HomeMy WebLinkAbout4316634 SEWER EASEMENT 021853V 'i ' lltGr o W O csi 4316634. TO MUM' TO 1hf,CT'1 OF his wife , • 4 THE UT?liuRSI;'T~ll~~_a nd Lucille E. Bunker, being tile owners -X- N 0 ~4 of the folloz•ring described real property, for and in the consi_derat _on of Gne o10 ' O E ::5 Dollar ;1.00) in hand paid, the recei )t irl-iereof is hereby ael;noirledged, here- 4--) d . C~ _P o by -rEnt -nd cohve-r 'u_zto the City of ku')urn the right, privilege and easement _ W , •r•I b U) s~ +a to construe{ , o,)crate. maintain, and use a sewer, under; throuuh , and across ct< s~ m cu X! j 'o the fotloirin,; described property, situate in the County of Ting, State of ~ V 4-3 to ~ .fashi n., won, to wit : East 20 feet of the west 70 feet of the following des- - ca 0 cribed property: Beginning 65 f i 18 T 21 f eet west and 30 feet south of northeast t 0 c 4, , corner o Sect on N. wp R.5EWM; thence south 87 18 west, 131.5 ft ~ 4_4 U) thence south 49046twest, 191.7 feet; thence south Oo17t east 218.8 feet;- W o co thence south °5$t west 1 qq.7 rth o t thence n ~ b feet• thence south le t2$ttwest 2 35.93 ft.• d t 6 9 m o a) o . 3.5 east, h fee ; thence north .4 feet o beginning . _ In vitne :whereof we have i_ere!•rit_h affixed our hands and seals this ~ ri • 0 l ~ cu of , 1950. cli >q Ou _P (desc. contin ) is s LESS the north 530.4 feet; LESS the E t 150 f t f the S th ' ` as ee ou o - . _ ~'~-e ~•--s -ti•- 133 feet. . 1 4 C z= W w (!1 (11 ) SS _P 0 r 77• ryry F_4 U) this day of Av'-~ 1950 beore ne personally appear- ed ,On - _ and Liss to ?ae l:notan to be the individual described in and 1117 ,:ecute-d the Un_thin and fo-re^o fig _1ent, atld ~.;ho aclrno:rleclged that signed the same as 0 W.'.'-free and voluiltarj- act and deed; far ze uses and purposes therein r ' •~c j k'i1~ '3 ' 4..d ,n under my hand and official seal the day and year last above :mitten. Ito TTotary Public in and for the "ta of '!riff ngton, residing at COITHI'Y OF, 'L=C. / G'l this day of ed iii) , 1";50 before -:ie personally appear- to rae lmoi•m to be the A;'1) , respectively, of toile cor-orc:t .on that e:cecuted the for ego' :g instruaent, and ac?:now1edged said instru-ient to be t`ie f~•ee and voluntary' a t and deed of said cor?:oration; for the uses and -;urposes there _n Yientioned, a ~ on oath stated that authorized to e::ecute said i fi str~.~~ent acid that the seal affi:_ed is .uhe cor--)orate seal of said corporation. Given under my hand and official seal the day and year last above :mitten. 'Notary r uh c in and for the :Mate of ierashingt ni, resid_n at red for Recor~d~g S 3 ; M. Request of 'P ROBERT A. MORRIS, County Auditor _a RECORDED PAE ....d2Q . Rpol.IFST OF Deeds wc~ ar- _.a. co ic 1953 FEB 1+~ PM .2 , 53 cn ~ C:):5 M ~ Wz~ ROBERT A. MURR;S AUDITOR ~I O UN c"I: I T". WASH.' o s ¢ ue 'EPUTY..., Ail o O [bO C: 4-) 0 U mo -PE. CITY OFALT3 his wife, i,I1 U'TjLR^I":;.,~D . rn~Lucille E. Bunker, being the oimers U z g o of the follm,ring described real property, for and -in the considerat4_ori of CCne E . cu o Dollar (:.,;1.00) in hanC. paid, the recei_)t whereof is hereby ael;norrledged, here- X: 4-3 'q r.-y ur•_nt <nd conve? unto the Cit-- of Auburn the right, privilege, and ea.s~aent + 4 - to construct, o-oerate, r?aintain; and use a sewer; under, through, and across -P a) •r1 w a-) nr the folloiring described property, situate in the County of Kin!-, State of 05 C5 ~ o ilashirr-:ton, to rrit. East 20 fm^t of •~Ne :Tc3st 70 f~~~t of the following desw r-, cribed' pr,)pvrtya 2Begi•:1?1fn- 65 f,"et wes-. ::.rd 3~✓ .L'cet Si;Uth Of northeast F-q 4-4 U) g m O Cz corner of 'lY,:l r~L ♦ tt•..~ ~._i.ili:: :iV .aril "7018, West, 131.5 ft 4 thence sou- 1 4 T" 19-1.7 feet- th(:nce south 00171, east 218.8 feet; o Ei thence south © t we:~t "'a 7 f ®t thence south 10' "wc~ •t 2 35.93 rt. $ 10 U) 0 thence north f east, b1.5 e t thencee north f+~ v oegInning o •H in iritn ss whereof we have '~ierewith af-i,.ed our hands and seals this • ai of 1950. 40 ::5 (a 'D (desc « c Iti3iued) m - - ~ls - ' LESS the north 530.4 facet; LESS z the fast; 150 feet of the South - _Q_ _~z 1C__ a m 133 feet. W~Z - a) q_q LO Cd •ra a~ 4-) 0 - Al SS n .r,-r UGU,.~.: 07 j:ii G J Cn this ~r day of , 10,50 before pie ersonally appear- r ed and to ?_le Imoi-n to be ~ ~nG_vs ual descried in and =clltsi.,-!ned ed the withi_: and fore^oin i• str iaent, and i.-tio ackno.-rlec_gd that the sale as _ free and volu~zta-r- act and deed; for he uses and pur?)oses therein :::entio ed. V Given under my hand and official seal the day and gear last above written. 'otary ubli c in and for the S to of Tashi ngton, residing at Si:l`i~ C ill .`GTGId) COM ,"Y OF iLZic- ) (Ai this day of , 1950 before i.ie personally appear ed t.,D to me knom to be the D , respectively, of the cor;)oi~.t _on that e:;ecuted the foregoing instriL ent, and acl;nowled[,ed said instrui:ient to 're t?le free and voluntary' act and deed of said corporation; for the uses and -:urnoses there in nenti oned, and on oath stated that authorized to e__ecute said izstmunient and that the seal awfi..ed is ,he cor-;or .te seal of said corporation. Given under my hand and official seal the day and year last above written. Rotary Public in and fal~ t,ie State of tila.shi nUton, residing at r O ";~i. 1.U ilE:, C..TY 0: ;'tL,.I4l his otife l TF . l," I I,'_j_ jjA j~Ler and,•_Luc ille Z. Bunker j being tile oi.mer3 of the folloul-n[.described real ;Sroperty, for anr_' in the consi-derat:-on of Cne Dol3.,? (:1.00) in hanc, paid, the recei A ir'nereof is hereby acl:nolrleCiged, here- Ly l :zt ^~a1d coizvey u'.lto the Cit-- of Au')urn the right, nri vile_e, and eaaer.•:ent to construct, o,:)crate. maintain, and use a sewer; under, throu"::, and across the faI oirinr'; described property, situate in the Cotult, of Kin,-, State of t, ~I 1 ashin-ton, to i-ri_t : East 20 feet of the west 70 feet of the following des- cribed•praperty: Be inning 65 feet west and 30 feet south of northeast corner of Section 19, Twp 21 N. R.5EWYI; thence south 87018t west, 131.5 ft. thence south 490461west, 191.7 feet; thence south 00171 east 218.8 feet; thence south o5g1 west 159.7 feet• thence south l0 OZ.' 2 5.93 ft.; thence north 0$. east, 403.5 feed; thence north 6 8..4 feet to eginning In uitness whereof we have 'aerewit'n af.-ixed our hands and seals this °P 1950, (desc. continu d) LESS the north 530.4 feet; LESS the East 150 feet of the South - L-L7,.~~ L33 feet. ~G) aJ qr,• Yrr, i' ? rid r~ d> SS CO _C C ) I On this lday of - , 1950 before rle perscnal l y appear- ed and to !_ie :.noiun to Ue the ind-T,-id{_.al descri-'-)ed in and :.ecuted the tiritl_in and fQr_ lL Tr?~ , i uientand ;:c ael;ro,rlec'Leri th {.t 4 sitnecl tl~e sa.ie as 24_ free and volu:.ta: - act and deed, fcr ne 1',3es and -our )ores therein z)•';" A under my hand and official seal the day and year last above trritten. r "d i'etar r i'ualic i n and for the 'ta e of .1a,lxinr,ton, residing at { i~:I:Ni•„ 'r 1/C 111-T O ILTT ) Gn this day of 1x50 before iae personally appear- , ed . rig 1 to rae luiown to be the «I'D respectively, of file _ , cor,)orc:t=.on 'I :hat e::ecuted the foreGo J instrizaent, and aclanowledred said ' i.nstririent to )c tile free and voluntary' a t ca-id deed of said corporation, for { the on oath uses and )urposes there _n mentioned, .atA stated that nt axed authorized to' e_.ecute said ii-i trt that the seal affi..ed is the N cor,)orate seal of said corporation. Given under rty hizid and official seattie.y and year last above written. Ilotary i'ub ' c in and for the State of 1.1, nGt , residin at _ 1~6tl~Sfb► !illClpfY1;?AJG•`~ ~ 71 ~ ~ ~j . .~ri : , • , , t~ } - i yI. p k~i~'~1••' r ~C'' l~}~0 ~`:'~1' 7).'y~~,ry'+ll',~'~1+~ RSM.aI:Mr`!e;i~k+J9r •s.iy .r'~•K "'ltll•:"f'~fts•~`'kr•?l`~•`'&f='11~f'~~;'~~;~•KV.s•di~i~ t.~ c,.~r~~;~t2i,f y