HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM V-A POLICY/TEXT AMENDMENT 3 ' POLICY/TEXT AIVIENDMENT (P/T) #3 ' DIERINGER SCHOOL DISTRICT CAPITAL FACILITeES PLAIV 2011 THROUGH 2016 INCORPORATE:DIERINGER SCHOOL DISTRICT CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2011 THROUGH 2016 AS 'PART OF THE CITI( OF AUBURN COMPREHEIVSIVE PL"AN - (ADOPTED BY THE DIERIIVGER SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD MAY 20, 2010) MflY 26 RM 1199 Dieringer School Dl*strl*ct Capital Plan Fact7ities 2011mw2016 Board Approved May 20, 2D10 DIERINGER SCHOOL DISTRICT N4. 343 1320-178`h Avenue East , ' Sumner, Washington 98390 (253) 862-2537 BDARD OF DIRECTORS John McKenna ' Jinn Barfoot Pete George ' . Corey Pawlak James Prema Dr. Judy Neumeier-Martinson, Superintendent ler1n er . . ~ . . , . . , . c~illd for . ~ ~r y Educatlng e~e ~ ~.ce to Confide a, a n~ . lomorrow Contribut on . . . ~ Dieringer School District No. 343 Dieringer School Disfrict ~ An Overview Established in 1890, Dieringer School District cansolidated with Lake Tapps School District in 1936. The District's three schools, Lake Tapps Elementary School, Dieringer Heights Elementary School and North TapQs Middle. School, provide K through 8th grade education, and serve as hubs for community activities as well. Dieringer Sc_ hool District #343 is located in unincorporated Pierce County, bounded on the east by the White River, on the west by the Stuck River, on the narth by the city of Aubum, and.on the south by the cities of Bonney Lake and Sumrier. The District surrounds the northern two-thirds of Lake Tapps and covers approximately 5.5 square miles. The current student eniollment is approximately 1;395 students in grades kindergarten through eight:, Students in grades first through third are haused at Lake Tapps Elementary, constructed in `2005 as a replacement project. Dieringer Heights Elementary opened in ihe fall of 2000 and is home to students in kindergarten, fourth and fifth grade. An addition was just compteted this year. Originally constructed in 1992 and added on to in 1998; North Tapps Middle School houses students in grades sixth-eighth. An; addition to the Middle School was completed in 'late 2009 that added an auxiliary gym, health and fitness classroom and four science classrooms. ` The district supports an additiona1552 high school students who may select to attend any pvblic high school. The ma}ozity chose to attend Aubum Riverside and Sumner High Schools. The district has a long standing history of proyiding high quality education for aiT.our - students. Our goal is for our students to gain, the skills that will allow them to become successful, canfident, contributing members of society. Dieringer is composed -of students who come to school well prepared and eager to learn. Parents are concerned with student snccess and provide outstanding support for their chitdren and the. Dieringer School District. The PTA and many volunteers contribute countless hours and resources - to our schools and students: The community supports the schools through the passage of funding issues to support bus acquisition, student access to current technology, and the construction of school._facilities. ' . . . . , 1 DIERINGER SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 343 Capital Facilities Plan Update, 2010 _ Current Facilities Inventory of Puhlic Schools NAME CAPACITY - LOCATION Lake Tapps Elementary 396 1320-17$`h Ave E., Lake Tapps ; Dieringer Heights Eiemeniary 547: 21727 St. E_, Lake Tapps . North Tapps Middle School 567 20029- i20' St., E.; Lake Tapps High School 0 ~ TOTAL . . 1,510 " , . ~ ~s""._~, ~ . . ~ • ~ : m ~ • . ~ ' , _ • ti ~ . • . . . . ~ AU6URN ° 0, : ~ ' ~ • ; L.r ~ e' sT 1' • m ' ~ ~ : •,~,~p~ ~ MUG2ESN007,"~ a; 1NOlAN ~ r ' • ~ta I + a i ; L~ ~ ' ~ 4~rrr Pwt 1 ` ' • ' ' 'i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 , . .J , ~ • . ~ , ~ r . . • 184 m ~ lb..r ~ ~ f~ESFJ~VA170N , ~ ' I • , W • • ~ ~ ~ ~ . ' i : ' ' ~ _ . • , + rt a • ~ ~ ~ ~ a.~w...w.uw : u • , ~ ~ . . . ~ , f, . ` ~ i~ • • ( . . I I 1 . ~ 1 . ~ ' • ' ':S• , suM R ` N• ! e . . . i ~ ~ • r IR ~ ' ~ ! , I • r v i . ••`+t . ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I • • '•l t~ ~ ~I~ II l ' t . • ~ ~ , I • ~ ~ • . • . i • . 1 ~ ~ . ~ . ~ DIERINGER scHOOL . ~ D1STRiCT N0, 343 n.&.er+daww t.r. ar.~.~e~rr ~ a• a~ma~mr~.rs~s ~.s~~aam..e~ . -'1' ` • ` ~ ~ • t 4 • Oi r ir~ S "s~ $ 8 ~ ~ a ffi •e € ~ ~ • ' S ~ ~ ~ ' , • , ' ` . ~ . ~ • ' . . ; . , . ~ . , ! • • . ' ' i ' 7 • . . . • . . ~ . . . , . Enroiimerit Projections The Dieninger School :District is Iocated in an area that continves to experience growth. ; This growth can .be noted by reviewing the fallowing indicators: enroIlment trend data, prnposed housing deVelopment, the increase in tlie assessed 'valuation of the real property, and the mitigation impact fees received for new construction. . . 'The District continues to experience steady growth in student enrollment. This has mirrored the Pierce. County andPuget Saund Educational Service District (PSFSD) enroilment growth over the same period and, during the 2009-2010 schaal year, experienced the highest rate of enrallment growth in the PSESD with a 10 percent increase. A review of proposed construction within the borders of the Dieringer School District indicates that the growth t'rend can be expected to conlinue over the next four years and beyond. This growth trend will be'slowed by the current econamic canditions, - but will pick up in 2010 and beyond. There are 621 singIe family residents slated for construction within the next four years. Multi-fanuly projects, will contribute an additiona13b5 residential units during that time. These projects, together with individual lots and general in-migration, are anticipated to generate an additional 500 students in kindergarten through eighth grade. Information from Pierce County Planning & Land Services indicates that there is space and zoning for approximately 1,200 additional housing lots in the western portian of the district. This creates a potential for 576 additional sfudents, kindergarten through eighth grade that are not included in fhe above numbers. To partially address'this growth, the District passed a 2006 bond issue to conshvct an additional five classrooms at Dieringer Heights Elementary. Those classrooms were completed and occupied in 2009. The bond issue also provided for the addition of an - auxiliary gym, health and fi'tnes5 classroam, and four science rooms at North Tapps Middle School. Those projects were also completed in 2009 and the new classrooms aze in use. Future anticipated growth will create E-he=-need to-gEquire an additional school site . and constn.tct an additional school to hause the growing student enrollment. j Dieri.nger School District Proposed Housing Potential Enrollment Increase May, 2010 Proposed Housing Units for. Approved Developments: Single Family- 621 x.48 generarion factor = 298 students K-8 grade Multi-family - 365 x.l 149 generation factor = 42 students K-8 grade . - (Calculated based on Auburn SD 2005 Generation Factor) Proposed Housing-Units from Individual Lots and In-migration: 160 students K-8 grade , . Enrollment Impact: ' 500 students K-8 Estimated 104 students a yeaz over the period 2010-2016 Potential five year enroliment increase = 35.84% (based on 1,395 enrollment 4-10) Increase per grade ievel = 56 students ' . - Approximately 167 students per school HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS November 2409 #1 Fairweather Cove Estates (24) - Notice of application 1/24/01 - 28 Single Family Lots - 1600-2000 bloek of 16`b St. @ the 17500-17800 block of Sumner-Tapps Hwy. - 41ots sold; 4 houses completed . #2 Rainier Plateau (14) - Natice of application 10/13/00 -10 Single Family Lots - End of 30 St. - Site work completed; home construction TBD #3 Grandvie~v Ridge II and III (9) - Off Sumner-Tapps Hwy. across from Driftwood and Deer Island Di. - Grandview Ridge Notice of Appiication 1/13/99 . - 50. Single Family Lats; completed - III (91ots) no date (no change) #4 Northlake (I54) ' - -north of Lake Tapps Eiementary -Preliminary Plat 7/23/02 497 Single Family Lots -43 homes completedlunder construction; ttiree develvpers; new starfs will continue ~ #5 The Estates (86) . -Notice of application 8/27/04 -234 single family Lots, . -South of road terminus from Lakeland Hills Hwy. =14$ homes completed #6 Tapps Meadow (Van Der Hoek) (11) -Notice of application 9/I3/04 -11 large lots -across from Snag island -site work complete (no change) #7 Country Creek Estates (8) -9 Single Family Lots -off 15anear Edwards Raad . - one (1) hause completed #8 Forest Canyon Estates (121) -121 Single Family Lots -off Forest Canyon Rd. - engineering plan not su6mitted to Pierce Connty ' ; #9 Foresf Canyon Heights (S) -2I Single Family Lots -off Forest Canyon Rd. -12 homes completed; 1 under construcfion; - i #10 Terrace.View Town homes (41) -59 units; I, 2& 3 bedroozn units; East Valley and I:alce Tapps Pkwy. -Auburn City Limits _ -18 units completed and occupied; 41 permitted ~ #I1 Carter Estates (16) ' -16 Single:Farruly Lots - Lake Tapps Paricway and 1791h . . -lb homes {no construction} - #12 Ctiarlotte Avenue (6) -6 Single Family Lots - Lake Tapps Parkway and 17dt~ -6 homes (no construction) #13 Six Kilns (324) -324 Multi-family units; north of Sumner Meadows -Sumner City limits -324 units; site work . #14 Lakeland `S (68) , -68 Single Farnily lots- north of Lake:Tapps Parkway , -68 homes; site work (construction not scheduIed) #I5 Auburn Annexation (IOQ) -100 Single Family Lots Single Family iTnits to be built- 621 _ Multiple Family Units to be buitt-365 11l09 - • ; ' , Standard of Service , The Dieringer School District houses chiidren in elementary schools serving students kindergarten thraugh fifth grade and a middle school that houses grades six through eighth. High school students, grades nine through twelve, attend adjacent high schools, primarily in the Auburn School District. . Dieringez School District follows a traditional school calendar beginning in early Septernber and completing in mid June. The daily school schedules begin between 7:49 and 8:45 a.m. and end between 2:17. and 3:15 p.rn:. . , The Dieringer School District standard of service is based on c3ass size and program decisions adopted by the Dieringer School District Board of Directors. In keeping with. the district philosophy regarding class~ size, the targeted number of students per ciassroom kindergarten through fhird grade is 22, fovrth through fifth grade 25 and sixth through eighth grade 27. These class sizes have an impact an. facilities and the permanent capacity of each school reflects these class sizes. In the District, rooms designated and as"signed for special use are not counted as capacity classroams. At the elementary level, students are provided music instruction, physical education and art instiuction in separate, non-capacity classrooms. Computer labs are ~ provided at each school as non-capacity spaces. Special education and rerriedial grograms are provided as pvllout grograms and do not provide capacity. At the middle schoal level, instruction is organized around a six period day; classrooms are calculated. as providing 5/6 capacity ta aceommodate teacher planning time in the instructianaT space. v / DIERINGER SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 343 . Capital Facilities Plan Update, May, 2010 CFP Projects arid Financing Plan Sources and Uses of Funds : (x $1,000) - Sources of Funds Existing Revenue: - Reserve - $ 950 ' - New Revenue: Bonds, Levies, Fees, State Matching Funds, Dedications, Mitigation Paymerits 20 575 TOTAL SOURCES , 21 525 Uses of Funds Elementary School No. 3 ($19,775) Non-Capacity Projects: Technoiogy Upgrades (1,750) TOTAL USES 21 52S BAL,ANCE 0 DIERjNGER SCH04L DISTRICT NO. 343 FINANCE PL'AN 'May, 2010 Permanent Capacity Projects Unsecured Source of Funds Secured Source of Funds Estimated Estimated Estimated Bond & State ImPact , Cost Bond Amt. State.Match Interest Match =~Fees Elementary School No. 3. 19,775,000 19,775,000 0 Total Capacity Projects 19,775 000 19,775,000 0 0 0 0 Non-Capacity Projects - Technology I mprovements 1,750,000 0 0 0 1,750,000 Tatal Non-Capacity Projeets 1,750,000 0 0 0 0 1,750,000 TOTAL PROJECTS 21,525,000 19,775,000 0 0 0 1,750,040 , DIERINGER SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 343 PERMANENT CAPACITY PROJECTS MASTER SCHEDULE ' May, 2010 ` Name Current 6- Year Total Ga aci Ca aci Ca aci 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Lake Tapps Elementary 396 396 (LTES Repfacement) Dieringer Heights Elem. 547 547 Efementary School No. 3 400 400 .x North Tapps MS Inci 567 567 NTMS Additions 2009 TOTALS 1 510 . 4:00 1910 . , \ DIERINGER SCHOOL DIST'RICT NO. 343 Capital Faeilities Plan Update, 2010 ~ Capital Tacilities Requirements to 2016 Time Period Student Student Net Reserve ToEal Cost Population Capacity Or (Deficiency) (CosdSiudent . " . Net Deficiency) 2010 Actual 1395 1510 115 2010-2016 Growth 500 - 400 ( I00) ~ Dieringer SchooI District Cost Per Student ~ . (2010 Dollars) • , . Elementary Middle . Junior High High ' . Schools Schools Schools Sehools $29,520 $41,458 NA NA Schooi Im act Fee Calculation 5/10 D1STRiCT Schaal Sfte Acqulsition Gost: ((AcresxCost per Acre /Facilfty Ca aci xStudent Generaflon Factor Sfiudent Student Faclllty Cost/ Focilfty Factor Factor Cosf/ Cost/ Acreage Acre Capacity SFR MFR SfR MFR Elementary $2.894 $618 y j'~~~'Aa.~ a;;_,L •ca~ nniddie • ~ ~f { f ~ T ~ ~•K r ' ~ z~~~ . ~ . • ~ . ~ TOTAI. S2.412 $515 • Schaol Gonstruction Cost: ((Facilify Cost/Facfli Capad )xStudent Generofiion Factor x(permanent/TotaE Sq Ft) Studen# y Student _ vx.- ° s3Ye=... c•.::y.:.,-:'i;'^ . Factor Factor Cost/ ' Costi . , Cost Capaci SFR MFR SFR MFR EleFneniary No. 3 519,775.000 400 0.322 0.069 $15,919 $3,411 ttS~at~:.'" 4'¢~i, c ~ "~~;!34:~ ,.r 0.158 D.d4fi ~ri. .lw~..,,. ToTA~ $15,919 $3,411 Temporary FacFlity Cost: (Factlity Cos#/Fvclliiy Capaci }xStudent Generation Factor}x(fem orary/Total Square Feet) Student Student Cost/ Cast/ %Tem / Faciiity Facitity Factor Facfor SFR MFR Total Sq.F Cost Size SFR MFR x , r ~~.s ~ s'~ . 0.322 0.069 Efementary Middle 0.158 0.046 i.<M TOTAL SO $O State Matching Credit: BoeekFi tndex.X SPI Square Foota e X Oistdct Motch 96 X Student Factor Student Student 8oeckh SPi District Factor Factor Cost/ Cost/ Index foota e Match 96 . SFR MFR 5FR MFR Elementa . a. ~~~a."~~.~" - ~~fp~ Middle s f:. . T07AL $fl S0. Tax Payment Credit: SFR MF12 Avera e Assessed Value (est.) 2009 ~~~,5~~ ~ : : Capital Bond interest Rafe 5/ 10 Net Preseri# Value of Avera e Dwelling $4,067,671 ~$2.687,695 Years Ambrfiized . ~ Property Tax Levy Rate 2010 A~ Present Value of Revenue Stream $9;738 $6,434 Fee Sumary: Sin le Multip[e famil Famii S9te Ac uistion Costs $2412.00 $615.00 Permanenfi Facility Cost $15,918.88 $3,411 .19 Temporary Faci111y Cost $0.00 $0.00 State Match Credf# $0.00 $0.00 - Tax PoymentCredit ($9,738.01) ($6,434.34) fEE $8,593 ( 2,508) FEE WITH DISCOUNT OF 50% 4.296 FEE. WITN DiSCOUNT OF 50% ( 1,254)