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10.36.020 AND 10.36.270 OF THE AUBURN CITY CODE
WHEREAS, the Auburn City Code includes public safety regulations which
address traffic and parking regulations enforceable within the City; and
WHEREAS, the current provisions of the City Code define parking in terms of the
types of streets to which regulations apply and enforcement alternatives; and
WHEREAS, it is the goal of the City of Auburn to ensure adequate off-street
parking is available, mitigate stormwater run-off, provide safe pedestrian routes, ensure
adequate emergency vehicle access and diminish sight distance limitations while taking
into account the property's use and the visual/aesthetic characteristics of the affected
street(s) and the community at large; and
WHEREAS, in November of 2008 the City Council Adopted Ordinance No. 6211
which temporarily allowed parking on landscape strips on an interim basis; and
WHEREAS, the intent of this interim measure was to determine if parking is
feasible on landscape strips and if so are there specific requirements that shall be met
to continue this practice; and
WHEREAS, upon analyzing both the positive and negative impacts of allowing
parking on planter strips, the City Council has determined it is not supportable to allow
parking on landscape strips in most cases, unless the landscape strip is 8 feet or
greater in width and includes a mountable curb, and if specific standards regarding the
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use and maintenance of said landscape strips are followed long term so as to protect
the health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of Auburn.
WHEREAS, a review of the parking regulations indicates it necessary to amend
those regulations to clarify definitions and regulatory provisions, including parking
regulations on landscape strips.
Section 1. Amendment to Citv Code. That section 10.36.020 of the Auburn
City Code is amended to read as follows:
10.36.020 Definitions.
A. The definition of words and phrases contained in RCW 46.04.010
through 46.04.700, except 46.04.150 and 46.04.355, adopted by reference in
Chapter 10.04 ACC, shall, for the purpose of this chapter, have the same
meanings ascribed to the words and phrases therein.
B. The following words and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall,
for the purpose of this chapter, have the meanings respectively ascribed to them
in this section, unless where used the context thereof clearly indicates to the
1. "Bicycle lane" means the portion of the travel way for the movement
of bicycles.
2. "Commercial loading zone" means a designated portion of the
street along the curb reserved for use in loading and unloading commodities,
merchandise, produce, freight or animals by commercial vehicles only.
3. "Individual parking space" means a portion of the paved section of
the street, of sufficient length and depth from the sidewalk curb to accommodate
a vehicle to be parked, as shall be specified and marked off by the street division
of the city.
4 "Landscape Strip" means that portion af street Ivinq between the
canstructed curb and edqe of the right-af-way, exclusive of anv sidewalk or
pedestrian path.
4.5. "Median lane" means a speed change lane within the median to
accommodate left turning vehicles.
6 "Mountable curb" is a curb desiqned sa vehicles can cross them
readi{y when the need arises Mountable eurbs are low with sloping faces and
are tvpically combined with a qutter.
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5~7. "Nonmetered parking zones" means portions of streets described
and established by the city council as zones within which the parking of vehicles
shall be controlled, regulated and inspected by the parking enforcement
personnel of the city.
6-8. "Parking" means the standing of a vehicle upon a street, whether
such vehicle is occupied or not and whether such vehicle is accompanied or not,
by an operator, for a period of time in excess of two minutes.
8:9. "Passenger loading zone" means a designated portion of the street
along the curb reserved for use in loading and unloading passengers by
passenger vehicles only.
10 "Recreational vehicle" means a vehicular-type unit primarily
designed for recreational camping or recreational travel use that (a) has its own
motive power, or (b) is mounted on, or (c) is towed by another vehicle, whether
attached or unattached to a towing vehicle.
11. "Residential neighborhood" means an area where the majority of
property in the vicinity is used for residential purposes and/or is zoned for
residential uses in the city.
12. "Shoulder" means that portion of the roadwav contiguaus with the
traveled way far accommodating stopped vehicles far emergency use, and for
lateral support of base and surface courses.
13. "Street" means and includes streets, avenues, ways, boulevards,
drives, highways and all places, except private alleys, open to the public for the
use of vehicles. Street also means unpaved areas within the right of way.
14. "Traffic Island" shall mean a curbed area in a roadway from which
traffic is excluded.
15. "Traffic lane" means the portion of the traveled way for the
movement of a single line of vehicles.
16. "Traveled way" means the portion of roadway for the movement of
vehicles, exclusive of shoulder.
17. "Vertical or Barrier curb" shall mean a curb with a vertical or nearlv
vertical face intended to discourage vehicles form leavinq the roadwaV.
(Ord. 6247 § 1, 2009, Ord. 6222 § 1, 2009; Ord. 6211 § 1, 2008; Ord. 5684 § 1,
2002; Ord. 5212 § 1(Exh. F), 1999; 1957 code § 9.22.010.)
Section 2. Amendment to Citv Code. That Section 10.36.270 of the Auburn
City Code is amended to read as follows:
10.36.270 Prohibited parking places.
A. Except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or to
comply with other provisions of this code or with the direction of a police officer or
traffic-control sign or signal, it is unlawful for the operator of a vehicle to stop,
stand, park or angle park such vehicle in or on any of the following places:
1. Within an intersection area;
2. Within 20 feet of an uncontrolled intersection;
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3. Within 30 feet of an intersection controlled by a stop sign, yield
sign, or traffic-control signal;
4. On a crosswalk or within 20 feet of a crosswalk, whether marked or
5. In front of or within 50 feet of the driveway entrance to any fire or
police station or within any marked area contiguous to such driveway, when
properly signed;
6. In front of or within a fire or emergency service access or an area
signed for other safety access purposes;
7. In front of or within 15 feet of a fire hydrant;
8. Within any space marked as a fire lane;
9. In front of a public or private driveway, or within five feet of the end
of the curb radius leading thereto;
10. On a sidewalk pedestrian path ar landscape strip. However,
parkinq shall be permitted on landscape strips subiect to the maintenance
requirements cantained in Section 10.36.215 ACC and where the landscape
strip is 8 feet ar greater in width between the curb and the sidewalk or the edge
of riqht of-wav if there is no sidewalk the adiacent curb is mountable, and the
parked vehicle daes not abstruct the use of the traveled wav or sidewalk.
11. Alongside or opposite any street excavation or obstruction when
such stopping, parking or angle parking would obstruct traffic;
12. In any alley, except that trucks or delivery vehicles may park or
angle park in alleys for such time, not in excess of 30 minutes, as may be
necessary for the expeditious loading or unloading of such vehicles or the
delivery or pickup of articles or materials, unless otherwise restricted by this
13. Upon any bridge, overpass, underpass, trestle, or approaches
14. On that portion of any street contiguous to and opposite any
outside court, corridor, passage, fire escape, exit or entrance door or any other
place adjacent to, or any door opening in any outer wall of any building
containing, in whole or in part, any theater, public auditorium, church, dance hall
or other ptace of public assembly through which the public must pass to leave
such building, while such building is being utilized for public gatherings; and it
shall be incumbent upon and the duty of the owner or agent of the property used
for the purpose herein specified to designate such prohibited areas by the
placement of stanchions or signs or curb markings of the form and type
satisfactory to the city engineer;
15. On the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the edge
or curb of a street;
16. At any place where official traffic signs have been erected at the
direction of the city engineer prohibiting parking and/or angle parking, either at all
times or at such times as are indicated upon signage giving notice thereof;
17. Outside of the limits of the individual parking spaces (stalls)
designated for vehicular on-street parking;
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18. Within 30 feet of the nearest rail of a railroad crossing;
19. At any place where all official signs prohibit stopping;
20. Within traffic lanes that are less than 18 feet wide on arterial and
collector roadways, as designated in the comprehensive transportation plan,
except when authorized by sign;
21. Within median lanes in the traveled way;
22. Within roadway shoulders that are less than eight feet wide;
23. Within marked bicycle lanes;
24. Upon any street or public way for the principal purposes of
displaying the vehicles for sale or for advertising services for vehicles; or
25. Upon any street or public way for the purpose of doing any work on,
maintaining or repairing any vehicle except for repairs necessitated by an
26. Within any street side drainage ditch or drainage swale;
27. Where prohibited by signage;
28. Adjacent to a traffic island.
B. No person shall move a vehicle not owned by him into any such
prohibited area or away from a curb such distance as is unlawful.
C. If any person wishes a different parking restriction sign placement
or a different time parameter for any parking restrictions under this section, said
person may forward such request to the city engineer, the mayor, the city council
public works committee, or the full city council; provided, that the opportunity to
request such change does not create a right to such change, and the ultimate
decision on such request shall be with the city engineer, then the mayor, then the
city council public works committee, and then the full city council.
D. Violation - Penalty. Any person who violates this section has
committed an infraction and, except for those subsections set forth in Table 270-
1 below, shall pay a fine of $30.00 within 15 days from the date of issuance of a
notice of violation or of $40.00 if paid after the fifteenth day from issuance of the
Any person who violates any of the subsections listed in Table 270-1 shall
pay a fine as set forth in that table.
Table 270-1
If paid within
If paid after
15 days
15th day
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Section 3. Amendment to Citv Code. That a new section be added to the Auburn
City Code to read as follows:
10 36 215 Respansibilitv and dutv to maintain, repair and construct landscape
~ strips where parkinq is permitted.
A It shall be the responsibilitv and duty of the abuttinq propertv owner to
maintain repair and construct adiacent landscape strips in an attractive and safe
manner when utilized for parking motorized vehicles as follows:
1 When any landscape strip permitted under Section 10.36.270(10) ACC is
permitted ta be utilized for parking the duty,, burden and expense of the maintenance
and general upkeep af such landscape strip shall be the responsibilitv of the owner of
the private propertY directlV abuttincLthe landscape strip.
2 The parking area associated with a landscape strip shall be free of
conflicts with utilities fire hydrants and landscapinq as determined bv the CitY
Engineer, and notwithstandinq and in addition to anv other provisions, no parkinq shall
be permitted on anv landscape strip within fifteen (15) feet of a fire hvdrant, street tree
or driveway cut.
3 A parked vehicle shall not abstruct the traveled way of the street, the
sidewalk or any other pedestrian pathways and be located in a wav that does not
impede siqht distance for other vehicles or pedestrians from exitinq or enterinq
driveways or side streets.
4 The owner shafl not allow any material to be tracked anto the Citv street,
such as mud gravel or ather debris.
5 For construction of any new landscape strips or re-construction of existinq
landscape strips allowed for parkinq the owner of the private propertv directly abutting
the landscape strip shall utilize a surface material that allows stormwater to be
absorbed filtered and cleaned before discharging to the qroundwater. As determined
by the Gity Enqineer materials such asbrick interlocking pavers qrassblock turfblock,
gravel or porous concretelasphalt/pavement are acceptable materials.
6 The provisions hereof may be enforced bv the CitV's Palice Department
for parking violations or other criminal violations or traffic infractions or bv the City's
Code Enforcement officers for campliance with maintenance and repair requirements,
or either the Palice and Code Enforeement departments iointly or separately, where
B The above duties and responsibilities shall continue so lanq as the
landscape strip is able to be used far parkinq in comp{iance with City standards;
Provided that the propertv owner mav request in writinq of the Citv Enqineer that the
landscape strip abutting his or her property no lonqer be used for parkinq. The City
Enqineer shall evaluate any such request and determine what measures the property
owner must take to restore the landscape strip ta a functional landscape area to remove
it from availabifitY for parkinc. The CitV Enqineer shall also be authorized to evaluate
any other steps appropriate far such transition.
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Section 3. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement
such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this
Section 4. Severabilitv. The provisions of this ordinance are declared
to be separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph,
subdivision, section or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application
thereof to any person or circumstance shall not affect the validity of the remainder of
this ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances.
Section 5. Effective date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force
five days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law.
Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk
ity Attorn
Published: d-alu'
MAY -32010
MAY - 3 2010
MAY - 3 2010
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May 3, 2010
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