HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM V-A POLICY/TEXT AMENDMENT 1 POLICY/TEXl' AMEIVDMENT (P/T) #1 - AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2010 THROUGH 2016 ; INCORPORATE AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT CAPITAL - FACILITIES PLAN 2010 THROUGH 2016 AS PART OF THE - CITY OF AUBURN COMPREHENSIVE PLAN . (ADOPTED BY THE AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD MAY 10, 2010) . ; . Auburn School District No. 408 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2010 through 2016 ~ , 3 ~ r , ~ ~ ; ~ , t- . f'" . i ~ ~k ; . ~ ~ , - ~ °^3` h'~y~7 ~ .._..e.._....~.._„__.,~ _...__.._e.._. . _ Adopted by the Auburn School District Board of Directors May 10, 2010 _AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 408 915 Fourth Street NE Aubum, Washington 98002 (253) 931-4900 Serving Students in: Unincorporated King County . -City of Aubum ' City of Algona City of Kent City of Pacific BOARD of DIRECTORS . Ray Vefi k Carol Helgerson Lisa Conners , Craig'Schumaker Janice Nelson Dennis Kip Herren, Superintendent - - : . Au-bur-n School D s I t . , Engage Educate Empower : . . . . Table of Contents Section I Executive Summary .........................Page 1 Section II Enrollment Projections...................... Page 6 Section III Standard of Service Page 8 Section IV Inventory of Facilities .......................Page 15 Section V Pupil Capacity ................................Page 18 Section VI Capital Construction Plan .................Page 21 Section VII Impact Fees ...................................Page 25 Section VIII Appendices Page 29 Appendix A:1 - Student Enrollment Projections Page 30 Appendix A,2 - Capital Facilities Plan Projections Page 44 Appendix A.3 = Student Generation Survey Page 49 Auburn School District No. 408 Capital Facilities Plan 2010 through 2016 Section I Executive Summary Aubum School District No. 408 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2010 through 2016 ' 1. Executive Summary This Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan (the °Plan") has-been prepared by the Aubum School District (the °DistricY') as the District's principal planning document, in compliance with the requirements of Washington's Growth Management Act and the adopted ordinances of the counties and cities served by the: District. This plan was prepared using data available in the spring of 2010. This Plan is consistent with prior long-term capital facilities plans adopted by the District. However, this Plan is not intended to be the sole plan for all of the DistricYs :needs: The District may prepare interim and periodic long-range Capital Facilities Plans consistent.with Board Policies,and actions, taking into'account a longer or a shorter time-period; other factors and trends in the use of facilities; and other needs of the District as may be required. However, any such plan or plans will be consistent with this Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan. To enable the collection of impact fees in the unincorporated areas of King County and within the City of Aubum and City of Kent, the King County Council, the City of Aubum and the City of Kent will adopt this Plan by reference as part of each jurisdiction's respective comprehensive plan.. To enable the collection of impact fees in the Cities ofAlgona and Pacific, these municipalities must also adopt this Plan and adopt school impact fee ordinances. Pursuant to the requirements of the Growth Management Act and the local ordinances, the Plan will be updated on an annual basis, and any changes in the fee schedule(s) adjusted accordingly. The Plan establishes the District's "standard of service" in order to ascertain the DistricYs current and future capacity. While the State Superintendent of Public Instruction establishes square footage guidelines for capacity, those guidelines do not account for the local program needs of the District. The Growth Management Act and the school impact fee ordinance authorize the District to define its standard of service based on the DistricYs specific needs. In general, the DistricYs current standard provides that class size for grades K-2 should not exceed 25 students; class size for grades 3-4 should not exceed 27 students; class size for grade 5 should not exceed 30 students. When averaged over the six elementary grades, this computes to 26.5 students per classroom. Class size for grades 6-12 should not exceed 30 students, with some subject areas restricted to lesser numbers. (See Section III for more specfic information.) The capacity of the schools in the District is calculated based on this standard of service and the existing inventory. of facilities including transitional classrooms. The DistricYs 2009-10 capacity was 13,725 whereas Full Time Equivalent ("FTE°) enrollment for this same period was 43;919.60 (indudes Full Day Kindergarten). The actual number of incJividual students was 14,559 as of October 1, 2009. (See Section V for more specific information.) The capital construction plan shown in Section VI addresses the additions and proposed modemization to fhe District's existing facilities. This provided for a new high school approved by the voters in Februa .ry 2003 and opened in September 2005; and the addition of finro new elementary, schools approVed 6y the voters in February 2005; with Lakeland Hills Elementary opening in the Fall of2006 and Arthur Jacobsen Elementary opening in the Fall of 2007. The ' plan includes the construction of a new middle school and a new elementary school, as well as the acquisition of future school sites to accommodate growth. The new facilities are required to _ meet the projected student population increase to be generated from the large development areas within the Aubum School District. Three areas that have significant impact on the school . 2 district are the Lakeland South, the Lea Hill, and the north..Aubum valley areas of the district. There are other pockets of development that impact the District as well. The City of Kent has an area of approximately 158 acres, that was sold to developers in 2004. The economic downturn has slowed development in these areas. The district completed' a comprehensive review of all districf facilities and in October 2008 a Steering Committee made recommendations to the board' . , for capital improvements to existing facilities and replacement of seven schools over the next ten years. These recommendations led to a capital improvements levy and a bond issue thafiwas placed on the ballot in March 2009. Both 6allot measures were not successful in March. The - board determined'to re-run only the capital improvements, levy in November 2009, which the voters approved. _ The School Impact Fee Ordinances adopted by King County, the City of Aubum and the City of . Kent'proVide for tfie assessmenf of impact fees to assist in meeting some of the fscal impacf incurred by a Districtexperiencing growth and development. Section VII sets forth the proposed school, impact fees for single family and multi-family dwelling units. The student generation factors have been generated using the students who actually attenci school in the Auburn. $chobl ` District from single family and multi=family develoPments constructed in the last five years: The " method of collecting the data is with the use of GIS mapping software, data from King Counfy and Pierce County GIS; and to integrate the mapping with student da_ta frqm the district's studenf data system. This method gives the District actuaFstudent generation numbers for each grade span for identified developments. This data is containeci in Appendix A.3: 3 Aubum School District No: 408 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2010 through 2016 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ' CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN CHANGES FROM 2009 TO 2010 Listed below is a summary level outline of the changes from the 2009 Capital Facilities Plan that are a parh of the 2010 Plan. The changes are noted by Section for ease of reference. Section I Executive.Summary A. . Updated fo eeflect new information within the Plan. B.- Summary level list of changes from previous year. Section II Enrollment Projections Updated projections. See Appendices A.1 & A.2. . Section III , Standard ofiService A. Increase ofi 1 Full Day Kindergarten classroom at elementary level B. Increase 6fi2 resource rooms at middle school level C.. Reduction of 1 resource room at elementary level - Section IV . Inventory of Facflities Updated to include TAP facility for students with special needs atAubum High School. Section V Pupil Capacity . Updated to include TAP facility for students with special needs at Aubum High School. 4 Aubum School District No. 408 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2010 through 2016 ' EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Section VII Impact Fees CHANGES TO /MPACT FEE DATA ELEMENTS.2009 to 2010 CPF CPF DATA ELEMENTS 2009 2010 EXPLANATION - Student Generation Factors Single Family Consistent with King County Ordinance 11621, Elementary 0.3200 0.3080 Student Generation Factors _are calculated Mid School 0.1520 0.1470 bythe school disfrict based on distr'ict Sr. High 0.1580 0.1770 records ofiaverage actual studenf.generation Multi-Family rates for newdevelopments constructed: Elementary 0.0790 0.0860 over the last five years. _ Mid School 0.0340 0.0380 , Sr. High 0.0420 0:0310 School Construction Costs Elementary $21,750,000 $21,750,000 Middle School $42,500,000 $42, . 500,000 . Site Acquisition Costs . Cost per acre $286,006 $290,381 Updated estimates on land costs Area Cost Allowance ece $174.26 $180.17 Updated to Projected SPI schedule. Match State 59.17% 60.23% Updated to current SPI schedule. Match District 40.83% 39.77% Computed bistrict Average AV - Single Family $316,271 $254,009 Updated from March 2010 King County Dept of Assessments data_ Multi-Family $85,729 $76,573 Updated from March 2010 King County Dept of Assessments data using weighted average. Debt Serv Tax Rate $1.67 $0.82 CuRent Fiscal Year GO Bond Int Rate 4.99% 4.33% Current Rate (Bond Buyers 20 Index 3-10) ~ Section VIII Appendices , Appendix A.1 - Updated enrollment projections from October 1, 2009 Appendix A.2 - Updated enrollment projections with anticipated buildout schedule. Appendix A.3 - Student Generation Survey March 2010 5 Auburn School District No. 408 Capital Facilities Plan 2010 through 2016 Section II Enrollment Projections Aubum School District No. 408 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2010 through 2016 . ' ENROLLMENT PROJECTIONS . The Aubucn School Disfict uses a modified cohort survival model to project future enrollment for all of the Disfrict's operations. Table 11.1, is an extract from the comprehensive projection model found in Appendix A.2 .titled "CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN Enrollment; Projections". This Table shows the . anticipated enrollment for the next six years based on the previous 6 year history of the District under the assumptions set forth in the comprehensive projections, Appendix A.1, and the projection for additionaf students generated from new developments in the district as shown in Appendix A.2. JABLE ASD ENROLLMENT 11.1 PROJECTIONS March 2010 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 ° 2013-14 201415 2015-16 GRADE Actual Pro'ected Pro'ected Pro'ecfed Pro'ected Pro'ected Pro'ected KDG 1032 1069 1106 1147 1190 1231 1271' 1033 1088 1125 1167 1210 1252 _ 1292 . 2 998 1054 1110 1152 1194 1236 1277 - 3 993 1021 1078 1138 1181 1222 1263 4 1073 1036 1064 1126 1187 1229 1271 5 1030 ' 1109 1072 1106 1168 1228 ' 1270 ' K- 5 6159 6378 6555 6836 7130 73987644 6 1040 1047 1127 1094 1129 1190 1250 7 1125 1064 1072 1157 1125 1159 1220 . 8 1031 1153 1093 1105 1191 1159 _ 1192 6-8 3196 3265 3291 3356 3446 3508 3662 9 1244 1271 1396 1344 1362 1450 1420 10 1277 1249 1276 1407 1357 1372 1460 11 1303 1240 1211 1244 1375 1321 1335 42 1410 1314 1250 1226 1259 1387: 1332 9-12 5234 5074 5133 5222 5352 5531 5548 TOTALS 14589 . 14717 14979 15414 15928 16436 16854._~ _ GRADES K-12 Actual Pro'ected Pro'ected Pro'ected Pro'ected Pro'ected Pro'ected K-5 w/K @ 1%2 5643 5844 6002 6262 6535 6782 7008 6-8 3196 3265 3291 3356 3446 3508 3662 9-12 5234 5074 5133 5222 5352 5531 5548 K-12.w/K 1/2 14073 14183 14426 14841 15333. 15821' - 16218 , Note: The disfict is currently operating Full Day Kindergarten in eight schools and°includes two,state- funded Full Day Kindergarten at two additional elementary schools. - 7 Auburn School District No. 408 Capital Facilities Plan 2010 through 2016 Section III Standard of Service Aubum School DistridNo.408 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2010 through 2016 STANDARD OF SERVICE The Schoo/ Impact Fee Ordinances adopted by King County, the City of Aubum and the City of Kenf indicate that each school district must estab/ish a"Standard of Service" in order to asce►tain the overall capacify to house its projected student popu/ation. The Superintendent of Public Instrucfion establishes square footage "capacity" guidelines for computing stafe funding support. The fundamenta/ purpose of the SPl guidelines is to. provide a vehic/e to equitab/y distribute state matching funds for schoo/ construction projects. By default these guidelines have been used to benchmark fhe districYs capacity to house its student popu/ation. The SPI guidelines do not make, adequafe provision for /oca/ disfrict program needs; facility configurations, emerging ' educational reform; orthe dynamics of each studenYs educationa/ program. The Aubum School District Standard of Service addresses fhose local considerations that require space in excess of the SP! guidelines. The effecf on the space requirements for both permanent and relocatab/e facilities is shown below for each grade articulation pattem. Conditions fhat may result in potentia/ space needs are provided for informafion purposes without accompanying computations. OVERV/EW The Aubum School District,operates fourteen elementary schools housing 6,159 students in grades K through 5. For Kindergarten students, 682 of the 1032 attend 1/2 days throughout the year; and 5127 students grades 1 through 5, plus 350 kindergartners, attend on a full day basis. When converted to a full time equ'ivalent the K-5 enrollment is 5,741. The four middle schools house 3,198 students in grades 6 through 8. The District operates three comprehensive senior high schools and one altemative high school housing 5,234 students in grades 9 through 12. CLASS S/ZE The humber of pupils per classroom determines the number of classrooms required. to house the student population. Specialists create additional space needs, for class sizes are subject to collective bargaining. Changes to class size agreements can have significant impact on available space. - The current puPiUteacher limit across all elementary programs is an average of 26.5 students per teacher: Consistent with this staffing limit, room capacities are set at 26.5 students per room at grades K- 5: At grades 6- 12 the limit is set at 30 pupils per room. The SPI space allocation for each grade - articulation level, less the computed reduction for the Aubum School District Standard of Service,. determines the District's capacity to house projected pupil populations. These reductions are shown below by grade articulation IeveL ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS STRUCTURED LEARN/NG FOR DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED SPECIAL EDUCATION The Aubum School District operates a structured leaming program for students with moderate to severe , disabilities at the elementary school level which currently uses ten classrooms to provide for 105 students. . The housing requirements forthis program are provided for in the SPI space guidelines. No loss of capacity is expected unless population with disabilities grows at a disproportionate rate compared to total elementary population. ADAPTIVE BEHAVIOR The Aubum School District operates an adaptive behavior program for students with behavior disabilities at the elementary school level. The program uses two classrooms to provide for 20 students. The housing requirements for this program exceed the SPI space allocations by two classrooms. Loss of Permanent Capacity 2 rooms @ 26.5 each = (53) Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @ 26.5 each = 0 Total Capacity Loss (53) 9 ' Aubum School District N6.408, CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2010 through 2016 STANDARD OF SERVICE SPEC/AL EDUCATION RESOURCE ROOMS . . . The Aubum School District operates a resource room program at the elementary level for special education students requiring instrvction to address their specific disabilities. Fourteen standard classrooms are required to house this program. The housing requirements for this program exceed the SPI space guidelines by seven standard classrooms: The loss of capacity is expected as growth in program is larger than the total elementary populafion. Loss of Permanent Capacity 7 rooms @ 26.5 each = (186) Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @ 26.5 each 0 Total Capacity Loss " (186) NATIVE AMER/CAN RESOURCE ROOM The Aubum School District operates one resource room to support the education of Native American students at the elementary level. One standard classroom is fully dedicated to serve these students. Loss of Permanent Capacity 1 room @ 26.5 each = (27) Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @ 26.5 each = 0 Total Capacity Loss (27) HEAD START The Aubum School District operates a Head Start program for approximately 120 youngsters in six sections of 1/2 day in length. The program is housed at three elementary schools and utilizes three standard elementary classrooms and auxiliary office spaces.; The housing requirements for this program are not provided for in the SPI space guidelines. Loss of Perrnanent Capacity 3 rooms @ 26.5 each = . (80) Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @ 26.5 each 0 Total Capacity Loss (80) EARLY CHILDHOOD SPEC/AL EDUCATION The Aubum School District operates a Pre-school program for young ch_ildren wit,h disabilities below age five. This program is housed at eight different elementary schools and currently uses eleVen standard classrooms: The housing cequirements for this program are not proyided for in the SPI space guidelines. Loss of Permanent Capacity 11 rooms @ 26.5 each = (292) Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @ 26.5 each = 0. 'fotal Capacity Loss (292) READ/NG LABS The Aubum School District operates a program for students needing remediation and additional language arts instrvction. These programs utilize non-standard dassrqom spaces if available in , each elementary school. Four elementary schools do not have non-standard rooms available, thus they are housed in a standard classroom: The housing requirements for this program are not provided for in the SPl space guidelines. Loss of Permanent Capacity 4 rooms @ 26.5 each = (106) Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @ 26:5 each = 0 Total Capacity L"oss (106) 10 • Aubum School District No. 408 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2010 through 2016 STANDARD OF SERVICE MUS/C ROOMS The district elementary music programs require one acoustically modified classroom at each . elementary school for music instruction. The housing requirements are not provided for. in the SPI space guidelines. Loss of Permanent Capacity 14 rooms @ 26.5 each = (371) Loss of Temporary Capaeity 0 rooms @ 26.5 each = 0 Total Capacity Loss (371) , ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE PROGRAM The Aubum School District operates a pullout program at the elementary school level for students leaming English as a second language. This program reguires fourteen standard classrooms that are not proVided forin the SPI space guidelines. Loss of Permanent Capacity 14 rooms @ 26.5 each = (371) . Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @ 26.5 each = 0 Total Capacity Loss (371) SECOND GRADE TOSA PROGRAM The Aubum School District proVides a TOSA reading specialist program for eight highly impacted elementary schools. This pullout model proVides direct.instruction to students who are not at grade level and do not receive. other services. This program requires eight standard classrooms that are • not provided for in the SPI space guidelines. Loss of Permanent Capacity 8 rooms @ 26.5 each = (212) Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @ 26:5 each = 0 Total Capacity Loss (212) ELEMENTARY LEARN/NG SPECIALIST PROGRAM The Auburn School District provides a leaming specialist Program to increase literacy skills for first and second graders.. This program model has been created from the I-728 funds and currently has the specialist going into existing teacher classrooms, as well as pulling out students into designated classrooms. The disfrict is utilizing classrooms at all fourteen elementary schools: Loss of Permanent Capacity 14 rooms @ 26.5 each = (371) Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @ 26.5 each = 0 Total Capacity Loss (371) FULL DAY K/NDERGARTEN . The Aubum School-District provides Full-Day Kindergarten programs to increase academic skills for kindergarten students. 'This program model has been created from tuition, ARRA_funds and currently has two schools receiving stafe funding for 2009-10 school year. The district is utilizing fourteen classrooms at nine of the fourteen elementary schools. Housing requirements exceed the QSPI space guidelines for this program by seven classrooms. Loss of Permanent Capacity 7 rooms @ 26.5 each = (186) Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @ 26.5 each = 0 Total Capacity Loss (186) 11 Aubum School DisVid No. 408 CAPITAL.FACILITIES PLAN 2010 through' 2016 . STANDARD OF SERVICE ' MIDDLE SCHOOLS SPEC/AL EDUCATION RESOURCE ROOMS The Aubum School District operates a resource room program for each grade at the middle schooi fevel. This is to accommodate special education students needing remedial instcuction to address their specific disabilities. Eleven classrooms are required at the middle school level to provide for approximately 350 students. The housing requirements foc this program are not entirely provided for in the SPI space guidelines. ADAPT/VE BEHAV/OR SPEC/AL EDUCAT/ON . The Aubum School District offers a self-contained program for students with moderate to severe behavior diabilities. The program is, _housed at one of the middle schools and uses one classroom. The housing requirements for this program are not provided for in the SPI space allocations. STRUGTURED LEARN/NG CENTER AND DEVELOPMENTALLY D/SABLED SPEC/AL EDUCAT/ON . The Aubum School District operates four structured leaming classrooms at the middle school level for students with moderate to severe disabilRies and one developmenfally disabled classroom for students with Profound disabilities. Two of the four classrooms for this program are provided for in the SPI space allocations. Loss of Permanent Capacity 2 rooms @ 26.5 each = (53) Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @ 26.5 each = 0 Total Capacity Loss (53) M/DDLE SCHOOL COMPUTER LABS The Aubum School District operates a minimum of one computer lab at each middle school. This program utilizes a stahdard classroom per middle school. The housing reguirements for this. program are not provided,for in the SPl space guidelines. Loss of Permanent Capacity 4 roo"ms @ 30_each = (120) Loss of Temporary Gapacity 0 rooms @ 30 eacli = 0 Tofal Capacity Loss (120) ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE The Aubum School Disfict operates a pullout program at the middle school leyel for students leaming English'as a second language. This program requires four.standard classrooms that are not provided for in the SPl space guideliries..' Loss of Permanent Capacity 4 rooms @ 30 each (120) Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @ 30 each = 0 Total Capacity Loss (120) _ ROOM UT/L/ZATION The Aubum School District provides a comprehensive middle school program that irncludes - elective options in special interest areas. Facilities to accommodate special interest,activities are . not amenable to standard classroom usage. The district averages 95% ufilization of all availaple teaching stations. SPI Report _#3 dated 11/20/09 identifies 148 teaching stations available in the mid-level facilities. The utilization pattem resulfs in a loss of, approximately 8 teaching stations. Loss of Permanent Capacity 8 rooms @ 30 each (240) Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @ 30 each~= `0 Total Capacity Loss (240) 12 Aubum School District No. 408 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2010 through 2016 STANDARD OF SERVICE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLS SEN/OR HIGH COMPUTER L46S: The Aubum School District operates finro computer labs at each of the senior high schools. This program utilizes two standard classrooms at comprehensive high schools and one at West Aubum. The housing requirements forthis program are not provided for in the SPl space guidelines.. Loss of Permanent Capacity 7 rooms @ 30 each = (210) Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @ 30 each = 0 Total Capacity Loss (210) . ENGUSH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE The Au6um School District operates a pullout program at three comprehensive high schools for students learning English as a second language. This program requires three standard classroomsthat are not provided for in the SPI space guidelines. Loss of Permanenf Capacity 3 rooms @ 30 each = (90) Loss of Temporary Gapacity 0 rooms @ 30 each = 0 , Total Capacity Loss (90) STRUCTURED LEARNING CENTER PROGRAM The Aubum School District operates six structured leaming center Gassrooms for 53 students with moderafe to seVere disa6ilities. This program requires two standard Gassrooms that are not provided . for in the SPI space guidelines. Loss of Permanent Capacity 2 rooms @ 30 each = (60) Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @ 30 each = 0 Total Capacity Loss (60) ' SPECIAL EDUCATION RESOURCE.ROOMS . The Aubum Scfiool District operafes a resource room program at the senior high level for special . education sfudents requiring instruction to address their specific leaming disabilities: The current senior highschool program requires eleven classrooms to provide for approximately 370 students. The SPf space guidelines provide for one of the eleven teaching stations. Loss of Permanent Capacity 10 rooms @ 30 each = (300) Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @ 30 each = 0 Total Capacity Loss (300) , PERFORM/NG ARTS CENTERS Aubum High ScFiool includes 25,000 square feet used exclusively for a Pertorming 'Arts Center. The - SPI Inventory includes this space when computing unhoused student capacity. . This space was not intended for nor is it usable for classroom instruction. It was constructed to Provide a community center for the performing arts. Using SPI capacity guidelines, 25,000 square feet computes to 208 unhoused students or8.33 classrooms. Loss of Permanent Capacity 8.33 rooms @ 30 each = (250) 13 C Aubum School Disfict No. 408 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2010 through 2016, STANDARD OF SERVICE RooM urIt►za nonr The Aubum School District provides a comprehensive. high school program that indudes numerous elective options in special interest areas. Facilities to accommodate special interest activities are not amenable to standa~rd classroom usage. The district averages 95% ufilization ofall available teaching stations. There are 185 teactiirig stations available in tfie senior.high facilities. The utilization pattem results in a loss of aPproximately 10 teaching stations. Loss of Permanent Capacity 10 rooms @ 30 each = (300) Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @ 30 each = 0 Total Capacity Loss (300) STANDARD OF SERV/CE COMPUTED TOTALS ELEMENTARY Loss of Permanent Capacity = (2,253) Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 Total Capacity Loss (2,253) MIDDLE SGHOOL Loss of Permanent Capacity = (533) Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 , Total Capacity Loss (533) - SENIOR HIGH Loss of Permanent Capacity= (1,210) Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 Total Capacity Loss (1,210) TOTAL Loss of Permanent Capacity = (3,995) Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 Total Capacity Loss (3,995) 14 Aubum School District No. 408 Capital Facilities Plan 2010 through 2016 Section IV Inventory of Facilities Aubum School Distrid No: 408 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN " 2010 through 2016 INVENTORY OF FACILRIES Table N.1 shows the current inventory of permanent district facilities and their OSPI rated capacities. Table N.2 shows the number and location of each portable unit by school. The district uses relocatable facilities to: 1. provide interim housing in school attendance areas uniquely impacted by increasing school populations that would otherwise require continual redistricting. 2: make space available for changing program requirements and offerings determined by unique student needs, and 3. provide housing to cover district needs until permanent facilities can be fmanced and constructed. Relocatable facilities are deemed to be interim, stop gap measures that often place undesirable stress on existing physical plants. Core facilities (i.e. gymnasiums, restrooms, kitchens, labs, lockers, libraries, etc.) are not of sufficient size or quantity to handle the iricreased scfiool population served by adding relocatable classrooms. Table Permanent Faciliries District School Facilities N.1 @ OSPI Rated Capacity (November 2009) Buildin Ca aci Acres Address Elementa Schools ' Washin on Elementary 486 ' 5.40 20 E Street Northeast, Aubum WA, 98002 Terminal Park Elementaxy 408 6.70 1101 D Street Southeast, Aubum WA 98002 Dick Scobee Elementary. 477 10.50 1031 14th Street Northeast, Aubum WA, 98002 Pioneer Elerfientary. 441 8.30 2301 M.Street Soutlieast, Aubum WA, 98002 Chinook Elementary 440 8.75 3502 Aubum Wa South, Auburn WA, 98092 Lea Hill Elementaxy 450 10.00 30908 124th Avenue Southeast, Aubum WA, 98092 Gildo Re Elementary 551 10.00 . 1005 37th Strcet Southeast, Aubum WA, 98002 Ever een Hei ts Elem. 456 8.09 5602 South 316th, Auburn WA, 98001 A1 ac Elementazy 497 10.60 310 Milwaukee Boulevazd North, Pacific WA, 98047 Lake View Elementary 559 16.40 - 16401 Southeast 318th Stree Aubum WA, 98092 Hazelwood Elementary 580 12.67 11815 Southeast 304th Street, Aubum WA, 98092 Ilallco Elementary 585 12.00 301 Oravetz Place Southeast Aubum WA, 98092 Lakeland Hills Elementary 594 ~ 12.00 1020 Ever een Wa SE, Aubum WA,98092 Arthur Jacobsen Elementary 614 ' 10.00 29205 132 Street SE, Auburn, WA 98092 ELEM CAPACITY 7138 Middle Schools Cascade Middle School 829 17:30 1015 24th Street Northeast, Aubum WA, 98002. Ol ic Middle School 921 17.40 1825 K Street Southeast, Auburn WA, 98002 Rainier Middle School 843 2633 30620_ 116th'Avenue,Soutfieast, Aubum WA, 98092 Mt. Baker Middle,School 837 30.88 620 37tti Slreet Souffieast Aubum WA 98002 MS CAPACITY 3,430 Senior Hi h Schools West Aubum Hi School 233 5.10 401 West Main Street, Aubum WA, 98001 Aubum Senior Hi 2,101 18.60 800 Fourth Street Northeast Aubum WA 98002 Aubum Riverside HS 1,387 33.00 501 Orav.etz Roid, Auburn WA, 98092 Aubum Mountainview HS 1,443 40.00 28900 124b Ave SE, Aubum, WA 98092 SH CAPACITY 5,164 TOTAL CAPACITY 15,732 16 Aubum School District No: 408 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2009 through 2015 INVENTORY OF FACILITIES TABLE . TEMPORARY/RELOCATABLE IV.2 FACIUTIES INVENTORY . March 2010 ' ' Elemen#a ' Location 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012,13 2013-14 2014-15 • 2015-16 Washington 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Terminal Park 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Dick Scobee 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Pioneer 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Chinook 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Lea Hill 5 5 5 2 2 2 2. Gildo Rey 6 6 6 6 6 6' 6' EVergreen Heights 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 Alpac . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Lake View 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Hazelwood 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' Ilalko 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 , Lakeland Hills Elementary 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 Arthut Jacobsen Elementa 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL UNITS 32 32 ' 32 33, 33 33 . 33 - TOTAL CAPACITY 848 848 848 875 875 875 875 Middle School Location 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 . 2015-16 ' Cascade 0 0 0 0_ 2 - 2__ _ 2.. Olympic 0 0 0 0 2 2 Rainier 5 5 5 7 7 8 8 Mt. Baker 8 8 8 8. 8 "8 _ 8 TOTAL IJUNITS , 13 13 ' 13 15 19 20 20 TOTAL CAFACITY 390 390 ' 390 450 570 . 600 600. Sr. Hi h School Location 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015=16 West Aubum 0 0 0 0 '1 1 1- Aubum Migh School 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Aubum High School -*TAP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Auburn Riverside 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 Au6um Mountainview 0 0 0 0 0 D. , 0_ TOTAL UNITS - 26 26 26 26 27 ' 27 27 TOTAL CAPACITY 780 780 780 780 810 810 _ 810. 'TAP - Transition Assistance Program for 18-21 year old students with special needs... . . . . . , . . . . 4 COMBINED TOTAL UNITS 71 71 77 74 , 79 80 80 ` COMBINED TOTAL CAPACITY 2,018 2,018 2,018 2,105 2,255 2,285 2;285. 17 Aubum School District No. 408 Capital Facilities Plan 2010 through 2016 Section V Pupil Capacity Aubum School District No. 408 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2010 through 2016 PUPIL CAPACITY - Whilethe Aubum School District uses the SPI inventory of permanent facilities as:the data from which to determine space needs, the DistricYs educa#ional program requires more space than that provided for under the formula. This additional square footage is converted to numbers of pupils in Section III, Standard of Service. The DistricYs capacity is adjusted to reflectthe need for additional space to house its programs. Changes in the capacity of the district recognize new unfunded facilities. The combined effect ofithese adjustments is shown on Line B in Tables V.1 and V.2 below. Table V.1 shows the Distict's capacity with relocatable units included and Table V.2 without these units. Table V.1 Capacity WITH relocatables 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-18 2015-16 ''A. SPI Capacity 15,732 15,732 15,732 15,732 15,732 15,732 16,532 A.1 SPI Capacity-New Elem 585 -1/ A.2 SPI Capacity- New MS 800 B. Capacity Adjustments 1,977 1,977 1,977 1,891 1,741 1,711 1,711 C. Net Capacity 13,755 13,755: 13,755 13,841 13,991 14,821 15,406 D. ASDEnrollment 14,589 14,717 14,979 15;414 15,928 16,436. 16,854' 3/ E. ASD Surplus/Deficit (834) (962) (1,224) (1,573) (1,937) (1,615) (1,448) CAPACITY ADJUSTMENTS . Include Relocatable 2,018 2;018 2,018 2,105 2,255 2,285 21285 2/ Exclude SOS (pg 14 3,995 37995 3,995 3,995 3,995 3,995 3,995 TotalAdjustments (1,977) (1;977) (1,977) (1,891) (1,741) (17711) (1,711) . Table V.2 Capacity WITHOUT relocatables. 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15, 2015-16 A. SPI CaPacity 15,732 15,732 15,732 15,732 15,732 157732 16,532 A:1 SPI Capacity-New Elem 585 A.2 SPI Capacity- New MS 800 B. Capacity Adjustments 37995 3,995 3,995 3,995 3,995 37995 37995 C.. Net Capacity 117737 117737 11,737 11,737 11,737 12;537 13,122 D. ASD Enrollment 14,589 14,717 14,979 15,414 15,928 16,436 16,854 3/ E. , ASD SurpluslDeficit (2,852) (2,980) (3,242) (3,678) (4,192) (3,900) (3,732) CAPACITY ADJUSTMENTS 2/ Exclude SOS (pg 14 3,995 3,995 3,995 3,995 3,995 3,995 3,995 Total Adjustments ' (3,995) (3,995) (3,995) (3,995) ` (3,995) (3,995) (3;995) 1/ New facilities shown in 2014-15 and 2015-16 are not funded under the current Capital Facilities Plan. 21 The Standard of Service represents 25.39% of SPI capacity. When new facilities are added the Standard - of Service computations are decreased to 23.34% of SPI capacity. 3/ Students beyond the capacity are accomodated in other spaces (commons, library, theater, shared teaching space). 19 Aubum School DistrictNo. 408 CAPITAL FACIUTIES PLAN 2010 through 2016 PERMANENT FACILITIES PUPIL CAPACITY @ SPI Rated Capacity March 2010 A. Elementa Schools Buildin 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 " 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Washington 486 486 " 486 486 486 486 486 TerminalPark 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 Dick Scobee 477 477 477 477 477 477 477 Pioneer 441 441 441 441 441 441 441 Chinook 440 440 440 440 440 440 440 Lea Hill 450 450 450 450 450 450 450. Gildo Rey ' 551 551 551 551 551 551 551 Evergreen Height 456 45 45 45 45 45 456 Alpac 497 497 497 497 497 497 497 Lake View 559 559 559 559 559 559 559 Hazelwood 580 580 580 . 580 580 580 580 Ilalko 585 585 585 585 585 585 585 Lakeland Hills 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 ArthurJacobsen 614 614 614 614 614 614 614 Elementa #15 585 ELEM CAPACITY 7;138 7,138 7,138 7,138 7,138 71138 7,723 B. Middle Schools Buildin 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13_ 2013-14 201445 2015-16 Cascade 829 829 829 829 829 829 829 ' Olympic 921 921 921 921 921 921 921 , Rainier 843 843 843 843 843 843 843 Mt.Baker 837 837 837 837 837 837 837 Middle Schoot #5 800 800 MS CAPACITY 31430 3,430 3,430 _ 3,430 3,430 4,230 4,230 C. Senior Hi h Schools Buildin 2009=10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015=16 West Aubum 233 233 233. 233 233 233 233 Aubum 2,101 2,101 2,101 2,101 2,101 2,101 2,101 Aubum Riverside 1,387 . 1,387 1,387 1,387 1;387 1,387 1;387 Aubum Mountainview 1,443 1,443 1,443 1,443 1,443 1,443 1,443 SH CAPAGITY 5,164 5,164 5,164 5,164 5,164 5;164 5,164 COMBINED CAPACITY 15,732 15,732 15,732 15,732 15,732 16,532 17,117 ' 20 Auburn School District No. 408 Capital Facilities Plan 2010 through 2016 Section VI Capital Construction Plan AUbum School Disficf _No. 408 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2010 through 2016 . CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION PLAN The formal process used by the Board to address cuRent and future facility needs began in „ 1974 with the formafion of a community wide citizens commitfee; The result ofthis committee's work was published in the document titled 'Guidelines for Development.' In 1985 tFie Board : formed a second Ad Hoc citizens committee'to pick up from the work of the first and address the needs of the District for subsequent years: The work of this committee was published in the document tibed 'Directions for the Nineties.'. In,1995 the Board commissioned a third Ad Hoc citizens cammittee.to make recommendations for impcovements to the District's programs:and physical facilities. _The committee recommendations ate published in the document titled 'Education. Into The Twenty-First Century A Communify lnvolved:' The 1995 Ad Hoc committee recommended the District develop plans for the implementation, funding, and deployment of technology throughout the District's programs. The 1996 Bond proposition provided funding to enhance the capacity of each facility to accommodate fecfinological applications. The 1998 Capital Levy provided funding to further deploy technology :at a.leyel sufficient to support program requirements in every classroom and department. In 2005 a replacement technology levy was:approved to continue fo support technology across all facets of tfie DistricYs teaching, leaming and operations. In addition to the technology needs of the District the Ad Hoc committee recognized the District must prepare for continued student enrollment growth. As stated in their report, "the District must pursue an appropriate high school site as soon as possible.". The Ad Hoc •recommendation included commentary that the financing should be timed to maintain consistent rates of assessment. A proposfion was approved by-the voters on April 28; 1998 that provided $8,000,000 over six years to address some of`the fechnology needs of the District; and $5,000,000 fo provide funds to acquire school sites. During the 1997-98 school year a Joint District Citizen's Ad Hoc Committee was appointed by the Aubum and Dieringer School Boacds to make recommendations on how best to serve the school population from an area that includes a large development'known as Lakeland South. Lakeland South at that time was immediately adjacent to the southem boundary of the Aubum School District: On June 16, 1998 the Ad Hoc Committee presented its recommendation at a joint meeting of the Auburn and Dieringer Boards of Directors: On June 22, 1998 the Aubum School Board adopted Resolution No. 933 authorizing the pcocess to.initiate the adjustment of the boundaries of the District in accordance with the Ad Hoc Committee's recommendation. On June 23, 1998 the Dieringer School Board adopted a-companion Resolution.No: 24-97-98 • authorizing the proeess to initiate the adjustment of the boundaries in accordance with the Ad Hoc Gommittee's recommendation. These actions resulted in the transfer.of an area from Dieringer to Aubum confaining most of the Lakeland South development and certain other undeveloped properties. Development in this area is progressing at an aggressive rate. In April of 2002, the Board formed a ffth cifizen's Ad Hoc committee to address the following finro items and make recommendations to the board in the Fall of 2002: a. Areview of the conclusion and recommendations of 1985 and 1995 Ad Hoc Committees related to accommodating high school enrollment growth: This includeci the review of possible financing plans for new facilities. b: Develop, recommendations for accommodating high school enrollment growth for the next 10 years if a new senior high school is not built. 22 Aubum School District No. 408 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2010 through 2016 CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION PLAN This committee recommended the board place the high school on the ballot for the ffth time in February 2003. The February election approved the new high school at 68.71 %yes vofes. The school opened in the Fall of 2005. In the Fall of 2003 the school board directed the administration to begin the planning and design for Elementary #13 and Elementary #14. In the Fall of 2004, the Aubum School Board passed Resolution No. 1054 to place finro elementary schools on the ballot in Febcuary 2005. The voters approved the ballot measure in February of 2005 at 64.72%. Lakeland Hills Elementary (Elementary#13) opened in the Fall of 2006. Arthur Jacobsen Elementary (Elementary #14) is iocated in the Lea Hill area on a 10 acre site and opened in the Fall of 2007. These two ' elementary schools were built to accommodate the housing growth in Lakeland Hills and Lea Hill areas of the school district. In the 2004-05 school year, the Board convened a sixth Citizen's Ad Hoc committee to again study and make recommendations about the future impacts in the District: One of the areas of study was the need for New Facilities and Modemization. The committee made a number of recommendations including school size, the need for a new middle school, and to begin a capital improvements program to modemize or replace facilities based upon eriterion. During the 2005-06 school year, a Joint District Citizen's Ad Hoc Committee was appointed by theAuburn and Kent School Boards to make recommendations on how bestto serve the school population that will come from an area that includes a number of projected developments in the north Aubum valley. On May 47, 2006 the Ad Hoc Committee presented its recommendation at a joint meeting of the Aubum and Kent Boards of Directors. On June 14, 2006 the Kent $chool Board adopted Resolution No. 1225 authorizing the process to initiate the adjustment of the boundaries of the District in accordance with the Ad Hoc Committee's recommendation. On June 26, 2006 the Aubum School Board adopted a companion Resolution No. 1073 authorizing the process to initiate the adjusfinent of the boundaries in accordance with the Ad Hoc Committee's recommendation. These actions resulted in the transfer of an area frorn the Kent School District to the Aubum School District effective September 29, 2006. ImOctober of 2008, after two years of review and study, a Steering Committee made recommendations to the school board regarding the capital improvements program to modemize or.replace facilities as recommended by the 2004-05 Citizen's Ad Hoc Committee. . These recommendations,, based on specific criteria, led to the school board placing a school improvemenf bond and capital'improvements levy on the ballot in March 2009. Voters did not approve either measures that would have updated 24 facilities and replaced three aging schools. The board decided to place only a six-year Capital Levy on the ballot in November of 2009, which passed at 55.17%. The levy will fund $46.4 million of needed improvement projects at.24 sites over the next seven school years. Planning for the replacemenf of aging schools has started with educational specifications and schematic design process beginning in 2010. A future bond issue will be necessary to fund these projects. The Special. Education Transition Facility opened in February of 2010. This facility is designed for students with disabilities that are 18 to 21 years old. IN 2009, the school district acquired a site for a future middle school in 2009 and will need to consider possibilities for a site for elementary school #15. , 23 Aubum School District No. 408 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2010 through 2016 CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION' PLAN The District is projecting 2265 additional students within the six year period including the. Lakeland, Lea Hill, and northAubum valley areas. This increase in student population will require the acquisition of new middle school and new elementary school sites and construction of a middle school and elementary school during the six year window. Based upon the District's capacity'data and enrollment projections, as well as the student generation data included in Appendix A.3, the District has determined that approximately eighty- six percent of the capacity improvements are necessary to serve the students generated from new development, wifh the remaining additional capacify required to address existing need. The table below illustrates the current capital construction plan for the next six years. The exact timelines are wholly dependenf on the rate of growth in the school age population and passage of bond issues and/or capital improvement levies. ' .2010-16 Capital Construction Plan March 2010 Projected Fund Project Timelines Pro'ect Fundec! Cost Souroe 09-10. 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 All Facilities - 2006 Technology Yes $12,000,000 , 6 Year XX XX XX Modernization Cap Levy Portables Yes $1,200,000 Impact ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ XX XX Fees ProperEy Purchase Impact New Elementary No $3,500,000 Fees XX XX XX XX Multiple Facility Yes $46,400,000 Capital xx xx XX XX xx xx xx Im roxements Levy - - Bond XX XX XX Middle SchooF#5_ No $42,500,000 Impact Fee plan const open - Bond XX XX XX - 1/ Elementary#15 No $21,750,000 Impad Fee plan const open Replacement of three aging No $239,000,000 Bond Issue XX XX XX XX XX XX XX schools 17 These funds may be secured through local bond issues, sale of real property,'impact fees, and state matching funds. The District currenUy is not eligible for state assistance at the elementary school level for new construction. The distrid is eligible for state matching funds formodemization. 24 , Auburn School District No. 408 Capital Facilities Plan 2010 through 2016 Section VII Impact Fees LLJ ' Aubum;Schoov~,istrict No. 408 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2010 through 2016 IMPACT FEE COMPUTAT/ON (Spring. 2010) Middle School #5 within 6 yearperiod Elementary #15 within 6 year period l. SITE COST PER RES/DENCE' Formula: ((Acres x Co§t per Acre /Facilit Size) x Student Factor Site Costl Faciliry Student Generation Factor Cost/ Cost/ Acreage Acre Capacity Sin le Famil Multi Family Sin le Famil Multi Family Elem (K - 5) 12 $0 550 0.3080 0.0860 $0:00 $0.00 Middle Sch (6 - 8 25 $0 800 0:1470 0.0380 $0:00 $0.00 Sr High (9.- 12 40 $0 1500 0.1770 0.0310 $0.00 $0.00 $0:00 $0:00 ll. PERMANENT FACILITY CONSTRUCTION COST PER RESIDENCE Formula: _((Fadli CosUFadlity Size x Student Factor x Permanent to Total S uare Footage Percentage Facility Facility %.Penn Sq FU Student Generation Factor Cosf/ CosU Sin le Famil Cost Siie Total S Ft Single Family . Multi Famil Single Famil Multi Family Elem. (K - 5) $21,750,000 550 A.9688 . 0 :3080 . 0.0860 $11,775.59 $3,287.99 Mid Sch (6 - 8) $42,500,000 800 0.9668 0.1470 0.0380 $7,55608 $1,951.72 Sr High 9- 12 $0 1500 . 0.9668 0.1770 0.0310 $0:00 $0.00 •$19,325.87 $5,239.71 ll/. IiEMPORARY FACIL/TY CONSTRUCT/ON COST PER RES/DENCE _ Formula: ((Facili Cost/Facili Size x Student Factor x Tempora to Total Square Foota e Ratio) Facility Facility % Temp:Sq Fd Student Generation Factor . Cost/ t$5.47 osU Single Famil Cosf . Size' Total S Ft Sin le Famif Multi Famil Single Famil Family Efem (K - 5) $130,000 26.5 0.0332 0.3080 -0.0860 $50.17 .01 Mid Sch (6 - 8) $130;000 30 0.0332 0.140.0380 $21.15 Sr Hi h 9- 12 $0 30 0.0332 0.170.0310 $0:00 .00 $71.32 .48 IV. STATE MATCH CREDIT PER RES/DENCE . Formula: (Boeckh Index x SPI Footage x District Match x Student Factor Boeckh' SPI District Student Generation Factor . Cosb CosU Index Footage Match Sin le Famil Multi Famil Single Famil Multi Family Elem (K - 5) $180.17 ' 90 60.23% 0:3080 0.0860 $3,008.07 $839.92 MidSch (6 - 8) $180.17 108 60.23% 0.1470 0.0380 $1,722.81 $445.35 . Sr Hi h 9- 12 $180.17 130 60.23% 0.1770 0.0310 $2,496.96 $437.32 ' $7;227-84 $1.722.59 " 26 . ~ Aubum School District No. 408 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2010 through 2018 " V. TAX CRED/T PER RESIDENCE " Formuia: Expressed as the present .value of an annuity TC= PV(interest rate,discount period;average assd velue xtax rate) . AveiResid . Curr,Dbt Serv Bnd Byrlndx . Numb of . Tax,Credit Tax".Credit Assd Value Tax Rate Ann Int Rate Years Single Famil Multi Family Single Family - ' $250,541 $0.82 4.33% 10 $1,636:49 : Multi Famil $76;573 $0.82 4:33% 10 $500.16' . W. -pEVELOPER'PROVIOED FACILII'Y.CREDIT Formula: (1`/alue of Site or FacilityMumber of dwelling units) : Value No. of Units Facil Credit Single Family $0.00 1 $0.00 Multi Famil $0.00 1 $0.00 FEE 'PER UNIT IMPACT FEE8 _ RECAP Single Multi SUMMARY Famil " Famil Site Costs $0.00 $0.00 Permanent Facility Const Costs $19,325.67 $5,239.71 Temporary Facility Costs $71.32 $19.48 State Match Credit ($7;227.84) ($1,722.59) Tax Credit $1,636.49) $500.16) , • FEE`(No.Discount) $10,532.65 . '$3,038:44 FEE.(50% Discount) $5,26633 . $1,518.22 Facili Credit $0:00 $0:00 Net'Fee: ObN atlon 58;286s33 ` :~iS~;818:22< Aubum Schoo, ,istrict No. 408 CAPITALfACILITIES PLAN 2010.throu h 2018 • ` SiNGLE FAMICY , MULTI FAMILY IMPACT FEE ELEMENTS Elem Mid Sch Sr High Elem Mid Sch Sr High K-5 6-0 9-12 K-5 6-8 9-12 Student Factor Single Family - Aubum actual count (3/10) 0.308 0.147 0.177 0.086 0.038 0.031 New FaoCapacity ASD District Standards 550 800 1500 550 800 1500 New Facility Cost. Elementary Cost Estimates Feb 2008 $21,750,000 $42,500,000 $21,750,000 $42,500,000 Middle School Cost Estimate Feb 2008 Temp Rm Capacity ASD District Standard of Service. 26.5 30 30 28:5 30 30 GradesK-5@ 26.5and6-12@ 30. Temp Facility Cost Relocatables, including site worlc, set up, and fumishing $130,000 $130,000 $130,000 $130,000 $130,000 $130,000 Site Acreage ASD District Standard or SPI Minimum 12 25 40 12 25 . 40 _ Site'CosUAcre See below $326,827 $326;827 $326;827 $326,627 $326;827 $328,827 Ferm Sq.Footage SPI Rpt #3 dated Nov 20, 2009 1;695;829 1,695;829 1,695,829 1,695;829 1,695,829 1,695,829 Temp Sq Footage 70 porta6les aE 832 sq, R. each 58,240 58,240 58,240 58;240 58,240 58,240 Total Sq Footage Sum of Permanent and Temporary above 1,754;069 1,754,069 1,754,089 1,754,069 1,754;069 1,754,069 Perm Facilities Permanent Sq. Footage divided by Total Sq. Footage 96.68% 96.68% 96.68% 96.68% 96.68% 96.88% Temp Facilities Temporary Sq. Footage divided by Totel Sq. Footage 3.32% 3.32% 3.32% 3.32% 3.32% 3.32% SPI Sq FUStudent From SPI Regulations 90 108 130 90 108 130 Boeckh Index From SPI schedule for Maech 2010 $18017 $180.17 $180.17 $180.17 $180.17 $180! 17 MatCh StBte From SPI WBbpage Merch 2010 60.23% 60.23% 60.23°k 60.23% 80:23%0 60.23% Metch D(StriCt Computed . ' 39.77% 39.77% 39:77% 39.77% 39:77% 39.77% . Dist Aver AV King County Department of Assessments March-2009 $250,541 $250,541 $250,541 $76,573 $76,573 $76;573 (multi family weighted average) Debt Serv Tax Rate CuRent Fiscal Year $0.82 $0.82 $0.82 $0.82 $0.82 $0.82 G. O Bond Int Rate Current Rate -(Bond Buyer 20 Index March 2010) 4.33% 4:33% 4.33% 4.33% 4.33% 4.33% Site Cost Pro ect/ons Recent Property Purchase Purchase Purchase Adjusted Projected Annual Sites Latest Date Projected Ac uisitions Acrea e Year Price CosUAcre Present Da Inflation Factor Re uired of Ac uisition CosUAcre Lakeland 12.00 2002 $2,701,043 $225,087 $310,687 Labrador 35.00 2008 $7,601,799 $217,194 $223,710 Lakeland East 27.00 2009 $9;092,160 $336,747 $336,747 Total 74.00 $19,395,002 $262,095 $290,381 3.00°k Elementa 2014 $326,827 28 Auburn School District No. 408 Capital Facilities Plan 2010 through 2016 Section VIII Appendix Appendix A.1 - Student Enrollment Projections Appendix A.2 - CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN Enrollment Projections Appendix A.3 - Student Generation Survey Appendix A.1 - Student Enrollment Projections . , Auburn School District #408 Student Enrollment Projecrions October 2009 Iritroduction -'Phe projective techniques give some consideration to fiistorical and current data as a basis for forecasting the future. In addition, the `projector' must make certain assumptions about the operant variables within the data being used. These assumptions are "judgmental" by definition. Forecasting can be defined as the extrapolation or logical extension from history to the future, or from the lrnown to the unlnown. The attached tabular data reviews the history of student enrollment, se.ts out "some quantitative assumptions, and provides projections based on these numerical factors. The projection logic does not attempt to weigh the individual sociological, psychological, economic, and political factors that are present in any demographic analysis and projection. The logic embraces the assumptions, that whatever these individual factors have been in the past are present today, and will be in the future. It further moderates the impact ofsingular factors by averaging data over thirteen years and six years respectively. The results provide a trend, which reflects a long (13-year) and a short (6-year) base from which to extrapolate. Two methods of estimating the number of kindergarten students have been used. The first uses the average increase or decrease over the past 13 and 6-year time frame and adds it to each succeeding year. The second derives what the average percentage Auburn kindergartners have been of live births in King County for the past 5 yeazs and uses this to project the subsequent four years. The degree to which the actuals deviate from the projections can only be measured after the. fac't. This deviation provides a point of departure to evaluate the effectiveness of the assumptions and logic being used to calculate future projections. Monitoring deviation is critical to the viability and credibility of the projections derived by these techniques. Tables Table 1- Thirteen Year Historv of October 1 Enrollments - page 3 T`he data shown in this table is the baseline infomiation used to project future enrollment. This data shows the past record of enrollment in the district on October 1 of each year. Table 2- Historical Factors Used in Proiections - page 4 This table shows the three basic factors derived from the data in Table 1. These factors have been used in the subsequent projections. The three factors are: ' 1. Factor 1- Average Pupil Change Between Grade Levels ~ This factor is sometimes referred to as the "holding power" or "cohort survival." It is a measure of the number of pupils gained or lost as they move from one grade level to the next. 2. Factor 2- Average Pupil Change by Grade Level This factor is the average change at each grade level over the 13 or 6-year period: 3. Factor 3- Auburn School District Kindergarten Enrollment as a FuncNon of King County Live Births. This factor calculates what percent each kindergarten class was of the King County live births in the S, previous years. From this information has been eztrapolated the kindergarten pupils expected for the next 4 years. 1 Table 3- Projection Models - pages 5-13 This set of tables utilizes the above mentioned variables and generates several projecrions. The models are explained briefly below. ❑ Table 3.13 (pg 5) -shows a projection based on the.13-year average gain in kindergarten (Factor 2) and the 13-year average change between grade levels (Factor 1). The data is shown for the district as a whole. v Table 3.6 (pg 5) - shows a projection using the sarrie scheme as Table 3.13 except it shortens the historical to only the most recent 6 years. ❑ Table 3.13A and 3.6A (pg 6) - uses the same factors above except Factor 3 is substituted. for Factor 2: The kindeigarten rates are derived from the King County live births instead ' of the average gain. ❑ Tables 3E.13, 3E.6, 3E.13A, 3E.6A (pg 7) - breaks out the K-5 grades_ from_the district projection. Summarylevel data is provided for percentage gain and pupil gain by grade articulation. : ❑ Tables 3MS.13, 3MS:6; 3MS.I3A, 3MS.6A (pg 8) - breaks out the 6-8 grades from the - district projection. Summary level data is provided for percentage gain and pupil gain by grade articulation. ❑ Tables 3SH:13, 3SH.6, 3SH.13A, 3SH.6A (pg 9):-breaks out the 9-1•2 grades from the district projecrion. `Summary level data is provided for percentage gain and pupil gain by grade articulation. ❑ Table 4(pg 10) - Collects the four projection models by grade group for ease of comparison. ❑ Table 5(pgs 11-13) - shows how well each projection model performed when compared . . with actual enrollments. Data is provided in both number and percent formats for the past 13 years. Summarv This year we had unprecedented decline in student enrollment of 114 students. The.loss of those students changes our historical average gain in students. Over the past 6 years the gain is now 1.06% annually down from 1.53%; that equates to 148 students down from 213 in pri or projec.tions. Over the past 13 years the ayerage gain has dropped from 1.41% to 1.12% and equates to 156 students annually down from 189 students: , Using the cohort survival models, the data below is a summary of the range of variation between the , four models. This data can be used for planning for future needs of the district. The models show changes-.in the next six years: . ■ Elementary, level shows increase ranging from 532 to 1042: (page 7) ■ Middle School level shows increase ranging from 179 to 232. (page 8) 0 High School level shows decreases ranging from -161 to -63. (page 9) The models show these changes looking forward thirteen years: ■ Elementary level shows increase ranging from 721 to 221$. (page 7) ~ Middle School level shows increase ranging from 405 to 876. (page 8) ■ High School level show"s increase ranging from 295 to 664. (page 9) Tliis data does not factor new developments that are currently under construction or in the planning stages. 2 AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT STUDENT ENROLLMENT PROJECTIONS - October 2009 TABLE Thirteen Year History of October 1 Enrollmenls(Rev 10/09) 1 Actual GRADE 97/98 98/99 99-00 i 00-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05 ' 05-08 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 KDG ~ 978 854 849 ; 912 848 905 922 892 ~ 955 941 ' 998 998 1032 1 1031 995 943 i 905 968 900 982 960 963 1012 ~ 895 1015 1033 2 ~ 1014 1023 1015 { 914 949 961 909 892 ' 963 1002 1 1019 1024 998 3 ; 980 1009 1054 ; 1031 966 940 996 918 ; 1002 1031 ~ 997 1048 993 4 ' 985 974 1012 ' 1071 1077 973 947 1016 ; 939 1049 ~ 1057 1044 1073 5 ; 958 982 983 E 1011 1106 1062 1018 957 ~ 1065 998 ~ 1078 1069 1030 6 i• 941 962 981 i 998 1028 1104 1111 1020 i 1004 1058 1 1007 1096 1040 7 i 959 939 1015 ~ 979 1017 1021 1131 1124 j 1028 1014 ~ 1057 1034 1125 B i 911 859 974 i 1003 1004 1026 1052 1130 ; 1137 1072 ~ 1033 1076 1031 9 ~ 1163 1156 1202 i 1222 1405 1441 1473 1461 ; 1379 1372 ~ 1337 1256 1244 10 I 1012 1165 1132 i 7157 1073 1234 1249 1261 ; 1383 1400 1368 1341 1277 11 1026 1007 1036 i 1067 1090 927 1010 1055 ~ 1182 1322 1352 1350 1303 12 811 917 855 865 930 933 902 886 ~ 1088 1147 1263 1352 1410 TOTALS 12769 12842 13051 13135 13461 13427 13702 13672 14088 14418 14559 14703 14589 PerCent of Galn 1.35% 0.84% 0.64% 2.48% (0.25)% 2.05% (0.22)% 3.04% 2.34% 0.98% 0.99% (0.78)% Pupil Gain 173 109 84 326 34 275 30 416 330 141 144 114 Average % Gain for 1st 6 years. 1.19% Average °k Gain for last 6 yeara 1.08% Avera e Pu i Gain for 1st 6 rs. 156 Avera Pu il Geln for last 6 years 148 Average % Gain for 13 years. 1.12% Avera e Pu I Gain for 13 years. 152 TABLE 1A Grade Grou Combinations KDG 978 854 849 912 846 905 922 892 855 941 996 998 ; 1032 ~ K,1,2 3023 2872 2807 2731 2763 2766 2813 2844 2881 2955 3010 3037 ; 3063 K-5 5948 5837 5656 5844 5914 5741 5774 5735 5887 6033 6142 6198 ; 6159 K-6 6867 6799 6837 6842 6942 6845 6885 6755 6891 7091 7149 7294 ; 7199 i 1-3 3025 3027 3012 2850 2883 2801 2887 2870 2928 3045 3011 3087 ~ 3024 1-5 4968 4983 5007 4932 5068 4836 4852 4843 4932 5092 5146 5200 ~ 5127 1-6 5909 5945 5988 5930 8096 5940 5963 5863 5938 6150 6153 6296 i 6187 i i 6-8 2811 2860 2970 2980 3049 3151 3294 3274 3169 3144 3097 3206 ; 3196 7-8 1870 1898 1989 1982 2021 2047 2183 2254 2165 2086 2090 2110 ; 2158 7-9 3033 3054 3191 3204 3426 3488 3658 3715 3544 3458 3427 3366 ? 3400 i ~ ~ 9-12 4012 4245 4225 4311 4498 4535 4634 4663 5032 5241 5320 5299 i 5234 10-12 2849 3089 3023 3089 3093 3094 3161 3202 3653 3869 3983 4043 ` 3990 prj09-10 Paya 3 4l512010 AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT STUDENT F 1LLMENT PROJECTIONS - October 2009 ( ABLE Factors Used fn Projections 2 Factor AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT KINDERGARTEN ENROLLMENTS 3 AS FUNCTION OF KING COUNTY LIVE BIRTH RATES Factor Average Pupil Change Between Grade CAL- TOTAL YEAR ADJUSTED AUBURN KINDERGARTEN 1 Levels ENDAR LIVE 213rds 1/3rds OF LIVE KDG ENROLLMENT AS A%OF 13 YEAR BASE B YEAR BASE YEAR BIRTHS BIRTHS BIRTHS ENROLL BIRTHS ENROLL. ADJUSTED LIVE BIRTHS K to 1 51.921 K to 1 47.20 ` 1972 13,719 9,146 4,573 ; 78/79 13,539 598 4.417% 1 to 2 8.33 ~ 1 to 2 12.20 1973 13,449 8,966 4,483 ~ 79180 13,478 618 4.585% - ' 2 to 3 16.67 2 to 3 14.20 1974 13,493 8,995 4,498 ~ 80181 13,524 600 4.436% i 3 to 4 21.67 ~ 3 to 4 33.20 1975 13,540 9,027 4,513 ~ 81/82 13,687 588 4.296% _ 4 to 5 18.08 4 to 5 _ 27.00 1976 13,761 9,174 4,587 i 82183 14,375 898 4.856% . 5 to 6 10.00 5 to 6 7.60 1977 14,682 9,788 4,894 i 83/84 14,958 666 4.452°/a 6 to 7 14.50 6 to 7 14.60 1878 15,096 10,064 5,032 i 84185 18,048 726 4.524% , 7 to 8 14.92 7 to 8 18.40 1979 16,524 11,016 5,508 ; 85186 16,708 792 4.740% 8 to 9 297.58 8 to 9 228.00 1980 16,800 11,200 5,600 ; 86187 17,000 829 4.876% 9 to 10 (88.92) 9 to 10 (7.20) 1981 17,100 11,400 5,700 ; 87188 18,241 769 4.218% 10 to 11 (89.50) 10 to 11 (48.80) 1982 18,811 12,541 6,270 ~ 88/89 18,626 817 4.386% . - 11 to 12 (73.00) 11 to 12 (0.20) 1983 18,533 12,355 6,178 ~ 89/90 18,827 871 4.626°k total 222.25 total 348.20 1984 18,974 12,649 6,325 1 90/91 19,510 858 4.398% Factor 1 is the average gain or loss of pupils as they 1985 19,778 13,185 6,593 I 81/92 19,893 909 4.569% move from one grade level to ihe next. Factor 1 uses 1986 19,951 13,301 8,850 ~ 92193 21,852 920 4.210°~6 the past (12) OR (5) years of changes. 1987 22,803 15,202 7,601 ; 93/94 21,624 930 4.301% 1988 21,034 14,023 7,011 ~ 94/95 24,062 927 3.853°k Factor Average Pupii Change By Grade Level 1989 25,576 17,051 8,525 ; 95196 26,358 954 3.619% 2 1990 26,749 17,833 8,916 j 96197 24,116 963 3.983% 13 YEAR BASE 4 YEAR BASE 1991 22,799 15,199 7,600 ~ 97/98 20,973 978 4.863% K 4.60 K 28.00 1992 20,060 13,373 6,687 ~ 98/99 21,573 854 3.959% 1 0.17 1 14.60 1993 22,330 14,887 7,443 I 99/00 22,129 849 3.837% 2 (1.33) 2 1.20 1994 22,029 14,688 7,343 , 00101 24,013 912 3.798% 3 1.06 3 15.00 1995 25,005 16,670 8,335 ; 01/02 22,717 846 3.724°/a 4 7.33 4 11.40 1996 21,573 14,382 7,191 ; 02/03 21,622 905 4.186°k 5 8.00 5 14.60 1997 21,646 14,431 7,215 j 03104 22,023 922 4.186% 6 8.25 6 4.00 1998 22,212 14,808 7,404 ~ 04/05 22,075 892 4.041% 7 13.83 7 0:20 1999 22,007 14,671 7,338 1 05/08 22,327 955 4.277°k Last S 8 10.00 8 (19.80) 2000 22,487 14,991 7,496 ~ 06/07 22,014 941 4.274% year 9 6.75 9 (43.40) 2001 21,778 14,519 7,259 ~ 07/08 21,835 996 4.562°k Average 10 22.08 10 3.20 2002 21,863 14,575 7,268 ~ 08109 22,242 998 4.487% 4.428°h 11 23.06 11 49.60 2003 22,431 14,954 7,477 j 09I10 22,726 1032 Actual 4.541% - - 12 49.92 12 104.80 2004 22,874 15,249 7,625 ~ 10111 22,745 100B <--Pry'ctd Average Factor 2 is the everage change in grade level size 2005 22,680 15,120 7,560 11/12 23,723 1007 <--Prjctd Average from 94195 OR 01/02. 2006 24,244 16,183 8,081 ~ 12/13 24,683 1051 <--PrJctd Average _ 2007 24,902 16,601 8,301 j 13N4 8,301 1093 <--Prjctd Average 2008 25,190 16,793 8,397 ~ 14/15 8,397 ' elimina number of DOH Source: Center for Health Statlstics, Washington State Department of Health prj09-10 Page 4 415/2010 AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT STUDENT'ENROLLMENT PROJECTIONS - October 2009 TABLE qISTRICT'PROJECTIONS ` 3.13 _ Basetl~on,13 Year Hist ACTUAL]'. FROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROil PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ GRADE 09110 10N1 11/12 . 12/13 13114 14/15 15/16 16117 17118 18/19 19120 20l21 21/22 22/23 KDG 1032 1037 1041 1046 1050 1055 1059 1064 1068 1073 1077 1082 1086 1091 1 1033 1084 1088' 1093 1097 1102 1106 1111 1115, 1120 1124 1129 1133 1138 2 998 1041 1092 1097 1101 1106 1110 1115 1119 1124 1128 1133 1137 1142 3 993 1015 1058 1109 1,113 1118 1122 1127 1131 1136 1140 1145 1149 . 1154 4 1073 1015 1036 1080 1131 1135 1.140 1144 1149 1153 1158 1162 1187 1171 5 1030 1091 1033 1054 1098 1149 1153 1158 1162 1167 1171 1176 1180 1185 6 1040 1040 1101 1043 1064 1108 1159 1163 1168 1172 1177 1181 1186 1190 7 1125 1055 1055 1116 1057 1079 1122 1173 1178 1182 1187 1191 1196 120_0 8 1031 1140 1069 1069 1131 1072 1094 1137 1188 1193 1197 1202 1206 1211 9 1244 1329 1438 1367 1367 1428 1370 1391 1435 1486 1490 1495 1499 1504 10 1277 1175 1260 1369 1298 1298 1359 1301 1323 1366 1417 1421 1426 1430 11 1303 1188 1086 1170 1279 1209 1209. 1270 1211 1233 1276- 1327 1332 1336 12 1410 1230 1115 1013 1097 1206 1136 1136 1197 1138 1160 1203 1254 1259 TOTALS 14589 14438 14471 14624 14884 15064 15139 15289 15444 15542 15703 15846 15951 16010 PerCent of Geitl (1.04)% 0.23% 1.06% 1.78°h 1.21 % 0.50% 0.99% 1.01 % 0.64% 1.04% 0.92% 0.66% 0.37%: Pu il Gain 151 33 153 260 180 75 150 155 98 161 144 105 59 TABLE DISTRICT.PROJECTIONS." . 3.6 Based~on:B;YearHisio = ACTUAC' PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ GRADE 09/10 10/11 11/12 12l13 13/14 14/15 15/;16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 22/23 KDG 1032 1060 1088 1116 1144 1172 1200, 1228 1258 1284 1312 1340 1368 1396 1 1033 1079 1107 1135 1163 1191 1219 1247 1275 1303 1331 1359 1367 1415 2 998 1045 1091 1119 1147 1175 1203 1231 1259 1287 1315 1343 1371 1399 3 993 1012 1059 1106 1134 1162 1190 1218 1246 1274 1302 1330 1358 1386 4 1073 1026 1045 1093 1139 1167 1195 1223 1251 1279 1307 1335 1363 1391 5 1030 1100 1053 1072 1120 1166 1194 1222 1250 1278 1306 1334 1382 1390 6 7040 1038 1108 1061 1080 1127 1173 1201 1229 1257 1285 1313 1341 1369 7 1125 1055 1052 1122 1075 1095 1142. 1188 1216 1244 1272 1300 1326 1356 8 1031 1143 1073 1071 1141 1094 1113 1160 1208. 1234 1262 1290 1318 1346 9 1244 1259 1371 1301 1299 1369 1322 1341 1388 1434 1462 1490 1516 1546 10 1277• 1237 1252 1364 1294 1291 1361 1315 1334 1381 1427 1455 1483 1511 11 1303 1228 1188 1203 1315 1245 1243 1313 1266 1285 1332 1378 1406. 1434 12 1410 1303 1228 1188 1203 1315 1245 1242 1312 1266 1285. 1332 1378 1406 TOTALS 14589 14585 14717 14951 15253 15569 15800 16129 16489 16807 17199. 17801 17983 18347 PerCent of Gein (0:03)% 0:90% 1:59°k 2.02% 2:07% 1.48°k 2.08°k 2.23°k 1.93% 2.34°k 2.33°k 2:17% 2.02°k Pu 1 Gain 4 131 234 302 315 231. 329 360- 318 393 401 382 364 p409-10 -y/5/2010 AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT STUDENT r XLMENT PROJECTIONS - October 2009 ,ABLE DISTRICT.PROJECTIONS ~ • • 3.13A ;Based:on'Blrlh:Rates 8:13 YeiWHisto ACTUAL PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ GRADE 09/10 10111. 11/12 12N3 13f14 14/15 15l16 16l17 17118 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 22/23 K 1032 1006 1007 1051 1093 . 1 1033 1084 1058 1059 1102 1145 2 998 1041 1092 1067 1067 1111 1153 3 993 1015 1058 1109 1083 1084 1127 1170 4 1073 1015 1036 1080 1131 1105 1106 1149 1192 5 1030 1091 1033 1054 1098 1149 1123 1124 1167 1210 6 1040 1040 1101 1043 1064 1108 1159 1133 1134 1177 1220 7 1125 1055 1055 1116 1057 1079 1122 1173 1146 1148 1192 1234 8 1031 1140 1069 1069 1131 1072 1094 1137 1188 1162 1163 1207 1249 ` 9 1244 1329 1438 1367 1387 1428 1370 1391 1435 1488 1460 1461 1504 1547 - 10 1277 1175 1260 1369 1298 1298 1359 1301 1323 1366 1417 1391 1392 1435 - 11 1303 1188 1086 1170 1279 1209 1209 1270 1211 1233 1276 1327 1302 1302 12 1410 1230 1115 1013 1097 1208 1136 1136 1197 1,138 1160 1203 1254 1229 TOTALS 14589. 14408 1440714585 14868 Percentof'Gain .(1.24)% (0:00)% 1.10% 2.08% Pu il -Gain 181 1 158 ' 303 ~ . TABLE_ ;DISTRICT PROdECTIONS 3.6A Besed,on Birth`Rates 8 BsYear Hfsto ' ACTUAL PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ GRADE 09/10 10/11 1.1/12 12/13 13/14 14115 15/16 16/17 17/18 18N9 19/20 20/21 21/22 22/23 KDG 1032 1006 1007 1051 1093 1 1033 1079 1054 1054 1098 1140 2 998 1045 ' 1091 1086 1067 1110 1152 3 993 1012 1059 1106 1080 1081 1124 1167 _ ~ 4 1073 1026 ` 1045 1093 1139 1113 1114 1157 1200 5 1030 7100 1053 1072 1120 1166 1140 1141 1184 1227 8_ 1040-- 1038 1108 1081. 1080 1127 1173 1148 .1149 1192 1234 7 1125 1055 1052 1122 1075 1095 1142 1188 1162 1163 1207 1249 8 1031 1143 1073 1071 1141 1094 1113 1160 1206 1181 1182 1225 1267 9 1244 1259 1371 1301 1299 1389 1322 1341 1386 1434 1409 1410 1453 1495 10 1277 1237 1252 1384 1294 1291 1361 1315 1334 1381 1427 1402 1402 1446 11 1303 1228 1188 1203 1315 1245 1243 1313 1266 1285 1382 1378 1353 1354 12 1410 1303 1228 1188 1203 1315 1245 1242 1312 1266 1285 1332 1378 1353 TOTALS 14589 14532 14582 14751 15002 • Percent of Gain .(0:39)°k 0.35% 1.18°k 1.70°h Pu il Gain 57 51 189 251 , pr109-10 Page 6 4!5l2010 AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT STUDENT ENROLLMENT PROJECTIONS - October 2009 3E.13 Based on 13 Year History GRADE 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 22123 1 1033 1084 1088 1093 1097 1102 1106 1111 1115 1120 1124 1129 1133 1138 2 998 1041 1092 1097 1101 1106 1110 1115 1119 1124 1128 1133 1137 1142 3 993 1015 1058 1109 1113 1118 1122 1127 1131 1136 1140 1145 1149 1154 4 1073 1015 1036 1080 1131 1135 1140 1144 1149 1153 1156 1162 1167 1171 5 1030 1091 1033 1054 1098 1149 1153 1158 1182 1187 1171 1176 1180 1185 year 13 year K - 5 TOT 8159 8282 6349 6478 6590 6664 8691 8718 6745 6772 8799 6826 6853 6880 532 721 ercen o ain 2.009/6 . . o o . . o . . o . . . o Pu il Gain 123 67 129 112 73 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 L -5 O CTO S 3E.6 Based on 6 Year History GRADE 09110 10/11 11l12 12/13 13N4 14/15 15116 16117 17118 18/19 19/20 20/21 21l22 22/23 1 1033 1079 1107 1135 1163 1191 1219 1247 1275 1303 1331 1359 1367 1415 2 998 1045 1091 1119 1147 1175 1203 1231 1259 1287 1315 1343 1371 1399 3 993 1012 1059 1106 1134 1182 1190 1218 1246 1274 1302 1330 1358 1388 4 1073 1026 1045 1093 1139 1167 1195 1223 1251 1279 1307 1335 1363 1391 5 1030 1100 1053 1072 1120 1166 1194 1222 1250 1278 1306 1334 1362 1390 year 13 year K-5 TOT 6159 6323 6445 6641 8847 7033 7201 7369 7537 7705 7873 8041 8209 8377 1042 2218 ercen o ain . o . o . o . o . , 2.391/0 2. o . o o Z. . Z.UUI/O . o Pu il Gain 164 122 197 205 186 168 168 168 168 168 168 168 168 TAB E - P O CTIO S 3E.13A Based on Birth Rates & 13 Year Histo ACT AL PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ RO PROJ PRO O O P O P O O GRADE 09N0 10111 . 11112 12/13 13114 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19l20 20/21 21/22 22/23 1 1033 1084 1058 1059 1102 1145 2 998 1041 1092 1067 1067 1111 1153 3 993 1015 1058 1109 1083 1084 1127 1170 4 1073 1015 1036 1080 1131 1105 1106 1149 1192 5 1030 1091 1033 1054 1098 1149 1123 1124 1167 1210 7 year K- 5 TOT 6159 6252 6285 6419 6575 ercen o a n 11. U. a Z. o . o Pu il Gain 93 33 134 155 AB - O C O S 3E.6A Based on Birth Rates 8 6 Year History AC UAL PROJ PRO PROJ PROJ PROJ PRO PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ GRADE 09/10 10/11 11l12 12113 13/14 14/15 15N6 16/17 17N8 18N9 19/20 20/21 21/22 22/23 G 1032 006 007 05 1093 1 1033 1079 1054 1054 1098 1140 2 998 1045 1091 1066 1067 1110 1152 3 993 1012 1058 1106 1080 1081 1124 1187 4 1073 1026 1045 1093 1139 1113 1114 1157 1200 5 1030 1100 1053 1072 1120 1166 1140 1141 1184 1227 year K- 5 TOT 6159 6269 6310 6441 6596 ercen o am o 0 0 0 Pu il Gain 110 41 131 154 prj09-10 Pbt,., 1 ,/5/2010 AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT STUDENT i' XLMENT PROJECTIONS - October 2009 TABLE MIDDLE SCNOOI PROJECTIONS 3MS.13 Based on 13 Year lstory ACTUAL PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ GRADE 09l10 10N1 11/12 12I13 13/14 14l15 15116 18117 17118 18/19 19I20 20/21 21/22 22/23 6 1040 1040 1101 1043 1064 1108 . 1159 1163 1168 1172 1177 1181 1186 1190 7 1125 1055 1055 1118 1057 1079 1122 1173 1178 1182 1187 1191 1186 1200 8 1031 1140 1069 1069 1131 1072 1094 1137 1188 1193 1197 1202 1206 1211 6 year 13 year 6-8 TOT 3198 3234 3225 3228 3252 3259 3375 3474 3533 3547 3560 3574 3587 3601 179 405 Peroent of Gain 1.20% (0.29)% 0.09°k 0.78% 0.20% 3.56% 2.83% 1.72% 0.38% 0.38% 0.38% 0.38°k 0.38°k Pu il Gain 38 9 3 24 7 116 99 60 14 14 14 14 14 TABLE MIDDLE SCHOOL PROJECTIONS 3MS.6 Based on 8 Year Histo ACTUAL PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ GRADE 09/10 10/11 11f12 12113 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19120 20/21 21122 22/23 6 1040 1038 1108 1061 1080 1127 1173 1201 1229 1257 1285 1313 1341 1369 7 1125 1055 1052 1122 1075 1095 1142 1188 1216 1244 1272 1300 1328 1356 8 1031 1143 1073 1071 1141 1094 1113 1180 1208 1234 1262 1290 1318 1346 6 year ; 13 year 6-8 TOT 3196 3236 3233 3254 3296 3316 3428 3550 3652 3736 3820 3904 3988 4072 232 ; 876 Perceni of Gain 1.24% -.09% .64% 1.30% .59% 3.40% 3.54°k 2.88% 2.30% 2.25% 2.20% 2.15% 2.11°k Pu il Gain 40 3 21 42 20 113 121 102 84 84 84 84 84 TABLE MIDDLE SCHOOL PROJECTIONS 3MS.13A Based on Birth Rates & 13 Year Hlsto ACTUAL PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ GRADE 09/10 10111 ' 11/12 12113 13/14 14/15 15/16 16h7 17118 18h9 19/20 20/21 21/22 22/23 6 1040 1040 1101 1043 1064 1108 1159 1133 1134 1177 1220 7 1125 1055 1055 1116 1057 1079 1122 1173 1148 1148 1192 1234 8 1031 1140 1069 1089 1131 1072 1094 1137 1188 1162 1163 1207 1249 6 year 10 year 6-8 TOT 3196 3234 3225 3228 3252 3259 3375 3443 3470 3488 3575 179 379 Percent of Gain 1.20°k (0.29)°k 0.09°k 0.76% 0.20% 3.56% 2.03°k 0.78°k 0.53°k 2.46% Pu il Gain 38 9 3 24 7 116 69 26 19 87 TABLE MIbbLE SCHOOL PROJECTIONS 3MS.6A Based on Birth Rates & 8 Year Histo ACTUAL PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ GRADE 09/10 10111 11/12 12N3 13/14 14115 15/16 16/17 17118 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 22/23 6 1040 1038 1108 1061 1080 1127 1173 1148 1149 1192 1234 7 1125 1055 1052 1122 1075 1095 1142 1188 1162 1163 1207 1249 8 1031 1143 1073 1071 1141 1094 1113 1160 1206 1181 1182 1225 1267 6 year ~ 10 year 6-8 TOT 3196 3236 3233 3254 3296 3316 3428 3496 3517 3536 3623 232 ~ 427 Percent of Gain 1.24% (0.09)% 0.64% 1.30% 0.59% 3.40% 1.98% 0.61% 0.53% 2.45% Pu il Gain 40 3 21 42 20 113 68 21 19 87 prj09-10 Page 8 415/2010 AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT STUDENT ENROLLMENT PROJECTIONS - October 2009 TABLE SR. HIGH PROJECTIONS 3SH.13 Based on 13 Year Histo ACTUAL PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ GRADE 09110 10/11 11112 12l13 13114 14/15 15116 16/17 17118 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 22l23 9 1244 1329 1438 1367 1367 1428 1370 1391 1435 1486 1490 1495 1499 1504 10 1277 1175 1260 1369 1298 1298 1359 1301 1323 1366 1417 1421 1426 1430 11 1303 1188 1086 1170 1279 1208 1209 1270 1211 1233 1276 1327 1332 1336 12 1410 1230 1115 1013 1097 1206 1136 1136 1197 1138 1160 1203 1254 1259 6 year ; 13 year 9-12 TOT 5234 4921 4897 4918 5041 5141 5073 5098 5185 5223 5343 5447 5511 5529 (161) ; 295 Percent of Gain (5.98)% (0.49)°/u 0.43% 2.50% 1.97°k (1.32)°/u 0.48% 1.33% 1.11 % 2.31 °/u 1.93% 1.18% 0.33% Pu il Gain 313 24) 21 123 100 68 24 68 58 120 103 84 18 TABLE SR. HIGH PROJECTIONS 3SH.6 6esed on 6 Year Hlst ACTUAL PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ GRADE 09/10 10111 11/12 12/13 13114 14115 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19l20 20l21 21/22 22l23 9 1244 1259 1371 1301 1299 1369 1322 1341 1388 1434 1462 1490 1518 1546 10 1277 1237 1252 1364 1294 1291 1361 1315 1334 1381 1427 1455 1483 1511 11 1303 1228 1188 1203 1315 1245 1243 1313 1266 1285 1332 1378 1406 1434 12 1410 1303 1226 1188 1203 1315 1245 1242 1312 1266 1285 1332 1378 1406 6 year 13 year 9-12 TOT 5234 5027 5039 5056 5111 5220 5171 5211 5300 5366 5507 5656 5786 5898 (63) ; 664 PerCent of Galn (3.96)% 0.25% 0.33% 1.08% 2.14% (0.95)% 0.77% 1.72% 1.24% 2.62% 2.71 % 2.30% 1.84°k Pu fl Gain 207 12 17 55 110 (50) 40 90 66 141 149 130 112 TABLE SR. HIGH PROJECTIONS 3SH.13A Based on Birth Rates 8 13 Year Histo ACTUAL PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ GRADE 09/10 10111 11/12 12/13 13/14 14115 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 22/23 9 1244 1329 1438 1367 1367 1428 1370 1391 1435 1486 1460 1461 1504 1547 10 1277 1175 1260 1369 1298 1298 1359 1301 1323 1386 1417 1391 1392 1435 11 1303 1188 1086 1170 1279 1209 1209 1270 1211 1233 1276 1327 1302 1302 12 1410 1230 1115 1013 1097 1206 1136 1136 1197 1138 1160 1203 1254 1229 6 year 13 year 9-72 TOT 5234 4921 4897 4918 5041 5141 5073 5098 5185 5223 5313 5383 5452 5513 (161) ; 279 PBrcentofGain (5.98)% (0.49)% 0.43% 2.50% 1.97% (1.32)% 0.48% 1.33% 1.11% 1.73% 1.31% 1.29% 1.12% Pu il Gain 313 (24 21 123 100 (68) 24 68 58 90 69 69 61 TABLE 5R. HIGH PROJECTION3 3SH.6A Based on Birth Rates & 6 Year Histo ACTUAL PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ GRADE 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 15/16 18/17 17118 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 22/23 9 1244 1259 1371 1301 1299 1369 1322 1341 1388 1434 1409 1410 1453 1495 10 1277 1237 1252 1364 1294 1291 1361 1315 1334 1381 1427 1402 1402 1446 11 1303 1228 1168 1203 1315 1245 1243 1313 1266 1285 1332 1378 1353 1354 12 1410 1303 1228 1188 1203 1315 1245 1242 1312 1266 1285 1332 1378 1353 6 year : 13 year 9-12 TOT 5234 5027 5039 5056 5111 5220 5171 5211 5300 5366 5453 5522 5586 5647 (63) : 413 Percent of Gain (3.96)% 0.25% 0.33% 1.08% 2.14% (0.95)% 0.77% 1.72% 1.24% 1.62% 1.26% 1.17°k 1.09% Pu il Gain 207 12 17 55 110 (50) 40 90 66 87 69 65 61 prj09-10 Payo 9 415l2010 AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT STUDENT F XLMENT PROJECTIONS - October 2009 . TABLE P.ROJECTION;COMP.ARISONS': = 4 6Y:GE2ADE~GROUP KINDERGARTEN ACTUAL PROJ PROJ PROJ ' PROJ PROJ' PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ GRADE 09N0 10/11 11112 12/13 13114 14N5 15/16 16/17 17118 18/19 19/20 20121 21/22 22/23 6 year ; 13 year E.13 1032 1037 1041 1046 1050 1055 1059 , 1064 1068 1073 1077 1082 1088 1091 27 59 E.6 1032 1060 1088 1116 1144 1172 1200 1228 1256 1284 1312 1340 1368 ' 1396 168 ' 364 E.13A 1032 1006 1007 1051 1093 E.6A 1032 1006 1007 1051 1093 GRD 1 GRD 5 ACTUAL PROJ PROJ RROJ . PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ. 'PROJ PROJ PROJPROJ PROJ GRADE 09/10 10/11 ' 11112 12113 13/14_ . 14l15 15116 16117 17I18 _ 18119 19/20 20/21 21122 22/23 6 year i 13 year E:13 5127 5246 5308 5433 5540 5609 5632 5654 5677 5699 5722 5744 5767 5789 505 ~ 682 E.6 5127 5263 5357 5525 5703 5861 6001 6141 , 6281 6421 6561 6701 6841 6981 874 ' 1854. E.13A 5127 5246 5278 5369 5482 E.64 5127 5263 5303 :-5391 5503 GRD 6 GRD 8 ACTUAL PROJ PROJ•. PROJ PROJ ' PROll PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ GRADE 09110 10L11 11112 12113 13/14 14/15 15/78 _ 16/17 17118 18/19 19l20 20121 21/22 22/23 6 year 13 year MS.43 3198 3234 3225 • 3228 3252 3259 3375 3474 3533 3547 : 3580 3574 3587 3601 179 ' 405 MS:6 3198 3236 3233 3254 3296 3316 3428 3550 3652 3736 3820 3904 3988 . 4072 232 876 MS.13A 3196 3234 3225 3228 3252 3259 3375 3443 3470 3488 3575 MS.6A 3188 3238 3233 3254 3296 3316 3428 3496 3517 3538 . 3623 GRD 9 GRD 12 ACTUAI PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ GRADE 09/10 10/11 11112 12N3 13/14 14/15 15/18 16/17 17/18 18119 19/20 20/21 21/22 22/23 6 year 13 year SH.13 5234 4921 4897 4918 5041 5141 5073., 5098 5165 5223 5343 5447 5511 5529 (161) 295 SH.6 5234 5027 5039 5056 5111 5220 5171 5211 5300 5366 5507 5656 5786 5898 (63) 664 SH.13A 5234 4921 4897 4918 5041 5147. 5073 ' 5098 5185 5223 5313 5383 5452 5513 (161) 279 SH.6A 5234 5027 5039 5056 5111 5220 5171 5211 5300 5366 5453 5522 5586, 5647 (63) 413 DISTRICT TOTALS ACTUAL PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PPROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ GRADE 09/'10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 15116 16/17 17/18 18119 = 19120 20/21 21/22 22/23 6 year 13 year 3:13. 14589 14438 14471 14624 14884 15064 15139 15289 15444 15542 15703 15846 15951 16010 550 1421 3.6 14589 14565 14717 14951 15253 15569 15800 16129 16489 16807 17199 17601 17983 18347 1211 3758 3.13A 14589 14408 14407 14565 14868 3.8A 14589 14532 14582 14751 15002 pry'09-10. . . Page 10 : ~ ~ 4/5/2010 AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT STUDENT ENROLLMENT PROJECTIONS - October 2009 TABLE PROJECTION COMPARISONS 5 BY C3RADE GROUP Total = October 1 Actual Count AND Projected Counis Prj 3.13 - 13 YEAR HISTORY 8 Using Average Kdg Increase Diff = Number Projection is under(-) or over Actual Prj 3.8 - 6 YEAR HISTORY & Using Average Kdg Increase Percent Projection is under(-) or over Aclual Prj 3.13A 13 YEAR HISTORY 8 King Cty Birth Rates Pry' 3.6A - 6 YEAR HISTORY & King Cty Birth Rates Grades 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 K- 5 Total Diff % Total Diff % Total Diff % Total Diff % Total Diff % ACTUAL 5946 xooc xooc 5837 xooc Xooc 5856 xooc xooc 5844 xooc ~ooc 5914 xooc ~ooc Pq 3E.13 5928 (18) (0.30)% 6049 212 (0.54)% 5778 (78) 3.15% 5811 (33) (0.56)% 5827 (87) (1.47)% Prj 3E.6 5904 (42) (0.71)% 6026 189 (0.96)% 5735 (121) 2.74% 5684 (180) (3.08)% 5802 (112) (1.89)% Pd 3E.13A 5783 (183) (2.74)% 5936 89 (2.64)% 5811 (45) 1.51% 5919 75 1.28% 5839 (75) (1.27)% P 3E.6A 5768 178 2.99 % 5917 80 2.93 % 5785 71 1.15% 5895 51 0.87% 5831 83 1.40 % Grades 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 6-8 Total Diff % Total Diff % Total Diff % Total Diff % Total Diff % ACTUAL 2811 xooc xooc 2860 Xoc Xooc 2970 xooc xooc 2980 xoc xooc 3049 xooc xooc Prj 3E.13 2820 9 0.32% 2910 50 (2.64)% 2927 (80) (2.62)% 3023 43 1.44% 3025 (24) (0.79)% Prj 3E.6 2789 (22) (0.78)°/a 2878 18 (2.70)% 2895 (75) (2.46)°/a 3009 29 0.97% 3011 (38) (1.25)°/a Pd 3E.13A •2820 9 0.32% 2910 50 (2.64)% 2927 (80) (2.62)% 3023 43 1.44% 3025 (24) (0.79)% Pr 3E.6A 2789 22 0.78 % 2878 18 2.70 % 2895 75 2.46 % 3009 29 0.97°h 3011 38 1.25 % Grades 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 9- 12 Totel Dlff % Total D'Iff % Total Dlff % Totel D'Iff % Total Dlff % ACTUAL 4012 xooc xooc 4245 W xooc 4225 xooc xoc 4311 ~ooc xooc 4498 xooc xooc Pfj3E.13 4092 80 1.99% 4110 (135) 2.74% 4301 76 (0.32)% 4369 58 1.35% 4455 (43) (0.96)% Prj 3E.6 4069 57 1.42% 4103 (142) 1.51% 4313 88 (1.49)% 4394 83 1.93% 4476 (22) (0.49)% Prj3E.13A 3963 (29) (0.72)% 4110 (135) 2.74% 4301 76 (0.32)% 4369 58 1.35% 4455 (43) (0.96)% Pr 3E.6A 3970 42 1.05 °k 4103 142 1.51% 4313 88 1.49 % 4394 83 1.93% 4476 22 0.49 % Ail 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 Grades Total Diff % Total Diff % Total Diff % Total Diff °k Total Diff % ACTUAL 12769 xooc ~ooc 12942 xooc xooc 13051 ~ooc xooc 13135 xooc xooc 13461 ~ooc W Prj3E.13 12840 71 0.56% 13069 127 0.98% 13006 (45) (0.30)% 13203 68 0.97% 13307 (154) (1.14)% Prj 3E.6 12762 (7) (0.05)°/u 13007 65 0.50% 12943 (108) (0.82)% 13087 (68) 0.50°k 13289 (172) (1.28)% Prj3E.13A 12586 (183) (1.43)% 12956 14 0.11% 13039 (12) (1.44)°k 13311 176 0.10% 13319 (142) (1.05)% Pr 3E.6A 12527 242 1.90 % 12898 44 0.34 °k 12993 58 1.89 °k 13298 163 (0.33 % 13318 143 1.06 % prj09-10 Payo i1 45/2010 AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT STUDENT P ')LLMENT PROJECTIONS - October 2009 TABLE PROJECTION COMPARISONS 5 8Y GRADE GROUP Continued Total = October 1 Aclual Count AND Projected Counts Prj 3.13 - 13 YEAR HISTORY 8 Using Average Kdg Increase Diff = Number Projection is under(-) or over Actual Prj 3.6 - 6 YEAR HISTORY 8 Using Average Kdg Increase Percent Projection is under(-) or over Actual Prj 3.13A 13 YEAR HISTORY 8 King Cty Birth Rates Prj 3.6A - 6 YEAR HISTORY 8 King Cty Birth Rates Grades 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 K- 5 Total Diff % Tolel Diff % Tolal Diff °k Total Diff °k Total Diff °/a ACTUAL 5741 xooc wa 5774 xooc xooc 5735 xoc xooc 5887 xooc ~ooc 6033 Xoc xooc Pd 3E.13 5723 (18) (0.31)% 5655 (119) (0.49)°k 5781 28 0.45°k 5750 (137) (2.33)% 5871 (162) (2.69)% Prj 3E.6 5735 (6) (0.10)% 5682 (112) (0.34)% 5621 86 1.50% 5795 (92) (1.56)% 5921 (112) (1.86)% Pry' 3E.13A 5743 2 0.03% 5605 (169) (1.24)°k 5709 (26) (0.45)9/0 5750 (137) (2.33)% 5869 (164) (2.72)% Pr' 3E.6A 5776 35 0.61 % 5631 143 0.81 % 5756 21 0.37°/u 5784 103 1.75 °/u 5912 121 2.01 °/u Gredes 2002-03 2003-04 2003-04 2005-06 2006-07 6-8 Total Diff % Totel Diff °r6 Total Diff % Total Diff °k Total Diff % ACTUAL 3151 xoot poc 3294 xooc ~ooc 3274 poc xooc 3169 xooc xooc 3144 xooc xoc Pr) 3E.13 3185 34 1.08% 3214 (80) (8.86)°k 3295 21 0.64% 3132 (37) (1.17)% 3131 (13) (0.41)% Pry' 3E.6 3192 41 1.30% 3296 (78) (6.06)°h 3311 37 1.13% 3137 (32) (1.01)% 3146 2 0.08% Prj 3E.13A 3185 34 1.08% 3214 (80) (8.88)°k 3295 21 0.64% 3132 (37) (1.17)°k 3131 (13) (0.41)% Pr 3E.6A 3192 41 1.30% 3216 78 6.06 % 3311 37 1.13°l6 3137 32 1.01 °h 3146 2 0.06% Cirades 2002-03 2003-04 2003-04 2005-06 2006-07 8- 12 Total Diff % Total Diff °h Total Diff % Total Diff °r6 Total Diff % ACTUAL 4535 Xooc boc 4834 xooc xooc 4683 xooc Xoc 5032 xooc xooc 5247 xoc xooc Prj3E.13 4577 42 0.93% 4630 (4) 5.90% 4783 120 2.57% 4898 (134) (2.66)% 5085 (156) (2.98)% Prj 3E.8 4584 59 1.30°k 4839 5 3.69% 4769 106 2.27% 4880 (152) (3.02)% 5086 (155) (2.96)% Prj3E.13A 4577 42 0.93% 4830 (4) 5.90% 4783 120 2.57% 4898 (134) (2.66)% 5085 (156) (2.98)°h Pr 3E.6A 4594 59 1.30% 4639 5 3.69% 4769 106 2.27% 4880 152 3.02 °r6 5086 155 2.98 °h AIl 2002-03 2003-04 2003-04 2005-06 2006-07 Grades Total Diff °/a Total D1ff % Totai Diff % Total Diff % Total Diff % ACTUAL 13427 xooc xoc 13702 W ~ooc 13872 xoc xooc 14088 ~ooc poc 14418 xooc xooc Prj3E.13 13485 58 0.43% 13499 (203) (1.48)% 13499 (173) (1.27)% 13780 (308) (2.19)°r6 14087 (331) (2.30)°h Prj3E.6 13521 94 0.70% 13517 (185) (1.35)% 13542 (130) (0.95)% 13812 (276) (1.96)% 14153 (265) (1.84)% Prj3E.13A 13505 78 0.58% 13449 (253) (1.85)% 13447 (225) (1.65)% 13780 (308) (2.19)% 14085 (333) (2.31)% P 3E.6A 13562 135 1.01 % 13486 216 1.58 % 13510 162 1.1 8% 13801 287 2.04 % 14144 274 1.90 % prj09-10 Pege 12 4l5@010 AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT STUDENT ENROLLMENT PROJECTIONS - October 2009 TABLE PROJECTION COMPARISONS 5 BY GRADE GROUP Continued Total = October 1 Actual Count AND Projected Counts Pry' 3.13 - 13 YEAR HISTORY & Using Average Kdg Increase Diff = Number Projection is under(-) or over Actual Prj 3.8 - 6 YEAR HISTORY & Using Average Kdg Increase Percent Projection is under(-) or over Actual Prj 3.13A 13 YEAR HISTORY & King Cty Birth Rates Prj 3.6A - 6 YEAR HISTORY & King Cry Birth Rates Grades 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Average Average Historicel Data is grouped by K- 5 Total Diff % Total Diff % Total Diff % Diff °/a K- 5, 6-8, 9-12 articulation ACTUAL 6142 ~oot Xooc 6198 xooc W 6159 xooc xooc Xoc M pattem. Pd 3E.13 6085 (57) (0.93)% 6179 (19) (0.31)% 6254 95 1.54% (26) (0.30)% Prj 3E.6 6138 (4) (0.07)% 6237 39 0.63% 6294 135 2.19% (25) (0.27)°k Articulalion pattern has no PrJ 3E.13A 6059 (83) (1.35)% 6129 (69) (1.11)% 8237 78 1.27% (46) (0.80)% numeric impact on efficacy Pr) 3E.6A 6094 (48) (0.78)°k 6172 (26) (0.42)% 8284 105 1.70% (33) (0.59)% of projection models. Grades 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Average Average 6-8 Total Diff % Total Diff °k Total Diff % Diff °k ACTUAL 3097 xooc xooc 3206 xooc xooc 3196 xa xoc xooc Xooc Prj 3E.13 3107 10 0.32°k 3179 (27) (0.84)% 3242 46 1.44% (4) (0.95)% Prj3E.6 3116 19 0.61% 3195 (11) (0.34)% 3243 47 1.47% (6) (0.74)% Prj 3E.13A 3107 10 0.32% 3179 (27) (0.84)% 3242 46 1.44% (4) (0.96)°k PrJ 3E.6A 3116 19 0.61% 3195 (11) (0.34)% 3243 47 1.47°r6 (6) (0.74)% oradea 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Average Average 9- 12 Total Diff % Total Dlff % Totel Dlff % Diff % ACTUAL 5320 M M 5299 M xa 5234 boc M ~ooc M Prj 3E.13 5190 (130) (2.44)°h 5129 (170) (3.21)% 5074 (160) (3.06)% (33) 0.18% Prj 3E.6 5192 (128) (2.41)% 5155 (144) (2.72)% 5128 (106) (2.03)% (25) (0.04)% Prj 3E.13A 5190 (130) (2.44)% 5129 (170) (3.21)°/u 5074 (160) (3.06)% (41) (0.03)% Prj 3E.6A 5192 (128) (2.41)% 5155 (144) (2.72)% 5129 (105) (2.01)°k (32) (0.23 % AIl 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Average Average Grades Total Diff % Total Diff % Total Diff % Diff % ACTUAL 14559 M M 14703 ~ooc ~ooc 14589 M xooc xooc xooc Pry' 3E.13 14382 (177) (1.22)% 14487 (216) (1.47)% 14570 (19) (0.13)% (87) (0.56)°k Prj 3E.6 14446 (113) (0.78)% 14587 (116) (0.79)% 14665 76 0.52% (84) (0.52)% Prj 3E.13A 14356 (203) (1.39)°k 14437 (266) (1.81)% 14553 (36) (0.25)°k (115) (1.01)°k Pry' 3E.6A 14402 (157) (1.08)% 14522 (181) (1.23)% 14636 47 0.32% (97) (0.93)% prj09-10 Payo 13 K/5/2010 Appendix A.2 - CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN Enrollment Projections , Buildout Data for Enrollment Projections-March 2010 BASE DATA - BU/LDOUT SCHEDULE Student Generation Factors ASSUMPTIONS: 2010 Auburn Single Multi- 1 Uses Bulld Out Estlmates received from developers. Factors Family Family. 2 Student`Generatlon Factor are updated Auburn'data for 2010 as allowed per K/ng County Ordlnance Elementary 0:3080 0:0860 3 Takes area labe/ed Lake/and East slated for 2007 @50% and dlv/des across 2010-13 Middle School 0.1470 ; 0.0380 4 Takes area labe/ed Kersey Pco/ect slated'for 2005 and divldes across 2010-2015 Senior High 0.1770 0:0310 5 Takes area labe/ed Brldges (Kent Impoundment) and proJects across 2010-2015 Total 0.6320 ' 0.1550 6 Includes known develo ments /n N. Aubum, Lea Hfll and Non-Lakeland develo ments see Develo ment Growth Table lAubum Schoo/ DJst 1 Deve/o ment 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Lakeland Single Family Units 55 60 60 60 235 Lea Hill Area 70 85 100 125 160 155 695 Other Sin le Famil Units 60 50 150 150 145 140 51 746 Total Sin le Famil Units 185 195 310 335 305 295 51 1676 Pro'ected Pu ils: Elementary Pupils K-5 57 60 95 103 94 91 16 516 Mid School Pupils 6-8 27 29 46 49 45 43 7 246 Sr. High Pupils 9-12 33 35 55 59 54 52 9 297 Total K-12 117 123 196 212 193 186 32 1059 Lakeland Multi Family Units 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 Other Multi Famil Units 83 48 32 0 0 0 0 163 Total Multi Famil Units 96 48 32 0 0 0 0 176 Pro'ected Pu ils: Elementary Pupils K-5 8 4 3 0 0 0 0 44 Mid School Pupils 6-8 4 2 1 0 0 0 0 11 Sr. High Pupils 9-12 3 1, 1 0 0 0 0 25 Total K-12 15 7 5 0 0 0 0 80 Total Housin Units 281 243 342 335 305 295 51 1852 Elementary Rupils K-5 65 64 98 103 94 91` : 16 531 Mid School Pupils 8-8 31 30 47 49 45 43 7 253 Sr. High Pupils 9-12, 36 36 56 59 54 52 9 302 Total K-12 132 131 201 2;12 193 186 32 1087 Cumulative Pro ection 2009-10 2010-41 2011-12 2012-13 2013=14 2014-15 2015-16 Elementary= Grades K-5 65 129 228 331 425 516 .531 Mid School - Grades 6- 8 31 61 108 157 _ 202 246. 253 Senior High - Grades 9- 12 36 72 128 187 241 293 302 Total. 132 262 463 675 868 1054 1087 ' Buildou., erch 10 + ND3.6 ave projections Buildout Data for Enrollrr projections-March 2010 TABLE New ProJects - Annual New Pupils Added & Distdbuted 2 b Grade Level 6 Year Percent of average GRADE Average Pupils by Grade 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Enroll. & Level KDG 969 8.76% 1032 9 18 31 46 59 71 73 1 996 8.85% 1033 9 18 32 47 60 73 75 2 1000 6.97% 42.03% 998 9 18 32 47 61 74 76 3 998 8.96% 993 9 18 32 47 60 73 76 4 1030 7.18% 1073 9 19 33 48 62 76 78 5 1033 7.20% 1030 9 19 33 49 63 76 78 6 1038 7.24% 1040 10 19 34 49 63 76 79 7 1064 7.42% 22.19% 7125 10 19 34 50 64 78 81 8 1080 7.53% 1031 10 20 35 51 65 79 82 9 1342 9.38% 1244 12 25 43 63 81 99 102 10 1338 9.33% 35.79% 1277 12 25 43 63 81 98 101 11 1261 8.79% 1303 12 23 41 59 76 93 96 12 1191 8.31 % 1410 11 22 38 56 72 88 90 Totals 14338 100.00% Total 14589 132 262 463 675 868 1054 1087 TABLE 6 year Historical Data 3 Avera e Enrollment and Percenta e Distributed b Grade Level Grade oa-os 05-06 06-07 07-0e oe-os 0e-10 6 r Ave % KDG 892 955 941 996 998 1032 969.00 6.76% 1 960 963 1012 995 1015 1033 996.33 6.95% 2 992 963 1002 1019 1024 998 999.67 6.97% 3 918 1002 1031 997 1048 993 998.17 6.96% 4 1016 939 1049 1057 1044 1073 1029.67 7.18% 5 957 1065 998 1078 1069 1030 1032.83 7.20% 6 1020 1004 1058 1007 1096 1040 1037.50 7.24°h 7 1124 1028 1014 1057 1034 1125 1063.67 7.42% 8 1130 1137 1072 1033 1076 1031 1079.83 7.53% 9 1461 1379 1372 1337 1256 1244 1341.50 9.36% 10 1281 1383 1400 1368 1341 1277 1338.33 9.33% 11 1055 1182 1322 1352 1350 1303 1260.67 8.79% 12 886 1088 1147 1263 1352 1410 1191.00 8.31% Totals 13672 14088 14418 14559 14703 14589 14338.17 100.00% °k of change 3.04% 2.34% 0.98% 0.99% -0.78% change 416 330 141 144 -114 Buildouts March 10 + ND3.6 ave projectlons 46 Buildout Data for Enrollment Projections-March 2010 TABLE 4 INew Projects - Pupil ProJection Cumulative ND 3.13 b Grade Level U dated March 2010 Uses a'cohort survfval' GRADE 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 model assuming 100% of Actual Pro ected Pro'ected Pro'ected Pro'ected Pro'ected Pro'ected Pro'ected prevfous year new KDG 1032 1045 1059 1077 1096 1113 1130 1137 enro//ees move to the nexf 1 1033 1093 1107 1125 1144 1162 1180 1186 gradeleveL 2 998 7051 1111 1129 1148 1166 1184 1191 3 993 1024 1076 1141 1160 1178 1196 1203 Kindergarten calculates 4 1073 1024 1055 1113 1179 1197 1215 1222 previous years number plus 5 1030 1101 1052 1088 1146 1211 1229 1236 K-5 6159 6338 6459 6673 8874 7029 7134 7174 Current generation based on 6 1040 1050 1120 1076 1113 1171 1235 1242 % of total enrollment. Other 7 1125 1064 1074 1150 1107 1143 1200 1254 use 100% cohort survival. 8 1031 1150 1089 1104 1181 1138 1173 1219 GR 6-8 3196 3264 3283 3331 3402 3451 3609 3715 9 1244 1341 1462 1410 1430 1509 1468 1493 10 1277 1187 1284 1412 1361 1379 1458 1402 11 1303 1199 1109 1211 1338 1285 1301 1365 12 1410 1241 1136 1051 1153 1278 1223 1226 GR 9-12 5234 4968 4991 5084 5283 5451 5450 5486 Total 14589 14570 14733 15088 15559 15931 18193 18375 % of change -0.13% 1.13% 2.40% 3.12% 2.39% 1.64% 1.13% change -19 164 354 471 372 262 182 TABLE 5 New ProJects - Pupil Projectlon Cumulative ND 3.6 b Grade Level U dated March 2010 Uses a'cohort survlval' GRADE 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 model assuming 100% of Actual Pro'ected Pro'ected Pro'ected Pro'ected Pro'ected Pro'ected Pro'ected Pro'ected Pro ected prevfous year new KDG 1032 1069 1106 1147 1190 1231 1271 1301 1316 1331 enrollees move to the next 1 1033 1088 1125 1167 1210 1252 12-92 1323 1338 1353 gradelevel. 2 998 1054 1110 1152 1194 1236 1277 1307 1322 1337 3 993 1021 1078 1138 1181 1222 1263 1293 1308 1323 Kindergarten calculates 4 1073 1036 1064 1126 1187 1229 1271 1301 1316 1331 previous years number plus 5 1030 1109 1072 1106 1168 1228 1270 1300 1315 1330 K-5 6159 6378 8555 6836 7130 7398 7644 7825 7914 8004 Currentgeneration based on 6 1040 1047 1127 1094 1129 1190 1250 1280 1295 1309 % of total enrollment. Other 7 1125 1064 1072 1157 1125 1159 1220 1269 1283 1298 use 100% cohort survival. 8 1031 1153 1093 1105 1191 1159 1192 1242 1256 1270 GR 6-8 3196 3265 3291 3356 3446 3508 3662 3791 3834 3877 9 1244 1271 1398 1344 1382 1450 1420 1443 1459 1476 10 1277 1249 1278 1407 1357 1372 1460 1416 1432 1448 11 1303 1240 1211 1244 1375 1321 1335 1408 1424 1440 12 1410 1314 1250 1226 1259 1387 1332 1333 1348 1363 GR 9-12 5234 5074 5133 5222 5352 5531 5548 5599 5663 5727 Total 14589 14717 14979 15414 15928 18436 16854 17216 17411 17609 °k of Change 0.88% 1.78% 2.90% 3.34°k 3.19°k 2.54% 2.15% 1.13°k 1.14% chan e+/- 128 28;' 435 514 508 417 362 195 Buildou. -irch 10 + ND3.6 ave proJections Buildout Data for Enrollr Projections-March 2010 TABLE 6 New Developments - Pupil Projectlon Cumulative N03.13A b Grade Level U dated March 2010 Uses a'cohort survival' GRADE 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2018-17 model assuming 100% of Actual Pro ected Pro'ected Pro ected Pro ected Pro ected Pro'ected Pro'ected previous year new KDG 1032 1015 1025 1082 1139 enrollees move to the next 1 1033 1093 1077 1091 1149 1205 grade level. 2 998 1051 1111 1099 1115 1171 1227 3 993 1024 1076 1141 1130 1145 1201 1246 Kindergarten calculates 4 1073 1024 1055 1113 1179 1167 1181 1227 birth rate average plus 5 1030 1101 1052 1088 1146 1211 1199 1202 6159 6307 6395 6614 6858 5900 4808 3675 Current generation based on 6 1Q40 1050 1120 1076 1113 1171 1235 1212 % of total enrollment. Other 7 1125 1064 1074 1150 1107 1143 1200 1254 use 100% cohort survival. 8 1031 1150 1089 1104 1181 1138 1173 1219 3196 3264 3283 3331 3402 3451 3809 3684 9 1244 1341 1462 1410 1430 1509 1468 1493 10 1277 1187 1284 1412 1361 1379 1458 1402 11 1303 1242 1138 1053 1157 1282 1228 1231 12 1410 14419 14429 14604 14924 72 88 90 5234 18188 18313 M28424 18872 4243 4242 4217 ~_Total 14589 27760 27991 29132 % of change 90.28% 0.83% 2.49% change 13171 231 708 TABLE 7 New ProJects - Pupll ProJection Cumulative ND 3.6A b Grade Level U dated March 2010 Uses a'cohort survival' GRADE 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 model assuming 100% of Actual Pro ected Pro ected Pro'ected Pro'ected Pro'scted Pro'ected Pro ected previous year new KDG 1032 1015 1025 1082 1139 enrollees move to the next 1 1033 1088 1072 1087 1145 1201 grade level. 2 988 1054 1110 1098 1114 1170 1228 3 993 1021 1078 1138 1127 1141 1198 1242 Kindergarten calculates 4 1073 1036 1064 1126 1187 1176 1190 1235 birth rate average plus 5 1030 1109 1072 1106 1168 1228 1216 1219 8159 6325 6420 6636 6879 Current generation based on 6 1040 1047 1127 1094 1129 1190 1250 1226 % of total enroltment. Other 7 1125 1064 1072 1157 1125 1159 1220 1269 use 100% cohort survival. 8 1031 1153 1093 1105 1191 1159 1192 1242 3198 3265 3291 3356 3446 3508 3662 3737 Based on 6 year history 9 1244 1271 1396 1344 1362 1450 1420 1443 10 1277 1249 1276 1407 1357 1372 1460 1416 11 1303 1240 1211 1244 1375 1321 1335 1408 • 12 1410 1314 1250 1226 1259 1387 1332 1333 5234 5074 5133 5222 5352 5531 5548 5599 Efiid 14589 14663 14845 15214 15677 of c ange 0.51 % 1.24% 2.49°~ 3.04°~ - , change Buildouts March 10 + ND3.6 ave proJections 48 Appendix A.3 Student Generation Survey. . . . Auburn S, oI District Development V. _..ch since 1/1L04 March; 2010. SIiVGLE FAMILY Ill S urren o e Student Generation Factors Develo ment Name Paccels Occu anc Occu ied Elem-. Middle HS Total em i e o a Alder Meadows 30 30 0 3 5 6 14 0.100 0.167 0.200 0.467 As en Meadows 21 ' 21 0 8 10 5 23 0.381 0.476 0.238 1.095 Aubum Place 14 14 0 10 2 2 14 0.714 0.143 0.143 1.000 Dawson Hills 6 6 0 7 3 8 18 1.167 0.500 1.333 3.000 Hazel Park 15 15 0 23 13 13 49 1.533 0.867 0.867 3.267 Kelli Meadows 8 8 0 3 1 1 5 0.375 0.125 0.125 0.625 Kin sle Meadows 56 56 0 25 18 25 68 0.446 0.324 0.446 1214 Lakeland: The Reserve 80 80 0 24 9 11 44 0.300 0.113 0.138 0.550 Lakeland: Verona. South 400 400 0 105 37 66 208 0.263 0.093 0.165 0.520 Lakeland: Verona. North 1811 181 0 44 19 15 78 0.243 0.105 0.083 0.431 Little F.ields 8 8' 0 ` 2 0 3 5 0.250 0.000 0.375 0.625 Marchini Meadows - 83 83 0 36 12 13 61 0.434 0.145 0.157 0.735 Pacific View=Meadows 78 78 0 19 17 12 48 0.244 0.218 0.154 0.615 River Park Estates 18 18 0 4 1 1 6 0.222 0.056 0.056 0.333 River Rim 11 11 0 7 4 2 13 0.636 0.364 0.182 1.182 Sera Monte 33 33 0 9 3. 1 1.3 0.273 0.091 0.030 0.394 1Nashin ton National Div 1 42 42 0 5 5 8 18 0.119 0.119 0.190 0.429 1084 1084 0 334 159 192 685 0.308 0.147 0.177 0.632 Develo ments Under Construction Units/ Current To Be Student Generation Factors Develo ment Name Parcels Occu anc Occu ied Elem IlAiddle HS Total. Elem Middle HS Total Beaver Meadows 60 19 41 2 7 4 13 13 6 7 26 Cambrid e Pointe 26 23 3 9 3 4 16 1 0 1 2 Lakeland: Pinnacle Estates 76 33 43 7 2 --2 11 13 6 8 27 Lakeland: Vista Hei hts 125 113 12 26 9 7 42 4 2 2 8 River ointe - - 118 83 35 25 13 21 59 11 5 6 22 Trail Run 169 - 106 63 11. 8 7 26 19 9 11 40 574 377 197 80 42. 45 167 61 29 35 124 - Totals 121 58 70 249 50 Auburn School District Development Growth since 1/1/04 March, 2010 2010 and u Pro ected with Piats Submitted Units/ Current To Be Student Generation Factors Develo ment' Name Parcels Occu anc Occu ied Elem Middle HS Totat . Alicia Glenn . 31 0 31 10 5 5 20 Anderson'Acres 14 0 14 4 - 2; 2 9 Backbone Rid e 7 0 7 2 1 1' 4 Brandon Meadows 55 0 55 17 8 10 35 Brandon Place 78 0 78 24 11 14 49 Brid es. ` 386 0 386 119 57 68 244 Bridle Estates 18 0 18 6 3 3 11 Cam-West 99 0 99 31 15 18 63 Carrin ton Pointe 24 0 24 7 4 4 15 Dal'it Dhaliwal Plat 8 0 8 2 1 1 5 Estes Park 31 0 31 10 5 5 20 Glenview 16 0 16 5 2 3 10 Har reet Kan 8 0. 8 2 1 1 5 Hazel Hei hts 22 ' 0 22 7 3 4 14 Hazel View 20 0 20 6 3 4 13 Kendall Rid e 106 0 106 33 16 19 67 Kerse -3 Pro'ect 373 0 373 115 55 66 236 Lakeland: East Phase 1 130 0 130 40 19 23 82 Lakeland: East Phase 2/3 340 0 340 105 50 60 215 Lawson Place 14 0 14 4 2 2 9 Me an's'Meadows 9 0 9 3 1 2 6 Mountain View Estates 29 0 29 9 4 5 18 New Ho e Lutheran Plat ` 8 0 8 2 1 1 5 S encer Place 13 0 13 4 2 2. 8 Sti s Plat . 29 0 - 29 9 4 5- 18 Vinta e Plaee 25 . 0 25 8 4 4 16 - Willow Place . 18 - 0 18 , 6 3 3 11 Yates Plat - 16 0 16 5 2 3 10 ~ - 1927 1927 '594 283 341 1218 . Grand Total of Students Anticipated 715 340 411 1'467 Auburn &ol; District Development V,_.~th since 1/1/04 March, 2010 MULTI FAMILY U111tS/ CUI'1'811t TO Be. Student Generation Factors Develo ment Name Parcels Occupanc Occupied Elem Mid HS Total Elem Middle HS Total Butte. Estates 29 29 0 9 3 1 13 0.310 0.103 0.034 0:448 Cox/Woodward TH 8 8 0 2 3 1 6 0.250 0.375 0.125 0.750 Lakeland: Ca ri 168 168 0 2 1 2 5 0:012 0.006 0.012 0.030 Lakeland`. Carrara 170 170 0 9 5 3 17 0.053 0.029 0:018 0.100 Lakeland: Madera 70 70 ' 0 1 0 1 2 0.014 0:000 0.014 0A29' Lakeland: Palermo A ts 362 362 0 24 8 17 49 0.0.66 0.022 0.047' ` 0.135 Lakeland:'Siena 101: 101 0 3 1 2 6 0.030 0.010 0.020 0A59' Lakeland: Sor:ano 79; i 79 0 1 1 0. 2 0.013 0.013 0:000 0.025 Pasa Fino II 19 19 0 1 1 2 4 0.053 0.053 0.105 0.211 Seasons at Lea Hill Villa e 332 332 0 67 30 15 112 : 0.202 ~ 0.090 0:045 0:337 1465 1429 0 123 55 44 222 0.086 0.038 0:031 0.156 Units/ Current To Be Student Generation Factors Development Name Parcels_ Occupanc Occupied Elem Mid HS Total Elem Middle HS Total, . Pacific:Ave 1Du lexes 12 8 4 3 2 0 5 1 1 1 3' Trail Run Townhomes 115 83 32 1 0 0 1 3 1 1 5 2010 and be ond Elem Middle HS Total "D" Street Plat 32 0 32 3 1 1 5 Sundallen Condos 48 0 48 4 2 1 7 80 80 Grand Totals 11 5 5 20 _ Total Units to be Occupied 112 _ 52 . ;