HomeMy WebLinkAbout6507851 STORM EASEMENT RELEASE 050869J1 rt-VOL?FACE 0 r . 5 RESOLUTI00, N0. 350- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WAS}i;ItNIG7ON., AUTHORIZING THG -CANCELLATION. AND RELINQUISH- MENT OF AN EASEMENT RECEIVED BY •THE C,1 TY 0!::'AU[3URN POR DRAINAGE' WHEREAS, an Easement for the cons:tructi,on and installation of a drainage system was Lim. received.-by the City of Auburn from Sherman L. Rowland, Marie P. Rowland, C.O. Lan-de and Adeii.a B. Lantle,on October 8, 1962:;:; over,, aCtOss and underneath.certain reaa,l prxoperty'- . ,more part I cu l ar''l y ` di'cr i-bed ° here! naf ter;, and', « WHIREAS, the Department of Public Works has reported that there is no longer any need. for the maintenance of sal,d-Easement. in that a more expeditious route for the drainage ' ,system has been util'ized,and that said Easement may.now be cancelled and relinquAshed by the-City of Auburn; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT R2 SOLVED'BY THE-CITY COUNCIL OF THE CiTY..OF AUBIJAM, WASHINGTON, THAT the Mayor and City Clerk b'e and they hereby,.are suthoriz'ed and directed',t,o exedute,, on behalf of the Cit-y of Auburn a document cance.l,..l.ing, and rel i.nquishIng the Easement heretofore granted to'the City of Auburn on'October 8,-1962 by Sherman L. Rowland, lflsr i,e P. Rowland, C. 0: Lands and Ade I i a., B. Lande, for -dra iha-ge across., over and underneath the foll.owing described property namely: That portion of. Lots 6. and 7, B, lock 1, in the Plimt. of :h Sh. dt 6bn Acres. recorded in. Val ume 71 • of P I at s, Pages 94 'and'95 records of Kin. gTWn#y, State of Wastijri.gton to wit An Easement.20 feet in width over theyRb6terJy 10 feet of said Lot 6 -.and the -Wester ly_ 10 .feot 04, .s.a i d Lot 7. which Easement was recorded.on November 28, 1.962 I9'VoIume'71 of Plat, Pages-94 an.d 95, under the recelving nwiter.5512190, Records of'King County,.. DATED, and S ONED,01s' 21st day' of April', 1969.` CITY OF AUBURN ATTEST: ....BY ROE} RT C. GA l NV S M A Y a R „ L L VOL 23 ;PAGEI5;f CANCELLATION OF EASEMENTter.: .I COMES NOW, the City of Auburn,.a municipal corporation, pursuant to written Resslattion No. 358, duly passed and signed by-said City on Aprit 21, 1969, doe's hereby eaacel and relinquish that Easement received by the City of. Auburn from Sherman L. Rowland, Marie P. Rowland# C.O. Lande and Adelia 6. Lande, dated October 8, 1962 aad, filed for record with the King County Auditor on tiovember 28, 1962, in Volume 7I.'ot P l acts, Pages 94 and 95, recods of Ki ng,- Cau.nty Auditor., usider receiving nua+ber 5512190 for the following described property situate i,a'King County, Weshingtoo: Thpt portion of Lot's 6 7, Block I in the Plat-of Sherman Acres recorded in Volume 71 of Plats, Pages 94 and 95 records of King County, State of Washington., to-wit: An Easement 20 feet In width over.the Easterly 10 feet of .said Lot 6 and the Westerly 10 f eot. of :sa I .d Let 7. said Easement.is hereby cancelled due to that there is no longer any need fov the main- tenance of sgid Easement in that a more expeditious route for the drainage system has been utilized, and the City of Auburn does hereby convey and-quit claim Its Easement and real interest in and to the above described property to.the dominant fee owners thereof. DATED and SIGNED this 21st day of April, 1969. CITY OF AUBURN, a municipal corporation 03 i,. fi'R U d ~ ~..r. R !1 Y f't f ,y V '.4 STATE OF WASHINGTON 1 . ) ss. COUNTY OF KING. BY /a/ RMERT E. §A!NES MAYOR ATTEST: SFNE Wl LL IAMS City Clerk On this day of Apt 11, 1969, before me personal l'y ap"ered .before me R08.ERT E. GAINES and GENE WIL~IAMS, to me known to be.#he Mayor and-City Cl'ork..respectively, of the City of Auburn, a municipal corporation, amt the' dorpor6tion thdt execui te,d the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and. deed of ".Id corporation, . for. the„ uses,:And purposes therein ment coned, and on, oath stated fhat` they are author hzed to exseutze said. Instrument and=4that the sea 1 'af f i zed I s the corporate seal of said corporation. GIVEN UNDER rhy hard and? of f i c I a 1. ;sea 1: the day and year last above written. NOTARY PUBLIC, In and fo the State of Washinrgton, residing at Auburn. a von 23 pAS1 358 STATE OF WASHINGTON I ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I, Gene Williams, the duly appointed, qualified, and acting City Clerk of the City of Auburn, a municipal corporation of the third class situate in the County of King, State of Washington, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Resolution No. 358 entitled, "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE CANCELLATION AND RELINQUISHMENT OF AN EASEMENT RECEIVED BY THE CITY OF AUBURN FOR DRAINAGE. II -.t.h.er certify that said Resolution No. 358 was duly passed by ~~J'At f+, approved by the Mayor of the said City of Auburn, on the y, frr :r day of April , A,p. 19 69 . t;raess rn~ ` ntl_:ahd the official seal of the City of Auburn this day of April , A.D. 19. 9~. r r.. CITY CLERK of the CITY OF AUBURN OJ riled for Rec ' OC1aGDT ye Request Y'no", F: ~ tjY 1 N!~ "d LrN W r- ,O u 0 Q • l ~ •r Y V co WORDED 23 records VOL PAGE ....5.6.. REQUEST. OE 1969 MAC 8 PM 12 08 Ron- FILE