HomeMy WebLinkAbout4316646 SEWER EASEMENT 021853VOL 32- "91 PAGE 43? EACZ.71i'? TO Thi' CITY Or JWBU MT Lc.o V Fis~Nc.e TT ~ i NDER^IC-l"ED ombor and "Is W Far being the owners of the folloVring described real property, for and in the consideration of Cne Dollar (.;"1.00) in hand paid, the recei~)t whereof is hereby acknowledged, here- . > by - ent <,.nd cohve'r 'u_-Lto the Cit.- of ku'burn the right, privilege, and eaaement to construct, operate, maintain; and use a sewer, under; through, and across the follouing described property- situate in the County of Ung, State of East 15 feet of Washin won, to irit: Lot 15, Block 1, Lloyd A. Knowles 2nd Addition To Auburn. In witness ti,:ereof we have herewith affixed our hands and seals this 17 of r , 1950. Q_ r ? 01 ) SS Ccu;T Y 07, ;1T7 C ) ^Abe this day of 1950 before rie ersonaZl appear- f e_ and A,10 /0 -4 j t _ae l:no1+m te in vidual-- described in and 11h e:cecifted the within: and foregoing an rw_Zent, and who acknowledged that- 1P f..0 signed the same as _ ?~`#'ree and voluntary act Land deed; for ie ~ ses and purposes therein 4;~.;.. C;1o(j2j. nder my hand and official seal the day and year last above written. C) 0 i is ,vim, r a' 'To r Public in and for tl to e ~.r. a iington, residing at V•',~,. :S hleh, r+{~1 iII..C TOT,I ) Cult; -1' OF :M. ) On this day of , 1950 before .:ie personally appear- ed A!' D to Y..ie known to be the _ .'D respectively, of the core:oration that e:;ecuted the foregoing nstru:,aent, and aclmowledged said instrui;lent to be t_ie free aad voluntary' act d deed of said corporation, for the uses and :urposes there n mentioned., and x oath stated that authorized to e::ecute said instrtu.ie t and that the seal affi._ed is the cor;)ora to seal of said corporation. Given under my hand and official serl the d and year last above written. Notary Publ.l. in and fo t:ie ;state of [lashi ngto residing at h. pp- p~e rgea Tor OiecL~.l ^a I7A4,1Sr pg5 l' • • Request of Z-1 9' - ROBERT A. MORRIS. Cou u Itov RECORDED c-~ Pw- VOL 3229 OF Deeds PAGE .....43; pEQUEST UJ9953 FFB - l-,g PM 2 .54' ROME A. N;1RRi5 AUDITOR z c: U WASH. cr ~H `_o 'rPDTY C2, <c ch. • w * 1 . d 43 i,.4-'' '20 i lw C?:i'Y OF AU Ul"L , Tl'i F 'Je~Il~' the 0?',71C1^S of the following described real ?roporty, for and n t',-ie consi_derat:_on of Gne c Dollar (;,:1.00) in hanc' paid, the recei_)t irlereof is hereby ac'mo?rledged, here- );uf rent lnC~. co;'v ~ey utlta the Cit- of !,u'.)urn the right, privile-e, and eaaei~ent u to construe,;, o)Dcrate. maintain; and •jse a sewer; tinder, throuand across the follo?rin,; described property situate in the County of l:inr-, State of East 15 feet of u rashin,-,ton, to wit : Lot 15, Block 1, 7loyd A. Knowles 2nd Addition To Auburn. In witness whereof rre have nereYritll affi::ed our 1",ands and seals this Of 1950. 'UT's r r ) Sr, COUI i G ' 1:T: G t II this day of , 1050 before r_Ie ersona.l appear- ed and _ , t rie '.,norm t0 be .e in,l vi.d .al descri :)ed in and ? e.:ecuted the Iri tlli_: and fore f,oinC, sn 4trelent,, and l!ho aelmo-uleclz;ed that _._si,ned the s w°_le as ~~~:<~free and volunt:ai act tnd deed, fC e i.ses and "oUr'Joses therein L.,,i ` ' %1 under my hand and official seal the day and year last above lx1 tten. 1, kj twu l:o r ; !'LiJli c in and for tl' tabe a5ilinrton. residing at '.t'•r7 .4 i~~f ~n~~,``S,' C•r-7.7 rv ray Tt CaU,irlnc OF :L~E.c ) On this day of _ 1050 before ae personally appear- ed Ai11D to rile l;noun to be t he iCD Gi1e cor porat- 'hat e;;ecuted the fo_ e oink instru;,Ient to be the free and voltuntary' act the uses and 1;urposes theren rnenti oned, and a . authorized to e:--ecute said instrtli.le the cor-'::orate seal of said corporation. Given under my hand and official seal the respectively, of strizient, and aclrnorrledged said ft deed of said corporation, for a oath stated that ~t and that the seal affi:_ed is and year last above written. Notary I'u):)H in aid for t xe State of olashi not residing at Tw He I'm M. of Request anBERF A: ( MORRIS County u itOf ' } .•;'~•k., .h. s:+. ,.r.:AL~'L a;..,. ~~a_,.. c~...~-, .~e~+t~ w I...r.. _:cfti.... _ ...a•, _st _ C A G R E E M E N T 'T1_1/', THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this G.I day of March, 1963 by and between the City of Auburn, a municpal corporation of the third class in the State of Wash- y' inton, hereinafter referred to as the "First Party", and JOHN W. GREGG"nd AMELIA GREGGS, his wife, hereinafter referred to as "Second Party", W I N E S S E T H :That WHEREAS, First Party desires to obtain a right-of-way easement for the construction, operation and maintenance of a trunk seM e,E line across, upon and under the land surface of certain property claimed by the Second Party; and, WHEREAS, Second Party is willing to grant such easements to First Party for certain considerations here.i;nafter stated; NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE PREMISES AND OF THE COVENANTS AND AGREEMENTS HEREINAFTER CONTAINED, IT IS AGREED BETWEEN THE PARTIES AS FOLLOWS: t. Second Party covenants and agrees to execute a right-of--way easement to First Party for the construction, operation and maintenance of a trunk sewer line, across, upon and under the land surface of the following described property, to-wi the The West 12 feet of'the West I of the E I of the SW ~ of the NE 4 of,,Section 1.91Township 21 North, Range 5 E. W. N1. Lying South of State Road Number 5 (.Enumclaw Highway.) said easement to be executed and delivered to First Party within ten (10) days after its furnishing the consideration therefore in paragraph two (2) of this agreement. 2. First Party covenants and agrees to furnish as consideration to Second Party for the granting of the easement described herei.nabove in Section I of this agreement; a) The sum of $900.00 (Nine Hundred dollars and no cents) in cash; for the garage and utility building located upon easement (property owner may dispose of any or all building, City shall dispose of balance). b). To reconstruct any fence damaged or removed. c). To replace any lawn damaged or removed. d). To maintain domestic water supply during construction. e To move flowering shrubs prior to sewer construction and to replace gs~'SS Page One in original position after construction. f). To exercise extreme caution while working adjacent to existing fruit trees so not to damage or destroy same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals on the year and date first hereinabove written. First Party - City of Auburn 6 1 / MAYO R L~L,~.d, Attest: City Cler Second Party - JOWN W. GREGGS AMELIA GREGGS Page Two STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) On this day of March, 1963, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared J. N. SHAUGHNESSY and ELISABETH HERITAGE, to me known to be the Mayor and City Clerk, respectively, of the City of Auburn, a municipal corporation, and the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are authorize to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF KING ) ss NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the -tate of Washington, residing at Auburn. I, the undersigned, a notary public in and foe the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, hereby certify that on this day personally appeared before me JOHN W. GREGGS and AMELIA GREGGS, his wife, to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowl.edged that they signed and sealed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. 'GIVEN under my hand and seal this day f March, 1963. NOTARY PUBLIC in and for.the.-- State-of Washington, residing at Auburn. Page Three