HomeMy WebLinkAboutCatholic Community Services of Western Washington,4 3 . (G. e~ - Mernorandum of Agreement Between Catholic Community Services of Western Washington And The City of Auburn 1. Parties: T'he City of Auburn hereinafter referred to as the "City" agrees to cooperate with Catholic Community Services of Western Washington Senior Nutririon Program, hereinafter referred to as "CCS", in the provision of a senior meal program. 2. Purpose: The purpose of the senior meal program is to serve nutritious meals to the eligible population _seniors 60 years of age or older -in a congregate selling, enabling participants to socialize and participate in other activities that may be provided. The pmgram is funded by Title III C of the Older Americans Act in a project administered by the Department of Social and Health Services through Seattle Aging & Disability Services. Use of these funds is strictly limited by federal regulations and state of Washington Standards. The state of Washington senior nutrition standards state "the provider shall ensure that preference is given to low-income and minority individuals and to those with the greatest economic and social need." CCS and the City agree to this standard. 3. Davs of Operation: The City agrees to provide the following facilities at the City of Auburn Senior Center between the hours of 9:00 am and 2:00 pm Monday through Friday for CCS to operate the senior meal site. The facilities to be used by CCS include kitchen, kitchen equipment, dining room, tables and chairs, restrooms and storage area. CCS will supply cookwaze, dishes, utensils, paper products and cleaning supplies necessary for meal site operations. A key for building access, or mutually acceptable arrangements, is required for the delivery of food product before or after times of operation. CCS will leave the areas clean, orderly, and sanitary after each use. 4. Equipment Revairs _Any malfunction to kitchen equipment will be reported in writing to the Senior Center office. CCS agrees to be responsible for payment of necessary repairs to the stove, dishwasher, reGigerators, freezer and/or other kitchen equipment when damage or loss is due to use by CCS. 5. Staff- CCS shall employ a Meal Site Manager at the site who will be supervised by CCS Senior Nutrition Program Manager. The Meal Site Manager will be responsible for food preparation, cooking, sign in, data collection, donation collection, and clean up. 5. `Juli:nteers: The pregrarii's vitality is dependant on its voltuiteers. The Giry shall provide the Meal Site linanager wiih volunteer(s) to support the meal site program: The Meal Site Manager will direct the City's volunteer(s) daily work assignments during the time the volunteers are supporting the meal site program. Should issues arise with any volunteers; the CCS Meal Site Manager will work collaboratively with designated City staffto resolve. 7. Food Handler's Permit -All staff and volunteers who handle food must have a current health permit. CCS agrees to reimburse volunteers for their annual health card permit. The City agrees to support CCS in its policy that no one may handle or serve food without a valid permit. 8. Menu DeveloQment/Food Serviee: CCS will develop menus, with input from the site, which comply with the Older American's Act. Participants will be given the opportunity to be involved in the menu planning process, and participant food preferences (e.g., likes and dislikes cultural preferences) will be solicited in the development of inenus. CCS will provide all food, beverages, and supplies necessary to serve participants at the-site. 9. Safe -The City will provide the maintenance of the facility. Should CCS staff discover damage to the facilities, it will be CCS's responsibility to report such findings to the City. It is recognized that there is mutual responsibility to protect the security of the City's and CCS's equipment and supplies. 10. Nutrition Education _In recognition that good nutrition prolongs independence by maintaining physical strength, mobility, endurance, hearing, vision, and cognitive abilities, CCS will provide nutrition education to both the participants as well as City staff. CCS will provide a variety of educational opportunities for participants, including monthly memos and semi-annual on-site educational programs. CCS will involve the City in the planning and offering of this education. The City will cooperate with CCS in these efforts. 11. Nutrition Risk Screeninp- _As required by Federal and State standards, CCS must administer the 10 questions from the Nutrition Screening Initiative Checklist. For participants whose screening indicates nutritional risk, a dietician from CCS will contact those participants and offer suggestions to help improve their nutritional health. A dietician from CCS will also be present at least two times per year at the site to discuss nutrition with any participant who so desires. 12. Donations -CCS must abide by the state of Washington senior nutrition standazds which requires that "service providers must provide eact person served a meal funded by Title III or SCSA with the opportunity to make a voluntary and confidential donation to the cost of the meal." CCS will collect these donations in accordance with the standards and with sensitivity to the participants financial status. 13. Conflict _VWith the understanding that problems do occur from time to time, CCS and the City piedge to resolve problems in an expedient and collaborative way. If problems arise with CCS personnel or with the meal site operation which have not been resolved by the CCS Meal Site Manager, the City shall bring such problems to the immediate attention of the CCS Senior Nutrition Program Manager who will then worl with the City to resolve such problems in an expedient manner. All parties involved will be notified on how the problems will be resotved as well as the on-going efforts to resolve the conflict. 14. Closures- a) Needs of the Citv . Should the City require use of the dining facility which necessitates a meal site closure, CCS appreciates at least one (1) week's notice. b) Holidavs -Meal service will not be available on days CCS designates as holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, President'; Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Day and the day after Christmas. Specific calendar days vary for some holidays and will be published annually by CCS and supplied to the City. c) Inclement Weather -If the local school district is closed due to inclement weather, CCS will not provide meal service. If schools are delayed by one to two hours, CCS will provide meal service. The City will assist CCS in communicating this policy to participants. 15. Liability- a) CCS agrees to indemnify' and hold the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, and agents, harmless from any and all claims, demands, losses, actions and liabilities (including costs and attorney fees) arising from, resulting from, or connected with this Agreement to th( extent caused by the negligent acts, errors or omissions of CCS, its partners, shareholders, agents, and employees. b) The City of Auburn agrees to indemnify' and hold CCS, its elected officials, officers, employees, volunteers and agents hazmless from any and all claims, demands, losses, actions and liabilities (including costs and attorney fees) arising from, resulting from, or connected with this Agreement to the extent caused by the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Ciry, its partners, shareholders, agents, and employees. 16.Insurance- a) CCS sha11 maintain a comprehensive general liability insurance policy with limits of a minimum of one million dollars per occwrenee 1,000;00£),00) and ttivo million dolIar.aggregate ($2,000,000) covering all'volunteers, agents ana employees of Cathulic Community Services while engaged in Catholic Community Services activities. This coverage includes personal injury, bodily injury or property claims of Catholic Community Services and its agents. The City shall be named as a named insured under the CCS's Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the City using ISO Additional Insured endorsement CG 20 10 1001 and Additional Insured- Compieted Operations endorsement CG 2037 1001 or substitute endorsements providing equivalent coverage. CCS's insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled by either pazty, except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. b) The City of Auburn shall maintain a comprehensive general liability insurance policy with limits of a minimum one million dollars per occurrence ($1,000,000.00)! two million dollar ($2,000,000) aggregate including personal injury, bodily injury, and property damage. A Certificate of Insurance with (30) days notice of cancellation prior to expiration or renewal of the policy shall be furnished to CCS prior to commencement of the contract. 17. Term -the term of this agreement shall be from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010. 18. Termination -this agreement may be terminated with thirty (30) days written notice by either party. Catholic Comm ity rvices u ~ - Peter N 1 Lon Te Care Director eter B. Lewis, Mayor ~ Date Date MAR 152010 a~~