HomeMy WebLinkAbout9412210471 CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT 122194/V(Z/ CITY CLERK'S OFFIEIE. CITY OF AUBURN CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT 4 3-1 a,~-- 25 West I'U1aln (INDIVIDUAL) Auburn, WA 98001 THIS AGREEMENT, made this day of 19 q q, between the CITY OF AUBURN, a municipal corporation of King County, State of Washington, hereinafter termed "Grantee", and Pearl OKURA, as her separate estate, "Grantor". WITNESSETH: The Grantors do hereby grant unto the Grantee and its authorized agents a temporary right-of-way or easement to be used only during construction of roadway, sidewalk, illumination, utilities and other related work, on adjacent property; said temporary easement shall terminate upon completion and acceptance from the City of Auburn or on January 1, 1997, whichever comes first. The. said temporary right-of-way or easement shall be through and across the following described property situated in King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: SEE EXHIBIT 'A' ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFS Eo""~e.v~D 9/ MADE A PART HEREOF. DEC 1 91994 See Attached ADDENDUM KING COUNTY RECORDER 0 r?' ti- u~ c w s u 47 cC DATED this day of 19 By L By STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, hereb~ cer fy that on this day personally appeared before me j7o,fka to me known to be the ind the foregoing instru nt sealed the same as uses and purposes therein GIVEN/under my - ividual(s) described in and who executed and acknowledged that free and voluntary act mentioned. signed and deed for the hand and seal this -a-2 day of 19 99 PARCEL NO. 162173-9015 REF. H:\PROJ\PR505106\E94-953 ERNES?' STATE F cR%,, OF w~iN~ronr P ' ` SL, WON,- C*#ft 40" NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT &Zi/3~r,( H r MY COMMISSION EXPIRES FX14TRTT "A" PARCEL 35 TEMPORARY EASEMENT An easement in the City of Auburn, County of King, State of Washington, being a portion of the following described "Total Parcel:" That portion of Government Lots 1 and 8, Section 18 Township 21 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Section 18; thence easterly along the north line thereof 1175.42 feet; then south 439.5 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing south 219.75 feet, more or less, to the north city limits of the City of Auburn, King County, Washington, as it existed prior to July 21, 1953; thence westerly along said north city limits 442.45 feet, more or less, to the easterly line of Primary State Highway No. 5; thence northeasterly along said easterly fine of highway 250.58 feet, more or less, to a point west of the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence east 323.67 feet, more or less to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT the north 60 feet thereof. The easement being described herein being more particularly described as follows: The southeasterly 10.00 feet of the northwesterly 13.00 feet of the above described "Total Parcel". Contains 1823 Square Feet of land more or less. d' C Cat C!t t?' U~ 3-223.0301 1021.92 fwa R3SPERM.IEG ADDENDUM TO CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT By accepting this easement the City of Auburn agrees to: W4 r' t~ ri d' 1. The City of Auburn, its agents, contractors, subcontractors or anyone working on the construction of the roadway, sidewalk, illumination, utilities, and other related work, shall at all times maintain at least one of the two northerly driveways open for ingress and egress to the Okura property to allow motor vehicles and customers of Sunrise Florist to trade with said establishment. It shall be the responsibility of the city to see that there is compliance with is provision. 2. All grading shall be done to prevent the flow of water from injuring Okura's property. City shall grade the area in front of Okura's west door so that water shall be dispersed away from said door. City may install a drain in front of said door if it feels that will prevent any water drainage problems. 3. The southerly driveway shall not be closed more than ten (10) consecutive days,. and ingress and egress shall not be closed for longer than that period. The ten day period shall be consecutive from the date started, and shall not include any other days. 4. It is understood that the months of February, March, April, May and June and the holidays within that time period, are Sunrise Florist's most productive time and special care should be taken by the City to see that the above ingress and egress are sufficient, so that there is no interference with the day to day business. 5. The City shall restore all areas involved to at least as good a condition as prior to the commencement of work. 6. The City guarantees that none of the buildings or improvements owned by Sunrise Florist, or Okura, shall be disturbed in any way, including the house occupied by Pearl Okura 7. City shall pay Okura interest in the sum of $926.02. (Interest at 6.0% from November 23, 1992, the date of the original deed, to August 23, 1994) Such interest shall be paid within sixty (60) days of the date of this easement. DATED this day of ~ -may g 4 , 1994. Pearl Okura