HomeMy WebLinkAbout4316665 SEWER EASEMENT 021853NE..y sec /6 3 3 TO ! kuE 5 71 0 TwC_T..TY OF .~ULU1~r VOL 1 being the omers y; THE U11D~f'aI:LD Fred Waar & Son, Inc. of the foll_ouing described real ,property, for and in the consideration of Cne Dollan ("'1,00) in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby aclcnowledged, here- U,: -Errant r.nd convey u_Zto the Ci- of Au'7urn the right, nrivileue, and eaaement to construct, operate; maintain,, and use a sewer; under, through, and across the foLloiring described property, situate in the County of Ling, State of clashin ton; to rr.i.t : East 71 feet of Lot Block 2, Thos. G. Sutherland's lst Addition to Auburn. In witness whereof we have lzerei•rith affi-ced our hands and seals this of April , , 1950. (Aud. Note: Corporate seal not affixed) •J j....:. iS i ~liU~:1 ) SS CCU1T!?'Y 0'2 1I?7C ) On this day of , 1950 before me personally appear- ed _ and , to me 1Moi,m to be the ind_vidual _ described in and rrho e;-e u.ted the within and foregoing instru::lent; and r:ho aclcnoulecl-ed that simed the sa;_ie as free and volu_nta-r, r act m .d deed; for the 'ses and purposes therein :enti.oned. Given under Tsiy hand and official seal the da,r d year last above c.mitten. -otary ?ubli c in and for the State of :Tashin;ton; residing at ~I:.,L 01 C1I MTOIT) 1 lo' T i1t1.G ) Cr"U:1,ir OF Cn this o day of 1950 before sae personally appear- ed Ered tier, A:TD Rae Wagar , to rie 1mown to be the _-Er- S; t,;'17 Vice President , respectively, of the cor,,oration that e ;ecuted the foregoing instrui lent, and acknouledged said instr..;::,ent to be the free and voluntary, act and deed of said corporation; for the uses and ur-ooses there *I_n nentioned, and on oath stated that they their authorized to e_:ecute said instruiaent and that the seal affi;_ed is the q or.,~oro e seal of said corporut_Lon. q,;:,r, 3ver_ under my hand and official seal the day and year last above written. y~ ~r I.ldtar blic in and fcr t; "tate of iJ n,-ton, resitting at r- t E3 rne~5 for Record 2 Request of ROBERT A. MORRIS. county FRED WAGAR & SON, INC. RECORDED c VOL X229 F Deeds', PAGE ..451.;.,.. REQ.LlSTF ' M3 FES 118 . PM 2 5 I ~t o C~ .ROBERT A. r GMS AUDITOR va ; Y. WASH. s' nEPUTy 1. 6 Z '6 _ o I G LSA u i gz zi ] Cn 4 • t UUG C= J n N L _