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. . - ' . . 4~. •
: , -
CITY- _ ;
• Item Page Area to be changed Change_ Reason- Pros Cons Comments
Reflect new projects and
remove projects that
Auburn School have been completed as Annual change to
P/T 1 District Capital N/A N/A Incorporate updated well as updated None ensure authority for the
Facilities Plan information information related to imposition of school
, development.activity impacYfee
and projection of student
; Reflect new projects and
: - remove projects that
have:been completed as Annual change to
Kent School Incorporate updated well as updated - None ensure authority for the
P/T 2 District Capital N/A N/A information information related to iinposition of school
Facilities Plan
development activity impact fee
and projection of student
Reflect new;projects and
remove projects that
Dieringer have been completed as Annual change to School District N /A N/A Incorporate updated well as updated None ensure authority for the
P~ 3 Capital information information related to finposition of school
Facilities Plan development activity impact fee
and projection of student _
Reflect new projects and
remove projects that
Federal Way have been completed as Annual change to
School District Incorporate updated welt as updated ensure authority for the
P/T 4 N/A N/A None
Capital information information related to imposition of school
Facilities Plan development and impact fee
projection of student
9/112010 . ~
Item Page Area to be changed , Change _ Reason Pros; ' Cons ; Comments
_ Reflect name change in
Strike: "the Puget Sound P/T 5 referenced Dept: of Ecology ~
Page 9-2' . Policy EN-2 Basin° and:substitute: - Accuracy of reference - None,
A °Westem Washington° stormwater management ,
Change: "for rural uses" to To be consistent with Comp.
P/T 5 "Residential Conservancy" in Consistency with
B '
Page 9-3. Policy EN-9 this policy saying where septic Plan changes made during the previous - amendment. None
. use;may be appropriate 2008 amendment cycle.
` Strike: "the Puget Sound Reflect name change in
P/T 5 referenced Dept of Ecology
Page 9-4 Policy_EN-14 Basin"'and, substitute: Accuracy ofreference None C - stormwater management
"Westem Washington"
document .
Ohanget "Federal flood
P/T 5 insurance program to Reflect name change in
Page 9-12 Policy EN-58 Accuracy of reference None
D "National Flood Insurance referenced program
Pro am"
Add this:new regulated area
P/T 5 Add: "the City of Auburn designation to be consistent Consistency with
E Page 9-13 . Policy EN-64 Regulatory Floodplain," w'ith the City's;adoption of previous code None
Ordinance No. 6295 related amendment.
to floodplain management
Add word to reflect name
P/T 5 chan,ge in City's
Page 9-21 Policy EN-118 Add: "Stormwater" Accuracy of reference None
F Comprehensive Stormwater
Draina e Plan -
A endix B -Re orts and Studies
P~, 5 Add City. prepared Add reference to: Greenhouse Reflect preparation of this Add supporting I
Page B-6 document to be Gas Inventory for the City of ' None
G incorporated by reference Auburn, August 2010 city document . document
9/1/2010 2
,-5 , -
CPM Potentialchan e Reason Pros Cons Comments
the 25 maps to reflect
Revise Comprehensive Plan Maps to To reflect to annexation of Olson Farm Consistency with city
CPM 1 None change in city boundary due to
reflect change in City boundary properry per Ordinance No. 6261 in 2009 6oundary
2009 annexation.
~ 9/1/20,10 ~
, .
I -
Agenda Subject Date: August 30, 2010
CRA10=0002; 2010 Comprehensive Plan Amendments - City Initiated
Plan Map Amendments and PolicylText Amendments
Department: Planning and Attachments`. See separate binder Budget Impact: N/A
Administrative Recommendation: Planning Commission recommends to City Council approval of
2010 City-lnitiated Comprehensive Plan Amendments, Group 1.
Backgro"und Summary:
The City of Auburn adopted amendments to its Comprehensive Plan in 1995 in response to the 1Nashington State Growth Management Act (GMA) requirements, as amended. Since then the Aubum
Comprefiensive Plan has been amended annually.
Comprehensive plan amendmenfs can be initiated by the City of Auburn (city-initiated) and by private
citizens (privately-initiated). This year the city is initiating twenty=fve map amendments and a few policy
and text amendments. In addition, this year the city received no privately-initiated plan map amendments
and one privately-initiated policy/text amendment that will be reViewed under separate agenda bills and
will be heard by the Planning Commission at their October meeting. Additonal city=initiated amendments
will also be considered at the by the Planning Commission at their October meeting (Capital Facilites
Plan, etc.). _
This staff report and recommendation addresses Comprehensive Plan Map (CPM) Amendments CPM # 1
(The finrenty-five map changes are all to reflect a change in city limits due-to an annexation and thus are
represented by a single map change number) and Policy/Text (P/o Amendments P!T # 1 through # 5.
Comprehensive plan amendments are initially reviewed during a public hearing process before the City of
Aubum Planning Commission, who then provides a recommendation to the City Council for final action.
City Council consideration and action on the amendments will occur prior. to the end of this year.
Reviewed by Council& Committees: Reviewed by Departrnents & Divisions:
❑ Arts Commission COUNCIL COMMITTEES: ❑ Building ❑ M&O
❑ Airport ❑ Finance : ❑ Cemete.ry ❑ Mayor
❑ Hearing Examiner ❑ Municipal;Services ❑ Finance ❑ Parks
❑ Human Services CD Planning & Dev. ❑ Fire . Z Planning
❑ Park Board ❑ Public Works ❑ Legal ❑ Police
p Planning Comm. ❑ Other 0 Public Works ❑ Human Resources
Committee ApprovaL• ❑Yes ❑No
Council Approval: DYes ❑No Call for Public Hearing
RefeRed to Until . / /
Tabled Until
Councilmember: Staff: Dixon
Meetin Date: Se tember 8, 2010 Item Number:
Page 1 of 6
Agenda Subject: CPA10-0002, 2010 Comprehensive Plan Date: August 30, 2010
Amendments - City Initiated Plan Map Amendments and Policy/Text
Amendments '
A. Findings
1. RCW 36:70A.130 (Washington State Growth Management Act :(GMA)) provides .for
amendmentsto locally adopted GMA comprehensive plans. Except in limifed circumstances
provided for in State law, comprehensive plan amendments shall be considered by the city
or, county legislative body no more frequently than once per year.
2. The City of Auburn established a June 10, 2010 deadline for the submittal of privately-
initiated comprehensiVe plan applications (map or policy/text). Notice #o the public of the
fling deadline was provided on the City's website,'the Seattle,Times;' theAubum Reporter,
and sent to a compiled notifcation list. The City receive no privately inifiated comprehensive
plan map amendments and one policy/text amendment by the submittal deadline.
3. The City of Aubum received annual updates to the four school district capital faeilities plans
whose districts occur within the City of Aubum. These capital facilities plans are referenced
in. Ghapter 5 of the Aubum Comprehensive Plan and are processed as Policy/Text (P/T)
4. A Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) was issued for the Cify-initiated Comprehensive
Plan Amendments on August 17, 2010 under City file # SEP10-0019. To date the only
comment received in response was from Pierce Transit saying: "no comment". The
comment period ended September 1, 2010 and the appeal period ends September 16,
2010. As of the writing of this report no other comments were received or appeals filed.
5. On September 8, 2009, the City Council adopted Ordinance :No, 6261.annexing land for
municipal purposes to be used associated with the Mary Olson Farm.
6. Aubum City Code Ghapter 44.22 outlines the process for submittal of privately-initiated
amendments and the processing of comprehensive plan amendments as follows:
Section 14.22.100
A. The planning commission shall hold at least one.public hearing on all proposed
amendments tothe comprehensive plan. Notice of such public hearing shall be given
pursuant to Chapter 1.27 ACC and, at a minimum, include the following:
1. For sife-specific plan map amendments:
a. Notice shall be published once in the official newspaper of the city not less
than 10 calendar days prior to the date of public hearing; b. Notice shall be mailed by first class mail to all property owners of record
within a radius of 300 feet of the proposed map amendment request, not less
than 10 calendar days prior to the public hearing;
2. For area-wide plan map amendments:
a. Notice shall be published once in the official newspaper of the city nof less
than 10 calendar days prior to the date of public hearing;
b. Notice shall be mailed by first class mail to all property owners of record
within the area subject to the proposed amendment;
c. Notice shall be posted in at least two conspicuous locations in the area
subjecf to the proposed amendment not less than 10 calendar days prior to
the date of the public hearing.
Page 2 of 6
Agenda Subject: CPA10-0002, 2010 Comprehensive Plan Date: August 30, 2010
Amendments - City Initiated Plan Map Amendments and Policy/Text
B. Nofinrithstanding the above, the director may expand the minimum noticing provisions
noted above as deemed necessary.
C: Planning Commission Recommendation. The planning commission shall conduct a
public: hearing on all potential comprehensive plan amendments and shall make and
forward a recommendation on each to the city counciL The planning commission shall
adopt written findings and make a recommendation consistent with those findings to the
city council.
D. The city council, if it elects to amend the comprehensive plan, shall adopt written
findings and adopt said amendments by ordinance.
E. State Review. All comprehensive plan amendmenfs considered by the planning '
commission shall be forwarded for state agency review consistent with RCW
F. Any appeal of an amendment to the comprehensive plan shall be made in accordance
- with Chapter 36.70A RCW. (Ord. 6172 § 1, 2008.)
7. Pursuant _to RCW 36.70A.1061 the proposed comprehensive plan amendments outlined in
this agenda bill were sent to the Washington State Office of Commerce, formerly the
Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (CTED) and other state
agencies as required for the 60-day state review. No comments were received from
Commerce or other state agencies as of the writing of #his report.
8. Due to the minor nature of the city-initiated map amendments and the city-initated policy/text
changes and receipt of only one privately-initiated policy/fext change, the optional process of
a public open house was not conducted.
. 9. The public hearing notice was published on August 30, 2010 in the Seattle Times at least
10-days prior to the Planning Commission public hearing scheduled for September 8, 2009.
10. The following report identifies Comprehensive Plan Map (CPM) and Policy/Text (PJT)
amendmenfs scheduled for the Planning Commission's September 8, 2010 public hearing
with a staff recommendation. -
CPM #1
Revise fhe finrenty-five maps of the Comprehensive Plan to reflect updated city limit
boundaries. Maps numbered 1.1 through 14.2 would be revised.
The Auburn City Council adopted Ordinance. #6261 Sepfember 8, 2009 annexing for municipal
purposes a 6.13-acre, city-owned parcel lying on the east side of the Green River and west of
the Mary Olson Farm Property. The parcel # 3222059113 is located in the northwest quarter of
the southwest quarter of Section 32, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M. The ordinance,
describes that the city acquired and annexed the property for the purpose of developing off-
street parking for visitors arriving in vehicles as well as by bus and school buses associated with
educational uses for the MaryOlson Farm. After issuance of shoreline permits and other
approvals the construction of the parking lot has started and is anticiapted.to be completed in
8eptember 2010. All of the maps in the Comprehensive Plan require revision to show the.
change in city boundaries due to inclusion of the annexed area.
Page 3 of 6 -
Agenda Subject: CPA10-0002, 2010 Comprehensive Plan Date: August 30, 2010 J
Amendments - City Initiated Plan Map Amendments and Policy/Text ;
Recommendation .
Planning Commission to recommend approval to the City Council
P/T #1 .
Incorporate Auburn School District Capital Facilities Plan 2010 through 2016, adopted May 10,
2010 into the City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan.
The Aubum School District has provided the City with its annually updated Capital Facilities
Plan (CFP) covering from 2010-2016. The CFP was adopted by the Auburn School District
School Board on May 10, 2010 and has been subject to SEPA review and a Determination of
Non Signifcance (DNS). Information contained in the School District CFP serves as the basis
for the City's collection of school impact fees on behalf of the school distqct. The Planning
Commmission action is incorporation of the Aubum School District Capital Facilities Plan into
the City's Comprehensive Plan.
A review of the Auburn School District's updated Gapital Facilities Plan indicates the District
is requesfing a net fee obligation for single-family dwellings of $5;266,33, a decrease of
$166.37 and for multi-family dwellings a fee of $1;518:22, an increase of $333.51. The
actual impact fee that is assessed is set by ordinance by the Aubum Gity CounciL
- Planning Commission to recommend approval to the City Council
P/T #2
Incorporate Kent School Disfrict Capital Facilities Plan 2010-2011 to 2045-2016 adopted June
23, 2010 into the City of Aubum Comprehensive Plan.
The Kent School District has provided its annually updated 2010 2011 to 2015-2016 Capital
Facilties Plan. The CFP was adopted by the Kent School District School Board on June 23,
2010 and has been subjectto SEPA review and a Determination of Non Significance (DNS).
Informafion contained in the School District CFP serves as the basis for the City's collection of
school impact fees on behalf of the school district. The Planning Commission action is
incorporation of the Kent School District Capital Facilities Plan into the City's Comprehensive
A review of the Kent School District's updated Capital Facilities Plan indicates the net fee
obligation for single-family dwellings of $5,394.00 and for multi-family dwellings of
$3,322.00. This impact fee has remained unchanged since last year. The actual impact`fee
that is assessed is set by ordinance by the Aubum City CounciL -
Planning Commission to recommend approval to the City Council
Incorporate the Dieringer School District Capital Facilities Plan 2011-2016 adopted May 20,
2010 as part of the Auburn Comprehensive Plan.
Page 4 of 6
Agenda Subject: CPA10-0002, 2010 Comprehensive Pian Date: August 30, 2010
Amendments - City Initiated Plan Map-Amendments and Policy/Text
Discussion The Dieringer School District has provided the City with its annually updated Capital Facilities
Plan 2011 - 2016.. The CFP was adopted by the Dieringer School District Board of Directors on
May 20, 2010. . The CFP has been subject to SEPA review and a DNS. Information contained
in the School Districfi.CFP serves as #he basis for the City's collection of school impact fees on
behalf of the school district. _
A review of the Dieringer School District's updated Capitaf Facilities Plan indicates the net
fee obligation of single-family dwellings of.$4,296.00, an increase of $1,291_00. The CFP
shows the tax payment credit exceeds the imapct fee calculation. The actual impact fee
assessed is set by ordinance by the Auburn City Council.
Recommendation -
Planning Commission to recommend approval to the City Council
P/T #4
Incorporate Federal Way School Disfricf Capital Facilities Plan 2010-2015 adopted May 26,
2009 by the Federal Way School Board into the City Comprehensive Plan. .
The Federal Way School District has provided the City with its annually updated Capital
Facilities Plan (2011). The CFP was adopted by the Federal Way School District School Board
on May 25, 2010. The CFP has been subject to SEPA review and a DNS; Information
contained in the School District CFP serves as the basis for the City's collection of school
impact fees on behalf of the school district.
A review of the Federal Way School District's updated Capital Facilities Plan indicates the
net fee obligation forsingle-family dwellings is $4,014.00, an increase of $182.00 and for
multi-family dwellings is $2,172.00, an increase of $58.00. The actual impact fee assessed
is set by ordinance by the Auburn City CounciL
Planning Commission to recommend approval to the City Council
P/T #5
Aubum's city-initiated Comprehensive Plan Policy/Text amendments includes: minor
updates to titles of cited documents, other changes to increase the consistency with
previous comprehensive plan, zoning code, and regulation changes; and to reflect the City's
preparation of Greenhouse Gas Inventory.
Highlighted below are those key amendments to the current 2010 Comprehensive Plan.
Chapter 9- The Environment /Key Amendments:
e Minor revisions to reflect updated title of referenced documents
e Minor revision to increase consistency with previous comprehensive plan and zoning
code changes
Appendix B
v Add reference to recognize the City's preparation of a Greenhouse Gas Inventory
Page 5 of 6
Agenda Subject: CPA10-0002, 2010 Comprehensive Plan Date:_ August 30, 2010
Amendments - City. Initiated Plan Map Amendmenfs and Policy/Text
The general objective of these proposed policy/text amendments is to update and increase the
consistency of fhe Comprehensive Plan. The changes include: minor updates to titles of cited
documents, other changes to increase the consistency with previous comprehensive plan,
zoning code, and regulation changes, and to reflect tfie Cify's preparafion of Greenhouse Gas
Inventory; The binder included details,these changes in context of existing policy and provides .
historical 'information:
Recommendation -
Planning Commission to recommend approval to the City Council
Page 6 of 6
AliBURN Peter e. Lewis, Mayor
+ WAS 1-I I NGTON 23 Wes# Main Sheet * Aubum WA 98001-4998 * www.raubumwagov * 253-931-3000
TO: Interested Parties
FROM: Jeff Dixon, Principal Planner
Department of Planning and Development
DATE: August 16, 2010
RE: Notice of Determinafion of Non-Significance for the City of Auburn's 2010
CompreLensive Plan Map and PoticyP!'ext Amendments (City-initiated).
File Nos. CPA10-OOOI and SEP10-0019
Please find enclosed a copy of the Determination af Non-Ssignificance in accordance with 197-11-340(2)
far the above referenced project. Also inctuded are the fo[lowing.
i . Environmenta! Checklist Application
2. Map Amendments - update all maps ta reflEet minor change in city boundary with a2009
annexation, Ordinance No. 6261 (Maps available upon request)
3. Palicy/Text Amendments
• Auburn Schaoi District Capital Facilities Plan Executive Sammary
• Kent School District Capital Facilities Plan Execuiive Summary
• Dieringer School District Capital Facilities Plan OvervieNv
• Federal Way Public Schools Capital Facilities uitroduction
+ Text amendi»ents to Coinprehensive Plan:
• Chapter 9, Environment
• Appendix B
If you have any questions regarding this process or wtfuld like to received additional documentation on
the proposed amendments, please contact JeffDixon, Principat Planner, at 253-804-5033 or via e-mail at
jdixon(t~,auburnNva. ov
AUBURN ~ MoRE rrtAN vov InnACiNEg
AtiBURN. Peter B. Lewis, Mayor
' WAS H l NGTC1 N 25 West MaIn Street * Aubum 1NA 98001-4498 * www.auburnwa.gov * 253-931-3000
Determination of Non-Significance
Description of
Proposal: City of Auburn Year 2010 City Initiated Comprehensive Map and Policy/1'ext
ProPonent; Jeff Dixon, Principal Planner
City of Auburn Planning and Development Department
Location: City wide and within the City's potential annexatian area.
Lead Agency: City of Auburn
The lead agency for this proposal lias deterinined that it does not have probable significant adverse impact
on the environment An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW
43.21C.030(2)(6). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other
uiformation on fi!e with the lead agency. This infonnation is available to the public on request.
This DNS is issued under 197-11-340(2); tlie lead agency will not act on this proposal far 14 days from
the date issued below. Camments must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on September 1, 2010.
Respansible Official: Kevin Snydex, AICP
Pnsition/Title: Director of Planning and DevelopmeYit Department
Address: 25 West Main Street
Aubw•n, Washington 98041
253-931-3090 ~Date Issued: August 17, 2010 Signature: ~r
Note: This determination does not constitute approval of the pro asal. Approva f the proposal
can only be made by tlie legislative or administrative body vested with tliat authority. The proposal
will be required to meet all applicable regulations.
T : {
cmr oF 0"01*41
r' Flajt►titrg, Blliltllitg, [li1ll COlf1f71U1?Ily DepllYtillE'.I1f
Note: Ttiis enVwomnental checklist does nat address ali proposec12010 cotnprehetisive plan aiiiendments.
Otirer 2010 amendments (private initiated and the City's capital facilities plan) are undergoing or have
undergone separate ejivirorunental revie-vv.
1. Name of proposcci project, if applirable:
City of Auburn's 2010 Gamprehensive Plan Map and Policy(Tex# Amendmetits
2. Nanxe of Applicant:
City af Auburn, Washington
3. Atlclress and phone number of apPlicant and contact persan:
Planning and Developnieut Department
City of Auburn
25 West IVlaiu Street
Auburn,lWA 98001
Jeff Dixon, Principat Planner
jdi.con Er auburnlva.gov
4. Date checklist preparecl:
Juiy 29, 2010
5. Agency requesting checlclist:
City of Atiburn
6. Proposetl fiming or schedule (inclutIing phasing, if applicaUle):
A Planning Commessian public hearing on tbe proposed amendments cavered by this clYecklist is
tentatively scheciuled far (bwt no earlier than) September 8, 2010. City Cauncit consideration of
ibe proposed amenciments is piarrned far November andtar earty December. City Caundii action
on plan aineiidinents typicalty ocaurs prior to the end af the calendar year.
7. Do you havc any pians for future aciditioiis, expansion, ai• furt}iea• acfivity reIafied to or
connefitecl witii this proposai? If yes, explain.
Additional can3prehensive glan amenelments (including a privateiy initiated amendment) being
processed this year are being addressed t}irough separate environmental reviews.
Page 1 of 20
Eiiviron_metital Checklist (continued)
8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or wilE he '
prepared, directly related to fhis proposaL
Aubum SchoolDistrict. Determination ofNon-Significance- 2010-2016 Capital FacilitieS:Plan.
Apri12010 -
Dieringer School District SEPA thrsshold deteitinina#ion for adoptioii of tlie Dieringer $chool
District Capital Facilities Plaii 201 I-2U16 '
Federal Way School District. Determinatian ofNon-Significance- 2010 Capital Facilities Plan.
Apri12010. ' .
Kent SchooI District: Deterniination of Non-Significance - 2010 Capital Facilities Plan. June 8,
The City of Aubum anticipates issuing a#hreshold determination on a privately initiated
Coinprehensive Plan Text Amendment for Mosby Brother rarms Tnc. related`to the uses within
. the "Residential Conservancy" Comprehensive Plan designation and correspoiiding zoning text,
ainendments. (File Na SEP10-0013)
City of Auburn. Final Determination of Non-SiViifictuice - 2009 Amendinents ta the Auburn
Zotling Code and Land Division Ordinance. 2009
Puget Sound Regional Council - Final Environmental Impact Statement - Vision 2040: GroNvth
Strategy for the Central Ptiget Sound Regiori. March 2008.
City of Auburn. Final Deteirnination of Non-Significance - 2008 Compreliensive Plan
amendments. August 2008.
City of Atibttrn. Final Determination of Non-Significance-2007 Campreltensive Plan
ainendments. Augusf 2007.
City ofAuburn. Final Determination of Non-Significance - 2006 Comprehensive Plati
amendments. August2006.
City of Auburn. Final Determination of Non-Significance - 2005 Comprehensive Plan
amendments. September200S.
City of Auburn. Final Determina#ion of Non-Significance - 2004 Comprehensive Plan
amendments. September 2004. _
Cityof Auburn: Fina1 Determination of Non-Significance - 2003 Comprehensive Plan
amendlnents. October 2003.
City of,Auburn. Final Deterinination af Noii-Significance - 2002 Cornprehensive Plan amendments. October 2002. ~
City of Auburn. Final Determinatioil of Noii-Significance - 2001 Comprehensive Plan
ameiidments, Octaber 2001.
Page 2 of 20
Environmental Checklist (continued) TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT
City of Auburn - Auburn Downtown Plan/Final EIS. April 2001.
City af Auburn - Addendum to the Final Determination of Non-Significance - 1996
Comprehensive Plan Amendments. November 1996.
City of Auburn - Addendum to the Final Determination of Non-Significance - Gomprehensive
Plan Amendments to Comply with the Central Puget Sound Growth Management Hearings Board
Decision. October 1996.
City of Auburn - Addendum to #he Final Determi»ation of Non-Significance -1995
Comprehensive Plan Amendments. November 1995.
City of Auburn Final Determination af Non-Significance - Comprelietisive Plan Amendments to
` Gomply with ihe Washington State Growth Management Act. October 1994.
"City of Aubum - Final Environmental Impact Statement - City of Auburn Compiehensive Plan: Staff
Diaft and Recotunendations. May 1986.
City ofAuhurn: Final Detemunation ofNon-Signifcance - Downtown Design Study. April 1990.
• City of Aubum - Final Determination of Non-Significance - Coniprehensive Plan Amendments on City.
Expansiou and Urban Growth. July 1991. City of Aubum - Final Eiiviromnental Impact Statement: Auburn North CBD Analysis. November
1991. City of Aubu►Yi Final Determination of Non-Significance - Comprehensive Pian Amendments on
Sensitive and Criticat Lands. January 1992.
King County Parks, Planning and Resources Department = Finai Environmental vnpact Statement:
. Soos Creek Conimunity Plan Update. Deceinber 1991.
Kirig County Parks, F[anning and Resources Department"= Final Suppleinental Bnviroiimental Impact
Statement: Countywide Rlanning Policies Proposed Amendments. May 1994.
King County Parks, Pianning and Resources Depaitment - Supplemental Envirorunental bnpacf
Statement: King Counry Camprehensive Plan. July 1994.
Pierce CoUnty, Department of Planning and Land Services - Proposed Lakeland Hills South Mniing
and Reclamation Plan and Plamed Community Development: Final Environmental lmpact Statement.
July 21, 1992: `
Pierce County, Deparhnent of Planning and Land Services - Compi-ehensive Plan far Pierce County,
Washington: Fina[ EIS. September 20, 1993.
Pierce County, Department of Planning and Land Services - Fina( Supplemental EIS. for the
Comprehensive Plan for Pierce County, Waslungton. June 1994.
9. Do you know whether anplications are pending foi• governmental appirovals of other _
proposals directly affecting the Propei•ty covercd by your proposal? If yes, explain.
. Page 3 of 20
Environmental Checklist {coutinued} TO BE COIVIPLETED BY APPLICANT ~
None that Nve are aware of. •
10. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your prorosal, if known. The City of Au6uni Plauning Commission will hold a public hearing on the proposed 2010
- comprehensive plan.map and policy/text amendments addresseti in this environmental check[ist
and -will forward a recommendation to the Auburn City Council. The City Council may or may
not hald a public liearing prior to taking action adopting, adopting in part, or not adopting the
amendments. Although not an approval or permit, the proposed amendments area aiso subject to the 60-day
State Agency review process pursuant to RCW 36:70A.106.
11. Give a brief, complete descitiption ofyour pi•oposal, inclucling the propased uses ancl tlie
size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklisf #hat ask you to
describe cerfain aspects of your proposal. You ueed not repeat those answers on this pAge.
The City of Auburn annually amends its Camprehensive Plan in accordance with state la~v. lii
summary, the 2010 City of Auburii Annual Comprehensive Plan and Map amendments addressed
by this environmental checklist include poiicy/text amendinents (deuated by P/T) and plan map
amendrrients (denoted by CPM): These amendments are `described as follo~vs: P/T #1
lncorporate Auburn School District Capital Facilities Plan 2010 tlzrough 2016 adopted IViay 10,
2410 by the Auburn,School District Board of Direetors into the City Coinprehensive Plan.
- P/T #2
. Incorporate Kent School District 2010 Capital Facitities Plan adopted June 23; 2010 by the Kent
School District Board into the City Camprehensive Plan.
Incorporate the Dieringei• School District Capital Faciiities Plan 2011-2016 adopted May 20,
2010 byDieringer SchoolDistrict Board info the City Comprehensive Plan.
Pri' #4 .
Incorporate Federal Way Schaol District 2011 Capital Facilities Plan adopted May 25, 2010
bythe Federal Way Sahoai District Board of Directors into the City Comprehensive Plan.
P/T #6:
Reflect accurate title of Dept of Ecology stormwater management manual within this policy
P/T #7 ,
Change policy refereiice to comprehensive plau designation to agree with renaining froin 2008
, amendment.
P/T #8
Reflect accurate title of Dept of Ecology storm,%vater management manual within this policy
P/T #9
Page 4 of 20
Environmental Checklist (continued) TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT .
Reflect accurate title of National Flood Insurance Program within this policy statecnent.
P/T #10
Change reference witliin tliis policy statement to agree with previous update refated to floodplain
management. •
P/T #11: -
Reftect accurate title of City's Comprehensive Stormwater Drainage Plan within.this policy
statement. -
P/T #12 -
, Add the July 2010 Green House Gas lnventory. to the list of documents incorporated by reference
in Appendilc B. .
CPM #1
Revise aIl Comprehensive Plan Maps numbered 1.1 througti 14.2 to reflect a small annexation completed in 2009.
' 12.. Location of the proposaI. Give sufficient infoi-mation for a person to understand the precise
- location of your progosed project, inclnding a street.aclciress, if any, and section, township,
and range, if known. If a propasal would occur over a range of area, pravide the-range or
boundaries ofthe site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map; and
topogranhic map, if reasonably available. While you shou[d submit any plans required by
the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any
permit applications related to this cliecklist.
' The City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan covers tlie area within the municipal boundaries of the
City of Auburri, but also identifies properties in the City's Potential Annexation Area (PAA).
Both the Gro-*vth Management Act and the King and Pierce County Countytyide Planning
Policies, emphasize the need for consistent planning benveen cities' and the County within each
eity's urban growth area. The City's municipal boundarie§ and its remaining potential annexation.
areas are shawn on Map 1.1 of the City's Comprehensive Pian.
1. Earth:
A: General description of the site (circle one): Flat, rolling, hilly, sfeep slopes, mountain. ous, other.
The City of Auburn and its PAA are characterized by a reIatively flat valley floor bordei-ed by steep
hiilsides'aiid upland plateaus bordering a central valley.
S. What is the steegest sIope on the site (approximate percenf slope)?
The slopes vary in the city and PAA, but in some locations slopes associated -svith the valley walls
reach 100°/Q.
C. Whaf general tyges of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat,
muck)? If you lmow the classif cation of agricultural soils, specify them and note any pi•ime
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Environmental Checklist (continued)
TO BE COMPLETE, ID BY APPLICANT The valiey floor is made up primarily of soils of the Oridia, Renton, Snohomish, andBriscott
series. Tliese soils are poorly drained and formed in the alluvium (river sediments) associated
, with the White and Green rivers. These ai-e co»sidered.good agiicultural soils, thoiigli in many
areas, are not well-drained. There is no designated farmland within the: City of Auburn:
The liillsides and plateaus are made up of primarily Aldenvood associated soils and a small
amount of Everett associated soils (U.S. Deparhnent of Agriculture, 1973). Aldehwood soils ai-e
moderately we11 drained gravelly sandy ]oams 20-40 inches deep. Beneath these soils is glacial
tilt -tvith Iow permeability. Roots penetrate easily to the hardpan tayer. Runoff potential is slow
to medium. Erosion and slippage hazard is moderate; i-aiiging to severe on steeper stopephases
The Everett series consists of socnewhat excessively drained soils that are underlaui by very
gravelly sand. These soils formed in very gravelly glacial outwash deposits under conifers. They
are found on terraces and terrace fronts and are gently undulating to moderately steep.
D. Are there snrface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so,
Maiiy factors affect slope stability including soil type, parent materiat, slope and drainage. These
factors can be furtlier affecterl by human intervention such as slope alteration; and.vegetation
removal: The city has identified cafegories of geologic hazard areas and inventoried these areas.
Maps of the erosion and landslide hazard areas are provided as Maps 9.6 aud 9.7;,respectively in
the Gity's Comprehensive Plan.
E. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading pe•oposed.
Indicate saurce af fill.
Not applicabte. The proposed Comprehensive Plan ameiidments are non-project actions, no site
alteratian, construction, or earthwork is proposed.
F. Could crosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe.
Not applicable. This is a non-project action, `
G. About what percent of the site will be covei-ed with impei-vious surfaces after piroject
construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)?
Not applicable. Tiie action does not involve site specific development proposats;
H. Proposecl measures to reduce or control erosion or other impacts to the earth.
This is a non-proJect action, no site specifc erosion control is proposed. However, the existing comprehensive plan includes numerous policies to reduce or control erosion through the use of
best managementpractices, landscaping requirements, limitations on alteration of steep siopes
- and other critical areas protections. Impacts to eaith will be identified and; if iiecessary, mitigated -
during the deyelopineirt revieNv process as specifcc development proposals are made that might be
associated tvith these plan amendments.
The city aiso has Public Works design and construction standards that address eibsion impacts.
Page 6 of 20
Environmental Cliecklist (continued)
2. Air:
A. What types of emissions to the air would resuit from the pimpasal (i.e., dust, automobile; odors,
industrial wood smoke) dnring construction and when the project is completed? If any,
generaIIy describe and give approximate quantities ifknow.
Not applicable. This is a non-project action.
B. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odors that may affect your proposal? If so,
generally describe.
Not applicable.. This is a non-project action.
C. Plbpased measnres to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to Air, if any:
Not applicable. This is a non-pr.oject action. .
3. Wafer:
A. Surface:
I) Is there any surface water body on or in the immeciiate vicinity of the site (including ycar
- round and seasoual sfreams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands): If yes, describe type and
provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or rtiver it flows into.
The major bodies of tivater within Auburn are the Green Rivei~, the White River; Milt Creek,
Bowrnau Creek, Olson Creek and White Lake. The city has conducted an inventory oftvetlands
within the city limits. : These are shown on Map 9.3 of the Gity's Gomprehensive Plan.
Shorelines of the State are re#]ected in Auburn's Shorelines Master`Program adopted in May
2} Will the project require any wark over, in, or adjacent to (withinZOQ feet) the described
waters? If yes, plcase describe and attach available plans.
Not appiicable. This is a non-project action.
` 3} Estimate the amount af fc]1 and tlredge mateilal that would be placed `in or rem6ved firom
sue-face water or wetlands and indicate the area of.the site that wauld be affected. Tndicate
the source of f 11 material.
Not applicable. This is non-project action.
4) Will the pibposal require sut-face water withdralvals or diversions? Give general
description, purpose, and approximate quantities. if known.
Not applicable. This is non-project action.
5) Does fhe proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note Iocation on the site pian.
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Environmental Checklist (continued)
Severai areas within Aubum lie within the I00 year floodplain of the Green or White River and ,
Milt Creek. Floodplainas we11 as flood hazard areas as defined by the City are shown on Map .
rehensive Plan.
9.5 ity's Comp,
ofthe C
6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? Ifso,
describe the type of waste and anticigated yolume of discharge. ~
Not applicable. This is non-project action.
B. Ground:
1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to grounci water?- Give ,
generat description, purpose, and approximate quantities if knoWri.
Not applicable. This is non-project action.
2} Descrihe waste material that will be dischaiged into the ground from septic tanks or other
sources, if any (for example: clomestic sewage; industriai, containing any toacic chemicais;
agricuitural; etc.). Describe the general size of the:system, the number of such systcros, the
numbei• of houses to be served (if applicable), or fhe numbei• ofanimals. or humans the
sysfem(s) is (are) expected to serve.
Not applicable. This is non,project action.,
C. Water Rnnoff {inc[uding storm water}:
1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collectian and
dispossl, if any (include quantities, if known): Where wiiI this water flow? Will this water
flow into other waters? If s4, desci ibe.
Not applicable. This is non-project action. Z) Could waste materials enter ground or surface watcrs? If so, generally clesce•ibe.
Nat applioable. This is non-project action.
D. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and e•anoff water impacts, if any:
Not applicable. This isnon-project action.
4. Plants:
A. Check or circic types of vegetation founct on the site:
deciduous ti-ee: alder, maple, aspen, other. X
evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other. X -
shrtibs. X
grass. x
pasture. X
crop or grain. . X
wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bulrush, skunk cabbage, other. X
. Page 8 of 20
Enviroranental Checklist (continued) TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT Nvater plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other. X
otlter types of vegetatian. X ,
B. W-hat kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered?
Not applicable. This is a non-project action. HoNvever, in general urban developinent resutts in
the removal or.alteration ofmany types of vegetation.
C. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site:
None knoivn at this time.
D.. Prnposeci [andscaping, use of.native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance
vegetAtion on the site, if any:
Not applicable. This is a non-projecf action. " 5. Animals:
A. Circlc any birds aad animals which 6ave been obseived on or near the site or are known to be on
or near the site:
Birds: hawic, heron, eAg[e, songbirds, otlier: geese, ducks, crows, etc.
Maminals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, odier:
Fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfsh, other urban animals such as dogs, cats, squirrels,
rodents, opossums, raccoons, ete. are also present in the city.
B. List any threatened or endangeced species known :to be on ot• near the site.
There are nestingJbreeding sites of bald eagles, great blue herans and green back heron Nvithin ,
Auburn as shown on Map 9.2 of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The Environmental Imgact
Statement for the Auburn Thorouglibied Racetrack indicates tliat peregrine faicons, bald eagies,
and the Aleutian Canadian Goose have been seen in the Auburn area.
Chinook salmou are currently listed as.a threatened species by the National Marine Fislieries
Service (NMFS): Buil tibut are also listed. Chinook salmon,are knawn to use the Green and
Wfiite Rivers. '
C. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain.
Auburn is a portion of the Pacific Flyway for migratoiy birds.
D. Propased messsures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any:
Not applicable. This is a non-project action. .
6. Energy and Nataral Resources:
A. What kinds of energy (elechic, natural gas, oil, wood stoye, solar) w1I be useil to meet the
completeci project's eneigy neeiis? Describe whether it will be ased' for lieating, manufacturing,
etc. .
. . . Page 9 of 20
Environmental Checklist (continued)
Not applicable. This is a non-pcoject action.
B. Woulcl your project affect the potential use of salar energy by adjacent properties? If so,
generally describe. . ,
, Not applicable. This is a non-project action.
C. What Idnds of energy conservatiou featuces are inclucied in the plans of this pi•oposal? List
other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any:
Not applicable. This is a non-project action. 7. Environmental Health:
A. Are theiv. any environmental health hazards, inclucling exposure to toxic cliemicRls, risk of fi-c
and explosion, spill, or hazardaus waste thaf could occur as a result af this prnposal? If so, desciibe.
Not applicabte. This is a non-project action. :
1) Desc;ibc special emergency services that might be required:
Not applicable. This is a non-project action. 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control enviroamental health hazarcis, if any:
Not applicable. This is a non-project action. -
B. Noise: 1) What types of noise exist in the area wliich may affect your project (for exampte: ti~affic,
equipment, operation, other)? :
Not applicable. This is a non-project action.
2) Wliat types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a
short-term or a long=term basis {for example: traffic, constructian, operaHon, other}?
, Inclicate what houi s noise wuuld come from the site.
Not applicable. This is a non-project action. :
3) Proposed measures to i•educe or control noise impact, if any:
Not applicable. This is a non-project action. ,
S. Land and Shoreline Use: '
A. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properNes?
The City and PAA contain a vaiiety oF land uses including residential, industriat, iiistittrtional,
commercial, open space; and public iand uses. `
B. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe:
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Environmental Checklist (contintied) TO BE COIVIPLETED BY APPLICANT
Much of Green River Valley and the City of Auburn were used for agriculture at some time in the
past. Over the last several decades, rapid growth in the area resulted in inuch of the agricuttural
land converting to urban uses. Tio land within the city is designated as agricultural, tiiougli soine
parcels continue,as that type of use.
C. Describe any strnctures on the site:
Structures within the city and PAA iange from small single. family detached homes to large nidustrial
and,%yarehousing facifities. Properties su6ject to plan map amendments range iu use, as examples, from
vacant land; schools, reside.ntial, commercial to those that appear as primarily wetlands.
D. _Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? -
. Not applicable. This is a non-praject action.
E. What is the current zoning classification of the site?. Cityzoning districts include: RC (Residential Coiiservancy); R-I (l du/acre) R-5 (5 du/acre); R-7
(7 du/acre); R-10 (10 du/acre);-R20 (20 du/acre); R-MHC (Manufactured/Mobile Hoine
Community); RO (ResiQential Off'ice); RO-H (Residential Offce-Hospital); CN (Neighborhaod
Commercial) C1; {Light Commercial}; C2 (Central Business District); DUC (Downito~vn Urbati
Genter Zone); C3 (Heavy Commercial); MI (Light Industrial); EP (EnvironmentaI Park District);
M2 (Heavy Industrial); BP (Business Park); LF (Airport Laiiding Field); PI (Public Use); UNC
(Unclassified Use); I(Institutional Use); PUD (Planned Unit Development); Lakeland Hil(s Soutll _
PUD; and TV (Terrace Viexv Zoning,District). ,
F. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site?
A Comprehensive Plan map.of the Ciry is contained in the Ciry's Comprehensive Plan and
incIudes 13 different plan designations.
G. If applicable, wbat is the current shorelinc master progi-am designation of the site?
Portions of the City along the Green and White Rivers fall under the Shoreline Master Program.
A map of the shoreline designations for those areas is Map 9.1 of the City's Comprehensive Plan
(CPM#1)..Shore1ines-ofthe State-are reflected in Auburii's Shorelines Master Program adopted in
June 2004.
- H. Has any paz-t af the site been classified as, aa. "enviroamentally sensitive" area? If so,
specify: -
Not applicabie. This is a non-project action. However, areas of the city do contain sensitive ar critical
areas and the regulation and protedion of sensitive areas are addressed through uie city's ciitical areas
I. Appibximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project?
Not applicable. This is a noii-project action and no specific development is proposed.
J. Approximately horv many people ivould tlie completed project displace?
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Environmerital Checklist (contimjed) -
TO BE COIVIPLETED BY APPLICANT ~ None specifically. This pinposal is a non-project action. . K. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce dispiacement impacts, if any: `
None specifcatly. This proposal is a non-project action.
L. Proposed.measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing ancl projected Iand
' uses-and plans, if any:
This proposal is to amend the City of Auburn Comprehensive Plaa as described in response to the ,
erivironmental checklist application questions A.11 above. The public fiearing and review,
process that accurs as part of the comprehensive plan amendment process wilf be used to help
evaluate,whether a particular proposal is consistent with existing plaiis.
Alsq the proposed arnendments are circulated to State agencies for a State Agency review
process in accordance Nvith_.RCW 36.70A.106; -
9. Housing: :
A. Apgroximateiy how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or Iow-
income housing. : . .
Not applicable. This proposal is a non-project action. B. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or
low-income housing.
None. This proposal is a iion-project action.
C. Propased measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any:
None specifically, as this is a noii-project actioii.
10. Aesthetics:
, A. What is the taRest height of any propased structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal
exterior building materiRl(s) proposed?
Not applicable.. This proposal is a non-pinject action. B. What views in the immediate vicinity would be a[tered or obste•ucted7
Not applicable. This proposal is a non-project action. C. Proposed measui•es to reduce or coutrol aesthetic impacts, if any: . Not applicable. This proposal is a non-project action. .
11. Light and Glare:
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Environmental Check[ist (continued) TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT •
A. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur?
, Not applicable. This proposaI is a non-project action.
B. Could Iight or gtare from the finished project be a safety hazard- or interfere wifh views?
Not applicable. This proposal is a non-project action.
C. W6at existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal?
Not applicable. TIZis proposal is a non-project action.
D. Proposed ineasures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: .
Not applicable. This proposal is a noii-project action.
12. Recreation:
A. What designated and informal trrxeationai oppoi-tunities are in the immediate vieinity? .
The City of Auburn provides a full range of parks and recreafional facitities. , Map 1 l.l of the City's
Comprehensive Plan shows the.location of these facilities.
B. Would the.proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? Hso, describe.
Not applicable. This proposal is a non-project action.
C. Proposed measures to reduce or cantrol impacts on recreation including recreafion
opportunities to be provided by the pz•oject or applicant, if anys
Not applicable.: This proposal is a non-project action.
13. Histocic and Cultural Preservatiwi: ,
A. Are there any places or objects Iisted on, or pe•oposed for, national, state, or local preservation
registei-s knawn to be on or next to the sife? If so, generally describe:
Not applicable. Tfus proposal is a non-project action.
However as a matter of uiformation, in Auburn, the Blomeen House located at 324 B Street NE is on the
National Register of Historic Places. The Caniegie Library Building at 306 Auburn Aveuue (currentiy
Auburn Dance antf Mtisic Center) and the Aubtan' Post Office (formerly the Seattie-ICing County Health
Department) at.20 Auburn Avenue IVE are lacal and county laudmarks. The Olson Farm, iocated at 2$728
Greeai River Road South, was designated as King County Land►nark in 2400 and the Masonic Temple
Building at the southeast coruer of Auburn Way South and East Main Street was designatecf as a King
County Historical Landmark in 2002.
A Historic Resource Inventory Map is included 'ui the Comprehensive Plan as `Map No. 10.1.
B. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of histoi7c, archaeological, scientifec, or cultural
importance Icna-tvn fo be on or next to.thesite.
Page 13 of.24
Environmental Checklist (continued)
Several Iudian campsites iiave been identified along the Green and White Rivers in tlie_Auburn-. : .
Tharouglibred Racetrack EIS and in preliminary -svork for the Army Corps of Engineers' Speoial Area '
Management Plan. -
C. Pibposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: .
Not applicable. This proposal is a non-project action.
14. Transportation:
A. Identify public streets and `highways seiving the site, and describe proposed access to the exisNng
street system. Show on site plans, if any.
Figure 2-1 of the Compiehensive Transportation Plan (hansportation element of the Comprehensive Plan)
shoNvs the Ciiy's cun-ent and fuhire classified sh-eet system.
B. Is sife currently served by public transit? If not, what is the apPa•oximate distance to the
neae•est transit stop? - • .
Figure 44 of the Comprehensive Transportation Plan (transportation.element) shotivs the location.of
pubiic transit routes withinthe City. Also, a commuter rail station exists alojig #he Btirlington
Noitheim Santa Fe i-ailroad righf-of-way just south of West Main Street and east of C Street SW:
C. How many parking spaces woald the completed project have? How.many woultl the piroject
Not applicable. This proposal is a non-project activn. D. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or imprnvements to existing roads or,
streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or privRte):
Not applicable. This proposal is a iton-project action.
E. Will;the project use (oe• occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If
so, generally describe:
Tliere is no tivater transportation in ttie Auburn area other than for recreational uses..The area is
particularlyweli served by rail. At this time, local freight seivice is available. Burlington Northerii
Santa Fe and Union Pacif c both operate fi-eight l ines within Auburn. Auburn is also a cominuter rail
station site for the-Sounder commuter rail line bettveen Tacoma and Seattle. Service began
September 18, 2400. Amtrak trains pass tlirough Auburn but do not stop here. The Auburn Airport is
. locafed north of 15'" Street NE. -
F. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completcd project? if known,
indicate when peak volumes would occur.
Not applicable. This proposal is a non-project action.
G. Proposed measures to reauce or contral ti•ansportation impacts, if any:
Not applicable. This proposal is a non-praject action.
Page 14 of 20
Environmental Checklist (cflntinued)
15. Public Services:
A. Would the project »esult in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police
proYection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe:
Not applicable. This is a no»-project action.
B. Proposed measures to reduce or contral direct impact on public services, if any:
The comprehensive plan contains policies that seek to maintain a sufficient level of service for public
services as development occurs. Also, Auburn reviews under SEPA, the impacts of significant
development on these public services. Mitigation measures are required to reduce significant adverse
impacts. " -
Also, several Policy/Text amendntents as part of this checklist iiiclude the capital facilities pian's for
the four school districts witliin Auburn city limits and PAA: Those school districts are Federal Way, ,
Kent, Auburn; and Dieringer.
16: Utilities:
A. Circle utilities currently available at the site: Electricitv natural gas, water refuse service telephone, sanitarv se-sver, septic s~tem other - Cable TV
All of the atiove uti[ities are avaiiable wittini the City of Auburn.
B. Desci7be the uHlities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, aud the
: genernl construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which migIit be needed: This is a non-project action. Hotivever, the Comprehensive Plan includes a utilities eleinent (as
cequired by the Gro-tvth Management Act), which describes the utilities that serve tlie Auburn area
and includes policies for their pibvision.
Also, the city actively engages in planning for public facili#ies. The Comprehensive Water Plan, Comprehensive Sewer Plan and Comprehensive Stormwater Drainage Plan were adopted by the City
in 2009. A new six year Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) was adopted in 2008 (2009-2014) and ather plan
amendments this year will include an update to that CFP (2010-2015). Ilie City seeks to update the
GFP every hyo years.
These plans ensure that utility nnpacts are adequately monitored and evaluated on a project level and
city-wide basis.
T►ie above Riiswers are tnie and coinplete to the best of my knowledge. I uizderstand tliat the lead agecicy is
relying on theui to make its decision. .
Page 15 of 20
Environmental Checklist (continued)
DAT.E PREPARED: July 29,2010 ,
Page 16 of 20
Environmental Checklist (continued)
(Do not use this sheet for project actions.)
Because these questions are very general, it may be he,lpful to rcad them in conjunction with the [ist
of the elements of the envimnment. When answering these questions, be aware of the extent of the prroposal, or the types of activities ~
likely to result from We proposal that woald affect the item at a greater, intensity or at a faster rate
thAn if the proposal were not implemented. Respond brieily and in general terms.
1. How would the proposal be.likely to increase di.scharge to water; emissions to a4r; production,
storage, or release of toxicor hazardous substances; or production of noise?
Taken as a wliole, there should be a minimal change in dischargnig to water, emissions to air,
production, storage, or release of toxic or hazardous substances or the production of noise.
The proposed amendments theinselyes will not create a change,in intensity of discharge to water,
emissions to air, production, storage or release of toxic or hazardous substances or the production of
noise from those levels expected under the existing plan. .
The proposed map amendments are proposed to reflect accurate municipal boundaries in response to
a small annexation. The policy/text amendments are priinarily amending sections to correct aud
update policy references for accuracy.
Proposed measures to avoid or reduce such increases are:
The City of Auburn Comprehensiye Pla#i contains provisions to reduce increases or emissions causeri
by iiew developmenf. Emphasis ;in the Comprehensive Plan on reducing the reliance on the `
autotnobile for transportation should reduce tEie amount of einissions to the air. Policies in the
Enviroiunent Chapter also provide guidance in the review of deveiopmenf proposals to encourage use
and reteiition of native vegetation: This supports wildlife habitat areas, particularIy near streams, as
. the policies assist the City in addressing adverse impacts to water quality and wildlife habitat froin
xunoff since native plantings tnay require less pesticide iise. The proposed amendments set the
framework wliere properties and uses wauld in the future be in compliance with expansion, site
redevelopment or nexv developinent. City policy and code regulates such impacts through the storm
drainage eequirements and critical area reguIations as, applicahle. ,
An environmental review of all non=ea:empt (from SEPA) development will be. conducted to evaluate
and mitigate impacts related to discharges, emissions, and the release oftoxic substances. Evaluation
of the site specific proposals -tvill be based on the poIicies of the Compreheiisive Plan and appropiiate
mitigation will take place on a case by case basis.
City development standards including but not limited to the critical areas ordinance, slyoreline masfer
program i-egulations, and the Public Works Design and Construction Manual, also provide additional
protection for these types of impacts.
2. How would the proposai be likely to affect plants, animals, fish, or marine life?
Tliis proposal will amend the Auburn Comprehensive Plan. The plan recognizes the Shoreline Master
Program that was amended in May 2009 which governs development within the Shoreline
. Page 17 of 20 .
Environmental Checklist contiraied
f )
TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT Management Area, reducing the impacts fi•om new, development on plants, animals: The changes will
not change any policy which would have a direct affect on flora, fauna, or cnarine life. Proposcd measnres to protecf or conserve plants, animals, i'ish; or marine life are: ' Generalfy, the adopted Aubum Comprehensive Plan and critical areas ordinance seek to protect and
cojjserve plaiits, animals, fish, and marine life. An environmental review under SEPA of all non-
exempt developmeut is conducted to measure impacts. Evaluation based on the policies` of the
Auburn ComprehensivePlan and appropriate ffiitigation will take place on a case-by-case-basis.
Policies within tlre Environment Chapter also provide guidance in the reyiew of development
proposals to encourage native vegetation be used and/or retained. This should support ivitdlife habitat
areas, particularly iiear streams as tlie policies assist the city in addressing adverse runoff impacts to
water quality and wildlife habitat since native plantings may require less pesticide use. '
City development standards inc[uding but not limited to the critical areas ardinance and the shoreline
master program i-egulations also provide additional proteetion for these types of iinpacis.
The proposed map amendments are biinging the- land use designations more in line with actuai
pmperty uses. -
3. How would the piroposal be likely to deplete energy or natural resoarces?
Future development will use natural gas, petroletim and electricity aiid could result in increased .
automobile uses. Hawever, there does not appear"to be any significant adverse increases irrthe use of
energy of natural resources resulting from the amendments heing proposed to the existing
compreliensive plan over Nvhat might occur under existing plan designations. In fact it is possible that
use of energy or natural resources could decc-ease'depending on the land use. '
The city's recent completion of a green hoiise gas inventory establishes a baseIine far future energy
conservation measures. '
Proposed measuies to protect or.conserve enecgy and natural resouires are:
None specifically, as this is a non-project action. Hoivever, in addition ta the provisioizs of the
Auburn Energy Manageiueiit Plan (adopted in 1986), which encourages energy conservation in pitblic '
buildings, street lighting, and recycling, the comprehensive plau places an ernphasis on providing for
alternative methods of travel to the automobile sucli as transit, walking, and biking. An
environmental review under SEPA of all significant development witl be conducted to measure the
project impacts. _
4. How woulcl the proposal be likely to use or affect environmentally sensitive areas or areas
designated (or eligible ot• under study) for governmental protection; such as pRrks, tvilcterness,
wild and scenic rivers, threatened or endangered species habitat, historic or cultural sites,
wetlands, floodplains, or prime farmlands? This proposai will amejid tlie Compreliensive Plan. Taken as awhole, the increase in impacts from the
proposed comprehensive plan amendmeirts on envirorunentally sensitive areas or areas designated for,govemment protection sliould be minor, if at alI. The city initiated map amendments are proposed to reflect
accurate municipai boundaries in response to a small annexation and do not increase the intensity of
platuied developinent.
Page 18 of 20
Environmental Checklisi (con#inued)
Proposed measures to prntcct such resources or to avoid or reduce impacts are:
The .comprehensive plan ani, iu particular, the critical areas ord'uiance, seek to proted environmentai[y
- sensitive areas (wetlands, shtains, geologicaliy hazard areas, floodplain, wild.life habitat,. and aquifer
recharge areas) and to reduce the impacts of deve[opment on tliein The Auburn Compreheiisive Plan
provides for the implementation of innovative land management techniques to protect these resources. An
environmental review under SEPA for all non-exempt development will be conducted to evaluate impacts.
5. How would tbe propasal be liliely to affect land and shoreline use, inctuding whether it would
allow or encourage land or shoretine uses incompatible with existing plans? ~
Amendments can only be appraved if it can be assured that future development is consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan and its policies and related regulations. Those proposals tiiat are not consistent
tvith the comprehensive pl$n policies or ott►er existingplans Nvill not be approved. Proposed measures to avoid oc i-educe shoreline and land use impacts are:
The comprehensive plan, critical areas ordinance, and other development regutations, such as the
zoning ordinance and shoreline master program, seek to protect these land and shareline i-esources
and to reduce the effects of development on them. An environmentat revieNv under SEPA of atl
development that is non-exempt will also be conducted to evalaate a proposal's land use and
environrnental impacts.
6. How would the propasal be likel,y to increase demands on trnnsportation or public services and
This proposal will amend portions of the Auburn Comprehensive Plan. The eacisting plan assumes a
gro-tvth target of approximately 6,000 households and a job capacity of 1,200 jobs in the King County
poition of the city to the year 2422 (6ased on city iimits as of 2003) and to approximately 8,040
people in the Pierce Cottnty portion of the city (based on 2002 city limits in Pierce County).
The proposal will not result in an increase in demands on transportation and public services. Rather,
. the six-year CFP responds to "grbwth by identifying the public facilities and improvement needed to
address future growth. Tiie groyvth projectioiis tneiitioned above -svould occur with or Nvithout these
Proposed measures to i-educe or respoud to such demand(s) are:
As stated above, very little increase iri demands to these areas will result from the proposed map
amendinents. Ho-svever, the Auburn Comprehensive Plan presently incorporates the 2009-2014
Capital Facilities Plan updated, Nvhich seeks to maintain a sufficient level of service for pttblic
- services a5 development occius. The City of Auburn Six-Year CFP will be updated as part of the
2010 Comprehensive Plan process to balance public facility needs against projected growth (separate
environmental review). An environmental review under SEPA for nan-exempt development
proposals Nvill be conducted to measure and evaluats impacts.
Atso, the city actively engftges in planning for public facilities. The Comprehensive Water Plan,
Comprehensive Se-tver Plan and Comprehensive Stormtvater Drainage Plan were adopted by the city
in 2009. An update to the Comprehensive Transportation Plan -tvas adopted in 2009. These specific
plans lielp ensure that`infrastructtire impacts are adequately monitored and evahjated on a project
level and city-wide basis.
Page 19 of 20
Environmental Checklist (continued)
7. Identify, if possible, whether the rroposal may conflict with local, state, or: federat laws or „
requirements for the protection of t6e environmcnt.
- The proposal does not appear to present any conflict with local, state, or federal laws or requirements. -
Page 20 of 20
Page 1 of 1
'Jeff Dixon
, Fromc Monica Adams [madams@piercefransit.org]
Sent: Wednesday, September 01; 2010 9:14 AM
To• Jeff Dixon
Subject: SEP10-0019 Comp Plan Amendments
Good moming,
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the above noted amendments. We have no comments.
911onicaAdctms, Planner II
Bus Stop & Adopt A Stop Program Supervisor
Pierce Transit
253.983.3493 fx
~Please consider fhe environment before printing this email
This message and any attached files are intended only for the recipient to whom it is addressed. It may
contain confidential informarion. If you aze not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any
dissemination, copying or distribution of this message, or files associated with this message, is strictly
prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately by replying
to the message and.deleting it from your computer.
~ . 9/1i2010
k :
CITY OF. * _ *
Peter B. lewis, INlayor
. , _
'WASHINGTON 25 West Main $treet * Aubum WA 98001-4998 * www.auburnw6.gov * 253-931-3000
August 31, 2010
Department of Commerce
Growth Management Services
Attn: Review Team
P.O. Box 42525
Olympia, WA 98504-2525
Re: City of Auburn 2010 Comprehensive Plan Amendments; City-initiated map and
policy/text amendments - Group #1 - 60 Day 3tate Review '
To Whom It May Concern:
Enclosed please two sets of the Gity of Auburn's proposed year 2090.comprehensive plan
amendments, Group #1, #or the purpose of State Agency review per RCW 36:70A:106. The
proposed plan amendments consisf of both comprehensive plarn map amendments (itemized as
"CPM") and policy/text amendments (itemized as "P/T") as follows:
1. City initiated map amendments (CPM #1)
2. School District Capital Facilities Plans (P/T #1-4)
3. City initiated policy/tex# amendments (P/T #5)
Included with this leiter are the environmental documents (completed environmental checklist
application and Determination of Non=Significance) for the city-initiated amendments and the
school district Capital Facilities Plans (CFPs).
A public hearing with the City's Planning Commission is scheduled for September 8, 2010. City
Gouncil Action is anticipated in November/December.
Environmental documents for subseguent privately-initiated and city-initiated amendments will
be issued separately. Please nofe that other amendments are being processed as part of the
2010 amendments (the City's Capital Facilities Plan) and will be sent subsequently under
separate cover.
Thank you for your office's assisfance. Please contact me at (253) 804-5033 or by email at
jdixon@aubumwa.gov should you have any questions, require clarification, or have other
informational needs.
~~-lt~ 7----
Jeff Dixon
Principal Planner
Planning & Development Departmenf
JD/r CORR10-325
Enclosures: CD-ROM containing:
Completed Environmental Checklist application File Na SEP10-0019
Determination of Non Significance File No. SER10-0019
City-initiated map amendments (CPM #1) (twenty-five maps)
School District Capital Facilities Plans (P/T #1-4)
o Aubum School District '
e Kent School Disfrict
• Dieringer School District
• Federal Way School District
City initiated policy/text amendrnents (P/T #5) '
' - 0 Chapter 9- The Environment /Key Amendments: o Minor revisions to reflect updated title ofi referenced documents, -
o Minor revision to increase consistency with previous comprehensive plan and zoning code changes
• Appendix B .
cc: Eric Heinitz, Departmenf of Corrections
Katie Knight, Department of Fish & Wildlife ;
Kelly Cooper, Department of Health SEPALGMA Coordinator, Department of Ecology
Hugo Flores, Deparfinent of Nafural Resources
Elizabeth McNagny, Depf. of Social Health and Services
Chris Townsend, Puget Sound Partnership -
' Katherine Klockenteger, DepartmEnt of Transportation :
Gre .
,.g ,Griffitfi, Department of Archaeology and Hisforic Preservation
Bill Koss, Parks and Recreation Commission
Lorinda'Anderson, Recreation and Conservation Office
. , I
. ,
Email Subject Line: REQUEST TO PUBLiSH
ATTN: Legal Notice Account Representative
Please publish in the Seattle Times on Monday, August 30, 2010. Send the bill #or the
cost of publishing and three (3) Affidavits of Publication to: City of Aubum
City Clerks-Dept
- - 25 West Main ,
Auburn, WA 98001-4998
Please publish below line only. Notace of l'ublic Hearing
Notice Published: August 30, 2010
The Planning Commission of the City of Auburn, Washington, will conduct a public hearing on :
Wednesday, September 8, 2010 at 7:00 P.M. in tHe Council Chambers of the Auburn City Hall located at.-
25 Wesf Main Street on the following cases:
Case Number: CPA10-0001:: City of Auburn2010 Comprehensive Plan City Initiated Map and
Policy/Text Amendments, Group 1 -
, Amendments consist of those proposed to the Comprehensive. Plan Map (CPM) and those affecting plan
Policies and Text (P/T) as follows: , .
CPM #1 •
To amend all comprehensive land use maps to reflect minor change in city boundary as a result of a
2009 annexation identified by Ordinance No. 6261. The location is on the east side of the Green
River in the NW quarter of Section 32, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M.
P/T #1
Incorporate Auburn School District . 2010 through 2016 Capital Facilities Plan which was
adopted may 10, 2010 by the Auburn School District Board of Directors into the City's
Gomprehensive Plan.
P/T #2
Incorporate Kent School District Capital Facilities P1an 2010-2011 to 2015-2016 which was adopted.
June 23, 2010 by the Kent School District Board of Directors into the City's Comprehensive Plan.
Page 1 of 2 .
~ Incorporate the Dieringer School District Capital Facilities Plan 2011-20,16 whicfi as adopted 1VIay.20;
2010 by Dieringer School District Board into the City's Comprehensive.Plan. "
P/T #4 .
Incorporate the Federal Way Public Schools. 2011 Capital Facilities Plan which was adopted May
13, 2010 by the Federal Way School's Board of Education into the City's Gompre,hensive Plan.
P/T #6 -
Auburn's Comprehensive Plan Policy/Text amendments includes: minor updates to referenced .
dcouments, to increase consistency with previous comprehensive plan and zoning code .changes and
to reflect the City's preparation of Greenhouse Gas Inventory. (Comprehensive Plan Chapter 9 and
Appendix B) „
Chapter 9- The Environment /Key Amendments:
o, Minor revisions to reflect updated title of referenced dcouments „
' o Minor revision to'increase consistency with previous comprehensive 'plan and zonirig
code changes
Appendix B
o Add reference to recognize the City's preparation of a Greenhouse Gas Inventory'
: .
T'he public hearing will be held in the Gouncil Chambers, Auburn City Hall, l.ocated at 25 West Main
Street; Aubum WA 98001. The public is invited to attend to express comments or opinions: Written.
comments may be submitted up until and at the public hearing to Jeff Dixon, Principal Planner, Planning.
and Development; Department, Mailing address:;25 West Main Street; Auburn; WA 98001-4988. .
Physical address: 1 East Main Street, Auburn WA:98001. `If you have further comments or"ques.fions;
please ca11 JeffDixon at (253) 804-5033.
For citizens with speech, sight or heai-ing disabilities wishirig to review documentspertaining to this
hearing, should contact the City of Au6urn within 10 calendar days prior to the meeting; as to ttie type of .
service or equipment needed. Each request will be considered individually according to the type of
request, the availability of resources, and the financial ability, of the City to provide the requested services
or equipment. Page 2 of 2
Email Subject Line: REQUEST TO PUBLISH
ATTN: Legal Notice Account Representative
Please publish in the Seattle Times on Thursday, Apri115, 2010. Send the bill for the cost of publishing
and three (3) Affidavits of Publication to:
City ofiAubum
City Clerks Dept
25 West Main
Aubum, WA 98001-4998
Please publish below line only.
Comprehensive Plan Amendment Applications Being Accepted
The public is encouraged to submit applications to amend the City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan for
consideration during the 2010 annual amendment cycle. In order to be considered this year, ,
applications must be received by 5:00 p.m., Friday, June 11, 2010.
, Originally adopted in 1986 and amended in 1995 to comply with the requirements of the State Growth
Management Act (GMA), the Cify of Auburn Comprehensive Plan is the guiding document for how
Aubum manages growth and development.
Amendments to the Auburn Comprehensive Plan have been considered annually since the 1995 GMA
related amendments were adopted. There are two general types of amendments: 1) text amendments,
which seek to revise the Comprehensive Plan's written text; and 2) map amendments, which seek to
amend the land use designation for a specific parcel (s) on the City's Comprehensive Land Use Map.
Per Chapter 14.22 (Comprehensive, Plan) of the Aubum City Code, amendments to the Comprehensive
Plan may be requested by: 1) an individual; organization, corporation, partnership or genera( or specific '
purpose goVemment other than the City for a specific property, proyided that the property owner provides
written eonsenfi for the amendment request; or 2) an individual, organization or general or special purpose
govemment having suggested changes to the Comprehensive Plan that are not specific to a piece of
property. For the latter, this process is known as "docketing°. An item may be submitted to ttie docket at
any time during the calendar year and there is no fee for submitting an item to the docket. The Planning, '
Building and Community Department Director will annually review the docket with the City Council or
appropriate Council committee to deferrnine whether the docket items will be forwarded to the City's
Planning Commission for its consideration. The City Council or Council Committee may decline to
consider any items from the docket.
The City of Auburn Planning Commission will hold a public hearing(s) on all plan amendment applications
in the fall of this year. Following the Planning Commission public hearing and recommendation, the City
Council, will consider the requested amendments. Final action by the Aubum City Council on amendment
requests are typically made in the month of December. Those interested in submitting a comprehensive plan amendment application for consideration
during the 2010 annual amendment cycle are encouraged to discuss their ideas with the City.of
Aubum Planning and Development Department. To obtain a current comprehensive amendment
application form, fee schedule and/or to discuss your ideas; please call (253) 931-3090 or-visit the
City's web site at www.auburnwa:gov/community/about/forms.asp. ,
For citizens with speech, sight or hearing disabilities wishing to review documents pertaining to this
hearing, should contact the City of Auburn within 10 calendar days prior to the deadline, as to the type of
service or equipment needed. Each request will be considered individually according to the type of
request, the availability of resources, and the financial ability of the City to provide the requested senrices
or equipment.
FLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, 25 W. Main Street, Aubum, WA 98001 (253) 931-3092,
Contact: Elizabeth Chamberlain, Principal Planner, echamberlain@auburnwa.gov
crry oF * * * Year 2010 Comprehensive
Plan Avnendment
* Applications Being
~ WASHINGTON qccepted
The public is encouraged to submit applications fo amend the City of Auburn
Comprehensive Plan for consideration during the 2010 annual amendment cycle. In
` order to be" considered this year; applications must be received by 5:00 p.m.,
Friday, June 11, 2010.
Originally adopted in 1986 and amended in 1995 to cornply with the requirements of the
State Growth Management Act (GMA), the City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan is the
, guiding document for how Aubum manages growth and development.
Amendments to the Auburn Comprehensive Plan have been considered annually since
the 1995 GMA related amendments were adopted. There are two generaF types of
amendments: 1) texf amendmenfs, which seek to revise the Comprehensive Plan's
written text; and 2) map amendments, which seek to amend the land use designation for
a specific parcel (s) on the City's Comprehensive Land Use Map.
Per Chapter 14.22 (Comprehensive Plan) of the Au6um City Code, amendments to the
Comprehensive Plan may be requested by: 1) an individual, organization, corporation,
partnership or general or specific purpose govemment other than the City for a specifc
property, provided that the property owner provides written consent for the amendment
request; or 2) an individual, organization or general or special purpose govemment
having suggested changes #o the Comprehensive Plan that are not specific to a piece of
property: For the latter, this process is known as "docketing". An item may be submitted
to the docket at any time during the calendar year and there is no fee for submitting an
item to the docket. The Planning, Building and Community Department Director .will
annually review the docket with the City Council or appcopriate Council committee to
determine whether the docket items will be forwarded to the City's Planning Commission
for its consideration. The City Council or Council Committee may decline to consider any
items from the docket.
The City of Auburn Planning Commission will hold a public hearing(s) on all plan
amendment applications in. the fall of this year. Following the Planning Commission
public hearing and recommendation, the City Council will consider the requested
amendments. Final action by the Aubum City Council on amendment requests are
typically made in the month ofi December.
Those inteeested in submitting a comprehensive plan amendment application for
cons6deration during the 2010 annual amendment cycle are encouraged to
discuss their ideas with the City of Auburn Planning and Development
Deparfinent.To obtain a current comprehensive amendment application form, fee
schedule and/or to~discuss your ideas, please call (253) 931-3090 or visit the City's
web site at www.aubumwa.pov.