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WHEREAS, in connecfion with the municipal functions and operations of the City
of Auburn, the City provides various public services, a number of which entail fees; and
WHEREAS, the City Council provided for adoption of a City of Aubum Fee
Schedules in the adoption of Ordinance No. 5707; and
WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 6319 which added a new
Chapter 12.70 to the Aubum City Code, and which new chapter allowed the City to
enter into Street Payback Agreements for the reimbursement of public road
, improvements by properties benefiting from the completion of such road improvements;
and WHEREAS, in light offhe addition of Chapter 12.70 to the Auburn City Code, it is
appropriate to amend Section: F of the City of Auburn Fee Schedule relating to Public
V1lorks Depart menf Costs to include fees associated with Street Payback Agreements..
Section 1. That Section F entitled Public Works Department Fees of the City of
Auburn Fee Schedule is amended to include fees associated with Street Latecomers
Agreements as follows:
, Resolution No. 4624
July 14, 2010
Page 1
1. Transporta#ion Impact Fee Rate Schedule: (Per Ordinance No. 5763 as amended by
Resolution No. 3953, Ordinance No. 6005, Resolution No. 4103 and Resolution No. 4424.)
Land Use ITE Land Use Measure Trip Rate Fee Rate
SF residential 210 dwelling 1.01 $3,882.61 .
MR residential 220, 221, 230, 233 dwelling 0.62 $2;519.58
Senior housing 251 dwelling 0.26 $799.59
Mobile home in MH park 240 dwelling 0.59 $1,814.45
Commercial - Services Drive-in bank 912 sf/GFA 45.74 $45.21
Day care center 565 sf/GFA 13.18 $21.72
Hotel 310 room 0.59 $2,592.07
Motel 320 room 0.47 $2,064.87
Library 590 sf/GFA 7.09 $9.93
Post office 732 sf/GFA 10.89 $15.25
Service station 944 VFP 13.86 $10,351.57
Service station with mini mart 945 sf/GFA 96.37 $53.98
Auto care center 942 sf/GFA 3.38 $5.72
Movie Theater 444,445 seat 0.07 $150,31
Health Club 492,493 sf/GFA 4.02 $10.34
Elementary school 520 sf/GFA 1,19 $1.78
Middle schooUJr. High 522 sf/GFA 1.19 $2.82
High school 530 sf/GFA 0.97 $3.15
Asst. Living, Nursing Home 254,620 bed 0.22 $676.57
Cfiurch 560 sf/GFA 0.66 $2.68
Hospital - 610 sf/GFA 1.18 $5.19
Commercial - Restaurant
Restaurant 931 sf/GFA 7.49 $22.38
High fumover restaurant 932 sf/GFA 10.92 $22.07
Fast food restaurant 934 sf/GFA 34.84 $3827
Espresso Stand drive thru NA site 6.00 $2,636.00
Commercial - Retail Shopping
Shopping center 820 sf/GLA 3.75 $6.06
Supermarket 850 sf/GLA 10.45 $18.08
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Convenience market 851 sf/GLA 52.41 $33.68
Freestanding discount store 813, 815, 861, 863, 864 sf/GLA 4.53 $7.31
Hardware/paint store 816 sf/GLA 4.84 $3.62
Specialty retail center 814 sf/GLA 2.71 $2.53
Fumiture store 890 sf/GLA 0.46 $0.52
Car sales - New 841 sf/GLA 2.64 $10.67
Car sales - Used NA space' l 0.28 $1,131.72
Commercial - Offrce
General office 710, 715, 750 sf/GFA 1.49 $7.51
Medical office 720 sf/GFA 3.72 $14.71
- Light industry/manufacturing 110,140 sf/GFA 0.86 $6.02
Heavy industry 120 sf/GFA 0.86 $5:33
Industrial park 130 sf/GFA 0.86 $6.02
Mihi-warehouse/storage 151 sf/GFA 0.21 $1.35
A. Basic trip rates are based on the ITE Trip Generation Manual, 7th Edition.
B. Impact fee rate calculation is based upon the following methodology: •
- Basic Trip Rate = PM Peak Hour Trip Generation (per unit of ineasure)
- Basic Trip Rate x Percenfi of New Trips x Trip Length Adjustment x Per Trip
Fee/(divide by) 1,000 for rate per square foot (where applicable) = Impact Fee Rate (per
unit of ineasure)
C. For land uses not specifically identified here, trip generation rates could be derived from
ITE or_ a special study by the applicant.
D. sf /GFA= Square feet Gross Floor Area; sf/GLA= Square Feet Gross Leasable Area;
VFP=Vehicle Fueling Position.
2. Tcuck-Dependant Land Use Supplementary Transportation Impact Fee Rate
Schedule: (Per Resolution No. 4122 and Resolution No. 4424.)
Land Use ITE Land Use Unit of Measure Truck Trip Impact Fee
Code Rate Rate (persfl
Light Industry/Manufacturing 110,130, 140 sf/GFA 0.06 $ 0.11
Heavy Industry 120 sf/GFA 0.04 $ 0.09
Commercial-Retail -
Shopping Center 820 sf/GLA 0.01 $ 0.01
Supermarket 850 sf/GFA 0.33 $ 0.64
Free-Standing Discount Store 813, 815, 861, 863, 864 sf/GFA 0.10 $ 0.19
Home Improvement 862 sf/GFA 0.37 $ 0.70
' Space is individual vehicle sales space: 70 vehicles for sale = 70 vehiGe spaces.
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July 14, 2010
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Car Sales -New 841 sf/GFA 0.09 $ 0.16
Commercial - Restaurant
Restaurant 931 sf/GFA 0.63 $ 1.20
Fast Food Restaurant 934 sf/GFA 2.87 $ 5.51
A. ITE Land Use Code based on ITE Trip Generation, 7th Edition
B. Impact fee rate calculatiort is based upon the following methodology:
- Tnack Trip Rate = Daily Truck Trip Generation (per unit of ineasure)
- Truck Trip Rate x Per Trip Fee = Impact Fee Rate (per unit of ineasure)
C. For land uses nof specffically identified in the table, trip generation rates could be
derived from a special study by the applicant.
D. sf /GFA=$quare feet of Gross Floor Area; sf/GLA= Square Feet of Gross Leasable Area
3. Impact Fees By Land Use - Revenue Credit = 20% (Per Ordinance No. 5977,
Resolution 3953, and Resolution No. 4022)
Total Adjustment Fire and EMS
Fire and EMS (Revenue Impact Fee
Cost Credit) At Per •
Land Use Per Unit Of 20% Unit of Development
Single Family, Duplex, Mobile Home $ 362.66 $ 72:53 $ 290.13 per dwelling unit
Multi-family 383.09 76.62 306.47 per dwelling unit
HoteUMotel 0.53 0.11 0.42 per sq ft
Hospital/Clinic 1.05 0.21 0.84 per sq ft
Group Living 2.63 0.53 2.10 per sq ft
Office 0.29 0.06 0.23 per sq ft
Retail 0.62 0,12 0.50 per sq ft
Restaurant/Bar/Lounge 1.62 0:32 1.30 per sq ft
Indusfrial/Manufacturing 0.11 0.02 0.09 per sq ft
Leisure/Outdoors 1.08 0.22 0.86 per sq ft
Agriculture 0.71 0.14 0.57 per sq ft
Church 0.38 0.08 0.30 per sq ff
Schools/Colleges 1.07 0.21 0.86 per sq ft
GovernmenUPublic Buildings 1,81 0.36 1.45 per sq ft
Casino 3.78 0•77 3.01 per sq ft
Jails 21:99 4.40 17.59 per sq ft
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4. Facility Extension Fees: (Per Ordinance No. 5791 and amended by Ordinance No.
5819, Resolution No. 3953, Resolution No. 4272 and Resolution No. 4424.)
The Facility Extension Application Fee is $552.00, plus $167.00 for each Facility (Water,
Sanitary Sewer, Storm Drainage, Street, private street and priVate storm systems within private
Facility Extension Fees are the summation of the following categories (a+b+c+d), or $1,660.00,
whicfiever is greater:
a. For the combined linear footage of water, sewer, storm drainage and private
storm drainage within private sfreets:
The first 0 lineal feet (LF) to 1000 LF is charged at $5.50 per LF plus,
The next 1001 LF to 2500 LF is charged at $2.80 per LF plus,
Any additional over 2500 LF is charged at $1.65 per LF.
b. For the linear footage of streets and private streets:
The first 0 LF to 500 LF will be charged at $6.90 per LF plus, The next 501 LF to 1000 LF will be charged at $4:10 per LF plus,
Any additional over 1000 LF will be charged at $1.10 per LF.
c. For non-linear extensions such as pump stations or traffic signals, fhe extension
• fee will be determined by the City Engineer based on an estimate of the City's
labor Cost associated with the plan review, inspection, and administration of the
application. d. For that portion of the water or sewer facility located outside City Limifs, but
within existing County (King or Pierce) right-of-way, an additional fee of $444:00
plus $5.00 per LF of the combined water and sewer extension located in the
existing County right-of-way applies.
Facility Extension Fees will be paid as follows:
1. Forty percent (40%) at the time of execution of the facility extension
. agreement
2. Sixty percenf (60%) upon the City's approval of the construction drawings
and prior to the start of construction.
5. Right-of Way Use Permit Fees: (Per Ordinance No. 6125)
Type A - Banner: $30.00
Type B - Short term: $60.00
Type C- Long term: $100 for the 1 St year /$30 for each additional year
Type D- Hauling: $100.00 + estimated'staff time @$50 per hour
Street Closure - Type B or C: $90.00 ,
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Sidewalk Closure - Type B or C: $60.00
Parking Closure - Type B or C: $60.00
6. Flood Control Zone Permit: (Per Ordinance No. 5819)
Base permit fee $50.00
7. Street and Alley Vacations: (Per Resolution No. 4143) $750.00
8. Utility System Development Fees: (Per Ordinance No. 5819 and amended by
Resolution No. 3797, Resolution No. 3953, Resolution Na 4272 and Resolution No. 4424.)
For all utilities, a charge in lieu of assessment or payback charges may be applicable for the
proportional share of the utility line being connected to.
a. Water Utility: Connection fees are comprised of a Water Service Installation Permit
Fee and the System Development Charge as follows:
Meter WaterService Installation Permit Fee System
S'ize Existing Water Water Service & Meter Box Installed b Ci t* Deyelopment
(In Inches) Service & Meter Box* Paved Street Un aved Street Charge (SDC)
or less $212.00 $2,175.00 $1,170.00 $2,424.00
'I $280.00 $2,380.00 $1,475.00 $4,048.00
1-1/2 $450.00 $3,210.00 $2,305.00 $8,072.00
2 $560.00 $3,488.00 $2,588.00 $12,920.00
3 Actual Cost Actual Cost Actual Cost $24,240.00
4 Actual Cost ActuaF Cost Actual Cost $40,408.00
6 Actual Cost Actual Cost Actual Gost $80,792.00
8 Actual Cost Actual Cost Actual Cost $129,280:00_
10 Actual Cost Actual Cost Actual Cost $135,971.00
*Installation of a water meter done by the City and the service either already exists or has been
installed by the developer.
**Installation of the entire water service is done by the City.
b. Sanitary Sewer Utility: Connection jees are comprued of a Permit Fee and the System
Development Charge as follows:
Type Permit Fee System Development
Existing Sewer New Service Line Charge (SDC)*
Stub. Re uired
Single Family $88.00 $155.00 $850.00 Per Parcel
Other Parcels $88.00 $155.00 $850.00 Per RCE"*
Side sewer repair $62.00
on rivate ro ertSide sewer repair $105.00
in n ht-of-wa
Resolution No. 4624
July 14, 2010
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"Except that for multifamily residential units with separate water meters for each
family unit, the sewer utility systems development charge will be calculated as
one RCE per family unit.
RCE, Residential Customer Equivalent - an RCE shall be as defined by the King
County Deparfinent of Natural Resources.
In addition to City sanitary sewer connection fees, there shall be a sanitary sewer connection
fee imposed to pay Capital Improvement fees to King County per the King County Rate
c. Storm Drainage Utility: (Per Resolution No. 4566)
Connection fees are comprised of a Permit Fee and the System Development Charge as follows:
Ype Y )
Single Family Residence & Duplexes (on $1,162.00 per Parcel
Individual Parcels
Other Parcels $1,162;00 per ESU*
' *ESU, Equivalent Service Unit = A configuration of development of impenrious surfaces
estimated to confribute an amounf of runoff to the C_ity's storm drainage system which is
approximately equal to that created tiy the average single family residential parcel. One
ESU is considered equal to 2,600 square feet of parcel coverage by impervious surfaces.
Per ACC 13.48.010. -
When calculating the total SDC, a credit will be applied for the existing impervious area (New total
SDC minus calculated SDC for existing impervious area using the new definition of impervious
surface as given in ACG 13.41.010).
Permit Level** Pertnit Fee
Level 1 $210.00
Level 2 $400.00
Level 3 Base Fee + the Cumulative Additional Fees as indicated below:
• Base Fee =$1,440.00 for up to 70,000 SF of disturbed area
• Cumulative Additional Fee #1 = Base Fee +$400.00 for 10,001 SF
up to 43,560 SF (1 Acre) of disturbed: area
• Cumulative Additional Fee #2 = Cumulative Additional Fee #1
$100.00 per Acre for each additional disturbed Acre over 1 Acre
*'Permit levels are determined as follows:
Level 1 permits are for all projects that
Resolution Na 4624
July 14, 2010
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• are not located in a Critical Area and
• add or replace less than 2,000 square feet of impervious surface area; and/or
• disturb less than 7,000 square feet of land.
Level 2 permits are for ap projects that:
• add or replace2,000 to 4,999 square feet of impervious surface area; or
• disturb 7,000 square feet-or more of land.
Level 3 permits are for all projects that:
• add 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface area, or
• convert acres or more of na6ve vegetation to lawn/landscaped area, or
o convert 2.5 acres or more of native vegetation to pasture, or
• the new plus replaced impervious surface area is 5,000 square feet or more and
the value of improvements exceeds 50% of the assessed value of existing
9.. Other Utility Fees: (Per Ordinance No. 5899, Ordinance No. 5944, Resolution No.
3797, Resolution No. 3953 and Resolution No. 4424.)
Fire Service Line Permit $135.00
Fire Hydrant Permits
Fire Hydrant Permit and Inspection Fee $238.00
Hydrant Meter Monthly Rate $31.00
Hydrant Meter Weekly Rate $31.00
Hydrant Meter Wrench - Refundable Deposit $26.00
Deposit - Hydrant Meterwith RPGA Wrench and Valve $1,449.00
Water Main extension purity test fee $181.00
Water Meter test fee, 2" or less $217.00
Water Meter test fee greafer than 2"
At Actual Cost
Storm Drainage Repair Permit
Private Sform System located on Private Property
Storm System located in Public Right-of-Way/Easement
Payback Adminisfrative Fees: (Per Ordinance No. 5954)
Application Fee
Processing Fee
Area or Special Benefit Analysis -
TransactioNCollection Fee
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July 14, 2010
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Outside Professional Services
Time and Materials
10. Construction Permits: (Per Ordinance No. 5817, Resolution No. 3953, Resolution No.
4272, and Resolution No. 4424.)
'fhe fees for Construction Permits are as follows:
Basic Fee (BF)
Hourly Inspection Rate (HIR)
Normal Business Hours
After Hours (after hours work includes weeknights, weekends,
and holidays and will be at the after hours HIR x the duration of $80.00
the work.
For Excavation Type Work:
Lenqth of Excavation (feet)
Additional Fee (AF)
31 -100
- $52.00
101 - 250
$155.00 ,
251 - 500
501 - 750
751 -1000
Permit Fee = BF + AF (for the appropriate length of excavation)
If the excavation exceeds 1000 linear feet the following will be used:
Permit Fee = BF +$466.00 +(HIR x(Length of Excavation -1000)/100)
For Non-Excavation Type Work: This work includes any work in the public righ#-of-way that is
not covered by any other permits and includes such things as overhead utility work,
geotechnical borings, horizontal directional drilling and vault installation.
Permit Fee = BF +(HIR x Permit Duration in days) In Lieu of Fee: In lieu of the above standard rates, the city engineer or his/her designee may
Resolution No. 4624 July 14, 2010
Page 9 .
calculate the fee based upon currenf labor rates for adminisfrative and inspection staff after
developing an estimate of staff effort involved. For projects that are expected to involve
significantly more than 1,000 feet of street excavation or when the scope or duration cannot be
accurately .estimated, the city engineer may establish a deposit account to manage permitee
deposits in advance of permit issuance for reimbursing actual labor costs of administering the
permit. Such deposit accounts will nof be interesf bearing and will be closed at the end of the
permitted work when a final accounting of the permit administration cost shall be calculated and
a fnal bill or credit issued to the permitee. 11. Memorial Sign Program: (Per Ordinance No. 6137, ancJ Ordinance No. 6149)
Memorial Sign $150.00
12. Special Permits: (Per Ordinance No. 5817 and amended by Resolution No. 3953,
Resolution No. 4272 and Resolution No. 4424.)
Permit Tvqe Base_Fee Additional Per.Linear Foot Fee
Sidewalk $54.00 $1.10 per fobt for each foot over 25 Linear Feet
Residential Driveway $54.00 $1.65 per foot for each foot oyer 20 Linear Feet*
Commercial Driveway $107.00 $2.20 per foot for each foot over 48 Linear Feet*
"`Driveway widths are based on the width of the driveway apron in the right-of-way. ,
13. Street Pavback AQreements: (Per Ordinance No. 6319 and Resolution No. 4624.)
Apqlication Fee 500.00
Processinq Fee 1 000.00
Assessment ReimbursementArea Analvsis 1 000.00
Transaction/Collection Fee 300.00
Outside Professional Services (when needed) Time and Materials
Section 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative
procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation.
Section 3. This Resolution shall be in full force and affect upon passage and
signatures hereon.
day DATED and SIGNED this of , 2010. CI URN
Resolution No. 4624 July 14, 2010
Page 10
Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk
Dbr6ibf . Hei , ify Attomey
Resolution No. 4624
July 14, 2010
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