HomeMy WebLinkAbout4316639 SEWER EASEMENT 021853~ v0c3.... 2:.T F ~V 14~4 ir:i iiU ~Ul~U: ` ~t ~w E Cl 27,11x2 TO TIE.- CITY Or, .,.Q T1TE UND MGII.ID Pete L. Scherting and to being the omers of the following described real property, for and in the consi-derat_on of Dine Dollar ("'l.00) in hand paid, the receipt w'nereof is hereby acknowledged, here- by Urant. <,nd. coi,vey `:into the City of Au'..urn the right, priviler-e, and eaaeinent to construct, ol)crate, raintain, and use a sewer; under, throuz;h, and across the folL_otrint, described property, situate in the County of I.inr, State of llashin--ton; to rri.t: East 15 feet of Lot 8, Block li Lloyd',. Knowles 2nd Addition to Auburn. In witness whereof we have hereidt'_z affixed our hands and seals this,:_1_76 of 1950. ~rirn^. ~t!'.^••-~.-.-'gym T 1 } SS COUi`:-_r 01,11? : ID G } 0 b fore me personally appear- On this day of 195 ed~ and - to r_ie :.norm to be the indija*dual _ descr' ®ed in an d vil e.;ecuted the wit l and foregoing in trw-.hent, and iA-io acknouled-ed that signed the sa:-ie as free and voluntar act and deed; for the fuses and purposes therein :•~4; ''under My hand and official seal the day and year last above written. y ry • ti f, t^ o m "•'`•°„b\ E, " ?otdry Public in and for the S to ~ (~v r oinnton, residing at ~ aaa..~ .c;. ...JIII..GTOIr} CUM, OF i111.G ) W this day of ed A.;1) 1950 before iae personally appear- to the Imoi'm to be the AD the cor,.oration -chat e.;ecuted the foregoing i ~ instrui;ient to be tile free and voluntary' act an the uses and -urposes there_n mentioned, and o authorized to e=:ecute said instrmie the cor'ior to seal of said cor4~orat:on. Given under my hand and official seal the respectively, of ru.lent; and achndwledged said deed of said corporation; for oath stated that i and t-at the seal affi._ed is year last above written. Notary rublicAin and fc: t;_e ;hate of ' ashi .z ;ton, resid _ng at_ rilea tor Kecorda. I$ p 19 53 ~ C, I 1% 17CA(ida ROBERT A. MORRI DAUI 04gV cl~ C~ o RECORDED Of. 0 82'L9 Deeds VOL . . . PAGE OF _ , . _ ~ ' iii. 1 953 FEB IS PM 2 53. - wi-Q Ql ROBE A. MUR IVS AUDITOR cn pIT WASH:. . j -a U T Y , , ~,ZS •z~ ~