HomeMy WebLinkAbout4316618 SEWER EASEMENT 021853,USE • ~ s'r_=c ~g V 0 L 3 ?g )w),cE 404 43166~. T~rtt~ ~t Li':nLi t.n TO lilu CITY OF AU DUI ~ _C~v 1 THE, J,`D7L-1ZS1"? D being he owners of the folloi'ring described real property, /or and = the consi_derati_on of Cne 4 Dollar (:.;1.00) in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, here- . ~ by -r--rant ,.nd coizve r unto the Cit; of Au;Durn the ric.ht, privileue, and eaaei:ent to construct, operate, r:aintain, and use a surer; under,. throu~;i:, and across the following described property, situate in the County of l:inu, State of 11a shi n ;t o l•11-^~`"""`^+C e ~ ~ ~ In ti-ritnees whereof we have herewith affiJ,ed our hands and seals this, of ( 1950. 1 A SS On this Yi day of May , 1950 before ;me personally appear- ed David A. Botting and Ruby S. Botting o rae mown to be the individual described in and who e:.ecuted the within and foregoin4 instrw_1ent, and t,tia aclcno:rledC ed that they. ~si~ned the sar_le as their w free and volunta-r-- act and deed; for the uses and purposes therein 62 under my hand and of :icial seal the-day and year last above ixitten. • b'' ` ~~U ill L.~ ~ ryq` ~ r - .~l`++r^•`?"`_ _'7__,!(r+/._','`,,+... rot .~a7 ?otary :'ubl7.c in and for the State f44V~. ~,I'4.~. of :!ashinCton, residing at Auburn C\iU:1 ,r Oi oil this day of \I~ , 1 50 before rae personally appear- ed A:JD the _ A.:'D the cor,~orc~t _on -hat e::ecuted the for egoi N in instrur:ient to be the free -,:id voluntary, act an the uses and -arposes there__n rientioned, and authorized to e_:ecute said instrume: the cor;orate seal of said corporation. Given under my hand and of iicial sea! the to rae Imown to be respectively, of rizient, and ac'_;nowledGed said deed of said corporation, for oath stated that and that the seal affi:_ed is year last above uTitten. Rotary ?ublic i and for t::e ;state of Washington., re Clingy at rhea for Recora 1 9.3 M. Request of ROBERT A. MORRIS, County Auditor I, i RECORDED 3229 VOL OF Deeds REQUEST 0) F PAGE 404 1953 FEB 18 PM 2 52 co R ERIT A. i IRniz .441TOR ^u CO Nf Y. WASH. • 7,0 P iJTY , • 1 ~y n; D r. O 1~1r cn F-I A r j ~-,o aam r •