HomeMy WebLinkAbout5552245 SEWER EASEMENT 030663t`r• _'•d'?'~ryi 1 ~da~'~;%~..~'k_J' N+ ~ •p~,~,~^~"q`~':;-' ~lfil2~`3' f RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT kf) -OLGA M. PETERSON, a single woman and EDITH PETERSON, a single woman, do hereby grant to the City of 4uburn, a municipal corporation of the 1 third clas s within the State of Washington, an easement for the con- struction, operation and mainte nance of a trunk sewer line, across, upon and under the land surface of. the following described property, to wit: The !'Jest 10 feet of the following described property: That -portion of the W-1 of N. E. a of S.W. of N.E' lying east of County Road EXCEPT the N 23.09 feet and EXCEPT the S 50.0 feet all located in Section.19, Township 21 N, Range S E•. W. M. , DATED and SIGN this _ st day of January, 1963. Olga M. Peterson Ed ith Peterson AGREEMENT IN CONSIDERATION of the above easement, it is agreed by the City of Auburn-that said OLGA Al. PETERSON and EDITH PETERSON, their heirs, ad im i s- trators and assigns shall be exempted from any charge levied for sanitary sewer or any charge in lieu of assessments for sanitary sewer by the City of Auburn on the following described property, to wit: x`~CXDt~XX~~XIX~kX~CX~C k~'Q~lC~X~9C~C~ That port i on of the VA of N. E. •4 of S. lid. a of N. E.14 lying East of County Road EXCEPT the N. 283.09 feet and EXCEPT the S 50.0 feet all located in Section 19, Township 21 N. Range 5 E.W.M. DATED and SIGN,Q`this day of January, 1963. -0. o o, CITY OF AUBURN: e 0 e By % . EST; li X. < City C e I. , L li, 1~1. AI STATE OF WASHINGTON . ss. COUNTY OF KING I, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the State of Washing- ton, duly commissioned and sworn, hereby cert•i fy that on this day person- ally appeared before me OLGA M. PETERSON, a single woman,.and EDITH PETERSON, a single- woman, to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they signed and sealed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and seal this _2~_day of January STATE OF WASHINGTON .ss. COUNTY OF KING NU1ANY NL15LIL; in and 't.0 Washington, residing at 196,3~1444086, o o,'. \ S d~ n : o i,- X1615 5~ ;~Q"► S 1, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washing- ton hereby certify that on this day personally appeared before me J. N. SHAUGHNESSY and ELISABETH HERITAGE, to me known to be the Mayor and City ''Ierk, respectively, of the City of Auburn, the municipal corporation executing the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the said instrument to be their free and voluntary act and deed, and that they signed the same for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and seal this day of January, 1963,,, NU1 ANT VUBL IC in and for! Washington, residing i n 'A filed. for -Record *Ytv 6 1943 smi Request of Ll.~c-~~ ~.i *0BER1~ A. 1~40RRIS. County Auditor Page Two . 6: s ~ vbt~ ~rotsS`. c yLvo fG RRob,-,d at Request of u RCTD4381 Deeds PAC, Seq.----- cla (%f I ER, I' , i r17 RI(INT-OF-WAY EASEMENT OLGA M. PETERSON, a single woman and EDITH PETERSON, a single woman, do hereby grant to the City of Nuburn, a municipal corporation of the third class within the State of Washington, an easen*nt for the con- struction, operation and maintenance of a trunk sewer line, across, upon and under the land surface of the following described property, to wit: The 'Jest 10 feet of the following described property: That portion of the Wj of N. E. j of S. W. j of N. E..". I y i ng eaa~st of County Road EXCEPT the N 23.09 feet and EXCEPT-,the S 50.0 feet al.l located in"Seatien- 19.- _,Township 21 N. Stange 5 E.W.M. DATED and SIGN this U, day of January, 1963- Olga H. Peterson E ith Paterson AGREEMENT IN CONSIDERATION of the above easement, it is agreed by them City of Auburn that said OLGA M. PETERSON and EDITH PETERSON, their heirs, ad i n i s- trGtors and assigns shall be exempted from any charge lavieAd for sanitary seeder or any charge In lieu of assessments for sanitary :sewer by the City of Auburn on the following described property, to wit: That portion of the I'M of of S.W." ~ of N.'Ee -lying East of County Road EXCEPT the N. 283.09 feet and EXCEPT the S 50.0 feet a l l located in Section 19, Township 21 N, Ranges 5 E.W.M. DATF_D and SIGNED this -day of January, 19630 CITY' OF AUBURN: 13 Y'il i+ (T/TEST: TO 47 /'m City CIO r TEMPORARY RIGHT-OF-WAY OLGA M. PETERSON, a single woman, and EDITH PETERSON, a single woman, DO HEREBY GRANT TO THE CITY OF AUBURN, a municipal corporation of the third class within the State of Washington, a temporary right-of-way, for vehicular and foot traff i cp over, across and upon the land surface of the following described property, to wit: The East 30 feet of the West 40 feet of the following described property That portion of the W; of N.E.I. of S.W.' of N.E.1 lying Fast of County Road EXCEPT the N 293.09 feet and EXCEPT the S 50.0 feet a I I I orated i n _S4~,ct i on tq, Township 21 N, Range 5 E.W.M. Said Temporary right-of-way shall be returned to the Grantor in its present contour condition, and any fence lines removed by the City of Auburn during construction shall be replaced by the City, all of which shall be completed by the Grantee at the conclusion of its 1962-1963 Seder Extension Project. DATED AND SIGNED This ay of January, 1963. /VSr,~ Olga M. Peterson Ed ith Peterson STAT ~ C ou IN 963, before me, the undersigned, a L N hi l f W d i ot as ngton, o u y comm ssioned and e!inrn, personally appeared OLGA M. PETERSON and EDITH PETERSON, to me. known to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they signed and"sealed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Witness my hand and official seal hereto affixed he day and year first above written. NOTARY PUBLIC in and f r the State of Washington, residing at Auburn. TEMPORARY RIGHT-OF-WAY OLGA M. PETERSON, a single woman, and EDITH PETERSON, a single woman, DO HEREBY GRANT TO THE CITY OF AUBURN, a municipal corporation of the third class within the State of Washington, a temporary right-of-way, for vehicular and foot traffic, over, across and upon the land surface of the following described property, to wit: The East 30 feet of the West 40 feet of the following described property,. That portion of the VVf of N.E. 4. of SOW. 14 of N. E. .A- lying East of County Road EXCEPT the N 293.09 feet and.EXCCPT the s 50.0 feet all located in .&F,-pt ion 1.-9, Township 21 N, Range 5 E.W.M. Said Temporary right-of--way shall be returned to the Grantor in its present contour condition, and any fence lines removed by the City of Auburn during construction shall be replaced-by the City, all of which shall be completed by the Grantee at the conclusion of its 1962-1963 Sewer Extension Project. DATED AND SIGNED This - ~ 'day of January, 1963. r, Olga M. Peterson Edith Peterson STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. COUNTY OF KING On this day of January, 1963, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sivorn, personally appeared OLGA M. PETERSON and EDITH PETERSON, to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they signed and'seaied the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Witness my hand and official seal hereto affixed he day and year first above written. Q6 NOT R~ Y PUBLIC in and f r the State of Washington, residing at Auburn. c 4^v "Y Y .ry .,~i_,. . , q •r-+~- : ~1P ~:•v a++ f J.,_ P Tya r a r s N;w r t>F pr,; W a t ,_1T11-1,1Q.111-.1 in^r •rp . '•Y< r T v: 4 t r•T h. I 4 r, ..r1r r+ 1 NLP r J „ 1 t > t 4, ! J1'- ,y 6J it -'t k .tit 4. ti"a P~ L 1• I .4 7 t • Xf1,Ji +q n4 lr A , t` r 4' t C x V '~„1yi - k i ~tN 'lft" +t k t l j t: f , . tt, - `ci y~i_ ,i.• t ~~qq°~ fl:}►~•t-.~ p .~p. - ryiQ~ -c - i t r r" l,•t n k y r:,!^~"e'f'~ !}h} R i r Z P U E ~S, ISL. i' C a i +W ~ % ' fr ? wig. ) , J>~ JJP t~ u JD,nI 6 t ~G~ ~rE, li'~r 6 ^l..' , ' .Ji` tl':•y /t ` rrT, 4- 1 ~r,+' ' T oe c~C~y w?11L~4r CI 6-4! fie U 11 J t"'11,0TA operation ond-Ma nk~ c~saan.Q'o of. ~ ~G°nava~, '.gQe~4~w ~iauo~ a~a~~'v~.p•'aapdDOii su:rr."acc or fi~ae fog dwuo~u~ ,daco~{B''d~d'ircpep`ge.t~: :The West 10 'feet of the 'fo Howing de4cr.ibed property: That 'portion of the 41a of NgEo,s of SoWb . of Fs. E -1 flying east of County goad EXCEPT the N3d09 feet and EXCEPT the s 50.0' feet, ij 9"I located 'on Section 19, Township 21 N, Range 5 E.W'oMq , DATED and SIGN this day of January,, 1963. yr~ Olga M. Peterson ;sue' Edith Peterson ACRE EMENT IN CONSIDERATION of the above easement, it is agreed by the City of Auburn-that said OLGA M. PETi- RSON and ED ITN PETERSON, their heirs, ad im i s- trators and assigns shall be exempted from any charge levied for sanitary sever or any charge in I ieu of assessments for san itary sewer by t he Cbty of Auburn on the foll6winO."d6scribed property, to wit-. 1/\r ZJ ~Iy \i R y M l/T~Rrp~E]p?gt y~lport i on of the WA of N. EQ'~ of S. VII, a of NqC.,° lyinc, .ast of County Road EXCEPT the N. 283,09 fee- and EXCEPT the S 5040 feet +al l located in Section 1.9,, Townsh ip 2t NO Range 5 E.`•V.M. DATED and S lG.U,f, this day of January, 19630 ,0.Q Yt Op70ggq ~ • f If "r 0 tlA' ~.}i j~~rgo~iti}! G1. 2. •7+ p°° ~t e` up CITY OF AUBURN zt y / 1 A la F S T :In : . 1: w • r' ? t ~ t1 t -t J r,a.~, i ` T , r • - t - r , , t t4 ~,,,4 irtYYr t ~ . i ~ } • + ! J w. : . ~ i F y~ .E ' i ~.J.. H1-~V~^I.. `5 4 Mt `i ',n ~M _ • : . . lv'v t.. .-.P.. l l 1