HomeMy WebLinkAbout4617 RESOLUTION NO. 4617 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCJL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING - THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO GRANT A UTILITY EASEMENT TO QWEST, CORPORATION. . WHEREAS, Qwest Corporation currently provides telecommunications . services within the City of Aubum; and WHEREAS, in order to provide service in the area of 124t' Avenue S.E. and S.E, 320th Street, Qwest needs to place telecommunications facilities, electrical facilities, and appurtenances on property owned by the City of Auburn ("City"); and NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: Section 1. That the Mayor is hereby authorized to grant a Utility Easement for purposes of provision of telecommunications facilities, electrical facilities, and appurtenances in substantially the same form as at Exhibit A to Qwest, Inc.', a Colorado corporation. Section 2. That the Mayor is authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 3. That tfiis Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatures hereon. Resolution No. 4616 June 29, 2010 Page 1 of 2 Dated and Signed this day of , 2010. ~ ~ ~ PETER B. LEWIS MAYOR ATTEST: Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APP VED S TO FORM: Daniel B. Heid, City Attome Resolution No. 4616 June 29, 2010 Page 2 of 2 20100727000924.001 f . • crrr cLFaocs oFFtcE ciV oF AueuRN 25 W~A ~8001 201 ~0727000924 Aubum, paCE-eai oF eea . 07i27i2e1e iz:zo KIFIG COUNTY, 4iA REOORDING INFOttMATION ABOVE ~ ' PACIFIC NORTHwESr riTLE EASEMENT r~ The undersigned Grantor crfY-oF AUBURN. a muniaRal corooration'of the State of Washinaton f0r and in - consideration of One Dollar (ti.OQ)-and other good and valuabte coriiideration, the recelpt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant and oonvey unbo Qwest Corpo'aUon, a Colorado corporation, hern.after refeffed to as "Gtantee", whose addres.s ls 1801 Califomia St., Suibe 5100, Denver; CO 80202, its suaessars, assigns, lessees, licensees, and agenfis a perpetual easement to caristruck, r+eoonstrutt, mod'ify, change; add to, operate, maintain, and remove such beleoommunications facilities, electrical fadlities, and appurtenances, from time Eo time, as Granbee may require upon, over, under and aaoss the fo(lawing described land situated in the County of kha State of which the Grantor owns or in which the Grantor has any intemst, to wit: SECTION 9 TOWNSHIP 21_ RANGE 5E, WM Tax Parcei # 09 2105 - 9020-08 QWEST REFERENCE # WA063010101D01 SEE EXHIBITS'A.B & CATTACNED HERETt7 AND BY 7NI5 REFBqENCEMADEA PART HEREOF Grantor further oonveys to Grantee the following indderrtal rights: The rlyht of ingress and egress over and aom the lands of Granbor bD and itom the above-descn'bed property and the right to dear and keep deated all trees and other obstructions as may be necessary for the Grantee's use and enjoyment of the easement area. Grantee shall indemnify Grantor for all damages caused to Granbor as a result of. Grantee's rtieglkftnt exerose of dhe rights and privileges terein grantiad. Grartee shaU have no responsibUitjr for pre-existing ernironmental eantamination oc liabpities. Grantor reserves the right to axupy, use arid culdvate said easement far all purposes not fnconsistent with the rights herein,granbed. Grantor covenants that he/she/they is/are the fee simple owner af said land or in which the Grantor has arry Interest and will warrant arid defend tttle to the tand agafnst all claims. Granboc hereby eovenants that no excavation, building, structure or obstrucbion wilf be constructed, erected, built or permitted on said easemerit area and na change will be rnade by grading or otherwise to the surface or subsurfaoe of the easement area or to the ground immediately adjacent to the easement area. EXCISE TAX NC?T RBQtJIItED King Ca. Recorda BY ~ ~epufiY . 1 20100727000924.002 The rIghts, owdittorn and provisions of this easenent shafl inwe ba tlhe benefit of and be binding upon the Fieirs, execu0ors, admir►istrators, sudoessors ar►d assigns of the respedM parties hereto. Any tlatm, aontroversy or dispute arlsing out of this Agreement shall be settled by arbitration in aaordance with the applicable rules of the American Acbitratton Assodation, and jutlgment upon the awaRl rendered by the arbitrator may be entereci in, eny court having jurisdiction thereaf. The arbitration shall be oDnducted in tfie oounty where'the properiy is iocated, R/W#: "ahange: _ Couirty: Sectaon : Township Range 20100727000924.003 , ClTY OF AUBURN a Washington municipal corporation Dated this _ • ~ day of ,2010 ~ ~ r By _ Peter B. Lewis,-Mayor AEST: - - ~ . - , Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APP l? D Daniel B. Hei , ' Attom , STATE OF WASHINGTON ) . ) ss COUNTY OF'KING I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence: that Peter B. Lewis and Danielle E: Daskam were the persons who appeared before me, and said persons acknowledged that they signed this instrument, on oath stated that they were authorized to execute the insirument and acknowledged it as the MAYOR and CiTY CLERK of the CITY OF AUBURN to be the free and voluntary act of such parties for the ases and purposes mentianed in this instrument " GIVEN under my hand and official seal this day of , 2010. ``,a~~.~~~~1~µ~ . , i K.C.F~4 l!LL - - ~f ~ o-1 aR" ~ . . ~ vf • ` _ !L~'t~ ~ I~C l~1/'" S G Nota Public'in and for the:State ofi Washingfon 3 29 AResiding at • Ca. ~y My appointment expi s 03 • -AA - ~ ~ oR w~, 20100727000924:004 . . . EXHIBTT A PARCEL DESCR.II'TION STR: SEIL4SW1/¢0-721N-R5E; W.M. PARCEL 092145-9028-08 (REFERENCE: PACffIC NORTHWEST TT1I.E CAMPANY SUHDIYISION GtJARANTEE #110977102/17l10) ' ' A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED 1N TIM SOUTNEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SBCTION. 9, TOWNSIiIP 21 NORTH, RANC3E 5 EAST. W. M. IN KING COUN'I'Y AND DBSGRIHED AS FOLLOWS; THE SOUTH AALF OF THE SOVINEAS1' QUARTER OF THE SOCI711WEST QUARTER; EXCEPT THE .SOUTH 30 FEET TEIERLOF CONV$YED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD. (SOLTTHEAST - , 320TH STRBE'i) BY DEED RECURDED .UNDER REOORDING NUMBER 5796415; AND EXCEP'T THE EAST 30 FELT 1'HEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNfY. FOR ROAD (124rH . AYENUE SOLTTHEAST) BYDEED RfiCORDED UNDER RECORDiNG`NUMBER 5799261; AND BXCEPT THAT PORT[ON LYtNG WEST'ERI.Y OF 'fH8 'FpLLOWING DfiSCRIBED LINE: BS(iINNINa AT TFYB IN76RSECTIUN OF THE NORTH MARGIIV OF SAID SOUTfiEA$T 320 STRfiET AND THE EAST MARGIIN OF THE PLA't' OF LEA HILL VILLAGE DIVISION NO. 1 RECORDED IN . ' VOLUME 87 OF PLATS ON PAGES 39 TO 41, IN KINa COUNTY, WASHDNGTON; THENCB NORTH ALONO THE EA.ST MARGW OF 122ND AVENUE SOUTHEAST TO THE NORTFIEAST ' CORNER OF 5AID ADDITION; • 'I'HENCE NORTH 03001'4T' EAST 75 FEET; . - THENCE.SOUTT3 88°45'00" EAST 92 FEE3'; . THENCE, NORTH 010I0'00" WEST 178.94 FEEI'; , THENCE NORTH 86°44'10" WEST' TO THE SOU7'HEAST CORNER .OF LOT 75 OF THE LEA HILL VILLAOE.DMSION 3-A, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED•IN VOLUMB 93 OF PLATS, PAGE 74, IN KINC} COUNTY, WASHiNGTON,• , TfiENCE NORTHERLY ALONG TH B EAST MARGIN OF SAID LEA HILI: VILLAGE DIVISIbN 3-A TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION; . AND EXCEPT 'IHt1T PORTION CONVEYED TO RING COUN''Y BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDINC3IVLJMBER 7510080361. L'o~ ' ' ~ • ~ . : 128 234t6 St. SW ; ~ . Everett, WA 98204 _ • " 425/741-3800 • RL . ~p ~ . . Page 1 of 1 . • . . H:1DOC121 Cp10T016,_GRCC General QassrnomlSurvey legal descrip6ams1092105-9020-08 Uttlity Exhibit A.doc • . 20100727000924.005 EXHIBIT B . v rn.rrY FAsEMEM S'[R: Sfil/4-SWl/4-S9-T2IN-R5E, W.M. PARCPI. 092105-9020-08 • (REFEREN'CE: PACIIIC NORTHWES? TTCLE COMPANY SUBDMSION GUA.RANTEE #110977102/17/10) A UT21TY EASEMENT OVER, UNDER AND ACROSS A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHBAST QLIARTER OF THE SOUTHVVEST Qt1ARTER OF SECIION 9, TOWN3HI1' 21 NORTH, , . RANGE 5 EAST, W. M. IN KIIYG COLJN'I'Y AND DFSCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; THE SOLTTEt HALF OF THE SOUTHEAS7 QUARTBR OF THE SOLTMWES'I' QUAR?ER;, EXCEPT THE SOUTH 30 FBET THEREOF CONVEYBD TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD.(SOiFCHE4ST 320T" - ST - R,EE'!) BY DFED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER $796415; ' AND EXCEP'1' THE EAST 30 F&BT THE]tBOF` CONVEY$D TO KINO COUNTY FOR ROAD (124"T AVENLTE SOLTPHEAS'1) BY DEED RBCORDED UNDER RECORDING 1VU1viBER 5799261; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTIOId LYING WESTERi.Y OF THE FOLLOWII~TG DESCRIk3ED LINE: _ BEGWNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTH MARGIIV OF SAID.SOII'TliBAST 320'H STRESf AND THE EAST MARGIN OF THE PLAT OF LEA HILL VII.LAGB DIVISION NO. 1 REGORDED 1N VOLUME 87 OF PLATS ON PAGES 39 TO 41, IN KING QOUNTY, WASHINGTON; • THENCE NORTH ALONG '1HE EAST MAItC3IN OF 122m AVENUE SOLMiSPiST TO THE NORTEEAST CORNER OF SAID ADDTT[ON; . - - - 'TFTENCE NORTFi 03°O1'4T' EAS'T 75 FEET; • _ THENCfi SO[TI H 88045'00" FAST 92 FEET; , THENCE NORTH 01010•00" wEST 178.84 FEET; ' - TIUNCE NORTH 86°44'10" .WBST TO THE SUUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 75 •OF T'HE LEA HILL ' VILLAGE:DNLSION 3-A, ACCORDING TO TIiE PLAT RECQRDED INVOLLIMZ 93 OF PLATS, PAGE 74, IN KDVO COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE EAST MARGIN OF SAID LEA HILL VQ,LAGE DMSION 3-A TO THE NORTH I.IIVE OF SAID SUBDIVISION; AND EXCEPT TFiAT POR'ITON CONVEYSD TO KINCi COUNTY BY DEID RECORDBD UNDER . RECORDINO NUMBER 7510080361; • SAII3 UTII.ITY EASEMF:NT MORE PARTICULARLYDESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: • •(THE BEARINGS OF SAID UTILITY EASEM£NT DESCRIPTION ARE BASED :ON WASHIN(3TON STATE ' PLANE NAD-83 C1TY. OF AUBURN.HORIZONTAL DATUM AND DIFFER PROM THE BEARINaS OF THE _ . : ' ABOvE DESCRg3ID TRAGT OF I,AND}s • Page 1 of 3 ' WD0021 Cp\071016 GRCC Generral ClasscoomlSurvey le$al deacripti;cs\092105-9020-08 Utility Fxhibit B.doc . 20100727000924.006 COMMENC3N0 AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE ABOVE DESCItIBED TRAGT OF LAND; TFIETiCE NORTH 88°41'03" WEST ALANG `fHI? NORTfi LII1E OF SAID TRACT 15.00 FEET TO THE . . POINC OF H$GINN[NCi OF SAID UTTLITY EA$EMENI'; THENCE SOUTH 01009'40" WEST 241.90 FBET TO THE BEGINNIN(3 OF AN I165.00 FOOT RADIUS TANGBNT CtJRVE'PO'THE LEFT; • THENCE SOUTHBASfE1tLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THiOUGH: A CENI'RAI, ANGLE OF 02047'56" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 56.91 FWf; THENCE SOVTH 0I°38'16' EAST 168.87 FEE'T.'f0 Ti~ •BEGINNING OF AN 1144.00 F007 RADIi3S , TANGfiNT CURVE TO THE RYGHT; ~ THErTCE Sp Y ALQNG THE AKC OF SAID CURVE TFIItOUGH A•CENTRAL ANGLE OF 02047'56" AN.ARC DISTANCE OF 55.88 FBBT; THENCE SOUTfi 01°09'40" WEST 69.85 FEET TO'I'HB BEGINNWti OF A 29S0 FOOT RADIUS TANQrENT CURVE TO'THE RIGA1; THBNCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONd THE ARC OF SAID CURVE Tffi;OUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 58008'44" AN ARC DISTtITTCE OF 29:94 FEET AND THE BBGWNING OF• A 35.00 FOOT RADNS COMPOUND CLTRVE ?O TfM RIGHT, THE C,F.NTER OF WHIGH.BEARS` NORTH 28001'46" WEST; . •TIiENCB SOUT'HWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CAWOUND CURVB THROUGH A CENTRAL ANG1.E OF 29006'34" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 17.78 FEET TO THI? SOU`IH L1NE OF SAID TRAGT; THENCE NORTFI. 88°55' 12'' WEST AI.ONG SAID SOIJfH LINE 18.40 FEET; THENCL NORTS 73052'08" fiAST Z lAl FEET; THENCB NORTH 210I3'2T' F.AST 41.65 FEE'C; THENCE NORTH 01009'40" EAST 54.0I FEET TO T~ BEGINNING OF A 1129.00 FOOT RADNS TANGSNT CURVE TO THE LEFi'; ~ THfiNCB NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURYE THROUGH A CEMRAL ANGLE OF 02°04'S4" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 41.02 FEfiT; ' THBNCE NORTH.29036'36" EAST 9.27 FELT; , THENGE NORTii:33°49'S3" WEST 8,86 FEET; T'FIENCE NORTH 0 1°38'16" WEST 70.13 FEEI; . •THENGE SOU'lli 88°21'44" WES"f 15.00 FBET; . Tl3EIdCE NORTH 0 1038'16" WES? 7100 FEET; TFiENCE NOR'1'H 88°21'44" EAST 25.00 FBET; ' THENCE NORTfi 01°38'16" .WBST 22,44 FEET TO THE BEGINNlNC3 OF A 1170.00 FOOR' RADIUS. TANCiENT CLTFtVE TO'TIiE RIGHT; . THEAfCB NORTHEASTBRLY ALON(3 THE ARC OF SAID C[JRVE THUUGH A.CENTRAL ANGLE OF 02°47'56" AN ARC DIS'fANCE OF 37.15 FEET; • . 'lHBNCE NORTH.Ol°09'40" EAST 74.98 FEET; . THENCE NORTH 88950'20° V4TEST 5.00 FEET; • TAENCE NORTH 01°09'40" EA57143.02 FEET; ' . Page 2 of 3 H:\DOC12ICp\071016_GRCC Gederal G'hsSroomlS+uvey legal descriptions1092105-9020-08 Utility Exhtbit B.doc , 20100727000924.007 THENCE NORTIi 8$°50'.ZO" WE$T 20.00 FEET; _ THENCE NORTH 01009'40" EAST 23.99 FEE7' TO THE NORTH WNE OF SAID TRAGT; ' THENCF. $OUTH 88041'03" EST AIANG SAID NORTH•I.INE 30.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGWNING _ AND TI3S T'ERMINUS OF SAID UTYL[TY EASEMENT. , SAID UTILiTY FASEMENT CONTAINING 8,770 SQ. FEET, OR 0.20 ACRES, MORE OR I.E.SS. . . -Z►~ G. ~b~S'p ~ t ~ • ~ !RSW - Everett, wA 98204 L~ 4251741-3800 . • • Page 3 of 3 • . . H:1DOC12ICp107k016 GRCC Gene=al GassroomlSurvty 3ega1 descriptionsW92105-9020-08 Utility F.xtu'bit B.doc 20100727000924.008 . ~ EXHIBIT C . ~ ~ - PROPOSED . (30' 130' _ ~ I . RIGHT-OF-WAY ~ 15.00' ~ - _ ~ ~ `88'41'Q3' E ~ N . ~.LL~ LI- 1 - .41 w _ 30,00, i,.3~ • Powr of I . L3_ s a~ z _ aoa ~ I 1 ~ __S - 50- . •„r LS- : s-o 74. r ~ - - - - ° y ~ ' E _ - PARCEL • 1 5 49 53 0921059~0-06 L I ' L12_ _ _ 154 L318th WAY 4 S 2 W _ S_ 8__ 16, ~ EASE,OEM I . 8,_. 4. "20 AM. w a) ~ 11 i 70.00 57. cz _ 14.7a utlCS 1 G %5WN44 WI . ° ~ ~ tn w . . ol wg ~ ~ L11 y~ Ll N I . , . I niis_. MnP noES Nor oj, } R4► ~ REPRESEKf A PROPER'Tl' F~ SURVEY AND DOES NOT Q~•. ~ ! PURPORT T0 SHOW ALL ~ 301 3Q' 1 EASEMENTS OF RECORD. SW COR. . S. 320TH ST. ~Lt e ( sEC. 9. Tvm. 21 N. RGE S 88'55'12° E . fSE. W.M. ' - - Tffi 13G ft 91 • 9h ZM , • • • ~ ~ 11i"Ift m SW1LE: 1 1V0• YnTE: 06-22-10 - Pk 40 741.M 1:\22\2009\020\2920-Ens=acere.owc .