HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM V-B C2'IY OF ' WASHINGTQN ~ AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORIIA Agenda Subject Date: ' Title 15 (Building and Construction )/2009 International Codes May 27, 2010 - Amendments Department: Ptanning & Attachments: Refer to Exhibit List Budget lmpactc N/A. Develo ment on Pa e 2 of 9 Administrative Recommendation: Planning Commission recommends to City Council approval ofi amendments to Title 15 Buildin and Construction Background $ummary: RCW 19.27:031(State building code - Adoption - Conflicts - Opinions) directs the adoption of specified codes pertaining to building and fire regulations standards issued by International Code Council, Inc (ICC). ICC develops the codes and standards used to construct residential and commercial buildings, in.cluding homes and schools. ICC was established in 1994 as a non-profit organizatiocn by the Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Inc. (BOCA), International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO), and Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc. (SBCCI).The International Codes, or 1-. , Codes, published by ICC, provide minimum safeguards for people at home, af school and in the . workplace. To date, fifty sfates and the..District of Columbia have adopted the I-Codes at the state or jurisdictional level. The ICC issues updated versions of fhe l-Codes every three years. The Washington State Building Code Council 'is a.state agency created by the legislature. to provide independent analysis and objective advice to the legislature and, the Governor's Office gn state building - code issues. The Council establishes the minimum building, mechanical, fire, plumbing and energy code requirements necessary to promote the health, safety and welfare of the people of the state of Washington, by reviewing, developing and adopting the state building code. The Council has recently adopted and issued the 2009 I-Codes for the State of Washington inclusive of the Intemational Building Gode, the Intemational Residential Code, the Uniform Rlumbing Code, the International Mechanical . Code, the International Fire Code; and the Washington State Energy Code (Chapter 51-11 WAC). The Council's adoption of the I-Codes will be effective on''July 1, 2010. The Council is recommending local governments adopt the 2009 I-Codes along with any administrative changes to chapter 1(Administration) of each code prior to or around July 1~`. Title 15 (Building and Construction) of the Auburn City Code comprises the referenced adoption of the I- Codes.together with the adoption of Yegulations that are specific to the City of Auburn that are commonly refecred to as "local amendments". B_uilding staff, together with the Valley Regional Fire Authority as appropriafe, have analyzed and incorporated the 2009 I-Codes together with recommended local amendments to u date Title..15 as a roriate. Reviewed by Council & Committees: Reviewed by Departments & Divisions: ❑ Arts Commission COUNCIL COMMITTEES: ❑ Building ❑ M&O ❑ Airport ❑ Finance'.' -Cemetery ❑ Mayor ❑ Hearing Examiner [I Muniapal Services ❑ Finance ❑ Parks 0 Human Services ❑ Planning & CD ❑ Fire ~ Planning ❑ Park Board 0 Public Works 19 Legal ❑ Police ❑ Planning Comm. ❑ Other ❑ Public Works ❑ Human Resources Action: Committee Approval: E]Yes ❑No Council Approval: DYes ❑No. Callfor: Public Hearing Referred to ` Until Tabled Untif Councilmember. " Staff: Ho kins/Sn der Meetin Date: June 8; 2010 Item Number. AUB[„JRN *MME 'fiHAN YOU IMAGLNED EXHIBIT 1: Staff Report for Amendments to Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes A. EXIBIT LIST Exhibit 1: Staff Report Exhibit 2: Proposed Amendments to Titles 15 (Building & Construction) Exhibit 3: Request to Publish Notice of Public Hearing Exhibit 4: Affidavit of Publication for Notice of Public Hearing Exhibit 5: Affidavifiof Pu6lication for Notice of Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) Exhibit 6: Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) for SEP10-0012 Exhibit 7: SEPA Environmental Checklist for SEP10-012 Exhibit 8: May 27, 2010 Receipt and Acknowledgment Letter from the Washingfon State Department of Community Trade and Economic Development B. RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT City of Aubum Planning and Development Department, Kevin Snyder, AICP, Interim Director C. RESPONSIBLE STAFF Rick Hopkins, CBO, Building Official & Kevin Snyder, AICP, Interim Director, City of_Aubum , Planning and Development Department D. AREA OF IMPACT Citywide E. PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING DATE June 8, 2010 - F. CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE CONSIDERATION DATE Currently scheduled for June 21, 2010 G. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The City of Auburn is a Mayor/Council form of government subject to the provisions of RCW 35A (Optionaf Municipal Code) and more specifically is classified as a non-ctiarter code city. 2. The City of Aubum conducts land use planning in accordance with applicable proyisions of RCW 36.70A (Growth Management - Planning by Selected Counties and Gities). 3. Vision 2040.and Multi-County Planning Policies - Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) Vision 2040 is an update of Vision 2020, the long-range growth, economic, and transportation strategy for the 4-county central Puget Sound region. The Auburn.City Council recognized Vision 2020 in 2007 with the adoption of the 2007 Comprehensive Plan Update. The new Vision 2040 update establishes a regional I vision for fhe desired pattem of population and job growth through 2040 within the four counties. Usion 2040 also contains new and amended Multi-County Planning Policies (MPPs) that provide. a _ framework and guidance for other regional plans, for Countywide Planning Policies, and for'local comprehensive plans. MPPs also guide PSRC programmatic decisions, such as plan certification and project evaluation for funding. MPPs address a number of topic June 8, 2010 Page 2 of 8 EXHIBIT 1: Staff Report for Amendments to Title 15 (Building and Construction)12009 International Codes areas, with policy chapters covering the environment, development patterns, housing, economic development, transportation, and public services. 4. RCW 58.17.275 (Proposals to Adopt, Amend or Repeal Local Ordinances -Advance Notice) specifies that all cities, towns, and counties shall establish procedures to provide reasonable advance notice of proposals to adopt, amend, or repeal local ordinances adopted in accordance with this chapter. These procedures shall include but not be limited to advance notice to individuals or organizations which have submitted requests for notice. 5. The City of Auburn has through previous ordinance action adopted and amended all or portions of the Auburn City Code pertaining to required standards, processes and procedures for building and construction in the City of Auburn. Ordinance changes consist of: Ord. 6266 § 1, 2009; Ord. 6104 § 1, 2007; Ord. 5874 § 3, 2004; Ord. 5184 § 2, 1998; Ord. 4754 § 2, 1995; Ord. 4566 § 5 (Exh. A), 1992; Ord. 4378 § 2, 1990; Ord. 2856 § 2, 1974; 1957 code § 2.13.010; Ord. 4777 § 2, 1995; Ord. 4569 § 2 (Exh. A), 1992; Ord. 4368 § 2, 1990; Ord. 4189 § 10, 1986; Ord. 4270 § 2, 1988; Ord. 5683 § 37, 2002; Ord. 4189 § 13, 1986; Ord. 3288 § 18, 1978; Ord. 6038 § 2, 2006; Ord. 5998 § 2, 2006; Ord. 5224 § 1, 1999; and Ord. 3421 § 1, 1979. 6. ACC 14.03.060 (Legislative Non-Project Decisions} specifies that legislative non-project decisions made by the City Council under its authority to establish policies and regulations are not classified as a "type" of project permit decision. Legislative non- projectdecisions include, but are not limited to, the following legislative actions: a. Amendments to the text and map of the comprehensive plan or development regulations. b. Amendments to the zoning map (rezones} on a city-wide orarea-wide basis. ACC 17.24.010 (Public Hearing and Notice} specifies the following: a. With the exception of purely administrative or procedural amendments, the planning director shall schedule a public hearing to be held before the planning commission for any proposal to amend this title or to adopt or repeal any ordinance under the authority established by Chapter 58.17 RCW. The director shall cause notice of such hearing to be given as follows: 1. By sending to any individual or organization which has submitted a request for notification a notice indicating the time and place of public hearing, describing the general nature of the proposal, and indicating how copies of the proposed ordinance or amendment can be obtained; and 2. By publishing in a newspaper of general circulation in the area a notice indicating the time and place of public hearing, describing the general nature of the proposal, and indicating how copies of the proposed ordinance or amendment may be obtained. 8. For all proposals to make purely administrative or procedural amendments to this title, the planning director shall cause notice of such proposed amendment to be given as follows: June 8, 2010 Page 3 of 8 EXHIBIT 1: Staff Report for Amendments to Title 15 (Building and Construction)12009 International Codes a. By sending to any individual or organization which has submitted a request for notification, advance notice of the proposed amendment that indicates how copies of the proposed amendment can be obtained. b. By publishing in a newspaper of general circulation in the area advance notice of the proposed amendment that indicates how copies of the proposed amendment can be obtained. 9. For the purposes of this chapter, substantive amendments shall be distinguished from procedural or administrative amendments in accordance with the following: "Substantive" matters relate to regulations that define or limit what can be done in terms of conduct, use or action (e.g., what use may be made of land, what requirements apply to development, what public infrastructure may be required of certain developments), and "procedural" or "administrative" matters are those that relate to the process of how an application to take such action must be pursued (e.g., time limits for applications and appeals, what forms must be used, and where or how applications must be submitted. Essentially, "procedural" or "administrative" matters are the mechanical rules by which substantive issues may be pursued 10. ACC 17.24.020 (Planning Commission Recommendation) specifies that after the public hearing has been closed, the Planning Commission shall recommend to the council either adoption, adoption with modifications, or rejection of the proposed ordinance or amendment. In formulating its recommendation, the commission shall consider, among other things, the relationship between the proposed ordinance or amendment and the comprehensive plan, other applicable city policies, and other existing land use controls. 11. ACC 17.24.030 (Council Action) specifies that the planning director shall forward the Planning Commission's recommendation, in writing, to the Council. The Council may elect to hold its own public hearing, either before the full council or before a council committee, in which case the City Clerk shall cause adequate notice to be given. The Council shall consider, but shall not be bound by, the planning commission's recommendation in reaching its own decision. 12. ACC 17.24.040 (Initiation of Amendments) specifies the following: a. The city council, or planning and community development committee of the city council, upon its own motion may request the planning commission to conduct a public hearing to amend any portion or all of this title; provided, that no public hearing is required for a purely administrative or procedural amendment of any portion of this title; b. The planning commission may upon its own motion call for a public hearing to amend any portion or all of this title, with the exception of purely administrative or procedural amendments; c. Any resident or property owner of the city may petition the city to request an amendment to the text of this title. 13. Goal 11 (Citizen Participation and Coordination) of the Growth Management Act as specified in RCW 36.70A.020 encourages the involvement of citizens in the planning process and ensure coordination between communities and jurisdictions to reconcile conflicts. June 8, 2010 Page 4 of 8 EXHIBIT 1: Staff Report for Amendments to Title 15 (Building and Construction)12009 International Codes 14. RCW 36.70A.035.2.a specifies that except as otherwise provided in (b) of the statute, if the legislative body for a county or city chooses to consider a change to an amendment to a comprehensive plan or development regulation, and the change is proposed after the opportunity for review and comment has passed under the county's or city's procedures, an opportunity for review and comment on the proposed change shall be provided before the local legislative body votes on the proposed change. 15. The City of Auburn has adopted standards and regulations pertaining to the subdivision of land contained in Title 15 (Building and Construction) that was most recently updated in September 2009. 16. Amendments to Title 15 (Building and Construction) addressed by this agenda bill are scheduled for public hearing on June 8, 2010 that was advertised in the May 24, 2010 edition of the Seattle Times. 17. A Determination of Non-Significance was issued for the City initiated amendments to Title 15 of the Auburn City Code on May 27, 2010 under city file SEP10-0012. The Determination of Non-Significance was published in the May 27, 2010 edition of the Seattle Times. The comment period ends June 12, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. 18. Pursuant to RCW 36.70A.106, the proposed amendments to Title 15 outlined in this agenda bill and specified in detail in Exhibit "A" were sent to the Growth Management Services Division of the Washington State Commerce Department and other state agencies as required for expedited review on May 26, 2010. Commerce transmitted a receipt and acknowledgment letter (Material ID # 15735) on May 27, 2010 to the City indicating that the procedural requirement of RCW 36.70A.106 had been complied with. No comments have been received from Commerce or other state agencies as of the writing of this report. 19. The public hearing notice was published on May 24, 2010 in the Seattle Times at least 10-days priorto the Planning Commission public hearing scheduled for June 8, 2010. 20. The City of Auburn has previously engaged in substantive planning, environmental analysis and policy analysis that have created a substantive policy background for current consideration of potential amendments to Title 15. These include: a. City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan: Last Revised on December 2009; Amended to Comply with the Growth ManagementAct in April 1995 and Amended Annually Subsequently. b. City of Auburn. Final Determination of Non-Significance-2007 Comprehensive Plan amendments. August 2007. c. City of Auburn. Final Determination of Non-Significance - 2006 Comprehensive Plan amendments. August 2006. d. City of Auburn. Final Determination of Non-Significance - 2005 Comprehensive Plan amendments. September 2005. e. City of Auburn. Final Determination of Non-Significance - 2004 Comprehensive Plan amendments. September 2004. f. City of Auburn. Final Determination of Non-Significance - 2003 Comprehensive Plan amendments. October 2003. June 8, 2010 Page 5 of 8 EXHIBIT 1: Staff Report for Amendments to Title 15 (Building and Construction)12009 International Codes g. City of Auburn. Final Determination of Non-Significance - 2002 Comprehensive Plan amendments. October 2002. h. City of Auburn. Final Determination of Non-Significance - 2001 Comprehensive Plan amendments. October 2001. i. City of Auburn -Auburn Downtown Plan/Final EIS. April 2001. j. City of Auburn -Final Determination of Non-Significance - 2000 Comprehensive Plan amendments. October 2000. k. City of Auburn -Final Determination of Non-Significance -1999 Comprehensive Plan amendments. September 1999. I. City of Auburn -Final Determination of Non-Significance -1998 Comprehensive Plan amendments. November 1998. m. City of Auburn - Addendum to the Final Determination of Non-Significance -1997 Comprehensive Plan amendments. November 1997. n. City of Auburn - Addendum to the Final Determination of Non-Significance -1996 Comprehensive Plan Amendments. November 1996. o. City of Auburn -Addendum to the Final Determination of Non-Significance - Comprehensive Plan Amendments to Comply with the Central Puget Sound Growth Management Hearings Board Decision. October 1996. p. City of Auburn - Addendum to the Final Determination of Non-Significance -1995 Comprehensive Plan Amendments. November 1995. q. City of Auburn -Final Determination of Non-Significance -Comprehensive Plan Amendments to Comply with the Washington State Growth Management Act. October 1994. r. City of Auburn -Final Environmental Impact Statement -City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan: Staff Draft and Recommendations. May 1986. s. City of Auburn.-Final Determination of Non-Significance -Downtown Design Study. April 1990. t. City of Auburn -Final Determination of Non-Significance -Comprehensive Plan Amendments on City Expansion and Urban Growth. July 1991. u. City of Auburn -Final Environmental Impact Statement: Auburn North CBD Analysis. November 1991. v. City of Auburn -Final Determination of Non-Significance -Comprehensive Plan Amendments on Sensitive and Critical Lands. January 1992. w. King County Parks, Planning and Resources Department -Final Environmental Impact Statement: Soos Creek Community Plan Update. December 1991. x. King County Parks, Planning and Resources Department -Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement: Countywide Planning Policies Proposed Amendments. May 1994. y. King County Parks, Planning and Resources Department -Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement: King County Comprehensive Plan. July 1994. z. Pierce County, Department of Planning and Land Services -Proposed Lakeland Hills South Mining and Reclamation Plan and Planned Community Development: Final Environmental Impact Statement. July 21, 1992. aa. Pierce County, Department of Planning and Land Services -Comprehensive Plan for Pierce County, Washington: Final EIS. September 20, 1993. bb. Pierce County, Department of Planning and Land Services -Final Supplemental EIS for the Comprehensive Plan for Pierce County, Washington. June 1994. June 8, 2010 Page 6 of 8 EXHIBIT 1: Staff Report for Amendments to Title 15 (Building and Construction)12009 International Codes cc. Puget Sound Council of Governments -Final Environmental Impact Statement - Vision 2020: Growth Strategy and Transportation Plan for the Central Puget Sound Region. September 1990. H. CONCLUSIONS General Conclusions: 1. The amendments proposed for Title 15 are substantive in nature and would apply to all properties located within in the current City of Auburn municipal boundaries, and as amended through annexation of land within designated potential annexation areas (PAAs) . 2. The proposed amendments to Title 15 are intended to adopt the 2009 International Codes, adopt specific local amendments and reduce redundancy and vagueness in applicable text of Title 15. 3. The proposed amendments to Title 15 do not require any changes to the City's current critical area regulations contained in ACC 16.10 (Critical Areas}. Any future development subject to the proposed amendments to Title 15 will still be required to demonstrate compliance to applicable standards and regulation specified in ACC 16.10. 4. The proposed amendments to Title 15 will support current and future land and shoreline uses that are consistent with the City's current Comprehensive Plan and current Shoreline Master Program. Staff has not proposed substantive or non-substantive amendments to Title 15 that would be deemed inconsistent with the City's adopted plans and policies. Specific Conclusions: 5. The proposed amendments to Title 15 (Building and Construction) have been processed in accordance with RCW 58.17.275 (Proposals to Adopt, Amend or Repeal Local Ordinances -Advance Notice) pursuant to Findings of Fact Nos. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18. 6. The proposed amendments to Title 15 (Building and Construction) have been processed in accordance with ACC 17.24.010 (Public Hearing and Notice}. A public hearing notice was published on May 24, 2010 in the Seattle Times. In formulating its recommendation, the commission shall consider, among other things, the relationship between the proposed ordinance or amendment and the comprehensive plan, other applicable city policies, and other existing land use controls. The following conclusions address this requirement: a. The proposed amendments to Title 15 are consistent with current state statutes and will implement building and fire code standards and regulations approved by the Washington State Building Code Council that recommends local governments enact these newly adopted regulations on or around July 1, 2010. b. The proposed amendments to Title 15 have been analyzed and prepared in accordance with applicable provisions of the City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan. The proposed amendments to Title 15 are for conformance to the newly adopted 2009 International Codes pertaining to public health, life safety for building and fire June 8, 2010 Page 7 of 8 EXHIBIT 1: Staff Report for Amendments to Title 15 (Building and Construction)12009 International Codes safety purposes. The City Council's adoption of the amendments to Title 15 would have no material effect or change to the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan. c. This proposal will amend the City's current building and construction regulations. Taken as a whole, the increase in impacts resulting from the proposed amendments to Title 15 from the current building and construction standards are substantive, but will not result in changes in the City's building and fire regulations that would negatively impact the usability of property or inhibit the City from meeting its substantive growth management goals and requirements. In addition, the amendments to Title 15 are intended to help reduce redundancy and vagueness in current code language to ensure that applicable parties are correctly following and implementing required building and fire code regulations. d. There are no proposed changes to the City's critical area regulations which govern environmentally sensitive areas (ACC 16.10} that will result from the proposed amendments to Title 15. 8. The proposed amendments to Title 15 will be processed in accordance with ACC 17.24.030 (Council Action). The Auburn City Council is currently scheduled to consider the Planning Commission's recommendation at its June 21, 2010 regularly scheduled meeting. 9. The proposed amendments to Title 15 were processed in accordance with ACC 17.24.040 (Initiation of Amendments) and specifically, ACC 17.24.040.A based on previous Council direction to staff to develop potential substantive amendments to Title 15 to comply with the statewide adoption of the 2009 International Codes and conduct a required public hearing on said amendments. 10. The proposed amendments to Title 15 satisfy the requirements of Goal 11 (Citizen Participation and Coordination} of the Growth Management Act as specified in RCW 36.70A.020 because of the substantive public involvement efforts initiated for the Code Update Project inclusive of the proposed amendments to Title 15. These efforts include: a. Advertisement of the scheduled June 8, 2010 public hearing in the May 24, 2010 edition of the Seattle Times. b. Issuance of a Determination of Non-Significance for the City initiated amendments to Title 15 of the Auburn City Code on May 27, 2010 under city file SEP10-0012. The Determination of Non-Significance was published in the May 27, 2010 edition of the Seattle Times. The comment period ends June 12, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. I. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Planning Commission recommend approval of the proposed amendments to Title 15 (Building and Construction} to the Auburn City Council. June 8, 2010 Page 8 of 8 Exhibit 2 Proposed Amendments to Titles 15 1 Chapter 15.04 z GENERAL PROVISIONS 3 Chapters: 4 15.04 General Provisions 5 15.06 International Codes 6 15.07 Construction Administrative Code 7 15.08 Repealed 8 15.08A Building Code 9 15.12 Repealed 10 15.16 Dangerous Buildings Code 11 15.28 Electrical Code 12 15.32 Sign Code 13 15.36 Repealed 14 15.36A Fire Code 15 15.38 Repealed 16 15.38A Fire Protection Requirements 17 15.40 Smoke Detectors 18 15.48 Moving Buildings 19 15.52 Building Numbering 20 15.56 Alarm Systems 21 15.64 Swimming Pools 22 15.68 Flood Hazard Areas 23 15.72 Repealed 24 15.74 Land Clearing, Filling and Grading 25 15.76 Historic Preservation 26 27 Sections: 28 15.04.010 Purpose. 29 15.04.030 Administration and enforcement. 30 15.04.040 Forms and notices. 31 15.04.050 Repealed. 32 15.04.060 Constitutionality or invalidity. 33 15.04.070 Conflicting ordinances. 34 15.04.080 Violation -Penalty. 35 15.04.090 Enforcement. 36 15.04.010 Purpose. 37 In interpreting and applying the provisions of this title, they shall be held to be the minimum 38 requirements for promotion of the safeguarding of life or limb, health, property and public 39 welfare. (Ord. 2856 § 2, 1974; 1957 code § 2.01.010.) 40 15.04.030 Administration and enforcement. 41 The Washington State Building Code Act provides for the administration and enforcement of 42 this title by the city within its corporate limits. (Ord. 2856 § 2, 1974; 1957 code § 2.01.040.) 43 15.04.040 Forms and notices. 44 All forms and notices required for the administration of the State Building Code Act shall be 45 furnished by the city. (Ord. 2856 § 2, 1974; 1957 code § 2.01.050.) Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 1 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 15.04.050 Administrative officials. 2 Repealed by Ord. 5874. (Ord. 2856 § 2, 1974; 1957 code § 2.01.060.) 3 15.04.060 Constitutionality orinvalidity. 4 If any section, subsection, clause or phrase of this title is for any reason held to be invalid or 5 unconstitutional, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or 6 constitutionality of the remaining portion of this title, and each section, subsection, sentence, 7 clause or phrase of this title would have been prepared, proposed, adopted and approved and 8 ratified irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses 9 or phrases were declared invalid or unconstitutional. (Ord. 3288 § 4, 1978.} 10 15.04.070 Conflicting ordinances. 11 All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this title are repealed, except that such 12 repeal shall not affect or prevent the prosecution or punishment of any person for any act done 13 or committed in violation of any ordinance hereby repealed priorto the taking effect of this title. 14 (Ord. 3288 § 5, 1978.} 15 15.04.080 Violation -Penalty. 16 Unless another penalfy is expressly provided by law, any violation of this chapter shall be 17 enforced pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 1.25 ACC. (Ord. 4502 § 14, 1991; Ord. 3609 § 4, 18 1981.) 19 15.04.090 Enforcement. 20 Pursuant to ACC 15.07.030 and 15.07.040 the building official is authorized to enforce the 21 provisions of this title. 22 Recognizing the authority and responsibility vested in the director under the codes adopted 23 by this title, the building official is authorized to promulgate such rules, policies and/or 24 procedures as deemed necessary to carry out the intent of this title and provide for the efficient 25 operation of the permit process as it may be administered by the building official and staff. In so 26 doing, the building official may, from time to time, and notwithstanding other provisions of this 27 title: 28 A. Record with the county auditor's office notices of building permit and/or land use 29 compliance related activity regarding a specific site, which, after reasonable efforts in working 30 with a property owner, is not brought into conformance with the provisions of this title, or notices 31 and orders as called for under the dangerous buildings code; and/or 32 B. Call upon the Auburn police chief to assist in the enforcement of this title. The chief or his 33 designee is authorized to issue criminal citations forviolations of this title when criminal 34 sanctions are appropriate under the Auburn City Code. (Ord. 5874 § 2, 2004.) 35 36 Chapter 15.06 37 INTERNATIONAL CODES 38 Sections: 39 15.06.010 International codes adopted. 40 15.06.020 Conflicts between codes. 41 15.06.030 Repealed. 42 15.06.040 Penalties and enforcement. 43 15.06.050 Documents to be filed and available for public inspection. 44 15.06.010 International codes adopted. Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 2 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 There is adopted by reference, upon the effective date of the ordinance codified in this 2 chapter and upon filing with the city clerk one copy thereof, the following described chapters of 3 the Washington Administrative Code, International Codes and standards, and Uniform Plumbing 4 Code and standards togetherwith appendix chapters, amendments, deletions and additions as 5 set forth in this section or in the appropriate chapters in this code. 6 A. The 2009 Edition of the International Building Code, as adopted and hereafter amended 7 by the State Building Code Council in Chapter 51-50 WAC, as published by the International 8 Code Council, i~~^,li irlinrr (`h~r~A~,;;~t~t+c~," is adopted, by reference with 9 amendments, deletions and additions thereto as provided in Chapter 15.08A ACC, Building 10 Code. 11 B. International Residential Code Adopted. The 2009 Edition of the International Residential 12 Code, as adopted and hereafter amended by the State Building Code Council in Chapter 51-51 13 WAC, as published by the International Code Council, °v^I~~,~inn r"~"te~A^~,;;~t~t+0 14 Chapter 11, "Energy Efficiency," and Chapters 25 through 42, "Plumbing and Electrical," is 15 adopted with the following amendments: 16 1. Appendix Chapter G, "Swimming Pools, Spas and Hot Tubs," is hereby adopted. 17 C. International Mechanical Code Adopted. The 2009 Edition of the International Mechanical 18 Code, as adopted and hereafter amended by the State Building Code Council in Chapter 51-52 19 WAC, as published by the International Code Council, ~^I~ ~~linn r"~"A^~,;;~t~t+0~ is 20 adopted. 21 D. International Fire Code Adopted. The 2009 Edition of the International Fire Code as 22 adopted and hereafter amended by the State Building Code Council in Chapter 51-54 WAC, as 23 published by the International Code Council, e~^~~ ~~i~n r"~~A^'~„i~t~t+c~~ by reference 24 with amendments, deletions and additions thereto as provided in Chapter 15.36A ACC, Fire 25 Code. 26 E. National Fuel Gas Code (NFPA 54} Adopted. The 2009 Edition of ANSI 2223.1/NFPA 54 27 National Fuel Gas Code, as adopted and hereafter amended by the State Building Code 28 Council in Chapter 51-52 WAC, as published by NFPA, is adopted. 29 F. Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code (NFPA 58) Adopted. The 2004 Edition of the Liquefied 30 Petroleum Gas Code, as adopted and hereafter amended by the State Building Code Council in 31 Chapter 51-52 WAC, as published by NFPA, is adopted. 32 G. International Fuel Gas Code Adopted. The 2009 Edition of the International Fuel Gas 33 Code, as adopted and hereafter amended by the State Building Code Council in Chapter 51-52 34 WAC, as published by the International Code Council, ~~i~n r"~~A^'~„i~t~t+or~ is 35 adopted. 36 H. Uniform Plumbing Code Adopted. The 2009 Edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code, as 37 adopted and hereafter amended by the State Building Code Council in Chapters 51-56 and 51- 38 57 WAC, as published by the International Code Council, ~^I~ ~~linn r"~~A~~t~t+o 39 Chapter 12, "Fuel Piping," Chapter 15, "Firestop Protection," and those requirements of the 40 Uniform Plumbing Code relating to venting and combustion air offuel-fired appliances as found 41 in Chapter 5 and those portions of the code addressing building sewers, is adopted with the 42 following amendments: 44 45 46 ~c~~+c~~ ~~~rf~~o~ 47 48 49 h~Gv/I 1 ie r~rn~~irlor) Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 3 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 2~ Appendix Chapter A, "Recommended Rules for Sizing the Water Supply System"; 2 and 3 ~.2 Appendix Chapter B, "Explanatory Notes on Combination Waste and Vent Systems"; 4 and 5 4~ Appendix Chapter I, "Installation Standards"; and 6 ~.4 Appendix Chapter H, "Grease Interceptors"; and 7 ~.5 Appendix Chapter L, "Alternate Plumbing Systems," excluding Sections L5 through 8 L7 and "Lawn Sprinkler Head" from Table 6-4 of Appendix L, are hereby adopted. 9 I. Washington State Energy Code Adopted. The Washington State Energy Code, as adopted 10 and hereafter amended by the State Building Code Council in Chapter 51-11 WAC, is adopted. 11 J. 12 , 13 i n~~for ~ ~ _ ~ 'z ~n~n r ~ ~ ~.~-a~Q~t~e~ 14 K. International Property Management Code Adopted. The 2009 Edition of the International 15 Property Management Code, as published by the International Code Council, excluding Chapter 16 1, Section 111, "Means of Appeal," is hereby adopted. (Ord. 6104 § 1, 2007; Ord. 5874 § 3, 17 2004; Ord. 5184 § 2, 1998; Ord. 4754 § 2, 1995; Ord. 4566 § 5 (Exh. A), 1992.) 18 15.06.020 Conflicts between codes. 19 Incase of conflict between codes enumerated in ACC 15.06.010(A) through (K), the first 20 named code shall govern over those following; except where, in any specific case, different 21 sections of these codes specify different materials, methods of construction or other 22 requirements, the most restrictive shall govern; and where there is a conflict between a general 23 requirement and a specific requirement, the specific requirement shall be applicable. (Ord. 5874 24 § 3, 2004; Ord. 5184 § 2, 1998; Ord. 4754 § 2, 1995; Ord. 4566 § 5 (Exh. A), 1992.) 25 15.06.030 Exceptions. 26 Repealed by Ord. 5874. (Ord. 5184 § 2, 1998; Ord. 4754 § 2, 1995; Ord. 4566 § 5 (Exh. A), 27 1992.) 28 15.06.040 Penalties and enforcement. 29 A. Unless specifically directed or assigned otherwise, violations of or failures to comply with 30 any of the codes adopted by this chapter shall be prosecutable in the Auburn municipal court. 31 B. Unless a different city penalty is specifically provided for a violation of orfailure to comply 32 with any of the codes adopted by this chapter, violations of and failures to comply with the 33 requirements of the codes adopted by this chapter shall constitute offenses of the same 34 description, class and category of offense as is indicated in the adopted code. The penalty for 35 any such offense identified or identifiable as a misdemeanorforwhich no penalty is specifically 36 provided shall be punishable by imprisonment in the appropriate city or county jail for a period of 37 up to 90 days and a fine of up to $1,000, or by both such fine and imprisonment. The penalty for 38 any such offense identified or identifiable as a gross misdemeanorforwhich no penalty is 39 specifically provided shall be punishable by imprisonment in the appropriate city or county jail 40 for a period of up to one year and a fine of up to $5,000, or by both such fine and imprisonment. 41 The penalty for any such offense identified or identifiable as an infraction forwhich no penalty is 42 specifically provided shall be punishable in accordance with ACC 1.25.050. 43 C. The penalty provisions hereof are in addition to other enforcement and remedy provisions 44 of the codes adopted by this chapter and of the chapters of this title. (Ord. 5874 § 3, 2004; Ord. 45 5683 § 38, 2002. ) 46 15.06.050 Documents to be filed and available for public inspection. Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 4 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 The codes, appendices, and standards set forth in this chapter shall be filed with the city clerk 2 and a copy made available for use and examination by the public, pursuant to RCW 3 35A.12.140. (Ord. 5874 § 3, 2004.} 4 5 Chapter 15.07 6 CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATIVE CODE 7 Sections: 8 15.07.010 General. 9 15.07.020 Applicability. 10 15.07.030 Enforcement agency. 11 15.07.040 Duties and powers of code officials. 12 15.07.050 Permits. 13 15.07.060 Construction documents. 14 15.07.070 Repealed T°m^^r^~„ ~ ~^+~.r°~ ~n~ ~ 15 15.07.080 Fees. 16 15.07.090 Inspections. 17 15.07.100 Certificate of occupancy. 18 15.07.110 Maintenance. 19 15.07.120 Repealed ~°r~~at+~t+e~ 20 15.07.130 Appeals -Hearing examiner. 21 15.07.140 Repealed 22 15.07.150 Stop work order. 23 15.07.160 Unsafe structures and equipment. 24 15.07.010 General. 25 A. Title. These regulations shall be known as the Construction Administrative Code of the city 26 of Auburn, hereinafter referred to as "this code." 27 B. Scope. The provisions of this code shall apply to the administration of the technical codes 28 as adopted by the state of Washington and as listed: 29 1. a. 2009 International Building Cade -Chapter 51-50 WAC; 30 b. 2009 I nternational Residential Code -Chapter 51-51 WAC; 31 c. 2009 International Mechanical Code -Chapter 51-52 WAC; 32 d. National Fuel Gas Code (NFPA 54) -Chapter 51-52 WAC; 33 e. Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code (NFPA 58) -Chapter 51-52 WAC; 34 f. 2009 International Fuel Gas Code -Chapter 51-52 WAC; 35 g. 2009 International Fire Code -Chapter 51-54 WAC; 36 h. 2009 Uniform Plumbing Code -Chapters 51-56 and 51-57 WAC. 37 2. Exceptions. The provisions of this code shall not apply to work located primarily in a 38 public way, public utility towers and poles and hydraulic flood control structures. 39 3. Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter, certain terms, phrases, words and their 40 derivatives shall have the meanings set forth in this subsection. Where terms are not defined, 41 they shall have their ordinary accepted meanings within the context with which they are used. 42 Webster's Third International Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged latest edition, 43 shall be considered as providing ordinary accepted meanings. Words used in the singular 44 include the plural and the plural the singular. Words used in the masculine gender include the 45 feminine and the feminine the masculine. 46 " 47 Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 5 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 ~,~+inr," m°~n~ ~n ~ +°r,~inr, nr ir, ir, flnnr ~r°~ nr h°inh+ of ~ hi iilrlinn nr 2 3 ~~T+°r" nr ~~~I+~a+inn" m°~r~~ ~ nh~~ nr mnrlifir►~ ' n of ~ hi iilrlinrr~ ~ ir►+i ir~T 4 hi iilrlinrr ~°r~~in° °rvi iir~m°n+, rl ~~Or~nrnv°rJ " +n m~+°ri~l~ +~~n°~ of nnr~~ ir► n °ni iir~m ~~+°m~ 6 7 , ~~~~G~~nhnin~l nr ~ ~ ' ' g ~~nnrnv°rl ~n°nnv" m°~n~ ~n °~+~hli~h°rl ~nrl r°nnrrni~°rl ~n°nnv r°ni il~rh~ 10 , 11 12 " 13 14 ^~.g~;~ inn hi iilrJir,ir" m°~n~ ~ hi iilrJinrr °r) r~rinr ' r, of ~i~ nnrl°~ nr 15 ^n° fnr ~n~hinh ~ I°n~l hi iilrlinn r,°rmi+ h~~ h°°n i~~i i°r) ~nrl ~r~nrn~~°rJ, 16 " 17 18 " 19 , 20 , 21 22 ~~('nmr,l° °~r,nn~°" m°~n~ ~n ~rl°Ni i~ ~r,nn~° III r°ni i°~+~ frnm ni+~~+~ 23 ~„-,-~R~t~-~~t~ ~ t+o~~e-b~~r 24 «~^°rrr~i nnrl°" m°~n~ IA/~~hinrr+nn C~+° Grp°rrr~i (`nrl° nrnm~+°~~~~ 25 26 I. ~~IR("' m°~n~ ~~a+°~~~~ inn~l Ri iilrJinrr ('nrJ° r~rnm~ 27 ~ rnrl° rni .n t+e+=~ 28 m, ~~IG("' m°~n~ ~~~+°~aTi ' n of ~~li~n+°~ ~ nil ~ir° (`nrl° r►rnm~+°~~~~ 29 ;ate ~ ted-~j~t~~ t+o~ 30 " 31 h,~t~~t~e~-~t~ nil rn~l° rn~ ~n . . 32 " 3 3 h~tti r~ra ' n'~ I r nrl ° r n i i n . 34 35 , 36 37 38 , 39~+~hl° fnr i i~° in ~ er,°r+ifi°rl m~nn°r, 40 ~ Dr" m°~n~ lirvi i°fi°rJ h° I°i im n~~, 41 r, ~~nIG("' m°~n~ +h° I~+°~~i ' n of ~~a+inr»I GI°r►~n~l (`nrJ° r~rnm`+°~~~~ 42~+inn~l ~ir° Drn+~ inn D~~nn~ i~r~r 43 c. "~I~DD" m°~n~ ~~a+inn~l ~ir° Drn~' n D~~nr~~~ 44 `~^,^i in~nr+~i" m°~n~ r,i irr,n~° fnr ~nihi h ~ hi iilrJinrr nr r»r+ ~°r~ i i~°rJ nr 45 46 ~ ~~n~nin°r" m°~r,~ ~n~i n°r~nn ~n°r,+ firm nr nnrr~nr~ ' n hwinrr I°rr~l nr °ni ii+~hTlc > > > 47 m~~ 48 " 49 ~ ^°rfnrm~nn° nr ~h°r►ifi°rJ ~r►+i„i+„ Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 6 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 ~ni, ~~Dor~nn" monn~ n nn+i irnl v~ar~nn hr~ir~ ovor+i i+nr~ nrlmir~i~ n~ , ~r.T~a , 2 , 3 of nr~~i of nfnra~nirl, 4 ~~ov~nir" monn~ t~° ror►nn~+n ir►+inn nr rono~nrnl of nn~i v~nr+ of nr~ ovi~+inn hi iilrlinn 5 s 'r►+i iro nr hi iilrlinn ~ hi irr~n~o of i+~ mnin~or,~~ 6 7 (_'n~iarnnr of t~~s~a f 111/n~hinn+nn, ~~h n l l n ~ i i ~ ~~rtti i~n~~~+ m n n rl n+~~ 9 10 , 11 ~f~+o mnr~nor 12 " 13 , 14 15 16 vt~°~ez ~ n ~ of tFi i ci~vuc 17 n~Gr►hr~innl nnrlo~" nro r+nrlo~ nr~r►onrlino~ nnrJ roforonr►orJ nnrlo ~+nr,rlnrrl~ 18 na.~~"'~ ~1 ~a ii iri~~in+inn, 19 ~Ia ~lo.Dr" monn~ ~h~ ~~dTi ' n of +h ifnrm Dli imhinn (`nrJo r►rnm~+°, 20 21 00, ~~lloll in n" nr ~wnli is " n~ nv~r►IiarJ r~iino oni iir,man+ > > 22 23 ' 24 25 ff. ~~1/ID(1" manner 111/n~hinrrtn~C~+~~+o~T fir (liinli+~~ (`nrlo 26 27 rrn ~~~iro r+nrlo nffini~l" mo~r,~ nffir+or r+hnrrrorJ ~n i~ nrlmini~ r, nr~r) 28 29 a. "Fire department" and any reference thereto in this title orthe codes adopted 30 hereunder shall be understood to include the Valley Regional Fire Authority. 31 32 33 , 34 , 35 36 ifn'ra fish+or~ nnrJ omarrronn~i ro~r~nr~rlor~ rli irr~ir amorrranr►~~ nr~orn+inn 37 38 39 t~~-P,~c~e~ r`h ~i ir►h roforonr►o 40 1. 41 , 42 , 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 , 50 , 51 , Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 7 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 2 Moir ~nr►o~~nr~~ ~ in 3 4 , 5 , 6 7 8 9 ~ n ~ o rorr i i I o I R r ~ n rJ ~ ^vs~at i„T~~ 10 h~IrnT a~a ' nnl Ro~i~~fi~l rnrlo _ fnr nll ~ in ilnfo~~th°~i-Ro-e~~~°-n~~r 11 I D('_ ir,~~nlln~inn~• 12 n• nIGD~ F/I ~r,~l CSt _ fnr nll II D~fi 13 4. I irvi iir) Drnr~nno Tho r~rn~ii~inn~ of ~h~a ' nil ~i iol ('_n~ rnrlo nnr) Il i~a 14 15 °ni iiv~mon+ i i~ ' 16 n~ii~inn~ of arn~~inr,nl ~i iol ('_n~ rnrlo ~hnll nr~r~l~i 17 18 m~~innnl Ra~irJon ' • 19 ~.3 Fire Prevention. The provisions of the International Fire Code shall apply to matters 20 affecting or relating to structures, processes and premises from the hazard of fire and explosion 21 arising from the storage, handling or use of structures, materials or devices; from conditions 22 hazardous to life, property or publicwelfare in the occupancy of structures or premises; and 23 from the construction, extension, repair, alteration or removal of fire suppression and alarm 24 systems or fire hazards in the structure or on the premises from occupancy or operation. 25 Dli imhinrr Tho r~rn~ii~inn~ of 7nnR I Inifnrw, Dli imhinn rnrlo ~hnll ~v~r~l~~ 26 , 27 , 28 c►~J~om nnrJ III n~r►on~e of n marlin~l rrn~ ~~~~~am nr marJinnl v~r+i ii im w~~ow~• 29 ~T . Tho r~rn~iieinn~ of fho 111/n~hinrrtn~C~~~a Gnorn~i rnrlo ~hnll nr~r~l~i f~T 30 31 32 33 34 4 Electrical. The provisions of the latest state adopted 2~ National Electrical Code 35 (NEC) as adopted by the state of Washington shall apply to the installation of electrical systems, 36 including alterations, repairs, replacement, equipment, appliances, fixtures, fittings and 37 appurtenances thereto. 38 39 40 ~T~°n~r,no of hi iilrJinrr~ nnr) r~rivn~p_q~^nr~or+~i• ((1rrJ R1 n/I 7 7nn7• (lrrl FS27/I ~ ^ X101) 2004.) 41 15.07.020 Applicability. 42 A. General. Where, in any specific case, different sections of this code specify different 43 materials, methods of construction or other requirements, the most restrictive shall govern 44 except that the hierarchy of the codes named in Chapter 19.27 RCW shall govern. Where there 45 is a conflict between a general requirement and a specific requirement, the specific requirement 46 shall be applicable. 47 B. Other Laws. The provisions of this code shall not be deemed to nullify any provisions of 48 local, state or federal law. Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 8 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 C. Application of References. References to chapter or section numbers, or to provisions not 2 specifically identified by number, shall be construed to refer to such chapter, section or provision 3 of this code. 4 D. Referenced Codes and Standards. The codes and standards referenced in this code shall 5 be considered part of the requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each such 6 reference. Where differences occur between provisions of this code and referenced codes and 7 standards, the provisions of this code shall apply. 8 E. Partial Invalidity. In the event that any part or provision of this code is held to be illegal or 9 void, this shall not have the effect of making void or illegal any of the other parts or provisions. 10 11 , 12 , 13 14 r►i ih~ir► (nrrJ R1 fl/I ~ 'Z ~nn~• nrr) FS27/I /I l1 f171 ~rlrl/I 1 > > > 15 15.07.030 Enforcement agency. 16 A. Building Official. The official in charge of the building division shall be known as the 17 building official. (Ord. 5874 § 4(103}, 2004.) 18 19 20 21 22 23 , 24 25 26 om ~}°r~}i,~ r►r~lin~ ' n of ~~T o~afinr»I Giro ('y~~ 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 31 32 °n~i iro r►nmr~li~nr►o ~n~i~ ttiici~vac 33 , 34 35 36 37 38 ~r+hr,ir►~~ i~~i ion ~ tFi° ~v~r,~in~r,+~~ ovNo~e. 39 40 J ~r► ~ ir, ~~yrfnrrr»r,no of rli i+~~ i ir,rlor tFiici~vuc 41 42 , 43 44 , 45 46 , 47 48 , 49 Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 9 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 , 2 3 4 , 5 6 n~ 7 n. I i~hili+~i Tho hUilrlinn nffir►i~l Piro r►nrlo nffir►i~l vr,omhar of hn~rrJ of ~nno~l~ nr > > 8 , 9 10 , 11 12 13 14 15 16 , 17 i, ;~~t~+or) in ni ir~i i~nno of ~~i n~~i~inn~ of ~i~~ 18 , 19 20 21 °ni iinmon ' n ~nnrn~rorJ h~i hi iilrlinrr nffir►i~l, 22 23 , 24 ' 25 26 27 28 29 30 nrn~~rl mnrJifir►~+inn i inrJor nrn~ii~inn~ of ~i~ ~or►+inn, 31 32 33 , 34 , 35 36 , 37 , 38 39 , 40 no~~~nrl of nnn~ ir► ' n ~nrl orvi iinmon+ i inrlar t~L°--npi n~~i~inn~ of ~i~ con+inn, 41 ~--R~°~r~~h~R~ innnr+in~a+~~ ~nihora nana~~~r~i +n~J~~~o ~nnrn~~~l of 42 , 43 44 45 , 46 , 47 48 49 , 50 Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 10 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 2 3 L. , 4 , 5 6 c►h~ll nTQ+ ho m~rla v»r+ of ~o r~i ihlir► rr~r►nrr) ovr►ar~+ rJiron h~~ ~ r►ni ir+ of I~~ni• 7 8 9 10 11 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 ~r►h fires nr in ~z-"p; ova ' r, of r►rnr►or+~~ in ~iir►ini+~i +haronf• 20 21 , 22 , 23 24 ',~~+n h~nrllo Piro ~v~r►~r~+i i~• 25 26 , 27 28 , 29 30 31 32 mr'ir~on+ (nrrJ ~527/I ~ 4(1 rl/Il~ 7nn4~ 33 15.07.050 Permits. 34 A. 35 , 36 , 37 , 38 m~lro ~v~r►lin~~~+~~a hi iilrJinn nffini~l ~nr) nh+~~~o rani iirorJ r~ormi+• 39 40 41 . . 42 43 44 45 46 rorvi iiror) fnr fnlln~n~inrr• 47 48 T~rT~J+nr~G~r►hor) ~nr+a~~nr~i ~ in+i ir~~~+nnl ~nr) ~ ~harJ~~ 49 , 50 '17f1 ~ni i~ra foa+ l1 'I •'I F m~~ Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 11 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 ~~r~no~ nn+ n~ior Div foo+ l1 S27Q mml hirrh• > > 2 'Z (lil rlorrinlr~• 3 , 4 , 5 nr III_0 line iirl~• 6 , 7 l1 S2~Q7C, I l~~~a • of hoirrh+ •^mo r nr ~erirl~ rJna~ nn+ ov~~ in +n~~ 8 , 9 10 e± 11 ; 12 n • n r~in~~+olo~~i~inr~ ^nrl ~~~~+^iro ~o+~ ^nrJ ~no~~ 13 14 , 15 r~ Q a~~ • ~ • 16 17 r►i irr►n~a~ ^nr) r~n~ . 18 ~ 1 • C~erir~ir~ ~IirJo~ ^nr) n~ar ~imil^r r,l ~~irrrni ir,~l ani iir~mon+• > > 19 20 , 21 . , 22 m~+inn^I Ra~irJon 23 , 24 ~e+~~ 25 26 nr rJi^rrnn^I in ~nr~a~ n~~~^n ro~irlon • ~ inn 27 28 ~ia~G+or in ro~irJor~+i^I ~nno~• ^r~r) 29 30 in rli^mafar nr rli^irnn^I rJimor~~inr~ rr~rr^rrllo~~ of ~nno• 31 AAonh^nin^~; 32 1 Dnr+^hlo ho^ •nn nnnlrinrr nr nln~o~ rJr~iinrr ^v~r►li^nno~• ~--r-v~r , , Irv 33 n+i~ • n oNi iir►mon+• 34 i n i+• 35 , 36 37 ~ R~ar~l^nom r~+ of ^n~~ r~^r+ ~erhinh rJno~ nn+ ^I+ar i+~ ^r~v~rn~i^I nr m^Iro i+ i ins^fo• 38 39 Colf_nnn+^inorJ rafriiror~+inn ~~~~+o~rt+^ininrr 1 fl rani inrJ~ ~/I •F/I Irrrl nr lo~~ of 40 ~fr~~r^r~+ ^nr) ^n r~r~r►n~erar r7/IR Inn nr lo~~• 41 42 nn+ ire+ornnnnon+arl 43 44 ^r►r~inrr ^nrJlnr ror,~irir,ir of to^U~ in rJr^inn' ~n~^+or~ ~nil~ per^~+o nr Sian+~~ 45 • , 46 47 , 48 i r~~ • n m ~ r) a ~ ~ r~ rn„i r) ar) i r, tti i ci~vuc 49 7~~nla^rir~n of ~ ac 50 51 ti•iL°--rr omon+ of ~i^I~io~ nr r~iv~a~ Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 12 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 Gmorrr~nr+~i Ror►~ir~, 1A/horo oni iir~n~on~ ror►I~r►amon~~ ~n~ ani iiv~mon~ ra~~ 2 , 3 ~ninrlrinrr hi i~ina~~ rl~~~ ~~~a hi iilrlinrr nffini~l, 4 h~rR~ar»ir~, Ohh~a ' n nr r~ntt~z~tti° hi iilrlinn nffir►i~l i~ nn~ rorvi iirorl fnr nrrlin~r~i 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 "„~aTtti nee n o r~ l ~ ~fo+~ ~ 12 A. Application for Permit. To obtain a permit, the applicant shall first file an application there 13 for in writing on a form furnished by the building department for that purpose. Applications 14 determined by the building official to be incompliance with this section shall be deemed as 15 complete. Such application shall: 16 1. Identify and describe the work to be covered by the permit for which application is 17 made. 18 2. Describe the land on which the proposed work is to be done by legal description, 19 street address or similar description that will readily identify and definitely locate the proposed 20 building or work. 21 3. Indicate the use and occupancy for which the proposed work is intended. 22 4. Be accompanied by construction documents and other information as required in ACC 23 15.07.060(C). 24 5. State the valuation of the proposed work. 25 6. Be signed by the applicant, orthe applicant's authorized agent. 26 Give such other data and information as required by the building official. 27 8. In addition to information in subsections (C}(1}through of this section, applications 28 for permits governing construction projects costing $5,000 or more shall also contain the 29 following information: 30 a. The legal description, or the tax parcel number assigned pursuant to RCW 31 84.40.160, and the street address if available, and may include any other identification of the 32 construction site by the prime contractor; 33 b. The property owner's name, address, and phone number; 34 c. The prime contractor's business name, address, phone number, current state 35 contractor registration number; and 36 d. Either: 37 i. The name, address, and phone number of the office of the lender 38 administering the interim construction financing, if any; or 39 ii. The name and address of the firm that has issued a payment bond, if any, 40 on behalf of the prime contractor for the protection of the owner, if the bond is for an amount not 41 less than 50 percent of the total amount of the construction project. 42 e. The information required on the building permit application by subsection 43 (~A)(8)(a) through (d) of this section shall be set forth on the building permit document which is 44 issued to the owner, and on the inspection record card which shall be posted at the construction 45 site. 46 f. The information required by subsection (~A)(8) of this section and information 47 supplied by the applicant after the permit is issued under subsection (C}(8)(g) of this section 48 shall be kept on record in the office where building permits are issued and made available to 49 any person on request. If a copy is requested, a reasonable charge may be made. 50 g. If any of the information required by subsection (~A}(8} of this section is not 51 available at the time the application is submitted, the applicant shall so state and the application Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 13 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 shall be processed forthwith and the permit issued as if the information had been supplied, and 2 the lack of the unavailability of that information shall not cause the application to be deemed 3 incomplete for the purposes of vesting under this section. However, the applicant shall provide 4 the remaining information as soon as the applicant can reasonably obtain such information. 5 h Th° liw,i~ ' n~ imr~n~°rJ h~i ttiici~c+inn ~h~ll nn+~J~n+~ari ' n~ imr~n~°r) 6 i inrl°r (`h~r►+°r /I'~ 71(' R(`1111 ~C~+° Gn~iirnnrr°n 7 8 9 , 10 11 12 , 13 c±nnn ~r~,,~c-~b'~ 14 10, Tiw,° I iw,i+~+inn of ~r~r~lir+~+inn• 15 ' 16 17 18 19 °vr►°°rlinn 1 S2f1 rJw~• 20 21 , 22 23 24 , 25 vt~°r infnrrr» r, r,°°rJ°r) h„ rl°v»r+m°n+ 26 n• Th° hi iilrJinrr nffir+i~l mw °v++°t~n~~° lif° of ~n ~r~v~lir~~+inn if ~r~~i of fnlln~erir~ir 27 nnr~rli+inn °vi~+; 28 i• ('~~i~nn° ~nii+h ~~Qtu ° Gn~iirnnrr°n+~I Dnlin~i ~r► nr 29 i~~r~~~ n+h °r nvi~~tti° ~v~r►lin~n+ h~~ ~i ihmi~+°~a 30 31 , 32 ; 33 m. ~ • ~+inr~ ~ir~in~+ ~~ni+„ nr ~r►r~lin~n ~~~+r►nm° of ~nihiny~h 34 35 36 , 37 38 39 40 41 42 n~fr~i~ r►nrJ° nr of ~n~i n~°r nrrlin~nr►°~ of +hi~ ii iri~rlir++inr,• 43 44 45 nn °v+°r,~inr,~ ~Iln~er°rJ 46 47 h~'~-r' h~~ nn+ nnrr~rr~°nn°r) ~nii~' +°r i~~i i~r~n°• 48 49 rw~ nr i~r,°nrJ°r) nr ~h~r,rlnn°r) fnr ~ r,°rinr) of 1 S2f1 rl~~~~ ~ft~~h~ ism r~tFi° ~n~nrU i~ 50 51 Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 14 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 2 3 4 5 , 6 7 8 9 N1° r►nmr,lo ' n of tFiti°--nPi nion~ ((1 rrJ R1 n/I ~ /I ~ 7nn7~ (lrrl FS27/I ~ /I (1 ntil~ 7nn/I 1 10 15.07.060 Construction documents Use of Consultants. 11 A. Submittal Documents. Construction documents, special inspection and structural 12 observation programs, and other data shall be submitted in one or more sets with each 13 application for a permit. The construction documents shall be prepared by a registered design 14 professional where required by the state of Washington. Where special conditions exist, the 15 building official is authorized to require additional construction documents to be prepared by a 16 registered design professional. 17 Exception: The building official is authorized to waive the submission of construction 18 documents and other data not required to be prepared by a registered design professional if it is 19 found that the nature of the work applied for is such that review of construction documents is not 20 necessary to obtain compliance with this code. 21 1. Information on Construction Documents. Construction documents shall be 22 dimensioned and drawn upon suitable material. Electronic media documents are permitted to be 23 submitted when approved by the building official. Construction documents shall be of sufficient 24 clarity to indicate the location, nature and extent of the work proposed and show in detail that it 25 will conform to the provisions of this code and relevant laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, 26 as determined by the building official. 27 2. Fire Protection System Shop Drawings. Shop drawings for the fire protection 28 systems} shall be submitted to indicate conformance with this code and the construction 29 documents and shall be approved prior to the start of system installation. Shop drawings shall 30 contain all information as required by the referenced installation standards in Chapter 9 of the 31 IBC. Shop drawings shall be prepared by a certified individual as required by the state of 32 Washington. 33 3. 34 , 35 , 36 . , , 37 ~r►i ir»n~~ Cr►nmmnrJ~for) nn a~ior,~ flnnr ~nrl in III rnnm~ ~nrl ~v»na~, 38 39 40 , 41 , 42 , 43 ' 44 45 46 , 47 ~nihoro ~r~r~lir►~hlo ~erall v~rnr+orli iro i i~ 48 i~,~ ' n; Ci ihir~~~~ ~ '2~~no_ ~nr) T~ern_~~mil~i 49 Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 15 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 2 3 , 4 , 5 6 , 7 8 g nor ~ ~ ~~~onerieo ~nr~rr~n~orl 10 11 12 13~tti°~~t~e~+ ~~~nr~ nr nrrlin~nno~ 14 Use of Consultants. Whenever review of a building permit application requires 15 retention by this jurisdiction for professional consulting services, the applicant shall reimburse 16 this jurisdiction the cost of such professional consulting services. This fee shall be in addition to 17 the normal plan review and building permit fees. This jurisdiction may require the applicant to 18 deposit an amount with this jurisdiction estimated in the discretion of the building official to be 19 sufficient to cover anticipated costs to retaining professional consultant services and to ensure 20 reimbursement for such costs. 21 2. , 22 " 23 24 , 25 26 D~yrJ ~r~r~rn~r~l Tho ~nri~ i io ~ r~ormif fnr fho 27 28 , 29 30 31 ' 32 r►~v~ nTt-F~~tti~°v-rnr +i iro ~nrill ho nr~n~orJ, 33 p, Ilo~irrn Drnfa~~inn~l in Ro~r,nn~ihla ('h~rnr~, 34 35 , 36 37 , 38 39 40 41 42 43 , 44 , 45 , 46 47 nh~~rv~ ' n i~ fn nnr+i it (~r~o ~I~n rli i ' ~ ~r,or+ifior) ir, IR(' Con ' n '17f1/I1 vu~~~va z-ar~v~ra 48 , 49 50 51 Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 16 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , 11 12 'gym°nrl°rl of r+nn~~ri ir+~inr, rJnni im°n~~, 13 14 15 ~t~~e~f+°~I ~n~nrU' nr r°rvi iir°rJ by ~~f° nr Inn~l I~~n~e, ~(lrr) F~7/I f~ /I(1 nG;l~ 7nn/I 1 16 ~~,n7,~17A Tnw,r~nr~r~~ c+fr~~nf~~rn~► ~nrl ~~~n~+~ 17 18 , 19 20 came- 21 , 22 , 23 n°r+°~~~r~i ir° hi ihlir► h ~~f°~~~ ~nr) n°n°r~l ~ni°If~r°, 24 25 26 ~Q~~ ~ ~r~n~~ ~nn~ ~ 27 15.07.080 Fees. 28 29 , 30 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 rrn„°rr,ir,ir ~i i+hnri+i~ 35 A. Plan Review Fees. When submittal documents are required by ACC 15.07.060, a plan 36 review fee shall be paid at the time of submitting the submittal documents for plan review. The 37 building official and/or the fire code official may have the option to charge deposit, in lieu of the 38 full plan review fee, if the full amount is not known at the time. Any plan review deposit shall be 39 applied toward the total plan review fee owed. The actual permit fees and related plan review 40 fee shall be determined upon completion of the plan review and the balance owing shall be paid 41 at the time of permit issuance. The plan review fee shall be a separate fee from the permit fees 42 specified in this section and are in addition to the permit fees. When submittal documents are 43 incomplete or changed so as to require additional plan review orwhen the project involves 44 deferred submittal items as defined in The IBC section , an 45 additional plan review fee shall be charged at the rate shown in the fee code established by the 46 jurisdiction. 47 1. Registered Plan Program. When plans are submitted under the jurisdiction's 48 "registered plan program," a plan review fee shall be paid at the time of application for a 49 registered plan. The building official may have the option to charge a partial deposit, in lieu of Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 17 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 the full plan review fee. All portions of fees paid as a deposit amount shall be applied to the total 2 plan review fees owed. The applicant shall be required to pay the balance of amount owed for 3 the plan review. Valuations used to compute the permit fees shall include all options submitted 4 with a registered plan. When a registered plan consists of a number of plan options that can 5 produce any number of similar but different buildings, the building official may charge plan 6 review fees based on each different building configuration. Plan review fees shall be paid for at 7 the time of application for a building permit. The building official may have the option to charge a 8 partial deposit, in lieu of the full plan review fee. All portions of fees paid as a deposit amount 9 shall be applied to the total plan review fees owed. The applicant shall be required to pay the 10 balance of amount owed for the plan review. The plan review fees specified in this subsection 11 are separate fees from the permit fees specified in the fee code, and are in addition to the 12 permit fees. 13 14 15 v^~fr~h'^ ^nrlo ~h~ll ho m~rlo her tti° hi iilrlinrr nffir►i~l, 16 17 , 18 19 ^nrla nffi^~~~~+ ~h~ll ho in~T~~+~~a rorvi iirorJ r~ormi+ f~~, 20 Rya+orl ~oo~ Tho r~~~~ r~~~o fao fnr ~o~~J ir► ' n~ ~I+~~ ' n~ r~mn~r~l nr 21 22 23 ',r~~ °~^riharl by I~~nr, 24 B. Performance Bonds. Prior to the issuance of a demolition permit, the applicant or agent 25 shall post a cash bond with the building department in the amount of $300.00, which sum shall 26 be refundable upon inspection and final approval. However, if a permanent bond is on file with 27 the finance director, the applicant or agent shall post a cash bond in the amount of $200.00. 28 C. Refunds. The building official may authorize refunding of .not more than 80 percent of the 29 permit fee paid when no work has been done under a permit issued in accordance with this 30 code. The building official may authorize refunding of not more than 80 percent of the plan 31 review fee paid when an application for a permit forwhich a plan review fee has been paid is 32 withdrawn or canceled before any plan reviewing is done. The building official shall not 33 authorize refunding of any fee paid except on written application filed by the original permittee 34 not later than 180 days after the date of application. (Ord. 6104 § 5, 2007; Ord. 5874 § (108), 35 2004.) 36 15.07.090 I nspections. 37 A. As set prescribed in the latest adopted copy of the International Building Code with the 38 exceptions as noted below. , r~J ~ n nr ~ernrU fnr ~nrhi^h ~ r~armi+ i~ rani iirarl ^h~ll 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 , 48 r►rvc in ~r►^nrrl~n^o ~nri~ Orr 1 ti.n7.n~If1~G1 fnr tti° hi irv~n^r~ of onfnrr+i~n~~i~~ Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 18 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 , 2 , 3 4 1. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions. Manufacturer's installation instructions, as required 5 by this code, shall be available on the job site at the time of inspection. 6 , 7 in ~i ih~a^ ' n~ (rll(11 ~rni irrh (1 11 of ~i~ ~o^~inn, 8 9 10 11 , 12 Q/I ~o ^nn^ro~~or) nn+ h~~a inh ~.rT za~-rv ~v~ 13 14 , 15 , 16 17 'Z, I n~nio~~ ~Innr Gloves ' n, In flnnrJ h~~~rr) ~ro~~' i ~hnr~ v~l~^oman~ of Inz-rvvue~ fly-rrvw~ 18 , 19 20 21 22 23 24 2. IMCIUPCIGAS/NEC Rough-In Inspection. Rough-in mechanical, gas piping, plumbing 25 and electrical shall be inspected when the rough-in work is complete and under test. No 26 connections to primary utilities shall be made until the rough-in work is inspected and approved. 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 31 3. Flashing and Exterior Weather Barrier Inspection. Flashing and exterior weather 32 barrier inspections shall be made after all materials have been installed, but prior to any of the 33 work being covered. 34 9. 35 , 36 37 38 39 40 41 4. Energy Efficiency Inspection. 42 a. Envelope. 43 i. Wall Insulation Inspection. To be made after all wall insulation and air vapor 44 retarder sheet orfilm materials are in place, but before any wall covering is placed. 45 ii. Glazing Inspection. To be made after glazing materials are installed in the 46 building. 47 iii. Exterior Roofing Insulation. To be made after the installation of the roof 48 insulation, but before concealment. 49 iv. SlablFloor Insulation. To be made after the installation of the slablfloor 50 insulation, but before concealment. 51 r~i^~' Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 19 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 i~G^h~nir►~I Grvi iir►m°n~ Gffir►i°nr►~~ ~n~ Gr►nnnmi~°r, Tn h° m~rJ° ~#°~h 2 3 °ni iiv~m°n~ nr r►nn~rnl~, 4 ii~G^h~nir►~I Dir~° ~n~ Ili ir► il~~Tv h° m~rl° ~f °r III r~ir~° ~nrJ rli ir►~ 5 in~a ' n i~ in v~l~^° hi i~ h°fnr° r►nnr►°~Im°n~, 6 I iirh~inn ~nr) 11lln~nr~, 7 TI .^h~inrr Gni iir~m°n~ ~n~ ('nr~lt~rv h° m~rl° ~f~~~~ni~~Ila ' n of III 8 , 9 10 ii~n~ nom, Ty h° m~rl° inn of III °rvi iir►m°n~ ^nv°r°rl h~~ 11 ~'c r'nrl° hi if h°fnr° ^nr~^°~Im°n~, 12 13 14 , 15 , 16 '~^^°~~ihl° 17 , 18 19 20 of hi iilrlinn ~~f°~v 21 5. Special Inspections. In addition to the inspections specified above, the building official 22 is authorized to make or require special inspections above the requirements as stated in 23 Chapter 17 for any type of work related to the technical codes by an approved agency at no cost 24 to the jurisdiction. 25 6. Final Inspection. The final inspection shall be made after all work required by the 26 building permit is completed. 27 E. 28 , 29 30 31 32 3 3 ~N i i i r°rl h~ i tti i ci~vac 34 35 , 36 , 37 , 38 39 40 om^i~l rnr~l a~ n~ ~ a ~nn~~ nrrl tiS27~1 ~ ~I l1 nQl ~nM 1 ~ ~ 41 15.07.100 Certificate of occupancy. 42 Use and Occupancy. No building or structure shall be used or occupied, and no change in 43 the existing occupancy classification of a building or structure or portion thereof shall be made 44 until the building official has issued a certificate of occupancy therefore as provided herein. 45 Issuance of a certificate of occupancy shall not be construed as an approval of a violation of the 46 provisions of this code or of other ordinances of this jurisdiction. 47 48 49 , 50 Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 20 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 ~ Tho hi iilrlinrr r~ormi 2 7 Tho ~ rl rl ro ~ ~ n f ~hti°--s i r►t~-~e- 3 ~ Tho r»ma ~nrl ~rJrlro~~ of n~ninor, 4 4~,~c~ ' of ~A r~nr ' n of ~~J in~i ira fnr ~nihi Th~~o~~if~a o i~ i~~i iorl, 5 -r~1~tCttCttt~rtti~tti ~ I'" ~ ' tFtyttttrtti~s ~ n~ i i ro h ~ ~ hoo n i n ~ nan~or) fn r 6 7 i i~o fnr ~erhi~~o r~rnr~n~orl nr►ni ir►~nr►~~ i~ r+l~~~ifiorl, R Tho r»ma of hi iilrlinir nffini~l, 9 7 Tho orli ' n of h1° nnrlo i inrlor ~nihi~~o normi~ ~ni~~ i~~i iorl 10 S2. Tho i i~o ~nr) nnr+i ir»r,n~i' in ~r+nnrrJ~r,no ~eri~ ~h~-Pi nvi~inn~ of ('h~r,~ar~~~o~LR~~ 11 a. Tho +~~r,a of r►nn~ in ' n rlofinor) in (`h~r,~or~-v-Q~rh°~-i~o- 12 ~ n Tho rlo~irrn nnr►i ir»n~ 13 ~ 1 , If ~n ~i i+~Q~ ~nrinUlar ~v~+om i~ r~rn~iirlarJ ~niho~eTtti° ~r►rinUlor ~~~~+a~s 14 15~~n~cni~~ ir~i il~ ' r,~ ~nr) r►nnrli ' r,~ of hi iilrlinn r,ormi~, 16 17 18 , 19 20 21 22 23 24 , 25 ~nyyT~}in~~L°--rr~~ ~nrl, If ~h~ll ha ~o rJi i~~i of ~o ~r~r~li~~nT n rani io~~ ~~~fi~~ 26 , 27 28 , 29 30 ~h~-p; n~n~inr~~ of ~i~ r►nrla, ((1rrJ ~St7/I f: /I /1 1 nl~ 7nn/I 1 31 15.07.110 Maintenance. 32 A. Maintenance of Safeguards. Whenever or wherever any device, equipment, system, 33 condition, arrangement, level of protection, or any other feature is required for compliance with 34 the provisions of this code, or otherwise installed, such device, equipment, system, condition, 35 arrangement, level of protection, or other feature shall thereafter be continuously maintained in 36 accordance with this code and applicable referenced standards. Such device, equipment, 37 system, condition, arrangement, level of protection, or any other feature shall be maintained in 38 accordance with IFC Sections 107.1 through 107.6. (Ord. 5874 § 4(111), 2004.} 39 ~ n~ ~I ~n coM,.~~e ~ ~filifine 40 , 41 , 42 r rorvi iirorl i in~il ralo~~orJ h~i hi iilrlinn nffir►i~l, 43 44 45 46 , 47 48 , 49 , Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 21 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 , 2 , 3 4 (Ord. 5874 § 4(112), 2004.) 5 15.07.130 Appeals -Hearing examiner. 6 In order to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions or determinations made by the 7 building official or fire code official relative to the application and interpretation of this code, 8 there shall be and is hereby created a board of appeals consisting of the city of Auburn's 9 appointed hearing examiner. 10 A. Appeal to Hearing Examiner. 11 1. Appointment and Term. In order to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions or 12 determinations made by the building official relative to the application and interpretation of this 13 code, except as provided in Chapter 70.92 RCW, a hearing examiner shall be appointed by the 14 mayor as provided elsewhere in this code. 15 2. Duties. The examiner shall conduct an appeal hearing as provided herein, enter 16 findings of fact and conclusions of law based upon those facts and a decision which is final 17 action subject to appeal as provided herein. 18 3. Conflict of Interest. The examiner shall not conduct or participate in any hearing or 19 decision in which the examiner has a direct or indirect personal interest which might exert such 20 influence upon the examiner that might interfere with his decision-making process. Any actual or 21 potential conflict of interest shall be disclosed by the hearing examiner to the parties 22 immediately upon discovery of such conflict. Participants in the hearing process have the right, 23 insofar as possible, to have the examiner free from personal interest orpre-hearing contacts on 24 issues considered by himlher. It is recognized that there is a countervailing public right to free 25 access to public officials on any matter. If such personal orpre-hearing interest contact impairs 26 the examiner's ability to act on the matter, the hearing examiner shall state and shall abstain 27 there from to the end that the proceeding is fair and has the appearance of fairness, unless all 28 parties agree in writing to have the matter heard...... by said examiner. If all parties do not agree 29 and the hearing examiner must abstain, the mayor shall be notified and the mayor shall appoint 30 a hearing examiner pro tem to sit in the hearing examiner's stead. 31 4. Freedom from Improper Influence. No council member, city official, or any other 32 person shall attempt to interfere with or improperly influence the examiner or examiner pro 33 tempore in the performance of his/her designated duties. 34 5. Duties of the Examiner -Applications and Decisions. For cases and actions as 35 prescribed by ordinance, the examiner shall receive and examine available information, conduct 36 public hearings, prepare a record thereof, and enter findings of fact, conclusions based upon 37 those facts, and a decision. As provided herein, such decision is final action subject to appeal 38 as provided herein. 39 6. Application of Appeal and Filing Fee. 40 a. Form of Appeal. Any person receiving a decision or determination made by the 41 building official relative to the application and interpretation of this code may appeal such 42 determination or decision under this code by paying the filing fee as set forth in the city of 43 Auburn fee schedule and filing at the office of the building official a written application of appeal 44 containing: 45 i. A heading in the words: "Before the Hearing Examiner of the City of Auburn." 46 ii. A caption reading: "Appeal of Building Official or Fire Code Official Decision 47 or Determination," giving the names of all appellants participating in the appeal. 48 iii. A brief statement setting forth the legal interest of each of the appellants in 49 the building or the land involved in the determination or decision. Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 22 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 iv. A brief statement in ordinary and concise language of the specific action 2 protested, together with any material facts claimed to support the contentions of the appellant. 3 v. A brief statement in ordinary and concise language of the relief sought and 4 the reasons why it is claimed the protested action should be reversed, modified or otherwise set 5 aside. 6 vi. The signatures of all parties named as appellants and their official mailing 7 addresses. 8 vii. The verification (by declaration under penalty of perjury) of at least one 9 appellant as to the truth of the matters stated in the appeal. 10 Processing Application of Appeal. Upon receipt of any application of appeal filed 11 pursuant to this section together with the filing fee in the amount as set forth in the city of 12 Auburn fee schedule, the building official or fire code official shall, within two working days of 13 receipt of an application, determine whetherthe application is complete. If complete, the 14 application shall be accepted. If not complete, the building official or fire code official shall 15 request that the applicant provide additional information as necessary to complete the 16 application. The applicant shall be advised of the date of acceptance of the application. 17 8. Scheduling and Noticing Appeal for Hearing. As soon as practicable after acceptance 18 of the written application of appeal, the examiner shall fix a date, time and place for the hearing 19 of the appeal. Such date shall be not less than 10 days nor more than 90 days from the date the 20 application of appeal was filed with the building official or fire code official. Written notice of the 21 time and place of the hearing shall be given at least 10 days prior to the date of the hearing to 22 each appellant by the examiner either by causing a copy of such notice to be delivered to the 23 appellant personally or by mailing a copy thereof, postage prepaid, addressed to the appellant 24 at his address shown on the appeal. 25 9. Effect of Failure to Appeal. Failure of any person to file an appeal in accordance with 26 provisions of this section shall constitute a waiver of any right to an administrative hearing and 27 adjudication of the building official's or fire code official's decisions or determinations. 28 10. Scope of Hearing on Appeal. Only those matters or issues specifically raised by the 29 appellant shall be considered in the hearing of the appeal. 30 11. Hearing Procedures. 31 a. Record. A record of the entire proceedings shall be made by tape recording or by 32 any other means of permanent recording determined to be appropriate by the examiner. 33 b. Reporting. The proceedings at the hearing shall also be reported by a 34 phonographic reporter if requested by any party thereto. A transcript of the proceedings shall be 35 made available to all parties upon request and upon payment of the fee prescribed therefor. 36 Such fees may be established by the examiner, but shall in no event be greater than the cost 37 involved. 38 c. Continuances. The examiner may grant continuances for good cause shown. 39 d. Oaths- Certification. In any proceedings under this section, the examiner has 40 the power to administer oaths and affirmations and to certify to official acts. 41 e. Reasonable Dispatch. The examiner shall proceed with reasonable dispatch to 42 conclude any matter before it. Due regard shall be shown forthe convenience and necessity of 43 any parties or their representatives. 44 f. Notice of Hearing. The notice to appellant shall be substantially in the following 45 form, but may include other information: "You are hereby notified that a hearing will be held 46 before (name of hearing examiner) at on the day of , 20_ at 47 the hour of ,upon the notice and order served upon you. You may be present at the 48 hearing. You may present any relevant evidence and will be given full opportunity to cross- 49 examine all witnesses testifying against you. You may request the issuance of subpoenas to 50 compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of books, documents or other things by 51 filing an affidavit therefor with (name of hearing examiner)." Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 23 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 g. Subpoenas. 2 i. The examiner may issue subpoenas forthe attendance of witnesses orthe 3 production of other evidence at a hearing upon the written demand of any party. The issuance 4 and service of such subpoena shall be obtained upon the filing of an affidavit therefore which 5 states the name and address of the proposed witness; specifies the exact things sought to be 6 produced and the materiality thereof in detail to the issues involved; and states that the witness 7 has the desired things in his possession or under his control. A subpoena need not be issued 8 when the affidavit is defective in any particular. 9 ii. Penalties. Any person who refuses without lawful excuse to attend any 10 hearing or to produce material evidence in his possession or under his control as required by 11 any subpoena served upon such person as provided for herein shall be guilty of a misdemeanor 12 punishable as provided in ACC 1.24.010. 13 h. Conduct of Hearing. 14 i. Rules. Hearings need not be conducted according to the technical rules 15 relating to evidence and witnesses. 16 ii. Oral Evidence. Oral evidence shall betaken only on oath or affirmation. 17 iii. Hearsay Evidence. Hearsay evidence may be used for the purpose of 18 supplementing or explaining any direct evidence, but shall not be sufficient in itself to support a 19 finding unless it would be admissible over objection in civil actions in courts of competent 20 jurisdiction in this state. 21 iv. Admissibility of Evidence. Any relevant evidence shall be admitted if it is the 22 type of evidence on which responsible persons are accustomed to rely in the conduct of serious 23 affairs, regardless of the existence of any common law or statutory rule which might make 24 improper the admission of such evidence over objection in civil actions in courts of competent 25 jurisdiction in this state. 26 v. Exclusion of Evidence. Irrelevant and unduly repetitious evidence shall be 27 excluded. 28 vi. Rights of Parties. Each party shall have these rights among others: 29 (A) To call and examine witnesses on any matter relevant to the issues of the 30 hearing; 31 (B) To introduce documentary and physical evidence; 32 (C) To cross-examine opposing witnesses on any matter relevant to the issues 33 of the hearing; 34 (D) To impeach any witness regardless of which party first called him to testify; 35 (E) To rebut the evidence against him; 36 (F} To represent himself or to be represented by anyone of his choice who is 37 lawfully permitted to do so. 38 vii. Official Notice. 39 (A) What May Be Noticed. In reaching a decision, official notice may betaken, 40 either before or after submission of the case for decision, of any fact which may be judicially 41 noticed by the courts of this state or official records of departments and ordinances of the city. 42 (B) Parties to Be Notified. Parties present at the hearing shall be informed of 43 the matters to be noticed, and these matters shall be noted in the record, referred to therein, or 44 appended thereto. 45 (C) Opportunity to Refute. Parties present at the hearing shall be given a 46 reasonable opportunity, on request, to refute the official noticed matters by evidence or by 47 written or oral presentation of authority, the manner of such refutation to be determined by the 48 hearing examiner. 49 (D) Inspection of the Premises. The hearing examiner may inspect any 50 building or premises involved in the appeal during the course of the hearing; provided, that (1) 51 notice of such inspection shall be given to the parties before the inspection is made, (2) the Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 24 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 parties are given an opportunity to be present during the inspection, and (3} or the hearing 2 examiner shall state forthe record upon completion of the inspection the material facts 3 observed and the conclusions drawn there from. Each party then shall have a right to rebut or 4 explain the matters so stated by the hearing examiner. 5 viii. Limitation of Testimony. The examiner has the right to limit the time a 6 witness may testify. 7 12. Form and Effective Date of Decision. The decision shall be in writing and shall 8 contain findings of fact, conclusions of law, a determination of the issues presented, and the 9 requirements to be complied with. A copy of the decision shall be delivered to the appellant 10 personally or sent to him by certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested. The 11 effective date of the decision shall be as stated therein. 12 13. Rights Granted - Right to Appeal. Nothing in this section shall be construed as 13 granting any right of judicial review which does not previously exist in law. The decision of the 14 examiner or examiner pro tem shall be final and exclusive. A writ of review must be sought in 15 the superior court of King or Pierce County, if at all, by an aggrieved party or person. 16 14. Limitations of Authority. The examiner shall have no authority relative to 17 interpretation of the administrative provisions of this code orthe technical codes nor shall the 18 examiner be empowered to waive requirements of this code or the technical codes. (Ord. 6104 19 § 2007; Ord. 5874 § 4, 2004.) 20 ' 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 r,rnvi~inn~ of tFiici~vac 25 26 , 27 , 28 29 30 31 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 36 +h 37 38 , 39 , 40 , 41 ''~~(;rihorJ h~~ I~~ni, ((1rrJ C,St7/I f: /I~'11/Il~ 7nn/I 1 42 43 44 45 , 46 e~e~ 47 48 Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 25 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 2 3 4 f~~~ ~i i~nr+a of ~ c+nv~ >ernrU nrrlor, 5 6 , 7 , g i~,~, rnr~ tiS27~1 ~ ~I l1 1 F1 ~nn~ 1 9 15.07.160 Unsafe structures and equipment. 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 14 , 15 16 17 e- 18 ~ Evacuation. The fire code official or the fire official in charge of an incident shall be 19 authorized to order the immediate evacuation of any occupied building deemed unsafe when 20 such building has hazardous conditions that present imminent dangerto building occupants. 21 Persons so notified shall immediately leave the structure or premises and shall not enter or re- 22 enter until authorized to do so by the fire code official or the fire official in charge of the incident. 23 (Ord. 6104 § 8, 2007; Ord. 5874 § 4(116), 2004.) 24 Chapter 15.08A 25 BUILDING CODE 26 Sections: 27 15.08A.011 Adoption of International Building Code. 28 15.08A.021 Appendices adopted. 29 15.08A.031 Section 501.2 amended -Premises identification. 30 15.08A.041 Section 516 added -Recyclable materials and solid waste storage. 31 15.08A.051 Section 903.1 amended -General. 32 15.08A.061 Repealed ~~Q4~ '~manrJor) - Gvtorinr in~i il~ ~ n ~nr) finish w~~~J 33 15.08A.071 Section 3408.1 amended -Conformance. 34 15.08A.011 Adoption of International Building Code. 35 The 2009 International Building Code as adopted and hereafter amended by the State 36 Building Code Council, and included in Chapter 51-50 WAC, is adopted as the building code of 37 the city; provided, that the amendments, deletions and additions thereto as provided in this 38 chapter shall govern over the published provisions of the International Building Code. (Ord. 39 6104 § 9, 2007; Ord. 5874 § 6, 2004.} 40 15.08A.021 Appendices adopted. 41 International Code Appendix Chapter E, "Supplementary Accessibility Requirements," 42 Appendix Chapter H, "Signs," Appendix Chapter J, "Grading," and Appendix Chapter M, "2009 43 International Existing Building Code," are hereby adopted. (Ord. 6104 § 10, 2007; Ord. 5874 § 44 6, 2004.} 45 15.08A.031 Section 501.2 amended -Premises identification. Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 26 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 International Building Code Section 501.2 is amended to read as follows: 2 Premises identification. Approved numbers or addresses shall be provided as required by 3 ACC Chapter 15.52. 4 (Ord. 5874 § 6, 2004.} 5 15.08A.041 Section 516 added -Recyclable materials and solid waste storage. 6 Anew Section 516 and Table No. 5-F are added to Chapter 5 of the International Building 7 Code to read as follows: 8 A. Recyclable Materials and Solid Waste Storage. 9 1. For the purpose of this section, the following definition shall apply: Recycled Materials 10 means those solid wastes that are separated for recycling or reuse, such as papers, metals 11 and glass. 12 2. All new buildings shall provide space in accordance with Table No. 5-F for the storage of 13 recycled materials and solid waste; EXCEPTION: Group R, Division 3 and Group U 14 Occupancies. 15 3. The storage area shall be designed to meet the needs of the occupancy, efficiency of 16 pick-up, and shall be available to occupants and haulers. 17 4. Storage and Handling of Recyclables and Solid Waste shall comply with the 2003 Edition 18 of the International Fire Code, Chapter 3, Section 304. 19 TABLE N0.5-F -RECYCLABLE MATERIALS AND SOLID WASTE STORAGE AREA 20 REQUIREMENT 21 OCCUPANCY AREA REQUIREMENTS 22 OFFICE 2 SF Per 1,000 SF of Gross Floor Area 23 RETAIL 5 SF Per 1,000 SF of Gross Floor Area 24 WHOLESALE 25 WAREHOUSE 26 INDUSTRIAL 3 SF Per 1,000 SF of Gross Floor Area 27 EDUCATIONAL 28 INSTITUTIONAL 2 SF Per 1,000 SF of Gross Floor Area 29 RESIDENTIAL Min. 12 SF Plus 1.5 SF Per Unit; One Collection Area Per 30 Units located 30 within 200 feet. 31 (Ord. 5874 § 6, 2004.} 32 15.08A.051 Section 903.1 amended -General. 33 International Building Code Section 903.1 is amended to read as follows: 34 Section 903.1 General. Fire extinguishing systems required in this code shall be installed in 35 accordance with the requirements of this section. See Auburn City Code 15.38A. 36 Fire hose threads used in connection with fire-extinguishing systems shall be national 37 standard hose thread or as approved by the fire department. 38 The location of fire department hose connections shall be approved by the fire department. 39 In buildings used for high-piled combustible storage, fire protection shall be in accordance 40 with the Fire Code. 41 (Ord. 5874 § 6, 2004.} Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 27 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 ~ ~ nQe n~~ ce,.fi,.n ~ 7n/I ~ 7 ~w,nnrlnrl - Gvfnrinr inc+~~l~finn ~nrl finish ~~i~+fnw,~ 2 m~e~~ ' Finn 17n~1 1 T ~monrJorl e, 3 4 ~ni iirorl fnr III GI~C ~r~nlir+~ ' ne 5 6 7 8 9 10 11~^~}° 12 rnr~ ~Q~~ ~ a ~nn~ ~ 13 15.08A.071 Section 3408.1 amended -Conformance. 14 International Building Code Section 3408.1 is amended to read as follows: 15 Section 3408.1 Conformance. Buildings or structures moved into or within the jurisdiction 16 shall comply with the provisions of this code, the International Residential Code (WAC 51- 17 51), the International Mechanical Code (WAC 51-52), the International Fire Code (WAC 51- 18 54), the Uniform Plumbing Code and Standards (WAC 51-56 and 51-57), the Washington 19 State Energy Code (WAC 51-11) and the Washington State Ventilation and Indoor Air 20 Quality Code (WAC 51-13) for new buildings or structures. 21 Exception: Group R-3 buildings or structures are not required to comply if: 22 1. The original occupancy classification is not changed, and 23 2. The original building is not substantially remodeled or rehabilitated. 24 For the purposes of this section a building shall be considered substantially remodeled 25 when the costs of remodeling exceed 60 percent of the value of the building, determining 26 the value of the project at the time of permit, exclusive of the costs relating to preparation, 27 construction, demolition or renovation of foundations. If the remodeling cost exceeds 60 28 percent, then the building or project shall be brought up to the latest adopted building code 29 adopted. 30 Structures moved into or within the jurisdiction shall comply with the provisions of this code 31 for new structures. Prior to issuance of a permit to move a structure into the jurisdiction, the 32 applicant shall provide a performance bond to the City Treasurer for an amount to be 33 determined by the City Council. Structures moved into the jurisdiction shall be completed 34 within 90 days. 35 (Ord. 5874 § 6, 2004.} 36 37 Chapter 15.16 3s DANGEROUS BUILDINGS CODE 39 Sections: 40 15.16.010 Section 401(c) amended -Service of notices and orders. 41 15.16.020 Section 801(b} amended -Costs. Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 28 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 15.16.030 Section 802 -Repair and demolition fund deleted. 2 15.16.040 Section 902 amended -Report transmitted to council -Set for hearing. 3 15.16.050 Section 905(c) amended -Personal obligation or special assessment. 4 15.16.060 Section 908(b} amended -Lien of assessment. 5 15.16.070 Section 909 amended - Report to assessor and county treasurer -Addition of 6 assessment to tax roll. 7 15.16.080 Section 910 amended -Filing of report with county auditor. 8 15.16.090 Section 912 amended -Recovered moneys. 9 15.16.010 Section 401(c) amended -Service of notices and orders. 10 Chapter 4, Section 401(c) of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings is 11 amended and shall read as follows: 12 c. Service of Notice and Order. The notice and order, and any amended or supplemental 13 notice and order, shall be served upon the record owner, and posted on the property; and 14 one copy thereof shall be served on each of the following if known to the Building Official or 15 disclosed from official public records; the holder of any mortgage or deed of trust or other 16 lien or encumbrance of record; the owner or holder of any lease of record; and the holder of 17 any other estate or legal interest of record in or to the building or the land on which it is 18 located. 19 If the whereabouts of such persons is unknown and the same cannot be ascertained by the 20 Building Official in the exercise of reasonable diligence and the Building Official shall make 21 an affidavit to that effect, then the serving of such compliant or order upon such person may 22 be made by publishing the same each week, 23 for two consecutive weeks, in the official newspaper of the city of Auburn. 24 The failure of the Building Official to serve any person required herein to be served shall not 25 invalidate any proceedings hereunder as to any other person duly served or relieve any 26 such person from any duty or obligation imposed on him by the provisions of this Section. 27 (Ord. 4378 § 2, 1990.} 28 15.16.020 Section 801(b) amended -Costs. 29 Section 801 (b) of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings shall be 30 amended to read as follows: 31 (b) Costs. The cost of such work shall be paid from such account as deemed appropriate by 32 the Finance Director. 33 (Ord. 4378 § 2, 1990.} 34 15.16.030 Section 802 -Repair and demolition fund deleted. 35 Section 802 of the Uniform Code forthe Abatement of Dangerous Buildings is deleted. (Ord. 36 4378 § 2, 1990.) 37 15.16.040 Section 902 amended -Report transmitted to council -Set for hearing. 38 Section 902 of the Uniform Code forthe Abatement of Dangerous Buildings shall be 39 amended to read as follows: 40 Sec. 902. Upon receipt of said report, the clerk of this jurisdiction shall present it to the 41 legislative body of this jurisdiction for consideration. The legislative body of this jurisdiction 42 shall fix a time, date and place for hearing said report and any protests or objections 43 thereto. The clerk of this jurisdiction shall cause notice of said hearing to be posted upon the Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 29 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 property involved, published once in a newspaper of general circulation in this jurisdiction, 2 and served by certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the owner of the property as his 3 name and address appear on the last equalized assessment roll of the county if such so 4 appear, or as known to the clerk and to persons entitled to notice pursuant to Subsection (c) 5 of Section 401. Such notice shall be given at least 10 days prior to the date set for hearing 6 and shall specify the day, hour and place when the legislative body will hear and pass upon 7 the director's report, together with any objections or protests which may be filed as 8 hereinafter provided by any person interested in or affected by the proposed charge. 9 (Ord. 4378 § 2, 1990.} 10 15.16.050 Section 905(c) amended -Personal obligation or special assessment. 11 Section 905, subsection (c) of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings is 12 hereby amended as follows: 13 (c) Special Assessment and Lien. If the legislative body of this jurisdiction orders that the 14 charge shall be assessed against the property it shall confirm the assessment, cause the 15 same to be recorded on the assessment roll, and thereafter said assessment shall 16 constitute a special assessment against and a lien upon the property which shall be of equal 17 rank with state, county and municipal taxes. 18 (Ord. 4378 § 2, 1990.} 19 15.16.060 Section 908(b) amended -Lien of assessment. 20 Section 908, subsection (b} of the Uniform Code forthe Abatement of Dangerous Buildings is 21 amended to read as follows: 22 (b) Interest. All such assessments remaining unpaid after 30 days from the date of recording 23 on the assessment roll shall become delinquent and shall bear interest at the rate of twelve 24 percent per annum plus penalties from and after said date as provided for in RCW 25 84.56.020, as now or hereafter amended for delinquent taxes. 26 (Ord. 4378 § 2, 1990.} 27 15.16.070 Section 909 amended -Report to assessor and county treasurer -Addition of 28 assessment to tax roll. 29 Section 909 of the Uniform Code forthe Abatement of Dangerous Buildings is hereby 30 amended as follows: 31 Sec. 909. After confirmation of the report, certified copies of the assessment and lien shall 32 be given to the assessor and the county treasurer for this jurisdiction, who shall enter the 33 amount of the assessment upon the tax rolls against the property for the current year and 34 the same shall become a part of the general taxes for that year to be collected at the same 35 time and with interest at such rates and in such manner as provided for in RCW 34.56.020, 36 as now or hereafter amended, for delinquent taxes, and when collected to be deposited to 37 the credit of the general fund of the municipality. 38 (Ord. 4378 § 2, 1990.} 39 15.16.080 Section 910 amended -Filing of report with county auditor. 40 Section 910 of the Uniform Code forthe Abatement of Dangerous Buildings is hereby 41 amended as follows: 42 Sec. 910. If the county assessor and the county treasurer assess property and collect taxes 43 for this jurisdiction, a certified copy of the assessment shall be filed with the county auditor. 44 The descriptions of the parcels reported shall be those used for the same parcels on the 45 county assessor's map books for the current year. 46 (Ord. 4378 § 2, 1990.} Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 30 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 15.16.090 Section 912 amended -Recovered moneys. 2 Section 912 of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings is hereby 3 amended as follows: 4 Sec. 912. All money recovered by payment of the charge of assessment or from the sale of 5 the property at foreclosure sale shall be paid to the Finance Director, who shall credit the 6 same to the appropriate account. 7 (Ord. 4378 § 2, 1990.) 8 9 Chapter 15.28 Zo ELECTRICAL CODE 11 Sections: 12 15.28.010 Generally. 13 15.28.010 Generally. 14 All electrical wiring, equipment and appliances shall be in conformity with the statutes of the 15 state. No additional permits or licenses shall be required other than as required by state law. 16 (Ord. 2856 § 2, 1974; 1957 code § 2.13.010.) 17 Zs Chapter 15.32 19 SIGN CODE 20 Sections: 21 15.32.010 Additional provisions adopted. 22 15.32.020 Sign fees, inspections and general requirements. 23 15.32.030 Sign permit -City's revocation right. 24 15.32.040 Sign permit -Revocation. 25 15.32.050 Appeal and appeal procedures. 26 15.32.010 Additional provisions adopted. 27 In addition to the provisions of the latest adopted Uniform Sign Code, 1997 €+e~~, there is 28 adopted by reference and incorporated in this chapter by this reference Chapter 18.56 ACC 29 entitled Signs. (Ord. 4777 § 2, 1995; Ord. 4569 § 2 (Exh. A), 1992; Ord. 4368 § 2, 1990; Ord. 30 4189 § 10, 1986.) 31 15.32.020 Sign fees, inspections and general requirements. 32 Sign fees, inspections and general requirements shall be as provided in Chapter 18.56 ACC 33 entitled Signs. (Ord. 4777 § 2, 1995; Ord. 3609 § 15, 1981.) 34 15.32.030 Sign permit -City's revocation right. 35 All rights and privileges acquired under the provisions of this chapter, or any amendments 36 hereto, are mere licenses revocable at any time by the city council, and all such permits shall 37 contain this provision. (Ord. 4777 § 2, 1995; Ord. 2856 § 2, 1974; 1957 code § 2.06.030.) 38 15.32.040 Sign permit -Revocation. 39 The building inspector is authorized and empowered to revoke any permit issued by him upon 40 failure of the holder to comply with any provision of this chapter. (Ord. 4777 § 2, 1995; Ord. 41 2856 § 2, 1974; 1957 code § 2.06.040.) Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 31 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 15.32.050 Appeal and appeal procedures. 2 The appeal and appeal procedures contained in Chapter 15.08 ACC and any future 3 amendments thereto are adopted by reference and incorporated in this chapter. (Ord. 4777 § 2, 4 1995; Ord .4569 § 4 (Exh . B), 1992. ) 5 6 Chapter 15.36A ~ FIRE CODE 8 Sections: 9 15.36A.011 Adoption. 10 15.36A.021 Repealed ~~t+a;-T0~ ~m°n~'°^' - ° 11 15.36A.031 Fire service features. 12 15.36A.041 Sections 903 and 2305 amended -Housekeeping and maintenance. 13 15.36A.051 Repealed. 14 15.36A.061 Repealed A^^°nrliv R _ ~ir° fln~ni r°Ni iir°m°n+e fnr hi iilrlinn~ 15 15.36A.071 Violation -Penalty. 16 15.36A.081 Definitions. 17 15.36A.091 Fire alarm and detection systems. 18 15.36A.011 Adoption. 19 The International Fire Code, 20069 Edition, as published by the International Code Council, 20 as amended in Chapter 51-54 WAC, effective July 1, 2010, together with amendments, 21 additions, and deletions adopted in this chapter, including Appendix B"Fire Flow Requirements 22 for Buildings," Appendix C, "Fire Hydrant Locations and Distribution," Appendix D, "Fire 23 Apparatus Access Roads" and Appendix E, "Hazard Categories." T, ",tee-P; ^~-'cinn~ of rh~r,+~ 24 ~ F,~~~t~e~t~er~u+t~ Chapter 15.38A ACC and this chapter shall be controlling within the 25 jurisdiction of the city. The manufacture, storage, handling, sale, and use of fireworks shall be 26 governed by Chapter 70.77 RCW and by Chapter 212-17 WAC and Chapter 8.24 ACC, 27 Fireworks, consistent with Chapter 212-17 WAC. (Ord. 6104 § 11, 2007; Ord. 5874 § 10, 2004.) ~ ~ ~~e n~~ cep+...n ~ nQ ~n~,nnrlnrl _ e nnn~l~ 29 30,x-oT.~~O,r~ ~Q~~ ~ ~n~ ~nn~ ~ 31 15.36A.031 Fire service features. 32 Chapter 5 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Service Features," is adopted in its 33 entiret .with the following amendments: 34 , 35 . . 36 37 38 ~r'oee rn~rle, 39 40 . , 41 '^~~Fe~t{~-~r'lo~r~nr+o of nn ee +h~n 1'Z foo+ C inr+hoe //I 1 1 F mml 42 , 43 Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 32 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 , 2 3 4 5 6 7 ~ea~ 8 , 9 10 11 12 13 14 , 15 . . 16 17 ter` Ffl'~ 7 ti rlonr) onrle rlo~r) onrl firo ~nr»r~+i ie nnr+oee rnnrle in ovnoee of 1 F(1 foo+ 18 , 19 ' 20 ~V" h~R +ho firo nnrlo nffir+inl 21 rl• lira Or,~a+i i~ ~r►no~~ Rn~rl~ - Rrirlnr~~ ~nrl Gla~i~+or) Ci irf~no~• CeLltl~i-rw~~ti-h 22 " 2 3 ~au~LZtlt~i-r~vn- ~~-z : v vvTti-I ti-I° f n I I n~nii n rr 24 25 , 26 27 28 29 30 ~eirrnorl fnr n li~~o In~rl ei iffi~~~ nn r~~ hp~e~r) In~rJe of n '~(1 nr mnro +n~~ 32 33 , 34 , 35 m~ nllorl nnrl mein+~inor) if ror~i iiror) by +ho firo r+nrlo nffir 36 , 37 . . 38 39 40 ~nlo~` +~h ~nnrrnior) by +ho firo r+nrlo nffini~l 41 A.~ Fire Apparatus Access Roads -Marking. Section 503 of the International Fire Code, 42 entitled "Fire Apparatus Access Roads," is amended by substituting subsection 503.3 with the 43 following: 44 Sec. 503.3 Marking. Fire apparatus access roads shall be marked whenever necessary to 45 maintain the unobstructed minimum required width of roadways. Subject to the fire code 46 official's prior written approval, marked fire apparatus access roads, or "fire lanes" as 47 defined in section 502.1 of the code, may be established or relocated at the time of plan 48 review, pre-construction site inspection, andlor post construction site inspection as well as Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 33 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 any time during the life of the occupancy. Only those fire apparatus access roads 2 established by the fire code official can utilize yellow marking paint and the term "fire lane." 3 Fire lanes shall be marked as directed by the fire code official in accordance with ACC 4 10.36.175. 5 B~. Fire Apparatus Access Roads -Marking. Section 503 of the International Fire Code, 6 entitled "Fire Apparatus Access Roads," is amended by c~t+t~ ~ ~ n Fn's adding 7 the following subsection with the following: 8 Sec. 503.3.1 Alternate materials and methods. The fire code official may modify, on a case- 9 by-case basis, any of the marking provisions in this subsection 503.3 where practical 10 difficulties exist. Modification requests shall be submitted in writing to the fire code official 11 setting forth a suggested alternative. 12 nom,^'~s °n i i i r°rJ 0 nr►°~ e. C zttl~i-r~v4-Q~tFi~ 13 " 14 c~st}t{~ . +inn Frl/I.1 ~n~i~ 15 oC,°,^, Fn^ 1 Rona iirorJ ~r+noee Tho fnlln~n~inrr r~nin~~ of ~r+r+oee mi ie o r~rnv~~ 16 17 18 19 20 , 21 ~n~i+h +hoir h~r+Urrrni inrl 22 23 e~c~~ep+~s- 24 ~ C.Fire Protection Water Supplies -Where Required. Section 507 of the International Fire 25 Code, entitled "Fire Protection Water Supplies," is amended by substituting subsection 507.5.1 26 with the following: 27 Sec. 507.5.1 Where required. All buildings or structures shall be located so that there is at 28 least 1 hydrant within 150 feet, and no portion of the building or structure is more than 300 29 feet from a hydrant, as measured by an approved route. 30 D.Clear Space Around Hydrants. Section 507 of the International Fire Code, entitled 31 "Clear Space Around Hydrants," is amended by substituting subsection 507.5.5 with the 32 following: 33 Sec. 507.5.5 Clear space around hydrants. A 5-foot clear space shall be maintained 34 around the circumference of fire hydrants except as otherwise required or approved. 35 (Ord. 5874 § 10, 2004.) 36 15.36A.041 Sections 903 and 2305 amended -Housekeeping and maintenance. 37 A. Automatic Sprinkler Systems -Speculative Use Warehouses. Section 903 of the 38 International Fire Code, entitled "Automatic Sprinkler Systems," is amended by adding the 39 following new subsections 903.2.9.3 and 903.7: 40 Sec. 903.2.9.3. Speculative use warehouses. Where the occupant, tenant, or use of the 41 building or storage commodity has not been determined or it is otherwise a speculative use 42 warehouse or building, the automatic sprinkler system shall be designed and installed in 43 accordance with the following: 44 1. The design area shall be not less than 2,000 square feet. Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 34 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 2. The density shall be not less than that for class IVnon-encapsulated commodities on 2 wood pallets, with no solid, slatted, or wire mesh shelving, and with aisles that are 8 feet or 3 more in width and up to 20 feet in height. 4 3. Sprinkler piping that is 4 inches and larger in width shall be used and the structural 5 engineer of record shall provide written verification approving of the point and dead loads. 6 Sec. 903.7. Automatic sprinkler riser rooms. All automatic sprinkler system risers shall be 7 located in a dedicated room with an exterior door, lighting and heat. This requirement shall 8 include any NFPA 13, 13R and 13D systems which serve more than one (1) dwelling unit or 9 unit of occupancies. 10 EXCEPTION: 13D single family dwellings or Townhomes defined within the IRC. 11 B. International Fire Code Section 2305 is amended to read as follows: 12 2305.x.6.1-Signage. 13 Facilities designed in accordance with this section shall include the appropriate signage (as 14 shown below) and shall be properly posted. 15 Example of approved signage required for use of Section 2305.6.1, as amended: Y 'Y ~ Y R r ~ . n 5~~. . ' . } JhC~ r t ~ ti ~ ~ ~ . ~ ti R 16 17 1. This sign must be posted prior to building being fixtured and occupied. 18 2. Mount signs at 50'0" O.C. on all walls starting 25'0" from any exterior corner; also on two 19 sides of each column. 20 3. Signage required on end of racks, if installed. 21 4. In accordance with the International Fire Code as amended. 22 (Ord. 6104 § 12, 2007; Ord. 5874 § 10, 2004.} 23 15.36A.051 Chapter 14 amended -Fire safety during construction and demolition. 24 Repealed by Ord. 6104. (Ord. 5874 § 10, 2004.) 25 ~C'~6:A AG~I Ar~r~nnrliv R _ Cirn fln~si rnn~~irnr~nnf~ fnr h~~ilrlinnc+ 26 27 ~~+inn R1f1F ~IRR_~I (11111 RR(ll IIRRAAG~ITC ~(1R RI III r11A1(_'C Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 35 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 2 3 4 , 5 ~ ee +hn~Gr+ifior) in T~hlo R1(1F 1 6 RY(`GDTI(1~1: ~ r~G+inn in rorri iiror) Piro fl~~n~ of Ffl h~ nr~rn~~or) h~i +~h~~ i~1--F~ ~ , 7 8 9 10 , 11 12 13 14 15 , 16 17 " 18 n n+ ~ m a n rl or) h~ ~ tFi i ci~c ' n , ~(l rrl ti S2 7/I ~ 1 rl ~ 7~Q4~ 19 15.36A.071 Violation -Penalty. 20 Any person who violates any of the provisions of the fire code or appendices adopted in 21 Chapter 15.38AACC and/or this chapter or fails to comply therewith, orwho violates orfails to 22 comply with any order made there under, or who builds in violation of any detailed statement of 23 specifications or plans submitted and approved there under, or any certificate or permit issued 24 there under, and from which no appeal has been taken, orwho fails to comply with such an 25 order as affirmed or modified by the fire chief or by a court of competent jurisdiction, within the 26 time fixed therein, is severally for each and every such violation and noncompliance respectively 27 guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a jail term not to exceed 90 days and/or a fine not to 28 exceed $1,000. The imposition of one penalty for any violation shall not excuse the violation or 29 permit it to continue, and all such persons shall be required to correct or remedy such violations 30 or defects within reasonable time; and when not otherwise specified, each 10 days that 31 prohibited conditions are maintained constitutes a separate offense. (Ord. 5874 § 10, 2004.) 32 15.36A.081 Definitions. 33 "Addressable" means the capability of a fire alarm system and associated devices that have 34 discrete identification so that system devices can have their status individually identified within 35 the fire alarm system. 36 "Common use" means interior or exterior circulation paths, rooms, spaces or elements that 37 are not availablefor public use and are made available forthe shared use ortwo or more 38 people. 39 "Employee work area" means all or any portion of a space used only by employees and only 40 forwork purposes. Corridors, toilet rooms, kitchenettes, conference rooms and break rooms are 41 not employee work areas. 42 "Public use areas" means interior or exterior rooms or spaces that are made available to the 43 general public. (Ord. 6104 § 13, 2007.) 44 15.36A.091 Fire alarm and detection systems. 45 International Fire Code Chapter 9 is amended to read as follows: Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 36 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 907.1.3 Equipment. Equipment systems and their components shall be listed and 2 approved for which they were installed. All new systems shall be addressable. Each device 3 shall have its own address and annunciate individual device addresses at a UL Central 4 Station. 5 907.1.4 Fire Detection Systems. In addition to any requirement of 907.2 or 907.3, all 6 occupancies exceeding 5,000 square feet gross floor area as defined in Section 7 15.38A.011(G) shall be required to provide an approved automatic fire detection system. 8 Fire walls as defined in 15.38A.011(A) shall not be considered to separate a building to 9 enable deletion of the required fire detection system. 10 EXCEPTIONS: 11 1. Group "U" Occupancies. 12 2. Occupancies protected throughout by an approved monitored automatic sprinkler system 13 may delete heat and smoke detectors from the system. 14 3. One and Two Family residences. 15 907.6.2.3 Visible Alarms. Visible alarm notification shall be provided in accordance with 16 Sections 907. through 907. 17 EXCEPTIONS: 18 1.. Visible alarm notification shall not be required in non-public accessible 19 storage areas in S1 and S2 occupancies or other approved areas. 20 907.~A-~~ Public and Common Areas. Visible and audible alarm notification 21 appliances shall be provided in public and common areas as defined in Section 15.36A.081. 22 907.~~ . Work Areas. Visible and audible alarm notification appliances 23 shall be provided in employee work areas as defined in Section 15.36A.081. 24 (Ord. 6104 § 14, 2007.) 25 i6 Chapter 15.38A 2~ FIRE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS 28 Sections: 29 15.38A.011 Definitions. 30 15.38A.021 General. 31 15.38A.031 Standards. 32 15.38A.041 Application. 33 15.38A.051 Automatic sprinkler systems -Speculative use warehouses. 34 15.38A.011 Definitions. 35 Unless otherwise provided for in this section, the definitions contained in the International 36 Building Code and the International Fire Code shall apply to this chapter. For the purposes of 37 this chapter, the following definitions shall apply: 38 A. A "fire wall", "fire barrier" and/or "horizontal assemblies" shall not be considered to 39 separate a building so as to avoid the required automatic fire extinguishing system. A building 40 shall have a minimum distance of five feet from any point of the building to any point of another 41 building and from the property line in order to be considered a separate building. Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 37 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 2 , 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 , 10 11 ~~te~-e~~t~ 12 " 13 14 ^^~~t~ 15 " 16 , 17 18 B~. "Fire code" shall mean the International Fire Code as published by the International 19 Code Council and adopted by reference in Chapter 15.36AACC. 20 " 21 22 , 23 24 , 25 26 c±h~II nTn~~r►li irJ° ~h~#~ ~nii~ r,n nr,°nir,ir~ nr ink°rinr r+ni ir+~ 27 , 28 29 , 30 , 31 32 33 rr~~i~~~n~° r~ ~ ~ I°~~ ~h~n ~~nin hni ire, n~rr~arr~~-a ~~rmurr 34 " 35 mac ~nir,°~ rnrr) FQ7/I ~ 17 36 15.38A.021 General. 37 A. Automatic fire extinguishing systems shall be installed in accordance with this chapter 38 andlor as approved by both the building official and fire ~h+~f code official. 39 B. Fire hose threads used in connection with automatic fire extinguishing systems shall be 40 national standard hose threads or as approved by the fire ch+~f code official. 41 C. The location of fire department hose connections shall be located within 50 feet of and no 42 closer than five feet of an approved water supply and the connection shall be located on the 43 same side of the fire access roadway as the approved water supply and must be approved by 44 the fire f code official. 45 D. Buildings used for high piled combustible storage shall comply with the fire protection 46 requirements of the fire code and Chapter 15.36A ACC. 47 E. For additional provisions on special hazards see the fire code and building code for 48 requirements. (Ord. 5874 § 12, 2004.) 49 15.38A.031 Standards. Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 38 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 Automatic fire extinguishing systems shall comply with the building and fire code standards. 2 (Ord. 5874 § 12, 2004.) 3 15.38A.041 Application. 4 An automatic fire extinguishing system shall be installed and maintained in an operable 5 condition as specified in this chapter in the following locations: 6 A. All buildings that do not have adequate fire flow or do not have adequate emergency fire 7 vehicle access as required in the fire code and as determined by the fire ~h+e~code official. 8 B. All buildings except those classed as Group R, Division 3 and Group U, when: 9 1. The building has more than 10,000 square feet of floor area, or is higher than 30 feet, 10 or requires more than 2,500 gallons per minute of fire flow in accordance with International Fire 11 Code Appendix "B" . 12 Th° hi iilrlinn rJn°~ nn~ h~~►° nr~°r~inn~ r°Ni iir°rJ in ~ 'CI° Qn'Z,7,1 v~tFi° fir° nnrl° 13 '~nrl C°n~Qn'~ ~ 1 n of hi iilrlir~ir nnrl°, v~rv~r 14 15 16 ~t~c}~° flnnr~, Cr,rir~lrl°r h°~rl~ ~h~ll h° °~~ih► ~r+~°~~ihl° fnr c°~r~i~n~ 17 rl. In rnnm~ ~n►h°r° ni~° film i~ ~~nr°rJ nr h~nrJl°rl, 18 i. I~nQ~ °r) r►nmhi i~~ihl° fih°r ~ vii it+~ rJ°fin°r) ire fir° r+nr~l ° 19 20 C.AII buildings that contain more than 8,000 square feet of Group A occupancies and in: 21 1. All A-2 assembly rooms used primarily for entertaining occupants who are consuming 22 alcoholic or nonalcoholic beverages or dining in unseparated areas where the total floor area is 23 more than 5,000 square feet. For uses to be consi-tiered separated, the separation shall not be 24 less than cone-hour occupancy separation as defined in the building code. 25 26 ~ inn ~Ni i~r° f°°f in flnnr ~r°~, 27 3- 2. All enclosed usable space below or over a stairway in Group A, Divisions 1, 2, 3, 4 28 and 5 occupancies. 29 4. III hi iilrlinrr~ nnn~~ir~inn ~ mi it#i~h°~f°r nnrr~v~l°v, 30 ~ 3. All amusement buildings except those that are both less than 1,000 square feet of 31 floor area and have an exit travel distance from any point that is less than 50 feet. 32 ~ 4. Areas under roof and gridiron, in the tie and fly galleries, and in all places behind 33 the proscenium wall of stages; over and within the permanent platforms that are more than 500 34 square feet in area; and in dressing rooms, workshops and storerooms accessory to such 35 stages or platforms, with the exceptions noted below. 36 Exceptions: 37 a. Sprinklers are not required for stages 1,000 square feet (92.9 m2) or less in area 38 and 50 feet (15,240 mm) or less in height where curtains, scenery or other combustible 39 hangings are not retractable vertically. Combustible hangings shall be limited to a single main 40 curtain, borders, legs and a single backdrop. 41 b. Under stage areas less than four feet (1,219 mm) in clear height used exclusively 42 for chair or table storage and lined on the inside with five-eighths-inch (16 mm) Type X gypsum 43 wallboard or an approved equal. 44 45 ~ Fnn ~Ni i~r° f°°f in flnnr ~r°~ ~nrl in; > > 46 ~I~nln~°r) i i~~hl° ~r»r►° h°In~n► nr n~►°r ~ ~ ni~Tr►i~.r 47 ; 48 , 49 l1 11 F m` ~ i irrhni i~ °~►°r~► r~nr~inn of °rli ir►~~inn~l hi iilrlir~ir~ 50 h°~~~°° In~~ol of avif rli~C ~°r~►~n~~A r~nr ' n of hi iilrlinn Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 39 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 ' 2 3 ~t vif rJnnr rrrni ~r,rl lo~~ol. 4 5 6 7 , 8 9 III nnr+i in~n~~nl~e~ifiorl ~e ('_rni in I-I I"li~~i~inn~ 1 7 'Z ~nrl /I nnr►i in~nnioe ~nrl in; > > > > 10 11 12 , 13 14 15 16 r+~ lea i ~ 1 '2 17 . . 18 , 19 20 21 22 23 . . 24 (`nrla ~nrl 1nl~~hinrrt~C~~~rr~onrlmon+c ni ihli~harJ (`her,+or ~'I _F/I 1nlo~ ~nrl; 25 26 27 , 28 29 . . 30 fie- 31 ~ D. Additions, Alterations and Repairs. For the purpose of this chapter, any alteration or 32 repair which changes the character of the occupancy or use, and which increases the fire or life 33 safety or structural hazards, shall comply with the requirements of this chapter and: 34 1. Any additions that increase the floor area of a building shall require that the entire 35 building comply with this chapter; and 36 2. These determinations shall be made by the building official and the fire chief. 37 ~ E. Plans. In addition to the requirements in the building and fire codes, all plans for 38 automatic fire extinguishing systems, including sprinkler system underground piping, shall bear 39 the stamp and signature of a Washington State professional engineerwho is registered as 40 qualified in fire protection engineering, or registered as a certified sprinkler contractorthrough 41 the Washington State Fire Marshal's Office, or as approved by the fire code official F. 42 Conflict. Incase of conflict between the requirements contained in Chapter 15.08A ACC and 43 this chapter, the requirements of this chapter shall govern and prevail. (Ord. 5874 § 12, 2004.) 44 15.38A.051 Automatic sprinkler systems -Speculative use warehouses. 45 Section 903 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Automatic Sprinkler Systems," is 46 amended by adding the following new subsection 903.2.9.3: 47 Sec. 903.2.9.3 Speculative use warehouses. Where the occupant, tenant, or use of the 48 building or storage commodity has not been determined or it is otherwise a speculative use Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 40 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 warehouse or building, the automatic sprinkler system shall be designed and installed in 2 accordance with the following: 3 1. The design area shall be not less than 2,000 square feet. 4 2. The density shall be not less than that for class IVnon-encapsulated commodities on 5 wood pallets, with no solid, slatted, or wire mesh shelving, and with aisles that are 8 feet or 6 more in width and up to 20 feet in height. 7 3. Sprinkler piping that is 4 inches and larger in width shall be used and the structural 8 engineer of record shall provide written verification approving of the point and dead loads. 9 (Ord. 5874 § 12, 2004.) 10 11 Chapter 15.40 12 SMOKE DETECTORS 13 Sections: 14 15.40.010 Application and scope. 15 15.40.020 Definitions. 16 15.40.030 Conformance with nationally accepted standards. 17 15.40.040 Primary power supply. 18 15.40.050 Repealed nip ~w,har of ~mnUa rlo+~ nr rla~iir►o~ rani iirorl 19 15.40.060 Repealed ~ n of ~o+o,,+inr, ~o„ir+a~ 20 15.40.070 Installation. 21 15.40.080 Maintenance. 22 15.40.090 Violation -Penalty. 23 15.40.010 Application and scope. 24 All Group R Occupancies sold, leased, let or rented in the City of Auburn shall have installed 25 therein smoke detectors pursuant the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 4270 § 1, 1988.} 26 15.40.020 Definitions. 27 For the purpose of this chapter, the words set out in this section shall have the following 28 meanings: 29 A. "Combination photoelectric/ionization detector" means a smoke detection device 30 containing both an ionization and a photoelectric element. 31 " 32 , 33 34 C. " 35 , 36 37 ~nihn rJn r~n+ n~or<n~i~o ni i~lif~~ ~ ni io~+ nr rr,orr,har of hni i~ahnlr) of n~n~r~ar, 38 D. Factory Built Housing. For the purpose of these rules, "factory built housing" is considered 39 as any structure designed primarily for human occupancy other than a mobile home, the 40 structure of any room of which is either entirely or substantially prefabricated or assembled at a 41 place otherthan a building site, and which is subject to regulation by the Washington 42 Department of Labor and Industries pursuant to RCW 43.22.450 through 43.22.490. 43 E. Group R Occupancies. "Group R occupancies" shall have the following meanings: 44 1. Group R, Division 1 of the Uniform Building Code, guest rooms and dwelling units, 45 i.e., hotels, motels, apartments and condominiums; Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 41 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 2. Group R, Division 3 of the Uniform Building Code, dwelling units, i.e., duplexes, 2 single-family dwellings and lodging houses; 3 3. Mobile home dwelling units. 4 F. "Ionization detector" means a smoke detector device which activates in response to 5 invisible particles created by combustion. Sensitive to open flame fire. 6 G. Mobile Home. For the purpose of these rules, a "mobile home" is considered as a factory- ? assembled structure or structures assembled with the necessary service connections and made 8 so as to be readily movable as a unit or units on its (their) own running gear and designed to be 9 used as a dwelling unit without a permanent foundation, and which is subject to regulation by 10 the Washington Department of Labor and Industries pursuant to RCW 43.22.340 through 11 43.22.434. 12 " 13 , 14 15 " 16 17 h~~ nv~an fl~ma Piro, 18 J. "Smoke detection device" means aself-contained alarm for detecting visible or invisible 19 particles of combustion, which consists of an assembly of electrical components including a 20 smoke chamber, alarm sounding appliance, and provision for connection to a power supply 21 source, either by splice leads or a cord and plug arrangement or containing integral batteries. A 22 supplemental heat detector may be included as part of the appliance. Terminals may be 23 included for connection to a remote, audible signaling appliance or accessory. An integral 24 transmitter may also be included to energize a remote audible signaling appliance. The smoke 25 detection device may be of the photoelectric and/or ionization type. (Ord. 4270 § 2, 1988.} 26 15.40.030 Conformance with nationally accepted standards. 27 All smoke detection devices shall be designed and manufactured in conformance with the 28 requirements of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. Standard UL 217~~~~^"~~ ~nnforon,,o ~f 29 ,and shall be approved or listed forthe purposes forwhich 30 they are intended. (Ord. 4270 § 3, 1988.) 31 15.40.040 Primary power supply. 32 A. The primary power supply of a smoke detection device shall be a commercial light and 33 power source normally available in the dwelling unit. Connection to a commercial power and 34 light source shall be in the form of permanent wiring to terminals or leads in a separate wiring 35 compartment having provisions forthe connection of a conduit, metal clad or nonmetallic 36 sheathed cable, by means of a power supply cord and attachment-plug cap, or by means of a 37 separate power supply. 38 B. Wiring shall be permanent and without a disconnecting switch other than those required for 39 over current protection. 40 C. Exception. Smoke detectors may be battery operated when installed in existing buildings 41 built prior to January 1, 1981, or in buildings without commercial power, or in buildings which 42 undergo alterations, repairs or additions regulated by subsection D of this section. 43 D. When the valuation of an addition or repair to a Group R Occupancy exceeds $1,000, or 44 when one or more sleeping rooms are added or created in existing Group R Occupancies, the 45 entire building shall be provided with smoke detectors located as required for new Group R 46 Occupancies. (Ord. 4270 § 4, 1988.) 47 ~C An ~1CA Al~~w,hnr of ~►w,n4n rlnfnnfnr rln~iinn~► rnn~~irnrl Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 42 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 2 3 4 , 5 6 7 ~mnUo rJo~~finr~ rla~iir►o~ on~an~h~e~IG v~inn ~ro~, ((lrrl, 4` ~ Q 1 8 . 9 10 , 11 , 12 13 14 15 16 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 22 23 24 25 26 in+or~ianinrr rJnnr nr nh~+ri i~+inn 27 28 n~ hnri~nn~~lly ~h~ll ho Inn~~or) rho hiirh ~irJo of r~r 29 30 ~ goon rJrnnm ~nrl h1° fi irn~r+o r+nlrJ sir rofi irn 31 32 33 34~42~~ ~ ~ aQQ ~ 35 15.40.070 I nstal lation. 36 A. It is the responsibility of the builder or manufacturer of each new building, mobile home or 37 factory built housing to install smoke detection devices within each dwelling unit. 38 B. It is the responsibility of the owner of each existing building, mobile home or factory built 39 housing to install smoke detection devices within each dwelling unit occupied by persons other 40 than the owner. 41 C. It is the responsibility of the owner of each new or existing building, mobile home or factory 42 built housing, containing dwelling units occupied by persons other than the owner, to inspect 43 and test all smoke detection devices at the time of vacancy and make the necessary repairs or 44 replacements to insure that the smoke detection devices are operational prior to re-occupancy, 45 and to instruct the occupants of the purpose, operation and maintenance of the smoke detection 46 device(s). (Ord. 4270 § 1988.) 47 15.40.080 Maintenance. Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 43 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 It is the responsibility of the occupant of all new or existing dwelling units, owned by other 2 than the occupant, to maintain and test all smoke detection devices installed within the dwelling 3 unit by the owner. Actual costs of maintenance, repair or replacement of smoke detection 4 devices shall be as agreed beforehand by the occupant and owner. However, failure of the 5 owner to abide by the terms of any such agreement does not relieve the occupant of the 6 responsibility to maintain the smoke detection devices in a fully operational condition at all 7 times. Failure to do so can subject the occupant to the penalty provisions stated in ACC 8 15.40.090. (ord. 4270 § 8, 1988.) 9 15.40.090 Violation -Penalty. 10 A violation of any of the provisions of this chapter shall be a civil infraction, punishable in 11 accordance with ACC 1.25.050. (Ord. 5683 § 37, 2002; Ord. 4270 § 9, 1988.} 12 13 Chapter 15.48 14 MOVING BUILDINGS 15 Sections: 16 15.48.010 Definitions. 17 15.48.020 Permit -Required. 18 15.48.030 Permit -Application -Generally. 19 15.48.040 Permit -Application -Form. 20 15.48.050 Permit -Application -Contents. 21 15.48.060 Permit -Application -Assessment certificate accompanying. 22 15.48.070 Permit-Application -Ownership entitlement certificate accompanying. 23 15.48.080 Permit-Application -Insurance certificate accompanying. 24 15.48.090 Permit-Application -Performance bond or deposit accompanying. 25 15.48.100 Structural and equipment inspections. 26 15.48.110 Permit- Grounds for refusal. 27 15.48.120 Permit -Fees, deposits and insurance filed with city clerk. 28 15.48.130 Designations of streets. 29 15.48.140 Permittee's duties. 30 15.48.150 Enforcement agencies. 31 15.48.160 Permittee's liability extent. 32 15.48.170 Violation -Penalty. 33 15.48.010 Definitions. 34 For the purpose of this chapter, the following terms, phrases, words and their derivations 35 shall have the meaning given in this section. 36 A. "Building" is that which is built or constructed, an edifice or structure of any kind, or any 37 piece of work artificially built up or composed of parts joined together in some definite manner. 38 B. "Building inspector" is the building official, or his designated deputy. (Ord. 4189 § 13, 39 1986.) 40 15.48.020 Perm it -Required. 41 No person shall move any building over, along or across any highway, street, alley or lot in 42 the city without first obtaining a permit from the building inspector. (Ord. 2856 § 2, 1974; 1957 43 code § 2.14.020.} 44 15.48.030 Permit -Application -Generally. Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 44 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 A person seeking issuance of a permit under this chapter shall file an application for such 2 permit with the building inspector. (Ord. 2856 § 2, 1974; 1957 code § 2.14.030.) 3 15.48.040 Permit-Application -Form. 4 The application shall be made in writing, upon forms provided by Planning & Development 5 Department t~° hi iilrlinn in~r►°r++nr' and shall be filed with the City of Auburn Planning & 6 Development Department i~~° ^ffi,,° „f hi iilrJinrr in~r~°n+nr (Ord. 2856 § 2, 1974; 1957 7 code § 2.14.030(A).) 8 15.48.050 Permit -Application -Contents. 9 The application shall set forth: 10 A. A description of the building proposed to be moved, giving street number, construction 11 materials, dimensions, number of rooms and condition of exterior and interior; 12 B. A legal description of the lot from which the building is to be moved, giving the lot, block 13 and tract number, if located in the city; 14 C. A legal description of the lot to which it is proposed such building be moved, giving lot, 15 block and tract number, if located in the city; 16 D. The portion of the lotto be occupied by the building when moved; 17 E. The highways, streets, alleys or lots over, along or across which the building is proposed 18 to be moved; 19 F. Proposed moving date and hours; 20 G. Any additional information which the building inspector finds necessary to a fair 21 determination of whether a permit should be issued. (Ord. 2856 § 2, 1974; 1957 code § 22 2.14.030(6).) 23 15.48.060 Permit -Application -Assessment certificate accompanying. 24 The owner of the building to be moved shall file with the application sufficient evidence that 25 the building and lot from which it is to be removed are free of any entanglements and that all city 26 assessments and any other city charges against the same are paid in full. (Ord. 2856 § 2, 1974; 27 1957 code § 2.14.030(C)(1).) 28 15.48.070 Permit -Application -Ownership entitlement certificate accompanying. 29 The applicant, if other than the owner, shall file with the application a written statement or bill 30 of sale signed by the owner, or other sufficient evidence, that he is entitled to move the building. 31 (Ord. 2856 § 2, 1974; 1957 code § 2.14.030(C)(2).) 32 15.48.080 Permit -Application -Insurance certificate accompanying. 33 The applicant shall file with the City of Auburn Planning & Development Department d+~ 34 a certificate stating that the city is included as an additional insured on the applicant's 35 protective public liability insurance, providing for a limit of not less than $50,000 for all damages 36 arising out of bodily injuries to or death of one person in any one accident; $100,000 for two or 37 more persons injured in any one accident, subject to $50,000 for each one; and shall also 38 provide for property damage liability insurance providing for a limit of not less than $50,000 for 39 all damages arising out of injury to or destruction of property in any one accident. (Ord. 2856 § 40 2, 1974; 1957 code § 2.14.030(C)(3).) 41 15.48.090 Permit-Application -Performance bond or deposit accompanying. 42 The applicant shall also file a performance bond or certified check in 100 percent the amount 43 of the estimated cost of such removal or moving, alteration, repair, change, addition or 44 rebuilding, as estimated by the building inspector; and such performance bond shall be 45 conditioned upon the owner, resident or other individual securing such permit faithfully bringing Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 45 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 the building or structure so moved and/or altered up to all standards as required by the building 2 code and ordinances of the city, and shall further be conditioned upon the owner-applicant 3 completing such work and complying with the building code and ordinances of the city within six 4 months from the date such permit is granted. (Ord. 3288 § 18, 1978.) 5 15.48.100 Structural and equipment inspections. 6 The building inspector shall inspect the building, whether located inside or outside the city 7 limits, and the applicant's equipment to determine whetherthe standards for issuance of a 8 permit are met. (Ord. 2856 § 2, 1974; 1957 code § 2.14.040 (A).) 9 15.48.110 Permit -Grounds for refusal. 10 The City of Auburn Planning & Development Department ii~r~inrr in~~o,,+nr shall refuse to 11 issue a permit if they ~e find that: 12 A. Any application requirement or any fee or deposit requirement has not been complied with; 13 B. The building is too large to move without endangering persons or property in the city; 14 C. The building is in such a state of deterioration, disrepair or is otherwise so structurally 15 unsafe that it could not be moved without endangering persons and property in the city; 16 D. The building is structurally unsafe or unfit for the purpose forwhich moved, if the removal 17 location is in the city; 18 E. The applicant's equipment is unsafe and persons and property would be endangered by its 19 use; 20 F. The zoning or other ordinances would be violated by the building in its new location; 21 G. For any other reason persons or property in the city would be endangered by the moving 22 of the building. (Ord. 2856 § 2, 1974; 1957 code § 2.14.040(6).) 23 15.48.120 Permit -Fees, deposits and insurance filed with city clerk. 24 A. Deposits. The City of Auburn Planning & Development Department ii~r~ir~rr in~~on+nr shall 25 deposit all fees and deposits and all insurance policies with the city clerk. 26 B. Return upon Nonissuance. Upon theirh+s refusal to issue a permit, the City of Auburn 27 Planning & Development Department ii~r~ir~ir in~r,on+nr shall return to the applicant all 28 insurance policies submitted. Permit fees filed with the application shall not be returned. (Ord. 29 2856 § 2, 1974; 1957 code § 2.14.040(C).) 30 15.48.130 Designations of streets. 31 The City of Auburn Planning & Development Department ii~r~ir~rr in~~o,,+nr shall procure 32 from the engineer's department a list of designated streets over which the building may be 33 moved. The City of Auburn Planning & Development Department ii~r~ir~rr ir,~~on+nr shall have 34 the list approved by the chief of police and shall reproduce the list upon the permit in writing. In 35 making their determinations, the engineer's department and the chief of police shall act to 36 assure maximum safety to persons and property in the city and to minimize congestion and 37 traffic hazards on public streets. (Ord. 2856 § 2, 1974; 1957 code § 2.14.040(D}.} 38 15.48.140 Permittee's duties. 39 Every permittee under this chapter shall: 40 A. Move a building only over streets designated for such use in the written permit; 41 B. Notify the building inspector in writing of a desired change in moving date and hours as 42 proposed in the application; 43 C. Notify the City of Auburn Planning & Development Department "iii~r~inrr ir,~~on+nr in writing 44 of any and all damage done to property belonging to the city within 24 hours after the damage 45 or injury has occurred; Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 46 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 D. Cause red lights to be displayed during the nighttime on every side of the building, while 2 standing on a street, in such a manner as to warn the public of the obstruction, and shall at all 3 times erect and maintain barricades across the streets in such manner as to protect the public 4 from damage or injury by reason of the removal of the building; 5 E. Comply with the building code, the fire zone, the zoning ordinance and all other applicable 6 ordinances and laws upon relocating the building in the city; 7 F. Pay the expense of a traffic officer if ordered by the City of Auburn Planning & 8 Development Department ii~rlir~rr in~r►or++nr to accompany the movement of the building to 9 protect the public from injury; 10 G. Remove all rubbish and materials and fill all excavations to existing grade at the original 11 building site so that the premises are left in a safe and sanitary condition; 12 H. See that the sewer line is plugged with a concrete stopper and the water shut off. 13 Permittee shall notify the gas and electric service companies to remove their services. (Ord. 14 2856 § 2, 1974; 1957 code § 2.14.050.) 15 15.48.150 Enforcement agencies. 16 The building official, or theirs designee, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 1.25 ACC 17 shall enforce and carry out the requirements of this chapter. (Ord. 4502 § 16, 1991; Ord. 2856 § 18 2, 1974; 1957 code § 2.14.060(A}.} 19 15.48.160 Permittee's liability extent. 20 The permittee shall be liable for any expense, damage or costs in excess of their insurance 21 coverage, and the city attorney shall prosecute an action against the permittee in a court of 22 competent jurisdiction for the recovery of such excessive amounts. (Ord. 2856 § 2, 1974; 1957 23 code § 2.14.060(6).) 24 15.48.170 Violation -Penalty. 25 Any violation of this chapter shall be enforced pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 1.25 26 ACC. (Ord. 4502 § 17, 1991; Ord. 2856 § 2, 1974; 1957 code § 2.14.070.) 27 zs Chapter 15.52 z9 BUILDING NUMBERING 30 Sections: 31 15.52.010 Definitions. 32 15.52.020 Responsibility. 33 15.52.030 Requirements generally. 34 15.52.040 Numbering new or altered buildings. 35 15.52.050 Erroneous number- Correction. 36 15.52.055 Changing a building number- Procedures. 37 15.52.060 Unnumbered or illegibly numbered buildings. 38 15.52.070 Numbers on rear entrances. 39 15.52.080 Record. 40 15.52.090 Violation -Penalty. 41 15.52.010 Definitions. 42 Any term or definition as used in this chapter shall be those as set forth in the International 43 Building Code. (Ord. 6038 § 2, 2006; Ord. 5998 § 2, 2006; Ord. 5874 § 13, 2004; Ord. 2856 § 2, 44 1974; 1957 code § 2.15.020.} Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 47 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 15.52.020 Responsibility. 2 To ensure that each building, structure andlor portion thereof has a number designation 3 assigned and to be known as the address in relation to such building, structure and/or portion 4 thereof as to the public or private street upon which the entrance is fronting, it shall be the duty 5 of the city building official to assign and enforce as set forth in this chapter. (Ord. 6038 § 2, 6 2006; Ord. 5998 § 2, 2006; Ord. 2856 § 2, 1974; 1957 code § 2.15.010.} 7 15.52.030 Requirements generally. 8 A. The owner, agent, occupant, lessee or tenant of any building or portion thereof situated 9 within the city limits shall maintain a building number thereon as provided in this chapter. 10 B. Each figure of the building number shall be a minimum of four inches in height onsingle- 11 family residential occupancies. Individual suite numbers on commercial occupancies and 12 individual multifamily unit numbers shall be a minimum of two inches in height. Numbers shall 13 be of a color that will contrast with the structure's background color and shall be either 14 illuminated during periods of darkness, or be reflective, so the address numbers are easily seen 15 at night. 16 C. The building(s) shall have the building address numerals located on the upper 25 percent 17 of the building face fronting the public street or right-of-way. This requirement may be reduced 18 in the downtown area where buildings are located closer to the public way orright-of-way. 19 Numeral size shall be as follows: Less than 75 Greater than Setback from Feet from 75 Feet from Public Way or Public Way or Public Way or Right-of-Way Right-of-Way Right-of-Way Centerline Centerline Centerline Multifamily 12"High 18" High Small Commercial 12" High 18" High Large Commercial 18"High 24" High Monument Sign 8"High NIA 20 D. It shall be the duty of the building official to assign the correct building number to all 21 structures within the city at the time of issuance of building permits, or upon the request of any 22 owner, occupant or lessee. The building official shall also assign site addresses to all lots 23 created or modified through a subdivision process as contained within ACC Title 17. The 24 building official is authorized to develop standards and procedures forthe assignment of 25 building numbers in a logical and consistent manner throughout the city. The building official 26 shall consult with other affected city departments in the development and application of such 27 standards. (Ord. 6038 § 2, 2006; Ord. 5998 § 2, 2006; Ord. 5874 § 14, 2004; Ord. 2856 § 2, 28 1974; 1957 code § 2.15.030.} 29 15.52.040 Numbering new or altered buildings. 30 Upon the completion of a building or buildings, or any alteration thereof which changes the 31 entrances, it is unlawful for the owners, agents, occupants, tenants or lessees to assign or place 32 any building number thereon unless it has been officially designated and approved by the 33 building official, by application therefore made at the office of the building official on forms 34 provided by the city. (Ord. 6038 § 2, 2006; Ord. 5998 § 2, 2006; Ord. 2856 § 2, 1974; 1957 code 35 § 2.15.040.} 36 15.52.050 Erroneous number -Correction. Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 48 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 In the case where a building owner has placed an incorrect number on a building within the 2 city limits, the owner, agent, occupant, tenant or lessee shall, upon notification of the building 3 official, correct the erroneous number within 30 days after the date of notification. (Ord. 6038 4 § 2, 2006; Ord. 5998 § 2, 2006; Ord. 2856 § 2, 1974; 1957 code § 2.15.050.) 5 15.52.055 Changing a building number- Procedures. 6 A. An assigned building number may be changed by action of the city council upon petition 7 for such change by the building owner, by petition by an outside service agency such as the 8 U.S. Postal Service, or by petition of any city department. 9 B. Prior to acting on any proposal to change a building number, the city council shall conduct 10 at least one public hearing; provided, that if the building owner is the petitioner, a public hearing 11 shall not be required. 12 C. Notice shall be provided to all potentially affected building owners, utility providers, the 13 U.S. Postal Service, and any other appropriate outside service agencies as determined by the 14 building official, at least 10 calendar days prior to the public hearing. Legal notice shall also be 15 advertised in a newspaper of general circulation at least 10 calendar days prior to the public 16 hearing. 17 D. The building official is authorized to develop procedures forthe filing and processing of 18 such petitions. (Ord. 6038 § 2, 2006; Ord. 5998 § 2, 2006.) 19 15.52.060 Unnumbered or illegibly numbered buildings. 20 Incases where a building requiring a building number to be affixed thereon pursuant to this 21 chapter remains unnumbered, orwhere the building number thereon has become lost, 22 destroyed or defaced so as to become illegible, the owner, agent, occupant, tenant or lessee 23 shall cause the building to be numbered in a manner consistent with this chapter within 30 days 24 after notification therefore by the building official. (Ord. 6038 § 2, 2006; Ord. 5998 § 2, 2006; 25 Ord. 2856 § 2, 1974; 1957 code § 2.15.060.) 26 15.52.070 Numbers on rear entrances. 27 On residential, commercial or industrial buildings having rear entrances which open upon an 28 alley (street not included) or private driveway, the numbers assigned for the front or principal 29 entrance may, in addition, be required on the rear entrance, garage or gate, at the discretion of 30 the building official. (Ord. 6038 § 2, 2006; Ord. 5998 § 2, 2006; Ord. 2856 § 2, 1974; 1957 code 31 § 2.15.070.} 32 15.52.080 Record. 33 An accurate record of street numbers assigned to buildings within the city limits shall be 34 maintained by an appropriate department of the city, as designated by the mayor. This record 35 shall be kept on a map or maps designated for that purpose. (Ord. 6038 § 2, 2006; Ord. 5998 36 § 2, 2006; Ord. 2856 § 2, 1974; 1957 code § 2.15.080.} 37 15.52.090 Violation -Penalty. 38 Any violation of this chapter shall be enforced pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 1.25 39 ACC. (Ord. 6038 § 2, 2006; Ord. 5998 § 2, 2006; Ord. 4502 § 18, 1991; Ord. 2856 § 2, 1974; 40 1957 code § 2.15.090.) 41 42 Chapter 15.56 43 ALARM SYSTEMS 44 Sections: Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 49 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 15.56.010 Repealed 2 15.56.020 Alarm users registration required. 3 15.56.030 Fees. 4 15.56.040 Additional duties of alarm user. 5 15.56.050 Alarm business duties. 6 15.56.060 Nonpermitted system and uses. 7 15.56.070 Special registrations. 8 15.56.080 Administrative hearing. 9 15.56.090 Violations -Penalties. 10 11 , 12 fnlln~niinrr mo~r~inn~ ~nihor~ i i~or) in ~hi~ nh~r~~or; 13 " 14 , 15 , 16 '~I~narJ rr~n~~orJ nr in~~~IlorJ ~r~~i ~I arm ~~i~~om nr~ rail r►rnr~or~~~ 17 " 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 ~mGnh~ni~m r~rim~rily r~rn~~ inn ~ mn~nr Rio 'CIa nr ~ morlin~l ~I~rm, 22 > > > > > > 23 nrrr~ni~~finr~ of ~n~i Uinr) fn ~nihnm ~ roiri~~r~finn i~ rorvi iirorl i ir~rlor ~hi~ nh~r~~or, 24 " 25 26 27 r ~n ~I~rm ~„~+om, 28 " 29 30 h,~t~o ~~i~+om 31 "~'hiof of r~nlir+a" mo~r~~ ~~nhi~r~o r~i~v of Di ihi irn r►nlina ~I~~rr+m~~ 32 "rlor» ~~,,,,,,n+" ma~n~ tti~r►i~~i of ~ i ihi irn r~nlir►o rlor» o~ 33 " 34 35 36 , 37 38 39 " 40 , 41 42 saw 43 ~--r;~Jt~ ' ~ ~/°'~r~~ ma~n~ I~ni i~r~i 1 ~ n ~r~r) ir~nli irlir~n Ilor►orr~hor 'Z1 44 45 " 46 47 nn «C~~~ ih~Crihor" ma~n~ ~ v~ar~nn nnrr,nr~ ' n firm r» ~or~hir~ ~~~nr►i~tfl~rr 48 , 49 saw Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 50 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 2 3 4 5 ~ ~ ~QOa ~ 6 15.56.020 Alarm user's registration required. 7 A. Beginning January 1, 2000, no person shall operate or use an alarm system on any 8 premises within the city of Auburn, under that person's control, without first having obtained 9 from the police department a separate registration for each premises protected by an alarm 10 system. 11 B. The police department may not respond to any alarm system for which a registration has 12 not first been obtained. 13 C. For the purposes of this section, a person shall be deemed to bean operator or user of an 14 alarm system if: 15 1. The person controls both the alarm system and the premises upon which it is 16 installed; or 17 2. The person controls the premises and is the subscriber, client or tenant of the system 18 subscriber; or 19 3. The person is the system subscriber or alarm user. 20 D. All persons required to obtain a registration must complete a registration application form 21 that is provided by the police department. Information required to be provided on the registration 22 application form includes, but is not limited to: 23 1 Subscriber's and/or alarm user's name, address and telephone number(s); 24 2. Names and telephone numbers of three additional persons who will respond in the 25 event of alarm activation in the absence of the alarm user and said persons will provide access 26 to premises and be able to deactivate alarm, or said persons will provide information on who to 27 contact for access; 28 3. The names} of the alarm installation business and alarm monitoring business 29 responsible for regular maintenance and monitoring; 30 4. The information required in subsection (D)(3) of this section shall not apply to alarms 31 which are installed by the homeownerltenant; 32 5. The information required in subsection (D}(3} of this section shall not apply to: (a) 33 existing alarms; or (b} alarms which are installed in multiple-tenant buildings. 34 E. Failure to complete the required information will result in automatic denial of the 35 registration. 36 F. Each registration shall be given a numberwhich shall not be transferable. 37 G. Completed applications for an alarm user's registration and a fee asset forth in the city of 38 Auburn fee schedule shall be filed with the police department, except that no fee shall be 39 charged for alarms installed prior to enactment of this chapter if a registration application for 40 such existing alarm system is filed priorto January, 2000. 41 H. A penalty fee as set forth in the fee resolution will be charged, in addition to the fee 42 provided in subsection G of this section, to a user who fails to obtain a registration within 30 43 days after the system becomes operative, or to a current user who fails to obtain a registration. 44 I. Registration fees shall be payable to the city of Auburn and deposited into the city's general 45 fund. 46 J. Any person who owns, operates, or possesses any alarm system within the city of Auburn, 47 which does not conform to the requirements of this chapter, shall disconnect that alarm and 48 render it inoperable or alter it in accordance with this chapter no later than 60 days after 49 enactment of this chapter. Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 51 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 K. The following shall be required to obtain a registration under this article, but shall not be 2 required to pay any fee: 3 1. Businesses which are nonprofit organizations, including but not limited to religious, 4 civic, charitable, benevolent, nonprofit, cultural, governmental or youth organizations. 5 L. Alarm user shall notify police department, within 10 days, of any change of information 6 from that contained on the registration application. (Ord. 5819 § 8, 2004; Ord. 5224 § 1, 1999.) 7 15.56.030 Fees. 8 A. Fees will be assessed by the city as follows: Type of Fee Amount Registration fee (one-time fee) Per city fee schedule Late registration fee penalty Per city fee schedule Appeal hearing cancellation fee Per city fee schedule 9 B. The city shall notify the alarm user upon theirfirstfalse alarm, within any calendar year. If 10 payment of the registration fee, late registration fee penalty or the appeal hearing cancellation 11 fee is not received within 30 days of the day the notice of a late fee is mailed, the city may 12 initiate the enforcement of penalties andlor begin the collection process. The city shall inform 13 the alarm user of the right to appeal the validity of the false alarm determination, as provided in 14 ACC 15.56.080. (Ord. 5819 § 9, 2004; Ord. 5716 § 2, 2002; Ord. 5224 § 1, 1999.) 15 15.56.040 Additional duties of alarm user. 16 A. The premises shall display the registration decal at or near the main entrance, which shall 17 be clearly visible and readable from the exterior of the premises. 18 B. The premises shall display the street address at or nearthe front of the premises and at 19 other places where access is available, such as from an alley or parking lot. The street address 20 shall be clearly visible and readable from the exterior of the premises. 21 C. If requested to do so by the department, the alarm user or his or her designee shall 22 respond to the premises following activation of an alarm system for which a registration has 23 been issued within a reasonable time, and in any event, within one hour after said notification. 24 (Ord. 5224 § 1, 1999.} 25 15.56.050 Alarm business duties. 26 Every alarm system monitoring company engaging in business activities in the city of Auburn 27 shall: 28 A. Be registered to do business in the city of Auburn. 29 B. Submit standard user form instructions to the police chief. If the police chief finds the 30 instructions are incomplete, unclear, or inadequate, the police chief may require the alarm 31 business to revise the instructions to comply with subsection D of this section and then to 32 distribute the revised instructions to its alarm users. 33 C. Provide the police chief information about the nature of its property alarms, burglary 34 alarms, robbery alarms and panic alarms; its method of monitoring; its program for preventing 35 false alarms, and its method of disconnecting audible alarms. 36 D. Furnish the user with instructions that provide information to enable the user to operate the 37 alarm system at any time. The alarm business shall also inform each alarm user of the 38 requirement to obtain a registration and where it can be obtained. 39 E. Establish a process for alarm verification. The verification process shall not take more than 40 five minutes, calculated from the time that the alarm signal has been accepted by the alarm 41 business monitoring the system, until a decision is made whether to call for a police dispatch. 42 The means of verification may include one or more of the following: Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 52 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 1. The establishment of voice communication with an authorized person at or near the 2 premises who may indicate whether or not need for immediate police assistance or investigation 3 exists; 4 2. A feature that permits the alarm system user or a person authorized by the user to 5 send a special signal to the alarm system monitoring company that will cancel an alarm 6 immediately after it has been sent and prevent the monitoring company calling for a police 7 dispatch; 8 3. The installation of a video system that provides the alarm system monitoring company 9 when the signal is received with the ability to ascertain that activity is occurring which warrants 10 immediate police assistance or investigation; 11 4. A confirmation that a signal reflects a need for immediate police assistance or 12 investigation either by the alarm system user, or a person at or near the premises before 13 dispatching police; or 14 5. An alternate system that the police chief determines has, or is likely to have, a high 15 degree of reliability. 16 F. Coordinate with the department's communication center to develop a process to cancel an 17 alarm dispatch that is consistent with the communication center's standard operating 18 procedures. 19 G. Provide the department's communication center when requesting an alarm response with 20 the registration number for that premises, and the department need not respond if the 21 registration number is not provided. (Ord. 5224 § 1, 1999.) 22 15.56.060 Nonpermitted system and uses. 23 A. No person shall operate or use an alarm system which emits an audible sound where such 24 emission does not automatically cease within 15 minutes. Nothing in this section shall limit the 25 duration of a fire or other evacuation alarm during a bona fide emergency when the sound may 26 assist in saving life or avoiding injury. 27 B. No person shall use an alarm system to protect more than one business andlor private 28 residence without receiving a separate registration for each business andlor private residence to 29 be protected. 30 C. No person shall operate or use any alarm system forwhich the registration has been 31 revoked. 32 D. No person shall operate or use any alarm system which automatically dials the Auburn 33 police department or Valley Communication Center (911 }directly and delivers a prerecorded 34 message. 35 E. No person shall use an alarm system covering doors and windows that transmits a "panic 36 alarm" notification. (Ord. 5224 § 1, 1999.) 37 15.56.070 Special registrations. 38 A. An alarm user required by federal, state, county or municipal law, regulation, rule or 39 ordinance to install, maintain and operate an alarm system shall be subject to the alarm system 40 regulations, provided: 41 1. A registration shall be designated a special alarm user's registration. 42 2. A special alarm user's registration for a system that has five false alarms in a 43 registration year shall not be subject to the no response procedure and shall pay the penalty 44 fees and service charges. 45 B. An alarm user that is a governmental political unit shall be subject to this chapter; but a 46 registration shall be issued without payment of a fee and shall not be subject to service charges 47 or the imposition of any penalty provided herein. (Ord. 5224 § 1, 1999.) 48 15.56.080 Administrative hearing. Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 53 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 A. An alarm user may appeal the validity of a false alarm determination to the police chief. 2 The appeal shall be in writing and shall be requested within 10 days of the notice of penalty 3 received from the city finance department. Failure to contest the false alarm determination in the 4 required time period results in a conclusive presumption for all purposes that the alarm was 5 false. 6 B. If a hearing is requested, written notice of the time and place of the hearing shall be served 7 on the user by the police chief, by certified mail, at least 10 days prior to the date set for the 8 hearing, which shall not be more than 21 nor less than 10 days afterthe filing of the request for 9 hearing. 10 C. The hearing shall be before the police chief. The police chief may appoint another person 11 to bean administrative hearing officer to hear the appeals and to render judgment. The alarm 12 user and the police chief shall have the right to present written and oral evidence. If the police 13 chief determines that the false alarms alleged have occurred in a registration year, the police 14 chief may issue written findings waiving, expunging or entering a false alarm designation on an 15 alarm user's record. If false alarm designations are entered on the alarm user's record, the 16 finance department shall pursue the collection of the penalty fines. If the civil penalty is not 17 found to be proper, then the alarm user shall bear no costs. 18 D. If a hearing is canceled more than 10 days after its request, then a cancellation fee asset 19 forth in the fee resolution must be paid in addition to the amount of the civil infraction. 20 E. In accordance with RCW 46.55.240(1}(d}, a decision made by an administrative hearing 21 officer may be appealed to the King County district court for final judgment. (Ord. 5224 § 1, 22 1999.) 23 15.56.090 Violations -Penalties. 24 In addition to the penalties and regulations provided herein, who violates any provisions of 25 this chapter shall be found to have committed a Class I civil infraction. (Ord. 5224 § 1, 1999.) 26 27 Chapter 15.64 zs SWIMMING POOLS 29 Sections: 30 15.64.010 Fence requirements. 31 15.64.020 Gate and door requirements. 32 15.64.010 Fence requirements. 33 From and after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, every permanent 34 private outdoor swimming pool shall be surrounded by a fence or wall not less than 60 inches in 35 height, which shall be constructed as not to have openings, holes or gaps larger than four 36 inches in any dimension except for doors or gates. All fences erected shall conform to the fence 37 regulations as set forth in Chapter 18.48 ACC. (Ord. 3421 § 1, 1979.) 38 15.64.020 Gate and door requirements. 39 All gates or door openings through the fences required in ACC 15.64.010 shall be equipped 40 with aself-closing and self-latching device located upon the inside of the gate or door of 41 sufficient height so that small children cannot reach the latch. All gates and doors shall be kept 42 securely closed at all times when not in use. (Ord. 3421 § 2, 1979.) 43 Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 54 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 Chapter 15.68 z FLOOD HAZARD AREAS 3 Sections: 4 Article I. Statutory Authorization, Findings of Fact, Purpose and Objectives 5 15.68.010 Statutory authorization. 6 15.68.020 Findings of fact. 7 15.68.030 Statement of purpose. 8 15.68.040 Methods of reducing flood losses. 9 Article II. Definitions 10 15.68.050 Interpretation of language. 11 15.68.060 Definitions. 12 Article III. General Provisions 13 15.68.070 Land to which this chapter applies. 14 15.68.080 Basis for establishing the areas of special flood hazard. 15 15.68.090 Penalties for noncompliance. 16 15.68.100 Abrogation and greater restrictions. 17 15.68.110 Interpretation. 18 15.68.120 Warning and disclaimer of liability. 19 Article IV. Administration 20 15.68.130 Establishment of development_permit. 21 15.68.140 Repealed. 22 15.68.150 Duties and responsibilities of the city engineer. 23 15.68.151 Duties and responsibilities of the city of Auburn building division. 24 Article V. Provisions for Flood Hazard Protection 25 15.68.160 General standards of the city of Auburn engineering division. 26 15.68.161 General standards of the city of Auburn building division. 27 15.68.170 Specific standards of the city of Auburn building division. 28 15.68.180 Floodways. 29 15.68.190 Development within areas of special flood hazard. 30 15.68.200 Compensatory storage equipment. 31 Article I. Statutory Authorization, Findings of Fact, Purpose and Objectives 32 15.68.010 Statutory authorization. 33 The legislature of the state of Washington has in state law delegated the responsibility to 34 local governmental units to adopt regulations designed to promote the public health, safety, and 35 general welfare of its citizenry. Therefore, the city council of the city of Auburn, Washington, 36 does ordain as follows in this chapter. (Ord. 6161 § 1, 2008; Ord. 4820 § 1, 1995; Ord. 4357 § 37 2(1.1), 1989.) Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 55 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 15.68.020 Findings of fact. 2 A. The flood hazard areas of the city are subject to periodic inundation which results in loss of 3 life and property, health and safety hazards, disruption of commerce and governmental 4 services, extraordinary public expenditures for flood protection and relief, and impairment of the 5 tax base, all of which adversely affect the public health, safety and general welfare. 6 B. These flood losses are caused by the cumulative effect of obstructions in areas of special 7 flood hazard which increase flood heights and velocities and, when inadequately anchored, 8 damage uses in other areas. Uses that are inadequately floodproofed, elevated or otherwise 9 protected from flood damage also contribute to the flood loss. (Ord. 6161 § 1, 2008; Ord. 4820 § 10 1, 1995; Ord. 4357 § 2(1.2}, 1989.) 11 15.68.030 Statement of purpose. 12 It is the purpose of this chapterto promote the public health, safety, and general welfare, and 13 to minimize public and private losses due to flood conditions in specific areas by provisions 14 designed: 15 A. To protect human life and health; 16 B. To minimize expenditure of public money and costly flood control projects; 17 C. To minimize the need for rescue and relief efforts associated with flooding and generally 18 undertaken at the expense of the general public; 19 D. To minimize prolonged business interruptions; 20 E. To minimize damage to public facilities and utilities such as water and gas mains, electric, 21 telephone and sewer lines, streets and bridges located in areas of special flood hazard; 22 F. To help maintain a stable tax base by providing for the sound use and development of 23 areas of special flood hazard so as to minimize future flood blight areas; 24 G. To ensure that potential buyers are notified that property is in an area of special flood 25 hazard; and 26 H. To ensure that those who occupy the areas of special flood hazard assume responsibility 27 for their actions. (Ord. 6161 § 1, 2008; Ord. 4820 § 1, 1995; Ord. 4357 § 2(1.3}, 1989.) 28 15.68.040 Methods of reducing flood losses. 29 In order to accomplish its purposes, this chapter includes methods and provisions for: 30 A. Restricting or prohibiting uses which are dangerous to health, safety, and property due to 31 water or erosion hazards, or which result in damaging increases in erosion or in flood heights or 32 velocities; 33 B. Requiring that uses vulnerable to floods, including facilities which serve such uses, be 34 protected against flood damage at the time of initial construction; 35 C. Controlling the alteration of natural floodplains, stream channels, and natural protective 36 barriers, which help accommodate or channel floodwaters; 37 D. Controlling filling, grading, dredging, and other development which may increase flood 38 damage; and 39 E. Preventing or regulating the construction of flood barriers which will unnaturally divert 40 floodwaters or which may increase flood hazards in other areas. (Ord. 6161 § 1, 2008; Ord. 41 4820 § 1, 1995; Ord. 4357 § 2(1.4), 1989.) 42 Article II. Definitions 43 15.68.050 Interpretation of language. 44 Unless specifically defined in this article, words or phrases used in this chapter shall be 45 interpreted so as to give them the meaning they have in common usage and to give this chapter 46 its most reasonable application. (Ord. 6161 § 1, 2008; Ord. 4820 § 1, 1995; Ord. 4357 § 2(2.0), 47 1989.) Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 56 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 15.68.060 Definitions. 2 As used in this chapter: 3 A. "Appeal" means a request for a review of the city engineering division's interpretation of 4 any provisions of this chapter or a request for a variance. 5 B. "Area of shallow flooding" means a designated AO orAH zone on the Flood Insurance 6 Rate Map (FIRM). The base flood depths range from one to three feet; a clearly defined channel 7 does not exist; the path of flooding is unpredictable and indeterminate; and velocity flow may be 8 evident. AO is characterized as sheet flow and AH indicates ponding. 9 C. "Area of special flood hazard" means the land in the floodplain within a community subject 10 to a one percent or greater chance of flooding in any given year. Designation on maps always 11 includes the letters A orV. 12 D. "Base flood" means the flood having a one percent chance of being equaled or exceeded 13 in any given year. Also referred to as the "100-year flood." Designation on maps always includes 14 the letters A or V. 15 E. "Basement" means any area of the building having its floor sub grade (below ground level} 16 on all sides. 17 F. "Development" means any manmade change to improved or unimproved real estate, 18 including but not limited to buildings orotherstructures, mining, dredging, filling, grading, 19 paving, excavation or drilling operations or storage of equipment or materials located within the 20 area of special flood hazard. 21 G. "Flood" or "flooding" means a general and temporary condition of partial or complete 22 inundation of normally dry land areas from: 23 1. The overflow of inland ortidal waters; andlor 24 2. The unusual and rapid accumulation of runoff of surface waters from any source. 25 H. "Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM)" means the official map on which the Federal 26 Insurance Administration has delineated both the areas of special flood hazard and the risk 27 premium zones applicableto the community. 28 I. "Flood Insurance Study" means the official report provided by the Federal Insurance 29 Administration that includes flood profiles, the Flood Boundary-Floodway Map, and the water 30 surface elevation of the base flood. 31 J. "Floodway" means the channel of a river or other watercourse and the adjacent land areas 32 that must be reserved in order to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing the 33 water surface elevation more than one foot. 34 K. "Lowest floor" means the lowest floor of the lowest enclosed area (including basement) 35 measured at the walking surface of the floor. An unfinished orflood-resistant enclosure, usable 36 solely for parking of vehicles, building access or storage, in an area other than a basement area 37 is not considered a building's lowest floor; provided, that such enclosure is not built so as to 38 render the structure in violation of the applicable non-elevation design requirements of this 39 chapter found in ACC 15.68.170(A)(2). 40 L. "Manufactured home" means a structure, transportable in one or more sections, which is 41 built on a permanent chassis and is designed for use with or without a permanent foundation 42 when connected to the required utilities. For floodplain management purposes, the term 43 "manufactured home" also includes park trailers, travel trailers, and other similarvehicles placed 44 on a site for greater than 180 consecutive days. For insurance purposes, the term 45 "manufactured home" does not include park trailers, travel trailers, and other similarvehicles. 46 M. "Manufactured home park or subdivision" means a parcel (or contiguous parcels) of land 47 divided into two or more manufactured home lots for rent or sale. 48 N. "New construction" means structures forwhich the "start of construction" commenced on 49 or after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter. 50 0. "Recreational vehicle" means a vehicle: 51 1. Built on a single chassis; Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 57 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 2. Four hundred square feet or less when measured at the largest horizontal projection; 2 3. Designed to be self-propelled or permanently towable by a light-duty truck; and 3 4. Designed primarily not for use as a permanent dwelling but as temporary living 4 quarters for recreation, camping, travel, or seasonal use. 5 P. "Start of construction" includes substantial improvement, and means the date the building 6 permit was issued; provided the actual start of construction, repair, reconstruction, placement or 7 other improvement was within 180 days of the permit date. The actual start means either the 8 first placement of permanent construction of a structure on a site, such as the pouring of slab or 9 footings, the installation of piles, the construction of columns, or any work beyond the stage of 10 excavation; or the placement of a manufactured home on a foundation. Permanent construction 11 does not include land preparation, such as clearing, grading and filling; nor does it include the 12 installation of streets andlor walkways; nor does it include excavation for a basement, footings, 13 piers, or foundation or the erection of temporary forms; nor does it include the installation on the 14 property of accessory buildings, such as garages or sheds not occupied as dwelling units or not 15 part of the main structure. 16 Q. "Structure" means a walled and roofed building including a gas or liquid storage tankthat 17 is principally above ground. 18 R. "Substantial improvement" or "substantially improved" means any repair, reconstruction, or 19 improvement of a structure, the cost of which equals or exceeds 50 percent of the assessed 20 valuation of such structure as established by the most current King County or Pierce County 21 assessor's tax roll either: 22 1. Before the improvement or repair is started; or 23 2. If the structure has been damaged and is being restored, before the damage 24 occurred. For the purposes of this definition, "substantial improvement" is considered to occur 25 when the first alteration of any wall, ceiling, floor, or other structural part of the building 26 commences, whether or not that alteration affects the external dimensions of the structure. 27 The term does not, however, include either: 28 1. Any project for improvement of a structure to comply with existing state or local health, 29 sanitary, or safety code specifications which are solely necessary to assure safe living 30 conditions; or 31 2. Any alteration of a structure listed on the National Register of Historic Places or a 32 State Inventory of Historic Places. 33 S. "Variance" means a grant of relief from the requirements of this chapterwhich permits 34 construction in a manner that would otherwise be prohibited by this chapter. (Ord. 6161 § 1, 35 2008; Ord. 4820 § 1, 1995; Ord. 4357 § 2(2.1- 2.17}, 1989.) 36 Article III. General Provisions 37 15.68.070 Land to which this chapter applies. 38 This chapter shall apply to all areas of special flood hazards within the jurisdiction of the city. 39 (See Exhibit "A," attached to the ordinance codified in this chapter and incorporated herein by 40 reference, the State Flood Control Zone Map}. (Ord. 6161 § 1, 2008; Ord. 4820 § 1, 1995; Ord. 41 4357 § 2(3.1 1989.) 42 15.68.080 Basis for establishing the areas of special flood hazard. 43 The areas of special flood hazard identified by the Federal Insurance Administration in a 44 scientific and engineering report entitled "The Flood Insurance Study for the City of Auburn," 45 dated May 16, 1995, and any revisions thereto, with an accompanying Flood Insurance Rate 46 Map (FIRM), and any revisions thereto, are hereby adopted by reference and declared to be a 47 part of this chapter. The Flood Insurance Study and FIRM are on file at 25 West Main, Auburn, 48 Washington 98001. The best available information for flood hazard area identification as Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 58 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 outlined in ACC 15.68.150(6) shall be the basis for regulation until a new FIRM is issued that 2 incorporates data utilized under ACC 15.68.150(6}. (Ord. 6161 § 1, 2008; Ord. 4820 § 1, 1995; 3 Ord. 4357 § 2(3.2}, 1989.) 4 15.68.090 Penalties for noncompliance. 5 No structure or land shall hereafter be constructed, located, extended, converted, or altered 6 without full compliance with the terms of this chapter and other applicable regulations. Violation 7 of the provisions of this chapter by failure to comply with any of its requirements (including 8 violations of conditions and safeguards established in connection with conditions) shall be 9 enforced pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 1.25 ACC. (Ord. 6161 § 1, 2008; Ord. 4820 § 1, 10 1995; Ord. 4502 § 20, 1991; Ord. 4357 § 2(3.3), 1989.) 11 15.68.100 Abrogation and greater restrictions. 12 This chapter is not intended to repeal, abrogate, or impair any existing easements, 13 covenants, or deed restrictions. However, where this chapter and another ordinance, easement, 14 covenant, or deed restriction conflict or overlap, whichever imposes the more stringent 15 restrictions shall prevail. (Ord. 6161 § 1, 2008; Ord. 4820 § 1, 1995; Ord. 4357 § 2(3.4), 1989.) 16 15.68.110 I nterpretation. 17 In the interpretation and application of this chapter, all provisions shall be: 18 A. Considered as minimum requirements; 19 B. Liberally construed in favor of the governing body; and 20 C. Deemed neither to limit or repeal any other powers granted under state statutes. (Ord. 21 6161 § 1, 2008; Ord. 4820 § 1, 1995; Ord. 4357 § 2 (3.5), 1989.} 22 15.68.120 Warning and disclaimer of liability. 23 The degree of flood protection required by this chapter is considered reasonable for 24 regulatory purposes and is based on scientific and engineering considerations. Large floods can 25 and will occur on rare occasions. Flood heights may be increased by manmade or natural 26 causes. This chapter does not imply that land outside the areas of special flood hazard or uses 27 permitted within such areas will be free from flooding or flood damages. This chapter shall not 28 create liability on the part of the city, any officer or employee thereof, or the Federal Insurance 29 Administration, for any flood damages that result from reliance on this chapter or any 30 administrative decision lawfully made there under. (Ord. 6161 § 1, 2008; Ord. 4820 § 1, 1995; 31 Ord. 4357 § 2(3.6}, 1989.) 32 Article IV. Administration 33 15.68.130 Establishment of development permit. 34 A. A development permit shall be obtained before construction or development begins within 35 any area of special flood hazard established in ACC 15.68.080. The permit shall be for all 36 structures including manufactured homes, as set forth in ACC 15.68.060, and for all other 37 development including fill and other activities, also as set forth in ACC 15.68.060. Application for 38 a development permit shall be made on forms furnished by the city and may include, but not be 39 limited to, plans in duplicate drawn to scale showing the nature, location, dimensions, and 40 elevations of the area in question; existing or proposed structures, fill, storage of materials, 41 drainage facilities; and the location of the foregoing. Specifically, the following information is 42 required: 43 1. Elevation in relation to mean sea level of the lowest floor (including basement) of all 44 structures; 45 2. Elevation in relation to mean sea level to which any structure has been floodproofed; Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 59 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 3. Certification by a registered professional engineer that the floodproofing methods for 2 any nonresidential structure meet the floodproofing criteria in ACC 15.68.170(6); and 3 4. Description of the extent to which any watercourse will be altered or relocated as a 4 result of proposed development. 5 B. Permitting procedures for flood control zone permits shall conform to Section 3 of Auburn 6 City Ordinance No. 4195 passed on December 15, 1986.? (Ord. 6161 § 1, 2008; Ord. 4820 § 1, 7 1995; Ord. 4357 § 2(4.1), 1989.) 8 15.68.140 Designation of the city of Auburn engineering division. 9 Repealed by Ord. 6161. (Ord. 4820 § 1, 1995; Ord. 4357 § 2(4.2), 1989.) 10 15.68.150 Duties and responsibilities of the city engineer. 11 Duties of the city engineer regarding flood hazard areas shall include, but not be limited to: 12 A. Permit Review. 13 1. Review all development permits to determine that the permit requirements of this 14 chapter have been satisfied; 15 2. Review all development permits to determine that all necessary permits have been 16 obtained from those federal, state or local governmental agencies from which prior approval is 17 required; 18 3. Review all development permits to determine if the proposed development is located 19 in the floodway. If located in the floodway, assure that the encroachment provisions of ACC 20 15.68.180(A} are met. 21 B. Use of Other Base Flood Data. When base flood elevation data has not been provided in 22 accordance with ACC 15.68.080, the city engineer shall obtain, review, and reasonably utilize 23 any base flood elevation and floodway data available from a federal, state or other sources in 24 order to administer ACC 15.68.170(A) and (B), and 15.68.180. 25 C. Information to Be Obtained and Maintained. 26 1. Where base flood elevation data is provided through the Flood Insurance Study or 27 required as in ACC 15.68.150(6), obtain and record the actual elevation (in relation to mean sea 28 level) of the lowest habitable floor (including basement) of all new or substantially improved 29 structures, and whether or not the structure contains a basement; 30 2. For all new or substantially improved floodproofed structures: 31 a. Verify and record the actual elevation (in relation to mean sea level), and 32 b. Maintain the floodproofing certifications required in ACC 15.68.130(A)(3); 33 3. Ma~nntain for public inspection all records pertaining to the provisions of this chapter. 34 D. Alteration of Watercourses. 35 1. Notify adjacent communities and the Department of Ecology prior to any alteration or 36 relocation of a watercourse, and submit evidence of such notification to the Federal Insurance 37 Administration; 38 2. Require that maintenance is provided within the altered or relocated portion of said 39 watercourse so that the flood-carrying capacity is not diminished. 40 E. Interpretation of FIRM Boundaries. Make interpretations where needed as to exact location 41 of the boundaries of the areas of special flood hazards (for example, where there appears to be 42 a conflict between a mapped boundary and actual field conditions}. The person contesting the 43 location of the boundary shall be given a reasonable opportunity to appeal the interpretation. 44 F. Appeals of determinations made pursuant to this chapter shall be filed with the city's public 45 works directorwithin 20 working days after the final city engineer decision is issued. The public 46 works director shall have 15 working days to review the appeal, determine whetherto uphold of 47 modify the city engineer's decision, and notify the applicant of such determination. The decision 48 of the publicworks director shall be final. The city engineer's and director's decision shall be 49 granted consistent with the standards of Section 60.6 of the Rules and Regulations of the Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 60 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 National Flood Insurance Program (44 CFR 59-76). (Ord. 6182 § 4, 2008; Ord. 6161 § 1, 2008; 2 Ord. 4820 § 1, 1995; Ord. 4357 § 2(4.3), 1989.) 3 15.68.151 Duties and responsibilities of the city of Auburn building division. 4 Duties of the city building divisions shall include, but not be limited to: 5 A. Permit Review. 6 1. Review all building-related development permits to determine that the permit 7 requirements 8 of this chapter have been satisfied including building, addition and alteration permits; 9 2. Review all building-related development permits to determine that all necessary 10 permits have been obtained from those federal, state or local governmental agencies from 11 which prior approval is required; and 12 3. Review all building-related projects to determine that the procedures for building 13 projects within a special flood hazard area have been applied. 14 B. Information to be Obtained and Maintained. 15 1. Where base flood elevation data is provided through the Flood Insurance Study or 16 required as in ACC 15.68.150(6), obtain and record the actual elevation (in relation to mean sea 17 level) of the lowest floor (including basement} of all new or substantially improved structures, 18 and whether or not the structure contains a basement; 19 2. For all new or substantially improved floodproofed structures: 20 a. Verify and record the actual elevation (in relation to mean sea level); and 21 b. Maintain the floodproofing certifications required in ACC 15.68.130(A)(3); 22 3. Maintain for public inspection all building-related records pertaining to the provisions 23 of this chapter. (Ord. 6161 § 1, 2008.) 24 Article V. Provisions for Flood Hazard Protection 25 15.68.160 General standards of the city of Auburn engineering division. 26 A. Utilities. 27 1. All new and replacement water supply systems shall be designed to minimize or 28 eliminate infiltration of floodwaters into the system. 29 2. New and replacement sanitary sewage systems shall be designed to minimize or 30 eliminate infiltration of floodwaters into the systems and discharge from the systems into 31 floodwaters. 32 3.On-site waste disposal systems shall be located to avoid impairment to them or 33 contamination from them during flooding. 34 4. All new streets shall be designed to ensure the lowest finished surface elevation is a 35 minimum of one foot higherthan the adjacent 100-year flood elevation. 36 B. Subdivision Proposals. 37 1. All subdivision proposals shall be consistent with the need to minimize flood damage. 38 2. All subdivision proposals shall have public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, 39 electrical, and water systems located and constructed to minimize flood damage. 40 3. All subdivision proposals shall have adequate drainage provided to reduce exposure 41 to flood damage. 42 4. Where base flood elevation data has not been provided or is not available from 43 another authoritative source, it shall be generated by the applicant and approved by the 44 engineering division for subdivision proposals and other proposed developments which contain 45 at least 50 lots or five acres (whichever is less). (Ord. 6161 § 1, 2008; Ord. 4820 § 1, 1995; Ord. 46 4357 § 2(5.1 1989.) 47 15.68.161 General standards of the city of Auburn building division. Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 61 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 In all areas of special flood hazard the following standards are required: 2 A. Anchoring. 3 1. All new construction and substantial improvements shall be anchored to prevent 4 flotation, collapse or lateral movement of the structure. 5 2. All manufactured homes must likewise be anchored to prevent flotation, collapse or 6 lateral movement, and shall be installed using methods and practices that minimize flood 7 damage. Anchoring methods may include, but are not limited to, use of over-the-top or frame 8 ties to ground anchors. (Reference FEMA's "Manufactured Home Installation in Flood Hazard 9 Areas" guidebook for additional techniques.} 10 B. Construction Materials and Methods. 11 1. All new construction and substantial improvements shall be constructed with materials 12 and utility equipment resistant to flood damage. 13 2. All new construction and substantial improvements shall be constructed using 14 methods and practices that minimize flood damage. 15 3. Electrical, heating, ventilation, plumbing, and air conditioning equipment and other 16 service facilities shall be designed and/or otherwise elevated or located so as to prevent water 17 from entering or accumulating within the components during conditions of flooding. 18 C. Review of Building Permits. Where elevation data is not available either through the Flood 19 Insurance Study or from another authoritative source (ACC 15.68.150(8)), applications for 20 building permits shall be reviewed to assure that proposed construction will be reasonably safe 21 from flooding. The test of reasonableness is a local judgment and includes use of historical 22 data, high water marks, photographs of past flooding, etc., where available. Failure to elevate at 23 least two feet above grade in these zones may result in higher insurance rates. (Ord. 6161 § 1, 24 2008.) 25 15.68.170 Specific standards of the city of Auburn building division. 26 In all areas of special flood hazard where base flood elevation data is provided as set forth in 27 ACC 15.68.080 or 15.68.150(6}, the following provisions are required: 28 A. Residential Construction. 29 1. New construction and substantial improvement of any residential structure shall have 30 the lowest floor, including basement, elevated one foot or more above base flood elevation. 31 Enclosed crawl space areas no taller than three feet, measured from the lowest ground within 32 the crawl space to the bottom of the structural system directly supporting the floor slab or 33 sheathing above, shall not be considered as a basement. 34 2. Fully enclosed areas below the lowest floorthat are subject to flooding are prohibited, 35 or shall be designed to automatically equalize hydrostatic and hydrodynamic flood forces on 36 exterior walls by allowing for the entry and exit of floodwaters. Designs for meeting this 37 requirement must either be certified by a registered professional engineer or architect or must 38 meet or exceed the following minimum criteria: 39 a. A minimum of two openings having a total net area of not less than one square 40 inch for every square foot of enclosed area subject to flooding shall be provided; 41 b. The bottom of all openings shall be no higher than one foot above grade; 42 c. Openings may be equipped with screens, louvers, or other coverings or devices; 43 provided, that they permit the automatic entry and exit of floodwaters. 44 B. Nonresidential Construction. New construction and substantial improvement to any 45 commercial, industrial or other nonresidential structure shall either have the lowest floor, 46 including basement, elevated one foot or more above the level of the base flood elevation; or, 47 together with attendant utility and sanitary facilities, shall: 48 1. Be floodproofed so that below one foot above the base flood level the structure is 49 watertight with walls substantially impermeable to the passage of water; Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 62 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 2. Have structural components capable of resisting hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads 2 and effects of buoyancy; 3 3. Be certified by a registered professional engineer or a registered professional 4 architect that the design and methods of construction are in accordance with accepted 5 standards of practice for meeting provisions of this subsection based on their development 6 andlor review of the structural design, specifications and plans. Such certifications shall be 7 provided to the official as set forth in ACC 15.68.150(C)(2); 8 4. Nonresidential structures that are elevated, not floodproofed, must meet the same 9 standards for space below the lowest floor as described in subsection (A}(2} of this section; 10 5. Applicants floodproofing nonresidential buildings shall be notified that flood insurance 11 premiums will be based on rates that are one foot below the floodproofed level (e.g., a building 12 constructed to one foot above the base flood level will be rated as one foot below that level). 13 C. Manufactured Homes. All manufactured homes to be placed or substantially improved 14 within zones Al-30, AH, and AE shall be elevated on a permanent foundation such that the 15 lowest floor of the manufactured home is one foot or more above the base flood elevation and 16 be securely anchored to an adequately anchored foundation system in accordance with the 17 provisions of ACC 15.68.160(A)(2). 18 D. Recreational Vehicles. Recreational vehicles placed on sites are required to either: 19 1. Be on the site for fewer than 180 consecutive days; or 20 2. Be fully licensed and ready for highway use, on wheels or jacking system, attached to 21 the site only by quick disconnect type utilities and security devices, and have no permanently 22 attached additions; or 23 3. Meet the requirements of subsection C of this section and the elevation and anchoring 24 requirements for manufactured homes. (Ord. 6161 § 1, 2008; Ord. 4820 § 1, 1995; Ord. 4357 § 25 2(5.2), 1989.) 26 15.68.180 Floodways. 27 Located within areas of special flood hazard established in ACC 15.68.080 are areas 28 designated as floodways. Since the floodway is an extremely hazardous area due to the velocity 29 of floodwaters which carry debris, potential projectiles and erosion potential, the following 30 provisions apply: 31 A. Prohibit encroachments, including fill, new construction, substantial improvements, and 32 other development, unless it has been demonstrated through hydrologic and hydraulic analysis 33 performed in accordance with standard engineering practices with certification provided by a 34 registered professional engineer that encroachments shall not result in any increase in flood 35 levels during the occurrence of the base flood discharge; 36 B. Construction or reconstruction of residential structures is prohibited within designated 37 floodways, except for (1) repairs, reconstruction, or improvements to a structure which do not 38 increase the ground floor area; and (2) repairs, reconstruction or improvements to a structure, 39 the cost of which does not exceed 50 percent of the assessed valuation of the structure as 40 established by the most current King County or Pierce County assessor's tax roll, either (a) 41 before the repair, reconstruction, or repair is started, or (b) if the structure has been damaged, 42 and is being restored, before the damage occurred. Work done on structures to comply with 43 existing health, sanitary, or safety codes or to structures identified as historic places shall not be 44 included in the 50 percent; 45 C. If subsection A of this section is satisfied, all new construction and substantial 46 improvements shall comply with all applicable flood hazard reduction provisions of this chapter; 47 D. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the city may permit encroachments 48 within the adopted regulatory floodway upon receipt of approval of the Federal Insurance 49 Administrator and completion of the conditions of this section. Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 63 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 1. Prior to a developer being authorized to encroach upon the adopted regulatory 2 floodway to an extent which will cause base flood elevation increases in excess of those 3 permitted in subsection A of this section, the developer shall provide, for city review and 4 submission to the Federal Insurance Administrator, the following: 5 a. A request for conditional approval of map change and the appropriate initial fee 6 as specified by Section 72.3 of 44 CFR Ch. I Federal Emergency Management Agency or a 7 request for exemption from fees as specified by Section 72.5 of 44 CFR Ch. I Federal 8 Emergency Management Agency. Sections 72.3 and 72.5 of 44 CFR Ch. I Federal Emergency 9 ManagementAgency are herein adopted by reference in their entirety including any future 10 amendments thereto; 11 b. An evaluation of alternatives which would not result in a base flood elevation 12 increase above that permitted under subsection A of this section demonstrating why these 13 alternatives are not feasible; 14 c. Documentation of individual legal notice to all impacted property owners within 15 and outside of the community, explaining the impact of the proposed action on their property; 16 d. Written concurrence of the chief executive officer of any other communities 17 impacted by the proposed actions; 18 e. Written certification that no structures are located in areas which would be 19 impacted by the increased base flood elevation; 20 f. A request for revision of base flood elevation determination according to the 21 provisions of Section 65.6 of 44 CFR Ch. I Federal Emergency Management Agency. Section 22 65.6 of 44 CFR Ch. I Federal Emergency ManagementAgency is herein adopted by reference 23 in its entirety; 24 g. A request for floodway revision in accordance with the provisions of Section 65.7 25 of 44 CFR Ch. I Federal Emergency ManagementAgency. Section 65.7 of 44 CFR Ch. I 26 Federal Emergency Management Agency is herein adopted by reference in its entirety. 27 2. Upon receipt of the Federal Insurance Administrator's conditional approval of map 28 change and prior to the approval of the proposed encroachments, the developer shall 29 compensate the city for all costs incurred by the city which are associated with: 30 a. The city's adoption of floodplain management ordinances incorporating the 31 increased base flood elevations and/or revised floodway reflecting the post-project condition; 32 b. The city's submittal of evidence to the Federal Insurance Administrator of the 33 city's adoption of said revised floodplain management ordinances. 34 3. Within three months of completion of the proposed encroachments, the developer 35 shall be responsible for providing certified record drawings and/or technical or scientific data to 36 the city for submittal to the Federal Insurance Administrator. (Ord. 6161 § 1, 2008; Ord. 4820 § 37 1, 1995; Ord. 4357 § 2(5.3}, 1989.) 38 15.68.190 Developments within areas of special flood hazard. 39 Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the city may permit developments within 40 areas of special flood hazard. Prior to approval for a development which will increase the water 41 surface elevation of the base flood by more than one foot, a developer must comply with the 42 requirements set forth in ACC 15.68.180(D). (Ord. 6161 § 1, 2008; Ord. 4820 § 1, 1995; Ord. 43 4357 § 2(5.4}, 1989.) 44 15.68.200 Compensatory storage equipment. 45 A. Development proposals shall not reduce the effective base flood storage elevation. Where 46 fill, grading or other activities that may displace the effective base flood storage volume are 47 proposed, compensatory storage shall be required. Compensatory storage shall: 48 1. Provide equivalent volume at equivalent elevations to that being displaced; 49 2. Hydraulically connect to the source of the flooding; Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 64 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 3. Provide compensatory storage in the same construction season as when the 2 displacement of flood storage volume occurs. Allowances may be granted on a case-by-case 3 basis to allow sequential construction if the timing of the work cannot meet wintertimelflood 4 construction schedules; and 5 4.Occur on site or, if approved by the city engineer, at a hydraulically connected off-site 6 location. 7 5. Provide documentation of a restrictive easement acceptable to the engineering 8 division to ensure continued existence of the compensatory flood storage. 9 B. Certification by a registered professional engineer may be required as documentation that 10 the compensatory storage requirement shall be met by the development proposal. (Ord. 6161 11 § 1, 2008.) 12 13 Chapter 15.74 14 LAND CLEARING, FILLING AND GRADING 15 Sections: 16 15.74.010 Intent. 17 15.74.020 Scope. 18 15.74.030 Definitions. 19 15.74.040 Permit. 20 15.74.050 Exemptions. 21 15.74.060 Repealed. 22 15.74.010 Intent. 23 The intent of this chapter is to regulate all land-disturbing activities on all properties, and 24 ensure reasonable mitigation is provided as necessary to: 25 A. Prevent creation of public nuisance situations, promote the public health, safety and 26 general welfare of the citizens of Auburn; 27 B. Preserve, maintain and enhance the city's physical and aesthetic character by controlling 28 the removal of significant trees and ground cover on undeveloped and underdeveloped 29 properties; 30 C. Encourage building and site planning practices that are consistent with the city's natural 31 topographical and vegetation features in a mannerwhich provides forthe reasonable 32 development and enjoyment, to include preservation and enhancement of views, of the 33 property; 34 D. Preserve the city of Auburn's water courses and drainage patterns; minimize surface and 35 ground water quality degradation; control sedimentation in creeks, streams, rivers, ponds, lakes, 36 wetlands, and other surface water resources; 37 E. Protect adjacent and downstream properties from the impacts associated with changes to 38 the property being disturbed; 39 F. Ensure the safety and stability of public facilities; 40 G. Preclude the disturbance or removal of vegetation in advance of the city's evaluation of a 41 development proposal; 42 H. Implement the policies of the city's comprehensive plan. (Ord. 6146 § 1, 2007; Ord. 4861 § 43 1, 1996; Ord. 4775 § 1, 1995; Ord. 4266 § 1, 1988.} 44 15.74.020 Scope. 45 This chapter shall regulate all land-disturbing activities and the removal of trees, shrubs, 46 andlor ground cover. Land-disturbing activities proposed within critical areas andlor land subject 47 to shoreline management jurisdiction shall be subject to Chapters 16.10 and 16.08 ACC, Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 65 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 respectively, and the procedural requirements of this chapter. (Ord. 6146 § 1, 2007; Ord. 4861 § 2 1, 1996; Ord. 4266 § 1, 1988.) 3 15.74.030 Definitions. 4 For the purpose of this chapter, the following words shall have the following meanings: 5 A. "Accelerated erosion" means any increase over the rate of natural erosion as a result of a 6 land-disturbing activity. 7 B. "Clearing" means any activity which removes or seriously damages ground cover, shrubs, 8 andlortrees including but not limited to root mat removal andlortopsoil removal by mechanical 9 andlor chemical means and which exposes the earth's surface. 10 C. "Filling" means the act of transporting or placing (by any manner or mechanism) fill 11 material from, to, or on any soil surface, natural vegetative covering of soil surface, or fill 12 material (including temporary stockpiling of fill material). 13 D. "Grading" means any excavating, filling, clearing, or re-.contouring of the ground surface or 14 combination thereof. 15 E. "Ground cover" means small plants such as shlal, ferns, mosses, grasses or othertypes of 16 vegetation which normally cover the ground, including trees less than six inches in diameter 17 measured at 24 inches above ground level, which renders the surface of the soil stable against 18 accelerated erosion. 19 F. "Impervious surface" means compacted gravel, asphaltic concrete, Portland cement 20 concrete, bituminous surface, oil-mat, or otherfinished surface or ground which is impenetrable 21 or nearly impenetrable by water, or which becomes so over time as determined by the runoff 22 "curve number" (CN) value as defined by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). 23 G. "Land-disturbing activity" means any alteration of land that results in a change in the 24 existing ground cover or topography and that may cause or contribute to accelerated erosion or 25 increased surface water runoff. 26 H. "Permanent structure" means any buildings which are immovable including homes, 27 garages, barns, storage buildings, or a driveway not wider than 20 feet which is the exclusive 28 route of ingress and egress to an immovable garage or carport. 29 I. "Pre-loading" means the placement of material with the intent to surcharge and compress 30 subsurface soils for a limited amount of time. 31 J. "Sedimentation" means the process by which solid particulate matter is transported by 32 water off the site of the land-disturbing activity and settles onto land or the bed of a creek, 33 stream, river, wetland, pond, lake, or other water body. 34 K. "Stockpiling" means the placement of material with the intent to remove at a later time. 35 L. "Tree" means any self-supporting perennial woody plant characterized by natural growth of 36 one main stem or trunk with a definite crown, and maturing at a height of at least six feet above 37 the ground. 38 M. "Shrubs" means any living terrestrial plant or vegetation other than a tree or ground cover 39 on land. 40 N. "Significant tree" means a healthy evergreen tree, six inches or more in diameter 41 measured four feet above grade, or a healthy deciduous tree four inches or more in diameter 42 measured four feet above grade. 43 0. "Underdeveloped property" means any parcel which under the city's zoning code may be 44 further subdivided to allow further development, or is not already developed to the fullest zoning 45 potential. 46 P. "Undeveloped property" means any parcel which has not been altered from its natural 47 state by grading or filling or by construction of private structures or public infrastructure that 48 allows further development. (Ord. 6146 § 1, 2007; Ord. 4861 § 1, 1996; Ord. 4266 § 1, 1988.) 49 15.74.040 Permit. Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 66 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 A. Application. Any owner or authorized agent who intends to clear, fill, or grade any property 2 within the city, except those specifically exempted in ACC 15.74.050, shall first make an 3 application to the city and obtain the required permit for the work. Applications shall be prepared 4 by a licensed professional civil engineer and shall conform to the city's design standards per 5 Chapter 12.04 ACC. The city engineer shall have the authority to accept an application not 6 prepared by a licensed professional engineer if the city engineer determines the scope of the 7 project is such that a detailed set of plans is not required. An application for a clearing, filling, 8 and grading permit shall be applied for and, where possible, processed concurrently with any 9 other necessary permits or approvals. In addition, the city engineer may require off-site 10 improvements prior to issuing any grading, filling or clearing permits when such improvements 11 are required to mitigate the impacts of the proposed improvements. 12 B. Approval. The city engineer shall have the authority to approve, modify, approve with 13 conditions, or deny the permit in accordance with the intended purposes of ACC 15.74.010. The 14 city engineer shall also have the authority to determine the time frame when the land-disturbing 15 activity shall commence, when the project is to be completed, designated haul routes, seasonal 16 and weather restrictions, and hours of operation. 17 C. Performance Guarantee. When the city engineer determines that steps must betaken to 18 protect other property or the public right-of-way, then the applicant shall provide the city an 19 assignment of funds or an irrevocable letter of credit or other similar security satisfactory to the 20 city engineer, to ensure land-disturbing activities are constructed and maintained in 21 conformance with the approved construction drawings, standards, and any environmental 22 requirements and that the impacts of the activities, including hauling impacts, are mitigated. The 23 amount and duration of the financial guarantee will be determined by the city engineer, when 24 required, and it shall be no less than $2,000 per acre. The financial guarantee shall be 25 accompanied by an agreement granting the city and its agents the right to enterthe property 26 and perform work to mitigate and/or control impacts from such land-disturbing activities utilizing 27 the above-described satisfactory security. The agreement shall also hold the city harmless from 28 all claims and expenses, including attorneys' fees. 29 D. Fees. Fees shall be assessed in accordance with the city's fee schedule. 30 E. Term. Work on grading, filling, or land clearing permits must begin within 180 days from 31 the date of issuance of the permit. If work has not begun prior to this date, the permit shall 32 expire and a new permit will be required prior to commencing any grading, filling, or clearing 33 activities, and will be subject to city standards in effect at the time of the new permit. Asix- 34 month period of inactivity on the grading, filling or clearing work shall constitute expiration of the 35 permit and a new permit will be required prior to recommencing grading, filling or clearing 36 activities and will be subject to city standards in effect at the time of the new permit unless the 37 applicant can demonstrate justification forthe delay to the satisfaction of the city engineer. Work 38 to maintain winterization requirements shall not be considered inactivity. 39 F. Inspection. Construction or work for which a permit is required shall be subject to 40 inspection by the city engineer, or his/her designee, and such construction orwork shall remain 41 accessible for inspection purposes until approved by the city engineer orhis/her designee. 42 G. Revocation of Permits. Failure of the property owner and/or permittee to comply with any 43 or all of the provisions of this chapter or any or all provisions of a land clearing, filling, or grading 44 permit may cause the city engineer to revoke the permit. If the permit is revoked, all operations 45 shall cease until such time that the noncompliance is corrected. 46 H. Where applicable, the property owner is responsible for obtaining the appropriate permits 47 from the city when the public right-of-way is used to clear, stockpile, or load products and/or 48 debris resulting from any land-disturbing activity. 49 I. Penalties. Any violation of the requirements of this chapter or the conditions of a land 50 clearing, filling, and grading permit shall be enforced pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 1.25 51 ACC; provided, that the penalty for such violation shall be $500.00, and each day, location Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 67 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 and/or incident shall constitute a separate civil infraction. Additionally, each violator (each 2 individual participating in a violation) shall constitute separate violations; provided, that if a 3 violation involves more than 30,000 cubic yards of grading or fill work or more than 15 acres of 4 land clearing, it shall constitute a misdemeanor punishable by up to a $1,000 fine or up to 90 5 days in jail or both. 6 Any person who clears or disturbs property without first securing a permit pursuant to this 7 chapter shall be subject to the penalties of this section and may be required to restore the site to 8 the satisfaction of the city engineer. In addition all activity on the property shall cease until such 9 time that a permit has been issued and there shall be no issuance of any other permit or 10 approval until such time that a land clearing or filling and grading permit has been approved. 11 J. Appeals. Any person aggrieved by the decision of the city engineer may, within 10 12 business days of the city engineer's written decision, appeal the decision to the hearing 13 examiner who shall conduct a public hearing pursuant to ACC 18.70.040. (Ord. 6146 § 1, 2007; 14 Ord. 4861 § 1, 1996; Ord. 4266 § 1, 1988.} 15 15.74.050 Exemptions. 16 The following are exempt from the requirements of this chapter: 17 A. Removal of dead or diseased trees, shrubs, or ground cover. 18 B. Clearing and grading associated with continuous agricultural uses, excluding timber cutting 19 not otherwise exempted. 20 C. Clearing and grading not to exceed 8,000 square feet of area within individual lots, for the 21 purpose of the construction of asingle-family home or duplex, provided a building permit has 22 been issued by the city prior to commencing the clearing and grading activities and construction 23 of the structure starts within 90 days of commencing clearing and grading activities. 24 D. The removal of up to six trees per lot within any 12-month period or for lots greater than 25 one acre, up to six trees per acre within any 12-month period, with fractional acres of one-half 26 acre or more considered to be a whole acre. 27 E. Clearing and grading for the construction and maintenance of public facilities as approved 28 by the city engineer to include water, sanitary sewer, streets, highways, storm drainage and 29 related facilities. 30 F. Removal of trees, shrubs, and ground cover in emergency situations involving immediate 31 danger to life or property. 32 G. Routine landscape maintenance and minor repair. 33 H. Removal of trees and vegetation consistent with an approved surface mining permit. 34 I. Removal of a tree from property zoned residential that endangers a permanent structure by 35 being closer to the structure than the distance from the base of the tree to its top, regardless of 36 whether the tree is located on the same property as the structure. 37 J. Upon approval of the city engineer orhis/her designee, excavations of less than five feet in 38 vertical depth and/or fills less than eight inches of vertical depth on any portion of a site and 39 involving the deposit or displacement of not more than a total of 500 cubic yards of material 40 during any 24-month period. 41 K. Upon approval of the city engineer orhis/her designee, the temporary stockpiling of less 42 than 500 cubic yards, combined, of topsoils, crushed rock, sawdust, mulch, bark, chips, or 43 similar materials on a lot, tract, or parcel of land for a period not to exceed 12 months; provided, 44 that the stockpile has adequate coverage to prevent erosion. 45 L. Upon approval of the city engineer orhis/her designee, the broadcasting of less than 500 46 cubic yards of topsoil, peat, sawdust, mulch, bark, chips, or solid nutrients used for landscaping 47 or soil conditioning on a lot, tract or parcel of land during any 24-month period, provided the 48 finished depth does not increase the grade from the existing grade by more than eight inches. 49 M. Upon approval of the city engineer orhis/her designee, the temporary stockpiling of 50 organic or inorganic materials used in an approved construction project, provided the use, Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 68 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 location, duration, and extent of the stockpile was disclosed through the environmental or 2 development review process. In no case shall a temporary stockpile remain beyond a 24-month 3 period. 4 N. The creation of impervious surfaces which have a surface area less than 2,600 square 5 feet. 6 0. Emergency temporary sandbagging, diking, ditching, filling or similarwork during or after 7 periods of extreme weather conditions when done to protect life or property, provided such 8 measures do not adversely impact adjacent properties or public facilities. 9 An exemption from clearing, filling, and grading permit requirements does not exempt a 10 property owner from the policies, criteria, and standards contained in this chapter or other 11 applicable local, state, or federal regulations or permit requirements. 12 The property owner is responsible to ensure that clearing of any trees that are within striking 13 distance of a structure or have the potential to cause damage to others is performed by a 14 licensed and bonded contractor. (Ord. 6146 § 1, 2007; Ord. 4861 § 1, 1996; Ord. 4266 § 1, 15 1988.) 16 15.74.060 Administrative provisions. 17 Repealed by Ord. 6146. (Ord. 4861 § 1, 1996; Ord. 4502 § 21, 1991; Ord. 4266 § 1, 1988.) 18 19 Chapter 15.76 zo HISTORIC PRESERVATION 21 Sections: 22 15.76.010 Purpose. 23 15.76.020 Landmarks and heritage commission. 24 15.76.030 Incorporation of King County provisions. 25 15.76.040 Appeal procedure. 26 15.76.050 Severability. 27 15.76.010 Purpose. 28 The purposes of this chapter are to: 29 A. Designate, preserve, protect, enhance, and perpetuate those sites, buildings, districts, 30 structures and objects which reflect significant elements of Auburn's, the county's, state's and 31 nation's cultural, aesthetic, social, economic, political, architectural, ethnic, archaeological, 32 engineering, historic, and other heritage; 33 B. Foster civic pride in the beauty and accomplishments of the past; 34 C. Stabilize and improve the economic values and vitality of landmarks; 35 D. Promote heritage-related tourism; 36 E. Promote the continued use, exhibition and interpretation of significant sites, districts, 37 buildings, structures and objects forthe education, inspiration and welfare of the people of 38 Auburn; 39 F. Promote and continue incentives for ownership and utilization of landmarks; 40 G. Assist, encourage and provide incentive to public and private owners for preservation, 41 restoration, rehabilitation and use of landmark buildings, sites, districts, structures and objects; 42 H. Work cooperatively with other jurisdictions to identify, evaluate and protect historic 43 resources in furtherance of the purposes of this chapter. (Ord. 5212 § 1 (Exh. M), 1999; Ord. 44 4733 § 2, 1995. ) 45 15.76.020 Landmarks and heritage commission. Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 69 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 A. The King County landmarks and heritage commission established pursuant to King County 2 Code (KCC), Chapter 20.62, is hereby designated and empowered to act as the landmarks 3 commission forthe city pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. 4 B. The special member of the King County landmarks and heritage commission provided for 5 in KCC 20.62.030 shall be appointed by the mayor, subject to confirmation of the city council. 6 Such special member shall be an Auburn resident who has a demonstrated interest in historic 7 preservation. Such appointment shall be made for athree-year term. 8 In the event of a vacancy, an appointment shall be made to fill the vacancy in the same 9 manner and with the same qualifications as if at the beginning of the term, and the person 10 appointed to fill the vacancy shall hold the position forthe remainder of the unexpired term. 11 Such special member may be reappointed, but may not serve more than two consecutive three- 12 year terms. Such special member shall be deemed to have served one full term if such special 13 member resigns at any time after appointment or if such special member serves more than two 14 years of an unexpired term. 15 The special members of the commission shall serve without compensation. 16 C. The commission shall not conduct any public hearings required under this chapter with 17 respect to properties located within the city of Auburn until the commission's rules and 18 regulations, including procedures consistent with this chapter, have been filed with the city clerk. 19 (Ord. 5212 § 1 (Exh. M), 1999; Ord. 4733 § 2, 1995.) 20 15.76.030 Incorporation of King County provisions. 21 The following sections of Chapter 20.62 KCC, which are attached to the ordinance codified in 22 this chapter, are incorporated by reference the same as though they were set forth herein and 23 made a part of this chapter: 24 A. KCC 20.62.020 -Definitions, except as follows: 25 1. Paragraph F is changed to read: "Council" is the Auburn city council. 26 2. Paragraph P is changed to read: "Manager" is the Auburn building official. 27 B. KCC 20.62.040 -Designation Criteria, except all references to "King County" are changed 28 to read: "Auburn." 29 C. KCC 20.62.050 -Nomination Procedure. 30 D. KCC 20.62.070 -Designation Procedure, except all references to "King County" are 31 changed to read: "Auburn." 32 E. KCC 20.62.080 -Certificate of Appropriateness Procedures, except the last sentence of 33 paragraph A thereof. 34 F. KCC 20.62.100 -Evaluation of Economic Impact. 35 G. KCC 20.62.130 -Penalty for Violation of Section 20.62.080 (Paragraph E, above}. 36 H. KCC 20.62.140 -Special Valuation for Historic Properties. (Ord. 5212 § 1 (Exh. M), 1999; 37 Ord. 4733 § 2, 1995.) 38 15.76.040 Appeal procedure. 39 A. Any person aggrieved by a decision of the commission designating or rejecting a 40 nomination for designation of a landmark or issuing or denying a certificate of appropriateness 41 may, within 35 calendar days of mailing notice of such designation or rejection of nomination, or 42 of such issuance or denial or approval of a certificate of appropriateness, appeal such decision 43 in writing to the hearing examiner pursuant to Chapter 18.66 ACC. The written notice of appeal 44 shall be filed with the planning director and shall be accompanied by a statement setting forth 45 the grounds forthe appeal, supporting documents, and argument. 46 B. If, after examination of the written appeal and the record, the examiner determines that: 47 1. An error in fact may exist in the record, it shall remand the proceeding to the 48 commission for reconsideration or, if the council determines that: Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 70 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 2. The decision of the commission is based on an error in judgment or conclusion; it may 2 modify or reverse the decision of the commission. 3 C. The examiner's decision shall be based solely upon the record; provided, that the 4 examiner may at his or her discretion publicly request additional information of the appellant, the 5 commission orthe planning director. 6 D. The examiner shall take final action on any appeal from a decision of the commission by 7 entering written findings of fact and conclusions of law from the record and reasons there from 8 which support its action. The examiner may adopt all or portions of the commission's findings 9 and conclusions. 10 E. The decision of the examiner is final unless an appeal is filed pursuant to ACC 18.66.160. 11 An appeal may also be filed by the King County landmarks and heritage commission to the 12 planning director, who will forward the appeal to the city council. 13 F. The action of the city council sustaining, reversing, modifying or remanding a decision of 14 the examiner shall be final unless within twenty calendar days from the date of the action an 15 aggrieved person obtains a writ of certiorari from the superior court of King or Pierce County, 16 state of Washington, for the purpose of review of the action taken. (Ord. 5212 § 1 (Exh. M), 17 1999; Ord. 4733 § 2, 1995.} 18 15.76.050 Severability. 19 If any provision of this chapter or its application to any person or circumstances is held 20 invalid, the remainder of the chapter orthe application of the provision to other persons or 21 circumstances is not affected. (Ord. 5212 § 1 (Exh. M), 1999; Ord. 4733 § 2, 1995.} 22 23 Title 15 (Building and Construction) / 2009 International Codes Amendments) 71 June 8, 2010 Planning Commission Public Hearing Exhibit 3 Request to Publish Notice of Public Hearing REQUEST TO PUBLISH ATTN: Legal Ads. Please publish in the Seattle Times on May 27, 2010 Send the bill for the cost of publishing to: City of Auburn Finance Department 25 West Main Auburn, WA 98001-4998 Two Affidavits of Publication are requested for this notice. Please send both Affidavits to: City Clerk City of Auburn 25 West Main Auburn, WA 98001-4998 Please publish below line only Determination ofNon-Significance SEP10-012 Proposal: Title 15 (Building and Construction) of the Auburn City Code for the adoption of the 2009 International Codes, adoption of specific local amendments and to reduce redundancy and vagueness in applicable text of Title 15. Proponent: Kevin Snyder, AICP, Interim Planning & Development Director, City of Auburn Planning & Development Department Location: City-wide and within the City of Auburn's potential annexation areas. Lead Agency: City of Auburn The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCVV 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. This DNS is issued under 197-11-340(2); the lead agency will not act on this proposal for 14 days from the date issued below. Comments must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on June 12, 2010 and should be submitted to the Responsible Official listed below. Document is also available: Planning & Development Department, City of Auburn, One Main St., Auburn, WA 98001. Auburn SEPA contact: Kevin Snyder, AICP, Interim Planning & Development Director, ksnyder@auburnwa.gov or at 253-876-1982. Published in the Seattle Times May 27, 2010. Exhibit 4 Affidavit of Publication for Notice of Public Hearing From: Le als To: Renee Tobias; Subject: Confirming Ad# 4078067 for Title 152009ICC (5J24) FW: Notices of Public Hearings -Seattle Times Date: Wednesday, May 19, 2010 2:24:38 PM This is confirmed for Mon 5/24 in The Seattle Times. It is $158.24 to your account. Thank you, Jenni for Kathy Baldwin Seattle Times Legal Notices 206-652-6018 le als ~,seattletimes.com r From: Renee Tobias [mailto: rtobias(alauburnwa.gov] Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2010 8:24 AM To: Legals Subject: Confirming Ad# 4078067 for Title 152009ICC (5/24) FW: Notices of Public Hearings -Seattle Times For Monday, May 24, 2010 edition of the Seattle Times. Renee Tobias Planning Secretary From: Kevin Snyder Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2010 8:17 PM To: Renee Tobias Subject: Notices of Public Hearings -Seattle Times Please submit for publication on Monday, May 24, 2010 in the Seattle Times: G:1PC Planning Commission12010106.08.101Request to PublishNotice of Public Hearing_TitIe1520091CCAmendments.doc G:1PC Planning Commission12010106.08.101Request to PublishNotice of Public Hearing TitIe17SSB6544Amendments.doc Exhibit 5 Affidavit of Publication for DNS From: Legals To: Renee Tobias; Subject: Confirming Ad# 4078973 RE: (5/27) City of Auburn May 27, 2010 Date: Tuesday, May 25, 2010 2:12:31 PM This is confirmed for Thursday 5/27 in The Seattle Times. It is $94.60 to your account. Thank you, Jenni for Kathy Baldwin Seattle Times Legal Notices 206-652-6018 le~c als@seattletimes.com r~ From: Renee Tobias [mailto:rtobiasCalauburnwa.gov] Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2010 1:52 PM Exhibit 6 Determination of Non-Significance r 1 E ~ . - Peer L~WlS} N~a~yor ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A~~I~TON ~5 Wept ~a~n ~treefi Au~um OVA 98~~~ -4~~~ www.aubur~wd.gav ~ 2a3~93~ ~e~#r'~a~ro ~ ion-'~ ~ti rca~~e ►5.~.~~~~.~. ~escriptiQ~~ of ~r~oposal~ .Axneladments to Title IS ~Bl~ilding at~d CotYStructio~z~ of the Aub~zrrt City Code for t}~e adoptia~a of t}~e 2~~9 lnternatio~~al Codes adoption of specific local a~~~et~dments azYd to red~~ce redt~ndany ar~d vagueness in applicable text of Title 15, Propoxlen#; Kc~in ~~yde~'~ AICP, lnte~iim Pla~~~~ing Develapn~el~t Di~•ectar City ofAubu~•n Plarlr~il~g ~ Development Depa~-ttnet7t ~oCatloll; Citywide and ~~ritl~it~ t}~e City of Al~l~urta's patexatial arltae~atian areas, Dead Agc~icy~ City of Auburn Tl~e lead age~~cy far this proposal has determi~~ed that it does trot have probable igz~i~cant adve~•se i~~~pact oa the envirot~r~e~~t, Are erlvir•anmental irrrpact statemetlt ~E1S~ is trot req~~ired a~~der RCS 43,~1C,o~0~~}~c}, This decision vas made after ~•e~rie~v of a completed enviror~t~xet7tal checklist a~~d ather s information otY file with the lead agency. This infarrnation is available to tl~e public o~~ reques#, TlYis DNS is issued u~~der 1 ~ 1-~40~}; tl7e lead agency will not apt on this proposal for 1 ~ days from t}~c date issued bela~v, Camn~ent tnust be s~~bn~itted ~y S:DO p,t~~, ou dune ~0~4 a~~d slxould be s~~bmitted to tl~e l~esporisihle official listed below. responsible Qf~cial; l~evix~ Snyder, ASP PositionlTitle, l~~teri~~~ Director, Planning Development DepartmerYt Address; ~S hest I~ai~~ Street A~~bur~~, ashit~gton X001 Date lsst~ed: Nay 201o Sigi~at~zre; ~--r Nate; This cletermYx~atrar~ does x~ot constitute appl~aval of the proposal. Ap~I#oval of the proposal can oxlly lae Inane 1~y the lcisla#ive or ad~~t~z~istratl~ve body ves#ed wltla that autllarlty, Tl~e pa•oposal will lie r~eq~~i~~ed to mec# all applicable ~{egr~latio~~s, Ater persot~ aggrieved ofthis fir~al deterlrrination rrray file an appeal ~vitl~ tl~e Aubu~~n City Clerk ~~ritl~i~~ l~ days of the date off" iss~~ance of this rlatice~ All appeals of the above dete~~~ninatiorr r~~x~st be filed by x;00 ot~ Jr~xxe ~o~o witlr ~Iired fee, TEA ~~v ~r~ Exhibit 7 SEPA Checklist TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT WAC 197-11-960 Environmental checklist. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST Purpose of checklist: The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), chapter 43.21 C RCW, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An environmental impact statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. Instructions for applicants: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. Inmost cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer, or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply." Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impact. Use of checklist for nonproject proposals: Complete this checklist for nonproject proposals, even though questions may be answered "does not apply." IN ADDITION, complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (part D). For nonproject actions, the references in the checklist to the words "project," "applicant," and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proposer," and "affected geographic area," respectively. 1 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT A BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: Title 15 (Building and Construction) of the Auburn City Code / 2009 International Codes Amendments 2. Name of applicant: City o f Auburn 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: Planning & Development Department City o f Auburn 25 West Main Street Auburn, WA 98001 (253) 876-1982 Attn: Kevin Snyder, AICP, Interim Planning & Development Director 4. Date checklist prepared: May 24, 2010 5. Agency requesting checklist: City o f Auburn 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): To be implemented in June 2010. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. Nonproject action. This nonproject SEPA Environmental Checklist addresses proposed amendments to Title 15 (Building and Construction) of the Auburn City Code for the adoption of the 2009 International Codes, adoption of specific local amendments and to reduce redundancy and vagueness in applicable text of Title 15. 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. No environmental documentation has been prepared or will be prepared directly related to this proposal other than this Environmental Checklist. 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. Non-project action. The proposed amendments would be applicable City-wide to all properties. 2 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT 10. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. The City of Auburn Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the proposed amendments addressed in this environmental checklist and will forward a recommendation to the Auburn City Council. The City Council may or may not hold a public hearing prior to taking action adopting, adopting in part, or not adopting the amendments. Although not an approval or permit, the proposed amendments area also subject to the State Agency review process pursuant to RCW 36.70A.106. 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. (Lead agencies may modify this form to include additional specific information on project description.) RCW 19.27.031(State building code -Adoption -Conflicts -Opinions) directs the adoption of specified codes pertaining to building and fire regulations standards issued by International Code Council, Inc (ICC). ICC develops the codes and standards used to construct residential and commercial buildings, including homes and schools. ICC was established in 1994 as anon-profit organization by the Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Inc. (BOLA), International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO), and Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc. (SBCCI).The International Codes, or I-Codes, published by ICC, provide minimum safeguards for people at home, at school and in the workplace. To date, fifty states and the District of Columbia have adopted the I-Codes at the state or jurisdictional level. The ICC issues updated versions of the I-Codes every three years. The Washington State Building Code Council is a state agency created by the legislature to provide independent analysis and objective advice to the legislature and the Governor's Office on state building code issues. The Council establishes the minimum building, mechanical, fire, plumbing and energy code requirements necessary to promote the health, safety and welfare of the people of the state of Washington, by reviewing, developing and adopting the state building code. The Council has recently adopted and issued the 2009 I- Codes for the State of Washington inclusive of the International Building Code, the International Residential Code, the Uniform Plumbing Code, the International Mechanical Code, the International Fire Code, and the Washington State Energy Code (Chapter 51-11 WAC). The Council's adoption of the I-Codes will be effective on July 1, 2010. The Council is recommending local governments adopt the 2009 I-Codes along with any administrative changes to chapter 1(Administration) of each code prior to or around July 1St Title 15 (Building and Construction) of the Auburn City Code comprises the referenced adoption of the I-Codes together with the adoption of regulations that are specific to the City of Auburn that are commonly referred to as "local amendments". 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity 3 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. This is a nonproject action located in the City of Auburn municipal boundaries and potential annexation areas (PAAs). 4 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT B ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. Earth a. General description of the site (circle one): Flat, rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other The City of Auburn is characterized by a relatively flat valley floor bordered by steep hillsides and upland plateaus overlooking the valley. See Section D, Nonproject Action. b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? The slopes vary in the city and PAA areas, but in some locations slopes associated with the valley walls reach 100%. See Section D, Nonproject Action. c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. See Section D, Nonproject Action. The valley floor is made up primarily of soils of the Oridia, Renton, Snohomish, and Briscott series. These soils are poorly drained and formed in the alluvium (river sediments) associated with the White and Green rivers. These are considered good agricultural soils, though in many areas, are not well-drained. There is no designated farmland within the City of Auburn. The hillsides and plateaus are made up of primarily Alderwood associated soils and a small amount of Everett associated soils (U.S. Department of Agriculture,1973). Alderwood soils are moderately well drained gravelly sandy loams 20-40 inches deep. Beneath these soils is glacial til with low permeability. Roots penetrate easily to the hardpan layer. Runoff potential is slow to medium. Erosion and slippage hazard is moderate, ranging to severe on steeper slope phases The Everett series consists of somewhat excessively drained soils that are underlain by very gravelly sand. These soils formed in very gravelly glacial outwash deposits under conifers. They are found on terraces and terrace fronts and are gently undulating to moderately steep. d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. See Section D, Nonproject Action. Many factors affect slope stability including soil type, parent material, slope and drainage. These factors can be further affected by human intervention such as slope alteration, and vegetation removal. The city has identified categories of geologic hazard areas and inventoried these areas. Maps of the erosion and landslide hazard areas are provided as Maps 9.6 and 9.7, respectively in the City's Comprehensive Plan. e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. The proposed amendments to Title 18 are non-project actions, no site alteration, construction, or earthwork is proposed. 5 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is anon-project action. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. The action does not involve site specific development proposals. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: See Section D, Nonproject Action. This is anon-project action, no site specific erosion control is proposed. However, the existing comprehensive plan includes numerous policies to reduce or control erosion through the use of best management practices, landscaping requirements, limitations on alteration of steep slopes and other critical areas protections. Impacts to earth will be identified and, if necessary, mitigated during the development review process as specific development proposals are made that might be associated with these plan amendments. The city also has adopted City [engineering] Design Standards Manual and a City [engineering] Construction Standards Manual that address erosion impacts (ACC Chapter 12.04 as referenced by ACC 15.74). 2. Air a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is anon-project action. b. Are there any off site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is anon-project action. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is anon-project action. 3. Water a. Surface: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. Citywide nonproject action -See Section D, Nonproject Action. The major bodies of water within Auburn are the Green River, the White River, Mill Creek, Bowman Creek, and White 6 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT Lake. The city has conducted an inventory of wetlands within the city limits. These are shown on Map 9.3 of the City's Comprehensive Plan. Shorelines of the State are reflected in Auburn's adopted Shorelines Master Program (April 2009). 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) of the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is anon-project action. 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is non-project action. 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is non-project action. 5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. See Section D, Nonproject Action. Several areas within Auburn lie within the 100-year floodplain of the Green or White River and Mill Creek. The 100-year floodplain areas as well as frequently flooded areas are shown on Map 9.4 of the City's Comprehensive Plan. On April 5, 2010, the Auburn City Council adopted updated floodplain regulations for consistency and compliance to the finding (Biological Opinion) issued by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) that administration of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) jeopardizes species protected under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). As a result of the NMFS finding, FEMA and communities participating in the NFIP were required to implement a series of actions, including adoption of regulations to ensure compliance with the ESA. The purpose of the moratorium was to give these federal agencies time to complete a model floodplain ordinance and other technical assistance for local jurisdictions, and in the interim, to limit liability to private parties and the City. 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is non-project action. b. Ground: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is non-project action. 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the 7 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is non-project action. c. Water runoff (including stormwater): 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is non-project action. 2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is non-project action. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is non-project action. 4. Plants a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: X deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other X evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other X Shrubs X Grass X Pasture X crop or grain X wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bulrush, skunk cabbage, other X water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other X other types of vegetation See Section D, Nonproject Action. b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? See Section D, Nonproject Action. However, in general urban development can result in the removal or alteration of vegetation. City standards address critical areas protection, e.g. wetlands, and landscaping. c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. See Section D, Nonproject Action. None known at this time. 8 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: The City Comprehensive Plan includes policies on retaining vegetation, ACC Chapter 15.74 governs tree and vegetation retention, and the City's landscaping regulations (ACC 18.50) govern landscaping within the City. See Section D, Nonproject Action. This is anon-project action. 5. Animals a. Circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: hawk, heron, eagle, son birds, other: geese, ducks, crows, etc. mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other: urban animals such as dogs, cats, squirrels, rodents, opossums, raccoons, etc. are also present in the city fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other: See Section D, Nonproject Action. b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. See Section D, Nonproject Action. There are nesting/breeding sites of bald eagles, great blue herons and green back heron within Auburn as shown on Map 9.2 of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The Environmental Impact Statement for the Auburn Thoroughbred Racetrack indicates that peregrine falcons, bald eagles, and the Aleutian Canadian Goose have been seen in the Auburn area. Chinook salmon are currently listed as a threatened species by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). Bull trout are also listed. Chinook salmon are known to use the Green and White Rivers. c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. See Section D, Nonproject Action. Auburn is a portion of the Pacific Flyway for migratory birds. d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: The City's Comprehensive Plan includes policies that encourage preservation of wildlife habitat and environmental features supportive of wildlife habitat. In addition, the City's critical areas regulations (Chapter 16.10 of the ACC) offers protection for critical wildlife habitat, among other things. See Section D, Nonproject Action. This is anon-project action. 9 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT 6. Energy and natural resources a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is anon-project action. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is anon-project action. c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is anon-project action. This action will include the adoption of the updated version of the Washington State Energy Code. Environmental health a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is anon-project action. 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is anon-project action. 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is anon-project action. 8. Noise a. What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is anon-project action. b. What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is anon-project action. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is anon-project action. 10 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT 9. Land and shoreline use a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? See Section D, Nonproject Action. The City contains a variety of land uses including residential, industrial, commercial, open space, and public land uses. b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. See Section D, Nonproject Action. Much of Green River Valley and the City of Auburn were used for agriculture at some time in the past. Over the last several decades, rapid growth in the area resulted in much of the agricultural land converting to urban uses. No land within the city is designated as agricultural in city plans or zoning code, though some parcels continue to be farmed. c. Describe any structures on the site. See Section D, Nonproject Action. Structures within the City and Potential Annexation Areas (PAA) range from small single family detached homes to large industrial and warehousing facilities. d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is anon-project action. e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? See Section D, Nonproject Action. The proposed amendments would be applicable to the C- 1 Light Commercial District. f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? See Section D, Nonproject Action. A Comprehensive Plan map of the City is contained in the City's Comprehensive Plan and includes 13 different plan designations. g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? See Section D, Nonproject Action. Portions of the City along the Green and White Rivers fall under the Shoreline Master Program. A map of the shoreline designations for those areas is Map 9.1 of the City's Comprehensive Plan. Shorelines of the State are reflected in Auburn's recently adopted revised Shorelines Master Program in April 2009. h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is anon-project action. However, areas of the city do contain sensitive areas and the regulation and protection of sensitive areas are addressed through the city's critical areas ordinance. 11 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is anon-project action and no specific development is proposed. j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This proposal is anon-project action and no specific development is proposed. k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This proposal is anon-project action and no specific development is proposed. 1. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: See Section D, Nonproject Action. Also, the proposed amendments are circulated to State agencies for a State Agency review process in accordance with RCW 36.70A.106. 10. Housing a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, orlow-income housing. See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This proposal is anon-project action. b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, orlow-income housing. See Section D, Nonproject Action. This proposal would not eliminate any housing units. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: See Section D, Nonproject Action. None specifically, as this is anon-project action. The proposed amendments will adopt the 2009 International Codes that regulate housing, among other structural types. 11. Aesthetics a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed? See Section D, Nonproject Action. This proposal is anon-project action. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This proposal is anon-project action. 12 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: See Section D, Nonproject Action. 12. Light and glare a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This proposal is anon-project action. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This proposal is anon-project action. c. What existing off site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This proposal is anon-project action. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: See Section D, Nonproject Action. 13. Recreation a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? See Section D, Nonproject Action. The City of Auburn provides a full range of parks and recreational facilities. Map 11.1 of the City's Comprehensive Plan shows the location of these facilities. b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. See Section D, Nonproject Action. The proposal would not displace any existing recreational uses. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. 14. Historic and cultural preservation a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. See Section D, Nonproject Action. The following sites in the City of Auburn are listed on the National Register of Historic Places and the Washington State Heritage Register: Auburn Public Library, 306 Auburn Avenue NE; Auburn Post Office, 20 Auburn Avenue NE; Oscar Blomeen House, 324 B Street NE; Mary Olson Farm, 28728 Green River Road NE. 13 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT Additionally, the Auburn Masonic Temple located at 310 East Main Street is designated as a City of Auburn Landmark. b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. See Section D, Nonproject Action. Several Indian campsites have been identified along the Green and White rivers in the Auburn Thoroughbred Racetrack EIS and in preliminary work for the Army Corps of Engineers' Special Area Management Plan. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: See Section D, Nonproject Action. This proposal is anon-project action. All non-exempt projects will be required to conduct future project-level SEPA analysis. 15. Transportation a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. See Section D, Nonproject Action. Figure 2-1 of the Comprehensive Transportation Plan (transportation element) shows the City's current and future classified street system. b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? See Section D, Nonproject Action. Figure 4-1 of the Comprehensive Transportation Plan (transportation element) shows the location of public transit routes within the City. Also, a Sound Transit Sounder regional commuter rail station exists along the Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroad right-of way just south of West Main Street and east of C Street SW. c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This proposal is anon-project action. d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This proposal is anon-project action. e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of7 water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. See Section D, Nonproject Action. There is no water transportation in the Auburn area other than for recreational uses. The area is particularly well served by rail. At this time, local freight service is available. Burlington Northern Santa Fe and Union Pacific both operate freight lines within Auburn. Auburn is also a commuter rail station site for the Sounder commuter rail line between Tacoma and Seattle. Amtrak trains pass through, but do not stop in Auburn. The Auburn Municipal Airport is located north of 15th Street NE. 14 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. See Section D, Nonproject Action. The proposed amendments are not expected change the total number of housing units that could be built in the City. The proposed amendments would not eliminate residential uses in areas where they are currently allowed, nor would they introduce additional residential uses in areas where they are not currently allowed. See Section D, Nonproject Action for additional discussion. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: See Section D, Nonproject Action. 16. Public services a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. The proposal is not expected to affect the total number of housing units, the number or types of commercial developments that could be built, or to result in an increased need for public services. See Section D, Nonproject Action. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. See Section D, Nonproject Action. The comprehensive plan contains policies that seek to maintain a sufficient level of service for public services as development occurs. Also, Auburn reviews the impacts of significant development on these public services during project-level review and SEPA. Mitigation measures are required to reduce significant adverse impacts. 17. Utilities a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: electrici ,natural has, water, refuse service, tele hone, sanitary sewer, septic system, other. All of the above utilities are available within the City of Auburn. b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. This is anon-project action. However, the Comprehensive Plan includes a utilities element (as required by the Growth Management Act), which describes the utilities that serve the Auburn area and includes policies for their provision. Also, the city actively engages in planning for public facilities. The Comprehensive Water Plan and Comprehensive Sewer Plan and the Comprehensive Drainage Plan were updated in 2009. Anew six year Capital Facilities Plan was adopted in 2009 (2010-2015). 15 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT These plans ensure that utility impacts are adequately monitored and evaluated on a project level and city-wide basis. C SIGNATURE The above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the lead agency is relying on them to make its decision. Signature: Date Submitted: 16 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT D SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (Do not use this sheet for project actions) Because these questions are very general, it may be helpful to read them in conjunction with the list of the elements of the environment. When answering these questions, be aware of the extent the proposal or the types of activities likely to result from the proposal, would affect the item at a greater intensity or at a faster rate than if the proposal were not implemented. Respond briefly and in general terms. 1. How would the proposal be likely to increase discharge to water; emissions to air; production, storage, or release of toxic or hazardous substances; or production of noise? The proposal would not be likely to increase discharge to water, emissions to air, production, storage, or release of toxic or hazardous substances; or production of noise. This nonproject action does not affect the existing City performance standards currently contained in ACC 18.31 that regulate noise, emissions to air; production, storage, or release of toxic or hazardous substances. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce such increases are: The City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan contains provisions to reduce increases or emissions caused by new development. Emphasis in the Comprehensive Plan on reducing the reliance on the automobile for transportation should reduce the amount of emissions to the air. Policies in the Environment Chapter also provide guidance in the review of development proposals to encourage native vegetation. This supports wildlife habitat areas, particularly near streams, as the policies assist the City in addressing adverse impacts to water quality and wildlife habitat from runoff since native plantings may require less pesticide use. Non-exempt development will be subject to SEPA requirements to evaluate and mitigate impacts related to discharges, emissions, and the release of toxic substances. Evaluation of the site specific proposals will be based on the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and appropriate mitigation will take place on a case by case basis. City development standards including but not limited to the critical areas ordinance (ACC 16.10), shoreline master program regulations (ACC 16.08), the City's Engineering Design Standard and Construction Standard Manuals (ACC 12.04) also provide additional protection for these types of impacts. 2. How would the proposal be likely to affect plants, animals, fish, or marine life? Generally, the proposal will not directly affect plants, animals, fish, or marine life. The proposed amendments would not affect the City's critical areas regulations and they are not expected change the developable area of the City. The proposed amendments would not eliminate any existing uses in areas where they are currently allowed, nor would they introduce any new uses in areas where they are not currently allowed. Proposed measures to protect or conserve plants, animals, fish, or marine life are: 17 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT Generally, the adopted Auburn Comprehensive Plan and critical areas ordinance seek to protect and conserve plants, animals, fish, and marine life. SEPA environmental review of all non-exempt development is conducted to measure and mitigate impacts. Evaluation based on the policies of the Auburn Comprehensive Plan and appropriate mitigation will take place on a case-by-case basis. Policies within the Environment Chapter also provide guidance in the review of development proposals to encourage native vegetation be used and/or retained. This should support wildlife habitat areas, particularly near streams as the policies assist the city in addressing adverse runoff impacts to water quality and wildlife habitat since native plantings may require less pesticide use. City development standards including but not limited to the critical areas ordinance and the shoreline master program regulations also provide additional protection for these types of impacts. 3. How would the proposal be likely to deplete energy or natural resources? Future development will use natural gas and electricity and could result in increased automobile uses. However, there does not appear to be any significant adverse increases in the use of energy of natural resources resulting from the amendments being proposed to the existing comprehensive plan over what might occur under existing plan designations Proposed measures to protect or conserve energy and natural resources are: None specifically, as this is anon-project action. However, the proposed action will result in the adoption of the 2009 edition of the Washington State Energy Code. In addition to the provisions of the Auburn Energy Management Plan (adopted in 1986), which encourages energy conservation in public buildings, street lighting, and recycling, the comprehensive plan places an emphasis on providing for alternative methods of travel to the automobile such as transit, walking, and biking. An environmental review under SEPA of all non-exempt development will be conducted to measure the project impacts. 4. How would the proposal be likely to use or affect environmentally sensitive areas or areas designated (or eligible or under study) for governmental protection; such as parks, wilderness, wild and scenic rivers, threatened or endangered species habitat, historic or cultural sites, wetlands, floodplains, or prime farmlands? This proposal will amend the City's building and fire safety regulations. There are no proposed changes to the City's critical area regulations which govern environmentally sensitive areas (ACC 16.10). The proposal is unlikely to affect environmentally sensitive areas or areas designated for governmental protection. Proposed measures to protect such resources or to avoid or reduce impacts are: The comprehensive plan and, in particular, the critical areas ordinance (ACC 16.10), seek to protect environmentally sensitive areas (wetlands, streams, geologically hazard areas, floodplain, wildlife habitat, and aquifer recharge areas) and to reduce the impacts of development on them. The Auburn Comprehensive Plan provides for the implementation of innovative land management techniques to protect these resources. SEPA environmental review for all future non-exempt development will be conducted to evaluate impacts. 18 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT 5. How would the proposal be likely to affect land and shoreline use, including whether it would allow or encourage land or shoreline uses incompatible with existing plans? The proposed amendments are not expected to have an impact on the number of residential units that could be built in the City. RCW 19.27.031(State building code -Adoption -Conflicts -Opinions) directs the adoption of specified codes pertaining to building and fire regulations standards issued by International Code Council, Inc (ICC). ICC develops the codes and standards used to construct residential and commercial buildings, including homes and schools. ICC was established in 1994 as anon-profit organization by the Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Inc. (BOLA), International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO), and Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc. (SBCCI).The International Codes, or I-Codes, published by ICC, provide minimum safeguards for people at home, at school and in the workplace. To date, fifty states and the District of Columbia have adopted the I-Codes at the state or jurisdictional level. The ICC issues updated versions of the I-Codes every three years. The Washington State Building Code Council is a state agency created by the legislature to provide independent analysis and objective advice to the legislature and the Governor's Office on state building code issues. The Council establishes the minimum building, mechanical, fire, plumbing and energy code requirements necessary to promote the health, safety and welfare of the people of the state of Washington, by reviewing, developing and adopting the state building code. The Council has recently adopted and issued the 2009 I- Codes for the State of Washington inclusive of the International Building Code, the International Residential Code, the Uniform Plumbing Code, the International Mechanical Code, the International Fire Code, and the Washington State Energy Code (Chapter 51-11 WAC). The Council's adoption of the I-Codes will be effective on July 1, 2010. The Council is recommending local governments adopt the 2009 I-Codes along with any administrative changes to chapter 1(Administration) of each code prior to or around July 1St Title 15 (Building and Construction) of the Auburn City Code comprises the referenced adoption of the I-Codes together with the adoption of regulations that are specific to the City of Auburn that are commonly referred to as "local amendments". The proposal to amend the City's building and fire regulations to comply with the is expected to encourage land and shoreline uses consistent with the City's existing plans, including the City's Comprehensive Plan and Shoreline Master Program. No amendments are being made which are inconsistent with the City's adopted plans and policies. The comprehensive plan, critical areas ordinance, and other development regulations, such as the zoning ordinance and shoreline master program, seek to protect these land and shoreline resources and to reduce the effects of development on them. An environmental review under SEPA of all future development that is non-exempt will also be conducted to evaluate a proposal's land use and environmental impacts. 6. How would the proposal be likely to increase demands on transportation or public services and utilities? The proposal is not expected to increase demands on transportation or public services and utilities as compared with the current zoning regulations. 19 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT RCW 19.27.031(State building code -Adoption -Conflicts -Opinions) directs the adoption of specified codes pertaining to building and fire regulations standards issued by International Code Council, Inc (ICC). ICC develops the codes and standards used to construct residential and commercial buildings, including homes and schools. ICC was established in 1994 as anon-profit organization by the Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Inc. (BOLA), International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO), and Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc. (SBCCI).The International Codes, or I-Codes, published by ICC, provide minimum safeguards for people at home, at school and in the workplace. To date, fifty states and the District of Columbia have adopted the I-Codes at the state or jurisdictional level. The ICC issues updated versions of the I-Codes every three years. The Washington State Building Code Council is a state agency created by the legislature to provide independent analysis and objective advice to the legislature and the Governor's Office on state building code issues. The Council establishes the minimum building, mechanical, fire, plumbing and energy code requirements necessary to promote the health, safety and welfare of the people of the state of Washington, by reviewing, developing and adopting the state building code. The Council has recently adopted and issued the 2009 I- Codes for the State of Washington inclusive of the International Building Code, the International Residential Code, the Uniform Plumbing Code, the International Mechanical Code, the International Fire Code, and the Washington State Energy Code (Chapter 51-11 WAC). The Council's adoption of the I-Codes will be effective on July 1, 2010. The Council is recommending local governments adopt the 2009 I-Codes along with any administrative changes to chapter 1(Administration) of each code prior to or around July 1St Title 15 (Building and Construction) of the Auburn City Code comprises the referenced adoption of the I-Codes together with the adoption of regulations that are specific to the City of Auburn that are commonly referred to as "local amendments". Proposed measures to reduce or respond to such demand(s) are: The City has adopted asix-year Transportation Improvement Program (2010-2015) that identifies projects to meet safety needs, capacity needs, access needs, projected funding. The Comprehensive Transportation Plan is an element of the City's overall Comprehensive Plan. It is the City's long-range plan for developing its transportation system over the next 15 years. This plan helps ensure that transportation impacts are adequately monitored and evaluated on a project level and city-wide basis. The City has an adopted 2010-2015 Capital Facilities Plan. Also, the city actively engages in planning for public facilities. The Comprehensive Water Plan and Comprehensive Sewer Plan and the Comprehensive Drainage Plan were updated in 2009. The Comprehensive Transportation Plan was also updated in 2009. These plans help ensure that utility and street impacts are adequately monitored and evaluated on a project level and city-wide basis. To ensure potential traffic impacts for each new multi-family residential development are adequately addressed, the proposed amendments include requirements for the submittal of applications for multi-family residential mixed use development to include transportation and traffic analyses appropriate to the type and scale of the proposed development based on the concurrent determination of the Planning Director and City Engineer. The Planning Director and City Engineer may require the analyses to address, including but not limited to, AM or 20 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT PM traffic impacts or circulation planning for motorized and non-motorized modes of travel and connectivity or Transportation Demand Management (TDM) strategies. An environmental review under SEPA for all future non-exempt development will be conducted to evaluate environmental impacts. Environmental impacts that must be addressed during the SEPA review process include traffic, public services, and utilities. Identify, if possible, whether the proposal may conflict with local, state, or federal laws or requirements for the protection of the environment. The proposal does not conflict with local, state, or federal laws or requirements for protection of the environment. The proposal will ensure that the City is compliant with RCW 19.27.031(State building code -Adoption -Conflicts -Opinions). 21 1 Chapter 15.04 z GENERAL PROVISIONS 3 Chapters: 4 15.04 General Provisions 5 15.06 International Codes 6 15.07 Construction Administrative Code 7 15.08 Repealed 8 15.08A Building Code 9 15.12 Repealed 10 15.16 Dangerous Buildings Code 11 15.28 Electrical Code 12 15.32 Sign Code 13 15.36 Repealed 14 15.36A Fire Code 15 15.38 Repealed 16 15.38A Fire Protection Requirements 17 15.40 Smoke Detectors 18 15.48 Moving Buildings 19 15.52 Building Numbering 20 15.56 Alarm Systems 21 15.64 Swimming Pools 22 15.68 Flood Hazard Areas 23 15.72 Repealed 24 15.74 Land Clearing, Filling and Grading 25 15.76 Historic Preservation 26 27 Sections: 28 15.04.010 Purpose. 29 15.04.030 Administration and enforcement. 30 15.04.040 Forms and notices. 31 15.04.050 Repealed. 32 15.04.060 Constitutionality or invalidity. 33 15.04.070 Conflicting ordinances. 34 15.04.080 Violation -Penalty. 35 15.04.090 Enforcement. 36 15.04.010 Purpose. 37 In interpreting and applying the provisions of this title, they shall be held to be the minimum 38 requirements for promotion of the safeguarding of life or limb, health, property and public 39 welfare. (Ord. 2856 § 2, 1974; 1957 code § 2.01.010.) 40 15.04.030 Administration and enforcement. 41 The Washington State Building Code Act provides for the administration and enforcement of 42 this title by the city within its corporate limits. (Ord. 2856 § 2, 1974; 1957 code § 2.01.040.) 43 15.04.040 Forms and notices. 44 All forms and notices required for the administration of the State Building Code Act shall be 45 furnished by the city. (Ord. 2856 § 2, 1974; 1957 code § 2.01.050.) 1 15.04.050 Administrative officials. 2 Repealed by Ord. 5874. (Ord. 2856 § 2, 1974; 1957 code § 2.01.060.) 3 15.04.060 Constitutionality orinvalidity. 4 If any section, subsection, clause or phrase of this title is for any reason held to be invalid or 5 unconstitutional, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or 6 constitutionality of the remaining portion of this title, and each section, subsection, sentence, 7 clause or phrase of this title would have been prepared, proposed, adopted and approved and 8 ratified irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses 9 or phrases were declared invalid or unconstitutional. (Ord. 3288 § 4, 1978.} 10 15.04.070 Conflicting ordinances. 11 All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this title are repealed, except that such 12 repeal shall not affect or prevent the prosecution or punishment of any person for any act done 13 or committed in violation of any ordinance hereby repealed priorto the taking effect of this title. 14 (Ord. 3288 § 5, 1978.} 15 15.04.080 Violation -Penalty. 16 Unless another penalty is expressly provided by law, any violation of this chapter shall be 17 enforced pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 1.25 ACC. (Ord. 4502 § 14, 1991; Ord. 3609 § 4, 18 1981.) 19 15.04.090 Enforcement. 20 Pursuant to ACC 15.07.030 and 15.07.040 the building official is authorized to enforce the 21 provisions of this title. 22 Recognizing the authority and responsibility vested in the director under the codes adopted 23 by this title, the building official is authorized to promulgate such rules, policies and/or 24 procedures as deemed necessary to carry out the intent of this title and provide for the efficient 25 operation of the permit process as it may be administered by the building official and staff. In so 26 doing, the building official may, from time to time, and notwithstanding other provisions of this 27 title: 28 A. Record with the county auditor's office notices of building permit and/or land use 29 compliance related activity regarding a specific site, which, after reasonable efforts in working 30 with a property owner, is not brought into conformance with the provisions of this title, or notices 31 and orders as called for under the dangerous buildings code; and/or 32 B. Call upon the Auburn police chief to assist in the enforcement of this title. The chief or his 33 designee is authorized to issue criminal citations forviolations of this title when criminal 34 sanctions are appropriate under the Auburn City Code. (Ord. 5874 § 2, 2004.) 35 36 Chapter 15.06 37 INTERNATIONAL CODES 38 Sections: 39 15.06.010 International codes adopted. 40 15.06.020 Conflicts between codes. 41 15.06.030 Repealed. 42 15.06.040 Penalties and enforcement. 43 15.06.050 Documents to be filed and available for public inspection. 44 15.06.010 International codes adopted. 1 There is adopted by reference, upon the effective date of the ordinance codified in this 2 chapter and upon filing with the city clerk one copy thereof, the following described chapters of 3 the Washington Administrative Code, International Codes and standards, and Uniform Plumbing 4 Code and standards togetherwith appendix chapters, amendments, deletions and additions as 5 set forth in this section or in the appropriate chapters in this code. 6 A. The 20059 Edition of the International Building Code, as adopted and hereafter amended 7 by the State Building Code Council in Chapter 51-50 WAC, as published by the International 8 Code Council, °vnL rLin~rrJ (`h~pfor 1 ~ _"~rJmin_~fr~~nn~" is adopted, by reference with V/~VIN4111 I VI IG.1 ~VI I / \411 I III 11~.7~1 GA~IVI I 9 amendments, deletions and additions thereto as provided in Chapter 15.08A ACC, Building 10 Code. 11 B. International Residential Code Adopted. The 20059 Edition of the International Residential 12 Code, as adopted and hereafter amended by the State Building Code Council in Chapter 51-51 13 WAC, as published by the International Code Council, °v,,l~ ir~iny rh~N+°r 1, ~~~rlmini~~r~finn~" tt/\V14i4111 I VI ltd ~VI I ! \411 I III Ilv~l cd~IVl I 14 Chapter 11, "Energy Efficiency," and Chapters 25 through 42, "Plumbing and Electrical," is 15 adopted with the following amendments: 16 1. Appendix Chapter G, "Swimming Pools, Spas and Hot Tubs," is hereby adopted. 17 C. International Mechanical Code Adopted. The 20059 Edition of the International Mechanical 18 Code, as adopted and hereafter amended by the State Building Code Council in Chapter 51-52 19 WAC, as published by the International Code Council, axc!~;d;;;y.rhNNto; 1 "odm.n;s±rut~v°"," is 20 adopted. 21 D. International Fire Code Adopted. The 2005.9 Edition of the International Fire Code as 22 adopted and hereafter amended by the State Building Code Council in Chapter 51-54 WAC, as 23 published by the International Code Council, °vnv!i.+4~liiiy ChaNtor 1, «odmi;;is±ra±ivii," by reference 24 with amendments, deletions and additions thereto as provided in Chapter 15.36A ACC, Fire 25 Code. 26 E. National Fuel Gas Code (NFPA 54} Adopted. The 20059 Edition of ANSI 2223.1/NFPA 54 27 National Fuel Gas Code, as adopted and hereafter amended by the State Building Code 28 Council in Chapter 51-52 WAC, as published by NFPA, is adopted. 29 F. Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code (NFPA 58) Adopted. The 2004 Edition of the Liquefied 30 Petroleum Gas Code, as adopted and hereafter amended by the State Building Code Council in 31 Chapter 51-52 WAC, as published by NFPA, is adopted. 32 G. International Fuel Gas Code Adopted. The 20039 Edition of the International Fuel Gas 33 Code, as adopted and hereafter amended by the State Building Code Council in Chapter 51-52 34 WAC, as published by the International Code Council, °v,,l~ irliny rh~N+°r ~ ~~OrJmini~+rn+inn~" is vnv1414111 I VI 14t ~VI 1 ~ \4111 III Ilv\14l\IVI 1 35 adopted. 36 H. Uniform Plumbing Code Adopted. The 20059 Edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code, as 37 adopted and hereafter amended by the State Building Code Council in Chapters 51-56 and 51- 38 57 WAC, as published by the International Code Council, eric!;,rding Cha,pfer 1, "A di~iiri~trr',1ti~"" 39 Chapter 12, "Fuel Piping," Chapter 15, "Firestop Protection," and those requirements of the 40 Uniform Plumbing Code relating to venting and combustion air offuel-fired appliances as found 41 in Chapter 5 and those portions of the code addressing building sewers, is adopted with the 42 following amendments: 43 1. Amo;;d SeLt,u;; X051.: ~~~.h vo.n.~ nin.o nr....._e}~~.U eh~..ll ov~onrl......~hrna....inh. .fie fl~.ehin.n ~nrl.. eha..l.l ~or.mina.#o vc.r~ir+~a..ly n.n 44 L{.AV1 1 V VI I~ LJIh/V VI V~{.AVI\ V114111 V/~~V1 141 ~I II VN411 1 ITV 1141V1 111 ly {..11.141 VI 1{.,111 ~VI 11111 16.1~V YVI ~I V{,111 V I IVY loee.....~h~n... eiv....nr+ho.e (1../17 m.ml ~.hnvo....~ho......rnnf....nnr I.oee ~h~n..nno .x..11 fn.n~ ('~.(lF m..ml frnm..~.n_~a 45 1VVV ~1141II VI/~ IIIVIIVV , IZL 1111.11, NI✓VVV ~IIV IVVI IIVI IVVV X114111 VIIV , I/ IVV~ `VVV 11.1111, II V111 4111Y 46 Dior#r+~I ei irfar±o.'. 1/ -VVI-~IVGdI VNI IuVV, 47 wr+on~inn Di.r ~rlmi~~~nr+o ~~lvoe l0 0.1/1 m~~i ho normi~~orl fn.r i ieo nn ~ion~.~orm.n~le...nrn~irlorJ. ,L/~VVLJ LIVI-I. , \I 1~- u411-I~~II«u1~IVV V-ul V VV \I V J 11~14+r NV (✓V11111«V41 14/1 NV4r VII -V VI IL <V1 1 1111 14+IV I✓I V V 141V~.1 48 ~h~~....p1/1/...ie in.e~~llcrl nor i~e..lie~in.rr ~n.rl ~h~~ ~1/ho...roni...irorl...~icn#...r+rne.e ecr~+~inn.~l ~ro~ rcni nrorl. ~~I lug ~ \ V V-- IV 11 ~IV~u11V41 I✓4rl 1w IIV~11~14t 411 141 ~I 1{1< <11V I Vol bill V4t ~V V11~ VI VVV vVV~1V11u1 411-VG.1 I V4IN11 4ru 49 .her ~or~inn QM 1 i,e r~rn~rirlncl.., V ,1.r~r ~:r~..ivr.rti;r1 1 v~~r. 1 1V ~1 err r41r..41. 1 2.1 Appendix Chapter A, "Recommended Rules for Sizing the Water Supply System"; 2 and 3 3.2 Appendix Chapter B, "Explanatory Notes on Combination Waste and Vent Systems"; 4 and 5 4=~ Appendix Chapter I, "Installation Standards"; and 6 5.4 Appendix Chapter H, "Grease Interceptors"; and 7 ~.5 Appendix Chapter L, "Alternate Plumbing Systems," excluding Sections L5 through 8 L7 and "Lawn Sprinkler Head" from Table 6-4 of Appendix L, are hereby adopted. 9 I. Washington State Energy Code Adopted. The Washington State Energy Code, as adopted 10 and hereafter amended by the State Building Code Council in Chapter 51-11 WAC, is adopted. 11 ~~onfa~fin.n ~n.rl In.rlnnr. fir (li ia.lif~~ ('nrlo. Orlnnforl Tho 1111~~h..nrr~nn C.f~fo 1/on~il~finn ~.nrl 12 Inrlnnr 0 it (li i~lif~► ('nrlo ~rlnn+arl ~nrl haro~#or ~monrJor! by +ha C+~+c Ri iilrJinn (`nrlc ('ni inr+il 13 in ('h~nfor F1.1'~ IA/~(' i~ ~rlnn~orJ iii vi iuNwi v i i ~ Y Y! .v, iv ca~.+vNw~+. 14 K. International Property Management Code Adopted. The 2009 Edition of the International 15 Property Management Code, as published by the International Code Council, excluding Chapter 16 1, Section 111, "Means of Appeal," is hereby adopted. (Ord. 6104 § 1, 2007; Ord. 5874 § 3, 17 2004; Ord. 5184 § 2, 1998; Ord. 4754 § 2, 1995; Ord. 4566 § 5 (Exh. A), 1992.) 18 15.06.020 Conflicts between codes. 19 Incase of conflict between codes enumerated in ACC 15.06.010(A) through (K), the first 20 named code shall govern over those following; except where, in any specific case, different 21 sections of these codes specify different materials, methods of construction or other 22 requirements, the most restrictive shall govern; and where there is a conflict between a general 23 requirement and a specific requirement, the specific requirement shall be applicable. (Ord. 5874 24 § 3, 2004; Ord. 5184 § 2, 1998; Ord. 4754 § 2, 1995; Ord. 4566 § 5 (Exh. A), 1992.) 25 15.06.030 Exceptions. 26 Repealed by Ord. 5874. (Ord. 5184 § 2, 1998; Ord. 4754 § 2, 1995; Ord. 4566 § 5 (Exh. A), 27 1992.) 28 15.06.040 Penalties and enforcement. 29 A. Unless specifically directed or assigned otherwise, violations of or failures to comply with 30 any of the codes adopted by this chapter shall be prosecutable in the Auburn municipal court. 31 B. Unless a different city penalty is specifically provided for a violation of orfailure to comply 32 with any of the codes adopted by this chapter, violations of and failures to comply with the 33 requirements of the codes adopted by this chapter shall constitute offenses of the same 34 description, class and category of offense as is indicated in the adopted code. The penalty for 35 any such offense identified or identifiable as a misdemeanorforwhich no penalty is specifically 36 provided shall be punishable by imprisonment in the appropriate city or county jail for a period of 37 up to 90 days and a fine of up to $1,000, or by both such fine and imprisonment. The penalty for 38 any such offense identified or identifiable as a gross misdemeanorforwhich no penalty is 39 specifically provided shall be punishable by imprisonment in the appropriate city or county jail 40 for a period of up to one year and a fine of up to $5,000, or by both such fine and imprisonment. 41 The penalty for any such offense identified or identifiable as an infraction forwhich no penalty is 42 specifically provided shall be punishable in accordance with ACC 1.25.050. 43 C. The penalty provisions hereof are in addition to other enforcement and remedy provisions 44 of the codes adopted by this chapter and of the chapters of this title. (Ord. 5874 § 3, 2004; Ord. 45 5683 § 38, 2002. ) 46 15.06.050 Documents to be filed and available for public inspection. 1 The codes, appendices, and standards set forth in this chapter shall be filed with the city clerk 2 and a copy made available for use and examination by the public, pursuant to RCW 3 35A.12.140. (Ord. 5874 § 3, 2004.} 4 5 Chapter 15.07 6 CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATIVE CODE 7 Sections: 8 15.07.010 General. 9 15.07.020 Applicability. 10 15.07.030 Enforcement agency. 11 15.07.040 Duties and powers of code officials. 12 15.07.050 Permits. 13 15.07.060 Construction documents. 14 15.07.070 Repealed T°~m,o^ra y str;~ctures a;,d ;r;sos.. 15 15.07.080 Fees. 16 15.07.090 Inspections. 17 15.07.100 Certificate of occupancy. 18 15.07.110 Maintenance. 19 15.07.120 Repealed co.r„~~,o ~ ~+~~~+~o~ . vv~ vrvv t.+~iii~~vv. 20 15.07.130 Appeals -Hearing examiner. 21 15.07.140 Repealed ~!i~lat~ns. 22 15.07.150 Stop work order. 23 15.07.160 Unsafe structures and equipment. 24 15.07.010 General. 25 A. Title. These regulations shall be known as the Construction Administrative Code of the city 26 of Auburn, hereinafter referred to as "this code." 27 B. Scope. The provisions of this code shall apply to the administration of the technical codes 28 as adopted by the state of Washington and as listed: 29 1. a. 20059 International Building Cade -Chapter 51-50 WAC; 30 b. 20059 I nternational Residential Code -Chapter 51-51 WAC; 31 c. 20059 International Mechanical Code -Chapter 51-52 WAC; 32 d. National Fuel Gas Code (NFPA 54) -Chapter 51-52 WAC; 33 e. Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code (NFPA 58) -Chapter 51-52 WAC; 34 f. 20059 International Fuel Gas Code -Chapter 51-52 WAC; 35 g. 20089 International Fire Code -Chapter 51-54 WAC; 36 h. 20059 Uniform Plumbing Code -Chapters 51-56 and 51-57 WAC. 37 2. Exceptions. The provisions of this code shall not apply to work located primarily in a 38 public way, public utility towers and poles and hydraulic flood control structures. 39 3. Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter, certain terms, phrases, words and their 40 derivatives shall have the meanings set forth in this subsection. Where terms are not defined, 41 they shall have their ordinary accepted meanings within the context with which they are used. 42 Webster's Third International Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged latest edition, 43 shall be considered as providing ordinary accepted meanings. Words used in the singular 44 include the plural and the plural the singular. Words used in the masculine gender include the 45 feminine and the feminine the masculine. 46 v~i~~.rn» m°+~rr.C,r ' .~,rp°vif iv r°s-p^~s° rpl°y i~g f;,~lly ir~rr irl~ ~ ~p°c~fic °q~°~t b~ th. 47 ~-ri~~.n+in.n.... ~ui iv~.+iv~ivi i. 1 h "OrJrli+inn" manner ~n cv+one,inn nr inr+ran~a in flnnr ~ro~ nr hoinh+ of n hi iilrlinn nr N. / \\.A\,.1111V1 1 I I IV{.d1 1~.7 L,I1 1 Vl~LVI IVIV11 \./1 11 INI V{.d~.7V 111 11\./\./1 6dI V{d \./1 11\.,lyl IL \./I NLAII\..111 ly \./1 2 ~.+....r.....i.....i..r~#.i.....i....r.....o....... VLI LAV~NI V. 3 "Ua.~~~uv;;,,..;x,;~U;;~ u ~!~u;;y~. v~ ~v~~~LU~~;; U ~u;~~~y, ~L#u~ v 4 I~+i~r'~.Ii ~ ~r~r"~~v ~~~~~n~.n` 5 rl "D hnrn~cprl fn m~+nri~le t~~nn~ of c+nnetri ir+finn oni i.nmon+ a.nrl e~~e+n..m~.., b1.... 1 \NNI V V VVI, \..IV LV I I IL.ILVI ILAIV, NVV VI VVI IVLI LdV~IVI 1, V~IdINI I IVI IL \.II Ib1 V~ V~VI I IV, 6 manner ~nrl rofore, +n ~nnrn~►~I h~► +ha hi iilrlinrr nffir►i~l +ha re~i il+ of in~►oe,+inn+inn nnrl +o~+~ 11IV411IV LA11\.A 1,.,1,.,1V ~V LANNIVYLAI Ny LIIV N411 141 1 1 1y V111\l1L,II LTV LIIV 1vv1.11~ V1 111Y,,VLIy~,,LIV11 L,11I\..1 ~,.,V~V 7 r+nnrli ir►+or! h~► +ho hi iilrJinrl nffir+i~l nr h~► rcn~nn of ~r+r►an+crJ nrinr+inlo~ nr +c~+~ by ror►nrlni~o~ VV11\..11AVLV\..1 Ny LIIV NLd11~Allly \./111\./1{.A1, \./1 Ny I</{.i~.7\./11 \./1 L,I~~~.NLVLA NIIIIVINIVV \./1 LVVLV Ny IVVVyIII",,,1 ai i+hnri+io~ +onhninal nr ~r►ion+ifir+ nrrrani~a+inn GA \.d 11 l-.......-~ ~ V; V r.....r r I I \./{.d l \J I V,.r l,;-~ I ~ 1 1 1 \.L......`,/-. y L,I-. I I «,r-~ ~ I J..~. 8 9 ~y°n~~" ~~~~~~,~ho~ an~ r~v~nj, n~`11~.,,ul uy~nr~ roy;~~~rl 10 can,naarrcarl in ar+nnrl~ ~~+inr~.:+ca~~k~ nr f~ ~rni~hin,rr in.~n,ca,r+inn ~can~ir+cae ~~~h.can +hca ar~can~~~ ham hca,can. 'irI"IyL~y;.,1~ rII ~.rVII~..I+r.,IrvLIIIy L+v..yL~.r VI l~.~rrIII..~IIIIIy III.y~r~~;riI~+II ~.r+vl ri~I~.r~..~, rrrtll~..tl LIIV.. ~y~..Il+v~ II~:~I~.r rr~:.~Ir 11 ~nnrn~►orJ ..h~► +ho ha iilrJinrr nffi~i~a.... L,INNI ~I►~,~,+ Ny LI-I,, N1dIIV111-Iy V~ II\./I{..11. 12 f "Ri iilrJinn" mo~n~ n ~+n ir++i ira i ie,orl nr in+onrlorl fnr ~i innnr+inrr nr ~hol+erinrr ~ i ie,o 1. ~.,LAlIL.1111y 111,.,~,111V LA V~1 41~LLAI„ LAV,,,., V1 111~„11uu.~ 1V1 VLANNVI ~111y V1 V11,.,1LV111 1y LA LAV„ 13 nr nr►r+i in~nr►~► \./1 VVVMNL.11 l„y . n Dv.,i.~+inrr hi i..i.IrJinrr m.oane ~ h.a iilrl...nrr o,ron+,orl....r►rinr ~.n +h.o arl..nn+inn n.......+hi~... nnrl..o n..r 14 y. 1~/L1v71I1 Iy NLd1lLrlf ly 11 VL.If 1vT U NUII~dfI fy Vl VVLLLd U1 I VI LV Ll 1V U1dViJLIV1 1 VI Ll llv7 VV~dV, LJl 16 h „"Ri i,ilrlinn nffirial", mnane fho nffic+ar nr„n+h~r rlo~,inn~+orJ ai i+hnrif~~ r►harryorl ~n~ifh +h I i... I..~r..Iriti,Iil r~ Lyi rrLrI~.II I I i~t.Ir i.y tir Ir.. ~rllr.rl1 yr vii iL:.~ ti,I+:..yrL~I lu~v\.n GAL+riI rVI It jI+ ivr r~.II ~Lr~ Wrrltir I r.I IL: 17 ~rlminie+r~+inn ~nrl cnfnrr+oman+ of +hie, r+nrlc nr rorri ilnrl~► ~i i+hnri~orJ rJoni i+~► +hcronf ~~.,,~1111111VLI ~~.,~1V11 L,,11~, ~/111V1,.,,,111„11~ V1 ~111V ,.,V\.,1~.,, VI I „yL,,ILAI 1y LA LA~IIVI ILt/41 ,.,,..,r.,,,l~y ~11t/1 „V1. 18 i "Ri iilrlinrr ~ar~►ir+o orli iinmcn+" moaner nnrJ rafor~ +n +ho nli imhinrl mar+hnnir►~I ~nrl 1. ~L~11~111y ~.7V1 v1~.,~., ~.,~„~u1N111V11~ 111~.,u11V LAI1~.,, 1VIV1~.7 ~V ~II~.. N1b1111N11Iy, 111~.,\./11c~111~~.,~1 ~.,~11~, n.....l..~r+r.r+al .~ni i..r~mc.n+ in,r+li irl,,,i,nn ,r~.inin,rl Inr.i..nnn...........fiv+i iron ~n..rl nfh.or a.r+r+ce~nrio~ ti~►h~r►h nrn~nrlc 19 VIVVLIIVLdI ,,,~,,,IIN111,,11 11,,,1,,1,~,lly NINAIy, v~„11Ib1, I1,.~,..11.,V, LAIIVI vLr,.,1 LA~./\./\./~.7~.7\./IIV~d ~~I11\.rr--r-NI„-~Ib1\/ ~~ni+a.finn,,.,, lirrh.~inrr hog.+inrr.,., von+ila~,,.nn ...r►nnl....nrr ...rofrirror~finn ,,.,,firofirrh~,..nrr ~nrJ +ranennr~a+in.n.. 2~ .dLdl IILLdLrvl I, IIyI nII Iy, I IvLdLII ry ~ vvr~LrluL~vl r, vvvnr Iy, r vl I lyvr uLIVI I, III vnyl rLn Iy, 1.II I<A ~I 6dr IvNvI`tiL.ILlvr.r 21 far►ili+ila~ ca~~can+ial +n +hca nr►r►~ ~nanr+~~ of +hca h~ ~ilrlinrr nr ~+r~ ~r►+~ ~rca fnr i+e ,rJca~iacrna+orJ ~ Seca . ILxvlllLr~....r v.~..r~..I rLlL.rl ~v LI r1. ~vvVL.INLaI Ivy VI Lr"I'i.. N~.IIIr,IIr ly yr ELI lA'VLL.Ir"'i.i Iv~1 ILN L,IL...yryl IL,ILV~.+ L.iNV 22 i ``('mm~l~tn rn~nnneo", mo~n~ ~n arl~ni is+n..r~~r~nne~ +n .~11 roni ioe+~ frnm..ri+~~ ~+aff ......\./1 ~ 1N1~..cV 1 vvN\/11~.7V -111.,~.;r11.., ul l ca~+~..~NC~«., 1 ~....~N\/1 1~.7\/ {.,111 1 \./~Ld~...~~.:~ r-1 \/111 \./1L~ uLLA11 23 in ~i iffir►ion+ rlc+~il +n nlln~n► +ho nnnlir+n+inn +n ho nrnr+o~~arl 11 1 vLAlllvlvl IL \..IVLwI Lv c.111vyI1 LI Iv L.INNIIVL.ILIVI I w Nv NI vvvvvv~,I. 24 U "Dnarrl~► r+nrlc" mc~n~ +hc IA/a~hinrr+nn C+n+o Dnarrl~► ('nrJa nrnmi ilrl~+arl her +ho 1~. L1 1\./I yy ~V,,1~., 11 I</{.AI IV ~I I</ Y VL.iVI III Iy~VI 1 VLL.ILV L1 1\./I yy ..,V,,,., NI \./11 ILAly1,1~„~,1 N y LI IV 25 1111aeh.nrr~nn C+a+o..Ri iiLrJinrr..('nrJo ('ni inn.il.ae ~rlnr~+orJ by #ho inerJir►+inn.. ~uVI-III ly~\JI I ,.,LLA~,, L.+LdIILAII ly \.,VLdI I\;/II uV L.ILA~N«.,,., Ny LI IVLdI l\.71AIVLIVII. .::::::,~Rv::: ~~Au~v::::.~~A::::::::~U~A.vL aLA:~'~::iL`i'vi i vI :.L:I I~:~~. ~n~~vi iiu±iv~U~ ::~vu~~a~f'~::~::~y.:vv~: ~Ir`n~::~~:~::yL~dia~f'~ uh: 26 27 +h:Ia In~c~rna+innal ~`n,rJca :~'na anI^il a~ a:rlnntl~arl h~► +hi~ ii iri~rlil"++inn Lt r.L. II IL~..I I IuLILrI rL.rl v~VL,r~..~~uLar Ir.rll 1.IN La~IVN~~.1~ ~y ~I Ilv JLAI IvV111lLlvl 1. 28 m.... "I~.("' m.oan.~ +ho la~o~+ orli+inn of +ho In+orn~~nnnl ~iro...('nrlo nrnmi...i.Irra~orJ h~► +ho 111. II Ir1~.,L.111~ ~II~:. Iu~,V~ vLdI~I~II \./1 ~1IV 111~VIIIULIV11u1 1 II~...rVU~., N1 V111LAIyc~Iw~.+ Ny ~II~: 29 In+ornn+inn~l (~'nrlo (`ni inr►il n~ ~rlnn+orl h~► +hie, ii iri~rlir►+inn II ILVI I ILALIVI ILAI VV41V VVLAI IVII LAV LA4IVNLV41 N~ LI IIV,NI IV411VLIV11. 30 n "Innr" mo~n~ +ho In+o~+ arJi+inn of +ho In+arn a+innnl nno,,hanir►al ('nrJo nrnmi ilrra+or) 11. IIYI\./ I I IV{AI IV LI IV 1{.dLV~.71 V\dILIVI l \./1 LI IV 111«.,1 11{d~l\./1 1{.dl IYIV\./I I{dl ll\!{dl ,.,V~,., NI \./11 IL~Iy1.1~,,,,1 h~► +ho In+orna+innal (~'nrlo ('ni inr+il arlnn+or! h~► +hi~ ii irierlir►+inn 3 Ny LI IV II I~VI I ILA~IVI IuI VVUV VVNI IVII....u~...u~Vh'~Vt.1 Ny ~1..II.N1rlllNUIV~IVI..I. 1 32 n .."I~~~"' m~Iaan~ ~hc~ ~a~~~+ o,rli~inn of +ho ~n~~rna~inlna~ .~,~~a~,~n#~al n~Ia~ nrnnna ~Iraa#~I~. v. 11 L~ 11 I~..L.II I:r it IV IL.IiL.iV1 ~..r.II1IVI I vl ~I Iv >rI IfrVll IL.lil'VI IL.11 1 '\i.~Vibii.~l 1111.11 v~vr,Ir. NI yr 1lulyri,Ir,~..,I 33 h~~ +h~ In+ornafnn~,l f~'nrlo f~'ni inr+il arlnn+nr~, h~► +hie, ii irier~irfinn I,r~ LI I'1:~ 11 I~v1 I r~.IrVr I~I~ 'Vi`'I,IV `VrJL+r~ Ii.rrl LI.y r.Ii,I~r~.rt~u I✓y ~1 11~.y' ~+ul iyrn~vLltiri I. 34 n "I ie^+erJ" ~nrl "lip+inrr" aro +arm~ refarrinn +n oNi iinmon+ nr mn+ori~le, inr+li irlerJ in n N. VIVLV41 {,11 1\.A IIVLII ly {.AI V ~„I I I IV I t/1\./11 Il ly L\./ V\,.,LAINI I IV1 11 \./1 I I ILALVI 1{.AIV 11 1\./14141t/41 111,,,, 35 li~+ h~► ~n ~nnrn~►crJ +a~+inrr I~hnr~+nn► in~nor++inn ~rronr►v nr n+hor nrn~ni~~+inn r►nnr►arnarl Inri+h IIV~ Ny 1,11 1 uNNI V II~~+ ~V~.71111y 1{.INVI LALV1 ~1, 11 1~.7NVVLIVII ~.IyV11V~ \./1 VLI IVI Vl y~,l IILLALIVII \!\./11\!VI I IV\.A 9Y 1111 nrnrli ir++ o~►ali in+inn +h a+ mnin+~in~ r~onnrlin in~I~or++inn of r,i irrcn+ r~rnrli in+inn of lip+orl crli iinmcn+__n_r .....I. ....V. ..1 1 I...r..... 1 1 1 1 1 .....r..l 1 .r..r...l 1 ' 1 I 1 .r. 1 ..I...r. 1 1 ' ..........1 1 ........I. 1 ...r....l 1.....r.' 1 I ..I...I. 1 1 ............I... 36 N VbINV1 V LA LAL.IL V ~ LAS {.i LL.i V NV VW V VNVVL V V VN V L N Vb1NVL V V VLVU V11N N V L V ma+orial~ Tho ni ihli~horl lie+ shall ~+~+o +ha+ +ho ma+orial nr oni iinmon+ nmm~lio~ \e►i+h annrnvorl 37 I `ruLVi"rurv."""" r Irv"' u►a'IIVr ~v~.r Irv1 vrY.Ilr JLL.ILV"`tiI Iuti"°°~I rv "`r'r ruLVr ILaI°"VI v°"" L.rr r"I IvrYti vvr` I IrvV vv`rir I u"" I v'vvtir N H N N NN 38 na+innall~~ r,~a,rn,~rni~carl ,r+nr~c~e ~+anl^lar,~~ nr +ca~+~ and ham h,~ac~n +ca~+~r~ nr ~a~~ala ~a+~ar~ and fni an,rl. I IL.ILIVI ~,III~ I ~vvyl II~V'1..I vvr.+L.,r, ..yLL.II ILdLII \d~7'~"" vl L~~i~_L.II I\d I IL.Iv7 NL.rVII L~~iI,.. ~vl r.vr,Ilur.Ii~r.I ul l~I Iv~rr.~ll l~I 39 ~''~+ahlo fn.r i ie~ in cnonifi.orl., mannor , v~I111.INIV Ivl Ldvv 111 a vNvvlllv~:l IIIL.+I Il lvl. 40 n "I D('_" mo~n~ lirvi iofiarJ no+rnlai im rrn~ ~I ..r 111~..u11~.7 11~,,~~..,V11~.,~, N~.,LI V1~.,LAI l l y~V. 41 r "nID("' mcan~ +ho I~+oe,+ orli+inn of +ho nl~+inn~l Dlor►+rir+~l (~'nrlo nrnmi ilrr~+or! by +ha 1 1 \LV I I IVNI IV LI IV INLVVL Vb11~IV11 VI LI IV 1 \{.ALIV11{.A1 LIVV~1 IVLAI VVb1V NI VI I ILd1yLALVb1 N~ LI IV 42 nln+inn~l biro Drn+or++inn D~~nr+i~+inn .u~IVI ILAI 1 11 v l l vwvLlvl 11 \vvvvlLALlvI 1. 43 ~~;~"..;;~;°u;;~ n~uL~v ;u~ .a~ u~°LL~v; ; ° e~uLu~;~;. 44 + ~`n~~~ ~nan~~," n~Iaan~ +hc~ n~ ~rnn~,ca fnr ~~h~~h a h~ ~~Irl~nrr nr nar+ +hcarcanf ~ n L. `V'"ir'VL~INL:II 1'V~' 1 r IL.iII I~.y LI I`~.i NL~II N~"`~~' rLJI Irrr 1 IIVI I L.I N+urrli..Ilr ly, "iJ~1 NL+Ir L LI iL,I L..~u~, IN LdN"1rLI LJI 45 in~onrJ.orl fn ho. i ieorJ.... II I~VI I~.rVLA ~V NV LAVVLA. 46 ~ ~ "nlnrnor" mcnne, nn~► nar~nn ~non+ firm nr r+nrnnrn+inn hn~►inrr Icrr~l nr arri ii+nhlo ...VYI IVI 111~..LAI 1V Ldl ly NVI VV11, ~y.,1 1~, 111111, \./1 \.,V1 NV1 uLIV11 11LA~ Illy l~.,y1,11 \./1 .,~LdILLANI\.I 47 in+oro~+ in +ho nrnnor+~► III~VIw~ 111 ~I1\.t NIVN~.1L~. "Dormi+" moaner an nffinial rJnni imon+ nr r+or+ifina+o i~ei iorl h~► +ho hi iilrlinrr nffinial Y. 1 VI I I III I I IVCAI IV CAI I VIIIVICAI VIVVNI I IV1 I~ V1 VV1 L111V{..1~V....I.JV.NV~I.....N.~... ...L1..IV....J1rf11.~111y. V.1.11V~.{I.r 48 1 Inr "Dore,nn" mo~n~ ~ n~ti ir~l nare,nn hoir~ ovor►i itnr~ ~rJmini~tr~tnr~ nr ~~~irln~ YY. 1 VI VVI I I I IV411 IV 4t 1141~u14t1 f✓VI VVI I, I IVII V, V/\VVU~VI V, 41u1 I III IIV~I 41~V1 V VI {..lvVlyl IV and inr►li irloe ~ firm nartnorehin nr r►nrnnratinn ite nr their ei ir+r►oeenre nr aeeinne nr Cho anent u1 1u 11 1~l1NU\./V a 111 111, Nut ~1 1\./1 VI 11N, \/1 ~!\/1 N\/1 41~~\/1 1, 1~V....V.1 ~1 1\./-~1 V\.i\./VVVVVI V....V1 {.A~7~.7.r~1.r LV.~.....V1......`.L..LV....i141V.1...1..` 2 3 of Ur;y. ~f t~,;e af~resU~d~ V VV 4 n. ~~R~p'ir» m'i"~..~~.Ii i~ ~Ihr~ r'~c~i ~'~ti~i+vtri~►I'11 ~r r~1Y11rA~~~.+~ of ~~.+r'y pr~.+~ ,"~'f ~~'.+n ~rii~ting n~r"~ri~i~.+riig 5 ~trr ir+ti..rro _nr hi..iilrlinry ~or~iir+~ nry.i iimm~nt,,fnr +.ho ni irr~n~o of its., ma.ntonanrn., V~1 4iV~N1 V, VI NN114111 r41 VVI V IVV V41NIIJ1 I IV1 1~ IVI ~1 IV I✓NI I✓4/VV VI ITV 1114111 1~V1 1411 1VV. 6 ,r "CRS`("' mcnn~ tha IA/~e,hinrrtnn C+~ta Ri iilrJinrr ('nrlo ('ni inr+il nnnnin+orl her Cho y 4JL.rVV IIIV4111V ~IIV VVtdV111114~~V11 4J~{.l~V vu11411114J. VV41V VV4111V11 {.lV uf✓`✓VIII~VU N~ ~IIV 7 (_'n~rarnnr of Cho ~+nto of 11l/~e,hinrrtnn vVYV111V1 VI ~IIV V~41~V VI VY41V1111141~V11. ~ "Chall " i i~orJ inVV Chic nhantor ie manrlatnr~r L. 4JI IuII, uV NVVU III ~1 1~V VI Iu`✓~V1 , I~.7 1 I Iu1 IVLGA.~\J1 J 8 g u~. "C~r~~~~rn~" nn~lan~c, th't ~~rh~ch ~s hilt ^r ~^nc~ru~te~l~ an ~~lifi~ ^r h~ildi"g ^f 10 ~r~'d, ^r ~n~ pr,~~,rv"uL1' ^f ~~"^r!: i~f t"rV~1a.111~ r~~r~t ~p ^r ~~I►IY1rpn~.G'~+",uL1'd ^f ~r~.Irt~ J~~~~"~ ti~^vny~°~hor ~n ~,,n~,mo 11 rlofini~o m.~nnor.. uVlll II~V I I lul II IVI . 12 hh "Ctn ir+ti ir~l nh~or~r~tinn" mcnn~ tha ~ri~i i~l nh~cr~r~tinn of Cho stn ir+ti ir~l w~tom NN. V♦.141V♦.411{.A1 VNVVI Y4l~IV11 IIIV4111V LI IV VIV41411 VNVVI V4l♦.IV11 VI ♦.IIV V~141V♦.1.A1{.A1 V~V♦.V111, 13 fnr rranor~l r+nnfnrm~nr►o to Cho nnnrn~ror) nl~n~ ~nrl ~nonifinntinn~ n+ ~irrnifir+~nt r►nn~tn ir►tinn IVI yVIIVlI.dl VVIIIVIIII1r111VV ~V ♦.IIV 41f../`.~/IVYVU f../I{dIIV 4111u V~.~/VVIIIVN~IVIIV, {.A♦. VIyIIIIIV4tll~ VVIIV~IUV~IVII ~~,ano~ an.rl at,.nnm.r►lot,..nn of Cho.. ~tn.,,.inti ir.~l e~.~etom C.~,n ir+fa..ir~l nh~onra~,.inn .rJno~. nnf,,,.inn..l.a.,irlo,...n..r 14 v7141yVV 4II f41 UG V41111iJ1VL1LJ1 I V1 Ll IV VGI L1VG41f L1I vT~ VLV77I. Vtil 41VL4i1 1.11 VNVVI V 4(11VI f \dvvv7 I IVG 11 1V1U4AV LJ1 ilrJinrr .~.~..a..i..~..~,~........t.h.,~.......r,~..~..r~.,~..~...~..i..h..i..l..i..t.~.~........f..nl.r.......#..h.,~........i..r~..~..~.,~.~►.t.i..~.ra..~.........r.~~..~.....~.i...r,~~.........h. ~.~........t..h.,~........h..~....~ r►.,~.~..~.......~..r.......r,~..~..i.~..,~.~..t.i...a..1........~.~.~..,~.......nl.r 15 V'Y411Y4 ~11i.+ 14.VITV1IViN111ti~ 1'V1 X114, 111V1.T4,4,Y1VrIV r4,414r114,u N~' r114. N1I114111Iy VVU4. VI 14N14.1\.rI~11,1I V'V"1.~\:. `Vi 16 nfhnr ~or+t,nne„nf this rnr^lo , ii'L1 IVI ~i.ii.iilii'II~"iiI LI"1I~7' 'i.~'1./"1.I11.i. 17 r+r► "Tor►hnir+nl r+nrlce" pro Cho r►nrlo~ anncnrlir+o~ ~nrl roforonr►crJ r+nrlo ~tnnrl~rrl~ VV. 1 VVI 11 IIV411 VV41VV {.AI V ~1 IV VVUVV, N~.,/r,/VI Iu1VVV {.AI lu I VI VI VI IVVU VV41V V~411 1u411 uV 18 ~rlnntor! her tha ii irie,~ir+tinn c.1uVf../~VU Ny ~I IV,uIIV4IIV~IVI I. 19 ~lrl "I ID("' mo~nc +.ho L~t~~f,.,~rJi.tinn of tha I ln.rfnrm Dl imh,.inrr (\n~c r~rnmi rlnatnr~ hoc u\.A. 4!1 4! I I IVi~AI IV ~I IV 11.d~VV~ V411~IV11 VI ~I IV 4/I IIIV1111 1 Ib1111N~I 1\.A 4JV41V `.~/I VI I INIy41~VU N~ 20 Cho In.#ornatinn..al (`.nnfo,ronr+o nf....Ri ii..l.rlinrr... (lff.nial~. ae._~rlnr~torl....h~r t.ho ii...i..n~rl....r+~inn V >,r°V II IGVfIIU~1VIrill vvlIlVlLl1VL VI LL111~d1114J V1IfV1Li1N 1.AV i.duv'7wLi N~ Gf1V J411VU1VLIVlI. 21 ,caca "1lal~ ~a~kinn" nr "~~al~ ~c~ " a~ annli,carl to a h~ ~ilrlinr~ nr h~ ~ilrlinr~ cor'~rir~o o,n~ ~ir~m,cant V4/. Ir i.1141i.1rIVI I 'VI iri.11i1V, V~7' i,1N~.rI1VU LV r.1 Ni.1i1u11 Iy VI I.J'u114111 Iy ~'VI Irlvv V41N11%I I IVl lid 22 m.nane an.r~l ~h.~ll hn Cho o~tmaforl r+net to ra.r~lar+o the hr r.lrlinn anal ite.hi rilr~linn ,~or,~ir+o .oni rir~mnnf I I IV411 IV 411 141 VI 14111 NV LI IV VV~111141~V41 VVV~ ~~V 1 V'J141VV LI IV NN114111 Ibl {.A1 Ind ITV NNllblll IAA VVI V-IVV V~N11./I I IVI 1 23 in UinrJ h~e,arJ nn r►i arrant ranlnr►emon+ r+n~+~ I+ ~h~ll nle,n inr+liVirle tha r►nntr~r+tnr'~ n~rarho~rl ~nrl III I\II 141, N41VV41 VII V411 I VI I♦. I V~./141VV1 I IVI IL VVV~V. IL VI 1{.111 411VV II IV14141V ~I IV VVI ICI {.lV♦.VI V V Y VI I IV4141 4ll 141 24 nrnfit 1 I 1 ~ . 25 ff......."1(1.0(1"....mo~ne f.ho 111aa~h....n.rrtnn C.+ato 1(onfalati.nn a..nrl I...n..rJnn.r ~i.r...(li i_alit~r.....(`nrl..o...... I I:- V 1/ \4x I I IVG.II IV ~I IV V VGdVI-III Iy~VI I V~i.d~V Y VI Ii11Gd~IV1 I cdl lu 11141VV1 , \II 4xNG.111~~ VVb1V, 2 6 r~..rnr~..~.....~ 1,~ a.t.,r~,r'I .h.~ r th.,a: l.,l~./~ ~ h i n n to n ~t..at,~ .R.~...~..i..lrl i n r~ ..ra,~ o n ~ ~ n r•+i I a~........a ~ ~..~t,r~rl...... h~ r .....#..h,a, ..i..~....~ ri ~,rl..i ~ti rasa...... i.7TV11lUlyGG4rL1 N~ ~I1L Y VNV1 111 14AlVl I VGG~L LJU114111 ly 174741V VVNI IV11, GdJ U41V'J~4rL1 N~ G1 rL J4r11NG1LL1V1 I. n,ra "~,iro r+nrlo n~fir~ial" m~an~ Cho nffir+or r+h~rrror~J lnrith thy. arlmini~#ratinn a:n,~, '4i '`i1 . r I I V V V 4A V -`V I y- I V l u l I I I V ii1 I- ~ I ~.i' L I~ ~I V V I I I V V I V 1 141 1 41 V 4t V V I~ 1 1 i 1 11./- i.14r I- i~ 11 I I I ~.y' r 11.1 i 1'iJ~' I I 1,i y I4~1 onfnrr+.omontvnvvf +ho In+orn~~ann~.l biro (`n.rlo ...nr rorri il~rly ~iVVi~h.nri~orJ rJo.ni it~.~. tho.ronf... VI IIVI \,IVI I IVI IL VI ~I IV II IVI 1 1(,A~IVI Ii11 I II V 4JV4AV, VI I Vy4,1411 I~ i1u~l IVI ILVU uVr./N~~ ~I IVI VVI. 29 a. "Fire department" and any reference thereto in this title orthe codes adopted 30 hereunder shall be understood to include the Valley Regional Fire Authority. Onnonrlinoe Drn~ri~inn~ in Cho annonrlinoe shall not annl~r i inlo~~ enor►ifir►all~r arlnntorl 1 3 4J. . .LJhJV1 1411VVV. 1 I V V INIVI IV 11 1 ~I IV 41N`./V1 14dlVVV VI Iu~~ ~ r~/.~ .(1I.J.hJry. irlr rrVVv7. v71/VVr.rrVGLrry .{1\1.VI/.~V\i. 32 n Irat~r~t Tho irnn~o nlf ~hi~ r+nrlo i~..tn a~tah~~~h .th,~ rnarairr~~ ~r~. r~ry.~ ~ir~an~,~rat~ tra .~afc~r~~ ~arr~ thc~ LJ'. 1l 1r4~11~. 1 1 IV rJ'ir11 `.JVVV 4ii frrllV vvuV IV Y'V' VV~41N71V11 ""~L11V 17 111 1117 1N111 I V41i.d114ri1IVI rrV Y'iJ' ~41144~N41i41 r1 l'i./ 33 rar rhlir,,,hn~ th eafnfai ~nrl rron~r~l +nrolfaro thrni mh stn ir+tr r,ral ~frnnnth moa,ne of ~nr~~~„far+iLitio~.. ~.riIrrliV I IVi11rI r, ~i.1I~..L~ i1r Iu 4J. v1 I'4i~'i;II vv4.llu~ V LI Iliiuyl'r ~iI Y1Ii.iiur i.1I ~tl "1rI r~r,r i, 1 I IVi11 r.y '1.i'r i.~'L~I'1.~~r7' l~i..Ii.irlrili.i~, 34 ~+~hility ~~nitntinn ~rJorli into lirrht nnrl ~rontilntinn cnorn~► r►nn~cnrntinn ~nrl e~fot~r to life nnrl V~41N111~Y, V4llll~{..i♦.IVI1, 41uV4.,u41~V Ilyl l~ 4111u YV11~1141~IV11, VIIVIyy VVIIVVI Y41~IV11, 411141 V4lIV~~ ~V IIIV {.11141 35 nrnncrt~r from Piro ~nrl nthor h~~arrJ~ ~ttrihi i+arl to Cho hi 1111 an~rirnnmant ~nrl to nrn~rirlc ~nfot~r to `✓I V`./VI II 41111 111 V 4tl lu VII IVI I IuLUI uV 4t~~1 IN41wu w ~I IV Nulls VI IY II VI II I IVI I~ 411 lu w ~.,/I V Y 141V V411V~~ w 36 fi-ro finhtor~ ~nrl omorrronr+~r ro~nnnr~Jor~ r!i irinrl omcrrlonr+~r nnor~tinn~ 111 V 11411 1~4i...V.....1.d1 141 VI I IVI yVl IV~'....1 VV~./VI IuVI V-~~~~41N1~11 141 V~r 1 IVr...\.IVI ~-4/Y V~IJVI 11~~IV1 IV-~ 7 D VRoforonr►orJ (`nrlo~ Tho nnrlo~ li~torl in Cor►tinn~ (D'l'''j(11 thrni irrh (1 11 of this ~or►tinn and 3 / L. r \LIVIVI IVV4f vvuVv7. 1 1 IV VV41VV7 1INLV4i 11....1 vVVLI171 Iv7 `1~~` I J '~I II47Uyf 1 `I I 'vI G7'rIV NVVLIVI I Ld1 I\ 38 rc~f,~ar~annc~rl oleo~n~horo in Chic r+nrlo shall ha r►nn~rlnrca~ mart of th,ca r~arr~ ~ircamnnt~ of this r+n,rl,~a to I41'VI \./r IVV41 V1~4rYV11Vl V III ~I Ili 4r'VUV ~I1id11 NV 'VV'I1~iu~.1'i:/u (./1.11 Y 'V1 ~LI1V 1 V1..1i111'Vlil'VI I~L~7 'VI Y111~ VVU'i:/ ~L'1J 39 th.o nr~~rrh~rl.,,ovfor+t of n~rh, inh rofor~nr LI IV IJI VVVI IN4.u V/\~V11~ VI V41V11 V4iV11 1 VIVIVI IVV. 40 Intarn~tinn~l Ri iilrlinn (`nrlc Tha nrn~ri~inn~ of Cho Intcrn~tinn~l Ri iilrlinrr (`nrlc ~h~ll II I~V11141~IVI Itdl I~u1141111y 4JV4IV. I I IV `./I V V IVIVI IV VI ~I IV II IVI I I{.I~IVI 1411 1../411141 1 1 14) 4JV4IV VI I{rlll 41 ~nnl~r to Cho r+nn~tn ir+tinn ~Itor~tinn mn~romont cnlnrnomont ronl~r+omont ron~ir arri iinmant {.A~./~./1 Y ~V ~I IV V\./I IV~1 41V~IV11, {.AI~V11..1~IV11, I I IV Y VI I IV11~, V111{.il yV111V11~, 1 V~../1{.AVVI I IV11~, 1 V~../{.All, V4, 411~../I I IV11~, 42 ~ ~nrl nr+r+i inanr+v Inr+ntinn maintonnnr+o romn~rnl ~nrl rlomnlitinn of o~ror,r hi iilrlinrr nr NVV 411141 VVV41IJ4111V~, IVV41~IV11, 11141111~V114i11VV, IVIIIVY4~i1, ~`4~11141 41VII~'~IV~'I~,I~IV11 VI VVVI Y NN11 41 11 1 41 VI 43 VGr{.iLtUrL Vr al Ty U~r7{.irGLl 1G~.(I fL~s cVI ff 1~Vcted Vr attG~.1c1 ILLi LV s{.iLI r N~illdlf gs V~ s~/L~{.iLL~i~LJ 44 Dvr+oratinn~ I_)`''i.Ii.i~,.r 11'1.1 I I u. 45 a no+~r+horl nno and f~nrn_famil~r rJlnollinrre and mi ilti.nlo ~inrrlo famil~r .rJ~eroaainrr~. GA. VV~i.dVl IVU VI IV {.11141 ~VVV Ic.111111~ uVVV11111yV {,.11141 IIINI~Ir./IV NII IyIV IGAI1111 uVYVllll lye 46 (tnlnrnhni i~oe,l not mnre thin throe e,tnrio~ ~hn~ra rrrnrle in hainht Inrith ~en~rnto menn~ of orrro~~ `~VYYIIIIVUVVV/ IIV~ 111\./14. ~11{.All ~IIIVV V~VIIVV 41NVYV 4111.duV 111 IIV14111~ VY1~11 VV~../41141~V IIIV4111V VI V4JIVVV 47 ~nrl Choir nr►r+o~~nnr stn ir►ti iron ~h~ll r►mm~l~► lnrith CVho Intornntinn~l Ra~irlanti~l (`nrJa , {dl lu ~114t11 uVVVVVVI ~ VII uV~ul VV VI I{All VVI I I~.,/I~ YYI~I I ~114t II IVI I Iu~IVI l{dl 1 \VVI4AVI I~Il.dl VV41V. 7 Intornatinnal Roeirlontial (`nrJo Tho nrn~ri~inn~ of Cho Intornatinnal Ro~irlontial ('nrJo 48 L. II IVI I Iu~IVI lul 1 \VV14AV1 I~lul 4JV4AV. 1114. L/I VYIVIVI IV VI ~I IV II IVI I Iu~IVI lul 1 \VV141VI I~lul 4JV4AV 49 For .a;';d T~~r~~Fa~ly ~~~~ell~nys shall upNly t~ th° c~~str~ctio;;, a~t~;~a±~or; ,rn~~~~,rn~;;t; 50 nnlarn~mont r~ral~r+om,ont „r~ra~ir onr riramont i rho and nrr►r rnanrai lnr+atinn maintnnanr+o.., '~.rl"1 riri yi..I r I.I rt, Ii..I.JrIi~~►V~ 1"1'lrl Ii,..I'1..~~1Ir , V~uII,rI I rVI'rt, u~V ~Y I'i.I ii"ir'lii..I~J'i.II ri./~`, r~4►r.1il"VI r, I I Ii.III rr~..I ~1.1I I~.►'~.., 51 rcmn~r~l ~nrl rlcmnlitinn of rlat~r►harJ nno_ ~nrl tlnrn_f~mil~► rllnrollinrr~ ~nrl mi iltinlo ~inrrlo_f~mil~► 1 VI1IV Y411, 411141 uVl1IVII~IV11 VI uV~41V1 IVU VI IV 411141 IVY V 1{.111111 Y 4fYY V1111141V 411141 111411~1~./IV V11 1411V 14111111 Y.. 1 rl~nrollinrr~ (fn~ninhni i~o~l nnf mnro fh~n fhrac ~fnria~ in hcirrhf ~nrifh ~on~r~~o mo~n~ of anra~~ ~nrl 4fYYVllll IyV `6VYY1 II IV1..IVVV~ I IVI I I IVI V 6111.111 6111 VV V6V1 IVV 111 I IVlyl IL YY1611 VV~./4111.1~V I I IVGAI IV VI Vyl VVV GAl l41 2 f.h.°..i...r....._~..~.r►.ce.e..n..r.~......_ef.ri.....i..~f.i.....i..rc.e........ ~f.l IV11 {rIV/V~VVAVVI ~Y~ V~1 NV~biI~V~~V. ' ~ ~ 1,~u' 3 v•,.,,I:vI;V~~,V+rr'lrUll'~11`cU~..,,,I~r'~~V,~,J~V ~1oV~IJ1V1lV Vf tfl~ IrnrtLrl'G~.iLlVrnrU;,,;VAiV,~v~f1rG~.ff11LG~.il CVde,,.,Vrr'lra,,;,,; ul_I_;y t,`nJtrl'~IV~~, 4 ri ~t~~.+lluti~, C~dILr ~~dtl~V'I~~~ r~~~L Irk and r~~/Ii~.IV~~rlt Vf 1~1~,1,rr'11~L I IrVi~.l~ ~y~t~rnl~'r~, inv~~dii ~'g~."~grpiYirYlrt 5 ~r~r~li~nr+oe fivfr irn~ fitfinn~„ ~nrl,/nr ~r~ni .rf~n.,~nro~ inr+lr irlinry .~ionfl~fin,n h.o~finn rnnlinn a.ir._ 1d1./'JII1r1 IVVV, 11/~~GAI VV, 11~~11 IyV Gdl Ib1/ VI {rl'JIJ1,A1 IVI 1{,dl IVVV, II~IVIGA4111 ly ~V VI I~IIGA~II~Iy, 1 ~V{,d~ll..ay, VVVIII~~Iy, {rill 6 r+nnrli~inninrr ~nrl rcfrinor~+inn w~fom~ inr►inor~~nr~ ~nrl n~hcr onarrrv_ral~+arl w~fom~ VVI 1411~IV1 111 ly 1.A1 141 I VII IyVI 4lt.IVl I V~ V<.VI I IV, II IVII IVI 4l~Vl V GAI 141 VII IVI VI IVI yy I V141~V41 V~ V<.VI I IV. 7 Dvr+on~inn~• L/~~./V`./~1\,/11V. ~ Tho In~orn~~inn~l ~i iol (_'~e ('nrJo -fnr III in~f~ll~finn~ i i~ili~inrr n~fi ir~l n~~ ovr►or~~ 8 u r r r V. r r. r~ V r. r r GA.~ r V r r.{I.r r N.V r V.{1:7 V V ~I V. r V r .{I.r r r r r.:7.~ GA r r.GA ~ r V.r r:7 1rf.~ r r rL r.r. r r. r.{1.~ 1I r .GA r. .G1:7..V n V V y y N 9 #hnc~a r,~ar~~ ~la~~~l h~~ ~Fh,~a IR(` and #hnc~a ~ ~~kili~in~n ~ Qr . GI rVVV 1 Vy111uG4/41 V~,,. LI li,r lr \'V 1.11 14~ G1 I'V~V 6di111~111y L~ \J: 1o h In~F,carna~Finna.l. Rcaeirlcan~Fial:~'n,r Jca fnr all ~~Fr~.~n~~~.rca~ rcar~~~.I:a~Fca,rJ h~~ +hc~ I.G?~` cavr+can# r.I. 11 Ir"i;/1 1 fuG1V+1 rur r ~li..:~+r4fi..r"1t1u1 V"1J~"ii'i.. ~V1 G111 .yil +Id4rrGAy 4►J r'iry'idyGdG'1..41 rJ'~' L1 1'V '1..r'i+v'1:~~L 11 I D(' i.n~~aal~~in.n~... L1.. V II IV~uIIU~IVI IN. 12 r► nIGD~ F/I ~nrl FS2 _fnr III I D(~ in~f~ll~finn~ V. 1 \1 1 ~ ► V~ ul 141 VV IVI ull LI v 11 IV~u11u~IV1 IV. 13 ^ I irvi iir) Drnn~no Tho nrn~ii~inn~ of +ho nl~~inn~l ~i iol (`nrlo ~nrl I irvi iirl LIG.,1x1141 1 I ~,/~./uI IV vuV. 1 I IV ~./I ~,/Y IVI~,/I IV ~,/I ~I IV 1 9u~I~,/I 16.11 1 6AVI vuV V~,/M4r ul 141 LIG.,1.114r 14 D.ofrnl.oi im ('tee ('nrlo ~nI~D,O F/I ~nrl FS21 ~h~ll ~r~r~ly f,n +ho inef~ll~finn of aal m~fon~l~ ~.nrl. r vGr V1vGa1 fi vuv vv41V `r ~1 1 ~ ~ 6TT u1 lu Vv~ V1 lurr uN~,r1y ti4i ~1 IV 11 IVGU11Gar,rvr 1 Vr urr 11 fir1GV1 1urV u~ fu 15 ~~r~r~~n+ ~ ~#ili~in,~ ~i~~ ~i,~ nrnnan~ ~a~ V4~6arNr 11x.1 41r,r1 X11 1y- 114~u141 ~„r1-~rNGa116. yu.y. 16 ~ Al~fi ir~l r~~ ,,,Tho, r~rn~iieinne of tho lnfnrn~finn~,l ~i ~l r'nrlo,,,~h~ l ~r~r~l~~ fn the 4l. r ~ur.~rr.i ui vu.~. r r i~./ I.~+r ~rrr.~iv.r r.~ ~r r.r ~V rr rti~r r iu~IVl cur ~ 1i'~.~ ~rr.~+ ~4~"6A'lr. ~1 irxrr u~.Ni~ tiV r.r rti: 17 in~f~ll~+inn of III m~fori~l~ ~nrl oni iinmon~ i ifili~inrr n~~i ir~l n~~ avr►cnf fhn~o rani il~forl h~i fho 11 IV641114161V11 VI 1.A11 11IG.16V1 141IV 411141 V4,M1~.,/11IVI IL 416111L11 ly 1 141~NI G.11 yG.1V V/~VV~./6 LI IVVV 1 Vy411G.16V4+ N~ LI IV 18 Inforn~finn~l Ra~irJon+i~l ('nrlo 11 IVI I Iu61Vl I1dl 1 \VV141V1 I<.I1.ll VV41V. 19 ~.3 Fire Prevention. The provisions of the International Fire Code shall apply to matters 20 affecting or relating to structures, processes and premises from the hazard of fire and explosion 21 arising from the storage, handling or use of structures, materials or devices; from conditions 22 hazardous to life, property or publicwelfare in the occupancy of structures or premises; and 23 from the construction, extension, repair, alteration or removal of fire suppression and alarm 24 systems or fire hazards in the structure or on the premises from occupancy or operation. 25 7 DIi imhinrr Tho r~rn~nenn~. nf.~ho ~f1f1C. l Inifnrm..Dli imhinrr (`nrlo ~h~l ..~v,ra.~~ ~n.fho. 1 r 1641.1INIIly. 11IV I./IVVINIVIIN VI ~1-IV L4►6/V VIIIrVllll I luIIINIIIy VV41V ~.711GA11 1dhJl./ly 6V 61IV 26 i.~tul.lut~~n ulLorU.~.i~n ron~ir un J r,~r.~n,la`~~m~nt ~f n1L~:1n1~11u~::1nr:,r'~ ~:~~:~t:~~~ ir~Lluaru'liar'~::::::::~r'~~~:i:n,~:1n~t::::::: N N N y y~ N 27 a~r~lianr+~a~ fiut~ ~rn~ fi+tinr~re ~nr~l ~nr~i ~r+,~a,nan~~a~ and ~nrh~r~ ,~+nnn~ar+~c~rl +n a ~n~a+c~r nr ~ca~,~~a,nc~. rillv~rllrrll 1i,i4.~:y', Ilrir;r,.11 G/V, 11«11 IyV G.il IM ~aNNu1 try rr,11 1G/'N~.~, G.11 141 Y'fi r 1VI Gr4+r rl fi:.GrGGr41 r.4r r.1 WliiriG'irl ~ur .y~/11v~G,fy~:/ 28 ~~~~+°m ~n.rl I.I. ~~v~.or+~e of ~ morln~l n~~ ~~i~~om...nr morlin~l ~.~r►i ii im e.~~~fo.m.... V~V6VIII cdl l41 Grill GAVhJVV~V VI cr1 IIIV4rIVG.11 y(d~,7 V~N~VIII VI IIIV411V{,dl VGAVGANIII N~V6V111. 29 S2 Dnorrr~~ Tho nrn~ii~inne of fha 11l/~~hinrrfnn C~~fo Dnorn~► ('nrJo ~h~ll ~n~,,/n~,,/l~yi fn III LIIVIyy 1IIV NIVVIVIVIIV VI ~IIV VY41V11111y~V11 V~GA6V LIIVIyy VV41V V114111 V1 1 1! 6V GAII 30 m~~~or~ nn~iorninn +ho ~oeirrn ~nrJ nnn~~n ir+finn of hi iilrJinir~ fnr onarrr~i affir+ionr+v 1/ 111{d~t.Vl V yV Y4tl l Ill ly ~I IV 41VVIyl I 641 141 VVI IV~1 6AV61V1 I VI N6A114111 IyV IVI VI IVI yy VI IIVIVI IV~ . Q ~/on~il~+inn ~nrl Inrlnnr fir (li i~li+~i Tho v~rn~~i~inn~ of fho 1111~~hinrr~nn C~~fo 1/onfil~~inn 1 ~ 11. I1~11u~IVI 16dI ~ 11, VVI , \I1 6.111E r rr I VYI r rr. r rr V V rr.r.rr. rr V. rr rr. r r. r. 3 G, V u W 4i(1rf y V hJ V V V V L V GA V y 6 V V~ Ga 6 V V L G.16 V 32 G~.1N1'1r~ Ir~~~~r ~~~li~y rv~ ,ehu~~ NN~Iy ~^°'II 1~1/11~.1tt'V~rv y,n,~~~rning t~A d~~i~i i ~~.1ii~ vii i~tr''u~trv,~ 33 hr rilr~linn~ fnr ~onfil,~finr~„ ~nrd in~,nnr sir ryi i~lif~~ , rr~trrurr.r~~ rVr v+:.r rtrr+uiriu+r r ul 141 Ir iuYv4{1 ull ~~urri~ . 34 4 Electrical. The provisions of the latest state adopted National Electrical Code 35 (NEC) as adopted by the state of Washington shall apply to the installation of electrical systems, 36 including alterations, repairs, replacement, equipment, appliances, fixtures, fittings and 37 appurtenances thereto. 38 1'I ~ In#~arn~tinnal DrnYlor+v Alain#~ananr+n (`nrl~a Thc~ nrn~~i~inn~ of #h~a'?fll1~ In~kc~rna~Finnal. 1 1 :V. 111GV1 flu~IVl lul 1 14r~V1 ~y Il~1u111G4,1 fu11V4/ ~v41'41\... r l 14► I/1 VY1~7'1V1 r~ 'V1 GI14r ~VV'V 11 fiG/1 I IG.~L1411 IGai 39 Drnr~orf~~ 11/lainfon~nr+o (`nrl.o .r~rnmi ~Iryaforl h~ fhn„ Infnrnatnn~l f'nrlo f',ni rnr+il shall ~r~nl~~ fn +hn. 1 ~-VL/41 IYI{d1116V11Grr1 IV4i VV6AV IJI VI1IMIyGA64/41 N~ LI 141 1116V11 IGd~IV11N1 VV41V VVGAI 16/11 VI-IGdll {.;IL/IJ1~ 6V ~~1 IV 40 m~in~an~nr+o of hi iilrlinrr~ ~nrl nri~i~fo nrnnor+~i /(lrrl R1 fl/) ~ 7 7nn7• (lrrl FS27/I ~ ^+101 204 I I I1.lll IVI lul IVV VI NM114111 IyV lrll 141 ~.,/I I V {.16V ~.,/I V~./VI `V 141. I VZ ~ L, LVV 1 , vI41. VV 1 z ~ Z` 41 15.07.020 Applicability. 42 A. General. Where, in any specific case, different sections of this code specify different 43 materials, methods of construction or other requirements, the most restrictive shall govern 44 except that the hierarchy of the codes named in Chapter 19.27 RCW shall govern. Where there 45 is a conflict between a general requirement and a specific requirement, the specific requirement 46 shall be applicable. 47 B. Other Laws. The provisions of this code shall not be deemed to nullify any provisions of 48 local, state or federal law. 1 C. Application of References. References to chapter or section numbers, or to provisions not 2 specifically identified by number, shall be construed to referto such chapter, section or provision 3 of this code. 4 D. Referenced Codes and Standards. The codes and standards referenced in this code shall 5 be considered part of the requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each such 6 reference. Where differences occur between provisions of this code and referenced codes and 7 standards, the provisions of this code shall apply. 8 E. Partial Invalidity. In the event that any part or provision of this code is held to be illegal or 9 void, this shall not have the effect of making void or illegal any of the other parts or provisions. 10 1=. Exist'irr~ Str~ict~ir°s. Thy legal ^cc~ipa~cy ^f '"y ~~i'trl~iVtld~~ °~~~tiny ^n the dat° ^f ~dopti^ of +hi~ r►nrJo ~h~ll ho normi++orJ +n r+nn+ini io inn+hni i+ r+h~nrro ovr►or~+ i~ ~nor►ifir►~Il~► nn~►ororl in 11 vi cl 11.7 vV~:+w vlull rw `✓vl I I II«Vid w vvl Icll rNV vvlcl liv~.rc vl ul lyw, vnvVN~ u~"""iv v`✓VVlrvwly Vvvb,l vu Il r 12 +hi~ r+nrla +ho In+orn~+inn~l Re <ilrJinrr (`nrla +ho In+ornn+inn~l lira ('nrlo nr n~ i~ rlcomorl ~111V ,.,,,,,.,V, ~11V 111~V111u~IVl lul ~ullbfll ly ..,,,,,,,V, ~11V 111~V111u~1i/11u1 111 V ..,,,\,,V, i/1 uV 1V blVV111Vi,1 13 nor►a~~nr~► h~► +ho hi <ilrlinrr nffir►i~l fnr +ho rranor~l info+~► nnrJ ~nrolf~ro of +ho nr+r►e en~n+~ ~nrl +ho IIVVVVV~I y Ny ~Ilid Nidllbrllly vlhVlul IVI ~Ilid yVIlVlul VuIV~~ ullbl YYVIIUIV VI ~Ilid vVVUNuhcV ullb, ~Ili.t 14 n.i ihlir►,, ((1 rrJ n~ ..~nn.~ n.r~l ti.S27~1..~ ~I (.1 nil ~n.n~ l NuNrrv. `vria. v r v~ S v, Lvv i , vrbr. vv i ~ ~ r vL~, Lvv~. 15 15.07.030 Enforcement agency. 16 A. Building Official. The official in charge of the building division shall be known as the 17 building official. (Ord. 5874 § 4(103}, 2004.) 18 ~ ~ n~ non n..+~e~ ~nrl nn~einr~ of i+nrln n#ii+i~lc+ ~v.v~ .v~v vNrr~vv K~~W Nvrrv~v v~ vvWV v~~~v~K~v. 19 ~ ('_onornl Tho hi <ilrlinrr nffir►inl i~ horoh~► ~e a+hnri~orJ nnr) rliror►+or) +n onfnrr+o +ho nrn~►i~inn~ of / VVI IVI b41. 1 1 IV Nlallbfll lb1 VIIIVIb41 IV I IVI VN~ b41a~11V11LVb1 {.rl Ibf bill VV~Vbr ~V VI IIVI VV ll IV ~.,/1 V Y IVIVI IV V1~ +hie nnrlo Tho Piro r►nrlo nffir+i~l i~ ~i i+hnri~orl ~nrl rliron+orl +n onfnrr►o +ho nrnvi~inn~ of +ho 20 ir`nv vvbrv.°""" r hv'" r rr v""`vvia'v vrr'vrur"V urr chvr"`rcvbr car,>a is rr vvcvtir w "'vr rr v'vV -tir rv Ni v v rvrve r~ yr °t rv 21 In+~arna+innal ~ir~a ('nrl~ Thc~ hi ailrlin,rr nffiar+i~l shall haa~,~a +hc~ as ~+hnri+~r +n rc~nr~~ar in+c~rnr~a~ka+inne of II rwr r rucrvl lul r -rr v v~vidi r r ryrallurl Iy yr Irvrtal VI furl r lulri.. r,r rr,. uucr rvrli~ iv r ~..I r ~,.I Ir Iir,.rNr ~..u~rvrl..► yr 22 +h.ie r+nrln ~nrl fn ~rlnr~+.r~nlirin~ .anrl..nrnr+~rle ero~ in nrrlor fn rl~rif\i fhn ~r~r~lir~+inn nf.., i+~ r~rn~i.~inn,~, c1irV Vi/brV ul Ibl uidvNc L/illlilli/~.7 ul Ib1 NI i~b~i..idul VV III Vl idvl Vlul II Y ~I li/ ~.;rl✓NllilucliJl 1 iii Iw NI V Y IVIVI 23 Ce er►h in+arnro+n+inne, nnlir►ia~ nnrl nrnr+orle ero~ ~h~ll ho in r►mm~lilnnr+o ~n►i+h +ha in+o n+ nnrl ne ernn~a ~u~.,V II I~\.,I r,/I \.,cucliJl 1~.7, N~II~.,I\.,,.~ ul lid `./I V~.,\.,br1.,rl V~.7 v71 lull NV 11 1 ..,~I I INIIUI I~.,\., YY lcl l cl l\., II I~.,I lc ul lid NMI r,/~,.~., 24 of +hi~ r►nrlo Ce er►h nnlir►iee, nnr! nrnr►orJe iroe, ~h~ll nn+ hn~►o +ha affor►+ of ~n►ni~►inrr roue <iroman+e VI \IIIV VVbrV. ViAVII ~.dV11VIVV {.rllbl `./IVVVb1iA1VV Vllull IIV~ IIUVV IIIV VIIVV~ VI YY{.rlYlllbr IVi.,b111V111V11\V ~nonifin~ll~► nrnvirlorl fnr in +hi~ nnrlo Tho Piro nnrJo nffir+inl ehnll h~~►o +ho ~i i+hnri+~► of +ho hi iilrlinrr 2 r...r...r ..........................r..r.................................r...... ............~....r...............................................r...............r...........r...r ~ ...r.....r..~...... 5 V VV Vu V idVbf V .VV\1.V~ r. r r.V rrr.V VV<AV VI I IVI{.1I VI IbIII I I{,.1V.V `r rv..uN_`r rvr.r` yr rv. N.Nrr~r.r r. N yN y y 26 vffivia~ iii °i ~ic~.rtt°rv r~'~'lutr ig tv Uppl~vativn~ °vf trl'~r~ I n`ornutivrr~r.ul °I-ii °v Cv~'~": 27 R ~nr~lir+a+inne and ~,carmi+~ Thca h~ ~ilrlinrr nffininl shall rrar►,rai~~ca :ar~nli,r+a+inln~ rca~~ic~~n r..y. ~ r~lrrrr-iruclvl r.,r~ crr rid ~ ~,.r r r-rrr.~.r. I r ri.. rrVrrt~arr rb~ vrrlvlul ~r rurl r i..i,rirl r i. ~,r~,r~,~+r-r~,r~,r+~rvr r~.r, -r ~..r►r~;.rrv~ nnn~+n ir►+inn rlnr+i imon+~ ~nrl i~~i io normi+~ fnr +ho oron+inn al+ora+inn rlomnli+inn and mnvinrr of 28 bvl 1..~~r cavcr\,/I I uri,,car IVl lw ul ria 1~.7~.7uV l/VI I r llc~.7 rwl cl r~., VI VVCIVI 1, u-rwl u~IVI l-~ u~..r-r IVll~wl l ul lbr r--r lV r rr-ly i..r. Zg hi iilrJinrre, a+ri er►+e iroe, ~nrl hi <ilrJinn e,on►ir►e arve <inman+ ine,ner►+ +ho nromie,ee, fnr ~n►hir+h e,i ir+h Nb111b1111brV, VII NV~b11 VV {.AI Ib1 Nb111b111141 VVI Y IVV Vi.,brlr,/I I IV11\, II IV`./VV~ LI IV ~./1 VI I IIVVV IVI YYI IIV11 Vb1V11 30 normi+c h~~►o Noon i~e,i eerl nnr! onfnrr+e r+mm~li~nno ~n►i+h +ho nrn~►i~inn~ of +hi~ nnrlo N\..IIIIICV 1luYV NVVII IVVUVbr ul Ibr idllliJl~.,\.. NVIIIf.Jllul IV\..r YYICI I chid NI~Y1~.71iJ11~.7 iJl c111~.7 Vbrbri.. nln+ir+oe ~nrl (lrrlore Tho hi iilrlinrr nffir+i~l chill i~~i io all nonoe~~r~► nn+ir+o~ nr nrrlor~ +n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ;.,.,~1V,,..~ ureid ~.,r~~r~. IIIV N1aIIblIIIy Vlhvlul v711u11 e,.~,.~uV uee eeVV~.,..~~ury rr~~r~~~,r ~r~rr 1 32 ~ur!"'o""v~mNliano ;~~~itb this ood~ 33 fl ln~r~an+inn Tho ,he rilrlinn ,nffiri,~l ~hnll ma~o all „nf +ho rnrye rirnrl in~nnr+inn, nr +ho, hi <ilrlinn r..y. rr e.y~./i.~Velir rte. r e <i, riidreider rid tirrrri,rr~~ VI lull e r eue~i urr ~r it rir <iri,~idre i.cd er ~~~i.irtrire rte, i,rr tr ei rrideridre <i~ 34 nffir►i~l ~h~ll h~~►o +ho ~e a+hnri+~► +n ~r►r+on+ ronnr+e of inencr►+inn h~► ~nnrn~►crJ ~rranr►io~ nr VIIIVIUI ..,hull I IuY V c11V uucl lvhcy cv uvvVNc I V~./VI 1i.7 i!1 II IVr,/VVCIVI l Ny uNNI V Y Vbr ubJb,11VIVV i/1 35 enrli~►irle isle, Ronnr+e, of ~e er►h ine,nor►+inn e,hnll he in ~n►ri+inrr nnr! ha r+or+ifiorJ h~► ~ ra~nnne,ihle IIIb1lYlblbl{.dIV. I\V`./VI~V VI ViAVII IIIV~./VV~IVIIV VII{.dll NV III YYII~IIIiJi {.dllbl NV VVI~IIIVbI N~ c.d IVVfo/VIIVINIV 36 nffir+ar of ~e er►h ~nnrnc►or) anonr+~► nr h~► +ho ro~nnn~ihlo inrJi~►irJi eel Tho hi <ilrlinn nffir►ial i~ VI IIVb,I i/1 VuVI l uNNI V v Vbr uyVl li,y i!1 Ny c11V I VV~.~/VI IVINIV II Ib11Y 1b11au1. 1 11., NidlliAll ly VIIIVIUI IV 37 ~+hnn~orl +n onrrarro ei ir+h ovnor+ nr~ininn rlo,omorl nono~~~r~► ~n ronnr~.,, i inn.n i ini iii ~a . uucr rv rLVia cv yr ryuy V Vc.rvl I Vi\~.+V I ~ vNrr rrvr r uv brvvr r rvid r rvvVVVUr y iv r vNvr ~ id'.JVr r iar °ruvidur 38 +car+hnir►al i~~~ ~cae +ha+ ari~o n+ +ho annlir+an+'~ cavr~can~ca r.iVl rl rrvul r,r.yui.y cl roar, ur IVV uc cl IV uN~.rlrvc~l Ir, ..y i.r\~ri.l IVi.i 39 ~ Lrlontifir~finn ..,Tho he iilrlinrr nffi.rial ehall..,rarr~~ r~rnr»r, irlon+ifir,„~+inn ~n►han iner~ar►+inn. IbIV11~111VU~li,/11. 1 11. Nullbrll lbl vlllillul Vl lull \,,ul ry r,/1 b,A,/i,il IiAVr lcllli,/{,dclVl l YYI IV11 11IVL/i/VCII ly 40 ~+re er►+e ero~ nr nrami~o~ in +ho norfnrmnnr+o of rle a+ia~ a enrlcr +hi~ r►nrJo Vcl brvcbrl VV vl NI VI I IIVVV III cl IV NVI Ivl I I lul IVV vl brblclVV cal IidVl cl IIV vvbrV. 41 ~ Rirrh+ of ~n+n► ~nrhoro i+ i~ ncr►a~~nrv +n m~Uo nn in~ncr►+inn +n onfnrr+o +ho nrn~►i~inn~ of ~1 1 \Ibrl Ic i/1 ~hcl y Y YI IVI V Ic 1.., I IVVb,VVUI y cir 11 lul\., ul 1 II IV`./VVCIil1 1 i/1 Ili/1 cl 1\/ NI ~ Y 1..,111.., i/1 +h_r~ r+nrlo nr rn►horo +ho hi <ilrlenrr nffir+e~l h~~ ro~~nn~hlo r+ni ego +n holeo~►o +h~+ +hcro over+~ en 42 ~11rV VVbrV Vl VYIIVIV LIIV NNIr\x111 VIIIVIUI IruV..1VG.~VV11{,AIJIV V{.ruVV fib/ IJVIIVIIV ~Iruc ~IIVIV..V/\IV~V 111 y h 43 ~'ructurA vi' uNvii U pr°mi~°v a"`vvri°ditivrR"1r vv'h`iv~i "'v cviitra y tv"`vr i' `riiv'i`ativ°" of `tI IfV LVdA~ vv"~rhrivrhi 44 ma~rca~ +h,ca ~+r~ ~r►+~ ~rca nr r~rcami~,ca~ ~ ~neafca rlan,ncarn~ nr ha~arrln~ +ha h~ ~il,rlinr~ nffir►ial e r I roar\+v:► cr rir ..rr.r clirciar~.. vl . 1.J'I i..r I rl.yi,r~.r cat r.,r~uri..~ idcrr li~i.rvu.y vl I e+rr~uriav+ra.y, cl <i.i I.~urlidlr r~ vl rrvrur r:i+ 45 ~+hn.n~orl +n on+o.r +ho..~+n i.n+i iro nr...nromieo~ ro~~nn~hlo +mo~ +n in~non+ nr +n r~orfnrm ±ho. GdN~I IVI ILViA ~V VI IVI ~I IV VII b1V~ul V VI r,/I VI I IIVVV GAL 1 VGdv7Vl IcdNIV III I IVV ~V II IVI.JVV~ V1 ~V hJVI IVI I I I ~I IV 46 rle e+ia~ imnn~orl h~► +hi~ r+nrla• nrn~►irlarJ +h~+ if ~e ir+h ~+re er►+e erc nr nrami~o~ ho nr►r+e eniarl +h~+ inbrclw 111 IN~V.,b, Ny c1 11V i.Vbrb,, NI V Y lblb,br, cl luc 11 Vbri/1 1 Vcl cdvcbrl i/1 NI b,l 111Vw NV VVVbr`✓lb,br cl luc 47 r+rorlon+inl~ ho nro~on+o~l +n +ho nr+r+e en~n+ ~nrl on+n► rove <o~+orl If ~e ir+h ~+re er++e ero nr nromi~c~ i~ VI VbrVl Ic1u1V NV NI VVVI Icvbt cv cl IV brvvuNcdl Ic ul Ibi VI Icl y I Vi~brvvcb,br. I I VuVI I Vcl uvcidl V vl NI VI I IIVVV IV i...nnr+na ini.o.rJ +h.o h.a...ailrJin.rr n.ffinia.a... ~ha..ll fire+ m....aUo.....a ro.~~nn..ahl.o.. offn.r+ fn....lnn.~+o f..ho n.~.n►no.r nr...n+ho..r 48 cal IVVVU`./IVbI, ~I IV Nullblll ly VIIIVICaI VI IGdll III V~ I I lial\V u I VGdVVI IiaNIV VVVI < <V IVVGa~V ~I IV VVVI IVI VI VII IVI r~.,a..r.~..n.r~.........h...a..a..►..i..~..n........~►..h..a ..r....,r~.,a.......,r~..r.......r ..n..~..#..~n.l........n.f.........1•.h.,~........~.~.r.....~.....~.r .l•.~.....~..r....,a.......,r~..r........n.r....,a....i..~..~.~.........a..~..~........r....,~ r~...~....~..~.~..~.......,~.~.~..n..► ...............~..f........,~.~.~..~,..►........i...~. 49 r,ri:.1 ~.7~iJr 1 1 ru v 11 ry i,l liar bar.. vl vvl lil iJl irl it ri, .►rrr bi Viial i.. VI (Ji VI 1 IiVi.iV cdl rid,,,r i,r1.~1i'~.i~.7~i Vr lil ~ . r r VI lil ~ I 1 rcfl Marl tho hl lilrlinn nffir►inl e,h~ll h~~io ror+nl Irma to tho romorlia~ nrn~iirlcrl her In~ni to ~ar+l Ira I VIGAVVGA, GI IV NG.111GA11 ly VI IIVI{.AI VI I{.111 I I{.AY V I VVVGAI VV GV GI IV I VI I IVGAIVV ~.,/I V Y IGAVGA N~ IG.IYY LV VVVGAI V V I I G/'I~Y . ^ ^ T'_ ' 11 ' - ' 3 V1/. ~~NUrLrr~.~n1 ~V1nJ~~ J~,,., i rI'~I ~~~,;,,~111'~I~, V; f,fL1U~ JrI'~IU;,;,,., ~~V,~,~ V~~1L1G~.i,;,,.,~~LV~LiV,,.,,V~ U~r7IIVULIVI lV 4 rcar►cai~~ca,rw n~carmite and ar+,cartifir►at,ca~ i~e~ ~caV,rJ fcaca~ r►nllcar►tca,rJ rcar~nrte of in~r~car+tinn~ and nntir►,ca~ an,rJ. r VVVI V V\d, '.JVI I IrrG.y LAr IL~r VVr Gri1G.11aGVV IV'VLAVLr, l VVV L/V'll'VVGG.i\d, I G.iIJ'Vl GV Vl lr IVIJ"VVGILJI lV, G.rl iLA l rVLrVVV Lar rif 5 nrrlor~ i~~..iorl _Ci irh rnrnrrl.~ ~h~ll hn r~tainorl in..:tho .nffir+:al ror►nrrl~ fn.r the r»rinrl rani i.rorl ..fnr V1.-UVI V IVVLAVU.~~-VNV1 1 1 VVVI UV VI IU11 NV 1 V~U11 IVU 11 1 GI IV VI IIVIUI 1 VVVI LAV IVI GI IV I./V1~-IVU 1~-VG~LA11 VU IVI-~- 6 rctontinn of nllhlir► rar+nrrl~ I VGVI IGIVI I VI `./NNIIV I VVVI UV. 7 N I i~hilit~i Tho hl lilrlinn nffir►i~l Piro r►nrlo nffir►inl momhar of tho hn~rrJ of ~nno~l~ nr ~1 1. LIUNIIIG~ I IIV Nb111GAllly VIIIVIUI, IIIV VVUV VIIIVIUI, IIIVIIINVI VI GIIV NVUIGA VI U~../~../VUIV V1~~ omnln~~oo nharrrorJ ~niith tho onfnrr►omont of this r►nrJo ~nihilo ar+tinrr fnr this ii iri~rlir+tinn in rrnnrl 8 v r. r. r. r ~ ~r ru r. ~.~.r.~ r r..~ r rte. ~.r r.r ~ r r. r. r.~ r r.~. ~ r .~r. r r ~ ~ ~ ~.~.r r r r~ .u.~ ~ r r r r ~.r .~.r. r r.~. N r r.~~ r~~ r~ r. r r.r r. N y y ~ y J y 10 la~n~ nr. nrrJ.i:nan.~ca shall not thcarcah~~ h,ca rcanrl,ca.rcarl :liahlca r~car~nnall~~ and i~ hcarcah~ry~ rcalica~~carl frnm. r G:I"'V Il "tJl r' L! r LA` i I r L.I I I G.I Gi , V r r LA I l° r r 1/ L "G I I G.~ r °'G N~ 1J V I 'V r I Ld "G1 Gi Ld 111X N 1"Lr I.! L. r' V Li' I y'+i.d r l~ "G..r l ILA V r I Li l `Gr N` J r G.~ I r L.i V GJ LA I I "G7`r I `1 11 r~or~n.nal L..ahilf~~ fnr anti rJa.marr.o anr►n iinrr to ne'r~nn~ nr r~rnv~.ort~~...ae a. rota ilt of an~~ ar►~. nr h~. `✓VI VVI lul IIG.INIIIL~ IVI ul I~ GAG.11I IuyV uVVI GAII ly GV L/VI-VVI IV VI hJl VIJVI Gy {dV G:r I VV1dIG VI Gall ly GAVE VI N 12 re~~nn of ~n ~r►t nr nmi~~inn in tho rli~r+h~rrro of nffir►i~l rllltia~ env cl lit in~titlltorl ~n~ine,t ~n IVGr1VV11 VI {.All G.IVG VI VIIIIVVIVII 111 GIIV 411VVIIG.11yV VI VIIIVIG.II GA GAGIVV. , \1IY V411G IIIVGIG41GV41 {rly4t111VG 6A11 13 nffir►ar nr omnln~ioo hon~l IQ~ of nn nr►+ norfnrmorJ h~i that nffir,or nr amnln~►oo in tho In~n1f111 VIIIVVI VI VIII~.,/IV~VV NVV{AGAVV VI Grill GdVG ~../VIIVIIIIVGA N~ GII{dG VIIIVVI VI VIII`./IV~VV III GIIV IGdYYIGAI 14 ~-i~r►harrro,,.nf rl. itio~ and i inrlor #.ho r~.rnvieinn~ of ~.hi~ nnrlo,, shall ho rlofonrlorJ h~~ lorr.a . ~d1VV1 IG.If yV V1 G.1UL1Vv7 UI ILI U1 ILaVI GI fV '.Jl vvlvTrvl fV LJf L1 IIV VLJ~dV VilLAll NV UV1Vf IUVU N~ 1VyLAI ho nr r,a..~.r,a..~.,a.r~.t..a.t..i..a..~.,a,.......,r~.~......#..k~..i...~........i..~.....~..r.i..~..~..i..~.t..i.,r~..r~.........~.....~..r~..#..i..l........t..k~..~.......f...i..r~..a..l........t .~.r...i..r~...a..t..i.,nl.~........ra.~......t nl.r►.,a.,a,.~..i..~.~...~ ...............T..h.,a,........h.~.....~..i..l..~..i..~.~.. 15 r VI.JI VVVI IiLALrY'V N1 GI7r~r,LAI IVGIIVGIN'ir LAf1Gl1 LI lV II1 I~.A1 GG7IIIII iLAGI'Vi l V'1 11 IV h/I vV'G.fV'L~ir ryV. r 1 I'V NLAilidrl ly 16 nffiri~,l nr ~n~~ ei ihnrrlinato ~hall,,:nnt,hn liahln,:fnr nn~t„in a,n~~ artinn cl lit nr,r~rnr+onrl,inn that i.e: Li'1lrLrl~rr LJ+1 ~:rl 1~ ~I.tK!'l/'r'1..Irl r~i..ItiG.~r r~irlr r r"Gii r.J""G.r rr~i..lrrri.. r~r vvv~ "Ir r err r~ i..l'i.ril"G!`I I, vu1G 'lrr lrr iri.►G."G..'1.~Irr IG~ it I+~.ri ry 17 in~titl ltorl in nl Ir~l lnnr+o of tho nrn~~ie^inne^ of thie nnrJo II IVGIGGr1GV41 11 1 r./1A1 V1AG.11 IVV VI GI IV `./1 V Y IVIVI IV VI GI IIV VVGAV. 18 I Onnrn~~crl Alln+arinl~ ~nrl ~rrllinmont All~torinle orvllinmcnt ~nrl rlo~~ino~ nnnrn~~orJ h~i tho 1. f G~.,/f✓I V Y VGd IVI{rlGVl lulu {.dl IGd G_~411~.J1 I IVI IG. IVIUGVI lulu, vGr,Gdl`./I IIVI IL {.dl IGd GdV V IVVV Gdf.J`./I V Y VU N~ LI IV 19 h! ~IIrJLnrr n~flr'171 shall ho r+nn~trl r+tor! and In~~~IlorJ in ~r+r+nrrJannc ~nnth cl lr,h nnnrn~ial NNIIU11.1y V-111VILA1 VI IU11 NV VVI.IVG1 G.AVGV~d~ UI 1♦1 II IV~LAIIVU III GdVVVI bILA1.IVV ~-~Y-YIG1-I~~~~~V\dVl I N~.J~.JI V V~~{rll. ~O 1 I I~orl 11Aatonal~ a.nrl ~.ni iinmont T.ho i i.~o of i i~orl m..ator..al~ .anrl...hi lilrllnrr ~or~a.no 1 1.7VVG1 iVIL1GV111rIV G.(f lU I~L~Uli.7I I IVf7G. 1 f 1V UVV V1 UVVU 111ULV1 IUIV G(f lU NNIIGAII ly VVI VIVL 21 ,care ~inmcan~k i~ r~carnnittca,rl ~n~hcan arlnrnGrorl h~~ th,ca h~ ~il,rlinr~ nffir►ial . VL~LArhJI-lrG.ir rc lV ~L.r I l1ILLG.iLd- vrll rLr r LAlrl./l-vvvG.I Ny Ll-r1.r r~url~Ilrly Vrll~..rul 22 1 Il/lnrli.firat.nn~ 1/1/h.oro~cor thorn pro nrnr►tiral..:rliffiri iltioe in..~inl~c.orl in rarr~iinn. nl If thn. V. IY~IVU11-IVUGIVIIV. YYIIVIVV-VI GI~IVIV UIV ~.JIUVLIVUI UIIIIVUIGIVV 111-VVIYVU 11~~1 VUI.-1 Yllly VN-~ GIIV 23 nrn~~i~inn~ of this r+nrla tho hl IilrJinrr nffir►i~l ~h~ll h~~io tho 71lthnrit~i to nr~nt mnrlifir►~tinn~ fnr `./I V V IVIVI IV VI LI IIV VVGAV, GI IV NGAIIGAII ly VI IIVIGdI VI I{.All I I{.AV V GI IV GdGdGI IVl 11~ GV yl {rlI IG I I IVGAIIIVGAGIVI IV IVI 24 inrli~iirll lnl r+ne,o~ 1lnnn ~nnlir►ntinn of tho n~ninor nr n~nrnar'~ ranra~ont~ti~ia nrn~iirlcrJ tho hl lilrlinrr IIILAIYIGAGAG.II VG.iVVV, GA~../V11 G.l~../`../IIVG.IGIVII VI GIIV VVVIIVI VI VYYIIVI V IV~./IVVVIIGbIG1YV, ~.,/IVYIGAVGA GIIV NGAIIGdllly nffinial ehall first find that ~r,onial inrlnnrli Inl roa~nn malroe tho etrint lottor of this nnrlo imnrar►tir►al 2 5 VIIIVIG,.11 VI I{.rll I11 ~.7G 111 ILA GI I{dG v7I.JVVIG.11 II IVII V Ib1NGd1 I VGAv7\JI I 111Gd1\V~.7 GI 1V VGI IVG IV~GVL \,/I G1 LLJ V\,/\AV rrl lr./1 {IVGIV{11 a..r~~ t..h.a r~..nrl if...~..~at.i.,~ ~ .....i..~. i n r►n m n I i a r~ ~►.,a ~.~.~.~..t..h th.,ca i ~..1•~a ~~........a ~ r.~n~~..... of .l•.h i ~ ~.nl~,~.......a ra ~........th a.~...... ~ ~ ~~.h. 26 G.iI fU Li7V 1T1VLdIT1VUGIVII IV III VVI I II./IIG.111L/V lTVT11 1 GI 1V 111LV1 I1 Ul lid ~JUI IdGJVV VI Lil1V VVLdV GAI fu L1 IG.11 VVVIi 27 m:nrlifiratinn rlno~.,nnt lo~~on ho~lth ar►~ca~~i:hili~~~ lifca and firca: ~afc~t~~ nr ~tr~ ~r^t~..iral rca~n~ ~:ircamcant~:,,. rIYVLAIrY'VG.rLIVrI 'G..r"V"G.rV 1IVG IvvvVll 1IVUIGII, L.1V`VLrVV1NIIrG~, rlr'i LArIGI rrl`G VLAI'G.rG~, 'VI V~LIL,Ir.rirrLAI'r""GrG.~L~Irr"G..Ir"iL.rrL.y. 2$ T.ho rl.otail.~ nf.anti.n.n rrrnntinrr mnrJifir+ati.nn~ ~hala.. ho ror►n.rrlorl.. anrl.. onfororl.. in +.ho fa.oe of tho. 1 IIV G.rVGGAIIV VI GAVGIVI I yl Gdl IGII ly I I IVGdII IVGAGIVI IV VI IGAII NV I VVVI LAVG:r GAI ILA VI ILVI VLA III GI IV IIIVV VI GI IV 29 rlcn~rtmant Tho hl lilrlinn nffir►i~l ie 71 Ithnri~crJ to r+h~rrro nn ~rlrlitinnnl fac to o~inll Into ~n~~ GAV~../G.1IGIIIVIIG. 1 IIV Nu111Allly VIIIVIL.11 IV NNGIIVIILVGA GV VIIG.11yV Grill G.1GA4IIGIVIIGd1 IVV GV VYGdIGAG.IGV G.111Y 30 nrnnn~arl mnrJifir►ntinn 1 Inrlor tho nrn~fi~inn~ of this ~or+tinn ff `✓I Vf../VVVGd I I IVGdIIIVGdGIVI 1 NI IG.1V1 GI IV NI V VIVIVI IV VI GI IIV VVVGIVI I. 6( ~Itornati~~o 11Antoriale floeirrn ~nr) 11Aothnrl~ of ('nnetn ir►tinn and ~ni iinme'nt Tho nrnvi~inn~ 1 3 l,. f GIGVIIIGdGIVV IVIG.IGVIIGdl~.7~ VVVlyll GdIIVI IVIVGIIVb1V VI VVII~.7GLN.V~LVLI .GA11\i .L~NII/LLLV11~. l IIV r./IVYI~.71\./II~.7 32 of this r~►nrlo..aro not intonrlo:rl..tn nro~/Ca:r1,t..th,G a.n~tallat~nn of araaA mat,arial nr.tnl ~rnhil~at araa~ rl,~~~r~ra. Lyi Lr 11 V,. VVG.i'V Gdl V 1 IVG II IGVI IGAVLA _LV I✓I V V G/r rG Lr 1'V r7 IVGLArILA~IVI 1 LJ1 LAI 1~' I 1 ILAGVr rul Vr LLJ LJl Lyl IIIJIG ull~ LALiVIyI a 33 nr m~thnrl, of r+nn~t,n irtinn not enAr+ifir+all,~~ nroerrih~rl„h~~ fhie r nrlo~ nrn~iirlnrl that an~~ a irh: Li'1 1 r 1'G,i1 ILiL~r. V1 L1J1 IVrr LdVLlvl l l lvr, ~I.JG.vI l lvulr~ ~J'1 ti:..~Vr ~IJ"GrL~r rJr~ it r1V LVL~rV~ I✓r Li V Iid"1LA, r,r r~.rr, r.irl 1~ VI..rVI 1 34 ~Itorn~ti~ia h~~ hoan nnnrn►rorl ~n nltcrn~ti~io mntarinl rlceirrn nr mcthnrl of r+nn~trl Ir+tinn ~hnll UIGVI I IUGI V V 1 IUV NVV11 41./`./1 V V VU. f 111 G.11GV11 IUGIY V I I IUGVI loll, 41VVIy11 VI I I IVGI IV41 VI VVI IVGI Gr1VGIV1 I VI IU11 35 ho nnnrn~iorl ~n~haro tho h11ilrJinrr nffir+i~l finrJ~ thnt tha nrnnn~orl rlc~irrn ie, ~~ti~f~r+tnr~i ~nrl NV {.d~../f../I V Y VGd YYI IVI V GI IV NNIILAII ly VI IIVI{.AI III IGAV GI IGdG GI IV NI vf..ivvvGA GAVVIyI I IV V4111V1{.AVGVI ~ {.ll IGA r+.mm~.a..io~..~..nr.i.+h tho into.n.~ nf....+.h.o nrn~~i~lnn,~ nf....fh1~......r+nrJ.o nn.rJ that tho m~tori~l mothnrl nr ~ninrh 36 VVI I IIJIIVV YYIL11 GI IV II IGVI IG VI LI IV NI V V IVIVIIV VI ~I IIV VV41V, G.11 Ib1 Gr{.AG Gr rV 11ILAGVI 1{.11, 11IVG1 r♦,1b1 vl YYV11\ 7 nffororJ i~ fnr tho nl Irnn~e' intonrlorl at loaet tho oni iivalont of that nro~nrihorJ in thie nnrlo in 3 / Vl"Y VI VA IVI°""rvI 'L'r`~v ~..JNI (✓Vdv 'rr ILVf"'rb+vtA, Gd1 rVLAV'LI rv LML1IVUIVI IL Vf Ll lL'L'.Jl V 7Vf 11JV1d I LfT~7 VV~dV 1.1....1... 3$ ,~r~ ialit~~ ~trcan,rrth caffor+ti~r,cancae~ Piro r,ca~i~tanr►,ca rla ~rahilata~ and ~af~cat~r Th~a h~ ~ilrlinn nffir^ial i~ G.~rG.lrlG~, VGi'i.illy_GII, LIIVVGIVLrrI'VVV1 IIIV rL....yIVLL~rIIVV, L.lurG.drJ'Ir11~_~i..rllGd VL~rr\:iG~. IIIV NLArIL~llrry LllrlLrl'LAr l17 39 ai ithnri~orl to nharno 7n arl.rlifinr+~l fno to o~r~li iatn an~~ r~rnr~ne~rl ~lt~rnatn.: maforia.l,: rla~inn :,anr~, LANGIIVIILV41 GV VIILAIyV 6,.111 G..ILA411~IVIIG,.11 IVV GV VY{i1ULALV G.d11Y r1VL/VVVVI LAIGVIIILAGV IIIG.dGV11Gd1, 41VVIy11 G,IIILA 40 nr methnrl of r+nne,tVrl Ir►tinn ~nrl orvl linmont 1 Inrlar tha nrn~~i~inn~ of this e,or+tinn VI I I IVGI IVGA VI VVI IVGI GdVGIVI l G,.111GA VG.,GdI`./I IIVI IG NI IUVI GI IV `./I V VIVIVI IV VI LI IIV VVVGIVI I. 41 ~ Ra~o~rr►h Ronnrt~ CI Innnr+inrr rJntn ~nihcra nar+a~~nr~i to n~~i~t in tho nnnrn~~nl of 1 1 \VVVG.II VI 1 1 \V~../VI GV. VGA`./~./VI G11 ly GAG.IGG.I, YYI IVI V 1 IVVVVVG.II Y GV G.iVVIVG 111 LI IV G.l~../`./l V YG.II VI 42 matorinl~ nr ~~~omhlio~ not ~nor+ifir+nll~r nrn~iirJorl fnr in this r+nrlo ~hnll r+nn~i~t of ~rnlirJ ro~oarr,h .L...I IGAGVI IGdIV VI GdVVV111N11-'VV 1 IVG VL/VVIIIVGd11 Y IJI V V IuVLA IVI 11 1 GI IIV VV41V, VI IGdll VVI IVIVG VI Y Grillo 1 VVVGdI V1 1 43 N~~ GaA~~~v,1V V,C~~.,.,uvUl'L"VA" J~. 44 ~ Tae+~ I~l~lhcanca~~car thcarca i~ in~~ ~ffir►icant ca~~irlcanar+ca of 1*+mm~lianr ca ~n~i~Fh thca nrn~~i~inne of ""I 'G....Y L.1' . rr I I I Gi r `1`Gr II G.i r L I r G.i l°Gi I V r l I V GA y I r 'V I"'ii l I L Lr v I GA V l I G.IG.i "Lr r 'G,'GJ' r I r ~J y I L.r l I'V"Gr Ir rl t ti r I G r °r' Lr ~J 1"'iJ+'II" r V i 1! I r..Y "GJ' 1 45 th.ie nnrlo ...nr o~nrlo.nno.fhat..a m.ator.al nr mo~.hnrl...rJno~ nnf nnnfnrm tn.fho ror~i .rom.ont~. of t.hi Gl rly VVUV, VI VYIUVI IVV LI IuG u I I IG:IGVI lul VI I I IVI IVU UVVV I IVI vvrrlvl I I I GV LI IV I VG.~NII VI I IVI IGN VI GI IIN 46 r+nrla nr in nrrlor to cl Ih~t~nti~to r►I~im~ fnr ~Itarn~ti~ia m~tori~l~ nr mothnrl~ tha hl lilrlinrr nffir►i~l VVGAV, VI Ill V141V1 GV VGANVGGr111GILAGV VIG.11111V IVI GAIGV11141GIYV IIIG.lGV11GA1V VI IIIVGIIVGAV, GIIV NGAIIGAIIIy VIIIVIGAI 47 ~h~ll h~G~o tho 71lthnrit~i to rorrl lira to~t~ o~iirlonr+o of r►mm~linnr+o to ho mnrlo nt nn ovnon~o to VI I{All I I{AY V GI IG.t LAGdGI IVI IG~ GV I VG.~Gdll V GVVGV {AV v Y IGdVI IVV VI VVI I I~.,/IIG.II Ivv GV NV I I I{.dGdV uG IIV Vn`.IVI IVV GV thie ii iri~rlintinn Tort mothnrJe ehall ho ae ~nonifiorl in thie nnrlo nr h~~ nthor ror►nrrni~orl tort 4V `.r.....r..r~.7 .............N..r....r..~.7\1..r.V.`.r.V.r.....r...~.............r....V~.7.` .......r....r....r.V.`.r.....r.VV1~.7.......~.7..r....r.{1.r..r.........NV......{1~.7.......~.7.............VVI...r...rV\.A.........r..r.....r........`.r.....r..r~.7......VV\1.V.......V..r........... N...................V..`.r.....r.V.r...........r...V.VV..............r.....r..rLV\1........~V~.7 ~ N y y 50 ar~r~rn~in tho t~.~tinn r~rnrnrl,i ir~~,: Tn~te e.hall .,ho r~orfn.rmocl h~i,,:an ~r~nrn~~~rl: anonr~i,,: Rnr~nrf~ n.f. rll✓~+r ~'Y L. r,r-rLr r.~G...~+Llr r~ err ~~r..r,.~l ~..Ir ~G...~+: ~ ~..~L.~ .~r IL~rrr rrG, lrG.r r Lyr 1 r I~G..~r r,~~ r.~lr 1 rr~~r ~ rr ~G..~,1 rr~Gr r~~ 1 ~G~..trtirr t~ L~r 1 ~i ir►h ~hnll h° r°+nin°r! her +h° hi iilrlinrl nffir+inl fnr +h° n°rinr! rcrli sir°rl fnr r°+°n+inn of ni ihlir VNVI I LVVLV VI lull NV I VL4lll IVN N~ LI IV NNIINII I`4, VI IlVlul IVI LI IV f.7Vl IVN I V4IN11 VN IVI I VLVI ILIVI I VI ~./NNIIV 2 rc.r►n..rrl..e........ .I \./~!\/1 NV. 3 L. ~:~~~.:;:.~~V~:JGfyUGIV~::J~ ; ~'~V,~ LV:~~ VI11VfU1, f~~:~ ~~~U;:~~~11~I:L v~:.vL~~Ir ~L~:V::~VI IJI~;~: UUL11V~1G' 4 h~;~ro the ~;~~h^~ ~#y ~ ~ ~r ~~~n ~n~ ~~y exN~^~~^n 5 nr n+h.~r h~~nrr~ni i~, rnnr~i+inn Infnrmn+inn +h.~+ r+ni ilrl.h° r,~ln+o~ +n„ }rnr~.o ~nrr°t~ nr.r~rnrn~e~~. V1-- VLI IVI 1 ILALNI NVNV VVI~~INILIVI 1. II~~IIVI 1-I~INL14►1 1 LI INL VVNIN NV 1-VINLVN LV LI NbIV VVVI VLV VI (JI VVVVVVV 6 ~hnll nn+ h° mnrJ° nnr+ of +h° ni ihlir► rcr►nrrl °vr+°n+ n~ rl it°r►+°rl h~► n r►ni ir+ of Inlnr VI lull I IVL NV I I IuNV ~.7u1 L VI LI IV `./NNIIV I VVVI N vnvv`./~ uV 4111 VVLVN N~ u VVNI L VI IuVV. 7 1 ~~~i~+nnr+° frnm (1+hcr ~rI°nr►i°~ Dnlir+° nnr! n+hcr °nfnrr+°m°n+ nrI°nr►i°~ ~hnll hn~r° 1 , \VVIVLL.l11VV 11 VIII 4. L1 IVI ! lyVl IVIVV. 1 VIIVV NI IN VLI IVI VI IIVI VVI I IVI IL NyVI IVIVV VI IN11 1 INY V ni i+hnri+.r +n r°nrl°r n°n°e~nr~r ~~~i~V+~nr►° in +h° in~r°e+irr~+inn of fir°e ~nrh°n r°ni i°~+°rl +n rln ~n 8 GAN~r.rV.r r~ ~V r..Vr r\1.Vr r 1VVV:7~:7GAr. .u~~.r~~ur r~~ rr r. rte. rr r~~~.~r .u.~r~r r. ~r rr.r~~ ~.~r.r~r r. r~ N~~~~~ y y y ~ g ~~~h^~rrjr' a~ ~~r,~~; ,anr~J (l±h~r ~m~r-y~n~~°"~,. Tho f~r~ ~h~~f ,n,r nff~~~r n~f ±h,~ f~~r~ ~~Nar~m~n~ ~.n 10 ~r s~e~ ~ ~~r e ~~~n~~ i" life ~~~~~i~ 11 ~n~r n.~r+ +h°r°.nf ~hnll hnv°....+h° .~i i+hnn+~ +n rJir°r+f ~i ir+h nr~°r~fnn ne nor+°~enn +n ov+in.rri iieh nr ul I~ hJLAI < LI IVI VVI Vl lull I;NV V LI IV uNLI IVl IL~ LV VIII VV~ VNVI I VIJVI u~IVI I NV I IVVVv7VLdl ~ LV VnLll IyNINI I V1 12 r+nn+rnl nnv fire n°rfnrm nnv r°~r+i i° nn°rn+inn in~r°~+irrn+° +h° °vi~+cnr►c of ~i inn°r►+°rl nr VVIILIVI NIIY III V, r.7V11V1111 NIIY IVVVNV V~./VIN~I\./II, IIIVVVLIyuLV LIIV V/~IVLVIIVV VI VNV~../VVLVN VI 13 r°nnr+°rJ fiffr°~ nnv I°~U~ nrlln+h°r hn~~rrJni i~ r►nnrJi+inn nr ~i+i in+inn nr +n L° nn~r n+h°r nr►+inn I47~../VI LVN 1114717, 4`,uV IVNI\V VI VLI IVI I ILdLNI NVNV VVI INILIVI IV VI VILNNLIVI IVI VI Lul\V ul I~ VLI 14,1 uVLIVI I nor+°~..enr~_.. in +.h° ron~n.nnh.a..o no.rfnr.mnn.r+° of rJi if~r In.....fh° °v°rni~o, of ~..i ir+h.....nn~nror #.h° f..r° nhi°f 14 I IVVVv7ViiI ~ III Lf1V I VL.IVVI fuNIV i.7Vf IVl IIIL.If 11/V VT 4ILIL~. III L1 IV V/~VI VIVV V1 v7NV1 I iJVVYVI ~ LI fV Inv Vi71Vf rv7 r +h i n n 1 15 ~~r11r1~~n~ri~~y[N~ ~~v~„~,+,~+~ ~,or~;,nr ~~°~V~ CI ~I III It.I i~nV ,1~ ~,I_~~nV ~`~/,~~:~~,,a~~,,,~ 16 °11+hnri~orl +n romn~ro ,nr r~i r~o,,+n ho rmm~~nr~l nr ,><°n+ n~nrnv frnm„r+/hn„~rnn~oA ~n~~ ~c°hirln ~rn~~al L.IrLI rVI' I~VLr LV ~'L.iII IV'VL.i~ 'ii'I `i.~IL.iJV i'v M.!"i.i r'1.+~II4rv'1.r\.I V~ y`ivI.7L LIVIIL.I~' YI'LJ+II I LI I"1.r Jj11.r'1.rI"r1.~ L:I.i I~+ Ir'1..r IIV'~'V~ Ir`1.rJJ"~:i' 17 nr +hinn Inrhir►h r+ni ilrl imncrJ° nr in+°rf°r° ~n►i+h +h° nn°rn+inne of +h° fir° rl°nnr+m°n+ nnrl in +h° VI LI III I41 YYI IIVI I V\./NI41 II I Ir./VNV VI 11 IIVI IVI V YYI~I 1 ~I IV V~.JV14l~IVI IV \./I ~1 IV III V NV~./NI ~I I IVI I~ NI I41, II 1 ~I IV 18 ii irlrrm°n+ of +h° fir° r+hi°f nn~r ncr~nn nn+ nr►+i inlly nnr~l i i~°fi ill~r °mnln~r°r! in +h° °v+inrli ii~hinrr of ,NN4`,I I IVI IL VI LI IV III V Vl 114,1, ul l~ `./VI VVI I I IVL {.dVLNNIIy u1 1N NVVINII~ Vl l lf../IV~ VN III LI IV VnLll l`4,NIV111114`, VI 19 c ir+h fir° nr in.~h° r~r°~cr~rnfinn of r~rnncr+~r in +ho vir•~ini+.r +h°r°nf VLaVI l 111 V VI 111 ~I IV I./I VVVI YLA11V1 1 VI r./1 Vr./VI L~ 11 ~ LI IV Y IVII II~Y IVI VV1. 20 1 Rnrr..nnrl..o~ Th° fir° n.hi°f.....nr n.ffino.r of ~,h..c fir°/rl.o,r»r+mqn+ in.....r+h~..rrr° +h.o ~r±on°,...nf nn. 1 7vur I`rvLa4iVV. I fV ll1 V V1 11Vf Vf VI11VL1 47f L1 1V III V 4iVLJNI LI I IVI fL lI1 V1 ILdf 4`,V u1 LI fL VVL1 1V 1Jf L.Ii7 21 ,camcarrr,canr►~~ i~ a~ ~+hnri~carl +n nlar►ca rnn°~ rr~ ~arrl~ harrin~rl°~ nr n+hcar nh~+r~ ~ar++inne a,rrn~~ an~~. vi11V1 `4,V11'V~ IJ uLail fV11~V41 L'V ~Jlu'VV 1 vf.JVV~ 4`, 1.A~L114I~7~ NLII I IVNNVV VI VLi 1V1 VN~711 uvLlV1 1~7 ~i11.r1 V4~J ui I~" 22 ~troo+.., nllnv nl.nrn..nr r~.rivnt~ nrnn~r+v in +hra ~iirini+~~ of c~ ~nh nn°r~finn..en ae +n,,nrn~ion+..~r+ri.rlnnt.~. VII VVL~ NIIV~ ~ I✓IUVV VI I✓1 1 V u~V L71 VL7V1 Lr III LI IV V IVII IILr V~ VNVI I Vr.7V1 LALIVI 1 VV LaV LV I✓I V V VI IL NVVINVI ITV 23 nr in+°rf°r°nr►° Inri+h +h° Inlnrfi it °ffnr+~ of +h° fir° rJ°nnr+m°n+ +n mnnnrr° nnrl r+nn+rnl +h° ~i+i in+inn VI II ILVI IVI VI IVV VVILI I LI IV INVYINI VIM LV VI LI IV III V NV~../ul LI I IVI Il lV 1I INI IuyV uI IN VVI ILI VI LI IV VILNULIVI l 24 nnrl +n hnnrll° fir° nnnnrn+i i~ ul IN LV 1 IL.II INIV III V N`.!`./1..1I uLNV. 7......(lh~.~.n ir+#..nrr..(lno.r~+in....n~ .nan r~oren..n ~h_~II nh~+n...ar►+ +..ho nn°r~.finn.~ nf...~.h° f..r° rl..on~..r~mo.n.f 25 L. 4lNv7LI NVLII ly Vr./VILALIVI IV. 1 \v LJVI VVI I VI-lull VNVLI LAVL LI IV vf.JVl L.ILIVI IV VI LI IV 1.11 V 4iVhJLAI LI I IVI IL gyn.... ~,r~..r~..n,~~.#..inn........~~~i~h........,a,v.~inn~ ~iehm°n~ ...~.r ~.ra.n#rnl.... n~....a..n~~ ..~i..r,~ ...tar ate.#inl.nc r°I~~i~~,~.. ~n ..nl.#h,a:.r....~n~.,~r~,~.nni~.~........ 26 lid VVf 111VVLIVI i YVI11T L/11111yNIVl II I IVI IL VI VV1711 Vf V1 U1 Iy ll1 V~ \.Jl NVLIVIIV I VINLrVV LV VGI rLi V111VIyV1rV1VJ~ 27 nor rli~nh~~~: an~~ Intinrf~ ~I r,nmmanrl of +hQ fi:rc~ r►hi,~af nr nffir~ar of +:h~ fire r~,~anar+m~an+ in:,nharrr~a of +h Li'r 4IrJVN'V~ ul l~` rur+'vIN1 VVI I II I IL.II IN v1 LI IV I~r'1r Vi"II`~.il `V'1 VIIIV"VI"' VI L~ IV II'i`'1r 4r'1i~JL.II°LI IIL.iI"IL III L/I IL.Ir4`,V `VI LI I"V' 28 om°rrr°nr+~r nr nn~~ nnr+ +ho.r°nf nr nn~r L~~nrf it nrrl°r of ~ r~nlir+o nffn°r ~~~~+inrr +ho..firo VI I IVI yV1141V, VI ul l~ hJNI ~ LI IVI VVI, VI NI ly I{.dYYl1r11 VI VIVI VI u I✓VIIVV VI IIVVI uVVIV7Lll ly LI IV 111 V 29 rlcnnr+m°n+ NV~../NI LI 1 IVI IL. 30 C~r~+°m~ nnrl fl°vir~°~ nln n°r~nn ~hnll r°nrl°r n w~+°m nr rJ°~rir►° inns°rn+i~r° rJi irinrr V. V~ VLVI I IV ul 141 LJV V IVVV. 1 ~V ~..7V1 VVI I VI IVII 1 VI INVI u V~ VLVI I I VI NV Y IVV II IV~,7V1 uLl Y V NNI II ly nn °m°rrr°nr►v i inl°~~ her rJir°r,+inn of +h° fir° nhi°f nr fir° rl°nnr+m°n+ nffir►inl in r►hnrrr° of +h° 1 ...............r....r.....................r....r. ...r...............r..............................r.....r.... N 1 1 1 V FJ .......................r V ~ 1 V 1 1 V l 11 1 1 1 V .........r.....r..r........... , 1 1 1 1 ...................r........... r....r....r...............r.....r............................r...r...r.............r...............r.........r..r.....r...................r.....r...............r...................................... ............r...............r.....r............. 3 N V V y V V,I ~ N V L V V V V V ..\f.V l/ N~ V L V V L.1 V N y V V L V 32 r;~;~~~. ~n~r J 5A?~ ~ ~;~n4~~ 2nn4 33 15.07.050 Permits. R°rr.,,airorJ On.~r n~nan°r.._n.r ni i+hn.n~°rJ nrron+ ~.n.rhn....n+°n.rl~ fn r+n.ne+n.,,ir++ onlnrrr° ._al+°r„ r°n.nir,,., 34 A. i \V4iNI1LN. / Il VYYI fVl V1 NNLI IVf 1LV4I L.IyVI IL YYI IV n ILVf 1\dV LLJ vvr 1VL1 L.rV1~ VI fIL.IfyV~ ulwl ~ I Vi.7L.1ff ~ 35 mn~~ca rlcamnlieh nr r►hanr~ca +h° nnr+~ ~nanr►~~ of a h~ ~il,rwinrr nr ~+r•~ ~,r+~ ~r•~ nr +n carcaar++ ins+all canlarrrca . I1rvVV~ 4I i.i171V11~.711~ v1 'V11~G.1114`,'V L11V vvvlA~JUI I'V~' V'1 u 1.JUn4ii11`4, V'1 JLIL.IVLLI1 V~ 'V1 LV '1.i1 L.rV1~ n i~7LU11~ i.il liul `4,V 36 nlfor rnn~r romn~r° r+nrnror+ nr r°nlnr+a,, nn~~,., olnr+rir+~l n~~ m°rh.nnir+.~l nr nlr imhinrr ~~c~+°m +ha NILV1 ~ ~ VL/{.ll , I VI I IV Y V, 4+VI I Y VI L VI I V~./INVV Gdl l r VIVV♦.I IV{..11, 41{rIV, I I IVVI Iu1 11VU1 V1 I✓INI I INII ly V~ VLVI 11, LI IV 37 ins+nlln+inn of Inrhir~h i~ rcrri iln+°rl by +hi~ r►nrl+° nr +n r►ni i~° nnv ~i ir►h Inrnrl~ +n h° rlnn° ehnll fir+ IIIVLblllblLIV11 VI VYIIIVII IV IV`4,NILALVM N~ LIIIV VVNV~ VI LV VNNVV b111Y VNV11 YYV11\ LV NV NVIIV~ Vllblll IIIVL 3$ mnU° nnnlir+n+inn +n +h° hi iilrlinrl nffir+inl nnrl nh+nin +h° r°rri iirlcrJ n°rmi+ I I INI\V NhJ`./IIVULIVI I LV LI IV NNIINII 14`, VI IIVINI {.11141 VNLNII I LI IV I V41N11 VN (./VI I I IIL. 39 1 fir° ('nrl° Dcrmi+~ R°ni sir°r! Th° fir° r,nrl° nffir+inl i~ ni i+hnri~°r! +n i~~i i° nncrn+innnl 1 1 11 V 4/V41V I VI I I II~V I ~V4,NII VN. 1 I IV III V VVNV VIIIVIUI IV uN~I IVI ILVN ~V IVVNV V~../VI N~IVI I{rtr- n.,~..rrn..i..#..~........~~..r......~.h.,~........~..n.,~.r.a.~..i..~..r~..~.... .....~.,~.~........f..,~..r~..k~.........i..r~........~..~..~~ ..........~..~.~.~..i..~..r~..~..........'~.....~..~.......~..........'~...........#..k~..r,~..~....~..~..h..........'~.....~..~.......~ .......~...~........a..n.~........i...~........f...~....~..r~.h.,~.r 40 i.7VrllllLV 1VI L1IL V'.JLIL./L1VIrV NL1 IVrLrI fIr ii V 4TVVLIVIrV IVV.V. 1 Lf11VNylI TVV.V.~1J U114r 1N INTLIIVI 41 a~ i+hnria~rl +n i~e~ rnn~+ra ~n+inn n~armi+~ fnr ~n~nrlwr a~ fnr+h ,in I~~' Cc~r+inn ~ti 7 'I ~khrn~ ~rrh u1rLI rVi' I~L.iL:r LV 1~.7~.7L+1ti. VLi'1"1~7L1 L;I'ilrr"tJlr'1 1.7'VI r 1 rIL~.7 IV1 rPW"iJ+t I\ u~.7 ~7"i.r1 1'iJ+t it I rl I 11" 4i i.~'1.ii.71I'L7`I I~.7 I rJ'V. i I iI Ir i7L.i4`,r"I 42 ~ nti ~ 1 . 1 1 . 43 R IAlnrL Gv°mn+ frnm D°rmi+ Dv°mn+inn frnm n°rmi+ r°ni sir°m°n+~ of +hi~ nnrl° ~hnll nn+ h° LJ. V VVI I\ LnVI I Ir./L II VI I I 1 VI I I IIL. `nV111~.JL1V11V II VIII ~.JVI I I IIL I V4,N11 VI I IVI ILV VI LI IIV VVNV VI IVII I IVL NV 44 ~°°m°~ +n nrnn+ ni i+hnri~n+inn fnr nn~r Inrnrl~ +n h° rJnn° in nn~r mnnn°r in ~rinln+inn of +h° NVVIIIVN LV ylu11L NNLIIVIILL.ILIVII IVI NIIY YYV11\ LV NV NVIIV III NIIY IIINIIIIVI III YIVIULIVII VI LIIV n..rnvi~..inn.~...nf f.hie r+.nrlo.....nr ~.nvn.....~hor.....ln~n~~ nr.....nrrli.nnnr+.o~ of +h.i_e ii ir_~rlinfinn.........Dorms+e.....~h~.a.l nnf ho 45 r,/I VV1~.71V11~.7 VI LI IIV VVNV VI L.11I~ VLI IVI ILdVYN VI V14111IL.111VVV VI LI IIV,NIIVNIVLIVI I. 1 VIIIIIL~.7 VI ILdll I IVL NV 47 Ri ii,l.rlinry,.' I..y'1.,IIY4IYi i~. 4$ 1 (lno._~+nr~r rJofnr+h.°rl ~nr+o~enr~r ~+n. in+i.i.r°~ ..ice°rJ.. f.nnl ~nrl.e+nr~rr° eh°rl.~ fro°.-. I V1 IV VLVI ~ NVLNVI IVN GAVV4iNVVL~ VLI NVLNI VV 1dVVL.i uV LV4/I uI IN NLVI Li1yV N1 1VL1V, LI VV 49 ~.~NN~r~~~I..Nlay ~#rN~#N.r°~, ~7!+~~~nV~~~ a~n~l u~°~, ~fnV~~~~l~r~~ ~h~ f~vvr a~~a ~n,~~~ ~vr~n~.~l '17f1 ctrl inr° f°°+ l1'I 'I F m`L 50 I LV V4,NUl V IVVL ` I I I V III /s1 1 7 ~onr+o~ not n~ror Div foot (1 S27Q mml hirlh• L. I VI IVVv7 IIV~ VYVI v71l~ IVVY `I,VLV 111111, Illyll, 2 ..............(l....l........rl..c.rri..~.lre...'.. V. V11 41VI 1 IVI\V, 3 ~ • :.::~AL.U:~~~~:`~'1y vv~u::;;v 11~YI11Lh u~V~,..Il'1IVL .vv/~~ ;v`~:~ foo~ ; ~ Q..,~~~ ~~~yL moU~~,ro~l.fr~m Lh 4 ~~r#^ r^ ~;n~°~~ ~;iNN`n'~~"y ia•1 ~ur~h~r"y° ~~^~^u"~~"y ! 5 ~ 1..nr ~ ll ~ 1.~ j'~,'~ ~r.,~.~:~. 6 F lnhtor tnnU~ G`I Innnrtcrl rJirar+tl~► nn rrrnrla if the r►nn~r+it~r rlna~ not ovr+oorl F flrlrl rrnllnn~ V. V V1.l~Vl Sul II\V v7u~.~/f✓VI ~V41 4111 VV~I~ VII 4J1 u41V II ~I IV V4lr,/{.lVl~y 41VVv7 I IVI V/~VVV41 V,VVV 4JuIIVI IV 7 (1 S2 Q7F I 1 nnr! the ruin of hoinht to rli~matar nr ~nrirlth rJna~ not ov^oarl tlnrn to nna• `IV,VLV L, 41114+ VIIV 141~IV VI IlVlyll~ 41141111V~V1 VI YY141~11 4+VVV IIV~ V/~VVV41 ~YYV VIIV, ~ Cirlo~nrallre rlo^Ir~ and rlri~ro~nra~re not mnro than '~rl in^ho~ (7R~ mml ahnvo rlrarlo and 8 ~ru~~.~.ur.~ .u.r ~ ~r. ~ ~Y~.~ ~ r.r.r.~ ~.r..u.r ~L. r.r.r. .~N~.~ ~ r..~~~ . y ~ ~ y g n^~ ^~1~°r u"~► hu~omon± ~r ~±nr~ h~l~~~~ ,~nr~J ~n~h~~h ark ~'r~ u" uvv°'~~rhl~ rn~±~ ~r m~an~, ^f 10 rca~ r i....yy 11 7 DalnflnrL.... r,ar~orln.rr til.nrr ^arr~otlnrr ^~hlno~~ nn1 In.~or ~nr~~ ~nrl .~Imil.~r fi.nl~h....~ernrlr.~.. 1 r ull lill 14J, `✓ul✓VI 1114J, ~IIII Iy, V{,dl L/V~II ly, VuNll IVw, VV4111~V1 ~VL/~.7 ul 141 VII I Illul 11111.71 I VYVI I\, 12 Q Tomnnr~n► mntinn nir►t1 Irc tolo~ri~inn ~nrl thantcr ~t~rlc ~ot~ ~nrl ~r►cnor,►• 1 VI1Ir,7V11.41 Y I I IV~IV11 ~./IV~411 V, AVIV Y IVI\,/11 {.Al 141 ~1 IV1.A~V1 V~{.A41V VV~V {.Al 141 VVVI IVI Y, 13 Q Drofnhrir+~tor) ~~n►imminrr nnnl~ nr►r+o~~nnr to n nno_ nr tlnrn_f~mil~r rllnrollinrr nr (_'rn1 In R_ V. I IVIUNIIV41~V41 v7YY11 1 11 1 111 14J ~.7VV11.7 uVVVv7v7Vl~ ~V u VIIV VI ~YYV lulllll~ 41YYV111114J VI VIV1►1`./ 1\ 14 ~--^^^'-Ir~an^v ~~rhlnh are lo~.e than 7/I Innho~ (G;1 fl mml door, rJn not ov^oorl F.,,fl(1(1.rr~llnn V VVLU'.JUI`IV~, VV1IIVl1 LIIV 1V~7v LIIUII L~ I1rVIIVv7 `V Iv rrrrrr, 4rvVi7, 41V I Ivti vn4+VVU v~vv4+ 4J41IIVII~7 15 ~~8,g2~ ~ ~ u~;~ o~~;ro~y 16 '1 f1,,, Ch,~rl~ ,r+lnth, ~trLlr+tl Iron nnn~frl Irforl anr~ ~ i,~orl ,~nlahi fnr n1 Ircor~[ nr ~nrirl IItI ira,l I iJ': VI I~iIi.I'Ir ~rlYvr,r'i Ji1 4Ii7ii.Ir VJ "ViJI r.~+~1 irVi:.it rII 141 4IJVi.I JVIVI~' I'l71 1 14t1 ~.y'i,II VI iI~I I`i~'1.IIi'1.Ii ~r 17 nllrnnea~ nnrl not inr►11IrJinrl ~or~rir►a w~tcm~• ~,/1A1 `.7VVVV 411141 1 IVI 11 IV11A4111 141 VVI Y IVV V~ V~VIIIV, 18 1 1 C~nrinrl~ ~lirlo~ VnnrJ nthar ~imilnr nl~~rrrrnl Inrl G/"11 Iinmont• I 14/YYII 14J1.7, v71141Vv7 {.41141 VII IVI 1.71111111.41 ~.,71u,1411 V411141 V41u1~./I I IVI IL, 19 1n/inrln~ni a~nrninrr~ ~i innnrtcrl her ~n ovVtorinr ~nrnll ~nihir+h rln nn nrnior+t mnro fh~n ~,/L 1L~~. V V11~-141VVY 1..IYY1111IiIV VN..L/IJ4f'.I...~V41.......N~ 1,.1.1.1 V/~lVl IVI YV{ll VV-I.11\,71-I~~~~~\dV 1...1~1~ ~.,71 V,VVt. IIIVIV ~I~~I1d11 V In..nho~ (1 .Z77...mml....frnm the ov~orln.r ~er~.aa an.rl rln....nnt...rorll,,a..Iro ~rlrll~,nn~a QI IY1rlnrt of ('_rnl,,.i.n R_.'~ 20 II IVl 1VN ` 1 , v 1 L ~ I I1 I 1 f f VT11 ~I IL V/\LV1 IVr VV 4rII ul I.4 ~4V 1 1 VL 1 L4iLiII L L441~dr1IVI I1.df 1.7Lrr;71.JV 1 ~ V 1 V1 VLlr,7 1 ~ V, uv 21 annlir►ahlca in IRf' Cca^tinn 'I a(11 and (~rn~ ~n l I n^^~ ~nanr►ica~ nr in h~ ~ilrlin,n~ rcarra Il~to~l h~~ thca. i4NIJII'Vi4NI'1. III I1LJ`v 'i:7\..'1,.YrVr I r V I i4r r'u '\.yI VaN 'VVV'1.I~,Ti41 IVf4.1.7 'V7 II r N'lllr'1.a17I I~J,. I Vi~i4lu~Vid r,J'~ iI I\: 22 Intorn.~tlnnal R,n~irl.onti.~l r'nrlo~. 11 IVI 1 Ii4~IV1-~I1,d1 1 \VVIVIVI 1~1{dl V4/41V, 23 ~ ~ AAn~►nhlo r►n~a~ r+n1 Intcr~ ~nrl nnrtitinn~ not n~ror fi~ra foot nine inr+ha~ /1 7F'2 mml in IV. IVIVVUNIV V411.7V1.7, VV4111~V11.7 {.11141 ~.7uIlI~IVll1.7 IIV~ VVVI IIYV IVVY, IIIIIV IIIVIIVI.7 `I,l VV 111111, III 24 hcirrht• 1IV11d1IL, ~V/ 1 /I...... Ca.folll~o oa..rth ~aatln.n anfon.nn.~ Div any! nno_h..alf foot .~t~n►n......mo~or~l....nr lo.~~ i.n.. rlla..mo~o.r 25 Imo. Vi.IiVIII~V Vi41 ~I I 1~7iG4~IVl I 1dl IVI II I1,1~.7 1.71/ i411b1 VI IV 11{411 IVVY `~VVV I I IV~V11~7, VI IV1717 III 411id1 I IViVI 26 ~r ~ia~~r~a1 in ~nn~~ nlth~r thaw r1a~i~la~tial ~nn1a~~. VI L4fU4JVI1U1 I1rLV11VJ 1J G1IV1 LIlU1T 1LJ1~dL11LfUT LVIIVv7, 27 1 ti:: Catc~llitca ~aarth ~~at~n:n an:t~ann,a~ }hroo nnrJ nn,A_n1 I~rtor fc~c~~, (nn,r~ m,at~arl:.nr Ic~~~ in I ii: i.ri4r~..IrIr.V "Vi41' i1 I 1.7ri4iIV1 r i4r Yi'vr II'iti11,+ it 11 VV u1 141 VI IV 4Iuu1 ~V1 IVV "`"tJrr iV r I rViVr, V1 IVJ1.7 ri'7' 28 rl.amo~or .n roelrJontlal..~nnoe a.nrl.. 411u1 I IVwI III I VN14rVl l~lul LVI IVV, ul Ib1 29 'I ~ \/irlon nrnrrrnmminrr ~onrir+o nntonnne thrac ~nrl nnc_rv1 Inrtor foot (nna motorl nr lo~~ 1 V. Y 141VV r,/1 V4111.411111111141 VVI Y IVV 4111~V1 11141V ~I II VV {.41141 VI IV 4,411.41 IVI IVVY `VI IV 11IV~V1, VI IVVV 30 in rJi~matar nr rlinrrnnVnl rlimon~inn rorr~rrJlo~~ of nno III 4,1141 I IV~VI VI 4,IUyVI 1{.41 4,II I IV1 11.71V1 I, I Vyu14,IV1.71.7 VI LVI IV. 31 .1111.on.ha n i ^~.L'. IVIVVI I1.,II 11\!{.41. 32 1 DnrtahAl~ hc~atanr~ rnnk~nr~. nr ,r+l,ntho~ rJr~►ir~,~ ann~iar~rc~~.. I 1 VI ~~{;4NI\.....I 1V4ii 11 r~~~'vV"V~1'i1r I'~~, V'1 ~r;r1V~1 IVV 411 ~I 111~4J 41 ~Tr,r1rc41...1'v4.1.r. 33 ~ Dnrf~hln,,~~~ntllatinn nnI Iinmon.f , L. 1 Iii..II.J"I"1r"~i.~Ilr.rli.Iil'i'II i.i'I~IAY~III'1.~I'ii.' 34 'Z Dnrtnhlo r►nnlinrr I Init V. 1 VI ~41NIV VVV111141 ul ll~. 35 ^ Cto~m hnt nr r►hillarl 1nr~tor nininrl lnrithin nna► hcntinrr nr r►nnlinrl orlllinmont ranlllntorJ V~V1.ll I I, I IVI VI VI IIIIV41 YY1.4~V1 t.71~.711141 YYI~I III I 1.41 I~ I IVU~II 14J VI VVVIII 14J V4,1d1~./I I IVI IL I V4Julu~V41 36 h~~ this rnrJo 1 V N~ LI IIV VViAV. F Ror~lar+omont of an~r mart ~nrhi^h rJno~ not alter ite ar~r~rn~ral nr malro it I In~afo 37 v. "`1 w~✓rjaV4r`r rvrYti vI till ry °IJ41I ti""`vvI IIV1 I 41L7V1.7 -r`1vti u1>.vr v u'NNI v`liur tirI I I rur~V r 4rI r~z4r4i`' 38 ~ pnrtahl~a a~~ar~nrati~~~a rnnl~ar . V. i Vli~ilNli~ i..v~NVIi41IVV Vv4~1VI 39 7 c~lf_rnnf7inorJ rQfrcror~tinn ~~c~t~m rrtntaininn ,1 fl hnI Incle (/l ti/I .hn1 nr ln~~ of 1 ~VV11 ...V\,/1 1~{r111 1V41 I ~,/-II IyVI tA~IVI l V~ V~VI.1~1 VVI I~1,d11~111 141 ..1 V (JVN1 141V `~.V~ 1\y, VI IVVY VI- 40 rcfrirrornnt nnrl 7P1t1lntcrJ her mntnr~ of nnc hnr~onn~n►ar 1(V/7/I~ inn nr lo~~ I VII 14JV1411 IL 4ll 141 41V~4141~V41 N~ I I IV~VI V VI VI IV I IVI v7V`./VYVVI `1 ZV V V, VI IV1.71.7. 41 Q Dnrtnhla fllol ^oll nnnli~nr►c~ that pro not r+nnnor+tarl to ~ fiver! nininrr w~tom nnr! pro V. 1 VI ~41NIV IuVI VV11 u~.J`./114111VVV ~1141~ 411 V I IVI VVI 11 IVV~V4t ~V 41 11!\V4t `.71`.711 IAA v~v~Vl l l 4+1 14+ 411 V 42 nn+ intorr+nnnor+torl V I IVI 11 1w1 VVI II IVV~V41. 43 ~~;r;x;~,y 44 Thy etnnninrr anrl(nr rcanairin,rr of Icaalwr~ in rlrain~ ~n~atcar Anil ~~~a~tca nr ~~cant nin~ca r . "'I I ri.i -.1ti'Lr~,r~,J+Ir 14~ i4r r~r.1 VI I"VIJi.1rr II ri~"VI rr:.i4r~1y r1 r ii1 illr 1'J, vvirlii.l , "1.i1Vrl, vvi4yii.. "iJrr v V1'ri ~J1'~.7"V, nrn~nrlorl hn~nro~ror that ~hn1 IIrJ anv ^nn^oalorJ tram drain Y11Y1G aerator evil ~nra~to nr vent Wino 45 `./IVYIiAV41, rIVVVVVVI~ ~II{.1~ VIrVUl41 ull~ VVIIVVG4IV4r ~IG4LJ, \dlulrr hJIhJV, VVG4~V1~ vVll~ vvuNw VI VVIIL `./IL/V 46 hcr►nmc rlofor►ti~ra ~nrl it har+nma~ nor►c~~~r~r to romn~ro nnrl ranlnr►c tha ~nmo ~n►ith nolnr NVVVI I IV 41VIVV~1 Y V 411141 IL NVVVI I IVV I IVVVVV411 Y ~V 1 VI I IV Y V 411141 1 V~./14tVV ~1 IV V4t111V YYI~11 I IVVY 47 matorinl the ~~ma ~h~ll ho r►nn~irlororl n~ nalnr lnrnrlr nnr) a narmit ~hnll ho nrnr+l Iron ~nrl I°`I141~V111.41, ~I IV 1.74111 IV VI 14111 NV VVI 11.7141V14r41 411.7 I IVVY YYVI I\ ul 141 41 f.7Vl I I III VI lull NV ~.71 VVNI V41 411141 ...n_~..v~.ont..i..n.n........m_a.rl..o........a_~.........r~.rn~.....rJ.orl...........n........t.h.._~........r►.....n.......rJ.o........ 48 II 11~7hJVV~IVI I 1114141V 411.7 L/I V V 141V41 III ~I 111.7 VV41V. 50 _Rnin,~tall,atinn nr r~nl.~r+omont.,nf n,rofahrira.torl .fivtl Ir~~ t,hat rln not in~rnl~~~ nr ,ronl.Liro 47 . `I `i'ir 1 1 "I ~ i+~.I I I i..I i r'iJr I I 'iJr l I '1.~ IJ I ~iI ir11.i I I"I i.i l I i 1iJ~ I ~.J ~ 11.i I i..I I.J" I I'1~1tI i11.i"4I ~ r/"l ti i.I I '1.~ J r I r i..I r "\i'ii I I'4r r I I I 'iI 1iJ~ I it '1:~ ii' I I"i.i"i.~ iI l r is 51 the ranln7~►cmont nr ra~rr~nrramcnt of ~r~l~ro~ nr nina~ ~I IV 1 V~./1{.tVV111V11~ VI 1 V411 1 411 1 41V111V11~ VI V411Y VV VI ~.,/1`.7VV.- 1 ~ ~mcrrranr►v Ror»ir~ lAlhoro oni iinmont ronl~r+omant~ ~nr! oni iir~mont ron~ir~ cl. `I I IVI yVl 1Vy I .V`./{.dll V. Y YI IVI V V1,.,1,.11~.,/I I IVI IL I Vf✓I1.1VVI I IV1 ITV cll I~,.1 V1,.,1,.11~.~/I I IVI IL I Vf✓1.111 J mi iet ho ncrfnrmcrl in ~n omcrncnr+~~ eiti i~tinn the ncrmit ~nnlir►~tinn eh~ll ho ei ihmittorl ~niithin .I..I..I.NV~ NV VI IVI IIIVVI 111 LA11 VIIIVI V11V.........V1`.N.N.`IV11 ~11V..........V11111 ~.....`.A ..............1IVLA~~~IV~1I V111r1~11 N.V....V.N.N.1..1..1.1.`.LV\I.....Y.Y..1..`1....1.1.1...1. 2 N y y ~ N rr 3 tli°e n°xt v~r'vr~i"'rig bu~ir°~~'°day °'v t~''° huuldirg vfficiU~`' 4 b.`Repa~rs: A;~;~I~ca~nvri`^r n'Vn'LI'rV° tV th° ~Nrld~ng, ^ff~c~al n^t r°qN~`r°d fVr ^rd~na 5 rnr»ir~ to ..~tri ir+ti Irate G ir►h ..rona,ir~ ~.h~ll .nnt ..nrl I..rl~ fhn r+. ittin..n ~~nr~~i of ~n..~yi ~er~ll r~.~rtit.nn n.r 1 V'J1d11-V ~V V~1 NV~NI VV. Vb1V11 1 VIJ1111 V V111.d11 1 IVI 11 IVIbIb1V LI-IV V\d~~ll ly 1dYYCdY VI {,dll_! YY{,.111, Nell ~I~IV11 V1-. 6 r~nrtinn thorcnf tho romn~i~l nr r►i ittinrr of env ~tri ir►ti ir~l ho~m~./nr Ins+lrJ_hc~ri+nn ~i ir~r~nrt nr the `./VI IVI I ~I IVI VVI, ~I IV I VI I IV Y1.11 VI VN~~II 14J VI ul ly V~11.AV~4111.11 NV1.11I I VI IVC.I~.I NVUI II 14J V41`./~.~/VI VI ~I IV 7 rcmn~~~l nr r►h~nrro of ~n~i rcrvi iiror! mo~n~ of anro~~ nr ra~rr~nrrcmont of n~rt~ of ~ ~tri ir►ti iro 1 VI1IV YL.11 VI VI IL.11 IyV VI 1..111Y 1 V~1~A11 Vb1 I I IV{.Al IV VI Vyl VVV, VI 1 V1..1111..11 IbIV111V11~ VI ~.,/{.A1 ~V VI {.A V~141V~1~A1 V ~ffor►tinrr tho orrroe~ rorri iiromont~• nnr ~h~ll nrrlin~r~~ ror»ir~ innli irlo ~rlrlitinn to ~Itor~tinn of 8 GAII.vv`111 `I Iv. v 1VVV 1v. Nllvl.l.l.vl.l`v 11.v1 v.11.u11. v1~111u1. 1V .u.11v 1.11.v1N~v .u~~.1`IV.11 `v .ul`vl.u`IVI.I vl y y ~ ~ y N ~ , 9 r~hla~emnt ^r rel^cafion ~f ,~n`~ ~tandhino ~"1►~t~~. r ~~hnla~. ~c,~~~~n~,. r ~ra~nan~~. dram I~~. a~~~„ r r~~~ N y NN ~ NNy> > ~ > ~ 10 s^il, ~^~aste, v~rit ^r similar pipin`"y, ~I°ctric ~~~iririg.^r m~o~ianion! ^r ^t~ir ~~~^rk aff~otirig p~b~i 11 ho~lth. nr rronor~l e.~fo#~i.... I IV1dl~l l VI yVl IVI cll vc.11V~~ . 12 A. Application for Permit. To obtain a permit, the applicant shall first file an application there 13 for in writing on a form furnished by the building department for that purpose. Applications 14 determined by the building official to be incompliance with this section shall be deemed as 15 complete. Such application shall: 16 1. Identify and describe the work to be covered by the permit for which application is 17 made. 18 2. Describe the land on which the proposed work is to be done by legal description, 19 street address or similar description that will readily identify and definitely locate the proposed 20 building or work. 21 3. Indicate the use and occupancy for which the proposed work is intended. 22 4. Be accompanied by construction documents and other information as required in ACC 23 15.07.060(C). 24 5. State the valuation of the proposed work. 25 6. Be signed by the applicant, orthe applicant's authorized agent. 26 Give such other data and information as required by the building official. 27 8. In addition to information in subsections (C}(1}through of this section, applications 28 for permits governing construction projects costing $5,000 or more shall also contain the 29 following information: 30 a. The legal description, or the tax parcel number assigned pursuant to RCW 31 84.40.160, and the street address if available, and may include any other identification of the 32 construction site by the prime contractor; 33 b. The property owner's name, address, and phone number; 34 c. The prime contractor's business name, address, phone number, current state 35 contractor registration number; and 36 d. Either: 37 i. The name, address, and phone number of the office of the lender 38 administering the interim construction financing, if any; or 39 ii. The name and address of the firm that has issued a payment bond, if any, 40 on behalf of the prime contractor for the protection of the owner, if the bond is for an amount not 41 less than 50 percent of the total amount of the construction project. 42 e. The information required on the building permit application by subsection 43 (C)(8)(a) through (d} of this section shall be set forth on the building permit document which is 44 issued to the owner, and on the inspection record card which shall be posted at the construction 45 site. 46 f. The information required by subsection (C}(8} of this section and information 47 supplied by the applicant after the permit is issued under subsection (C}(8)(g) of this section 48 shall be kept on record in the office where building permits are issued and made available to 49 any person on request. If a copy is requested, a reasonable charge may be made. 50 g. If any of the information required by subsection (C)(8) of this section is not 51 available at the time the application is submitted, the applicant shall so state and the application 1 shall be processed forthwith and the permit issued as if the information had been supplied, and 2 the lack of the information shall not cause the application to be deemed incomplete forthe 3 purposes of vesting under this section. However, the applicant shall provide the remaining 4 information as soon as the applicant can reasonably obtain such information. 5 h ...Tho:. limf~+in.ne imr~ne~rl h~~ +h.ie ear+in.n eh.~ll n.n+ roe+rir++ rn.nrli+inne ..mr~neorl, 11.~~- 1 1 IV 111111\{,A~IVI IV 11.1II./VVV41 Nr ~I~IIV VVV~14/1 1 V114111 I IVI 1 VV~1 IVI VVI 1411~IV1 IV 1111'J41VV41 6 i inrlor (`h~nfar /I'~ 71(' R('IA/ (C+n+o ~n~►irnnmon+~I Dnlir~►1 411141V1 VI I1.d`./~VI -rV.L I V 1 \V Y V `V~u~V `I IY II VI II I IVI 11.11 I VIIV~ J. 7 Q Dr+inn nn Onnlir►n+inn Tho hi iilrlinrr nffirinl eh~ll av~minc nr r~i ieo +n ho ovnminorJ V. / \V~IVI 1 VII f 1~.,/`.,/IIV4l~IV11. 1 IIV N4t114t11 I<A VIIIV14+1 VI 11..111 Vn411I III IV VI V4+41VV ~V NV Vn1..ll I III IVb1 ~nnlir~+inne fnr normi+~ ~nrl ~monrlmon+~ +horo+n ~n►i+hin ~ ro~enn~hlo +imo ~f+or filinrr If +ho 8 u rrvu~r~r r.~. r.~r ~.r r r rr.~~ .ur. r~ .u.r r r~r r.~ r r r~r r~~. ~r. r~r ~~.r.~r r.r.r r..u r ~u~~r ruNr.~ err r r~..ur ~~r rrrrr r rr ~r r. NN N y 9 'ppl~~~t~^" nor ±h~ ~^nsfrucfro" ~^~~"~"m~ntc d,n, ~nnfnr t~ the r~~~ir~m~nt~; ,n~,f ~~rt~n~nt l~~l"~ 10 +hca h~ ~:il,rwin,n nffirial.:eha.ll rcacar+ ~rh.: ann.lira#.inn in ~~~ri+inarr ~+a.+inrr +h ca rcaa~nn~ ~khcarcafnr :If +hca. r,t r.v ry+urllrrlr r4~ V I i IVr~.1r ~.i'1 1+i::1~I r ~.~~.Vr, ~~,,r+vt 1 41~i'~,rrl'ir41IV1 r '1I r YY1 ItI1 14~ ~ ..~+r,~trt 14~ ...il I1r 1 \..41~V1 r~ .iI I"\.it°'+I Vr . 1I r,r r~: 11 hi iilrJinrr nffiri~.l ie ~~+iefiorJ +hr,+.~ho r~rnr~neorJ ~e►n.rU rnnfnrme fn +ho rorri iiromon+~ of +hin rnrlo NN114r11 14J VIIIVINI IV NGA~INIIV4r ~I IGA~ ~I IV l./I VI./VVVVI VYVI I\ VVI IIVI I I IV ~V ~I IV I V~NII VI I IVI IIV VI ~I IIV VV~.AV 12 ~nrl I~~n►e nnrJ nrrlin~nroe nnnlir►nhlo +horc+n +ho hi iilrlinn nffiri~l eh~ll ieei io n normi+ +hcrofnr 4.11141 14lYYV 411141 V1 41 11 1 411 1VVV 41~.,/`./IIV4lNIV LI IVI VVV, LI IV N411141 1 1 141 VIIIV1411 V114111 IVV41V 4i ~.,/V11111~ LI IVI VIVI 1.1V 13 ennn nr~r+ir~hlo V VVVI I 1.AV NI4IV~IV41N14:. 14 1 0. Ti1mo I °'i~iituivii,,.vf QNN~wutiv~ri:::: 15 . u~:::~~~'~rvu'~:rvris°' 1~r"W~r~Yhr~~'~'lI'i YI'~ri~~: p~A:~1~~t `y°:~"`iv~~.+~V~ y~r~~t~r'1~:~n ~`~.ay ~::::V11"~rA:::y~A~:~ 1~:~:~:~v~ri~1'1rg tl'+ 16 of ~nr~lir~+inn,,,eh~l wr~iro ,h~~ limi+~tinn ,~nrl..r~l,~ne ~nrl nfh~r rl~+~ „~i ihmi++orl fnr rn~io~nr,mr,~r rr~rr.lr. ~r ~~lrirV~trVi i..~+r r~rr ~..~~rr r...u~ irr r irr,rrr.iVi r rrr rrr Niti;,I IV u~ r~.r Vtr i~..~ ~rrrr,~ .yurrr r ~rit+:~.r r~r r ~rrrr..rrr► .r r i~~ 17 +haro~f+cr ho ra+i irnorl +n +hc nnnlir►nn+ nr rlo~+rn~rcrJ in nr►r+nrrlnnr+o ~n►i+h a+n+o In~n► her +ha hi iilrlinrr LI IVI V411~V1 NV 1 V~41111V41 ~V ~1 IV 41~.,/r,/IIV4111~ VI 41VV~1 V~ V41 111 4lVVV141411 IVV YY1~11 V~41~V 141YY N~ LI IV N411 141 11 1 41 18 nffiri~l Tho hi iilrlinrr nffir►inl m~~► ov+onrl +ha +imo fnr ~r+inn h~► +ho nnnlir+~n+ fnr n norinrl nn+ VV VIIIV1411. I IIV NN114t1114J VIIIV14tl 1114t~ vnw1141 ~I IV ~IIIIV IVI uV~IVI I N~ ~I IV 1.A f.,/p,/IIV4111~ IVI 4t NVI IV41 I IVI 19 ~-vroorlinn 1 S2(1 rJr,~i~ . V/~VVV\dllly 1VV VI~dYV: Zo h ~ nr~..lir~.~,inn~... m~~a ho,,...r~n..nolo.rJ fnr... i.n~r+nnf~.►....if ~n ~nnlir►.~n+ file .f.n roennnrl +n. +ho. ! `NN'1V41ti1Vr r.~i 11fuy faV V411 rvvlvu rV1-1r'I41V~I v1~y n 4,I I 41i.7'.Jrrvur r~ rjalrV °v r VvNV~°`r\a iv ~r rv 21 ,rwcar~ar+m,can+'~ ~n~ri++,can rcan~ ~cae+ 'fnr ~^pllieinne rnrrar+inne nr+inne nr arlrli+innal infnrma+inn ~~~i+hin.. ~.1':.N4~IiI1IVI1rV ti'VIIiiV1I I'1:414r'1.iVL 1V'i IVYIVIV11~, VV11VVr1V1IV, uV~IVIIV V1 rfid41fY1V1I~{..fl I1~iV1II7~{..1~1VII YYIIIIIr 22 Qn rl~~~e n.f. +ho...rlrfo of rani oe+ _Tho h~ iilrJinrr__nffir irl m.,~~► ov+anrl +ho rn~nnne~ r»rinrl h~~►nn.rl Qfl VV 4141rV V1 IIV 411.A~V VI 1V4I41VV~. I IIV N41111,A111y V111V1{dl IrI1,.IV V/\~V1141 IIV 14sVIJV1IVV l./V114141 NV~V1141 VV 23 rlwe if ~nri+hin +ho nrirrin~l Q~l_rJ~~► +imo norinrl +ho nnnlir+llnn+ nrn~►irlae nnrl ei iheorvi ion+I~► ~rlhcroe 4141 V II YYI~I III I ~I IV VI IyII I1rll VV 4,1.1 III I IV NVI IV4, ~I IV 41r,/r,/IIV411 1~ ~JI V V 141VV 411 141 V41NVV4,41V11~1~ 414111VI VV 24 +n nn ~nnrn~►orl erharli ilo ~n►i+h encrifir +nrrtic+ rJ~+oe fnr ei ihmi++inrr +ho fi ill ra~►ieinne rnrrar++inne nr ~V 1.i1 1 41NNI V Y V4+ VVI IV41411V YY1~1 1 VNVVIIIV ~1.AI yV~ 4,1.A~VV IVI V4,N1111«11 141 ~I IV 14111 I V Y IVIVI IV, VVI I VV~IVI IV VI 25 n~.hor.......nfn.rmrf...nn n.oorJ.orl h~► +h..o rlo.v»r~monf...._ V VII IVI- II II~/LI I IGA~IVII I IVVVIV41 Ny ~I IV 4rVhJGAI iI I IVI IL. 26 c:' T~;i° ~''uil~iiiy vffivial.:::~Y~ay.:::::::~n`4~:n~.~I~e I;fe nf.un .uN~livu~ivri if U"y.vf t~,~e f~~~::l::lovv~:~::11'11:\`/'~ 2 / cv~~~~~~n~. ~r~\~~t i.... (`mm~li~.nro. ~n►i+h +ho....C+~f.o ~n~nrn.nmo.n+r,I....Dnl.nv Q.r►+ i~... in r~.rnrrroee~.....n.r VVI I INIIUI IV4 VV I~1 1 ~I IV V~4+~V LI I V II VI II I IVl l~ul 1 VIIV~ / \V~ IV III LJI Vyr-VVV, VI 29 ii ~n~► n+hor ri+~► ro~►ia~nr ie in nrnrrroee• nrn~►irlorl +ho nnnlir~n+ hx ei ihmi++orl ~ 11. ! ►1 I V VII IVI VI~V 1 V V IVYY IV 11 1 NI V4J1 VVV, NI V Y 141V41 LI IV u`.1~./IIV411 IL 1 141V V41N1 I II~~V41 41 3o rmm~la+o raennnea +n rl+~► rani ioe+~ nr +ho hi iilrJinn nffirirl rJa+arminoe +hra+ i inirvi io nr i ini iei i_~_I VVI I If.,/IV~V I VVfo/VI IVV ~V VI~~ 1 V41NVVlV VI ll IV NN114,11 ly VIIIV1411 4,V~V1 I I III IVV ~I I1d~ 411 114,41V VI NI 141V1rr`~r rim ime+~nroe ovie+ +hr,+ ~nrrrrrn+ nrJrJi+innrl +imo fnr ei irh roennneo rnrl +ho hi iilrlinrr nffirirl 3 VII VNIIIV~uI IVVV VnIV~ ~I 141 YY4111411 IL uLA4+1~IVI 1411 ~IIIIV IVI VNVI..I....I.VNI/\,/r.NV.~....u~.....`r.V r✓.1~A\r.I.I..Iy....VVGA 1 32 ~l,ot°rmin°s +h~t tho ro~r~o~e; ;~::Nr~~a~~:.di~:g in .a tiiY+A~y m~~1'1~I:nA~ ~~irWl~:r~ f~'~c~.ll arty d:Av~~~i i~ ~ 33 l +~rrr,+inn ~nnine+ +ho rif~► nr„~r~r~Lirrnt ie in r~rnnrn~e +ho ni i+rnmo of ~n~hirh lr-~-. r_ri14Jc.1~IV1~ +~I~uII1V~ ~rrti.. Vi~~ Vi _.r~.rlrl✓r.~Vr..ir~r-i 1.7+ r-rr Ni~u4~r~~I..y, ~rr~.. ~ur,V~-rrr~.. Vr urrrr._~rVr~r- 34 m~~► ~ffor+ +ho ~►~lirli+~► nr +ho nrn~►ieinne of ~n~► normi+ ieei earl ni irei inn+ +n ei irh ~nnlir~+inn IIII.AY 4111VV~ IIV V1.A11411~Y VI IIV NIVYIVIVIIV VI 1.A11Y NV11111~ IVV41V41 ~./411V414111~ ~V V41V11 ur,/r,/IIV4l~IV11. 35 ~ 1/nlirJih► of Dormlli+ Tho ieei innro nr rrr~n+inrr of n normi+ eh~ll nn+ ho rnne+n icrJ +n ho ~ L./. V 41114,I~V VI 1 VI I I III. 1 IIV IVVNI..II IVV VI yI1.Al loll ly VI 1..1 NVI I I III V114111 I IVI NV VVI IVI NV41 ~V NV ce r~~rm.i.f fnr........nJr rn rnnrn~..►rl n.f rn~r ~►inl~+.i..nn of nn~a nf..f.ho r~..rn~►i.~inn~ of fhie r•nrJo nr of nnv n+hor 36 L/V1 1111 I V1 , VI 471 I 47NN1 V V 411 V1, 411 I V Y 1\,/1{d~~\,/1 1 Vr {d1 1 Y VI ~r IV (J~ V Y ~VIV1 rV VI ~r 11V VVVIV V1 \,/1 {.1~ rY V~r IV1 7 nrrJinrnro of +ho ii irierlir+inn Dormi+~ nroei iminrr +n rri~►o ri i+hnri+~► +n ~►inlr,+o nr rrnrol +ho 3/ vlLilllurrvv Vl 1~.rv,4fllv~.d'rVLlvll. 1 VIIIII~~.7 ~✓r'v..rU~""'111fy"""r,V y`rvv uu~l~vrlr,~"""~v vY'v1411ti V1 ""vurlvvr Li"'iv 3$ nrn~~ieanne of +hie rnrJo nr n~khc~r nrrlinanrcae of +h~ i~ ~rierlir#inn ehal~ nn+ hc~ ~~alirl Th~a ieei aanrca of lJ'I'VYI4Y7'VII~ VI ~II1V VV41V VI V'iIIVI... VI 4111I~,d11VVV V1 iIIV,4rIYV'4fI'V~L1V11 VI1~,dYi II4r i./V "Ir~,.flr4f: I IIV I~V1.1~,d1~lIV Vi 39 ~ normi+ h.~eorl nn .r+nnc+n ir++inn rJnri imon+e ~nrl n+hor rlrf,~ eh.~ll nn+ r~ro~ran+ +hn hi .ilrlinn nffiri~.l, 1.A IJVI l 111 N41VVb1 V1 1 VVI IVI N4!~IV1 1 41VVNI I IVI IIV {.Al 141 VII IVI 4141~{,A V1 14111 I IVI r,/1 V V V1 1~ ~I IV NN114111 141 V1IIVIG.11 4o frnm rcrvi iirinn +ha rnrrar+inn of orrnre in +ha rnne+n it+inn rlnri imcn+~ nnrl n+hor rln+n Tho II VI I I I V4I4,11 II ly ~I IV VVI I VV~IVI I VI VI I VI V III ~I IV VVI IVI 1.AV~IV1 I 41VV411I IVI IIV 1.A1 141 VII IVI 411.A~1.A. I IIV 41 hi iilrlinrr nffiri~l ie glen ~i i+hnri~orl +n nra~►on+ nrri in~nr~► nr i ieo of ~ ~+n it+i iro ~nrharo in ~►inl~+inn N4111 41 11 1y VIIIV14i1 IV 4lIVV 1.A 41~IIVIILV4+ ~V NIVYVII~ VVV41`./4111V~ VI 1.AVV VI 1.A V~141V~411V YYIIVIV 111 YIV14l~IV11 42 of +hie rnrlo nr of ~n~► n+hor nrrlin~nrce of +hie ii irierlir+inn VI ~I IIV VV41V VI VI 4111Y VII IVI V1411114A1 IVVV VI ~I IIV ,NI IV411V~IV11. 43 ~npi"rativi 44 ~~~~r~~ n,carnni+ iee~ ~ca~J ehall cavnrca +~n~n ~~caare frnm +hca rla+ca of iee~ ~anrca Thcarca shall hca r . Y VT"~ NCI I r Iri"IJ~.y"iA\..rr :rr I~L.fIr i..r\l.J+i~ V i~'Y 4! ~"\..ifl ~ I I "tJrr'1"r tI I' ~d4dL`ir Vr ~4~V4~..fl IVV. r I ti..r ~ "~.i'I r41y1 t~V' 45 nn ovfon~..nn~....rlln~~►orJ... I IV V/\~VI Iv71Vl IV G.IIIV11YV4r. 46 ~ ~~►on► normi+ eh~ll hcrnmc ni ill ~nrl ~►nirl h~► limi+~+inn if +ho ~n►nrU nn +ha ei+a ~i i+hnri~crJ L. LY VI Y ~./V11111~ V114111 NVVVI I IV 114111 4111\A Y V141 N~ 111111~41~IV1 1 11 ~I IV VY V11\ V11 ~1 IV VI~V 4141~I IVI ILV\A 47 h~► ei irh normi+ hre nn+ rnmmonror) ~n►i+hin 1 S2r1 rJwe of+ar irri innro Ny V41V11 fo/VIIIII~ 1141V IIV VVIIIIIIVIIVV41 YYI~IIIII IVV 4141~V 411~V1 IVV1d4111VV. 'Z wor,► normi+ ehall hornmo ni ill rnrJ ~►nirl if +ho ~n►nrlr ai i+hnri~orl nn +ho ei+o h~► ei irh 4 V V~ .L V_V.r .V.r r r r r_` ~.7.r r.G1 r r N V V V r. r. r.V r r.11 r r .GA r. r V1 V V r.~.A r r r r V Y Y. V.r r`..G111 `.r. r V.r I L V \1 V r r. `r r v. v r_` v. N J N v ~ r. y N y 49 ~rmrt rs s;~sp~ndd or aba"d^"°d for a N°ri^d of ~ ~n day s after the th° ~r"1►~rk is 5o rnmm,onr+orl Tho hi iilrl,inry nffir►i,al ehall rlo+~rminn +h~+ ~e►nrh h,ae h.oon „ei ier~onrl~rl nr ah.anrlnnorl. ~riu+r i ri r-rti..r iV+..~.r. -r- r rti.. rr~~,rirrrri 14~ ~r rr~r~r .yr r~ir ~+ti..r,~..r r i rir r~ tir r+~rr, rrrrVr r~ r r~.r.~ r~c..~..i r .yru.~+lrti..r I"~i'~.~d Vi ~.+n~r..ir r~.rVr rti.. 51 if mnro +hin 1 S2r1 rlwe h~~►o n~~eorl frnm +ho ~nnrn~►~I rJ~+o of ~ rorri iirarl inenar+inn ~nrl ~nrnrU 1 1 I I I V I V ~ 1 1 u 1 1 IVV 4141 Y V 1 1 {.t Y V r,/ {.t V V V 41 1 1 1 1 1 ~ 1 1 V {.t r,/ r,/ 1 V Y 4l 1 4141 ~ V V 1 {.t 1 V 4, 1A 1 1 V \.A 1 1 1 V r,/ V V ~ 1 V 1 1 {.t 1 1 \.A Y Y V 1 1. 1 h~~ nn+ I°rri+imn+°h► nrnnr°~~°rl +n +h° nnin+ of r+nllinrr fnr +h° n°v+ lip+°rJ r°rIi iir°rl inn°r►+inn I Il.d~.7 I IVI IVy11111I{.dLVly NI Vyl Vv7VV41 ~V LI IV NVII IL VI V411111 ly IVI LI IV I IV!\L IIVLV41 I V4ILAll V41 II IVNVV~IVI I 2 o~or~~1 .~~n.r~~l.or ~nrr ~ tin7nQn`n~. 3 F. VuJ~°rfJl"Vrf Vr I `~VV~VCatlVfl. The b{illLillg VffIV1a~ IJ auLhVrizV~Lr LV V{riJr7e11\.i`Vl IeV~VI\V~ G~.i'pV~r1IG 4 i~~~ ~,carl ~ ~nrlcar +hc~ r~rn~►i~inn~ of ~Fhi~ ar+n,rlca ~n~hcarca~~car +hca r~carmi+ i~ i~e~ ~carl in carrnr nr nn +h,ca ha~ie of rV~71.r'i.~4r l+ll I41'i.~I LT r~.. ~J'r'1.Jrrr:yl4yl I~ VI L7 IrV V'VLdV YYI IVI V Y'VI Lr 1'V ~JV7 I r lrL rV I~~l+lV41 Il r \.ir r Vr '1.JI Vr I LI iV NL.rr~rV VY 5 in..rnrror++ .,n~r►ri Ir~fo nr, inr►nmr~l.o+o .,nfnrm~+inn nr in,,~iinl~+inn, of ~n\~ nrrlin..~nrn nr.roni..l°+in.n nr 11~IVVI1-VVL, 1114iVVN1L.rLV V1~- 11IVVIIINIVLV 11IIV1~-1I ILALIVII, VI 111 VIVI{,ALIV1~~1 VI c111Y VI 4111~1{dIIVV VI ~VyN14111V11 V1... 6 ~n~► of +h° nrn~►i~inn~ of +hi~ r+nrl° ('nnrli+inn~l n°rmi+~ mn~► h° r°1►nU°rl fnr fnili ir° +n r+mm~l~► ~n►i+h 4111 VI ~IIV NIVVIVIVIIV VI 1111.7 VV41V. VV114,ILIV11{..11 NV111111~.7 11141 NV IVYVI\V41 IVI ILdIINIV LV VVIIINI~ YVILII 7 ~nnlir►~hl° r►nnrli+inn VNNIIV4lNIV VVI 141111V1 IV..: Dl~n°m°n+ of D°rmi+ Th° hi iilrlinrr n°rmi+ nr nnn~► ~h~ll h° Ir°n+ nn +h° ~i+° of +h° ~n►nrlr i in+il 8 V. r~~~r r r~r. ~ ter.; r.~ N~~ ~ ter. ~ .r r.~r. N~ ~.r ~r.~ .r~~ ~ ~ yY~ ~.r. y N NY N 9 the ~^"nplet~^~ of t►~~ Nrn~~rt ~~r~ ~ ~ 7f1f17~ (1r~1 ~R7d ~ `1f1~~~ ~fl~d 10 15.07.060 Construction documents. 11 A. Submittal Documents. Construction documents, special inspection and structural 12 observation programs, and other data shall be submitted in one or more sets with each 13 application for a permit. The construction documents shall be prepared by a registered design 14 professional where required by the state of Washington. Where special conditions exist, the 15 building official is authorized to require additional construction documents to be prepared by a 16 registered design professional. 17 Exception: The building official is authorized to waive the submission of construction 18 documents and other data not required to be prepared by a registered design professional if it is 19 found that the nature of the work applied for is such that review of construction documents is not 20 necessary to obtain compliance with this code. 21 1. Information on Construction Documents. Construction documents shall be 22 dimensioned and drawn upon suitable material. Electronic media documents are permitted to be 23 submitted when approved by the building official. Construction documents shall be of sufficient 24 clarity to indicate the location, nature and extent of the work proposed and show in detail that it 25 will conform to the provisions of this code and relevant laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, 26 as determined by the building official. 27 2. Fire Protection System Shop Drawings. Shop drawings for the fire protection 28 systems} shall be submitted to indicate conformance with this code and the construction 29 documents and shall be approved prior to the start of system installation. Shop drawings shall 30 contain all information as required by the referenced installation standards in Chapter 9 of the 31 IBC. Shop drawings shall be prepared by a certified individual as required by the state of 32 Washington. 33 3. ~~°~n~ of ~rrr°~~ Th° r+nn~+ri ir++inn rlnr+i im°n+~ ~hnll ~hnlnr in ~i iffir+i°n+ rl°+nil +h° IVIV4111~.7 VI `yl4t~.7~.7. 1 I IV VVI I~711 NVLIVII 4rVV1dI I IVI I1V ~.711{.All ~.711VYY 111 ~.71AlIIVIV111 4rV11All LI IV In.n~+inn nnn~f.n ink„..nn ~i~°....~nrJ.....nh~..r~.~+°r nf....~ll r~.nr+inn~ of +ho mo~n~....nf orrr°~.e in....r+nm.r~li~nno 34 1VVULIVI 1, VVI IvLr UV11Vf 1, NrLV 4rI ILr V1 14iI UVLVI V 1 4r I1 '.JVI LIVI IN LJI Lf 1V 111VL.rI IN 4Tf VyI Vv7vT III 1/Vl 11iJ11Ui7VV 35 v~rith the pr^~rrisi^ns of this c^d°: In ^th°r than ^ccupancres inrrv~p~ as apNlicable ;n 36 IR~\ ~°r+inn 1 f11 ~nrl I_'1 +h°.rnn.~+n In+inn..,r~nr imon+r; ~h~ll. rlo~.nn~fn +ho ni imh~r of 1✓V VVVLIVI 1 1 V 1 .L, {dl IV1 1 1 ~ LI IV VVI IV11 NVLIVII \AVVNI I IVI ILV V11{.dll 41VV1411 1{rILV LI IV 1 INI I IN4►1 V1 37 nr+r►i inn+~ +n h° ~r+r►nmmnrl~+°rl nn °~►°r~► flnnr ~nrl in III rnnm~ ~nrl ~n~r+°~ VVV41N41111V LV NV 41VVVIIIIIIV41411V41 VII VYVI Y IIVV1, 411141 III {.All 1 VVIIIV 411141 VN4IVVV. 38 /I ~v+°rinr IAhll ~n~►°Inn° ('nn~+n ir►+inn rJnr+i im°n+~ fnr nll hi iilrlinrr~ ~h~ll rJ°~r►rih° +h° L/\LVIIVI YYN11 LIIVVIVNV. VVIIV711NV11Vll 41VVNIIIVIILv7 IVI UII NN114r1114Jv7 v711U11 41Vv7VIINV LIIV 39 °v+°rinr Inr~ll °n~►°Inn° in ~i iffini°n+ rl°+ail +n rl°+°rmin° r+mm~li~nn° In►i+h +hi~ nnrl° Th° V!\LVI IVI YYU11 VIIYVIVNV 111 VNIIIVIVIII 414r11A11 LV 41VLV11111114r VVIIIN114111VV YY1111 LIIIV VV41V. 1 114r III .n.n..~..~..r.~....~..r►.~.i..~.n.......~.n.n.~.....~...,~..r~..#..~.........~..h r~..r~.a..►..i.~..~.......~..~.~..a..i..l...~........~.~......~.h.,~.......,~.~.~.,~.r.i..~..r......~.~.~..a..l..l........,~.n..a..►.,~.l..n.n,~.........a..~.........ran..~.....~..i..r~~ ...............i...r~..r►..l..~.....~.~..i..n.n. 40 VV11NG1 LdVL1V1 I \iVVL.iff IVI lTJ Jl ILAII h/I VV f\rV LLivLU11N VI 11 IV V/\LLi7VI VVU11 V11VL1V,JL UJ f~/MUfI VLI~ 1I1L/I{.iLillly 41 flaehinrr in+c~renn+inn ~~►i+h r~i~~imilar ma+c~rial~ rnrn~ar~ ,~anrl rlc~+ail~ r►nn+rnl nnin+e in+~r~~an#inn I141..7+r rlr r\~, r1 11~..1.7+L.Vlrrrrr r~.7 vv 1il 1 °\dl.y..►Ir 1 rlr4lr r I ri11"1.~1 r41r..7, 4rVr 1 1'VI..~+, r..r IL.r"Ld'i.r141`rl~.r, V4►r r1r yr ~~;rrr rL..rr~ rl rL~.r..7\.i.rlrvr r:~+ 42 °f. rnnf .nr r~~r~np+~ mn~.ne of rlr~in~nn ~n~°+or_rn~.e+i\~o mom hr~no..,~nrl.,,rln+~il~ ~rni Inrl, 411 1 VV1, V{.. V VV VI N411 LAh/VLV, 11 IVNI IV VI 411 {x111 ILA VI V, VIILALVI 1 VVIV11 V V I I IVI I IN1 {.AI IV {.AI 141 41VLLAlIV {:r11 VNI-IVI 43 nn°ninir~ Th° nnn~+n in+inn rJnni irrr°n+~ ~hnll innli irJ° r~nni ifnn+i it°r'~ ins+nlln+inn ins+n in+inn +hn+ VNVI III IyV. 1 I IV VVI IV11 41VLIV1 I 4,VVLAI I IVI I1vT x.711{.111 II IV14141V I I I{.AI 1411{.AVLNI VI V 111~.71{.lll{.111V1 l II I~.711 41VLIVI IV 111{.AL 44 nrn~►i7^I° ~i innnr+inrl rlnr►i im°n+n+inn +hn+ +h° nrnnn~°r! n°n°+rmi+inn ~n7^I nn°ninn rl°+nil~ rJ°~r►rih°r! NIVYI\dV V41NNV1111141 41VVLAl1IVIILL.i11V11 LI11.A1 LIIV NIVNVVV4+ NVIIVLILALIVII 411141 VNVIIIIIy \dV14111V 41VVV1INV41 in....+ho......r►nn.~+n i.r +innV......rJnna. imo.n+~....m~i.n.fmin......rho.....~.n►°~.fhor......r°ei_~+~n.n° nf +ho......°v~onnr.....~n►~L..L.....°n~aolnr~.o..... 45 11.1 11 IV VVI IN11 NVLIVI I \AVVNI I IVI 11.7 I I IGAII ILGAII I 11 IV YYVLAII IVI- I Vv71v71GAl IVV VI 11 IV V/\LVI IVI- VYLAII VI I V VIVNV. T.h.,~........~..~.....~..n..n.,n1.r.~.i...r~..n........~..~.~.~.....~..n~.,~.r~.~...a.~.i..ra.r~........~...k~...a..l..l........~~.....~..1..1.~.~........~..~.~..n.r.i..h..,n,.......~..h.,n,......., ~.~.~.~.r.i.,r~..r......a.~.~..a..l..l.........~..a.~..~.~.~.n~........a.~.~.h..i.~.h........~~~..a..~........~.,~..~..~.,n,.~....... 4V 1 11\.. ~7UNNv1 L1I i4~ uV'4/'4r11i\.,11141i1V'11 X71 IL~li1 1LdI7~ Vr.~V1INV 111'i.i \.~7\L\.i11V'r YVU11 ~7y~7LL.i1i1 VY11iV11 11vU~7 14~~.Y1'i.i.I 47 ~nhorn, °r~nlir►°hlo ~ncnll +hn +oet nrnr+°rla. ir° i..i~nr^1,,, vvI IVI V L.r~.J+~J'IIL.71.rMJrIV, ~4y vrr'V~I L:rV' LI r'1, Lti...7'i NI iJr'vi..ti,I'I.dI V ,rV"1.r1.i. 48 w.n°n#.nn•..Ci ih..°n+fn +h.o ~r~.r~rn~.~l of +ho... hi iil.rJinrr...nffini~l R 'z....(lno ~n.rl T~.~►n ~.~mi.l.~.. L/\VVNLIVI I. VNNVVL LV LI IV UNNI VvUI VI 11 IV NN114111 ly VIIIVIUI, 1 \ V, VI IV UI 141 11rYV 1 UI I III 49 n~~~olings~ an~ ~ ~ vcv~p~~n~~~~ n~~y b~ °~°1"'rpt frn~ the ~t'~!~ng r°~uir°1"'~o~t~ ^f this ~°vti^". 1 R Ci+o Dl~n Tho r►nn~+rl lr►+inn rlnr+l Iman+~ cl Ihmi++orl ,nri+h +ho ~nnlir►~+inn fnr normi+ ~h~ll ha xJILV 1 1,,111. 1 1 lxd VV11~.7L1 ~.,,VLIV11 V1VV\~111r.,I ILV ,.~\~N1111LLVV1 YYI111 1I Ix. urf✓IIVULIVI I IV1 rx.111111 ,.~1 IuII Nr.. a~r+mm~anicrl her ~ ei+o nlan ehn,nrinn +n er►alo +ho ei~o and Inr►a+inn of no,nr r+nne+ri ir►+inn and 2 LAVVVr r r .Nr r.r.vV N. .N .J.rGv r.Nr r. Jr.rv.~.~.r.r.r `v vv~r.v Gr rv. vr`v..Nr r.V r.vv~.Grvr r. yr r.rv~.~. vv.r rv.Gr NvGrvr r..Nr.rV. 3 °n»ti"y VG1 {riLtUr~V .orf LI~~ V"IL°, xLrlJLal IVeV fr~~~ IVL I~no,~~ t~e ~J:tU~l.~,Jlr'~I~,C~Lafad Jt~,eot 5'~u~e~ un~ t1r'11L~ 4 r~rnnnecarl finiehcarl rrrarlcae and ae ar~nlir►ahlca flnn,rJ ha~arrl arcane flnnrl~n~a~~e and rlcaeirln flnnrl. ~,.rrxrNxyJ~xr -1I1 lr.yrli..rl yr uxr~.J G+1 Ixa, u..► 1,1~,rN11VUNll, 11'Vx.Jxd 1 rG,ILUI_VI Larx..u..r, Ilvx,~x~rvv4y J, 411 lxa rli....►r~l 1 11VVr,+ 5 nl..~,iafnn~.~ and i+ e.hall.ho rl.ra,ern in .~r►rnrr~anr+o an~i+h .gin ~rrllra+~ hnllnr~ara~ lino e1lr,in~r.., In tha VIVV4111V1IV, \.111V1 IL VI14i11 NV VII 41YY11 111 41VVV1V14i1IVV VYILII {.111 NVVNI4iLV h/VNIIV14i1 Y 111IV VNI VV~ 111 GIIV 6 r+~~c of rlamnli+inn +ho ~i+o nl~n ~h~ll ~hn,nr r+nn~+rl lr++inn +n ho rlomnli~horl ~nrl +ho Inr+~+inn ~nrl V{.1VV VI VIVI I IVIILIVI I, LI IV VILV ./1411 I VI 14111 VI IVYY VVI IVLI 41VLIV1 I LV NV V1V11IVIIVI IVVI 411141 11 IV IVVLALIVI I 4ll IVI 7 ~i~a of ovi~+inn ~+rl 1r++1 Irate ~nr! r►nn~+rl lr►+inn +h~+ era +n rom~in nn +ha ~i+o nr nln+ Tho hl lilrlinn V1LV VI Vn1V1111x..1 V11 x.+VLx.11 VV 411 1x.1 VVI IV11 x.lV11V1 I 111416 411 V LV I VI114111 I VII LI IV V11V VI r1V1. 1 I IV NM111xd111xA nffinial ie ai i+hnri~orJ +n ,nrairre' nr mnrJif,► +ho rorvi iiromon+ fnr a ei+o elan ,nrhon +ho annlir►a+innf./nr 8 Vrr.rvrur rv..uN_`rr.vrrLV~ .`v ~.~.urVV yr rrrv~rr `rrv rv Nrrvrrrvrr` rvr. .u Jr`v r.urr Y~rrvrr .`rr.v.u rrvu`rvr.r rvr. y `1 N N N g ~°rmi~ i~ fir alt~r,~tinn o~ r~pa~r n~,r ~~n~h~n ,n,th,~nl"rr~~° ~"r~4a+rrunt°'~1: 10 ~vamina~kinn of ~l~nr►1lcan#~ Thca h~ lilrlin,rr nffir►ial ehall caxaminca n.r r►a1 Seca 'Fn hca cav:annin.ca,~. 1`rrul l x11 rurrx~r r xi1 ~xivurl rx..r ICJ. r "1"1'x.i N`'.d111.r11`1x~ xyI rrx.r141`r ..rrr 1~11r x..rrur 11'1'1 rx.. ~+1 uu~J~ x,~ rrr: r..rrrll r 1r11x.rr 11 +ho ar+r+mm~an~nnrr...r+nne+rl Ir++Inn.. rlnn.i Imo.n+~ and .ehala aer+or+~.n by e1 Ir+h oyam.na+inne ~nrhof.hor LI IV 41VVV1 I II./{.11 I~ II Ix`.J VVI INGI NVLIVI I VIVVNI I IVI ILV G.11 IVI VI 14111 41VVV1 LLAII I N~I VNVI I V/\411 I III 14111V1 IV YYI IVLI IVI 12 +ho r►nn~+rl Ir►+inn inrlir+~+orl ~nrl rlo~r+rihcrJ i~ in ~r►r+nrrl~nr+o ,n►i+h +ho rorll liromon+~ of +hi~ r►nrlo LI IV VVI IVLI 41VLIV1 1 II IVIIV411VV1 411141 xAVVVI INVVf IV 111 4lVVVI xA411 IVV YY111 1 ll IV 1 Vx..,4111 VI I IVI ILV VI LI IIV VVxAV 13 ~nrl n+hor nar+inon+ I~,nr~ nr nrrlin~nr+o~ 4111, VLI Ix.l f../r.,I 6111x11 11 141YYV V1 V1 x.,11114111VxrV. 14 3. Use of Consultants. Whenever review of a building permit application requires 15 retention by this jurisdiction for professional consulting services, the applicant shall reimburse 16 this jurisdiction the cost of such professional consulting services. This fee shall be in addition to 17 the normal plan review and building permit fees. This jurisdiction may require the applicant to 18 deposit an amount with this jurisdiction estimated in the discretion of the building official to be 19 sufficient to cover anticipated costs to retaining professional consultant services and to ensure 20 reimbursement for such costs. ~Qnr~rn~~al of ~'nnetrll/'+inn rlnr+~ ~mcan+e .111/h,An +ho hl lilrlin,rr nffiar+ial iee~ lcae a ncarmi+ +hca 21 2. r~Nrvv4lr vl v~x,~l IJL1r.Ix.111V'11 VVV1.11r1r.I11J. -Y vl1x..11 111v Nx.lllxr111~ v~lrlr.rrur 1..~..~G1x..J a ~r..l 1x111, _L1 lx 22 r+nne+rllr++inn r~nr►1lmonf,~ eh.~ll h.o ~r.nrn,rorJ .n ~n~ri+inn,nr h,r ~+amr~,,, ae.."~r~r~rn,inr~ C11hi.or++ Tn VVI IV11--ViV11V1 1 VIVVNI-I~IVI ILV VI 14111 NV \;rlNrl V V VxA, 11 1 VY1.1111 1V1 VI Nr VG4II I II./, 41V / \I./IJI V V Vbl, V4iN,VVG 1~--V 23 Rialrl In~nor++inn " (lno ~a+ of r+nn~+rl lr,+inn !Yn/~I Imon+c ~n ro,rio,n►arl ~h~ll ho ra+~inorl by +ha 1 IVlxd II IV~./VVGIVI I. VI IV VVL VI VVI IVLI NVLIVI I VIVV4111IVI ILV VV I V V IVVVVVI VI 14111 NV I V14lll IVVI N~ 11 IV 24 hl lilrlinrl nffir+i~l Tho n+hor ~a+ ~h~ll ho ro+1 Irncrl +n +ho ~nnlir+~n+ ~h~ll ha Uon+ +ho ~i+o of ,nrnrU N4111xd111xA VIIIV14i1. 1 IIV V11IVI VVL V114111 NV 1 VLxil I IVVf LV LI IV x.IrrllVx.11 I1, V114t11 NV 1xV~../1 4t1 LI IV VILV VI YYVI lx a..nrJ ~..hall.....ho n.r~on......fn In..ono.r++Inn.....h,r...f.ho......h...1 Iilrl...nrr .n.fflr+l.al nr..._a rJ.i....il~_~ 711+h.n.rl~orl ror~.ro~on+a~.i,~o. 25 GAI-IVI `71.14111 NV VrVI I LV II IV`./VVLIVI I N~ 11 IV NNIIVIII ly VI IIV11.11 VI a V1N1~ L.IN11 IVI ILVx.I I VI./I Vv7Vl ILGALI V V. 26 ~ha..ecal~......A.n..nrn,r~I Tho h..1....1..il~in.,n nff...ir►ia.l.......i~ .a..1...1th.~n..ri~ca,l~ tn.....i~~11o a...r'~.,~arr~..i..# ~n.r....thl;a V. 1 1 rLdVLVr r ~NN1 V V 411. 1 IIV NVillxallly x.7111V1uI 1J UUL1 1Vf 1LLG LV IV~7NV u i7VI1T11L IVl LI1V 27 r+nne+1~'~ ~~++1n~n of fn~..~nrl~+inne, nr ~n,r n+hcar: raar~ of a ha ailrlinr~ nr .~+r1 ~rc~, hcafnrca +..hca r~nne~F:r1 1/'+inn: r.rvr r..►Lr 41iv11~r 1 ~+i r~+~ll Ixdu11V1 I..i+. r.r1 411 1y V11 1'1x1 Iv411 ti xil I:al NL.rilxall 1~ Vr ~71r 1.1'111411"1.+ N'irlVrx. it 1'v `VVI rJLr+r.,Ir.rG~Vr1 rlnr►i Imon#~ fnr...+ho..~nrhnlo h1..111rJ.n.r1 nr ~+r1...ir++1 Irp ha~roh.oon....e1 Ih.ml++orJ n.rnvi.rlorl ....+ha~...arlo.rvl Ia.~o. VIVV411IIV111~.7 IVI LIIV YYIIVIV NNIIViIIIVJ VI V114rV1NlV 1141YV NVVII V4INIIIILLVVI, `./IVV14rVV1, 11141 41VIVx1NGALV Zg infnrm~+inn ~nrl rla+~ilorl ~+~+amon+e h~,ro hoan filorJ r►mm~l,►inn ,nri+h ncr+inon+ rarrl liramcn+~ of 1111 x./1111x.111V11 4111,,, x,IV14111x,V1 VLx..I1V111V1 11V 1 141Y V NVV11 111xdx,rl x./x./1llrly 111y YY1111 rxd11111V111 1 Vx,~x.111 V111V111V x./1 30 +hi~ r+nrJa Tho hnlrlor of el Ir►h normi+ fnr +ho fnl Inrl~+inn nr n+hor nor+~ of ~ hl lilrlinn nr ~+rl 1/'++1 Ira 11 llV VVxav. 111,, 1 IVlx.lxfl V1 Vx.+V11 rV111111 1V1 111xf IV1..II Ix.11.111V11 VI V11 Ixfl x411 GV xJl 41 Nx.lllxall ly xJl ~.7111..IV11dI V ehall nrnnoorJ +ho hnlrlor'e n,nrn rieU ,nri+h +ho hi Iilrlinrr nnora+inn and ,nri+hnl 1+ aeel Iranr►o +ha+ a 1 11 11 1 u1 111x.1 11x.71 .................1 VYY11 11~.71r YY1111 111 11 111 1 1 11 11 Yv111 1 11 11 3 V u r V V.,,,~, ~ V A N N x,+ y V r~ 1,11 V u u 1 V,,11 41V V 41 a V~ 1 1,11 u 32 r~i# fnr tho ontiro ~±rNV±N,ro, vvr~ll hA grunts Il~ei.cln Qrnfn~einn~l in Rocnnneih.l.n ~`harrl.o,, 33 1::1"x.~J14~1 l 1 1`VI~J.yrVIIC..11 111 1 `i1JrV11V11,~'1'1.r ~r1411r~x.. 34 ~ (~oncr~l lA/hon i+ ie rortil lirorl +h~+ rlnr►1lmon+e ha nron~rorl h,r ~ rrl I~IifiorJ rorri~+crarJ 1 . Vx,1 1xd1 {.A1. Y Y 1 1x,1 1 11 1V 1 Vx.~x.111 x,x.l 11 1{.AL x,IV Vx.1111V1 11V NV r1 Vrx.11 x,x.l Ny I..I x.~xA411111Vxn 1 Vy1VGV1 x.x,l 35 ~°cirln nrnfoeeinn~l +ho h11ilr~Jinrr nffir►i~l ~h~ll ho 71 1+hnri~arl +n rarrl lira +ho n,nrnor +n onrl~rro ~nrl x.lxrvlyll p.7IV1VVV1x..11411, 1llxd NNIIx.1II1y x..111x.,1411 ..114111 Nx. 41411I1VIILx.,x,l 1V 1x.,x,~4111x., 1llxd VYY11.,1 LV xdlly4ly,, 4111x,1 rl.c~lrr„n~+q,,,,,n,,n +ho hl lilrl.i..nrl r~.crmi+ ~nnllr,a.~lnn.......~ rorrl~~oror~,,,,,,rlo~irrn nrnfc~~lnn~l ,nrhn shall ~r+f .a.~.. 36 VlvVlx~lI411V V1 1 11 1V NNIIxAII ly r,/V1 11111 uh.,rll..r4IG1x.,11 4I 1 VVIIVLVI x,xe 41x.ivl-y11 N1 x,l„,.~VI„°I 14,x..-VY1 1\1 _~114rr 4I,,,~--4,J +ho ronie+ororl r~oeirrn nrnfoeeinn~l in roennneihlo nharrro If +ho nirr+l Ime+annoe ror11 tiro +ho 37 tir`rv I vyrV>;vl v41""41VV1y1 1 hrl vlx.v.lrvl 1411 111 rv~ilVr`rvlNrv Vr x1,11 yV'~" 11 Lr`v Vrr Vurr`IVLUr`ivv.~1"I `x.1'4111 v~ "11 Iv 38 na~►~ncar ehall rlcaeirrn~+o a the+i+1 1+o rca,~lietcarcarl rlcaei,rrn nrnfcaeeinnal in rcaeranneihlca r►har,~rca an~hn xy>rvl 1~1 JI 11,111 x.r~~1~1 IuGV a J41N~71rLx~LV 1 x..y1~Gi..r x.rx~r x,1r..yly11 ~J1 Vlx....~..yrVl 11dr 111 rx:...7~.rxr1 1~.71N1'xr vl lul y~' vvlly 39 ehall r~orfnrm fh~ rl.i 1+io~ ronlliror) of +ho nrini.nal roniefnrocl rln~inn ,,nrnf~eei.nnal..in rnenn.neih.ln. V1 1\.dll rxll 1x11 111 11 Ix/ V1 V111VV 1 x.x~\..III x/V1 \/1 11 1x, Vl lyll 14,1 i x,y1V1V1 x,41 xex/Vlyl l rl x!I„VV1„114,1 111 1 x/Vrx11 1~.711J1x:i 4o r+h~rrro Tho hl lilrlinrr nffir►i~l ~h~ll ho nn+ifiorJ in ,nrri+inn h,r +ho n,nrnor if +ha rcrri~+orcrJ rlo~inn V11411y,,. 111,., Nxellx,1111y xJlllxll{.ll V114,11 NV I1VL111Vx,1 111 YY111111y Ny 111xd VYYIIVI II L11V 1x.,y1VG,,1x.,,,, x,l,,Vlyll 41 nrnfo~~inn~l in rc~nnn~ihlc r+h~rrro i~ r►h~nrlcrJ nr i~ 1 In~hlo +n r+nn+inl to +n ncrfnrm +ho rll 1+ic~ `./1 V1VVV1V1 1411 11 1 1 VVrV11V1N1V x./1 1{.A1 yV 1V V114i1 1yx,xe x./1 1V x.1111.iN1V LV Vx./11111 11..1V LV rx/1 1x./1111 111V x,Ix.111VV. 42 Tho rorli~+oror! ~c~irln nrnfo~~inn~l in rc~nnn~ihlo r,h~rrlo ~h~ll ho ro~nnn~ihlo fnr ro,rio,nrinrl ~nr! 1 11x/ 1~Vy1VGV1 V~I~-IVV1y11r~,1 V1VVV1V114,1 111 1 VVrV11V1N1V V114,1 yVV11-'4111 NV 1 VVrV11V1N-'1V-' 1V1 1 VY_'1VYY1h1,1y 4111~I 43 coold~.na11-'ng VuN11Y1~itLGadl:.::VIOVU~~~alr~ltJ Nr~NUr~~..~.by 1J:th~V.~:J' 111~I:v;~~::~:~g phavLi~d U:Ir1l~ ~:LCaf~:~:~~~ ,JUNff!fILLU::;: 44 i~Flame fnr ar+mm~a+ihili+~~ ~n~i+h +hca rlcaeirln of +hca h1 Iilrlinrr ~~Ihcarca ~+r1 ~r►+~ lral nhecar~ra+inn ie rca,rrl Iirca,~. 11x.1 1 r..rr, rxi'1 x.rxyl r i~.l4111Nr111~+ ...vvx11 i 11 Ix."41x.i~.7rx~i 1 1 xyr LI Ix: N4ir1u1r Ix~. v v1"1'1x1 x.'.y11 41`1411 L.II xi'N~7"ir1 uLlxl r rJ `I x.x„~L.~i11 x.xr 45 h~~ IR(' Cor++inn 17.f1C1 #ho inenon+inn nrnrrram ehall namo..+ho....lnrli~~Ir111~1 nr...flrme ,nrh.n aro +n Ny 1 V:, vxv11x.71-1 11 11 lx.r 11-1Vr,,.,GlV1-1 rl.ry1411 r 1 V11~,111 11,1111,, G11,, 111,1 ~ l,,l,,lul V1 111111,.E YY r IV 411,, G„ 46 ncrfnrm ~+rl Ir►+1 Ir~l nh~anr~+inn ~nrl rJo~r►riho +ho ~+~rra~ of r►nn~+rl lr►+inn ,n►hir+h ~+rl 1r++1 Ir~l h/VI IV1111 V1141V1411411 VNVVI V4111V11 4111V1 VIVVVIINV LIIV V141xJ.VV VI VVIIVLIxAV11V11 x.11 YYIIIVII V1141V1411411 47 nh~anr~+inn i~ +n nr+r►1 Ir /moo ~I~n rll 1+ia~ enor►ifiorl in IR(' Cor++inn ~ 7(1/11 „ VNVVI vc.111V1 I IV w VVV411 ~Vx.rv uIVV x.14111vV V`..7xlVlllVV1 111 1L.7v vvV11Vl I I 1 V~~. R IloforrorJ G Ihmi++ale Rnr +ho n1 Irnneoe of +hie eor++inn rloforrorl e1 Ihmi++ale aro rJofinorl ae 48 L.. VVIVI I VVI VNNI I1111411V. 1 VI 11 IV x411 rVVw VI 11 IIV VVVLIVI I, xaVlVl I VVI VNNI I IILLUIV ul V VIVIII IVV1 uV 49 thos° ;~o~ions of tie ~o~~y" t!~ut s~brr;itted at the.ti;~;e of ±~e uppl'i'1'r.7utior r urn th't t 5o h~ ellhmi+f~rl +,n +ho h1l,lrlinrl nffirial,anri+h,n a ,~1~or+ifinr~l, r»rinr~ __Il~fnrral„nf ~,n,~ e,11hm_i++al„i+om, rrti:. JIAI~'1 r 111x1..41 rV Lr Ix:i I,~Lxlrx.lll 1~ x~llrL.i11.11 .vvILI 111 r 41 .ylJ+x.1;111Ix.r41 I,.r1..1 r~41. "l..i"1.~1"111 411. V1 ~rll 1~ ~.7.d1.1111"1111.11 x11.11 ry 51 ~h~ll h„►o +ho nrinr ~nnrn,r~l of +ho hl lilrlinrr nffir+i~l Tho rorri~+ororl rla~irrn nrnfo~~inn~l in V114111 11uY V 111V r11x.r1 41rr1 x.~Y411 x./1 611x.. Nx.111x.1111y x./111x./1{.11. 1 11x.. 1 Vy1V1V1 Vxd x,lxrvlyll r./1 V1wVlx/11411 111 1 ree,nnn~ihlo r►hnrrle ~h~ll limit tha rlafarrarJ ~i ihmitt~le, nn tho r►nne,tn ir+tinn rJnr+i imont~ fnr ro~iiolnr I VV~./VI IVINIV VI I1.A1 yV VI 11.111 IIVL LI IV 41VIV1 I V41 V6AN11111141IV VII LI IV VVI IVLI 6AVLIVI I 41VV6A1I IVI ILV IVI I V Y IVYY h~~ the hi iilrlinn nffi^i~l Ilnr+i imonte fnr rloforrorl ei ihmitt~l home eh~ll ho ei ihmittorl to the 2 N~ LIIV N411141111y VIIIVIGAI. VVV41111VIILV IVI 41VIVIIV41 VNNIIIILLG41 ILVIIIV VIIGAII NV VNNIIIILLV41 LV LIIV 3 registr~d..d~sg;. prufessiv; ~ul ;~~sp~s;bl~ ~~urg~. v~yhv s~;.ull ;~~v,e~~„ th;~; Ud fv, vv~u::~d tlh,:,LAm .:iv 4 th° blA~l\~dlr Ig Vff I'^V~i~.ll Y~Wltl I G~.I I InV'tC~.IYrV~ I~'1.I1~VL~.Iting thri~.l tlr'll~ L.f~fr~~\"d ~"~i.~Ibrml rltti~.ll '1.InV'^VrdI~I~IY11t~ Ir'11~1YA~ 5 r~~~in~nrorl ~nr~l hoon fni .nr~l to hn..,in n.onor~l r+nnfn.rm~nr+~ fn th..o r~oeiryn..,nf thn hi..iilrlinn T.ha. IVVIVVYV41 {.A1141 h/VV1~~1 IVN1141 LV NV 111 yV11VY-1r11 VVIIIVI~IIIG41-IVV GV LIIV 41VVIy11 VI LI~IV NN114111~1y. 1~~-IIV 6 rlcfarrarl ~i ihmittnl itom~ ~h~ll not ho in~t~llarl i intil tho rJo~irrn ~nrl ~i ihmittnl rlnr►i imont~ h~~io 41VIVIIV41 V4INIIIILLG41 ILVIIIV VII1.All IIVL NV IIIV16AlIV41 NIILII LIIV 41VVIylI {..11141 V6AN1111116d1 41VVNIIIVIILV 116AYV 7 hoon ~nnrn~iorJ by tha hi iilrlinrl nffir+inl Tha hi iilrlinrl nffir+inl i~ ni ithnri~arl to r►hnrrlc nn nrJrlitinn~l NVVI 1 {.A`./~./I V Y V41 N~ LI IV N1d114111 ly VIIIV16A1. 1 1 IV N6A114111 ly VI IIV16A1 IV 6A14111V1 ILV41 LV VI 16A1 yV 1..111 644141111V1 16A1 nl~n ro\~io~e~ foo to ov~li into rloforrorl ~i ihmitt~l~ i inrlor tho nrnvieinne of this ~o^tinn r,/IGAII IVYIVVY IVV ~V VVGAINGA~V 41VIVIIV\.i v7NNlIII~~G.11v7....N.l16AV1 ~IIV...1 1V1/1NIVI1~.7....V.1.....`.I...I..I.v7 v7VV~IVII. 8 I;~ g me;r;de~ C^nstructr^n ~?^c~;xents. ~n~o~k shall be installed ~ accordance ~~~~th the 10 app~^~~~d c^nstr;~ct~^" docments, '"d 'n~ changes ""'d° dur~"g c^"str~ct~^" that are "^t rn 11 ^mm~a.i~nno \ni~h th.o ~r~nrn~~orJ r►nn~fn infirm rJn^i mont~ ~.h~ll .ho ro~i ihmitforl fnr ~v~.nrn~~~l gyn. VVI I IhJllul IVV VVI~I I LI IV {dhJr./I VV-4,41 VVI Iv7~1 6AV~IVI I VIVVGAI I IVI ILV VI-lull NV 1 VV6AN11IILLV41 IVI {dhJr./I VVGAI uv GAI I 12 ~mcnrlarJ cot of r►nn~tn ir►tinn rJnr+i imont~ 6A111V114tV4t VVL VI VVI IV114tVLIV11 4tVV4t111V111V. 13 Ratontinn of (`nn~tn ir+tinn rlnr+i imant~ (lno mot of ~nnrn~ior! r►nn~tn ir►tinn rlnr►i imont~ ~hnll V. 1\VLVIILIVII VI VVIIV1141VLIVII VVV6AlIIVIILV. V116i VVL VI 1.A~../h./IVVV41 VVIIV116AVLIVII 64VV6A1116iIILV VII1.dII ho ro#.~inorl h\~....tho...hi iilrJinrr....nffin.i~l fnr ~ ..r~onnrl nf. nnt.,.a..o~e thnn 1 S2.r1 rl~~~~ frnm ..rl~to.,,,.nf r+nmr~aotin..n.. 14 NV I VGG4fI1V~d N~ L1 IV NG.ilf4rll ly 4~fIIV1U1 1Vf U NV1 IV.4 VT 11V1 IVVV 11 16411 IVV ~dG.(~ V 1iVf f f ~dG41V V1 VVI I I'.JIVLIVI`f r+71 I~InI~ ~.~......t.h.,~........~.,~.r.Ica..i.t.t,~.~........~.~.~.n.r.~ ...............~..r........a...~........r,~.~..~.....~..i..r,~.~.........h.~.~........~..t..a.t,~.......n.r.......1..~. ~.~.r~...............~.~~..7.~..........~~.......~....~...'~.....n.~.1...............'~..n.n~.........~. 15 V'r Llrv ~JV1ir1IL16.6A VY'V11~, VI LdV I\.'~1,1I1v41 N~ ~''iL.iYV VI IVV6A1 I6AVVV. '~'V1rd. VV1,...1, ""1''~I6yV~', ~VV"'lr:l 16 n7 ~17~1 Tnn,r►nr~r\i etr~~r►t~~rn~ ~nrl ~~~n~ I V.V 1 ■V 1 V 1 V1111./VI KI Y VVI NVVMI VV 6111M MVVV■ 17 ~ ~-'~nor~l ,.Tho,,,hi i+i rlinrr.nffini~l i~ ~i if,hnr~orl fn i~~i io,_~ no,rmit,.fnr ~omr~nr~r~i etr ir►ti roe .~nrl. 1 VVf IVI uf. 1 11V NLAI14rfI ILJi VI11V1U1 IV UL1L1 1VI ILV4r 14r Iv7v7GdV U '✓V1 f f fI1 1Vf LVI I I'✓Vl GAI ~ VLl'4rVLL11 VV U1 I1i 18 tcamnnran~ ~ ~eca~ C~ ~ar+h n,carmit~ shall hca Iimit,carl a~ to timca of ~can~ir►,ca h~ ~t shall not h,ca ncarmittca,~. LV7II~JVIGAI~' 4+.yvy. V'1.1V11 Nv11i11iJ ~7'11C.111 1.JL.r ri1111iv41 GAJ LV L71I1V 'V1 .yvl YI'VV, N'lA1 JI1GAll IiV'i Nv ~✓v11I11iLV41 19 fnr mnro than 1 Rn rla~~e Th.o hi ,ilrlinry nffir►ial,., i~ ~.i ifhnri~ocl..,tn rrr~nt ov+~ne.nne .fnr rlmm~n~tratnr~l„ IVI 111\,/1 V LI~IG411 ..1 VV ..~A6A~ V. 1 1 IV NN114111~1y V11-IVIG41 IV {rlLdFa IVI ILVb1 LV yl 6A1 IL V/~-IVI IVIVI IV -IVI b1V111V11VLY-6ALV6A 20 V6ANVV. 21 R (`nnfnrmnnr►c Tomnnr~r~i e,tn ir+ti iron nnr! i i~o~ ~h~ll ^nnfnrm to tho stn ir►ti irnl ~tronnth Piro V. VVI IIVI I I I1dl IVV. I VI I IhJVI NI ~ VLI 41V16d1 VV 6.11 141 1dVVV VI 16A11 VVI IIVI I I I LV LI IV V1114V11d1 GAI VLI VI Iy11 I, III V 22 ~nfot~~ monn~ of crrrce,~ ~r+r+oe,~ihilit~~ lirrht ~iontil~tinn nnrJ ~nnitnr~i rorli iiromont~ of thie, ^nrlo n~, V6AIV1~, 11IV6A1 IV VI 6Jy161VV, 6AVVVVVINIIIGY, Ilyl IL, Y VI 11116ALIV11 6A1141 VNI 1116A1 Y 1 V6.,6A11 VIIIVI ILV VI LI IIV VV41V 6AV 23 nc~r►,~~~ar~~ to ~n~a arm, the n~ ~hl~~.hc~a.lth ~nfot~~ ar~~ ~n,~rac~,ral anaolf~re' 1 1VVVJVLd1 ~ LV V1 IVLdI V 117V '.J\1N11V l IVLdl1f 1, V6AI V1~ GAfl~d yVI IVl GfI 1fYV116A1 V. 24 Tcarmina+nn of ~ r~nrn~~al Thca h~ ~ilrJinrr nffir►ial i~ a~ ~thnri~Ar~ to +,a,rminatca ~,rh ncarmit fnr a "i.i'. "i' vl l r`III IGAiGll I V I I \~.J'~JI V W GAI. "i' I Iv 'xy411lidll ly V III'L/r~1.1r I~.7 +i.1i.IGI"r`VI I~v41 LV Lt.r1"I I IIr I"lLV VL.ivI I ~.J'vI i r lrl I"iJ~I L~' 25 to.mnnr~r\~. stn Intl iro nr i ieo ~nrl to n.rrlor..ahn fom.r~nr~r\i ~#n i^~ iro..nr i ieo tn....ho rJi~^n.ntina iorJ ..((lrrl. LVI I IhJVI ul ~ VLI 6.1VG1dr V VI NVV 6A1 141 LV V141V1 LI IV LVI I IIVI Gal ~ VII NVLNI V VI 1.AVV LV NV \.AIVVVI ILII 11,AV41. `VI ~1. 26 ~Q~~ ~ ~ r~ n~~ ~nn~ ~ 4+V ► z ~ -r` I V ► IVV-r.~ 27 15.07.080 Fees. 28 ~ D~\imonf....nf ~oo~..... ~ norm.t ~h~ll not ho. v~.l.rJ i intil th.o fooe n.roer►.rihorl h\i...a~\nr...h~\~o hoon. / 1 GA~I-IIVIIL VI 1 VVV. / \ ~./VIIIIIG VI16All 1IVL NV VGAll41 NIILII LIIV IVVV r./IVVVIINVb1 N~ IGAYV IIGAYV NVVII 2g nnirJ nnr e,hnll ~n ~mcnrJmont to n normit ho rolo~~orl i intil tho nrJrlitinn~l foo if nn~i h~~ hoon `./64141, IIVI VI 11.411 6A1 I 6A1I IVI 16A1 I1Vl IL LV 6A ~./VI 1I IIL NV 1 VIV6AVV41 411 IL11 LI IV 6A4141111V116A1 IVV, 11 6A1 IY, 116AV NVVI 1 30 n~irl 1// N6AI41. R Ghorli ilo of Dormit ~oo~ (ln hi iilrlinrr~ stn Intl iron nay mor►hanir►al nli imhinrr w~tome 1 -I.~. r. r r. r r r ~ 1 I 1 G 1 V V ~ 11 N N r r r r r r. r r. r. r. r r. r r r r. r r r r r.r r. r r r 3 VV V411.A V V V V V 41 yV, VL 6AVLN VV, yGAV, VV GA VGA , N Nr N y V~VG'V V, 32 ',It°rat~^ns, La.1Nt'6n~'1~16a.1t1'^V f~r~ ~YVtv''VtrVrr unr~~ alarms sy~t~~~ ro~u~r~n6n~ a per~~t' u fed fnVr each Kn~orlmit 33 shall ho r~~rl ~e roni iirorl in., n^^nrrl,~n^o ~n~ith tho ~r►horli il~e ~~tahl,i~hnrl h~~„thy ,ar~nlir►ahla Jr"Ii..III rr1. ~J1t:Ilir u..y r 1..~.~1.~Irrl i:'idr, Ir'I uvv6l'11.I~.II I`Vi: vvlGr'i it iv J'liI'r'lridG.ili...y G~IJ '1..~ili..Ilrlr.7'I I'1..~1:.I I.r~' "GI I'1.. ~ir~.Jr~J"II'~..~irrrli. 34 nn~iarninrr ~i ithnritio~ yV V Vl l 111 ly 6ANLI IVI ILIVV. 35 A. Plan Review Fees. When submittal documents are required by ACC 15.07.060, a plan 36 review fee shall be paid at the time of submitting the submittal documents for plan review. The 37 building official and/or the fire code official may have the option to charge deposit, in lieu of the 38 full plan review fee, if the full amount is not known at the time. Any plan review deposit shall be 39 applied toward the total plan review fee owed. The actual permit fees and related plan review 40 fee shall be determined upon completion of the plan review and the balance owing shall be paid 41 at the time of permit issuance. The plan review fee shall be a separate fee from the permit fees 42 specified in this section and are in addition to the permit fees. When submittal documents are 43 incomplete or changed so as to require additional plan review orwhen the project involves 44 deferred submittal items as defined in The IBC section ACC 15~-07.050~~~ an 45 additional plan review fee shall be charged at the rate shown in the fee code established by the 46 jurisdiction. 47 1. Registered Plan Program. When plans are submitted under the jurisdiction's 48 "registered plan program," a plan review fee shall be paid at the time of application for a 49 registered plan. The building official may have the option to charge a partial deposit, in lieu of 1 the full plan review fee. All portions of fees paid as a deposit amount shall be applied to the total 2 plan review fees owed. The applicant shall be required to pay the balance of amount owed for 3 the plan review. Valuations used to compute the permit fees shall include all options submitted 4 with a registered plan. When a registered plan consists of a number of plan options that can 5 produce any number of similar but different buildings, the building official may charge plan 6 review fees based on each different building configuration. Plan review fees shall be paid for at 7 the time of application for a building permit. The building official may have the option to charge a 8 partial deposit, in lieu of the full plan review fee. All portions of fees paid as a deposit amount 9 shall be applied to the total plan review fees owed. The applicant shall be required to pay the 10 balance of amount owed for the plan review. The plan review fees specified in this subsection 11 are separate fees from the permit fees specified in the fee code, and are in addition to the 12 permit fees. 13 n RI IilrJinir D°rmi+ 1/III 17+inn Th° ~nnlir~n+ fnr n n°rmi+ ~hnll nrn~rirl° nn °~+irr»+°rJ n°rmi+ L.~ull\All ly I \dl l l ll~ Y ulblu~IVI IV. III,, {ANNII\~/{Al l~ I,,,I ~ N\II I I III Vl lull NI V Y IWV ul l V~.7~1111{A~V\A N\dl l l ll~ ~r~ll I°,._~+ +i.m° of ~r~.r~llr~.+Inn.,., Tho rlo~°rm..n~+.nn n.....f ~r~.aa I° n..r \~~II 17+inn I .nrl°r. ~n~_. of #.h° r~.rnvielnne. 14 vjalUV zati >.Ir11v yr uNNllvu~lvrl. I IIV \av~vlllnllu~rvlr v~ vu~uv vl vulNU~lvrl u~I\.1vr idly vl r,~rv N'vvl.rlvrl.r 15 t~i~~.r"' shall a~e by t,h° ~,~il~iy n~ffivi~'.1,1 16 ~ ~n~^rl< ~`nmmonrinn Rofnrn pommi+ ,l~~i r~nr+o ~ n\i r~or~nn ~nrhn rnmmnnrn~ ~n~~ ~ninrlr nn rr W'VI r~ 1.r~r I rl r Ii:l I"Vlr r~ I..iVI'VI ~ r i..r r I rlr riJJr~ur I'lii.. ..l-r~ I✓r.r..yvr r vWr Iv vvl r rl r IVI I'V"1J ur r~+ rrrr~r r\ ~1 r r;+ 17 hi lilrlinrr ~+rl ir++I Ira n~~ m°r+h~nir~l nr nll Imhinrr ere+°m h°fnr° nh+nininrr +h° n°r°~e~nr n°rmi+~ N1All\.All ly, VII 41V~1A1 y1.1V, 111,,,.,11,11 II\!{.AI \./I N1411I INII ly Vy V~„I I I NVIVI VN~1..111 III ly ~I 1\.I I I,,,.,,.,VV~.,I y N\.II 11II~V 18 ~h~ll h° G`I Ihi°r++ +n ~ ~n°ri~l in~r°~+inn+inn f°° °e+~hli~h°rl her +h° hi IilrJinrti nffir►i~l ~nrllnr +h° fir° VII{..111 NV V1dNJVV~ ~V 6.l V~../VVI{.11 IIIYVV~Iy{..1~IV11 IVV VV~G./NIIVIIV\A N~ ~IIV N1~All\Allly VIIIVI{rll {.All\A1V1 ~IIV IIIV 19 r+nrl° nfflr+ ~l +h~+ ~h~ll h° In nrl~l+Inn +n ~h° rorvl lir°rl n°rml+ fooc VV\AV VI IIV16d1 ~11{.i~ V11{.dll NV 11.1 {..i\Ab11~IV1 1 ~V ~1 IV 1 V~1r111 V~.1 './VI I I11~ IVVV. 20 ~ R°I~.~°rl Th.o r»~.rmo.n+ nf.+h°.,.f°°,.fnr +.h° r►.nne~,rl Ir++..nn ~I+°r~+Inn., r°mn~r~l n..r r 1 \vluLV\.1 r vvv r Irv Nuy r r rtir Iti yr GI Iv 1vv rvl tidy vvr Iv>. uvtilvl I, jalwr u>.IVI r, 1 vl I Iv vul yr 21 ,rJcannnli+inn.. fnr ~n~nr~r rlnnca in rnnn,car+inn +n nr rnnr~ ~rrcan+I~~ ~n~i+h +h~ ~n~nrlwr a~ ~+hnri~°rJ h~~ a h~ ~il~Jinr~ u~:.l I I'Vrlrrvrr Ivr rrvul I\ '~.rvrr~ rl r ~vv~l rl IVVIVr r ru yr vvr ~\.r~.,rl I VI Ir,r~ vvlil l ~I r\ YYV~ l\ u~uil IV'I I~v\.+ N~ rr r~u~lulr I 22 n~rmif shall nn+ rol.,o\ro..,+h° .~r~nl.r~n.f nr hnlrlnr of +ho .nnrmi+ frnm th° r»~~m°n+.nf nfhor foot. +h~f N\/1 1111 ..11{,111 11~;~ 1 \./Ir.,Y~., ~11~., c.1NN1.\.,{.,11 1< \/1 11\./1~,+\./I ~.r ~1 1\./ N\.I1 1 ~ 11~ 1r~111 ~11~.. Nuy 1 r-1\/1 1~ v1 ~~11\/I 1vw ~1 1c,1~ 23 ~r° nr°~r+rih°rJ h~► I~~nr {rll V ~../I VVVI INV41 N~ I{.AVY. 24 B. Performance Bonds. Prior to the issuance of a demolition permit, the applicant or agent 25 shall post a cash bond with the building department in the amount of $300.00, which sum shall 26 be refundable upon inspection and final approval. However, if a permanent bond is on file with 27 the finance director, the applicant or agent shall post a cash bond in the amount of $200.00. 28 C. Refunds. The building official may authorize refunding of .not more than 80 percent of the 29 permit fee paid when no work has been done under a permit issued in accordance with this 30 code. The building official may authorize refunding of not more than 80 percent of the plan 31 review fee paid when an application for a permit forwhich a plan review fee has been paid is 32 withdrawn or canceled before any plan reviewing is done. The building official shall not 33 authorize refunding of any fee paid except on written application filed by the original permittee 34 not later than 180 days after the date of application. (Ord. 6104 § 5, 2007; Ord. 5874 § (108), 35 2004.) 36 15.07.090 I nspections. 37 A. As set prescribed in the latest adopted copy of the International Building Code with the 38 exceptions as noted below. ~°n°rnl (~'nn~+rl Ir+inn nr ~nrnrU fnr ~nrhir►h ~ ~°rmi+ i~ r°~I lir°rl ~hnll VVI IVI{.AI. VVI IV~I 1r1V~IVl I VI YYVI I\ IVI YYI IIVI I N VI IIII~ IV I V NII VVI VI I{.111 3g h° G'I Ihi°r+ +n inn°r++inn her +h° hi IilrJinrr nffirinl nnr! G'I Irh r+nn~+rl Ir+inn nr ~nrnrU ~hnll r°m~in NV V1.ANJVV~ ~V IIIV~../VV~IV11 N~ ~IIV N1d11\.Alll\A VIIIVI{AI 1r111\A V1dV11 VVIIV~11..1V~IV11 VI YYV11\ VIIW11 IV111{.Alll a.~r,,~~..~~hl. ara.~ ,~~.r~n~,a~ ..f..nr in~.C1,,A,~+.#,.i.nn ~r~.~~la.~... ~ ~n.~..i..l ar~.r~~~.a..~.,a~ ....An~..rn~~a..~......a~......a r~~..~ ~l~ a..n. 40 GdVVLJVINIL j.al,\,r .,nNv.~.~.\a rvl II IV~.J\rvLrvll 1✓ulI✓vV\..rurr~n j.a~NrvvL.u. r~NNrvvur u.~ U r\..~u1L vi urr 41 in~r~~a~+inn.:: shall nn~k hc~ ,rnn~+r~ ~~rl +n, hca an ar~r~rn~~al of a a~inla#inn of +h~ r~rna~i~,inne,,nf +hi~ r►nrl rl I~.y~Jir`V~I"iJ~I 1 JI I+i.~1r I I"iJ~.i 'V`VI I:rr,r u~u ~u rr~.. ~lr r u~.rlur ~v ur V I u rr r~vrl,rrrvr r ~r it r1r I.J'I ~ v I..rr~vr r..l+. ii'I r,r rl.y v+~u~.► 42 nr of n+hor, nrrl.,nanr°~ .nf +hn ii iri~rlir++inn.,. Ine.r~orfinn~.,, r~rn~i rm.,nry fn nitro ar i+hnri+~~ +rt ~iin.la+n .nr 1 1 ~ 1 I v l 1 \A l l 1 {d l l,,r„V 1 ~ 1 1„ J N 1 1 ~.7\d l ~ 1 1 1. 11 1 x.71./ ~ 1 1 1 N I „~,,,1 1 1111 l y y l ul ~ l I v l I~ y Y 1 1 {d 1 43 rnnr°I +h° nrn~ri~inn~ of +hi~ rnrl° nr of n+h°r nrrlinnnr°~ of +h° ii Iri~rlir+inn ~hnll nn+ h° ~rnlirJ I+ ~ u I I I I I N I V Y 1 I 11 u I~ I I I V ~ ~..1 I \J I I I I I I ~..1 I I I6,11 I w V I I I J 6.1 11 x.741 I ~ I I I 116,11 I I I V ~ N Y u I I . I ~ 44 ~h~ll h° +h° rJl I+.r of +h° n°rmi+ ~nnlir►~n+ +n r~l IC'° +h° ~nrnrU +n r°m~in ~r+r°~~ihl° nnrJ °vnn~°r! fnr V11{.All NV LI IV \.A 1.A~~ VI LI IV `✓V11111~ 411,71,711 \.7{.Al l~ ~V V41~.AVV LI IV YYV11\ ~V 1 V111{.All l 41VVVVVINIV 411141 V!\1✓VVV41 IV1~ In~nor+inn nl Irnn~oe hloi+hor +ho hi lilrllnrr nfflrlal nnr +ho ii Irl~rllr+inn shall ho Ilahlo fnr ovnon~o 45 II.I-~ vv`IV~.I 41.1....... ,.,..~~V. r-,,ICI IVI `L.I-~.. N~-114111....1... vl.l.lvlu.l.l I\./L..`I Iv...N11~:7\:11~.7~1-\,/I I JLI{.dll.N\.i I{INIV..I VI vn -r1~.7V N N N y J N ~.~.~..a..i..l.,~.~.........i..~........~.h.,~.......r,~...,nl.~..~..a..l........~..~.......~,n,.n.l...a.r.~.rare.,~.~.~........ra.~.......a..n...~.~........rare...a..~.~.r.i..a..l........r,n,.~..~.. ...~..i..r,n,.~........#.,r~........a..l..l.,r~.a.~.~........i..n....~..~.,n,.~►.~.i..ra.~ ..............T.h.,~.......f...i..r.~ 46 Vr1r4111'i.~u Irr ~11~ 1\..1r1~Y4fr v1 14,1,~14~\./\.ilrr4,llr ~1 urr~ 1rr41~\.r1i,11 1'i:41411r4,41 4111VYY Irr.yNi.~v~rvr-r. r I r4/ 111:. 47 rnrln nffiri.al i~„a1 r+hnri~nrl +n onfnr a.nrl ovam,inn „an~~ ,hr lilrlinn a+rr.ir+llr~ m.arin.o ~~n~eol ,,,~~°h.irl° .nr 4+4r4r~ i'I rrr.rr~.lr r.~+ uur.r r47r I~V'lr ti47 r..r ~t~r rrl r41 ~r\uI r 1rI I'~.r ~.lr r~ ri41rI4rIr r4~,..yr.r ~'1.7i'1.~rI ti:., r I r~.lr rI IV v~J.y~..r, W'1.~I rrYvrti.. ur 48 nr°mi.e°~..n a~.rnrrJ.anr+o ~nri+.h 0(`(` 1..F n7 ~l/Ifl(~l...fnr f.h° ha irnn.~°n.f °n.fnrr..nrr +.hl~ r+nrlo..... 1✓1\.~1I1IV4.v III uVVV141u11~,/\.i YYI~11 7.~:...r I.r.u-.v~~;►~1 ~ 14►1 ~I14, 1J 411N4+~74. 4►1 ~..I-I14►1\.1111y ~I-IIV 4rV41\.. 1 R Draliminnr\r In~nor+tinn~ Rcfnro ie,~l Iinrl ~ narmit tho hi Iilrlinrl nffirinl i~ nl Ithnri~arJ to I..~. 1 I VIII I III I{..ll ~ 11 IV~.•/VV~IVI IV. L~VIVI V IVV4rll ly 41 fo/VI I I III, ~I IV N41114,11 ly 411141411 IV {.1411 IVI ILV\d ~V ov~minc nr r~i ieo to ho ovnminorl hi iilrlinne etn irti iroe nn~l eitce fnr ~nrhirh nn nnnlir~tinn hie 2 V/\U11111 IV VI VUUVV ~V NV V/\U11111 IV\.1........N..N..IIb1~11 1 V .............V.~1 N.V.~\..l V.V......{.+1 Ib1........V1~V.V........r..V.r............11.11...r.....r..r.V~.....r.......{.r.....r.......{...........................r..r.V.{,A..~.r..V.r.....r........r.....r.{,A.V y ~ rN 3 b~~;; f;l~d. 4 1. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions. Manufacturer's installation instructions, as required 5 by this code, shall be available on the job site at the time of inspection. 6 n Rcrrl lirorl In~nartinn~ Tha hi lilrlinrr nffir+inl 1 Inns nntifir+ntinn ~hnll mnUo tho in~ncr►tinne. L.l. 1 \V VI 4,11 VV1 II IVfo/VV~IVI IV. 1 I IV N4,IIVIII ly 411141411, 4,`./VI I I IV~IIIV41~IV1 1, VI I{rlll 111{.11\V ~I IV II IV`./VV~IVI IN 7 cot forth in C'1 Ihe,artinn~ (nl('l l thrnl irrh (1 11 of this ~or+tinn VVI IV1~11 111 V4+NVVV~IVIIV 1/ ~IIIVUyII `1 1 J VI ~IIIV VVV~IV11. 1 Rnntinrr nnrl ~ni inrlntinn In~nortinn Rnntinrr nnrl fni inrlntinn in~nortinn~ ~hnll ho mnrlo 8 r .~r.r r.u ~ ~r.u~~r. . ~ ~.~~r. .~r.~ ~.~.~r. r.~ ~~~~.r ~ ~r.r. N~ . y N y N 9 after xoa~r~at;^ns ~^r fo^ti"gs 'r° c^mp!°t° 'nd 'ny ~'°~uir°d r°i".forci"g s±~~I ~s ;n plao~. Fir 1o r+nnr+rcatca fns ~nrlatinne an~~ rca,rr~ ~.i:rca,rJ fnrm~ shall h.ca in .r~la~ca r~rinr to in~.r~car+t.inn .I1~~latcarial.~ for. thca: ~,/VI I+VI'+i+6i i'`iJ41I I`114ii1"iJ~`I I~.i~, '+~1I I~ ri.it.~i,d`tl+6i"id 'IVI I I'I.y ~.i'I'I41I1 NV, II 1"1.J'141+V'1.i I.J'I'IV+I tiV II I~:i'1.J'+6i~,/rI"tJrrl. "IV11L.I+~:il Ii..11~.i' I"tJrr"tiI I'V 11 fn.i inrl~tinn shall ho nn..~ho .nh ovr+gr~t \nhoro rnnrro~o ie..ronrl~r mivorl...an a.r+rnrrlnnno \nth QCTAA. IVUI IVI GA~IVI I VI IG111 NV VII ~I IVVN, V/\VVI./~ VVI IVI V VVI IVI V~V IV I VUV1~I I I II/\VVI III UVVVI VIUI IVV VVI~I I / \V! 1 IVI 12 r` a~ tho r►nnr►roto noon nn+ ha nn tha inh V Vim, LI IV VVI IVI V~V I IVVVI I IVI NV 411 LI IV,VN. 13 ~ (~'nnr►roto Clnh nnrl I Inrlor_Glnnr In~nor►tinn ('nnr►roto ~Inh nnrl 1lnrlor_flnnr in~nor+tinn~ L. VVI IVI V~V V141N cdI IVf VI IVI\.tl I IVVI II IV`./VV~IVI I. VVI IVI V~V VIUN {.AI IU 41114141 IIVVI II IV~.•/VV~IVI IV 14 ~hnll ho mnrlo.,.nftor in_~Inh .nr i i.nrlor_flnnr ronfnrr+inrr .,tool nnrl hi lrJinrr eo,r\nr+o orri inm.ont,,.,. Vf lUll NV f fUViV U11L1 111 v71UN V1 UI fUV IIVVI 1 VfI f1Vf VII f\Ji v7~VVl UI IVr NUfIVIII l\J. VVf V IVV V\.rUf'.J111L1 I1~ or nnr+i .r.~.~..~.....~..~.t ..............~..l...a..h........~..~..~..~.....~..l...a.t.~..r.~...............~.~..~.~..~.~.........a.r.~►.,~..~..~..n.r.~.,~..~.........a..~.~........,~.t.h I..I..a.ra.~.......,~.~..~.....~..~..~...,~.~.t.......~..t,~....~.........a..r,~........~..~........~..l...a.r.~..............h..~....~..t. 15 VV11V1U7r, V'1UN rr I..r'1,Ii41~1V1 i~ (.J1rJ'7I 1y Ur,r'v\:VVVr ri....y 411141 v'il 141 411 IV111c.11 ~ i.. Vi'1,I1N1-7-.1VI 1r 1rVl I iV 417-\.. 111 ~1UV\r, N\.I 16 h~fnro anti rnnrr~tn ie„nlar,~rl nr floor ehoathinn„nctnllQrJ, inrli,rlinry thn ~iihflnnr:, I~i''1 r Vy 1 is +r.I r r~ `1rV1' 11 V I V, M, V l.y ~.r r ~ir'l+i.. ti,I Vi 1 1 1 ii' V r r r i.. U i r "l r l 14~ 1 r I V ~ V1 1 1 4 V1, r l 1 "V I VI Vi r 1 11~ L I I V v7' 1I IJ" I r V V I. 17 ~ I n~nro~t Rlnnr Rlo~rntinn In flnnrJ hn~nrrl nron~ 1 Inns nlnr+omant of tho In~nroet floor V. VVVYVV~ 1 IVVI VIVYU~IV11. 111 114441 I IULUI Vt UI VUV, 41~.,/V11 `./IUVVIIIVI IL VI LI IV IVVYVV~ IIVV1, 18 inrll Irlinn tho hn~cmont nnrl nrinr to fl Irthor ~rortir►nl ~nn~trl Ir►tinn tho olo~rntinn rartifir►ntinn II IVI4r4,l1 ly ~I IV N41VVI I IV11~, {.1110 ~./I IVI ~V 1411 ~I IVI YVI ~IV411 VVI IV~I4IV~IV11, ~I IV VIV Y41~IV1 I VVI ~IIIV4l~IVl I r~rvl n,rorl i,n IR.(' Co.r+tln.n 'IG;..1.7 F.......nr I..R(' .Cor+t.i.nn R.'~27'2 ~h~..L.L...ho ~I lhmltfor! to tho h1111rJlnrr nffir...,ial::.::: 19 1 V\1U11 441 11.1 1✓V VVV~IVI 1 1 V 1 L.V VI 11 \V VVV~IVI 1 1 \VLV VI 1{,dll NV VNNI I II~~VV1 F,V LI IV NUIIVIII IVI VIIIVI{,dl. /I _~vto.nnr.l.AlnlL...Chonthi..nrr In~nor+tinn R..v.....torinr \er~..la ehonthinrr ..ehn.a..l ho...ner~.or►torl nffor aaa. 20 L/\GVl IVI Y YU11 V1 IVVIGI fif ly 11 IVi.7VVL1V1`f. 1~/~LVI IVI VVU11 VI IVU~fIII ly VI full NV ff 1V'.JVVLVVi UI1V1 4ili 21 ~n~all framin,n i~ rnmr~lcatca etrar~r~inrr nor! nailin,rr i~ nrnnorl\r in~tnllcarl h~ ~t r~rinr to h,cainr~ rn~~carcarl . vvY.111 11 4111Ir1-Iy 1\7- VVI1-r~,/r'~.irV, 4y L1 i.11JrJII ry 411 141 114i111i ly IV IJ1-'V~./vl ly II IV~{,,.111V41 NV1~ IJ11V1 Y'V NVIr-ry VVVi.iI-VVI: 22 ~ Rnnf Choath..nry In~nortnn Tho roof chnathnrr ~h~ll h~ in~r»rforl after X11 roof fr~min:n, V. 1 \VVI- VI IV41~1 Ill ly 11 IV'JVV~IVI 1. I I IV IVVI VI IV41~1111 Ibl VI 11..111 NVi II IVr,/VV~VV1 {,dI~VI {,.111 1 \,/VI 11 {d11111 IV1 23 i~ r+mm~lato Rln roof r►n~rerinrr~ e,hnll ho in~tnllorJ 1lntil ine,Vnontinn~ nra merle nnrl nnnrn~rorl V IV VVl l lf.,/IV~V. 1 \V IVVI VV V VI II IyV VI 14111 NV II IV~4111VV1 4,1 III II IV`./VVIIVI IV {.AI V 11141414 4ll 141 {.Af.,/`./I V V VV,. 24 2. IMCIUPCIGAS/NEC Rough-In Inspection. Rough-in mechanical, gas piping, plumbing 25 and electrical shall be inspected when the rough-in work is complete and under test. No 26 connections to primary utilities shall be made until the rough-in work is inspected and approved. Granra~a l,r+cner~tinn, ~rnminrr in~nc,~r+~Finn~ shall h~ n~arlc~ aftlar,~Fhca,rnnf:rl,a~+~r nr:~h~aathin,n, 27 1 1 UI11'V rr Iv7~./VV~IVI r. r 1 ul 1 111 ly Ir r~11.r1,..VtrYv1 r.y ~1 I~.I11 ~V 1 r II,IVI'1.~ i:Il ii.il tr 1i.i 1 VVrI \dV`i,I~ ii'1 ~1 1"1r~iIi1 Irl r'~,` 28 ala frn.minrr. faro hlnr►Uinrr nn.rl hra.r+inrr nro in r~lnr+o nnrl nir~o~ r+him.nev.~ nn.rl \ro.nt~ #.n ho UII II ul I III ly, 111 V NIVVI\11 ly G.11IVI Nr GAV11 ly GAI V III l./141VV GAI IVI LJILJVV, VI III I II IV~N {dl IVI Y VI ITV ~V NV 29 r+nnr+enlerJ nra r►mm~lete nnrl the rnl Irlh eler+trirnl ell Imhinrl hentinrl ~nrire~ nines nnrl rll Ir►t~ ore VVI 144411441 1.A1 V VV111~.,/IV~V 411 141 LI IV I VNyI l VIVV~1 IV411, ~./141111N11 ly, 1 IV41~11 ly VY 11 VV, `.,/1`.,/VV 411 141 4141V~V {.AI V 3o nnnrn~rerJ V 41NN1 V Y V4I. 31 3. Flashing and Exterior Weather Barrier Inspection. Flashing and exterior weather 32 barrier inspections shall be made after all materials have been installed, but prior to any of the 33 work being covered. 34 9. I nth Inener►tinn nnrl (_`\rn~llm Rnnrrl In~ner►tinn I nth nnrl rl~rn~llm hnnrrJ inener►tinn~ V{,A~1 I 11 IVr,/VV~IVI 1 411 141 V Y `✓VU111 vV411 N 11 IV~./VV~1\,/11. V{.A~1 1 {.11 141 VI Y NV41111 N`/411 Vf II IVr,/VV~1\,/I IV 35 ~hnll ho merle after Inthinrl nnrl n\rnel Im hnnrrl interior nnrl evterinr i~ in nlnr►e hl It hefnre nn~r 4114111 NV 11141\dV G./I~VI 1411 III ly 411141 yy N~.71„1111 NV4ll4I, II IVVI IVI {.1110 V!\~VI IVI, IV 111 `./1{.144, NNE NVIVI V {.ll I~ 36 n-L~~torlnn ~ nnnlior~l nr rr~rr~~l lm hnnrrJ Inlnte nnrl fns+cnor~ me tnr~crJ ~nrJ flnl~hcrJ N1{dV4V1 11 1\A IV U`./N11441 V1 VI Y NV41111 N\J{.A1 V1 1411 1~V {,d1 1~.A 1{,dV~V1 141 V {.il V ~{,.1r,/VVI {d1 141 r11 1141 IVVI. Rvrentinn• (_'vnei im hnnrrJ that i~ not nnrt of ~ fire_reei~tnnre rnterl n~~emhl~r nr ~ ehenr 37 LnvVNtirvl 1. vy ~✓rUI ~°i" NV11 N ~1 IidL r Iv1" ~✓u`ti VI a IrI I VrrV~ur`4rV r`a>,VVr` 41.wvr r rl✓Iy vr` U rrlV4zr° 38 assembly 39 'lf~..: Rirn_Rn~ietant Denotratinn~ Drnt~rtinn of inint~ a.nrl nnnofratinn~ in firn_rn~etanre_ 1 V. 1 11 V 1 \VVIV~{,.111~ 1 ...VI IV~1 {r1~IV1 IV. ..1 1 V-~VV~IVI 1 VI- IVII~I~V {dl-IVI IJVI IV~1 {,d~IVI IV 11-1 111 V 1 VVIV~{d1...lVV.. 4o rnterl ne,~emhlie~ ~hnll not ha r+nnr+enlerl from ~rie~n► 1ln+tiI in~ner►terl nnrl nnnrn~rerJ 1 41~V41 4lVVVI I INIIVV VI 14111 I IVI NV VVI IVV411VVI II VIII V IVYV 411 III II IVf.•/VV~VV1 411 141 {.1 ~.,/f.,/I V Y 441. 41 4. Energy Efficiency Inspection. 42 a. Envelope. 43 i. Wall Insulation Inspection. To be made after all wall insulation and air vapor 44 retarder sheet orfilm materials are in place, but before any wall covering is placed. 45 ii. Glazing Inspection. To be made after glazing materials are installed in the 46 building. 47 iii. Exterior Roofing Insulation. To be made after the installation of the roof 48 insulation, but before concealment. 49 iv. SlablFloor Insulation. To be made after the installation of the slablfloor 50 insulation, but before concealment. 51 h Aller►hnnir+nl N. 141441 IUI IIVU1. 1 i Allar+h~nir►~I ~r1i iinman+ ~ffir►icnr►1i nnr! ~r►nnnmi~cr Tn ho m~rlo of+ar III I. IVIVVI 1411 IIV4ll `4I 411`./1 I IVI I♦. `IIIVIVI IV~ 1.11 IW `VVI IVI I IILVI 1 V NV I I14141V {.11♦.VI {rill oni iinmon+ and r+nn+rnle rani iirorl h~i +hie r+nrlo aro ine+allorl and nrinr +n +ho r►nnr►calmon+ of ei ir+h V 411 I I I V 1 1 ~ {.A 1 141 V V 1 1 LI V I V I V N 1 1 V\.1.........N 1 11 V.......V V \.1.V......`A..' V.......11 1 V.~LA..r..r.v.~.......N.r.....r.~.....................r.....r.v.r............`v........`.r.....r.v........vv.r.....r..vv.u.r..r....r....r.v.r.....r_`... ....v..r........v.N..vr.....r. 2 `1 N H y N 3 egG.il~ll,lel or LVntrvls 4 ii lt~levlr'1a.1"ical piNe'iiu ~u~t I"sulativ"` To"be ;i~~~.+de ~fte~ prN ~~.+~d di.~v 5 in.eiil~finn..e in,,nlar,o hii+ h~fnro r+nnr+~~lmon+.., II IVN141-IVI 1 IV 111 IJ141VV, N4r~ NVIVI V VVI-~IVV4111I IVI~r~. 6 r+ I irrh+inn ~nrl 11lln+nr~ V. Llyl IVII ly 41114, IVIV~VI V. 7 i I inh+inn ~rri iinmon+ nnrl ('nn+rnl~ Tn ho m~rlo ~f+or +ha ins+~ll~+inn of III 1. Lly11~11I\.A L~411~../IIIVI I~ {.il I\.A VVI ICI VIV. 1 V NV III{.A\.AV 1..lI~VI ~1 IV 11 IV~1..1111..1~IVl I VI {.All lirrh+inn oni iinmon+ and nnn+rnl~ rani iirorl h~~ +hi~ nnrlo hi i+ hofnro r►nnr►oalmon+ of +ho lirrh+inn 8 rr r r~ ~ ~ ~r.~ r.~ ~ r_~ ~ N ~ r.r.~ N~~ N~~r.~ ~~r.~u~ ~ ~ ~.r.~ r. ~.r.r. y y `1 N ~ y ~ y y g ~~nn~~n+ . ~~41rNr-1rV1IC: 10 ii : A,~n+nr ln~ncar++inn Tn hca ma:rl,ca of+car ine+alla+inn of all care ~i.r~mcan+ r+n~~carcarl h.. I r r 1r r v r. V 1 r l" I ~.y' I.J' V +V i l V r- I.y . r" V N'i. r r 11 it "V 1I r r. "V I r r 1..~ r.4r l r u r, r V r r V r 1.I I r °\..'LI 1.d r ~,.r r 1 r r. r I r. r.► V rr r.. r N 11 +h.ie nnrlo ...hi i+ hofnro nnnnoalm.on+... ~I IIV VV41V, NNE NVIVI V VVI IVVGAII I IVI IL. 12 ~ ~ Rcin~nor►+inn Tho hi iilrlinrr nffir+i~l m~1~ rorli lira n e+ri ir++i irc nr nnr+inn~ of lnrnrU +n ha 1 L. 1 \V11 IV~./VV~IV11. 1 I IV N411 141 1 1 1 41 VIIIV1411 1114AY 1 V4,4111 V 41 V~1 NV~411 V VI ~./VI IVI IV VI VYV11\ ~V NV 13 Y°-in~nar++orJ ~ rain~nar++inn foo m~1► ho ~~~a~~o+frJ far o~r+h in~nor++inn nr roin~nor++inn ~e►hon, II IVf../VV~V41. ! ~ IVII IVf../VV~IVI I IVV 1114t~ NV 41VVVVVV41 IVI V41V1 1 II IV~./vV~IVI I VI IVII IV~../VV~IVI I VYI 1411 l ~,,ar+h r~nr+.nn n...f ~nrn..rlr fn.r ~nrh..inh ..n~nor►+in....n ie..r►allorl i~...nn+ r+nmr~lo+o ~ni.h....on r►nrro,n+in.ne n.~llorl...fn.r 14 V4rvr r NVr >,IVr > yr vYVr r\ rvr YYr nvr r n rVNVV>.rvl r rv vurrv4r rV rrV~ vV1 l II.JrVr,V, vvr-rvr > VVr r vVr,rvrrv 4,1arrVU rvr i+ ro n a..r,~........r~..n+..........a.~..~ .............~.~.~.1~.,~.ra.......+.1~.,~........a..n..n..r.~.~.~.~~........n.l..a..ra..~.........a..~.~.........n.,~..r.rar~ a ~.+.......nl.n.........~.. ~.+.,~..............~..r.......~.~.~.1~.,~..r~........+.h.,~........h..~.....~..~..1.~..~...r~..~........~...~........n..~.+ 15 41i 4. 11'Vi 11 ~liA'~.i, VYr 1V1 I ~1 i~., 1rr~7'I./I V ~ Vu ~711.r1 IV' 1x11 141 ~./Vi r i rl~ 411 V I IVY 'V7 1 V'li.i, V7 VY1 1'VI 1 frl lV N~Gill'Vlr ry rV l IV'G 16 arr►~~~ihlo.., rr1 V V ~..~+y i N I V. 17 'I'2 n+hor In~nor++inne In ~rlrJi+inn +n +ho in~nor►+inne ~nor►ifiorJ ~hn1~c +ho hi iilrJinn nffir►i~l IV. V~IIVI IIIV~../VV~IVIIV. 111 LA \A 411~IV11 ~V ~IIV IIIV~./VV~IVIIV V~./VVl11V\.A 4lNVYV, ~IIV NN1141111y VIIIV1411 18 i~ ~i i+hnri~or! +n m~Ua nr rcrli iirc n+hor in~nor++inne of ~n1i r+nn~+ri ir►+inn lninrU +n ~~r►cr+~in IV 1r141♦.I IVI ILV41 ~V I I I1.ll\V VI I V4I4111 V VII IVI II IV~../VV~IVI IV VI 1.A1 I~ VVI IVII 41V~IV11 YY VI I\ ~V 1dVVVl X4111 I r+.mm~.a..i~n.~o 1ni.i.~h fh..o r,rnlne..i..nne......nf +h..i~ r+.nrlo.....~nrJ.....n+hor la~.n..r~ +ha+ aro onfnrr+orJ h1~ +ho rlonarfmon..f. 19 VVI I IIJ11411-IVV VY1~11 ~1 IV'J1 V V IVIVI IV VI 11V VV41V 6,11141 VII IVI 14AYYV ~11{.A~ {rrV VI IIV1 VV41 Nr ~1 IV 41V1./4r1 ~1I IV11~ 20 nf. hi iia.rlinrr... ~afo+~~,.,,. Vr N~.rn~Arr ry V41rv>,y 21 5. Special Inspections. In addition to the inspections specified above, the building official 22 is authorized to make or require special inspections above the requirements as stated in 23 Chapter 17 for any type of work related to the technical codes by an approved agency at no cost 24 to the jurisdiction. 25 6. Final Inspection. The final inspection shall be made after all work required by the 26 building permit is completed. 27 E. In~nc~r++inn D,nonr~io~ Tho hl IilrJin,n nffir ial ie as ~+,hn~ri~c~rJ +n a,r+r+c~n#, r~r,nr+~ of annrn~~ca,rJ, rr1..y~+~:i.rilVrr r ~l~vl lvlw. 1 rev Nu11~,,111~ ~1rr~1~.11 1..y t,1~.1r1r~r1~~..ti,1 r~ ~.1v~..ti..~ti 1ti..~Vri~ ~r ~.1~~+1 Vrr~..~+r 2$ in.enon+inn... arro.nr►io.e nrn~~irl.orl e. inh ~rro.nnioe ~a.fi~fv....+ho.roni..i.irom.on+e a~.~n rr...ialif.na+inn anrl. II Iv7hJVV~IVI i 414JVI IVIVv7, `✓I V V IVIV41 N1.AV1 1 u4JVI IVIVN Vu61Vl~ ~I IV I VMI.III VI riVl IAN uV ~V 4~N41111IVU~IVI IV ul l\1 29 roli~hili+~~ 1 V1141NIII~Y 30 ~ In~nar++inn Rani ion+~ I+ ~h~ll ho +ho rJi i+1~ of +ho hnlrJor of +ho hi iilrJinn normi+ nr +hoir rJi il~i 1 11 IVf../VV~IVI I 1 \V\..+1dVV~V. Il VI I1d11 NV lI 1V 4,N~~ VI ~I IV I IV14,V1 VI ~I IV NN114,11 ly NVI I I III VI ~I 14111 411d1~ ai i+hnri~orJ arron+ +n nn+if~~ +ho hi iilrJinr~r nffir+ial ~e~hon 1n~nrU i~ roarl\i far in~non+inn I+ shall ho +ho 3 uN~I IVI ILV.A 41yVI I< <V I IV~IIy ~I IV NNII.A11 Iy VIIIV141r VYI..IVI I YYVI I\...I.v....I Vu\f~.....I.VI.....II..INNVV~1V11. IL VI IuII NV ~I IV 1 32 duty of ±ho Nerm~t holder tnu',,InJ'~"v~~iNO access tC a;d "°4~1ris f^~''iris~~re'cti~ris of s~~h ~~~~rk that uro 33 rani iirorl h\i +hie r+nrln, r i:'1~6A1'i"V~.+ Nr tr Irk Vilid'V.' 34 ~ nnrnli~l Rani iirarl 11l/nrU ~h~ll nn+ ho rJnnc hclinnrl +ho nnin+ inrJir►~+arl in a~r►h ~i ir►r+a~~i~io ~ `NN1 V V NI 1 \V 4, 4111 V41. V Y V11\ V1 14111 1 IVI NV 41V1 IV NV~ V1 141 ~1 IV NV11 IL 11 1411V41~V41 11 1 V41V1 1 V4IVVVVVI Y V 35 in~nar++inn 1n►i+hni i+ fir~+ nh+~ininrl +ho nnnrn~inl of +ho hi iilrJinrl nffir►i~l Tho hi iilrJinn nffir►i~l i innn IIIVf../VV~IVII YVI~IIV41~ IIIV~ VN~tA1111114J ~IIV 41f✓`✓IVY411 VI ~IIV N4111411114J VIIIVI1dl. 1 IIV N4111411114J VIIIVI1rll, 41f../VII n...n+ifi~.~+in..n ..~h..~ll maUo..+ho......rorr.a...ao~#.crJ in_enc.~+in.n.~ nn..r! ~h~ll of+hor inrJir+n+o +ho nnrfinn of +ho 36 1 IV~IIIV6A~IV1 1, VI 1{dll ~ I I1r11\V LI IV 1 V4j41VV~V41 11 IVL/VV~IVI IV {dr ~b1 Vr r{dll V1~1 IV1 11 1411V4i~V LI rV L/Vr ~1V1 ~ L/I ~r rV nnn~+n ir►+inn +ha+ i~ ca+i~far►+nn~ ae nmm~lo+orl nr nn+if,~ +ho normi+ hnlrlor nr him nr hor arron+ 37 vv~~1 1Vtir"'41vL'i_vr r Lr`u>. Iv VutirVruvi,Vr y""""1av vV~~11 ~Nrv>.V~A, vr" r1 lvtirry ~r"rv ~✓ti1 r r 1r1` r rvi~lvr yr r 11v V1 °'r"'rvr tii4Jvr'r` 38 YA~h~r~~n the dame fa~ls tnV VVm~~y ~'V~ItI I th1~ VVd~. ~I'~1rly rJVr r~~VI I~ thlarit '~~V n~Vt ~V'~VIr I~nJ'ly s1~11a.111 b~V,• 39 r+nrror±+nrl and .e~ irh..,nnr+inn,,chall nn+ ho.rn~inrorl..nr r+nnr+oalnr~ i infl ai fhnr.~~rl ,,h~~ +.ho hi iilrlinry„ VV11 VV~V41 6A1141 VNV11 NVI IVI 1 V1 14111 1 IVI NV VV V VI V41 VI VVI IVV411Vb1 N11~11 41N~1 IVI ILV41 Nr LI IV N411141111~.1 40 nffir►i~l rnr~l a~ n.n ~ ~ ~nn~~ nrrl tiQ~~ ~ ~ r~ nay ~nn.n ~ V VIIIV1411. `V141. V IV-r ~ V, LVVI , V141. VVI z ~ Z` IVVJ, LVV-f.J 41 15.07.100 Certificate of occupancy. 42 ~ l l~n .~nrl .f1rr+. inanr~i nln hi iilrl.„nn nr ~+n ir►+i .ro shall h~ i i,enrl .nr nc+ri ,r~.i~rl _anrl..,nn rhann~ in, VVV 6Al 141 VVV6aNcA1~IV~ ~1 \V NN1141111y VI V~1~-4rV~NI V VI-I1.d11 ~IJV NVV41 VI VVV41r,/IV41, ..{x11141 I IV V114r1~1yV 11~~1 43 +ho ovi~+inr1 nnr►i in~nnli nln~~ifin~+inn of n hi iilrJinrl nr ~+n in+i iro nr nnr+inn +horonf ~hnll ho mnrlo ~I IV V!\IV~II ly VVV41~./1.AI IVy V14lVVIIIV41~IV1 I VI 4l NN1141111y VI V~11.AV~411 V VI NVI ♦.IVII ~I IVI VVI V114111 NV I I Itd41V 44 ~ in+il +ho hi iilrJinrl nffir+i~l h~~ i~~i iorJ ~ r►cr+ifir►~+o of nr+r►i in~nr+li +horofnr n~ nrnl~irlor! haroin 411111 LI IV N41114111 l~.A \./lllVl{.Al l 1{.AV 1VV41V41 {.A VVl ~lIlV1.A~V Vl \./VV41~./{.Al lV~ ~l IVl VIVI {.iV `./l V Y141V41 1 lVl V111. I~~i ianr►o of a nor+ifir►a+o of nr+ni inanr+~~ shall nn+ ho nnn~+n iorl ac an annrn\~al of a viola+inn of +ho 45 1~.7~.741GALIVV \JI 1.L VV1 ~IrIV6A~V V~ VVV1~A 411 1V x.71 11dI~ r 1V~ IJV VVI 1~.7~1.41V~1 GA~.7 {11 I {.1 , \JY1d1 Vl GA V IVI{I~IVI r Vl rV N y NN 46 pro~~isions of t"l~iis code or of other ^rdirr'"a"ces ~f°°°this°°j;,rri.C.r~i~r'.rt"i~ri"' 47 ~'or+i.fir+afo l~e,i iorl,,, ~ft~r +ho hi.i.ilrlin.n nff..irial,,, iner~or++e +hn„ hi iilrlinn,,,nr eta ir►fi iro ,~nrl„finrle nn, R. V~6.r r,rrr6r~rlt+.. i~y6x~6.r.1: r rri~..r r.r rti.. Ki6r1r6drl 1~ 6/rriVi6.1i rrl.y~ti..i.rr.~ ti ir. rr6,l~rr..1r~ r~ tiri .ail i..11ut~.,11~.. irlr i~.r.rri ray r rV 4$ \~.nla+.nn~..nf +h.o nrn~ne..nne...nf +h.i~ r►nrJo nr nf.hora.~~nre...+h~~.. aro...onfnrr►orJ her....+ho.rJor~~r+m.on+ of YIVIU~IVIIV VI ~IIV LJrVVIVIVIIV VI ~IIIV VV41V VI V~IIVI Iuvvv7 ~Ilu~ ulV VIII VI VV VI N~ ~IIV VIVr./uI~IIIVIIL VI 49 b;,;!di-"y safety, the: b~ild~~g offi'~iial shall issue a certif~oate of ocoupa"`~~' that conta~~s tho 50 fnllnlniinrr• IVIIVYYIIIy. 1 ~ Th° hl lilrlinrr n°rmi+ nl Imh°r I I IIV NNIIUII 14J ~./VI I I III I I\.nl I INVI . L~........1 IIV 41UUI VVV V1 ~I IV V~1 UV~NI V. 3 .:.,ThO:.::,~um:~ u~'1rd addrA::~~ v'~ th~::.:vv~rr~:A~::: 4 ~ ~ rl,ca~r+rin+inn.. of +h a+ nnr+inn of +hca ~+r~ ~ar++~ ~rca fnr ~n~hic►h +hca r►,rar+ifi~a+,ra i~ i~e~ ~carl . ""1'. 7 r \.1~;i~7V1Ih7~LIVI 1 VI Li 1r..IL V'1 i1V'11 V'i ~r 1'1.i Jul uv~lAr-V IVr v'YI rr'Vr r ~11V V'il ~IIIV~di'i.~-IJ IVJi,di.i\r 5 ti ~ e+~+om.nn+.fh~+.fhn rl°~r+rihnr~ r~n..r+inn., of +h° ~f.ri ir++.i iro h~~ hoon in~nnrforl fnr V. \ V~t.A~VI I~IV11~ ~I IUD -~1 IV ~.1VVV1 INVU I✓VI ~IV1~1 VI LI-IV V~1 UV~NI V 1-~-1UV h/VV1~~1 II IVIJVV~VU IV1~- 6 r+mm~li~nr+° In►i+h +h° r°rrl lir°m°n+~ of +hi~ r►nrl° fnr +h° nr►r+l In~nr+~► ~nrl rli~►i~inn of nr+r►1ln~nr+~► ~nrl VVIIIf.7114111VV VYI~I I \I IV I V4,U11 VIIIVI I\\.7 VI \I IIV VVUV IVI \I IV VVV4I`.7cAl IV~ ul IU UIYIVIVI I VI VVV41~./{.11IV~ c.11141 7 +h° 1 IG`° fnr ~nrhir+h +h° nrnnn~°rJ nr►r+l In~nr►~► i~ r►I~~~ifi°r! LI IV 41VV IVI YYI IIVI1 LI IV ~.71 V~.dVVV41 VVV\A`./1.dI1V~ IV V141VV111V41. R . T.h.o........n..~...m..o.......nf.....+..h.. o........h.i.....i....L.rJ....n.rr.........nffi..~._~..L........ V.........I IIV I Icdl I IV VI ~I IV NUIIUII ly VI IIVICAI. 9 7 Thr1~.,n,~~iti,n~ ,n~,f the c~~~ ~n~~r ~~n~hi~h the ~n~lrmit.~1"~~~ ~~~u°"~ 10 ~ Thca ~ ~~ca an,rl :nr+r►~.~nanar+~~ i:n ar ar+nrrlanar+ca ~~~i~Fh +h ca ir~rn~~ieinn~ of ~`har~~k,car :nf +hca IRf "'1 I ri.. ~.I.y~ ~.Ir r~.r 'L7+v`Vr~A~~,Ir I`i,7~ , "Ir 1 ~urv~,rVl tir~,rr I~,rr,.. rrrr r+~r I r.I t~.. ~r V V I..r+I VI r..~+ tirr ~r r~.~ll,~+~,.I i,r ~r iI I~.. I ~r.:y~. 11 Q Th°..f~mo. of r+nnrfrl In#inn rJoflnorl In....(`h~.r~+°r..~ nf.+h°..IR('.... V. I IIV ~~hJV VI VVI Iv~11dV~IV11 uV UVIII IVbI 111 VI IuLJ~VI V VI ~I IV IL.7V. 12 ~ n Th° ~°~irrn nr+r►1 In~n+ In~rl 1 . 1 1 1 41 V V 1 b1 I I U {.A I I I 1 {.A 41 . 13 ~ 1 If ~n 711+nm~+ir+ ~nrinUl°r w~+°w, i~ nrn~►irJ°rJ rn►h°+h°r +h° ~nrinUl°r ~~►~+°m i~ I 111 {.All 4141~V111{r1~IV Vfo/I II II\IVI V~ V~VI I I IV ~./I V Y I\dV\.A, VV I IVII IVl ~I IV V`.~/I II II\IVI V~ V~VI I I IJ 14 rorv I I I rorl,.,,, 1 VL~UI1`L41. 15 12,, ~r'y,y ~j~°^i'I ~,~i~~~ati~n~,,,,~~~,,,,~~n~~~~'~i,,~i'~ ~,'~,th,~A,,,~~,,~,~~~iny N~~:Inl'~I~~:: 16 c. Temporary or Phased Occupancy. The building official is authorized to issue a temporary 17 or phased certificate of occupancy before the completion of the entire work covered by the 18 permit; provided, that such portion or portions have meet all portions of the lifelsafety aspect of 19 the International Building Code. The building official is authorized to require in addition to the 20 completion of life safety building components, any or all accessibility components. The building 21 official shall set a time period during which the temporary or phased certificate of occupancy is 22 valid. The building official is authorized to require that a performance bond be posted with the 23 city in an amount equal to 150 percent of the incomplete work as determined by the design 24 professional. The bond shall be refundable upon inspection, final approval and a request in 25 writing for the refund. It shall be the duty of the applicant to request the refund. ~ ....~,~~,~.~~+a.~.i..~n ....Th,n,.......~~~i~.~..in,~.....~ffi~+.i...a1 i~.......a..~„I+hnri„~,,rl +n in ~n►ri+i~~ .....~~~~..n~,~n,r~.....nr..r....,~~~~.k.~ a........,r►,~~"k,.i..~ir►a.~., 26 L.J. 1 \LV VVUL1V11. T I IL NGAll~dll ly V1IIV1U1 IJ UU~1 IVI ILV.A ~V, III YYI I\Il ly, VUv7~JVI ILi V1 l V V Vl\V U LVIIIIILG.\lV 27 of nr►,r+a ananr+a~ nr ~nmr,l~a+inn i~~a marl ~ ~nrlc~l- +h° nrn~►ieinn~ of +hi~ r+nrl,c~, ~~~h~ar~aa►c~r +h~a ~~r~Fifi,ra#,~ i~ VI "V'V"iliA~,YiAI"1V~ "Vr VVrIrI.J'IVr.IVr'I IJ~.y"N'irY..I °idlri.I"iI LI"IV r./IVVIVIVIIV VI ~IIIV vV4r"1r WY11'~.il°'~.iY"\.iI' ill"\.~ `Vi.i1L111"i7ri,Ati'1.i rJ" 28 I@.@I I°rJ In orrnr... nrnn +h° h~el~.nf In.nnrror►+ .nfnrm~+inn ~...innl.orl nr ~n►.h°ro...I+ IQ....,P'I°+ormin°rJ ~..h~~. 1\.7~.71dVV1 111 VI I VI , VI VII ~I IV NuVIV VI II IVVI I VV~ II IIVI I I Ic.A~IVI l V1.IhJ`./IIV41, VI YYI IVI V IL IV UV~VI I I III IVU ~I lug 29 +h° hl lilrlinrr nr ~+rl lr►+1 Ir° nr nnr+inn +h°r°nf i~ in ~►inl~+inn of env nrrlin~nr►° nr r°rr111~+inn nr env of LI IV N41114111 I\.1 VI VII UV~411 V VI ~./\,/I \IVI I ~1 IVI VVI IV II 1 V I\,J141~1\,/I I \,/I 1.AI IY VI b111 I{.AI IVV VI I V41U11.A\IVI I VI 4t1 IY VI 30 +h° nrn~►ie,inne, of +hi~ r►nrl ° l(1 rrJ FS27/I f: /I /1 1 nl 7nn/I 1 V ~I IV f.71 V Y IVIVI IV V I ~I IIV VVUV. `V I \.r. VV 1 ~ ~ I I V J, LV\1~. J 31 15.07.110 Maintenance. 32 A. Maintenance of Safeguards. Whenever or wherever any device, equipment, system, 33 condition, arrangement, level of protection, or any other feature is required for compliance with 34 the provisions of this code, or otherwise installed, such device, equipment, system, condition, 35 arrangement, level of protection, or other feature shall thereafter be continuously maintained in 36 accordance with this code and applicable referenced standards. Such device, equipment, 37 system, condition, arrangement, level of protection, or any other feature shall be maintained in 38 accordance with IFC Sections 107.1 through 107.6. (Ord. 5874 § 4(111), 2004.} ~ C n7....~17n... nr~~~~+n.. ~ ~fwl.~f~n.e ~ v.v ~ . ~ ~v vv~" r ~vv N~~~r~~vv. 39 ' ' ' 40 ~ ('nnn°r►+inn of C°r,►ir+° I I+ili+i°~ Rln n°re,nn ~h~ll m~U° r►nnn°r►+inne, frnw, ~ 11+ili+v ~nl lrr+° of VVI II IVV~IVI I VI VVI YIVV V ~III~IVV. 1 \V `./VI VVI I V114111 I I Ic.11\V VVI II IVV~IVI IV II VIII {.l 41~111\~, VVUI VV VI 41 °n°rn~r fl I°I nr nnln►°r +n ~n~r hl lilrlinn nr w~+°m +h~+ ie, r°rrl III+°rJ her +hi~ r►nrl° fnr ~nrhir+h ~ n°rmi+ VIIVIyy, 141V1 VI `./VYYVI ~V {.AIIY N411141 1 1 1y VI V~V~V111 ~1141~ IV IVy41141~V41 N~ ~IIIV VV4+V IVI YYI II VII 6,1 ~,7V11111~ 42 'c-. r°rvi llr°rl I infll rcl°~~°r! h~► +ho hI Iilrllnrr nffr+l~l V IV 1 V~N11 V\.1, NI 111 1 VIV{.AVVU N~ ~1 IV NNIIUII I~il V111V1{.I1 43 S. T~; ~n;.pvru; y Cvn"°vtiv'ii. T~~ bu;IdVng official s~Ull h' t!~;° .author ity ..t~ aut~;v;~,Le:..t~;e 44 tmporary conn~ct~on ^f the b;~ildin~ ^r .cyst°m r^ th° ut~!~ty s^urc° "f °"°r~y, fu°I or p^~~~r 45 D I I+h.nrl+~. +n Illennnnon+ Cor~►ir+o I I~iII+IO~ Th° hi Illrlinrr nfflr+I~a shall hw° ±h° ~a I+hnrl+~► fn V. \1,A~I IV11~~ ~V L/IVVVI II IVV~ VVI YIVV V~III~IV~.7. 1 1IV N1d11b11I1y VIIIVIC,II \.711{,.111 I IGAVV ~I IV c.11,A~I IVl l~~ 46 X11+hnri~° rli~r+nnn°r►+inn of 11+ili+v ~°n►ir►° +n +h° h11ilrJinrr ~+rl lr►+1 Ir° nr w~+°m r°rrl 11~+°rJ h~► +hi~ {.AU\I IVI ILV 411VVV1 II IVV~IVI I VI U\III~Y VVI YIVV LI IV N41114111 141, V~1 41V~U1 V VI V~ V~VI I I I V41U14t\V\.A N~ LI IIV 47 r+nrl° ~nrl +h° r+nr!°~ r°f°r°nr+°r! in n~~° of °m°rn°nr+~►Vin►h°r° n°r+°~~~r~► +n °limin~+° ten, VVUV 41110 ~I I\.. VVUVV I VIVI VI IVVU III V{dVV VI VI I IVI yVl IV~ YYI IVI V IIVVVVV4ll ~ ~V VIII I III I{A~V 411 I Immorlla+o h~~~rrJ +n IIf° nr nrnr~or+v nr ~n►hon eI Ir►h I I+III+~► nnnnon+inn hie hoon m~rlo .nn+hnl I+ +ho 48 Irr111IV\dIGA~V 116,IL6,11 VL...~V 11IV VL... , V.....VI \JL....YYI IV11 v7NVl I 1rl~lll~ _VVI II IVVIVI I I IGA47 NVV11 1111.1\dV YYI~I IV1r< <I rV N N y r,~.,r~..~.....~..i.. r,a,.~.........a.. n~.~..r. ra.a..►..a..l ...............T. h.,~........ h..~.....~.i...l.,rl..i...~..~........ ra.~~i.,r+.i...a..l.........~.. h..a..l..l........ ra.,r~.+.i..~~.~.......+..k~..~........~.,~..~..►..i..~ .,r~.........~....~..+..i..l..i.+.~.~...............a.. r~. ~.~..k~..~. r,~.~..~,r~.~.......~.,nl..~..~..i..h.l..~.......+..k~..~ 49 1'~1„11i'Vbi 'f.A~JIJ1'17'Y~{.A1. 11IV N~Lrri'iAllly V11~~/1~,A1 VII~.AIr 11V~ri~ tilrV \.7Vi YIIIy iA~~i~~~, ~.A11rA Y'YIrVrV'Vi,+i (.lV7\.71I,yi':, ~II'V 1 n~nrnar nnrl nr►r+i ir»n+ of +ho hi iilrlinn ~+n ir►+i irc nr ~cr~~ir+o w~+om of +ha rlar+i~inn fn rli~r►nnnar++ vvv i ivi c.~i i~.+ vvv~,+Nui i~ vi ~i iv N~eii~nii iy, vii ~.+v«.+i ~ vi vvi ~ ivv vy v~vi i i vi ~i iv ~.+vvivivi i ~.+ivvvi ii ivv~ nrinr to t~lrinn ei ir►h ~~tinn If not nntifiorl nrinr to rlier►nnnor+tinn tho n~ninor nr nr►r+i intent of the 2 ; ~v ; ~v~v ;.v.~ v.~;.~ ;v;..~v ~t.vvv;. ~ v. ~ v. v;. vv„~ ~ N y r y~ r 3 b{riflLiff lg, JGrUVG{rire Vl VLI V~1LL Vy VtLf f~f Vf la~~ be f 1VLlf ~Ld ~rf '1f~Yrltfl fg, G~.fJ JVVf 1 UV r7rULt1cU~ L~LreG~.ff Lel . 4 (Ord. 5874 § 4(112), 2004.) 5 15.07.130 Appeals -Hearing examiner. 6 In order to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions or determinations made by the 7 building official or fire code official relative to the application and interpretation of this code, 8 there shall be and is hereby created a board of appeals consisting of the city of Auburn's 9 appointed hearing examiner. 10 A. Appeal to Hearing Examiner. 11 1. Appointment and Term. In order to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions or 12 determinations made by the building official relative to the application and interpretation of this 13 code, except as provided in Chapter 70.92 RCW, a hearing examiner shall be appointed by the 14 mayor as provided elsewhere in this code. 15 2. Duties. The examiner shall conduct an appeal hearing as provided herein, enter 16 findings of fact and conclusions of law based upon those facts and a decision which is final 17 action subject to appeal as provided herein. 18 3. Conflict of Interest. The examiner shall not conduct or participate in any hearing or 19 decision in which the examiner has a direct or indirect personal interest which might exert such 20 influence upon the examiner that might interfere with his decision-making process. Any actual or 21 potential conflict of interest shall be disclosed by the hearing examiner to the parties 22 immediately upon discovery of such conflict. Participants in the hearing process have the right, 23 insofar as possible, to have the examiner free from personal interest orpre-hearing contacts on 24 issues considered by himlher. It is recognized that there is a countervailing public right to free 25 access to public officials on any matter. If such personal orpre-hearing interest contact impairs 26 the examiner's ability to act on the matter, the hearing examiner shall state and shall abstain 27 there from to the end that the proceeding is fair and has the appearance of fairness, unless all 28 parties agree in writing to have the matter heard...... by said examiner. If all parties do not agree 29 and the hearing examiner must abstain, the mayor shall be notified and the mayor shall appoint 30 a hearing examiner pro tem to sit in the hearing examiner's stead. 31 4. Freedom from Improper Influence. No council member, city official, or any other 32 person shall attempt to interfere with or improperly influence the examiner or examiner pro 33 tempore in the performance of his/her designated duties. 34 5. Duties of the Examiner -Applications and Decisions. For cases and actions as 35 prescribed by ordinance, the examiner shall receive and examine available information, conduct 36 public hearings, prepare a record thereof, and enter findings of fact, conclusions based upon 37 those facts, and a decision. As provided herein, such decision is final action subject to appeal 38 as provided herein. 39 6. Application of Appeal and Filing Fee. 40 a. Form of Appeal. Any person receiving a decision or determination made by the 41 building official relative to the application and interpretation of this code may appeal such 42 determination or decision under this code by paying the filing fee as set forth in the city of 43 Auburn fee schedule and filing at the office of the building official a written application of appeal 44 containing: 45 i. A heading in the words: "Before the Hearing Examiner of the City of Auburn." 46 ii. A caption reading: "Appeal of Building Official or Fire Code Official Decision 47 or Determination," giving the names of all appellants participating in the appeal. 48 iii. A brief statement setting forth the legal interest of each of the appellants in 49 the building or the land involved in the determination or decision. 1 iv. A brief statement in ordinary and concise language of the specific action 2 protested, together with any material facts claimed to support the contentions of the appellant. 3 v. A brief statement in ordinary and concise language of the relief sought and 4 the reasons why it is claimed the protested action should be reversed, modified or otherwise set 5 aside. 6 vi. The signatures of all parties named as appellants and their official mailing 7 addresses. 8 vii. The verification (by declaration under penalty of perjury) of at least one 9 appellant as to the truth of the matters stated in the appeal. 10 Processing Application of Appeal. Upon receipt of any application of appeal filed 11 pursuant to this section together with the filing fee in the amount as set forth in the city of 12 Auburn fee schedule, the building official or fire code official shall, within two working days of 13 receipt of an application, determine whetherthe application is complete. If complete, the 14 application shall be accepted. If not complete, the building official or fire code official shall 15 request that the applicant provide additional information as necessary to complete the 16 application. The applicant shall be advised of the date of acceptance of the application. 17 8. Scheduling and Noticing Appeal for Hearing. As soon as practicable after acceptance 18 of the written application of appeal, the examiner shall fix a date, time and place for the hearing 19 of the appeal. Such date shall be not less than 10 days nor more than 90 days from the date the 20 application of appeal was filed with the building official or fire code official. Written notice of the 21 time and place of the hearing shall be given at least 10 days prior to the date of the hearing to 22 each appellant by the examiner either by causing a copy of such notice to be delivered to the 23 appellant personally or by mailing a copy thereof, postage prepaid, addressed to the appellant 24 at his address shown on the appeal. 25 9. Effect of Failure to Appeal. Failure of any person to file an appeal in accordance with 26 provisions of this section shall constitute a waiver of any right to an administrative hearing and 27 adjudication of the building official's or fire code official's decisions or determinations. 28 10. Scope of Hearing on Appeal. Only those matters or issues specifically raised by the 29 appellant shall be considered in the hearing of the appeal. 30 11. Hearing Procedures. 31 a. Record. A record of the entire proceedings shall be made by tape recording or by 32 any other means of permanent recording determined to be appropriate by the examiner. 33 b. Reporting. The proceedings at the hearing shall also be reported by a 34 phonographic reporter if requested by any party thereto. A transcript of the proceedings shall be 35 made available to all parties upon request and upon payment of the fee prescribed therefor. 36 Such fees may be established by the examiner, but shall in no event be greater than the cost 37 involved. 38 c. Continuances. The examiner may grant continuances for good cause shown. 39 d. Oaths- Certification. In any proceedings under this section, the examiner has 40 the power to administer oaths and affirmations and to certify to official acts. 41 e. Reasonable Dispatch. The examiner shall proceed with reasonable dispatch to 42 conclude any matter before it. Due regard shall be shown forthe convenience and necessity of 43 any parties or their representatives. 44 f. Notice of Hearing. The notice to appellant shall be substantially in the following 45 form, but may include other information: "You are hereby notified that a hearing will be held 46 before (name of hearing examiner) at on the day of , 20_ at 47 the hour of ,upon the notice and order served upon you. You may be present at the 48 hearing. You may present any relevant evidence and will be given full opportunity to cross- 49 examine all witnesses testifying against you. You may request the issuance of subpoenas to 50 compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of books, documents or other things by 51 filing an affidavit therefor with (name of hearing examiner)." 1 g. Subpoenas. 2 i. The examiner may issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses or the 3 production of other evidence at a hearing upon the written demand of any party. The issuance 4 and service of such subpoena shall be obtained upon the filing of an affidavit therefore which 5 states the name and address of the proposed witness; specifies the exact things sought to be 6 produced and the materiality thereof in detail to the issues involved; and states that the witness 7 has the desired things in his possession or under his control. A subpoena need not be issued 8 when the affidavit is defective in any particular. 9 ii. Penalties. Any person who refuses without lawful excuse to attend any 10 hearing or to produce material evidence in his possession or under his control as required by 11 any subpoena served upon such person as provided for herein shall be guilty of a misdemeanor 12 punishable as provided in ACC 1.24.010. 13 h. Conduct of Hearing. 14 i. Rules. Hearings need not be conducted according to the technical rules 15 relating to evidence and witnesses. 16 ii. Oral Evidence. Oral evidence shall be taken only on oath or affirmation. 17 iii. Hearsay Evidence. Hearsay evidence may be used for the purpose of 18 supplementing or explaining any direct evidence, but shall not be sufficient in itself to support a 19 finding unless it would be admissible over objection in civil actions in courts of competent 20 jurisdiction in this state. 21 iv. Admissibility of Evidence. Any relevant evidence shall be admitted if it is the 22 type of evidence on which responsible persons are accustomed to rely in the conduct of serious 23 affairs, regardless of the existence of any common law or statutory rule which might make 24 improper the admission of such evidence over objection in civil actions in courts of competent 25 jurisdiction in this state. 26 v. Exclusion of Evidence. Irrelevant and unduly repetitious evidence shall be 27 excluded. 28 vi. Rights of Parties. Each party shall have these rights among others: 29 (A) To call and examine witnesses on any matter relevant to the issues of the 30 hearing; 31 (B) To introduce documentary and physical evidence; 32 (C) To cross-examine opposing witnesses on any matter relevant to the issues 33 of the hearing; 34 (D) To impeach any witness regardless of which party first called him to testify; 35 (E) To rebut the evidence against him; 36 (F) To represent himself or to be represented by anyone of his choice who is 37 lawfully permitted to do so. 38 vii. Official Notice. 39 (A) What May Be Noticed. In reaching a decision, official notice may be taken, 40 either before or after submission of the case for decision, of any fact which may be judicially 41 noticed by the courts of this state or official records of departments and ordinances of the city. 42 (B) Parties to Be Notified. Parties present at the hearing shall be informed of 43 the matters to be noticed, and these matters shall be noted in the record, referred to therein, or 44 appended thereto. 45 (C) Opportunity to Refute. Parties present at the hearing shall be given a 46 reasonable opportunity, on request, to refute the official noticed matters by evidence or by 47 written or oral presentation of authority, the manner of such refutation to be determined by the 48 hearing examiner. 49 (D) Inspection of the Premises. The hearing examiner may inspect any 50 building or premises involved in the appeal during the course of the hearing; provided, that (1) 51 notice of such inspection shall be given to the parties before the inspection is made, (2) the 1 parties are given an opportunity to be present during the inspection, and (3} or the hearing 2 examiner shall state forthe record upon completion of the inspection the material facts 3 observed and the conclusions drawn there from. Each party then shall have a right to rebut or 4 explain the matters so stated by the hearing examiner. 5 viii. Limitation of Testimony. The examiner has the right to limit the time a 6 witness may testify. 7 12. Form and Effective Date of Decision. The decision shall be in writing and shall 8 contain findings of fact, conclusions of law, a determination of the issues presented, and the 9 requirements to be complied with. A copy of the decision shall be delivered to the appellant 10 personally or sent to him by certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested. The 11 effective date of the decision shall be as stated therein. 12 13. Rights Granted - Right to Appeal. Nothing in this section shall be construed as 13 granting any right of judicial review which does not previously exist in law. The decision of the 14 examiner or examiner pro tem shall be final and exclusive. A writ of review must be sought in 15 the superior court of King or Pierce County, if at all, by an aggrieved party or person. 16 14. Limitations of Authority. The examiner shall have no authority relative to 17 interpretation of the administrative provisions of this code orthe technical codes nor shall the 18 examiner be empowered to waive requirements of this code or the technical codes. (Ord. 6104 19 § 2007; Ord. 5874 § 4, 2004.) 20 ~ 5.n~.~ 4n ~i;~!a~;~n~. 21 ~ I Inl~~nrfi it Or,+~ I+ ~h~ll ha i inl~~nrfi it fnr env ncr~nn firm nr r+nrnnr~+inn +n orcr►+ r+nn~+n ir►+ VI IINYY 11rt1 / \V~V. IL VI Icall NV lrtl 116.1YV INI IVI NI I~ F./VI VVI I, 111111 VI VVI (./VI ca~IVl I ~V VI VVI, VVI IVI \.AV~, 22 ^Ifor ov+onrJ ron^ir mn~ro rcmn~rc r~lomnli~h nr nr+r+i in~r env hi iilrlinrr ~+n ir++i iro nr orri iinmon+ ca1~v1, vn~Vllcn, 1 VNca11 , I I IV v V, 1 VI I IV v\.r, \.AV111V11V1 1 V1 VVV\.t~../y L.t1 1y N1a11b1111\.A, V~1 \.nV~ca1 v V1 V~1.A1~../I I IV11~ 23 regulutecl.by tb;s ~o!e; or cause sine to ho rvo, iii' ~o ~flict ~~r;t" u;~Vi vio!utior< of..U;;y.~f t 24 nrn~~i~nn~ of +h~e ~nrlca ~,.rl ~v r I~/'IV I I~./' V I tl Ir..r~ +vV+ul~. 25 R nln+ino nf.l/in.l.~+inn Tho hi iilrlinrr nffini~l. ie as i+hnn~orl +n...~or.~o n nn+ir►o nf.~nnl.~+inn. nr nrrlor V. 1\V~IVV VI V IVIGA~IVI I. 1 IIV NNII\dllly VIIIVIfrAI IV GAN~IIVIILVbf ~V v7Vl VV ~.1 I IV~IVV VI VIVIGA~IVII VI VIb1Vl 26 nn +ho nor~nn ro~nnneihlo fnr +ho oror►+inn nnn~+n in+inn nlfor^+inn ov+on~inn ronnir mn~rinr~ \./11 ~I IV `./VI VVI 1 1 VVf.JV1 1~.71N1V 1t./1 ~1 1V VI VV~1\./I 1, VVI IV~1 41\./1\./1 I, {a1~V1 {.A~1\./1 1, \.+/\IVI IVIVI 1, I Vr./call , 111\./v 11 ly, 27 rcmn~rnl rJamnli+inn nr nr+ni in^nr+cr of n hi iilrJinn nr ~+n ir++i ira in ~rinln+inn of +ho nrn~ri~inn~ of +hi~ 1 VI11\./ Y1..11, 41V111\./11~1\./1 1 V1 VVV,.,1r.,c.11 IVy \./1 N4111 41 11 1y \./1 VII 41V~411 V 111 Y 1\./11..11\./11 \./1 ~11\.I r,,1 V Y IVIVI IV \./1 ~1 IIV n..nrlo..........nr i.n ~nna.~+in..n of n norms+......nr nor+if..r+^~o.....i~~a..a.orl a....inrlo.r +ho nrn~nei.nn~..nf +h...~ nnrlo .._Ci ir+.h.. 28 ~.►~u~., VI II ~ rIV141~IV1 I ~JI 41 f..JV1 IIII~ V1 VV1 ~IIIV1.dw 1~.7~.71.AV\d 411 Ib1Vl ~I IV L/IVrlvlvll~.7 \./I ~I 11.7 V\.,b1\... ...41V1I 29 ~+'~~r ~h~II Nir°VVt th~~,~ di~`,r~,~n±~n~Nn~o ~f ±ho ill~~~! °~~r c~~'~,r~~°~~~rr .,~~rrd ~I~,~~ ub,c~~,t,~~.1~,~~,r~~rt n~~ th~~ 30 ~rinla+.inn___ rV~~r;rV~ 31 Drn~or+ i+inn ..nf l/inl~+i.nn If +ho nn+no of vinaa+inn i~ ..n n+ nnm.nliorJ. \nn~h in f.ho +mo .nroennhorl ..r. I \./~.7VN1..1~1~/I I vl Y 1\.J14+~IV1 I. 11 ~1 IV I I~J~I\./V ~I rIV141~IV1 1 1~.7 I I\./~ ~,/\./I I Ir,/IIV\.A YYI~11 III ~I IV ~I1I IV NI wvl INVb1 32 l~a~ ~a ~~1~ r,.~+ir►c~ +h~ hi iilrJinn nffini~I i~ ~+hnriac~rl...#n...rorv~ +.k,~ I~,rral Ana an~c~l of #ha~ is ~rae~~~+inra. N~ V41V1 1 I IV~IVV, LI IV N41114111 Itl VIIIVItAI IV N41~I IVI ILV41 ~V 1 V1~41VV~ ~I IV IV4J411 VV4111VV1 VI r~r r1V ~~.+11V~.+IV~1rur r 33 ins+i+i i+o +ho ^nnrnnria+oaJnrnnoorlinn a+ In~nr nr in oni ii+v +n roc+r^in nnrrcn+ nr nha+o ~i ir+h ~V 11 IV~1~4t~V ~1 1v uNNI VNI Ica~V N1 \....i~.....\..111 ly c,« 141vv VI 11 1 v4,411~~ w I vV~l call 1, VVI I \..V~ VI 41NCaw V41V1 1 \~.nl^+..nn nr....+n rorvi.,,iiro ..+..,ho romncral nr +o.rmin.~+inn of .f.ho i,,a.nla~.~.rfi it ..nr►ni„i..nan..r+\r n.f +ho.,,,.hi iia.rlinrr....n.r 34 r rV1\atirV1 yr ~V 1 vM\.111 v >:1 Iv rL1 1 1 V v 411 yr ~vr 1 > > rr ~iatirvr ~ Vr >;1 1v u1 Iluvr 1 c.a1 vvV\.iNur rvy yr tir 1v ►aulrul~ ly yr 35 ~~r~ ~r►+~ ~rca in ~~inl^+inn of +hc~ nrncrieinn~ of +hie ar+nrlca nr of +hca nerlcar nr rlrcar++inn marl ca n~ ~r~~ ~an+ ~r11..1'VY'L11'1.i rII vIVlu~lvll 'VI Y11'i.. ~r~vvlVlv~rl.y Vr ~Il1.y"1.rVr,1\.. VI""VI ~II~.. Vri,1~..1 v1 41~1\,vrrvll Irllca~ N41r~r41carrr 36 +hnrofn..., ~1 1\./I 37 Il l/inl^+inn Don^I+io~ ~n~r nor~nn ~nrhn ~rinl^+o~ ^ nrn~ri~inn of +hi~ r+nrlc nr fnil~ +n r+mm~hr ~nri+h ~V. V IVI{a\IV11 1 VIINI~IVV. ! \IIY `./VIVVII YYIIV YIVI{a\VV 4l `./IVYIVIVII VI ~IIIV VV41V VI 14111V ~V VV111`./IY VY1~11 38 ^n~r of +ha rcrvi iircmon+~ +horcnf nr \nrhn oror►+~ r►nn~+n ir►+~ nl+or~ nr ronnir~ ^ hi iilrlinrr nr 1al I~ VI ~I IV I V4IN11 VI I IVI IIV ~I IVI VVI VI YYI IV VI VV~V, VVI IVI NV~V, 411~V1 V VI I V`./lall V 1.A NN114i11 14J VI 39 ~+n ir++i iro in ~rinl^+inn of +ho nnnrn~rorl r+nn~+n ir++inn rlnr+i imon+~ nr ~iror++i~ro of +ho hi iilrlinrr nffir+i~l,.,,, ~./~11..1\./~1a1\./ 111 Y14+1ca~14+11 4+1 ~11\.t 1a ~../`../14,YV41 V4+11V~11aV~14,11 41VV41111V11w 4+1 4111VV~1YV \./1 X11\./ N1a11 41 11 1 41 \./111\./11.41, ~..~......,~.~.......a.........~.~.r... ..m..i.+.......nl.r.......~►.,a..r.+..i.~i..~..a..+.,a........i..~...~..~.....~.,a.~........~.....~..~.rl..,a.r.......+..1~.,a........~.r.~.~.~.i...~..i.,~..r~...~........n.~......+.1~..i..~........~ .~.rl..,a ..............~...k~...a..l..l........1~,~........~..~.....~..l~.i..~.~.+.......+.nl.......V~.,a.~..a..l.+.i..~.~.. 40 VI V1 U I.JVli1fI11J1 VLIG111VUGL IJ~74iLb1 U1ILiLl GIIL I.JlVV1~.7IVf1V \Jf LIIIJ VV11L, ~7flUll 1JV ~.7{.dN~vV~ G1J'.JLilG4ILlv~7 41 a~ nr,~~r~rih~rl I~~~~ rn~rl ~ ~l~ ~~rl~ ~nn,~ I.J'I"1J~./VI1~,r~..\..1 xr~ 14Yfi. ~"i.J`I~. ~~I ~ ~ r 1~r1, ~~rv~rr..l 42 n~. ~ gyn. c+~.„ ,~.r~..r~o.r.. 43 1 1 \ULI1Vrfty,:~ vlvA~f~I:nL.:~l'~~V,C~V,I~~ L::~VG~ ~:u~l~::~.~g LfflLfal fl~l'~~:~J U„l ly V~VVI j`::.b~~~l'~~:g p~.f `v~:~1Y~~~V,C~~,:.:~~1~11 u::.~U~1~I~LG1:~::.~~t~:~: 44 c^ntra~ ~ t^ tho pr^visi^~s ^f thi-s c^d° or nth~r p°rti~°"t ~a~~'s ^r ^rdi~anos implomontod 45 +hrni irrh +ho onfnrr+omon+ of +hi~. nnrl.o +ho hi ilrlinrr nffir►iaa. ie as i+hnn~orl +n...~ei o a ~+nv~...~nrnrlr. ~I-II V41y1 I ~I-I,, ,,I-IIVI,,r,,l I I,I I~ V~ ~I II,.~ VV~I~.., ~I-I,, N,Ill,~l~ ly VI~IVI~,,I I,.~ u,,l~l I„I I~,,~ ~V I~..~,,I~., ~,I .~~VN YYVI 46 nrrlar , V141V1. 47 R I~~i ianno Tho ~+nn ~nrnrU nrrlcr ~hnll ho in ~nrri+inn nnrJ ~hnll ho ni~ron +n +ho n~nrnor of +ho Imo. 11.71./1aca11\!V. I IIV V~Vr., YYVI1~ \./1\a\.tl 1.7111.411 NV 111 YYl loll ly c.411\a x./114111 NV ylYVl l ~V ~I IV VYYI IVI \./1 ~I IV p n..rnno.r+~r i.nvnl~aorJ .......nr fn.. +ho.....n~er.n.or'e.....arro.n+ n.r +n.....fho...r~or~.nn rl.ninrr.....+ho.._~nrnrU I L.v~nn....~~i i.~nno...nf.a. 48 NI\.,r.7\..I ~y IllvvlVV41, VI w ~Ilv VvY1IVl v 41yv1 I~, v1 w ~Ilv Nvlwll .4vllly ~Ilv Yvvll~. vNVll 117V4ful Ivv VI u 1 ~tnn ~nrnrU nrrlor tho r+itcrJ ~nrnrU ~h~ll immarli~tol~r r►a~~a Tho ~tnn ~nrnrU nrrlcr ~h~ll ~t~ta tho V~V~../ YYVII\ VINVI, IIV VI~VN YYVII\ VIINII IIIIIIIVNI{rl♦.VI~ VV6.lVV. I IIV V~V~../ YYVI I\ VINVI VII{..lll V~6.l~V IIV rc~enn fnr tho nr~lcr ~nrl the nnnrlitinne i inrlor ~n►hinh tho r►itorl ~nrnrlr ~nrill ho ncrmittorl to roes imo 2 IVNVVII IVI IIV VINV1, NIIN IIV VVI,~INI~IVIIV~ NIINVI vv111hV11 ~IIV,~VI~VN VYV11\ YY111 NV I✓VIIIII~~VN ~V IVVNIIIV. 3 C. ~rr1r~VLJLIgULIV11 ~Li~,e. Trr'lre bUl~~.illrlrg Vf1LIG~dI`lV G~d{itIIV~ILL~.1. tV aJVeVJ U Jr7eLlG~dl lf1V~eVL1gGL1V1rI fLe 4 fnr thca i~~~ ~anr►,ca of a ~tnn ~~~nr~r nrrlcar I'V7 ~I IV 1~7~1;.r~L.r1 IVV 'VI ~.1 v7'VhJ ti"IIVr I\ Vr VrV1 5 rl L..lnl~~n~fi il.f nntinr r.~nr+o ~n..~~ r~or~nn ~nihn ~h.~ll r+nntin.i m ~n~~ ~n~nrlr..,in n.r ~hni rt the ~fn ir+f.i rrn V. V111{►+YYINI VVI~I~IIINNIIVV. / \1~1-Y I./VIVV1~~1 YYIIV V11{.~11 VVII~II~INV LAl1Y VYV11\ 111 VI NNVN~ IIV V~INV~NIV 6 ~ftor h~~rinrr hacn car~rcrJ ~nrith ~ ~tnn ~n►nrU nrrlor ovr+ont ~i ir+h ~e/inrU that ncr~nn i~ rJirar+torl to NI~VI IINY1114J NVVII VVI YVN VVI~II N V~V~../ YYVII\ VINVI, VnVV`./~ VNVII VVVII\ NV ~1141~ `./VIVVII IV NIIVV~VN ~V 7 ncrfnrm to romn~ro ~ ~rinl~tinn nr i in~~fa r►nnrlitinn ~h~ll ho ~i ihiar►t to non~ltic~ nro~r►rihor! by `./VI IV1111 ~V 1 VI I IV Y V N Y IVIN~IVI 1 VI NI IVNIV VVI INI~IV11, V111r111 NV VNN,VV~ ~V ~../VI INI~IVV NV p./1 VVVI INVN N~ g rnr~ _tiQ~~ ~ r~ ~_ti~ inn INYV. `VIN. VVI ~ ~ I I VJ, LVV~.J 9 15.07.160 Unsafe structures and equipment. 10 ~ ('_cnor~l Ctri ir►ti iron nr ovi~tinn crri iinmant that pro nr hcro~ftor har+nma i in~~fa i in~~nit~nr vVl IV16d1. V~1 NV~NI VV VI V!\IV~11 Ibl V~NI`./11IV11~ LI INS btl V VI 1 IVI VNI~VI NVVVIIIV NI IVbIIV, NI IVNI II~NI Y nr rlofiniont hon~i i~o of in~rlorri i~to~./mo~ne of orrro~~ f~nilitioe in~rlorvi into lirrht ~nrl vontil~tinn f 1 1 ...............r.....................................r...r.............r.......... .....r.....r.........................................................................................................................r.........r..r.....r.............................................. ..........................................................r....r....r...........................r.....r.................................r...................................r.......................... .....................r...........................r..r..r.........r............ 1 1 1 N ...................................................................................r..r...............r....r.... ........................r.....r......................V................r.....r........r..r.....................r...............r.....r....... V NV V V ~ NVVNNVV V G.INV~NN~V VN V V Vy VVV NV ~ VV, NV~NG.I~V y ~ N N V ~ N~ V , 12 ~vll'r~vh vvn~tit~to ~ fi+',~ hazard, ~r urn ~tk~~~v'i~° ~ang°vrv~.iv ±v I':riiYi~~.+i~ IifA ~r th° ~n,uh~,,,r ~~lolfuro 13 nr that in~cnh~n„illon,~l nr imr~rnr»r nr►ri ir~~nr►~c, nr in~rlorr~ into m~infnn~nr+o ,~h~ll„ham r~loomnr~l Win, Vr. ti i~.i rr r rr Vrrrr.. rrrti..~rrr Vr it i rlrr V~.rti:.r V~vv~a~.r~rr rti..~ Vr rr i~~.r~~NN~v 1 I ~+~rri irvi ~+~,+r rr.rti..yi ir.x~r r.►~.. ~v~i r i~r..r ~i r 14 ~ ine~fa r►nnrlitinn I In~~fo etn ir+ti irate eh~ll ho t~Uon rln~nrn ~nrl romn~rcrJ nr m~rla ~~fo tho NI IVNIV VVI INI~IV11. VI IVNIV V~1 NV~NI VV V114111 NV ~NI\V11 NVVYI I NI IN 1 VI I IV Y VN VI I I INNV VNIV, NV LI IV 15 iilrlinrr nffir+i~l rJoom~ nor,oe~~nr ~nr~l nrn~rirlorJ fnr in tho 7(1(1G; Intorn~tinn~l Drnnort~r 17NIIN11 Itl VIIIVINI b1VVl I IV I IV VVVVNI V NI It.1 NV ~./I <JYIb1Vb1 I<JI II I ~I IV L\/VV II I~VI I IN~IVI INI I I <J ~./VI ~Y 16 ~llainton~nr+o ('nrlc 0 ~r~r+~nt stn ir+ti iro that i~ not ~or,i iron ~rr~in~t ontnr ~h~ll ho doomorl 1"IflNll I~VI INI IVV VVNV. , , YNVNI IL V♦.I NV♦.NI V ♦.I INS IV IIV♦. VVVNI VN {..tyNll IV♦. VI I♦.I ~ VI INII Nv NVVI I IVN 17 i in~~fo,,, Nr'rvNly. 18 1 Evacuation. The fire code official or the fire official in charge of an incident shall be 19 authorized to order the immediate evacuation of any occupied building deemed unsafe when 20 such building has hazardous conditions that present imminent dangerto building occupants. 21 Persons so notified shall immediately leave the structure or premises and shall not enter or re- 22 enter until authorized to do so by the fire code official or the fire official in charge of the incident. 23 (Ord. 6104 § 8, 2007; Ord. 5874 § 4(116), 2004.) 24 Chapter 15.08A 25 BUILDING CODE 26 Sections: 27 15.08A.011 Adoption of International Building Code. 28 15.08A.021 Appendices adopted. 29 15.08A.031 Section 501.2 amended -Premises identification. 30 15.08A.041 Section 516 added -Recyclable materials and solid waste storage. 31 15.08A.051 Section 903.1 amended -General. 32 15.08A.061 Repealed Se~t~-n 17f1~1 12 ~mnndod Exterior in.~~~r~rl~f~n~,n .~~~n~ .finish ~,y ~e~t°m.~e~,, 33 15.08A.071 Section 3408.1 amended -Conformance. 34 15.08A.011 Adoption of International Building Code. 35 The 2009 International Building Code as adopted and hereafter amended by the State 36 Building Code Council, and included in Chapter 51-50 WAC, is adopted as the building code of 37 the city; provided, that the amendments, deletions and additions thereto as provided in this 38 chapter shall govern over the published provisions of the International Building Code. (Ord. 39 6104 § 9, 2007; Ord. 5874 § 6, 2004.} 40 15.08A.021 Appendices adopted. 41 International Code Appendix Chapter E, "Supplementary Accessibility Requirements," 42 Appendix Chapter H, "Signs," Appendix Chapter J, "Grading," and Appendix Chapter M, "2009 43 International Existing Building Code," are hereby adopted. (Ord. 6104 § 10, 2007; Ord. 5874 § 44 6, 2004.} 45 15.08A.031 Section 501.2 amended -Premises identification. 1 International Building Code Section 501.2 is amended to read as follows: 2 Premises identification. Approved numbers or addresses shall be provided as required by 3 ACC Chapter 15.52. 4 (Ord. 5874 § 6, 2004.} 5 15.08A.041 Section 516 added -Recyclable materials and solid waste storage. 6 Anew Section 516 and Table No. 5-F are added to Chapter 5 of the International Building 7 Code to read as follows: 8 A. Recyclable Materials and Solid Waste Storage. 9 1. For the purpose of this section, the following definition shall apply: Recycled Materials 10 means those solid wastes that are separated for recycling or reuse, such as papers, metals 11 and glass. 12 2. All new buildings shall provide space in accordance with Table No. 5-F for the storage of 13 recycled materials and solid waste; EXCEPTION: Group R, Division 3 and Group U 14 Occupancies. 15 3. The storage area shall be designed to meet the needs of the occupancy, efficiency of 16 pick-up, and shall be available to occupants and haulers. 17 4. Storage and Handling of Recyclables and Solid Waste shall comply with the 2003 Edition 18 of the International Fire Code, Chapter 3, Section 304. 19 TABLE N0.5-F -RECYCLABLE MATERIALS AND SOLID WASTE STORAGE AREA 20 REQUIREMENT 21 OCCUPANCY AREA REQUIREMENTS 22 OFFICE 2 SF Per 1,000 SF of Gross Floor Area 23 RETAIL 5 SF Per 1,000 SF of Gross Floor Area 24 WHOLESALE 25 WAREHOUSE 26 INDUSTRIAL 3 SF Per 1,000 SF of Gross Floor Area 27 EDUCATIONAL 28 INSTITUTIONAL 2 SF Per 1,000 SF of Gross Floor Area 29 RESIDENTIAL Min. 12 SF Plus 1.5 SF Per Unit; One Collection Area Per 30 Units located 30 within 200 feet. 31 (Ord. 5874 § 6, 2004.} 32 15.08A.051 Section 903.1 amended -General. 33 International Building Code Section 903.1 is amended to read as follows: 34 Section 903.1 General. Fire extinguishing systems required in this code shall be installed in 35 accordance with the requirements of this section. See Auburn City Code 15.38A. 36 Fire hose threads used in connection with fire-extinguishing systems shall be national 37 standard hose thread or as approved by the fire department. 38 The location of fire department hose connections shall be approved by the fire department. 39 In buildings used for high-piled combustible storage, fire protection shall be in accordance 40 with the Fire Code. 41 (Ord. 5874 § 6, 2004.} 1 nQe n~~ ce~.f~~n ~7f1/I ~n,nnrlarl - Gvfarinr ine~~l~finn ~nrl finish ~~i~fnn,~ IV.VVlI.VV 1 VVVVIVII 11 VT. 1` {.1111V11NVb. ~AVVIIVI IIIVNI{AVIV11 f.Allb. IIIIIVII V~VVVIIIV■ In+orn~+inn~l Ri iilrlinn ('nrlo Cow+inn 17f1d 17 ie ~monrlorl +n ro~~l ~e fnlln~n~e• 1 1 1 1 L..LN.` ~ 1 16d 1✓ 1r1....1.~.A.1 1 1 ~A ~.A ~ 1 1 1, . 1 L 1 ~.7.......{.ri 1 1 1 1 1 ~.A..\./\.1....... .~ V.......1 V.N.V1........{r1.V..........V.1...V..v.Y..V... 2 3 Con+inn 17(1/1 17 w+orinr inei il~+inn ~nrl finish w~+om~ /~I~C1 Cnonial inenon+inn eh~ll ho VVVIIVII I 1 IL L/\IVIIVI IIIV1..1luIIVII uII~,A IIIIIVII V~VLVIIIV `L11 V,. V~../VVlbll IIIV~../VVIIVIIV ~Ti'~~IIdII NV 4 rorri iirorl fnr III ~I~C ~nnlir+~+inne 1/ I V~N11 Vb+ IVI blll L11 V IAr./~.JIIV{dIIVI IV. 5 .Erioe;~ti^~s: 6 1 w+orinr inci il~+inn finish evc+omc ~~I~CI chill ho nor+ifior! h~i +ho mini if~n+i iror ~c hwinrY I L/\IVI IVI II IV N11..l IIVI I III IIV11 V}f VIVI I IV `L11 V J VI Iltll NV VVI IIIIV41 Nr II IV I I Iltl INIVIV INI VI 41V I IVIV II lbl 7 Noon ine+~Ilor! nor +ha mini if~n+i iror'e ine+~Il~+inn rar+nmmonrl~+inne Tho hi iilrlinr^~ nffir+i~l ie NVV11 II IVI4111V41 ~.JVI II IV I I Ildl INIVIVINI VI V II IVIVl11VlIIVI I 1 VVVI I II I IVI I\.11..lIIVI IV. 1 I IV NN11 41 11 1 41 VIIIVIVII I~.J ~i i+hnri~orl +n ~nnrrnio ~I+orn~+o ~nonr+ioe in lioi i of +ho mini if~r++i iror +n r+ar+ifv ineVV+~II~+inn of I.INII IVI ILV41 IV I.th/r/I V V V 4iIIVl 114iIV I.tyVl IVIVV III IIVN VI II IV I I Il,.ll INIUVIUI VI IV VVI III Y II IVIIAIII.IIIVI I VI g ~I~c V L 1 1 . 10 2. C'pevi'c~,il i"vNevtviiv v!i'caall'nvt be ~Aquiruf'~ fvr E~F.C .uNN~ic~~.+tiviiv. iiivtt~al~A~,.v1~LA~. ~i I~iu~viiry. v 11 vvn~r~t~..~~~alls 12 rnr~ tiQ~~ ~ a ~nn~ ~ 13 15.08A.071 Section 3408.1 amended -Conformance. 14 International Building Code Section 3408.1 is amended to read as follows: 15 Section 3408.1 Conformance. Buildings or structures moved into or within the jurisdiction 16 shall comply with the provisions of this code, the International Residential Code (WAC 51- 17 51), the International Mechanical Code (WAC 51-52), the International Fire Code (WAC 51- 18 54), the Uniform Plumbing Code and Standards (WAC 51-56 and 51-57), the Washington 19 State Energy Code (WAC 51-11) and the Washington State Ventilation and Indoor Air 20 Quality Code (WAC 51-13) for new buildings or structures. 21 Exception: Group R-3 buildings or structures are not required to comply if: 22 1. The original occupancy classification is not changed, and 23 2. The original building is not substantially remodeled or rehabilitated. 24 For the purposes of this section a building shall be considered substantially remodeled 25 when the costs of remodeling exceed 60 percent of the value of the building, determining 26 the value of the project at the time of permit, exclusive of the costs relating to preparation, 27 construction, demolition or renovation of foundations. If the remodeling cost exceeds 60 28 percent, then the building or project shall be brought up to the latest adopted building code 29 adopted. 30 Structures moved into or within the jurisdiction shall comply with the provisions of this code 31 for new structures. Prior to issuance of a permit to move a structure into the jurisdiction, the 32 applicant shall provide a performance bond to the City Treasurer for an amount to be 33 determined by the City Council. Structures moved into the jurisdiction shall be completed 34 within 90 days. 35 (Ord. 5874 § 6, 2004.} 36 37 Chapter 15.16 3s DANGEROUS BUILDINGS CODE 39 Sections: 40 15.16.010 Section 401(c) amended -Service of notices and orders. 41 15.16.020 Section 801(b} amended -Costs. 1 15.16.030 Section 802 -Repair and demolition fund deleted. 2 15.16.040 Section 902 amended -Report transmitted to council -Set for hearing. 3 15.16.050 Section 905(c) amended -Personal obligation or special assessment. 4 15.16.060 Section 908(b} amended -Lien of assessment. 5 15.16.070 Section 909 amended - Report to assessor and county treasurer-Addition of 6 assessment to tax roll. 7 15.16.080 Section 910 amended -Filing of report with county auditor. 8 15.16.090 Section 912 amended -Recovered moneys. 9 15.16.010 Section 401(c) amended -Service of notices and orders. 10 Chapter 4, Section 401(c) of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings is 11 amended and shall read as follows: 12 c. Service of Notice and Order. The notice and order, and any amended or supplemental 13 notice and order, shall be served upon the record owner, and posted on the property; and 14 one copy thereof shall be served on each of the following if known to the Building Official or 15 disclosed from official public records; the holder of any mortgage or deed of trust or other 16 lien or encumbrance of record; the owner or holder of any lease of record; and the holder of 17 any other estate or legal interest of record in or to the building or the land on which it is 18 located. 19 If the whereabouts of such persons is unknown and the same cannot be ascertained by the 20 Building Official in the exercise of reasonable diligence and the Building Official shall make 21 an affidavit to that effect, then the serving of such compliant or order upon such person may 22 be made by publishing the same each week, 23 for two consecutive weeks, in the official newspaper of the city of Auburn. 24 The failure of the Building Official to serve any person required herein to be served shall not 25 invalidate any proceedings hereunder as to any other person duly served or relieve any 26 such person from any duty or obligation imposed on him by the provisions of this Section. 27 (Ord. 4378 § 2, 1990.} 28 15.16.020 Section 801(b) amended -Costs. 29 Section 801 (b) of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings shall be 30 amended to read as follows: 31 (b) Costs. The cost of such work shall be paid from such account as deemed appropriate by 32 the Finance Director. 33 (Ord. 4378 § 2, 1990.} 34 15.16.030 Section 802 -Repair and demolition fund deleted. 35 Section 802 of the Uniform Code forthe Abatement of Dangerous Buildings is deleted. (Ord. 36 4378 § 2, 1990.) 37 15.16.040 Section 902 amended -Report transmitted to council -Set for hearing. 38 Section 902 of the Uniform Code forthe Abatement of Dangerous Buildings shall be 39 amended to read as follows: 40 Sec. 902. Upon receipt of said report, the clerk of this jurisdiction shall present it to the 41 legislative body of this jurisdiction for consideration. The legislative body of this jurisdiction 42 shall fix a time, date and place for hearing said report and any protests or objections 43 thereto. The clerk of this jurisdiction shall cause notice of said hearing to be posted upon the 1 property involved, published once in a newspaper of general circulation in this jurisdiction, 2 and served by certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the owner of the property as his 3 name and address appear on the last equalized assessment roll of the county if such so 4 appear, or as known to the clerk and to persons entitled to notice pursuant to Subsection (c) 5 of Section 401. Such notice shall be given at least 10 days prior to the date set for hearing 6 and shall specify the day, hour and place when the legislative body will hear and pass upon 7 the director's report, together with any objections or protests which may be filed as 8 hereinafter provided by any person interested in or affected by the proposed charge. 9 (Ord. 4378 § 2, 1990.} 10 15.16.050 Section 905(c) amended -Personal obligation or special assessment. 11 Section 905, subsection (c) of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings is 12 hereby amended as follows: 13 (c) Special Assessment and Lien. If the legislative body of this jurisdiction orders that the 14 charge shall be assessed against the property it shall confirm the assessment, cause the 15 same to be recorded on the assessment roll, and thereafter said assessment shall 16 constitute a special assessment against and a lien upon the property which shall be of equal 17 rank with state, county and municipal taxes. 18 (Ord. 4378 § 2, 1990.} 19 15.16.060 Section 908(b) amended -Lien of assessment. 20 Section 908, subsection (b} of the Uniform Code forthe Abatement of Dangerous Buildings is 21 amended to read as follows: 22 (b) Interest. All such assessments remaining unpaid after 30 days from the date of recording 23 on the assessment roll shall become delinquent and shall bear interest at the rate of twelve 24 percent per annum plus penalties from and after said date as provided for in RCW 25 84.56.020, as now or hereafter amended for delinquent taxes. 26 (Ord. 4378 § 2, 1990.} 27 15.16.070 Section 909 amended -Report to assessor and county treasurer -Addition of 28 assessment to tax roll. 29 Section 909 of the Uniform Code forthe Abatement of Dangerous Buildings is hereby 30 amended as follows: 31 Sec. 909. After confirmation of the report, certified copies of the assessment and lien shall 32 be given to the assessor and the county treasurer for this jurisdiction, who shall enter the 33 amount of the assessment upon the tax rolls against the property for the current year and 34 the same shall become a part of the general taxes for that year to be collected at the same 35 time and with interest at such rates and in such manner as provided for in RCW 34.56.020, 36 as now or hereafter amended, for delinquent taxes, and when collected to be deposited to 37 the credit of the general fund of the municipality. 38 (Ord. 4378 § 2, 1990.} 39 15.16.080 Section 910 amended -Filing of report with county auditor. 40 Section 910 of the Uniform Code forthe Abatement of Dangerous Buildings is hereby 41 amended as follows: 42 Sec. 910. If the county assessor and the county treasurer assess property and collect taxes 43 for this jurisdiction, a certified copy of the assessment shall be filed with the county auditor. 44 The descriptions of the parcels reported shall be those used for the same parcels on the 45 county assessor's map books for the current year. 46 (Ord. 4378 § 2, 1990.} 1 15.16.090 Section 912 amended -Recovered moneys. 2 Section 912 of the Uniform Code forthe Abatement of Dangerous Buildings is hereby 3 amended as follows: 4 Sec. 912. All money recovered by payment of the charge of assessment or from the sale of 5 the property at foreclosure sale shall be paid to the Finance Director, who shall credit the 6 same to the appropriate account. 7 (Ord. 4378 § 2, 1990.} 8 9 Chapter 15.28 1o ELECTRICAL CODE 11 Sections: 12 15.28.010 Generally. 13 15.28.010 Generally. 14 All electrical wiring, equipment and appliances shall be in conformity with the statutes of the 15 state. No additional permits or licenses shall be required other than as required by state law. 16 (Ord. 2856 § 2, 1974; 1957 code § 2.13.010.) 17 is Chapter 15.32 19 SIGN CODE 20 Sections: 21 15.32.010 Additional provisions adopted. 22 15.32.020 Sign fees, inspections and general requirements. 23 15.32.030 Sign permit -City's revocation right. 24 15.32.040 Sign permit -Revocation. 25 15.32.050 Appeal and appeal procedures. 26 15.32.010 Additional provisions adopted. 27 In addition to the provisions of the latest adopted Uniform Sign Code, 1994-=7 ~~~+~^n there is 28 adopted by reference and incorporated in this chapter by this reference Chapter 18.56 ACC 29 entitled Signs. (Ord. 4777 § 2, 1995; Ord. 4569 § 2 (Exh. A), 1992; Ord. 4368 § 2, 1990; Ord. 30 4189 § 10, 1986. ) 31 15.32.020 Sign fees, inspections and general requirements. 32 Sign fees, inspections and general requirements shall be as provided in Chapter 18.56 ACC 33 entitled Signs. (Ord. 4777 § 2, 1995; Ord. 3609 § 15, 1981.) 34 15.32.030 Sign permit -City's revocation right. 35 All rights and privileges acquired under the provisions of this chapter, or any amendments 36 hereto, are mere licenses revocable at any time by the city council, and all such permits shall 37 contain this provision. (Ord. 4777 § 2, 1995; Ord. 2856 § 2, 1974; 1957 code § 2.06.030.) 38 15.32.040 Sign permit -Revocation. 39 The building inspector is authorized and empowered to revoke any permit issued by him upon 40 failure of the holder to comply with any provision of this chapter. (Ord. 4777 § 2, 1995; Ord. 41 2856 § 2, 1974; 1957 code § 2.06.040.) 1 15.32.050 Appeal and appeal procedures. 2 The appeal and appeal procedures contained in Chapter 15.08 ACC and any future 3 amendments thereto are adopted by reference and incorporated in this chapter. (Ord. 4777 § 2, 4 1995; Ord .4569 § 4 (Exh . B), 1992. ) 5 6 Chapter 15.36A ~ FIRE CODE 8 Sections: 9 15.36A.011 Adoption. 10 15.36A.021 Repealed co,,+i,r, ~ nQ ~monrJorl - 0 ~~o~l \./V\./~1\,/1 I I VV ul ~ IVI I~:rVbf / . Vu1N. 11 15.36A.031 Fire service features. 12 15.36A.041 Sections 903 and 2305 amended -Housekeeping and maintenance. 13 15.36A.051 Repealed. 14 15.36A.061 Repealed ~ NN°"~rri B F~;~~ fln~nv r~q~ri~r~l~'~~nty f ~r bur~~~~y°~. 15 15.36A.071 Violation -Penalty. 16 15.36A.081 Definitions. 17 15.36A.091 Fire alarm and detection systems. 18 15.36A.011 Adoption. 19 The International Fire Code, 2006:9.., Edition, as published by the International Code Council, 20 as amended in Chapter 51-54 WAC, effective July 1, 20710, together with amendments, 21 additions, and deletions adopted in this chapter, including Appendix B"Fire Flow Requirements 22 for Buildings," Appendix C, "Fire Hydrant Locations and Distribution," Appendix D, "Fire 23 Apparatus Access Roads" and Appendix E, "Hazard Categories." Thy pr^~~isi^r~s ^f Chapt°r 24 15.67.,nCr t~y°th°r ~°:t" Chapter 15.38A ACC and this chapter shall be controlling within the 25 jurisdiction of the city. The manufacture, storage, handling, sale, and use of fireworks shall be 26 governed by Chapter 70.77 RCW and by Chapter 212-17 WAC and Chapter 8.24 ACC, 27 Fireworks, consistent with Chapter 212-17 WAC. (Ord. 6104 § 11, 2007; Ord. 5874 § 10, 2004.) 28 15.35e.n21 c~~t;o;;1n8 a;;;e~ed eNNea!s. Zg Tho Ir,~orn~~inn~l biro ('nrJo Ccr+~inn 11152 i~ nmor,rlcrJ ~nr! ~h~ll ho in ~r►r+nrrJ~nr+o ,nrifh ~1IIV II I~VIII{.d~IVll{.A1 1 IIV VVV1V VVV~IVII IVV IV 1rlIIIV11b1VLA brllbt V11{.All NV 111 1rlVVV1\.A{i111VV YY1~11 / \VV 30 n~..~ ~zn rnr~ ti ~ n. ~nn~ i v v ~ i vv. Zvi \,r vv 1~~ 1 31 15.36A.031 Fire service features. 32 Chapter 5 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Service Features," is adopted in its 33 entiretwith the following amendments: 34 ! r. FIr~ A~J~/~~.IratN~ ~VVV~'~ RVUtryrJ DI~I~lY11~1~VI Imo. 'V'~VtrV~ S~V3 Vf t~r'll~ IntrIY11~~.ItIVn'nri~.l~ File '~VV'~~ 35 nntiflarl "~,ir~ ~r~r»r~fi rc ~r►r►o~~ Rn~r~r; " ir; ~monrlorl„h~i ~i ih~fifi ifinr► er rh~or►finn ti11~ 7 ,1 ~ent,h fhn ~r ~r.rtiti:rr r rr ti.. r.rNN~r rur.~.r~ / \VVVVV 1 ~~~rr..r.y, r.7 ~i r i~..i r~,r~..~r. r,~~ ~~.,rrr~:rrrt+ur.r.r i~ ~~I..rrJr~.7V'l/r.r~r r ViJ'v.~. r r~rrrrr r tl"i"V 36 fnlln~niinrr• IV11\./YY11141. 37 Ccr~+.... F(1'~....7 1 Ilimcneinne T.ho fnlln~n~nrr minim.i im rlimo.neinne eh.~ll ~.r,nl~ifnr firo ~r.n~ra~i ie. .V VV. VVV.L. I ~~VIIIIVIIVIVIIV. ~~-IIV I-VIIVVY-Il lbl I.r..l11111 r~~1 b1111 ~\11111VI~IV1\Jr~IV V1~1{dll {.i rJ h/IY -rVl Ilr~-V {d LJ LJ{dl {..1-\biV 38 ~r+r+oee rn~rle~_ V 1/ uvvvvV 1 vuuv. 39 1 biro nnnnr~~i ie nr+r+oee rnnrle ehnll h~~io nn i innhe~n i~+or! ~n~irl~h of nn~ lace ~h~n 7(1 foal I 1 IIV 1..1~../r./{..ilbl~l..1V ~dVVVVV IV6.1b1V V111..111 IIbIYV ~d11 NIIVNVL141V~Vbt VYIbt~II VI IIVI IVVV ~Illlll LV IVVL 40 /R (1Q~ mml ovr+on~ fnr nnnrn~iarl eor+i iri~v rr~~oe in nr+r+nrrl~nr+o ~nii~h eon~inn F(1'~ ~ ~nr! nn `V,VVV IIIIIIJ, V/\VVI.J\ IVI t,INNlvv VU VVVUII\V \A 6.1\VV 111 1.AVVVl b16.111vV vYl\11 Vvv\IV11 vvv.v, 1.Al lb1 {.Ai~~~r~ 41 i innhe~ri ir+~ar! ~ior~ir+~l r+lonr~nr+o of nn~ loleeV~hnn 1'~ food ~ inr+hae //I 1 1 F mml NIIVN~./~11..1V~V\.t VVIIIVbtI VIVb11bt1IVV VI IIV IvVV lll~dll 1V IVVL V IIIVIIVV I IV 111111/. 42 7 1 n fho immnrli~~n ~rir+inif~i of ~n,~r hr ~i,lrlinn nr r~nr+inn fhnronf in ovr+oer; of 752 fnof in hninhf , r1'r" tl IV '1'r 111 r Irtirrt..rtr., YrVr`I Ilr.~' yr irr r~ rrrarrtirrl r~ V1 ~7'V1 r,rti;rr 1 r.l rrl ~..~r rr r i..7`(v'l..y'y ti.rr ~v I~~r. Ir 1 `I`1"1.r1i~1"r~~ 43 fhn fire ~,hr»r~~r re ,~rr+n~e rn~r•~ eh~ll h~~rn,,,~n i innh~~rr rnfor~ ~n~irlfh ,nf nn~ loe~ fh~,n '?R,,foof .ir 1'1.r rrr~.. +~r.r~t..rr tlt~.r.~ tir~v~r..Y~ r v+~..rir .yr rt..rrr r rtrrr~.. err r +~rr r~+xr~tir r„rvtti..~,r YVlr.,rtl I ~r r rVt rti..~..Y tl I+~r r ~v r~..i..t l7 Q7/I mml and an i innhefri it+crJ var+ir+al r+laaranr+a of nn+ lace +han 1'~ faa+ R inr+hae ~/I 1 1 F 1 . r r, rr r r ur r~I ~r r err r~N~~r ~r ~rur u,,~ ~r r r~~ rte:," ,ur r , ~ r,,~r r~~ ~ r r i 2 ,m lm. 3 ~~f ,Laa~f„nna.,nf fho rani iiracl faro„ ann~ra+i.i.e a~rae~„rnarle ~h.~ll ho lnr,~+arl minim< <.m nf,,,9 5 ,i.rr \r. r~.u.sr. Vl r~.. yr tl rti., r \..~~..rrrr..tir ~rl i. Y.r~~,rul ur,rrr.y u~~v~.~.s..rti.ruiur.~+ ..rr rt..rlr N` r~v+~,:r~r..tir Cd I rrll rll r l~.rr I ~ Vr I it 4 faa+ anrl...~ mwimi im of 7F faa~ from oar+h...hi iilrlinn nn +ha nramieae anr) ehall ho nne.i~innarl ,r~..r..r, trr r~,I .u I ~ rr,Ir~rl ~ rrrlr ~ I ~.r... ~v l``1.r'~.ir. rl Vr ~ 11~t..rvl r Nl.Ilr'~Irl r~'"!I r r.r rr.. ~l ~l r ~r..r~..r uI r~,r ~.rr le.Irl N'li ~V~Ir.rVr rc..~r 5 nar~llal +n nn.n an~i_ra eirla of aar+h hi ii_lrlinn_ Tha maaei irnman+ fnr_+hi~ __rnn< <_irnm.nnf shall ha ,~,.rur~rl~..l r,v Vr I'~ r..r rtrl ~rra\.► ti.r'r" r.uvr I N'1d`rIr„Ilr l~. I I rr r I I"VU.yr,.rrVl rrti..r"l~ r Vl ° r,l rl..r"r \..~rrrlr~..~ I'IVI rt yr rurl "IJ\ 6 faUan frnm +h,o avforinr„~n»Il„nf +ha h<<,i,lrlinn, +n ~ha noarae+ arlna nf,+ha faro a,nnara+<<e„arrn~e ,iur~~r I rl~rr I r.l `►~ri.l rVr rrulr r,l r\.. Nr;.rrr~,rrl r~ r.V ~r r\., r Icul'~►v+IL i..~,r~r.. it I'1.r rlr~., u~,.r~t..rr t.Itu.~ tir~v~r..Y 7 .,road.:.: ~ ..............~..i..r,~.........A...n.~..a..r..a.~.~.....~..~..........A...~.~,~.~...~........~..~..a.~..~.......,~.......~1~..i...,~.~..~...i.,~..n....~...............~.,~.~►.~.i..n.n.........~.~. .~.......~.f.........~..k~..~........1...~.f.,~..r.~..a.f..i..~..~..a..l.........~..i..r,~.......~ 8 L. i 11 L / [~Ji.7GII G.iLUv7 / [VLVJv7 i \VU~dJ L.Tff I ILiINIVf 1v7. VLLLIVII VVV VI LI1V II I~Lf 1 1G.\G1VI fUT 1 I1 L VV1dL 9 anfi~Flar~ "lira ~nnara#~ IQr+ra~~ Rnarl~ " i~ amanrlarl h~~ ~h~fi~Fa ~fin,rr e~ ih~ar►finn ti,fl'~ ~ ~n~i~h ~Fh~a ~..rlr.I~l'1.id I -rl r ~NN~r ra~u~ r rvv~..y.~ I ~~~~u, i.y r IVl lVrVrd- I.~~ ~7"1.,IId~~l~uYrl ly .y ~,+I.r.y:.~.r.rvr I vVV.L.~ rrvrrI I r 10 fn..lln~n,nn Ivllvrrrl ly. 11 .Car,,, Ff1'~„'? /l Ti irninn r~r~ii ie, Tho rnn< <irnrl, f< <rn,inn radii i.e ,nf ~ faro„ann~ra+i i,~ arraee „rnarl ~+~.v: V V V:~.~ I ~..r r I rr l r~ r ~t;;rr„I r i,I r I r~, r rr I r r.,tiI r, id l r I r l r~ ~ Y.it'~A I rLA v' \.J I u l l l '1.r u (.J' ~.i i:.I r 7L.r r.1U ~i u V vrr..,r.y r ~utir 12 ~h~l ha~ia ~ fnn+ minima i,m in~irla fi irninn r~rli< <e and ~ /I ti fnn+ minima im„ n< <+eir•~a ~i irninn °.yl rurr I r~t..rrr\.► u ~V IVVr, I ~ rrr-rrr rr~Ir l l Ir Iyrti,Ir.. rr,.rl r rrr l~ I r:Ir„IIr,A.r.ul rti,I..1..1 ~v rvV~ I l rrr rrr`l ri,Ir I"r Vur~~IOV r,.rl ~ err r 13 ru~i~s~. lira Or~n~rafi ie ~rra~~ Rn~rl~ - Ilimaneinne Car►finn F(1'2 of +ho Infarnafinnal lira (`nrla 14 V. II V'T \'.JiJGiI UL{vT 1 \LVV~7i.7 1 \VUb1~.7 V'rI I Ivrvrvrv. VVVLIVI 1 vvV V I \1 rv° II ILVI 11\riL1V1 Ii.( i Irv l7LJ~dV° 15 anfi~Flar~ "~irc.a ~nnara#~ l~r+ra~~ Rnarl~ " i~ amanrJo~) h~~ ~h~+i+a a+inr~r ih~ar►+inn ti11~ ti ~~~i+h +ha \..r-Ir.I~I'1.id I -rl'i.. r l~.l~J~i..~iC.IY'1.I~7' r rvL'i...y.7~ I rvu'1,I.y, I.y r..~7I IVI rb1Vbl„~~ ~7"1.IId~7~I~~.IYII ly vu N.7\:.'~.Yrvr I VVV.L.V WVIrI ~ ~l r\ 16 fnlln~n,nn Ivllvrrrl ly. 17 .Car... ti,(~'~_7 ti Ilaar~ an,rlc r~aar~ and faro annar~+~ l~ ar+rac~ rna,rlc in avrace of 1 Ffl faa 'V ~.iV:" V V V: L. V V Vubl V I I\i.y. Iv~►u~,I it l\.r ITr r., ur.JIIUI u~1.,.J uVV\.~.y I V~i..r\.A~.Y l7 I Vl\V\.r~.7v v l I V iJ I V V G 1$ 1/Iti 7'1f1 mml in lanr~+h shall ha r~rn~~ir~ar~ ~n~i~h an ~nnrn~~arl araa fnr #i irninr^w ~rnl Inr~ faro. ~""I'V,r LV IIrIII~' 17r Ir.rflyYll ~:JIIU11 W1s ~,rrVWI~,iV\A IiirlYll i17I ~.1I,TI,/1Vr"V~.1 urV\.r IVI Y\dl-Ilrlly ulVUII\,1 11TV 19 annara+~ ~c Tha ~rnarn~ ~nrl shall ha a. CF' cliama+ar ~rnarn~ ~n~ 1')~fl' hammarha~rJ nr a F~1'. >,..r~.JI.Ji:11 u\uly. 1 11r.r ♦.'ur l lur v~.rr lu ~.JI r~ll...Nr.r 1a VV 'urul 1T~.r\VI ..\ul r lul vul ru, I LV I iul 111 11'r,.i1r I~,It..1\.1, V'I u vv 20 11\/„ hu;;"'',r',~,°r~°ud, ~r as appr~~~ed by th° fire c^d° off,c;-al. Il .._~iro......0 r~v~..~rafa...ae Q..r►ro~_~ R.n~rl~..... R..nrl.rlo~ ~..nrl ~..Lov~.forl..Ci irf~roe...... Corfinn.. Frl'~. nf..f.ho. 21 , II V r \LJhJGAI GA~1..I\.7 r ,VVV\.7\.7 1 \V G.1 b1 v7 1..r1 Ib1yV~.7 Gdl IVI LIV VGA~Vb1 V1.A1 IGAVVv7. VVV~IVII VVV VI ~I IV cc r~+i i~ ~ rr " • In~..l•arn..a#in..n~al ~..ira l' nr~o an.#i~la,r~. ~~..r....a A~~..a ,~~~......~na.~~ a..r~an.~a,r~.....hl~~ ~..~..~h~#.i.~~ ~~ir~.~. 22 Irrr,i.r r ~~u~rvr l~crl I II., v~vu~., i..l r~r~Ir,.r.I r rrr.. r \l./I.JYt.dl \.1«nv ~ .vv~....r..r r ~vVIr,I..r, l..r urr Ir,..l rur,..r,I I,y y ~.i"oNO~l~u~rl ry 23 ~i.ih~artinn tiny 7 G ~erifh fhn fnlln~n~inn~., ~.y"dl.J'~7"VViIV'~'I V'iJ'V.~.V Ir'Wlii'r rI I"1 ~'VIIVWW~I'r'L~. 24 .Car.... ti!1'~ ~ Rriar~l~rac an,rl ala~~a+arl c~ ~rfa~o~ 111/horn ~ hrirlr,IO nr an ala~~a+ar) c~ ~rfara is narl• `V V V: V V V: L. V LJ I r rr'~i.~ V of t o V I'i,~ V 1i..r G\.r bI ~J V11 ro V V. Y Y r I V I v u N I I \A y v V I {.r l r 'V 1'i Y o fit. ~d ~.J b1i I o V V l r.J x.11 Y 25 of a faro annara+~ ~c arracc rr~a,rl l•ha hriar~l~ra nr olo~~~+orl ei irf~~o ehall ha rnnc+r~ wr+arl anrl. VI u I11'r,.i ul.J~.!\.11~.1~N.y uVV'~►.y.7 1"VUr.1, Yr IV IJI ILA~V VI vlvvl.l~v\A ..7ldl IuVI+ VI roll IJL VVir.y~l ~LAVI.Vir ur l~,r 26 .main+aina,rl in arrr~rrlanra ~n~i+h cnarifira+inne oe+~hlichar) h~~ l•ho faro rnrla nffirial and +ha 71Ir.111lr.oll rVrr II r uvv17'r ~.1~L11"iVV Wirl~l r v7~J'VVIr1VO~IViIV VV~uNrIJI IV\A IJ~ Yr IV ill V VVblr.r 'Vlrlvl.ll of I\.r YI IV 27 ' ~ity.....~ pu.~l~~....~~/vr~.~ ul~r.vtvr~......vr.,~,r~rA~r.,u'~,~av~ti~~'~,rnrA,v, u~ tar ~_~,r1'~r.~~u,i~' hvvvAAa~~' t,l~'11,~a b~,~,u'~gA,,,`f, 28 A~A,avut~ ~,,,,,.~N~,~\aa~A ,~„h~l~,,,,,,~~1~A v`f~~t,~,.+vtAa~f'~ u~,u'~. r~.car.Yr1'~rt\aa,~,,rnr,A,f~ .,i,,rnr av'vvrd.car„n vA,,,,,,vv"~ith,,,,r~Q aQ~,,~r--~r~~~~, 29 ~~,unr~lUrr~~l ~Ne'vif;vat~vn`v fvr 1--~~g,l~'11,~~~uy.,,,,,,u,~,i~yo~ .,,,,,,,~~~auf`~,`~f"ly~a~,,.u,r1'~r ~ ,IA~~u,~~a~ varfu~r~,A~ ~,rhrull .,,~~1~, 30 ~o~iyno~~~,,, fv~,,,.~ Iv\aau~, ~u,'~,'~ivi~.a,i'„t tv ,~r~,u„~,r~ `ho ~mN~,vA ~,,,,,~,vu ~,~,,,of caa,,,,,,3~.,~n~,r ~,`f,rA ,'~tn~,~ fair 31 ~nn~ra+a +l~a +n+al ~mnn~arl lna~ +n .ha r~,a+armino,~ h~~ ~ha faro rn~a nffir~a~ 11,ahir~ca .lna~. uNN1..11u~uv, LIIV GVLL.rI I1IliJVv7v6r 1V\1\d GV klv UVLVIIIIII IVU N~1 LIIL lIl_V VVUV VIIIVIUI. VVTIIVIV lvu~a 32 .I.i,m~~~ ~hal! be pvs~~~ a,t k,v~~ eri~r\~,liivvv tv I~1riLrlrgo~..~p~hon, rya ~u~ra~ l.luy t~~ firma vvdA vff►c►ul.. 33 111/horn o ovaforl ei irfar+oe rJceinnorJ fnr omorrronr+~r._~rohir+lc i eo aro arli_aronf +n._ei irfarce.. r r.r...IVI V 41V Vu~V\.A VNI IuVVV \.AVVIy1~rVb1 IVI l~l-1-IVI yVI IV,/ YV111VIV NVV ul~-V ub1JuVV1~~1\ <V V6dl I{.rVVV, ~n~hir+.h..~ro nn.~.....rJoe..nnc~J. fnr...~.haf..a...aeo...... ~nnrnvorl.....harr.are....nr a.r.nrn~aor) e...nne.......nr hn+h ..e..hal.l......ho. 34 VVI IIV11 L./1 V I IVY \.AVVIyI IV\.A IVI LI 1{.d\ 1.dVV, oNh/I vvv\.1 N{..11 I IVI V VI uN~✓IVVV~,I Vlyl IV, VI NV~I I, VI lull NV 35 inefallorL..anrJ..main.~Vainarl if..rarli rarl.hv }ho faro.. r+nrlo nffr~+ial. V I1 IV~{.rI1Vb1 {.AI 1\.A 1-I 1{x111-I-\{..111 -IVb1, II I V~lAll Vb1 N~ \I IV III-V VVVIV VI IIVI{..11. 36 ~ ~irc ~nr~arafi i~ ~rr►a~~ RnarJ~ - (_'rarlo Cor►finn Frl'~ of +ho In+crna+innal biro ('nrlc onfiflcrJ I II V ! \f../`./{.dl u~\.1v r \vvvvv 1 \VU\.1v vl ublV. VVV~IVI I VVV VI ~I IV II Iwl I Iu~IVI lul I II V VV\..1V, VI I~I~IV`A Giro....Q r~r~,~,ra+i,,,i„e, Q..r+ro~~ RnarJ~ i~ amc.nrJorl h~r.....~i ih..~fi+i i#inn ~i ih~orfi.nn F(1'2 Ini.i.fh +ho 1--11 V r__\I./'J{,.11 o~NV r \VVVVV 1 \VOt.1V, IV {..t111V1.1b1V~1 N~~~VNN~V~I~o~~ll Ib1-~~VNNVVV~IV11 V~VV.L. 1 VYI~1 1 -~I~~~IV 37 38 fvll.vv~,;y. V Cow...... Ffl'~....7 7......('ra.~J.c .Tho r~r.rarlo....nf +h.o firc.....anhara+.i...a_e rnarle .e.hall.....ho n..n+ ovr+oorl.....17 nar~o.nf 39 VVV.L. 1 VI G.1\AV. 1 1 IV yl 6,Ib1V VI LI IV 111 V uNr,/{.AI {.A~1.dV I VG.1b1V VI lull NV I IV\ v/~vvV\.+ I L (.JVI VVI I\ 40 i inlo.ee nfhon.~.iea..~nnrnvarl.....h~r ~h.a faro r+nrl.a nffir+iaa..... b11 1rVVV V\r IVI YV-IVV uNLJ 1-V V VM N~ ~I-IV 111-V VVb1V VII-I Vlcdl. 41 A.~ Fire Apparatus Access Roads -Marking. Section 503 of the International Fire Code, 42 entitled "Fire Apparatus Access Roads," is amended by substituting subsection 503.3 with the 43 following: 44 Sec. 503.3 Marking. Fire apparatus access roads shall be marked whenever necessary to 45 maintain the unobstructed minimum required width of roadways. Subject to the fire code 46 official's prior written approval, marked fire apparatus access roads, or "fire lanes" as 47 defined in section 502.1 of the code, may be established or relocated at the time of plan 48 review, pre-construction site inspection, andlor post construction site inspection as well as 1 any time during the life of the occupancy. Only those fire apparatus access roads 2 established by the fire code official can utilize yellow marking paint and the term "fire lane." 3 Fire lanes shall be marked as directed by the fire code official in accordance with ACC 4 10.36.175. 5 B~. Fire Apparatus Access Roads -Marking. Section 503 of the International Fire Code, 6 entitled "Fire Apparatus Access Roads," is amended by s~.,~"st~t~ti~n9 s~bsect~-^~ 5-03 3^ adding 7 the following subsection with the following: 8 Sec. 503.3.1 Alternate materials and methods. The fire code official may modify, on a case- 9 by-case basis, any of the marking provisions in this subsection 503.3 where practical 10 difficulties exist. Modification requests shall be submitted in writing to the fire code official 11 setting forth a suggested alternative. 12 u 0^^0~~ +n Ri iilrJinn (lnoninrr~ and Rnnf~ - Rani iirarl ~r,r►o~~ Cor►+inn Frl./I of +ho 1 I. , \VVV~.7~.7 ~V L.~N114111 ly vNVI III 1y~.7 6.11 Ib1 1 \VVIe7 1 \V 414111 V4r ! \VVVL7V. VVV~IVI I VV-r VI ~I IV 13 In+orn~+inn~l biro ('nrlo an+i+lor! cc~r►r+a~~ +n Ri iilrlinrr (lnaninrr~ ~nrl Rnnf~ " i~ aw,onrlcrJ h~i II I~VI I IU♦.IVI I41I I II V VV41V, VI I♦.I~IV41 / \VVVVV ♦.V VNII41Il ly v~../VI III IyV ceI I4, 1 \VVIV, IV UI I IVI I41V41 N~ 14 c' ~h~+i+i i+inrr ~i ih~or►+inn Frl/I 1 ~n,i+h +ho fnlln~niinn• V41NV~1~41~11I~.A V1.Ah/VVV~I\./11 VV~. 1 YYI~11 ~I IV IVIIVYYII ly. 15 Cor, F(1/I 1 RorlllirorJ nr+r+aee Tho fnlln~nrinrr r~nin+e of nr+r,oee ml le+ ho r~rn~rirlor!• VNV. VV~. I 1 \L~41U11 v41 4AVVVVV. 1 Ilv IVIIV VYII I~..1 r.lVlllw VI {.AVVVVV 1111e1V~ Nv r.llVVl\.dv\.d. 16 ~ ~Y+nrinr r•~nnre anr~ nr~nninrye rani iirorl h~i +hie rnrlo nr„~hn Ln+orna+innal R iilr•~inry f`nrlo ehall I . ~l~i"Lil I~JI 4r~~r V trr r41 v1,~~►I Irr l4~tr rr..~41rr ~.4r xr~ til Ir~r ~vVi;r~.. ~JI . ~1 rr,., rr Ir,\..I r1clr.lvr rr,.rr r.:y41rl4rll"li~i vvrrti.► ~I Ir,11r 17 .ham main+aincarl rcaarlil~~ ar+r+,~ccihla far ,~marl~r~anr+a~ a1~rc~ac h~~ +h~, firs rl,~anar+mc~n+ ~NV I ~1~111~~d11 IVV 1 Vi..ii,111~1 4rVViiVV11.J1V 1V1 isl I r'r,.iri~i'r,.ir 14+1 uV-VisV~ N~ ~TIV 111 is 4rV~.li.11 ~I~ 1is1 IY- 18 7 ~~r+h +onan+ ennr,o nrrnrirlorl ~nri+h n eor,nnrlanr ovi~ +n +ho ov+orinr nr ovi+ r+nrrirlnr ehnll ha L. L.LAVII wll{dIIL VLJirdVV LJIVY141Li41 VVI~II U VVVV11414A1 Y V/\I~ lV ~I IV V/\~VIIVI VI V/\I~ VV11141V1 VIIUII NV 19 nrn~rirlar! ~nii+h +onan+ irlon+ifir+n+inn by hl leinoeen/nmo ~nrllnr nrJrJroee I a++a re and nl Imhore `.JI V Y 141V41 VY1~1 I ~VI IUI IL 141V1 I~IIIVU~IVI I N,I NUVII IVVV I IUI I IV UI ILA! VI ULA LAI VVV. LV~LVI V UI 141 I IUI I INVI LJ 20 eh~ll ho nne+orJ nn +ho r,nrrirlnrlov~orinr eirlo of +ho rlnnr ho nlninly larrihlo ~nr! ehall r+nn+rne+ VIILAII NV NVVILrLA VII LIIV VV11141VI/V/\lt+IIVI VILAL~ VI ~IIV uVVI, NV ~.JIL.11111V IL~yINIV, 411141 V114A11 VVIIl1UV 21 ~nri+h +hoir hnr+Urrrnl Inr) 1/ VVI~I I LI IVII N4AV1\yl V411141 22 ~ ~Qn aranrn~~arl arr+ae~ ~nialk~naaa~ shall ho nrna~irl,~arl +,n r+nnnar++ Piro nr,n,ara+~ ~c ar+r,~cc rna,rlc +ra V. r 1r1 411J1JI VY'V4r uVVLrVV vvUIrLWY~c,1~ V11Y,..~r1 N4 ~JI VWT"41r.r41 GV vv1111'4.V1-111 V uN~,lul41YL1V 41VVt►VLy 1 V4rUV YN 23 ~xter;vr vp~;;.;;y~. 24 ~ C.Fire Protection Water Supplies -Where Required. Section 508.7, of the International Fire 25 Code, entitled "Fire Protection Water Supplies," is amended by substituting subsection 508,.7....5.1 26 with the following: 27 Sec. 5037.5.1 Where required. All buildings or structures shall be located so that there is at 28 least 1 hydrant within 150 feet, and no portion of the building or structure is more than 300 29 feet from a hydrant, as measured by an approved route. 30 D.Clear Space Around Hydrants. Section 508,7, of the International Fire Code, entitled 31 "Clear Space Around Hydrants," is amended by substituting subsection 5087.5.5 with the 32 following: 33 Sec. 507.5.5 Clear space around hydrants. A 5-foot clear space shall be maintained 34 around the circumference of fire hydrants except as otherwise required or approved. 35 (Ord. 5874 § 10, 2004.) 36 15.36A.041 Sections 903 and 2305 amended -Housekeeping and maintenance. 37 A. Automatic Sprinkler Systems -Speculative Use Warehouses. Section 903 of the 38 International Fire Code, entitled "Automatic Sprinkler Systems," is amended by adding the 39 following new subsections 903.2.-8:9...3 and 903.7: 40 Sec. 903.2.-89.3. Speculative use warehouses. Where the occupant, tenant, or use of the 41 building or storage commodity has not been determined or it is otherwise a speculative use 42 warehouse or building, the automatic sprinkler system shall be designed and installed in 43 accordance with the following: 44 1. The design area shall be not less than 2,000 square feet. 1 2. The density shall be not less than that for class IVnon-encapsulated commodities on 2 wood pallets, with no solid, slatted, or wire mesh shelving, and with aisles that are 8 feet or 3 more in width and up to 20 feet in height. 4 3. Sprinkler piping that is 4 inches and larger in width shall be used and the structural 5 engineer of record shall provide written verification approving of the point and dead loads. 6 Sec. 903.7. Automatic sprinkler riser rooms. All automatic sprinkler system risers shall be 7 located in a dedicated room with an exterior door, lighting and heat. This requirement shall 8 include any NFPA 13, 138 and 13D systems which serve more than one (1) dwelling unit or 9 unit of occupancies. 10 EXCEPTION: 13D single family dwellings or Townhomes defined within the IRC. 11 B. International Fire Code Section 2305 is amended to read as follows: 12 2305.3.6.1-Signage. 13 Facilities designed in accordance with this section shall include the appropriate signage (as 14 shown below) and shall be properly posted. 15 Example of approved signage required for use of Section 2305.86.1, as amended: Y 'Y ~ Y R r ~ . n 5~~. . ' . } JhC~ r t ~ ti ~ ~ ~ . ~ ti R 16 17 1. This sign must be posted prior to building being fixtured and occupied. 18 2. Mount signs at 50'0" O.C. on all walls starting 25'0" from any exterior corner; also on two 19 sides of each column. 20 3. Signage required on end of racks, if installed. 21 4. In accordance with the International Fire Code as amended. 22 (Ord. 6104 § 12, 2007; Ord. 5874 § 10, 2004.} 23 15.36A.051 Chapter 14 amended -Fire safety during construction and demolition. 24 Repealed by Ord. 6104. (Ord. 5874 § 10, 2004.) 1.5.35°."51 Appedy~ ~ F~r° ~lo~~~ r~~~yr~m~n~e y~r !h~~!~~rr~~° 25 26 Int,~arna~kinna:l ~i~~ (`nrl~a l~nn~~an,~iv R i~ am,~an~l~a,rl to rcaarl a~ fnll,n~n~~~. rr ii~:r i i~.rrr~+r r~,~ir r ri r r~,.r~~.r r~.rrn r..r r.y +~rr i r~r r~+v~.r r~ i r~+rr~ur+ur..r: 27 ~°~tr^" 5105-FIRE~F~ ~1~1 R~(~I~IIR~~11~~I~ITC FAR RI~III ~ll~l~„C: dal (lno_ and T~nm_~amily Il~nrollinrre Tho minima im faro fln~nr and fln~nr rli irafinn rcrri iiromonfe 1 , u ur ru ~~v u, r,r, v~rrr r v rrrr, ru r r,v~~ ur ru rv~Y uuru~,-v r err r.~v y y ~ fnr nno_ and f~nrn_family rl~erollinrre havinrr ~ faro fln~er r+alr+i ilafinn aroa ~nrhir+h rlnoe nnf ovr+oor) 2 ..V, V .urru .~~YV r.ur,r,r u~~rrrr V rru~r,, .u r,r. rrV~~ .VUrVNu~Vrr.ur.u ~YrrV uVV rrV~~V y y y 3 ~z inn errs i~ro foof eh~ll ha 1 nM rrallnne r,or mini ifo fnr fhirfv /~nl mini ifae biro flrnnr ~nrl fln~nr V,VVV VL1 LA LaIV IVVI VIIVIII NV I,VVV yVIIIVIIV r./VI IIIII ILA IV IVI LI III L~ ,VVJ IIIII ILAIVV. 1 IIV IIV VY LAI ILA IIV VY rli irafinn fnr rl~nrollinrre havinrr ~ faro fln~nr r+alr+i ilafinn aroa in ovr+cee of RM errs faro foof ehall 4 ~L~r~~,~,, ~~~~,,,rr ,,~~r,, ~~,~~r~L,~,, ,rr ~,w,~~~,~ ~r ~ ~ ~~,r~ r~~~ ~ ~ ~ 5 nnf ha lace fh~n fh~f er~ar+ifiarl in T~hlo R1 nF 1 I IVl NV IVVV LI 11..11 I LI ILAL Vr./V VIIIVI.1 111 1 LANIV V 1 VV. I . 6 GXr`GpT_ll~Al•__ ~ rorli irfinn in rnnr rirnrl_ fire _flrnnr__nf F[1 nnrr+nnf ae ~nnrn~rnrl ,her fho r+h_i_of ie ~r~lr.rr_r r r~r+r: rr r~LxL,rv~rL.rri rr.r rL,L:~rr~rr..La r~rr.. rrvrrv u~ irLr r.rr..rivr..rr~, t..r.~ La1,rlriLrVL,LA t~~ r.l"rL. Lrrr~L,r, r 7 alln~emrl ~eihon_.fhn hrrilrlinrr i,~ nrn~rirlorl ~nrifh an_~nnrn~rnrl,,,ai ifnmafir enrinUlor r;~refom_ ~rru-~Vr..iur -rrvr ~L.i r- Lr iL.. ~Lar~riurrr ry r~ I,ri LrrrrL..rL.~r rrv~~r--r ur' L'"I'rNr~rrr..La.. uuLLy~ r ~urrv ..yl,.rr r~ ~~L~~r .y~ra+LL.~ ~ r. /hl Ri iilrlinrre (lfhar Thin (lno_~~mily Il~nrollinrre Tho minima im faro flrnnr ~nr! flrnnr r!i ir~finn fnr `NJ VLAlIL.1111yV \.r LllVl 1111.111 vllV 1 uIII11Y VYY Lsllllly V. I IILi IIIII IIIIILAIII III Ls IIV YY 1.11IM IIV YY uL.ll u~IV11 IV1.. 9 hi iilrJinrre nfhor fh~n nna_ ~nr! f~nm_f~mily rl~nrollinrre eh~ll ho ~e er~or+ifiorl in T~hlo R1 nF 1 NNIILAl11yV VLI IVI t,l IL.II I VI IV LAl ILA LVYV 11.AlIIIIY LA VV VIIII IyV VI IL.lll NV LdV V`.JV VIIIV41 111 I LANIV V I VV. I . 10 ~X(`~pTl(~I~I• ~ r~car~~ rr+finn in rcarr~ ~ircar~ firca fln~n~ of ~ ~r~ fn Fn norr+canf ac ar~1,~~nrn~r~car~ h~~ ~h~a r+hi~caf . Lr'iVr_1 1 1 vl +r: r \ 1 VLdL.1Vl1Ly1 1 117 I is~\AI1 L•L.i rlrr.. IrvVY VI N~:7 LV uLr I../1.+I V'V1 1"L, u..r ,liil_ I.J1"V Y' VLd" N~ LT IV Vl"11V1 11 is alln~n~car~ ~n~h,can fhca h~ ~ilr~in,~ is r~rn~rir~car~ ~n~ifh an ar~nrn,ccrl rfr,mafir+ cr~rinlarlcar c~~cfcm 7V u1TVVYiiL,r VY11V11 LI1L.► NL:IiIL.illly IV ~:71L.yVILaL.u VVILII L111 ulrlrlVV"L.~d 1..1LALV117~1.1L1L. ~7h/III11rIL,1 ~ryVLVYI"i 12 incfallcarl in ar+r+nrr~anr+ca ~n~ifh Ccar+finn An'~ 1 'I nr any 1 of +hca. Infcarnafinnal circa ('nr~,ca . 711VLi111LsL.1 T11 L.IVL/VILaL:.111VL.r YYILII LJ'L.rVLIVII VVV.i7'. 1 1""LJI VVV.iJ: 1.~ VI 1111r 11 ILL.r111L.1LIV11La1,1 11L✓"LJVUV: 13 ~~Ihar~ca h~ ~il,rlinrrc area alcn of T~~nca I nr. II r+nnefr~ ~r+finn anr~ arc ~ lirrhf ha~arrl nr+r+~ rr~anr+~~ ac Y V11V7 V Nall\dlriyV L.ri L, u1V'V VI"" 1 y I.rL. 1 VI"" 11 VV1 IV'Ll"IIVLINi1 ul IL:r Lal r, u Ilyl IL 1 lu~u1 u V1.iN'Lrr.rul IV~ uy ~cf..i..r~car•~ ...ka.~y~ ~1.~.~A ......1 ~ .f..hc r~r~~ ~r•.f.i.,~n rx~.a~~ ...ka.~ ~ ~~......fn n~,r...r•can.f,,,,,,, ..Tho ro~~....~Ifinr~... firs,,...f1~~~~.....~ha..l..l.....n~f 14 UViIT1LLd -FJ,1 I ~fI f 7 \ 1 V, LI 1V I LiLdLdVL1Vl l , 11Lay FJL Ldr.7 LV , i.7 ,.r1r, VLl ll. 1 11.+ I vVLdlLrl ly r1rL IrVVV V11Ld11 1 1VL 15 +~7U11'~1 1 ~~vv yu„~,InIn1~ .Nor ;11(~rirnru~ fir #I~~c Nro~~,r;k~~ru~ ~u~La~#iv'" uv v~~iov,~„'~iA ~,,,,~„Ir'1r ~U,,~N~, 16 ~~nF v~. 17 Nnf~• T~hl~, R'1 nF 1,,,~nfifl,orl `.`.AAin.i,mr rm Rona iirorl biro Gln~n~,,,,anr~,,.,Gl.n~nr rl~ ir~finn fnr Ri r.ilrlinne" i. r r~v~~... r uryr~.... r..r ~ vv. r ~..r r~rLrL.~.+r rrrrrr rr~ r rurr r r r'"LL:iL.~L.+11 vLn 1 Ir r ~Lyrrrr .~..rr rL..r r rv~rv vL.11 uLlvl r rvr r..r~rr~urr r~.~ .rte, Q nnf amonrJorJ her fhi~ ~onfinn ~(1rrJ FS27/I ~ 1 n 7nn/I 1 18 1iVL Lai`rlvr rtiivu Ny tir°`rr.~ uvvLrv r. `vr Ld. °".rvr ~ ~ Y"`v, "`LVV~:°' 19 15.36A.071 Violation -Penalty. 20 Any person who violates any of the provisions of the fire code or appendices adopted in 21 Chapter 15.38AACC and/or this chapter or fails to comply therewith, orwho violates orfails to 22 comply with any order made there under, or who builds in violation of any detailed statement of 23 specifications or plans submitted and approved there under, or any certificate or permit issued 24 there under, and from which no appeal has been taken, orwho fails to comply with such an 25 order as affirmed or modified by the fire chief or by a court of competent jurisdiction, within the 26 time fixed therein, is severally for each and every such violation and noncompliance respectively 27 guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a jail term not to exceed 90 days and/or a fine not to 28 exceed $1,000. The imposition of one penalty for any violation shall not excuse the violation or 29 permit it to continue, and all such persons shall be required to correct or remedy such violations 30 or defects within reasonable time; and when not otherwise specified, each 10 days that 31 prohibited conditions are maintained constitutes a separate offense. (Ord. 5874 § 10, 2004.) 32 15.36A.081 Definitions. 33 "Addressable" means the capability of a fire alarm system and associated devices that have 34 discrete identification so that system devices can have their status individually identified within 35 the fire alarm system. 36 "Common use" means interior or exterior circulation paths, rooms, spaces or elements that 37 are not availablefor public use and are made available forthe shared use ortwo or more 38 people. 39 "Employee work area" means all or any portion of a space used only by employees and only 40 forwork purposes. Corridors, toilet rooms, kitchenettes, conference rooms and break rooms are 41 not employee work areas. 42 "Public use areas" means interior or exterior rooms or spaces that are made available to the 43 general public. (Ord. 6104 § 13, 2007.) 44 15.36A.091 Fire alarm and detection systems. 45 International Fire Code Chapter 9 is amended to read as follows: 1 907.1.?3 Equipment. Equipment systems and their components shall be listed and 2 approved for which they were installed. All new systems shall be addressable. Each device 3 shall have its own address and annunciate individual device addresses at a UL Central 4 Station. 5 907.1.4 Fire Detection Systems. In addition to any requirement of 907.2 or 907.3, all 6 occupancies exceeding 5,000 square feet gross floor area as defined in Section 7 15.38A.011(G) shall be required to provide an approved automatic fire detection system. 8 Fire walls as defined in 15.38A.011(A) shall not be considered to separate a building to 9 enable deletion of the required fire detection system. 10 EXCEPTIONS: 11 1. Group "U" Occupancies. 12 2. Occupancies protected throughout by an approved monitored automatic sprinkler system 13 may delete heat and smoke detectors from the system. 14 3. One and Two Family residences. 15 907.6.2.3 Visible Alarms. Visible alarm notification shall be provided in accordance with 16 Sections 907. through 907. 17 EXCEPTIONS: 18 1.. Visible alarm notification shall not be required in non-public accessible 19 storage areas in S1 and S2 occupancies or other approved areas. 20 907.~A-~~ Public and Common Areas. Visible and audible alarm notification 21 appliances shall be provided in public and common areas as defined in Section 15.36A.081. 22 907.~~ . Work Areas. Visible and audible alarm notification appliances 23 shall be provided in employee work areas as defined in Section 15.36A.081. 24 (Ord. 6104 § 14, 2007.) 25 i6 Chapter 15.38A 2~ FIRE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS 28 Sections: 29 15.38A.011 Definitions. 30 15.38A.021 General. 31 15.38A.031 Standards. 32 15.38A.041 Application. 33 15.38A.051 Automatic sprinkler systems -Speculative use warehouses. 34 15.38A.011 Definitions. 35 Unless otherwise provided for in this section, the definitions contained in the International 36 Building Code and the International Fire Code shall apply to this chapter. For the purposes of 37 this chapter, the following definitions shall apply: 38 A. A "fire wall", "fire barrier" and/or "horizontal assemblies" shall not be considered to 39 separate a building so as to avoid the required automatic fire extinguishing system. A building 40 shall have a minimum distance of five feet from any point of the building to any point of another 41 building and from the property line in order to be considered a separate building. 1 R ~~~11+nm~+ir► Piro cv+innl liehinrr eve+cm " r~Icer+rihcrJ in Ccr+inn Qn7 1 of +hc In+crn~+inn~l L.~. ! \GA~VI I I{rILIV III V V/\LII IyLAIVI III ly V~ VVI I I, {.AV ~.AVVVI INV`A III VVVLIVI I VVL. I VI ~I IV II ILVI I I{.ALIVI I{dl Rirc (`nrlc ie an annrn~rcr~l e~retom of rlcvir►ce and cni iinmcn+ ~nrhirh ai i+nma+ir►all~r rlo+cr+e ~ firc 2 1 I~I~~~V VVV1V~ IV {.dll 6A ~ 1VVVb1 V~ V~V111 V~1 VIV~1/1VVV~~~~~~1.~1Ib1~~~~~~~V~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~\.~l IIIVII~~~~~~~~YYIIIVII {.~N~L~V~I~~~l~~~l~{r1~L1~VL~1~1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~VIV~~VV~~V~~~~~~L~~~~~~~~1~~1~1~~~V ~ N N 1 `1 N 1 3 u;r;d d.sch.Urg°s u".U~Nrovd fi~~°n~"g'ii~h°'"g ;ay"°"t ~;;t~ t~ area of U ;F.;~ 4 ~+nma~Fir enrinkler e~~e+em " ae ,rJcaer+riherl in Cer+inn U[1'~ 'I of +he In+erna+innal 1=irca ~'nrlca V. r'1N1'iJIIIGALI'V V~lIIIIIrI'1.i1 N~NLVIrI, r.AV 1.fV~7VIrIJ"~.~Vi lrI r./"VViIVII V'i.~'~. I VI LIIV II iLVIIYGALIVTIGAr r IIV VV\.IV 5 ie,, ~ er~rinlcler ~.~re+nm fn..r Piro r~rntnr+.inn ni irr~neee,., rnn.~ie+inn of an ..in+enra+nrl ~~«+em n.f IV LA VI./1 11 11\IVI V~ VLV111 IVI 111 V (JI VLVV~IVI 1 (JNI'JVVVV VVI IVIVLII ly \./1 {.AI 1 11 ILVyI LALVVI Vr VLVI ~ 1 6 1lnrlcrnrnl Inrl ~nrl n~rcnc~~rJ nininrr r~ceirrncrl in ~rr►nrrlnnr►c.Ilnri+h firs nrn+cr►+inn+ cnrrinccrinrr GAlIV1VIyIVNIIVI VIIIVi VYVIIIVVlV1 `./I~./Illy `AVVIyIIVV1 III GAVVV141VlIIVV YYILII IIIV f.JIVLVV~IVII VIIyIIIVVIIIIy 7 ~+~nrl~rrle CI Ir►h ~ ere+cm eh~ll inr►II Irlc ~ el li+~hlc Inr~for el Innly The nnr+inn of +hc eve+cm VLVllIV1VI1V1V. VViVII VI V~VLV111 VIIVIII IIIVILAVIV VI VV111VINIV YYVILVI V1r1~./`.lly 11IV `../VILIVII VI LIIV V~VLV111 ahnvc +hc rrrni inrl ehall ho ~ no+~nrnrlr of encr►iall~r ei~crl nr h~rrlrai ilir►all~r rlceirrncr~l nininrr ine+allcrJ 8 GANV.V.V .~r r~ r.~.Nr r.~ ~r rur.r N~ .u r r~.~v.~~r r`. ~r ~~r.urr. ~rL~~ ~.r r r ~r.uNrr~ur.r. ~~~r r r~~ r. r.r.r rr r~.~urr~~. y N y y y y NN y 9 rn th° ~t~'~~tu~- ^r ar~la~ ge~ne~rally naYrorho~r~J~ unr~J t^ ~"~h~~h 'ur^"'~'t~~ cNrinl~le~r~, ark ~~nne~,r~~e~~l i 10 a ~~re~kema~kir+ na++ern C~ ~rh a ~~~:~+e ie ~.~e~ ~all~r a.r++i~ra+e,rl .h~~ hca+ frnm a fire and ,rJierhar,r~ee GA .y ~ ~.y' L'i.r l r I GA i l V IU+ .I 11"i..l' I r . G:i' GA Gr r I °G.I N 'N L i.i l r' I I ~.y A ~.r GA L.~ I r ~ GA V L r v iI 1 V "id ~ ~ r 'r'1.i GA 1 °I I "tJr r I Y" u I l r v GA I I GA `iA r'~.i"V r r rI l ~ G. 11 ~n~+cr...n~ror +ho. firc....~rc~... YVGALVI VYVI LI IV III V ul VGA. 12 Il ~~RI IilrJinn rnrlc" mc~ne +hc In+crn~+inn~l RI lilrlinrr ('nrlo n1lhliehcrJ her +hc In+crn~+inn~l ~IJ. LJ4111b111141 V\./41V I I IVLAI IV LI IV 11 ILVI 1 IVILIVI 1{.AI ✓L,111\Al11Vl ../V\AV VIV `./41NIIV1 IVb, N~ LI IV 11 ILVI 1 ILA~IVI IVI1~ 13 ('nrlc ('n1lnr+il ~nrJ ~rlnn+crl her rcfcrcnrc in (`han+cre 'I F M ~nr! 'I F nQa D(`(` ne +hc hl lilrlinrr VV~.dV VVLAI IVII {..II I~..I VI~+V~.~/LVVf Ny I VIVI VI IVV III VI I{d~.~/LVI V I V.V~ NI I.A I V.VV/ \VV VlV LI IV NLAlltdll ly 14 r+nrlc of +ho ri+~~,., VVV1V VI Ll7V VIG~ . ~~~::I:r~liny:::::::~~~::e ~,~.~i'i~~:~~ ~ :,:,:,:,:~~u:,~,:i ~aVA,~n ,:lr'7IAV~ i,:~l'~+t,VAr,II'~IGaitrLn~,11"~riall L~/VI~!trylii~iy ',V'~~„VA 'LytG~.111'~Ir.1Gal,:r~~':':ia.1 16 ni ihliehcrl „h~~ +hn In+crn,a+innal ('nrln, ~`ni inril,,, ~`han+rsr '~F,,, and arlnn+orJ h~r,,,rcfnrcnrc in,,,~`ha,r~+cre ~.i'ANI1~I I`1.~LA N~ LI"1'~.r Ir"I'i`1.~r 1"IL.IiIGi'I'IGAI 'L:/"'1./"iA'1:~ V'VLr1 1V1I~ `V`I iGA~./~VI VVI GAI IVi GA\:1V~./~VL.I N~ I "1.~1"1I GrI I`i.~1. r1 I ~.rl IGA~i~..r 17 5.na ~nrl 1 ti nQ a o rr 18 B~. "Fire code" shall mean the International Fire Code as published by the International 19 Code Council and adopted by reference in Chapter 15.36AACC. 20 ~Inn.r ~roa ('rne~ Rn.r +ho ni irnn~.o nf..fhie..r+har~for .,,"rrrn.~e fl.nnr aroa." eh~ll ho rJcfincrJ.. ac. v. ~ rvv r ~rvu, vlvV~. r vI LIIV iJLArNVVV Vr LIIIV VI141'71Vr, yrv~V rrvVl GArVGA VI I{dll Nv uvnllVli u~ 21 +he flnnr area ~n~he~kher ahn~~e nr heln~n~ rrrarle ~n~i+hin +he ineirle perimeter of +he cv+orinr ~n~alle of LI"YV IIVVI GA7 VGA WYI r~..rr I'1.i1 GANV"11~ 'VI NVrVVY yI GA\.IV VV ILT III r LI IV II IVI\dV (JVIIr I r~.rLGrl 'VI LI YV V/\~VI I'VI YVGAIIG7' 'Vr 22 th.e hi.,ilrlin.n i in.rlcr..rnn.~irlcra+inn cv..rli ie.i~ia of grant ~haf+~, anr~ rni..ir+~ ..~nii+h..ni i+ r~orll it+inn fnr ♦.IIV NNIIb111~IV1 VII~Ib1V1 VVIIVIb1V1~-LALIVI~1, V/iVIVIVIVV VI YV111 V1~-ILAILV Ldllbl VVNILV, ~-YYI~IIVNL bIVV1NVLIVI~1 IVI- 23 r+nrrirlnre ~VV+ninnrnv~ r►In~a+~ +ho +hirUno~~ of +hc in+orinr ~n►~II~ r►nll lmn~ nr n+hor fc~+l lra~ Tho VVI I IV1V1 V, VLLdII VYLd~ V, VIVVV~V, LI IV LI IIVI\I IVVV VI ll IV II IVI IVI YVLAIIV, VVIVII I II IV VI VLI IVI IVLALVII VV. 1 IIV 24 flnnr ~rc~ of ~ hl lilrlinrr nr nnr+inn +hcrcnf nn+ nrn~rirlcrJ Inri+h el Irrnl lnrlinn cv+orinr ~nr~lle eh~ll he IIVVI VII VVI VI VI NV111V1111V1, VI `../VI LIV11 LI IVI VV1, I IVI F./I V V I<AVV1 YY1111 VV111 VV111V1111b1 V!\LVI IVI YYVIIIV VI IVI11 NV th.o I i~_ahlo. aro.a I In..rJcr....fhc...hnrl~..nnta.l nrnio.~+in..n....n...f +hc rnn...f nr.....flnn.r. ah.n~ro......Tho......rrrn.e.e fln.nr a..roa.. 25 ~I IV Nv7GANIV {.dl-VGA NI I~AVI LI IV I IVI ILVI I~GAI hJl V,VV~IVI I VI ~I IV I VVI VI IIVVI GANV V V. 1 I IV yI Vv7V IIVVI GAI VGA 26 e...k~all.....r~nt .i..r~rl~...~.~e e..haft..l~... ~~~it.h ~n........n~e..r~i~,r~..,~ ..nr int,a,.ri..n.r r+nl Ir+~ Nf1LA11 f 1VL II IV1L.1\AV JilGA11J YVILII 11V Vi.7Vf1111yV V1 II ILVf 1V1 VVNI ~V. 27 ~nr.,the :ray irraneee nf:~hie :eer#i:nn .fire harricre of rnv +unc rJn nn+ rnneti+~..~te eeraarate :ha ~il,rJinrre..: r Vr Lr r"V ~.rGdr ~Ly~~..'~ "iJr iI rIJ ~L.LrLrG/r r, "Irl'1.i NGAI IIVI V VI VII I~ L~ ~J'V t.1V I IVL VGJ+I'I~.i~Lli'1A1"1.~ v'1VIJGAI'L.ILV I.i'GArI1i`Ir r~.r~.° Rvncnt.nn Cnar►oe n.r arose i.n tol.or►nmma..ini~~+inne hi i...lrli.n.rre I I~crJ ovr►Ia..Ienrol~r fnr L/\VV`./~IVII. VL/{dVVV VI GAIVGAV III ~VIVVVIIIIIIGAIIIVG.1~IVlIV NGAIIVIIIIyV N~.7Vb1 V/\VIGAVIVVI~ IVI.. 29 +clcr+nmml Inir+~+inne aryl linmcn+ ~eenr►i~+crl clop+rir~l nnlnrcr r~ie+rihll+inn crvl linmcn+ h~++crice LVIVVVIIIIIIV1111VVILIVI IV VV,LAIr./IIIV111, VIVVVVIVILVVI VIVVII IVVV ~../VVYVI V11V~1INLALIVII VVIV11`./IIIV111, NVl~LV11VV 30 ~nrl ~+rnrJh~► cnnince nrn~rirJorJ +hn~c en~r+ce nr rran~,,,,,,ya~ro crvl linncrl +hrnl Irrhnl 1+ Inri+h r, n. {..II IVf VLLAI I<dN~ VI IVJII IVV, f.,/I V Y I\AV\A LI IVVV V~../{.AVVV VI LAI VVIJ V.I V v~G,IINNv~A LI II VVIVJI IVVIL YYILI I uI I aI Itnmatir+ fire alarm e~retcm anrJ arc ecnara+crl from the rcmainrlcr of the hi IilrJinrr her a ~nrall ~nrith 1 rrr lV III V r r rrr rrr r r r. r ~V\.A rr rrr r r r rrr rr r r. r r r r.r. r.r.r V.V rr Yr.r rr 3 u GA ~ V LA L LA LA V. v..`.7 ~ V GA .A LA V V V N GA N V L V V GA .A V V L V N GA b1 y N~ LA LA ~ 32 a..firc~rceie+~nr+e rat~ra~.nf rant lace than nrae hnl Ir rnr~. a flnnr/,reilira,rw ae.eeml~la~ ~~~~th.a fire,...,,. L.I 111'i.. 1 VVIV~V+1 IVV I b~Lll 1'~ VI 1 IVi IVV'd iflLAl I VI I'i.i I IVVV {.AI IVr L.I IIVVIr~/Vllll IV~ L.IV'VVI I iNl~ YYrfrl 1 LA III V 33 rneietannc ra+inn of nnt„ lce~ +ha,n +►nrn hni ire r ~~7I~7'i'tll IVV I GALIr I'~ VI I I`V1 IGr~.7~~ LI IG:IT I iYYV I IVLA1 V: 34 u ~~C+nr~r" mc~ne ~ flnnr Ic~rcl Inri+hin +hc el Irrnl lnrJinrr cv+orinr ~n►~II inr►II Irlinrr h~ecmcn+~ ~nrl ~1 1. VLVI V I I IVLAI IV LA IIVVI IV V VI VY1~11111 ~I IV VV111 VV1 1 141 11 1 41 V!\LVI IVI YY{.All, II IVIN\All lbl NVIVVI I IVI IIV VI11V1 35 i iii°~~G'Aiiii i°JV. i~rd. 5874 ~ 12, ?004) VV VV 36 15.38A.021 General. 37 A. Automatic fire extinguishing systems shall be installed in accordance with this chapter 38 andlor as approved by both the building official and fire ~h+~f code official. 39 B. Fire hose threads used in connection with automatic fire extinguishing systems shall be 40 national standard hose threads or as approved by the fire ch+~f code official. 41 C. The location of fire department hose connections shall be located within 50 feet of and no 42 closer than five feet of an approved water supply and the connection shall be located on the 43 same side of the fire access roadway as the approved water supply and must be approved by 44 the fire ~+~f code official. 45 D. Buildings used for high piled combustible storage shall comply with the fire protection 46 requirements of the fire code and Chapter 15.36A ACC. 47 E. For additional provisions on special hazards see the fire code and building code for 48 requirements. (Ord. 5874 § 12, 2004.) 49 15.38A.031 Standards.