HomeMy WebLinkAbout7612150756 SEWER EASEMENT 121576C) 1W EASEMENT - CORPORATION w 0 UN V-4 (1112 T__1 r- c-. a c~ it r~s THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH: CHG International, Inc., a Washington Corporation the owner of the property hereinafter described, for and.in consideration of the sum of One and No/100ths ($1.00) Dollars and other good and valuable consideration to 'it in hand paid by the City of Auburn,_a municipal corporation, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has granted and does hereby grant unto said City of Auburn the perpetual right and privilege to maintain a sewer or sewers over, under, along, / and across the following described real property situate in King County, Washington, to wit: COMMENCING OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M.; THENCE S 00 31'18" W ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF DOGWOOD STREET AS NOW ESTABLISHED A DISTANCE OF 773.80 FEET; THENCE N 890 28'42" W A DISTANCE OF 30.00 FEET TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED DOGWOOD STREET AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF A 15.00 FOOT WIDE SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT WITH. 7.50 FEET OF SAID EASEMENT LYING ON EITHER SIDE OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED CENTERLINE; THENCE CONTINUING N 890 28'42" W A DISTANCE OF 678.32 FEET; THENCE N 510 24'05" W A DISTANCE OF 135.49 FEET TO THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF LOT 24 OF THE PLAT OF SKYCREST TERRACE, DIVISION 2, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID EASEMENT. SITUATE IN THE CITY OF AUBURN, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Together with the right to enter upon said premises at any time with all necessary men, material, and appliances for the purposes of constructing, inspecting, operating, repairing, and maintaining the same. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF the grantor has hereunto caused its name to be signed and its corporate sell to be affixed by its officers thereunto duly authorized this ~ day of 19 . CHG International, Inc. STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )SS County of Pierce ) inton L. Hergert, Pres. J. Michael McDonald, Sec. Tres. On this day of ~r 19~. before me personally appeared Clinton L. Hergert and J. Michael McDonald to me knownto be the President and Secretary-Treasurer respectively, of the corpora- tion that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary acct ;,and rdete:d_Yof said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and pn oath stated that they were authorized to. execute said instrument W*d that the seal affixed is co~ orate' 'seal of said corporation. Ga_m.en ";under my hand and official seal the day and year last above ,T •~ar'i ttc n . a EXCISE T . g Co. f ecord3 Divisiwi sy . . x w. , Deputy a: Notary ublic in and for th Sta o Washington. residing at r ♦.0 LO - fl ~ y C:) 1 LOD rT a ,f Hemd wwt »two IN C!jv of Auburn Autjuto, Wustungton 98lt 2 ~ X11