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~ Exhibit 1
Cmr oF_, * x Number of Pages 4
W U WAgenda Subject: Gity of Aubum Project Number: PLT08-0018 Date: July 9, 2010
King County Project Number. L06P0007
Frederic Allen Prelimina Plat
Depertment: Planning and Attachments: See Exhibit List- Budget Impact: N/A
Administrative Recommendation: Hearing Examiner approve the Frederic Allen Preliminary Plat.
Background Summary:
OWNER/APPUCANT: Ken Peckham, Schneider Homes
Hans Korve, DMP, Inc.
REQUEST: Subdivide approximately 4.77 acres into 12 singlefamily residential lots.
LOCATION: The properly is located at 29810 66t' Avenue South, Aubum
EXISTING LAND USE: Single Family Residence .
DESIGNATION: Single Family Residential
SEPA STATUS: A DNS was issued by King County on October 8, 2009. No appeals were
Revieweii by Council & Committees:, Reviewed by Departrnents & Divisions:
❑ Arts Commission COUNCIL GOMMITTEES: ❑ Building ❑ M&O
❑ Airport p Finance ❑ Cemetery ❑ Mayor
❑ Hearing Examiner ❑ Municipal Serv. ❑ Finance ❑ Rarks
❑ Human Services 0 Planning & CD ❑ Fire ~ Planning
❑ Park Board ❑ Public Works ❑ Legal ❑ Police
❑ Planning Comm. ❑ Other 0 Public Works , ❑ Human Resources
❑ Information Services
Action: - -
Committee Approval: DYes ONo
Council ApprovaL• OYes ❑No Call for Public Hearing
Referred to Until
Tabled Until
Councilmember. Staff: Chamberlain
Meetin Date: Jul 21, 2010 Item Number: •
Agenda Subject: City of Auburn Project Number: PLT08-0018 Date: July 9, 2010
King County Project Number: L06P0007
Frederic Allen Preliminary Plat
King County staff prepared a staff report for the Frederic Allen Preliminary Plat. Pursuant to the interlocal
agreement between the City of Auburn and King County, King County staff reviews vested projects while
the City of Auburn makes the decision on certain land use applications. In the case of preliminary plat
applications, the City holds the public hearing and makes the decision on preliminary plats.
Auburn staff is supplementing the King County staff report with this staff report.
The Comprehensive Plan designation, zoning designation and land uses of the surrounding properties
Com rehensive Plan Zonin Land Use
Pro'ect Site Sin le Famil Residential R-5 5 du/acre Sin le Famil Residence
North Sin le Famil Residential R-5 5 du/acre Sin le Famil Residence
South Single Family Residential R-5 (5 du/acre) Single Family Residence
and Vacant
East Sin le Family Residential R-5 5 du/acre Vacant
West Sin le Famil Residential R-5 (5 du/acre Vacant
1-~ r
~ f ~Zcning
CS Gght Commercial District
IRC2 Central Business District
MC3 Heavy Commercial District
I f~ CN Neighborhood Shopping District
DUC Dawntown Urban Center
+ ■EP Environmental Park District
+ f Institutional Use Distnct
- ~ ~ I_~ • . Lakeland Hills South PUD
f ~ . . . . LF Airpcrt Landing Field CistnR
~ I I hll Light Industrial Distrid
~r ■hl2 Heavy Industrial Distnd
■Pi Public Use District
■PUD Planned Unit Development
~ j Rl Residential 1 DU/Acre
RS Residential 5 DU/ACre
R7 Residential7 DU/ACre
MR10 Residential LO DU/Acre
3R20 Residential 20 DUlACre
-iRC Residential Conservancy
■RMHC Residential hlanufactured/MObile Home Units
■RO Residential Ofhce District
■RO-H Residential Office DistricY (HOSpital)
■N Terrace View
UNC Unclassifed L'se Oistricc
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Agenda Subject: City of Aubum Project Num6er: RLT08-0018 Date: July 9, 2010 -
, King County Project Number: L06P0007 ,
Frederic Allen Preliminary Plat
1. Pursuant to Section 2.4 ofithe Interlocal Agreement between King County and the Citjr of Aubum
in regards to the annexation of West Hill, the following applies to vested land use applications:
For those vested land use applications that require a quasi judicia/ or legislative approva/ or that
invo/ve administrative appeals, fhe County shal/ prepare a reporf and recommendation to the ,
City's designated decision maker fot a final decision. Excepf as provided in Secfion 5, the City's
decision maker shall nof be a Counfy employee. The Cify shall be responsible for scheduling,
providing nofice, conducting any public hearings or appeals; and making any final decision on .
such applications. Countystaff`shall atfend the public hearing to testify with respect to ana/ysis
sef forth in the Counfy's report and iecommendation:
Please refer to Exhibit 19 for the Interlocal Agreement.
2. On October 8, 2009 King County's SEPA Responsible Official issued a Determination of Non-
Significance (DNS) for the proposed preliminary plat. Note 3 in the DNS states the subject ,
property has been annexed into the City of Auburn and fhe City will continue further review and
processing of the proposal. The subject property was annexed into the City however; pursuant to
, the interlocal agreement, the City takes the position that King County will continue processing the
project through final plat (Exhibit 9).
3. Pursuant to the Intedocal Agreement the City is responsitile for providing public notice of
hearings. The notice of a public hearing was published in the Seattle Times on July 7, 2010,
provided to the property owners within 300 feet of the subject site, and posted on the su6ject
property meeting this requirement (Exhibit 8).
4. The property is zoned R-5 Residential (5 du/acre) under the City ofAubum's zoning designation _
and the Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation is Single Family Residential.
5. Clarify the preliminary plat map date that is identified in the'King County staff report Page 2; June
27, 2008 should be changed to June 18, 2007.
6. The Gity of Aubum has the following impact fees adopted by ordinance that are paid at the
current rate at building permit issuance:
o Traific Impact Fee
o School Impact Fee
• Fire Impact Fee
• Park Impact Fee
Impact fees do not vest and this subdivision is s.ubject to_the City of Aubum impact fees that are
in effect at the time of building permit issuance.
Based upon the application, Findings of Fact, and Conclusions of the City's and King County staff reports,
staff recommends that the Hearing Examiner approve the Frederic Allen Preliminary Plat with the
following conditions of approval: '
1. Prior to final plat approval, street lighting shall be installed to the City's Sfandards or a financial
guarantee shall be posted for the lighting,. The City of Aubum shall review and provide a
decision to King County on the illumination plan.
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Agenda Subject: City of Auburn Project Number. PLT08-0018 _ Date: July 9, 2010
King County Project Number: L06P0007 ,
Frederic Allen Preliminary Plat
2. Prior to final plat approval, signage consisting of "no parking" signs shall be installed to the City's
Standards along the cul-de-sac road or a financial guarantee shall be posted for the signage:, .
3. The proposed storm drainage system consists of an underground wetvault storage and water
quality feature with anoffsite drainage conveyance discharge pipe extending down the hillside to
the existing West Valley Highway drainage system. This storm drainage system shall be a
privately owned and. maintained by the Homeowners Association. The Homeowners Association
shall not petition the City of Aubum in the future to transfer ownership and maintenance of the
storm drainage system as the system as currently proposed does not meet the C.ity of Aubum
4. No rolled curbs shall be constructed within the public street of the plat, however, a depressed curb is permitted within the limits of the cul-de-sac.
Additions/ChanQes to the KinQ Countv staff recommended conditions of aparoval:
1. Condition Number 7a -.The City requests the addition of the following afterthe words''adequate
public access:°
°as determined by King County with concurrence from the City of Aubum.".>:
2. As stated in Finding Number 5, the project is subject to the City of Aubum impact fees in effect at
the fime of building permit issuance.
Sfaff reserves the right to supp/ement the record of the case to respond to matters and information raised
subsequent to fhe w►ifing of this report
Exhibit 1 City of Aubum StaffReport
Exhibit 2 King County Staff Report
Exhibit 3 Vicinity Map
Exhibit 4 Application
Exhibit 5 Site Plan
Exhibit 6 Letter of Complete Application
Exhibit 7 Notice of Application and affidavits
Exhibit 8 Public Hearing Notice and affidavits
Exhibit 9 Determination ofNon-Significance Exhibit 10 Environmental Ghecklist
Exhibit 11 Preliminary Stormdrainage Report
Exhibit 12 Lettec from City of Aubum regarding Offsite Drainage
Exhibit 13 Road Variance Denial
Exhibit 14 Access Review Letter
Exhibit 15 Steep Slope Critical Areas Study
Exhibit 16 Water and Sewer Certificates
Ezhibit 17 Comment Letters
Exhibit 18` Preliminary Park Plaza Exhibit 19 Ordinance No. 4113 '
Page 4 of 4
NtlmbeD' Of
Uctaber 7, 2008 '
This is a request for a subdivision of 4.77 acres into 12 lots for detached single-family dwellings
in the R-4 zone. The proposed densily is apgroximatc1y2:52 dwelling unifs per acre. The lot
sizes range from approximate2y 5,000 to 8,000 §guare feet. See Attactunent 1 for a copy of the
proposed plat map. . .
B. GENERAL INFORMATION: OwnedDevetoper: Ken Peckham
Schneider Homes ' •
6510 Southcenter Boulevard
Tukwila, WA 98188 206-248-2471
. Eugineer: DMP Incorporated
726 Auburn NYay Narth
Aubum, WA 98002 ' 253-333-2200
STR: SE 02-21-04 "
Location: The properiy is located at 29810 66~':Avenue South, approximately milc
south of the South 296`h Street and 861° Avenue South intersection. The
• Postal City is Aubum. • • ' Zoning: R4
Acreage: 4.77 acres
Number of Lots: 12
. Density: 2.52 units per acre .
Lot Size: Raages firom approximately S,QQO to 8,000 square fieet
Proposed Use: Single-family detachcd dweIlings '
Sewage Disposal: Lakehaven Utility District
Water SuppIy: Lakchaven Utility District
Fire District: King County Fire District #31
School bistrict: Federa( Nay Schaol District #21U
Compiete App[icatian Date: March 17, 2006
Associated Applications: L05Y0017, Adjustntent to 2005 King Counry Storm ZVater Design
Manaal, Approved Ivlarch 30,2006
. L05V0106, Vaziance to the 1993 King County Road Standards,
Denied May 22, 2006
StaffrptJsaasters/FLATMT.Oct 1997
The Subdivision Technical Committee (STC) of King County has conducted an on-site
examination of the subject property. The STC has discussed the pmposed development with the
appticant to clarify technical detaits of the application, and to detemiine the compatibility of this
project withapplicable iCing County p[ans, code"s; and other official documents regulating this
development. ' . .
As a result of preliminary discussions, the applicant presented the Technicai Committee with a
rcvised plat on June 27, 2008, The primary madifications include miaor changes to the lot
coeigurations, intemal roadtivays, and recreation space.
„ Pursuant to thc Statc Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), RGW 43.21 C, the responsible official of
the Land Use Services Division (LUSD) issued a threshold determination of non-significance .
(DNS) for the proposed development on , Zoas. TWS aecerminanonwas b-ased on
the rcview of the cnvironmemal checklist and other pertinent clocuments, resulting in the
conclusion that the propasal wou[d;not cause probable significant advecse irtipacts on the _ • • envimnment. Therefore, an environmental iinpact statement (SIS) was- not required prioz to •
proceeding with the review process.
Agencies, affected Na.tive Ame.rican tribes aud the public svere offered the opportunity to
comment on or appeal the determination for 14 days. The DNS was not appealed.byaury party,
ineliuiing the applicanf, and it has 6een incorparated as part of ihe applieant's proposal.
1. King County Department of Nahuml Resaurces: No response.
2. King County Parks Department: No response.
3. King County Fire Protection Engineer: Fire protection engineering preIiminary approval
has been granted.
4. Federal Way SchoolDistrict #210: The comnients from this district have been
incorporated into this report. .
5. Soos Creek NVater & Sewer DistriG:. The comments from this district haye been incorporated into this rcport.
6. Washington State Department of Ecolog}- No response.
7. Washingtan State Department of Fish and Wildlife: No response.
8. Washington State Department of Natural Resources: No response.
9. WashingEon State Department of Transportation: No response.
10. METRO: No response.
11: City of Auburn: Correspondence ivas received regarding the off-site drainage.
• 1. Topography: T7ie Nvestern portion of the site is gently sloping io the narthNvest. The
eastern portion is steeply sloped and will remain undeveloped.
2. SoiIs: AgB, AgC, and AkF surface soils are found on this site per King County Soil
Survcy, 1973.
StaEfrpt/castecs/rtAttx':.NOV94.doc clc 11/10/99 - 2 -
AgB - Aldenvood gravely, sandy laam; 0-6% slopes. Runoff is slaw and the erosion
bazard isslight. This soiI type has a moderate limitation for low buitding foundations due
to a seasonalIy high water table, and:severe fimitations for septic tank filter fields due to
very slaw permeability in,the substralum.
. AgC - Alderwood gravety, sandy Ioam; 6-15% slopes. Runoffis slow to medium and the
hazard af erosion is moderate. This soiI has a moderate limitation for foundations, due to
a seasonally high water table and slape. It bas a severe limitation for septic tank filter
' fields due to very slow'permeability in the substratum. '
AkF - Alderwood and Kitsap soils; 25-74% slopes. Runoff is rapid and the erosion
hazard is very severe. This soil type has a seveze limitation for foundations and septic
tank filEer f elds due to slopes and high sIippage poYential.
3. Wetland/streams: No mapped hydmgraphic features exist on this site. The site lies
within the Mill Creek sub-basin.
4. Vegetation: This western portion o£the site is primarily covered in pasture grasses with ,
some landscaping and tress associated with the residence. The eastem portion, the steep
hillside, is covered with dense vegetation and trees.
` 5. Wild6fe: Sinall birds and animals undoubtedty inhabit this site; hmvever, their
papulation and species are limited due to nearby development Larger species may visit
this site on occaseon.
The site itsetf consists of one parcel of 4.77 acres. '£he parcel has an existing house, detached .
garage an@ carport, with patios, and sundecks near the center of the site. The house is surrounded
by large trees and roliing lawidpasture. The eastern portion of the property consists of steep
slopes. The property is located within an area which was incorporated by the City of Aubum on
January 1, 2008. .
1. Lot Pattern and Density. The zoning of the subject praperty is R-4. The proposed
subdivision appears to meet the density and dimension requircments of the R4 zane. 2. Internal Circulation and Roadway Section: The lota will be served via ai► intenial street
syste m that extends for the adjoiiung Serrano subdivision, South 298'h Place shall be
, improved at a miniinum to the urban minar access street standard, with a'cul-de-sac at the - '
east end: • ' ' '
3. Drainage: The Frededc'Allen subdivision is located in the of the Mill Creek basin of thc
Green River. The site is subjeot to the Conservation flow controt and Basic water quality
requirements of the 2005 KCSWDM. The site is within- a landslide liazard area and a ,
landslide hazard drainage area. A drainage tigfitline to the easf is required for this
subdivision Per Core Requuement~ 1 of the'King County Surface WaterDesign_Manual
(KCSWDNO. A Canceptuat Drainage Plan for this TighUine was received 3une 27'h,
2008. Tfie City of Auburn lias revietved tliis plan and has provided a conditional
approval letter dated June 2&, 2008, far the downstrean connection in Auburn.
The rectangular sita is oriented in an east-wesf direction and is bisected by a diagonal
' ledge aunning from the southwest ta the northeast. The southeastern half bf the site
below the ledge is characterized byundevetopable steep slopes and a powerline corridor.
The developable, northwestem portion of the site contains a low ridge that descends
gradually &om the southwest corner of the site to the northeast. As a result, the
devetogable portion of the site is split into hvo subbasins. The eastem subbasin
s}ieefflows east over the steep slope to the West Valley Htvy: (Git}+ of Aubum), and
eventuaIly is intercepted by the mainsiem of Mill Creek. The western subbasin
sheetflows north onto to adjacent properties and eventually finds its way to tributary 053
Staffiyt/maetere/PLA2FltT.NW99.doC clc 11/10/99 - J - .
of Mill Creek. Flows eventually recombine farther north along the valley floor. Very
Iittte upstream azea is tri6utary to the site.
The proposal is to collect most tunoff fram the project site and direct it to. a single
detention and -water quatity.facility located in the northwest portion of the site (Tract A).
, A Drainage Adjustment L45V0107 is approved to combine the two onsite subbasins into
one post-aeveloped facility. The aitawed release would then be directed atong thenorth
property line until reaching the steep slope._ A new tigtifiine pipe system would then
traverse the steep stope to the eactreme southeast pmpetty conmer. and cross a PdgeYSoand
Energy parcel, until it reached the stonn drainage system in the West Valley Highway.
Nuisance sheetflo~v ~to the northcrn and western property lines wauld be largely
eliminated. Existing flow to tributary 053 of Mi11,Creek wonId be slightly reduced, offset
by a corresponding small increase in f2ow to the Mill Creck inainstem. A Conceptual
Drainage Plan far tlie proposcd offsite drainage tightiine was received June 27h, 2008.
The LeveI One Downstream Drainage Analysis identified drainage issues associated -tvith
the western subbasin's downstream path to Tributary 053 oflVlill Creek. Stoim water
, sources ta the ravine area of tributary 053 have creatcd significant incisingfrom outfalls
directed to the ravine. There is a Iong history of sediment deposition:probtems and
• • flooding pmblems in the valley floor below Tributary 053: Because the raviae area is •
mapped as a Landslide Hazard Area, tightiine requirements are required. In addition,
where tributary 053 approaches the Mill Creek mainstem in the valley flaor, numeious
conveyaace and IIooding problems have been reported. The approved drainage
adjustment wiil divert post-developed runoff away from that existing prablem.
1. Tiar►sportation Plans: The subject subdivision is not in conflict with the King County
Transportation Plan, Regional Trail Plan, or Nonmotorized Transportation Plan..
2. Subdivasion Access: The proposed subdivision will be served by a new road system
which extends westerly from 116'h Avenue SB. Road A from Road B to the cul-de-sac
shall be impraved at a minimnm to the urban subaccess streeE standard. Road B(the
westerly extension of SE 180 Str.eet) from I 1e Avenue SE to Tra_ct B shall be improved
at a minimum to the, ucban one-half strect.standard:
3. Traffic Generation: It is expeeted that approximately 124 vehicle trips per day will be
generated Nvith fuli.development of the pioposed subilivision. This.cakulation includes
secvice vehicles (i.e., mail delivery, garbage pick-up, schaol6us).which may current[y
serve this neighborhood, as well as work trips, shopping, etc.
4.. Adequacy of Arterial Roads: This proposal has been revieweil under the criteria in I{ing
County Code 14.70, Transpartation Concurrency;Management; 14.80, Intersection
Standards; and King County Cade 14.75; Mitigation Payment System.
a. King County Code 14.70 - Transportation Concurrency Management: The
Transportation Certificate of Concurrency dated'September 6; 2005, indicates that .
transportation impzovements or strategies will be in place at the time af
development, or that a ftnat►cial commitment is in place to complete the improvements or strategies wit6in six (6) yeacs, according to 1tCW
. 36.70A070(6).
b. King County Code 14,80 - Litersection Standards:. The h'affic generaEed by this
subdivision faIls below the threshold requirin.g mitigation. The existing arterial
system Nvill accommadate the increased traffic volume generated by this pmposal.
c. King County Code 14J5 - Mitigation Payment Systcm: Kiag Counfy Code .
14.75, Mitigatian Payment System (NIPS), requires the pay±ment ofa traffic
impact mitigation fee:(MPS fee) and an administrafion fee for each single family
residential Iot or. unit created.. MPS fees are deternuned by the zone in which thc
site is located. This site is in Zone 243 per the MPS/Quartersecrion Iist. MPS,
fees may 6e paid at the time of final plat recording, or deferred untit building
SteEfspt/Ra9cers/PL11TPXi.tiw99.Qoe clc 11/10/94 - 4 -
permits are issued. The amount of the fee will be determined by the appticable
fee ordinance at t12e time the fee is collected. J. PUBF.ICBERVICES:
1.11 ' Schools: This proposaI has been reviewed under RCW 58.17.110 and King County Code
21A.28 (Schooi Adequacy):
, - a. School Facilities: The sub}ect subdivision will be served by.Meredith Heights
: Elementary, Kilo Middle, and Thomas Jeffersan Senior High.Schoois, all located
' witiun the Federal Way School District.
b. SchooI Capacity: The Fcdcrat Way has adopted capacity figures which indicate
. their abiIity to accommodate additional students. c. School Impact Fees: Lots within this subdivision are subject fo King County code
• 21A.43, ivhicfi imposes impact fees to fund school system improvenients needed '
° to serve neNv development. The current fee payment perlot is $3,393 perlot (per
2406 School Impact Fees). As a condition of final approyal, fiftypercent (50%)
of the impact fees due for the plat shall be assessed and collected immediately
prior to recordirig, using the fee schedule.s in effect when the pluf receives fuial
approval. The balance of the assessed fee shall be allocated evenly to the _
dwelling units in the plat and sbatl be collected prior to building perinit issuance.
d. School Access: The District has indicated that the futwre students from this
subdivision will walk to Vleredith Heiglzts Elementary and be Gussed to Kilo
_ 'Middle and'Thoma§ Jefferson Senior H'igh Schools. Walkway conditions to
Meredith Iieights Elementary and to the bbs stop locations for Kilo Middle and Thomas Jefferson Senior High Schools will consist of a series of sidewallcs and
shoulders. 2. Pazks and Recreation Space: The neazest pu6lic park is Camelot Park; located at Souih
- 29e Street:and 43rd Avenue South. KCC 21A.14 requires subdivisions in Hie UR and R
zone classifications to either provide an-sife recceation space or'pay a fee to the Parks
Division for establishment and maintenance ofneighborhood parks: At this time, tlie
applicant is proposing to provide on site recreation space
3. ' Fire Protection: The Certifieate of Water Avaifability from Lakehayen Utility District indicates that water is presently availabie to the site in sufficient quantity to satisfy King
Coanty Fire Flaw Standazds. Prior toPmal recording of the plat, the water service
facilities must.be reViewed and approved per King County Fire Rlow Standards.
1. . Sewage Disposal: The applicant proposes to serve the subject subdivision by means of a
public sewer system managed byLakehaven UtiIity bistrict. A Certificate of Sewer
Availability, dated August 16, 2005, indicates this sewer district's capability to serve the
proposed deveIopment. . ,
2. Water Supply: The applicant proposes to serve the subject subdidision with a public ,
water supply and dislri bution s}'rstem managed by Lakehaven Utility District. A
Certificate of Water Availability, dated August 26; 2005, indicates this district's
capability to serve the proposed development.
I. Comprehensive Ptan: Tlus proposal is governed by the 2004 King County
Compreheresive Ptan wlrich designate§ this area as Urban.
2. Community Plans: The sub}ect subdivision is located in the Federal Way Commuuity
Plan. . :
Stpffsyt/metnra/PWTFN7.8ov9g.dx ck 11/10/99 - 5 - .
M. corrcl..usioNS:
The subject subdivision will comply xvith the goals and objectives of the King County
Comprehensive Plan and will comply with the requirements of the Subdivision and Zoning
Codes and other official land use controls of King County, based on the conditions for final plat
N. RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that the suhject subdivision, revised and received
Junc 27, 2008, be granted preliminary approval subject to the following conditions of final
I. Compliance with alI platting provisions ofTitle 19A of the Kiug County Code.
2. . All persons having an oNvnership interest in the subject property shall sign on the face of
the ftnal plat a dedication which includes the language set forth in King County Council
Motion No. 5952. . • 3. The plat shall comply with the density requirements of the R-4 zone classification. All
• • lots shall meet the minimum dimensional requirements oF the R-4 zone classification or
shall be as shown on the face of the approved preliminary plat, whichever is larger,
except that minor revisions fo the plat which do not result in sabstantial changes may be
approved at the discretion of tlie Department of Development and Environmental
4. All construction aad upgading of pnblic and private mads shall be done in accordance
with the King County Road Standards established and adopted by Ordinance Na.11187,
as amended (1993 KCRS).
. . . .
5. The applicant must obtain the approval of the King County Fire Protection Engineer for
the adequacy of the fire hydrant, water main, and fira flow atandards of Chapter 17A8 of
the King County Code. .
6. Finat plat approval shall require fult compliance with the drainage provisions set fortii in
King County Cade 9.04. Compliance may result in reducing the number and/or location
o€ lots as shown on the preGminary approved plat. Preliminary review has identified the
follo-sving conditions of appmval which regresent podions of the drainage requiremecrts.
AIl other applicable requirements in KCC 9.04 and the Swface Water Design Manual
(SWDIVn must also be satisfied during engineering and finai reviaw.
a. Drainage plans and analysis shall comply with the 2005 King County Surface
Water Desiga Manual and applicable updates adopted by King County. DDES
approval of the draiiiage and roadway plans is.required prior to any construction.
b. Current standard plan notes and ESC notes, as established by DDES Engineering
Review, sbaIl be shown on the engineeriug plans.
c. The following note shall be shown on the final recorded plat:
All building downspouts, footing drains, and drains from all impervious surfaces
such as patios and driveways shalI be connected to the permanent stortn drain
ontlet as shown on the approved construction drawings on file
with DDES and/or the King County Department of Transportation. Tlus pIan
shall be submitted with the appfication af azty building permit. AIl cannections af
the drains must be conslructed and approved prior to the final building inspection
approval. For those lots that are designated for individual lot infiltration systems,
the systems shall be constructed at the time of the building permit and shall
' . comply with plans on file."
d. The drainage facitities shall meet the requirements of the 2005 King County
Surface Water Design ManuaI (KCSWDIv). The drainage design shall meet at a
SCeLi=pt/raeGets/PL0.iFffY.Dbv99.doc clc 11/10/99 - Y -
minimum the Conservation Flow Control and Basic Water Quality requirements
in the KCSWDM.
e. 'An Otfsite Drainage Tightline is required per Core Requirement l of the
KCSWDM. This Tightline shall be designed in general conformance -*vith the
' Conceptual Drainage Plan received June 27°i, 2008; unless othenvise approved by
the reviewing agency. Appropriate easements shall be provided for this Tightline conshuction, as reqnired by the reviewing agency. 'i'he City of Auburn has
granted conditional approval of the TigEitline downstream comiec6ou, in a tetter
dated June 20'",.2008 from City of Auburn to DMP, Inc. The conditions of
approvat listed in this Ietter shall be met prior to approval of the engineering
plans. _
f. Drainage adjustment L05V0107 is approved far this project. Alt conditions of
approval for this adjustment shall be met prior to engineering plan approval.
g. To implement the required Best Management Practices (BMP's) for treaiment of
storm water, the final engineering plans and technical informafion report {TIIt} shall clearly demoastrate compliance -svitli ali applicabie design staudards. The
requirements for best management praciices are outlined in Cfiapter 5 of the 2005
KCSWDM. The design engineer shall address the applicable requirements on the
final engineering plans and providc all necessary documents for implementation.
• The final recorded piat shall inctude al1 required covenants, easements, notes, and
other details to implement tHe required BMP's for site development.
7. The proposed subdivision shall comply with flie 1993 King County Road Standards
(KC,1tS) including the follmving requirements:
a. South 29e Place shall be improved at a minimum to the urban minnr access
street standard, with a cu1-d-sac at the east end.
Note that this subdivision is dependent on the construction of offsite access roads
in the Plat of Serrano LOSPOO 10. Tttis subdivision shall "therefore comply with
Section 1.03(i?) of the KCRS(Continuous Pubfia Access), in the event that the
offsite roads are not constructed with Ehe plat of Serrano, adequate public access
and R/W is required to be provided with the devetopment of this subdivision. .
b. The'IYact B private access tract shall be impraved per 2.09 of the KCRS. This
Tract shall be owned and maintained by the Lot owners served. An access
easement across Tract B shall be.pzvvided for maintenance of the Tract A
' drainage facility; as requirect by the reviewing agency.
c. Modifcations to the above road cflnditions may be cbnsidered according to tlie
variance pmvisions in Section 1.08 of the KCRS.
8. AII utilities within proposed riglits-of-kvay must be included within a franchise approved
by.the King County Council pcior to fmat plat recording.
9. The applicant or subsequent oNvner shall compIy -svith King County Code 14.75,
. Mitigation Payment System (MPS), by paying the required MPS fee and administration
fee as detemuned by the applicable fee ordinance. The applicant has the option to either:
(t) pay the MPS fee at final pIat xecording, or (2) pay the MPS fee at the time of building
pennit issuance. If the 6rst optioa is chasen, the fee paid shall be the fee in effcct at the
6me of plat applicafion and a note shall be placed on the face of the plat that reads, "All .
fees required by King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Paynient System (MPS), have been
paid" If the second option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the amount in effect as of the
date of buiIding permit application:
10. Lots withux this su6division aze subject ro King County Code 21A.43, which imposes
. impact fees to fund school system improvements needed to ser've new developmenL As a
condifiori:of final appmval, fifty percent (SO%) af the impact fees due for the piat shall be
assessed and coltected immediately prior to recording, using the fee schedutes in effect
when the plat receives 6aa1 approval. The baIance of the assessed fee shall be atIocated
Staftzpt/mascers/PIAY7qT.SOV99.doe ele 11/10/49 -7-
evenly to the dw elling units in the plat and shall he collected prior to building pennit
11. The planter islands (if any) within the cvl-desacs shalYbe maintained by the abutting Iot
oNvners or homeo~vners associatian. This shall be stated on fhe face of the final plat: .
. ; _
12. The proposed su6division shall comply with the Crit_ical Areas Cods as outlined in
KCC 21A24: Permanent survey marking and signs as specif ed in KCC 21A.24:160
shall also bc addressed prior to final plat approval. Tempoiary markirig of eritical areas
and their buffers (e.g., withbright orange construction fencing) shall be pIaced on the site
and shall remain in place until all constructian activities are completed. Preliminary plat review. has identified the folIowing'specific requirements which apply to
this pra3ect Ali other applicable requirements fram KCC 21A.24 stiatl alsa be addtessed
by the applicant. '
Geotechnical: .
a. The steep slope buffer:as shown on the preliminary site plan must have a
' • • minimum width of 15 feet where adjacent to lots 4 througti 7 and: a m_inimum •
- width of 10 feet where adjacent to tots 8 thiough 12. These 6uffer widths aie
baseci on our concuirence With recommendations in the Steep Slape Critical Areas
SuppiementallZeport by Golder Associates inc. dated August 11, 2006:
b. A IS-foot wide building setback area must be established adjacent to the steep
slope buffer. No buitding foundations are allowed within this building setback
azea .
, c. Stormwater runoff and discharge should be controlted daring and follo-tving
developmenL Uncontrolled discharge may promote elosion and sediment
transport. Under no circumsfances shouliI concentrated discharges be allowed to
• flow oyer the top of the steep slope. All roof drains mtist be connected fo the plat
stormNvater drainage system. .
d. . The commonboandary between proposed Tract D arid the buiiding setback area
must be marked or otherwise: flagged to'the satisfaction of King County prior to
any clearing, grading, building construction.or other development aetivity on a Iot
subject to a crirical area tract: The required;marking ortlagging shall remain in
place until all development proposal activities in the viainity of the sensitive area
• are completed. The buffer is identif ed sepazately on the site ptan but included
within the Tract.
e. All earth work on the site shall be.monitored and approved by au experienced
geotechi►ical engineer or engineering geoIogist. This will inclade structural fill
placement, cut and filt sfopes and the placement of rockeries and retaining walls
f: The engiaeering plans shall be submitted and reviewecI by Critical Areas Staff.
g. The following note_shall be sho-iyn on the final engineering plan and recorded pIaf:
Dedication of a critical'area tract/critical area and buffer conveys 4o the pubtic a. .
beneficial interest in the land within the hacdcritical area and buffer. This interest
includes the preservation of native vegetation for,all p.urposes that benefit the
public health, safety and welfare, including control of s«rface water and erosion,
maintenance of slape stability, and protection of plant and'animal ;habitat. The
crilical area tract/critical area and buffer imposes upon all present arid future
, oNvners and occupiers of the land subject to the tracf/criticaI area and buffer the
obligation, enforceable on behalf of the pubIic by King Gounty, to teave
undisturbed all lrees and other vegetation within the tracdcriticaI area and baffer.
Staffrpt/c+aeteze/IIi,niFa[T.GOV99.doc elc 11/10/99 - 8 -
Ttie vegctateon within the tractkritical azca and buffer may not be cut, pruned,
cavered by fill, removed or damaged without approval in iVriting from the King
County Department of Development and Environmental Services or its successor
, agency, unless otherwise provided by law.
The common baundary between the tracdcritical area and buffer and the area of
development acrivity must be marked or othernise ttagged to the satisfaction of
King.County prior to any clearing, grading, building constncctibn or other
development ackivity on a iot subject to the criticaf area tracdcnitical area and buffer. The iequired marking or-flagging shall remain in place until all
development propasal activities in the vicinity o€the sensitive area aze completed.
No buiiding foundations are allowed beyond the required 15-foot building setback
, line, unless athenvise provided by law.
23. Suitabte recreation space shalt be provided consistent witli the requirements of KCC '
21A,14.180 and KCC.2tA.14.190 (i.e., sport court[s], children's play equipment, picuic
tabte[sJ, benches, etc.).
a. A detailed recreation sgace plan (i.e. area calculatians, dimensions, lundscape
specificatians, equigmcnt specificarions, etc.) shall be submitted for review and
' approval by DDES and King County Pazks prior to or concuaent with the
subauttal of the engineecing plan.
b. ' A performance bond for recxeation space improvements shall be posted prior to
recording of the ptat.
14. A homeowners' association or other workable organization shalI be established to the
sa6sfaction of DDBS which provides for the ownership and con,tinued maintenance of the
recreation, open space and/or saisitive area tract(s).
15. Street trees shall be provided as follows (per KCRS 5.03 and KCC 21A.16.050}:
a: Trees shall be pIanted at a rate of one tree for every 40 feet of frontage along all
roads. Spacing may be*modified to accommodate sight distance;equirements for
driveways and intersectious.
b. Trees shall be tocated within the street right-of-way andplanted in accordance
, with Drawing No.. 5-009 of the 1993 King Couniy Road Standards, unless King
, Counfy Department of Transportation determines that Erees should not be located
in the street right-of-way.
c. If King County detecmines that the required street irees should not be located
. within the right-of-way, they shall be located no more than 20 feet from the street
right-of-way Iine.
d. The trees sha[I be owned and maintained by the abutting Iot oNmcrs or the
homeowriers association or other workable organization unless the County has
adopted a maintenance program. Ownership and maintenance shall be noted on
the face of the finai recorded plat. e. The species of trees shall be appmved by DDES if located within the right-of-
way, and shail. not include poplar, cottonwood, soft maples, gum, any fiuit-bearing
tree§, or any other tree or shrub whose roots are likeIy to abstruct sanitary or storm
- ' sewers, or thatis aot compatible with overhead.utitily lines.
f. The applicant shall submit a street tree ptan and-bond quantity sheei for review
and approval by DDBS prior to engineering plan approval. '
g. The applicaat shall contact Metro Service Planning at 206-6841622 to determine
if South 29e Place is on a bus route: If South 298h Place is a bus route, the street
tree plan shall also be reviewed by Metro.
St0i1!!pt/mastesY/PLATiHY.COV99.doC ClC 11/10/99 - 7 - '
h. The street trees must be installed and inspected, or a perforenance bond posted
prior to recording of the plat. If a perf6rmance bond is posted, the street trees must
be installed and:inspected Within one year of.recording of the plat. At thetime of
inspection, if the tiees are found to be installed per the approved plan, a
maiateaance bond must be subrriitted or the perfocinance bond replaced avith a
inaintenance bond, and held for one year. After one year, the maintenance bond
may be released after DDES has completed a second inspection and determined
that the trees havc beea kept healthyand thriving,
i. A landscape inspectian fee shall also be submitted prior to plat rewrding. The
inspecEion fee is subject to, change based on the current County fees.
16. The applicant shall camply with all applicable provisions of KCG Ghapter 16.82,
concerning the preservation of"significant trees" on subdivisions located in the King
County"Urban" designated area. A detailed iree refention plan, which complies with
KCC 16.82.156B2 and other appficable requu+ements of this Cade section, shall be
submitted to DDES for review and approval prior to engineering ptan approval. Bonding
may be reguired by DDES to assure implemeqtation of the tree;etention plan. No
' • clearin€or gsaiiin¢ of 4he site sha11 occu= until I?DES •approves the detailed tiee retention
17. SPRINKLER RHQUlREMENT: All future;esidences conshvcted witt►in this subdi-6sion
are re4uired to bc rinlcled NFPA 13D unless tHe r uirement i§ removed
b the Kin
SP _~1 Y g
` County Fire Matslial oi tusltier designee:: The Fire Code requiies all portions of the
exterior walls of stractures to be within 150 feet (as a nelson would watk via an appioved
route around the buiIdin¢) from a inimnm 20-foot wide~ ttnobshucted driving stuface.
To qualify for removal of.the sprinkter requir'ement driving surface§ behveen cucbs must
be a minimum of 28 feet in width when parking is allowed an on~ side of the roadway,
and at Ieast 36 feet in widtfi when puking jis permitted on 6oth sides.
Additionally, the driving surface of the access tracts within this sdbdivision must have
minimum unobstrdcted cvidths of 20 feet (no parking permitted); or respective tots
accessed by tliose tracts will liave to be sprinkled.
18. In the event that any archaeotogical ohjects are uncovered on the site, the applicant shall
comply with RC.W Chagter 27:53, Archaeological Sites and Resources. Immediate
notification and consultadon with tlie State Office of Archaeology and Historical Preservatian, King County Office of GuItural Resources and relevant tribes (including the
Suquamisli, Puyallup and Muckles}wohtribes) is required if discovered materials are
pzehistoric and a site is present: OTHER CONSIDERATIONS:
1. Thc subdivision shall canform to KCC 16.82 relating to gtading on private property.
2. Development of the subject property may require registration with the Washington State
Departmert of Licensing, Real Fstate Division:
3. PreGminary appmval of this application does not limit the applicant's responsibility to
obtain any required permit or Iicense fram the State ar other regaiatory body: This may
include, but is not limited to the following:
a. . Forest Practice Pemiit from the Washington State Dept. 'f Natural Resources.
b. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Fermit from WSDUE:
c. Water Quatity Modif caiion Permit from WSDOE.
d. Water Quality Certification (401) Permit from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
S[a[f[pt/r.astete/PfA7FNT.ROV99.dx clc 11/10/99 -10 -
' 29816 G6TH AVE S AUBURN, tiVA 98041
3205 W VAT,LEY HWY W AUBUItN, WA 98001
29710 60 AVE S AUBURN, WA 98001
StatEspt/Metate/PLATFOfr.NOV99,dx clc 13/10/99 -.11
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King couzlw
iand Uso servlas Dfvtston A1lt@TItatIV@ f01'111AtS BVAilAbl@
900 Oakesdale, Aveana Southwtst
rtewn, wW&Von 98055a219 upon request
(206) 296.6600 '1TY (206) 246-7217 '
AppUcation Number(s): n L..J
3-E, 17 200G
K.t.. D.U.C.S.
Dafe Recefved: Stam
. . I(We) requesf the foflowing permit(s) or approval(s): Fredric Alten •
o Buifding Permit o Shoreline Substantial Development Permit
o Clearing & Grad€ng Permit o Sho'rsfine Conddional Use Permit
0, Temporary Use Permit o Sharel€ne Variance
Binding Site Plan o. Shareline Redesignafion
o Sfte. Development Permit o Zoning Variance
o Boundary Llne Adjustment o Condiqanal Use Permk
b Shart Subdivisfon o Reuse of Publfc Schools
8 FormaE Subdivislon o Special Use Permii
o Urban Planned Development o Zone Reclassificatiort
o Piat AEteration o Site Specific Comprehensive Plan Amendment
o Plat Vacatian o P-Suffix Amendment
o Road Variance o Special District Ovarlay Removaf
o Drainage Variance or Adjustment o Reasonable llse Exceptian
o Right-of-Way Use Permit o Public Agency & Utilfty Exception
I, Fredric Aflen Andrew . being duly swom, state that 1 arri the owner or (pifnt name)
officer of the corporation owning proFserty described fn the legal descxipt€on filed with thts applicatfon and
that l have reviewed fhe rules and reguEattons of the Department of Devalopmant and Emrironmerrtal
• Services (DDES) regarding the preparaNon and fil[ng of th€s app6cation arxf that aIl staterrteMs, answers
and information submitted with this apptication are in all respecEs true, axurate and comptete to the best
of my know[edge and helief.
Durfing the reView of thls appficatfon, it may be necessary for DDES staff to make one or more site rrlsifs.
By signing this apptication form, you are giving permission for these visits. lf it is rental property, the
owner hereby agrees to noGfy fenants of possible site visit~ ^
FredrEc AIlen .
• pr/nted nams ~ signature r
29810 6e Ave. S.
melling sddress corpaation or company nama
Renton WA (206) 248-2471
clty state zip , telephone
If appllcabte, state below, ihe name, address and tetephone number of fhe suthorized applicant for this
appf[cation as shown on tFre Cartfflcatian and Transfer of Application Status form fifed with this
Ken Peckham - Schne9der Homes 6510 Southcenter Blvd,
name mafling address .
(206) 248-2471 Takwila, WA 98188
telephone c/ty state z1p
ApplieaNon fortsnd Use Permk(s) bapp-luper 211UQ2 Page 1 of2
_ • .
For Formal Subdivisiorts only:
Fredric Allen
Name of Subdivislon -
Paul Morrow DMP Engineering
Registered Land Surveyor Name
728 Aubum Way N., Auburn WA 98002
Rcldiess a»rt Zip
(253) 333-2200 PH:.(253) 331-2206 FAX
Telephone Number - Mel Daley _ DMP Engineering
Engineer N.arrie
726 Auburn Way N.; Auburn WA 98002
• • Address sttd Zip.
Schneider Homes, lnc Ken Peckham.- Schneider komes,_Inc
Deve/oper Name - -
• 6570 SouthcenterBlvd.,Tukwila, 98188.
Addtess and Zip - -
(206) 248-2471 ,
TeJephone Number
Lend Surveyor's CertificatFon Land Surveyor Seal
l hereby certtfy fhat the accompanying
plat has been inspected by me and conforms ta aii rules and reguEatibns of
the platting resolution and standards for .
King County, Washington • _ _ Signed: .
Note: Apptication forms and submittal requirements are subject to revision withouf rtotice. .
. . ' ' . ! . . .
. ` : King Counry . .
Department of Development
and Environmental Services .
900 Oakesdale Avenue Soudiwest _
Renton, Washington 98055-1219
Application Acknowledgement
02-17-2006 .
This letter is to acknowIedge that an application has been received for the following work:
Application Number: L06P0007
Application Date: 02lI7/2006 Applicant: SCHNEIDER HOMES iNC
Location: 29810 66TH AVE S/NE-SE 2-21-4 '
Site Address:
Parcel: 022I 04-903 8
Permit Type: PRE-PLAT Subtype: PRE-PLAT
Description: Fredric Allen 12 Lof P.lat
• Questions about this application and it's status should be directed to the permit service center at: 206-296-6600.
LU APP ACK 05-16-03
, . AMe4iN FlLE COpy
The north half of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of
Ehe southeast, quarter, Section 2, Township 21 North, Range-4 East,.
• W.M.,..in King County, iQashington; .
EXCSPT the west 15 feet thereof for 66t' Avenue South.
~ I,~~c;!i F
. ~ D
0 ~
L 0 6
Web date: 10l2812005
~ SVBDli i! 1S6ON DENS! M H&
Deparfinent of Devefopment and Environmentaf 3ervices .
Land Use ServEces Division
908 Oakesdale._Avenue Southwest
Renton, wasnrngton 98055-1219 For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600.
2os-2ss-ssoo TTY 2OS-296-7217
lFile Number
{To be filled in by DDES}
. Seyerai devefopment regutations ptay a role in the creation of a subdivision within King Courrty. DeteRnining
the a!lowable densiiy, minimum density, and a tot width on a piece of property can be conftusing. This wocksheet wilf assist you in correctiy apptying specific portions o# the code and will be used to determine if a
proposed subdivision or short subdivision meets the densi#y and dimensions provisions of the King Coun#y
Zoning Cade (Titfe 21A). This worksheet is designed to assist appticants and does not replace compiiance with
adopted local, state and federal laws.
Pre-apptEcation conferences are required prior to submittal of a subdivision or short subdNision. These
conferences help to clarify issues and answer questions. They may save you both time and money by
eliminating delays resufting from requests for additional infornnatian and revisions. You may call 206-296-6600
to find out how to arrange far a pre-appfication conference.
Worksheet Prepared By: ~AE71t4 rk.~ Date: 73nAAE4QJ [Q*G
(Print Name)
Subdlvision fdame:
Comprehensive PDan Land Use Designation: (...a M
If moPe than one Comptehensive Plan Land Use designation or zone classfication exists for the property, show
the boundary between the lancf uses or zones and the area within each on tiie preliminary ptat map. If a single .
lof is divided by a zone boundary, transferring density across zones on that !ot may be permitted subject to the
provisions of K.C.C. 21A.12.200.
1. Site Area (K.C.C. 24A.06.1172) afso see (K.C.C. 27A.12.080):
Site area (in square feet) is the gross horizontal area of the pro'ect 5ite, less submerged lands as deftned by
K.C.C. 21A.06.1265, and gss areas which are required to be dedcated on the perimetfl~f~ject site for
the public rights-of-way.
P~ square feet in submerged tand {any land below the ordlnary high, water OPY
maric - see K.C.C. 21A.06.825}
uJ~ (k, ~
+ square feet in perimeter r~9hts-of way whicfi wili be ~
~ ,
~ ded[cated ,n~ v D
_ ~ Tofat . ~ F~ Z~il~k~
SnbdiyDeasdyDimensionCalcFORM.doc lo-cal-subden.pdi iQ/262005 a9$
D[~~E. t~. ~
Calculation: .
2X~0TaGross horizontal area of the project site
- Total submerged lands and rights-of-way Site area in square feet
. NOTE: To continue calculafions, convert site area in square feet to acres by
dividing by 43,560
Site area in acres
NOTE: When calcuta#ing the site area for parcels in fhe RA Zone, if the sfte
area should result in a fraction of an acre, the foilowing shall apply:
Fractions of :50 or above shall be rounded up to the next whole
number and fractions betow .50 shalt be rounded down. Example: !f
the site area 'in acres is 19.5 acres (iess the submerged land and
tess the area that is required to be dedicated on the perimeter of a
project site for pubEic right-ofarvay) the site area can be rounded up to 20 acres. No further rounding is atlowed. (See K.C.C. 21A.12.080)
11. IBase Density (K.C.C. 21 A.12.030 -.0'40 4ables):
The!base density is determined by the zone designatians(s) for the lat.
Ilf. Atlowable Owetting Unlts and Rounding (K.C,C. 24A.12A70): ,
Ttte base number of dwellmg units ts caiculated by muitiplying the site area by the'base density in ciwelling units per acre (from K.C.C. 21A.12.030 -.040 tables). site area in acres (see Section 1.) XL{- base density (see Section 11)
_ L9 aitowabte dwelling units
Except as noted below, when calcufations resulf in a frac#ian, the fraction is rounded to the nearest whote
number as follows: ,
A. Fractions of '.50 or above shall be rounded up; and
B. Fractions below :50 shall be rounded down. NOTE: For parce(s in the RA Zone, no rounding fs attowed when calculating the allowable number of dweliing
units. For exampte, if#he catculation of the number ofi dwefling units eQcrafed 2.75, the result wouid be 2
dwelling untts: Raunding up ta 3 is not altowed. (Sea K.C.C..21A.92.070(E).)
IV. Required On-sitie Recreadon Space {K.C.C. 21A.14.180
This section must 6e completed oniy if the proposai is a residential developmertt if more fhan four dwefimg units in the UR and R zones, stand-alone townhouses in the NB zone on property designated Cgmmerciaf
Outside of Center i# more than four units, or any mixed use devetopment if more than four urii#s: Recreation
spave must be computed by muitiplying the recreation space requiremen# per unit:type by the proposed
number of such dwelling units (K,C.C. 29A.14.180). Note: King County has the discretion to accept a fee in
iieu of ali or a portion of the required recreation space per K.C.C. 21A.14.185.
Apartments and town houses developed at a density greater than eight units per acre, and mixed use must
ptovide recreational space as follows:
90 square feet X proposed number of studio and one bedroam units
170 square feet X proposed number of two bedroom unifs + '
170 sqaare feet X proposed number of three or more tiedroom units +
Recreation space requirement =
SubdivDensityDimensionCalcFORM.doc Ic-cahsubden.pdf 1012B12005 Pege 2 oi6
Required On~ife Recmetfon Space Con+..,ued .
Residential subdivisions, trnmhouses and apartments deve[oped af a density of eight units or less per acce
musf provide recreationat space as follows:
390 square feet X proposed number of units
Mobile home parks shall provide recreationat space as foliows: 260 square feet X proposed number of units =
V. Net BuitalabDe Area KC.C. 21A.06.797): This section is used for computing minimum density and must be completed only if the site is focated in the R-4
through R-48 zones and designated UrbaR by the King .County Comprehensive Plan. The net buildable area Is
the site area {see Section I} less the foilowing areas: : -
areas within a project site which are required to be dedicated for public rights-of-way in
. ~ excess of sixtY (61Y) of widfh
+t critical areas and thetr bufFers, #o the extent they are required by FGng Counfy tn
r+emain undeveloped ' _ -
+ areas required for above ground stormwater controi faciiities including,. but not Eirnited to,
• retention/detention ponds, biafiitca#ian swates and setbacks from such ponds and swales
+areas required by King Counfy to be dedicated or reserved as on-site recreation areas.
. Deduct area within stormwater control facirity if requesting recreation space credit as allowed by K.C.G
: 21A.14.180 (see Section {V}
+ regional utiifty corridors, and
other aceas, excluding se#backs, required by King County to remain undeveloped
_ Total reduations Catculation: =13Cf,= site area in square feet (see Secfion1)
Totai reduofions_~, Net buftdable area in square feet NOTE: convert site area is syuare feet to
acres by dividing by 43,560
- iNet buildable area in acretis • • .
VI. Minirrturn Urban Residentiat Density (K.C.C. 27A.12.060): The minimum density requinement applies onl to the R-4 tttrough R48 zones. Minimum density is determined
by multiplying the base density in dwell'ng units per acre (see Section il) by the net buiidabte area of the site in
acres (see Section V) ancf then mu1#ipiying the resuiting produd by the minimum density percentage from the
K.C:C. 21A:12.030 table. The minimum density requiremer►ts may be phased or waived by K'ing Courity in
certain cases. (See K.C.C. 21A.12.060.) Also, the minimum density requiremerrt doss not appfy to properties
zoned R4 located within the narai town of Faii City. (See K.C.C. 21A.12.030(B)12.) +
Calculatian: .
base density in dWac (see Sec#Ion fi) XNet buifdable am in acres (see Section Vj
X minimum density % set forth in KGC. 21A.12.030 or as adjusted [n Secfion Vil
minimum dwelling unifs required
SubdivDensilyDtmensionCatcFORM.doc Io-caFsubden.pdf 10l2SI2005 Page 3 of 6
Vll. Nfinimum Density Adjustmen4s gor Modera4e Slopes(K.C,C. 21A.12.087):
Residentiat developments in the R-4, R-6 and R-8 zoreesmay modify the minimum densi#y,factor in K.C:C.
21A.12.030 based on the weighted average slope of the net buitdable area of fhe site (see Section U). To
determine the weighted average slope, a topographic survey isrequired to calculate the netbuildabfe area(s)
within each of the fofiowing slope increments and then muitiplying the number of square feet in each slope
increment by the median slope value of each stope increment as follows:
sq. ft 0-5% slope increment X 2.50A median slope value =
+ sq. ft 5-90% slqpe increment X 7.50/medtan slope value = +
+ sq. ff 10-15% slope increment X 12:5°/a median slope vaiue = +
+ sq. ft 15 20% slope increment X'E 7.5% median slope value = +
+ sq. ft 20 25% slope.increment X 225°Io median slope value = +
+ sq, ft 25-30% slope increment X 27.5% medfian slope value .
+ sq, ft 30-350A slope increment X 32.5% median slope value = +
+ sq. R 35-40% slope increment X 37.5% median slope vafue = +
Totai square feet Total square feet
in net buildable area adjusfied for slope
totai square feet adjtisted for slope divided by total square f:et in net buldable area
= weighted average slope of net buifdable area ,
_ %(Note: multipty by 100 to corrvert fo percenf - round up to nearest whofe percent)
Use the tab[e below to determine the minimum density factor. This density Is substituted for the mtnimum density
#actor in K.C.C. 21A.12A30 table when calcutating fhe minimum density as shown in Section Vl of'this worksheet.
Weighted Average $lape of Net • Minimum Density Factor
BuiltEable Area(s) of Site:
00/o - fess than 5% 85~Q
50/o -[ess than 9 5% 830/o, tess 1.50/o each 1% of
. average slope in excess of 5°10
15% - tess than 40% 66°~, less 2:0% for each 1% of
average slope in excess of 15%
sq. ft 0-5% slope increment X 2.50/median slope value =
. 10,000 sq. ft 5-100A slope increment X 7.60/o median slope value 750
+ 20,000 sq. ft 10-1596 slope increment X 12.5% median slope value = 2,500 + .
+ sq. ft 95-20% slope increment X 17.50/median slope value = +
+ sq. ft 20-25% slope increment X 22.5% medfan slope value = +
+ sq. ft 25-34'Yo slope increment X 27.50/a median slope value = + .
+ sq. ft 30-35% slope increment X 32.50/o median slope value = +
+ sq, ft. 35A0% slope increment X 37.5 % median slope value = +
30,000 ToEal square fest 3,250 Tota1 square feet
in net buildabie area • adjusEed for slope
3,250 Total square feet adjusted for slope divided by 30,000 Totai square feet in net buildabte area
_ .108333 Weighted average slope of net buiitfabie area
= 11 %(Piote: multipiy by 100 to convert to percent round up to nearest whole percent)
Using the table above, an 11% weighted average slope of net buikiabfe area falls within the 50A - tess than 150/o
range which has a mtnimum density factor of 83%, tess 1.5% for each 1Wof average slope in excess o# 5%. Since
11% is S°Jo above 50A, multiply 6 times 1.5 which woutd equal 9%. Sabfract 9% from 83% for an adjusted minimum
density factor of 740/o. This replaces the minimum density factor in K.C.C. 21A.12.030 tabte.
SubdivDensriyDimensionCaicFORM.doc Ict;al-subden.pdf 10I28/2005 Page 4 of 6
Vill. Maximum,Dwrelling Units Allowed (K.C.C. 29Q.12.030 -.040):
This.section should be completed onfy if the praposal inctudes application of residential density incentives
(K.G C._29A.34) or fransfer of density rights (K.C.C. 21A.37). Maximum density is catcxalated by addirig the
bonus or transfer units authorized to the base units calcufated in Section !II of this worksheet. The maximurn
density permitted through residential density incentives is 150 percent of the base density (see Sectioh'ii) of
the underfying aoning af the development or 200 percent of the base density for proposats with 900 percent
affordable units. The maximum density permitted through tran$fer of density rights is 150 percent of the base
density (see Section Il) of the underiying zoning of the develapmen#.
base density in dwelling units per acre see (Section If) X 150% = maximum density
maximum density in dwelfing units per acre X site area in acres =
maximum ciwelling units atlowed utilizing density incentives (K.C.C. 29A34)
base density in dwelling units per acre (see Section Jt) X 200% = maximum density maxiEnum densify in dwetfing units per acre X site area in acres =
. maximum dweiling units af[owed utilizing density incentives wlth 100 percent affordabie units (KC.C. 21A34)
base density in dwefiing unlts per acre (see Section 11) X 150% = maxdmum density
maximurn density in dwelling units per acre X site area in acres =
maximum dwelling units allowed utifizing density transfers (K.C.C. 21A.37)
base allowabte dwefling units calculated in Section til
+ bonus units authorized by KC.C. 21A.34
+ #ransfer units author3zed by K.C.C. 21A.37
tofial dweUing cinits {cannot exceed max'smum calculated above} .
IX. Minimum Log Area For Constructlon (K.C,C. 21A.92.100):
Except as provided for nonconformances in K.C.C. 29A.32: _
A. In the UR and R zones, no construction shall be permitted on a tot #hat contains an area of less than
2,500 square feet or that does not comply with the appticabfe minimum lot width, except for fownhouse
. devetoprinents, zeratot-tine subdivisions, or tots created grior #o february 2, 1895, in a recorded
subdivision or short subdivision which camplied with appficable laws, and;
B. In the A, F, or RA Zones:
1. Consfntction shall npt be permitted on a tot cantaining less than 5,000 syuare feet; and
2. Construction shalE be fimited to one dwelling unit art¢ residenfial accessory uses for lots conta'sning
greater than 5,000 square feet, but less than 12,500 square feet. (K.C.C. 21A.12.900)
SubdivDensilyDimensionCalcFORM.doc Ic-cat-subden.pdf l0/2612005 ' • Page 5 of 6
X. Lot Width (K.C.C. 21A.1 2.050(8)):
Lot widths shall be measured.by scating a circte of the applicable diame#er within the boundaries of the tot as ,
shown below, provided #han ;an access easement shall not be included within the circle. (See K.C.C. 21 A.12:050). . : . : . B .
i .
a . •
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~ rWeet ,
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L ' . . . . ■ . .
~ r s m • me ■ ms ~ mm a ~s • m ■ ~ r ~ • . ms r . a re • ~es • ~ r re s, ~ a unr
Lot Width Measurement
Check out fheDDES.Web sife at www.metrokc.qov/ddes .
SubdivDensityDimensionCalcFORM:doc lo-cal-subden.pdf 10/26/2005 Page 6 of 6
• . . " . - . _ _.~..ar~- .:r...w
$t- aCDawd6qemnt Im$ Deevaiumimmftl SW;i+es'
sfdUse Se-vEess Divisim ' ~ # y~ ~,F
ID Qao4oe98eie Aivme Sbeemat
DDFS Fa@ 11lO. .
~ ~ .
_ p~
S. 298th PL & 66th Ave S. 1211-_ i 6zginew Naate: _ Englneegfng Firm Uwnw .
- -L D la PE ' DMP . Inc. • • •
%ddres= TeiephoaW . . • • .
- 253-333-22DU:. ~tp. St~t~ Z'4~ , • - ' : ' DDES Enign'teerlAannes InWgaLv-
T kwil Si 8 . ` _ . .
ISo'RdJCT't0l4S TO AP'PILtCAN'17DE$iGAe EAlGlNEEii: • ' ' , - ' ' ' ' •
,ass :6e.stae to inokuee alt frtans. a'dceodms,; phoLos attd a+aPs vaWeh may assistin comptue review anct eo~sidasation vf your'
v.sianrs requast
11ure to psoride aU pe=tinant "v►forrnation !eiaY res+dt in ddayed pracessing cs dee-im of yoen requast. Ptesse-wbwat ttds reauest and aac6caMe
s to '11re. Dopmunasit of Oavclopnnent and Envisoiusientai Sarvioe% BAcGcg or land llsb Services Intalco Covnier~, S00 Oakesdato Avenue ' .
ESICRIP"ON OF \/d►RU1BlI~`iE REt4UES7 : ' ' • ?~IICi7ut vs8. Cta7[
Variance to. aYlow 21-0 . L. F. tract roadway - b~e if engfneeriaq
_ . _ plaas Aave beeq, appzoved
. - : • , • . • . tS2iEA8V~APHtWED~ : route
' • ' • - ' ' • _ • tBaicatA00 to OIS. . .
KGRS -2 ..09 ; B . 2- - ' - • . • _ . ,
lSTIF[CAYYiON (see attaclarnengs, Paiges to' . '
• - . . . . . .
See Attached
J, . . . .
ftHoRIZAMoNsIGNeTUREs: : . . . . . . . . . - . - . .
)DES STAff RECOMAE1413ATtON: . _ - • 'OWAR7LM 0F 1RAN5PO1tTATiONi , .
~ . - . . ' . t 1 oval . I .1 Cmdda+sod 6eem-,d . [ Detdad ~
. - . ' emah► Dedon E00fiew Date
~avdapa~t G~gusead ~ ~ ~ • ' - .I ~ l"/ I ~ ~ j~ ~ ~ ~
:DNomoU-s oF APPROVa~.: . • . . - . ~ EF# 2006 :
_ ' . - . ~ . K,C,, RRE,s_ .
s-.- = -
- ~ . . . " . . .(;A o~~~ ~ -
- . ~ . l. .
so ~ aM z:, 199n1:30writn*
Jnstification for
. . Tract in excess of ISO 11
In order to nwimize the number of lots plus recreational space requirements' within the
useable area of the property, the `Tract B" access road became 210 ft. long. T.his exoeeds
the King County Road Standard requirement of 150 ft. by an additionai 60 feet.
"'This was necessary due to the irregular shape of the useable area of the property. .
We therefore respectfully request a variance from the 15 0 ft-standard to allow the proposed "Tract B" access road length and configuration. We have provided a
hammerhead turnaround and the end of the "Tract B" access road for emergency services
turnaraund. By adding'this bammerhead turnaround the aocess road Iength in essence becomes only 140 ft. long which is obviously Iess tban the standard 150 ft. length.
. ~ • ' 4 .
~ . Sut~ce Water Desion_ Manuai
Kim ,~«,~,~t ,nd~~ft,~~ Requir+ennen~ / S~ndaa~s .
J~tditis~en~~ R~uest
P"3jeck Narrw. onE's Pmjed we nco.: . ocErxen0heedPknn&rraivw. ,
Frederic-Allen Properties • .
~ phora S. 298~th Pl. 66th Ave. S. Me1 L. Dale , PE '253-333-2200
Apeftawnse&- wb°"e:
-Schneider Homes 206-248-2471
. DMP,
a ~
~ P
c~ s~. aP ~ clY: s~aae. ZP cnae: 6510 Southcenter B1.vd. Tuk, WA [Adftsw
`726" Auburn Way N. Aub, ' WA
. .
INSTRUCTtONS TO AMUCAPiT/DMGNENGiNECR: ~ - - . . _ Ptease be surs tc jrlude an plaos (F LR. if ef~1elskeLd~es. giio~ and mapathatma~r a~t ~ ramplete mwiearand coir~ideragoa
or et~is ac~u~ req!~t Fatku~a eo prati+ae a5 pe~tinetd ~rr~ rr~r rescdc in delay~ea proo~siig or aerKa! etya~r iequest .
• Please sa6nnt iwu oomatete oooies otfhis teat~st aoocatiore tomanl aogaable tee tu tfte t)DE$ irtke Counter, at 9Q0 Oakesdaie .
Averna Soudmost. Renton. WaslBngton. 98055=1218.. For add00nal. Uttomiattorti Pha►e Randall Posons. P.E,. af PM 2)6-=7 ,
. t' S . . . . .
• DESCM■ ) \Y.- V\ ADJUSTMENT lWQ_W 0 Slanda,Y E] COMPIOX a EVeftenbd : ~ ~lankea.. .
El Pie-appftwon" . . .
APPt.lCJ4Bf.E vERSlON KGSWDIA; o 1990 (11r95) tssa (grm ~ . . .
- (Note: the tsrm -varianoe replacea by'a4justrnerrt'7 ' APPLtCIOBLE.SECTlOwS)OF S'TAAiD;A6iDS:
RCSH1 Design ManuAZ 1. 2.1 • Core Requirement' #1 ,-discharge 'to natural
locator JUST1FiCATi0i133 PER KCSVUDM SEC7lON 1.4.2 ' . . . - • .
ttsee attachmefts li.sted befow. . . _ • .
. A~THOfi1ZATtOPi $BGNATURES- . . • .
' . DEIERIlIlMATtOQt - -
: • p q"+ronra}. . Q Cen6AioiW Appv'a►ra4 (sse4sdawl ~ - • a Deniai'-• - - • . %
• ' .
F.LDNRMd.RDApyiova[•Stpned: Dffi~ gbperkwM &Bl.wtcetvadanoes OnW
DDES Siaff Reoomrrm'm 4on SW%ed: - . ' DMeE . . .
0 'SCQ avachad MeA10 Dated . ( ~
. [~ES DlRECTORfDESIp~IE~ . . t '
DDES, tand tJss Sefv3aes Div.. EeW neerin9 Review Supervlsor. DDE$, Sidg. Setv. D.. St~e . 4aV*e1fftT"1nP ~g1 -
. g~~ • Signed: .
tla~ . ~
' ' . fj P ohupx7copu ~ .
~s/~s/saoehun,,.aec . -
. !46/n!8/SIIMlf-S.Cft22.dee 11/11199 eIC 1` .
' . . . ° AO ~ tl ~ ~ aa! ~
, Justificationfor Drainage Variance .
. Frederic AlIen Property
The Frederic Allen Property is comprised of a 4.78 acre site witlx a single family liouse. .
The proposed project will devetop the site into 12 single family sites. (See attached
Preliminary Site_Plan) The site falls within the Conservation F1ow Control (Leyel 2) and Basic Water Quality areas. The site also has two drainage basins, West and East. {See
attached Exhibit B}'Approximately 0.8 acres with an estimated 0.23 efs.lUO year flow,
' naiurally drains to the West while the remaining 3.98 acres drains to the East down the ~
hiilside to the West Valley Highway. It is prqposed to combine both West and Eas# flows to drain to the East. The development
wiil provide an on-"site Detention and Water Quality Vault within TraGt."A", as shown on `
the Preliminary Site Plan. Discharge flows wiil be to the West Valley Highway wifihin the
City of Aubnm, via HDPE pipe down the steep slope throughPSE property, via an
easement. Discussions with City of Auburn Staff has indicated that Auburn's Storm
Drainage Facilities would have. capacity to except all of the proposed discharge flows for
bQth the West and East basins. -
The reasons for the West Basin to be combined with the East Basin are as fallows:
1. There, is no natural drainage feature located immediately or near the West or
North of the proposed site.
2. The proposed Deveiopment is not feasible with two Detention%Water Quality.
Facilities. 3. There are numerous downstream drainage cvmplaints as a'result of existing flows
from the West Basin. (3ee copy of Exhibit F-Drainage Investigation Informafion,
fram the Level II Downstream Analysis Report.
4. Due to, previous Developments along with a new propased Developmenf West of,
this site this West Basin has historic tlrainage problems downstream which.
County Staff is aware o£
5. This project wouId aide in not exacerbating the West Basin prablem..
6. The City ofAuburn is willing to except the combined flows to #heir system. Therefore, we respectfully request that a drainage variance be approved.
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Exhibit B . . ^ ~ ! "-/oo' .
. East Drainage Basin & Downstream Drainage System. Map .
' . . . . ~ .
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. . ~xbu* ~ l King County _ Number of~~ .
, Qepartment o€ Development . and Envfronmental Services , 900 Oakesdale Avenus SW Renfon, WA 98055=1219 May 22, 2006
' Ken Peckham .
Schneider Hvmes 6510-Southcenter BLVD . Tukwila, WA 98188 RE: Notice of ComnIete Annlication for Anplication Time Pei•iods , , .
Application No. LO6P0007 - Frederic AIIen Properties .
Date Filed: February 17, 2006 .
Dear Mr. Peckham: • The purpose of this letter is to notify yau that on March 17, 2006 the Land Use Services Division
d6tertnined that the above-referenced application is complete under current requirements for a
complete application. This initial determination is intended only for the purpose of applying the
time periods for permit processing specified iri King County Code 19A and 20. Supplemental
information may be requested by the Division, as necessary, for #he continued review of your
application. Our goal is to process your applicafion withia lSQ days. However, the complexity and level of
analysis required to review your project and available staff resources will affect the actual review
time. The timeline can aIso be impacted by one or more of the following: e any request mad.e by tlie IIivision for aciditional information •
- • changes or revisions requested by #he appIicant
• mutually-agreed-upon requests to stop the time clock
e preparatian of an Environmental Impact Stafement .
e failvre to post the property
o resolution of land use decisions appeals
If you have any questions aliout yovr application or the posting requirements, please contact me at
(206) 296-6758. .
Sincerely, , T 4haBull, Planner Current Planning Section . MAIN FILE COPY
Letter.fzm/NCA-ATP.ltr 9/12/97 mh • ~V~
• , ~
• , i
Notice of
Dep~ment of DeveiopmeM and Environmenta( Services App'. ~ cat. ~ on Ni1~~r of Pa~
Land Use Servfces Dlvision
900 Oakesdale Avenue Sauthrrest ReMon, Wash3ngton 98055-1219
_ (TYPB 3)
Applicant: Ken Peckham File Na.: L06P0087 - Frederic Allen Properties
Schneider Hornes
6510 Southcenter Boufevard
Tukwlla, WA 98188 DDES Praject Manager: Trishah Suit
206-248-2471 Telephone No.: 206-296-6758
e-mail: trishah.bullQmetrokc.gov
Date ApplPcation Filed: February 17, 2005
Date Determined Complete: March 17, 2006
Project Location: The property is located at 29810 66°i Avenue SoutFi, appraximately % mile south of fhe
S 2960' Street and 6e Avenue S intersection.
Project Description: Subdivision of approximately 4.77 acres into 12 lots for the development of single-
famity detached residences in the R-4 zone. The proposed lots range in size from •
approximately 5,000 to 8,000 square feet.
Permtts requested in this application: Formal subdivisian
Relevant environmentaf documents are available at t4e address below: Environmental. checklist,
drainaga study, wetlancf reconnalssance
Development regufations to be used for project mitigation, known at this time: KGC 21A, including critical area regulations, road standards and surface water design manual.
Conslstencywlth applicable Countyplarts and regulafions: This proposal will be reviewed for -
compliance with all applicable King County Codes, including those nofed above Other permits not inc(uded in thts application, known at this time: None '
A public hearing before theng County,Hearing. Examiner is required f~r. this appiication. Notification
of the public hearing cfate will occur approximate,ly 30 days prior to the schedufed hearing date. The
Departnent of Devetopmenk:and Environmental 5e"rvices (DDES) wifl issuea report artd tecommen-
dation to tf►e Hearing Examiner fwo.(2) weeks prior to fhe scheduled public hearing. Following the
clase of the public hearing, the Hearing Examiner will issue a written decision which may be ,
appeafed to the Metropoiitan-King County Council. Details of the appeal pracess wiil be incfuded in the notice of recommendation.
Any person wishing additiortal information on this prqposed projecf shou[d cbntact the Projecf,
Manager at the address tisted above: Wriften commenfs may aEso be submitted to DDES. You may
reviewthe application and any environmental documents or studies in our Renton office. NOTE: If
you require this material in 6raille, audio cassette, or lacge print; please call 206-286-6600 (voice) or •
, 205-296-7217 (TTY}.
Department of Development and Environmental Servlces
Land Use Services Dtvtsion
900 Oakesdale Adenue Southwest
. Renton, WashingEon 98055-1219
Date af Mailina: June S. 2006 Please send me notiflcation of the,public hearing and other offrcial notices concerning fhis appfication.
F7e No: L06P0007 - Frederic AI1en Properbes ( P/ease pffnt ) .
Address: Telephone iVo.:
King County has ieceived an application to develop property at the address IEsted: abo4e. You are recetving thfs
notlce becauae our records Indtcate that you own property within approxlmately 500 feet of the proposal.
Type 3 NOA
. MAtAf FILE CAPIf ' 1 , .
~ ea~tle ~~itne ~
. ~
REPRESENTING THE AtBRttiC$11oat3nteUigenccr
PO Box 70, Seattle, WA 98111
RENTON, WA 98055 .
Re: Advertiser Account #78871404 ~
Ad 714007100
Affidavit of Publication
Counties of King and Snohomish
The undersigned, on oath siates that he/she is an authorized representative of The Seattfe Times Company, publ(sher o# ~
The Seattle Times and represent{ng the Seattle Post-fntelligencer, separate newspapers of general circulatiort published
daity in King-and Snohamish Counties, State af Washington. The Seattle Times and the Seattie Post-lntefligencer have
been approved as legal newspapers.by orders of the Superior Court of Ktng and Snohomtsh Counties.
The notice, in the exact form annexed, was published fn the regutar and entire issue of said paper or papers and
distributed to tts su8scribers during all af the said period.
T_~. {
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Publlcatlqn Dat~ ~ - -
. .u. , , . ' " . _ _ _
i . .
The Seattie Times 05/25
Agent I C Signature t a4
~ Subscribed and sworn ta before me on
,p . (DAT :aA?`'O.''%, c~► ~
e/44 ic.4,41 (NOTARY SIGNATURE) No#ary Public in and for the State at Was rjgt6n, rqiidin~ at §eaits - ~
~ _ a.
•~f, ~r~ 0
''REpRESEN7INGTHE S4.'AttlCllosOnfe!!g¢nr-er
Re Advertiser Account #78871004Ad # 714007100
900 Qakesdaie Ave SW, • .
pentan, WA 88065-1219
Fila: ,
l08P0007 Frederlc Atlen
[+ropertles SubdlvFaEon
Ken P.ackham,
Schnelder Homes
Loeatfon: '
Located at 29810 66th Ave So
' Proposal: ' • . ,
Subd(Vfde 4:77 acres Mta 12 '
. lots for single-family detached
resfdenees in the R-4 zone. _
' Program Manager. TrtahahBuq, 208-296-6756
Commenta on the above ttle are
now being accepted by King
County ODESrat the ad8rese Usted ebove.
Publtshedlhis.25th day
of May, 2006
~I W V
, ~
Jody Barton; being:first duly'sworn on oah that she is ttie Lega1 Advertisincr
Representative of the .
King County Journak n~oF n~pmoM ~
& ErrvIRoNWDDrrni. sEgvncEs
a daily newspaper, which newspaper is a tegal newspaper of general BQO:oakesdate Ave Sw,
circulation and is now and.has been for more than six months prior to the date n,wA98055•1219
of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language
continuously as a daily newspaper in King County, Washington. The King ~~L SUBDrvM
County 7ournal has been approved as a I.egal Newspaper by ozder of the - Ffic . L06POO07 Frederic Atlen
Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County, Properties 8ubdivision
~ The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the ApPlicant Ken Peckham, Schneider
King Cownty Journal (and not, in supplement form) which was regularly I-ocation: Located at 29810 ssth Ave - distxibuted to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed so notice, a Proposai: Subdivide 4.77 acres into
12 lots for single-famly dotached
residences in the lt4 zone.
. ' . Public Nohce ~ ~s~ B~, 2os-
COMMEN"1' PR .F.i3 lR _ : Com_
ments on the above 51e are now being
was published May 25, 2006. accepted bq B'wg County DDES, at the
address listed abave.
Publashed this 25th day of May,
: The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum 2oos. •
of $142.$8. Published,in rhe King Connty Journel
• , I ? : f Mayi.25, 2006. #860603
,1~• ;.,an,~e
`"1.egal Advertising Representative, King Count~~~ a h
Subscribed,and sworn to me this 25& day of M~y;~(F06.
' ~
1 201:0
pf Wagr~,\G`~~~
B D Gantelon
~ 07`Q'[yJ Q~~
Notary Putihc for the State of Washington, Residing inn
PO Number: ,~y' ~,Sc ~ 17 J •
~ .
~ . _
King County ~ Department of Development and Q F
Enviranmental Services ~~~Tfp,^
Land Use Services Division i l ltl V
900 Oakesdate Ave SW
Renton, WA 98055-4219
L06P0007 - Frederic Allen Properties Subdivision
DDES ProJect Number
1,~/R1¢-%l hgrAb;► affirm ±ha! ! havo Ncsteu tha +fallotiving:
(print name)
X Notice of Permit Aputication O Other
on #he ctay of 2006, in accordance withthe
Department of Devefopment and Environmental Services' requirements. I further affirm
that the notice will remain in place and visible during the full required notice period.
Notice was provided at the following iocation(s): dv
. .
' I hereby affirm that the above is a true and correct statement.
This affidavi# must be completed and returned to the Land Use Services
Divfsion within 7 days of posting. Improper posting or failure to return the
affdavit within 7 days shall be cause for the final decision regarding your
permit to be postponed.
C[TY OF ~ ~
~ ~ T Peter B. Lewis, Mayot
' WAS H 1 N GTO N 25 West Maln Weet ~ Auburn WA 98001-4998 * www.auburnwagov * 253-931-300(
PUBLIC HEARING: July 21, 2090 at 5:30 PM '
APPLICATION REQUESTED: PRELIMINARY PLAT - subdivision of approximately 4.77
. acres into 12 single family residential [ots
APPI.ICATION NUMBER & IVAME: County: L06P0007 and City: PLT08-0018 Frederic Allen
' Preliminary Plat
PROPONENT: Ken Peckham, Schneider Homes, 8510 Southcenter Blvd, TukvVila, WA 98188 '
Hans Korve, DMP, (nc 726 Auburn Way Narth, Auburn, WA 98002
PROPERTY LOCATION: The property is [acafed at 29810 66t' Avenue South. The site'is within the
NE % of the SE % of Section 2, Township 21 North, Range 4 East in fhe City of Auburn, 'King County,
Washington. Assessors Parcel Number(s): 0221049038.
DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Proposal is to subdivide approximately 4.77 acres into 12 single
family residential lots. This project is vested to King County standards as the project began prior fo the
City's. annexation of West Hili; however, pursuant to the interlocal agreement between the City of
Aubum and King County, the City holds the public hearing and issues a decision. King County project
number. L06P0007. City of Auburn project number: PLT08-0018.
E[izabeth Chamberlain, Planning Manager
. 253-931-3092
All persons may comment on this application either in writing to the address below or by submitting
written or oral testimony during the public hearing. Written comments in advance of.the Public Hearing
must be received by 5:00 P.M., July 21, 2010, to the Planning and Devetopmenf Department, 25 Wesf
Main Street, Aubum WA 98001 or hand delivered to the departmenf focated on the 2"d floor at One
Easfi Main 8treet, Aubum, WA. Any person wishing to become a party of record and receive future
notices, copies of the Planning and Development staff report with recommendation (one week prior to
hearing), Hearing Examiner decision must notify the Planning 'and Development Department by
providing their name and mailing address and referencing the application number - PLT08-0018.
City of Auburn
Department of Planning_and Development
25 West Main Street
Au bu rn, WA 98049 - 4998
For citizens with speech, sight ar hearing disabilities wishing ta reView documents pertaining to this
hearing, should contact the City of Aubum within 10 calendar days prior to the meeting, as to #he type of
service or equipment needed. Each request will be constdered individua!!y according to the type of
request, the availability of resources, and the financiat abifity af the City to provide fhe requesEed setvices
ar equipment.
_ ` x •
Application No: King County #L06POa47 and City of,Auburn #PLT08-0018
AppUcant: Ken Peckham, Schneider Homes, 6510 Southcenter Bfvd, Tukwila, WA 98188
Agent: Hans Konre,` DMP, lnc. 726 Aubum Way North, Auburn, WA 98002
Parcel No: 0221049038
Locatlon of Postings Boarcls: • . -
Board # 1: Visible from the pubic right-of-way; along the western property line.
Requtred Date of Posting Notice on or before: Juty 7, 2070 , .
Date of Pubfic Hearing: JuIy21, 2040 . +ti
! certify that on ~ ZF7 f; C`] I did erect the land use posting nofice board(s) at ,
the location(s) abo e; whi "irrcleided a
LNofice of Pubifc Hearing, posted a minimum of 10 days prior to a scheduled open hearing
ACC18.66.110 and ACC18.66.130. , . .
1 dedare under penaity of perjury of the laws of the State of Washington that the forego[ng is true
and correct
Name (please print or type) Date .
. Signature . -
NOTE: This affidavif must be retumed fo fhe Planning and Devslopmenf Deparfinent within one
aveek of fhe;.nohce dafe to assure fhis applicafion does nof continue on hold and fo assure fhaf a
cheduled hearing Is not postponed ACC 9.27.070: .
. N
L;, Planning and DevelopmenE DeparEment '
25 West Main Street, Aubum, WA 98001
E:: (253) 939-3090
_'-U www.auburnwa.gov
UJ ~
1.~! G+.. ~ •
. y .
G_IEllZABETHICURREiVT PIANNINGIPREUMINARY PLATS1Prederic AqeniPosttng Atfidavit fot iVOH by AppliqnLdoc
Non'18e1' ID f N
a Department of Develapment and Enviranmentai Services
State EnvironmentaI Policy Act (SEPA)
King Caunty .
. x?etermination of Non=$igni~icanCe
Date of issumnce: C?ctober 8, 2009
P:•ojecf Deseription: Subdivision vf approxiniately 4.77 acres into 12 lots far the developmant of single-t'amily detached resideiiccs in the R 4 zone.
The proposed Iots ranga m srze froin approxirnately 5,000 ta 8,000
. square feet.
LocAfion: Theproperty is focatad at 29$19 GG'h Avenue SouUi; appinximately
118 mile south of the South 346 ' Streot and 66`h Avanue Souttz
intersection. Tha Postal City is Anbum.
, . King Coun.ty Actton: rormet 5ubdivision (1,000007) SEPA/Pro,ject Contact: Kim Clausscn, ProjecUProkrarn Manager QF
Kfmberiy.claussen ftinuoujitv.~ov ar 206-206-7167
proponeut: Ken Peckliarn
Schneider Homes
6510 Sauihccnrcr Bwlevard . Tukwila,`WA 98188 206-248 24? 1
Zoning: R-4 '
Commeinity Plun: FoderallNay
-Drainage Sub bustn„ . Miil Creek
SectionlTownshiplRange: SE 2-2I -04
A. This findiag is based 4n review oftha pr+aject site plans receiyed June 27, 2008 (revised),
environmental ctiecklisf received February 17, 2006, Level i Downstream Drainage
. Analysis received 3une 27,2008 {revised~ Conceptual Drainage Ptan received June 27, -
• 2008 (revised), Geotechnieal report received June 19, 2407, approved variaizce ta tbe 2005
King County Surt'ace Water De,sign Manual (LQ7V0417), and other dacuments in the file.
8. Issuance of this ihreshold detecmiaation does nat constilute approva) of the permiL This ,
proposal.4vi11 be revieNved for compliance witb atl applicable King County ccdes Svhicli
~reegulate developntent activities, including the Urtiforrn Fire. aad Betilding Codes, Road
Standazds, Surface Water Design Mastuat and t11e Critical Atea Regulalioas.
C. Tlzis propasal has been annexed to the Cityof Auburn. Tlia City af A.ubuni urill continue
futther review arid processing of tbis subifiYisian proposaI. .
Frederic Allezt - L06P0007 •
Page 2 .
. Thl•eshoid Determination
the responsible o#flcial finds thai the abova deseribed proposal does not pose a probabte significant
adverse impact io the enviroftment. This finding €s made pursuant to RCW 43.2IC, KCC 20.44 and
WfiC 197-11 a#ter reviewing the environmental checklist snd other infonnatioii on ftle with.the
lead agency and considering exisimg re platary code;s and mitigation measares whicb the agency or
the applicant wili impiejztent as part of the progosal. The responsibJe offcial: finds this information
reasonably sufflcient to svatuate the environmentat impact of the proposal. The lead ageficy has
cieteroiined tbat tlie requirements for environmeiitat analysis, protectton, and niitigation measu;res
liave been adequatety addressed in the developmentregulations and comprehensive platt adapted
uiiddr Citapter.3b.70A RCW and in odter applicable local, state or federai taws ar rules as provided -6y RCW 43.21 C.240 and ~'AC 197-11-158. Our agency will not require any add'tsonal miligatian
nieasurds undt~ SBPA. ' Cammenfs and Appeals
Writlen commenES or eny appeal of this tlireshold delemination must be starnped received byKmg
County before 5;00 PM on October 26, 2Q49. AppeAls inust be accompanied liy a tianTCfbridable
liling,fee. Please reterence thv fi1e numbera wiren correspoizding. Appaats niust be in writinb and
state dtie'perceived errors in the ttte.sltotd deEemninalion, specifc reasons why the dctecmination.
shoutd be reversed or rnodi fied, the I~arm the appel_Ian; wjll suffer if the threshotd detenmination
rcmains unclianged, and the desired oa#cvme o f itie appeol. If t1ie appelia►tt is a group, the hanti to
. aiiy one or more rae:nbers tnust be statcd. Paiiure to meet these reguirenients niay result in `
disrnissal ofthe appeal.
A,ppeal deadlFne; 5:00 PM, on October 26, 2409 .
Appeal fliug fee_ $250 check or nianeyorder rnadc out to #iic King .
Councy 4ffice ofFinanco Address for c4mmerctlappeal: Fing Connry Land Usc; Services Division 904 Oakesdate Avenua S'W Ttenton, WA 98057 5212 _
Cqrrent Planning Sectioii
Respansi6le OFficial:
26O °J
Sepheri oith6ifi, Sup rvisor Date ,
Curreni'Pianning Section
Land Uae Services l?ivisioii .
• . . . .
vaLaca M7 .
web aate: 10MV2005
oepartrnent of Mwelopmwd and EnvimrernemW services.
Land tJse Servioes Division
900 Oakesdale Ayenue Southwest
Re.nton, Washington 98055-1219
206-2964660 m 2os..29&7217 ~ For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600
Puroose of the checklist ,
The State Environmental Policy Ad (SEPA), RCW Chapter 43.21 C, requires alt govemmental agenaes to
oorisider #he environmental impacts of a proposal before rraking decisions. An Environmental Impad .
Statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposais with probablee significant adverse impads on the qualify of
the environment The purpose of this checldist is to provide information to help you and tfie agency identify
impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impads from. the proposal, if if can be done) and to help
the ageney decide whether an EIS is required.
k+Wuctior9s for 4he apolicants
This environmerital cheddist asks you to describe some basic irrFormation about your. proposal. Govemmental
agencies use this chedclist to determine whether the environmenta( impads of your proposal are significatrt,
re4uirih9 PreParation of an EI$. Answerthe questions briefly with the most precise information known, or give
the best description you can.
Q~then uestions fi accurately om and our ourn careful to the obseryations best of or oue projelvc~ plansnowledwe. In ithout the , you
shou d be able to ~4 most eed to hire
experts. If you really do not Imow the answer, or if a quetfion does not appy to your proposal, write "do.not
knovit" or "does not apply". Complete answets to the questions now may avoid unneoessary delays later.
Some questions ask about govemmental regulations such as zoning, shoreline and iandmarlc designations:
qnswer these questions if you can. lf you have problems, the govemmental agencies can assist you.
The checktist.questions apply to all parts of your proposal even if you plan to do them over a period of time or
on diFferent parcels of land. Aitach any addfional irrtormation that will help describe:your proposal orits
environmental effects. The agency to wfiich you submit this chedclisf may ask you to explain your answers or
provide additionat`information reasonably related to determining if thene may be significant adverse impacts.
A. Background
1, iVame of the proposed projed, if applicable:
~ r
2. Name of applicant: D
SEPACheck6stFORM Ic-~EPA.pdf 10/132005 ~ 4e 1,04 19
/ v
3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: -
PHONE: (253)333-2200
FAX: (253)333-2206
4. Date checidist;prepared: JANUARY 18, 2006
5. Agency requesting dheddist KING COUNTY, DDES
. 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if aPPlicable):
PUBLIC HEARING.................................. APRIL 2006 .
SITE GRADING...................................... MAY 2007
FINAL PLAT:.......................................... SEPTEMBER 2008
7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion or further activity related to or connected
with this proposal? ❑ Yes 0 No If yes; explain:. 8_ List any environmerrtal informafion you know about that.has been prepared, or wiq be prepared,
dir+ectly related to this proposal. -
- Level 1 Dowmstream analysis
- Conceptual Drainage Plan
SEPAChedkGsfFORM Ic-ck1-SEPA_pdf 10132005 Page 2 afi 19.'.
: .
9. Do you know whptherapPiications are pending for govemment aPProvals of other proposals
directly affiecting the properiy covered by your proposai? 0 Yes ~ No If yes, ex
10. List any govemment approvals or permits that wiU be needed for your proposal, if known.
11. Give brief oomplete description of your proposal, induding the proposed uses and the size of the' ;
are _Pveral questions later in ~is diedclist that ask you to describe
cert n aSPnaects~of YTho u Pro osal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. (Lead .
agencies may modify fts form to indude addfional spe.cific infortnation on project descxiption:) `
The Fredric Allen Property Project comPrises a.4.8-acre with exLsfing single fanily residenceThe. ~ .
prnperty is located wdhin the West Hill area of IGng County and is sumounded on the north,south and
west by ezisting singl~family residential deve.lopnent The east side of the subjed parcel is steeply
sloped dovmward and adjacent to the City of Aubum. The project abuts 8E 68"' Ave 8outh on the west.
The acisting residence will be demoGshed_ ta aaornmodate the Prolect. The projec# proposes b,
constiruct 12 newr single farnily units., All neoessary utifih`es and stormwater faalfies will be constructed to
serve the derelopment.
12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficierrt information for a person to understand the praecise
location of your proposed project induding a strieet address; if anyand section, township and `
range, if known. If a proposal would oocur over a range of area, proyide the range or boundaries
~ of the site or sites. Provide alegal descxiption, site plan, vianity rrap and topographic map, 9
' reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you ane not
required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit apPliption.s to this
The subjectproposal is situafed on a single lot approximately 4.8 acres.located in.the SW1/4 of Sedion
, 2, township 21 Narth, Range 4 East W.M.. The site is locafeti on parce10221048038. Please refer to the
Pr+el'uninary Plat AAap for the legal description, site plan. vicinity map and topographic map: The address
of the projed is 29810 66"' Ave: S.
SEPAChodcWFORM Ic-ckFSEPA.pdf 101132005 Page 3 bf 19
n ,
Evaluation for To be compBeted bY aPPlicant Agency. Use ,
B. Eauviroroeteental elerients
1. . Earth
_ a. General description of the site (chec~CC one) ,
❑ Flat .
❑ Roiling
❑ Hiliy .
❑ Steep slopes
❑ Mountainous .
~ Other. Devetopnent area geMly sloping:.Eastem half of site slope.,
` b. Wfiat is the steepest slope on the site (approximate peroent of slope)? .
_ The east side.of the subject parcel is steeply sloped at:more than 2096.
c- What general types of soil are found on the site (.e.; day, sand, gravel, peat, mudc)? tf you Imow the dassification of agricultural
so"ils, specify them and note any prime farmtand..
Acoording to IGng county soils Suniey Maps, the: soil underlying the site is
Alderwood sandy loam(AgB) and (AgC), and Aldenivood and FGtsap,
d• Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the
immediate vianity? ❑ Yes ~ No If 90, describe.
e• Describe the puipose, type and approzimate quarrtities of any filling or,
grad'mg proposed. Indicate souroe of fill.
Grading of the site will be, necessary to modify the site for stormwatec
drainage flow. The exact quanfity of grading is not known at this dme,
however, it is antiapated that the grading activities wauld be designed to
balance and wffil not requine import or export of soil.
SEPAChe.&FsFORM Ic-ckl-.SEPA.pdf 1011312005 Pege 4 of 19
Evaluafion _for
To be completed bY aPPiicant Agency Use
J. Could erosion occur as a nesult of clearing, construction or use? ~
ED Yes ❑ No If so, generally describe.
Some erosion could oa;ur on-site as a result of construction activfies;
however, tempcuary erosion and sedimeMation control measures to be
, apPraved by IGng CouMy which will be employed to reduoe erosion .
impacts. All oonsVuction during the wet season will comply with 2005
surface Water Design Manual, conceming sife caverage technique.s. _
g_ Abouf what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaoes after project oonstruction (i.e_; asphalt orbuildings)?
Due to the preliminary nature of the plans, the exad pencenta9e of the
impervious surface associated with this project is currently unknown. The
subject proposal willnot exoeerJ the ma)dmum imperviais surface area as
required by KCC 21A12.030.
h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion or other impacts to '
the earth, if any: . `
During construction, the contractor will fdlow and appraved temporary
erosion and sedimentation control plan meeting KCC standards.Typical -
measures, which may be employed, indude the use of sitt fences, straw
bates, and temporary storm drainage features. Hydroseeding exposed
soils and clear+ed areas aftec construction will also reduce the poterriial for
erosion. All construction during the wet season will comply with the 2005,
SurFace Water Design Manual, APPend'uc "D".
.2. A1r
a. What types of emissions to fhe airwould result from the proposal (i.e.,
dust, automobite, odors, mdustrial wood smoke) during oonsduction
and when the project is oompleted? ff arry, generally descnbe and
give approximate quarrtities if known?
; Construdion: Emissions and dust particulates from construction equipment
Long Tertn. Air Quality:SourcP.s of long-term emissions and; odor could
include vehide.enissions from increased vehide use generated by the new
residential units and emissions from wood buming fireplaces('~f permitteci).
These emissions are not health hazard to the surrounding residents.
b. Are thene any off-site sources of emissions or .odor that may affect
your proposal? E] Yes ~ No ff so, 9enerally describe.
SEPACheckftfFORM Ic-cId-SEPApdf 101132005 Page 5 of 19
, . ,
Evaluation for
To be completed by applicant Agency Use
c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions ot other impacts
to air, if any: . .
ff particulates become suspended during construction, irequent watering of
the site during construction phase of the projed would be use to help
control dust and other particulates generated on the site. This will be
acxomplished in acxordance with Appenda "D" witfi 2005 surface Water .
Design iUlanual. .
3. Water
a. Surface: .
1. Is there any surFaoe water body on or in the immediate viandy of .
the site (induding year-round and seasonal stneams, salf water,
lakes; ponds, vdetlands)? 0 Yes ~ No If yes, describe
tYPe and provide.names. If appropriate; state what sfream or
river it flows into:.
2. wll the project require any work over, in or ad'aaent to (within
200 feefi) the described waters? 0 Yes No If yes,
please descnbe and attach aya7able plans.
3. Estimate the amourrt of fill and dredge material that would be
plaoed or removed from surFace water or wetlands and indicate
the area of the site that would be affected. lndicate the souroe of
fill material_
SEPACheckl'~stFORM . Ic~EPA.pdf 10/13/2005 Page 6 of 19
. . , ' ' . . . . ' .
Evaluation fo"r
To be completed by applicant Agency Use'
On V
4. wll the proposal require surFace water tivithdrawals or
diversions? Yes ED No Give general descxiption, •
purpose and approximate quantities if Imown.
5. Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodphain?. ,
❑ Yes ~ iVo If so, note location on the site plan.
6. Does the proposal involve any,discharges of waste materials to_
surface waters? 0 Yes N No if so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. -
b.. Ground
1. Will groundwater be withdrawn or wilf water be discharged to.
groundwater? ❑ Yes ~ No Give general description,
purpose and approAmate quantities iF known.
2. Describe waste material that will be d.ischarged irrto the ground
from septic tanks orother sduroes, if any (_e_, domestic sewage;
industrial, corrtaining the followring chemicals:_ agricuitural; .
etc.) Descfibe fhe general s¢e of the system; tfie number of
such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable),
or the number of animals or humans ezpected fo be served by
the system or systems.
SEPACheckfisiFORM lo-dd-SEPA:pdf 101132005 Page 7of 19
~ Evatuation foP
To be completed bY aPPlecant Agency Use
-c. Watier runoff (inGuding stormwater):
1. Descxibe the souroe of nmoff (induding stormwater) and method
of. oollec#ion and disposal, iF any. lndude quantities, if Iviown.
Where vAll this water flow? wll this water flow irrto other
waters? If so, descxibe.
On-site storm water runoff will primarity be genrated from roadwrays,
, re.sidential structures, and associated driveways. Storm water will be
collected in catch basins within the roadways and. tor tight-lined from
residential roaf tops and conveyed to proposed detention faality(s)
located on the project site. Some roof drains may be infiltrated within
the proposed; lots if appficable:
2. Could waste materials errter ground or surfaoe waters?
~ Yes ❑ No. If so, generally describe.
Some pollutants normally associated with residential development
could enter the surtaoe wafer,however,the amourrt would be minimal
since the on-site drainage will be corneyed to a water qualiiy and detention facility in conformance with the 2005 SurFace Water
Design NAanual:
d. Proposed measures to reduoe or corrtrol surFace, ground and runoff
watec impacts, if any:
The storm water rurioff will„tie collected and cornreyed to a detention
facility(s) that will be designed and oonstruded in oortiformance with the
2005 Surface Water Design ilAanual.
4. Planfs
a. Check or cirde types of vegetation found on the site:
~ Deciduous fi-ee: alder, maple, aspen, other .
~ Evergreen trw: fir, oedar, pine, other
~ Shrubs
~ Grass
0 Pasture ~
❑ Crop or grain
Wet soil plants: cattail, tiuttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage,
other ❑ Water plarrts: water lily,.eelgrass, milFoil, oifier
0 Otlher
SEPACheWstFORM Ic-M-SEPA.pdf 10113/2005 . . Page 8 oF 19
, ~ . - .
Evaluatoon for '
To be completed by appl6carrt Agencl/ vse
b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or aftered?
' The site is currently sporadically wooded with evergreen and decidious
, trees. Tree and vegetation removal will be kept to a minimum when
possibte. The majority of vegetation removal will take place in association with road orstortn water corstruction. Vegetation wi0 be retained in the
steep slope areas.
c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the
There are no knawn threatened or endangered ptant species on or near the site. _
d: Proposed landscaping, use of native plants or other measures to
preserve or enhanoe vegetation on the site, if any:
The proposed prelimirra"ry plat antiapates retaining e)dsting trees when
possible. The new single-family residences will provide new landscaping
including Iawns. shrubs, and omamental trees. Native vegetation will be
utilized, where appropriate.
5. Anirreals
a. Check or arde any birds and animals whidi have been observed on
or near the site:
~ Birds: hawk; heron, eagle, songbirds, other
~ Mammals-w deer, bear, elk, beaver, other
❑ Fish: bass, salmon, trout; herring, shelffish, other
b. List any thteatened or endangered species known to be on or near the
None Known.
c. Is the site part of a migration route? ❑ Yes ONo ff so, explain_
SEPACheckGstFORM b-cid-SEPA.pdf 10113I2006 Page 9 of 19
a . ' . . . . .
Evaluation for .
To be compieted by applicart Agency Use
- On
d._ _-Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wiidlife, if any:
Instailation of native landscaping throughout the plaf will provide coverage
and habitat foc urban tolerarrt wiidlife Vegetation wifhin the steep slope
areas will be maintained.
6. Energy and naturao resources
aWhat kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove. solar) will
be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manuFacturing, etc.
. Electrical energy Mnll tie the primary sour+ce af power serving the needs of
• the project and nafuraF gas wilt be made available for the purpose of heating
and other needs assodated with residerrtial fnring,
b: Woutd your project affect the potential use of solat energy by adjacent
properties? ❑ Yes No If so, generally descn'be. ,
a What kinds of energy conservation features ane induded in the plans
of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or oontrol
energy impads, if any:
The residerfial tiuildings that wiU be constructied as a result of this project
will meet or exceed the applicatile single-family residenfial energy
conservatioNoonsumption requiremeMs in lGng County and the Uniform
Building codes.(Universal Code)
SEPACheck6stFORM M.-cId-SEPApdf 101132005 ' page 10 a 19
o . • . . . . .
Erraluation fot .
` To be compieted by applacant Agency Use
On .
Enveronmental health
a. Are there any envi,ronmental health hazards, induding exposure to
toxic dhemicals, risk of fice and explosion, spill or hazardous waste
that could occur as a result of this proposal? ❑ Yes ~ No
' If so, descxibe.
1. Descxibe special emergency servioes that might be required.
In the event that environmental health hazards are enoountered or
axur`dunng construction, all appropriate precautionary measures will
be employed. My ernergency situation would be addressed by the
exdsting resouroes of the Fire District ~
2. Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health
hazards; if any:
State, regulations regarding safety and handling of hazardous
maferialsvvill be fdlnnnred during construction process. Equipment
refueling areas woutd be located in areas where a spill could be
quickly corrtained and where the risk of hazardous materials errtering
surface water is minim¢ed.
b. Noise 1. What types of noise exist in the area whidh may affect your
project (i.e., traffic, equipmerrt, operation, other)?
No noise generators are present. ,
2. What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated
with the project on a short-term or`long4erm basis (i.e., traffic;
construdion, operafion; other)? Indicate what hours noise would
oome from the site.
Short term impads would result from the use of construction
equipment during site developmerrt. Construction would occur during
pertnifted construction hours. Long #erm-impacts would only be those
associated with single family developments.
3. Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any:
Construction activiEy will be limited to permitted oonstruction hours and
construcdon equipmenf will nof be alldwed to idle for continuous
periods of time, which tivilt help to mfigate the impacts of potential
construction noise. Hours of operation will be posted, orsite. No long
term measure.s are proposed.
SEPACheddistFORM Ic-ckFSEPA.pdf 101132005 Page 11 of 19
. ,
EValuation for
To be correpleted by applicant Agency Use
. . 8. Land and shoreline use
a. What is the currerrt use ofi the site and adjacent properties? ` The site is currently:made up of one huge lot. Adacent land uses consist of
Ivw density single famity residence and additional undeveloped lots.
b. Has the site been used for agriculture? El Yes N IVo
If so, describe. c. Describe any strudures on the site.
There is one residence served by a large asphalt driveway.
d_ Witl any strudures be demolished? [0 Yes ❑ No If so, what? e. What is the currerrt zoning classification of the site? .
The projed site is zoned R-4-P: f. What is the current Comprehensive Plan designation of the site?
According to the IGng County Camprehensive Land Use Plan, the area is
designated - um _
g. If applicable, what is the currerrt shoreline master program designation
of the site? IVA
SEPAChecklistFORM Irrdd-SEPA.pdf 10113R005 Page 12 of 19
o •
_ =ns To te compi~bed by applicartit h. Has ariy part
of the site been classified as an "environmerrtally
sensitive" 'are.a? 0 Yes 0 No Is so, sPecifY- .
i. Approximately how many people would reside or worlc in the
completed projed?
' Assuming 3 persorts per household, approximately 36 would re.side in the
ProPosed Prolect- .
j. Proposed measuces to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any:
The proposed project wilt provide 12 neMr housing units.
k. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing
and projected land uses and plans, if any:
The project will be developed in'accordance with app6cable IGng County
development and land use codes to ensure project-is oonsistent with the
goals and policies of the Canprehensive Pian and appdcable devdopment
regulations in effed at the time aF a cornplete Preliminary 3ubdivision
aPPlication. .
9. Hoeasing
a. Approximately how many-units would be provided, if any? Indicate
whether high, middle or low-inoome housing:
- Approximately 12 new upper income housing units will be provided.
- b. Approximately how many units,. if any, would be efiminated? Indicate
whether high, middle or.'lovwincome housing. .
One upper inoane housing.
SEPAChed&TORM Icdd-SEPA.pdf 10113/2005 Page 13.of 19
Evaluation for .
To be completed by applicaret Agerecy llse
c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impads, if any.
Adherence to the comprehensive plan and growth managemerrt-planning
goais of lGng Countywould ensure that housing development is consistent
with those poliaes stated in the app6cable land 'use plan_
' 10. IAesthetics
a_ What is the tallest height of arry proposed structure or strudures, not
inGuding arrtennas? What is the principal exterior, build'mg, material or
materials proposed?
No specific building`plans are induded with this projed; it is antiapated that
` houses built ori the site would conform to the IGng Courrty developmerrt
regulations and be limited fo a height of 35 feet in acoordance with
21A12.030. .
b. What views in the immediate vianity would be altered or obstruded?
Proposed houses wrill be situated so that no significant views would be
c. Proposed measures to reduoe or control aesthetic impacts, if any:
The site plan has been developed to provide a site layout consistent with
the development regulations.. The proposed projecf incorporates fandscape
and open space areas in aocordance with IGng County development • regulations. Road construction has been Iimited to only what is required to
provide safe acces.s to each proposedlot. .
11. L"oght anc9 glare a. What type of light and glar+e will the proposal produce? What time of
day would it mainly occur'? .
Light and glare fran the cornple.ted projed'is antiapated to be that typicalty
generated by single-family residence.s, mainly oa:umng during the evening
hours; and be associated with vehide headGghts, occasional streetlights
and residen6al unit 6ghting: . b. Could light or glare from the finished projec#, be a safety hazard or
interfere with views? D Yes 0 No If yes, exPlain:
SEPACheck!'istFORM Ic-ckI-SEPA.pdf 10N32005 Page 14 of 19
a w
. Evaluation for
To be completed by appioc.ant ` A .
gencY l9se
c. What existing off-site sources of light or glane may affect your proposal? ~
d. Proposed measures to reducae or control light and glar+e impacts, if any:
tnstallation af street trees along the streFt frontages and landscaping will help
to allgviate sane af the IigM and glare created by streetlightd; headlights and
residential unit lighting from the adjacent pnopoerties.The proposal will'only
install thase street Gghts approved by IGng County:
12. itecrea4ion
a. What designated and irTformal recreational opportunities are in the .
' immediate, vianity? -
_ b: Would the proposed project displaoe any existing r+ecreational uses?
0 Yes 0 No If so, desixibe.
c. Proposed measunes to reduoe or corrtrol impacts on tecreation,
induding recxeation opporftmfies to be provided by the project or
applicant, in any:
A recreational space will be provided by the projed for the new housing units.
SEPAChed&tF'ORM W-dtl-SEPA.pdf 1011312005 Page 15 of 19
r ~ s
Evaluation for
To be cornplebed by appiicant Agency U"
On .
• 13. Historic and cuBbuml presenration
a: Are thene any plaoes or objects listed on, or proposed for, the national
state or local preservation registers Ivnown to be on or next to the site?
❑ Yes N IVo If so, generally desaibe.
b. Generaliy desaibe any landmarks orevidenoe of historic,
archaeological, sccieentifc or cuttural importanoe known to be on or next
to the site.
To the best of ouc knowledge, there are no landmarks or evidence of any
sygnficant historic.; archaeological; scientific or cultural resources known to on
or next to fhe site. . .
c. Proposed measures to reduoe or contnol impacts, if any: ,
If arry, such historic or cultural evidence is enoourrtered during construction or
installation of improvements, work would be halted in the area and a state-
apProved archaelogist/historian would be engaged to investigate, evaluate
and /or mave or curate such resources as appropriate.
14.. Transportation
a. Identify pubfic streets and highways serving the site, and desaibe
proposed access to the ebsfing stneet system. Show on sibe plans, I
any. .
The propased project will take primary access fr+om 66u' Ave S which is
connected to 296 St and 65"' Ave 3 then into West Valley Highway. Given
the light density proposed, fraffic impacts will be minimal.
b. fs the site currerYdy served bypublic transit? ❑ Yes N No
If not, what is the appro)omate distance to the,nearest transit skop?
Na The nearest transit stop is laated near the oomer of West Valley
Highway and 292nd St. S.; apProximately 1/2 miles away from the projed sife.
$EPAChedcfistFORM M.ckl-SEPA.pdf 10113I2005 Page 16 of 19
. . Evaluation for
To be completed bY aPplicant Agency' Use
c: How many parking spaces would the oompleted project have? How
many would the project eliminate?
None: The proposed project will provide parking in private driveways,
garages and on-street paridng.
' d. Will the: proposal require any new roads or streets or improvemerrts to
existing roads or streets, not induding driyeways? ~.Yes ❑ No
ff so, generally descxitie (indica#e whether public or private).
The proposed project will require dedication of public right-of-nray along 66'"
Ave. S.
e_ wll the project use (or occur in the immediate vianity ofl water, rail or
air transportafion? ❑ Yes N No If so, generally describe.
f. How marry vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed
project? If known, indicate virhen peak volumes would occur.
Assuming 10 fips per household per day, the ccmpleted project will generate
120 new vehiaular trips per day.
g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, in any:
The applicant or subsequent owner(s) will comply.with Title 14 af the IGng
County Code, which contains provisions for payment; of MP$ (Mitigation
Payment Systern) Fees. Applicarrt will eitfier pay the MPS fee.s at the time of
the firral plaf appCcatiort or at,the time of building application. If the first option
is chosen, the fee paid will be the fee in effect at the fime of applicafion, and a note will be placed on the face of the ptat stating, "All MPS.Fees required
by title 14 have been paid." Orif the second is chosen, fhe IIAPS fee paid will
be the fee in effect at the time of the building pertnit application. contribuutions
to projeds listed in the MPS program may reoeive credit towards the MPS
paymerrt due. The estimated MPS for this prgect at the time of the
application will be based on a 12 (new) unit subdivision.
SEPAChedMtFORM Wo-cld-SEPApdf 1 W13/Z005 Page 17 of 19
ti • •
Eva6uation for To be comPleted bY aPPiicant, A9encY Use
15. PubPic senrices
a. Would the project result in an increased need for public senrices (i.e.,
_ re protecbion, po,fiae protection, health care, schools, other)?
~ Yes ❑ No If so, generally descxibe.
The completed project.would result in an increased need for polioe and fire
. protection as wrell as emergency medcal service. Addttional school faalifies
mayalso be required to address the increase in demand. b. . Proposed measures to reduoe oroontrol dired` impacts on public
services, if any: .
The projed will be designed and oonstructed with adequate water pressure,
ProPerlY located fire hydrants and roadways conshucted to allow adequafe aocess for fire, medic and potice protection vehides.The extension of
Ave S will have an impact on the circulation system in the area by increasing
connectivity. The proponenrt will paY necessaryschool mitigation fees to
offset the potential impacts to school. .
16. Utilities.
a. Chedc util'fies currently available at the site:
~ Electricity
❑ Natural gas
~ Wafier
~ Refuse senrice
~ Telephone
❑ Sanitary sewer
~ Septic system
_ ❑ Other
b. Descnbe th e utilfies that are proposed for the project, the utility
providing the senrioe and the general construction activfies on the site
or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed..
Water System - Lakehayen Utility District Sanitary Sewer System = Lakehaven Utifity Distrid
Storm WaEer- IGng Cou.rrty
Electriaty - Puget Sound Energy
Natural Gas - Puget Sound Energy
Telephone - Qwesfi
Refuse Senrice - Robanco
SEPAChedffmtFORM k-cld-SEPA.pdf 101132005 Page 18 of 19
~ .
r ~r
C. Segnature
The above answers arfe true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the lead. .
agency is relying on them to make its decision. ,
. ~
. gignatur~/ ate submitted
Check out the DDES Web site at'.wwrw.n~+~c ~ov/ddes `
SEPAChedc6stFORM . Ic-ckFSEPApdf 10/1312005 _ Page 19 aF.19
CITY OF -~xbm, A RN
=-~Peter B. tewis, May
WAS H I N GTO N 25 West Main Street * Aubum WA 98001-4948 www.aubumwn.9ov *253-931-3t
. June 20, 2008 0
. ~ --5
Mr. A1ex Pob[ete i'REV ~DMP, tnc. . - -
726 Aubum Way North
Aubu m, WA 98002 RF-C1 EIVED
' RE: Fredric Allen (Preliminary Piat) juN z 7 2008
Dear Mr. Poblete: KING COUNTY
! have reviewed the recent correspondence from King County as we!l as your original
submittal package dated Juty 5, 2006requesting approval of a connection to City of
Aubum storm drainage system. This piat originally proposed the use of an underground
'detention and water quality vault with above:ground discharge conveyance pipe
discharging to the City of Aubum. As i understand, this was a vested p(at wi#h King
Counfy prior to annexation to the Ci#y of Auburn. Further, you are reqcaesting that
formal approval be granted to ailow #or the connection from this discharge tine to the
existing conveyance system adjacent to West Valley Highway and avoid the use of a
. fiow riispersion system. .
This information has been_reviewed, the projectsite visited, and downstream system
inspected. Based upon this review, conditioned approval is granted.
The following Plat requirements and design elements are reqUir.ed as a condit+on of the
approval: .
. . ~
• All sform drainage facilities within the proposed plat shall be maintained by the lot
owners benefting from said facilities through a Home Owners Association.
~ The design of the proposed West VaUey Highway storm conveyance line
extension shall be in such a manner as to faci[itate future half street
improvernents to the street as general[y. depicted in the original submittal ,
package of July 5, 2006. Sincerely, . . . .
Tim Carfaw Storm Drainage Engineer .
Department of Public Works .
~ . ,
. r3
. Timwn~ ~ :yKing county
Road Servtces Divislon
Department of Transportation
KSC411-0222 .
201 South 3acksan Streei
Seattle, 1+/A 98104-3856
May 22, 2006
Schnieder Homes, Inc.
6510 Southcenter Boulevard
Tukwila, WA 98188 . ,
RE: Road Variarice L45VU106 - Fredric Al1en Pro ep rties
Deat Applicant: Tliank you for yaur application for a variance frani the King County Road S#andards (KCRS).
Y'ou requested a variance from Section 2.09 of the KCRS concerning the length of a private access tract (PA'I). The PAT would extend off the cul-de-sac of proposed S. 298th P[ace in the
1literedith Heights preliminary plat. A harnmerhead turnaround is progosed near the terminus of
the PAT.
We reviewed yaur proposal and concluded that a PAT meeting the KCRS could be provided by
extending.the proposed terminus of S. 298th street eastward. The revised PAT would be a
maximurn of 150 feet in length and meet the KCRS. I respectfully. deny your variance request '
for the long PAT. I would be receptive to a reconsideration of this variance decision for a
period of one year if the design issues on the relaca.tion and size of the S. 298th Plaee bulb
cannot be resolved.
The proposed large turnarolind butb design at the terrninus of S. 298th Place will be evaluated '
by the reviewing agency, the Department of Development and Environmental Services
(DDES). The sidewalk must be relocated from the hulb island onto the lot frontages. The
DDES wiIl aIso - be determining the extent of improvements and need to stub to 66th Avenue S. This decision applies only to KCRS identified in the varzance request. All other design
requirernents in the KCRS and other regulations, such as surface water management and ,
zoning, must still be satisfied far a land use permit application. The applicant retains the rights
and privileges afforded by King County Code and adop#ed Publie Rules pertaining to road '
variance processing (KCC 14.42, PUT 1 Q-2). This variance decision is valid for one year from
date of letter unless an associated land use permit is pending or submiited within the one year
period. In these cases, the variance decision is valid for the dtuation of the peiiniY processing.
` Schneider Homes, Inc. - :
Ntay 22, 2006
Page 2
A copy of staff s analysis, findings, and conctusions is enclosed. if you have any questions, please call Craig Comfort, Road Variance Engineer, Traffic Engineering Section, at
' 206-263-6109.
Sincerely, ,
Paulette Norman, P.E. County Road Engineer •
cc: James Sanders, P.E., Development Engineer, Land Use Services Division (LUSD),
Departinent of Development and Environmental Services{DDES} `
Pete Dye P.E:, Senior Engineer, LUSD, DDES
LindaDaugherty, DivisionDirector; Road 3ervices Division (RSD), Department of
Transportation (DOT) . . . .
Matthew Nolan, P.E., Caunty Traffic Engineer, Traffic F,ngineering Section; RSD;
Fatin Kara, P.E., Supervising Engineer, Traffc Engineexing `Section, RSD, DOT
Kris`Langley, Senior Engineer, Traffc Engineering Sectian, RSD, DOT
Craig Comfort, P.E., Road Variarice Engineer, Traffic Engineering Section, RSD, DOT
R'ing County .
Rond Bervicos Division '
Departnmnl. of 'Frensportation
7raffia Engineering 3ecdon
bM tisC-TR-oaaa
202 South Jackson Street •
Beatkde, IVA 98104
° May 15,2006
T4: Variance File
FM: Craig Comfort, P.E., Road Vdriance Engineer, Traffic Engineering Section
RE: Road Variance LOS VOlU6 - Frederic Allen Properties
. l. The Fredric Ailen Properties plat is a proposed preliminary plat that will be submitted to the
Department of Development and Environmental Services (DDES). The proposed twelve-
lot piat w'ill access off S. 298th Place, a street that wiil be constructed by the preliminary
. plat of Meredith Heights. The proposed S..298t1i Place will terminate in a Iarga cul-de-sac
with a private access tract (PAT) extending from the far end of the buib to serve six lots.
The PAT as groposed extends :to 210 feet in length and the King County Road Standards
(KCRS) limits a PAT ta 150 Feet. A hammerhead turnaround is proposed near ihe terminus '
of the PAT. A va.riance is requested for the longer PAT design. 2. The proposed PAT will be construeted as an urban minpr access road classification. The
design maximizes the number of lots plus meets recrea:tionat space requirements. The
proposed 210 feet of PAT exceeds the KCRS maximum PAT length by 64 feet and is
necessary due to the irre,gular shape of the parcel's usable a.rea. With the hammerhead
emergency #urnarpund, the effective road length is 140 feet. Staff s Finding_s and CQnclusions:
• 1. The design of the PAT should nieet•the KCRS for ari wrban• minor access street. If•the cut-de-sac at the terminus of S. 298th street were extended eastward, the Tract B PAT could
be shortened,to 150 feet in lengtli and meer the KGRS. .
2. The DDES wilt be reviewing tha design of large turnaround and evaluating any need to stub
to the north or sauth on 66th Avenue S.
King County
0311 .
y ~ ` ~
. Prepared for
1. .
Ken Peckrnan; Director of Land Acquisitions
6510 Southcenter blvd.
Tukwila, WA 98032
' September 26, 2006
1 Mark J. Jacobs, PE, PTOE. President
J 4E, Inc*. 77318=" Ave.SW - Seattle, WA 98106,- 2007
JAKE TRAFFIC Tel. 206.7621978; Ceu. 206.799.5692
ENGINEERING, INC. ' FIL JCopy Facsimile 206.762.1978 .
Email -jaketraffic@comcast.net
clu ; 1 4..
JUN 18 2007
~ _ r f
C.~ ~ .l
_ j~ Traffic EMPM% Im . Maric J. Jaaobs, PE, PTOE
: .
, 1731 8ib Ave SW - Seatde, WA 98106 - 2007
Tel 206.162.1918 = Cell 206J99.5692 - Facsimile 2063611918
E-mail jaketrafFic@tomcastnet
~ .
September 26, 2006
' Ken Peckman, Director ofi Land Acquisitions
6510 Southcenter Bivd.
1 Tukwila, iNA 98188
Re: Fredric Allen Plat - King County
Access Review Letter
~ Dear Mr. Peckman; '
' We have prepared this letter to access review letter to appraise the adequacy of the
proposed road system to be constructed by others (the applicant of the Serrano Plat) to
serye the proposed 12 lot Fredric Allen Plat project in King County. The project is located
south of 296t^ St. and east of 66th Ave. S./S. 298th PI. alignment. Access to the site would be
' via S. 298t" PI. which connects into the Serrano Plat (previowsly named Meredith Heights
Plat) road system to the west The Meredith Heights Plat Level l Traffic Impact Analvsis (TIA)
was cond_ucted by us on March 19, 2005. South 298t^ Place is to be constructed by the
, applicant of the Serrano Plat project The project site is cuRentty developed with one single
family structure which is to be removed upon construction ofithe proposed project. .
' This, letter is prepared to identify the trip generation and discuss the site access through the
adjoining Serrano Plat.
, Proiect Information
Fgure 1 is a vicinity map showing the location of the proposed site and surrounding road
' network. Fgure 2 depicts an aeriaF image of the project site.
Figure 3 shows a preliminary site plan ,prepared by Daley - Morrow - Poblette; Inc. The plan
consists of the 12 lot layout and intemal circulation: Aceess to the site would be via S. 296t^
, PI. which traverses through tfie Meredith Heights project. A copy of the Preliminary Plat of
Meredith Heights site plan ;is attached in the appendix which shows the road stub connection
of South 298t^ Place. ' Tria Generation
The proposed Fredric Allen Plat project is expected to generate the vehicular trips during the
' average weekday, round traffic AM and PM peak hours as shown below. The trip generation
for the project is calculated using trip generation rates and equations from the lnstitute of
Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trin Generation, Seventh Edition, 2003 for Single Family
' t '
JTE, Inc.
Ken Peckman, Director of Land Acquisitions
' September 26, 2006
Page -2-
, Detached Housing (ITE Land Use Code 210). Ali site trips made by all vehicles for all
purposes, including commuter, visitor, and service and delivery vehicle trips are included in
the trip generation values.
' Single Family Detached Housing units generate predominantly primary trips. There would be
some captured/pass-by trips that already exist within the vicinity. The number of
' captured/pass-by trips is small and thus are not considered in this analysis
' Single Family Detached Housing (ITE Land Use Code 210,12 lots)
Average Weekday T= 9.57X 57 (50%) 57 (50°rb) 114
' AM Peak Hour T= 0.75X 2(25%) 7(759'0) 9
PM peak Hour T= 1.O1X 8(63%) 4(3796) 12
Note: no trip credii taken for existing SFDU that exists on the site is accounted for in the
above cafculations.
' Based on our analysis the proposed Fredric Allen Ptat is expected to generate 12 PM peak
hour irips. These trips would quickly disperse onto neighboring roads; described next..
' Road Svstem
, Access to the site is via a connection into the Serrano Platvia S. 298t" Place that connects to
65th G't. S that accesses S. 299th St. that connects with 64th Avenue $outh an existing County
Road. The proposed Serrano Plat project proposes to provide 204 lots of single family
detached housing. The Serrano Plat proposes to consfruct S. 298th Place to Urban
' Subaccess Access Street Standards. South 29W Place is to provide access to the proposed
Fredric Allen Ptat.
, The King Countv Road Standards 1993 Table 2.03 "Residential Access Streets" (attached
the appendix) identifies different classifications for resid:ential access streets. South 298t^
Place woutd fall into a residential access street class classifications. Tabls 2.03 "Residential
' Access Streets", ah Urban Subaccess SVeet can serve up to 50 dwelling units. As shown on
the respective Serrano (2 to 4 lots) and Fredric Allen (12 - lots) site plans S. 298t" PI. a
maximum of 16 lots would be served; thus the proposed road is more than ample to
accommodate the Fredric Allen Plat.
South 298th Street connects to 65m Ct: S. that connects to S. 299t+ Street. Both 65th Ct. S.
and S. 299th St. are shown on Serrano Plat site plan (copy attached) as providing 48 feet of
t right of way with 28 feet of paved road width. These dimensions are consistent with the
County's classification for an Urban Subcollector Street; a subcollector provides circulation
within neighborhoods. The criteria identifies that a Subcollectors can serve up to 100 single
' family dwelting units. Review of the Serrano Plat layout indicates that 60 to 65 lots would be
' . . \~N~ZLL1'VrqRNpV7~OBSfwdsYNnPM.StlneenlbmwlUnlG-MT„ffroN~LaM1w.OOC .
JTE, 9nc.
Ken Peckman, Director of Land Acquisitions
September 26, 2006
Page -3-
' served by S. 299th Street at-its maximum usage. The proposed project wouid add 12 single
family dwelling units.to the Serrano Ptat road grid. Combined the maximum usage wouid
increase to about 77 lots being senred that is well within the County design parameters.
Please note that, should FredricAllen Plat project precede the Serrano Plat, or, if some -
reason the Serrano Plat project fails to proceed to final recordation, the Applicant (Schneider
' Homes) would need to provide adequate public access built to Urban Minor Access Street
standards. Letters of intent (as required) from the affected property owners.would be
required. A County Urban Minor Access Street can serve up 16 single family, dwelling units.
' 8ummarv and Conclusions
This letter reviewed the traffic affects of the proposed Fredric Allen Plat project, The site is
' served yia S. 298t" Place which connects into the Serrano Plat road system. South 298th PI.
is to be constructed via the Serrano Plat project Our anatysis shows that tfie proposed
- Serrano Plat road system is properly designed to accommodate the 12 - lot Fredrick Allen
, Plat. _
In the unlikely event the proposed Fredric Allen Plat project is to be constructed before the
' Serrano Plat; the Applicant (Schneider Homes) would need to provide adequate public
access'built to Urban Minor Access Street standards. Letters of intent (as required) from the
affected property owners would be required.
The Fredric A(len Plat is to be consVucted in conformance to applicable criteria. No other
traffic mitigation should be necessary. Please contact us at (206) 762-1978 or email us at
„iaketraffic@comcastnet if you have any questions.
' y . oa Sincerely,
Mark J. Jacobs, PE, PTOE, President
~ M7J: cw ~ , . D
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' .
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2.03 ResidgoN i Access Str~ Serving single-family development,.see Drawings.No. 1-001 through 1-006
for mulU le-dweliin develo ment see Sectfon 2.04
FUNCTION Streeta connectlng 1wo or. Sireete Providing circ,uletbn PennaireM culsle-sece, or short 'Pennanent cuWe-4ecs or
more neiphborhooda and wMft neqhDo►hoods boPs [2b connecft to eubooilectore IooPs 121, wNh low traHic, providin9
1yPbally.connecUnO b artedals or prpbeUy aonneatlnp aniinot auppoiilve o( ckuMon and eocess to off-
other nelghbahood colbctore. to nelphborhood cdledore. throuph trafAcl siraet peddng.wiUdn reeldaMW
dsvelopment boundadee.
Pub9c or Prwete Pubilc streeta Pabtlc streets lyplcaNy publlc PubUa ot privats
For pdvato etreele (See 8ec. 2.08:) 8ee Sec. 2:08:
Accees Reshided, Lots As needed wlth As neaded wkh As needed whh
Accese eUeet restrMluns. restricttone: restrtoUone.
L nd Use AreRuml Urban - Rural Urba Rurai Urban Rural Urban
SeMng PotentlelNumberoi
Sin ~-Fam DweiRng Unite Over 100 9 Over 100 100 Mex. 100 Max. 4 60;Msx. 60 IIAex, 18 Max: 18 Max.
A. 7WIcal 9lwulder Curb Shoukler Curt 9houWer Curb Shoulder Cufi
B. bestgn.8peed (3) Low 8peed Cunre Low Speed Cunre Cow Speed Curve Low 8peed Cunre
MP 35 35 30 30 See Seo, 2:10 See 8ec. 2.10 See Sea 2.10 See 8ec, 2.10
C. Max: Su relevatlon F1JFf. 0.08 See Sec. 2.068 0.08 See Seo. 2.068 See 8ec: 2:056 See 8eo. 2.088 8ee Sea. 2.088 See Sea. 2.088
D. HorizoMal Curveture Low Speed Curve Low Speed Cunie Low 8pesd Curve Low Speed Cunre
Mln. Radlus (Ft.) See Teble 2.1 See Table 22 See Table 2.1 See Table 4.2 See Sec. 2:10 See:9ec. 2.10 See 6ec. 2.10 See 8ea 2.10
E. Mex. (3rede 8 11 12 12 16 6 16 ib 16
F. 8tendeN SEopphng'81pht See Table 2.1 See Teble 22 See Table 2.1 See Table 2.2 160 160 ft. 160 ft. 1 S0 fl.
Dietenoe:(Ft) M
(i: . Stenderd EMerln9 819ht
Disfance (Ft:) (8) See Tabl*2,1 . See Table 22 H. Min. PavemeM Wldih' Ft. 22 32 22 28 20 24 2010 22
1. Min. Roadwa :Wldth f. 11 38 32 38 ZB 28 24 , 28 10 22
J. Mfh. ht-of: Wldth Ft. 60 58 80 4812 48 12 4012 48 12 40[12]
K. lype oi Curb or 3houider 8' 8houider Veftlcal 8' 3houlder VeRice) or Roiled 4' Shoulder VerOcel or Rolled 4' Shoulder Vartlcal or Roiled
and Oltch 1111 & Ditch 13 Curb & f3uKer & Ditch 13 Cufi 8 dutter & Ditch 19 Cutb 8 Ouiter & Dltch 13 Curb & Ouqer
L. Mln. HaM3t. Paved WWth Fl, 20 20 20 20 20 ZO 20 . 20
M. MU. One- Pavad Wklih 20 20 20 20 20 ZO 20 20
1- WHhin the above paranaatera, peomeblc deslpn for epeaflc etreeta shaq be oonelatent wlfh AASHTO PoIIW on l3eomehic Desipn oi HIpMweya and Streefs.
2- See Seatbon 2.16 tbr oneaway loope. 3- See Bedlon 2.20 for realdentlal accesa connedion reqWmr►erte 4- 8ae 8ectlon 221 tor ur6an exoeptbn cri".
5- Deslgn epeed is a beais for detemdnlnp geometrllo elementa end does not tmpy posted or IepaUy pwmissible speed. Curves ehep be deslpned wNhin petameters of B, C end D ebove. (3ee
e- Me)imum grede may be excaeded 1br short dWanm: (See SecMon 2.11)
7- Standatd Stopping 81gM Distane (SSD) shell eppy uniaes othenwise approved by 1he Enghmt. (See 6ecNon 2,12)
8• 6tendaM Enterqtg 81ght Dletance (E8D) ahatl appy atlMeBecdons and ddveways on nalghborhood coNecbors unless otherwise approved by the EngUeer (See 6ecHon 2.13)
9- Nelphborhood collectore intersectfng wllh eKedala shall be 38 teet wMe for 1he flret 180 teet. See 8ecGon 4,OS for tapers. mbw 11- For~guerdnre lpavbV s~ ~mulders Ishat betwo li~et wide~r iype sheets: (6ee 8eodon 2.1'~
12 -RlOht-ofwa1► (or easeme; maY 6e reduoed to minwrwm toadwey wdl►, Plus eldewelks, provlded thet.all potertlel servinp utlqtlee and neoeasary dretnape are
othervrlse exommodaCed on pennanent easemems wiUiin the devebpment. (See 8edion 2.19)
13 - Ae aitemetlve to shoulder end dbh, undefground pipe dmbiage wflh efthar Thlckened Edpe, Owg.1-0Ob or Extruded Curb, Dwg. 1-006 Is eccepiable.
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"e"w°u~°n r 33400 97H AVE, S. q120 PRELIMINARY PLAT
~ p n~w www wwn~
Goacler Assocaates inc.
18300 NE Union Hill Road. Suite 200
Redmond. WA USA 98052-33.33 - o
Telephone (425) 883-0777
Frnc (425) 882-5498
August 11, 2006 Ow Ref._ 053-1596
~'•`;`.~~7 ,z~
Sc,hneider Homes, Inc:
6510 South Center Boulevard, Suite 6
Tiikwila, Washirigton 98188
Attention: Mr_ Ken Pecldiam
Dear Ken:
Golder Associates Inc_ (Golder) ;is pleased to submit this Supplement to the Critical Areas Siudy
(CAS) that was contained in our report to Schneider Homes on August 30, 2005 (Golder, 2005). The
purpose of the Supplemerit is to update the CAS with respect to recommendations for alterations to.
the prbposed steep slope buffer. In ow previous report (Golder, 2005), the standard 50-foot steep .
slope buffer was recommended to be:reduced to 15 feet based on: (1) a review of available geologic
data, (2) a review of historical stereoscopic aerial photographs from 1936 ttuuugh 2004, (3) a review
of available Lidar imagery, and (4) a site geomorphic and geologic. reconnaissance that included the
examination of four test pits located along the crest of the steep slope at the site.
RecentIy, Schneider Homes has inquired as to whether the 15-foot steep slope buffer could be further
reduced to 10 feet in order to accoinmodate the proposed site development plans_ This Supplemern is
in 'response to that inquiry, and the Supplennent to the CAS includes Golder's additional steep slope
eva[uation, and revised recommendations regarding alterations to the steep slape buffer in support of
a furtIier reduction of the steep slope buffer
The scope of work employed to gatlier data for this Supplement, included the following primary
. o A. reyiew of tlie pasE steep slope CAS (Golder, 2005) and technical discussions regarding the
bases for the original 15-foot buffer recommendation; and
m A site geologic reconnaissance (July 28, 2006) of vegetation-cleared exposures of the crest of
the steep slope in the area of a past possible smalT, shallow debris landslide noted near the
center of the site by Golder (2005; attached Figure 2).
JUN 18 2007
09090&*i.aa , ~
f '
~ y
Schneider Homes August 11,2006
Mr. Ken Peckham -2- 053-1596
The area of the previously identified possible small shallow debris landslide (attached Figure 2) had
been cleared of blackberry bush vegetation at the time of the recent site recoruiaissance- The cleared.
area was centered on the possible small debris landslide, and eactended about 40 feet to the soutliwest,
and 40 feet to the nartheast (Photograph 1). The clearing extended about 30-40.feet downslope froin
the crest. -
The cleared area exposed a steep slope section at the top that varied finm about 55-65 degrees
southeast in the fust 6-10 feet, and the;n shallowed to about 45 degrees in the lower exposed section of
the cleared area_ The souihem part of the steep slope crest appeared to be underlain by weathered till
~ and tliin colluvium, while the_ northem part (in the possible small debris landslide azea) was underlain
by fill material at the crest
The northean part of the cleared area exposed a debris slide scar that was about 20 feet wide: at the
ctest of the slope and extended at least 40 feet downslope (Photograph 2)_ We interpret this. scar to
represent, and confum the presence of the possible small debris Iandslide that was identified by
Golder (2005). The scar was expressed as a 3- to 4foot deep concave feature, and this suggests that
the debris landslide was about 3 to 4 feet thick when it failed_ Fill material was present in the
headscarp of the sma1l debris landslide at the crest of the steep sIope, and included large concrete
blocks (Photograph 3): The presence of the fill material in the headscarp suggests that the debris
landslide failed in 5ll that was sidecasi over the crest of the steep slope.
Small, relatively recent scups were present at the crest of the exposed steep slope behind and
adjacent (northeast.side) to the debris Iandslide scar, and just to the south of it (Photographs 4 and 5).
The small.scarps were about 4-6 inches: high and about 2-3 fee,t back from the crest of the steep slope_
The small scarps appeared to be in fill material, and also appeared to represent potential incipient
small debris landslides.
No signs of distress (e.g., cracks in concrete, tilted concrete slabs, displaced . fence lines) were
observed in the concrete steps along the crest of the steep :slope (Photograph .6),_ in the poured
concrete slab patio behind the crest of the steep slope (Photograph 7), or along the fence lines
northeast and southwest of the area of the small debris landslide (Photograph 8): This information ,
reinfarces the conclusion of Golder (2005) that, overalI, there has been little or no slope crest retreat
toward the west for at least the past 70 yeais, and that the steep slope is relatively sfable with respect
to deep-seated landslide failure.
Conclnsions and Recommended Itevised Steep Slope Bnffer Alteration
Based on our July 26, 2006 field reconnaissance and review of the previous CAS (Golder, 2005), we
conclude that small, shallow debris landslides fiave occuired associated with the fill material that was
Iocally sidecast over the crest of the steep slope in the center part of the site. This area roughly
encompasses about 120 lineal fe.et along the csest of the ste.ep slope from about 60 feet soutlzwest of
the area of shallow debris landslide (attached Figure 2) to about 60 feet northeast of the landslide.
This Iength of slope crest is generally adjacent to proposed Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 as indicafed on the
devetopment pIans.
The re-evaluation of the conditions of 1he ste.ep, slope at the Allen/Solomon Plat allows us to
recommend a revised steep slope buffer alteration. We.recommend a reduction of the steep slope
buffer, to 10 feet, along the crest in the area outside of the 120-foot crest length where fill was
oso9o~e.a~ Golder d.ssocictes
t .
° i .
Schneider Homes August 11, 2006
1VIr, Ken Peckham -3- 053-1596
apparently sidecast_ For the 120-foot crest length of the fill, we recommend that the original buffer of
15 feet be maintamed if the slope conditions are is. This would impact Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8. However,
if the fill is removed (in the 120-foot crest length area) and a structural fill wall constructed in its
place, we would recommend that the buffer could be reduced to 10 feet_
As stated in . Golder (2005), in order to promote the existing overall stable slope conditions, we
recommend that the foIlowing mitigation measures also be unplemented: o Control of surface water drainage 'snch that runoff is intercepted and prevented from
uncontrolled discharge over the crest of the steep slope. If a structural filI wall is constructed,
it shouid also be drained_
If goundwater infiltcation is being considered to mitigate surfaee water runof~ such systems
should be located and designed so that recharge is not concentrated near the crest of the steep
sIope. ,
We trust this letter meets your current needs. Please contad us if you have any questions.
~ o
i y
- y .
Donald O. West, L.G., L.E.G. 666
, fla:
Senior Project Manager d L e
DQrial[f O_ °rt~BSi
Chri er. S. King
S or Project Engineer
Attac,hments: Reference .
Figure _ (Golder, 2005)
. Photographs
cc: Mel Daley; DMP Engineers
080906al.&c Godder Associates
a ,
- Schneider Homes August 11, 2006
Mr. Ken Peckham -4- 053-I596
Golder Associates Inc„ 2005. Report On Prelinunary Geotechnical Investigatioq A11en/Solomon
Plat, Auburn, Washington: submitted to Schneider Homes, Inc., Tukwila, WA, August 30,
oso9o&11,jdOC Goeder AssoCiates
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Golder Assoceates .
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. A A' Slope Profrie Location (See Figure 4 ~ pt-j for Profile)
- - - - Sife Boundary
_ Fl6URE 2
°5315%000fqD4.1h" , MO& °W"M ' a Golclea Associates
Golder Associqtes
August 11, ?t'.II'D- ~ 1= 053-1596
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Photogmph 1. Wiew to the northr.;st afong the ::r<•-t uf the tieeep s&ope at the .411entiSolc~-,irn E'lat.
The qeep 51ope has, b~-: ^ra eleared ot vegptation foe about 80 feet alon; the crest, :und far abvut 30~"l
downslope of the csea-t. Stope angle; va?y 1'roen abaut 55-65 O-°av--5 eo the eas^ now the rre5~e, and
shallow to ahout 4i degrf° ~s z:~s[, 6-10 f~t t~eluu~ 3he c~est.
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5chne.ider siomes Auuust 1 2006
Mr. 1`{en Peckham -2- 053-1596
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Pho8oyrmp0a W. Vievr downtilope nr:ir the rac,rth end of the eleared area Cirlow the zsest ot the st~.°p
slope.. `Fhe- cenc;ave are;i in ttae midc3le of the photograph is the small debris I.indsiide scar. 't'he depth
uf thc: scar is abvut 3-4- feei. The smalf debris I.andsfide was aLout 20 feet widc and 40 feet ;c,ng.
Schtieidrr f{usnrs
Nir. Ke,~n P'NCkham
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hlc?c:k in ilse center of ehe photc,~,*raph.
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Schneider Homes August 11, 2005
N'ilr. Ken Pcckhatn -6- 053-1596
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PhoQagr:aph Gr. View to the northea.ct at lhe undisturikd lence ani! Eerace line ahuve the snaull,
,haQlav: d€l-'s Pandslide ara:..
%1 `31 M~ 1 d::w
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Schneider Fiorrtes ~,,•^l~' ~ ' 2)~,`•~;
Nir. Ken Peckham -7- tl5's- E 5~?6
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Phofngraph 7. View to the souihevest of tite undisturbed/undi-;tr:- ss~d concrc:te 5::°;-s ch-t v, ^re just
upslope csf ttie Small, shallnw debris landslide area.
~ f
`ichneider Hamus AuMust 11. 2006
Mr. Ken 1'eckham -8- 053-1596
_ _ _ _
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PhOwgeapta 8. View to ehe e:act of lhe und'asGaes;cd conrrvte patio Icxatecl upslape af the stcep s1oEx:
arca where the timall, sh:illow debris (andsiide ivas.
%IMMI.'l{ J:x
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, .
, - ZibM COPY
. KiRg C4Urtty
. Dept of Deveiopment snd Eavironmastal Servica
900 Oafoasdale Avemie Smitiiwest
Renton, WashamgDon 98055-1219 Altemative formats available
' (266) 296-6600 1TY (206)296-7217 UpOt't r@qII@St
FCing County Certificate of $ewer Avaitability
This certifrcate provides the Seattle King County Department of PvbAc Health and the Department of
Devetopmenf and Errvironmental Senrices with Infomtatton necessary to evalaate development proposafs.
Do not wdte ln fhis box
number name
O Butldfng Permit /AKPr+eliminary Plat or PUb ~ a
❑ ShoR Subdlvision C3 Rezqne or other ~
• . Apptlcant's name•
. ~
. Proposed use: N[A"s - FhM!L Y 1-7.t LoT 5
I.ocatton: I!7_ _ lo~o ~/~-d • T L D2?-J~` C)~
' (atiach mep and IegaE descriptEcn H necessary) • ~
, .y
1. ❑ a Sewer service De provided by aIde sewer connectfon on{y to an exlstIrtg size asvver
teet irom the site and the sewer system has the capadly to senre the prnposed usa
' OR . .
~ b. Sewer servEce wiU require an [mpmvement to the sewer system of: ~ ~r S
, ~,(1) teeE of sewer trunk or fateral to reach the site; a or
~(2) Tfie construction of a colledJon system on the site; and/or ✓
(3) flttter (descdbe) f4CTV~D Q"0 F%~ MV-l'~ /AJ iK"•r.i4-1/GE Ilifffi
. T~~tR~e,-r Pot1 G,Y
2 a The sewer system improvement Is in conformance wfth a Courtty approved sswer comprehensMe pian.
, ❑ b. The sewer system improvement wiU requUe a sewer comprehensive plan amendment.
3. a. 'The proposed proJect Is within fhe corporate Itmits of the disErict or has been grantad Boundary Review
/ Board approval for extenston of senrice outside tfie district or cdy.
❑ b. Mnnexation or 8oundary Revfew Boand (BRB) approval wip be rteces Q se"
4. SeMce Is sutsject to the fo(lowing: ✓ _
a Connedian charge: 't0- Cr4-!~u tJf-7ST> Ff b t f Z(111(i
b. Easement(s):
, a ofher. D 15-M-LD ft-R
• Tke DlsMef, at Iq tofe discrdion, menis t6e right to dday or dmy easerservia bned npon eapaeiry llmitatEoas ia DisMel aad Othv Porsepor fae111flv. ~
~ v - -
1 oerEify thal the above sewer agency informatfan Is true. ThLs oertificatlon shali be valid tor one year from date of
Aqancy name g tory nam .
• 71Ue grtatu~e ~?l Z Date
. sewer availabWty torm.doc b-certaewer.pdf 02-07-2002 Lu. ~ V0 0 pge 9 cf 1
. , . ~ ~
' : . . . ,
Cornrliitm~eiit Na. 8344878-1 .
. . .
. .
7he land_referred to in this Commilmenlls d6c6tieif as iollows:' The noith half of the southeast qyarter of ttie_nartheast quarter of the southeast querter of.Section 2,
ToH+nshlp 29 nnrih, Range 4 easl, W.M.; In FMg Counly, Washtngton; - ' EXCEPT the west 15 feet ihereof for 861h Avenue South: .
. • .
. . . . , _ 5. ' ' . . .
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' ' . ~ . . ' . . .
r,"'.•~ .07~Ogf0~~"- ~ , t ~ ; . a~. ~ .
ERU re
. . ~.C~3f~,'~, "y~+ r'" ,~S
Deparfinent of D,evplopmeijt and r;nvironmQntal Servlees gt.~ ~ c ~3 { •t't
~ aut~drr►~ servZce9 arvIa+Qn . . . ~ P ~
, • 900 Oakesdala Avenve $4uthKrest " . ~ ` • ~ .
• Renton, Wastiington se65A-1219 . Aiternative formats ~v ilabEe
206&296-6fi00; • 'FTY 20B=296-7217 .
. . , ~ upon r.e.qu .
~Kin s ~~'ouh. ~ Certifica#e of~~VUater Avaifab'f'r ~ .
. . ~ ~ . V. . , ~
:This'certificat@ provides t~he Seattle ~K'mg.Couiity Department of Public'.Fleal~t an~i ttie pePartment of Oevelopmeni anii.
to ~valuate dgvelopinent proposals:
Envirortm~ntal.Secyice kvith ~iriformat+on rs@cessary
this tipx ~ - . : ~ • . . . . : . . -
~number . name~ .
. : . . . . . .
~ O Buifdinq Pertnit.. .~~Preliminary. Piat ar PUD • .
'O..Shortyutid~visjon . .•a Rezone,oiother ~c~~
ApplicanYs.Pdr!e: N +Ei~
, ;:i ' ~ ,(atfacfi map and legal descripfion 9 nac-ssary) • ' . ,
. • • •
' ~ . '
. 1~: C7 a~ INafeee~Ypbe.pr`ovded by~senrice connecNon only to an extsiing .(siiej vrater
. it~~t.is .fe9; from 1he site. . • . . . ~ '
. .
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~OR~ .i~ ~ . -
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°b:.•' ; ~V1/atets. 4}t ' Uir ~n ` i J ~riint ' to 1h '~v ,
. eNic~ ra9 . . .~1P. o ee e. _ ater systerti''
, ;d~i::.::....••. (:t)..`' :~feefqfyiabermain.tgreach,tliesiRe;a71dlot;..~.,',:. . . .
• (2)'The Conitian pf a drstabydaR system pn the site; ar~d/br'✓ wo,
~7 (3)' Q#F~er ~~tescrf4e)
~/'`a;; ~:~~'.g.. ,;r ,.:5; .
'•`.2• •''Ji~ : Th vyate. sY:. eilt m contoima~ce~~vilh.~ C4vntf!.apProvQd w~ket compfehensive
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• , plan~and:wili reqUire a watet comp,rehgnsiVe plan amendm~nt ~h~s m~ji S~yse a delay In issya~ce qf peimit:ar ,
qPproVe4: : . . ~
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l'fie , . ro`•~ ct ;s w` ~n Q:,'e. ~orpoiat t • :e ,
PfaPQSed P. h. Ce ~ ts o th d~stdG,:oi has ~been: granted Bouniiwy f~vtew.~oard
'apprpyal for.:ejctension.of seiyiee oufsida.the: iiisfrict or city; cr ts vfhirj iiie C¢linly apprgved servi.ba, area of a prtiate. ~
%vate~ p!uYeYol .
~7 ••.b. Ann~jc~tkn.pr Ho~tsdary,Review Boacd (~RB).?PProval rvill be neressa.iy~to R[oyide ~senrice.
~iU.be avaitabfe aF tFie'~ r~te of,t[ow and duration in'dicat~dbeiovY;at no,less, tha~ 20 psf ineasured at Ute
' ~ rlearest [re hydrant ~t7 z~~_feet_fr9..m the bui(ding/prflperly (or.as mark¢d,on th@ ~ttaqhed map): .
• Ra;@o!floyvFt.Pesrk,Deina~d. . Duratlon•.:,,~ . : •
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. Commitment No. 6344878-1 . '
. The land, referred to In this CoRimilment Es descfibed as. follows: - • ~
•The rioith half of the south'east quarfer of ifie noAheast qilader oE ihe southeast quarter'of.3edfon 2,
Toyri~stitp 21 riorih, Range 4 east, W.AA,, in K[nQ County, Washingfon; -
DCCEPT the west 15 feet thereof for 86lh Avenue South. ' . .
' : . •
, .
. .
• . . . .
, .
. .
• I ~
" . ~ ' •
i - . . _ - - - ~
3628 South 35th Street
- Tacoma, Washington, 98409-3192
April 30, 2007 -
Mr. Afex Poblete JUN 2 7 2008
DMP, fnc. '
726 Aubum Way North i<ING CQUNTY
' Aubum, WA 98002 I-ANQ USE SERViCES ,
• ' ~ _
Subject: Crossing of Tacoma Water Second SupplyVUater Pipeline near West , Vatley Highway and 29th Street. Schneider Homes Ref: P2007-160, P1906 Dear A[ex. ' .
Fnclosed please find as-built drawings for Tacoma Wafer Second Supply Water Pipaline -
' riesr Vdnst Valtey Highway and 291h Street. This Infbrmation shouid be helpfui as you
design your project for Schneider Homes. . AEso enclosed. is a l.and Use Perrnit Application #orm for your convenience to use when
requesting a consent permit to ccoss Tacoma Water's pipeline. Please refum the
completed Appfication with drawings of sectionaf detail shawing the crossing, size and
design. The processing fee for a consent permit is $500. .
Ifi you fiave any questions, ~please contact me at (253) 502-8573.
Sincerety, ~ . ~t
~ Mars`Joh n Rea( Estate 0 r , MFJ6131mjw Enclosures
. .
. . k{~ . . .Ff , .
' : ~'.i . . .
, wKnxpse.cnm ~ • r--
Puget Sound Energy, lac. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '
P.O. 8aac 97034
Bellevtie, WA 98009-3734 . . JUN 212008 .
Augus# 21, 2007 i<iNG COUNTY
Brenda Zanga
Schneider Homes, Inc. . .
6510 Southcenter Blvd
_ Tukwila, WA 98188
Re: Easement and Consent for Storm Drain Line, Prederic Allen ProperEy
Dear Ms. Zanga
Enclosed please find two originals each vf an AgreemenE and Easement far Storm Drainage Iine (to be granted to the City of Auburn), an Arriendment of Easement and
Confirmation Agreement, and a Consent for Use document, alI related to the stvrm
drain line serving your. Frederic AIIen Pro:perty project. .
As discussed, I have received the necessar.y approvals to grant an easemenf for this.line
- across our property, proVided the resfriction relating the elevation oE our lines to the
SPA's lines is removed. That is the purpose of the Aznendnient of Easement and-
Confirmation Agreemerit, which will remove that language from the originat I980
easement. .
The Consent for Use documenE is PSE's formal approvai`allowing:you to ¢ons#ruct the proposed 'unprovements within our transmission line easement on.your property. I
' included your drawings set dated 12112/2006. If the desigzi has changed sirice then,
. please send me an updated set with the signed documents, and I wili include thetn,
instead. .
One: item that I would like to point out in both d-ie co3nsene docunnent and the easerrtent . across our property is that where the starin line is to be installed underground, iE rriust
be-constructed and buried to withstand H-201oading, so that we may have access over
your lines with our heavy line trucks, cy:af ies, and other equipment. Ptease forward the storm drainage easement to the City af Auburn for their review and . .
signature. Ptease also have the consen# and easement amendment reviewed and
. signed by the appropriate individual(s) at Schneider homes. Please send both signed
originals of each documenE back to me at the address lisEed on the documents, tageEher with a check in the amount of $5,000.00 made payable to PSE, as consideration Ear
granting the stonxn drainage easement. I witl also need to see your: approvais from
` Olynnpic Pipeline, Tacoma Water, and King County for this project, as previously
discussed (I have already received a copy o# the approval from BPA). Upon receipt of
• aIl of the above, PSE will execute Ehe storm drainage easement, :he easement .
amendmerit, and the consent dacument in duplicate, reiuzning one original copy of
each to you for your records. I will then file the storm drainage easemenf and the
easement amendment for recording with King County.
Please Iet.me know if you need anyB-ting else or have any Eurther questions. I can be
reached in Bellevue at 425-456-2440. •
Yours truly, "
Ira McDaniei Real T.stafe Representative :ez►closures . . .
• ~ 1
- ' 2319 LlND AVE. S.W.
(425) 2354736
. " -11VED . .
Apri125, 2007 JUN 2 ~ 2008
726 Aubum Way North - -7
Aubum, WA 98002 : .
RE: Frederick Atien/ Soloman Property .
Attention: Alex Poblete
Thank you for submitting your preliminary plans for the 12"Storm-Drain iocated off the
West Valley Highway and 29u' St NW. You wilI be crossing our 14" H'sgh Pressure Petroleum Pipeline. We require 24" of verticai clearance between yow utility and our
pipeline. We also require a fieid representative on site for this crossing. You will need to
notify the Washington State One-Cal1 System at 1-800-424-5555 prior to any digging..
Please continue to send updated plans inctudirig a profile sfiawing the 12" storm and our
14" pipeline. Any fmrther yuestions please cantact owr field, pmject office at (425) 235-
, 7767. .
~ .
Holly Williamson
' riled Project Coordinator•
. r;~ r . .
a ubv a va a
. ~.vv f Vc., ~ vt.. VlL.UVti
Brenda Zanga
From: McDaniel, Ira [ira.mcdanielQpse.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 11:49 AM .
To• Brenda Zanga
Subject: RE: 20470278LUA.doc Brertda, '
~ We tlon't ftiave any objects or need for changes, we just want ta make sure you have an agreement in place with BPA that
rs acceptable to them.
Thanks for sending fhaf oVerl
-1ra From: Brenda Zanga [mailto:Brenda@schnefderhames.com]
Sent: Wednesday, AprIl 12, 2007 3:53 PM . To: McDaniel, Ira
Sabject: FW; 20070278LUA,doc •
Aitached is #he agreement executed by BPA for the easement neected on our deveiopment re€erred to as Frederic A!}en or
AIteNSofomon. Paul at BPA aslced us to take a taok at it prior to them doing theflnal preparation. Since PSE is the awner
of the property, I thought you might want to take a Iook at it and let us know if any changes need to be made. Thanks! .
. (Bmnd'a zanga. .
Sc(tnerderYl'ome.s, InG
206-242-4209 (fa,~j . .
6fenda(1scFinerderfiomes com
From: Woolson,Paul B - TfRR-COVINGTON [mailto:pbwoolson@bpa.govJ
Sent: Wednesday, Apr€I 11, 2007 3:26 PM .
To: Brenda Zanga
Subject: 20074278LUA.doc - . . .
. «200742781UA.doc» -
Brenda, I am working on this. 1 wou[d like you to take a fook at it and let me know if you have any issues with it before I '
frnish it up and sen@ it ovt.Do I include tiie property owner as a CC?
Thanks for your time. . . Paul Woolsan . FZ E-C E IVE D
Realty Specialist • , JUN 1~ g ~7
Bonnevifle PowerAdministratian ~t i ,~1: ;;"T~ ~ • office 253-631-9154 -j" _t~ °9 ~ , KINC :CQUN7Y
, cell 360-772-0294 E.AND USE SERVICkS
WHEREAS, the City ofi Aubum has identified. finro separate Potential
Annexation Areas (PAA) generally known as Lea Hill Annexation Area and
West Hill Annexation area; and
WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council intends to present to the
residents/voters of these areas the opportunity to vote, in November 2007, on
whether fo annex to the City; and
WHEREAS, if approved by voters and the City Council, it is expected
that the annexation.of one or both of the annexation areas will become effective in early 2008; and WHEREAS, as of the effective date of the annexation of those
annexation areas, #he City will own and haye responsibility for the operation,
safety_and maintenance of all former. County roads, bridges and rights-of-way
located within the City limits -fogether with all appurtenances Iocated within such
rights-of-way including drainage facilities, stormwater facilities, environmental
Resolution No. 4113
November 14, 2006
Page 1 of 3
10 1+
~ ~
mitigation sites and monitoring projects, street lights, traffic signals and traffic
signs; and
WHEREAS, RCW 39.34 establishes the authority for cities and counties
to _enter into inter(ocal agreements as- necessary to work together when an
issue requires a joint action of all parties concemed; and .
WHEREAS, in order to facilitate an orderly transition of services from the
County to the City of Aubum it would be in the public interest for the City to
enter into an interlocal agreemenf with King County to address matters relating -
to the potential annexations of these areas.
~ . -
Section 1. The Mayor of the City of Auburn and. the Auburn City Clerk
are hereby authorized to execute an interlocal agreement befinreen the City of
Aubum and King County which agreement shall be in substantial conformity
with the interlocal agreement a copy of which is attached hereto, marked as
Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference.
Section 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such
administrative procedures, as may be necessary to carry out the directives of _
'this legislation..
Resolution No. 4113
November 14, 2006
Page 2 of 3
Section 3. This resolution sha(I be in full force and effect upon
passage and signatures hereon. Dated and Signed this ~ day of 2006.
~ .
D'elle E. Daskam, City Cleck
Zie O, D AS F RM: .
. eid, ' ttome
Resolution No. 4113
November 14, 2006
Page 3 of 3 y
King Countv Rea1 Estate Services ~Y .
500 Eourth Avenue, Room 500 ~
Seattle. WA 98104 ADM-ES-0500 _
: - 200703 14600977 s~vi' Kca 0.ee
PAGEN! OF .039
83/14/2087 11•29 . .
rkase rint or eiotormaflon WASHINGTON STATE RECORDER'S COVe[' Sheet . xew 65.o4
- - - - -
Docnment Titl" sor transactions contained therein): ~ areas avnlicable .to vour dociu~nt must be fiIled in
. 1.; Interlocal Agieement between the Citv of Aubum and Kinguntv
Reference Number(s) of Docnments assigned or released:
Additional reference #'s on page of document
Grantorfsl L name, first name, imtials
1 Citv of Auburn
Additional names on page of docnrnent. -
Grantee(s) (Last name first, tfien fiTst name.and inifials)
1. King Countv ,
Addirional names on page of document.
Legal description (abbreviated: i.e. lot, block, plat orsection, township, range)
RCW 39.34.040
Addirional legal is on of document. ,
Assessor'sProperty Tax ParceUAccountNumber .
N/A .
_ _
The Auditor/Recorder will rely on the inforrmation provided on the form. The staff will not read the doc_dment to
verithe accurary or co leteness of the indexin information rovided herein. - -
THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this ~4 day of 2007.. The
parties ("Parties") to this Agreement are the City of Aubum, a State of ashington
municipal corporation ("City"), and King County, a political subdivision of the State of Washington ("County"). ~
, WHEREAS, the City has identified two sepazate Potential Annexation Areas ("PAAs') in its comprehensive plan consistent with the requirements of the state Growth`Management` "
Act ("GMA") and the Countywide Planning Policies adopted consistent with GMA,
which PAAs are generally known as the "Lea Hill Annexation Area" and the "West Hill
Annexation Area," both of which are fuither described in Exhibit A hereto (hereinafter
collectively referred to as the Annexation Areas"); and
WHEREAS, on an election date in or before November 2007, the cifizens of the
Annexation Areas will have an opportunity to vote on whether to annex to the City; and
WHEREAS, if approved by the. vofers and the City Council, annelcation of one or both of .
the Annexation Areas to the City will become effectiye on or before;January 1, 2008; and
WHEREAS, as of the date of legal annexation of the Annexation Areas, pursuant to state
law, the City will own, and have the responsibility for the operation, safety and
maintenance of all former County roads, bridges and rights-of-way.located within the.:.,
City limits together with all appurtenances located within such rights-of:way, including
but not limited to, drainage, facilities, stormwater facilities, environmental mitigation sites
and monitoringprojects, street lights, traffic signals and traffic signs; and
WHEREAS, the City and the County desire to facilitate an orderly transition of services
associated with the Annexation Areas; and
WHEREAS, the City and the County desire to mutually determine the appropriate timing
for the transfer of pubiic records; and
WHEREAS, upon annexation of the Annexation Areas, the County shall make available
to the City a one-time payment of funds from its Annexation Incentive Funds to assist
with the cost of transitioning services and in consideration of the City relieving the
County of the burden of providing public services to the areas to be annexed; and _
WHEREAS, the City and the County want to ensure a smooth transfer of ownership and
maintenance of existing County surface water facilities and related property,interests in
the Annexation Areas; and WHEREAS, all local governmental land use autlioriry and jurisdiction with respect to the
Annexation Areas transfers from the County to the City upon the effective date of
annexation; and
WHEREAS, the County and City agree that having County staff continue to proce.ss
various vested building and land use peimit applications from the Annexation Areas on
behalf of the City for a transitional period following annexation will assist in an orderly transfer of authority and jurisdiction; and
WHEREAS, it is the parties' intent by virtue of this Agreement that any and all
discretionary decisions with respect to land use and permitting from and after the date of
annexation shall be made by the City; and
WHEREAS, the governing bodies of each of the parties hereto have determined to entej
into this Agreement as authorized and provided for by the Interlocal Cooperation Act,
codified at Chapter 39.34 RCW, and other Washington law, as amended;
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual terms, provisions and obligations
- contained herein, it is,agreed by and between the City and the Gounty as follows:
1. TERM. This Agreement shall be deemed to take effect following the approval of the
Agreement by the offcial action of the governing bodies of each of the Parties and .
the signing of the Agreement by the duly authorized representative of each of the
Parties, and shall continue in force for,a period of five (5) years from the effective - _
date of annexation of the Annexation Areas; provided, however, that in the event: (1)
the Gity fails=to place•the annexation measure on the ballot in or before November.
2007, then this Agreement shall terminate on December 31, 2007:
2. ANNEXATION. The City shall take action to ensure placement of propositions on
the ballot at a regular or special election date in or prior to November 2007 for the registered voters of the Annexation Areas as descnbed in ExHibit A to vote on
whether to annex to the City. If approved by the voters, the City shall take action by
ordinance to ensure that the annexation of the Annexation Areas so appmved will be
effective on or before January 1, 2008.
GONTRIBUTION. In order to partially offset the City's cost of transitioning and
pmviding services to the Arinexation Areas, and in consideration of the City relieying
the County of the burden of providing local public services in the Annexation Areas,
the County will provide the City with a payment from the annexation initiative
incentive reserve funds and shall pre-fund certain roadway improvements in advance
of annexation.
a. The payment of annexation incentive reserve funds for the annexation of both
Annexation Areas shall total $1,250,000 composed of County Current Expense
("CX") Funds. The payment shall be made within 30 days following the effective
date of the annexation of the Annexation Areas; provided that half the amount
payable may be transferred to the City upon its request in advance of the effective
date but after final action by the City Council to accept the annexation after
certification of the successful election.
b. In addition to the annexation incentive fund payment described in paragraph 3.a
above, the County shall cause to be completed roadway overlay unprovements in `
the Annexation Areas valued at $500,000. The road funding shall be committed
to a designated overlay project(s) by the County after the City Council acts to.
accept annexation of the Annexadon Areas following voter approval of
annexation. The roadway improvements shatl be specifically targeted. to ,
roadways that are not cuirently subject of a scheduled overlay pmject and which
have a pavemerit rating of less than forty percent, and the specific madway
segments to be improved shall be selected by the County Roads Division in
consultation with the Director of the City Public Works Department. Such
improvements shall to the -extent practicable be completed prior to the :effective
date of the annexation, but in any event as soon thereafter as possible.
c. In the event that both annexation propositions: are not approved by the voters, then
the payment of annexation incentive reserve funds shall be apportioned as.
1. For the annexation of L;ea Hill: $1,125,000 in CX funds and $450,000 in road
2. For the annexation of West Hill: $125;000 in CX funds and $50,000 in road
d. No annexation inceritive fimds shall be owed to the City under this Agreement for
an annexarion of either Lea Hill or West Hill effective after January 1, 2008.
4. RECORDS TRANSFER. Upon approval of the annexation by voters and acceptance
thereof by the City, the County shall work with the City to transfer to the City public
records including but not limited to record drawings or construction drawings that are
requested by tYie City related to transferred facilities and properties within the areas so
annexed. The City shall send a written request for records to the director of the
County division holding such records. Alternately, the City may request in writing
tha# such director schedule a records transfer meeting at which City representatives
shall meet with County department representatives in order to review and identify . .
records to be copied and/or transferred consistent witti the ferms of this Saction 4.
The request shall provide sufficient detail.to allow the County to identify and locate
the requested records. The County shall make its best effort to provide.the documents
within forty-five (45) days of the request. The County may elect to provide original
records,or copies of records. The County shall not be required to provide records that
are not reasonably available or to create records or compilations that have not already
, been created. The Countyshall provide the City free of charge one set of records ,
meeting the requirements of this section. Notwithstanding anything in this section to
the contrary, sheriffrecords transfers will be subject to tlie provisions of Section 8
and Exhibit G.
5. DEVELOPMENT PERMiT PROCESSING. Upon the effective date of the
annexation of either Annexation Area, the terms of this Agreement attached hereto as
Exhibit B shall go into effect with respect to development permit processing in the
area annexed.
a. Transfer of Drainage Facilities and Drainage Facility Property. Interests.
i. Upon the effective date of annexation for the area in which the "Drainage .
Facilities" identified in Exhibit C, attached hereto and incorporated herein by
reference, are located, those Drainage Facilities which are held bythe County
as specifically identified in Tables A-1, C-l'and C-2 of Exhibit C shall
automatically be transferred from the Countyto the City, and the City-shall
. assume ownership and full and complete responsibility for the operation,
maintenance, repairs, and any subsequent improvements to the Drainage
Facilities. The Drainage Facilities identified in Tables B-1 and B-2 of
Exhibit C shall not be transferred but shall remain in private ownership. The
City has the right but not the obligation to inspect the facilities identified in
Tables B-1 and B-2 from and after the effecdve date of annexation.
ii. The County shall upon the effective date of annexation for the area in which
the "Drainage Facility Property Interests" identified in Ezhibit D, attached
hereto and incorporated herein by reference, are located, convey by quit claim
deed in substantially the form in Exhibit E, attached hereto and incorporated
by reference, to the City, and ttie City shall accept, the Drainage Facility
Property Interests, subject to all rights, conditions, covenants, obligations,
limitations and reservations of record for such property -interests. The City
agrees to abide by and enforce all rights, conditions, covenants, obligations,
limitations: and reservations for the Drainage Facility Properfy Interests
iii. The County is willing to provide surface water management services and
maintena nce for either or both Lea Hill and West Hill Annexation Areas via
separate written agreement between the Parties. iv. Both pafies will make staff available to identify and review any additional
County-owned local drainage facilities, easements; and other property
interests within the Annexation Areas that should`appropriately be conveyed
to the City. Such facilities and other property interests include those for which
the County's facility acceptance process has not yef been completed, including
both projects being'constructed by the County as well as projects subject to
County approval that are constructed by third parties. Any such additional
County-owned drainage properties or other property interests shall be
transferred to the City pursuant to this Agreement and upon County approval,
including if necessary the adoption of an ordinance authorizing the transfer of
King County owned drainage properties and property interests. . The transfer
of responsibility for drainage facilities shall be documented in writing,
. including specific facilities transferred and the date of transfer and such .
documentation signed bY the aPProPriate CitY rePresentative and the Director
of the King County Water and Land Resources Division.
b. Transfer of Greenbelt Properties.
The County shall upon the effective date of annexation for the area in which the
"Greenbelt Properties" identified in Exhibit F, attached.hereto and incorpotated
herein by reference,_are located, convey by quit claim deed in substantially the
form in Exhibit E, attached hereto and incorporated by reference, to the Gity, ;
and the City shall accept, the Greenbelt Properties, subject to all rights, conditions, covenants, obligadons, limitations and reservations of record for such
property interests. The City agrees to abideby and enforce all rights,.conditions,
covenants, obligations; limitations and reservations for the Greenbelt Properties.
The deeds for the Greenbelt_Properties shall contain the restrictions intended to
preserve the use of said properties as greenbelts restricted to use as open space "
and passive recreation, as were placed on the properties at the time of their
conveyance to King County, all as more specifically descnbed in said deeds.
The City covenants that it shall place said restrictions in any deed conveying any
or a portion of the Greenbelt Properties.
a Condition . of and Responsibilitv for Operations. Maintenanee, Repairs, and
Improvements of Drainag1e Facilities, Drainage Facility PEgpertv Interests, and
Greenbelt Properties.
i. The City agrees to accept the DrainageFacilities, Drainage Facility Property
Interests and Greenbelt Properties in AS IS condition, and to assume full and
complete responsibility for all operations, maintenance, repairs, and
improvements of the Drainage Facilities, Drainage Facility. Property Interests
• and Greenbelt Properties.
ii. King County does not make and specifically disclaims any warranties, express
or implied, ineluding any warranty of inerchantability or fitness for a
. particulaz purpose, withrespect to.the Drainage Facilities, Drainage Facility
Property Interests and Greenbelt Properties and no official, employee,
representative or agent of King County is, authorized' otherwise.
iii. The City acknowledges and agrees that except as indicated in paragraph
6(d)(ii), the County shall have no liability for, and that the City shall release
and have no recourse: against the County for, any defect or deficiency of any.
. kind whatsoever in ttie Drainage Facilities, Drainage Facility Property
Interests or Greenbelt Properties without regard to whether such defect or
deficiency was known or discoverable by the City or the County.
d. Environmental Liability related to the Drainage Facilities, Drainap-e Facility
Propertv Interests and Greenbelt Properties:
i. "Hazardous Materials" as used herein shall mean any hazardous, dangerous
or toxic wastes, materials, or substances as defined in state or federal statutes
or regulations as currently adopted or hereafter amended.
ii. Nothing in this agreement shall be deemed to waive any statutory claim for
contribution that the City might have against the County under federal or state
environmental statutes that arises.from hazardous materials deposifed or
released.on the Drainage Facilities, Drainage Facility Pmperty Interests or
Greenbeit -Properties by the County during the County's period of bwnership.
The City may not; however, assert such a claim to the'extent ttiat the City
creates the need for or exacerbates the cost of remediafiion upon: wluch a
statutory claim for contribution:is based as a result of the City performing
construction activities on, changing the configuration of, or changing the use
of the Drainage Facilities, Drainage. Facility Property Interests or Greenbelt
iii. If the City discovers the presence of hazardous materials at levels that eould
give rise to a statutory claim for contribution against the County it shall
immediately notify the County in writing. The parties shall make their best
efforts to reach agreement as to which party is responsible for remediation
under the terms of this Agreement prior to undertaking any remediation.
iv. In no event shall the Countybe responsible for any costs of remediation that
exceed the minimum necessary to satisfy the state or federal agency with
jurisdicrion over.the remediation.
e. Indemnifieation =elated to Drainage Facilities, Drainage Facilitv Property Interests
and Greenbelt.Pi~operties . -
i. King.County shall indemnify arid'hold harmless the City and its elected
officials, offcers; agents or employees, or any of them, from and against any
and all claims, actions, suits, liability, loss, costs, expenses and damages of
_ any nature whatsoever, arising from those occurrences related to the Drainage Facilities;-Drainage Facility Property Interests and Greenbelt Properties that
occurred prior to the effective date of annexation, except to the extent that
indemnifying or holding the City harmless would be limited by Section 6(c) of
this Agreement. In the event that any suit based upon such a claim, action,
loss ofdamage is brought against the City or the City and King County, King
. County shall defend the same at its sole cost and expense and, if final
judgment be rendered against the City and its elected officials; officers, agent§
and employees or jointly against the City and King County and their
respective elected officials, officers, agents and employees, King CountyshalT
satisfy the same.
ii. The City shall indemnify and hold harmless King County and its elected
officials, officers, agents and employees, or any of them, from arid against any
and all claims, actions, suits, liability, loss, costs, expenses and damages of
any nature whatsoever, arising from those occunences related to the Drainage
Facilities and Drainage Facility Property Interests that occw on or after the
effective date of annexation, except to the`extent that indemnifying or holding
the County hamiless would be limited by Section 6(c) of this Agreement. In
the event that any suit based upon such a claim, action, loss or damage is
brought against King County or King County, and the City, the City shall defend the saine at its sole cost and expense and, if final judgment be rendered
against King County and its officers, agents and employees or joindy against
King County and the City and their respective officers, agents and employees, ;
the City shall satisfy the same. `
iii. For a period of.three, years following transfer, each party to this Agreement
shall immediately notify the other of any and all claims, acrions, losses or
damages that arise or aze brought against that Party relating to or pertaining to
the DrainageFacilities, Drainage Facility Property Interests or Greenbeh
iv. Each PaRy to this Agreement agrees that its obligations under this paragraph 'extend to any claim, demand, and/or cause of action brought by or on behalf '
of any cmployees, or agents. For this purpose, each Party to this Agreement;
by mutual negotiation, hereby waives, with respect to the other party only, any
immunity that would otheiwise be available against such claims under the
Industrial Insurance piovisions of Title 51 RCW, but only to the extent
necessary to indemnify the other party.
v. The provisions of this Section 6 shall survive the expiration or termination of
this Agreelnent.
7. JAIL SERVICES. On and after the effective date of annexation, the Annexation
Areas are`subject to the existing Interlocal Agreement between King County and the
City of Auburn for Jail Services. All misdemeanor crimes that occur in the
Annexation Area prior to the date of annexation will be considered crimes within the
jurisdiction of King County for the purposes of determining financial responsibility
under said Interlocal Agreement for Jail Services. All misdemeanor crimes ttiat occur
in the Annexation Area on or after the date of annexation will be'considered erimes
within the jurisdiction of the City for purposes of determining financial responsibility
under the Interlocal Agreement for Jai1 Services_
8. POLICE SERVICES. On and after the effectiye date of the annexat.ion, police
service responsibility within ttie Annexation Areas will be transferred to the City.
Criminal cases and investigations pending in the County prior to the effective date of
the annexation remain the responsibility of the County. The parties shall implement
the police transition plan attaehed hereto at Exhibit G. In addition to .the provisions
of that transition plan, the parties further agree as follows:
a. Sharing,of communitv information: The County agrees to provide community
contact lists that the County may have regarding the Annexation Areas to the City
upon request. These lists may include, but are not limited to: members of block
watch programs, community groups, and/or homeowner's associations. The lists
shall be provided to the City within 90 days of the effective date of the
annexation. b. Annexation of Emergencv Response (911) Services: The City and County agree
to coordinate the transfer of eTnergency response (911) services in the Annexation
9. DISTRICT COURT SERVICES TRANSITION. The County will be responsible for
the prosecution and payment of any fees or assessments associated with,
misdemeanor criminal cases filed by the County prior to the 'effective date of
annexation. The City will be responsible for the prosecution of, and payment of court
filing fees and other-fees associated wiih,misdemeanor criminal case filed by the City
from and after the effective date of aririexation, regardless:of the time of the events
from which the misdemeanor arose.
10. STATLTS OF: GOUNTY EMPLOYEES. Subject to City civil service rules and state
law, the City agrees to consider the hiring of County employees whose employment
status is afFected by the change in govemance of the Annexation Areas where such
County employees make application with.the City per the City's hiring process and
meet the minimuni qualifications for employment with the City, and provided further
that the City's consideration of hiring affected sheriff department employees'shall be
governed by the provisions set forth in RCW 35.13.360 et seq. Tlie Coun_ty shall in a
timelymanner provide the City with a list of those affected employees.
that prior to the effecdve date of annexation, the City will amend its comprehensive
land use plan and zoning to,designate the entire Lea HiII urban separator at a.
residential densiry of one home per. acre with mandatory ]ot clustering and ensure.
such zoning is effective as of the effective date of annexation. This shall not preclude
the City from seeking a change in the designation of theLea Hill Urban Separa_tor in
the Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs) in the future, and if approved, the City .
would be able to rezone the Lea Hill Urban Separator consistent with any such
change in the CPPs.
AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION DISTRICTS. The parties agee that, subject to
approval by the Boundary Review Board, any and all coun'ty roadways located on the
edge of the Annexation Area adjacent to or abutring the Green River Agricultural
Production District(s), shall be included within the Annexation Area. a. The parties agree to.work collaboratively to resolve issues relating to policing .
. authority and road maintenance responsibility within the Green ;River Agricultural
Production District, including considering the option of transitioning those
responsibilifies from the County to the City and/or the Cities of Kent and Federal
Way, and to seek to include the Cities of Kent and Federa] Way in such
to work collaboratively in support of the near-term annexation by the City of the
_ remaining small unincorporated island territories and Potentiat Annexation Areas
within or adjacent the current City boundaries, including specifically the areas known
as the "Totem area," the "Klump area" and the area of.state-owned property adjacent
to the 'south west portion of the intersection of State Route 167 and South 277`h Street.
14. ADMINISTR.ATION AND CONTACT PERSONS. The Parties sripulate that the ,
following persons shall be the administrators of this Agreement and shall be the
contact person for their respective jurisdiction. .
City of Auburn: King County:
Mayor Director, Office of Management and Budget
City of Aubum King County 25 West Main Street Suite 3200
Auburn, WA 98001-4998 Seattle, WA 98104
15. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. Each Party accepts responsibility for compliance
with federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Specifically, in meeting the
commitments encompassed in ttus Agreement, all parties will comply with,.among
other laws and regulations, the requirements of the Open Meetings Act, Public
. Records Act, Growth Management Act, State Environmental Policy Act, and
Annexation Statutes. The Parties retain the ultimate authority for land use and
development decisions within their respective jurisdictions as provided herein. By
executing this Agreement, the Parties do not purport to abrogate the decision-making
responsibility vested in them by law.
The following indemnification provisions shall apply to the entirety of this
Agreement except for: (1) Section 6 conceming Drainage Facilities, Drainage,
Facility Property Interests and Greenbelt Properties, which Section shall be controlled
exclusively by the provisions therein and (2) Ezhibit B relating to Development
Permit Processing which Exhibit contains separate indemnification proyisions.
a. The County shall indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers, agents
and employees, or any of them from any and all claims, actions, suits, liability,
loss; costs, expenses, and damages of any nature whatsoever, by reason or arising
out of any negligent action or omission of the County, its officers, agents, and
employees, or any of them; in performing obligations ,pursuant to this Agreement.
In the event that any suit based upon such a elaim; action, loss, or damage is
brought against the City, the County shall defend the same at its sole cost and
expense, provided that the City retains the-right to paiticipate in said suit if any
principal of governmental orpublic law is involved, and if final judgment be
rendered against the City and its officers, agents, and employees, or any of them,
or jointly againsf the City and County and their respective officers, agents, and
employees, or any of them, the County shall satisfy. the same.,
b. The City shall indemnify and hold harmless the County and its officers, agents
and employees or any of.them from any and all claims; actions, suits, liability,
loss, costs, expenses, and damages of any nature whatsoever, by reason or arising
out of ariy negligent action or omission of the City, its officers, agents, and
employees, or any of.them, in performing obligations pursuant to this Agreement.
In the event that any suit based upon such a claim, action; loss, or damage is
brought against the county, the City shall defend the same at its sole cost and .
expense, provided that the County retains the right to participate in said suit if any
principal of goveznmental or public law is involved; and if final judgment be
rendered against the County and its officers, agents, employees, or any of them, or ,
jointly against the City and Gounty and theirrespective officers, agents, and
employees or anyof tliem, the City sha1l satisfy the same.
c. The City and the County acknowledge and agree that if such claims, actions, suits,
liability, loss, costs, expenses and damages are caused by or result from the
concurrerit negligence of the City, its agents, employees, and/or officers and the
County, its agents, employees, and/or officers, ttus section shall be valid and
enforceable only to the extent of the negligence of each party, its agents, employees and/or officers. .
d. The provisions of this Indemnification Section sha11 survive the expiration or
tenmination of this Agreement with respect to any event occurring prior to such..
expiration or termination.
a. Entire Agreement. This Agreement together with aIl Exhbits hereto contains all
of the agteements of the Parties with respect to any matter covered or mentioned
in this Agreement and no prior agreements shall be effective for any purpose.
b. Road Lew Tax. . The County's collection and disbursement of road levy tax
within the Annexation Area(s) shall be in accordance.with state law.
c. Filin . A copy of this Agreement shall be filed with the Auburn City Clerk and
recorded with the King County Recorder's Office.
d. Records Until December 31, 2013, any of either party's records related to any
matters covered by this Intergovernmental Agreement not otherwise privileged
shall be-subject to inspection, review, and/or avdit by either party at the
requesting party's sole expense: Such records sha1T be made available for
inspectiori during regulaz business hours within a reasonable time of the request.
Other provisions of this section notwithstanding, policelsheriff records shall be
retained according to the. state records retendon scheduie as provided in RCW
Title 42 and related Washington Administrative Code provisions.
e. Amendments. No provision of this Agreement may be amended or modified
except by written agreement signed by the Parties.
- f. Severabilih!. If one or more of the clauses of this Agreement is found to be
unenforceable, illegal, or contrary to public policy; the Agreement will remain in
full force and effect except for the clauses that are unenforceable, illegal; or
contrary to public policy.
g. Assig,Ment. Neither the City nor the County shall have the right to transfer or
' assign; in whole or in part, any or all of its obligations and rights hereunder
without the prior written consent of the other Party.
h. Successors in Interest. Sub}ect tQ,the foregoing subsection, the rights and
obligations of the Parties shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon their ' respective successors in interest, heirs, and assigns. i. Dispute Resolution. The Parties should attempt if appmpriate to use a formal
dispufe resolution process such as mediation, through an agreed-upon mediator
and process, if agreement cannot be reached regarding interpretation or
' implementation of any provision of this Agreement. All costs for mediation
services would be divided equally between the Parties. Each jurisdiction would be responsible for the costs of their own legal representation.
j. Attomeys' fees. In the event either of the Parties defaults on the performance of
_ any terms of this Agreement or either Party places the enforcement of this
Agreement in the hands of an attorney, or files a lawsuit, each Party shall pay all its own attorneys' fees, costs and expenses.
k: No waiver. Failure of either the County or the City to declare any breach or '
default immediately upon the occurrence thereof, or delay in taking any action in connection with, shall not waive such breach or default.
l. Avnlicable Law. Washington law shaIl govern the interpretation of this
Agreement. King County shall be the venue of any arbitration or lawsuit arising
out of this Agreement.
m. Authori . Each individual execudng this Agreement on behalf of the City and
the County represents and warrants that such individuals aze duly authorized to
execute and deliver the Agreement on behalf of the City or the County.
n. Notices. Any notices required to be given by the Parties shall be de}ivered at the
addresses set forth above in Section 14. Any notices may be delivered personally
to the addressee of the notice or may be deposited in the United States mail,
postage prepaid, to the addresses set forth above in Section 14. Any notice so
posted in the:United States mail shall be deezned received three (3) days after the
date of mailing.
o. Performance. Time is of the essence of this Agreement and each and all of its
provisions in which perfonnance is a factor.
p. Equal OQportunity to Draft. T'he Parties have participated and had an equal opportunity to participate in the drafting of this Agreement. No ambiguity shall be
construetl against any party upon a claim that that party dra$ed the ambiguous
q. Third Part,y Beneficiaries.., This ageement is made and entered into for the sole
protection and benefit of the patties hereto. No other person or entity shall have
any right of action or interest in this Agreement based on any provision sef forth
IN WTINESS THEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement.
~ y Peter
ffi Lewis, Ma or cu We.
Date: FEB 2007 Date: 2
Ci erk
FEB - 2 2007
DATED: DATED: t~t5•.•,.., l6, L oo"v
Appr as t Form: Approved as to Form: ,
L ,
C ttorney Sr. Deputy Prosecuting Attomey
On this day of 2007, before me, the
undersigned, a Notary Public in ana for the S te of Washington, duly commissioned and
sworn personally appeared, to me known to be the individual described in and who
executed the forgoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that &&C a. '
signed and sealed the said instruinent as - kgS_ free and voluntary act and deed for the .
uses and purposed therein mentioned. .
WIT'NESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed e and year ~cb
te above written. NotPuic d for tt~
' Q~~ S t o" ~;o G~~►,g State of Washington, residing ~
01, . ~~dTARy
~ co: c°, ~.a, at
pueL`G = 2: CityA d State
, ,I~4r~~9~;' • 3-29-fl~ ~ ~
rih~0 ..ayps~~#- , My appointment expires 0,3 • 2-`1• -f-
) SS
On this day of 2007, before me, the
undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the Sta e of Washington, duly commissioned and _
swom personally appeared, to me known to be the individual descnbod in and who executed the forgoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that ~Q,1ys j~}t,~ . S/MS
signed and sealed the said instrument as fj,A.S free and voluntary act and deed for the
uses and purposed therein mentioned. .
WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the 4year in this
above written. ~ ~ tary~b ic in and or e
State of Washington, residing
S64.j]rLe, W A
. ~ aty
J►UTNHr : City and State
MY aPPointrnent expires g! DR'
. 13
Exhibit A
Description of Annexation Areas
Lea Hill Proposed Annexation Area
Legai Description
(subject to changes approved by the King Counfy Boundary Review Board)
Those portions of Sections 3, 4, 5,79 8, 9, 10, 16, and 17, Township 29 North,
Range 5 East, and Sections 32, and 33, Township 22 North, Range 5 East,
Willamette Meridian in King County, Washington described .as follows:
Beginning at the northwest comer of the northeast quarter of the southwest
quarter of said Section 32, said point also being a point on the City Limits of
Kent, as_annexed underKent City Ordinance No. 3241;
Thence in a southeasterly direction, along said city limits, to an intersection with
the westerly right-of-way margin of SR-18 (aka P.S.H. No. 2);
Thence in a southwesteriy direction, along said west margin, to an intersection
with the west line. of the east haif of the east half of said Section 16;
Thence in a northerly direction, along said west line, to an intersection with the
north Iine of said Section 16;
Thence in a westerly direction, along said north line, to an intersection with the
wesf line of the east half of said Section 16;
Thence in a southerly direction, along said west 1ine, to an intersection with the.
north line of the south half of said Section 16;
Thence in a westerly direction, along said north line, and the north line of the
south half of said Section 17, to an intersection with the City Limits of Aubum as ,
annexed under Aubum City Ordinance No. 5346;
Thence in a northeasterly direction, along said City Limits, to an inter5ection with
the City. Limits of Aubum as annexed under Aubum City Ordinance No. 5937;
Thence in easterly, northerly, and westerly directions, along said City Limits, to
an intersection with the City Limits of Aubum as annexed under said Aubum City
Ordinance No. 5346;
Thence in a northerly direction, along said City Limits, to an intersection with the
City Limits ofiAubum as annexed under Aubum City Ordinance, No..5986;
Thence in easterly, northerly, and westerly directions, along said City Limits, to
an intersection with the City Limits of Aubum as annexed under said Aubum City
Ordinance No. 5346;
Thence in northerty, westerly, and southwesterty directions, along said City
limits, to an intersection with the City Limits of Aubum as annexed under Aubum
City Ordinance No. 5088; .
Thence in southwesterly, and easterly directions, along said City Limits, to an.
intersection with the City Limits of Aubum as annexed under said Aubum City -
Ordinance No. 5346;
Thence in southerly, and westerly directions, along said City Limits, to an •
intersection with the City Limits of Aubum as annexed under Aubum City
Ordinance No. 2220;
Thence in a northwesterly direction, along said City Limits, to an intersection with.
the City Limits of Aubum as annexed under Aubum City Ordinance No. 1300;
Thence in northwesterly, and northeasterly directions, along said City Limits, to
an intersection with the City Limits of Aubum as annexed under Aubum City
Ordinance No. 5516;
Thence in northeasterly, northwesterly, and northeas#erly directions, along said
City Limits, to an intersection with the City Limits of Aubum as annexed under
, Aubum City Ordinance No. 3266;
Thence in northeasterly, and northwesterly directions, afong said City Limits, to
an intersection with the east;line of the west half of .the west half of said Section
Thence in a northerly direction, along said east line, and the east line of the west
half of the west hatf of said Secfion 32, to the point of beginning;
Except those portions as annexed to the City of Aubum under Aubum City Ordinances 3889, 5980, 5982, and 5983, and those portions as annexed to the
City of Kent under Kent City Ordinances 2743; ,
West Hill Proposed Annexation Area
Legal Description
(subject to changes approved by the King Counfy Boundary Review Board)
Those portions of Sections 2, 11, 14, and 15, Township 21 North, Range 4 East,
and Section 35, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, Willamette Meridian in King
County, Washington described as follows: -
Beginning at the intersection of the south right-of-way margin of South 288th
Street and the east right-of-way margin of 55th Avenue South, in ttie northwest
quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 2;
Thence in a northerly direction, along~said east margin, to an intersection with the
north line of the south half of the south half of the southwest quarterof said
Section 35, said point also being on the south line of Tract'B; in the Plaf of
Woodbrook Division No. 1, recorded in Volume 190 of Plats, Page 69, records of
King County, Washington;
Thence in an eastedy direction, along said north line, to an infersection with the
east line of the west half.of the west half of said Section 35;
Thence in a northerly direction, along said east line, to an intersection.with the
north line of the south half of the south half ofi said Section 35; Thence in an easterly direction, along said north line, and the north line of the .
south half of the south 'half of said. Section 36, to an intersection with, the. east
right-of-way margin of SR -181 (aka 68th Avenue South, West Valley Highway);:
Thence in a southerly direction, along said east margin, to an intersection with
the City Limits of Aubum as annexed under Aubum City Ordinance No. 3990;
Thence '►n westerly, southerly, and easterfy directions, along said City Limits, to
an intersection with the City Limits of Aubum as annexed undec Aubum City
Ordinance No. 2605;
Thence in southerty, and easterly directions, along said City Limits, to an
intersection with the City Limits of Aubum as annexed under Aubum City
Ordinance No. 4139;
Thence in southerly, and easterly directions, along said City Limits, to an
intersection with the City Limits of Aubum as annexed under Aubum City Ordinance Na 1913;
Thence in a southerly direction, aiong said City Limits, to an intersection with the
City Limits of Aubum as annexed under Aubum City Ordinance No. 4606;
Thence in westerly, and southerly directions, along said City Limits; to an
intersection with the City Limits of Aubum as annexed under Aubum City
Ordinance No. 1999;
Thence in southerly, westerly, and southerfy directions, along said City Limits, to
an intersection with the City Limfts of Aubum as annexed under said Aubum City
Ordinance No. 1913;
Thence in a westerly direction, along said City Limits, to an intersection with the
City Limits of Aubum as annexed under said Aubum City Ordinance No. 3915;
Thence in westerly, southerly, and southeasterly directions, along said City
Limi#s, to an intersection with the City Limits of Aubum as annexed under Aubum
City Ordinance No. 3457;
Thence in southeasterly, and northeasterly:directions, along said City Limits, to
an intersection with the:C'ity Limfts of Aubum as annexed under said Aubum City
Ordinance No. 1913; Thence in southerly, westerly, southerly, and easterly directions; along said City
Limits, to an intersection with the City Limits of Aubum as annexed under Aubum
Cify Ordinance No. 4979; ~
Thence in southerly, and easterly directions, along said City Limits, to an
intersection with the City Limfts of Aubum as annexed under Aubum City
Ordinance No. 5153;
Thence in southerly, and easterly directions, along said City Limits, to an
intersection with the City Limits of Aubum as annexed under said Aubum City '
Ordinance No. 1913;
Thence in a southerly direction, along said City Limits, to an intersection with the
City Limits of Aubum as annexed under Aubum City Ordinance No. 1387;
Thence in a southerly direction, along said Citytimits; to an intersection with the
City Limits of Aubum as annexed under Aubum City Ordinance No. 5987;
Thence in wester{y, and southerly direetions, along said City Limits, to an
intersection with the City Limits of Aubum as annexed under Aubum City
Ordinance No. 5988;
Thence in southwester(y, and easterly directions, along said City Limits, to an
intersection with the City Limfts of Aubum as annexed under said Aubum City
Ordinance No. 3242;
Thence in a southerly direction, along said Ciiy Limits, to an intersection with the
City Limits,of Aubum as annexed under Aubum City .Ordinance Na 5981;
Thence in westerly; southerty, and easterly directions, along said City Limits, to
an intecsection with the City Limits of Aubum as annexed under said Aubum City
Ordinance Na 1387; ~
Thence in southerly, and westerly directions, along said City Limits, to an
intersection, with #he City Limits of Aubum as annexed under Aubum City
Ordinance No. 2543;;
Thence in westerly, and southerly directions, along said City Limits, to an
intersection. with the south right-of-way margin of South 336th Street; .
Thence in a westerly direction, along said south margin, to an intersection with
the east line of the west half of #he west half of said Section 14;
Thence in a northerly direction, along said east 1ine, to an intersection with the
~south right-of way margin of SR-18 (aka P.S.H. No. 2); -
Thence in a westerly direction, along said south margin, #o an intersection with `
the easterly right-o#-way margin of Peasley.Canyon Way;
Thence m a northerly direction, along a line perpendicular to the centerline of
Peasley Canyon Road, to an intersection with the northeasterly right-of-way
matgin of said Peasley Canyon Road; Thence in a northwesterly direction, along said northeasterly margin, to an intersection with #he westeHy extension of the south right-of-way margin of South
321 st Street; .
Thence in an easterly direction, aiong said south margin, to an intersection with
the southerly extension of the east right-of-way margin of 51 st Avenue South; -
Thence in a northerty direction, along said east margin, to an intersection with the
south'right-of-way-margin of South 288th Street; -
Thence in an easterly direction, along said south margin, to the point of
beginning. ,
Exhibit B
Development Permit Processing in Annexation Areas from and after the date of
, 2007 (t6e "Agreement").
1. Pre-annexati on Building Permit Applications'Filed with King Countv.
1.1 Except as otherwise specified herein, the County shall continue to review
and inspect on behalf of the City all vested building permit applications filed witti the
County before the effective date of annexation that involve property within"the Annexation Areas. Review by the County shalI occur in accordance with the regulations
under which the applications are vested or to which they aze otherwise subject. Any
decisions regarding whether or when an application vested shall be made by the,City:
Promptly after the annexation election is certified, the City and County shall meet to identify and discuss vested permit applications within the annexation`areas. Not more.than 10 nor less than 7 calendar days prior to the effective date of the annexation; the
County shall provide the City with a list of all permit applications vested under County
codes in the areas to be annexed by the City, together witha list of all pemait applications
filed with the County for which a vesting determination has not yet been'made. Updated '
lists of vested and filed permits shall be provided to the City within`7 calendar days
following the effective date of annexation.
1.2 As defined herein, building permits include but are not limited to building
permits, mechanical permits and fire systems/fire sprinkler'permits:
1.3 County review of building permits pursuant to this Exhibit shall' include
decisions to approve, condition or deny applications; follow-up inspections; issuance of
extensions oi completion of extensions; and issuance of ancillarypermits; such as fire and
mecfianical permits that are essential for completion of each original project permit: 'The
County agrees to consult with the City prior to renderirig any administrarively appealable
building-related permit decision.
1.4 The City shall_have sole discretion and responsibility on the assessment of
required performance financial guarantees and the enforcement or release of financial
guarantees reyuired of an applicant to secure compliance'witti permit or development-
related requirements. Notwithstanding the foregoing, upon special written request by the
City, the County may agree to assist the City in deterinining whether to enforce or release
particular financial guarantees. Such assistance from the County shall not include the
initiation or undertaking of legal actions.
20 .
1.5 The County shall review and render.decisions on requests for changes to
approved building-related plans up to the dme that either a certificate of occupancy is
issued or final construction approval has been issued for the project, whichever is eazlier.
, Following issuance of a certificate of occupancy or final construction approval, requests
for changes to the _approved set of plans shall be referred to the City. The City. intends to .
process such requests as new permit applications. 2. Pre-annexation Land Use PermitApplications Filed with King Countv.
2.1 Except as otherwise specified herein, the County shall continue to review
on behalf of the City all vested land use permit applications filed with_the County before
the effective date of annexation that involve property within the Annexation Areas.
Review by the County shall occur in accordance with the regulations under which the
applications aze vested or to which they are otherwise subject. Any decisions regarding _
whether or when an application vested shall be made by the City.
2.2 As defined herein, land use peimits include but are not limited to
conditional use permits; sife plan approvals, rezones, reasonable use permits, special use
permits, SEPA reviews; shoreline permits and exemptions, short subdivisions, formal
subdivisions (preliminary plats and final plats), boundary line adjustments, lot line
elimination, binding site plans, plat alterations and amendments, right-of-way permits,
clearing and grading.permits, and other land: use and engineering permits and approvals.
23 For those vested land use applicafions that do not require a public hearing
prior to issuance, the County shall render a decision to approve, condition or deny
applications; conduct follow-up inspections; and issue extensions or completion of
.2.4 For, those vested land use applications that require quasi judicial or .
legislative approval or th:at involve administcative appeals, the County shall prepare a,
report and recommendation to the City's designated decision-maker for a final decision. Except as provided in Section 5, the City's decision-maker shall not be a County
employee. The City shall be responsible for scheduling, providing notice, conducting ,
any public hearings or: appeals and making any final decision on such applications.
County staff.shall attend the public hearing to testify with respect to analysis set forth in the County.'s report and recommendation.
2.5 For those subdivisions and short subdivisions that havebeen granted
preliminary approval prior to incorporation or annexation or under. Section 2.4, the.
County shall continue its review through engineering plan approval, final plat or short
plat approval, and construction inspection approval phases. For each of these.post=
preliminary review phases, the County shall prepare a recommendation for the City',s
designated decision maker: All final decisions on any of the post-preliminary review
phases shall be rendered by the City. At the request of the City; County staff shall appear
before the City Council to discuss analysis set forth in the County's final plat approval .
2.6 The City shall have sole discretion and responsibility on the assessment of
required perforrnance and the enforcement or release of financial guarantces required of
the applicant to secure compliance with permit or development-related requirements.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, upon special written request by the City, the County may
agree to assist the City in determining whether to enforce or release particular financial
guarantees. Such assistance from the County shall not include the initiarion or
undertaking of legal actions.
3. Permit Renewal orExtension. The City shall have ultimate authority to
- determine whether or not to. renew a building permit or to renew or extend a lazid use
peimit under review or issued by4he County in the Annexation Areas.
4. Ontional Exclusion of Particular Applicadons. The City or County may at %
. any time exclude from the provisions of this Exhibit any particular peimit(s) or
application(s) upon providing to the County or City fifteen calendar days advance written
notice. Upon excluding any permit or application from review under this Exlubit, the
County shall transmit the file to the City and the City shall assume responsibility for all
further processing of such peimit(s) or application(s).
5. Ontional Hearing Examiner Review. Notwithstanding any other
provision in this Exhibit, upon written request by the City, the County may agree to have
the King County Hearing Examiner conduct public hearings or appeals on behalf of the
City for particulaz land use or building permit applications. Decisions regarding whether
to utilize the County Hearing Examiner for appeal or hearing recommendations or
decisions shall be made by the City and County on a case by case basis.
6. SEPA Compliance.
6.1. In order to satisfy the procedwal requirements of the State Environmental '
Policy Act. ("SEPA"), the County shall serve as lead agency for all applications processed
by the County pwsuant to this Exhibit.
6.2 Except as provided in Section 5 hereof, appeals from SEPA threshold
determinations and other SEPA matters relating to projects within the City shall be heard.
by the City.
7. Permit Condition and Code Enforcement.
7.1. Enforcement of Code Requirements. Within sixty days following the date
the annexation becomes effective, the County shall provide the..City with a list and brief
explanation of all Annexation Areas code enforcement cases under review by the County
at the time of annexation and shall provide file documents to the City upon request.
7.2 The City shall be responsible for undertaking any code enforcement
actions following the date of annexation.
8. Fees and Reimbursement.
8.1 In order to cover the costs of processing building and'land_ use permit
applications and performing SEPA review in accordance with the terms of this Exhibif,
the County is authorized to collect and retain such appIication and other fees authorized
by the County fee ordinances, which shall be adopted by the City and as may be modified
at some future date by the County and the City. ' 8.2 For all applications upon which the Gounty has initiated review and that
are subsequently excluded from County processing or transferred to the City pursuant to
the terms of this Exhibit, the County will retain the base permit fee and a percentage of
fees equivalent to the percentage of permit processing and administration performed by
the County on the application. Any remaining application fee amounts received by the
Conntyprior to exclusion or transfer shall be promptly forwarded to the City.
9. Duration. This Agreement shall take effect upon the effective date of
the annexation and shall continue in effect for a period of five years thereafter, unless
otherwise teiminated or extended. Either partymay terminate this Exhibit upon providing at least one hundred and twenty days (120) days written notice to the other
party. The Exhibit may be extended as provided in Section Y 1.
10. Termination Procedures. Upon termination of this Exhibit, the County
shall cease further processing, enforcement, and related review functions with respect to
applications it is processing under this Exhibit. The County shall thereupon transfer to
the City those application files and records, posted financial guarantee instnunents, and
unexpended portions of filing fees for pending land use and building-related applications
within the Annexation Areas. Upon transfer, the City shall be responsible for notifying .
affected applicants that it has assumed all further processing responsibility.
11. Extension. Pursuant to a mutual agreement between the parties, this
Exhibit may be eztended. for five additional years or for a lesser agreed upon period. In
order to extend the otherwise applicable termination date of this Exhibit, tlie City shall
make a written request to the County not less than sixty (60) days prior to the otherwise _
applicable termination date. If the parties have not agreed to the extension in writing by
the termination date, the Exhibit terminates.
12. Indemnification.
12.1 The County shall indemnify and hold hannless the City and its officers,
agents and eznployees, or any of them from any and all claims, actions, suits, liability,
loss, costs, expenses, and damages of any nature whatsoever, by reason or arising out of
any negligent action or omission of the County, its officers, agents, and employees, or
any of them, in performing obligations pursuant to this Exhibit. In the event that any suit
based upon such a claim, action, loss, or damage is brought against the City; the County
shall defend the same at its sole cost and expense, provided that the City retains the right
to participate in said suit if any principal of governmental or public law is involved, and
if final judgment be rendered against the City and its officers, agents, and employees, or 23
any of them, or jointly against the City and County and their respective officers, agents,
and employees, or any of them, the County shall satisfy the same.
12.2 The Cityshall indemnify and hold harmless the County and its officers,
agents and employees or any of them from any and all claims, actions, suits, liability,
loss, costs, expenses, and damages of any nature whatsoever, by reason or arising out of
any negligent action or omission of the City, its officers, agents, and employees, or anyof
them, in performing obligations pursuant to this Exhibit In the event that any suit based
upon such a claim, action, loss, or damage is brought against the county, the City shall
defend the same at its sole cost and expense, provided that the County retains the rightto
participate in said suit if any principal of govemmental or public law is involved; and if
final judgment be rendered against the County and its officers, agents, emplqyees, or any
~ of them, or jointly against the City and County and tlieir respective officers, agents, and
employees or any of them, the City shall satisfy the same.
12.3 The City and the County acknowledge.and agree that if such claims,
actions, suits, liability, loss, costs, expenses and damages are caused by or result from the
concurrent negligence of the City, its agents, employees, and/or officers and the County, ,
its agents, employees, and/or offcers, this section shail be valid and enforceable only to , the extent of the negiigence of each party, its agents, employees ancUor officers. .
13. Personnel. Control of personnel assigned by the County to process
applications under this Exhibit shall remain with the County. Standazds of performance,
discipline and all other aspects of performance shall be governed by the County. _
14. Administration. This Agreement shall be-administered by the Director
of the King County Developmerit and Environmental Services or his/her designee, and ,
the City P1 anni ng Di rector , or his/her designee.
15. Legal Representation. The services to be provided by the County.
pursuant to this agreement do.not include legal ser.vices" which shall be provided by the
City at its own expense.
16. Defined Teims. Terms used in this Exhibit not otherwise defined shall
have the meaning as set forth in the body of the Agreement.
' r
Exhibit C _
Drainage Facilities to 6e Transferred to or Subject to Inspection by City of Auburn
upon Annexadon of Lea `Hill and/or West HiII PAAs
LEA HILL: there are no stonhwater system facilities within the Lea HiU
Table A-1: Stormwater System Facilities to be transfemed to City
Facility Name Facility Address _ Facility Type
Peasley Canyon Cuivert Repair
(Aubum portion - portion also in 5100 S Peasiey Canyon Rd
Federal Way PAA) (approx:location) Channel
SE 312`" Way Drainage SE 312`" Way/129'h Ave: SE .
Im provement (approx: location) Channel
Dead. Horse Canyon ravine east of Green River Commun'ity
SE 3201" Tightline College pipe
Table B-1: Commercial Stormwater Facilities to remain in privafe
ownershi , but ma be ins ected b Ci
D95157 Aubum Hiiis Mobile Home Paric .31101 116th Ave SE
D95478 Green Riyer CC (Maint Bldg) 12401 SE 320th St
D95480 Green River CC (Lot A) 12401 SE 320Eh Sf
D95481 Green River CC (W of L'ot B) 12401 SE 320th St
D95482 Green River CC (E of Lot B) 12401 SE 320th St
D95483 Green River CC (Wastewater Train Ctr) 12401 SE 320th St
D95495 Apostolic Church 5220 S 305th St
D95945 KC Fire Dist 44 31206124th Ave SE
D96008 Green River CC (Lot I) 12401 SE 320th St '
D96325 KC Water Dist 111 28502124th Ave SE
D96882 Circle "K" Store 31207124th Ave SE .
D96960 The Meadows on Lea Hill 12525 SE 312th St
D97240 Lea Hill Elementary 30908124th Ave SE
. D97242 Gentrywalk Apartments 12725 SE 312th St D97243 Gentrywalk Apartments 12725 SE 312th St
D97251 Green RiverGom Col{ege 12401 SE 320th St
D97427 Family of Grace Lutheran Church 31317124th Ave SE
D97429 Green RiverGC (Student Ctr) 12035 SE 320th St
D97447 Rainier Junior High 30620116th Ave SE
D97528 College Place Mobile Home Court 31600126th Ave SE .
D97529 College Place Mbti1e Home Court 31600126th Ave SE
D97981 Campus Village Townhomes 12100 SE 312th St
Table B-2: Commercial Stormwater Facilities to remain in private
ownership, but may be inspected by City
Meredith Hill Elementary School
D98200 5830 5 300th St
D98750 Country Chase Townhomes 31306121 st Ln SE
DT0051 Cedar Ridge Estates 29620 55th PI S
LEA HILL Table C-1: Stormwater Facilities Seniing Residential Development to be
Transferred to City
D90135 : Towrtsend Addition 11404 82nd PI S
D90170 College Hitl Estates 12005 SE 316th St ,
090307 Hillis Hills Div 1 5300 S 296th St _
D90380 Rainier Ridge 31809126th AveSE
D90472 Grand Firs 5125 S 302nd PI _
D90752 East Hill Vista 10611 SE.291st St
D91105 Hillis Hills #4 30014 58th PI S , D91133 Hiltis Hills #5 . 5609 $ 297th St D91246 Park Ridge 1& 2 6117 S 296th Ct
D91407 Hillcrest West. 5146 S 288th St ,
D91410 College View 31636122nd Ave SE
D91523 8risto! Heights 6361 S 298th PI.
D91534 College Green.North 11822 SE 322nd St
D91535 College Green North 32214116th Ave SE
D91565 Park Place North I S II 29208 554h Ave S
D91635 Sunnybrook Place 31400118th Ct SE •
D91636 Sunnybrook Ptace 31410117th PI SE
D91679 Green River Estates , 116th SE & SE 321 st St
D91680 Green River Estates 11825 SE 321 st PI
D91862 Willow Park 30600124th Ave SE
D91863 Willow Park 30600 124th Ave SE
D91864 Willow Park 12600 SE 306th St
D91865 Willow Park 127th PI SE 8 SE 307th St
D92866 Wilfow Park . 12500 SE 307th St
D92064 Rainier Ridge Diy 2,.: 12729 SE 318th Wy
D92141 McConnell SP 1080026-27 5402 S 321 st St
D92167 Green Meadows South 12309 SE 316th St
D92180 Rainier Shadaws 2 Phase 1 12801 SE 307th Pi
D92190 Mulberry Lane 11517 SE 307th PI
D92199 Cimarron Place 30801 116th Ave SE
D92200 Windsor Place 31600117th Ave SE
D92217 Rainier Shadows 2 Phase 2 SE 309th PI & 130th Ave SE
092249 Young SP S0388007 5921 S 295th PI.
D92294 Carrington Bluff 112'h Ave SE & SE 301 ~ Wy
D92295 Carrington BlufF - 11500 SE 301st Pi
D92314 Hagadom Park 12900 SE 306th_ Ct
D82316 Hamilton Park. 31500121st P1 SE
D92460 Goodwin SP 29320112th Ave SE
D92535 Ridge at Willow Park Ph 2 30031 129th Ave.SE
D92536 Ridge at Willow Park Ph 1 Tr B 12610 SE 304th St
D92537 Ridge at Willow Park Ph 1 Tr C 30000124th Ave SE
D92578 Wicklund SP L97 S0023 10700 SE 293d St
D92601 Crystal Meadows 12124 SE 303rd Ct
D92608 Green Wood Lane 30302 51 st Ave S
D92618 Aubum West 5899 S 294th St
D92622 KCSP 278048 (Edlund) 5611 S 321st St
D92639 Duberry Hill Phase 1 29XX 127~" Pi SE
D92640 Duberry Hill Phase 1 12441 SE 299th Pi
D92850 . Camngton Meadows Tr B 11201 SE 29e Pf
D92651 Carrington Meadows Tr C 298XX 110 Wy SE
D92659 Pacfic Ridge 11200 SE 306th Pi
D92665 Peasley Ridge 32000 53rd Pi S
D92666 Peasley Ridge 32001 52nd Ave S
D92666 Peastey Ridge 32001 52nd Ave S
D92669 Hillcrest East I I,' TrA 29118 53rd PI S
D92704 Cantertiury Crossing 5494 S 320th St
D92714 Crystal Court 31920116th Ave SE
D92715 AAA 2YR BOND Flora Park 129XX SE 305th Pi
092718 Hazelwood Crest Tr B 30802116th Ave SE
D92785 . AAA 2YR BOND Kendatl Heights 11702 SE 310th St
D92817 Alpine Meadows - 5646 S 295th PI
D92819 AAA 2YR BOND Gedar Ridge Estates 29620 55m Pi S r
D92834 AAA 2YR BOND'River Rim 10621 SE 290th St
AAA 2YR BOND Meadowrield Ridge
D92837 Tract G 54XX S 296th St
AAA 2YR BOND Meadowfield Ridge
' D92838 Tract C 294XX 54th Ct S
WEST HILL Table C-2: Stormwater Facilities Serving Residential Development to be
Transferred to City Facility ,
D92608 Green Wood Lane 30302 51 st Ave S
D92618 Aubum West 5899 S 294th St
D92622 KCSP 278048 (Edlund) 5611 S 321st St
D92639 Duberry Hill Phase.1 299XX 127th PI SE
D92640 Duberry Hill Phase 1 _ 12441 SE.299th PI
D92654 Carrington Meadows Tr B 11201 SE 299th PI
D92651 Camngton Meadows TrC 298XX 114th Wy SE
D92659 Paafic Ridge 11200 SE 306th PI
D92665 Peasley Ridge 32000; 53rd PI S
D92666 Peastey Ridge 32001 52nd Ave S
D92666 . Peasley Ridge 32001 52nd Ave S
D92669 Hillcrest East 11, Tr A _ 29118 53rd PI S
D92704 Canterbury Crossing 5494 S 320th St _
D92714 Crystal Court 31920116th Ave SE -
D92715 AAA 2YR BOND Flora Park 129XX SE 305th PI _
D92718 Hazelwood Crest Tr B 30802116th Ave SE \
D92785 AAA 2YR BOND Kendall Heights- 11702 SE 310th St
D92817. Alpine Meadows - 5646 $ 295th PI
D92819 AAA 2YR BOND CedarRidge Estates 29620 55th PI S
D92834 AAA 2YR BOND River Rim 10621 8E 290tfi St AAA 2YR BOND Meadowfield Ridge
D92837 Tract G 54XX S 296th St
AAA 2YR BOND Meadowfield Ridge
D92838 Tract C 294XX 54th Ct S
Exlubit D -
Drainage Facility and Related Property Interests to be Transferred to the City
For Lea HiU
1. Drainage Related Lands held by King County arrd Described as Foll'ows:
TRACTS EAND J, CARRINGTON BLUFF DIV 1, as per plat recorded in Volume
171 of Plats, pages 024 through 029; records of King County, Washington. (Tax
Acc't. 140290-0760 and 140290-0770)
TRACTS B and C; CARRINGTON MEADOWS, as per plat recorded_ in Volume
204 of Plats, pages~ 023 .through 027, records of King County, Washington. (Tax
Acc't. 140295-0570 and 140295-0580) TRACT A, CEDAR HOLLOW, as per plat recorded in Volume 176 of Plats, pages
078 through 079, records of 4Gng County, Washington. Subjed to tttie terms,
covenants and restrictions as contained in recorded Lot Line Adjustment
(Tax Acc't. 144611-0140) -
TRACT A, COLLEGE VIEW, as per plat recorded in Volume105 of Plats, pages
060 through 061„ records of King County, Washington (Tax Acc't 168520-
TRACTS B AND C, CRYSTAL COURT, as per plat recorded in Volume 209 of
Plats, pages 025 through 026, records of King County, Washington:. (Tax Acc't. -
186456-0150 and 1864560160)
TRACT C, CRYSTAL MEADOWS, as per plat recorded in Volume 194 of Plats,
pages 066 through 067, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Acc't:
TRACTS O and Q, DuBERRY H1LL, as per plat recorded in Volume 194 of Plats, J
pages 006 through 014, recorcls of King County, Washington. (Tax Acc't: '
211100-0980, 211100-1000)
TRACT S, DUBERRY HILL, as per plat recorded in Volume 194 of Plats; pages
066 through 067, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Acc't. 211104-
TRACT Y, DUBERRY HILL PHASE 2, as per ptat recorded in Volume 201 of
Plats, pages 018 through 025, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Acc't.
211101-1160) 29
TRACT A, EAST HILL VISTA, as per plat recorded in Volume 120 of Plats,
pages 056 through 057, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Acc't.
TRACT A, FLORA PARK, as per plat recorded in Volume 209 of Plats, pages
075 through 078, records of King County, Washington (Tax Acc't. 258250-
TRACT A, GREEN MEADOWS SOUTH, as per plat recorded in Volume 167 of
Plats, pages 046 through 048, reoords of FGng County, Washington. (Tax Acc't.
288795-0160) - TRACT A. GREEN RIVER fSTATES, as per plat recorded in Volume 154 of
Plats, pages 036 through 039, records of King County, V1lashington: (Taz Acc't.
TRACT A, HAGADORN PARK, as per plat recorded in Volume 174 of Plats,
pages 075 through. 077, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Acc't.
TRACTS D and E, HAMILTON PARK, as per plat tecorded in Volume 168 of
Plats, pages 058 through 060, records- of King County, Washington. (Tax Acc't.
305670-0170 and 305670-0180 )
TRACT B, HAZELWOOD.CREST, as per plat recorded in Volume 199.of:Ptats,
. pages 028 through 029, records of King County, Washington_ (Tax Acc't
320440-0320) ~ .
TRACT C, D, G, H and.J, KENDALL HEIGHTS, as per plat recorded in Volume
199 of Plats, pages 017through 021, records of King County, Washington. (Tax
Acc't. 381480-0320, 381480-0330, 381480-0340, 381480-0350, 381484-0360)
TRACTS A and E, KINGSLEY MEADOWS, as per plat recorded in Volume 219 ,
of Plats, pages 019 through 023, records ofi King County, Washington: (Tax
Acc't. 387659-0570 and 387659-0600)
TRACT A, LEEANN MEADOWS as per plat, recorded in Votume 206 of Plats,
pages 080 through 083, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Acc't.
TRACT E, MARCHINI MEADOWS AT LEA HILL, as per plat recorded in Volume
227 of Plats, pages 079 through 083, records of FGng County, Washington. (Tax
Acc't.513780-0760) .
TRACTS C, D AND E; PACIFIC RIDGE,.as per plat recorded in Volume 177 of
Plats, pages 029 through 031; records of King County, Washington. (Tax Acc't
660078-0140, 660078-0150, 660078-0160) TRACT A, RAINIER RIDGE DIVISION NO. 1, asper plat recorded in Volume
116 of Plats, pages 001 through:-003, records of King County, Washington. (Tax
Acc't. 713790-1040) '
TRACT A, RAINIER RIDGE DIVISION NO. 2, as per plat recorded in Volume
164 of Plats, pages 064 through 066, records of Kng County, Washington: (Tax
Acc't 713791-0390)-
TRACTS D AND E, RAINIER SHADOWS, as per plat recorded-in.Volume 167 of
Plats, pages 049, through 053, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Acc't. ,
713795-0790 and 713795-0800) TRACT C, RAINIER SHADOWS2; PHASE 1, as per plat recorded in Volume
165 of Piats, pages 093 through 096, records of King County, Washington. (Tax
Acc't. 713796=0480) TRACT B, RIDGE AT WILLOW PARK, as per plat recorded in_Volume.182 of
P(ats, pages 045 through 050, records of King County, `Washington. (Tax Acc't
TRACT A, RIVER RIM, as per plat recorded in Volume 227 of PEats, pages 021
through 023, records of King County. Washington. (Tax Acc't: 733080-0120)
TRACT A. SERAMONTE, as per plat recorded in Volume 232 of Plats, pages
004 through 008, records of K'ing County, Washington: (Tax Acc't. 769537-0320)
Tract A, KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT 381011, recorded under file number
8205030634 and defined as foQows: the east half of the north finro thirds of the.
~ east half ofithe west two thirds of the south three fourths of the northwest quarter
of the southeast quarter of Section 32, Township 22 North; Range 5 Easf, W.M.;
Less County Road (SE 284' Street); LESS that portion thereof lying north of said
County Road (SE 281s' Street) Being Lot No:1 of King County Short Plat
674015, recording.No. 7512240440 Subject to and togetherwith easements and
. rights as recorded under Auditor's File # 7510060512, 7706160631; 7510090056
and 7511070089; and also subject to restrictions, conditions and covenants as
recorded under Auditor's File # 8204210466.
NOTE: easements shown on the map page of this short plat shall be maintained;
repaired and/or rebuitt by the owners of:the parcels having legal access
therefrom and their heirs, assigns or successors, unless and until such roads are
improved to King County standards and are dedicated and accepted by King
County for maintenance. (Tax Acc't. 322205-9174)
TRACT B, KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT 381012, recorded under file number
8205030635 and defined as foflows: The- south half of the west half of the north '
two thirds of the east half of the west two thirds of the south-three fourttis of the
Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 22 North, .
Range 5 East, W.M. Being Lot No. 3 of King County Short Plat 674015, recording
No: 7512240440 Subject to and togetherwith easements and rights as recorded
under Auditor's File # 7510060512, 7706160631, 7510090056 and 7511070089;
and also subject to xestrictions, conditions and covenants as recorded under
Auditor's File # 8204210467.
NOTE: easements shown on the map page of this short pfat shall be maintained,
repaired and/or rebuilt by the owners of the parcels having legal access -
therefrom and their heirs, assigns or successors, unless and until such roads are
improved to King County standards and are dedicated and accepted by King
County for maintenance. (Tax Acc't 322205-9175)
TRACT C, KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT L97S0023, as frled under recording
number 20001205900009 (Tax Acc't. 052105-9175)
TRACT F, KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT L04S0011; filed under recording
number 20050302900001. Said short plat deftned as fotlows : Lot 2 of King
County Short Plat 1081032 recorded under 8202220538, said shorf plat being a
portion of the west one half o# the southeast quarter of.the souttfwest quarter of
Section 4, Township 21, Range 5(Tax Acc't. 042105-9095)
TFtACT D, SUNNY BROOK.PLACE, as per plat recorded in Volume 148 of Plats,
pages 064 through 066, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Acc't. 809700-0420)
TRACT A, SUNSET MEADOWS; as per plaf recorded in Volume 198 of Plats,
pages 039 through 042, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Acc't.
, 813350-0180)
. That portion of Lot B, King County boundary Line Adjustment No. L99L0028
Storm drainage tract described as follows: commenang at the 'most northerfy
comer of said lot B and proceeding afong the VNesterly margin of 132nd Ave SE
South 00°13'40° Easf 544.80 feef to the TRUE POINT OF,BEGINNING,
THENCE confinuing along said Westerly margin South 00°13'40° East 145 feet
to a point of curvature, THENCE along a cunre to the right having a radius of
25.00 feet and a central angfe of 90°00'00° along an arc distance of 39.27 feet,
THENCE South 89°46'20" West 75.00 feet, THENCE North 00°13'40°West ,
170.00 feet, THENCE North 89°4fi'20" East 100.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF
BEGINNING. (Tax Acc't. 042105-9084)
VINTAGE HILLS VI, as per ptat recorded in Volume 218 of Plats, pages 071
through 075, records of King County. Washington. (Tax Acc't. 894671-0630)
2. Aff drainage easements dedicated to Ring County or the public in the joUowing recorded
Drainage easement filed under recording number 20020904000434
Drainage easements filed under recording number 20050302900001
3. The following declarations of covenanr:
Declarations of Covenant filed under recording number199902101895
Declarations of Covenant filed under recording number 20021119001587
Declarations of Covenant filed under recording number 20030418001870
Declarations of Covenant filed under recording number 20040820001197
Declarations of Covenant filed under recording number 20041025001329
Dec{arations of Covenant filed under recording number 20050419000725
Declarafions of Covenant filed under recording number 20051006001561
Declarations of Covenant fited under recording number20060830001276
Declarations of Covenant filed under recording number 20060213001408
Declarations of Covenant filed under recording number20060216001322
For West HiH
1. Drainage Related Lands held by King County and Described as Follows:
TRACT D, ALPINE MEADOWS, as per plat recorded in Volume 221 of Plats,
pages 039 through 042, records of King County, Washington (Tax Acc't.
FILE 31 PARCEL 26 the West 100 feet of the South 120 feet of the following
described parcel: That portion of the Southeast Quarter ofthe Northwest
quaiter, of Section 2, Township 21 North; Range 4 East, W.M.,.King County,
Washingfon, described as follows:; Beginning at a point 340 feet Wesf and 20
feet North ofthe Southeast comer of said subdivision, thence North 310 feet,
thence West 320 feet, more or tess to the West tine of the East Half of said
subdivision, thence South 310 feet, thence east 320 feet to the Point of
Beginning; Ezcept Roads: Sifuate in the County of King. Stafe of Wash'ington.
(Tax Acc't. 0221049221)
TRACT A, AUBURN WEST, as per plat recorded in Volume 189 of Plats, pages
069 through 071, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Acc't. 030410-0170)
TRACTA,.CEDAR RIDGE ESTATES, as per plat recorded in Volume 214 of _
Plats, pages 011 through 014, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Acc't.
TRACT A, GREEN WOOD LANE, as per plat recorded in Volume 191 ofi Plats, .
pages453 through 056, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Acc't.
TRACT A AND B, HlLLCREST EAST II, as per plat recorded in Volume 202 of
Plats, pages 071 through 073, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Acc't.
332681-0130 and 332681-0140)
TRACT B, HILLCREST WEST> as per plat recorded in Volume 134 of Plats,
pages 085 through 087, records of King County, Washington (Tax Acc't 332850-
0570) TRACT A, HILLIS HILLS DIV. #1 as per plat recorded in Volume 120 of Piats,
pages 087 through 090, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Acc't.
TRACT B, HILLIS HILLS No. 4, as per plat recorded in Volume 130 of Plats,
pages 074 through 076, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Acc't. .
TRACTS G and G, MEADOWFIELD RIDGE, as per piat recorded in Volume 219
. of Plats, pages 015 through 018, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Acc't 541900-0150 and 541900-0170) ,
TRACT A, PARKPLACE NORTH, as per plat recorded in Votume 144 of Plats,
pages 012 through 015, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Acc't.
PARK RIDGE AND PARK.RIDGE Phase 11, as perplat recorded in Volume 139
of Plats, pages 001 through 005, records of King County, Washington. (Tax Acc't. 664925-0650)
TRACT D, PEASLEY RIDGE, as per plat recorded in Volume 201 of Plats, pages
066 through 071, records of King County, Washington. (TaxAcc't. 669930-
Ezhibit E
City of Aubum,lNashington
The Grantor, KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON, a political subdivision of the State of
Washington, for and in consideration of mutual benefits, receipt of which is hereby
acRnowledged, conveys and quit claims unto the Grantee, the CITY OF AUBURN; a
municipal carporation of'the State of Washington, those cerfain reaLproperty interests,
' as iegally described in Exhibit A,.attached hereto and made a parf of this Deed together
with any after-acquired title which the Grantor may acquire.
Dated this day of , 200 .
I certrfy that signed this instrument, on oath
_ stated that he was authorized by the King County Executive to execute the ins#rument,.
and adcnowledged it as the of
King Counry, Washington to be the free and voluntary act of said County for the uses
and purposes mentioned in the instrument. '
NOTARY PUBUC in and for the State
. of Washington, residing at
My appointment expires
Ezhibat F
Greenbelt Properties
(located in Lea Hill)
CRESNIEW TRS NO. 3, as per piat recorded in Volume 074 of Plats, page 009,
records of FGng County, Washington. SUBJECT TO: conditions of plat as dedicated to King County by_ plat recorded
under Auditor's File No. 196308155624377 (Tax Acc't 184160-0350) ,
36 '
Auburn Potential Annexation Areas Police Services Transition Plan
A. Effective Date: Effective Date of the Annexation Areas Annexation
B. Desired outcomes
1. The King County Sheriff's Office ("KCSO') and City of Aubum ("City")
share a goal to work together to ensure that the trarisition:is conducted in a`
professional.manner, and that tliere are no breaks iri service for the residents
of the Annexafion Areas.
C. Roles and resPonsibilities
1. The KCSO Contracts Unit is responsible for.
a. Facilitating the transition process.
b. Ensuring that all transition elernents aze addressed and completed.
c. Working with Precinct Three (for both Lea Hill and West Hill) to address operational cbmponents of change.
d. Working with non-precinct KCSO units to ensure. smooth transition.
e. Serving as primary contact for City of Auburn.
2. The KCSO Precinct Three (for both Lea Hill and West Hill) is responsible for:
a. Ensuring the operations are smoothly transitioned, including sharing of
crime information as requested by the City. ' .
3. The City, including its police department; is responsible for:
a. Ensvring that the police depar'tment is able to provide service in the Annexation Areas beginning on the effective dates of the annexations.
, • b. Determining the information needed from the KCSO regarding crime,
detective cases, or other law enforcement activities.
c. Requesting the information identified above in a timely manner.
D. Workload
1. Records
a. The KCSO will retain all original records for events happening before the
effective annexation date in accordance with state records retention
schedules. KCSO will provide copies of the records upon written request
from the City Police Department, following KCSO protocols.
2. Fingerprinting and Concealed Weapons Peimits a. Auburn residents can continue to receive these services at KCSO
locations, or may go to the City Police for these services.
3. Sex offender tracking, contacts, and notifications
a. From and after the effective date of the annexation, the City will become
responsible for holding community meetings for any sex offenders living
in the Annexation Areas, with the exception of already-scheduled
meetings. Further, the City will be responsible for all legally mandated
contacts and monitoring. The KCSO retains responsibility for sex offender
registration in accordance with applicable statutes.
4. Investigations
a. KCSO detectives will continue to handie all investigations that are active
. at the date of annexarion, unless otherwise.negotiated with the city. At the
City's request, the KCSO will arrange for an information exchange with
Gity detectives in order to pass on information regarding an}i cases that
Auburn will investigate. Investigation of criminal matters occurritig from
and after the date of annexation will be ttie responsibility of the City.
E. Emergeney 9-1-1 Services (Cornmunication & Dispatch)
1. City Police will be responsible for ensuring that their communicatis and dispatch services are prepazed to take calls from the Annexation Areas
beginning on the effective dates of the annexations. This includes arranging for such 9-1-1 calls to be directed to the pmper comrriunications center.
- . , 2. The KCSO and the E-911 Pro gram Of6ce vvill be responsible for, v
discontinuing KCSO communication. and dispatch service to the Anneacation Areas on the effective dates of the annexations. The KCSO and the E=911`
ProgTain Office will as5ist the.City's communications service in making the switch; with the City havirig primary responsibility. 'City Police will provide
- t}ie E-911 Program Office with at least 30 days advance notice of the
ariticipated effective date of the annexation; to allow sufficient time for the E-
911 Program OfFice and Qwest to process E-911 database changes before the
effecfive date of the annexations.
F. Notification to affected units
. _
1. The KCSO Contracts Unit will notify all KCSO units of the annexations, and.
will work with them to resolve any concerns.
This Memorandum of Understanding is intended to confum the agreement of the parties
to work together on public outreach in support of the annexation by the City of Auburn of its
Potential Annexation Aieas ("PAAs'), in furtherance of tbat separate interlocal agreement
negotiated between the City and County on annexation of these areas, which agreement it is
anticipated will be approved by the legislative bodies of the City and County by the end of 2006.
In consideration of the City's willingness to annex the West Hill and I:ea Hill, PAAs
effective January 1, 2008 subject to voter approval, and to engage the residents of those PAAs in
a collaborative public outreach effort with King County in- support of said annexation the County
is willing to: (1) reimburse the City up to $20,000 of the City's costs for joinR public outreach
activities in support of annexation of the West Hill and Lea Hill PAAs which activities may
, include surveys, printing, meeting-related costs and similar activities; and (2) participate with the
City in the development and conducting of a series of public outreach meetings for this purpose:
The County and City further. agree that one of these public outreach meetings shall be conducted
in the Lea Hill PAA with property owners in the azea of the Lea Hiil Urban Separator and that a
report on this outreach meeting shall jointly prepared by City and County staff and shall be
provided to the Growth Management Planning Council. Outreach activities are planned begin in
December 2006 and continue up to the date of the annexation election.
The City and County agree to work collaboratively in developing any survey instrvments,
and any agendas and materials to be used in the public outreach meetings, which agendas and .
materials shall be agreed to by the parties in advance of their use. . The City will.transmit to the
King County Office of Management and Budget an electr'onic copy of all materials used as part
of the funded public outreach program.
The payment of funds to the City shall be subject to submittal of invoices from the City .
confirming the expenditure of funds consistent with this Memorandum. Invoices shall be submitted to the King County Office of Management and Budget. The City shall be responsible
for compliance with state laws in respect to expenditure of all funds paid or reimbursed.
This Memorandum of Understanding shall be effective as of the last date signed by the
parties. The MOU shall terminate on the date of the tion e unless extended by
mutual agree t of bot~garties.
r- ~
~ Executive Ron Sims or Peter B. Lewi's
King County City of Auburn
Dated: /b( v Dated:
Aubwn Annexation Outreach Funding MOU dratt dated 1 I-6-06