HomeMy WebLinkAbout8006130658 UTILITY EASEMENT 061380tLJ M cQ cQ 02 co n !ll cv t1'~ Cn CC) r C • EAS E,MEN T (CORPORATE FORM) ,do hereby grant and convey to the CITY OF AUBUKN, a municipal corporation, an easement over and across, upon and underneath, the following described land for /ingress and egress and for the purpose of laying, maintaining,'and installing a said land being described as: ,,~/bE',~/~Lfg✓ c~G ,~l.A~L~sI.~//~G~ sG'C~,~G'/K~c~ ~i~T,X~~'~'~t/ /~'~i/,C?/ ]v, L'~G7~E'✓ iii T .!,r,,,6 -2) -J Z7,-,9 Ie46/7 6 A°,y, ~ ~Tffr~ i~"e'~.✓/7✓ /9' S~"•STi9~'7~ D,s r, D ,r'' -d 771,,145' ! -.07~3' ~.~JV,y a►~ .r9,n~U~ `'G y./ ,ry,9d9~°,'l~iz.~ f ;►~i E T.`,'. NO*! O;EQDiRED Co. Re,zrols Division 3y , Deputy h• :RECORDER"S NOTES: .po snON5 OF THIS DOCUMENT -POOR QUALITY FOR Ftt'M1NCi IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by its proper officers and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this day of '19 liy....... fresident. l3y....._. 1-_1L4,.,1 ..~t.~....~'.r> Secretary. STATE OF WASHING'T'ON f County of Pierce On this 16th clay of May 119 B0 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned anti sworn, personally appeared Terrell E. Harman id to me known to be the President Xr#/ X#0X0110#Aft1 of Harman-Sword the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free aad voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he is authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Witness my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. I......... i, o - Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, f residing at Tacoma . 1 iA_ ci LL1 p G o(f V Q L LJ CX: C) c+7 . C-) f - O 1 iJ } U m 1 I s Ty/so ~co 0 9 Tp~~.~TFS. Q ~~yc CC) O O R.LED for Record atReo of ON Ref-drd `tiitt~, tae c cT Cit.Y'6f'Aubtwh Cn 2$ W%st Main to ~bur~, ~/Vasl~illciPoA j9Sp©~ STATE OF WA5HINGTON : County of Pierce : ss On this 16th d-aaY of May, 1980, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and fob,, trhe f itta+t*e of, Washington, duly commissioned and sworn personally appeared Terrell E.- Harman to me known to be the President of Harman-Sword, the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument and as attorney-in-fact of Tanya Sword to me known to be the Secretary of Harman-Sword, and acknowledged to me that he signed and seabed the'same as her voluntary act and deed for said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that the power of attorney authorizing the execution of this instrument has not been revoked and that the said Tanya Sword is.now living, and on oath stated that he is authorized to execute the•,said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my-hand'and official seal hereto affixed the date and year in this certificate above written. " Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residding at Tacoma CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made this 6th day of January , 19 78 , between the CITY OF AUBURN, a municipal corporation of King County, State of Washington, hereinafter termed "Grantee" and Jack A. Hawkins $ Jacqueline V. Hawkins and Kenneth F. Ingalls $ Helen W. Ingalls "Grantor". WITNESSETH: The Grantor does hereby grant unto the Grantee and its authorized agents a temporary right-of-way or easement to be used only during construction of a Street Improvement Project on adjacent property; said temporary easement shall terminate upon acceptance of the Street Improvement Project by the Grantee. The said temporary right-of-way or easement shall be through and across the following described property situated in King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: Ten feet southwesterly of the following described property: That portion of Lot 14, Block 1, of kthfie'Plat of Riverdaket,,An Addition to the City of Auburn, as recorded in Volume 19 of Plats, Page 40, records of King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said Lot 14; thence S 0000313811 W along the east line of said Lot 14, a distance of 6.50 feet to a curve having a radius of 18.00 feet and having a radial bearing of S 5100710" W; thence northwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 35 0610011, an arc distance of 11.03 feet.to the north line of said Lot 14; thence N 86049'48" E along said north line, a distance of 9.07 feet to the beginning and containing 23.3 square feet, more or less. DATED the 7 day of*x- STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF KING ) I, the undersigned, duly commissioned and-sw appeared before me Kean -13 -1147- a notary public in and for the State of Washington, rn, hereby certify that-on this day personal t F. I all .1He en W. Ingalls, JaclyA. Hawkins me known to be the individuals described in and instrument, who executed the foregoing and acknowledged that they signed and sealed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and seal this day of Jan. 19 78 Notary Public in and for the' State of Washington, residing at Auburn. 18th