HomeMy WebLinkAbout2095456 WATER EASEMENT 110425C E A S E M E N T VVHEREAS, The City of Auburn, a City of the third class, situate in the County of King and State of Washington, is proposing to construct an enlarged water supply system for said City, having as its source of supply what is generally known as COAL CREEK SPRINGS, originating in beoticzB Thirty-`T'hree (33) and Twenty-Eight (28) in Township Twenty-vne (21) North of mange rive (5) East, W. M., in the said County of King and State of Washington; WHEREAS, It is convenient and necessary in piping water from lw. said COAL CRR SPRINGS, bSr said City, that a water pipe line be laid and constructed over, upon, along and across the Lot,Tract or Parcel of Land hereinafter described; AND WHEREAS The said Lot,, Tract, or Parcel of Land here- inafter described, are owned by, and in the possession of, JAL23 HENRY TAYLOR and LZAUDE LOOUISE TAYLOR,. his wife, both of the County of King and State of Washington; NOWt THEREFORE, In consideration of the payment to the said JAMES HENRY TAYLOR and idAUDE LOUISE TAYLOR, His wife, of the sum of 09e Hundred and no/100 ($100.00) Dollars, cash in hand, the receipt whereof hereby is acknowledged, the said JAMES HENRY TAYLOR and MAUDE LOUISE TAYLOR, His wife, do hereby grant and convey unto the said City of Auburn, and to its successors in interest, a perpetual ease- ment to lay, construct, maintain, repair and reconstruct, whenever the same may be necessary, a water pipe line in, upon, over, under, through and across the following described strip, lot, tract or parcel of land, lying, being and situate in the County of King and State of Washington, to-wit: Being a strip of land Thirty-Three (33) feet wide sixteen and one-half (16*) feet measured as nearly, as may be at right angles to the located line of this survey, and on each side thereof, lying wholly within the east one-hall of the 14orthwest quarter -1- e of the idorthweet quarter (N. Vi* s of the Id. W.-I-) of Section Twenty-Iiine (29), Township Twenty- One (21) North of Range Five (5) East W. M., more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south boundary • of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (N. W. a of the 14. W. of Section Twenty-Nine (29) which point is east from the established Southwest one-sixteenth cor- ner, Nine Hundred, Ninety-Six and two-i'enths (996.2) Feet and is known as Station Eighty- i4ine Plus Sixty-Seven and Eightt-tenths (89 } 67.8) of this survey. Thence b a twenty degree, zero minute curve (200 00, curve to the right for a distance of Seventeen and 37/100 (17.37) Peet• thence North Three degrees Fifty linutes (3a 501) West for a distance of Five Hundred, Eighty-Nine and 56/100 (589.56) feet; thence by a Twenty Degree,.zero minute (200 001) curve to the left with a central angle of Three degrees., four minutes (30 04') for a distance of Fifteen and 33/100 (4115.33) feet; `Whence North Seven degrees, zero minutes (N. 70 00') West for a distance of Seven Hundred, Eighty- Eight and no/100 (788.00) Feet to a point on the north boundary of.the northwest quarter of the Iorthwest quarter (N. W. 4 of the N. W. of Section Twenty-I;ine (29) which is the north boundary of Secition Twenty- Nine (29) and which lies east from the estab- lished section corner Eight Hundred, 11ifty- three and 3/10 (853.3) feet, also known as Station One Hundred and Three plus Seventy- eight 'and one-tenth (103 * 78.1) of this sur- vey. In all a strip of land '2hirty-three (33) feet wide measured sixteen and one-half (161) feet on each side of the center line of this survey as nearly as may be at right angles, and con- taining One and ten/100 (1.10) acres more or lei ss.; a Blue Print of the survey of said pipe line, upon, along, over and across said lot, tract, or parcel of land, being hereto attached, marked Exhibit "A", and by reference made a part hereof. The said JAMES HEERY TAYLOR and MAUDE LOUISE TAYLOR, his wife, do._ for the consideration aforesaid, remise, bargain, sell and convey unto the said City of Auburn, and to its successors in interest, a perpetual easement in and to the said strip, lot, tract or parcel of land, for the purposes aforesaid. -2- 4K,:- Am IT IS SPECIALLY COVEEAIJTED AldD AGREED, for the considera- Lions aforesaid, by and between said The City of Auburn and said James Henry Taylor and Maude Louise Taylor, his wife, that all live and usable timber situate upon the strip of land Thirty-three (331) feet in width, above described, having a diameter of six (611) inches or more, which shall be cut by the City of Auburn or any contractor of the City of Auburn, shall be trimmed and cut into logs of standard length and piled out-side of the area upon said strip of land which shall be cleared in the construction and laying of the water pipe line above referred to, and that all of such live i ng and useable timber hav~:/a diameter of six (6") inches or more shall be and remain the property of said James .Henry Taylor and Maude Louise Taylor. IT IS FURTHER COVENANTED AND AGREED by and between said the City of Auburn and said James Henry Taylor and Maude Louise Saylor, his wife, their executors, administrators, heirs and assigns, that in case any damage shall hereafter be caused to the East Ore- half (E. of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (11. W. L of the N. W. of Section Twenty-nine (29), Township Twenty-one (21), North of Range Five (5) East W. M., by the bursting or leaking of the water pipe line to be constructed thereon,ttfb-game as aforesaid, said The City of Auburn will pay actual damages so caused by a proper warrant or warrants to be drawn upon the Water Fund of said City. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, The said JAMES HENRY TAYLOR and MAUDE LOUISE TAYLOR, his wife, have hereunto set their hands and seals this the day of October, 192 -3- STATE OF WASHINGTON: wr► AW SS. COUNTY OF KING: I, W-'A /wk a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington,d:4ly commissioned and sworn, do hereby certify that on this 7:~,. 6 day of October, 1925, personally appeared before me JAILES HENRY TAYLOR and MAUDE LOUISE TAYLOR, his wife, to me knu n to be the individuals described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they signed and sealed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Given under my hand and official seal this day of October, 2,. D., 1925. Not`:ar ` lie in and for the State of Washington, residing at Auburn. -4 4 N. q , S E C. 2 P4 3~lb. ' - T. 2 1_ N. ~ v. ,R.SE w M I r p rl 16Z Io5 O~ r (L 0 v ~ o" ° 5 I 'to A I-" r, 9 R 5~'vi 0 h t o~we~r 100 N -7~ 4cD 'v\/.- .7iM `5 9S o50 $0~P .•I 1~0, FI U. d1 O F d F 01. v 0 h CD m ~ U9 0 11/0 CITY OF AUBURN o OG~~ ~N COAL CREEK WAFER 5UPPLY o SHOWING RIGHT OF WAY DE5IRED IN 0 ' SEC. 29, T'21 N., R-5 E., W. M. JULY 22, 1.925 1 SCALE l' e00l I I grow -19251OV 4 AIM- 11. 31 j - ~ ~ ~ . " COUNTY- w1ol VON ~ r 'S.. SU \ y~._k ._~--~ewr'~'xy~lcl ~ _ '~w, ~ +Y 3p"4- ~ ~ R • G -`~•r ' ) i ''k~ se ~ -s 3 ~ ~ s s 1- a .:at quo - YV •W~Y~ a C CIT ) N~l r J ; ~~~..:>"i=+.=.,:.t-. :w.,n..F _ , d-~ •P~L ~ tis%'u~y~,~~• x ~~'?f`;-'•c°rY'..ems-':,~ ~":~2r'vr~!`'~p3~i*>"„~.m.-.;4 ~ _•t 4«.i± ` ,t~F..` r