HomeMy WebLinkAbout9309010441 WATER EASEMENT 090193~,'5 OFFICEd' a CITY CLERK creff OF AUBURN 2 25 West Main EASEMENT A 3 / Auburn, WA '98001 For and in consideration of and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and. for benefits to be derived by the Grantor herein, Grantor,SougthBAu~bu~rn.a B,~usyi<n;ess ParkAs~socat, hereby conveys and warrants. to the CITY OF AUBURN, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Washington, its successors and assigns, a perpetual nonexclusive easement under, over, through and across the following described land for the purpose of laying, maintaining, and installing water lines and fire hydrants AND APPURTENANCES THEREOF, said land being described as follows: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF. Said Grantee shall have the absolute right, at times as may be necessary, to enter upon said easement for the purpose of maintenance, construction, repair or reconstruction of the above improvements without incurring any legal obligation of liability therefore. Said Grantee shall have the absolute right to place any type of driving surface within said easement deemed necessary by the Grantee. Said Grantor shall not in any way block, restrict or impede access and egress to or from said easement and/or in any way block, ,OCT restrict or impede full use of the land within the above described CT O easement by said Grantee. Said Grantor may fence across said easement and/or along the boundaries of said easement provided that O D a gate is constructed in said fence. Said gate shall be of p sufficient length and location to allow the Grantee full use of and CV) access and egress to and from the land within the above described easement. If said gate is to be locked, keys shall be provided to the Grantee. a a; 8 _it: Q C3 0 CU 01 0 +~1 , Said Grantor shall not construct any permanent structures within a distance of TEN FEET from the boundary of said easement and/or any permanent structures which would limit overhead clearance to less than FOURTEEN FEET. This easement shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be binding on the successors, heirs and assigns of all parties hereto. Dated this Z `j day of STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) E P _L_ , 1992 1-- I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washing 9n, duly commissioned and sworn, hereby certify that on this 24- day of 1992 personally appeared before me to me known to be the indivi ual(s) described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that signed and sealed the same as free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposed herein mentioned. GI1.t1.q'% u'r:a.;er my hand and seal ed 'a- .to form -Ap,b rOv this 29 day of yz:,e~~, 1992. Qi4. Q NOT Y PUBLIC AND FOR HE STS E WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT &,f4&ae 4t MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 9-/-93 F EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR WATER MAIN EASEMENT EXCEPT WITHIN LOT 2: Those strips of land lying within the west half of Government Lot 4, Section 30, Township 21 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, said strips being 15.00 feet in width, the margins of which lie 7.50 feet on each side of and parallel with the following described centerlines: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Government Lot 4, thence running North 69°49'12" East along the south line of said Government Lot 4 a distance of 587.13 feet to a point lying 10.50 feet westerly of the north and south centerline of said Government Lot 4; thence North 00°05'30" East, parallel with said north and south centerline, a distance of 492.76 feet to the True Point of Beginning; Thence North 01°16'49" East a distance of 18.36 feet to a point hereinafter referred to as Point A; Thence continuing North 01'16149" East a distance of 319.07 feet to a point hereinafter referred to as Point B; Thence South 89°42'25" West a distance of 281.00 feet; thence South 00°05'30" West a distance of 30.00 feet to a point hereinafter referred to as Point C; thence continuing South 00°05'30"' West a distance of 240.00 feet to a point hereinafter referred to as Point D; thence continuing South 00°05'30" West a distance of 73.18 feet to the Terminus of said centerline. AND the following described centerlines: Beginning at the hereinbefore described Point A; thence North 89°54'30" West a distance of 53.00 feet to the Terminus of said centerline; Beginning at the hereinbefore described Point B; thence North 00°05'30" East a distance of 40.00 feet to the Terminus of said centerline; Beginning at the hereinbefore described Point C; thence South 89°54'30" East a distance of 34.00 feet to the Terminus of said centerline; Beginning at the hereinbefore described Point D; thence South 89°54'30" East a distance of 34.00 feet to the Terminus of said centerline; AND commencing at the southwest corner of said Government Lot 4, thence running North 89°49'12" East along the south line of said Government Lot 4 a distance of 587.13 feet to point lying 10.50 feet westerly of the north and south centerline of said Government Lot 4; thence North 00°05'30" East, parallel with said north and south centerline a distance 492.76 feet; thence North 01°16'49" east a distance of 337.43 feet; thence South 89°49'251' West a distance of 281.00 feet; thence South 00°05'30" West a distance of 512.00 feet; thence North 89°54'30" West a distance of 135.09 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence continuing North 89°54'30" West a distance of 117.38 feet to a point herinafter referred to as point F; thence continuing North C')89°54'30" West a distance of 7.50 feet to the Terminus of said centerline at ON a point on the easterly margin of "A" Street Southeast; AND the following described centerline: Beginning at the hereinbefore described Point F; thence North 00°03'33" West a distance of 71.50 feet to the Terminus of said centerline. SITUATE IN the City of Auburn, County of King, State of Washington. 1~0t93 N. 89042'25"E. 559.92 26100 PO/NT "C" 30.00 39.00 5 tp M a t" -PO/NT ",6' 0116 '1 %9 q 7 milk I $I. ~ m I I ~ I I . 1 39.00 ;I PO/NT "0 " 4 j ~r 6 II 53.00 v Pl7/NT A /8..36 ~-'--T 3 I ~ C o I - I. I 4; N. 89 °54 X30 IV . PO/NT E 2 o I I to 7K 3 p 0 750 If 7.3fj O 3q •00 Z I I F" O I it IB.5~ ~I /30.00 , N. 89°42 25 E. ( I Q II QTR/P TO OE CONVE>£0 70 - 711E CITY OF AUBURN 0, N 89~°49' '/2" . 58713 SIP. CORNER 41st v JL SEC. 30 -2I -5 any D e WATER MAIN EASEMENT EXH/B/T OF WAS PO/NT OF BEGINNING Ae - L/1° RUPERT ENGINEERING, INC. 1519 W. Valley Highway N. Ste. 101 P.O. Box 836 AUBURN, WASHINGTON 98071 TEL (206) 833.7776 FAX (206) 939-2168