HomeMy WebLinkAbout9410110912 CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT 101194/ C1TY CLERKS OFFICE U 9 OFFICE CITY OF,4U8U UBURN 1 25 West M IV M i Main CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT a n wa kk'A 98001 (INDIVIDUAL) 025 9E001 i d f THIS AGREEMENT, made th s ay o b 192, between the CI TY OF AUBURN, a municipal or poration of King County, State of Washington, hereinafter termed "Grantee", and H„yAg Moon Chang and Moon Soon Chang, husband and wife "Grantor". N fi Vt R'~u WITNESSETH: KSEE EXHIBIT 'A** ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF. The Grantors do hereby grant unto the Grantee and its authorized agents a temporary right-of-way or easement to be used only during construction of roadway, sidewalk, illumination, utilities and other related work, on adjacent property; said temporary easement shall terminate upon completion and acceptance from the City of Auburn or on January 1, 1997, whichever comes first. The said temporary right-of-way or easement shall be through and across the following described property situated in King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: DATED this (D day of 19~ By RON T! NOT REQUIRED' 100 Ia. A omwon By STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) t1J LU l0 LU M I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, hereby certi'i that on this day personally appeared before me avnc 111004 ru+ c do Bonn OA 44,$,~3 1i , to me known to b the individual(s) described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that signed and sealed the same as err free and voluntary act an deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. IVE under my ha 19 and seal this NOTARY PZI-M PARCEL NO. 130033-9215 REF. H:\PROJ\PR505101\E94-948 y of ~.b CI q 'O x C3 A s m 00 Cr C-) i 0 444 St R ~~fs/~-f ra l~ ?4- RESIDING REJi17IlVG AT MY COMMISSION EXPIRES , Zdf fl' EXHIBIT 'A' PARCEL 39 TEMPORARY EASEMENT An easement in the City of Auburn, County of King, State of Washington, being a portion of the following described "Total Parcel:" That portion of Government Lot 1, Section 18, Township 21 North, Range 5 Fast, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Commencing at a point on the easterly marginal line of State Road No. 5 in the City of Auburn, which point is 304.84 feet northerly measured at right angles from the southerly boundary line of said Government Lot 1; thence N89°49'00"E on a line parallel with the southerly boundary line of said Government Lot 1, a distance of 120 feet to a point; thence N03°10'00"E on a line parallel with the easterly boundary line of said Government Lot 1, a distance of 10.66 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing N03°10'00"E 50.08 feet; thence S89°49'00"W on a line parallel with the southerly boundary line of said Government Lot 1, to the easterly marginal line of State Road No. 5 (having a right-of-way radius of 573.69 feet as shown on the State of Washington Right of Way plans for Primary State Highway No. 5, Auburn Second Street to Harvey Road, dated November 22, 1960); thence southwesterly along the arc of a curve which is the southeasterly marginal line of State Road No. 5, 52.2 feet, more or less, to a point which bears S89°49'00"W from the point of beginning; thence N89°49'00"E to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. The Easement being described herein being more particularly described as follows: 94 The southeasterly 10.00 feet of the northwesterly 27.40 feet of the above described "Total Parcel". Contains 524 Square Feet of land more or less. C? ~i d" 3.227-0301 10.27.92 Frc R3"De.ki