HomeMy WebLinkAbout4316653 SEWER EASEMENT 0218530 L, r ;n TO ME, CITY OF :~U:IJiZIi Lc 4 his Wife) a. `~It~art in 1 cei ng t!Ze oimers of the folloi-r_in,; described rcal ;)roperty, for anrl in t11e consideration of Cne ~o13.ar 1.00) in hanc' paid, t:1e recei)t v!hereof is iierel), ackno,rledued, her'-)- by t cojivey u_1to the City of !.u'.mrn the ri ht, privilese, and easel, ent to construct, operate. riaintain, and :.se a sewer; under., t!7rou•r'::, and across the fotlol!ink, described property, situate in the County of I,inr;, State of ;a, hill uon; to t•rit : East 15 feet of Lot 22, Block 1, Lloyd A. Knowles 2nd Addition to Auburn. In lritness whereof we ti ve :.erewitt, of 'i «e;d our !:adds and seals the s 20th of April,,`__ 0*.~ it ii:. r,la l 1 \ q r. 1 JJ C71 j On this 20th day of Aprils , 1950 before me personally appear- his wife, ' norm ed Milton Martin a..d Mary_E. M_art_inj , to me t•t TIIIC;_v1.Cuai described in mid who e,:ecuted ;,Ile wit':li_, and foret,Olllj; _ and i.JLo ac!.no:rled~ed th_.t they si neci the sa_ie as p f ~e and vo]_untai-, act and deed; for tine lases and .)ur•?oses therein G v9~i' i93'er r_ly hand and official seal the day and rear last above tritten. for e state ar; plc i and < r f= ;-1 P~ ~`:t `f `•'aslli:lrton; residing at_Auburn Sri ri-'. n r••f 1r~ r 1 Un this day of c,50 before ,ie personally appear- ed to i.le knom to be the eu?D , respectively, of the cor,,orat~_onthat e:_ecuted the foregoing i.nstru,1ent, and acimcwledred said instruzient to 'ie the free c.:-id voluntary-z c and'-dee of said corporation, for the uses and -,urposes there:`•_n r entioned, and. on oath stated that autho_ ized to e_:ec~.lte said i~lstriuient and 'tat the seal affi._ed is the .cor-or.ate seal of said corporation. Given under my hand and offi.c~_al seal the day and last above written. Notary Public in and fcr t;lc state of 01ashin,ton, resiclinj; at_ -z r1lea to; Kecortl D 1~ 5n3 M. IL, y Request of li2Q.W ROBERT A. MORRIS County Auditor `aka ;;Jy4rr ~r".. ^.a. ~i+`> ..sK. i e'X': ti. _ <r . :L, r., a•r.~:~a. eri._, ._,{3. La~. _ r... r,_.. ...r~c_"',!i'h~6iti ::.v:. .d_v. •..l~C.=iJ...,°'ie~'.~~l:I:~.. ,1rdiG~l ~'''~:~."jP~t~il:~ `3' I'lle y SEC. I q 6 K, ` _ 2i0 p 3 mT /~TnV OF T-7t?i.j UUL r::~i' V j0 1111.1 1i.__Y OL i,jj- U, _ his wife, 409 Ih r-; 1 _,D Wilton Nlgrtin an _ Mart in,• being the o:'mers " of the following described real property, for and in the consideration of Cne Dollar ("*'1.00) in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby ac'cno:rledged, here- by - rant and coihvey unto the Cit-- of ''~u'mrn the right, nriviler e, and ea.s:eiaent to construct, operate; maintain, and use a sewer, under, tlhrough, and across the fo:Lo:'P ng described property. situate -in the County of I:i.nr~, State of ;ashin;;ton, to rrit: East 15 feet of Lot 22, Block 1, Lloyd A. Knowles 2nd Addition to,.Auburn. In :ritness whereof we have ,herewit'_h afS'ixed our hands and seals th? s 20th of April, _r___ , 1950. ox t, j 1. ^~1 01 I: -_-'~^clr ) ) UGUIFli 01 1'.'E -G On this 20th day of April, , 1950 before me personally appear- his wife, ed Milton Martin and Mary E. Martin= , to !:te Imoun to' b6i;'tl ey.individual described in and ir!ho e:,ecnted the :•ritlhz.'_u and foregoing , W4 nth}hand i- ho aclino:rled^ed that they r ed the ! sign sate as _ 1tiy . _ ~ .'d and voluntar act :nd deed; for the t.ses and pury)oses therein Gi' er r'ty hand and official seal the day and year last above turitten. ~ 1• ar4r, ui~li c in and for e estate • £ :!aIhiuhgton; residing at-Auburn 0 b° til f~ CCUil'1: 07, -llTC ) On this day of , V,50 before rae personally appear- ed A11 D to rue lcnown to be the A: 'D , respectively, of he cory)or it .on at e::ecuted the foregoing istrAent, and acknowledged said instrument to 'je the free and voluntary, act and clee of said corporation, for the ruses and -mrnoses there _n menti oned, and on oath stated that authorized to e::ecute said instriu.ient and 'tat the seal affi:_ed is the cor4;or to seal of said corporation. Given under my hand and official seal the da.y and ar last above ;mitten. Notary Public in and for -'L'ue State of Uashin; ton, residins at 44 i~s ~t r1lea Tor Hecorcj,~"t. 19S3 ) V - M. Re u e s t of JnL h~,~/n~,o-p 8 ROBERT A. MORRIS, County Auditor In Cx7 Q) ~ ~ dd Lu c RECORDED w ° o VOL 4229 OF Deeds o, PAGE 439........ UQUEST OF v 9953 FEB 18 PM 2 54 ®1-t2 ~r 0;4 j. ROB T A: MORRIS AUDITOR Ln rY. WASH. i 1 ~1c PUTY I t i'