East of the Northwest corner of Section 18, Township 21 North, Range 5 E.W.M. on the Easterly line of State Highway No. 5; thence East 458.99 feet; thence South 659.25 feet; thence West along the North City limits of the City of Auburn 374.77 feet; thence North 439.50 feet; thence West 204.89 feet thence Northeasterly along the Easterly line of State Highway No. 5 200.5$ feet to the point of beginning, less East 121 feet except the South 300 feet thereof, LESS the South 300 feet thereof and LESS the North 118 feet of the West 160 feet measuredong the North line. DATED AND SIGNED this ~e day of July, 195$. r, AGEEE,ME"NT IN CONSIDERATION of the above easement, executed by Ruby Pearl Moroni, to the City of Auburn, it is agreed between Water District No. 80 and Ruby Pearl Moroni that Water District No. 80 will re- linquish that easement in favor of Water District No. 80 now ex- tending over, across and underneath the above described property owned by Ruby Pearl Moroni, at such time as the City of Auburn shall lay and install a new water main to serve the area now being served by the water main owned,b,, water District No. 80. DATED AND SIGNED thisQtJ day of July, 1958. 4 jo4!pnV Aluno:) 'SISSOW 'V 12138021 /a jo jsanba~ % 6L 39-S Jo} pal!d 21 2-r E A S E ME j ~ r VDLJIJLJ PAGE 1J ►oar ae~ - y P . ) (Acknowledgment-Individual STATE OF WASHINGTON, ss. COUNTY OF King I, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the state of Washington, hereby certify that on this 30th day of July, 1958 personally appeared before me Ruby Pearl Moroni Easement to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing/pt, and acknowl- ed eo.that,f,~he signed and sealed the same as her free and voluntary act and deed, for the su es an~dlpufposes therein mentioned. 1~ CCO C 7f."11 y✓ . I1run er my hand and official seal the day and yea ast 4tsbve tte TARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at Auburn. i r .LED for Record at Request of r ATTORNEYS AT LAW . i CaQ Q} .-f . `,A - ~i RECORDED • VOL..... 3813 peels PAGE-12 ---..REQUEST OF J 1958 4 PAM 1 56 .1 } EAS EME N T.- The grantors,Aaron i.. Neely Sr.. and Sarah Nee]y,;his wife,bo.th residents of Auburn, Washington, being the owners of the real estate hereinafter de-- scribed and of other rea-1 estate adjacent thereto, for the c-onsideration of One Dollar in haaiad paid, the receipt whereof is hereby ac-IMOwledg®fi,,do and convey hereby grantA to the city of Aubumi a City of the Third Class situate in the County of King, in the State of Washington,,the right and easement to_ construct, lay,,keep; in repail, reconstruct and forever maintain a suitable sanitary and storm sewer, pigs line under, over and across: that certain real estate situate in the City of, Auburn, in the County of King,, In the State of Washington, particularly bounded and described asi follows,,,to-wits 2eginning at a point on the east marginal '-line of 001f Street oz.. in the etty- of Auburn and •116: feet south Of the southerly marginal- .line of Main Street East to said City;; running. thence easterly on. a line parallel with the southerly marginal -line of Main Street East to the westerly marginal -Hine of UDu Street S.E.. in said City; thence. southerly along the WeSterl-y marginal -line of uDu Street - - E. -10..0o feet to a point;; thence westerly and on a line parallel with the southerly marginal rine.Main Street East to the easterly- marginal -line.of uC u Street. S.E. ,S t.hence northerly along the eas- terly marginal line of uC u Street Avan ( ]10,.00) feet to -the point of ~ beginning;: - By the acceptance of this easement grant the city of Auburn covenants, and agrees that, after -laying, repairing and relaying such pipe line,,care- shall be taken to replace and level. the earth oV.-er, and about such pdpe line in a neat and workmanlike manner., and that, in the enjoyment of this easement,no unnecessary damage shall. be- done to the strip. Of land above described or the property adjacent 'thereto,. Dated this lot, day of Mar.oh,,A.D.19.27?« State of Washington, County of King. I, the undersigned, a votary Public in and for the State of Wash-- ington,duly commissioned and sworn,do'hereby certify that on this day of March, 1927;pars onally. appeared before me I ron S. 17e& ly /r. and saran --i~Tee7ly, his wife, to me known to be the individuals described in and who, executed the within and foregoing, instrument,;and acknowledged that they signed and sealed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed-,for the uses and purposes therein mentioned.. Given under my hand and official seal this /*A-day of March, A. D.. 1927"- tary Public in and for the state of Washington,residing at Auburn in said state. 4..- -.4 W. - r- - 1 td 0 4 V) tN } O 4 ~ 4 r-1 U 192 API; 20 AM I I 58 . ,R GEl GRi4r,;T,' b cauNiy A IJor,-OR . eputy d 5 f a h3q r Mail t0 - "vo.~rrrrw+erwwrrrn.n.mrr.r•••s••••wr ~ 1 A. C .Balms laterd,,,.CU6 --G].-err, waS h. . „~C.'rr"1oi~-.li3id $;r?~..: :-F~«+>~ ,'-+,.c~~r :.1~+~!'.~1'7~--yC....r..,F,,,.;r.jir~'°kll~ik~F'a~=-_ ly- C~; ~J CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made this 22nd day of December , 19 78 , between the CITY OF AUBURN, a municipal corporation of King County, State of Washington, hereinafter termed "Grantee" and Harold H. Neufang 4 Joseph B. Neufang .by John F. Long, with Power of Attorney "Grantor". WITNESSETH: The Grantor does hereby grant unto the Grantee and its authorized agents a temporary right-of-way or easement to be used only during construction of a Street Improvement on adjacent property; said temporary easement shall terminate upon acceptance of the Street Improvement by the Grantee. The said temporary right-of-Tway or easement shall be through and across the following described property situated in King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: Ten feet southwesterly of the following described property: Beg at the northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 1 of French's Addn to Town of Slaughter as rec in Vol 5 of Plats, Page 53, rec of King County, WA sit in the NE 1/4"Sec 18,'T 21 N, R 5 EWM; thence easterly along the south marginal line of 4th Street N.E. 30.32 + feet to the T.P.O.B.; thence westerly along said southerly marginal line 14.00 feet; thence south easterly to a point on the westerly marginal line of "M" Street N.E., said point being a distance of 10.00 feet southerly of the T.P.O.B.; thence northerly 10.00 feet along said westerly marginal line to the T. P.O. B. Containing 69.515 square feet more or less. DATED the day of . 19 ` r' v~ `,,Q ~c1 c~' Q STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF KING ) I, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned an orn, hereby certify that on this day personally appeared before me L n , to me known to be the in ividuals descr ed in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that th signed and sealed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein AL mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and seal this ( day of , 19 ~ 10 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Amu "&ommission Exi)'u es October 24; 99si