HomeMy WebLinkAbout6691925 UTILITY EASEMENT 091070? F VOL 463 PACE 4051 -E - A S E ME N T ode =''officers, of Aubxrn Academy , do hereby grant and convey.to-IthO.CITY.OF.AUBURN, a municipal corporation, an,easement.over and across, upon and underneath, the following described land,for ingress and egress and for the purpose.of laying, maintaining, and installing a Utilities C\! said`1and, being described as: 0` That portion:of Academy Park No. 2 as-recorded in Vol. 91; Pg. 61, records of King Co., 0" Wash., described as follows: S.E..359th Place,.137th:Place S.E., and the Westerly 20 ~p ft of Lot 8 Also together with the Northerly projection of said Westerly 20 ft. to ahe-.S:outhe:rly right-of=way.li:ne of S.E. 356 h Place, more specificss ly des'cribed as follows:`: - Begi^nnng at the Southwest corner-of the Southeast q%ar.ter of the Northwest quarter of ,,5ec, 7,'Jwp 21 N, R 5 E, W Ni.; said;;point_.also being the Southwest corner of Academy' Park as recorded.in Vol 70; R; 7.6', records of King Co., Wash., said point being marked by a concrete monument-; thence South 88°27' East along the South line of said Academy Park, 483.36 ft. to the TPOB,.-thence North ,10:33'East.104.99 ft.; thence on a curve to the left having.a radius of 25}ftarc•=distance of -39:27 ft.; thence North 88°27' .West 69.74 - ft. ; i thence North ,0°56' 43"East 50 ft.; thence South 88°27' East 95.26 ft.; ng a radius, of,513.24 ft.., and an arc distance of thence ona curve to the right,havi 94.31 ft.,- to _a -point 1erei nafter--known `-as Po.i`nt A;`, thence continuing al.ong said arc 192.33 _ft.; thence on a curve to the 1}eft,whose center bears South 22°42'04" East 45.00 ft.; an,arc distance of 229.73 ft. to a-06int bearing South 89°48'04" West from said center; thence on a curve to-the left having a radius 'of 463.24-ft. and an arc distance of 179.05 ft.; thence on a .curve to the left having a radius of 25 ft., and an arc distance of 43.57 ft.; thence.South 1°33'-West 98.53 ft.; thence North 880.27'-West 50.00 ft. to the TPOB. Together Iwith the 20`foot strip lying SEly of and adjacent to the following described line: Beg at Point,A in the-above description; th N 20°22''17".E 280.94' to the Sly right-of-way in of SE-356th P1. and the termin ti on point of said line. DATED and SIGNED this day- of 19 STATE OF WASHINGTON ~ss i County of King` ) - I, the undersi geed, a notary :.publ -c. i n and ,for. -the. State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, hereby certify that on this day personally appeared before me Mr. C.-. W. ''Jorgensen u. R, . to ' - I , _ _ a me known.'to be-the-individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and -acknowledged-,that: theY signed and sealsed ,,,,the .same as, their. free and voluntary ,act and deed "for the uses and purposes therein mentioned.