HomeMy WebLinkAbout4316621 SEWER EASEMENT 02185316 ~'/iU 1. n•'+, • .-,--n TO T * CITY OF .•'~U;3Ui~I 'l,t VOL CJf.~,• , mru`r,e C~ l Lj~ 7 T, S r:~l'~:~T~:I"" David A. B6tt3 his wife, 1H:~ Ulr,~;.~~D~ and Ruby Botting, be' ng the oti•mers of the following described real 4.)roperty, for and in the consideration of Cne Dollar (".1,00) in hand paid, the recei-)t whereof is hereby aclmouledged, here- by •-r nt r-.nd corlveyr u_lto the City- of Au'.Durn the ri^:ht, privileUe, and eaaei;-ient to construct, operate; maintain, and use a sewer, under, throuEh, and across the follovd-nE, described property, situate in the County of Ling, State of ,Iashin,,ton, to rri.t : West Block 4; East 72 fee 5• South 72 feet Lot 7,, feet Lot 4, Block to Auburn, 72 feet, Lot 1, Block 3, West 72 feet of Lot 1, t of Lot 2, Block 4; North 72 feet of Lot 7, Block 2, Block 5;.South 72 feet of Lot 3, Block 5; South 5 , ALL SITUATE IN -~.~x~Bot~nad-- in idtness whereof we have herei~ri.tlz affi..ed our hands and seals this 9th of May _ 1950. T... T 1: 01' 1.1:5a 7. 01 sS COUI`i'Y 01 11-,-G ) On this 9th day of MST , 2950 before me personally appear- ed.{, i'lbA and , to r_ie known ind_viaual_ described in and wh( e;,ecuted the wi Uhi_: and foregoing V,..,'.;", and trrl:o acllno.rledz;ed that thAyrsigned the sar_ie as their w;. `"t ee and voluntary. act and deed; for the uses and purposes therein z~ Giveunder my hand and official :seal the ay and year last above written. m11otary Publi c in and for the State of ;!a_hinl-;ton, residing at Auburn. S l: `:z O ^IiTT'G On this day`of , 1950 before :ae personally appear- ed D , to iile knorm to be the A1'll ) respectively, of the corporation that e .ecuted the for oin instru gent, and aclaiowledged said instrui:ient to be t`ie free and voluntary let and deed of said corporation, for the uses and .)ur?)oses there _n menti oned,\ d on oath stated that authorized to e::ecute said instr -lent and that the seal affi:_ed is the cor-;orate seal of said corporation. Given under my hind and official seal the ty and year last above written. I.lotary 'ubh c\.n and for file State of '•Iashi nlgton, esiding at rued Tor Kecorp j. M. Request of M. 1 ROBERT A. MORRIS, County Auditor RECORDED ` VOL . 3229 OF Deeds `PAGE .407F(tJEST OF p c U-i 1953 FEB 18' Pvl 2 53 J l i IURRIS AUDITOR ROBERT A ey . G CO NTY. WASH. DEPUTY C J ♦ 1 O 2 S'•t'. y ,.S'i'c. /6 E "L:'':dT TO TIM CI^Y Or, AU UPUll C TEUND SI'G1?.1;3 Cyril VanSelus and /114x i e VANS~~os, being the owners of the following described real -,)roperty, for and in the consideration of Cne Doll-ax (1.00) in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby aclrnowledged, here- t- ; r~7nt md cornve;r 'unto the Ci t of l'.u')urn the right, pri vile~e, and eaaement to construct, operate. naintain; and use a sewer; under, through, and across the followin, described property. situate in the County of Kinr;, State of Ilashin, ton; to rri.t: West 7A feet of Lot 2, Block 2, JOHN DAILIDENAS 1st Addition to Auburn In witness ti~hereof we have hereirith affixed our hands and seals this 9 of Ail , 1950. L/ f}r7 m^ ' n -rpm ..1...~~ Oa' 11:.,.III 7.011) SS CCUI'T' O KE"G ) Cn this PI day of ems-?.-c.-~• , 1950 before rae personally appear- ed ._~and i-ne to be he individual_ described in and who xecuted the within. and foregoing strxient; and vft acknovrledged that signed the same as 'free and volu_ntar7 act and deed. for he lases and par poses therein igned. v~~;•r Fop{+,^>, j !Ven under my hand and ofzieial seal the day and year last above written. hNJ l,J:efbJJ V 03 ?o I,u'oli c in and ;c_~'r_th Sta e o ?'ashington; residing at S 1 ':y C I IEIGTON ) On this day of , 1950 before -ae personally appear- ed ^1D , to rae Imoun to be the xI'll , respectively, of the corporation that e::ecuted the \,act stru; ent, and acknowledged said instru~..lent to be the free cnd volud deed of said corporation, for the uses and -purposes therein nentn oath stated that authorized to e::ecute sntand that the seal affix:ed is the corporate sea 1 of said corporaGiven under my hrnd and officday and `year last above written, I'Iotary Pu of 'Tashin riled for Record ,t . Request of aktl ROBERT A. MORRIS. County Auditor c in and for the State q,, residing at t~ .Q RECORDED r ~9 3229 ~fI4................OF Deeds . VOL PAGE s;MIJEST".,~E.. _ Q`m cli + r cn y° c=,--, 1953 FEB 18 PM .2 53 _ cal.) lzr' ROBERT A. f iORRIS AUDITOR ® o l ° co COUNTY. WASH. ~PUTY a'a ° cd n i 41 0 3~►~; sue: " , vas rAGE C C~ , L~::.,,_~~•,.,~ TO THE cz_Y OF nu!WM T1,1 7 lus and Alix rE Cyril VanS Vql S LUs being the omers : 1 _ e j of the follci-dng described real :^roperty, for and in the considerat _on of Cane Dollar ( :;;;1.00) in hanc' paid, the rece i_7t whereof is hereby ac'molrledged, here- 17 Y *1 ,s m'L ,n.-id. convey unto the Cit-Y of r u'Durn the right, privile ;e, and eaae:►ent to construct, olDerate, rmintain, and use a sewer; under, throuE,h, and across the foLowing described property, situate in the County of i:inr, State of Washin;,;ton, to vrit: West 71 feet of Lot 2, Block 2, JOHN DAILIDENAS lst Addition to Auburn in iritness ti-hereof ix ;lave nereiritil affixed our hands and seals this ~q of 1950. v \ 17-- -Cr On this ~ day of 10;50 before :ac personally ap?ear- ed and J}/~.~./ :ie to be he individual described in and tr'ZO ~:ecut;ed the tri ulii . and foregoinL; str gent; and rho aelmowlec? ed that signed the sa_ie as free and vo~_untar;• act and deed; for he •.,ses and pur poses therein fiL4y~iori ed. 02 ~iNen under my hand and official seal the day and year last above written. O r, bl? c in and 7(~~ tli ±n e <r' '4.•,,s o .!arhi„ :ton; residing at ST: A- 0 .T,. )1A1ETGTOTT) VUVllrni _n i~11IG On this day of , 1550 before rae personally appear- ed - U , to rie lmorm to be the N~TU , respectively, of the cor-porati-on "chat e::ecuted the fo egoin; instriment, and acl:na~rledged said instru;;tent to be tl:e free rmd volluzt act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and -:urposes there_yn nenti cnecl, and on oath stated that. authorized to e::ecute said ins urient and that the seal affi::ed is the cox;~orate seal of said corporation. .Given under my hand and official seas. t day and year ,last above written. a . nA. rusd.tor Record t7~r. la Q19 6 3: 6416i t of ~ 9 C RFt~c.: Ccltl(1tY Auditor. Notary I'i of Washir • ~ T. ■ is in and for the State k residing at _ ' ~ 1"l ti y~w rip Nj All .-.te.fA -ai1271.v._ .f.. t=♦ m...a~~'a -