HomeMy WebLinkAbout3161420 TRANSMISSION LINE EASEMENT 121740i ti-:P% .•c "g"•'~'..."4'"."• is lit".1!`t :Y.i/M",Sx!.it tG`T`•ij xY tl'yY.d l-~Y yc; 14;r.Y •sa'y'6 1 ,G Zr -g) .,an. { ++:J 4-. ~t ) 1' y. A W t ~'+r. j .~r4 er. r.: ~.'t„~^ t'4 - ~y_ ~ .$:'•1 S~ ~+~,~s~ji~y~~f4+'a{F•>~~: -~•"7~'~°C✓r{,'"6j Ar.4+~.u.~~rr.acua~'. 'r• r nd~°at'S'"~8'•~+ L's ftr'°Ir-~,: ,t`i..f,.yytt•) ~tt.yy~(„1•~ t «„~iel ''s~,^•~T' '.t`~'~ d~~~..yg, n. .tir ,t S ')'t s !CC{! tr~ ~ f. , t ~ l • I e+ f !.i .~:t. ry'e s SPA-461 it ~~ta LYON pNp dflCOffN f f _J 'f q r Tium y v 'Ce.~. j- i .w y a bath aDtb. form BP420 11$1.6,fill ~ w w,( am~~~jq(((~)//~~'~ ++I~~!^//~y~ j~~i''yyy .'•u ✓.i~i 1 G :,;i; y.,7~~rt - i,Y~~w//yy~,iJlr~i►JI.J1®X LINE EASEMENT' ND TN CONSIDERATION of the sum of 01w hundred n naty and roy1G0 t-. ; i A.• : sr' -Dollars 150. ()o in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, The Ci - of r_uburr , a. , iri~a..y cl nal , v o~• nor ~-cMo:~ of tl:,: Sf,aie of hin~.°ton i.;W-;,, granted, bargained, and sold and by these presents do hereby grant, baxg n, s~71 , and convey. unto the UNITED STATES or AmEmCA and its assigns, a permanent easeracht an right-of-way over, Upon, under, and across the following -described land in the Cuunty of the State of to wit: "i'rLat por...on of the S?'- of tl:c and tine of the S:~,- 7 c I:lon "LO;J- --hin -21 i''ort,i, Pan.,re r East, utE ; Ln'-, County, v:hich lie %:,hin iL stria of land AGO - i feet in vxidth, the boundaries of .:airy stria lyins 87.5 feet distant ~i n ort'hT-,estcrl-r f'rGX1 and 212.5 feat southeasterly from 41'Le, ; na.2'ae to the survey 1= G' o t't":. ii{3'I:r.,1i5-RLGYltOn tru!:.".~t.iSS10_'1, , lire as rfovr located and staff-e~;. on she ground over, across aria unor the above -nroncrty, and nartioularly; described as fo11o,~ s: De-i=i nr, at survey Si::lt O x )Ji; L. f7 , a no-*-nt o1: t:'1G --ou'k h 111210 of sect on 23 , T0."i2.s In 21 or Aar_ -G- EP.S , 11 it',-.o- tr erid-Lan, s ._d nG iiL beiii- a 4,7' '07VJ'- ..,._1.1lv / 5 said coutti line distance of l)2.j2.32 from t,-o aua.r~er SF ^ i on corner on the Sol:t 1 1' ?l/~ Oj'/]Uc' dt ^.t'.O2Ci, iYlc;nc ; i , ~;4 1-1. 18" E.- a. distw-o- of 57Vi- J2 _oe to survey S 4•`.".64 -Oi7 302.1.1';J.03,as voi.Zt on the east pine of said ec;;ion 2•", said -aoint ' ` bean; S. 0 1u1 E. alon? said ca St line d stance of l0;'j.c15 fee Troia the Aor Wheat corner of said Sect:. n 28. The above described strip of land has a length of l-'00 feet 1 and cor_taiihs 12.0 acres, more or lets. S,Jr-IjECT TO; I 1. rosorvations contained in deed from ID'an Lobel,= a?:d-*,1U nie Icbehan, his . ;4 fe, dated July 22, 1`25, recorded October 7, 1927 in Vol'x-,10 12;2, p%-e 119 Deed ?ocord.s of .Erin„ Count,-, ~,Iashington. 2. R is off W. J. Lunn ur(?er a *,A inr; con'cr'r~ct da-ced ;.:arch 16, 1x38 e ecuted by :',Torras Lobehan, recorded :`a.r 29, 1533 as kud:.or's File . 171- 2 8$855, records l of KiriC County, 7,las 'ton. 3.: City of l uburn pipe line at std.tion 353 r ~ i ~ ,:r y U ~s. aw a t ; - 7 - - r, rr. t9 e~ Yra' {•J"C•C! ti r i r - at ~ ♦ 4..tLt ky~ _ _ Y I- ~ 1 >.if :t~ 'I 7 ~ { rA ` i 1 - f ,'..f Y` 1 .Y 1 `i' .y T• t r y aY :l.r j ++,~K ' ~ l• a ~ - J• } 7. 7_.,~r ati f. t a ) Y. ~~t ~ h'f~4>,~r Cs. ~r~c;yy ~ ~,"~4~;'a~. • yi, Yl~'i~an~*:f~ } ~`'1♦*~X-{~ t~'`yl,~ ~i'~rh'v tf yIr?,~ 7i[k ~ y. c • u~~'+ ,1•(yy r, "..."7 ~r~}•y .r~Y~Y '•,.:[,f'`..J•_,_;1;~'f~!j~~.,}-•L;i }(.i31=`.T 'Lts ai ~yi•b '•!..e~dt,,x~+~LVi. Y'i-.f.., C~~1.i. IT'~i y~( ;1'. iye, •fY~- JiS r.-»I mil, '*i~. . ~ .14.f•~. s. ~.^J MG.,~ O f~ :n~ ,A'.f3. 7S:,<. .n .Y.V~'.4Y. ~r'rG~ as7,.Jr>iv-~IMK.Si1P'IA ~"~SI • 4 ;F ,•r K. a ~ i»r . .e ~ ! i } rr "i ~'C'~L A•.sa~a, f K ~i~Zfi~' +~`r'~ ~ t :!'r..:.:: x t~ r rf w:~_ I.' ~ c • -Ar ,j.~ J.r ,vrJ~ <'~:'tii ~nla R .R ,.3 s i .,r l f. F r` .rr, r, t.~'~` •'lr"i+. ti x I~. J,;~.y a ' l~" „ .1•r n'~b1;F: r15 N1_1 i . _ H it 4 `i I Tlyo .ffresuid easement and right-of-way is for the following purposes, namely: the perpetual 2'Igllt to enter and to erect, maintain, repair, rebuild, operate, and patrol one or more.010Ctric power.. Y ,tot • r , r'~ transmission lines, and one or more telephone and/or telegraph lines, includiliLr the right to erect such poles atld other transmission line structures, wires, cables, and the appurtenances necessary...-thereto ; the further right to clear said-right-of-way and heel) the same clear of brush, timber, inflammable structures, and fire hdzards ; and the right to remove danger trees, if any, located beyond trio limits of said right-of-way. r To HAVE AND To HOLD the said. oasement and right-of-way unto the UNITED STATES of AmERicA and its assigns, forever. It is further understood and agreed by the undersigned that the payment of such purchase price is accepted as full compensation for all damages incidental to the exercise df any of the rights above ; described. y :',e covenant with the UNITED STATES OF ANILPIcA 'that we are lawfully seized and possessed , of-tho lands aforesaid; have a good and lawful.right and power to sell and convey the same; that ' the same are fred and clear of all encumbrances, except as above noted, and that we will forever warrant and defend the title thereto and quiet possession thereof against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, o: ce;!t as to said deed reservations and tia .d contract ri~tits. I ' ------x~i _ :.7.T r"P.S:i-Y ; : Can 11-10 Ci' J* of Aubu.rr, pu :-uant to a.r caowuiian ay' its:. c:ul;; curd le,-Ally ador)ted, leas cauzecl these nresents to Cie s:i.^ned 'a~; ar and C-I.ty Cler': and its, cozirLon seal to be hereunto affixed this clay of Dece=ber ~ yI, ~-1^rYv ! ,.rJJC+GX?.~CC1Or.X%i•'.~.~.~'iCi;.' ' 'c~ ~,NUi'Cl::t~'71S:~f`t"t~..T^{d~':::(T,~G-~~CXICXYJr7r" • I U1 - - - - r h ` ` 4 a~ . ; . %r-----------'- - ` , K --O - ---r-___'' G WITNESSES:.' ' ' AZT-- _ - - ---01 F _ ' _ ia--lazoa r' + ~ t , - - 1. ! ~F,-~ r ~-'e~~t ~ ~ F F'ML ` Sx.•5r " `S . + r ' - _ti_ ' _ 't~~t cF K7'•vl'' .sr Hy .rf~ ~'1 l ~y `•yfl 1, _ .t. •i ':7 c~ -.y, t yZi, : i'r c,:> =iT. h• '~d -r w.r ~~5 j2 u r lj, v ..-t •'~„uy `fir •.i,.- ``'F :L"+'r+k•_.:'„+'?v; .,~f iLY.i^•y,:' JJ ~-r+-•, '`Y- ~'•'H•^ . ';at . • . - • . - ` F' - .7 F a ..iFSr bilk 'i- ~ :A`t.. f1 ~l.R'.. - tel. 1 ~r~ Sr'•Y,~ = :Y~Y:. ! 9'"^~~'.r•? -~,.'4n"51.~5=!~,' I • rai 'Liif) r - ~ r. ' k 2 , 1 ' ' ~ .r - x ,I_ , Y~'r fn~,..y f 7 7, r~ f•I •''t,• ~f i f •'r' YID'. I-TNTE OF Wa.9h ington I COUNTY . ig 'rc;■Y' On the 17th 'day Dece3nber , 1940 , personally came before me, a'notary (r: public hi and for said County It tats, the within-named L. J. G+E, 1+WOR and T. M. RYD.N, Git~ Clerk, cf the Ci of liuburn to me personally known to be tlfe identical 1 J,-on.' ibed in and who hxecuted the within and fore oing- instrument aiid acknowledged to me executed the same as their free and; voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein-nkentioned. r GIVEN under my hand and official seal tho flay and year last [SEAL] - ' Notarv Publ i c i~a anci for t}ze Stc:tc of Residing at i * } j„r TO L-!=- OF ,,,.u,_-TT County of ":n } My commission expires: On wh -s 17,th day. of Deceinbcr .1.()40, before ne personally anneared Its J. G~O~E T _ a„a Rv:: nr v to me Sao,.- m to be t, e L.avor Clerk r of 'the _~uri~c i seal co?~ooration' that: executed the within =d forer` ' ~s; irstru,::ent 5 101 iCilOt::iG C - C'C~ said .nstri-Lnent to be the free and volvntar•r.act and deed df said :nu+.ic- al corpora- ti on for the uses and purposes 7therein mentioned, and on oath -tc•ted that tiles ivere authorized-to e:-ceute said instrt.,unent and that the seal, affixed is the corton.seal of said municipal corporation. IE' i, ,,aa.tIaS _ EiiEO>j I have hereunto set my hand and 'fixed !-.y offic _-l seal the day and year ftr#, above -aritten.. , 1 IL tarjjv ,.y A., for the Dly commission expir reg STATE OF WashinCt6n . . SS: COUNTY OF Kin : I I CF.RTiFY that the within' strument was received for record on the ' day of 194at ' o'clock M., nd recorded in Book on page Records of Deeds of~ said County. • ; r ! , p66 . r 'Witness my hand and seal of C ty affixed.' + f '1 tM1 ,~ylpd,~l . J r n `la w9"; BY - ,tip`•! ,r ~a-iosio } _ Ll ty Note to Recording Officer: = - ±w a Upon recordation, please return to. ahn S Qlaf elci Assistant e~ttol-ncy 'rte k 004 Qdd ellaals Buildlh; ^ yt 4 >r \4`", ` •r5t S . Portland, ; Oregon V~, a. rY:: 1 ~ d + _ ~ ~ , .~y' j.;y•.ts S,y,i~+"~I ~j`.;~,f .1 S : t:• C w - A-.. C ~ r eta ~Cn.; 11~ i. :~a~' j 2~ ~ ~~s•4i yl*~ t ~ 'r~' `yJ. ~ t~ ~ ?r` r~ • {6 ° tpi s 'fir' I ~yG ~ la#' ~?'Y~ ~ '••b • ~ M~•u•'x.r,~.•.~ ..i /1J c, a h f •A, n ty:~ t ; lFf q v., a t i t Cy ' ,t.. :.Jrw. t-fi .'~t~ ~r 1 k . akn. r_ ,Y ~r7.e, , r.,. :'a .x • Qe~nria.~sn~tar-ra.u premises situated in Killo 0oulity, Stn:tc of `.Vur,i~invton to wit cal 1u ~e 0.1,1Ior ' 'u- 11.0 '1 cf t;!e 1:I 904::' W hUiii fo- 011 r,, c:rici ~ C. iUt :3 aFi .iric IILII 1Jla.l;; c--=_• r['. CF.', Cf 1r~U'l t ~,p a (,.ill)talICe Of fElCt, Lo ia. )oillt, PC I. 15 ~111s i~,nae, 011 0. 20OGO' to LufL, a-it].1 a l;oi,..l :!!Lc .l iin,)_~'le p, 2901:41, r• a C1.iN l:!iiicu of 14- s3.(37 fu•..t, Lo a ?ioilit, i, ` Lit 16 pllzCi 72, ^hc11ce 10o 4a. ~I i:,. L;)nc e of 137-9/1. fecL L o a )oint I' . G . "L" 18 rlus GO-. Vience, oil a 20000' Curare to the Left, w--th a 1-oLul e,-.Tf:l ~.nr_~le of 52)()(A? , i-'L lice: of I'60.00 feet, to a "'oint, P.T. 11:LI' 21 ';plus 2, 6~ (3 . The,lii.e I IT 32°511 :1, a. ,Ill SIL .11Ce of 372' ('34 f(-,ut, ;)0re or .i.C::i:i) p to an intcrsection ith, the *les`:, Line of, the IT. ;.;I/A of) the 6..;./~x of 2e;c.. 23, Twy). 21. IT. t. 5 .u. 1. LL., which is O. Ioc71 E of. 1-1 11e Corn= r of tl'le X.11,./4 of the 5.;x./4: of , < said of c. ten a, di sL ,l ;.c of ) 6.JC) feet (1,10ri; or less), a:ad iF3 I:riu.'!n as Sta.. 'IL1a 29 Ulu-, 9 u i a C Ci19t ,31 Ce of 172.68 feet ~o olxit, 61 :L 1u; 66:~-a Cl:tence, oil a. 20000' to the _Ii;;ht oiti. a t0tal "entral le of, g6' _ S 1 a. diotance of 47.92 feet, to a poi-int, P.T. "L" : l u a 1 } Thence, IT 73o1u1 t, di,,-1-1ann.e of 515.00 f(-,,-,t (riore or les i) to an intersection frith, the North Line of the Iv. ./4 of the :.3:,:+7./4 of Section 28, T-up. 21. IT. R. 5 I,. 3. LT., which i::a18391)27r L of, the 1/4 Corner, between Sections 28 and 29 of. Tur. 21 IT. R. 5 E. distance of 591.10 fe~b (Inore or less) and lino-gall on ica.p as Sta..j` P.O.'L . "Z" 57 rlus 29-- - . he L!.UUva L,L(;::iuj:i+t:u is Lru oe. J.J..uu .reel; in viaatii, 111eaoured Lm -I1'.~ir as, 110_;~~:ibl( , 16.50 feet rat r iC:11 u arif'1e`J, on eaCl'l side of the above desc -i_c: ed JLnch Pij;e Line, and coritaini;a 2.10 acres 01ore or leas). It be:in understood that the partite., of the f it st al- t 1'Cit<":.:L ;'1a3 :L 1 1L uO CultlVt'ite and crops or., the durf ace o.f, ti: 1 _ "1 r The I cQVurea into L,.; i_ ; ea....,c..:leli't. 7.I'1. r-,,ht -to ejltt:;r woon s;:,id lands 1:() ,<=e re-oairFi t0 or retie':" al_l to sc id 1)1.te 11.11G' at Fa.'P_y Lime or f.3l0.0e t1?.c1.t ll l) 1GC 3 ',f is 'f:2'J.i).i`,°U. cu?(.2 conveyed in this 1;iClli%, uu*bj c:(.t Lo '~YLfi1 j)a~ii.iei1't f or (ItL.ia1. .u W"Lz destruction of f-roviin`; cro-ps. nd ca lc:i 1')arti( t~ C:: u lU t le;nselves @.2-r? the r heirs, e.ec'.ltorr,, @n(! cadi.linic3trators, c,.o I!ereeby oovenant, K:r0111:1Se, ean6. r`J.,,Free GO Wc11id r7 l;~l ~.__r 32.1.(,. a7'L~ of t)11C' ~i:, :f)_1<). forecer i'rarrariL eaul ciefl:ri tkic f:,c'a.id. t Uf :a.y C1_~;LLU Of 01.11 -ller°'2011d., clLlJ. hint or to claiiii by, thr. ou(CI-L, or uncier the :i onl y. Q tilavC) c! i i. 1 O 120?_ i.. va a.*.Cti d~ cJ 1.:.)E d l':L _ Of way tin'., to the said paxty of t~1G seco2-id part Forever. :,i 1, 1C( jac .l t a e `i O i;1:LC: it s t )c;.r t havo --a IT! _T T'SS i l ice. ;`jr. ~ , The h,erell 21t0 set i)I2~.i?" 1Yt722CZ~, and seals tllc3 deayr and ;f;.ar above ':'ir=:t. c2a. r7itr2es;~es 'Lo 1'Du2,lb T.Ts.rlc i?~na,tures. Scat,"- of WaShillf;ton, SC. C punt y Of King ulld~zs ign~,ra1 a o.f. wasiainzton, au' colmn . h Arw V? ITOtQ.ry Public in and for trvP 0 tate , j es:sion'-d and sworn, do :1sr`iby c,:, ~y nf' T1:4f'L-Mln"nr d 'n--l-000 ^ti_ Wiabi3v Tract No. D''x°~11*43 U. s. DEPARTl OF THE INTERIOR BONNEVILLE POWER ADMINISTRATION DANGER TREE AGREEMENT The undersigned, whether singular' or Mural, hereinafter designa as the d rier, hereby grants, bargains, sells, and conveys to the UNITED STATES Or AMERICA, here fter called the "Government", the right to enter upon the following described tract of land and to fell and remove the, trees described below, which trees the Government has designated as " Danger Trees": `3g4yW of ;-ttca 28, Tmmtebl,p 21 Rortb, Cb^~C~c-- 5 'o-wts All=otte MerldUnq KIM Gcr-ratyf ?7mb ngton, The consideration to be pcid to the owner by the Gcrvernment for t:hi ; •gran::s the sLIra a` i ft i r Dollars I I i The owner covenants that there is no mortccge, lien, or other encumbrance on the said property, other than taxes or assessments, except as follows: The owner further covenants that the owner has a good and lcrvful right and full powe to grAt the rights and privileges herein mentioned, and the owner hereby agrAs :o indemnify ohd defend th overnment against and s ve it hdrmless from the claims of any and all parties or persons having or ala_ming y right or interest sdperior to the rights or interest of the ow er in the pr~perty hereinabove described. Tre owner covenants that the trees shall come the property of the Government, and that said trees m r ain on said land for a reasonable time to permit. the :government to dispose of same, by sale, . for otherwise. .The Government shall dispose of all Limbs and slash resulting fror its activities to the extent required to render the owner's premises nonhazardous within applicable Federal, State and Local Fire Prevention standards, and shall exercise all reasonable care to avoid damage to surrounding tuber, trees, fences and other ~rop&ty in f(-lling, removing, disposing of or destroying suc.-i Danger Trees. No Member of or Delegate to Congress, or Resident Commissioner, shall be admitted to any share or part of this contrac or to any benefit t'nat mcy arise therefrom unless it be made with a corporation for its general benefit. Witness the owner's rands this day o: , 19 ACCEPTED ;Date) FOB THE ADMINIS-BATOR BONNEVILLE POWER ADMINISTRATION BY , City of Auburn e r f-( Qe r k Title DANGER TREE DESCRIPTION All trees oo the amorts property within the following described a rip which oc"d RQU within 40 feet of the o*aterline of the dowernmentlo Olympia-Covington transmission liaes 1 T h %idtb_ia_fea! 8fde!' of 1VV F140 2D Northwesterly CPp* as 3434oo tom., ss 3444oo I I a '