HomeMy WebLinkAbout2095455 WATER EASEMENT 110425l1~I _ w EASEI_iENT ~ Y NHEREAS The City of Auburn, a City of the_-t'hird class, to situate in the County of King, in the State of Washington, is propos- ing to construct an enlarged -rater supply system.for said City, having as its source of supply what is generall-Y knovTn. as Coal Creek Springs, mi.ginating ~n Sections Thirty-Three and T-:renty-eight (33 & 28) in Tobansh.ip'Tw~enty-One (21) Itorth: "of Range Five (5) East U. M. in King County, Washington; ADD WHEREAS It is convenient and necessary that in piping hater from said coal Creel: Springs by said City a water pipe line be laid and constructed over and across the tracts of land hereinafter described; A11D WHEREAS The tracts.of land hereinafter described are now in the possession and under the control of the County Game Com- mission, of Zing County, wider the provisions of the act of the legis- lature 'pg,ssed by the State of Washington in the year 1913, being Chapter 120 of the laws of said year, ITOTI, THEREFORE, In consideration of the premises and for and in consideration of the covenants and agreements hereinafter con- tained to be kept and perforwed,by said. the City of Auburn, said County Game Commission of King County, does hereby-give, convey and grant to said the City of Auburn, a perpetual easement to lay., con- struct, maintain, beep in ra,pair, recoaistruct a dater itiain in., over, under, -hrough and across the following described strip or tract of land: A strip of land Sixtieen and ore -half (161) feet measured at right angles, as near as may be, on each side of the located ceritLr line of the pro- posed- ."rater the line of the City of Auburn, and lying wholly within the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter (S. W. 4 of the IT, E. the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter,,(S. E. G_ of tl~e Ta. U. s), and the south'acst quarter of the northwf:st quarter i(S. W. 4 of the 11. VJ: Of Section Twenty-nine (29) in Township Twenty- one (21), I.orth of Eange Five (5), East "LL1. , -1- .I ,sore lau_'ticularlJ7 described as follows: Sixteen ,:end oi1e-half ( 16' L'eet :..easuied at ri.,,bt ar,les on each side o.. t::e p*. es(;a.t 1_)c:auE-d li; e l us nca-r as _iily be be ;izuz iii, t a pint a- the Et~'st boun3u.ry of the so:it' - .rest quarter of the roxthua,st quarter (S. t,r. 4 of the i~. L. ) of s,-.id Section T,:ent - rine (i"9) , .thich is One Hundred, Thirty-three and .r'ive-te::ths (11)3:5) feet north of the ~ ) corn.:r southeast ore-sixteenth (S. 1/1U of the southw*est ;~:-arter of the northe,ust quarter (S. We - of ti,e ii. 11. of said Section '1''~Ije.lt;7-mine also Lno.m as Station Y,i fty-Six plus Fifty-four and nine- tenths (56-} 54-.9) of such survey; thence South eight-ei,,ht de::rees :forty-four ,-zinutes -rest (S. 86 44' 1.7.) for a u i ,t:ar:c e of one Hundred, nifty-four (Ia4..~) Feet; thence b-- a TVIenty de ree zero ...iimt-e (Loo a, ) curve to t::c ri l;t rvith the central an-,le of thirteen cie:;iees, ro~tty-four minutes (130 441) for a, distance of Sixty-eir,ht anu seven-ter-:ths (68.7) feet; thence north seventy-seven degrees thirty-two :.:mutes wc-t (Ii. 770 32' W) One thousand, une hur_d:ced, i• :irt.17-:five a,ncl iAne-ter:ths (1,1JJ5.9) feet to a ,)aint on the west boundary of the sol.ith- rest r,uarter of the northea:,t ;iaarter ( S. .'1. of the E. L. -L) Section Twei*.ty -nine (29) w.,.ich is ` 11ree Hundred, nighty -five and one- tenth (385.1) feet, Borth of the south rest one-sixteenth (I+ of S. W. 1/16) uo-ciiex of the south:fe t ;r ),.rtes of th:- northeast q,,lurter (S. W. of U e ll. E. ) Section Twenty-lIine ( 29) ; Thence b77 the same cou..'se--north Seventy- seven ae_,rees, thixty-t~v0 i:iinutes .rest (I.. 776 32' 1~1.)--1_or a distance of mine Hundred, seven and fjur-tenths 987.4) feet; thence by zi~ °.,enty de,ree ( 20` ) 'curve to the right with a central angle of j. i :eteen degrees, four :a;i_nutes (190 4' ) for distance of illinety - five and three-te.:th: (95.3) feet; thence Ilorth Fifty-eight de8reea, twenty-ei.,ht :.iinutes west (I.T. 5; 0` 28'. VY.) for a distance of Two Hundred, Seventy-Mine and tvio-tea-iths (279.2) feet to t?:e .j ia.t or: t"t:e :est boundary of t",,e southeast quarter of the north rest lua.rter (S. L. of the V. 4. ) of Section Twenty- 11:ine (29) viLich is north of the established Solithm2st or:e-sixteenth (S. 'V. 1/1G) corker of t'r:e so itheact quarter of the northwest quarter (S. E. ~ of the 14. '~7. 4) of Section Tuent•-i?ine (29) , 4414h-4-8 Seven iiunlrcd, Li,;hty ~znd .even-ten-,hs ()780.7) feet; thence by the smie course--L,orth .r'ifty-eight degrees Twenty-el,11t linntes west (II. 580 28' vl.) for rL distance of One Hundred, Seventy and seven-tenths (170.7) feet thence by a. t.renty de ,ree (200) curve to the ri 7h-t wi,,h a central angle of Forty-ore 1e rees,. 1+'ifty-four minutes (410 54' ) for a distanllce of T•ro Hur_d-'ed, I?ine and five-te nths ( 209.5) feet: thence north -2- r ~ 46 • i 1 Si.:',een ae, rees, thirty-faux ...inutcs .Test (I;. loo j4' :J.) for a di,:,, tuiice of One Hundred, 11inet•-ei;ht ._.nd ore-tenth (18.1) Feet; thence b`7 a t „entuy degree (20 ) curve to the right to a point on the curve fourteen and oile-tei:th (14.1) feet from the begini--iii; of the curve, this )i:_ii.t jeii, on the nirth boundary o= the southwest wi_rter of the north,aest (juarter (S. y: of the II. ':i. ) of Section T.renty-nine (29) crhich is "I Ile liundrea, ninety-six and two-tenths (996.2) feet east fro:.i t'r:e Itorth,,rest one-sixteenth .(I1. ','I. l/lu) cori::er of the southwest quarter of ti e north vest giiurter ( S. N. 4` of the I:. of Scction -.,venty-iiine (29) , this point bein, at :station liUhty-nine plus Sixty-seven and e iaht -tenths (8'9 + 67.8) of the located survey center line, being a strip of 1..4nd ` hirt. -three (,)3) feet in width or sixteen ai.d one-half (lo-;) feet ::measured as nel,r us may be at right ai~Ules on both sides of the center line of the hcreinbt:fore described courses, and co :tain- ir.g t'-:ro and five-tenths (2.5) acres, Liore or less. And for tl.e considerations ufoxesz_id said 121,e City of Auburn coi.vei7;. nts :nd L,;rees to ii:stall uii3 1)rovide in tune rrs.ter main to be constructed ~s aforesaid., ut such i:Jint as .i,c; be desir nested by s...id County Gwie Commission, a three-fourths (j/4) inch tap for the lnz-r •JUe of su!).l'7in", .mater to be used ui.)on the 1,.rods above referred to, A.,ich ace r_.,~r i., the ,:ogses~,ion and inder the control of said County Gale Commissio.s. The said The C1% of Auburn hereby expressly resErvcs the ri hto to iiistalL a :inter :deter. It is hereby ex .;L•essl'7 ";rec=d that said Coui:t;T Game Co.t- _:is .ion, or ti:ei-r succcusors .-!-d ~Locvc;r :,i y beco,.ie the o'„ners of the three (3) forty (0) acre tracts of land ubove described shall be e-.,-.titled to On e Hundred '.:.'ho :s'.Lnd (100,000) "u,llons of ,ter durir: each "Tess, free of charUe. It _Js hereby further agreed between the pr.,,rties hereto th-t the ye:.:sly periodsf-j:,,' the co.:ipute.tion of r~_ter used bbl Said County Game Co.:n_iisoion sh.-_11 oe in o: Junua.cy lst and ciid on De- 0 cerlber 31st of the same year. 3 ,A "Li ..,*w It is also specially ,.;reed by and between the ;parties l;crein thut i s care said U1 eJI,iU; of Auburn shall inst.:..ll u .rarer ,(:ter for the ';ur,)ose of deter:-;inin; the a..aount of -,inter used by said County came Commission aria in case said County Ga:.ie CorzzisDion sh,.11 be sup;,.-.,lied .!ith :io re tl:an One Hunired xhoiz--and (100, 0 0 ) Gallons in ally one ; ear, then, _Lnd in th ;t 0LIEie, Si ...id Collnly GiiL1e Co+:imission coven ants ,..nd ~ trees to ,puy to said -he Cit- of Al ,,burn the sur..i of r,ifteen cents (15;x) for each additional One Hundred (100) cubic feet of i .ter so supplied to said Comity Gi.,.ie Commis;:,ion, its successors or us,ians. It is also covc.•n::.nted and . ree3 by and be t,iecn the parties 3icreto that in ca.-,e a jeter be installed a.. ayozesaid and in case .:lore than One Hundred Thousand (100,00U) Jullons of .ru.ter from s;zci: r .er :11;yin shall 'ie supplied, to s...id County Ga.ae Cora.::iis:Aon said ' i:e Cite of Auburn rrili file a claim -.rill; said County Game Commission once ouch and. th,:.t such cl~_iia be filed Niter January tat of each year. II; 'IT1!ES3 ':-PHER.EOF "Tl.e County GI-me Co.amisUion of King County leas emit-ed this ear-,eiaei:.t to be si..^,ned u;- its ti;ree (3) co,:i- its ;:loners and tl:e City of auburn has cLI (_d 'hIs eu-e..ici.t to be si ,ned by its l:;ayor c:.nd attested by its City Clerk, a.11 iii du~,licutue, on the day of -7-A. D., 19,5. County Game Commission of r-im, County, ,An; County, 'Nashi.:,,ton. BY : THE CITY 1T r ~y - -c icy cIL rk « _ -4 - 11 Ism - . • i-.:..-.~+•-~~r --r.t-*'..~~ r f.ia.'~ -'`{.R..~,c i -~ac+c~;~ - :a...- r:c_,+., `~c :::5 . ~ Nd y^~, - -•~a ~:-t i ' - . w~ LL 29, ~ - M _ U, r wTY ai#011 ohs ~ ~ pr at Bequest FILED nor t~ ot - AAA A;~.ll W" YV(''►_~`` C~.. 1 - - CITY OR TOWN - - - •1 1 ~g;~.- _ ..:tom; :t . .r h'-.' -..A•- .s~. ..-7 .e Oversized Document removed and scanned Description File Name Parent Document .r-.,,,....-~,,~ ~•,,U;,) H I ,.r 'I ~ , (CJ (I Q,.~_r:~_ `~l i t! S , lrj ~l .~J ~ t„vre°. ~~...•-~+.wr..+me~..+~... w.t.^..w..v+,..v"..,~:"°. ^....e..... .+.w+...-.r.rs-xR~.^zv~v.;a=.:la+e.s.na+rn;'s».Y '.Sx'...T ='Jfjf;_. rlho City of Ai1t ' 1'.n, a CJ. t Y 0T u }::?C i i11:L'd G.L;' u - - fY J-. _ S.e_ a. yTr to r z 1 t7 r :C n t 'Cl C? .;7 1, f :L • l i .it, r, •L :r l. t l 1•!Y ~ Yr J 1 C 0 7_ V., cJ, t; rJ X , 1 1, z' rJ i 0 t - 7_n j i,0 CrJi1~;tY'liUt all Gill z:,l'~C:d J'el'l E'.1 tiil(.)7JZur P. I. To Y' , a.l.Ci. C .I., , 11 V 11-1. ]..l, 1 J 1 e_ '~'}-l a. 11 z r '.~"'r (!7 rI a"-'. Coal l ct vice_;!' . . C` ~ ~ , Yc Ij w,`J R r r pIy :r;,t i ti , ,.:e ne r t: J~'•~.,rL2~5'.:', it IJC.cb'z , w_a i:: nt-e .>}.LI i Ii, 111 IOl''1]:1 }'1_j] '.t,1'J~i.n-Ore ( 21) i;oi,t}ti, `J! hcl]1z c 1!1 v e J~ e3~;u 1 1Y Collnty 1 1r ton • ,T., . ! , J T1_ u 1 -,J'1 i:1 Y] an c1 ( rev ' i j-1 iJ : T•T 7 '~~'it, J ~lC' E 1 E "•7 L i1g J- r ` t- 7 ~ c r c I a ~^ra ~ c L x• o rr. r ~ -~7. i::~ i; o ~yl y i i (I C ~ i r. b e ' 1c7,1 ~ c't OL;_• ul'?i0 t,rJC; J J 41 i:._iC•l a C:i' _i ti, 'L. 1, ac 4s f ZCz:l:d r; 1`C 1.]..i:-1tE:x d- e.. aC 113ed ; 7°.. T, I .j ra 1' ;'i1 ,"~1.' f 'i., `r, c' ji.,.t~ 1. aa. 1'E?' ~Y`]l La, i"('_ ( 1.Tli1~2Y 'Cl J. re • 111 o J CF. 'i %i 'J'O.,~.. ir,c'i ELI ,-t c1. '1Yli„ ~•r• Jt- 'r c. co 1. l 1 0 1 0 'iE:; z. r.. J!,11~t-7 C r E '?e li'J111^ _ rliNtil V `S n t- "y J iJ?. ,-,'t;~ , . CL E; Y' the i.r,,.•CV.__ :L:):l: J:C vtE a (,.t of u 1e C I eR 1F;- t 1,@.tt?i e Gjy S c (l iJ;J tG t ai C' O i '!`1 1 ;i O:)Y 11 rJ ;y'(3c l' 19 1"J, f)(Ii2 I C r.) ,er 120 of the. I&,-'•r;3 o ~ x~1d Jc vx, .~i~4''T, i'TTE Ytlf i,', In con;`dde-r tJ on,. o-f' the iJ,xc ic3cs and Joif r.d. :L Y] C•D.as.:LCZE:l -'?ZO] rJ= U}?tt 0: "1t:iY1z :'.(l ua, r-L.ili'i2iS ?r` 'G.1n atCY' CC)1'.- tct:l.i7.('CZ tU }JL t ?)E Lny r) fill JLIi Yl 1CZ ' i Co my trrl:Te LJT '!1:i-., ,1021 0"1 '"'U;. t _ ~Ly , d ' tle't--ttizi- " i VG G 'J 1,..v G _ <3nd .,.J C; C: v."!e 1!!z7J-llr n, a e 1 ) 11 L. al G ' e, L m elt t0 la ~1 c .3 ^z ]:cb v 0 3: a i tx11Ct,1 I'-ic1,iYA~d1Y1, E L'U 1>a °e Ct 1r, aI:Ci i E'C Oi'i , t%ft til~'.'t C?t' '.:t"a111 tC 0VCr, 111:_cle i , 6 i:i J- 1-i :,_a ac: o,.,t he, yo1 J','IiY1~ Ci'~ G i1e,(I tr1y) Jx . ; U-raut o:L' 1 L1.Ct: r s. p -o i 1 a Si-teen € 7 Cj oCC ?7alf (16-J) 1 ce u ; l; 'T ES' a. ' L f e d ill,-, ,1(' S , E1 11(: 2 1' a: ' 11Ei j G , Q S! ~ ' +53 e ac ? ,iide.~of the Iocal'% d uetl' line of 't}tc. ZJY'J_ r; ~ r* no e u' , ;.te;i i1)e .line of tI e i;it~r 0 Kabu1'21, Ctr1Ct a lyinc., ~1 y ri u1-i2 ti.c ,JL_tl'. c t o 2: ucz. of t,}lE ka 4 ! :110Z'lii) L t Criver (s • 11 Of -1 e ff E J., • l } o 4) , t} Ax' ! f y -s r t 7 tii i J_ ry 'r , - I C' - r x» L~ 1 $ 3: r : o ?one t%' u,Y_w tE r Jj , c .t oitt iE „t t}n~trtcx., r r~ rt r~. ..ou a]ncZ • t}:e , (iit "i']rc, t u" J per o c . . - lT x 4 T '1t„ vT f•' ! L_ i,., e ].101 u-h'rJt; ; t, }11 a'~`t 6 Y ' (~7 . t};G Iti e L;f p q / , 'fi ~f { ? ry;' - s r V iW i r 1 J t,r 11 1 r a: y E 1]. 71.Y() nc 1 ~7 Ft'I LrG Tif;7 - s ~tw,t v. " ee„~'t? t' a xe y s+^' 3 + Jf ' c G v c. 1u-11 ) T ~ L rT~yy~ f"rt f ~ x r'r y i N t ( J1~e/ (wl) ~ y''Urt}1 of Url,ne F J_,4 e, ~ J) ]E st !I IA ry l r r 3 n J~k~ 4~~ y2,1 .~uP~ i' ~y. it Tp - - wt d . f t rf l3~+n 1v•. y,rMt Grlcr"'~'t~.la~. ~l a ,y gft+Yt •y { t ,t ~ .ii ' 1 ro L. -`,•13 i' 7v ~ ~ l .~lt~n i"°s.'cY .1~+{~hy~~ S *j r n c"° - I l- t f I,~j t '4 ~ ,~S'~t t~ ~ +`"~`a~ n~..'~b'w,~Pif"-7d:,k • r ~ q. v s+Lr f + ; - n _ • "7 r~!`f`3,'~6k E f l 4, r q µ ~ 'p ti c L L'i:]. 1 A j C 6_ . s C.n 'C'C r.:isEJl:•1?..:(:d J.t Z:. J VI. i ..I_.I;' C[ •.«1:,_ J_l~.i { .L sl• t. '~~i?;~:.' ~ lr~.i 1:"V.. 'J ,I. ~,1"F; r) .i_ J 1.1. J ! • v c o) C'• i is i; i:i Z:' J 1 _ .r, _ c - i.(:i_" _w { 4> ai`_ •C~) i ii _ "c f_'"'; liU C: f c-, w- r.-• ~ :a . `ice ~s.... . J :~_:i__ ~:._..,.1C' •J JllL L L! c, I: :i_l)lt... C' .1. J-.... C~E.L f J l.1 w i 1. . ' f L.1... L% C, . .1 ti L.r _'c C) '_!U._![L_'(_C', • JL ,!'J._ 1 CJ CJ 1i • L'4 L, , r'JZ !J1~ 'J U w.r .,)rt _l. c%,.. J 0 c'• ii } i;'J..., i ;l:C r ; _.:Gli':( ,J C2 --:"Ct..';1? 1'i'(?:" V C'. • i-: Ci , ! i, a. ~:IU :'i.!. 1"iJ.:•_ C~ .J!. . 'J f .L'i /yb 'a, C` v i'~ :I"iU. i! ir• . _ { CJ y • } v' C' 1 •J ; J: L'. la: El Ci r-%T ' v '.1 _ .i; C; _ ! . i oJ, c. C. II 1' v , l L'J u , { ! L T) ] 'J _ 1 J L.,. _ . „ CJ J j. _ . C' J -r. J. J. , i.. r. .I J o _ rJ t,1? 11J_4, -c.. t di ce:J s , 4,~t7- (l -U:L, 1._J c _1.11i v':,,~ C, r~^~ ir4 I1 i. t,( J_ J.^;.,1. l...J .1 Li:A J:/'J IJ L. 1 J1. lJ { r ' 1E C 4 L:) C'. I1 J,! c".. J f) )Ll'1 L.` lJ'0 ...+)?J.U!. C',,..'. T V:. C. JA ',?~'v_I r. Yl lr I!I..1. L.~_.'4Ll i;-LJ.1! `-IVJ Jv'i,f7 t'I ~ - 1 J_-y.,, y. 1~. f ~•I l~r1G) CO1, r •J t.!. 4 11 C" ,_r J J w.) ,I. _>L.L~ 4 ~ 1 J ! 1 1_) • • r . / o. t e ,Oi+.ti!:CE (:t CtC_.-~ i;Gr 0:1.' Ji C J"..JGi;'l'lCElt J_ J 1 0a' • . rJ~t.'i i,-V -`T 41~ r " - } _ % ,J C f J c+ r: o a C 11 17"l i_ ^ E.' Cl ? E :L it j' 10. eve-'l- uC' ult:j l l Jli •rf ; _L t_' C C311C:0 j U'' C;! C13Ua:.;e -i 0 th CLC eeS `I'i7[ Je .`J t ;.)',j 28 ~ rr%• , fc:~ w.:i_..„ ! e of +Jrie Ilunarcu, 3 rE:?"!1;;~ and J_ r r Citl-(1EJt j :LCG1, `T 1:7C21t'7 ~1 e?1: CJ rJ c1.1 v'e O tile r:i :1 dl v17 CC;1"1v1,'°"<1 r)f -0r CLC,IlE eu~ I:i't;'-.._LIl~Y' and i e uC"'ilUiJS f 209)•5} -feet; thence no th ~Aa[faK~:irCl ~ •vmiF3~Lfli tl.a. , _t..<..L _.A._J_4 r_, .,.r .I . ..1li.:e ~ Y.`. _ _..n.. .1!. _'I _..e._ 4~. ']rrMAl. 'd +~n.'' 'L 1< ` i } , 1 • , ..•4.':: 'fit". .J I: ~'i.; 1, f .'.~'J 1i ...!_1 ,1. IJ L:. -C :.'7i)~ U iCi-ui.iiilii ( ~'~3•.! ) ~ilcC,kl- l b. al':C :i '•_.;11 L1 Ci!)1.:' i; ..1.:0 1V`: Ji1 1!_:. U- )i. .I . J 1. .1 1'Li? l,,?„ :LX ..11.:11" (L,• _~J'1l:i is'_)_,..:L:L' :):i~ v:ll:: .-it J_u11'J'1;: 1, J:L i l' it : 'ULZ ( ~i• '~:L v1!C .J_l._.l' .•~iT1J11 t,.llu Vu1_ti-, `V.(1 v VrI •u / L CC:[.:_''.'. O:lc -11..:1 i { lu:. C) ! i"'a_..Ui• i)~'C' 1.;,'C 11- a __C_'.A. J_J(i :3 UY. c:. (3 1'..:,,...i_LL Lt~1J11T11 lf J11.... !i; 1 a 1' C:i u:_ U `u.,il 1; c.' l ,j..., W 'L. rl F rtt b;. A _ ici C;J,•,-1,...; ,e !Y c iiJ], J'.. 11 ~1.._. .l . z. :l Yl -•.~l J 1, e L. 1oTY L a7 ffC:_'T•C;: C.. 1:..... L i,:•C ,~.11a Lill 3 I- 1 ~~1.~`1 ~..J0i.] u a r'':J , , G v"C=:Ii. 1,..~1.0 l.. 111?(: s, t?:I-fi. `,111 C. J7.' Li'1 !lC:i C:!Jy -r c+,, 1 611 0 1; C; .a i i,; l' 1' . I~ i~ ti,ia ~orll- i.l:_..L~;iJ]., ui3uo!ic o l: .~r: :~{ic ullree ( t~) :r'J_•t; (~:p) tzc;._'e u1';ar:u.', J:E l:.+r_u_ UG' F,'Y:t: i) r: i 1 U i.)?:B tiLlt'! li" CLl 1:t10:'. .-T]Cl (100 , DO~ 1U i1 "J-L u Ji d1TriTl? G~?Ct: y0 a]: ~:CCC `f (7;h i:fc c u :L :"!CT(JJ;j ~l iJGI;`,~1{;( r1~~7:GGi1 'Jt;1G; a"i~ , . . ~ C v, Ta 1 L t 0 11 LT i7SLCL 1J~% S ilC~ L.,_ ..t a th e , e l y c n l;„ ....'J ds - J:s1 t)i !c_ t C ouru Id-u Gar-ac C,-.1 f1111 :,I;10Ill ;1;....:L1 }1e r:i.ri Oi;'. Janul,:i-',~y :LL all i_)i - cember . 1-tti of ;;17(:! ~t :,c- z!aa", ,.IP. d.r..i:s~tielh6e Y:i:i:liltilrt i7.e.taw..k.....,-. i- •..s _ u.. ..L. _ r.. G, ; r..-. r,is A'9in... .»:,v..._+..'~'at~."_~:M1.AI_.Y.-., a~