HomeMy WebLinkAbout4612 RESOLUTION NO. 4612 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO GRANT UTILITY EASEMENTS TO PUGET SOUND ENERGY WHEREAS, Puget Sound Energy currentiy distributes electricity within the City of Auburn; and WHEREAS, in order to provide electrical service in the area of 124tn Avenue S.E. and S.E. 320th Street, Puget Sound energy needs to place equipment and transmission lines on property owned by the City of Auburn ("City°); and NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, HEREBY RESOtVES as follows: Section 1. That the Mayor is hereby authorized to grant Utility Easements for purposes of transmission, distribution and sale of electricity in substantially the same form as at Exhibit A to Puget Sound Energy, a Washington Corporation. Section 2. That fhe Mayor is authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 3. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatures hereon. ~ Resolution No. 4612 June 28, 2010 . Page 1 of 2 ~ Dated and Signed this day ofi 2010. CI - U ~ ..r PETER B. LEWIS MAYOR ATTEST: Danielle E. Daskam, Cify Clerk API MA FORM: - - aniel B. City rn y Resolution No. 4612 June 28, 2010 Page 2 of 2 . . ::.r . . .~.:~u~getUR~~~nEeSt~/~ ~n~"....,::.:.;... Atti,: RI,► o~e~,Z PO Box 90868 / 20100722000378 ~PUGET SOWND EN EAS 68.00 ~IleYue, YVA 98~9 . PAGE-083 OF 007 ' 07/22/2010 10: 4S COUNTY, NA . . .+N r•'•.' . . . _ •'~'~~i' I~lr . . _ . EASEARI~T ' . ~ PACiFIC NORTNWEST 3tTlE REFERENCE GRANTOR: City of Aubum~.;,;' • GRANTEE: • PUGET SOUND ENERGY. INC. • • SHORT LEGAL: Ptns of S'~ of SE'. bf.S1AF''/. of Sec:~9~`Twn„•2'IiV.. Ri1g. 05~. (IV., M., KC, WA ASSESSOR'S PROPERTY TAX PARCEL:"•~:092105-9.024' ' . , Far and in conside`iation of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuabi6"conside~abon.:m Ft~nd paid, C1D( OF AUBURN. a municiaal eorooratiofi of'the iftate•ofiA~ashEiiotoh ("Grantor" herein),:0ereby'conveys and warrants to PUGET SOUNp ENERS3Y, INC., a Washi4on,Corporation ('Granteeftir the:~urposes hereinaiter set forth, a nonexdirsi~Ke petpetya~feasemQfit oiier. ~lnd~, along, across, a[Ki throtlgh the follQwing described real property ("Property" herein) irf King.Gorinty, 4Va0ing4n: SEE E~N18R'•"A" ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MAG~"IC,PARiHPREOF. Except as ir1~y..be oth~se set foRFr;fierein Grantee's rights shail be exercised upontho..poqion of ~e Properly . ("Ease.mertt Area" heWnj descobi~d as';#opows: -""SEf`EXH161T 4t7AC;l1EP''(1ERE7'Q ANO BY THIS REFERENCE AAADE A PART HEREOF AND AS }NOFi PJ1RT106LARIY DEPIC' TED ON THE DRAWING NIARKED EXHIBIT "C" ATTACHEQ. HERETO ANb.iY TFW"kEFEfIENGE-MADE A PART HEREOF. 1. Purpose:"-G'rante+2 shab have tFie` right tQ~'use tfie Easemerrt Area to canstrud, operste, maintain, repair, replace, improve, remove, artid enl8rgo..one ar.rnore ulility systems for purposes of transmission, distribution and sale of eledricity. Such systems~may inctuilq, but ara•:bot limitedto: Overhead tacilities. Poles, .tovirer5"and ~ather sup.port strudure,%~.with "txossarrns, braces, guys and anchors; elecxric transmission and dishibutioti••:liis; fiber: ~optic cable Ond„other lines, cables and . faalities for communications; transiormers, street.light~; m.eters~~~'ii~res, a~facFitanents and any and all other facilities or appurtenanoes neoessarror.oopvenient to anV or aO of the foreg0ing. Following the initial construdion of all or a portion'ofits,syste..ms, Gtantee may, firom Gmlo:time, construd such additional facilities as it may require for such systems. Grarateeishall:have`the Aght:of.access to fhe Easement Area over and across the PropeRy to enabte Grantee to exercis~':ifs riaMts hereu~#der. ~~li~anteg.shall C;ompensate Grantor for any damage to the Properry caused by the exercise of such Nht g#' acOess by .~Grantde., 2. Easement Area Clearing and Maintenance. Grantee shatl have the right-Ao cyt, retnpvg~and disptise of any and all brush, trees or other vegetation in the Easement Area. Grantee shaH.afsa.have,~.righf`tR conUAl,. on a continuing basis and by any prudent and reasonabfe mear~, the establishment and gr~iMh of brush, #ees Or other vegetation in•the Easement Area. 3. Trees Outside Easement Area. GraMee shall have the right to cut, trim, remove and` dispbse 0 any:' trees located on the Property outside the Easement Area that could, in Grantee's sole judgment,''it3,1!e0ere with csr , • EDECISB TAX NOT REQUIREv Kina Co. Recards By- Dep"ty cfeate a~hazard to Grantee's systems. Grantee shall, prior to the exeroise of such right, identify such trees and rxiake $'reasonable effort to give Grantor prior notice that such trees wip be cut, trimmed, removed or disposed of .(exc~p4 tFtat''qrantee sha11 have no obligation to identiiy such trees or give Grantor such prior notice when trees are .~`'cut, Virnthed,_.1~emoved or otherwise disposed of in response to emergency conditions). Grantor shall be entitled to no vbmpens~Uon fat.trees cut, trimmed, removed or disposed of except for the adual market walue of inerchantable tiThe[`Cd arlY). cut and removed from the Property by Grantee. ' 4. Qrantors,!kfse"bf:.E~emeM Area. Grantor reserves the right to use the Easement Area for arry " pwposei'not inoonsistent with th&;rights hereiii"gsanted, provided, however, Grantor shatl not cortstruct or maintain • attiy bWlding~, strcactures qr•-other objecs~'bn the,E asement Area and Grantor shall do no blasting within 300 feet of G~ntee's taalities tilritho.ut Griintees. 06 writteO consent Iodeihnityt. Gt-antee a"$kees to.{in.do 'nify G^roX irom and against liabflity incurred by Grantor as a result of Gratitee's negl'igehoe W`the;:exerci~e dN ttie rights" hereii~grarrted to Gr~antee, but nothing her~ein shall require Grantee to indemAiiy Grantor, #or tFiat prirtioji of an.udr~:GaqOiiy attributable to the negligence of Grarrtor or the negCgence of 6. AbandonmeM. Th e righ'ts herfin 94nted shaHcontinue until such time as Grantee ceases to use the Easement ArBa for a period of'inr.e (6) suomssive ye;irs, iR whiah"Mwt, this eas.~inent shatl terminate and afl rights hereunder, and any improvemeM§*remaining in:the 9aseriienrt'Area, sh~il, reveR fb or,.,othennrise beoome the property , of Grantor; provided, however, that no,:eban.~anrpent shalf be dPaemed'~ to hav~:;,~curred by reason of Grantee's failure to initially install its systems on the'~ga~+emant Area akithinyof.~Ifne from the date hereof. 7. 3uccessors and Assigns. Grante4.0-011 tiave the right to'as,sign,:'appqMiers,or otherwise transfer arry or ail of its rights, benefts, privileges and intereits arising;i~r;and under qiis easeme~:=::: Witho~:~`~aiting the generality of the foregoing, the rights and obligations of the partiessballinure:to tfi$.bejnqfit of:and be,;bindTng upon their respedive suoce55ors and assigns. DATED this...~'~ daY of ~~.,.,.200. ; GRANFOR: CITY-OF AO BURN "a Wgshingtori'rnunicipal corporptiQn Dated thii••... ~::'day:~ ,2010 ; ~ . By : Pet 8. Lewis, IfAa/c'r""•.:`'' . A1T T: ~ LLiDS.[.!i(7( ,~y Danielle E. D skam, City Clerk APPR VED S F . ' Dan el Heid, City mey . , - ' ~:.t. S7'ATE ~JF WASHINGTON ) ) sS . COUIn7Y"OF"KING ) ;•i' ' ~acertiiy that I.,,s•imaw or have satisfactory evidence that Peter B. Lewis and DaNelle:E. D$skar~i v~e the ae~sons who..appoared before me, and said persons ackrtowledged that they signed lhis insfrumeht, on Aaih st~ted tf'tat they--'were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged k as the MIAIYQR ancl Cf['Y C LERiF'ofi~he CM.-VF AUBIJFtN to be the iree and voluntary ad of such partiss for the uses and ptirpcses aientionetl in ftiis irjstruri.iecat • : J.... CiIVEN under:iny hanQ~ . , aal se81 fhis ~da . ZQ10 ~ ~ • , . K pt ~►R~,: ~ v1 iFS , _ ` C~ ~/gY i's No1ary bG~ in: And for 1ti4:State of::ilVa'hington ~ R~siding at:~ '`;-29-1,.~'*' N►Y aPPointmnt expire.'~6r3;~Z.9 ~ l~~~i11N ' . \:.4. • :1.• ~r. •:Z..fi'. Sch - 73 - Green R'rver Collsge 101062132 / 075387 Page 3 of 8 • • . . . . . °EXHI$YT A . VAitCEL D~.SG9TION • . STR: SEl/4-SWI/4~9-TZI,N-RSFy W.iVI. PARCEI.(392105-9020-9' (REFERENCB: PACIFIC NO=`HVijtST TFl'L.E;rOMPAIV'Y SUBDIVLSION C3UARANTBE #1104?7I 02/17/10) ' ' A TRACT OF LAND LOCATgD IN uiE $OUTHEAST:iQUARTE[t i0F THE SOU'niWEST QUARTTsR OF ' SEC'TION 9. TOWNSHII' 21 NORTH;::R0GE:'S FAS~, W.; X:*-,:IIJ UqCk~:Ck~ AND DBSCMBD AS FOLLOWS; THS SOUTH HA-T.F OF THB SOUTHEAST QUAKTEIk:OF'~:SOUTHWE9T QOART~Rw,, SXCEPT TFIE;;SOi9';'H 30 FEET TEiER~~F COATVEY:ED TO k~NG' FC~._ROAD (SQ~AST 320~ STRfi.f)BY DEID REOORDED UNDER RECOItDI,.NG ~tU1V4$ER579G~41. AND EXCEPT TAE S1~iS1' 30 FEET THBRBaF CO1vV~D TO ~I1~I4~ COUNTY FR;~OAD (1Z4~ AVSNUB $bUTHBAST) BY DEED RECORDED UNDBR RECORn.Ix+iC3 N[~MBEA-5?9926t'; AND B)CCEPT: ~ THpT ~ORTION LYING WESTERLY OF Ttt F?`DLLJUW, .ING :DE$CROED LINE: BEaINN#NO A7 'rf#E IIMR3ECTION OF THE NORTA MARGIN OF SAID SOUT.AST 320'~" STRSEf AND 71B EAST 1ViAROIN OF THE PLAT OF LEA HILI. VII I.AGE O1'MM NO.:`1 RWORDED 1N . ' VOLOV1E 8.fOF PiAT~-b1~ ~'AC~$S 39 TO 41,1N KINCi COUNIY. WASHII~TG[~l~t; THEtvCS NQR;~i AL(3N~i THE EAST MARGIN OR 122ND AVENUE SOUTHBAST T0 THE NORTHEAST ' CORM OF SAID A-DDTTlO;F; 1HENCE:NORTS 03°0:~'4T'F.~75..'FEETi. . • 'I'FIENCS SC~i,1~fI'~88°45'04,." sT' 9~ F~E'1'; . TF~NCE NORTH Ol°10'00" W~3ST ;I78:84 FEET; THENCB NORTH Sfi°44'10"~ WiST` TO.',H-9 SE?UT#i~AST CORNER OF LOT 75 OF THE LBA HILL VII.LA(~E DMSION 3`~A, ACC(~YN~'yT0 '~E;PL.,~'' RECORDED •IN VOLtJME 93 OF PLATS, PAGE 74, ' 1N KINC3 COtJNTY, WASUN4T0$; , THBNCB NORTfERLY ALONG '1HE'UV MAItGINOF SAII): LEA HILI. VYLLAGE DMSION 3-A TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SUH .D~VISION;"-.-;:' . AND EXCEPT 'iHAT PORTION C;pNVE1~E~' 'Pa'KING COIT,NTX;~' $.X, DEID RECORDED UNDER RECORDINGNUMBER 7510080361. • ~ ° . . ~ LO~~ . . , , ~ 2~s ~a~" s~ sw : . ~ . Everett, WA 98204 42517413800 • ~ AI; Page 1 of 1 • • ~ • H:iDOC121 Cp\071016 GRCC Genecal Cias.snoomlSmvey legal de~ons\092185-9020-08~SIity► $icLibi~ A.doc : . ' , ~ , . , , ,.,s;~ . , • • • . . ArI'IETI'Y~ASEMENT . . STR: SEl/4-SWI/4-S9-T21N-R5B;"W.M.,:~, . . . PARCEL 092105-9020-08 ' . • (REFERBNCE:PACQ~IC NORT~IVVBST"ITILE_CO1V~PqNY S'.t~BD~.VISIOI~~~3ARATPI'ES #11897710?Jl7lI0) ' AUTILITY E~AkiE11~NT' OVER, UNDER AND A~ROSSA•.;,TR/~CTOF~~::j.AND Lb.CAT£W'~ IN THE SOUTFIEAST,~`~UARftR OF THE SOUTHWOT QM,RTER.,:OF;'SEC~'TON 9;~,'~VN$FLIP ,21 1.+~TOR'I8, RANGE 5 E~b"T, W. M. ~F KlN(~ COUNPY AND DESCR~3E~'AS POLLOWs;,..:.-: THE SOiT!'H Ht4LF.bF TIM SOUIT3EAS? QUARTSR OF THE SOU"PFIw~3T QUA,RTER; ' EXCEPT.;~THE.,:SOLTTH 3a FEhT THEREOP CONVHYED TO KING C.O~JNI`Y~-'VOR ~OAfl (S~UTfIEAST • • 320'x S~'REET~ BI'.DFEII~'RECORDID UNDER RBt70RDINa NUMBER 57964,15;:° ' AND EXCEPT THE FAST,30~:ZBET THAtEOF CONVEYED TO KYNG COVNT'Y;,POR: ROAD (124TB . AVEI4UE SQU%FAS'Fj BY DEfi&ItEOORDEi? UNDER REOORDING M,TMHER S"199X1; ANI>-. EXCEp'1' THAT:r:POR~ON ~ZYII+it~ WESTSRLY OF T~ FOLLOWING DF~,SC1tiBBD iINE: • BEGINI~T~NG AT TH$ ;~NTVS$=QN OF THE NORTH MARGN OF SAID SQUTHBAV 320TM STZtEET AND THE%F,,,~,5.~'•'1NAkC3IL( OF' THM PLAfi'•aF i.SA HILL VILLAGB DIVISION NO. 1• RECORDED IN . VOLUME 87 OF PI.A'F5 OA1 PAbES;~W!`O 41, IN KINQ CO[JNTY, WASHIN(3TON; - •Ti~TCE NORTH AL~??NG"P$B Fis'T MAR~IN OF IwD AVENUE SOUTHBAST TO THE NO)kTHBAST OORNER OF SAID ADDITION;,,:-` . THENCE NORTH 03°Ol'~",F.~►ST i5 FE$T; . • • , THENCE $OUTH 88°45'00" EAST !W FFFT,; . . THENCB NORTH 01°10'00°WBSf-378.$4'pF,9T; 'r.: THENCB NORTH 86°44'10" WES"F:•,TO TIRE SOU'nHEAg7' CORN'Ek.;•OF LOY 75 OF THE LEA HQ.L ' • VII.LAGE DMSION 3-A, ACCORDIN`~° ~'fl TH~? PLkT lt$C:ORDED IX: VOI;LJME 93 OF PLATS, PAGB 74, ' IIV KTNG COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THFNCE NOR~'FIERLY ALONG THE EAST N1.4RGI~I.OF.SAID L$AI f~ILi. VfLL'A'~#E DiVISION 3-A TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SUBDMSION; ANp EXCEPT TAAT PORTION CONVEYID TO "',RING :.:OOUNTY`` BY.'DPED REOQRpED UNDER REQORDING NUMBfiR 7510080361; . SAm UTILITY EASFMSNT MORE PARTTCULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOX.WWS;-' • (THE BEARIIVGS OF SAID U'PII.1TY EASfiMENT DBSCRIPTION AItE-BAS~ED t3N' Wq~iGTQN:STA,~...... . PLANE NAD-83 CITY OF AUBURN HORIZONTAL DA7UM AND DIP'FER:FRO.1VI THE:$F.PiFJINaS OF 'IHfi s ABOVE DSSCELII3ED TRAGT OF IAND): • ' ,v.:. ' Page 1 af 2 H:0OG"1210p\071d16 GRCC Ganeial ClassroomlSurvey lesal,~prions10~Z103- 9020-08 Overhesd Exbibit B.doc. . • • ' . • . ~ . . • • . . • ~ • . , , • Y' COTvII4IENCIN0 AT Tfdr'OUTIIEJST CORNER ~~3.'~SOt17CHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTiON 9; . THENCE NORTH Ol°09'40" EE1'►ST 5~.41F~ET A;~.Ol!I~'r Ta EAST L1NE OF SAID SOUIHWEST QUARTER; . TFENCE NORTH 88°5070° WBST'34.00;Pm-T0 T.HE;POWT'bFDEGINNWd-,::;~ THENGE NORTH 01°09'40" EAST 69.85~FEET' TQ~TIi~BE~INI~iING'QF A CORVk TO nm LEFi' CdNCAVB TO THE WESr HAVIING A~t~4 I.144*.00 FEEr; THENCE NORTFIBRLY 55.8$ FESr AI;ONG SAID C:EJRVS A:cWrRAL ANGLfl OF 02°47,SE'; THENCS NORTH 88°5070" WF.S°r 12.64 FEBT;•.:. . ~ 1HE14CB SOLTII3::01°09'40" WFST 125.71 FEET; II~T OF:BE~IINL!~fFI1~IG:;,,.,. . ' THENCE SOUT-i 88°SQ`20" EAST 14.00 FEEl' TO TIiE1.0 ~ • SpID UTTI.FfY F49EMEI11T CONTAINIIJO I,735 SQ, FBfiT, OR 0 ~,f.4 ACR~S, MQRE, OR ' . • • ~ ~ ~ . ~ . ~ . . ~ . . i - ~ ~ . 128134St. SW ~ ' • • Everett, WA 98204 • , ' 4251741-3800 . . , Page 2 of 2• ILADOCg21Cp107t016 GROC Cseneral Classroom\Suavey Iega1 desc~iptioms1Q92103- 90Z4-08 Ovahead Exhibit B.doc . . • . . . EXHIBIT C r 30, ~ - ~ ,30. r . ~ , ..,,.J - . . f ~ - 6 s ar41 .or E ~ , • \ ' • ~ I , . • ' ~~:~J ,•5Y ~ I , . ' ~ . ~ r- • I CW , flEL-TA . ' j . . , E9 . 11 i.00...:' , ~.5' • 747 . ~ ' . ~ . . ~ ' UN~'~~ Ba►RIA1G : :•~I~TAN . .I - L1 ' 8 : 0 20 ~ .00 318fh WAY L2 N 0 40 : E 69.85 ' L3 N B8' 20 ~=.W 12.84~ . . L4 S 01'09 40 ~ 125.71 . L5 N 88'50 20 W-.:.. •"14 00 . ~ ' . I ' ~ PROPO5ED • RIGHT-OF-WAY . . . ~ ~ . . Va W ~ nHCs n,aP ooES Nor p~" ~ ~ ~ .0921059020-os ~ . REPRESENT A PROPERTY?. I 4i ~ . . SURVEY ANO DOES'*MOT . . . . I Q o I . . PURPORT TO SHOW lCt-i,,,`.,,.,,.~:~ ' EASEMENi'S Of' RECORD. : • t"3 ( !z OOSIED ' ~ ~t[I`°UiY f EE'•••... N ( , G•...L.p I ~.o4.:'Mib~: . t ( " . . ~ . 1 PONT OF . ~o'~ ao' + eEGWM . ~SE'::(OR S1N :G . . S.E. 320TH' ST.I sEC: 9; . TtiP - + l - _ 21M , S 88'55'12' E M. " a...~.. ~ . • . 12B 136 SW 51: Sub ZOD . gm SCAL£: 1° = 100WE;:' 0&-29~~10 Pk 425 741 3~D i:\22\2aos\o2o\zs2o-~is-oc~ri t:owo, . .r~. T !V AflQRE : uget Sa~und Ener~jr, Ino.••:..,.. ~A~: RtW Dapa~eR~(L Bergman) . 20100722000379 Pt! Box 90868 / 9$T-06W Belletrue.lNA SSQ08 • > PUGET SO1~10 EM EA5 69.00 •;.N PAGE-001 OF 008 , ~ 07/22/2010 10:45 r•' : ISING COUNTY, WA EkSEI~'lET ~ vi I I ul~if-~1L - - - - PACIFlC NORTEIYIfEE5T TITLE REFERENCE GRANTOR: City of Aubuim. , GRANTEE:. PUGET SOUND'NERdY, IoC. SHORT LEGAI.: Ptns of S% of SE Y.4f SW~'/s qf Sec:'9;:'Twn.,,24N., Riag. 05E:~31.V, M., KC, WA ASSESSOR'S PROPERTY TAX PARCEL:'••.;.0921'05-9020.' . g:...;, ~ . . For end in oonsidbs.ation of One Dollar ($1.00) and cther valuaible'~co.nsideiation•`~n hand paid,"``::... ..61-TY OF AUB~1RN, amunicinal cotnoratigj ofth tate.gfulQ'a.$~ ("Grantor' h~retn},.,hereby:xonveys and warrants to PUGET SOUN4 EN. RGY, INC.; "a WaShington Corporation ("Grantee" ;fiereir#, 'i~eir the;:purposes hereinafter set forth, a nonexcatisivi peipetual"easemeift awer, tinder, along, aaoss, ar.N1 throWgh tF~e bHbwing descnbed real property (`Property° he4n) irl King.C4uinty, IP'Vas$ingt¢n: :~EE E~CHIBI'T:"A" ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE M1113E-A:PARYHEltEOF Excspi as itlay, bi othoi'intlse set forth,herein GraMee's rigtrts shaa be exerc.ised uponthatporlion of the Property ("Easement Area° her0in)`described as:iallows: _ '"•••.$~~'~XHISIT AiTACilEq,•HgWEW AND BY T141S REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF AND AS :~MOli'E P,,kRTIGULAftLY DEPICTED ON THE DRAWING MARKED EXHIBIT "C" ATTACHE4) FIEltE70 AN6; 8Y THISREFEREWCE MADE A PART HEREOF. 1. Purpose. Grantee~sriap have ~ie right 1'ti`u$s ther'Easement Area to construct, operate, mair~in, repair, , replaoe, improve, remove, and enlarge or'te o,E;more ut'~'ity s.ystems fot:purposes of transmission, disiribution and saSe ot electricity. Such systems may incticde, tiut all~.nat;!'imited to:.: ` Underground facilittes. Condiiits,,.•.Iiries,.i;ables,'vaulls, .switChes.;~rmi'fransiormers tor eledridty; fber optic cable and other lines, cables and facillpjs fo;:'coqimunications;: semi-baried or ground- mouMed tacdities and pads, manholes, meters, fxtures, atta~hmefits••and aEiy'arld..al1 other facilities .y°[~rall:of the focegoiri,g. or appurtenances necessary or convenienl !o, ap FoUowing the initial construction of aA or a pottion bf.its systems, G1~antee may. from t~me~ta,:time, wnstrud such additional facilities as it may require for such systems. GrikMee shalkhav~e thelight:of.acoess to'the Easernent Area over and across the Property to enable Grantee to exercii4:ifs rigttts hereuiider..:- Grantee,shafl'compensate Grantor for any damage to the Property caused by the exercise of such right af access py Grarrtee:: 2. Easement Area Clearing and Maintenance. Grantee shall have thj'rigM'ta'cut~remove a,t~d.~dispo''s8 of any and ali bnuh, trees or other vegeiaGon in ihe Easement Area. Grantee shall -a4~o tiave thtb c;bnUol,,on a:: Sch - 73 - Green River College 1010621321075387 Page t of B EXCISE TAX NOT REQt71RE13 .y CO. RCCRT~3 By . :i.y. . ~ i:• cptitinuifi'g basis and by any prudent and reasonable means, the establishment and growlh of brush, trees or other vegetatfon,in the Easement Area. 8.' GrahtWs Use of Easement Mea. Grantor reserves the right to use the Easement Area for any purpose •~'not,•inc6nsis4eiit with the rights herein granted, provided, however, Grantor stail not construct or maintain any begdiogs, 0Wctures-:'.or other objects on the Easemant Area and Grantor shall do no blasting within 300 feet of prarOe's:.faCiiities without GraMee's prior written consent. 4:• Indemnity,:~*Grantee agrees to ic+deittirriiy Grantor from and against liabiliiy incximed by Grantor as a resutt of Graritee'q"'neglig.ence in•A,he eiteras,g,of the ~ights herein granted to Grarriee, but nothing herein shall require G~ntee to:lndemnify G~ntor for;th~f p6rtioP,0 any.such liabdity attributable to the negligence of Grantor or the negli§encd of others. .,;-N•'F}~ 'r:• 5. Aftndonmeft.,~` The:~'righEs he,r.eiri ,1jranted,.s'hali.;iGOri~inue urrtil such time as Grantee ceases to use the Easement Area foi::a periotf o~'•~ve,~5) sy~i e~,sive ye8i6, irt~4efii~h event, this easement shafl terminate and all rights hereunder, and any'iritprovg rnents~` remaining i►t the Ea3emeru'Ar¢a, shaq revert to or otherwise beoome the property of GraMar, provided, ht~fiMever, ihat rro abaqtlonrt~~tt j half.;be deemed to have occurred by reason ot Grantee's failure to initially instalt its systems on`the Easemgnt Aria vbithin any period of time. irom the date hereof. . S. Successors and Assigitis. Gcantee,.~shali`have~tlhe`right to Assign, eppor~ion or athenNise tCansfer any or , all of its rights, benefds, privfleges and inierests arising in arid und~er,this sasemeii~t.;:Wthout limiting ihe generalityr of the foregaing, the rights and obligatior'ts;:of*the;~'part~s.;shall;~fnur~e to;the.,b"flt of and be binding upon their respective successors and assigns. 4~ ` . DATED this day of ° 2910..,. .r~ GRANTOR: ..CITY OF AAJBURh . a WashiRg mu 1 coiporati~ Dated tfii Ale ~ a .2010 J By :Ri,tet;.6:`Lew1s, MaYcr.• . ATTE ~ ' Danielle E. Daskam, City Cterk APPRO~ 7 ' Da el eE , Attomey - . • , •V~. Sch - 73 - Green River Coltege ' 1010821321075387 ' Page 2 of 8 : ~ SYATE,QF WASHINGTON ) )ss ;:COU~TTYOPKING ) .bertitSi €hat I,..-knQw or have saGsfaGory evidence that Peter S. Lewis and Daeiielle:t. QBskaWi wei~e the persons who,,appeared before me, and said persons acknowledged that they signed this instrumqiht, on ciath stated 4Eiat thelt:'were $uthorized to execute the instrumeM and acknowledged it as the MAYQA and CITY CIERK-'o~'~he G~ITY1W AUBt,ON to be the free and voluntary act of such paRies for the uses and purpcs'ses nientibned in tteis irt~'stnuiieck GtVEN untlerMy ha `~r~~ifficial seal this -~"da?!• o~~ 2010. K. C L"Y ~ .h:. . , O A / -ti' .11. i p~. • dw: Notary ic in...awl for the. Sbte ot;:~Wasfiington % L'~'~, ~OL81,1G ' R+esidurig at:' . . ~z,~•'~~29•N ..~►Y HpPain4m#irt e~cpire~, -~I • . ~ . • ` Sch - 73 - Gteen Rirer CoUege 1010621321075387 Page 3 W 8 '':w t~ ' T A . . , P'eEL AOl,s'MTION ' sTTt: sEl/a-swi t N=iu~w~,f. PARCEL 092105-saza~' (REFERENGE: PAI=C NORxHWESr T~''LE e011!!~'Al~'Y SUBDMSION GUARANTEfi #110971102/17/10) ' • A TR.ACT OF LAND LOCATED IN VE SOU'diEAST:~f~UARTEFt::OF TI~ ~OUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECITON 4, TOWNSHIP 21 AfORTHrGB; S F,e~ST, W,: K-•:JN KIN4--:400NPY AND DESCRYBID AS FOLLOWS; ' . ' THE SOVIH HAu OF THE SOurmAST'QUAf€'I'EkOF ~ES4UTHWE.S!' Q[3AR'T~, EXCEPT 'IHE,:SObn,.H 30 FEhT THEREOF CONVEStED TO IUNQ OQUN7'Y., F(Ji~i_ RO~AD (SOLJ~'~ifiAST 320~ STRE~') BY DCED REOORDfiD UNDER RECORDING.~JM$ER:'S794!~.~~; AND EXCE}~T THE E1~ST 30 FEET 1HEREOF CONVEYED :TO KiN,fa COLYNTY FORAOAD (124TH AVENUE SOUIHOASD gY DEED RECORDID UNDER RECf}Rf]INQ~ NUM$&R-5~992Gl; AND E?CtEPT. TI~11T PORTION LYIIJG WESTERLY OF T1tE f?ALI:OQy.ING :0E~CRI~3ED LINE: BEGIN1iG AT THE IIV~'ERSfiCTION UF THE NORTH MARGIN OF SAID "SOUTmA,ST 3,~0H STREET AND THE B,F1ST 1ti~iAR~rIN OF THE PLAT OF LEA HILL VII.LAGE ~SIQN 1~10; . 1 F=RDED IN VOLtAVtE 87`OF PX,ATS:-bN.PA'E3E,S 39 TO 41, IlV KDVG COUNI'Y, WASHING7'ON; ~ THE~'CB NhQR'I ALCGyNNE"i"T~ Ei~ST MAR(3IN OF 122~'1D AVENUE SOUTHEAS'1' '~'O M NORTHEAST CORN.eR OF ;$AID Ab3)Tfi0N,~.:,, . T"EIENG'~.TNOR'Cfi 0;3601'4T':EAS"f 75;*FET; THBNCE $O~i'88°45'OU" EA~tT 92 FEEC': . 1~iENCE NORTH Ol°i0'OE1." V~,ST i78,84 FEET;~:. . ?HENCE NORTH 86°44'l~Y- ~T' TO;:THE Sf?U7fiEAST CORNIIt OF LOT 75 OF THB LEA HILL VILLAGB DMSION 3'~~A, ACCOftDINQ'f0 TW;pL,~1T RECa1tDED IN VOLUME 93 OF PLATS, PAGE 74, IN• KING COT.TNTY, WASAfVfiTON; , . THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG T'HE `Xj,Sl' MARGIN,'OF SAILI: LEA HILL VILI.AGB DMSION 3-A TO THB NORTH LINB OF SAID SUBD3~VISION;";: AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION bQNYF~YEl~' T'Q'~ . KING COI~NTY', By DEID RECORDED UNDER - RECORDINC# NUMBER 7510080361. ••~~W •.'L0 12$134m $t. $W • . I Everett, WA 98204 425/741-3800 . ' • . . ' Page 1 of t . . . . H:\DOC121Cp\071016 GRCC Gene.ral ClasaoomdSvrvcy legal d=iptions1092105-9020-08 [1'hlity Exhibit A.doc ~ : . r` . • . . • :.~jl~l~l~~•.t . B • • .:bmkf"Y'EA3'~MENT . r , STR: SE1/4-SW1/4-S4;121N-R5E;°'GV.M.,:~, , PARC$L 092t05-9020-08 ' (REFERENCE: PACIFIC NORTHWES'1`~TFY,B 0OMPAkY S.tlBI3.WISi..0X-'GUARAIJT'EE #110977102/17110) A UTII.ITY EAS£MENT OVER, UNDBR AND &R655~'`i4:. TRACT:''OF:~;LAND I:OCATEA IN THE SOUTHEAST,;QUA1~~R OF THE SOUTHWEST QlbARTER: ,aF:~~ SECI'ION ~9; 'TdWNSHIP ,.21 $ORTH, , ' RANGE 5 EAST, W. M. I#!i KING COiJNTY AND DESCRT$$D"AS FOLI.AWS; THE SOU'X'fi H1l&bF TAS SOUTHEAST QUARTSR OF TEIE SO&~ 0LJAktTEI};,~ EXCEPT.:~ SOi,T~i 30~ FEEC THEREOF CONVEY~ TO KING CO~~JNI`Y"4OR *O.eiD.($OVTHEAST 32e S"T-kHM,`BY pBEI?~RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUIVIBER 5'f4C.5~ ' AND 9 XCET?T THE E„`. ' T.30,.,FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KINC3 CC3ZJNTY;:FOR~" ROAD (124T" AVB~IUE S(3UTHEAS`~j ~'~'~,DBEI'J 1tBOORDED UNDER RECORDIIJC~ NUMBER'3799~61; ANDV.:. EXCEY"1'"` TAAT„-"PORTlON ~`:LYING WESTERLY OF THE FOLLOWIING `'DIOSCRIBED LINE: BEGIIORNG AT TUE ~ECT10T1 OF 1RE NORTH MARGIN OF SAID SOLTfHEA'ST 32e STREB'f AND THE:-.EAST•:MARG* OF;' THE PjAT-QW LEA HILL VII.LAGE DIVISION NO. 1 RECORDED IN VOLUME 87 OF PLATS ON PAGES.3~-TO 41, iN KING COtJN1Y, WASHINGTON; • THENCE NORTH AI:ONG''F& EA$T Ml~I~GIN PF 122''D AVENUE SOUTFIEAST TO THE NORTEIBAST CORNffit OF SAID ADpITION; ~ . THENGE NORTH 03°Ol'4'~.',9A~ST 7'S FLi~I'; . • 'TAENG6 SOU'CEI 88°45'00" EAST 02 F~BT~, , 1~iENCE NORTH 010 10'00" WEST'378.$4"FPET; _ ' THENCE NORTH 86°44'10" WBS'I'.,'TO TIiE SiyU~'HEA37' C'bRNEI~~ OF LOT 75 •OF 'THE LEA HII.L ' VILLADE DMSION 3,-A, ACCORDYN''r:Td'THE PLAT RECORDEb II~,.VOT:~TME 93 OF PLATS, PAGE 74, IN KIIVG COUNTY, WASFIINGTON; . THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE EAST I+~~ARGIrI. oF.;~A11? LoA~~TILL ~I,LAGE D1VI5ION 3-A ?O THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SUBDMSION; ' AND EXCEP'f THAT PORTiON CONVBYSD TO"lWG.:'COLTN!'SF'~ B7f' DEID.~791ADED UNDER - RECORDING NUMBER 7510080361; , SAID UTILTTY EASEMENT MORE PARTTCULARLY DESCRIBED AiS FOLLOW$r` . '('['HE BEARINaS OF SAID UTIIITY EASEMENf DESCRPTIOld ARB:8ASED 0NWA3I~,IN( PLANE NAD-83 CTfY.OF AUBURN HORIZONTAt, DATUM AND DIFFER" .'t'HSBF.AR,I1VOS'OF'#,AE ' ABOVE DESCRIBED TRACT OF LAND): . Page 1 of 3 ' H:\DOCi21 Cp1071016 GRCC Cenual ClassroomlSurvey legal descripiions1092105-9a20-08 UtiIity Uib}t B.dtic :...rY: ~ . . • r'` . . COMMENaING AT TH~ NORTHEAST COANER~F;:'TH~ABOVE DFSGL~ED TRACT OF LAND; THENCE NORTH 88°4I'03";:';Gf~FS"3` ALONG ~;:f~f08TH LJ~TB OF SAID;~`RAGT 15.00 FEET TO THE . . POIIVT OF BECiINNINC~ OF SAfl) v7TII.T3'Y EASEIVISIV F`i . • THENCE SOiTTH 01°09'40" WEST 2#`1.94.: ~EEi' TQ'FHE BEGINNING dF AN 1165.00 FOOT RADIUS ' TANGENT CiJRVE TO THE LEFt; • . TffiENNCE SOUrHEASTERLY ALONG 't'fM ARC OF: SAII1C[lRVJETIlROUGH ACENTRAL ANGLE OF 02047'56" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 56.91 FEE'Y;.::, A' : , THENCE SOUT.~I:.Ol°38'16' EAST 268.87 .FEET.T(?. THE..:&~~GINN~NG.~~F;;~iN] IA4:00 FOO'~"i~,ADIUS , TANC~ENT C{TI~VE`~'~ TtiE RIGHT; . THENCE SOi,~'iHW85TSRLY ALONG TE~ ARC OF SiAJp ~[fRYE T~1RO.LJ~~A;C8NIRAL`ANGLB OF 02°47'56" A14 ARC,DISTANCE OF 55.88 FEET; THENCE SQ[JTI~~UI--09'4Q" WESf 69.85 FSET TO THE BEC3INNtNG.bF A 29.3@''FtflOT ODIUS.;x'ANGENT , CURVE T.b TfiE'RId~T; ' ` TIiENCk~ SOUTHW~STE9L.Y ALON~3 THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THI~UGH A GLIVT`RP►~~ANGI,E OF 58008'44" AN ARC: DLSTANCE OF 29.94 FEET AND THE BEGINNIN(3`•O~ A:~35~'►U ~UOT RADIUS COMFOUND CUk'VE TE~ 7JERI~G~T, THE CENTER OF WHICH BEARS NORTH:~&°01`:46"-WFST; . OUGH A CENTRAL •'rH~CB St'jU~WES,.'f'F~ItLY ALOId~ THE ARC OF SAID COMPOUND CURVE Tft ANGM.OF 29°0634."' AN AR~~I3ISTANCE OF 17.78 FEET TO 17~ SOUT~I LINE OF SAID TRAGT; THENC~'N0RTH,0°S:S'12".VES'P AF ONG SAID 50UTH LINE 18.40 FEET; THENCE N4RTF173°k '0$" F.AiST 2.t'.0~. THENCE NORTH 2 i°t3'27"'EA.~T ql .65 FEET; ''HENCB NORTH Ol°~49'4&' Fq$T~*54.41':"ftET;:TQ:~.M $EGYNNING OF A 1129.00 FOOT RADNS TANGBNT CURYE T67HE LE.ff, • THfiNCB NOATHWESTERL'Y"ALONG:;TI~ AR~ QF SAID Ft;tVE 1HtOUGH A CENfRAI. ANGLE OF 02004'54" AN ARC DIS7'ANCB OF'41.02:FER'I'; . THfiNCB NORTH 29°36'36" EAST 9:27 FEET; . THENCE NORTH 33049'53" WEST 8:86,..FE~; ~THENCB NORTH 0103$'16" WBS"1' 70.13~EET;~:"' . THENCE SOUTH 88°21'44° WEST 15.00 EEET;'~., THENCE NORTFI 01°38'16" WEST 75.00 THENCE NORTH 88021'44" EAST 25.00 FEE'F; THENCE NORTFi 01038116" WEST 22.44 FEST TO'f~IH.:BEGINN~iV(~:OF ;p► 1174,00"'FU4T RADNS TANGENT CLJRVE TO THE RIGHT; ~ ' THENCE I+tORTHEASTERI.Y ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CtJRV3 I.THOUGH A.6ENT~tAL A3atG1,T,s OF 02047'56" AN ARC DIS1'ANCE OF 57.15 FEET; . ' THENCE NORTH 01°09'40" EAST 74.98 FESI; THENCE NORTH 88050'20° WEST 5.00 FEET; . THENCE NORTH 01°09'40" BAST 143.02 FEET; ' Page2of3 H:1DOG121 Cp107\016 aRCC Geaeral ClassroomiStiuvey legal descaiptions1092105-9020-08, Utility $club~tt B.doc . . ' . . . : . X;> • . , . THENCE AIORTH~$8050'20" 1~ES` 20.A01F~1; THENCE NORTH 0'!'D9'4Q?'23.94 FEET TO Tf3F:~iOftTH LINE t?F SAID TRAGT; . THENCE SOUTH 88°41'~3" F$•' ALUNG SAiDOIy'1'H•~:1NE 30.00 FEET TO THE PO1NT OF BEGINNIIVG AND THE TERMINUS OF SA.~ UTILZ'I'Y`LAS„~MEiVT. SAID UT'IL1T1t EASF,MEAi'C OONTAININ91,7?0 S~: F.~ET, QR'~.20 i4CRES, MORE OR LES3. . . ~fl,~, . ~ ' • ~ ~ i ~ • 128134* St.SV~. ' L~p Lveret4-WA 98Z04,~ 425l741489.0,.:.-•; , • N....... . 4 '4;. • Page3af3 . H:\DO021Gp1071016 GRCC Qeaeral ClassroomlSurvty 1ega1 desariptions1092105 9020-08'btity .Y~xhi$t B.dbc ^r • ~ :.y~ • . ` of" . . EXHIBIT C ~ i~s . . ~ ~ . ~ PROPOSEO 30 (30 ~ RIGHT-OF-WAY J ~ ~ _ . _ ""'•~'r S 88'41'03' E E Li r a • ssaoir 09 BF~11NQ 0 J . ' • ' t { ~ :'7a sar L8 l'O 8 6 E c' 2244 ~:r~ S 1921'44' W 7 . • ~`j . . . s o al-16- 15.00 6 E PARC.~ ~ 5 •49 53 E • ~ :'092.f~58~-08.~'~. ' L12 5W 3s 927 318fh WAY • w 1:°1 5 S 73' • 08 _ l16 • 2 l8. . . 0 '09 40 PROP06EQ...Ui1Effl'•', • ~ FASEMENT FtAOM envrH ~'20 ~ fC4 1 7D.OD : 4 B 1 ~ . 7WW 4 ' ~ED UTiIJiY ~ zs ~2 ~~a ~ar 1o s.9 : l 48 ' `L9 Ito W Li g ' al Q ~ _ - I , A.:~~~ I ~ ~a 1A G . ~ ~ ~ ~ . 04 irar,~~ nHis ~ ooES t~ia'F•~~~ ~ ; I ::~,4~ • ~A: REPRESENT J~ PROPpt'TY.:'. ~A SURVEY AND 'bQEs~: i4OT:--- W%A\ • J PURPORT 'f0 SFiO1K. ALt • 30'J 30' I • EASEMENfS OF RECORO. . iq . sw ~:co '~s~..~, n~,.~.. S. E. 320TH ST. ~'i` 21a+l.: RG~•~` S 88'55'12' E 726136 gred S1Y • Sh 200 W111M ~ 6~#, tl~to" 9~D4 sca~.E: 1` Ql~'ArE:~~~. as=22.ia.:~.~. . P~ 4~S 74) 3~0 I:\22\2009\020\2920-F.kS:7 E~(8T6.OWG'.