HomeMy WebLinkAbout3743836 PERMIT FOR EXTENSION OF ROAD ACROSS MILITARY RESERVATION 111247FIN vo~2b 5, ME2"r9; . V(C; ►o r. 549 3743836. I June 19{5 } . 0 t 4ARYY BBRYICE FORCSB ~,.r • t, p PERMIT .FOR` EXTENSION OF-ROAD 'ACROSS. MILITARY AESSAj,' ION } " me:SECRETARY OF NAR, unq~t 1qy 3riu rt th rity vested in him by Section., of the ; D V. Act of Wngreas ipDioved~July, ereby,grenis.to i xflxi COUNPY. a' Muniicipal (.brrioration' of `the ,State of Washington hereinafter,deaigaated+aa.the' tee parmieaion to"eaten a'road across. A strip..Of laI1d BiXty ; feet in width, being t my. V*an either sIde of a ce fellows:. Startine at the southeabt"corner of-Sectioa 25, Township 21 North, Rang6 4;East,, Willamette Meridian;' thence West -a distance of•approx1mately 430 ; i 1 i e h 2" 2 t n a e ma ee o, can er e of jtnce a e 0, Au W Ho ec Wanhington- iim PE,49T,•1a granted subjectto the•tollowing provisions and conditions:, i.r,bat the conetrllction, use, and maintenance of said road, including culverts and other drainage facilities. shall be performed without cost.or expense to the United States, under the,.generol supervision and Subject to the approval of the Commanding Ofticer of the Bald reserva- tion,~or other,cbmpetent military authority. k. 'Mgt the grantee, shall at all.tlmes maintain said mad In 'good 60ndltlon and shall promptly.make,all.,repairs thereto needed to preserve a amooth-surface highway. 3. That any property c4 the United States damaged or destroyed by'the grantee lncl- deat;6 the use and occupation of the.sald premises shall be promptly repalred•or replaced by the grantee to, the,,satlsfactlon off, the sa1'a Commanding Officer or other competent m111tary authority, or in lieu of such repair or replacement the grantee shall, If so`rearired by said Conanding Officer or-other competent military authority, pay'to,the United States money In an amount sufficient to compensate for the, loss suatained.by the United States by•reasoA of damages to or destruction of • ' ODvernment property..; _ . • 4: That•tho use and occupatlon'of,aaid mill tary'reservation for the purposes au- thorized by thle,insttument shall ])a'aubiect to.euch rules'and regulatlona.as the said Commanding Ottlcer,or•other competent military authority may prescribe, from time to time in order to properly protect the, Interests of the United States. 6. That the United States shall In' no 'case,be'llable for any damages or Injuries to the;seld road which may be caused by or:.rosult'from any operations undertaken by the Oovernment, and no claim or'rlgbt to compensation t shall accrue from such damages or injuries. 28 That the t/r'Ited states reserves the right to make. such connections between the 4 road-herein Authorized{•ano the'roads and streets on said military reservation as the Chief of } Engineers may' frem time W ',time consider necessary; and also reserves to.itself rights of way for all purposes acrossi-over, end/or under the right of way hereby granted; provided, however, that such rights shall.be used in a manner that will not create unnecessary Interference with the use and enjoyment'by the grantee of sail right Of way for highway purposes. 1. That, it is-to be understood that this instrument Is effective only insofar as the rights of the. United States in the property over which the Said* road is to be extended. are concerned, y 9 1 and that the grantee shall obtain such permission as may be necessary on account of any ocher exist- ; Ing•rights. for a period of. two consecutive years, %_--18 8.` That al or any part of such right of way herein granted may be annulled and for- .i felted'by the^8ecretary-Of War for falliire to comply with any or all of the terms or conditions of this grant, or for nonuse or, for abandonment of rights granted herein. -'9: That It Is understood that the provisions of Conditions, Nos. I and b, supra, shall not abrogate' or. interfere with any agreements or commitments made or entered into between the grantee and any other agenoy-of the United States with regard to financial aid to the grantee in connection with the construction, maintenance, or repair of the road described herein. IN WITNESS:VWEOF I have hereunto-set my hand and affixed the seal of the laz*'Be~3~,'Me t by, direction of the Under Secretary of War .this 194,x• 177, 7, S- CAORZILLER1 afri C9w~p w= ~ h Major, A.C., AnIstant. ` s I ' SMOISSIN OO Xsunoo do Qxeoa HHZ do J,sanbau ~~t ~ln~i~~; - Q x Hod aajz,~ N AiTtn„I~t aollonv SINNOw v 183808 a 85 Z Wd AON LVQ `L_a~ 2-- JO iS3n03a....._,._ _"3wd A0 - •10A d. _ his r e w w a w V. 0